1940 Bobashela
There were 1,088 members of the 1940 graduating class of
Trenton Central High School:
Abbott, Alex Higgins
Abbott, William Harvey
Aberdowski, Frank Anthony
Abrams, Richard
Adams, Carl Frederick
Adams, Irene Elizabeth
Adler, Max
Alito, Helen Marie [No Photo]
Allen, Doris Louise
Allen, Florine [No Photo]
Allen, John
Allen, Spencer F.
Albano, Sara Gloria
Amisson, Pearl Evelyn
Anodio, Peter Russell
Anderson, Dorothy Howell
Anderson, Grace Marion
Angelini, Dominic Virgil
Angelo, Nancy Theresa
Angelucci, John Joseph
Anselmi, Florence T.
Antoniewicz, Stanley Joseph
Applegate, Miriam Louise
Argust, Charles Evans
Argust, Thomas Bowden
Ari, Elsie Irma
Arnold, June Betty
Aroniss, Shirley Ann
Aronowitz, Betth Risa
Ashmen, Gerald B.
Aug, Kenneth Fred
Azzinaro, James Anthony
Babecki, Helen Joann
Babkewicz, Wanda
Babucz, Helen
Babuschak, Francis John
Backes, Richard Joseph [No Photo]
Bagley, Hartley Mabel
Bailey, James
Baldassari, Florence Mary-Elizabeth
Baldwin, Vivianne Ethel
Ball, Naomi Ethlyn
Ballard, Robert Wilson
Balwan, Stephanie Barbara
Bamford, Virginia Doris
Baran, Robert
Barata, Joseph George
Barnacz, Joseph Francis [No Photo]
Barnard, William Henry [No Photo]
Bash, Morris [No Photo]
Bash, Myron
Battala, Jennie Agnes
Battista, George Louis
Batty, Eva Doris [Late]
Bayles, William Melvin
Bayliss, Doreen Elizabeth
Bearden, Sara Carolyn
Becker, Norma Alberta
Behrmann, Richard Edward [No Photo]
Beke, Steven
Belli, George Simon
Bendel, Eleanor Elizabeth
Benner, Walter Charles
Bennett, Betty Butler
Bennet, Luther jr.
Bensky, Shirley Evelyn
Berbon, John
Bergoff, Sam William
Berinsky, Stanley
Berish, Betty [No Photo]
Bernabei, Anthony Albert [No Photo]
Bernhard, Russell William
Bernstein, Albert Mervin
Bernstein, Barbara Ruth
Berry, Varian Lafayette
Bisignano, Dominick Anthony
Bethea, Walter Junior
Bethke, Richard William
Beverage,William J.
Bice, A. Marie
Bider, Margaret Ann
Bingham, Stella Elizabeth
Birkhead, William L.
Bishop, Edna May
Bishop, Edward Aaron
Blackwood, Lillian Fay
Blake, Rosalyn Alice
Bland, Douglas Kenneth
Blazakis, Anthony Nick
Blazakis, Mary
Blazakis, Michael
Blicharz, Victor Walter
Block, Betty Gellert
Bloodgood, Betty Louise
Bloodgood, Evelyn Jean
Blumenthal, Shirley Rene
Blumberg, Marie
Bobkos, Robert Joseph [No Photo]
Bojarski, Edward Frank [No Photo]
Bonnani, Alfred Louis
Bone, Marchioness Juanita
Bonicky, Irene T.
Bontya, Peter
Borden, William Silvers
Bordello, Josephine Helen
Borowski, Casemir Henry
Bossman, Gladys Margaret
Botos, Barbara
Botvin, Gilbert
Boulden, Fred R.
Bowski, Gordon [No Photo]
Brades, Virginia Ann
Bradford, Ward
Braunstein, Alvin A.
Bray, Virginia [No Photo]
Brecht, Harry Joseph
Breckinridge, Jack William
Breckinridge, John
Brenna, Anthony [No Photo]
Brennan, Mary Alice
Brilliantine, Bruno [No Photo]
Bromer, Edward H. [No Photo]
Bromley, Donald Charles
Brown, Charles
Bruni, Joseph Anthony
Bruther, Margaret Mary
Brzensky, Florence Marguerite
Brzeizcki, Helen
Budson, Ruth Dorothy
Bugbee, Lucy Marie [No Photo]
Buja, Irene Ann [No Photo]
Buklad, Edmond Theodore
Burd, John W.
