1937 Bobashela There were 904 members of the 1937 graduating class
of Trenton Central High School. (This listing is not strictly alphabetical. It’s as the names appear in the yearbook. Some names at the end of the list are for students whose photos did not appear in the yearbook.) |
Abel, George Anthony Abramovitz, Lillian Rose Abrams, Elaine Eleanor Abrams, Harry Abraham Acuff, Shelley Allegretti, Ben Allen, David Ackley Allfather, William E, Amato, Carl Andrew Anderson, Barbara Swan Andicko, Betty Lorraine Apgar, Donald Herman Apostolos, Thomas Daniel Applegate, Earle D. Applegate, Katherine E. Applegate, William Thomas Applestein, Louis Arend, Fred H. Armstrong, Hugh Arone, Frank Nicholas Aumer, Eleanor Ruth Backes, Ruth Mary Bahney, Martha Lillian Bailey, William Gervin Ball, Robert M. Ballard, James William Barber, Raymond Bardos, Pauline Battista, Jilda Joan Becker, Eileen G. Belardo, Agnes Ann Belets, Lillian B. Bellin, Ina Libby Benck, John Wm. Bennet, Alice Stiles Bennett, Dorothy Elizabeth Berger, Dorothy Berger, James Ellwood Berger, Joseph Xavier Berkelhamer, Evelyn T. Bernasco, Richard Henry Berry, Goldie Bethke, Iona Emma Beverage, Norman A. Bialczak, Stanley Anthony Bice, Robert Calvin Bilbee, Evelyn Bilecki, Anna Barbara Biles, Evelyn Jeane Biondi, Susan Ida Bishop, Robert Graf Blaner, George Eugene Bleeck, Jack Leon Blizard, Dorothy Lucille Bloom, Helen Mae Bocchini, Armando Peter Bodine, Charles Howard Boney, Thomas Francis Bontya, John Bopp, Carl Fred Bossio, Julia Mary Bossmann, Helen Vaughn Bossman, Richard Henry Bottorff, Norman Edward Boughton, John Harris Bowden, Gertrude Marie Boyd, Helen M. Boyle, Robert Nyman Bransfield, John Rubert Braun, Mercer Johnston Bray, Ethel Brenna, Joseph D. Brenna, Vito Brokaw, Betty Primmer Brooks, Harold Fisher Brooks, Virginia Brophy, Ellen Marie Brown, Milton Dewey Bruther, John R. Buatti, Rose Mary Bunce, Edgar F., Jr. Buonanno, Domenick A. Burger, Lillian Frances Burk, Dorothy Florence Burket, Frances Laura Burla, Margaret Burtis, Arthur William Butkokosky, George Joseph Butler, Warren Byer, Freda Byer, Loretta Byer, Melvyn Cahill, Marie Elizabeth Cahill, Mary Elizabeth Cameron, Edward Neville Campbell, Margaret Louise Campy, John Jack Carlini, Rosato Philip Carozza, Edith Marie Carson, Hugh Thomas Carty, Walter Case, Harry Edward Castaldo, Corinne Agnes Caster, Milton Cebula, Clara Natalie Chale, Marie Anna Chapman, Bernard Maurice Chapman, George Xavier Charnofsky, Charlotte Chianese, Antoinette Mary Chomicki, Michael H. Christopher, Nathan S, Ciell, August Clark, Dorothy B. Clugston, Bertha K. Cohen, Maxine Marcia Cohen, Ralph Nathan Cohen, Ralph S. Cohen, Thelma Cole, John B., II Coleman, Harold David Conard, Teresa Ives Cook, E. Margaret Cook, Isabel Veronica Conney, Marion M. Cooper, Edward Louis Cordis, Florence Corrigan, Jeane Eleanor Costigan, Robert Joseph Cox, Charles Russell, Jr. Cox, Eva Marie Crammer, Howard Paul Crosby, Carl Crowell, Florence Margaret