and Religious Institutions
I. Foreword
The editor responsible for the
religious section included in this history has sought the cooperation
of the men he deemed best qualified to prepare an historical sketch
of the respective communions. While he has exercised editorial
supervision over the manuscripts solicited by and submitted to
him and gone carefully over them with the writers, and in some
instances suggested additions and modifications, the history as
prepared by the various writers who have generously given their
assistance remains substantially as they have written it.
In the case of bodies where none
was found who would undertake the task, the editor himself has
done the work with such information as he could glean from reliable
sources and from interviews with qualified persons.
Appended in some instances to
the historical narratives of the various bodies will be found brief
biographical sketches of some outstanding figures in the religious
life of Trenton during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
The principles in accordance with which the selection of the names
is made are: (1) the relative length and value of their services
in the community; (2) their place in the public esteem; and (3)
their prominence in their respective ecclesiastical bodies. Doubtless
many more worthy names might have been added but the exigencies
of space required the strict limiting of the number.
Under the general
denominational title of each main body are listed the names of
the several church organizations belonging thereto in the order
of their permanent establishment. The space available does not
in most instances permit more than a brief reference to each of
these, with a mention of the names of those who were responsible
for their organization.
The beginnings of institutional
religious life in the territory now embraced within the City of
Trenton found their natural origin in the commendable desire of
the adherents of the various ecclesiastical bodies to establish
as soon as practical societies and churches for the benefit of
themselves and their co-religionists.
The following is the chronological
order and approximate date of the foundation of the main bodies
represented in Trenton today, but does not take account of earlier
informal services.
of Friends (Chesterfield Monthly Meeting) |
1684 |
(Church of England) |
1703 |
Presbyterians |
1712 |
Methodists |
1771 |
Baptists |
1805 |
Catholics |
1814 |
Lutherans |
1849 |
(Har Sinai) |
1860 |
After the middle of the nineteenth
century and more particularly after the beginning of the twentieth,
as the population of the town increased and especially as the high
tide of immigration from Europe set in, other bodies came into
existence, either as recognized branches of churches and societies
already established or as new organizations answering to the racial
and religious needs of the foreign people settling here. At present
there are about one hundred church organizations belonging to the
various ecclesiastical bodies, possessing each its own building
for worship. Besides these there are miscellaneous bodies either
with or without church buildings.
The following statistics were
furnished by representativesof the bodies here listed:
Roman Catholics |
19 Congregations |
48,990 |
Presbyterians |
13 " |
6,808 |
Methodists |
13 " |
4,836 |
Methodists, Colored |
5 " |
900 |
(estimated) |
Baptists |
11 " |
4,395 |
Baptists, Colored |
4 " |
1,500 |
(estimated) |
Lutherans |
10 " |
3,750 |
Episcopalians |
11 " |
3,335 |
Episcopalians, Colored |
1 " |
97 |
Society of Friends |
2 " |
340 |
Jews |
6 " |
6,000 |
(estimated) |
Unclassified |
7 " |
no figures |
The unclassified group includes
one congregation each of Christian Science, Unitarian and Evangelical,
besides one each of four different foreign-speaking peoples.
The Roman Catholics include in
their figures all units of family groups affiliated with the church,
infants as well as adults.
The Protestant bodies include
in their stated membership only those individuals whose names are
officially enrolled in the records of the congregation and do not
count infants or those who may be reckoned as adherents through
attendance at the services or by family association. The addition
of this class would probably more than double the number of those
who receive ministrations from these bodies.
There are twenty-four congregations
of foreign-speaking or bilingual peoples. Of these ten are Roman
Catholic with a total estimated membership of 30,635, besides one
Greek Catholic of extra-diocesan jurisdiction and thirteen of other
faiths. The Lutherans include four, the Baptists two, the Presbyterians
two and the Episcopalians one. Other congregations are a Magyar
Reformed, a Ukrainian Orthodox, a Greek Orthodox and a Polish National
Catholic outside the Roman obedience.
From time to time minor religious
bodies not connected with any of the existing church institutions
were formed, had a precarious life, and finally disappeared. Among
such was a Universalist society which was organized in 1843 and
continued for ten or twelve years. This society never erected a
building but held its services in the City Hall. Another society
of Adventists or Second Adventists known as "Messiah Church," being
a branch of a congregation in Morrisville, was established in 1863.
A small church was erected on Clay Street near Market and dedicated
in 1864. This building was sold in 1871 to the Evangelical Lutheran
Christ Church and subsequently destroyed by fire. The Messiah Congregation
in 1873 built a new church at Front and Montgomery Streets which
in turn was sold in 1902, to the Lutheran Church of the Saviour.
Reference is elsewhere made to
a Dutch Reformed Congregation which came into existence about 1840
and was dissolved some three years later. This congregation held
its services in the building on Front Street which subsequently
came into the possession of the Methodists who afterwards sold
it to the congregation of St. Francis' Roman Catholic Church by
whom it is occupied today.
NOTE: Since
these pages were in type, some recent changes in pastorates and
in the personnel of church officials may possibty have occurred which it was not
practical to rectify in the
historical sketches as they appear in this chapter. |
II. The Society of Fricnds - 1684
The initial formal religious activities in and about Trenton
were undertaken by members of the Society of Friends as early as
Sundry members of the Society
who had landed at Burlington in 1678 soon pushed on towards "Ye
ffalles of Ye De-la-Warr" to take up land in the neighborhood.
Scattered clumps of log houses sprang up quickly in the region
which centered loosely around Crosswicks and soon extended to the
mouth of the Assunpink Creek where Mahlon Stacy had settled and
built a grist mill in 1679. 1
1 See Chap. I "The Colonial Period " above.
It should be explained at the
outset that the Society of Friends in Trenton was from the beginning
affiliated with the Monthly Meeting which had its headquarters
at Crosswicks and was known as the "Chesterfield Meeting." This
was the center from which for many years radiated the Quaker influence
and activities operating in this section of New Jersey. The history
of the Chesterfield Meeting includes therefore that of the Trenton
Meeting which cannot property be isolated from it.
August 1684, temporal affairs were sufficiently advanced for the
Friends to meet together for worship at the home of Francis Davenport,
their spiritual leader, at Chesterfield, or Crosswicks as it is
now known, and to establish the Chesterfield Monthly Meeting of
Friends. The original minute book of this meeting, now preserved
among the records at the Trenton Meeting House, Hanover and Montgomery
Streets, contains a paean of praise to God for His blessings in
leading His people to a place where they could worship Him in peace
and after a fashion of their own. This declaration was probably
written by Francis Davenport and is signed by him and by John Wileford
and William Watson.
the occasion of this first meeting of Friends Davenport's house
was selected as a place of worship and for the transaction of the
business of the monthly meeting until otherwise ordered, the day
chosen being the first Thursday of each month. Births, burials,
and marriage bans were to be recorded at the monthly meeting.
is on record that Samuel Bunting and Mary Foulkes were the first
pair to signify their intention of marriage. Their bans were published
on September 9, 1684, and the marriage was solemnized according
to good order and the custom of Friends on September 18, following.
Witnesses at the Bunting wedding numbered most of the original
settlers. They were:
Thomas Foulkes, Sr. Robert
Murfin John
Thomas Foulkes, Jr. Peter
Fettwell Sarah
Job Bunting Thomas
Lambert Esther
Francis Davenport Samuel
Sykes Mary
Thomas Gilberthorpe John
Curtis Elizabeth
first direct evidence that a considerable settlement of Friends
existed at the Falls, or Trenton, appears in the action taken November
7, 1695, when the first death occurred among the colonists, that
of John Brown. This brought a decision by the Society to establish
burying grounds both at the Falls and at Chesterfield.
Lambert granted a portion of his estate at the Falls for this purpose.
The plot was used by Friends for a long period, finally becoming
a part of the present Riverview Cemetery. The trustees named to
accept Lambert’s gift were: William Emley, Thomas Lambert,
John Wileford, Joseph Wright, Mahlon Stacy, and Joseph Eby. All
of these are presumably to be included among Trenton's earliest
the same monthly meeting the settlers at the Falls were given permission
to establish a branch meeting for week-day worship each Thursday.
They were to meet in rotation at the homes of Mahlon Stacy,
Thomas Lambert, Samuel Sikes, and William Black.
there were non-Quaker settlers in the community at least as early
as 1686 is established by the fact that on April 4, 1686, Alice
Fulwood asked the monthly meeting to grant her permission to wed
a non-Quaker. This was reluctantly given and Mary Andrews and Sarah
Davenport were appointed to see that the Friends ceremony was used.
The wedding took place on May 1, 1686, but Alice was too staunch
in her upbringing to be comfortable, and on June 5 following she
confessed in Meeting to an uneasy conscience for her act.
June 5, 1686, John Lambert asked permission to wed Rebecca Clower,
daughter of John Clower of the Pennsylvania Falls Meeting, for
which permission was granted July 2.
July 1686 the Quakers organized their first local charity. A store
of corn at Stacy's Mill was provided under the administration of
John Wileford, for the assistance of Friends who had met with misfortune.
This action was determined by a fire which destroyed Robert Shelby's
home, and Thomas Lambert and Mahlon Stacy were sent to inquire
of Shelby if he was in need of help.
first representative to the yearly meeting, which then met alternately
at Philadelphia and Burlington, was Mahlon Stacy, who with William
Biddle of Crosswicks was deputized to attend that held in Burlington
on July 8, 1686.
readjustment of places of meeting was effected on May 5, 1690,
when it was determined that the monthly meeting should gather in
turn at the home of Francis Davenport, Chesterfield; then at Edward
Rockhill's, Chesterfield; at Thomas Lambert's, Nottingham; at Robert
Murfin's, Nottingham; at William Biddle's, Chesterfield; and finally
at Mahlon Stacy's, at the Falls, and then in rotation down the
list again. By this arrangement it would appear that the membership
was about evenly divided geographically between Chesterfield and
the settlement at the Falls, or Trenton, for Thomas Lambert's estate,
on the bluff overlooking the river just below the Falls, is spoken
of as being at Nottingham, but subsequently became a part of Trenton.
January 5, 1691, it was proposed that two meeting houses be built,
one at Chesterfield and the other at the Falls. Discussion came
up at each successive meeting until June 6 when it was decided
that only one meeting house should be built for the present and
this at Chesterfield. On November 11 of the same year definite
action was taken and Davenport, Samuel Andrews, William Wood, Samuel
Bunting, and Thomas Gilberthorpe were appointed to secure estimates
on the cost of building the proposed structure. Nothing more appears
on the record until October 4, 1692, when John Greene was awarded
the contract to build the meeting house. On June 3, 1693, the first
meeting was held in the new building.
Greene rendered a bill for services in excess of expectations,
for on November 4 it was recorded that the meeting had reasoned
with him and, according to agreement, had paid him 40 pounds for
materials, 1 pound for his work, and 2 shillings overage. At the
same time Davenport reported that he had paid 6s. 8d. for the lime
used and had 4 pounds 11 shillings 1d. left in his hands.
on the attitude of the Friends towards the sale of liquor is cast
by a minute dated March 5, 1687, when the meeting was informed
that one of its members, John Bainbridge, had been selling rum
to Indians. John Bunting and Samuel Sykes were appointed to remonstrate
with the offender. At the following monthly meeting, April 2, Friends
Sykes and Bunting reported that the rum had been sold by John Bunting,
Jr., who, at the time of their visit had been hard and defiant.
At a quarterly meeting, which had been held in the interim, John
had been present and at that time, so Sykes and Bunting reported, "the
Power of the Lord broke his spirit" and he had confessed to
Samuel Bunting his determination to abstain from the practice.
many years subsequent to their original settlement the Quakers
shunned all courts of law. They had had enough of these proceedings
with their corresponding penalties in the mother country. Hence
the Society insisted on settling all differences arising among
its own membership and if any member failed to accede to the terms
of settlement he suffered summary expulsion, and then only the
offended member was permitted to appeal to the courts of the Colony
for justice.
first case for settlement before the Chesterfield Meeting was recorded
on December 8, 1684, when Robert Murfin and William Black reported
the need for an arbitrator. Robert Wilson was appointed to hear
the testimony and make a decision. On January 5, 1685, Wilson reported
that the difference had been settled to the satisfaction of both
November 1697 came the first of a long series of expulsions when
Esther Gilberthorpe, wife of one who had been most prominent in
meeting affairs, was read out for "scandalous gossiping." Thomas,
her husband, thereafter absented himself from meeting. In 1699
a committee was sent to reason with him but without avail and he
was the second to be dropped from the rolls. Gilberthorpe was carried
as a member until 1703 when the Friends finally whipped themselves
up to a public denunciation of him.
this time a new wilderness-raised generation was coming on to plague
the old zealots in their endeavors to maintain the traditional
Quaker discipline. It is on record that several of the young bloods
- Richard French, Thomas Curtis, and David Curtis - were forced
to apologize publicly for "rowdy conduct." The Society
thenceforth found its attempt to regulate the private lives of
its members a most difficult task, and it is a tribute to the unbending
fortitude of the leaders that they did not cease their attempts
to disown those whom they considered to be unworthy until they
thereby had reduced the Society's place among the religious bodies
of the era from a dominant position to a quite minor one.
original meeting house, built in 1692 at Crosswicks, was found
to be inadequate for its purpose and a new structure requiring
forty thousand bricks was determined upon in 1706. Davenport and
Wood entered into a contract with William Mott for the required
number of bricks at a stipulated price of 40 pounds.
November 11, following, the bricks were reported as having been
made and Samuel Bunting, Davenport, Wood, William Tantum, Thomas
Lambert, and Robert Wilson were named the building committee. Tantum
was hired to do the carpenter work and John Farnsworth was sent
to Burlington to buy two hundred bushels of lime. Tantunt and Lambert
agreed to furnish the shingles.
in 1707 Francis Davenport died and the meeting lost its first leader.
Samuel and John Bunting thenceforth were to hold joint possession
of the records, and, by implication, to assume the leadership of
the meeting.
1709 the first of the distant meetings recognizing the authority
of the Chesterfield Monthly Meeting was established at Little Egg
Harbor and a small meeting house was built. Six years later, in
1715, this branch was strong enough to become a monthly meeting
Brook Meeting House was the next to be built by the Chesterfield
Meeting, a stone structure 34 feet by 3cs feet being agreed upon
on May 2, 1724, at a cost of 150 pounds. Some months later, on
January 4, 1725, Tanturn and Lambert, the building committee, reported
that the cost would reach 200 pounds and subscriptions to this
amount were asked. This meeting house is still standing on the
historic Princeton battlefield.
growth of the Chesterfield Meeting was rapid from that time forward
and in 1727 collections were being taken for the building of still
another meeting house at Springfield, near Mount Holly.
Friends took an early stand against slavery.
In 1730 we find that the members of Chesterfield Monthly Mecting
were holding prolonged and anxious discussions over a question
submitted to them by the yearly meeting, and on July 3 Benjamin
Clark, Thomas Lambert, and Isaac Horner were appointed to draw
up a reply.
the next meeting the paper was ready for approval and was duly
recorded. It read:
"This Meeting having considered
the proposal of some Friends to our last Quarterly Meeting to restrict
Friends from purchasing Negroes imported into these parts. It is
the sense of this Meeting that as Friends both here and elsewhere
have been in the practice of it for some time past and many Friends
differing in their opinions from others in that matter we think
restricting Friends at this time and bringing such as fall into
the same thing under dealing as offenders will not be convenient
lest it create contention and uneasiness among them, which should
be carefully avoided. We hope those Friends that are dissatisfied
with such actings will not only be exemplary but in a Christian
spirit persuade against a practice so contrary to that Noble Rule
laid down in Holy Scriptures in doing to all as they would that
they should do to us.
Signed by order and in behalf of
said meeting by Thomas
ideas prevailed in 1730 in the Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, but
abhorrence for slavery had crept in and less than a score of years
afterwards the Society had purged itself of participation it the
slave traffic and was preparing for that long campaign against
it which finally led up to the Civil War and Lincoln's Emancipation
October 1731, Friends at Bethlehem, near Belvidere, set up a brand
of the Chesterfield Meeting with Charles Wolverton and Daniel Robins
as overseers appointed at Chesterfield and reporting there.
Mansfield meeting house was the
next to be built, Joseph Pancoast and Isaac Horner being appointed
to receive subscriptions for it in April of 1732.
claims of Trenton as a center were again put forward in 1734 and,
in April of that year, a group headed by Isaac Harrow was given
permission to hold meetings there on First Days (Sundays), for
a trial period of six months. Bordentown friends received the same
recognition in November following.
1736 a general subscription for some unreported purpose was ordered
taken and the listing of those appointed to take funds shows the
number of branches of the Chesterfield Monthly Meeting then existing,
These were located at Chesterfield, Springfield, Mansfield, Stony
Brook, Bethlehem, and Trenton. For some unknown reason the Bordentown
group was omitted from this list, although at the monthly meeting
of September 1736 Isaac Horner, Richard French, William Morris,
Joshua Wright and Marmaduke Watson were appointed to treat with
Joseph Borden for land for a meeting house at Bordentown.
October 1736, Samuel Satterthwaite, Benjamin Shreve, Thomas Newbold,
Benjamin Clark, Jr., Ananiah Gaunt, and Joseph Gardiner were appointed
to receive two parcels of land from Borden, one for a meeting house
and the other for a burying ground. On May 7, 1737, the deeds were
About the year 1730 the group of Friends
living at Trenton or Trent Town, as it was then called, acquired
a new leader in the person of William Morris who came thither from
Barbadoes and apparently established himself as an importer of West
Indian products, probably sugar and rum, and, perhaps, slaves. Morris
soon was a recognized leader in the monthly meeting and was chosen
to attend quarterly and yearly meetings and appointed on various
special committees. It was he, doubtless, who revived the project
for a meeting house at Trenton, for on December 2, 1737, he, with
Isaac Horner, headed a delegation asking permission to build the
following month Joseph Reckless, clerk of the monthly meeting,
was ordered to draw a deed for a meeting house plot in Trenton.
It was to be conveyed by William Morris to Benjamin Smith, Stacy
Beakes, William Plasket, Joseph De Cow, Nathan Beakes and Isaac
Watson. John Tantum and Benjamin Smith were named overseers to
supervise the transaction. On August 5 Reckless reported that the
deeds had been completed for the meeting house and burial plot
in Trenton.
committee in charge at once proceeded to erect the building, the
work being completed in November 1739, when William Morris made
application for subscriptions, saying that he had expended 25 or
30 pounds in excess of the money in hand.
the building of another meeting house had been authorized "near
the home of Robert Lawrence." For some reason Friends were
not satisfied with the location they had acquired for the Bordentown
meeting house, and Thomas Potts, Jr., and Preserve Brown, Jr.,
were authorized to see Borden in an effort to exchange the plot
for one across the street from it. This was done and the transfer
effected. The building of the Bordmtown meeting house was begun
in 1742.
1743 the meeting at Bethlehem broke away from the parent monthly
meeting and became an independent monthly meeting. Prior to this
dissolution, the Chesterfield Meeting embraced nine meeting houses
which were scattered from Mount Holly (Upper Springfield) to Bethlehem,
near Belvidere. It is estimated that the total membership of the
Chesterfield Meeting just before the Revolutionary War numbered
about eight thousand. The present membership of Friends within
the same area is probably fewer than one thousand, despite the
vast increase in population.
the chief reason for this shrinkage lies in the fact that the Society
set itself firmly against the tendency to exalt worldly advantage
as opposed to the old Quaker simplicity. Friends were not given
to compromise. When they believed a thing was wrong they opposed
it at whatever cost. The Quaker equivalent of excommunication, "disownment," received
its first use, as noted before, against a family which had been
one of its honored founders in the wilderness. After the original
leaders died off, "disownment" began to be used much
more frequently and ruthlessly.
1724 the Society's concern for the spiritual purity of its membership
resulted in the following minute being published:
This Meeting, having considered the great love of God in gathering His
Church to the true knowledge of Himself, are careful that all members
of it be under their immediate care and therefore think it necessary
to recommend to such Faithful Friends as this meeting approves
of for that service to have the oversight and regard to the actions
and practices of such as pretend to be of us and use their seasonable
endeavors by way of advice, reproof, etc., as occasion may require
and advise this meeting as they find cause.
Tantum, Isaac Horner and Benjamin Clark were named as the
first elders and were commissioned to attend meetings of ministering
Friends then being organized by the yearly and quarterly meetings.
opposition to "worldliness," of which the above was a
symptom, brought an ever-growing stream of charges and disownments
of those who chose to lead their lives rather in keeping with the
general spirit of the community than in conformity to the notions
of conduct as laid down by their elders.
1745 England was engaged in one of her numerous wars with France
and Dr. Thomas Cadwalader, first burgess of Trenton, the friend
of Benjamin Franklin and the founder of Trenton's first public
library, was moved by his patriotism to join with others in fitting
out a privateer warship. His membership in the Socicty ceased from the
moment his shocked fellow members could act. Here is the
indictment they drew up against him:
Whereas it appears to this meeting that Thomas Cadwalader
is concerned in privateering vessels contrary to our ancient
testimony and the discipline established among Friends and it appears
he hath been tenderly cautioned and dealt with from time
to time in order to bring him to a sense of his undue liberty,
but he refusing to give such satisfaction as the offense requires, therefore
this meeting appoints Isaac Horner and Marmaduke Watson to draw
a paper of testification against the said Thomas Cadwalader and
his practice and to declare him out of unity with us as
a Society until he shall give satisfaction to this meeting suitable
to the offense.
The period of the 1740's marked the rise
of a system of voluntary travelling ministers who ranged up arid
down the countryside, living at the homes of the more well-to-do
members of the Society and preaching on Sundays. These travelling
ministers bore as credentials letters from their home meetings, testifying
that their messages were in "unity" with Friends' principles.
Nearly every meeting had, at some time or other, one or more of these
travelling ministers and it was through them that the Society, as
a whole, was led to take the vigorous stand on such moral questions
as slavery and rum selling. Among the earlier travelling Friends
bearing the credentials of the Chesterfield Monthly Meeting were
Jacob Andrews, Joshua Shreve, and John Sykes.
BY 1753 the Chesterfield Meeting House
at Crosswicks needed enlargement to care for the "Women's Meeting." A
16-foot addition was thereupon authorized. Among Friends it had been
customary for the men and women to sit in separate sections of the
meeting houses on Sundays and to meet entirely separately for the
transaction of business, committees from each sex arranging the details
of questions involving the meeting as a whole.
This, perhaps, was the first recognition of woman suffrage
in America and of her status as an individual apart from her husband.
The first woman
to be recognized as a minister and elder of the Chesterfield Meeting
was Margaret Porter, who was so named in 1760.
resumption of military activities by the Colony in 1756 brought
a recurrence of disownments for participation by Friends. Joseph
Thorne, Aaron Quickes, Francis Key, Marmaduke Bunting, John Schooley,
John Shrieve, and Daniel Shrieve were youths who suffered this
fate. Samuel Farnsworth was disowned for challenging a squad of
soldiers near Bordentown to fight, by which it would appear that
Farnsworth must have been a mighty man of valor, akin to one of
Dumas' fire-eaters.
members of the Stockton family of Princeton suffered disownment
in 1758. Amy Stockton had married her cousin contrary to rule and
was disowned in April. The following month Daniel Stockton was
found guilty of military service and of marrying outside of the
meeting. Benjamin Thorn and Clement Rockhill were "dealt with" for
military service. In July Abigail Schooley was disowned for the
heinous offense of visiting her husband in a military camp. November
brought the disownment of John Thorne for teaching the elements
of military drill to William Black and Benjamin Field. December
brought disownment to Joseph Bunting for training Francis Borden
and Samuel Allen in military principles.
following year brought more disownments to the Stockton family
when Samuel was read out of meeting for fighting, militarism and
marrying contrary to discipline.
clouds of the Revolutionary War darkening the horizon the Friends
were whirled irresistibly into dissension. Many of the younger
men were sympathetic towards the cause of the Colonies. Their elders,
in common with a large proportion of the more substantial citizens,
abhorred the idea of a revolution which involved a bloody war fought
at their doorsteps with a traditionally invincible mother country.
Moreover, the conscientious members of the Society were convinced
beyond any chance of conversion that war on any pretext was an
inexcusable offense against the Almighty.
thus came about that the Society took a firm stand against participation.
Disownments for military activities were redoubled, the penalty
being invoked against active Tories or patriots. Only a public
confession of error before the meeting could excuse members embroiled
on either side.
all of the "disowned" Quakers were patriots, Many of
them, perhaps the larger number, were loyalists. They came of prosperous
families who were satisfied with the established order and who
looked upon the Revolution as "Rabbleism," as did many
members of the propertied classes in other Colonies. And thus as
loyalists, they hastened to join the British Army in Canada.
the Revolution was the beginning of a steady decline in the membership
of the Society of Friends. Meetings ceased to grow and many of
the old places of worship had to be "laid down."
Quakers salved their consciences and the demands of the meeting
by submitting more or less cheerfully to levies on their properties
imposed by the new government for failure to take the oath of allegiance.
Stacy Potts, who led in the searching out of military offenders,
was himself fined 100 pounds and submitted to seizure of goods
to that value by the sheriff.
the Revolution the Society resumed its campaign for the abolition
of slavery, a campaign which helped to foment another and equally
terrible war. But before that campaign had borne fruit another
crisis within the body had to be faced. This was the famous doctrinal
controversy precipitated by the preaching of Elias Hicks of New
York, one of the itinerant preachers who travelled from meeting
to meeting.
1827 this controversy reached the breaking point. Separation took
place in a number of meetings, among them the Chesterfield Meeting.
In Trenton the meeting house was retained by the "Hicksites." In
Stony Brook, on the contrary, the Orthodox succeeded in the legal
maneuvering which retained ownership for them. A famous lawsuit
resulted,' one which has set precedents cited to this very day
in the courts of New Jersey and other States.
I See under "Famous Cases Tried in Trenton," Hendrickson
vs. DeCow, in Chap. XII, below.
1873 the Hicksite Friends of Trenton enlarged the original meeting
house at Hanover and Montgomery Streets and changed its aspect
considerably. Some of the original walls built in 1738-39 are incorporated
in the present structure.
is noteworthy that three Signers of the Declaration of Independence
were members of families associated with the Chesterfield Meeting.
These were George Clymer of Morrisville, whose body is buried in
the Hanover Street Meeting House yard, Richard Stockton of Princeton
and Joseph Hewes of North Carolina.
to the original Quaker settlement in these parts, members of the
Society of Friends naturally had a share in local civic affairs
in the early days. Mahlon Stacy served as justice of the peace
and member of the Colonial Assembly from 1684 to 1699; Thomas Lambert
served as a justice for several terms as did also Peter Fretwell.
The latter was also Provincial treasurer in 1699. William Biddle
served as commissioner, justice, assemblyman and member of the
Council. William Emley was a justice, registrar of the Ninth Tenth,
member of the Assembly and of the Council. Joshua Wright served
several terms as an assemblyman. Robert Murfin and John Lambert
were constables.
Hutchinson was an assemblyman, member of Council, and Colonial
treasurer. John Hooton, elected to the Assembly, failed to take
his seat and was fined twenty shillings. Thomas Folke, Jr., was
appointed a ranger. Anthony Woodward, John Abbott, William Wood,
Richard Stockton, I, John Wilkinson, Richard Ridgway, Joseph Kirkbride,
Roger Park, William Watson and Thomas Folke, Jr., were named to
various offices during the first fifty years of the Colony's history.