Burke, Anne Killean
Burke, Charles Westly
Burkert, Mary Margaret
Burkhardt, Fred Karl [No Photo]
Burla, Marie
Burness, Duncan
Burnett, Malon Sylvester [No Photo]
Burns, Marian Rhoda
Burns, William Lewis
Burroughs, Goldie R.
Busch, Lillian
Butcher, Frank Albert
Byer, Elinore Elaine
Byer, Fred [No Photo]
Byrne, Marie Annette [No Photo]
Caldwell, Ralph Grant
Compagnucci, Julius Peter
Castaldo, Louis Peter [No Photo]
Catanese, Carmen A.
Cantwell, Raymond Joseph
Capan, John
Cappola, Helen Ann
Carracciolo, Rose
Carlson, John James
Carlucci, Louis Peter
Carson, Coleman Albert
Carson, Ruth May
Carter, Mitchell
Carver, Richard
Cassan Peggy
Cavella, Florence
Cebula, Genevieve
Chamberlain, William J.
Champion, Clifford Borden [No Photo]
Chapman, Anna Katherine
Charlip, Irving
Chiarello, Dominick Frank
Choby, Michael [No Photo]
Chomicki, Olga
Chopan, John Edward [No Photo]
Chorba, Rose
Ciarki, Alice Theresa
Cimini, Frank Charles [No Photo]
Clark, George [No Photo]
Clark, Herbert
Clayton, Herbert Graham [No Photo]
Clegg, Winifred Elizabeth
Cline, Frances Jane
Closson, James Joseph
Clyburn, Rosa Mary [No Photo]
Coculo, Eleanor Mary
Cohen, Harriet
Colletti, Vanda Theresa
Collins, Edward James [No Photo]
Collins, Joseph Paul [late]
Coltre, Theresa Jeraldine
Combs, Dorothea Helen
Combs, Charles Herbert
Cominsky, Seymore
Conover, Robert
Conti, Nickolas Anthony
Cook, William John [No Photo]
Cooper, Catherine Carr
Cooper, Lorraine Gloria
Copes, Gussie Lee
Corrado, Mary Theresa
Costaldo, Louis Peter [late]
Cowdrick, Betty Clayton
Cox, Robert Franklin [No Photo]
Cox, Robert Peter [No Photo]
Crane, Marguerite Marie
Cranz, Margeurite Marie [No Photo]
Cuensky, Blanche Virginia
Cregar, Claire
Crews, Winifred Elizabeth [No Photo]
Croft, Willard L.
Cronin, John William
Crosby, Alton [No Photo]
Crossley, Ellen Frances [No Photo]
Cubberley, Charles B. [No Photo]
Cusick, Ruth Virginia
Czikora, John
Dabrowski, Walter Raymond
D’Agostine, Viola Cecilia [No Photo]
Daisley, Harold James [No Photo]
Daly, Jim Joseph
D’Amico, Joseph Anthony
Daniels, Ira Bob
David, Eleanor Joan
Davies, Dorothy Harriet
Davis, Franklin
Davis, H. Harrison
Dean, Lillian Elizabeth [No Photo]
Decker, Pearl Joyce
De Core, Danny Leonard
Del Brusco, Vito Joseph [No Photo]
Delgado, Leon Morris [No Photo]
Delgado, Mary Gloria
Del Margio, Adeline
Del Monte, Violet Anne
Delozier, Norma Ruth
De Lozier, Robert James
DeLuca, Joseph Robert
Del Vecchio, Palmer Joseph
De Matteo, Anthony Rocco
Di Mercurio, Josephine
Denelsbeck, Joseph Otis
Denis, Thomas E.
De Paolo, Andrew John
De Pastina, Olenda
Dermody, Edward J. [No Photo]
De Vico, Diana Ruth
Dettmarr, Geraldine Catherine
Dewsnap, Harold Herbert
Dietrich, Margaret Mary
Dileo, Pasquale Daniel
Dillon, Harriett Ann [late]
Dinges, Elizabeth Ann
Disbrow, William Edward
Di Stasi, Albert
Divieto, Julia Agnes
Dix, John B.
Dobo, Louis Anthony
Doldy, Donald James [No Photo]
Dolton, Eleanor Louise
Donahue, Richard Berwick
Donoher, William John
Donini, Elide Rita
Dotter, Evelyn Margaret
Douglas, Elanor Mildred [No Photo]
Dow, Elvin Lewis
Drotar, Jean
Druzbacky, Rose Susan
Dubrcof, Sol
Duever, Dorothea Eloise
Dugan, William Thomas
Dundala, Andrew
Durand, George Thomson [No Photo]
Dyer, Edward Orris
Dzaman, Olga Erma
Dzurisin, George
Dzurisin, Joseph Richard
Eardley, Ethel May
Eardley, William James
Eckel, Joseph James
Eckman, Janet
Edelman, Ruth Ann
Ediss, Alex Theodore [No Photo]
Ediss, Eugenie
Edwards, Bernice Doris
Eichinger, Joseph Robert
Ellis, Claire Amelia
Elmer, Robert Russell
English, James Simon
Ercoll, Peter Paul
Esmark, Karl V.
