1931 Bobashela There were 472 members of the 1931 graduating class of (This listing is not strictly alphabetical. It's as the names appear in the yearbook. Some names at the end of the list are for students whose photos did not appear in the yearbook.) |
Abramovitz, Gertrude Abrams, William Acolia, Marie R. Adams, Dorothy Adams, Elizabeth Agabiti, Ida Aldridge, Fred R. Alito, Samuel Amodio, Mildred Angleico, Katinela Antheil, Henry Bailey, Robert Baldwin, Eleanor Balog, George Bamford, Jean Bannon, Mary Barata, Ellen Bash, Ivan Baytel, Louis Bentley, Dorothy Bentley, Harry Berkovitz, Abraham Bernhard, Lawrence Berrien Carrie Bilinski, Olga Binder, Helen Bisbing, Edna Blank, Noah Bleeck, Emanuel Boan, Beatrice Bond, Betty Breitenbach, Ethel Brill, Richard Briner, Helen Brommer, Oliver Brook, Robert Brown, Jasper Bruere, Juliet Burdette, Margaretta Burger, William Byer, Lillian Cahill, Helene Cairo, Antoinette Carlucci, Mildred Carpenter, Elwood Case, Elizabeth Cataldi, Rina Chadwick, Elsie Chamberlin, Charles Chesnolovic, Anna Ciccolella, Angelo Ciricolo, Mathew Claus, Jane Clunan, Ambrose Cohen, Carolyn Cohn, Sylvia Combs, Fred Commini, Loretta Compton, Marion Conn, Mary Conte, Teresa Cook, Alma Cooper, Robert Cordner, Lynn Coryell, Charlotte Cox, George “Cap” Cox, George “Coxey” Critchlow, Howard Crosley, Dorothy Czechut, Anne Dalrymple, Marion Daniels, Roland Darrah, Richard Davidson, Betty Deily, Mary De Vito, Catherine Diblin, Marion Dickson, Harry Didonato, Ralph Dill, Charles Ditmars, Harry Domin, Florence Donley, Frances Downs, Mina Drabb, Laura Druskin, Pearl Edwards, Isabel Eisenbach, Charles Ellis, Stanley Elyea, Frank Emley, Helen Englander, Florence Englander, Ruth Everingham, Charlotte Farkas, Anthony Farkas, John Fass, Helen Fesko, Emma Finkle, Marcia Fisher, Horace L. Forbes, Dorothy Fowell, Florence Fradusco, Dorothy Forallicciardi, Henry Furman, Louise Gafgen, Bernice Garb, Robert Gardner, Lillian Geltch, Wayne Germershausen, Lida Giallela, Elizabeth Giordano, Ralph Golden, Carolyn Gore, Isabel Grad, Beatrice Graf, Clifford L. Gray, James Greenberg, David Griscom, George Guhl, Elsa Guhl, Olga Haas, Howard Hager, William Haines, Howard Haje, Stephen Hall, Mary Hancock, Edna Hansbury, Nelson Harbourt, Anna Harkness, Janet Hartmann, Ruth Heath, Dartha Hebner, Jeanne Henry, William Herrick, Walter Herring, Calvin Higgins, Emma Hill, Elizabeth Hillman, Leonard Hipfel, Marie Hirsch, Mollie Hitchcock, Inez Hogan, Charles Homa, Ella Hoppock, Ira Hreha, Andrew Humphrey, Lillian Hunt, John Hustak, Frances Irwin, Donald James, Philip Jennings, Adelbert Johnson, Gertrude Kane, Hope Kaplan, Mark Kasman, Esther Kasser, Jeanette Katz, Milton Kawka, Anna Kawka, Mary Kelvy, Pearl Kerlin, Avis Kerr, Bessie Kessler, John Ketterer, Virginia Keyser, William King, George Kirkman, Mildred Kirkpatrick, Jessica B. Kite, Edward Klein, Edith Klein, Hetty Klempner, William Koch, Lawrence Konover, Donald Kovacs, Erwin Kramer, Theodore Krever, Sophie Krueger, Charles Kunca, Clare Kupersmit, Louis Kurtz, Helen Kutarski, Cecilia Lanahan, J. Rogers Landolt, Joseph Lanning, Mildred Lantell, Marjorie Lavan, Stephen Lavine, Samuel Lavinson, Sherman Leary, John Lehman, Evelyn Lehnert, William Lenius, Lillian Leon, Domenick Levie, Morris Levine, Benjamin Levine, Frances Levy, Celia Lewis, Charles Ley, Helen Lightcap, Beatrice Linowitz, Sol Lipman, Rena Lipshutz, Miriam Littman, Julius Long, Grace A. MacDonald, Mary Maisto, Mary Mallowitz, Pauline Mancuso, Louise Marks, Meyer Marshall, Milton Martindell, Lillian Martorana, James Marval, Edna Mason, Ralph Masson, Murray Maternick, Joseph Mather, Doris T. Mather, Evelyne Mathews, Stanley Matthieson, Paul McCann, Betty McCarthy, Betty McDade, Alice McHugh, John McIllvaine, Joseph McIlwain, Janet J. McIntire, Helen Medice, Grace Mendrey, Helen Merovich, Frank Metzger, Charles Mickschutz, Peter Middleton, Sarah Midura, Felicia Miklos, Madelyn Mills, Eleanor Minschweaner, Thelma Mirkin, Stanford Moldovan, Carl Moore, Wm. A. Morgan, Verona E. Moses, Harold Muhs, Frederick Mulheron, Dora Musick, Milton Nabutovsky, Beatrice Nagel, Blanche Nangle, Clifford Napoleon, Emma Nightingale, Dorothy Nish, Ida Notarian, Rose