Francis Davenport, however, was the original of the famous "Pooh
Bah" of Gilbert and Sullivan's opera, holding at one and the
same time the offices of high sheriff of Burlington County, justice
of the peace of Somerset, Essex, Bergen, Gloucester, Burlington,
Salem, Cape May, Monmouth and Middlesex Counties. He was also an
assemblyman at various times, and a judge of the higher courts,
thus serving continuously in several important offices until his
time went on members of the Society held public office less frequently,
partly as a result of the influx of new immigration, and partly,
no doubt, owing to the Society's policy of avoiding "worldly
things" as much as possible.
the Civil War, however, members of the Society have had a share
in public office. Former City Commissioner J. Ridgway Fell is an
instance in this locality, as also is State Senator A. Crozer Reeves.
Though the membership has been a gradually dwindling
one, the Quaker leaven of religious tolerance, avoidance of war,
personal liberty, popular education and the spirit of benevolence
towards all mankind irrespective of color or race has been a patent
example and influence in the community. During the Civil War and
the reconstruction period, the Trenton Society of Friends united
with their associates throughout the country in corporate works
of relief, nursing and education. Also in the World War and subsequently
in the efforts to provide for the needs of the suffering peoples
in war-stricken Europe, the Friends of Trenton have played a conspicuous
present officers of the Hanover Street (Trenton) Meeting (Chesterfield
Monthly Meeting) are A. C. Reeves, chairman, and a council associated
with him of fifteen others. Overseers of the Trenton Meeting besides
Mr. Reeves are Sarah C. Reeves, Arthur E. Moon, Elizabeth B. Satterthwaite,
Sarah C. Atkinson, Caroline S. Bamford, Jane H. Armstrong, Mary
T. Finley, Norman B. Zimmerman, Cassel R. Ruhlinan and Dr. Joseph
H. Satterthwaite. Clerks of the Chesterfield Monthly Meeting are
Jane H. Armstrong, Clara M. Newbold and Helen T. Hollister. The
treasurer is Arthur E. Moon, the recorder Elizabeth B. Satterthwaite
and the treasurer of the trustees Harvey T. Satterthwaite. The
organizations include the Lucretia Mott Parent-Teacher Association,
a First Day School, and a study group. The present membership is
Trenton Meeting is now the most prominent in the Chesterfield Monthly
have been credited with organizing the first schools in Trenton.
Occasional instruction was given in members' homes from 1684 to
1786, when the Chesterfield Meeting reported to the Yearly Meeting
that schools had been established at convenient places. Thenceforward
there were always schools for the children of the members until
the establishment of the public school system had made such institutions
no longer necessary.
the great schism of 1827, those who adhered to the old doctrine
formed a separate Meeting. Complying with the suggestion of the
Courts, the Hanover Street meeting house was surrendered to the
Hicksite branch and the Orthodox met until 1856 in what had formerly
been a Methodist church located at Academy and Broad Streets. Since
that time the meetings have been held in the building on Mercer
Street. Weekly meetings are held on Sundays and Thursdays. Monthly
meetings are held alternately here and in Crosswicks. The Quarterly
Meeting, known as the "Burlington and Bucks County," is
held in Burlington, and the Yearly Meeting in Philadelphia, designated
as the Yearly Meeting "For Friends of Philadelphia and Vicinity."
present head of the Mercer Street Meeting and the preacher is William
Bishop, the clerk is James W. Edgerton, the elders are Ellen P.
Reeve, Martha H. Bishop, Sarah E. Wright and Caroline Allison,
and the overseers are John R. Hendrickson, Eliza F. Ivens, Mary
Anna Hendrickson and James W. Edgerton. There are seventy enrolled
III. The Episcopalians - 1703
PREVIOUS to the changes brought
about by the war of the American Revolution, the Church of England
in the Colony of New Jersey was under the general charge of the
Bishop of London, who of course was non-resident and was supported
largely by grants from The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
in Foreign Parts which appointed the missionaries and provided
in part for their support. New Jersey was organized as a diocese
in 1785 but did not obtain a bishop until 1815, when Dr. John Croes,
then rector of Christ Church, New Brunswick, was chosen for the
office. He was succeeded in 1832 by Dr. George W. Doane who made
his home in Burlington. Then came Dr. W. Henry Odenheimer in 1858,
under whom the division of the diocese took place in 1874. Up to
that time the Diocese of New Jersey included the whole State, but
in that year there was a division, the portion f rom Elizabeth
southerly retaining the old name and the northern portion taking
the title Diocese of Newark. The first bishop of that portion of
the State in which Trenton is located was John Scarborough, 1875,
who made Trenton the see city, and where he lived up to the time
of his death in 1914. The headquarters of the diocese are in the
Diocesan House at 307 Hamilton Avenue. The diocese is organized
under the bishop with a Cathedral Foundation composed of clergymen
and laymen to which body is committed the missionary, educational
and social service work, The general legislative body is the Diocesan
Convention which meets annually.
after the coming of Thomas Lambert and Mahlon Stacy to this neighborhood
in the year 1679, a group of Church of England families appears
to have settled upon plantations adjacent to the Falls of the Delaware
both up and down the river. Among these families whose names have
come down to us were the Pearsons, the Hutchinsons, the Tyndalls,
the Eatons, the Parks and the Heaths. Naturally these families
would desire as soon as possible to provide for their religious
needs by securing the ministrations of their church and erecting
a building for worship.
Rev. John Talbot, a missionary of The Society for the Propagation
of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, commonly known by the initials
S.P.G., had come to Burlington and gathered a congregation there
in 1702, and he also took under his pastoral charge the Church
of England families which had settled along the banks of the Delaware
River in the neighborhood of the Falls. There is a record of baptisms
administered by him in this vicinity and entered in the parish
register of St. Mary's Church, Burlington, as early as 1702-3.
The names of children of the Park, Hutchinson, Tyndall and Heath
families are thus recorded.
property comprising two acres in Hopewell Township as it then was,
and identified today as being a portion of what was recently known
as the "Breese farm" on the River Road adjoining the
grounds of the State Hospital on the west, was conveyed in 1703
by John Hutchinson out of the extensive holdings of his father
Thomas Hutchinson, one of the West Jersey proprietors, to certain
others whose names are given in the deed.
deed to the Hopewell Church property is on record in the office
of the secretary of state in Trenton, in Deed Book AAA (PP. 105,
114), and bears date of April 20, 1703. The deed conveys
Two acres of
land from John Hutchinson, son of Thomas Hutchinson, to Andrew
Heath, Richard Eayre, Abial Davis and Zebulon Heston in trust for
the inhabitants of the said township of Hopewell and their successors
inhabiting and dwelling within the said township forever, for the
public and common use and benefit of the whole township for the
erection and building of a public meeting house thereon and also
for a place of burial and for no other uses, intents or purposes
map on the opposite page will show the location of the Hopewell Episcopal
Church as also of the Presbyterian Churches in Ewing and Maidenhead.
this property in Hopewell township was erected a church building
in 1704-05. Nothing is known as to the character of this building,
but it was probably a very rude affair, and long before the beginning
of the nineteenth century it had utterly disappeared, probably
having ceased to be used for worship when its successor, St. Michael's
Church, was built in Trenton about 1747-48.
A "License
to Build," the original of which is in possession of St. Michael's
Church today, was issued in 1705 by Richard Ingoldsby, lieutenant
governor of the Provinces of New Jersey and New York. In this license
it is distinctly stated that the church was for the worship of
God "according to the forms and worship of the Church of England
as by law established." Thomas Tyndall and Robert Eaton are
named as church-wardens and the church was to be called by the
name of "Christ Church," The document also sets forth
that the minister and vestry of the church are granted "all
such power and privileges as the minister, church-wardens and vestrymen
usually have and enjoy in the Kingdom of England."
the occasional services rendered by the Rev. John Talbot to the
Hopewell congregation in the early days, there is evidence that
other clergymen, mostly itinerants, officiated in the church from
time to time, but there is no record of the services of a settled
minister until a much later period. The Rev. John Sharpe, who came
to this country in 1702 and subsequently became chaplain to Lord
Cornbury, makes mention in his Journal of ministrations to the
Hopewell Church under dates November 7, 1705, December 8, 1706,
December 9, 1706, and March 10, 1706. On Whitsunday, April 23,
1706, Sharpe records that he preached at Hopewell Church and that
Lord Cornbury, the governor nf the Province, was present in the
names of other itinerants and missionaries who from time to time
conducted services and attended to the pastoral needs of the congregation
as gleaned from the records of the S.P.G. include the Rev. Thoroughgood
Moore 1705‑07, the Rev. Mr. May before 1714, the Rev. Thomas
Holliday 1714‑17, the Rev. Robert Walker, the Rev. William
Harrison 1721‑23 and the Rev. William Lindsay 1735‑45. 2
2 For an extensive account of the
Hopewell Church with full reference to documents and authorities,
see Schuyler, A History of St. Michal’rs Church, Trenton, Chaps.
III and IV.
Hopewell Church property, the legal title to which devolved upon
the congregation of St. Michael's Church as the direct heir and
successor to this congregation was sold by St. Michael's Church
in 1838, the parish retaining only a small section which had been
used as a burying ground.
Hall's History of the Presbyterian Church in Trenton (p. 18, 2nd
edition, 1912), there is a description of the Hopewell graveyard
plot, evidently as Dr. Hall saw it when he published the first
edition in 1859.
"The inclosure is made by a stone wall now
falling into ruins and has the appearance of having been designed
for a family cemetery. The only gravestones remaining are those
of Samuel Tucker, 1789, and Mrs. Tucker, 1787, . . . one in memory
of John, son of William and Elizabeth Clayton, who died November
6, 1757 (possibly 1737), aged 19 years; another of 'Ma [probably
Margaret] the wife of John Dagworthy, Esq., who died May 16, 1729,
aged 37 years'; and a few which cannot be deciphered beyond 'Grace
Da‑' or 'Hend,' etc, It is said that the widow of William
Trent, whose name was given to the town, was buried here, but there
is no trace of the grave."
during the period before the graveyard of St. Michael's Church
was established about 1747-48, several generations of Church people
were buried in the old Hopewell graveyard, but there remains no
record of the names of any such, except of those who were buried
in the little plot where lie the remains of Samuel Tucker and a
few others.
Since the Tucker plot was originally
protected by a stone wall, these graves alone have survived the
ravages of times, while the others scattered over the original
two acres remain unidentified. 3
3 See Appendix 1, No. 5, A History
of St. Michael's Church, Trenton.
seems to be certain that Mary Trent, the widow of William Trent,
from whom Trenton took its name, the record of whose death appears
in the parish register of St. Michael's Church under date "December
15, 1772, 83 years," was buried in the old Hopewell graveyard.
The author of A History of St. Michael's Church gives his
reasons for believing that Mary Trent elected to be buried there
because the body of her distinguished husband who died in z724
was likewise interred in that graveyard. Of this fact there is
no direct proof, but it is known that William Trent was interested
in the Hopewell Church and in all probability after making
Trenton his home in 1720 was a regular worshipper there up to the
time of his death in Trenton, December 25, 1724. 4
4 See Appendix I, No. 4, "The Burial Place of William and Mary Trent,"
A History of St. Michael's Church, Trenton.
date when St. Michael's parish as such came into being and a church
building was erceted in Trenton cannot be precisely determined.
It is known that a deed for the property (deed missing since 1755)
was given by John Coxe, son of Colonel Daniel Coxe, previous to
1748. The land had been bought by John Coxe at a sheriff's sale
in 1742, the price paid being 48 pounds 10 shillings. This land
on which the church building stands was a portion of the property
included in the original purchase by William Trent from Mahlon
Stacy, Jr., in 1714. 5
5 See A History of St. Michael's
Church, Trenton, P. 44.
church building was erected certainly by the early autumn of 1748,
since Peter Kalm in his Travels into North America noted
its presence in giving a short description of Trenton under the
date of October 28, 1748. How the parish got its title "St.
Michael's" does not appear, but the probabilities are that
such was done because it was upon the Festival of St. Michael which
falls upon September 29 that the cornerstone was laid or the church
perhaps dedicated. The minutes of the vestry which have been preserved
from 1755 onwards throw no light upon the subject nor tell anything
as to the character of the building or its cost, The title, St.
Michael's Church, does not appear upon the minutes of the vestry
until 1761, references being to the "English Church" or
simply the "Church" in contradistinction to dissenting
places of worship which were in those days commonly termed "meeting
lottery "for raising Three Hundred and Ninety-three pounds
fifteen shillings for finishing and completing the Church in said
town" (Trenton) was advertised in the Pennsylvania Gazette,
June 20, 1751, but the lottery does not appear to have been drawn
until the late spring of 1752. 6
6 ibid., Appendix J, P. 345.
earliest indication as to the personnel of the leading members
of the church is found in the list of the managers of the lottery
advertised in 1751, "for finishing the church in Trenton." Of
the following names, those marked * indicate persons whose names
are subsequently found on the roll of the vestry of St, Michael's
1751, June 20 (Advertisement), Colonial Documents
1677 - 1776
Trenton Lottery
for finishing Church in said town to be drawn under the management
of *Robert Pearson, *Robert Lettis Hooper, *John Allen, David Dunbar,
*Elijah Bond, *John Dagworthy, Jr., Daniel Biles and *William Pidgeon
and *Daniel Coxe in Hopewell and John Berrian in Rocky Hill. 7
7 ibid., Appendix J.
1757 a petition for the erection of a barracks was presented to
the General Assembly of the Province, "by Magistrates, Freeholders
and inhabitants of the Town of Trenton." Among the signers
are the following, who were then or subsequently became, members
of St. Michael's vestry:
Higbee, Charles Axford, J. Warrell, Jno. Barnes, Thomas Barnes,
Abraham Cottnam, and there also appears the name of Michael Houdin,
at that time the resident minister of St. Michael's. The same and
other names appear on similar petitions, viz.: Dan Coxe, William
Pidgeon, John Dagworthy, R. L. Hooper.
the "Act for Building the Barracks," passed April 15,
1758, also appear the names of two other vestrymen - John Allen
and Richard Saltar. 8
8 ibid., pp. 84, 85.
earliest settled minister of St. Michael's Church seems to have
been the Rev. Michael Houdin, who assumed charge of the congregation
about 1750 in response to an invitation from the church people
of Trenton. He remained here for about seven years.
missionaries serving St. Michael's Church up to the period of the
War of Independence were the Rev. Augur Treadwell, from 1762 to
the time of his death in Trenton, August 19, 1765; the Rev. William
Thompson, 1769 to 1773; and the Rev. George Panton, who was in
charge when the war broke out, and being a Tory sympathizer was
compelled to flee the town after the Declaration of Independence.
He was subsequently commissioned as Chaplain of the Prince of Wales
American Regiment and at the conclusion of peace went to Nova Scotia
as S.P.G. missionary at Yarmouth. 9
9 For biographical sketches of the
Rev. Michael Houdin and the Rev. Augur Treadwell, see Chap. VII, A History
of St. Michael’s Church, and of the Rev. George Panton, see
both Chap. X, ibid., and Chap. II of this book.
to the excited state of public feeling directed against everything
British which the War of the Revolution brought to a head, the
vestry of St. Michael's Church, several of whom were prominent
Tories, passed a resolution Sunday, July 7, 1776, the day before
the Declaration of Independence was publicly read from the steps
of the Court House, and voted to close the church for an indefinite
the rector, one of the wardens and three at least of the vestrymen
held pronounced loyalist views and subsequently took an active
part on the British side. All these who survived the war went into
permanent exile with their families. The church was closed and
all services suspended for a period of seven years, The church
building and furniture suffered great damage, at the hands of both
armies, as each in turn occupied the town. The church building
was used as a barracks by the Hessian troops for some days previous
to the Battle of Trenton and was subsequently occupied as a hospital
by the Continentals.
bill for damage to the property was filed by the parish authorities
in 1782, the inventory showing losses and destruction amounting
to 173 pounds 4 shillings. There is nothing to show that this claim
was ever paid. 10
10 See Chap. X, A History of St. Michael’s
Church, Trenton.
the conclusion of peace, a meeting of the congregation was held
January 4, 1783, and a resolution to open the church and resume
the services was adopted. The next twenty-five or thirty years
were years of struggle and financial stress. The parish was depleted
in members and had lost many of its staunchest supporters through
the exodus of loyalists. It was difficult to maintain the services
owing to the scarcity of clergy and the lack of funds to provide
for their maintenance. With the exception of the Rev. William Frazer,
who became rector in 1788 and served until his death July 6, 1795,
and the Rev. Henry Waddell, who began his ministry in 1798 and
died in office January 20, 1811, all the rectorates up to 1836
were of brief duration. Often the parish was without a settled
clergyman and had to depend upon such occasional services as the
diocesan authorities could provide.
During the post‑war period,
as previously, the vestry of St. Michael's Church continued to
include many prominent men. Those whose names appear on the roll
during this period, say from 1800 to 1825, may be taken as typical.
Many of them were leaders in the community, and some of them were
of national distinction. To mention the names of a few such: Charles
and Joseph Higbee, Jonathan Rhea, John Rutherford, James A. Stevens,
Samuel Meredith, Henry Clymer, George Woodruff, William Halsted,
Jr., Zachariah Rossell, Garret D. Wall, Pearson Hunt, Barnt DeKlyn,
Henry Kean, and Dr. Plunkett Fleeson Glentworth. None stood higher
in Trenton and in the State during this period than did these."
" See Biographical Sketches, Series B, and Appendix
N, "Men of St. Michael's Church Prominent in Public Life," A
History of St. Michael's Church, Trenton.
the long rectorate of the Rev. Samuel Starr, 1836‑55, the
parish consolidated its position and increased greatly in members
and general prosperity. From the close of that period onwards,
though there were from time to time financial vicissitudes and
parochial disagreements, St. Michael's has known an orderly progress.
various times since the beginning of the nineteenth century the
church building has been enlarged, improved and renovated, notably
in 1819 when the church was almost entirely rebuilt, in 1843 when
it was repaired and extended, and again in 1862 and 1870 when extensive
additions were made, as also in 1886 and 1906.
the War of Independence, St. Michael's has been served by twenty
rectors, of whom the Rev. William Frazer had a ministry of seven
years, the Rev. Henry Waddell of thirteen years, the Rev, Samuel
Starr of nineteen years, the Rev. William Hude Neilson of sixteen
years, the Rev. Oscar S. Bunting of seven years, and the Rev. W.
Strother Jones of twelve years. 12 The present rector, the Rev. Samuel Steinmetz,
has held office since 1920.
12 For biographical sketches of rectors,
see A History of St. Michael’s Church.
the outstanding extra-parochial events which have been held in
the parish were a meeting of the General Convention of the Church
in 18o1, when Dr. Moore was consecrated to the see of New York
and the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion established, and the election
in 1815 of the first bishop of New Jersey, the Right Rev. John
1925 Mr. Newton A. K. Bugbee, senior warden, purchased for the
parish the plot of ground on the north side of the church, thus
affording a clear space up to the corner of Perry Street.
fine memorials, silver vessels and stained-glass windows have been
presented to the parish in recent years. The chapel was rebuilt
and adorned in 1918. There is also a substantial endowment fund.
distinguished Trentonians lie buried in St. Michael's graveyard.
The earliest tombstone of which the record remains and is decipherable
bears the date of 1763 and the latest 1893. Between these periods
many hundred bodies have found their resting place in this little "God's
acre." To mention a few of the better known names: David Brearley,
warden, chief justice of New Jersey and first grand master of Masons
in the State, over whose tomb the Grand Lodge of New Jersey erected
a fine memorial slab in 1924; the Rev. William Frazer, rector of
St. Michael's Church, of whom it is inscribed that "he left
not an enemy on earth"; Thomas Cordon, prominent in the masonic
fraternity and a judge of the Court of Common Pleas; William Kerwood,
another prominent Mason with a tombstone erected by Trenton Lodge
No. 5; Jonathan Rhea, officer in the Revolutionary War and the
second president of the Trenton Banking Company; Rensselaer Williams,
one of the founders of the Trenton Academy; the Rev. Henry Waddell,
rector of St, Michael's Church and a man of distinction in the
annals of the early American Church; Joseph Wood, mayor of Trenton
for two terms; James D. Westcott, secretary of State for New Jersey;
and George Woodruff, who at his death was said to have been the
oldest member of the Bar in the State. He was the original owner
of "Woodlands," the property now occupied by the Trenton
Country Club. A stone slab set in the south wall bears the names
of John Coxe, who gave the deed for the church property, Daniel
Coxe and Rebecca Coxe, children of Colonel Daniel Coxe, whose bodies
were buried in a vault under the aisle of the church. Here are
also the graves of several generations of the Henry, Higbee and
Hunt families, names notable in the early annals of the town. There
is a monument to an infant daughter of Joseph Bonaparte and Annette
(Holton) Savage, who died December 6, 1823, aged four years.
Michael's Cburch observed the two hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary
of its parochial life in 1928.
NOTE: In making frequent references to A History of St. Michael's
Church, Trenton, the writer of this narrative feels he should
offer an apology, or rather an explanation. Up to the time this
History was published in 1926 there had been little or nothing known or printed concerning the parish.
In A History of St. Michael's Church there are copious references
to documents which the author had consulted in preparing that work,
but as all such are collated in the History it seemed simpler
in the present instance to refer directly to the text of the book
which contains all the information available on the subject.‑H.S.
Paul's Church was the first daughter of St. Michael's. The parish
was organized in 1848, by a group of persons who deemed the time
was ripe for another Episcopal church, and that the location of
such was needed in South Trenton. The building was erected in 1848.
The wardens and vestrymen chosen were: John Hewitt, Josiah N. Bird,
Edward Cooper, Jacob B. Gaddis, Charles Hewitt, William E. Hunt,
Abram Salger, Joseph Tompkins.
formation of St. Paul's parish was due to the establishment about
that time of the Cooper & Hewitt iron mills in Trenton, which
drew here a large number of industrial workers, chiefly Irish and
German, though there was evidently a contingent which desired the
ministrations of the Episcopal Church. Peter Cooper, the New York
philanthropist, was the head of the firm and the other member was
his son-in-law, Abram S. Hewitt, subsequently mayor of New York
Paul's Church has had twelve rectors, of whom the Rev. Benjamin
Franklin was the first; others were Francis Clements, J. L. Maxwell,
Thomas Drumm, John C. Brown, John Bakewell, Henry S. Williamson,
Fred H. Post, J. McAlpin Harding, Horace T. Owen, Wilson E. Grimshaw,
and the present rector, the Rev. William H. Decker. Of these the
Rev. Mr. Harding served from 1886 to 1906 and the Rev. Horace T.
Owen from 1906 to 1924.
CHURCH - 1858
Church was organized in 1858 by certain parishioners separating
themselves from St. Michael's Church for that purpose. The ostensible
occasion of the break was found in a disagreement over the method
of calling a new rector to St. Michael's, the Rev. Richard Bache
Duane. The dissentients sent a letter of protest to the vestry
under date June 23, 1858. The remonstrance having proved unavailing,
a meeting of the protestants was held on October 28, 1858, and
steps were taken to organize a new parish. The original vestry
chosen was as follows: wardens, Wesley P. Hunt and Alfred S. Livingston;
vestrymen, Thomas Cadwalader, Philemon Dickinson, Mercer Beasley,
Charles H. Higginson, Edward D. Weld, William M. Babbitt, William
W. Norcross, William E. Hunt, Samuel Simons and William Howell.
Charles H. Higginson was elected secretary. At a meeting of the
vestry, held November 3, 1858, a call was extended to the Rev.
Hannibal Goodwin, of St. Paul's Church, Newark, to become rector
of the new parish, and he assumed charge the following December.
Services were first held in a hall, which had been fitted up for
the purpose, where Dolton's Block now stands on North Warren Street.
appear to have been thirty-nine parishioners connected with the
parish when it was organized.
first parish meeting was held April 26, 1859, at which it was resolved "That
the title by which this Church shall be known be, 'The Rector,
Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Church, Trenton."' The same
wardens and vestrymen were reelected, excepting that G. A. Perdicaris
and Dr. J. L, Taylor were substituted for William E. Hunt and William
lot for a new church with a frontage of seventy feet on Academy
Street was purchased for $3,500, January 25, 1860, and steps were
immediately taken to erect a building, the cornerstone of which
was laid on June 15 of the same year. The church was occupied on
October 14 following.
the first ten years of its life the parish, doubtless due to the
Civil War and other disturbing influences, had a precarious existence
and the property was at one time offered for sale. The parish surmounted
these difficulties and with the coming of the Rev. Albert U. Stanley
in 1867 a more prosperous era ensued. The Rev. Mr. Stanley was
succeeded by the Rev. Henry M. Barbour in 1875, who held the rectorship
for nineteen years. He was succeeded by the Rev. Joseph C, Hall,
who remained only one year, followed by the Rev. Charles C. Edmunds,
who resigned in 1899.
January 1900 the Rev. Hamilton Schuyler, the present rector, was
called and began his ministry on the first Sunday in February of
that year.
Trinity Church has been enlarged
and renovated many times, especially during the rectorate of the
Rev. Mr. Barbour and of the present incumbent. Its property is
valued today at some $200,000, and it has endowment funds totalling
over $50,000. It possesses many beautiful and costly memorials.
the present one, Trinity Church has had ten rectors and has numbered
among its vestry and parishioners many of the leading men and families
of Trenton. Among the better-known men who have served in the vestry
during the seventy years of its existence are found the names of
the following: Wesley P. Hunt, A. S. Livingston, Thomas Cadwalader,
Philemon Dickinson, G. A. Perdicaris, John P. Stockton, S. Meredith
Dickinson, Thomas W. Clymer, William P. McIlvane, Benjamin F. Lee,
Richard A. Donnelly, William H. Brokaw, Frederic A. Duggan, Frank
S. Katzenbach, Jr., Edward L. Katzenbach, William T. White, Ferdinand
W. Roebling, Jr., and Arthur D. Forst. 13
13 For
an extended account of the parish, see Schuyler, An Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, 1858 - 1910.
Church had its beginnings in a Sunday school which was started
by Mrs. Scarborough, the wife of the bishop, in order to provide
for the needs of families living in the Hamilton Avenue district.
Sunday evening services were started in September 1885, by the
Rev. Frederick Post, rector of St. Paul's Church, Trenton, and
subsequently continued for about a year by the Rev. Henry M. Barbour,
rector of Trinity Church, and his assistant, the Rev. Elliot White.
The first minister in charge was the Rev. William Hicks, who was
followed by the Rev. Charles A. Tibbats, and the first rector was
the Rev. Robert Mackellar. Then came the Rev. Edward Jennings Knight
in 1891, who remained until he was elected missionary hishop of
Western Colorado. He was succeeded by the Rev. Robert W. Trenbath,
1907 - 15. After Bishop Matthews was elected he himself became
rector of the parish, and Christ Church was made the pro-cathedral.
He appointed as his vicar and a canon the Rev. William H. Moor,
the present incumbent.
cornerstone of Christ Church was laid in 1887. The members of the
first vestry were John G. Burgelin, senior warden, and Robert Surtees,
junior warden; vestrymen were Eagleton Hanson, William E. Ireland,
Isaac Yates and Thomas Perry.
