1951 Bobashela There were 818 members of the 1951 senior class of Trenton Central High School. Names are in the order they appear in the yearbook. Some students (late and those without photos) appear at the end of the list. |
Abernethy, Russell Adams, Raymond Adams, Robert Agabiti, Pasquale Aldrich, Elliott Alexander, Jay Alexander, Richard Allen, Eli Alston, Harry Altman, Joan Altobelli, Samuel Amanti, Jack Anderson, David Angeline, Carolyn Angelini, Dorothy Annalore, Charles Applegate, Fred Arena, Marie Arnone, Lorraine Ash, Betty Ann Ashton, Richard Austell, Aldora Austin, Elizabeth Austin, Grace Bailey, Betty Jane Balas, Charles Balint, Janice Balint, Joan Ballone, Dolores Balog, Mary Bamford, Jan Barbaro, Carmela Barber, Alfred Barber, William Barbuto, Salvatore Barton, Cecil Bash, Carol Baszczowski, Ilona Bauer, Edwin Becker, Kathryn Beky, Gloria Belcher, Willie Belknap, Mary Ellen Bellando, Virginia Belza, Stanley Benson, Dolores Bentley, Theresa Bentz, Andrew Bernabel, Richard Bethke, Lyman Bianca, Beverly Biddulph, Howard Biferi, George Biscardi, Ralph Blackburn, Cleveland Blair, Jack Blake, William Blumenfield, David Bonin, Rita Borden, James Borrello, Judy Bosso, Anthony Bower, Jack Brancolino, Frances Brazaitis, Frank Brenfleck, George Brenna, Maria Brewton, Evelyn Breza, Madeline Brian, Gail Briggs, Janet Brindley, Carol Brown, Mary Brown, Phyllis Brown, Shirley Brown, William Brownstein, Arthur Bryan, John Buckalew, Jean Budd, Ida Budzinski, Conrad Bull, Lois Bullock, Georgia Bump, Donald Burch, John Burden, Martin Burgh, Carole Buriani, Elsie Burke, Dolores Burkert, William Burks, Edward Burrell, Alzadia Butera, Frank Cahill, Kathleen Callahan, Paul Camarana, Joseph Capewell, Ellen Capuano, Isabelle Carleton, Carol Carlsson, Mary Louise Carmichael, Helen Carmichael, Janie Carter, Elizabeth Carter, Howell Carter, James Carter, Roger Case, Audrey Castelize, Peggy Cella, Eileen Charnick, Andrew Charry, Joan Chiarello, John Chiarello, Ralph Chintala, Christopher Cicchetti, Rose Cichetti, Betty Cieresko, Edwin Clark, Morella Clarke, James Clickner, Joan Coderoni, Raymond Cody, Michael Cohen, Jack Cohen, Leila Colavita, Joseph Cole, Viola Colligan, Bernice Collins, Louise Compton, Harold Congiunti, Doris Conover, Joyce Conte, Francene Cook, Dorothy Cook, Janice Coombe, Beverly Cooper, Robert Copeland, Crosby Corbett, William Cortina, Bernice Courtney, George Covert, Geraldine Cowell, Edith Cox, Donald Cox, Kathryn Cracker, Alice Crawley, Emma Crouthamel, Elizabeth Csogi, Ralph Cunningham, James Czarnecki, Florence Czarnecki, Ronald Czyzewski, Shirley D’Ambrosio, Dolores D’Ambrosio, Loretta Damiano, Anthony Danka, George Dawson, Frank Dea, Doris De Angelo, Charles De Angelo, Elizabeth Dearolf, Gladys De Blasio, Lucille De Blasio, Mary Debosky, Doris De Feo, Louise De Feo, Virginia Demeter, Raymond Dennis, John Dent, Dorothy Deodato, Catherine De Remigis, John De Remigis, Louisa Derry, Percy Devin, David Di Bella, Michael Di Benedetti, Lucille Di Biase, Marie Dickey, Joan Di Donato, Benjamin Dietz, Ruth Di Falco, Blanche Di Leonardo, Calvin Dilts, Richard Di Paolo, Joseph Dixon, Carl Domanski, Robert Doolan, Betty Jane Doolan, Edward Downing, Herbert Downing, Jean Downing, Josephine Drewes, Richard Dudeck, Edward Dumas, Julia Duncan, Jean Durastanti, Armando Dziewa, Helen Easton, John Ebert, Donald Ecenrode, Lillian Edwards, James