Evans, Burton Joe
Ewaskiewicz, William Joseph
Falcone, Josephine Joan
Falwell, Laurence John [late]
Faras, Karl
Farinell, John
Farley, James Luke [No Photo]
Farnham, Walter Allison
Faske, Harry A. jr. [No Photo]
Favata, Louis Russell
Fazekas, Frank
Fehr, Erwin John
Feldman, Celia
Feltham, Walter Albert [No Photo]
Ferenc, Helen
Field, Donald G.
Filipek, Loretta Anne
Filipowicz, Emily Irene
Filliponi, Lucas Joseph
Fink, Mary Elizabeth
Fioulio, Joe [No Photo]
Firko, George Roger [No Photo]
Fishbone, Mildred Jacqueline
Fischer, Fred Francis [No Photo]
Fisher, Marian Elizabeth
Fisher, Thomas Albert [No Photo]
Fisher, Virginia Marion [No Photo]
Fitzpatrick, William Arthur
Flagg, Edward Harwood
Fleming, Andrew
Folmer, Stanley Edward
Forconi, Lola Cecilia
Fosbrook, Harry
Fox, Donald Thomas [No Photo]
Fox, Emily Julia
Francione, Rose Anne
Franko, Michael Paul
Frawley, Lester Frederick
Freeman, Edyth Marcelle
Freeman, Louis Philip
Freser, Dorothy Phyllis [No Photo]
Freund, Joseph John
Friedland, Stanley
Friedman, Eleanore
Froelich, Robert Charles
Fuccello, Joseph Pat
Fuchs, Paula Nellie
Furman, Harman William
Fysz, Joseph
Gabel, Mary Elizabeth
Galloway, Joseph [No Photo]
Gans, Mary Jo
Garofalo, Anthony Pasquale
Garrity, Mariana Ely
Gazsi, Victor Daniel
Geehan, Jack Thomas
Genda, Mildred Emile
Gerard, David
Gerepka, Sigmund Raymond
Gervasio, James Robert
Gibson, Lillabelle
Gierman, Carol
Gilbert, Miriam
Gilinsky, Eleanor
Gilinsky, Pearl
Gill, Bertha Mae
Gilmore, Charles Robinson
Gin, Helen Agnes
Giordano, Rose Marie
Giovannini, Joseph James
Glembotski, Wanda S.
Gloyowski, Robert Leonard [No Photo]
Golden, John Christian
Golden, Mildred Betty
Golden, William Earl
Goldenbaum, Edward Charles
Golding, Helen Jane
Golding, Spelman Morris
Goodale, John [No Photo]
Goodrich, Mildred Patricia
Goodwin, John Edwin
Goolsby, Marine
Goral, Lawrence Henry
Gorski, John [No Photo]
Gould, Jack
Graff, Betty
Grannich, Maurice
Graboyes, Ruth
Green, Herman Owen
Greyer, Jeanne Louise
Grieco, Florence Anne
Grier, Mollie Lucinda [No Photo]
Griffin, Edward Peter
Groffie, Paul Andrew [No Photo]
Groh, William Carl
Grosse, Vera Ruth
Grosso, Leonard Anthony
Guerra, Joseph Anthony
Guidici, Florindo Joseph
Gustenacker, Frank [No Photo]
Gusz, Mary Katherine
Haas, Mary Elizabeth
Hackett, Ralph William
Hackney, Jean
Haggerty, Charles John
Haisonak, Sophie
Halko, Andy
Halko, Sophie
Halliday, Ann
Halsey, Thomas Andrew [late]
Hampton, Florence Helen
Hancikovsky, George Michael
Hancock, George
Hanford, Charles Joseph [No Photo]
Hanlon, Marjorie
Hansbury, Florence Elsie
Harper, Charlotte Patricia
Harris, Charles Raymond [No Photo]
Hart, George Levi [No Photo]
Hartwell, Oliver W. jr. [No Photo]
Hayward, Philip
Heitman, Charles Frederick
Hellus, Elizabeth Gladys
Henry, Charles Thomas [No Photo]
Heran, Donald F.
