Victory Parade

1930 Bobashela

There were 537 members of the 1930 graduating class of Trenton Central High School.

(This listing is not strictly alphabetical.  It's as the names appear in the yearbook.  Some names at the end of the list are for students whose photos did not appear in the yearbook.)


Abel, Ion

Abel, Mary E.

Abramson, Louis R.

Ahr, Charles P.

Aichile, Herbert

Aker, Dorothy E.

Albert, Donald

Albert, Edith

Albert, Don Eli

Albert, Perry

Alberti, Elsa

Alexander, Dorothy E.

Allen, Verna

Alpaugh, Marjorie

Ansell, Ivy

Apoldite, James

Applegate, Mildred

Applestein, Esther

Archer, Harvey

Archinal, C. W.

Aroniss, Isadore

Aronson, Henry

Ashmen, Helen

Ashmore, Dorothy

Austin, Oliver

Backes, Murray

Bahr, Taubelle

Bailey, Mary Jane

Bainbridge, Arthur

Bainbridge, Florence

Barker, James

Barlow, Lucille A.

Barlow, Marion E.

Bartlett, Helen

Bates, Ethel

Bates, Mildred

Bellis, Pearl

Belza, Joseph

Bentz, Viola R.

Berkelhammer, Albert

Bernasco, William

Bernstein, Abe

Bernstein, Arthur

Berkman, Thaniel

Berrien, Nina

Biddulph, Elizabeth

Billak, Anthony

Billingham, Avis J.

Billings, Lillian

Bisbing, Eleanor

Birum, Dorothy

Blaskovitz, Helen

Blatchley, Elmer

Bleazey, Hilda B.

Bloor, Leila

Boaz, Sara Mae

Bonin, Meyer

Bonnett, Laurence

Borden, Josephine

Bowers, Bette

Bowers, George

Bowers, Gretchen

Boyd, Helen

Bradshaw, Phyllis

Bradbury, Anne

Brandes, Ruth G.

Brenner, Amelia

Brodner, Irene

Brogley, Ethel

Brown, Gertrude

Brown, Madolyn

Buga, Karl

Burkett, Theresa Mae

Burkhardt, Ethel

Burroughs, Edward R.

Burt, Lillian

Burton, William

Bushnell, Lucille

Butterer, Albert

Byer, Joseph

Byer, Philip

Cadman, Ena

Calabrese, Angelo

Carhart, Robert

Carmenelli, Peter

Carroll, Helen

Carroll, William M.

Carozza, Mary R.

Carter, Anna

Carter, Mary Ellen

Cartlidge, James

Cartlidge, James W.

Caswell, Horace

Cappcello, William

Cella, Frank

Chamberlain, Dorothy M.

Charnofsky, Beatrice

Chianese, Anna T.

Christiff, Harold

Chambers, Carleton

Christian, Jack

Christian, Joseph

Ciccolella, Erasmo

Clark, Ellen W.

Clark, Frank H.

Cohen, Harold

Cohen, Leon

Cohen, Martin

Commini, Frank

Cook, Owen

Cooper, Sol

Copping, Kathryn

Corrigan, Rita

Courtney, William

Crawford, Margaret

Criscuolo, Walton

Cuttrie, Dominic

Dallas, Spencer

Danch, John L.

Dayman, Ruth

Dean, Louisa Henrietta

DeAngelo, Stephen

De Flesco, Peter

Denemark, Evelyn

Diener, Mary M.

Diener, Mildred

DiDonato, Ralph

Dingman, Gladys

Dobinson, Marion

Donini, Leontine

Drabb, George

Drake, Ruth

Drugan, Alice

Druskin, Ben

Dube, Beatrice R.

Dunham, Mildred Elizabeth

Durand, Martha C.

Earlin, Wilma

Eckstein, David

Edwards, Frances R.

Eisenshtat, Israel

Elkins, John

Engelhart, Emma

English, Frederick

English, Harrison

English, Jack

Epstein, Abraham

Erb, Helen

Erlitz, Fred

Etchells, Widmer

Fales, Elizabeth

Farman, Anne M.

Fay, Eleanor

Felton, Laurence

Fenn, Elizabeth

Fenton, June

Finkle, Albert

Finkle, Edna

Finkel, Elaine

Fishler, Ruth

Flesher, Anna

Fleischer, Arthur

Fletcher, Robert W.

Forcina, Julia

Ford, Beatrice

Ford, Ethel N.

Forrest, Frederic L.

Fox, Evelyn

Frankel, Esther

Freudenmacher, Margaret F.

Fulton, Marion

Furda, Mary

Gansl, Samuel

Gantiosa, Peter

Garifal, George

Garrison, Evelyn

Garrison, Betty

Gee, William

Geltch, Eleanor

Gerber, Betty

Gerofsky, Leona

Geyer, Doris

Gherisa, Rita L.