Eisen, Ronald Elder, Patricia Eleuteri, Amerigo Elias, Jane Elko, Michael Elting, Shirley Ely, William Embley, Clifford Entin, Roy Epstein, Herman Ettenger, Richard Everett, Martin Eversole, Mildred Ewaskiewicz, Loretta Fabian, Theresa Falwell, Barbara Faubl, Joan Federico, Benjamin Feeder, Jeanne Feierabend, William Fekete, Louis Fell, Donald Fell, Eleanor Fellinger, Robert Femiano, Anthony Ferri, Elizabeth Feyko, John Fine, Virginia Firth, Richard Fischer, Albert Fisher, Thomas Fityere, Edith Fitzgerald, Shirley Fiumicini, Marie Flaer, Lois Fletcher, Dolores Flock, Marilyn Floyd, Joan Foley, Jerome Ford, Janet Ford, Katherine Ford, William Foster, Robert Foy, Robert Franckowiak, Irene Franzoni, Andrew Frascella, Lucille Fratto, Carmen Fratto, Lorraine Friedman, Barbara Friedman, David Fringer, Robert Fruscione, Stella Funari, Phyllis Funari, Remo Funny, Mary Ann Galinat, Arthur Gallagher, Louise Gambino, Anthony Garrett, John Gawrysiak, Alice Gebhard, Janet Geeter, Rojulene Gennello, Rocco Genovario, Elsie Gerhauser, Rosalie Gewak, Alice Giambrone, Felicia Gibilisco, Joseph Giorgianni, Theresa Glonek, Mary Goedde, Bruce Goehrig, Eugene Goehrig, Marie Golob, Marcia Gorczynski, Frank Gordon, Robert Granaldi, Peter Grant, Willard Gray, Jean Green, Ednoma Green, Odessa Greenberg, Barbara Greenberg, Joyce Greiss, Marie Groch, Anna Mae Groch, Josephine Grocott, Donald Gronostaski, Constance Groom, Carissia Gropp, Lois Gross, Tobia Grove, Fred Gunkel, Diane Guscior, Elizabeth Guyda, Helen Habben, Gerald Haftkowycz, Ivan Hagerman, Alvin Haltmeyer, Thomas Hance, Charlotte Haney, Joan Hannisch, Joan Harbourt, Ruth Harker, Frederick Harris, Ruby Harrison, Robert Hart, Jean Hartman, Lynne Hasler, Agnes Hauser, William Hawkyard, Guild Hawthorn, Lyle Healy, Claire Hearns, Leon Heiser, Arian Helleis, Katherine Hellmann, August Hengeli, Wilma Hess, Mary Lou Hewitt, Elisabeth Heymann, Frederica Higgins, Virginia Higgins, William Hill, Herbert Hindman, Barbara Hochman, Burton Hoffman, Shirley Hofing, Leon Hofmann, Janet Hogan, Margaret Holman, Robin Homa, George Hopper, Jack Housel, Theodore Howard, Celia Howarth, Joan Howell, David Howley, Lila Humenay, Joyce Hutchinson, Ellamay Iaquinta, Lucille Imbalzano, Anthony Inglesby, Carl Introligator, Robert Iorio, Mary Irwin, Ronald Ischinger, Eleanor Izatt, Jean Jackson, Frances Jacobs, Sandra Jaeger, May Doris Jarzyk, John Jenkins, Anna Mae Jewell, Fred Jobst, James Jochem, Nancy Johnson, Dorothy Johnson, John Jones, Clarence Jones, Harriet Jones, Julie Jones, Ronald Josher, Harry Kalb, Irvin Kale, William Kaly, Maureen Kaminker, Kenneth Kane, Jean Kane, Thomas Kaplan, Henry Karagosian, Armen Kaszyc, Genevieve Kaufmann, Renata Kelly, Raymond Kelty, Rose Ellen Kirk, Karl Kirkuff, John Klek, Frank Klemmer, Frank Kline, Valerie Klinger, Claire Kliwinski, Eleanore Knudsen, Martin Kohn, Josef Koncz, Magda Konietzko, Ronald Kopera, Rose Korogy, John Korona, Joseph Kramer, George Kramer, Paul Kravet, Ann Denise Krester, John Krupa, Paul Kuber, Helen Kuestner, Arthur Kunkely, Sheila Kurlander, Robert La Bella, Phyllis La Bella, Vincent La Belle, Richard La Capria, Arthur Lacken, Ronald Lakatos, Mary Lamar, Deloris Latham, George Lauterio, Etta Lavine, Barbara Lawrence, Gilbert Lear, Vivian Lee, George Lee, Jack Leigh, Elizabeth Leip, Valerie Lester, Edward Levenstein, Ernest Lewis, Ellen Ligos, John Lindley, Kenneth