Hertzman, Harold
Herzog, Roslyn Myrtle
Hess, Charles E. [No Photo]
Hildebrand, Charles Raymond
Hirsch, Lee
Hmelar, Helene Joan
Hmiel, Alice Mary
Hobson, Arnold Tyler
Hoffman, Robert Howard
Holcombe, Paul M.
Holcombe, Virginia May
Holtzberg, Fred Joseph
Holub, Mildred Ann
Hornyak, Joseph
Hose, Henry
Hritz, Andrew Michael
Huart, Arthur
Hunt, Joella
Hunter, Ruby Giles
Husid, Miriam Katherine [No Photo]
Hustak, Jerome Frank
Huston, Jack Arthur
Hutchins, William
Hutchinson, Ethel Verna
Hutchinson, John Ramsey
Hutchinson, Marion Myers
Hutchinson, William John
Hutchmacher, Margaret Marie
Hutzl, Madeline Anna
Iallacci, Guido Anthony [No Photo]
Ingram, Eva
Irwin, Helen
Irwin, Peggy Ann
Ivins, Betty Perrine [No Photo]
Jachimska, Anastasia Roberta
Jackson, Cora
Jackson, John
Jacobs, Harry
Jacobs, Yolanda Emma
Jakubisin, Joseph John
Jasienski, Joseph John [late]
Jauss, Kathryn Helen
Jeanette, Frank Joseph
Johnson, Alma Viola
Jones, Marie Janet
Jones, Vercoe Clarence
Kain, Richard Spencer
Kaiser, Lillian Elizabeth
Kall, Irene
Kalamanowitz, Rita
Kalston, Irvin [No Photo]
Kampman, Mary Ellen
Kane, Arthur Edward
Kane, James Francis [late]
Karpinski, Helen Maryann
Karpowicz, Edward Vincent [No Photo]
Karpovich, Alice Helen [No Photo]
Kasprzak, Leon Joseph
Kateusz, Stephen Walter
Kaufman, Walter Clance [No Photo]
Kedzierski, Joseph Thomas
Keevil, Arthur Kurtz
Keiner, Lillian
Keiner, Lillian
Kelley, Antoinette Leona
Kelley, George T. [No Photo]
Kelly, Catherine Louise
Kelsey, Harold
Kelty, Catherine Lois
Kennedy, Sallie Ann
Kennedy, William Joseph
Kerr, Edward Blain
Kessler, Martin
Kilcheski, Eugene Andrew [late]
Kinsin, John Floyd
Kirkham, Dorothey
Klatzkin, Robert
Kochis, Peter Joseph
Kolzer, Victor
Komar, Louis Jerome
Konig, June
Kopczynski, Edmund
Kopf, Margaret Anna
Koske, Henry [No Photo]
Kostrjewski, Walter Stanley
Kowalski, Thomas John
Kozeh, Stephen John
Kozma, Frank [No Photo]
Kramer, Jack William
Kramarz, Walter Peter
Kramli, Lillian Julia
Krauss, Peter Andrew
Krasnovsky, Joseph Steve
Krauch, Gordon F.
Krause, Joseph James
Kravitz, William
Krawiec, Stephen Thadeus
Krawier, Julius Walter [No Photo]
Kremper, Michael William
Krisak, George Anthony [No Photo]
Kroesen, Fred
Krosnick, Arthur
Kross, Anthony Walter
Kruse, Frances Anne
Kuch, Theodore Homier [No Photo]
Kuehner, Alma Ruth
Kuhn, Dennis Donald
Kujawski, Victoria Veronica
Kurlander, John Alfred
Kustrup, Eleanor Joan
Kusy, Adam Martin
Kutch, Eugene George [No Photo]
Kwoka, Nellie Josephine
La Baw, Howard [No Photo]
La Bella, Victor John [No Photo]
La Belle, Dorothy Elizabeth
Labowicz, Theodora
Lacey, Viola Ruth
Laezza, Albert [No Photo]
La Mar, Ada Mae
Lane, Richard Arthur
Langcaskey, Stanley Godfrey
Lanning, David Shaw [No Photo]
Lanzi, Evelyn Armida
Lanzi, Gloria
La Paglia, Ida Sara
Larason, Allen B. [No Photo]
Large, Robert
Larkin, Betty
Latham, William Francis
Laudenbach, Catherine Anne [No Photo]
Lavine, Arthur E.
