1952 Crucible There are 220 members of the 1952 graduating (9th grade) class of Junior High School Number One: |
James Abbot Horace Allen Robert Allen, Jr. Robert D. Allen Thomas Anderson Nicholas Angelucci Rosalie Armstrong Elizabeth J. Balog Thomas Bancroft Carole Barber John A. Barbuto Amanda Barr Clara Barr Hinda Bash Elizabeth Bates Otto Baus Donald Beers Elizabeth Benjamin (no photo) James Bethea (no photo) John Brandt George Brecht Fay Brechtel Delores Brister Jennings Branston Oscar Brooks Catherine Brown Louise Brown Emma Jane Brown Joyce Burns Stella Cardinale Eugene R. Cardone Connie Carlucci Helen Christie Louis Cianfrano Patrick Clancy Angelo J. Consiglio Cecelia Corrado Michael Corso James Costin Juanita Costin Clara Coy Sylvia Crawford Dorothy Cullare Kathleen Cwiklinski William Danbury Jeraldine David William Davison Frank DeFeo Dominick DeMarco Ralph Demech Louis Denson Yvonne Dent (no photo) Geraldine DiGiorgio John Di Paolo Robert Dombroski Charles Downs Ronald Dziewa Joan Edinger Leonard Enourata Charles Eure Paul Farinella Louis Fazekas Audrey Fenimore Mary Ferdetta Samuel Ferdetta Mary Ellen Fink Nancy Fink Samuel Foulk Frances Foxall Mary Ann Fruscione Rosalie G. Fruscione Anthony Galati Lucille Gantiosa Wilma Gardner Betty Gerke Esther Gibson Janet Giovannetti Barclay Glover Irvin Godbolt Joan Golden John Golden Mildred Green Ola Mae Green Thomas Green George Groom Edward Hale Anthony Hall Betty Hall Shirley Harding Janet Hargrove June Hargrove David Harris Eleanor Harrison William Harrison (no photo) Laverne Hayes Almeda Hearns James Henderson Beulah Hendley Judith Henry Bessie Mae Hill Joan Hochreiter Joan Holonich Ann Hontz Jeannette Jackson Ella Ruth Jackson Amie Johnson Delores Johnson Rudloph Johnson Rudolph E. Johnson Elouise Jones Elizabeth Jordan Gloria Kaczanowski Dolores Kasperowicz Katherine Kellam Carol Kerrigan Robert Krecicki Shirley Krogulski Deanna Kulesky (no photo) Sally Kusek Robert Laird Jack M. Lane Leonard Levine Marilyn Levine Janas Lee Lewis Jennie Lick Walter Livingston Frederick Losowski Charles MacArthur James Maher Rosario A. Malerba Phyllis Marion Marial Marshall Howard Martin Martin Mathis Betty Maugans Gloria B. Maziarz John J. McCann Leroy McMillon Amelia Mincione Robert Mitten Charles Moon Edward Moon Gerald Moon Kenneth Morris Virginia Morrison Nancy Moscarello Ruth Moser Joseph Muni Doris Murphy Marie Musterel Sally Myers Joseph Novembre Maria Novembre Audrey Oliver Charles Palumbo Richard Parker Adeline Pasqua Thomas Pattley Angelo Pezzullo Jean C. Pisarczyk Joan Pitman Phyllis Pizzello Richard Pover Agnes Powell James Quinn George Quinty Connie Raider Charles Reed Peter Ridley Garry Riley Bernard Ringkamp Shirley Roberts Dorothy Rogers Mary Rogers (no photo) Joseph Rossidivito Dolores Roth Stephen Russo Shirley Rustin Bruce Sands Salvatore Scarlatta John Schaab Catherine Sefransky Joseph Sefransky Genevieve Sell Jean Sikorski Walter Slatino Donald Smith Gardenia Smith Peggy Smith Josephine Snyder Stanley Sochalski Margaret Solomon Ira Sommers (no photo) Peter Sostak Mott Spruell Ellen Stevens George Stevens John Stewart John Stinger Richard Swangler John Taylor Marlene Tramontana Glenn Tranter Emma Tukes Mattie Tukes Donald VanNess James Vereen Kate Vereen William Vickers Russell Vilardo Marion Washington Velma Washington Melton Watts Charles Wiley Julia Wiley Catherine Williams Lawrence Williams George Wilson Gertrude Ann Wilson Ricky Zottoli |
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