Odorczyk, Josephine M. O'Hara, Annamae Olin, Bert Oswald, F. Eugene O'Toole, Margaret Pacera, Anthony Paller, Emma Pandak, Helen Y. Parishy, Pearl Parker, Gertrude Parker, Ida Parker, Morton Parrish, Orville Payran, Helen Peeck, William Penrose, Rhoda Perrine, Eleanor Persickettie, Louis Petito, Frank Petrino, Rose Petty, H. Marie Pharo, Charles Piper, Albert Pivak, Teresa Plantier, Virginia Platt, Naomi Poinsett, Arleen Pope, Margaret Porter, Aileen Pullen, Sterling Pushman, Julia Putzan, Stephan Rago, Concetta Randelman, Evelyn Ranieri, Albert Rathauser, Frank Rebecca, Dominic Rebecca, Gino Reeder, Praul Reedhead, Fred Reid, David Reid, Parker Rejnis, Celia Rence, Dorothy Rendo, William Rich, James Rickey, Eugene W. Ridolfi, Sido Rita, Leatrice Rita, Mamie Robbins, Bessie Roberts, Beatrice Roberts, George Rose, William George Jr. Rosenberg, Henry Rosenthal, Lillian Sagedy, Alexander Saxe, Richard Scarborough, Thelma Schaible, Harold C. Schantz, Emily Schmidt, Frederick Schneider, Elizabeth Seaman, Matilda Sebo, Doris Seddon, Geraldine Sellers, Florence Shaffer, Ruth H. Shapiro, Thomas H. Shuster, Landreth E. Sickels, Laura Sine, Audrey Sisto, Margaret Skelton, Alfred Skelton, Alice Skelton, John Skirm, George W. Skokos, Dorothy Slover, Charles Smith, Alvina Smith, Helen Smith, Jane Smith, Margaret C. Smith, Marjorie Smith, Myrtle Snyder, Mary Solliday, Calvin Sommerfeld, Emma Spiegel, Sidney J. Stallings, Maude Stanziale, Helen Starr, Ann Steffen, Florence Stein, Lillian Steingrob, Fannie Stephan, George Stern, Max Stevenson, Flora Stiefbold, Kathryn Stiles, Edith Stinson, Gertrude Stout, Leslie Stratton, Anne C. Strong, Norman Sutton, Horace Szoha, Margaret E. Tankel, Ethyle Tashlik, Jacob Teich, Arthur Thomas, Helen Thropp, William Titsworth, Elizabeth Traver, Margaret Treptow, Bertha Tuccillo, Clara Turner, Madlyn J. Vaccaro, James Valenti, T. Angelica Valentine, George Van Buskirk, John Vanderveer, Mary Van Harler, Julia Van Harler, Rosa Vanselous, Marjorie Varga, Margaret Vernon, Elizabeth Volstead, Ruth Voorhees, Frances Vrabel, Peg Walker, Grace Walsh, Mildred Walsh, Robert Warren, Minnie Weibel, Luther Weigand, Donald Weis, Herman Welsh, Frances West, Ruth Westenburger, Alice White, Mary Whitsell, Sarah Windham, Lillian Witthoefft, Edward Wolcott, Eleanor Yoder, Alberta Zaccone, Joseph Zarrilli, Elvera Zawadzka, Irene Zelley, Ralph Zetler, Hermann Ziegler, Dorothy Silver, Abraham Allen, Edwood [No Photo] Almond, John [No Photo] Balbresky, Leon [No Photo] Barcalow, Allen [No Photo] Bloking, Ervin [No Photo] Bogus, John [No Photo] Brunion, Cyrus [No Photo] Butts, Adelaide [No Photo] Cohen, Leon [No Photo] Danehower, Doris [No Photo] Davis, John [No Photo] Derbyshire, Ruth [No Photo] De Guiseppe, Anthony [No Photo] Dilts, Lloyd [No Photo] Dobinson, Geoge [No Photo] Felton, Lawrence [No Photo] Ford, William [No Photo] Friedman, Helene M. [No Photo] Freedman, Morris M. [No Photo] George, William [No Photo] Groobman, Arnold [No Photo] Heck, Robert [No Photo] Inman, Charles [No Photo] Jacobs, William [No Photo] Jarzyk, Anne [No Photo] Jammer, Anne [No Photo] Jonnakin, Anna [No Photo] Joyner, Lalor [No Photo] Kearton, Gertrude [No Photo] Knighten, William [No Photo] Kravitz, Sidney [No Photo] Laden, Harry [No Photo] Lavine, Bessie [No Photo] Lloyd, Evelyn [No Photo] Mahaney, James [No Photo] Malewitz, Harry [No Photo] Manziano, Anna [No Photo] Matuze, Wm. [No Photo] Mirando, Angelo [No Photo] Moore, Robert [No Photo] Moriarty, Muriel [No Photo] Naylor, Lewis [No Photo] Penrose, Frank [No Photo] Pizzullo, Thomas [No Photo] Pyle, Emmett [No Photo] Queen, Robert [No Photo] Robbins, Dayton [No Photo] Robbins, Schnyler [No Photo] Roberts, Kenneth [No Photo] Sarapan, Nathan [No Photo] Satterthwaite, Ben [No Photo] Schmuder, Elizabeth [No Photo] Sisti, Elizabeth [No Photo] Skilton, Harry [No Photo] Strong, Norman [No Photo] Stout, Leslie [No Photo] Struble, John [No Photo] Sullivan, Richard [No Photo] Suozzi, J. Edmund [No Photo] Taylor, Margaret [No Photo] Territo, Anthony [No Photo] Valys, Joseph [No Photo] Wood, Harold [No Photo] Yaeger, Alfred [No Photo] Young, Norma [No Photo] |
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