Cruse, Railey Thomas Cubberly, Sheldon Cullen, Margaret McNab Curtin, Ethelyne Gertrude Cutter, Bentley Louis Dajczak, Frank John Dalrymple, Robert David Darby, Irene Jeanette Dargay, William Darling, Richard C. Dearden, Helen Elizabeth DeBlois, Vincent Thomas Deboskey, Edward Joseph Deck, Francis Arthur Del Gaudio, Lena Stella DeLorenzo, Frances Adeline DeLuca, Dominic D’Errico, Joseph Alfred Devey, Virginia Elizabeth DiFranco, John Louis Dilley, John Edward Dilouie, Josephine Helen DiMaggio, Alphonse Dinola, Jack DiSylvester, Louis A. Dix, Jeannette Tallman Dobay, John Edward Dorety, Betty Helen Dougherty, Regina Estelle Doughty, Nathaniel Cooper Downing, Ida Marie Drake, Elmer Benjamin Drake, Gene Evelyn Dreher, Ethel May Dringus, Alice Louise Dube, Stanley Robert Bubrow, Edward Gordon Duchek, Catherine A. Dumont, Bessie Elizabeth Duncan, Jack A. Dunn, Nellie Dorothy Durchuck, Andrew Charles Dzaman, Mildred Sasha Eby, John Theodore Ecker, Frederick Hanson Edinger, Irene Gladys Edwards, Cyril Seville Eib, Dorothy Catherine Elder, John H. Eldracher, Jack C. Emann, Alfred Thornton Ennis, Martha Ziegler Epifanio, Eda Fabian, Robert Craig Falcone, Mark Joseph Falzone, Raymond John Farkas, William Stephen Farrauto, Santo Henry Felice, Irene Mary Fell, Robert Irvin Felton, Lawrence Ferrante, Joseph Mario Figur, Joseph A. Filipponi, Genzine Fischer, Dolores Leslie Fishbein, Morton Jacob Fleming, Marjorie Elizabeth Foley, Dorothy Elizabeth Ford, Alberta Elizabeth Forsyth, Miriam Ellen Forte, Maxine Mayo Fowler, William Collier Fox, Joseph Frake, Alma Georgianna Franko, Linus Justin Frascella, Jean Lucille Frizzell, Leigh Hartley, Jr. Furda, Irene Garb, Bernice Sylvia Garber, Ruth Garnich, Anna Elizabeth Garson, Florence Theresa Gauges, Frederick Joseph Geffert, Audrey A. K. Gernhardt, Dorothy Louise Gervasi, Mary Isabel Gervasio, Ralph Joseph Gervasoni, Helen Christine Ghersin, Harriet Giambelluca, Angelo Michae; Giblin, William Aloysious Gibson, Catherine Virginia Gill, Dorothy A. Giordano, John Giordano, Nancy Anne Giquinto, Janes Philip Girtain, Frank E. Glappa, Irene Dorothy Golden, George A. Goldenbaum, Charles G. Golia, Frank Joseph Goodrich, Carolyn J. Goodrich, Cora Bernadette Goodwin, Florence Anna Goralski, Catherine Patricia Gordon, Ella Mae Marcia Graham, Louise Marguerite Grainger, Theodore Graziano, Vincent Anthony Green, William Armatage, Jr, Greenberg, Beatrice Groh, Mildred A. D. Gross, David, Jr. Gross, Elaine Guadagno, Lena Marie Guadagno, Maurice Luke Gunn, Richard Charles Gusz, Nicholas F. Hackney, Ellen Halko, Joseph Halliday, Alice Hope Halliday, Harold Harmen Halloran, Margaret Patricia Halsey, Edward Lawrence Hamilton, Alexander Montgomery Harker, Verna Naomi Harker, Warren Leon Harrington, Walter Johnston Harris, William Harry Hartman, Harold Richard Hartpence, Hollis Knox Hawkyard, Alice Jane Haws, Aneta Edith Hellman, Edna Mae Henderson, Edward Thomas Henne, Robert Earl Henrietta, Margaret Mary