Mrs. Scarborough's death, a window was placed in the church to
her memory. The window bears the inscription
Catherine Elizabeth Scarborough
Founder of this Church
Matthias Mission, Schiller Avenue, was started by the Rev. W. H, Moor
of Christ Pro-Cathedral in 1925 to provide for a group of church people
living in that vicinity. The services are held in the old Volunteer
Fire House on Schiller Avenue. The mission is served by a lay-reader
with regular ministrations by the Rev. Mr. Moor. There is a communicant
list of about fifty names.
CHURCH - 1896
Church had been started as a mission of St. Michael's Church in
1875, the ground being the gift of Samuel K. Wilson, a warden of
St. Michael's Church. In 1896 it was organized as an independent
parish under the Rev. Milton A. Craft, who had been assistant minister
in the charge of the chapel since 1893. Two flourishing missions
have since in turn sprung out of Grace Church, St. Andrew's in
1895 and St. Luke's in 1913. Those responsible for the formation
of the parish, besides Mr. Craft, were James Walkett, George Cochran,
Henry Robinson, Harry Klagg, Jr., and Charles Bradbury.
present and the only rector the parish has ever had is the Rev.
Milton A. Craft, whose ministry covers a period of thirty-five
years. His twenty-fifth anniversary was observed by the parish
an September 24, 1918.
Saints' Church grew out of a mission which was established in the
rapidly growing Cadwalader section in 1894. This mission was first
served by members of the Associate Mission of Trenton, the Rev.
Thomas A. Conover being in charge for several years. Services were
first held in the Cadwalader mansion. Mr. Conover was succeeded
in 1900 by the Rev. Ralph E. Urban, who became rector the following
year when a parish organization was effected. The cornerstone of
the present parish house was laid on All Saints' Day, 1896, and
the first service held on Easter Day, 1897. The ground was deeded
by the Cadwalader estate. Members of the first vestry elected in
1901 were Louis H. McKee and Dr. Joseph M. Wells, wardens; Josiah
Hollies, Dr. William N. Mumper and James C. Tattersall, vestrymen.
1927, the congregation determined to erect an appropriate church
building, the parish house in which services had hitherto been
maintained for over twenty years having proved inadequate for the
needs of the parish. The cornerstone of a new church, costing some
$8,000, was laid on All Saints' Day, November 1, 1927, and the building was occupied in the spring
of 1928.
James' Church was started as a mission in 1894 and placed in charge
of the Rev. Thomas Conover, then the head of the Associate Mission.
It was organized as a parish in 1910. The first rector was the
Rev. William G. Wherry, and the following composed the first vestry:
Joseph Everill, rector's warden; John Wilcox, people's warden;
T. Mallam, A. Rowley, J. K. Chambers, Wm. Layton, H. Robinson,
R. Jackson, A. Wildblood, C. E. Wannop.
present rector is the Rev. William B. Rogers, who has held the
position since 1912.
mission for the Hungarian-speaking peoples was organized in 1916
by Bishop Matthews. The Rev. George E. St. Claire, then a layman
but subsequently admitted to holy orders, was placed in charge
of the congregation. Services were held for a period in St. Paul's
Church and subsequently a small chapel was erected. Services are
maintained by the Rev. Mr. St. Claire as priest in charge. St.
Elizabeth's has a communicant list of about one hundred names.
movement to organize a separate congregation for the colored people
in Trenton was started in 1919. The Rev. August E. Jensen, who
owing to ill health had lately resigned from St. Augustine's parish,
Asbury Park, was requested by the bishop to come to Trenton and
take charge of the movement. On March 21, 1919, a special meeting
was held in the parish house of Trinity Church, the Rev. August
E. Jensen presiding.
following communicants were present and organized as the nucleus
of a mission to he known as St. Monica's: Henry Reynolds, Mr. Rogers
and his daughter Grace, H. Stewart, Miss Lottie Goldsboro, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Goins, Mrs. Hoagland, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mack, Mrs. Lillian
Cross, and Miss Amelia Stewart. On Palm Sunday, 1919, the first
service was held in Darling's Hall on East State Street, with about
forty persons in attendance.
in the following year the property on Spring Street was purchased and
the congregation began to worship there. The adjoining property was
bought five years later. From the original twelve persons the mission
has grown to a membership of about one hundred and fifty and a Sunday
school of about forty, and owns property of about $14,000 in value.
who enjoyed the longest rectorate in St. Michael's Church. serving
nineteen years, came at a crucial period in the parish history
and was eminently successful in his long ministry. Besides his
parish duties he devoted much of his time to acting as voluntary
chaplain at the State Prison. He also, for a period after 1839,
had charge of the Trenton Academy. After leaving Trenton, Mr.
Starr went to a church in Cedar Rapids, Ia., where he ministered
until 1860. His health failing he returned to the East, but on
his return journey he was suddenly stricken down at Chicago and
died there May 1, 1862.
only bishop of the diocese of New Jersey who made his permanent
home in Trenton was the Right Rev. John Scarborough, though
Bishop Doane, the second bishop of New Jersey, was born here in
1799. Upon his election to the episcopate in 1875 he made this
town his see city and here he remained for nearly forty years up
to the time of his death in 1914. John Scarborough was born April
25, 1831, at Castlewellan, County Down, Ireland. When a mere lad
he came to this country. He was graduated from Trinity College,
Hartford, in 1854 and three years later from the General Theological
Seminary, New York City. He served as an assistant in St. Paul's
Church, Troy, N.Y., and subsequently as rector of the Church of
the Holy Communion, Poughkeepsie. In 1867 he became rector of Trinity
Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., where he remained until he was chosen
as the fourth bishop of New Jersey. He died in Trenton on March
14, 1914, and was buried in Riverview Cemetery.
Hude Neilson was graduated from the College of the
City of New York in 1860 and received the degree of Doctor of
Divinity from Kenyon College in 1885. His first charge, 1863‑64,
was as an assistant at the Church of the Ascension, New York
City. He subsequently served parishes in Framingham, Mass., and
Long Island City. When he was called to St. Michael's he was
acting as an assistant in Holy Trinity Church, Philadelphia.
Dr. Neilson's predecessor in St. Michael's had been compelled
to resign the parish owing to the fact that the congregation
was sorely rent with dissension. Under the sympathetic guidance
of Mr. Neilson and his pleasing personality the parish was knit
together in bonds of amity and enjoyed great prosperity. After
leaving St. Michael's Dr. Neilson held several other charges,
serving from 1904 to 1914 as rector of Christ Church, Piscataway.
At his retirement he was made rector-emeritus. He died December
8, 1922.
M. Barbour, who came to Trinity Church in 1875,
remaining for twenty years, was a graduate of Trinity College,
Hartford, and of the General Theological Seminary, New York City.
His first charge was a mission church in Newark whence he was
called to the rectorship of Trinity Church, Trenton. During his
long rectorate the parish advanced greatly in members and financial
strength, A resolution of the vestry passed at the time of his
resignation well sums up his labors and character.
leaving Trinity the Rev. Dr. Barbour became the rector of the Church
of the Beloved Disciple in New York City where he remained for
over twenty-five years. At his retirement he was made rector-emeritus.
He is now living at Tampa, Fla.
Jemnings Knight was
graduated from the General Theological Seminary, New York City,
in the class of 1891 and came immediately to Trenton, where for
sixteen years he was rector of Christ Church, He was a man of
marked intellectual ability, a good organizer and a faithful
and devoted pastor. Christ Church during his rectorship greatly
increased in membership and influence. He was a son-in-law of
Bishop Scarborough, having married his daughter, Katherine, January
3, 1897. He was chosen bishop of the Missionary Jurisdiction
of Western Colorado in 1907 and was consecrated to his office
in Christ Church, Trenton, December 19, 1907. He died suddenly
in Colorado, November 15, 1908.
A. Craft, rector
of Grace Church, North Clinton Avenue, has spent his whole ministerial
life in Trenton, being at present probably the oldest pastor,
with perhaps one exception, in point of continued service in
the city of Trenton. Mr. Craft was graduated from the Alexandria
Seminary in 1892. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1893 and came to Trenton the same
year to act as assistant minister of St. Michael's Church with
special charge of Grace Mission. Thus he has served one congregation
for thirty-five years. The celebration of his twenty-fifth anniversary,
September 24, 1918, was a notable event in the city and brought
together in the Crescent Temple a large assemblage of his parishioners
and friends.
Strother Jones, D.D.,
who was rector of St. Michael's Church for twelve years, 1896
- 1908, was born in Virginia and was a great-great-grandson of
Chief Justice Marshall of the United States Supreme Court. He
was educated at Washington and Lee University and was graduated
from the Seminary at Alexandria, Va., in 1876, and received the
degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1893. He served for two years
in Fauquier County, Va., and was then called to St. Thomas's
Church, Baltimore County, Md. In 1888 he became rector of St.
Paul's Church, Fairfield, Conn. Coming to St. Michael's, Trenton,
in 1896 he had a most fruitful ministry here, and won the esteem
and good will of all classes by his genial, warm-hearted manner
and sincere devotion to his work. During his rectorate extensive
renovations to the church building were undertaken and the growth
of the parish in strength and membership were marked. Dr. Jones,
on resigning his rectorship in Trenton, went to St. Paul's Church,
Erie, Pa., where he remained until 1914 when he accepted a position
in St. Thomas's Church, New York City, as assistant minister
under the Rev, Ernest M. Stires, D.D., now bishop of Long Island.
He died in Alexandria, Va., August 19, 1918.
Schuyler is the son of the late Anthony
Schuyler, D.D., formerly rector of Grace Church, Orange, N.J.
He was born in Oswego, N.Y., in 1862. Ancestors of his had settled
in New Jersey as early as 1700 and it is on record that one of
them, Arent Schuyler, visited the "Falls of the Delaware" in
1692. Mr. Schuyler studied theology at the General Theological
Seminary in the class of 1893. He further continued his studies
in the University of Oxford, England. He served for a brief period
as a curate in Calvary Church, New York City, under the late
Dr. H. Y. Satterlee, afterwards the first bishop of Washington.
Subsequently he was a curate in Trinity Church, Newport, R.I.
He was called in 1895 to be canon of the cathedral at Davenport,
Ia., and after a year was made dean. In 1900, while he was acting
as special preacher at the Church of the Holy Communion, New
York City, he was called to Trinity Church, Trenton, where he
has since remained. In 1925 the parish observed his twenty-fifth
anniversary as rector.
Schuyler is the author of several published volumes in prose and
verse, besides many pamphlets, booklets and magazine articles.
He has been a member of the board of trustees of the Free Public
Library since 1905. He was a member of the Standing Committee of
the Diocese of New Jersey for five terms and was twice chosen deputy
to the General Convention. He is also a trustee of St. Mary's School,
Burlington. In 1928 Rutgers University conferred upon him the degree
of Doctor of Letters.
E. Urban is
the son of the Rev. Abram L. Urban, born March 29, 1875. He is
a graduate of Princeton University in the class of 1896 and received
his theological education in the General Theological Seminary,
New York City, from which he was graduated in 1899. He came at
once to Trenton and began his ministry in the Associate Mission
on Hamilton Avenue, which had been organized by the Rev. E. J.
Knight to supply clergy for mission stations in the diocese.
In 1900 Mr. Urban was placed in charge of All Saints'
Mission which had recently been organized by the Rev. Thomas
A. Conover. When the mission was made a parish in 1901, Mr. Urban
became the rector and has thus spent his entire ministerial life
in Trenton. Under his wise leadership the progress of All Saints'
has been remarkable, the congregation has greatly increased,
the original parish house has been enlarged, a fine rectory has
been built and paid for and to crown his labors a new church
of tasteful design and ample proportions was erected in 1928.
In 1925 the parish observed Mr. Urban's twenty-five years of
service, when he received many handsome gifts. Mr. Urban is a
member of the standing committee of the diocese of New Jersey.
Matthews, the
present bishop of New Jersey, was born in Glendale, Ohio, a suburb
of Cincinnati, December 25, 1866. He was a son
of Stanley Matthews, associate justice of the Supreme Court of
the United States, appointed during the administration of President
was graduated from Princeton University in 1887, being valedictorian
of his class, and subsequently from the General Theological Seminary
in 1890, with the degree of B.D. He was ordained deacon
in 1890 by Bishop Vincent of Southern Ohio, and priested in 1891
by Bishop Worthington of Nebraska. He married Miss Elsie Procter
of Glendale, Ohio, in May 1897.
first charge was as a member of the Associate Mission, Omaha, Neb.,
1891 - 95. He was rector of St. Luke's Church, Cincinnati, 1896
- 1904, dean of St. Paul's Cathedral of the same city, 1904 - 13;
dean of the Cathedral of Our Merciful Saviour, Faribault, Minn.,
1913 - 14, and professor in the Seabury Divinity School for the
same period. He received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from
Seabury in 1915; from Princeton University in 1916; and the degree
of Doctor of Sacred Theology from the General Theological Serninary
in 1915. On St. Paul's Day, January 25, 1925, his tenth anniversary
as bishop of New Jersey was observed by a special service in St.
Mary's Church, Burlington, where he had been consecrated, and the
day following at a luncheon given in his honor at Trenton he was
presented with a beautiful pastoral staff by the churchmen of the
diocese. Bishop Matthews lived for a short time in Trenton, but
now makes his home in Princeton.
Williamson Knight, bishop‑coadjutor of New Jersey, was born in White Springs, Fla, August
24, 1859, the son of George Augustine Knight and Martha Demere.
He was ordained deacon in 1881, and priest in 1883. He married
(1) Elise Nicoll Hallowes, at Jacksonville, Fla., August 27,
1889; (2) Miriam Powell Yates, 1919. His first charge was as
missionary in Southern Florida, 1881 - 84. He was rector of St.
Mark's Church, Palatka, Fla., 1884 - 86; rector of St. Andrew's
Church, Jacksonville, Fla., 1886 - 93; dean of the cathedral
at Atlanta, Ga., 1893 - 1904. In 1904 he was consecrated bishop
of Cuba, which office he held up to 1913. He was placed in charge
of the Panama Canal Zone, 1908 - 20. In 1914 he became vice-chancellor
and president of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.,
which post he held until 1922. In 1923 he was chosen bishop-coadjutor
of the Diocese of New Jersey, since when he has made his home
in Trenton. |
The Presbyterians - 1712
IN COLONIAL times churches took
the names of the townships. In the vicinity of what is now Trenton
there were three townships that worked together in the maintenance
of their churches. First was Maidenhead (now Lawrenceville) which
had a lot deeded for church purposes in 1698. Somewhere about the
same time Hopewell (Pennington) began a church, although there
is no deed. Then in 1709, a little farther to the south in the
same township, a plot of ground was deeded for church purposes
where Ewing Church now stands, and a log house was erected in 1712.
The Rev. Robert Orr was the first pastor of these three churches.
He was installed October 15,1715,and remained five years. The Rev.
Moses Dickinson followed him, remaining two years. After an interim
of several years the Rev. Joseph Morgan became the third pastor,
and served from 1729 to 1737. All these ministers served the three
In 1719 Hopewell
Township was divided. The lower portion was from that time known
as Trenton Township. This included Ewing. The two churches in Trenton
Township were thereafter designated as “old house” and “new
house,” the “country” and the “town.”
As the settlement at the Falls of the Delaware grew,
there came demand for a chapel that the people on the river would
not have to go all the way to Ewing for worship. A plot of ground
was deeded in 1727 for church purposes, where the First Presbyterian
Church now stands. Some years later an additional plot was added.
It seems that the first building was erected, as a matter of fact,
in 1726, or before title was given.
There is a roll of the three churches bearing the date of 1733, made the
Rev. Joseph Morgan. The Hopewell roll contains the names of seventy-
seven communicants, while Maidenhead has thirty-eight names, and
Trenton (Ewing) contains twenty-four names. Some of the communicants
of the third roll, no doubt, lived at the Falls of the Delaware.
This roll is as follows:
Richard Scuddar,
deacon, and Hannah, his wife
Arthur Howel,
elder, and Ruth, his wife
Samuel Ketcham
John Chambers
James Chambers
and Mrs. Chambers, his wife
Sarah Higby
Sarah Tucker
Aug. 3, 1733 Ralph Hart and Sarah,
his wife
Nov. 25, 1733 Lydia Green, wife of William
May 3, 1734 Deborah Lawrence, widow
Johnson, wife of Sam
Green, wife of Richard
Sept. 12, 1734 William Green
Green, widow
Aug. 29, 1735 Charles Clerk and Abigail, his wife
wife of Dv. Dunbar
the wife of Eb. Petty
Oct. 23, 1737 Elizabeth Sinclare
fourth pastor of the Trenton churches was David Cowell, who began
his ministry in 1736 and continued until 1760. During this pastorate
the Presbytery of New Brunswick was erected, although at that time
the Trenton churches remained in the Presbytery of Philadelphia.
Then in 1741 the Great Schism took place, and the two parties
were known as the Old Side and the New Side. In 1758 the schism
was healed, and the churches in this vicinity were assigned to
the Presbytery of New Brunswick. Thus Mr. Cowell was a member of
the Presbytery of New Brunswick for the last two years of his life.
He died December 1, 1760, and was buried on the western side of
the church, near the street. Outside of his parish Mr. Cowell was
notable for his work in behalf of the College of New Jersey, and
for his efforts on behalf of healing the schism.
next minister was the Rev. William Kirkpatrick, who served only
as a supply, from 1761 to 1766. Several efforts were made to have
him installed but each time some obstacle arose. Finally he accepted
a call to the First Church of Amwell, where he continued to minister
until his death, September 8, 1769.
next pastor was the Rev. Elihu Spencer, D.D., who served from November
18, 1769 till his death, December 27, 1784. Thus he served throughout
the Revolution. The call for Dr. Spencer was made out from the
three congregations. He was a chaplain in the army. He also officiated
as chaplain of the Provincial Congress. He was a marked man and
his parsonage suffered at the hands of the enemy. When the surrender
of Cornwallis was celebrated in Trenton October 27, 1781, the governor,
Council, Assembly and citizens attended service in the Presbyterian
Church, when Dr. Spencer delivered a discourse. In 1783 when peace
was concluded with Great Britain a similar service was held in
Dr. Spencer's church. He is buried in the churchyard on the western
next pastor was the Rev. James Francis Armstrong, who served from
1786 until 1816. He was licensed in 1778 by the Presbytery of New
Castle and was ordained at Pequea, Pa., in 1778. He served as chaplain
for a time and was at Yorktown at the time of the surrender. In
1782 he returned to New Jersey and in 1786 accepted a call to the
Trenton church. In the early years of his ministry he served three
churches - the “town,” the “old,” and the
Maidenhead. In 1787 Mr. Armstrong accepted the principalship of
the classical academy which had been started a few years before.
He took an active part in the organization of the General Assembly
in 1789 and was elected moderator in 1804. During his ministry
a new church building was erected. During the building the Presbyterians
were given a home in St. Michael’s Church and Mr. Armstrong
preached on alternate Sundays. The new church was opened August
17, 1806. He died June 10, 1816, and
is buried in the churchyard.
Rev. Samuel B. How, D.D., was the next pastor, serving from 1816
until 1821. The Rev. William J. Armstrong, D.D., followed, 1821
- 24. The Rev. John Smith ministered from 1825 to 1828. The Rev.
James Waddell Alexander, D.D., served from 1829 to 1832. The Rev.
James William Yeomans, D.D., served from 1834 to 1841, when he
resigned to accept the presidency of Lafayette College. During
this pastorate the congregation erected a new church edifice, the
cornerstone being laid June 1, 1841, It was during this pastorate
that the Presbyterian Church divided into the Old School and the
New School branches. This church and the Presbytery of New Brunswick
rernained with the Old School.
next pastor was the Rev. John Hall, D.D., who was ordained and
installed August 11, 1841, and forthwith entered upon
the longest pastorate in the history of the First Church, continuing
in active service until May 4, 1884, when he was made pastor-emeritus
for the remainder of his days. He died May 10, 1894. For a brief
sketch of his life, see the end of this section.
Rev. John Dixon, D.D., took up the work that Dr. Hall laid down
and carried it on in the spirit of his predecessor, from October
15, 1884, to September 18, 1898. A biographical sketch of Dr. Dixon
will also be found at the end of this section.
Rev. Lewis Seymour Mudge, who was one of the Presbytery's own candidates,
was next called to take up the work. He was installed September
27, 1899. Through ill health he was forced to resign November 4,
1901. Dr. Mudge is now the stated clerk of the General Assembly.
the next pastor an ex-moderator of the General Assembly was sought,
the Rev. Henry Collin Minion, D.D., LL.D., who was installed November
19, 1902. He continued to January 22, 1918, when ill health
compelled him to retire from the active ministry.
Rev. Peter K Emmons assumed the pastorate January 28, 1919, and continued until November 6, 1927, He was chosen
during this pastorate a member of the board of trustees of Princeton
Theological Seminary. He was also elected a member of the Permanent
Judicial Commission of the General Assembly. For one year he served
as district governor of the Thirty-sixth District Rotary International.
January 23, 1917, the Presbytery of New Brunswick unveiled in the
First Church yard a monument erected to the memory of the Rev.
John Rosbrugh who was massacred on the banks of the Assunpink on
January 2, 1777, after Washington had drawn his forces to the south
side of the creek. In some way Mr. Rosbrugh became detached and
was left on the north side of the creek. He was buried where he
fell, but a few days afterward his classmate, the Rev. George Duffield,
took up the body of his friend and gave it decent burial “in
the churchyard.” At the time he was moderator of the Presbytery
of New Brunswick and was pastor of the Allen Township Church in
the Forks of the Delaware. 14
14 See the address delivered by the
writer at the unveiling, Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society,
Vol. IX, pp. 49 - 64.
1837 some members of the First Church took up the mission work
in Lamberton which had been started some years before and allowed
to languish. A few years later a committee from the Presbytery
was sent to make a survey of the field. The outcome of this project
was the organization of a second Presbyterian Church, with nineteen
charter members. The first pastor was the Rev. Daniel Deruelle,
1843‑48; the second, the Rev. Ansley D. White, 1848‑64;
the third, the Rev. George S. Bishop, 1864‑66; the fourth,
the Rev. James B. Kennedy, 1866‑95; the fifth, the Rev. William
J. Henderson, 1885‑87 ; the sixth, the Rev. William H. Woolverton,
D.D., 1887‑91; the seventh, the Rev. William S. Voorhies,
1892‑1901; the eighth, the Rev. Norris W. Harkness, 1901‑09;
the ninth, the Rev. Albert C. Busch, 1909‑16; the tenth,
the Rev. Howard J. Baumgartel, 1916‑20; the eleventh and
present pastor, the Rev. Raymond A. Ketchledge, 1921‑. The
church was first located on Union at the head of Fall Street, but
in the pastorate of Mr. Harkness it was moved to the corner of
Market and Jackson Streets. The building was destroyed by fire
on November 20, 1919. Steps were immediately taken to rebuild.
The indebtedness was all paid off in 1927.
May 2, 1849, the Third Church was organized,
with thirteen communicants from the First and four from other churches.
At first the congregation met in Odd Fellows' Hall, on the corner
of Hanover and Broad Streets. Their house of worship on North Warren
Street was erected in November 1850.
first pastor was the Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler, who served them for
three years, from September 2, 1849, until April 7, 1853, when
he accepted a call to Brooklyn where he spent the remainder of
his days and became one of the outstanding pastors of the Presbyterian
second pastor was the Rev. Jacob Kirkpatrick, Jr., who was ordained
and installed November 3, 1853. Declining health compelled him
to resign February 2, 1858. He died October 21, 1859, and was buried
in Mercer Cemetery.
Rev. Henry B. Chapin was the third pastor, continuing from November
28, 1858, until January 1, 1866.
fourth pastor was the Rev, Samuel M. Studdiford, D.D., who was
installed April 15, 1866, and continued until October 22, 1902,
when he was chosen pastor-emeritus. He died July 21, 1908. For
a brief sketch of his life, see the end of this section.
1874, during his pastorate, the spire of the church was struck
by lightning and on July 4, 1879, a falling rocket set fire to
the church. Straightway the work of rebuilding was begun and the
new church was dedicated February 19, 1880.
fifth pastor was the Rev. Albert J. Weisley, D.D., who served from
May 13, 1903, until November 20, 1911.
sixth pastor was the Rev. Andrew Todd Taylor, D.D., who served
from October 29, 1912, to November 13, 1916.
seventh pastor was the Rev. George Dugan, D.D., who began his ministry
in the Third Church May 3, 1920, and continued until his sudden
death, October 14, 1921.
eighth, and present, pastor is the Rev. John McNab, D.D., LL.D.,
who was installed May 16, 1922.
the sixth of November, 1858, a group of some fifty-one communicants
of the Third Church formed the Fourth Church. Their first pastor
was the Rev. Edward D. Yeomans, D.D., who was installed December
15, 1858, and continued until January 2, 1863. The church building
was dedicated October 16, 1862.
second pastor was the Rev. William M. Blackburn, D.D., who served
from January 4, 1864, to August 16, 1868.
third pastor was the Rev. Richard H. Richardson, D.D., whose term
was from December 6, 1868, to October 3, 1887.
fourth pastor was the Rev. John H. Salisbury, D.D., who began February
1, 1888, and served until his death, January 10, 1891.
fifth pastor was the Rev. Samuel A. Harlow, who served from July
6, 1892, to July 1, 1894.
Rev. William Henry Roberts, D.D., LL.D., stated clerk of the General
Assembly, served as stated supply from September 10, 1894, to May
1, 1900.
seventh pastor was the Rev. Hugh B. MacCauley, who was installed
April 18, 1900, and was released January 27, 1912.
eighth pastor was the Rev. William M. Curry, D.D., whose term ran
from January 16, 1913, to August 29, 1920.
ninth, and present, pastor is the Rev. Gill Robb Wilson, who was
installed October 13, 1921. Mr. Wilson, in 1927, was elected national
chaplain of the American Legion.
Fifth Church began as a mission Sunday school of the First Church.
It was known as the Warren Street Chapel, and was opened January
8, 1854. A church organization was formed February 23, 1874, with
twenty-eight members. The Rev. Ansley D. White, D.D., who had served
as pastor of the Second Church years before, was called to the
pastorate and was installed October 26, 1874. He served until his
death, September 23, 1877.
second pastor was the Rev. Joseph W. Porter, who was installed
April 18, 1878, and continued for two years.