Gill, Janet

Gill, Newell

Girard, Vivian

Girth, Harold B.

Glaser, Bernard

Goetz, Dorothy A.

Goldenbaum, William

Goldston, Alvin O.

Grafton, Richard W.

Grammer, Ronald

Gravatt, Kenneth

Gray, Thomas

Graziano, Anthony

Green, Nelson

Green, H. Spencer

Greene, Charlotte

Grieco, John

Greenidge, Vivian

Gross, Martin A.

Gross, Ruth

Gronikowski, Helen M.

Grove, Robert

Grover, Alma

Gucci, Mary

Guild, Maybel

Gulick, Virginia

Gulden, Elizabeth

Gutowski, Francis

Habas, Harriet

Haley, Frank

Haley, Joseph

Hansen, Eleanor

Harper, Jesse

Hassall, James B.

Hassall, Florence E.

Haynes, Maron B.

Heath, Betty

Heenan, Elizabeth

Henry, Edward A.

Henderson, Coledia

Henderson, Edna L.

Heuck, Thelma

Hickman, Frank

Higham, John

Hill, Ruth

Hillman, Elmer

Hilton, Marie

Hinterburg, Mary E.

Hoenig, Harold H.

Holcomb, Virginia

Holden, Laura

Holder, Charles

Holmes, Bolton

Holpp, Norman

Holt, Elba

Holt, Francis

Housel, Bertha

Hunut, Rhodajane

Hudopka, Anna

Hunt, Elinor

Hunt, Mandaville

Hutchins, Harry

Hunter, Kathryn

Jarzyk, Mary

Jauss, Lillian

Jefferies, Imogene

Jeanette, Agnes

Jenkins, Jack

Jewell, Mary

Johnson, Charles

Jones, Florence

Kafes, Katherine

Kale, Harriet

Kaminski, Alice

Kantor, Hattie

Katz, Henry

Kelley, Dorothy

Kenny, Leo

Ketaner, George

Kinczel, John A.

Kipperman, Mary

Kitchin, Charlotte

Klein, Charlotte

Kleinkauf, Harry

Kline, Joseph

Kolb, Delima

Kolman, Lester

Kohn, Bernard

Kramar, Jean

Kraus, Albert

Krosnick, Harry

Kruger, Dorothy M.

Kuehner, Elsa L.

Kushel, Harold

Kuslovitz, Harold

Labate, Richard

Lacey, Ethel

Laden, Harry

La Ferrara, Paschal

La Guardia, Irene

Larzelere, Jean

Lampart, Evelyn

Lavine, Joseph

Lawshe, Esther

Lear, Metta

Lee, Dorothy

Lee, Isabella

Lenox, Isabel

Leon, Splendora

Levy, Irvin

Lindley, Eleanor

Lischer, Dorothy

Long, Mary

Losey, Margaret

Lucas, Lillian

Luke, Verna M.

Lukens, Theresa

Lund, Raymond E.

Lyons, Margaret A.

Mackensen, William J.

Malone, Chinell

Malone, Margaret

Mancuso, Leonard

Mann, Jewell Rosalie

Manukas, George

Marshall, Erwin

Martorano, Anthony

Maskery, William

McClure, Ann

McDade., Kathryn

McNab, Janet Duncan

McNiece, Louise

McParland, Janet

McCoy, Dorothy

Mennute, M. Antoniette

Meserall, Evelyn

Metzger, Russell

Meyer, Donald

Middagh, Janet

Migliacci, Nicholas

Miller, Elizabeth

Miller, Gerald

Miller, Morris

Miller, Margaret

Mintz, Rose

Mintz, Samuel

Miskell, Dorothy

Mitchell, Donald

Minutoli, Cosimo

Mongon, Betty

Morgan, Alma

Moriarty, Muriel

Morrison, Ruth

Most, William Russel H.

Mulholland, Ruth

Murray, Earl

Mutchler, Charles

Myatt, Mildred

Nagy, Ernest

Newhart, Edward H.

Nile, Laura

Nugent, Howard

O'Hara, Elsie

Okean, Celia

O'Neile, Francis

Opdyke, Virginia

Opsuth, Helen C.

Opsuth, Mary

Packer, Marion

Pagliaro, Ribello

Pancoast, John

Pandak, William

Parker, Marjorie

Parker, William C.

Paternoster, Joseph

Pege, Dora M.