Heran, Eileen Mary Hess, John Ralph Hice, Mearl, Jr. Higgins, John Thomas Hill, Leola Ollie Hill, Marguerite Stout Hirsch, John Maurice Hirsch, Ruth Violet Hobson, Arthur Edward Holcombe, Howard Wilford Holeman, Mary Cecelia Holland, John Alexander Holt, Eleanor Marie Hopewell, Jane L. Hornyak, George Thomas Horvath, Matthew J. Hough, Anna E, Hough, Edith Reilly Housley, Eleanor Mary Howard, Frances Marie Howell, Richard Hayes Hubsch, Harold Hudson, Annie Willie Hudson. Evelyn Neasta Hughes, Helen M. Hundt, Grace Marie Hutchins, Harry Stuart Hutchinson, Ellean Blanche Ianni, Alfred Mitchell Illian, Walter Richard Ireland, Arthur Kenneth Jackson, Elihu Jedynak, Stanley, Jr. Jelinek, Albert Louis Jenkins, Marcelleous Johnson, Donna A. Johnson, Dorothy Elizabeth Johnson, Gertrude Doris Johnson, Herman Carllus Johnson, May Lucille Jokiel, Joseph Jones, Edith Vivian Jones, Perry Tillman Kaczorek, Joseph Eugene Kale, Eleanor Jane Kall, Elizabeth Kalmanowitz, Elias Lew Kantor, William Kaplan, Aaron Kaplan, Charmian Litt Kaplan, Hyman Frederick Kasony, Andrew Thomas Katz, Alex Katz, Marion Ruth Kawka, John Harry Keller, Jacob Peter Kelsey, Lively, Jr. Kemble, J. Bayard Kenderdine, Grace E. Kennedy, Betty Jane Kenney, James B. Kerlin, Gordon Malcolm Kerlin, Mary M. Kern, Irving Kessler, Bernard Killingsworth, Martha G. Kiney, William F. King, James A. Kiraly, Margaretha Elizabeth Kirvay, Irene Joan Kish, William Joseph Kisti, Anna Kite, Owen William Klein, Martin Klemmer, Eleanore Frances Klotz, Ruth Kmetz, George Michael Knapp, Edna Carroll Koczak, Joseph Carol Kolk, Gertrude Audrey Kondor, Mary Joanne Kopec, Walter Koschek, Michael Koschik, Ethel Mary Kovacs, Helen Kovacs, Julius Ervin Kozlowski, Ramon Robert Kramer, Harold Jay Kraun, Selma Kriegner, Marion P. Kron, Katherine Krupecki, Dorothy Elizabeth Krush, Helen Martha Virginia Kucskar, Anna Joan Kuosmanen, Lillian Kuronya, Elsa Ilona Kushel, June Jeannette Kushnerwich, Victor John Kuzma, Chester Paul Kydd, David B. La Bras, Yvonne Marie Laing, Wm. Edward Lane, Ellen Minerva Lantz, Dorothy Elizabeth Latini, Jennie Martha Laurenti, Lawrence Richard Lavine, S. Bernard Lavine, Rhoda H. Ledden, Lelia Ruth Lehman, Alyce S. Lemberakis, Nellie Leone, Anne Elizabeth Leonard, Lillian Amelia Lepiane, Savaria Lucy Levack, Benjamin Franklin Lewandowski, Daniel Liick, Alfred Alvin Linowitz, Louis Harry Linzenbold, Stephen Michael Lipira, Dominic Samuel Lippincott, Spencer H. Lipski, Edward George Lochner, Virginia Carolyn Loffredo, Julia Elizabeth Logan, Avis Maria Logan, Ellen Amelia Louderback, Richard Gary Loveman, Ruth Winifred Lownie, Thelma Mae Lupariello, Violet L. Lutze, Betty Lorraine Lynch, Bernard C. Lynn, Minnie H. Lythgoe, Marjorie Helen Maffei. Pasquale Anthony Mahlow, Natalie Bergen Maier, Helen Catherine Maione, Mildred Carolina Major, Virginia Ruth Maley, Mildred Frances Mandi, John F. Mantel, William Burke Marasco, Jeanette Caroline Marchesano, Salvatore Marino, Clemend