Lindsay, John Linthurst, Baird Lisook, Lewis Litowitz, Helene Little, Harold Lombardo, Albert Lopez, Ann Lord, Francis Lorenz, Barbara Lowrey, Hannah Luisini, Henrietta Lupedee, Virginia Luther, Warren Lyons, Dorothy Mack, Vivian Madden, Dolores Maida, Joseph Maida, Vincent Majeski, Barbara Malloy, Patricia Manco, Frances Manco, Frank Manners, Delores Manning, Dorothy Manning, Mabel Marcello, Dorothy Marchesani, Mary Lou Marini, Margaret Marion, Virginia Martin, Mary Mason, Arlene Mason, Dolores Mastrosimone, Angelo Mastrosimone, Rose Marie Maul, Jane Maurio, Rose Mayhew, Marilyn Mazuch, John Mazureck, Henry McCabe, Joann McCarthy, Sally McConnell, Katherine McGowan, Margaret McKee, Gail McNellis, Frank Merlo, Elizabeth Messina, Edith Metcalfe, Jane Anne Micholuk, Natalie Midura, Jean Migliaccio, Rose Millas, Arthur Miller, John Millstein, Naomi Mischlich, Charles Moceri, Frank Moeller, Eugene Moon, Alma Mooney, Albert Morgan, Nancy Morgan, Patricia Mae Moriconi, Anna Morreale, Victor Morrow, Dorothy Mae Morse, Vincent Morton, Roland Mosley, Betty Muha, Marie Mulryne, Thomas Murray, Henry Muscente, Frances Myers, Phyllis Nacel, Janice Nagy, Lorraine Natriello, Dolores Neary, Jay Nemchik, Elizabeth Nickels, Joseph Nissen, Donald Nius, Elaine Nixon, Joan Noble, Roberta Nolan, Runkle Nothelfer, Joan Novak, Joseph Nucera, Frank Nutt, Harold Olessi, Fred Olinsky, Minerva Oliver, Gussie O’Malley, Helen Orland, Charlotte Ownes, Albert Ozmon, Walter Page, Arthur Paglione, Helen Paglione, Sue Palat, Elaine Palazey, Rose Pallotti, Alfred Palmere, Ann Paone, Dolores Papier, Donald Pappano, Joan Parham, Peter Patchin, Margaret Paterra, Amelia Patterson, Lois Pauer, Lorraine Pearce, Joyce Pekarski, Lois Pelehaty, Dorothy Pennacchi, John Persichilli, Frank Peters, Louis Petty, Stanley Phillips, William Philp, Terry Ann Piekarski, Jean Pietras, Robert Pilla, Rose Ann Pilutik, Claudia Piotrowski, Fred Pitasky, Marilyn Plumeri, Carole [Photo Damaged] Pokalsky, Robert Pollock, Roberta Pone, Vivian Popkin, Richard Porter, Annie Porter, Fred Porter, June Potocki, Patricia Potter, Arthur Prassas, Mary Pugliese, John Pupa, Mary Rose Quattlebaum, Roberta Quinn, Betsy Quinn, Mary Quinn,William Ramsey, Marie Randolph, Doreen Randolph, Dorothy Raub, Virginia Reed, Francis Reigel, Gloria Rein, Frances Revolinski, Mary Ann Rhodes, Leo Ribsam, Nancy Ricasoli, John Ricasoli, Louise Rich, June Richardson, Jean Richardson, Raymond Ringkamp, Joseph Ristow, Shirlee Rittmann, Joan Robbins, Myra Roberts, Edward Rogers, Doris Rolnick, Joan Root, Stanley Rosen, Sandra Rosiejka, Frank Rossi, Nancy Rotondo, Margaret Ruch, Cora Ruch, George Rupell, Robert Russo, Daniel Russo, Joseph Ruth, Joan Rutkin, Thelma Rutolo, Nicholas Ryan, Alice Ryan, David Ryan, Margaret Ryczkowski, Joseph Sabatino, June Sabol, Dolores Salvatore, Anthony Salway, Rosalyn Sams, Margaret Sanders, Leroy San Paolo, Edward Santacroce, Joseph Santin, Lydia Saperstein, Sophia Saraco, Dante Saunders, Patricia Saville, Marjorie Scaccetti, Benedict Schaible, Robert Schilling, Marian Schindewolf, Marjorie Schooley, Eugene Schulman, Morton Schultz, Jean Schwab, Raymond Schwartz, Anita Scozzari, Philip Scazzaro, Louise Scudder, Shirley Scymanski, Frank Shaddow, Raymond Shema, Joyce Sherratt, Franklin Shivers, Mervin Silverstein, Myrna Simmons, Elaine Singleton, Marjorie Singleton, Willeeni Skarpetowski, Leon