Rev. John F. Shaw then took up the work, February 4, 1881, and
continued until February 4, 1883. But the Fifth Church seemed to
be losing ground. Dr. Studdiford secured a student of Princeton
Theological Seminary to act as a supply - C. A. R. Janvier, who
was preparing to go out to the foreign field. He proved to be the
man for the place. The Fifth Church soon took on new life. He began
as a supply March 8, 1883. He was ordained and installed April
24, 1884, and continued until July 3, 1887.
fifth pastor was the Rev. William P. Swartz who served from August
22, 1887, until October 21, 1888.
sixth pastor was the Rev. George H. Ingram who began his labors
December 2, 1888, and continued until January 4, 1904 - the longest
pastorate up to this date.
seventh pastor was the Rev. Samuel C. Hodge who was installed April
14, 1904. He served until May 29, 1911. During this pastorate extensive
addition was made to the Sunday school building.
eighth pastor was the Rev. Samuel Guy Snowden, who was installed
January 4, 1912. He continued until his death May 4, 1920.
ninth, and present, pastor, is the Rev. William K. C. Thomson,
who was installed October 6, 1920.
church in a new section of the city was organized by the Presbytery
April 29, 1875, with thirty-five members. The building had been
erected in advance, ready for the new undertaking. The first pastor
was the Rev. Walter A. Brooks, who was ordained and installed October
14, 1875. Dr. Brooks continued in this pastorate until October
14, 1905, when he was made pastor-emeritus. He died January 12,
1913. His biographical sketch will be found at the end of this
second pastor was the Rev. Francis Palmer, who was installed October
23, 1905. He continued until May 15, 1922.
third and present pastor is the Rev. William Thomson Hanzsche,
who was installed October 27, 1922, During this pastorate extensive
additions have been made to the church equipment.
church in the borough of Chambersburg was organized November 15,
1886, with sixty-six members. The Centennial Public School was
used as a place of worship until the church was erected on the
corner of Hamilton and Chestnut Avenues. This was dedicated March
6, 1888. The first pastor was the Rev. Daniel R. Foster, who had
been pastor of Pennington Church. He was installed in his new charge
December 14, 1886. He served in this field until January 3o, 1900,
and was then made pastor-emeritus. He died October 25, 1915, and
his body was interred in Riverview Cemetery.
Rev. Robert I. McBride was the second pastor, and was installed
May 16, 1900, continuing in this charge until October 21, 1903.
third pastor was the Rev. Linius L. Strock who was installed January
19, 1904, and served until September 23, 1913.
fourth, and present, pastor is the Rev. D. Wilson Hollinger, who
was installed April 21, 1914. Additions have been made on two occasions,
one during Mr. Foster's day and the last one during the present
in the pastorate of Dr. Dixon in the First Church attention a directed
to the needs of the Millham district. The outcome was the organization
of a Sunday school under the auspices of the session of the First
Church, February 13, 1887. Through the generosity of the Hon. Caleb
S. Green a home was provided on the corner of Olden and Clinton
Avenues. Hitherto the Sunday school had met in the Girard
Public School. The new building was dedicated December 26, 1888.
On April 21, 1899, the East Trenton Presbyterian Church was organized
by the Presbytery. In the interim D. Ruby Warne, a student
of Princeton Theological Seminary, had served as a supply as had
the Rev. Edward Scofield before him, and on May 11 the Rev. Frank
B. Everitt was installed as pastor. He continued until January
29, 1901.
second pastor was the Rev. Fred B. Newman who was installed July
10, 1901, and continued until December 25, 1910.
third pastor was the Rev. Herbert J. Allsup, who was installed
May 10, 1911, and was released April 8, 1913.
fourth pastor was the Rev. Clarence E. Hills, D.D., who was installed
February 24, 1914, and was released December 1, 1927.
fifth and present pastor is the Rev. Roy E. Jones, installed July
20, 1928.
a number of years a union Sunday school had been conducted in the
William G. Cook Public School in Wilbur. The date when this school
began was about 1890. As this section of the city grew, need was
felt for the organization of a church, and application was made
to the Presbytery. Accordingly on September 12, 1898, the Walnut
Avenue Presbyterian Church was organized, with sixteen charter
members. A chapel had been erected on the corner of Walnut and
Walter Avenues, and the Rev. Isaac M. Patterson was installed as
the first pastor on October 18, 1898. Mr. Patterson continued until
September 30, 1903, when he was made pastor emeritits. On April
7, 1918, the sixtieth anniversary of his licensure, he preached
a sermon in this church, which had been renamed Westminster Church
upon its removal to the corner of Walter and Greenwood Avenues,
through the generosity of Mr. Hampton W. Cook who had also given
the former site. Mr. Patterson died July 3, 1921.
second pastor was the Rev. George H. Ingram, who had been serving
the Fifth Church. He began his ministry January 11, 1904, and continued
until May 5, 1922, a pastorate of eighteen years, making the total
term of his pastorate in Trenton thirty-three years. Mr. Ingram
has served as stated clerk of the Presbytery since the death of
Dr. Brooks in 1913. Since giving up the pastorate he has served
as executive secretary of the Council of Churches. For a number
of years he has served as the historian of the Presbytery and of
the Synod of New Jersey.
third pastor was the Rev. Charles L. Leber who began his ministry
May 5, 1923, and continued to May 31, 1924. He was followed by
the Rev. Robert L. Clark, Jr., the present pastor, who was installed
December 12, 1924.
the death of Mr. Cook, June 16, 1924, Westminster Church came into
possession of a large annuity from his estate. Mr. Cook hoped that
sometime a church in memory of his brother Edward Grant Cook might
be erected.
mission for the Italians of Chambershurg was opened in the summer
of 1897, with Vincent Serafini, a student at Princeton Theological
Seminary, in charge. That fall a Sunday school was opened with
teachers furnished by the First and other churches. On July 6,
1898, Mr. Serafini was ordained, and henceforth gave all his time
to the work. Soon after this work was assumed by a committee of
the Presbytery. Up until that time there had been no work for the
Italians, even in the Roman Catholic Church, but soon afterward
work was begun in other quarters.
first the mission had no home, but met in rented buildings. In
1906 a building was begun and by December 1, 1907, it was ready
for dedication. In those days it was known as the Italian Evangelical
Congregation. On January 25, 1916, the name was changed to the
Immanuel Presbyterian Church. Additional property was purchased
for the purpose of enlargement of the buildings as the congregation
may need. In 1922 the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mr. Serafini's
service in Immanuel Church was celebrated by the Presbytery.
Sunday school was started in what was then Nottingham Township
in 1834. It met more or less irregularly until 1854. From the latter
date it was known as the Hamilton Union Sunday School and met in
the public school building. A chapel was erected on the corner
of Liberty and Williams Streets, the cornerstone having been laid
July 15, 1908, and Pilgrim Church was organized October 5, 1911.
some years the new church depended upon supplies. The first pastor
was the Rev. John A. Sellers, who was installed April 23, 1915.
He was released November 28, 1917.
second pastor was the Rev. James C. Hughes, who was installed June
25, 1918, and was released May 30, 1923.
third pastor was the Rev. Morris Zutrau, who was ordained and installed
May 29, 1924. He remained until December 1, 1927. During this pastorate
the property on Liberty Street was sold and steps taken to erect
the Sunday school building on the new site, on the corner of South
Broad Street and Annabelle Avenue. The cornerstone was laid September
24, 1924. The edifice was dedicated May 31, 1925.
fourth, and present, pastor is the Rev. William T. Magill, who
was installed March 15, 1928.
the fall of 1913 a class of Italian children was enrolled in the
Bible school of the Fifth Presbyterian Church, The growth of this
work led to the organization of the North Trenton Italian Mission
in the Jefferson Public School on February 6, 1914, with Nunzio
Vecere missionary in charge. In May 1916 the work was transferred
to Frazier Street. On September 24, 1918, the mission was organized
into the Mount Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mr. Vecere was ordained
and installed July 14, 1916. The new edifice, on the corner of
Brunswick Avenue and Miller Street, was dedicated October 28, 1923.
Hall was
born in Philadelphia, August 11, 1806, He united with the First
Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, under the ministry of Albert
Barnes, September 24, 1836. He graduated in the class of 1823
of the University of Pennsylvania and forthwith took up the study
of law. After practising for five years he decided to study for
the ministry. While acting as secretary of the American Sunday
School Union, which office he entered upon in 1832, he prepared
himself for the ministry without taking a course in a
theological seminary. He was called to the pastorate of the First
Presbyterian Church of Trenton and was thereupon ordained and
installed, August 11, 1841, when he was thirty-five years of
age. In this pastorate he continued until failing health required
him to resign, May 4, 1884, a period of nearly forty-three years.
In 1850 the College of New Jersey conferred upon him the degree
of D.D. For a time he filled the chair of pastoral theology in
the Princeton Theological Seminary, after the death of Dr. Archibald
Alexander. In 1868 he was chosen a director of Princeton Theological
Seminary which position he held until impaired health required
him to resign, 1883. Dr. Hall died in 1894. His History of
the Pres6yterian Church in Trenton is highly regarded.
Miller Studdiford was born in Lambertville, NJ., January 24, 1835, a child of the manse.
His father, the Rev. Peter Ogilvie Studdiford, was pastor of
that church from its organization until his death. Samuel was
prepared for Princeton by his father, graduating in the class
of 1856. He spent a year in teaching in the Princeton Theological
Seminary, whereupon he entered the seminary, graduating in the
class of 1860. He was ordained by the Presbytery of Elizabeth,
N.J., May 3, 1859, and was installed pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church of Plainfield, N.J., May 8, 1860. In April 1862 he became
pastor of Stewartsville, N.J., church. After four years he accepted
a call to the Third Church of Trenton, and on April 15, 1866,
he began there his long Trenton pastorate. In the fall of 1902
he resigned and was made pastor-emeritus. In 1884 he received
the degree of D.D. from Princeton University, and the same year
he was elected moderator of the Synod of New Jersey. In 1893
he was elected a trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary. He
died July 21, 1908, and was buried in the family lot at Lambertville.
Dixon was
born in Galt, Canada, January 25, 1847. He entered Princeton
Theological Seminary in 1870, graduating in the class of 1873.
He was ordained by the Presbytery of Boston June 19, 1873, and
the same year accepted the pastorate of the First Presbyterian
Church of Providence, R.I., where he remained four years. He
next served the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Yonkers, N.Y.,
where he remained from 1877 to 1884, whence he came to the First
Presbyterian Church of Trenton, where he served 1884 - 98. In
1898, in response to a call to enter a wider field of service,
he resigned his charge in Trenton to accept a secretaryship in
the Board of Home Missions. Here he continued until 1923, when
he was made secretary-emeritus of the Board of National Missions,
Lafayette College honored him in 1889 with the degree
of D.D. He was chosen a trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary
in 1889, which position he still holds. He is likewise a trustee
of Princeton University and also chairman of the Board of Trustees
of the Lawrenceville School.
A. Brooks was
for thirty-five years clerk of the Presbytery of New Brunswick;
for twenty-five years he was stated clerk of the Synod of New
Jersey and for thirty-eight years was pastor and pastor-emeritus
of the Prospect Street Presbyterian Church of Trenton. He was
born at Leroy, N.Y., August 2, 1849, a son of the manse. He graduated
from the University of Michigan in 1868, and from the Union Theological
Seminary, New York City, 1875. He was ordained and installed
pastor of the Prospect Street Church October 14, 1875,
of which he was the first pastor. He died in 1913. |
V. The Methodists - 1772
The editor is indebted to the late Charles H. Elder for furnishing
much of the historical material for the chapter on the Methodists,
though his death unfortunately prevented him from completing the
full account.
METHODISTS in Trenton have had a long and honorable history.
Years before the first congregation was formed here itinerant Methodist
preachers visited Trenton from time to time. In 1739 it is on record
that George Whitefield came to Trenton and preached. Under date
of November 12, that year, he records in his Journal:
eight o'clock we reached Trent‑town in the Jerseys. It being
dark, we went out of our way a little in the woods; but God sent
a guide to direct us aright. We had a comfortable refreshment when
we reached our inn and went to bed in peace and joy in the Holy
left early the next morning but returned during the same month,
attracted by the fact that a criminal was to be executed, on which
occasion it was expected there would be a great crowd in attendance
and an opportunity would be offered him to preach. He writes:
21, 1739. Being strongly desired by many and hearing that a condemned
malefactor was to suffer that week, I went in company with about
thirty more to Trenton and reached thither by five in the evening.
... Knowing that God called, I went out trusting in Divine strength
and preached in the Court House, and though I was quite barren
and dry in the beginning of the discourse, yet God enabled me to
speak with great sweetness, freedom and power before I had done.
The unhappy criminal seemed hardened, but I hope some good was
done in the place.
visited Trenton again in 1740 and was also in 1754 when he was
advertised in the Philadelphia papers to preach in Trenton on September
13 and 14 of that year.
Another evangelist,
Thomas Webb, a Captain in the British army stationed at Albany,
preached in Trenton probably in 1768 en route to Philadelphia.
Another early itinerant, Richard Boardman, in a letter to Wesley,
stated that he had visited Trenton in 1769 and preached in the
Presbyterian Church to a large company. It is certain that there
were Methodists in this vicinity as early as 1768, for in that
year Samuel Tucker and John Hart were competitors for the Assembly
and Tucker, so the record runs, “was supported by the Episcopalians,
Methodists and Baptists, and Hart by the Presbyterians.”
The great missionary,
Francis Asbury, as recorded in Asbury's Journal, preached
in Trenton for the first time May 20, 1772. He was preaching here
again June 8 of the same year; also on June 29 and July 19. On
July 22 he speaks of finding “about nineteen persons” (Methodists). “They
are a serious people, and there is some prospect of much good being
done in this place.” For Asbury's services on these occasions
the Society paid him, July 23, 1 pound 10 shillings 6d. On April
22 - 23, 1773, Asbury was again in Trenton, and he makes the following
entry in his Journal: “Before my return to Philadelphia
I had the pleasure of seeing the foundation laid of a new preaching
house 35 feet by 30 feet.” According to an old account book
containing the minutes of the first board of trustees of the Methodist
Society January 9, 1773, to September 19, 1837, it would appear
that Asbury was paid 10 shillings on April 22, 1773, presumably
as a fee for his services on the occasion of laying the foundation
of the Methodist Chapel. In the History of State Street Methodist
Church prepared for the twenty-sixth anniversary of dedication,
June 14, 1886, by a committee composed of James F. Rusling, George
W. Macpherson and Ira W. Wood, these and additional references
to the early history of Methodism in Trenton will be found duly
First Methodist Church of Trenton has the honor of being the first
established in New Jersey and probably the third in the whole country,
ranking next only after the John Street Church in New York City
and St. George's Church in Philadelphia.
First Methodist Episcopal Church, known as the “Mother Church” by
Trenton Methodists, came into existence in the year 1771, five
years before the Declaration of Independence by the American Colonies.
The beginning of this historic church goes back to the organization
of a class meeting by Joseph Toy in 1771. In 1772 the Trenton Society,
consisting of nineteen members, secured subscriptions from a hundred
and twenty-two persons for the erection of a meeting house. The
subscription list bears the date November 25, 1772, and the total
amount raised was 213 pounds. A lot was purchased at the northeast
corner of what is now Broad and Academy Streets, on which a frame
building thirty by thirty-five feet was erected in 1773.
the nineteen original members appears the name of John Fitch, the
inventor of the steamboat. The total cost of this “Preaching
House” was 193 pounds 6 shillings 2d.
the expenses incurred in erecting the building were the following
items for providing liquid refreshment for the workmen, as was
customary in those days, though the same now makes curious reading: 15
March |
27 |
, 1773 |
To 2 quarts of Rum for Workmen |
2 |
April |
9 |
To 2 Gallons of Cyder |
2 |
10 |
To Cash for 1 Gallon of Rum (45)
Cyder |
4 |
13 |
To 3 Quarts of Cyder |
9 |
To Cash for 1 Gallon of Rum |
4 |
15 History of State Street M.E. Church, p.
original frame meeting house was replaced in 1806 with a brick
church which was located on the same site and was called “Bethesda.” It
was sold in 1838 to the Orthodox Friends and was used by them until
1858. The Methodists removed to the site of the present church
on South Broad Street and erected a brick building which was dedicated
September 9, 1838, and called the “Trenton M.E. Church,” perhaps
better known for many years as the “Greene Street Church,” from
the name the street then bore.
congregation in the course of its long history has had four different
official titles or names: first, “The Trustees of the Methodist
Congregation of Christians of the City of Trenton” ; second, “The
Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the City of Trenton”;
third, “Greene Street Methodist Episcopal Church of the City
of Trenton” (incorporated March 18, 1866) ; fourth, and present
name, “The First Methodist Episcopal Church of New Jersey” (incorporated
February 26, 1906).
present commodious building of the First Church was dedicated May
5, 1895, Bishop Charles H. Fowler preaching in the morning and
Dr. James M. Buckley in the evening. It stands on the site of the
old Greene Street Church and cost, including additional land, about
$80,000. When the church and Sunday school auditoriums are thrown
into one, it has a seating capacity of two thousand.
Sunday November 26, 1922, and the week-days following, the First
Church observed with a series of elaborate and interesting services
the sesquicentennial of its foundation. Sermons were preached by
several former pastors and other prominent ministers. An honor
roll of some twenty-three persons then living who had a record
of fifty years of membership was read. 16
16 The First Methodist Episcopal Church
of New Jersey, Sesquicentennial, 1772 - 1922, edited by Frank Duffield Lawrence and Howell Quigley.
the year 1846 a group withdrew from the original First Church and
purchased the property of the Dutch Reformed Church on Front Street,
where was organized and established the Front Street Methodist
Episcopal Church. This society began with an initial membership
of eighty persons and had grown to three hundred in 1864. About
this time the Civil War dissensions threw a dark cloud over this
hitherto united and prosperous church and so acute became the crisis
that a separation between the two factions took place, resulting
in the formation of two separate congregations, Central and Trinity.
After eighteen years of united history there thus came about the
establishment of two other churches and the elimination of what
had been known as the Front Street M.E. Church.
Union M.E. Church grew out of cottage prayer meetings held by local
preachers from the Greene Street M.E. Church. The society was probably
organized early in 1851. The State Gazette for Monday,
August 4, 1851, contains an account of the cornerstone laying on
Sunday, August 3, 1851. The Rev. Charles Pitman, assisted by the
Rev. F. A. Morrel of the Greene Street M.E. Church, and the Rev,
James Rogers of the Front Street M.E. Church, laid the cornerstone.
The dedication of this building by Bishop Edmund S. Janes was on
April 8, 1852, while the New Jersey Annual Conference was in session.
The Rev. J. N. Nesler and James Rogers assisted. The Rev. J. N.
Nester was the first pastor. When the Union Street congregation
sold its property, a site was bought and a new church was erected
an Centre Street, henceforth known as Wesley M.E. Church.
deed for the Wesley M.E. Church ground is dated November 26, 1888.
This ground was on Centre Street below Federal Street and the price
paid was $3,200. The new church building was dedicated on Sunday,
November 17, 1889, and the Rev. W. J. Thorn of Baltimore preached
the dedicating sermon. This building was sold to the congregation
of Ahovath Israel in 1911 for $7,200. From the trustees
of the First Baptist Church of Trenton in 1911 the trustees of
Wesley M.E. Church bought their present church property for $4,300.
This building was rededicated by District Superintendent Alfred
Wagg, D.D., in 1911, the Rev. G. W. Ridout then being the pastor.
in Trenton, prior to 1859, was organized on the free-pew system.
This method was not in harmony with the wishes of some seventy
people, who on that account withdrew from the Greene Street M.E.
Church in 1859 to organize a church of rented pews. This was the
beginning of the State Street M.E. Church.
February 1, 1859, this group elected seven trustees and on the
following day the certificate of incorporation was executed and
the name, “Trustees of State Street M.E. Church” was
original incorporators were William C. Howell, W. S. Hutchinson,
John Whittaker, Daniel Bodine, Joseph McPherson, William Phillips
and Isaac Gould; all well-known and influential citizens.
first pastor was the Rev. George W. Batchelder. Meetings were held
in Temperance Hall, where the congregation continued to worship
until the new church building was erected at the corner of State
and Stockton Streets. Bishop Scott assisted by several clergymen
laid the cornerstone of the present edifice on July 21, 1859. On
June 14, 1860, the building was dedicated by Bishop Janes, who
was also assisted by many of the clergy. The total cost of the
church exclusive of the land was about $27,000. The church building
at the time was considered a model of ecclesiastical architecture
and was widely imitated or copied elsewhere in New Jersey. On the
westerly side of the church a parsonage was built in 1865
at a cost of about $10,000. In 1882 the old chapel, having proved
inadequate to the needs, was torn down and a new chapel erected
of double the capacity at a cost of $7,000. In its career of seventy
years the State Street Church has had a series of distinguished
pastors and has numbered among its members many of the best-known
and influential citizens of Trenton, Perhaps the chief figure among
the laymen who have served the church was General James F. Rusling,
whose personality and writings have done much to advance the cause
of Methodism not only in this city but as well through the State
and country at large. 17
17 History of State Street M.E. Church, 1886.
Cadwalader Heights Church is the direct successor of the old Warren
Street M.E. Church which was organized in 1860 as a mission by
a group belonging to the First M.E. Church. In 1859 a lot was secured
on North Warren Street for a Sunday school that had been meeting
in a school house on the Pennington road. In 1860 this group assumed
the name of the Warren Street M.E. Church, though it was not until
1876, to accommodate a growing and enterprising congregation, that
a church was built on North Warren Street. The influx of business
on Warren Street and the expansion of population westward prompted
the congregation to sell this valuable property to the “City
Rescue Mission.” During the pastorate of the Rev. Walter
Atkinson a new church was built at the corner of Stuyvesant Avenue
and Oak Lane. This fine church perpetuates the memory of the old
Warren Street Church.
M.E. CHURCH - 1865
Church, as the logical and legitimate successor to Front Street
M.E. Church, has had many financial trials and difficulties during
its existence. For a period the services were held in rented halls
and subsequently the congregation worshiped in what was known as
the “Plank Church” on Academy Street. This building
gave way in 1869 to the present commodious structure on Perry Street.
a long struggle, a burdensome debt was finally paid off in 1918
during the pastorate of the Rev. Charles H. Elder. In 1920 many
improvements were made to the church building, adding much to the
beauty and comfort of the edifice. These improvements entailed
another indebtedness which has since been paid off under the present
pastor, the Rev. John Goorley.
Central M.E. Church came into existence in 1865 when 175 members
withdrew from the Front Street M.E. Church and constituted the
beginning of this new church enterprise. Bishop Edward R. Ames
appointed the Rev. E. Stokes, subsequently founder of the Ocean
Grove Camp Meeting, to care for this new child of Trenton Methodism.
The first meetings were held in the Mercer County Court House and
subsequently at the residence of Ezekiel Pullen on Market Street.
The first Sunday school was held in the Market Street Public School,
but after April 30, 1865, the Sunday school was held in Temperance
Hall on Broad Street where it continued to assemble until the basement
of the church building was completed. On Thanksgiving Day, November
29, 1865, Bishop Edmund S. Janes dedicated the basement of the
church to divine worship, The church edifice was completed in 1867
and was dedicated by Bishop Janes.
origin of the Hamilton Avenue Church dates back to a meeting held
at the home of George B. Whittaker on Hamilton Avenue on January
29, 1872. Twelve persons were present who expressed the conviction
that the time had come to establish a Methodist Episcopal church
in the rapidly growing residence section of the city, then known
as Chambersburg. On March 22, 1872, the presiding elder, the Rev.
Samuel Vansant, called a meeting at the home of Mr. Whittaker to
consider the feasibility of forming a new church society, and a
board of trustees was elected composed of the following persons:
Moses Golding, Charles Carr, George B. Whittaker, William Gagg,
James S. West, James H. Whittaker and Richard Jackson. A lot was
purchased at the corner of Hamilton Avenue and Hudson Street for
the sum of $2,500. On November 2, 1872, the society was formally
organized, and the name, the Hamilton Avenue Methodist Episcopal
Church, was decided upon. The building was constructed and the
first regular service held in it was on Sunday, January 12, 1873,
with the Rev. J. R. Westwood as pastor. On Sunday March 2, 1873,
the church was formally dedicated by the Rev. John Heisler. The
congregation grew until the building would not hold the people
who desired to attend, and in the year 1893 it was decided to construct
the present handsome building of brownstone which was then and
still remains one of the finest church buildings in the New Jersey
Conference. In the year 1910 the splendid Sunday school building
was erected, which makes the church plant perfect in every detail.
the spring of 1869 General James F. Rusling of the State Street
M.E. Church called together the members of the class with other
Methodists residing in Chambersburg at the White School House on
Prospect Street now Whittaker Avenue, and organized a Methodist
Sunday school. In 1870 a local preacher and exhorter came every
Sunday night to preach and hold services in the school house. The
society had long contemplated building a house of worship and were
encouraged by the Ruslings, who promised to give lots for that
purpose. On October 20, 1869, the Methodist Society elected trustees,
and a resolution was passed instructing the trustees to assume
the title “Trustees of the Broad Street Methodist Episcopal
Church.” On April 13, 1872, “The Linden Park Land Association
offered to convey to the trustees two building lots, provided that
work on the church building be commenced by the first of May 1872.” The
trustees accepted the offer, and on April 30, 1872, ground was
broken and the new church enterprise was started.
1888 the property was enlarged at an expense of $5,000 and a parsonage
was also built on the lot adjoining the church. During the pastorates
of different ministers further improvements have been made both
to the church and the parsonage.
October 22, 1927, the fifty-fifth anniversary was observed during
the pastorate of the Rev. H. D. Stratton. Many of the former pastors
returned to bring greetings and assist in the services.
April 28, 1852, when the Rev. C. F. Brown was pastor of the Greene
Street M.E. Church, it was decided to establish a mission school
in the northeast part of the city. Anthony Rainear, Israel Howell
and Joseph Yard were appointed a committee on site. A warm friend
was found in John Hart, in whose home the first session was held
May 9, 1852. In 1853 the first building was erected, called Homestead.
In 1872 Trenton Circuit was formed out of Homestead and Ruslingville,
with the Rev. J. R. Westwood as pastor. In 1873 a new church was
built costing $2,800. In 1875 Homestead withdrew from the circuit
and the Rev. Samuel Bennett was appointed pastor. The name of the
church was changed from Homestead to Simpson, December 13, 1880.
On April 17, 1889, when the Rev. G. S. Messeroll was pastor, a
new edifice was built at a cost of $10,000. On the completion of
this building in 1890 the name of the church was changed to Clinton
Avenue M.E. Church.
St. Paul's Church grew out of a Sunday school, known as the Passaic Street
Sunday School, which was organized by members of the Greene Street
(First Methodist) Church in 1890. In November of the same year
the Church organization was effected by the Rev. J. B. Graw, presiding
elder of Trenton District, and under the direction and leadership
of the Rev. S. K. Hickman as its first pastor. It was the day of
small things, twenty-two charter members and a Sunday school enrolment
of twenty-four was the beginning.
During the pastorate of the Rev. S. K. Hickman, the cornerstone of the
Spring Street Church was laid and the building completed. A Sunday
school chapel was added during the pastorate of the Rev. John W.
In 1911, with
the Rev..Henry M. Lawrence as pastor, the lot at the corner of
West State Street and Fisher Place was purchased of Robert A. Montgomery
for the erection of a new church. The laying of the cornerstone
took place September 11, 1922. Dr. M. E. Snyder was in charge.
Dr. Francis H. Green, headmaster at Pennington Seminary, delivered
the address, the subject being “Building to Build,” and
Dr. M. E. Snyder, district superintendent, placed the stone in
the foundation. The new church was dedicated October 7, 1923, by
Bishop John W. Hamilton of Washington, D.C.
original board of trustees were: Alfred S. Pittenger, Elijah Wagg,
James Ronan, James S. Kiger, Albert N. Clayton, Charles Pette and
John Hoagland.
present board of trustees are: Robert Appleton, A. T. Apgar, V.