Charles Markgraf, Charlotte Josephine Marren, Elizabeth Joan Marshall, George E. Marter, Francis May Martin, William Howard Martinette, Charles Mortimer Martyniw, Alexandra Maruca, Adeline Sarah Marx, Myrtle Elsie Mason, Robert Lowell, Jr. Massari, Jules Anthony Matecki, Michael John Maternik, Frank Charles Mathews, Harriet Bareford Mattern, Donald Erdman Mayer, Florence Mazkis, Julius Stanley McGarrity, Rita Cecelia McGuckin, John Furman McKeever, James Edward McKinney, Doris Roberta McLernon, Anna Marie McNair, Queen Elizabeth McRae, Emma Mae McVicker, Doris K. Means, Philip Meehan, Harold Joseph Meehan, Harry Augustus Meeks, Donald Joseph Meeks, William A. Meglis, John Anthony Menetski, Herman Joseph Mercier, Anna Margaret Merk, John Lawrence Messler, Peggie Meyer, Geraldine Ethel Micklewright, Helen Louise Migliori, Angelo John Mihalchik, Andrew John Mikita, Madeline Catherine Mikovsky, Evelyn B. Milaszewski, Helen Steffi Miller, Louis Anthony Miller, Marie Louise Miller, Rhoda Lee Miller, Ruth Marie Millner, Stanley Charles Mirabelli, Arthur Louis Mitrocsak, Barbara Olga Mladenentz, George John Modica, Frances Mohr, Sally Drue Moldovan, Michael Monasterske, Stanley Raymond Montooth, Clare Mooney, Mary Agnes Moore, John William Moore, Thomas Jefferson Moore, William James Morgan, Marjorie Anne Morello, Amedio Louis Moscarello, Rose Marion Moskovitz, Anna Ruth Mount, Edward Paul Mueller, Jack Pope Mulryne, Kathryn Mary Muranko, Pauline Dolores Murray, Frank Muscatine, Charles Samuel Nabutovsky, Hilda Nalbone, Joseph Napoleon, Sandy R. Nevil, Betty Frances Newman, Marjorie Louisa Nobili, Diana Rita Notarian, Marguerite Claire Novak, Edward Stanley Olek, Stephen R. Olin, Edward Olszewski, Florence Anne O’Mara, Constance Orsi, Orlando Alfred Ososky, Helen Judith Ossman, Margaret Cecelia Outwater, Florence May Pagliaro, Frank Harry Palasky, Erwin Carl Pankovich. Margaret Virginia Parrish, Marvin Whitley Paterson, Robert Miller Pavlovich, Paul Penkoske, Harriet Josephine Penrose, Harry B. Perlingiero, Lucy Ida Perry, Marjorie Grace Petersen, Marjorie Helene Petito, Lucie Petras, Michael Andrew Petro, Barbara Theodora Petromany, George Petty, Evelyn Marjorie Petty, Harold M. Pfaff, Bill Joseph Phillips, Mildred Mae Piccolella, Domenic Pieslak, Edward Joseph Pietrosevitz, Helen Pippen, Evelyn May Pitasky, Gertrude Pitman, Charles Francis Pochart, Edith Helen Pochart, Jean Julia Poinsett, Gloria Marie Pompei, Anthony Louis Pomykola, Walter Martin Ponfilio, Dario Peter Popkin, Ralph Robert Posen, Esther Posen, Lillian Milna Potocki, John A. Potts, Virginia Helen Potts, Walter Edwin Prazdnichuk, Patricia Bessie Primm, Viola Anna Proch, Dorothy Marie Prunetti, Carmen Anthony Przecha, Carnelius A. Pugliese, Domenic Pukala, John Stanley Pumyea, Elizabeth Foster Pushman, Paul Anthony Putchat, Sidney Quattroni, David Joseph Queenan, Marie Anne Quinn, Willetta Caroline Radice, Anthony J. Radice, Daniel Frank Rago, Elvira Madge Randall, Lewis