Slota, Dorothy Smarr, Mary Smith, Richard Snyder, Charles Snyder, Joyce Snyder, Leroy Sobon, Joseph Sollami, Dolores Soltesz, Elmer Sondej, Phyllis Spiegel, Herbert Spinelli, Gladys Spitz, Marcia Springer, Barbara Starling, Cecelia Steel, Donald Steinberg, David Stevens, Evelyn Stiefbold, Eileen Stout, Edward Straight, Clara Lou Strano, Samuel Stumpo, Catherine Sunkiskis, Albert Svacak, Veronica Swartz, Barbara Swartz, Donald Swick, Dolores Sylvester, Phyllis Sykes, Mary Sylvester, Sylvia Symonowicz, Violet Szymanski, Ann Szymczak, Ann Takash, Joyce Talley, Douglas Tancredi, William Taylor, James Taylor, Josephine Taylor, Sylvia Teti, Kathleen Thomas, Hilda Thomas, Lorraine Thompson, Marilyn Tigue, Joseph Tindall, Dolores Tittensor, Joan Todaro, Marie Toft, Jacqueline Tomlinson, Agnes Tosch, June Totten, Gloria Trapani, Frank Tripi, Salvatore Trotto, Thomas Tryon, Horace Tuccillo, Dolores Tucker, Anna Tukes, Rose Tunison, Ellen Turner, George Turner, Herbert Turner, Rudolph Umberger, Catherine Vagnozzi, Gloria Vaughn, Joan Vereen, Fred Volk, Walter Vollmar, Martina Voorhees, Charles Wagner, Elaine Wagner, Loretta Wagner, Marjorie Wah, George Waldron, Joan Walker, Constance Walker, Robert Walklet, Marjorie Waller, Harold Walsh, Florence Walsh, Harry Walter, Robert Walton, Harry Wantner, Arthur Warasky, Eleanor Wargo, Geraldine Wear, Robert Weigand, Charles Weisgerber, John Werner, Evan West, Barbara Westcott, Harry Wetzel, Fred Wexler, Bernice Whitaker, Joseph White, Samuel Whiting, Dolores Whortenberry, Bette Whortenberry, Marie Williams, Gussie Williams, Nathan Wilson, Gloria Wilson, Howard Wilson, Joan Wilson, Joyce Wilson, Margaret Wilson, Ronald Wirth, Joseph Wishnow, Willard Wismer, Carole Wittekind, Fay Wolverton, Shirley Woodruff, Elizabeth Woolston, J. Rogers Wormley, Warren Worobei, Paul Wright, Vivian Wyrwas, Raymond Yash, Irene Yen, Louie Gon Younger, Joan Zajac, Sally Zaparyniuk, Michael Zickwolf, Jean Ziolkowski, Robert Zoda, Constance Zsenak, Elmer Zuczek, Virginia Butler, Homer Feole, Albert Ferry, Robert Kurisko, Robert Maryland, John Metrosky, John Ott, John Powell, Norman Sloshberg, Willard Ball, Thomas [No Photo] Bate, Robert [No Photo] Baum, Arthur [No Photo] Benson, Thomas [No Photo] Billups, Richard [No Photo] Bogdol, Henry [No Photo] Bohnert, Robert [No Photo] Brown, Walter [No Photo] Chell, Charles [No Photo] Chiavoni, Massino [No Photo] Connell, Joseph [No Photo] De Martin, Thomas [No Photo] Deswert, Roger [No Photo] Di Lucchio, Pasquale [No Photo] Di Mattia, Regina [No Photo] Dippolito, Joseph [No Photo] Dragert, Robert [No Photo] Dublas, Joseph [No Photo] Durkee, Clyde [No Photo] Ferrara, Charles [No Photo] Giallella, Frank [No Photo] Gillico, Carmen [No Photo] Goodman, James [No Photo] Howell, Gus [No Photo] Jones, Thomasena [No Photo] Keane, James [No Photo] Kincel, James [No Photo] Kraus, Joseph [No Photo] Lagana, Sam [No Photo] Leonard, Eugene [No Photo] Losowski, Leon [No Photo] Magyar, George [No Photo] Mangus, Delores [No Photo] McDade, David [No Photo] Melio, Anthony [No Photo] Nowosadko, William [No Photo] Predhome, Wilfred [No Photo] Rosengrant, Robert [No Photo] Turbert, William [No Photo] Tykarsky, John [No Photo] Walker, Joseph [No Photo] White, William [No Photo] Williams, Donald [No Photo] Williams, Harold [No Photo] Wright, Ernest [No Photo] |
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