B. Holcombe, O. V. H. Merrick, James M. Loyne, F. E, Snedeker,
George L. Thompson, Harry Sorter and James Sherrard. The congregation
has had fifteen pastors, the Rev. James Lord being the present
was due to the interest and efforts of General James F. Rusling
and William H. Rusling, who in 1894 gave four lots valued at $2,500
as a site for a church, that the Broad Street Park Church came
into existence. An organization was effected the same year and
the following trustees elected: Andrew K. Rowan, James F. Rusling,
William H. Rusling, Eugene F. Wiley, Robert L. McNeal, Edward Openshaw
and Henry C. Allen. The trustees requested the State Street Church
to assume the care and oversight of the congregation. A frame church
costing about $3,500 was built on the lot and dedicated June 6,
members of the Broad Street M.E, Church united in 1904 to start
a mission at the corner of Chambers and Liberty Streets. The new
enterprise assumed the name of Chambers Street M.E. Church and
was duly organized in April 1904. On July 28, 1893, the ground
was broken for the erection of a Sunday school building. The building
site was the gift of Samuel K. Wilson who also gave $700 toward
the building. In the year 1904 the Chambers Street Church was incorporated
with the Rev. J. G. Edwards as its first pastor. Prior to this
the Rev. George W. Scarborough served as pastor. The first trustees
were Wm. E. Harris, Edward S. Chadwick, George Udy, James Read
and John Warner.
Greenwood Avenue Church was the outgrowth of a Sunday school organized
in the Cook School in 1907. In the following year, under the Rev.
Alfred Wagg, district superintendent, a society was organized which
assumed the name of Greenwood Avenue M.E. Church. The Church Extension
Society having purchased a lot from General James Rusling at the
corner of Greenwood and Olden Avenues, the first services were
held there in a portable building during the summer of 1908. The
Rev. Frederick B. Harris was appointed pastor. The cornerstone
of the present edifice was laid December 31, 1910, and the building
completed January 21, 1912.
Up to recent
years the tenure of stay of Methodist ministers in a community
was so limited that there was small opportunity for them to impress
themselves upon its common life or to take a leading part in its
civic and religious activities. In selecting the following names
for mention out of the multitude who have served in Trenton, of
course no invidious distinction is intended, since in any event
only a few sketches could be given and these seemed best to fulfil
the conditions.
P. Kidder, D.D.,
served as pastor of the First M.E. Church in 1843, when his labors
were so active and so devoted as to make him a notable success.
For eleven years he was editor of the Sunday school publications
of the Methodist Church. His notable success in editorial work
and analytical theological training caused him to be called to
a professorship in Garrett Theological Seminary, and also to
Drew Theological Seminary, where he taught from 1856 to 1880.
He was elected by General Conference as secretary to the Board
of Education of the Methodist Chusch. The church has awarded
him a place worthy of his genius as a teacher, preacher, writer
and speaker. Few men in the Methodist ministry have more indelibly
impressed his generation by his scholarly qualities and other
notable gifts. Dr. Kidder was born in New York City, and died
in 1891.
Wiley, D.D.,
was the third pastor of the State Street M.E. Church. He was
a man of genius and a leader in Israel, and is still held in
reverent memory by the Methodists of Trenton and elsewhere. Owing
to his scholarship and other notable gifts, be became the twenty-fifth
bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was the only Trenton
pastor to have achieved that great honor. He died in Foo Chow,
China, November 22, 1884, a brave and self-sacrificing missionary.
Bates Wight, D.D.,
was born in Boston, Mass., October 14, 1841. His education was
received in private schools and the College of the City of New
York. He equipped himself for school teaching and continued in
that work until the Civil War started, when he enlisted in Company
G, First New Jersey Infantry. In November 1862 he was commissioned
Lieutenant in Company I of his regiment. He remained in military
service until his discharge, caused by ill health contracted
by confinement in Libby Prison. He was first commissioner of
the Department of Charities and Corrections of New Jersey. Doctor
Wight was secretary of the New Jersey Conference for fourteen
years, also serving as pastor of the First M.E. Church of Trenton
from 1887 to 1901, where he is still affectionately remembered.
He died on June 1, 1916, and the funeral services were held from
the First Church with interment in Riverview Cemetery, Trenton.
D. Fox, D.D.,
was born in Pikesville, Bucks County, Pa., January 7, 1851. He
was licensed to preach by the quarterly conference of Village
Green Circuit on July 5, 1873, and admitted to the Philadelphia
Conference in the spring of 1874. After occupying pulpits of
note in the Philadelphia Conference, he was transferred in 1901
to the State Street Church of Trenton where he remained until
1910. Dr. Fox was a fine Shakespearean scholar and a preacher
of rare merit. In the brotherhood of preachers he was styled
the “Beloved John.” He died in Philadelphia and the
funeral services were held in Covenant Church, Philadelphia,
on October 10, 1921. He was buried in the preacher's plot at
Mt. Moriah Cemetery.
Handley, D:D.,
was regarded as one of the most eloquent men in the New Jersey
Conference. Dr. Handley was chaplain in the regular United States
Army during the World War and served in France. He was also chaplain
to the Second Regiment, National Guard of New Jersey, for ten
years. He was appointed district superintendent in the New Jersey
Conference where he ably served for three years. He was appointed
delegate for three successive General Conferences. As a preacher,
he was expository, scholarly and remarkably forceful. Born in
New York City, he attended school at Pennington Seminary and
later was graduated from Rutgers College. He took a degree of
Doctor of Philosophy from New York University. Dickinson College
gave him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. He died in the Methodist
Hospital in Philadelphia on March 26, 1926. Funeral services
were held in the First Church of Camden, N.J., the interment
being in Greenwood Cemetery at Trenton.
Leander Sooy was
born in Green Bank, N.J., March 1, 1849, and died in Rochester,
N.Y., January 27, 1915. He was graduated from Princeton College
in the class of 1871. In 1895 his alma mater conferred upon him
the degree of Doctor of Divinity. He received his theological
training in Drew Seminary. He came to the State Street Church,
Trenton, in 1876 and served his full term. He then served churches
in Kentucky, New York, and Camden, N.J. He was again pastor of
the State Street Church, 1885‑88. He was called again to
the State Street Church several years later but declined because
the church in Wheeling, where he was then serving, refused to
release him. In 1908 he was made superintendent of the Buffalo,
N.Y., district and six years later of the Rochester district.
Dr. Sooy was an author of repute, Among his works were Bible
Talks for Children, Helps for the Devotional Hour, The Apostolic
Twelve Before and After Pentecost, and Bibliography of
Methodist Literature. He was interested in science, geology
being his favorite pastime.
H. Elder was
born in Camden, N.J., March 30, 1855. He came of sturdy American
stock, of the plain hard-working sort, a fact of which he was
always proud. There were no high schools during the period of
his youth, but be spent two years in the highest grade in Camden
public schools. He found his vocation in the old Third Street
Church, now the First M.E Church of Camden, and became an ardent
Christian worker. In preparation for the work of the ministry
he took a course of studies at Pennington Seminary. After three
years he was forced to discontinue his studies, owing to a nervous
breakdown. His interest in the work of the ministry remained
unabated and he took a charge at Hamilton Square, N.J., under
the district superintendent, the Rev. S. Vansant. He was pastor
of Wesley M.E. Church for five years. Afterwards he also served
Trinity M.E. Church for eighteen and one-half years until he
was appointed chaplain at the New Jersey State Prison where he
was serving at the time of his sudden death March 11, 1928. The
long residence of Mr. Elder in Trenton and his wide association
with the religious and charitable life of the city, particularly
his ministry among the fraternal societies and lodges, served
to make him a familiar and beloved figure in the community. His
unprecedented term of service as a Methodist minister in charge
of one and the same congregation for over eighteen years made
him the dean and veteran of the Methodist Church in this community.
Probably there is no minister in the city now or in the past
who in the course of his ministry performed so many marriages
or conducted so many funerals. As the Protestant chaplain for
the past ten years in the State Prison, be ministered to hundreds
of the inmates and won the friendship and gratitude of a host
of these unfortunates who after their discharge still continued
to keep in personal touch with him and to testify by their altered
lives to the permanent value of his devoted Christian services
in their behalf.
Elder's funeral was held in Trinity M.E. Church on Wednesday, March
15, 1928, in the presence of an overflowing congregation, and many
warm tributes were paid to his character and work, including one
by Maud Ballington Booth of the Volunteers of America.
135 - 137 PERRY STREET
Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church, the first colored
religious organization of Trenton, had its beginning in a religious
soclety known as “The Religious Society of Free Africans
of the City of Trenton” and effected its first incorporation
February 16, 1811. The trustees making the application were James
Berry, Julius Stewards, Leonard Ennis, Sampson Peters and Francis
Miller. In 1816, the year of the first and organizing General Conference
of the A.M.E. Church, Richard Allen, the founder, organizer and
first bishop of the denomination, visited the organization and
admitted them into the connection, The congregation for many years
was known as the “Mount Zion African Church.” Sampson
Peters, one of the original incorporators, was a preacher and became
the first regular pastor in 1816 serving until 1819. The first
building was erected in 1819 on the plot now occupied by the present
building. A reincorporation was effected July 18, 1834, adopting
the present name; the trustees were Leonard Scott, William Water,
Henry Pearson, George B. Cole, John Treyer, George McMullen and
Thomas Voorhees. The building was remodelled in 1858. Eighteen
years later, in 1876, under the pastorate of the Rev. John W. Stevenson,
the building was torn down and bodies in the old graveyard in the
rear of the building were removed to a plot in East Trenton, known
afterwards as “Locust Hill Cemetery,” and in the place
of the old building the present one was erected at a cost of $10,000.
During the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Stevenson the entire debt
was liquidated through the assistance of generous white people,
among whom were Mr. Joseph McPherson, a trustee of the State Street
M.E. Church, Mr. Chancellor Green, the Rev. Mr. Sooy and the Rev.
John Hall, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, who prepared the
financial appeal to the public. The congregation owns a parsonage
which, with the church building, is free from debt and valued at
$80,000. The membership of the church is above five hundred, and
the present pastor, the Rev. Chas. E. Wilson, conducts a junior
church with a membership of eighty-five. Among the fifty-two pastors
serving the church for these one hundred and eleven years, three
became bishops of the connection. The longest pastorate was that
of the Rev. Solomon Porter Hood (1910 – 16), who afterwards
became United States Minister to the Republic of Liberia.
are three other congregations of the A.M.E. connection. St. Paul's
Church at Willow and Pennington, and St, Mark's Church on Jefferson
Street, and also a small mission. There is also another M.E. church
for colored people, known as Asbury, on North Montgomery Street.
early as 1779 there was a small burial place for colored people
(slaves) adjacent to land occupied by the Friends' Meeting House
at Montgomery and East Hanover Streets.
cemetery had its inception in the generosity of John Reynolds and
Catherine his wife, which is exhibited in a conveyance made by
them to Joseph Milnor under date of May 28, 1779, 18 wherein they “reserve
twenty feet square of ground on the northeast corner of the . .
. lot of land adjoining the land of William Tucker and the Quaker
Burying Ground for the use of burying the Negroes that now are
or hereafter may belong to the families of William Morris, dec'd,
and Mary Derry.”
18 Secretary's Deeds, A‑L, pp. 115, 118.
aforesaid grant is further confirmed in a deed from Israel Morris
(son of William Morris, deceased, and who sold the property to
John Reynolds on September 23, 1778) 19 to Joseph Milnor, dated October
5, 1782. 20
19 ibid., A-L, p. 112.
20 ibid., A‑N, p. 97.
the year 1811 the forerunner of the Mount Zion African Methodist
Episcopal Church was organized in Trenton, and it is obvious that
that congregation subsequently acquired title to this burial plot
above mentioned, together with adjacent lands, for the purpose
of establishing a cemetery for the burial of its deceased members,
although no deed of such holdings by the church is of record.
through a resolution adopted by the Trustees of the Mount Zion
African Methodist Episcopal Church on the twentieth of March, 1861,
Peter Perrine, president of the board of trustees, on the same
date conveyed title of the “Burying Ground” to Joseph
B. and William S. Yard, which conveyance will be found in the Mercer
County Deeds, Volume 50, at page 318. This instrument shows that
the graveyard lot had a frontage of 32 feet 4 inches on the north
side of Hanover Street, adjacent to the ground of the Society of
Friends, with an irregular depth ranging from 156 feet 8 inches
to 152 feet 6 inches.
appears to have been a little chapel or school house on the premises.
While excavating recently for the foundations of the Y.W.C.A. building
several skeletons were unearthed. |
VI. The Baptists - 1805
THE Trenton Baptist churches are affiliated with what
is known as the Northern Baptist Convention, the other great division
of the white Baptists of the country being known as the Southern
Baptist Convention. They are associated for purposes of fellowship
and service with the New Jersey Baptist State Convention, one of
the thirty-eight State Conventions of the Northern Baptist Convention,
covering thirty-five States, including the District of Columbia,
some of the States having two conventions within their bounds.
The four colored Baptist churches of the city are affiliated with
the National Baptist Convention, Colored, and are separately classed
in the minutes of the State Convention under the name of the Afro-American
The New Jersey State Convention is divided into nine Associations, and
it is with one of these, the Trenton Association, that the ten
white Baptist churches of our city are connected.
The first mention of the Baptists in Trenton dates back to the year 1787,
when the Rev. Peter Wilson, the pastor of the Baptist Church in
Hightstown, began preaching services in the city, or rather village.
As a result of Mr. Wilson's occasional visitations, five persons
were baptized by him in the Delaware River on the fourth of March,
1788, “when the surrounding ice was so strong,” writes
the ancient chronicler of that event, “as to bear a large
congregation of spectators.” The work of Mr. Wilson widened
and deepened, and the place in which the first services were held,
the home of Mrs. Hannah Keen, a mother in Israel familiarly called
the “Trenton Deacon,” gave way to a meeting house,
which was opened for worship on November 26, 1803. Two years later,
on November 9, 1805, the “Trenton and Lamberton Baptist Church” was
organized with forty-eight members.
was a day of small things. In the whole State, the population of
which in 1801 was only 200,000, there were only thirty Baptist
churches, the first one having been organized in Middletown in
1688. The Trenton church was the thirtieth. The first pastor was
the Rev. William Boswell, who was called and ordained in May 1809.
He continued his pastorate until 1823, when, on account of changes
in his belief, he was excluded from fellowship and withdrew
with sixty of the members and organized another church in the vicinity
which was known as the “Reformed General Baptist Church of
Bloomsbury, N.J.,” Bloomsbury with Lamberton being then one
of the suburbs of Trenton. A building was erected by the church
that same year on Union Street, which was afterwards sold and became
known as the Second Presbyterian Church of Trenton.
Boswell continued with the new organization as pastor until his
death in 1833. He was an able preacher, popular with the young
people and held in high esteem by the other denominations of the
city. The Rev. Thomas S. Griffiths, to whom the writer is indebted
for many of these facts, states in his History of the Baptists
in New Jersey that Mr. Boswell's “mistake was that, instead
of saying that his views had changed and quietly resigning, he
kept his place, preached heresy.” He had embraced, it would
seem, some of the teachings of Swedenborg, “stating
his views with increasing boldness, until unendurable by the evangelical
element of his bearers and hence they were compelled to act.”
is a matter of interest to note that Mr. Boswell's salary for one‑half
of his time given to the church, at the beginning of his pastorate,
was only $350. “His name will ever live,” said Dr.
Miller, “as one of the founders of the American Baptist Missionary
Union,” now known as the American Baptist Foreign Missionary
Mr. Boswell's exclusion and withdrawal from the First Church, a
long succession of pastors followed him down to the present time.
seven years, from 1823 to 1830, temporary ministrations, or men
who gave only half‑time, supplied the pulpit and ministered
to the spiritual wants of the members. But in 1830 Morgan J. Rhees,
a man of unusual ability, was called to a joint pastorate with
the Bordentown church, an arrangement which continued until 1834
when he gave his full time to the Trenton church. He was succeeded,
after ten years of most efficient and successful service, by the
following pastors:
F. Beecher, 1841‑42; John Young, 1843; Levi G. Beck, 1844‑49;
Henry K. Green, 1850‑53; Duncan Dunbar, 1853‑54; Lewis
Smith, 1854‑57; O. T. Walker, 1858‑63; D. Henry Miller,
1863‑67; G. W. Lasher, 1868‑72; Elijah Lucas, 1873‑93;
M. P. Fikes, 1894‑1900; J. J. Wicker, 1900‑05; Charles
J. Keevil, 1906‑08; John Wellington Hoag, 1908-11; W. D.
Thatcher, 1912.
First Church is directly or indirectly the mother church of all
the other Baptist churches now in the city.
A tribute should be paid especially
to the work of the Rev. Peter Wilson, to whose efforts the founding
of the church and the beginning of the Baptist faith here are due.
From 1787 to the organization of the church in 1805 he came from
Hightstown almost every Month to preach, and after its organization
he continued his monthly visits until 1809, when Mr. Boswell was
called. Mr. Wilson also preached occasionally at Mt. Holly, Pemberton
and Marlton, and at Manasquan, Washington, South River, Penns Neck
and Hamilton Square he maintained regular preaching stations. The
churches there are largely due to his ministry. Morgan Edwards
in his History of New Jersey Baptists, speaking of
Peter Wilson, says “he was a man to be wondered at.” His
connection with the church lasted twenty‑two years,
from 1787 to 1809 - the longest pastorate or semi‑pastorate
in the church's history.
that time until the present, the longest pastorates with the church
have been those of the Rev. Elijah Lucas, who served twenty years
- from 1873 to 1893 - and of the Rev. William D. Thatcher, the present
popular and successful pastor, who has been with the church since
October 1912. Mr. Lucas baptized into the fellowship of the church
during his long period of service nearly seven hundred and fifty members.
Of the eighteen pastors that followed Mr. Wilson, all were men who commanded
respect, and some were of distinguished ability. Only four of
the pastors of the church are now living: the Rev. M. P. Fikes, the
Rev. John J. Wicker, the Rev. J. Wellington Hoag and the Rev. W. D.
Thatcher. During Mr. Fike's pastorate, the Rev. S. S. Merriman and the
Rev. John C. Killian were assistant pastors.
was during the short pastorate of the Rev. John Young in 1843 that
the second break in the harmony of the First Church was made, a
break which, however deplorable at the time, led ultimately to
the establishment of another Baptist church in the center of the
city, where it was greatly needed. There were two factors which
contributed to the bringing about of this break: Mr. Young claimed
that it was his right to preside as moderator at all the meetings
of the church, while there were members who thought differently
and argued that an election should take place at each church meeting
as to who should preside. This created a factional spirit in the
church, which was increased by the infusion of the reaching of
the doctrines of the Campbellite sect into Mr. Young's sermons.
The result was that Mr. Young resigned to take effect on August
15, after six months' service, he having been elected to a professorship
in a Campbellite college in Virginia. The church accepted his resignation
and on the following Sunday he preached a sermon in which his views
were more particularly set forth. “This added to the excitement
which before existed,” writes Dr. Miller, “and resulted
finally in a sad division.”
Rev. Mr. Young was considered “a fine preacher, a strong
thinker and a man peculiarly independent in his views.” He
had made many friends outside the church, and when it became known
that he had resigned his pastorate in the First Church and was
about to leave the city, these friends together with those in the
First Church whom he had won to his following persuaded him to
remain in Trenton and promised him their support in the organization
of another congregation. Mr. Young assented and on the second of
September, 1843, 124 members withdrew from the First Church to
form the Second Baptist Church. This congregation built an edifice
on the site now occupied by the Central Church, on the corner of
Hanover and Montgomery Streets, and the new building was dedicated
on November 28, the Rev. J. Lansing Burroughs preaching the sermon
in the afternoon and the Rev. George B. Ide in the evening.
Mr. Young continued his ministry
with the Second Church about two years. After his departure, the
three pastors who followed him remained only a short time, the
Rev. Joshua Fletcher about we year, his brother the Rev. Leonard
L. Fletcher only a few months, and the Rev. Joseph Hammitt from
1849 to 1851. During the ministry of the latter the church became
divided in sentiment as to the continued service of Mr. Hammitt
and as a result twenty‑six of the members withdrew with him
from the church and organized the Trinity Baptist Church, meeting
in Temperance Hall. Of the few members left in the Second Church
to bear the burdens, some became discouraged and asked for letters
of dismissal to their first home, thus weakening by their removal
those that remained. An appeal was made to the Baptist State Convention
for financial aid in their troubles, which was promised them as
soon as they called a pastor. This they seemed unable to do and “then,” says
Dr. Miller, “went out the light of hope for the life of the
Second Church.”
that the property of the church would be sold and pass into other
hands, the State Convention now entered the field, paid off a floating
debt and made needed repairs. A missionary was appointed to the
field, the Rev. J. T. Wilcox, in October 1853, and through his
earnest and patient labors he was enabled to gather together the
scattered remnants of the two churches, the Second and Trinity,
which was now about ready to disband, and on the thirtieth
of April, 1854, the Central Church was organized with twenty‑nine
members, From this small beginning has grown the strong and influential
church of that name which now occupies the beautiful, recently
remodelled edifice on the site of the original building, the corner
of Hanover and Montgomery Streets. When Mr. Wilcox closed his work
in Trenton with the Central Church four years later, March 1858,
he left behind him a happy and united church of ninety‑three
history of the Central Church from that time to the present has
been one of growth in numbers and influence. It has had a long
succession of honored pastors from the beginning, up to the time
when the Rev. Don Clyde Kite, the present pastor, came to the church
in 1915. Between Mr. Wilcox and Mr. Kite there have been nine other
pastors. Of these the longest and most fruitful pastorates were
them held by the Rev. T. S. Griffiths, 1863 to 1870; the Rev. L.
B. Hartman, 1879 to 1891; the Rev. A. W. Wishart, 1895 to 1906;
the Rev. Guy L. Brown, 1909 to 1914; and the Rev. Don Clyde Kite,
who has been longer with the church than any other. The ministry
of the Rev. T. S. Griffiths was fervently missionary and evangelistic,
and it was through him that “Elder” Jacob Knapp was
brought to Trenton and conducted a six‑weeks evangelistic
campaign in the spring of 1867, the result of which was the addition
of 136 members by baptism to the church while probably five hundred
members in all were added to the churches of the city. Dr. Hartman
was with the church twelve years and as a strong preacher and a
man of executive ability he did much to strengthen and build up
the membership. Mr. Wishart, now the pastor of the widely known
Fountain Avenue Baptist Church of Grand Rapids, Mich., wielded
a wide influence in the community and was especially popular with
men. Mr. Kite has seen the church grow under his leadership and
has had the joy of so enlarging and beautifying the church building
that it is now held to be me of the finest in the city.
was during the ministry of Mr. Griffiths that several mission enterprises
were begun in different sections of Trenton, one of these flowering
out into the Clinton Avenue Church. A chapel was built on Perry
Street near Southard in 1867, and in 1873 the church was organized
with thirty‑five members. The present beautiful edifice
was erected in 1876, after the Rev. C. B. Perkins had been ministering
to the church as its first pastor since 1873. He resigned in 1878
and four pastors succeeded him: Dr. N. W. Miner, 1878‑81;
O. T. Walker, 1883‑85; Judson Conklin, 1885‑1926, and
Wayland Zwayer, 1926. Troubles followed the departure of Mr. Perkins.
An almost crushing debt weighed down upon the members, and it all
probability the building would have been sold by the sheriff if
the State Convention board and the Baptist churches of the State
had not come to their relief. It is safe to say that no church
in New Jersey has ever received so much help from the State Convention
as this church. Dr. Miner was permitted by the board members to
go up and down through the State soliciting funds for its preservation
from the various churches and through their generous response a
great part of the burden was lifted. The mortgages and floating
debt were reduced to $10,000, and the board then agreed to pay
the $500 interest on the mortgage in the way of a grant toward
the pastor's salary. This was in 1885.
1888, after Mr. D. P. Forst of the Central Church bad left $2,000
to the Clinton Avenue Church in his will on condition that the
church raise or secure the balance of $8,000 on the $10,000 mortgage
which still remained, the churches again responded to the cry of
need and contributed $3,000 in all, thus clearing the Clinton Avenue
Church of all indebtedness. Since then, its progress forward has
been continuous. From seventy‑five members who could be found
on the coming of Mr. Conklin, the membership has grown to eight
hundred. The contributions to benevolence have increased from $100
a year to $5,000. Special honor should be paid to Thomas C. Hill,
who, at a time of stress, mortgaged his own home in order to save
the church from losing its building. In 1898 a commodious chapel
was erected at a cost of $12,000 and the interior of the church
auditorium was remodelled and a pipe organ was installed.
CHURCH - 1874
after the third Baptist Church in Trenton was organized, under
the superintending care of the Central Church, the members of the
First Church saw the fruitage of their oversight and missionary
zeal in the organization in 1874 Of the fourth Baptist church (Calvary),
located at the corner of South Clinton and Roebling Avenues. The
Rev. George W. Lasher was the pastor of the First Church when lots
were bought and a chapel built, and on September 10, 1874, the
church was organized with fifty-four members. Eleven pastors have
ministered to its needs since that time, four during the first
nine years. Then came the longer pastorate of the Rev. E. J. Foote,
from 1883 to 1889. He was succeeded by H. B. Harper, D. S. Mulhern,
Dr. J. K. Manning, G. L. Allen, Morris G. Dickinson, and the present
pastor, Joseph C. Pierce. Mr. Pierce has brought a strong and wise
leadership to the members and the Calvary Church is now one of
the strong Baptist churches of the city.
BAPTIST CHURCH – 1891 - 1910
other churches have come into being under the fostering care of
the First Church, the Fifth Church on South Centre Street and the
Grace Church in West Trenton, at the corner of West State Street
and Hermitage Avenue. It was under the inspiration of Pastor George
W. Lasher of the First Church that lots were bought and a chapel
was built in the sixth ward, the chapel being dedicated on March
19, 1871. Sunday school devotional meetings were maintained until
1891. Then, during the pastorate of the Rev. Elijah Lucas of the
First Church, the Fifth Baptist Church was organized in 1891 with
thirty-one members. There were good men called during the next
twenty years to its pulpit, but the church languished and at length
in 1910 it was voted to consolidate with the mother church by which
it had been founded. Forty-five members returned to the fold of
the First Church and so the Fifth ceased to be anything more than
a memory.
CHURCH - 1896
the Clinton Avenue Church, two other churches have sprung: the
Olivet Church on Mulberry Street and the Gethsemane Church in Wilbur,
the latter occupying now the handsome and commodious auditorium
and community building on the corner of Greenwood and Garfield
Avenues. The mission from which the Olivet Church has grown was
started originally by the Central Church, the chapel there having
been built through the generous gift of D. P. Forst. For a time
it prospered. This was in 1868. After the chapel was built in 1870,
the Central Church under the pastor who succeeded the Rev. T. S.
Griffiths abandoned the mission and the Clinton Avenue Church was
persuaded by Mr. William Ellis, a member of the Central Church,
to take it under its care. A missionary, W. A. Pugsley, was appointed
to look after the field, and, as a result of his labors, the Olivet
Church was organized in April 1896, with thirty-four members, twenty-six
of whom came from the Clinton Avenue Church. The Rev. J. L. Coote
became pastor in 1896, and he was succeeded in turn by the Rev.
S. V. Whittemore, Dr. W. W. Case, and the Rey. Samuel S. Merriman,
formerly the assistant pastor of the First Church.
Church has become one of the strongest and most promising churches
in Trenton. A Sunday school was started near its present location
on April 20, 1897, and on July 10, 1901, the church was organized.