Barker, Jr. Randelman, Arthur H. Ranke, Ruth Irene Rankin, David C. Ranto, Mary Ann Rednor, Agnes E. M. Reed, James Robert Reed, William Edward Reedhead, Rowland E. Reeve, Margaret Jean Reichert, Walter Harry Reilly, Dorothy Joan Reilly, Joseph Francis Reister, Fred W. Reynolds, Gardner Howard Rhoads, Betty May Rhoads, Margaret Winifred Riccitello, Victor Pasquale Richardson, William Richleski, Louis A. Richmond, Estelle Frances Rickey, Wm. Cadwalder Ringkamp, Helen Alyce Rizziello, Ralph Roberts, Mildred Lucille Robles, Rose Frances Roche, Mildred Sheila Rodgers, Dorothy Marie Rolnick, Lillian Judith Roman, Florence Rosenberg, Edith Rosenthal, Freda Lillian Rossa, Raymond Stanley Russo, Mary Josephine Ryan, Thomas Stone Rykiel, Felicia Magdalene Sadowski, Pauline Sager, Frances Saidt, Harold N. Sala, John Joseph Salerno, Divina maria Salt, Edith May Salvatini, Frank James Salvatore, Evelyn Dorothy Samachson, Beatrice Samachson, Ethel Sanders, Margaret Scales, Mildred Anne Scheuermann, Gloria Elizabeth Schipski, Richard Charles Schmidt, John Louis Schnitzer, Dorothy Taylor Schremser, Robert Philip Schuler, Mary Margaret Schultz, Marjorie Catherine Schwartz, Harold Arthur Schwartz, Sidney Schwitzgabel, Thelma Jessie Seaman, Albert Frank Selby, John Newbold Selden, Faiga Senko, Peter Seymour, Julius Sfura, Mary Patricia Shann, Joan Arnold Shea, Conrad Francis Shintay, Peter Short, Winthrop Allen Sigafoos, Margaret E. E. Silverstein, Isidore Simon, Margaret Esther Simone, Joseph William Simonko, Mary Sinclair, Stella Aleta Sklute, Muriel Smith, Donald William Smith, Mahlon Josef Smith, Violet Meta Snyder, Jack F. Soldin, Harold Soles, Wallace Frank Solomon, Paul D. Soltesz, John Solz, Dorothy Esmerelda South, Iona Elizabeth Spalinski, Mary Lucy Stanziale, Elizabeth C. Stanzione, Madeline Josephine Staulcup, Janet Scudder Stawiszynski, Loretta Edna Stearle, William John Stec, William B. Stewart, Magnolia Pearl Stumpf, Betty Ann Suchocki, Frank Edward Sullivan, Daniel John Surtees, Louise Berkeley Sutcliffe, Robert Chandler Sutterlin, Mildred Ruth Swern, Jeanne Ruth Szekeres, Helen A. Szwast, Estelle Sofia Tams, Marie Evelyn Tashlik, Ida R. Tedeschi, Lillian Betty Terlecky, Olga Ann Terry, John Phares Thomann, Anthony Walter Thorn, David Horace Thorn, Lewis Keller, Jr. Timko, Stephen Albert Tindik, Anna Christina Titus, Helen May Toft, James Louis Tootleman, Harriet Reba Tootleman, Lillian Totten, Fred James Travers, John J. Treat, Pauline Estelle Trent, Ruth Elizabeth Troilo, Veturia Anne Turak, Henry Zigmunt Turner, James William Turner, Lillian Bertha Tuzzolo, Ella Mae Ulmer, Harrison Boyles Urban, Andrew Urken, Shirley Vargo, Alex Vaughn, Vera Ruth Vecere, Matilda Louise Verdel, John Anthony Vigh, Elizabeth Jane Viteritto, Salvatore Joe Voorhees, Foster Mahlon Voorhees, Helen Mae Wainer, Erwin I, Walker, Melvin Dee Wallace, Harry Simpson Walter, Richard Fred Warach, Gertrude Wargo, Robert Andrew Warwick, Mildred