1924 Bobashela
There were 266 members of the 1924 graduating class of Trenton
Cental High School:
Abrams, Benjamin
Acquaviva, Lucy
Adams, Dorothy
Adler, Charlotte M.
Albert, Sydney
Allen, Blanche
Allen, Mildred
Applestein, Morris
Aronson, William
Attwood, Viola
Babulya, Irene
Backes, Dorothy M.
Bahr, William
Barber, Ethel
Barrick, Laura
Bartlett, Esther May
Bechter, Margaret
Beck, Sydney
Bennett, Adelaide
Berkelhammer, Albert
Bernstein, Goldye G.
Bernstein, Louis
Berry, Alva
Berstein, Estelle B.
Black, Allyce G.
Blackwell, Herbert
Bodenwieser, Walter A.
Bogdan, John P.
Bole, William
Bond, Essie Gilbert
Bousenberry, Ada
Boyd, Robert J.
Bradbury, Chas. M.
Bradbury, Warren
Braithwaite, Dorothy
Brammer, Edith
Brink, Maurice W.
Brokaw, Dorothy
Brown, Evelyn
Browning, Ruth
Burroughs, Paul
Burton, Morris
Caminade, Helen M.
Campbell, Beatrice F.
Carnival, William A.
Carpenter, A. Miriam
Cella, Charles
Chamberlain, Alfred P.
Chamberlin, Noel
Chesner, William A.
Clayton, Raymond
Clowney, Corilla A.
Cohen, Harris
Cohen, William
Cole, Anna B.
Cole, John W.
Coleman, Elmer
Collison, Alfred B.
Conover, John
Cubberly, Evelyn
Cubberly, Frank
D’Aquili, Helen
D’Aquili, Louise
Delahanty, James E.
Devlin, Martin P. jr. [Photo missing]
D’Gianni, Nicholas H.
Diblin, George J.
Diehl, Charles W. jr.
Dimun, John
Dwier, Sarah
Eames, Donald
Ekings, John Douglas
Elder, Robert D. III
Ely, Lois C.
Engel, Edwin W. [Photo missing]
Epstein, Anna
Fallow, Florence E.
Farlee, Mildred
Farley, Marie
Farley, Ruth E.
Faussett, T. Hudson
Ferguson, Ildafontz
Ferretti, Joseph A.
Fiestal, Edgar
Findler, Sarah
Fischer, Edward
Fitzgeorge, Helen G.
Fletcher, Madolin B.
Fosbrooke, May
Fromkin, Ida
Fuhrmann, George F.
Funk, Marion G.
Gilmore, Elmer
Gladstone, Evelyn
Glick, Bertha
Goeller, George
Goldstein, Benjamin
Gontar, John
Goodwin, Lavinia
Gordon, Phillip J.
Gray, Doris
Habas, Alfred
Harbourt, Harrison
Hargett, Lottie Lu
Hartman, Albert
Hartman, Ruth E.
Hauske, Edna
Haveson, Percy
Higham, Joseph
Hirschon, Sadie
Hixson, Mary
Hochman, Joseph
Horton, Karl W.
Hoyer, Mary M.
Huley, Anna
Irons, Lester A.
Jaffe, Rose
Jamison, Gladys M.
Jelenek, Anna
Jemison, Leroy
Johnes, Alfred W.
Johnson, Hester
Johnson, Leonard
Johnson, Richard C.
Johnston, Howard W.
Karlberg, John
Kater, Helen
Keller, Michael jr.
Kenyon, Charles W.
Ketterer, Fred A. E.
Kirkland, James
Kline, Paul R.
Konvitz, Milton
Koslow, Rose
Kovacs, John
Krumacher, Ella
Lanza, Aurora
Lapin, Louis
Lavine, Nathan
Lavine, Benjamin
Lavinthal, Alice R.
Lawton, Ellen
Leahy, Edward L.
Lear, Samuel
Lee, Eleanor
Leisch, James
Leitner, Frank
Lewis, Rose
Longstreet, Mae
Losey, Robert M.
Lutz, Thelma
Mahaney, George T.
Mallowitz, Ruth
Marshall, Catherine A.
Martenette, Margaret I.
Mazarri, Louis
McCann, John A.
McElmoyl, Lillian A.
McHenry, Donald E. jr.
Meagher, Joseph F.
Milbach, Lena
Millman, William B.
Millner, Lillian Ruth
Mongon, William
Moore, Marcella B.
Morris, Anna M.
Moskovitz, Leona
Mulhern, Nellie E.
Murphy, Isabelle
Myers, Beatrice E.
Neary, Robert C.
Nickerson, Frank A.
Nicklin, C. Howard
Noisky, Ludmilla M.
Oxley, Aida M.
Paine, Frank
Parsons, Muriel
Paul, Mable
Peartree, Armand J.
Pelletieri, George
Perlman, Dorothy
Perlstein, Sadie E.
Person, Leonie
Pernazza, Ezia
Phillips, Charles
Pipple, Anna
Quaikenboss, Anna
Radice, Mary C.
Rebman, Charles
Reeger, Fred C.
Reuter, Helen
Rich, Margaret
Richardson, Margaret H.
Richmond, Charlotte A.
Riegel, Leroy
Ritter, Sarah
Robinson, Elma A.
Rogers, Charles
Rosenthal, Maurice
Ryan, Mary
Salt, William
Sampson, George V.
Sandhoff, Beatrice
Sarich, Anthony
Schildkraut, Nathan N.
Seidner, Jacob J.
Seitz, Elizabeth
Shea, Elizabeth L.
Shook, Judith C.
Siegel, Hyman J.
Sipler, Almira
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, F. Spencer
Smith, Fred
Smith, Ivan B.
Smith, Reba L.
Smulian, Nathan
Sneath, Samuel
Snyder, Nicholas H.
Sommers, George N. I. jr.
Spector, Harold W.
Sperling, Murray
Stein, Elizabeth
Stephan, John Henry
Stillman, Dorothy S.
Stout, Ethel E.
Strong, Helen E.
Sutphin, Susanne H.
Sutterlin, William K.
Swem, Ralph
Szira, Helen
Tilton, Lester G.
Townsend, Carroll S.
Trossbach, Julius
Tucker, Carroll M.
Tuozzolo, Margaret
Ullrich, Annette J.
Urken, Sara
Van Buskirk, Ruth H.
Van Fleet, Leona
Van Horn, Dorothy
Van Martin, Emma
Van Noy, Wilber
Van Sant, John E.
Vanderhoff, Jeanette
Vaughn, Clifford
Vaux, Lair
Vaughn, Raymond
Vlaszac, Mary C.
Vine, Lillian Ruth
Walker, Ethel Jean
Walz, Marie
Warman, Leah R.
Waters, Marion E.
Whelan, Marie L.
Whormby, Clavelle
Winder, Dorothy Emily
Wishnevsky, Gus
Witte, Margaret
Wittekind, Louis
Wright, Dorthy
Wright, Elmer
Young, Ethel
Zapp, Verna
Zelenak, A.
Zeller, Pearl J.
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