Lavine, Esther Libby
Lavine, Adele Leonore
Law, Singleton Sylvester [No Photo]
Lawton, Eleanor Voorhees [late]
Lear, Betty Virginia
Lear, Dorothy Joan
Leary, Francis
Lee, Doris Shirley
Leip, Evelyn
Lertch, Charles Henry
Levandusky, Stella Estelle [No Photo]
Levandusky, Stella Shelby
Levine, Harvey Gordon
Levy, Dorothy S.
Lewis, John [No Photo]
Licciardello, Dominic Russell [No Photo]
Liesch, Julia Doris
Light, Rose Barbara
Linowitz, Reuben
Lippencott, Roland
Lisiecki, Edward Paul
Little, Clare Frances
Locane, Dominic Thomas
Lockett, Albert
Lockett, Beatrice Jane
Lockett, William
Lockwood, Albert Le Roy
Logan, Margaret Elsie
Longmuir, Edwin B.
Lord, Melvian Jeanette
Lovett, Claire Hazel
Lowell, James S.
Lucas, Anne
Lucas, Richard Joseph
Lucidi, Raymond Joseph [No Photo]
Ludecke, Albert
Ludecke, Edward Philip
Madica, Florence Ida [No Photo]
Maguire, Florence Helen
Maiorino, Joseph James
Maisto, Othello
Mak, Stephan John
Maloney, Anne Mai
Mangione, John Joseph
Manning, Betty
Manning, Marie Louise
Manning, Nancy Lee
Manurkas, Alex [No Photo]
Marazzo, Louis Carl
Marfino, Anthony Joseph [No Photo]
Mari, Basil Joseph [No Photo]
Marincas, John George
Marino, John Joseph
Markgraf, Gloria
Markin, John Arthur
Martin, Kathleen Anne [No Photo]
Martini, Elizabeth Thersa
Martnick, Elmer John
Martz, Re Ellen
Masick, Helen Elaine
Matecki, Chester Joseph [No Photo]
Matera, Geraldine Dorothea
Matera, Jennie Marie
Maternik, Walter Edward
Mattioli, Americo
Matus, Edward
Maurizi, Guido John
Maziarz, Frank
McCloskey, Thomas Joseph
McCormack, Mary Joyce
McDonald, William Patrick [No Photo]
McDonough, William [No Photo]
McGovern, Dorothy Margaret
McGriff, Charles Wylie [No Photo]
McHugh, Philip Michael [No Photo]
McLester, Flossie Mae [No Photo]
Mengoni, Tony Reynold [No Photo]
Mercurio, Mary Patricia
Melchiondo, Anthony William
Melheiser, William
Melton, Janet Malonda
Meltzer, Geraldine Lorraine
Mercer, Natalie
Merlo, Asio Victor
Mesanko, Francis George [No Photo]
Meszaros, Elsie Ann
Mezzetti, Peter Anthony [No Photo]
Michael, Anita Louise
Michalis, Donald Carty
Michaloski, Helen Eleanor
Micklewright, John [No Photo]
Mitchell, Marie Katherine
Midulla, Victoria Lena
Mihalko, Margaret Bernadette
Miller, Helen Ruby
Miller, George Meason
Miller, Richard
Millington, Miriam Jane
Mills, Olive Patricia [No Photo]
Mintz, Goldie
Modica, Florence Ida [late]
Montgomery, Carl Francis
Moore, Cifford L.
Moore, Frank Enoch [No Photo]
Moore, Harold Alfred [No Photo]
Moore, Janice N.
Moore, Jean Ellen
Morabito, Concetta Johana
Morris, Edward Allen jr.
Morris, Richard [late]
Morton, Ruth Elizabeth
Muhs, Edith Jean
Mulcahy, David M.
Mule, Isabelle Marie
Mulrine, Dorothy Ann
Murawski, Frank Anthony
Murphy, Catherine Anne
Murphy, Edward Michael
Murphy, Theresa Cecilia
Murphy, Thomas Michael
Muscatine, Alice
Myers, Louis Noble
Nabinger, John [late]
Nabutovsky, Mervin
Nalbone, Mary Burnice
Natrillo, Anthony Joseph
Nedzbala, George Robert
Nelson, Vera Lois
Nevius, Charles Ross [No Photo]
Newcomb, Harold Wellington [No Photo]
Newcomb, William
Newman, Betty Jane
Nielson, Jack Kenneth [No Photo]
Nix, Harrietann [No Photo]
Norton, Whitney Frank [No Photo]
Novak, John Leon [No Photo]
Norton, Jane Helen
Novak, Rose Elizabeth
Nowicki, Cecilia Helen
Nutt, Ethel Ruth
Nyzio, Josephine Sally
Oberdowski, Frank Anthony [late]
O’Gorman, William James [No Photo]
Ogden, George Edward jr.