Its growth since that time has been almost phenomenal. The first
missionary pastor, Mr. Leckliter, was followed by Pastors George
W. Price, 1902; John C. Killian, 1906; Harvey W. Chollar, 1911;
Charles F. Fields, 1914; and the present pastor, Oscar W. Henderson,
1920. Under his inspiring leadership, the church has built a splendid
Bible school house and is now engaged in erecting an equally beautiful
building for the church. In missionary offerings the church is
a leading one, and two of its members are missionaries on the foreign
field, the Rev. F. Carroll Condict in Assam and Dr. Howard Freas
in Africa, on the Congo.
mission in Wilbur, from which the Gethsemane Church has grown was
started by the Clinton Avenue Church in 1902. A chapel was built
in 1906, costing $6,500, and in 1909 the church was organized.
There have been only two pastors, the Rev. Cuthbert P. Newton,
who as a student in Peddie Institute had done yeoman service in
gathering together the members, and the Rev. P. Vanis Slawter,
who succeeded Mr. Newton in 1924. The church has grown to almost
eight hundred members and it has built and dedicated its beautiful
edifice without calling upon the State Convention or the other
churches for aid.
church, the latest of all the Baptist churches of Trenton, is the
outcome of a Sunday school started by the Central Church in the
offices of the Belle Mead Sweets on Prospect Street on October
30, 1921. The Sunday school was so successful that after the coming
of the Rev. George R. Faint it was thought wise to organize a church
and this was done on July 19, 1928, with a constituent membership
of sixty. The building in which the church is worshipping was purchased
of the Perth Amboy Baptist Church and is located on the corner
of Parkway Avenue and Prospect Street.
are three other white Baptist churches in the city, the Memorial
Church on Chambers Street near South Broad Street, a mission of
the Calvary Church; the St. John's Italian Baptist Church on Butler
Street; and the Magyar or Hungarian Church on South Clinton Avenue,
now occupying the old chapel of the Calvary Church. The Rev. M.
P. Fikes, the former pastor of the First Church, is now filling
the pulpit of the Memorial Church, but the two foreign-speaking
churches are at present pastorless. There are also four colored
Baptist churches in Trenton, the Shiloh Church being in charge
of the Rev. John A. White as pastor. The total membership of the
white Baptist churches of Trenton, as reported in the State Convention
minutes, 1926, was 4393; that of the colored churches is not known,
only two of the four churches reporting 870. The number reported
in all the churches is that only of the communicant members, not
of the Baptist adherents, children and others who are members of
Baptist households being excepted.
Among the prominent laymen now
passed away, who had done much to advance the Baptist cause in
Trenton, were Judge James Buchanan, William Vannest, Henry Coleman,
D. P. Forst, J. E. Darrah, Daniel J. Freas, Thomas C. Hill, Charles
P. Brown, Robert B. Bonney, Charles W. Howell and George W. Warren.
is fitting that some more extended notice should be paid to those
pastors of the Baptist churches of Trenton who were longest with
the churches and who did much to bring about their present prosperity.
Among these, mention should be made of the Rev. Elijah Lucas of
the First Church. He has the distinction of having the longest
pastorate in the history of that congregation, twenty years, from
1873 to 1893. Mr. Lucas was regarded in his day as one of the strongest
preachers of the city and his influence is still felt in the church
and the community.
second longest pastorate in the history of the First Church is
that of the present pastor, Rev. William D. Thatcher, who began
his ministry with the church in 1912.
Rev. Dr. L. B. Hartman, who became the pastor
of the Central Church in 1879, continued with the church until
1891. During his stay he built up a strong congregation and greatly
endeared himself to the membership. He began his first pastorate
in the city of Philadelphia, where he was successful in organizing
Grace Church, now known as Grace Temple, of which Dr. Conwell was
afterwards the pastor. After Dr. Hartman’s withdrawal from
the pastoral relation he continued to live in Trenton and was “a
sort of pastor-at-large,” showing a lively interest in his
denominational work and in all matters of good citizenship in the
city. He died in Trenton on November 22, 1907.
pastor of the Central Church, who exercised a wide influence in
the city, though his pastorate was one of only ten years, from
1895 to 1905, was the Rev. Alfred W. Wishart, now the pastor
of the Fountain Avenue Church of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. Wishart
was greatly interested in the civic affairs of Trenton and for
several years was the editor of the Trenton Times. He is
a brilliant preacher and the author of several books.
not a pastor of any church in Trenton, the Rev. Daniel Johnson
Freas should not be overlooked in this series of brief sketches
of the prominent Baptists of the city. Mr. Freas came to Trenton
from Woodbury, N.J., where he organized the First Baptist Church
and was its pastor for a number of years. After making his residence
here in 1876 and uniting with the First Church, he took up the
work of a city missionary and for twenty years, until his death
in 1898, he was a familiar figure in our city, having the respect
of our citizens of every faith. “Father Freas,” as
he was affectionately called by many, was greatly beloved by the
poor to whom he ministered and his death was deeply deplored
by all classes in the community.
The Rev. Judson Conklin,
who in 1926 rounded out a pastorate of forty-one years in the Clinton
Avenue Baptist Church, came to this city in 1885. He had built
up a strong congregation and had also made himself a prominent
figure in church and civic circles. Mr. Conklin is a graduate of
New York University, and of the Union Theological Seminary in the
class of 1883. On the occasion of his retirement the State
Gazette said of him in an editorial: “The Rev. Mr. Conklin’s
life in Trenton . . . has been one of glorious achievement even
though he lived in a quiet and humble way. His retirement from
the active work of the ministry will mean a serious loss for the
people of his church, but it will not be a complete loss. The results
of the Rev. Mr. Conklin's long labor in Trenton will be permanent
in character, and while he continues to live in this city, his
life will always serve as an influence for good.”
congregation of the Clinton Avenue Church on his retirement purchased
a house for their pastor, giving him and Mrs. Conklin a life-lease
upon it and also in other material ways showed its deep appreciation
of Mr. Conklin's character and long services. |
VII. The Roman Catholics - 1814
AS THE episcopal seat of the Catholic diocese of Trenton,
this city occupies a place of dignity and distinction in our religious
annals. It is nearly half a century since the diocese of Trenton
was created. The Right Rev. Michael J. O'Farrell occupied the see
from 1881 to 1894. The Right Rev. James A. McFaul succeeded him
for twenty‑three years. Following him came the Right Rev.
Thomas J. Walsh, consecrated July 25, 1918. Upon the promotion
of Bishop Walsh to the Newark diocese in 1928, the Right Rev. John
J. McMahon was appointed to the Trenton see, assuming jurisdiction
on May 10 of that year. St. Mary's Church, 1865, originally dedicated
for parish purposes January 1, 1871, became in 1881 the diocesan
cathedral by choice of Bishop O'Farrell.
It is estimated
that the present Catholic population of the city is nearly 50,000,
the foreign or bilingual congregations numbering about 30,000.
St. Mary's is not Trenton's oldest parish. That honor belongs to Sacred
Heart Church which inherited the history and traditions of St.
John's, built in 1848
and destroyed by fire following Sunday evening service, September 30,
1883. St. John's, itself the successor of a little church built
in 1814, long served the entire Catholic community from the Five
Points and beyond to Riverview. Indeed it drew faithful worshippers
every Sunday from the surrounding country as distant as Lawrenceville,
Hamilton Square, White Horse, Fallsington (Pa.) and Washington Crossing,
many of these devout people travelling afoot. St. John's, built of stuccoed
brick, was erected when the Rev. John P. Mackin was the local pastor,
the growth of the Catholic population at the time being concurrent on
the one hand with the Irish famine of tragic memory and, on the other,
with the opening of several large industrial plants here, conspicuous
among them the Cooper-Hewitt iron mills. In 1856 it was found necessary
to add a wing to the new edifice.
John's, as previously stated, was itself the successor of a tiny
brick church dating back to 1814, which had been dedicated under
the patronage of St. John the Baptist. This was the first Catholic
church erected in the State of New Jersey. Occasional services
had been held in Trenton before the date named, the record of priestly
visitations going back to the last decade of the eighteenth century.
The visiting clergy usually came from Philadelphia. Among the places
where the faithful gathered for divine service, tradition names
the Fox Chase Tavern on Brunswick Avenue and the printing office
of Isaac Collins which stood at what is now the southeast corner
of State and Broad Streets. Mr. Collins was a Quaker and evidently
practised the broad tolerance of his creed. The adherents of the
faith at that time were chiefly Irish, French and Germans, who
were not only few in number (about thirty families in all), but
poor in pocket. An interesting circumstance of the period was the
settlement in Trenton of John Baptist Sartori, a Roman consul to
the United States, by appointment of the reigning Pope. He
arrived here about the year 1800, and selected as the site for
his residence what was then the attractive river front at the foot
of Federal Street. He erected a spacious frame dwelling and part
of it is still standing, having been long ago incorporated into
the offices of the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, later taken
over by the American Bridge Company. Mr. Sartori made the visiting
missionary fathers of his faith welcome in this riverside mansion,
whose doors on Sundays were thrown open to the public for divine
services. It will be of interest to copy here one of the distinguished
Italian's visiting cards, which is still preserved by his descendants:
John Hargous, formerly of the French navy and evidently a gentleman
of means and standing, came to Trenton also in the first decade
of the new century. Like Mr. Sartori he viewed with concern the
need of some permanent place of worship for his co-religionists
here, and the result was that these two gentlemen led in the purchase
from the Coxe estate of sufficient ground (120 by 160 feet) at
Market and Lamberton Streets for the erection of a church and the
laying out of a graveyard alongside, according to a time-honored
European custom. It may be well imagined that the dedication of
Trenton's first Catholic church, which occurred in 1814, the Right
Rev. Michael J. Egan of Philadelphia conducting the ceremony, was
an occasion of marked rejoicing among the faithful, but the impression
created upon the population of the city generally can be conjectured
by the fact that the local press gave the event a bare line or
two. The building was of simple and modest design. It had a frontage
of fifty feet with a width of thirty feet. An arched ceiling arose
twenty feet from the floor. There was a small gallery at the end
of the church farthest from the altar. The entrance was on Lamberton
Street, being reached by a short flight of wooden steps. It was
not until 1830 that the congregation could support a resident pastor.
In 1844 Father Mackin succeeded to the pastorate. (For additional
details and a list of the names of the priests before Father Mackin,
see The Catholic Church of the Diocese of Trenton, by
the Rev. Walter J. Leahy, Chapter II. From 1830 to 1844, there
were seven successive clergymen in charge.)
little Lamberton Street church was dedicated June 12, 1814, the
only local newspaper mention being this item in the Trenton
Federalist of June 6, 1814: “We are given to understand
that the Roman Catholic Church lately erected here will be dedicated
on Sunday next and Divine service in the forenoon and afternoon.”
August 27, 1848, was the date of the dedication of the new St. John's
at Broad and Centre Streets, the edifice being crowded for the occasion,
indicating that the Catholic population had grown extensively. Although
incomplete at the time, services had been held in the new church on
Christmas Day, 1847.
story of Father Mackin's ministrations among the Catholics of Trenton
and of extensive rural sections, to which he often drove in the
most trying weather to say mass and administer the Sacraments,
forms a glowing chapter in local Catholic annals, equal to the
choicest among the missionary efforts that witnessed the cradling
of the faith in early New Jersey. Finally his health broke about
1859 and for ten years he travelled or was assigned to lighter
charges. Early in the ‘70’s he returned amid the loud
acclaim of his old parishioners and until 1873, when he died suddenly
of heart disease, he moved among the people of Trenton with
striking manifestations of esteem and affection. Not only was Father
Mackin popular with hit own flock but he was frequently entertained
in the homes of the well-to-do of other creeds. Not a few conversions
to the faith took place during his pastorate, his beautifully human
qualities attracting all comers and, having won their confidence,
from his lips prevailed with double sway.”
After the breakdown in health of
Father Mackin in 1859, Fathers O'Donnell and Young served until
1861 when the Rev. Anthony Smith assumed charge of the parish.
His career and labors will be dealt with under the heading of St.
Mary's Cathedral, his most conspicuous accomplishment.
the coming of the Rev. Thaddeus Hogan to Trenton in 1878 and the
erection a few years later of the Sacred Heart Church on the site
of St. John's, which was destroyed by fire, a new era in Catholic
affairs in South Trenton was inaugurated. In the interval between
Father Mackin's death and Father Hogan's appointment, the Rev.
Patrick Byrne had been pastor and had labored with zeal and eloquence.
His strong stand for total abstinence was noteworthy and he attained
such prominence in the movement that for several years he was president
of the national Catholic Total Abstinence Union. As a result, temperance
made remarkable progress locally. He also was a champion of education
and one of the monuments of his devotion to this cause was St.
John's school and parish hall on Lamberton Street, which was opened
in 1876-77. The structure, with sixteen classrooms, made it one
of the largest and finest schools of its day in southern New Jersey.
Sacred Heart Church, which was dedicated June 30, 1889, is a massive
structure of grey stone in the Roman style of architecture with
two dome‑shaped towers in front. The interior is unusually
spacious and handsome, the white marble altars being particularly
admired. At the north side a rectory of the same general type as
the church and on the south side a clubhouse, also massive and
imposing, were erected about the same period. The organization
of a home within which Catholic gentlemen should be moulded according
to the most approved standards, was dear to the heart of Father
Hogan and he achieved his ambition so successfully that the Catholic
Club became for years a center of literary and musical activity
as well as of physical culture, embracing every form of clean sport.
Within its walls eminent speakers, celebrated singers and athletes
of national reputation often made their appearance. The audiences
were recruited not alone from the parish but from all parts of
the city and from all denominations.
incidents of the first magnitude crowned Father Hogan's career.
Upon motion of Bishop McFaul, he was elevated by the Holy See to
the dignity of Monsignor and the ceremonies marking his induction
gave occasion for an outpouring of religious and civic rejoicing.
Then came the observance of his golden jubilee in the priesthood
which also evoked an outburst of affectionate interest, including
a lay celebration and an elaborate program of ecclesiastical
events. A man of handsome presence, of splendid intellect, and
of a deeply spiritual nature, a powerful preacher and an enthusiastic
exponent of the rights of Ireland, he passed away amid general
community grief in 1918.
Rev. Peter J. Hart, pastor following Monsignor Hogan's death,
built an excellent modern school and a sisters' convent of grey
stone on Broad Street above the Sacred Heart Church and otherwise
manifested the qualities of progressive leadership. Father Hart
having been transferred to St. Peter's Church, New Brunswick, the
Rev. John H. Sheedy succeeded to the pastorate of the Sacred Heart
Church here, in 1928,
progress of the Catholic body for the first half of the century
was not without untoward incidents. A small mortgage remaining
on the original church, St. John the Baptist, built in 1814, was
found to be burdensome and the sheriff finally intervened; interest
in the proposed removal to the new St. John's at Broad and Centre
Streets had doubtless dulled the feeling o the parishioners with
respect to the old property. However, after several transfers of
title, Peter A. Hargous, then of New York (a son of Captain John
Hargous), paid off all encumbrances amounting to about $500 and
in 1851 had the property regularly vested in the name of the Right
Rev. James R. Bayley, bishop of Newark, which diocese then included
Trenton. Mr. Hargous’ action enabled the creation of a separate
parish for the German Catholics of Trenton, their numbers having
grown sufficiently to warrant this step. The Rev. John Gmeiner
was the first German pastor (1853) and he soon added to the land
in the rear of the church where in 1856 he erected a school. Meanwhile,
the name “St. John the Baptist” having been appropriated
by the new church at Broad and Centre Streets, the original church
under the Germans became known as “St. Francis of Assisi.” Other
pastors succeeded and the Germans outgrowing their tiny quarters
looked about for a larger edifice. The Rev. William Storr led the
movement which resulted in the purchase in 1865 of the former Methodist
Church on West Front Street for $11,000. The original little church
at Lamberton and Market Streets gradually fell into decay and was
razed in the early ‘80’s to make way for dwellings.
Previously it was for a time used as a St. John's school annex.
Rev. Francis Gerber, D.D., succeeded Father Storr and in 1867 built
the priests’ house adjoining the church on Front Street. He improved
the church itself by alterations, including a graceful set of towers.
A parish school was also opened in the rear of the church, The Rev.
Peter Jachetti (1870-74) was the next pastor, of whom more below. The
Rev. Avellino Szabo then served as pastor for eight years (1874-82),
with the Rev. Conrad Elison (1882-83) and the Rev. Joseph Thurnes in
turn succeeding. Upon the death of the latter in 1902, the Rev. Joseph
Rathner, D.D., entered upon a popular pastorate that continued until
his tragic death while gunning in 1926. The Rev. Bartholomew B. Doyle,
Dr. Rathner's assistant, administered parish affairs, pending the appointment
of a permanent pastor.
the Rev. Anthony Smith assumed the pastorate of St. John’s
Church, some time after Father Mackin had to vacate because of
ill-health, the city generally gained a far-visioned, energetic
churchman and citizen who for many years was a stimulating influence
for religious and secular advancement. He came here in 1861 with
a reputation for the courageous inauguration of large building
enterprises, A mere listing of what he accomplished here for the
extension of religion and the promotion of civic enterprises would
be eloquent of his capacity, his indefatigable spirit, his unusual
foresight. Almost immediately on his arrival he purchased an asylum
on South Broad Street, particularly for orphans of Civil War soldiers,
at the same time introducing the Sisters of Charity to care for
the forlorn and to teach in the parish schools.
the years went on, one important work after another was taken up
and pushed to a successful conclusion. The story of this tireless,
devoted priest’s work is graphically told in the Right Rev.
John H. Fox’s A Century of Catholicity in Trenton (1899)
and it may only be briefly summarized here. It soon dawned on Father
Smith, as he travelled afoot over the great stretches of his parish,
that a new church north of the Assunpink was a necessity of the
immediate future. In 1865 he purchased the ground an which St.
Mary’s Cathedral stands, at Warren and Bank Streets. It was
the geographical center of an area that is today most thickly populated,
but in addition the site is valuable beyond price for its historic
associations. Here the Battle of Trenton of glorious memory was
waged with hottest fire and the position of the property covered
today by the cathedral rectory was occupied by the Stacy Potts
house where Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall, the Hessian commander,
made his headquarters and where, after being mortally wounded,
he received the sympathetic visit of General Washington and
a little later breathed his last.
was broken for St. Mary's April 23, 1866, and so formidable was
Father Smith’s noble design and so inadequate the means of
his people at that period, that the work proceeded slowly. Parishioners
contributed much of the labor; at the sight of Father Smith himself
in the midst of excavating and construction, there was no resisting
his enthusiasm.
solemn ceremonies this really beautiful Gothic temple, adorned
with sacred frescoes and enriched with a white marble altar, was
finally dedicated January 1, 1871, and coincidentally Father Smith
was transferred from St. John’s to the pastorate of St. Mary’s.
A parish school, a sisters’ convent, a rectory, a parish
cemetery, the building of a combination school and chapel for East
Trenton (now St. Joseph’s), the starting of a needed church
for Hopewell, the raising of a spire 256 feet high over the cathedral
in 1878 - these achievements are to the credit of one who by universal
assent towered among the ablest New Jersey clergymen of his day.
When the diocese of Trenton was created in 1881, its first bishop
selected St. Mary’s for his ecclesiastical seat, and Father
Smith became his vicar-general, an office he administered, apart
from his pastoral duties, so as to endear himself alike to his
spiritual superiors and the priests of the diocese. In the well-chosen
yet modest phrasing of Monsignor Fox: “When Father Smith
died August 11, 1888, he was mourned not alone by his own people
for whom he labored so well for more than twenty-seven years, but
by the public generally who recognized in him a faithful servant
of God and an eminently good citizen.”
Father Smith’s death, St. Mary’s affairs were temporarily
administered by the Rev. J. Joseph Smith and the Rev. John McCloskey
up to October 1890, when the Rev. James A. McFaul was appointed
pastor. Father McFaul had been a curate under Father Smith eleven
years previously and he was destined to further honors at the cathedral
as time went on. He was appointed vicar-general to Bishop O’Farrell,
November 1, 1892, and upon the bishop’s death he was made
administrator of the diocese, succeeding to the episcopate
three months later. Bishop McFaul continued also as rector until
February 1, 1895, when he appointed to that office the Rev. John
H. Fox, LL.D.
the several pastorates, just named, temperance societies for men
and women were organized, a new organ was installed, the standard
of studies in the parish schools was improved, a handsome convent
for the teaching sisters was erected at Warren and Bank Streets,
an unusually fine parish hall and gymnasium were built on Bank
Street and various important renovations were effected in
the cathedral. The various cathedral properties represent a valuation
of close to a million dollars. The Right Rev. Monsignor Fox - he
was made a domestic prelate of the Holy See in 1904 and had been
appointed vicar-general by Bishop McFaul four years previously
- has repeatedly received testimonials from his parishioners and
the public generally, attesting the success of his spiritual work
in Trenton. These testimonials have taken the form of great gatherings
in the principal halls of the city with highly complimentary addresses,
and in various other expressions of popular approval.
the rectors who administered successfully at St. Francis' Church
on Front Street special mention should be made of the Rev. Peter
Jachetti, O.M.C., who, noting the growth of the Catholic population,
notably Germans and Italians, beyond the canal, set to work
to create a new parish with the consent of his spiritual superiors.
The Convent of St. Francis (1874), O.M.C., and the modest frame
Lady of Lourdes Chapel on Chestnut Avenue (1875) were the results,
the latter being succeeded by the present spacious and imposing
Gothic Church of the Immaculate Conception (1890), wherein representatives
of all nationalities have been served by the Franciscan order.
This church is one of a group of parish buildings, including rectory,
grammar and high school and a general auditorium, all of fine architectural
proportions, thoroughly equipped and covering a valuable city block.
The Revs. Anselm Auling, Francis Lehner, Bonaventure Zoller, Bernardine
Ludwig, Peter Shardun and Alphonse Lehrscholl served in turn as
pastor. The Very Rev. Austin Fox, O.M.C., is the present rector,
the parish enjoying an era of prosperity under his management.
Father Peter Jachetti died in his native province in Italy in 1921.
Joseph's Church, which had been served from St. Mary's up to April
1893, with the Rev. James A. McFaul as first pastor, was then made
an independent center, and the Rev. John H. Fox was appointed as
its first resident pastor. Located in East Trenton, the pottery
district, this parish has had its ups and downs due to industrial
conditions. When Father Fox was promoted to the rectorship of the
cathedral in 1895, the Rev. Bernard J. O'Connell and the Rev. Michael
O'Reilly were named to St. Joseph's consecutively, and on September
8, 1898, came the Rev. Henry A. Ward. A handsome church of grey
stone with bell tower graces St. Joe's Avenue at Olden Avenue in
evidence of his devotion, zeal and progressive spirit. The rectory,
a three-story edifice of Stockton granite with Indiana limestone
trimmings, is also a creditable structure while the parish school
in close proximity, which was erected about 1891, has been brought
up to every modern demand. Father Ward has completed over thirty
years of intelligent supervision of this portion of the Lord's
vineyard, and has by his broad public-spirited views earned the
warm regard of all concerned with the advancement of East Trenton.
Blessed Sacrament parish, which was created in 1912, has experienced
a marvellous development, owing largely to the sudden growth of
Catholic population, following the general residential trend towards
the West End. A valuable and well-located property at the corner
of Bellevue and Hermitage Avenues, purchased 1911, embraces the
rectory and a well-constructed three-story stone building combining
church and school, with accommodations also for the teaching
sisters. The original church, which was of limited size and would
soon have had to go anyway, was burned down a few years ago and
the site which runs along Hermitage Avenue from Bellevue back to
Rutherford, will before a great while accommodate a stately new
edifice for divine worship, The Rev. Michael H. Callahan was the
first pastor and was succeeded by the Rev. Martin F. Casey (1914),
upon whose shoulders most of the building responsibilities have
fallen. Father Casey is an indefatigable worker and under his care
the parish has prospered spiritually and in its temporalities.
He has added to the real estate holdings, which now run six hundred
feet on Bellevue Avenue, three hundred feet on Rutherford Avenue,
and two hundred and fifty feet on Hermitage Avenue.
Anthony's Church on Olden Avenue immediately below Hamilton Avenue,
represents the desire to meet church needs in the extreme eastern
section. The parish, established in 1921, has grown by leaps and
bounds, so that the original sacred edifice now accommodates the
faithful only by five successive services each Sunday morning.
Overflow congregations attend the various other church gatherings.
There is ground for a much larger church, which doubtless will
be constructed in the near future. A handsome two-story school
in light stone, a sisters' convent and a priests' house, all substantially
built, are already provided. The entire property has a frontage
of 425 feet with a depth of 275 feet and is now the center of a
fast-growing district which within easy memory was fields and commons.
Very Rev. Alphonse Lehrscholl, O.M.C., was the first pastor and
the Very Rev. Sylvester Albaus, O.M.C., is now in charge, and doing
fine work. The parish contains 2,800 souls and the school 660 pupils,
at the present writing.
new Church of the Holy Angels, located on South Broad Street near
Cedar Lane, marks the progress of religious effort in the extreme
southern section of the city. It was opened for service at the
midnight mass, Christmas, 1927, and was dedicated a few months
later. There is seating capacity for seven hundred and fifty
people. The exterior is of granite, of stately proportions, while
the interior is of the early renaissance style. It was erected
at a cost of $100,000, succeeding a combination church and chapel
opened in 1921. The Rev. John F. Walsh is the progressive pastor
and the church is a monument to his spiritual zeal and administrative
capacity. He is an eloquent preacher, and his record as a war chaplain
overseas was such as to make him exceedingly popular with all classes
of our citizens.
are in Trenton today eight English-speaking Catholic churches and
eleven in which the congregations are addressed bilingually. Among
those of the latter class are several of notable size and in which
beautiful edifices serve the purposes of religion. St. Hedwig’s
(Polish), of which the Right Rev. A. B. Strenski is pastor, is
located at Brunswick and Olden Avenues and includes an imposing
stone church of fine architectural proportions, together with a
parish school with over a thousand pupils. St. Mary’s (Greek),
at Malone and Grand Streets, also has a fine church building dedicated
in 1893, and a large school. The Rev. Desider Simkow is the pastor.
Following are the other bilingual congregations:
Holy Cross (Polish), Cass and Adeline Streets, originally
erected in 1891 but since enlarged. Pastor, the Rev. Martin J.
Lipinski; school, 900 pupils,
Basil’s (Roumanian), Adeline and Beatty Streets (1910). Pastor,
the Rev. Aural Bungardenn.
James’, Paul Avenue. Pastor, the Rev. Joseph Monacho, with
a school attended by 350 pupils.
St. Joachim's (Italian), Butler Street (1901). Pastor, the Rev. Alphonse
Palonbi; school, 810 pupils. The Right Rev. Aloysius Pozzi, former
built the church and school.
Michael the Archangel (Slovak), Brunswick Avenue and Pine Street,
Pastor, the Rev. Michael J. Kallok.
Nicholas Greek Catholic (Hungarian), Adeline and Hudson Streets.
Pastor, the Rev. Gabriel Chopen.
St Peter and St. Paul (Slavish), Second Street (1899).
An unusually handsome stone church has recently been erected, and
the school with 650 pupils is also strictly modern. Pastor, the
Rev. Colonan Tomchany.