Elizabeth Washliskie, Jack Kenneth Watkinson, Nan Charlotte Watts, Robert Love Weber, Sylvia Weigel, Charles F. Weizer, Edward Carl Welsh, Madeline Elizabeth Weltmann, Peggy Jane Werenne, Alice Werts, Dorothy Marie Wessendorf, Wayne Franklin West, Helen Lee Westenburger, Erma Marie White, Edna Helen Whitehead, Patricia Whitley, John Raymond Whyte, Marion Elizabeth Weidemann, Victor Steve Wiggins, Jack Hunter Wilcox, Betty Wiley, Leroy Ashton Williams, Mary Cora Wilson, Frederick Donald Wilson, Ruth Elizabeth Winner, Marie Ann Wishnevsky, Jerome Witthoefft, Doris Mae Wnuk, Dorothy Maria Wojciechowski, Thaddeus J. Woldanski, Dorothy Marie Wolf, Evelyn Frances Wolff, Arthur Harold Wolter, Anthony Charles Wood, Jack Walter Wooley, Lorraine Elizabeth Woolverton, Margaret Worstall, Ruth Anna Wouters, Spencer Brerton Wright, Betty Jane Wright, Gladys P. Wyckoff, Harry Nelson Wyks, Ruth Kathryn Yates, Betty Jemison Yates, Dorothy Yates, Oliver William Yazujian, Levon Dikran Yedlinsky, Josephine Yopp, Charles W. Young, Ernest Charles Younger, Alfonzo King Zarling, Beverly Irene Zazecki, Vera Irene Zbell, Emanuel Joseph Zefutie, Nanzo Joseph Zielinski, Victor Joseph Zoladz, Matthew Walter Zorn, Bruce Joseph Zura, Lillian Anne Zweig, Janet Aaronson, Edward Clinton (No Photo) Allen, Bella (No Photo) Aranoff, Harold (No Photo) Armstrong, David Andrew (No Photo) Bailey, Liberty Bond (No Photo) Beke, A. William (No Photo) Berta, James Emery (No Photo) Blake, Thomas Leo (No Photo) Blome, Warren (No Photo) Bonnani, Florence Josephine (No Photo) Boynton, Melville Stephen (No Photo) Braun, Wm. Carl (No Photo) Buckley, Ralph Albert (No Photo) Caldwell, James (No Photo) Caponey, Joseph Samuel (No Photo) Chianese, Carmen (No Photo) Chianese, Pasquale John (No Photo) Chinnick, Marian Ruth (No Photo) Clyburn, Ruth (No Photo) Coleman, Charles Irwin (No Photo) Constantine, Benedict Tony (No Photo) Cooper, Emanuel (No Photo) Cooper, Grover Clifton (No Photo) Cooper, June Lorraine (No Photo) Cooper, Nettie Louise (No Photo) Cope, Edward (No Photo) Deitz, Morton (No Photo) Delany, Florence I. (No Photo) DiBongrazio, William James (No Photo) DiCostanzo, Paul (No Photo) Dittrich, John George (No Photo) Dombroski, Frank (No Photo) Drake, Ann Virginia (No Photo) Earling, Marie (No Photo) Elmer, Bernice (No Photo) Ely, Helen Augusta (No Photo) Erick, Charles Edman (No Photo) Evans, Oliver (No Photo) Fagella, Sam J. (No Photo) Feasel, Annabel Elizabeth (No Photo) Feole, Domenic (No Photo) Fiorentino, Angelo Don (No Photo) Fish, Thomas Greer (No Photo) Forcina, Victor John (No Photo) Fox, Richard M. (No Photo) Frallicardi, Alfred Anthony (No Photo) Fuccello, Mark (No Photo) Fuccello, Michael Thomas (No Photo) Gallagher, Andrew Thomas (No Photo) Gars, Leon (No Photo) Goleniecki, John Vincent (No Photo) Harris, James Irving (No Photo) Hartman, Harry (No Photo) Hartonczyk, Michael Joseph (No Photo) Hartz, Theresa Kathryn (No Photo) Hegedus, William Ronald (No