O’Laughlin, Margaret Isabelle
Olinsky, Dorothy
Oliphant, Jeannette
Olson, Karl Siegfried
O’Neil, Kathleen Patricia
Opsuth, Edward Joseph
Ormon, William Lewis
Orr, Herbert
Ostrowski, Alice
Owen, Leonard Joseph [No Photo]
Owens, Randolph Daniel [No Photo]
Ozdonski, Emily Carole
Page, Marion Rose
Paglione, Irene Beatrice
Paglione, Joseph
Pagnani, Alex J.
Pagnotta, Pat
Palaschak, Helen Margaret
Paller, John [No Photo]
Palmer, Alice Elizabeth
Palmieri, Gabriel Michael [No Photo]
Palmieri, Lillian Lucille
Paleczyk, Henry Michell
Pannene, Fred [No Photo]
Parnell, Estelle
Parno, Anthony Sebartiano
Parr, Frank Thomas
Parson, Helen Jean
Partyka, Joseph Anthony
Pasawicz, Robert [No Photo]
Pasternak, Rita Lillian
Pattera, Mario Anthony
Patrizi, Anna Marie
Patterson, Donald Kenneth
Patterson, Joseph
Pavlov, John [No Photo]
Pearl, Robert
Peeples, John Philimon [No Photo]
Pegg, Sarah H.
Pellegrino, Mary Ann
Pellegrino, Michael Angelo
Pennington, Irene Mary
Penrose, Erwin Walter
Perilli, Florence Mary
Perillo, Catherine Rose
Perry, Robert [No Photo]
Perry, Virginia Elizabeth
Person, James Thomas
Peters, Victoria Josephine
Petito, A. Robert [No Photo]
Petrecca, Libera Catherine
Petrino, Pat Daniel
Petrino, Sara Patricia
Petry, Richard Arthur
Petty, Thelma Mable
Pettyz, Peter
Pfaff, Joseph Michael
Pierzhanowski, Helen Joanne
Piggin, Julia Remine
Pinto, John A.
Pinto, Robert R.
Pisanko, Helen Charlotte
Piscopo, Marco Salvatore [No Photo]
Pitonyak, Joseph Paul
Pitrosky, Thomas Gordon [No Photo]
Platnik, Joseph [late]
Platt, Robert A.
Plumeri, Madeline Sally
Plunkett, Joseph [No Photo]
Podgorski, Edward Marion
Polita, Samuel Thomas
Pondekas, William Samuel [No Photo]
Ponzio, Frances Elvina
Pope, Grace E. [No Photo]
Porter, Emily Gladys
Pownall, Doris Caroline
Prendergast, Mary Virginia
Procaccino, Tony Thomas [No Photo]
Prunetti, Joseph Edward [No Photo]
Prynoski, Winifred Rita
Puca, Claire Louise
Pukela, Andrew Joseph
Pullen, Cecil David
Purcell, John Carl
Purcell, Louise Eleanor
Purgavic, James A. [No Photo]
Pustal, Joseph
Queen, Theodosia Hibernia
Radice, Russell Joseph
Ragazzo, Joseph Anthony
Rago, Dominic Richard
Rago, Elvera Joan
Rago, Genevieve Ann
Rainer, Clarence James
Rakowicki, Helen Roberta
Raymond, Josephine Rose
Read, Helena Ernestine
Read, Jean Alethia
Read, Mahlon Milton [No Photo]
Recchi, Lena Thomas
Reed, Garret Elmore [No Photo]
Reed, Julia Hencken
Regan, Nicholas
Remer, Walter Vernon [No Photo]
Reminicky, Betty Jane [No Photo]
Repole, Rosina
Ricci, Lucy Amelia
Rich, Edith Kathryn
Richardson, Eugene Jacob [No Photo]
Richardson, Percy Nicholas [No Photo]
Rietzinger, James Ferinand
Ringkamp, Joseph Donald
Ritter, Charles Thomas
Rittman, William
Roberts, Thelma Mae
Roberts, Warner P.
Robinson, Albert Matthews
Rodgers, Rita Elizabeth
Roelofs, Mary Kathryn
Rohn, Jane
Rolnick, Harry Rubin
Romeo, Clara Frances
Ronan, June Marie
Rondinelli, Mafalda R.