Stanislaus (Polish), 60 Randall Avenue, dedicated in 1892. Pastor,
the Rev. Ignatius Kusz, O.M.C. There is also a school for Polish
Stephen's (Hungarian), 210 Genesee Street, (1903). Pastor, the
Rev. John Szabo, D.D. A school is also maintained.
J. O'Farrell,
first bishop of the diocese of Trenton, was born in Limerick,
Ireland, December 2, 1832, and was educated at All Hallows College,
Ireland, and at St. Sulpice in Paris. Joining the Sulpitians,
he taught Dogmatic Theology in the Grand Seminary at Montreal,
but his health failed and he engaged in missionary service in
the United States, subsequently performing pastoral work in New
York City, notably in old St. Peter's Church, Barclay Street.
He was consecrated bishop of Trenton November 1, 1881. His was
the task of organizing a new diocese, comprising the southern
tier of New Jersey counties, and to the task he brought zeal,
piety and kindly manners which won him friends everywhere. A
great scholar, especially erudite in Irish history, he assembled
about him in the episcopal residence an immense and varied collection
of books, constituting possibly the finest private library
of its kind in the city. A champion of education, he conducted
a campaign of school building. Many churches here were erected
through his care. He was an eloquent speaker in the pulpit and
on the lyceum platform and was constantly in demand. It was the
irony of fate that so gentle and winning a personality should
have to deal with rebellious priests on several occasions, one
of them the result of disordered intellect, but he was fully
sustained in all his rulings. He passed away April 2, 1894, after
only thirteen years in the episcopate, and is buried at St. Michael's
Home for Orphans, Hopewell, one of the most useful of the diocesan
institutions, which he himself had endowed to the extent of $25,000.
A. McFaul,
second bishop of Trenton, was born in County Antrim, Ireland,
June 6, 1850, and was brought to this country as an infant by
his parents who settled temporarily in New York City; afterwards,
at Bound Brook, N.J., where as a youth he displayed brilliancy
of mind and unusual powers of application in his studies. Later,
he attended St. Vincent's College in Westmoreland County, Pa.,
for four years and finished his collegiate course at St. Francis
Xavier's College, New York City. After a theological course at
Seton Hall Seminary, South Orange, N.J., he was ordained to the
priesthood, May 26, 1877. After various assignments in North
Jersey, he became assistant to Vicar-General Anthony Smith, at
St. Mary's, Trenton. In 1884 he was made pastor at Long
Branch; in October 1890, Vicar-General Smith having died, he
was returned to St. Mary's, Trenton, as pastor. On November 1,
1892, Bishop O'Farrell made him vicar-general of the diocese,
having previously served as chancellor. Upon Bishop O'Farrell's
death in April 1894, he succeeded to the see of Trenton, October
18, 1894.
McFaul proved an administrator of masterful traits; plain in speech
and manners, he was charitable to a degree and was noted for his
rich fund of Irish humor. He carried on the episcopate with ability
and vigor and manifested a great capacity for work. The diocese
felt the spur of his ceaseless activities and prospered both in
spiritual life and in temporalities. He thought, labored and
lived for his priests and people. He was also proud of the historic
city which formed his see, and his public addresses often glowed
with patriotic enthusiasm. He was earnest to the point of aggressiveness
in defense of religion and never shirked a battle in the press
or forum. A number of scholarly pastoral letters emanated from
his pen. He was one of the organizers and most eloquent promoters
of the American Federation of Catholic Societies, which is still
in power in its reorganized form as the National Welfare Society.
He showed his love for the helpless and unfortunate by the institutions
he erected for the aged and orphans, including St. Michael's Children's
Home at Hopewell and Morris Hall at Lawrenceville, at the latter
of which he is entombed. When he passed away June 16, 1917, a giant
in intellect, courage and spirituality was lost to the Church which
he had loved with all the depth of a great nature.
Joseph Walsh,
third bishop of Trenton, was born at Parker's Landing, Butler
County, Pa., December 6, 1873, the son of Thomas and Helen (Curtin)
Walsh. He was educated at the college and theological seminary
of St. Bonaventure, Allegheny, N.Y., and at the University of
St. Appollinaris, the Pontifical Roman Seminary, Italy, from
which he received the degrees of D.D. and D.C.L. In 1913 he received
an I.L.D. from St. Bonaventure's. He was ordained to the priesthood
by the Right Rev. James E. Quigley in Buffalo, January 27, 1900.
He was appointed third assistant rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral,
Buffalo, January to June 1900; private secretary to Bishops Quigley
and Colton 1900‑15; chancellor of the diocese; rector of
St. Joseph's old cathedral, 1915‑18; and reappointed chancellor
of the diocese upon the installation of Bishop Dougherty, 1916-18.
He was consecrated bishop of Trenton, N.J., July 25, 1918. Both
in Buffalo and since he was elevated to the episcopate here,
he has been distinguished for his special interest in the bilingual
peoples under his care. With a particular view to the promotion
of religion and good citizenship among the Italians who constitute
a considerable fraction of the Catholic population in all the
larger communities of his diocese, Bishop Walsh has established
in the suburbs of Trenton the Villa Victoria, Pontifical Institute
of Religious Teachers, comprising mother-house, novitiate and
normal school. The benevolence of James Brady of New York provided
the funds for this purpose, and the same gentleman at his death
left a generous endowment. Recent figures give the number of
sisters in the community at 38; novices, 20; postulants, 18;
and candidates, 12. The general purpose is to enroll young women
of this country of Italian extraction who will be thoroughly
educated according to American methods and who, speaking both
languages, will be the better able to make good Americans and
well informed Catholics of the young people of their race
who otherwise would grow up in more or less of a foreign atmosphere.
English will be the language of all these Italo‑American
schools. Arrangements have been made to erect at Villa Victoria
several additional buildings to carry out the scope of this great
educational work.
Walsh is a man of progressive ideas, intensely devoted to American
institutions, possessing executive qualities of a high order, personally
affable and simple in his tastes, earnest and energetic in religious
and civic affairs, and just now in the full flower of vigorous
manhood. He was consecrated bishop of Newark in May 1928.
Right Rev. John J. McMahon, D.D., LL.D., fourth bishop of
the diocese of Trenton, N.J., was born at Hinsdale, Cattaraugus
County, N.Y., September 27, 1875. His early education was received
at the Belfast (N.Y.) Seminary and Union High School, where he
graduated at the head of his class in 1893. He received the degree
of B.A. at St. Bonaventure's College, Allegheny, N.Y., and completed
his theological studies at Rome, Italy, where he was ordained May
20, 1900. By appointment of Bishop Quigley of Buffalo he served
as assistant priest in Jamestown and Buffalo, and was acting pastor
in New Fane, N.Y. He administered the affairs of other parishes.
Later Father McMahon was appointed to the office of assistant diocesan
superintendent of schools. He established the parish of Our Lady
of Mt. Carmel, Buffalo, being the first American priest to exercise
jurisdiction over an Italian parish in Buffalo diocese. The parish
contained 12,000 souls, three Italian priests serving as his assistants.
The school with an enormous attendance was his special care. In
1908 he was commissioned to establish St. Mark's parish, Buffalo,
which started with 32 families and now has 1,684 souls. The church,
school and rectory cost $750,000 with only $96,000 debt remaining.
As director of the Holy Name Society of the diocese he raised the
adult membership to 51,000 men, with 24,000 junior members. He
also performed many assignments of an episcopal nature up to March
7, 1928, when he was elevated by Pope Pius XI to the bishopric
at Trenton. He was given a Doctor of Laws degree at St. Bonaventure's
College in 1919. He was consecrated on Thursday, April 26, 1928,
in St. Joseph's Cathedral, Buffalo, and installed in St. Mary's
Cathedral, Trenton, May 10, 1928.
Hogan, Right
Rev. Monsignor, was born in County Limerick, Ireland, May 17,
1843. After preliminary studies in local schools he made his
theological course at All Hallows and was ordained June 29, 1865,
having barely reached the appointed age. Fired with missionary
zeal he went to Australia, a virgin country, to labor for religion,
but after three years his shattered health compelled a return
to Europe. After various assignments in Dublin diocese, he came
to the United States and in 1871 was sent to East Newark as pastor.
Seven years later his assignment to Trenton occurred, and for
two score years thereafter he wrote his name in splendid achievements
which are summed up elsewhere in this chapter.
H. Fox,
Right Rev. Monsignor, vicar-general of the diocese of Trenton,
was born July 7, 1858, in New Brunswick. After a collegiate and
theological course at Seton Hall, South Orange, N.J., he was
ordained June 7, 1858. When the diocese of Trenton was created,
Father Fox was serving in the northern Counties, but at the request
of Bishop O'Farrell he entered the more sparsely settled section
of the State and ever since has been an outstanding figure. His
first pastoral assignment was at Sea Bright, where after a struggle
of some years he found a site and erected the first Catholic
church in that fashionable resort. He also bought land and put
up churches at Highlands and Atlantic Highlands. On April 23,
1893, Bishop O'Farrell appointed him pastor of St. Joseph's Church,
East Trenton, where he labored assiduously despite a labor panic
that prostrated industries in that industrial section. About
the time the lowering clouds began to lift, he was called to
the pastorate of St. Mary's Cathedral, February 1, 1895. The
marvellous success of his pastorate here and the various ecclesiastical
honors which have come to him in recognition of his labors have
been referred to in the sketch of St. Mary's in this same chapter.
Monsignor Fox
died Christmas Day, 1928.
visit of the Most Rev. Francis Satolli to Trenton, June 5 to 12,
1893, was an occasion of splendid note. Cardinal Satolli was the
first apostolic delegate to the United States from Rome, the American
Delegation having been established at Washington, D.C., on January
24 of that year. On his arrival here on a Saturday evening, he
was met at Clinton Street station by a huge procession of Catholic
societies, several bands participating, and was escorted en
fete to the episcopal residence. Next day, Sunday, he presided
at brilliant ceremonies in the cathedral and the Sacred Heart Church
and a reception, largely attended by the public generally, was given
in his honor at the Catholic Club the same evening.
explanation of Trenton's having the first Catholic church in New
Jersey, antedating such important places as Jersey City and Newark,
is that the Catholics of the northern section of the State were
long accustomed to go to old St. Peter's Church, New York City,
for worship,
the Catholic Encyclopaedia (fifteen volumes, Robert Appleton
Company, 1907) under the headings “New Jersey” and “Diocese
of Newark” (to which see Trenton formerly belonged). Under “New
Jersey” (p. 792) we read: “St. John's parish at Trenton,
now the parish of the Sacred Heart, was the first parish established
in New Jersey (1799).” Under “The Diocese of Newark” (p.
780) mention is made of Trenton's first Catholic church (1814)
and we learn that Newark’s first church was opened in 1828;
Jersey City's in 1837.
unusual function having both a sacred and a civil character took
place at St. John's Church April 30, 1861, when the Rev. Alfred
Young, a Princeton graduate and a convert, was the local pastor.
Despite the divided feeling in New Jersey over the war he held
a large meeting in the church, displayed an American flag in front
of the altar, blessed it with elaborate ceremony, led in the singing
of the "Star‑Spangled Banner," and then had the
stars and stripes raised to the steeple where it floated amid the
rolling of drums, the ringing of the church bell and a salute from
the commands of Captains Yard and Stafford of Camp Perrine. The
Hon. Charles Skelton, the Hon. Andrew Dutcher and the Hon. David
Naar delivered patriotic speeches.
Rev. John P. Mackin is said, besides his herculean labors in Trenton,
to have for a time attended to the spiritual needs of Lambertville,
Princeton, Bordentown, Burlington and Bristol, in some of which
he erected churches. At his funeral services in St. John's Church
in 1873, such was Father Mackin's popularity that the edifice was
packed with people including many non-Catholics, and a panic ensued
upon a cry that the gallery was falling. As a matter of fact a
kneeling‑bench had been broken. In the rush from the church,
numbers were crushed under foot and several jumped from the windows.
The wildest excitement prevailed, the fire department hurried to
the scene and all the available doctors in town were summoned.
A dozen or more persons were injured, some of them seriously, but
only one death resulted, that of Bridget Clark, seventy-five years
old. The requiem ceremonies proceeded when quiet was restored.
The writer, as an altar boy, witnessed the tragic incident.
Francis' Church on East Front Street is the oldest Catholic edifice
in the city, although not the oldest church organization. It has
been in constant use as a Catholic house of worship since 1866.
P. Cantwell was the first male teacher in Trenton's parochial schools;
a native of Ireland, he began teaching in old St. John's in the
early '6o's. The late Right Rev. Monsignor William P. Cantwell
and the late Dr. Frank V. Cantwell were his sons.
D. McCormick, editor of the Potter's Journal and a Catholic
local historian, performed a signal service by researches which
gave due prominence to John Tatham, New Jersey's "Missing
Governor" (1690-97). Having been a Jacobite, Mr. McCormick
surmised that Tatham was of the Catholic faith. Mr. McCormick’s
sketch of the "Missing Govermor's" career appears in
full as Appendix H in Smith's History of New Jersey, Sharp's
reprint (1890 edition), which may be found in the State Library.
Fitzgerald's Legislative Manual, since Mr. McCormick’s
discovery, has carried John Tatham's name in its list of governors
of East Jersey.
McCaffrey, M.D., was Trenton's first resident Catholic physician,
practising here from the early '50's to 1871. Three of his daughters
attained high rank in the Sisters of Mercy whose mother-house is
near Pittsburgh, Pa., and a fourth daughter, Anna, was church organist
and among the earliest teachers (1854) in St. John's school. Dr.
McCaffrey died in 1890 in his eighty-ninth year.
B. Sartori, one of the benefactors of the early church here, as
mentioned in the allusion in this chapter to the original St. John
the Baptist Church, was not only pontifical consul to this country
but also is mentioned in the secular histories as a manufacturer
of calico and again of macaroni near his home at the foot of Federal
Street. His career was invested with various romantic details,
including his friendly association with the distinguished colony
of European refugees, settled in and around Trenton in the early
years of the nineteenth century, such as the former King of Spain,
Joseph Bonaparte, and General John Victor Moreau, the latter of
whom built a home at Morrisville in 1805. It is said that Bonaparte
was godfather to one of Sartori's fourteen children, while Madame
Moreau was godmother to another. The Sartori offspring played prominent
parts in the commercial and social life of New York, Philadelphia
and other cities, but none remained in Trenton. Madame Sartori
whom he married in 1804, at Lamberton, Father Stafford, O.S.A.
of Philadelphia, officiating, was descended from a noble family
of Brittany, which had a checkered career. Her father went to Santo
Domingo on a royal mission and there Henriette, de Woofoin (Mrs.
Sartori) was born in 1787. At the outbreak of the French Revolution
the family fled to this country and settled at Lamberton below
Trenton. They for a time occupied historic Bloomsbury. The history
of the de Woofoins runs the gamut of high station, persecution
and assassination, details of which it is unnecessary to relate
in this place. Nor can we follow the Sartoris further than to say
that John B., sometimes referred to as "the lay founder
of the Catholic Church in Trenton," afflicted by the death
of his wife, aged forty-two, following the birth of twins, returned
to his native home in Leghorn, Italy, where he eventually died
at the age of ninety-eight.
John Hargous, associated with John B. Sartori in the promotion
of Trenton's first Catholic church, had served in the French navy
and while cruising in the vicinity of Martinique, which echoed
with the tumult of the French Revolution, was able to rescue from
mob fury a Madame Boisson with her son and daughter, and eventually
all found a refuge in the United States, the adventure ending in
Captain Hargous' marriage to Miss Boisson. They apparently were
among the hunted royalists of France who found security and peace
in Trenton. Thus the Sartori and Hargous families, being of the
same faith, became intimate. A son was born to the Hargous in 1800
and in time Peter A. Hargous and Eugenie Victorine, Sartori's marriage
cemented the family friendship. This younger Hargous later became
prominent in New York as a commission merchant and shipowner and
there developed a warm intimacy between him and Archbishop Hughes
of the metropolis. It was he who in 1851 saved the little church
at Lamberton and Market Streets from the sheriff. A cousin, Louis,
became a professor of French at Princeton. Peter A. had one sister,
Marie Melicie, who never married and lived her life out in Trenton,
a devout and generous member of St. Mary's parish. Before the development
of building operations on North Clinton Avenue, members of the
Hargous family established themselves in a beautiful property on
that street (then called the Millham Road), which ran back to the
Assunpink and included terraced lawns to the water front, wel-kept
gardens, orchards famed for their fruit and a home where generous
hospitality was dispensed to the best local society of the period.
As part of the old Sartori home still remains in the American Bridge
Company's office building on Federal Street, so the Hargous home
can still, though with difficulty, be traced in a pair of frame
tenements on Seward Avenue. Another relic of this interesting family
is found in the bell-tower of the Sacred Heart Church. The bell
which has been in use there for nearly three-quarters of a century
bears the names of Louis and M. M. Hargous as donors (1857).
first Catholic graveyard in the city was opened in connection with
the first church at Lamberton and Market Streets. Later, burials
were made in a plot on Lamberton Street below Bridge, where St.
John's schools were afterwards erected. Both of these cemeteries
were in time abandoned and the bodies of the pioneers buried therein
were removed to St. John's, St. Mary's, Our Lady of Lourdes and
St. Francis' cemeteries.
John's Cemetery, on Lalor Street at the southerly end of Chestnut
Avenue, was acquired by the Right Rev. James R. Bayley, bishop
of Newark, November 17, 1859, the purchase having been previously
negotiated from William I. Shreve to John Cahill and wife,
and title was passed October 17, 1864, from Bishop Bayley to the
church of St. John the Baptist. The original plot contained eight
acres and burials probably began early in the '6o's. Many of the
early Catholic settlers of the city are interred there, not a few
having been transferred from the older graveyards. The Rev. John
P. Mackin, the Right Rev. Monsignor Thaddeus Hogan and a number
of clergymen, who had been raised in the parish, are among those
whose dust reposes in St. John's Cemetery. It is the oldest Catholic
cemetery in Trenton.
Mary's Cemetery, located on Olden Avenue south of Liberty Street,
consists of nearly thirty-three acres, about fourteen acres of
which were purchased from Joseph W. Elberson November 1, 1872,
about ten acres of Nathan Wright March 26, 1886, and ten acres
from Abner C. Mitchell in 1922. Its most historic monument is a
mausoleum of the Hargous family, early benefactors of the Catholic
Church in this city.
St. Francis' Cemetery, at Washington
and Emory Avenues, is the last resting place of numerous of the
early German Catholics of the city. It was dedicated with elaborate
ceremonies October 9, 1870.
Our Lady of Lourdes Cemetery is
On Cedar Lane, between Olden Avenue and Chambers Street.
St. Peter and
St. Paul Cemetery is also located on Cedar Lane. |
The Lutherans - 1849
THE first Lutheran congregation to come into existence
in Trenton was that of 1849, which is to be identified with the
present German Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Church on South Broad
A history of
this congregation was prepared by the Rev. Hugo R. Wendel, pastor
of the church since 1896, on the occasion of its golden jubilee,
observed January 3, 1899. The manuscript of this history, translated
by Miss Thekla Hill, is on file in the Free Public Library. The
account here given is an abridgment of that record.
was, according to the account given by Pastor Wendel, due to the
interest of the Rev. Dr. John Hall, pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church, that an impetus was given to the formation of a German
Lutheran church in Trenton. On page 260 of Hall's History of
the Presbyterian Church in Trenton, second edition 1912,
there is a paragraph referring to this subject.
To 1845 Mr. Hall, finding many German families
of the Lutheran faith who attended no church, many of them unable
to understand
English, wrote to the Rev. Dr. Demme of Philadelphia,
suggesting a visit from him to explore, or the sending of a missionary.
In 1848
services were held in the First Church lecture-room by
German missionaries, and the work thus begun resulted in
the organization
of the German Lutheran Church.
In 1849 the Rev. Charles Augustus Brandt came to
Trenton and organized a German-speaking congregation, to which
was given the title "St. John's Congregation of the Augsburg
Confession of Trenton and South Trenton." The first services,
1849, were held in a room of the City Hall and afterwards in Scott's
Hall opposite.
The first council, besides the pastor, included
Christian Frederich Schneider, Wilhelm Scroth, Daniel Fell, Wilhelm
Lauber, Daniel King, Christian Kaefer and George Burchardt. A Sunday
school was also organized the same year. In 1850 Pastor Brandt
resigned or was removed owing to some differences with the congregation.
In 1852, October 6, the congregation called the Rev. A. T. Geisenthainer
as its pastor.
Geisenthainer bought with his own money the present property on
South Broad Street and erected upon it a small brick church at
his own expense. This building was finished and dedicated August
31, 1852. There was a small frame house on the lot which was used
as a parsonage. This house had once been the property of Captain
Alexander Douglass and was the place where Washington held a war
council with his generals January 2, 1777, a few days after the
first Battle of Trenton. 21 In the spring of 1853 a small
frame building was attached to the rear of the church and used
as a Sunday school and also for a week-day school.
21 See pp. 178, 308-11, above.
seems to have arisen some dissension between the German-speaking
and the English-speaking portions of the congregation, and in 1856
the German-speaking section withdrew and called the Rev. G. F.
Gartner as pastor, renting Temperance Hall for its service. On
August 3, 1856, this section was incorporated under a new name,
but the charter was never delivered, or if so has been missing
for a long time.
Rev. Mr. Geisenhainer had agreed when the church was built to turn
over the property to the congregation when it was prepared to reimburse
him for its cost. He at first refused to deal with the German-speaking
section on the ground that the congregation was not the same as
the original one. He finally agreed to sell the property for $1,500
down and a mortgage of $3,500. On this basis the transfer of church
parsonage and school building took place March 31, 1857.
1863 the congregation acquired the property in the rear of the
church fronting on Cooper Street, and proceeded to erect a school
1866 Pastor Gartner offered his resignation, but was induced to
withdraw it and he remained until 1873 when Pastor J. Zentner was
called to succeed him. In 1876 the building of a larger church
was taken in hand. The cost of the new building was about $20,000.
The church was dedicated May 13, 1877.
Zentner, having resigned July 5, 1885, after a pastorate of thirteen
years, was succeeded by Pastor Rudolph Gerlach of Morristown, Pa.,
who remained until June 1896. The congregation then called the
present pastor, the Rev. Hugo R. Wendel, then at Harrisburg, Pa.
He was installed October 18, 1896 and thus has served his charge
for over thirty years. During his pastorate the seats in the church
were made free and a day school reestablished for which a
new four-story building was erected in 1897. In the same year the
property at 12 Livingston Street was acquired for a parsonage.
The church building was also thoroughly renovated and refurnished.
Many fine stained-glass windows were given as memorials, including
an altar window in memory of Johanna Hertling Roebling by Colonel
Washington A. Roebling.
the fifty years 1849-99, closing with the golden jubilee of the
congregation, christenings numbered 4474, marriages 1387, burials
1391, confirmations 1615, and communicants enrolled were 17,549.
the prominent German families who have been connected with the
Church were: Fell, Strausser, Roebling, Snyder, Walter, Oessenberg,
Schlicker, Lebstein, Baker and Pfister.
Rev. Hugo R. Wendel was born April 14, 1857, in Wildberg, Southern
Germany. For several years he followed the occupation of a pharmaceutical
chemist, but by an accident which injured his eyes he was compelled
to seek some other vocation. He then turned to the law and after serving
his time became county attorney in Oenringen and Nurtingen. Later
he was registered under state direction in Stuttgart. Subsequently
he opened a law office of his own in Nuensingen and there practised
for several years. When a call from America for Lutheran preachers
came, Wendel prepared himself for work in this country. With six
other students he came to America in March 1882, and was assigned
to the mission field in Pennsylvania. After a course in Lutheran
doctrines the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, May 22, 1883, ordained
him and he was sent to the coal regions, where he served congregations
in St. Claire, Middleport and Locust Valley. In 1884 be went to
St. Thomas' Church at Germantown where he remained three years,
then to St. Peter's Church in Port Jervis for nine years. In 1888
he went to Zion Church at Harrisburg. He received a call to Trenton
in 1896 where he has since remained.
body appears to have come into existence as the final result of
various unsuccessful attempts to organize the English-speaking
Germans of Trenton into a Lutheran congregation. The nucleus of
the congregation which afterwards assumed the present title, Evangelical
Lutheran Christ Church, is probably to be found in a society which
was started in the early '3o's of the last century and which doubtless
subsequently is to be identified with the English-speaking section
of the congregation which, after the erection of the Lutheran Church
in 1852 on South Broad Street, occupied that building conjointly
with the German-speaking Lutherans until it was purchased by the
latter for their exclusive use in 1857.
would appear that in that year a congregation of English-speaking
Germans bought land on North Montgomery Street near Academy and
erected a church building which was consecrated September 11, 1859.
The Rev. A. T. Geisenhainer, the former pastor and owner of the
church property on South Broad Street, was present on the occasion
and participated in the service. The North Montgomery Street church
property subsequently was sold to the Har Sinai Congregation, 1865,
and was dedicated in 1866 as a Jewish synagogue. What became of
the German Evangelical congregation is not known, but the probabilities
are it became or was merged into the Evangelical Lutheran Christ
Church which was organized in 1869 and now has its place of worship
at Livingston and Jackson Streets. 22
22 Podmore, "Jews in Trenton
History," The Community Messenger, June 1926.
congregation of Christ Church was organized at a meeting held in
the Sunday school of the German Lutheran Church, South Broad Street,
July 1, 1869. The pastor of that church was present and acted as
chairman of the meeting. The first pastor was the Rev. Amos H.
Bartholomew who was installed Sunday, October 10, 1869. Up to the
close of that year services were held in the church of the German
Lutherans in the afternoon and subsequently up to the spring of
1870 in the Sunday school rooms. The services were then
held in the Mercer County Court House. 23
23 Raum, History of Trenton, pp.
1871 Messiah Chapel was purchased. A year later this chapel was
destroyed by fire and a new church was built on Greenwood Avenue
near Jackson Street. In 1902 the building was sold and the
present chapel built on Livingston near Jackson Street. The Congregation
has had in the course of its existence twelve pastors, few of whom
remained longer than three or four years. Since the beginning
of the present century there have been five pastors. The
Rev. E. B. Killinger served for ten years, 1895‑1905; the
Rev. H. W. Reimer for two years, 1905‑07; the Rev. Edwin
J. Hopkins for five years, 1907‑12; the Rev. W. Scott Bonnell
also for five years, 1912‑17; and the present pastor, the
Rev. Alexander Berg, has been in charge since 1918.
congregation was organized in December 1888, through the efforts
of the Rev. G. C. Gardner, pastor of Bethany German Lutheran Church
of Roxboro, Pa., who was the son of a former pastor of Trinity
German Lutheran Church on South Broad Street, this city.
The first services were held in Borough Hall on South Broad Street.
In 1889 a building was erected at Broad and Malone Streets
and the cornerstone was laid in June of that year. The church was
dedicated in May 1890. The first pastor was the Rev. J. Heissler
who served from 1889 to 1920. He retired in that year, but is still
living in Trenton, From 1920, the pastor has been the Rev. Louis
Schmidtkonz. The congregation was German-speaking from the beginning,
but in later years English has been used at some of the services.
Mark's English Lutheran Church was organized September 9, 1898,
with forty‑five charter members. Wagner's Hall at the corner
of Hudson and Mott Streets was the meeting place of both Sunday
school and church for twenty months. On December 20, 1898, the
Rev. J. Morgan Cross, the first pastor, was called, remaining until
November 2, 1902.
were soon taken looking toward the erection of a suitable edifice.