Photo) Hoagland, Paul Newell (No Photo) Holden, Theresa Dorothy (No Photo) Holsneck, Dorothy (No Photo) Houck, Paul Roger (No Photo) Ikalewics, Ernest (No Photo) Jones, James Leslie (No Photo) Kaczarowski, Julius Anthony (No Photo) Karaffa, Nicholas Thomas (No Photo) Kazior, John Jacob (No Photo) Kempf, John Philip (No Photo) Kinney, Donald Samuel (No Photo) Kish, A. Albert (No Photo) Kliwinski, Stephen George (No Photo) Kovacs, Ernest Edward (No Photo) Krasnansky, Joseph (No Photo) Lagana, Joseph Ernest (No Photo) Larrabee, Richard D. (No Photo) Lavine, Albert Marshall (No Photo) Lavine, Harry H. (No Photo) Lear, Eugene (No Photo) Lee, Marion Mae (No Photo) Leftwich, Mildred (No Photo) Lovatt, John Robert (No Photo) Ludwig, Marie Patricia (No Photo) Lutz, John Spencer (No Photo) Mario, Angeline Sally (No Photo) Mathews, Thomas Pearce (No Photo) McDowell, Thomas Paul (No Photo) McElhaney, Virginia Ruth (No Photo) Michael, Richard Charles (No Photo) Migliacci, Jerome (No Photo) Mikula, Andrew John (No Photo) Millon, Leonard Francis (No Photo) Miller, Raymond (No Photo) Miloszar, Michael (No Photo) Moore, Ulysses (No Photo) Moreland, Ossie (No Photo) Mumola, Vito Lawrence (No Photo) Murphy, Gertrude (No Photo) Nastasio, Angelo Michael (No Photo) Nevius, David (No Photo) Olinsky, Benjamin Charles (No Photo) Onorfri, James Bernard (No Photo) Page, Charles A. (No Photo) Patterson, Janet (No Photo) Peltin, Norma Barbara (No Photo) Pfitzinger, Harry A. (No Photo) Phillips, Howard (No Photo) Pidcock, John Welling (No Photo) Przewoznik, Alex Thomas (No Photo) Pullen, Catherine Homes (No Photo) Raub, Robert Clarence (No Photo) Read, Evelyn Miriam (No Photo) Redd, Howard Vincent (No Photo) Roberts, Thomas Jefferson (No Photo) Rodgers, M. Eileen (No Photo) Rosenstein, George Arthur (No Photo) Ryan, Alice Louise (No Photo) Salvatore, Vincent (No Photo) Scanlan, Marcella (No Photo) Seker, Elmer (No Photo) Sanko, Peter (No Photo) Shackleford, Margaret Louise (No Photo) Smith, Glenna Mary (No Photo) Smith, H. Blair (No Photo) Stevenson, Horace Norton (No Photo) Stewart, Willie Mae (No Photo) Stocewicz, Victor Anthony (No Photo) Sullivan, Thomas Joseph (No Photo) Szivos, Louis James (No Photo) Thomas, Edwin Robert (No Photo) Thompson, Frank, Jr. (No Photo) Tobic, George Edward (No Photo) Toft, John (No Photo) Toleno, Dominic James (No Photo) Van Camp, Donald Hattersley (No Photo) Vaughan, Carl Harry (No Photo) Vrancik, Andrew Michael (No Photo) Ward, Clarence William (No Photo) White, Cecelia Helen (No Photo) Wieczkowski, Edward Stanley (No Photo) Williams, Leonard Jesse (No Photo) William, Phoebe Carter (No Photo) Wojcik, Alexis John (No Photo) Wood, William Lewis (No Photo) Wright, Earle Alexander (No Photo) Yatskowitz, Abe (No Photo) Yuhas, John Elmer (No Photo) Zacowski, Frank Joe (No Photo) Zagnit, Coleman Nathan (No Photo) Zagury, Ordwin (No Photo) Zarrilli, Robert Vincent (No Photo) |
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