Rooks, Grace Cornelia
Rosen, Muriel
Rosenberg, Milton
Rosser, Warren Horace
Rossi, Thomas David
Roumanis, Alice Patricia
Ruch, Lloyd Wilber
Russell, John William
Russo, Joseph Andrew
Russo, Marie Joan [No Photo]
Ruth, Dorothy
Ruthkowski, Helen Cecilia
Ryan, Edward
Ryba, Walter Victor
Sabolchy, Elmer Peter
Sackin, Dorothy Jackis
Safir, Walter Lawrence
Sallie, Harvey Nelson [No Photo]
Sallie, Lillian Mae [No Photo]
Salter, Edward William
Sanders, Sidney [No Photo]
Sandow, David
Santi, Victor [No Photo]
Sauber, Robert Charles [No Photo]
Savko, Ethel Clara
Scandura, Ellen Jean
Scarlotta, Alphonse
Schaller, Joyce Elizabeth [No Photo]
Salerno, Deni [No Photo]
Scarlata, Al [No Photo]
Schafer, Mary Ida
Scheidell, Harry
Schilk, Adam [No Photo]
Schleher, Frank [No Photo]
Schmidt, Paul Edward
Schneider, Doris June
Schroeder, Joseph Edward
Schumn, Carolyn Nancy
Schumn, Edward Henry
Schwartz, Melvin
Scott, Anthony William
Scudder, Phyllis Snow
Scull, Leon George
Scully, Arthur
Scully, Elizabeth Margaret
Sczensy, Edward [No Photo]
Sebastian, Irene Judith
Seeds, Miriam Margaret
Selbin, Estelle Lillian
Semenuk, Constantine [No Photo]
Semlar, John Campbell
Serenelli, John James [No Photo]
Sergeant, George West [No Photo]
Shaffner, Horace M.
Shanberg, Irvin Leonard
Shane, Jeane Shirley
Shapiro, Henry [No Photo]
Shargo, William
Shea, Margaret Katherine
Shepherd, Elizabeth Anne
Shepard, George
Sherlo, Felix Francis
Shestko, Rose Marie Susan
Shisz, Elsie Madaline
Shotten, Edith Rose
Shutz, Betty Edith
Siegle, Bernard Sydney
Sienkiewicz, Anna Clair
Siko, Nicholas Steve
Sill, John B. jr.
Simko, Margaret Ann
Simko, George Desider
Sinclair, Warren Everett
Sivo, Anthony Joseph
Skeleton, Willard Reese
Skorupa, Edward James
Skurla, Edward John
Slocum, Lewis Reeder
Smaliga, John Eugene [No Photo]
Smith, Agnes
Smith, Alfred La Verne [No Photo]
Smith, Jack Joseph
Smith, Mabel
Smith, Myra E.
Smith, Richard Jesse [No Photo]
Smith, William
Snead, George Edward [No Photo]
Sneath, Margaret Anne
Snedeker, Irving Edgar
Snedeker, Robert
Snyder, John Robert [No Photo]
Sokolowski, Stanley Charles
Solan, Ruth Anne
Soriero, Sam John [No Photo]
South, Iona Belle
Spedding, Richard
Spezzano, Louise
Spett, Joseph Stephan [No Photo]
Spreat, Robert
Springsteen, George A.
Stacewicz, Helen Anne
Stadnyck, John Walter
Stam, William Andrew [No Photo]
Stampo, Virginia Clare [No Photo]
Stanton, Alice Patricia
Stark, Bernard Edward
Starkey, Editha Mary
Steepy, Jack Raymond
Steffy, Elaine Aurel
Steingrob, Norma L.
Stephan, Edwin Audley [No Photo]
Stepowany, Adolph Stephan
Stevenson, Evelyn Julia
Steward, Dorothy Louise [No Photo]
Stewart, Lois Azailia
Stewen, Katheline [No Photo]
Stillwell, Doris Marie
Stillwell, Margaret Van Nest
Stokes, Edward Benedict
Straker, Helen Marie
Strzelec, Martha Barbara
Stuller, Joe Leonard
Stumpo, Virginia Clare
Stygar, Isabel Theresa
Sutnick, Nathaniel Theodore
Sutter, Edith Clare
Sweeney, Pricilla Alden
Sweet, Ronald Lancelot
Swern, Marvin
Swift, Irene
Szcepanski, Adolph
Szewcuw, Steffie Anna [late]
Szuter, Edward Richard
Szymanski, Michael Francis
Tallon, James Le Roy [No Photo]
Taylor, Gladys Myrtle
Taylor, Herbert George [No Photo]
Taylor, John Fleming
Taylor, Talmadge Joseph [No Photo]
Temkin, Abraham Harry
Tenney, Margaret Anne
Terrell, Lillian Francis
Terry, John [No Photo]
Thiel, Evelyn Marianne
Thomas, Mahlon Augustus [No Photo]
Thomas, Warren Conway [No Photo]
Thompson, Harold Wilbur
Tienken, Doris Louise
Tilton, Eileen Helen
Tingo, Dorothy Anna May
Tobish, Sally Bernice
Tobalski, Helen V.