The lot upon which the church is built at Chestnut and Emory Avenues
was purchased and work was begun on the building in August 1899,
and the cornerstone was laid with appropriate services October
1. The dedication services were held May 27, 1890.
Rev. I. Walton Bobst, the second pastor of the church, was called
February 1, 1903, remaining until September 1, 1914. The Rev. M.
Arthur Spotts became pastor December 1, 1914. He remained for two
years. The Rev. Grayson Z. Stup was then called to take up the
work. He served the church for five years and five months, when
he resigned to accept a call to Harrisburg, Pa. The Rev. Wm. H.
Reimer began his work as pastor September 3, 1922, and resigned
August 31, 1924.
Rev. George P. Goll, the present pastor, was called December 1,
early as 1888 a union Sunday school was organized in a building
still standing in the rear of 200 Hillcrest Avenue. Subsequently
a building was erected on Hillcrest Avenue, between the Reading
Railway and Scotch Road. This building was destroyed by fire and
a new one was erected on Reading Avenue near Maple.
1898 the congregation was organized under the name of "The
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hillcrest," The building
was moved to Hillcrest and Reading Avenues, the present location.
Later on it was enlarged and a parsonage built on the next lot,
207 Hillcrest Avenue.
following pastors have served the church: the Rev. U. E. Apple,
the Rev. Charles McDaniel, the Rev. E. C. Mumford, the Rev. J.
H. Straw, the Rev. R. L. Haus and the Rev. C. W. Diehl. The present
pastor is the Rev. Allan Chamberlin.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Saviour was organized October
31, 1899, with twenty-seven charter members. In July 1902 the present
church building, located at Front and Montgomery Streets, was purchased
from the Adventist Congregation, and after necessary alterations
was occupied on August 10 of that year. On May 1, 1913, the congregation
became self‑sustaining.
1910, the present parsonage at 207 East Front Street was purchased.
The church has prospered and many improvements have been made.
The church debt was finally liquidated in 1927, and the church
is now one of the most flourishing Lutheran congregations in the
first services, beginning January 8, 1899, were conducted by the
Rev. William Ashmead Shaeffer, mission superintendent, and the
following pastors have served the congregation: the Rev. Paul Zeller
Strodach, 1899-1901; the Rev. John Casper Mattes, 1902-15; the
Rev. William L. Hunton, supply pastor; the Rev. H. Grady Davis,
1916-18; and the Rev. George Luther Weibel, from November 1, 1918,
to the present time.
This congregation
was organized in the Church of the Saviour during the pastorate
of the Rev. John Casper Mattes. A church and a parsonage were erected
on Harding Street. The last pastor was the Rev. Joseph Abraham
who recently resigned.
The first Polish
Lutherans came to Trenton some thirty to forty years ago. At first
they associated themselves with the German Lutheran Trinity Church
on South Broad Street, although they could not understand the German
language. In 1902 with the permission of the pastor, the Rev. Hugo
R. Wendel, they invited the Rev. F. Sattelmcier, pastor of a Polish
Lutheran Church in Scranton, Pa., to conduct occasional services.
He served the congregation until 1909 when the Rev. C. Mikulsri
of Baltimore, Md., was called in the same capacity.
1911 the congregation was regularly organized under the name of
Holy Trinity and with the help of the mission board a resident
pastor was called in the person of the Rev. F. Sattelmcier. In
1912 a church building was erected on Indiana Avenue and Plum Street
and services were conducted both in Polish German and English.
The second resident Faster was the Rev. A. Nicholai who assumed
charge of the congregation in 1917. In 1918 the church building
was destroyed by a storm and the pastor shortly after resigned
his charge. Under the leadership of his successor, the Rev. J.
Dawidowski of Baltimore, a new church was built on the old site
and dedicated April 17, 1919. Most of the funds for this purpose
came from the Church Extension Fund of the Missouri Synod. Since
1919 the present pastor, the Rev. Theo. R. Fehlau, has served the
corgregation and has also continued his mission work in
New York City, Pine Island, N.Y., and Mount Tom, Mass.
congregation was incorporated in 1914, having been organized by
the Rev. U. S. G. Bertolet, field missionary of the Ministerium
of Pennsylvania, and the Rev. J. C. Mattes, pastor of the Church
of the Saviour. It began with sixty-two members. The present
church building was purchased in 1914 from Christ Episcopal Church,
having been previously used for a chapel known as St. John's. The
purchase price of the property was $6,000. The first pastor, the
Rev. Rufus E. Kern of Marion, Va., assumed charge December 6, 1914;
he resigned two years later. The Rev. Otto C. F. Janke was the
next pastor, who remained a little over one year. On November 25,
1917, the present pastor, the Rev. W. Penn Barr of Weatherly, Pa.,
was called and took charge the following December. The brick dwelling
adjoining the church property was bought for a parsonage at a cost
of $4,000, in 1917.
church record shows that 312 names have been enrolled since the
beginning of the congregation, of which 167 are now active members.
Since May 1, 1925, the congregation became entirely self-sustaining.
Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized July 18, 1915,
when sixty-one persons were enrolled as members. In December 1915
the Rev. L. R. Hans, the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, became
the first pastor. A lot was bought at Johnston and Walnut Avenues,
and the cornerstone of a church building with basement only was
laid October 22, 1916. The dedication took place February 11, 1917.
In 1923 the church was completed and in 1925 a parsonage was added,
the total cost being about $10,000. The Rev. J. W. Gentzler became
the pastor in 1919. He remained until 1927, when the present pastor,
the Rev. J. Walter Shearer, was called and took up the work. |
The Jews - 1860
24 The material embodied here is in
the main abridged from articles published by Mr. Podmore in the Community Messenger.
THE first organization in the
life of Trenton Jewry was the Har Sinai Cemetery Association, formed
in 1857. Prior to the beginning of the Har Sinai Hebrew Congregation,
which was the outgrowth of the cemetery association, religious
services were held in the homes of individuals. An early mention
of Jewish worship here is given in the State Gazette, April
30, 1856,
relative to the Passover observance. The following is an extract
from the item published on that day:
There is quite
a large number of the Hebrew race in Trenton who adhere to their
ancient worship of the one, only, and true God.
The nearest
synagogue, we believe, is at Philadelphia.
In connection
with the observance of the Jewish New Year of 5619, which fell
in September of 1858, services were held in Temperance Hall. According
to an item in the Daily True American, September 10, fifty-two
persons participated in the ceremonies of the first day.
services, regularly conducted, began in Trenton about 1860 with
the formation of the Har Sinai Hebrew Congregation. In the summer
of that year meetings were held in the old Chancery Building which
stood on the site of the Trenton Trust Building, West State Street
and Chancery Lane.
a meeting held on July 22 the congregation decided to incorporate
and the following were elected trustees: Simon Kahnweiler, Isaac
Wymann, Henry Shoninger, Herman Rosenbaum, Marcus Aaron, L. Kahnweiler
and David Manko. Soon after this time the body was incorporated
with the trustees named as the incorporators. Nearly all of the
founders of the Har Sinai Temple congregation were of German extraction.
For many years the services were conducted in German and Hebrew
1865 Simon Kahnweiler, credited as the first president of the congregation,
purchased from the Lutherans a little brick chapel on North Montgomery
Street, known as Christ Church of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation.
The edifice was refitted as a temple and on March 23, 1866, it
was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies, the Rev. D. Frankel,
of Philadelphia, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Isaiah Gotz
and the Rev. Reuben Straus. Judge David Naar delivered the dedicatory
address. The Rev. Isaac Lesser made a few remarks appropriate to
the occasion, and the ceremonies were brought to a close by the
singing of the 150th Psalm by the choir.
year of 1872 was a dark one for the small congregation. Evidently
the benefactor had not deeded the temple to the congregation and
there seems to have been some dissension among the members. Matters
went from bad to worse, reaching a climax on March 16, when Kahnweiler's
holdings, including the little house of worship, were sold at public
auction held at the Trenton Home, with Ex‑Mayor Napton acting
as auctioneer. D. P. Forst became the new owner of the temple building.
without a permanent place of worship the congregation drifted.
The prospects for the future were far from bright. However, there
was one member who was not disheartened. Mrs. Toretta Kaufman,
mother of S. E. Kaufman, saw the possibilities for securing the
building and through her tireless activities in making a personal
canvass she collected a fund and aroused such an interest in the
project that when autumn had arrived the property was owned by
the congregation. It is said that the contributor of the largest
amount to the fund was the late Joseph Rice who made up the balance
needed after all the money that could possibly be collected had
been brought in.
July 1903 the congregation sold the little temple on Montgomery
Street to Bayard Post, No. 8, G.A.R. In the same year a lot was
purchased at the southwesterly corner of Front and Stockton Streets
and upon it a house of worship was erected. On the evening of October
7, 1904, the building was dedicated. The officers of the congregation
at that time were: Sigmund Baron, president; Abraham Siegle, vice-president;
Louis Cohen, treasurer; and Jonas D. Rice, secretary.
1925 the congregation purchased a lot on Bellevue Avenue where
a new temple will be erected in the near future.
present rabbi of the temple is Abram Holtzberg. Some of the others
who have served in that capacity are: M. Lessler, Simon Rosenberg,
Israel Goldvogel, Morris Ungerleider, ‑ Wagenheim, ‑ Schomberg, ‑Kahn,
Joseph Gabriel, L. Weiss, ‑ Bloch, Nathan Rosenau, Louis
B. Michelson, Nathan Stern, Harry K. Jacobs, Joel Blau and Jacob
second oldest religious body in the life of Trenton Jewry is the
Congregation of the Brothers of Israel. This organization, which
was founded by Jews of Polish and Russian extraction, was incorporated
in 1883, but it seems that the group was not fully established
until three years later. In August 1887 the Union Street M.E. Church
was purchased and converted into a synagogue. On September 11,
1887, the remodelled edifice was dedicated. In 1900 the building
was demolished and a new one was erected upon the site.
1885 the congregation established a place of burial on Vroom Street,
adjoining Har Sinai Cemetery. In 1907 the place was enlarged by
the purchase of an additional lot, and in 1913 an auxiliary cemetery
was established near Cedar Lane, Hamilton Township.
third organization, the Congregation of the People of Truth, was
organized either in the late ‘8o’s or in the early ‘90’s.
The group filed papers for incorporation in December of 1891. In
1902 the Second Presbyterian Church, on Union Street, was purchased
by the congregation and refitted for a synagogue. On March 15,
1903, the edifice was dedicated to the worship of Jehovah. In 1893
the congregation established a cemetery near Cedar Lane, Hamilton
fourth religious body, the Congregation of Ahavath Israel, was
incorporated in December 1909, In May 1910 the body purchased the
Wesley Methodist Church on Centre Street. The edifice was then
remodelled and dedicated to Jewish worship. The founders of the
Congregation of Ahavath Israel were in the main of Austro‑Hungarian
extraction. The first officers and trustees of the congregation
were: Samuel Goldmann, president; Leo Eisner, vice-president; Peter
Littman, secretary; Henry Wirtschafter, Herman Lefkowitz, Jacob
Blaugrund, Louis Warady, Nathan Fuchs, Adolf L. Moskowitz and Armin
Bonyai, trustees.
fifth religious body, the Congregation of the Workers of Truth,
filed incorporation papers in 1919. A few years later the organization
purchased two dwellings on Union Street, near Market Street, and
remodelled them into a house of worship.
Adath Israel Congregation was organized at a meeting held on September
30, 1923. On October 15 the congregation was incorporated. Services
were held in the Community Home on Stockton Street until the time
of the erection of the temple on Bellevue Avenue. The formal opening
of the temple was on Friday evening, July 23, 1926, and in October
of that year it was dedicated.
in importance to the synagogue in the religious life of a Jewish
community is the Talmud Torah, or school where the youth are taught
Hebrew and the traditions and religious precepts of the race. Dr.
Herzl's Zion Hebrew School on Union Street serves the local community
in this capacity. The institution, under its present name, had
its beginning as a school maintained by the Congregation of the
Brothers of Israel. Prior to this time there was a Hebrew school
which held sessions in a rented hall on Union Street near Fall
Street. This body in 1904 erected a school house (the first of
its kind in Trenton) on Union Street, opposite the temple, which
was named in memory of Dr. Theodor Herzl, father of political Zionism,
who died during the same month that the cornerstone was laid (July
1904). The institution did not come up to the anticipations of
its sponsors. The building was subsequently sold to tile city for
a public school house.
new Dr. Herzl's Zion Hebrew School stands on the upper part of
Union Street. This institution is supported by the entire Jewish
institution that is part of every Jewish community is the sheltering
home where meals and lodging are furnished the traveller who is
without funds. The local home at the comer of Mill and Market Streets
is conducted by the Hebrew Benevolent Society whose members purchased
it in October 1904. The organization applied for incorporation
papers in 1894. Harry Haveson and the Rev. Max Gordon are prominently
identified with the body.
Sinai Cemetery Association was organized at a meeting held November
19, 1857. In the same year a lot was purchased for burial purposes
at the corner of Vroom and Liberty Streets and the body became
incorporated. The founders of this association were: Marcus Marx,
Julius Schloss, Isaac Wymann, Morris Sanger, lgnatz Frankenstein,
Lantos Golheim, Isaac Sanger, Joseph Rice, Ephraim Kaufman, Marcus
Aron and Gustavus Cane.
other Jewish places of burial are several congregation and small
lodge cemeteries which are located near Cedar Lane in Hamilton
Kahnweiler, one
of the incorporators of the Har Sinai Temple Hebrew Congregation,
was born in Bavaria, Germany, August 26, 1820. He was the first
prominent Jewish merchant of Trenton, member of the Common Council
1863-64, president of the Protection Hook and Ladder Company,
and a member of several local military companies. During the
time that he was a member of the temple congregation he served
as president and head of the Sunday school. He died in Philadelphia,
May 4, 1890,
Rice, prominent
member of Har Sinai Temple, was one of Trenton's most highly-respected
citizens. Born at Riechen, Baden, Germany, June 26, 1834, he
served in several public offices, was made a director of the
Mechanics National Bank, January 13, 1891, and was vice-president
and director from August 5, 1909, up to the time of his death,
July 14, 1913. For many years he was a clothing merchant.
Amelia Kaufman Block, for many years an active worker in the Har Sinai Temple Sisterhood, was
born in Trenton. She is the daughter of Ephraim and Toretta Kaufman. Toretta
Kaufman, one of the early active workers of the Har Sinai
Temple Congregation, was born in Germany. She died May 25, 1887.
those who have been active in the religious life of the Orthodox
congregations are the Rev. P. Turman, the Rev. Mr. Prail, the Rev.
Max Sufnoss, the Rev. Meyer Rabinowitz, the Rev. Israel Price,
Rabbi Isaac Bunin, the Rev. Joseph Konvitz, David Lavine, Isaac
Levy (Levie), who was one of the founders of the Talmud
Torah, Hyman Levy (Levie), first president of the congregation
of the Brothers of Israel, Max Gordon and Rabbi Issachar Levin.
of the early Jewish settlers in Trenton were of German extraction,
the outstanding exception being the Naars, whose remote ancestors
came to the West Indies from the Iberian peninsula in very early
days. Besides the Naar family who came to Trenton in 1856 and their
contemporaries, who incorporated the Mount Sinai Cemetery and founded
the Hat Sinai Congregation, the pioneer Jewish group included Isaac
Wymann, Daniel Piexotto, Marcus Marx, Samuel Rosenthal, Julius
Schloss, Emanuel Kahnweiler, A. Rosenblatt, David Manko and Marcus
Bohn. Practically all of these are representatives of the ‘5o’s
and ‘60’s.
Jewish colony here naturally attracted others of the race to the
city, and in the ‘70’s a considerable number of Jews
of various extractions made Trenton their home. These may be classified
as members of a second Jewish group. The third and largest group,
which came here in the years following 1880, mainly comprised members
of the race who came from Russia to escape the Czarist regime. Then
three groups define, generally, the Jewish immigration to Trenton.
was the members of this third group who established the Jewish
community in South Trenton with its Orthodox synagogues, Hebrew
School and Sheltering Home. Their descendants constitute the majority
of the present Jewish population. The others are German, Austrian,
Hungarian and Roumanian Jews and their descendants.
early Jews were mainly merchants. Among them may be mentioned Simon
Kahnsweiler, who was the first Jewish manufacturer (bricks)
and also one of the prominent merchants of his day in the city.
His brother, Emanuel, operated a soap factory near the Assunpink
bridge on South Broad Street.
E. Kaufman,
for many years the proprietor of the Kaufman department store,
is a native of Trenton. He was one of the leaders of Trenton's
Board of Trade, now the Chamber of Commerce. He is a member of
the interstate bridge commission and the executive board of the
Boy Scouts of America.
Rice came
to Trenton in the '5o's. He established a clothing business on
South Warren Street, and later removed to North Broad Street.
His sons, Alexander and Jonas, succeeded him in the business.
Joseph Rice was a director of the Mechanics National Bank
Tobish, who
has conducted a men's furnishing shop hem for nearly half a century,
came to Trenton in 1877 and opened a store on State Street. He
is one of the earliest members of the Har Sinai Temple. Associated
with him in business are his son, Abram, and his brother, Joseph.
Another son, Theodore, was at one time county engineer.
merchants were: the Fuld brothers, Jonas A., Manus A., and
Louis A., who came to Trenton in the '90's; Sigmund Kahn,
who was senior member of the firm of S. Kahn and Sons in the old
Washington Market Building; Simon Samler, who was in the
clothing business on the same site; Isidor Levin, who conducted
a department store at the "Five Points," as did Isaac
Goldberg on South Broad Street; Morris and Paul Urken,
who now have a department store in Chambersburg, as do Israel
Kohn and Solomon Urken; and Henry Wirtschafter,
who maintains a large department store on South Broad Street.
of the first Jewish professional men in Trenton was Moses D.
Naar, lawyer and journalist, who came to Trenton in 1856. His
brother, Samuel Grey Naar, studied law in his office and
was admitted to the Bar in 1880, becoming a counsellor in 1894.
Later he was assistant prosecutor and at one time was a city police
the lawyers admitted to the Bar during the present century are Henry
H. Wittstein, J. Irving Davidson, Maxwell Kraemer and William
Reich. Philip Forman, who was appointed United States
attorney for the District of New Jersey, was admitted to the Bar
in 1917, and became a counsellor in 1920. He was appointed assistant
United States district attorney in 1923, He is a Major in the Judge
Advocate General's Department of the New Jersey National Guard,
and was commander of the American Legion, Department of New Jersey,
in 1923-24.
Samuel Freeman,
the first Jewish physician in Trenton, began his practice in
1900, and the first dentists were Dr. James S. Miller and Dr.
William Julian. |
X. Unclassified
THE accounts of the following congregations,
though representative of as many distinct denominations, are grouped
together here because each is the sole representative of its denomination
in Trenton. In this section also is the brief account of an early
German congregation which has since disbanded.
The Magyar Reformed Church of Trenton
was organized on September 23, 1894. Its first pastor was the Rev.
Stephen Juranyi, who, shortly after its organization, resigned.
On May 9, 1897, the Rev. Francis Csamfordi was elected pastor.
1898, on July 19, the members bought the vacant lot on Home Avenue
and Beatty Street and erected the present structure. Subsequently
the building next to the church was purchased and renovated as
a pastor's home.
congregation is now affiliated with the Reformed Church of Hungary.
Since 1910 the pastor has been the Rev. Geza Korocz.
1917 the church was reconstructed, and a modern parish house built
in place of the old one.
are, in the congregation today, over six hundred families. The
property of the church is worth about $60,000. The Magyar Reformed
Church of Trenton may be classed as one of the largest Magyar Reformed
congregations of the United States.
Science was first brought to public attention in this city in the
early part of September 1903, when a student of Mrs. Pamelia J.
Leonard, C.S.D., of Brooklyn, N.Y., Mrs. Mary E. Ogden, C.S., Came
to Trenton with the approval and advice of her teacher and started
Christian Science services and work as a practitioner, assisted
at first by Miss Althea J. Truex and later by Edward A. Stokes,
both long resident in this city.
services were conducted every Sunday morning in the Shreve Building
on East State Street.
increased so rapidly that on June 17, 1904, there were sufficient
eligible Christian Scientists to organize a church under the laws
of the State of New Jersey, in the name of "First Church of
Christ, Scientist, of Trenton, New Jersey," at which time
regularly elected officers were appointed, Mrs. M. E. Ogden being
elected first reader and Mr. E. A. Stokes second reader.
soon became necessary to secure larger quarters at 216 Academy
Street. Then a building fund was started, which resulted in the
erection of a chapel, in the spring of 1908, having a seating capacity
of about one hundred and fifty. A convenient lot had previously
been presented to the church by Mrs. Permelia Stokes, mother of
E. A. Stokes. This chapel was dedicated, free of debt, on December
13, 1908.
January 1920, upon the unanimous vote of the members present at
a meeting held for that purpose, it was decided to sell this property,
owing to an increasingly noisy environment, and to secure a lot
more suitably located. The lot upon which the new church now stands
was purchased with the proceeds from this sale.
leaving the chapel on East State Street, services were held for
two years at the Bowen Preparatory School, 214 West State Street,
and later for about live years at the Stacy-Trent Hotel.
January 1, 1928, the church moved into its new structure, located
at the corner of West State Street and Richey Place, where services
are now held.
The first readers of the church, who are limited to a
term of three years each, are in turn as follows; Mrs. Mary E.
Ogden, Miss Sarah V. Milne, Edward A, Stokes, Miss Josephine A.
Chase, Miss Althea J. Truex, Charles E. Milum, and Edwin S. Sutton,
the present first reader, with Mrs. Emily M. Walker as second reader.
Intervening part-term incumbents have also served as first readers.
members of the building committee for the erection of the
new edifice are as follows; I. P. Keeler, Edwin S. Sutton, Lewis
Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bender, and Mrs. Wm. J. Rogers, all
of this city.
1915 a group of people of the non‑evangelical type
formed a society for the promotion of "liberal" religion
in the community. Throughout the winter, meetings were held regularly
every Sunday evening in the auditorium of the Senior High School
on Hamilton Avenue. In the spring of 1916 the society decided to
become associated with the American Unitarian Association and assumed
the name of The First Unitarian Church of Trenton. Prudence Hall
in the School of Industrial Arts, on the corner of West State and
Willow Streets, was chosen as the place for the holding of Sunday
Rev. Edward H. Reeman of the Church of Our Fathers, Lancaster,
Pa., was called as the first minister. Under his leadership the
group grew in numbers. Mr. Reeman was succeeded in 1920 by the
Rev. Robert L. M. Holt who stayed until 1922, when the Rev, A.
R. Shelander was called as minister. Mr. Shelander resigned in
1926 and was succeeded in 1927 by the Rev. Elmer D. Colcord of
Springfield, Mass.
have been held continuously in Prudence Hall with the exception
of one year during the war when the congregation of Har Sinai Temple
put their place of worship at the disposal of the Unitarian Church
for Sunday services.
addition to the regular Sunday services the church carries on a
number of activities through the allied societies of the Women's
Alliance, the Laymen's League, and the Young People's Religious
present officers of the church are: president, Roscoe L. West;
clerk, Tobias Brill; treasurer, Frank H. Green; trustees, the officers
and Edwin K. Fowler, James D. Jackson, Albin G. Nicolaysen, Robert
G. Leavitt, Mrs. H. R. McGinnis and Mrs. Uno Malmstrom.
Polish National Catholic Parish of Our Saviour was organized in
1917 by the present bishop of that body with home in Scranton,
Pa. The organization is closely affiliated with the "Old Catholic" body
in Europe and has a membership of some 250,000 in this country
and in Poland. The parish numbers about two hundred families. Its
present building on East State Street was formerly the property
of St. James Episcopal Church. The church was consecrated April
19, 1917, by Bishop Hodur. In addition to the church building,
the parish owns a cemetery, a rectory and a hall which is the center
of the social life of the parish. The present rector is
the Rev. Father J. Michalski, who has been in charge since November
10, 1927.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity was organized by
the Very Rev. Vladimir A. Kashiw in September 1919 and was incorporated
the same year.
the time of organization the membership totalled fifty‑seven
families. They bought a home at 18 Woodland Street which was remodelled
so that the first floor was used as the chapel while the second
floor was used as the priest's residence.
cemetery was added to their possession and in 1924 the church on
Liberty and Woodland Streets was bought for $7,000.
1925 the church was blessed by the Most Rev. John Theodorowich,
archbishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of America and Canada.
The Ukrainian Orthodox Diocese is directly connected with the Ukrainian
Orthodox Church in Kiev, Ukraine, the head of which is Metropolitan
Wasyl Lypkiwsky, of Kiev and all Ukraine.
Very Rev. V. A. Kashiw was the pastor of the church from September
1919 until October 1925. After that time the following priests
were pastors of the church: the Rev. Paul Korsunowsky, the Rev.
N. Kostetzky, the Rev. W. Nowosad, the Rev. D. Lazare, and the
present pastor is the Rev. J. Zelechivsky.
congregation now has about two hundred members, of whom practically
all are American citizens.
George Greek Orthodox Church was established in 1922. The Charter
members were Peter Skokas, John Roumanis, George Vanellis, Peter
Manetas, John Stylianos, James Bardos, Dan Vafias, A. Mamolu,
N. Manohas and A. Maverelis.
were first held in the Sunday school room of Trinity Church on
Academy Street. Subsequently a hall was rented on East Hanover
Street and services were held there until a church was built on
Jackson Street in 1924.
George Church is under the jurisdiction of Archbishop Alexander
of the Greek Orthodox Church in America. Members of the congregation
number about one hundred and fifty.
Greek school has some forty-five pupils, who are taught the Greek
language and also receive religious instruction.
of the earliest attempts to provide services for the few Germans
then living in Trenton appears to have been made in 1835 when a
congregation was organized through the efforts of the Rev. J. W.
Davis, who had been preaching in Trenton on behalf of the German
Reformed Church. A local society of this body, consisting of less
than a dozen persons, was organized in 1836 and a call was issued
on March 4 of that year to the Rev. John H. Smaltz to become the
pastor. Mr. Smaltz accepted the call, but remained for only two
years. A church building was begun on Front
Street but does not seem to have
been completed for several years, though the cornerstone was laid
September 8, 1836.
1841 the congregation, having dissolved its ecclesiastical connection
with the German Reformed body, was received into the communion
of the Dutch Reformed Church. The Rev. Charles P. Wack was called
as pastor the same year and the church building on Front Street
was finished and dedicated by the Rev. Samuel A. Van Vranken, D.D.,
of New Brunswick. The Rev. Mr. Wack continued as pastor until 1843
when he resigned his charge, whereupon the church was permanently
closed and the congregation apparently dissolved. From the account
of this society in Raum's History of the City of Trenton, pages
107-8, it does not seem to be plain whether this congregation was
German- or English-speaking or a mixture of both, but the probabilities
are that the congregation was English-speaking.
1846 the church building on Front Street was sold to some members
of the Greene Street (First Methodist) Church, who formed a new
congregation which subsequently was known as the Trinity Methodist
Episcopal Church, now having its place of worship on Perry Street.
In 1865 the Front Street church was purchased by the congregation
of St. Francis Roman Catholic Church and has since then been occupied
by that body.
© 1929,