Peltin, Bernard

Pershing, Bernice

Pette, Elalee

Phelps, Lester

Plummer, Marie

Pohl, Burnetta

Pollard, Richard

Pollak, Sadie

Pollick, Isadore

Popkin, Miriam

Potts, Dorothy

Poinsett, Carl

Quick, Marion

Raschke, Charles

Rathbone, Doris

Read, William

Rendo, Victoria

Rich, Miriam

Richardson, Elva

Richardson, Jean

Richmond, Thelma

Riegen, Marion

Roberts, Florence

Robinson, Edythe

Rolnick, Meyer

Rolnick, Sara

Rodinelli, Ross

Rosen, Freda

Rosenberg, David

Rossi, Silvio

Roth, Clara

Roth, Evelyn

Rubino, Angelina R.

Ruopp, Evelyn C.

Russo, Josephine

Rutter, Elwood

Ryan, Ida

Ryan, Margaret E.

Rymkiewicz, Helen

Schaaf, John

Schab, Fred K.

Scheich, Katherine

Schofield, Phil

Schubert, Vladimir

Schultz, Anna E.

Schultz, Florence Marie

Schulz, Dorothy

Schulz, Paul W.

Schweder, Gladys E.

Segal, Samuel

Segal, Sol

Segal, Solomon

Seidenglanz, Anastazia

Sharlin, Morris

Sharpe, Winifred

Shopp, Gertrude

Singer, Sylvia

Sirak, George E.

Sisti, Elizabeth

Smith, Constantine

Smith, Elizabeth

Smith, Sophia

Skelton, Alfred

Spector, Emmanuel

Stein, Beatrice R.

Standefer, Alma

Stanziale, Marco

Stark, Charles

Stearn, Dorothy Esther

Stephan, Florence G.

Stern, Lillian

Stratton, Gladys M.

Strausfogel, Jack

Straway, Lillian

Struble, John

Stott, Elbert

Suozzi, Edmund

Sutton, Evelyn

Swain, Dean

Snedeker, Carl

Tams, James W.

Taylor, Florence

Thompson, Samuel

Thomson, Elizabeth

Topley, Elinor

Trotto, Helen

Trout, Richard

Territo, John

Van Buskirk, Seldon

Vanderveer, Dorothy

Van Zant, Dorothy

Van Norman, Raymond

Varchetto, Catherine

Vliet, Claire

Volpe, Mario

Wacks, Dorothy E.

Waln, Morris S.

Warren, George

Warren, Mae

Watson, Mary E.

Weasner, Grace

Weber, Charlotte

Weber, Eleanor

Wehner, Eleanor

Weier, Anna

Weinberg, Bessie W.

Weinroth, Abe

Wendel, Paul

West, Doris Tye

Whitehouse, Edward

Whittaker, Lillie

Whittaker, Linnet

Wildblood, Harold

Williams, Mildred E.

Williams, Mildred G.

Wilson, Helen E.

Winder, Ruth

Wineberg, Rena

Wineberg, Ruth

Wineberg, Sylvia

Winkler, Clara

Wolf, Lawton

Woodward, Adele

Worthley, Ruth

Wylie, Elizabeth

Wolff, Esther

Yard, Elizabeth

Yard, Mabel A.

Ziesel, Mary

Zullo, Florence

Bebitch, Jacob

Abromovitz, Ruth [No Photo]

Acquaviva, James [No Photo]

Acquaviva, Rocco [No Photo]

Allen, Elwood [No Photo]

Asay, Charles [No Photo]

Ball, Robert [No Photo]

Barber, James [No Photo]

Bellisfield, Edwin [No Photo]

Boulden, Jack [No Photo]

Brunini, Cyrus [No Photo]

Christopher, Evelyn [No Photo]

Conte, Teresa [No Photo]

Decker, Margaret [No Photo]

Forrester, Dorothy [No Photo]

Frallicciardi, Henry [No Photo]

Francis, Edith [No Photo]

Gass, Alexander [No Photo]

Germershausen, Lida [No Photo]

Gordon, Saca [No Photo]

Guhl, Mildred [No Photo]

Harrison, Elizabeth [No Photo]

Hughes, Martin [No Photo]

Kearton, Gertrude [No Photo]

Lexer, Pauline [No Photo]

Lombardo, Nicholena [No Photo]

Manziano, Mary M. [No Photo]

Matthews, Stanley [No Photo]

Melle, Margaret [No Photo]

Messec, Olin [No Photo]

Mulheron, James H. [No Photo]

Neary, Leo [No Photo]

Parsons, William [No Photo]

Pearl, Cornell [No Photo]

Penrose, Frank [No Photo]

Pharo, Charles [No Photo]

Rossi, Orlando [No Photo]

Rutenberg, Gertrude [No Photo]

Schuck, John [No Photo]

Slover, Charles E. [No Photo]

Stelle, Victor [No Photo]

Stemhagen, Norman [No Photo]

Tonzone, Petey [No Photo]

Van Buskirk, John [No Photo]

Valenti, Angelica [No Photo]

Warren, Theodore [No Photo]

Williams, Lloyd [No Photo]

Zielinski, Stephen [No Photo]

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