Toft, William Louis [No Photo]
Tomasule, Marion Dorothy
Tome, Donald Joseph [No Photo]
Tome, Maurice Urban [No Photo]
Tomes, Elayne
Tomlinson, Evelyn Sally
Tomlinson, Jean Claire
Tomlinson, William Howard
Toomey, Ruth Marie
Topley, Howard Edward
Topley, Rita
Toth, Alfred
Toth, Paul
Toth, Robert William
Tott, Genevieve Patricia
Totten, William Joseph
Tracey, Ernest Frank
Trapani, Steve
Trapani, Vincent Norm
Trebbi, Savina Rita
Trout, Virginia H.
Truch, John
Turek, Edward Stanley [No Photo]
Turner, Frank James
Ungar, Vera
Ungarini, Aristide Harry
Ungrady, Marie
Unsworth, Byron Emsley
Updike, Richard Andrew
Urbanski, Virginia Helen
Van Noy, Jeanne Frances
Velivis, Anna
Venslavsky, Olga
Verdel, Albert Alfred
Victor, Helen Sylvia Lee [No Photo]
Vickery, William Walter [No Photo]
Viglione, Angelini Rose
Vine, Phoebe Ann
Virok, Grace
Vitelli, Vito
Vitey, Betty
Voltz, Frank
Waite, Grace
Wallover, Michael George [No Photo]
Walker, Charles William
Walsh, Claire Eileen [No Photo]
Walsh, Richard George [No Photo]
Walter, Helen
Walter, Lucille Anna
Walukiewiz, Verna Barbara
Walz, Margaret Lillian
Warner, Ruth Ann
Washliskie, Gordon George
Watson, Betty G.
Watts, Richard Carl [No Photo]
Webb, James Kenneth
Weber, Evelyn Constance
Webster, Donald
Wedger, William
Weis, Joseph Meyer
Welch, Mae Katherine [No Photo]
Wells, Edna Marie
Wendel, Eric
Werr, Dorothy Marie
Werr, John Joseph
Werts, Alma Ada
Westenburger, Warren Joseph
Wetzel, Robert
Whelan, Clifford
White, Dorothy Mae
Whitlock, Jack Raymond
Whyte, Patrick George [No Photo]
Wiater, Anthony Joseph
Wierzbicki, Eleanor Kathryn
Wiessman, John David
Wietecka, Ted Edward [No Photo]
Wildonger, Betty Donk
Willever, Joseph L.
Wilmot, Marie Leona
Wilson, Edicia Maybelle [No Photo]
Wilson, Harry Charles
Wilson, Stanley G.
Wishiewsni, Charles John
Wittekind, Laraine Martha
Wolf, Laura Francis
Wolf, Michael Matthew [late]
Wolf, William Robinson [No Photo]
Wolliard, Anna Lillian
Woodman, Thomas Johnson
Woodruff, Helen Bruther
Woodside, Robert Hanks
Wormely, Mabel E.
Worthington, Doris Mae
Wright, William Tyson
Wright, Carrie Leem
Wycoff, Betty Haines
Wyckoff, John Henry
Wylie, Eleanor Jean
Yacovino, Joseph Nick [No Photo]
Yarmy, Ablert
Yaros, Dorothy
Yaros, Katherine
Yaeger, William Blackwood
Yedlinsky, Mary Natalie
Young, Donald Michael
Yos, David Albert
Yurcho, Michael Nick
Zadworneg, Michael Edwin [No Photo]
Zanysese, Ernest
Zapicci, Ramon Lawrence [No Photo]
Zappicchi, Ramon Lawrence [late]
Zarodnansky, Pauline Frances
Zekonis, Paul [No Photo]
Zelley, Evelyn Jane
Zenker, Eleanor Marie
Ziegler, George Stephen
Zielinski, Robert Alfred
Zoda, Josephine
Zuccarello, Philomena Anna [No Photo]
Zuccarello, Philomena
Zufah, Irma Patricia
Zuk, Alice Sally
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