Victory Parade

MS 7.  Literal transcription – misspellings are left intact, xxx denotes illegible word, italicized items are my own comments for clarification.  Please also note, that in this document most instances of the letter “e” seem to have been replaced by “o”, except in only a few words – TG.

Written in pencil:  1725

This Indenture Mado Tho Ffourth day of Ffobruary In the Elovonth yoar of the Roign of our sovoroign Lord Goorgo ouor Grato Brittan & ct King anom tho yoar of our Lord God according to tho account Ufod (used) in England ono Thousand sovon hundrod and twonty ffivo amno 1725  Between Jamos Tront of Tronton in tho County of Huntordon & in tho Wostorn Division of tho Province of New Jorsoy Esqts: on tho ono part and Samuol Bonham of the Town County & Provinco aforosaid brick Layor on tho othor part witnefseffs That tho s.d (said) Jamos Tront for & in considoration of tho Sum of ffivo--- pounds Lawfull silvor monoy of the s.d provinco to him in hand by the s.d Samuol Bonham at or boforo tho Exocutonig of thoso prosonts the Rocoipt whoroof ho thos.d Jamos Tront Doth Horoby Acknowlodgo & thoroof & of ovory part & parcol Thoroof doth horoby acquit Roloafo Exonorato and for ouor dischargo  him thos said Samuol Bonham his hoirs Exocutors & administrators & Evory of thom for ouor by thoso Prosonts hath Grantod Bargainod Sold alionod Enfooffod & Confirmod and by thoso prosonts for himself and his hoirs Doth fully frooly and absolutoly Givo Grant Bargain Soll Alion Enfooffo and Confirmo Unto tho s.d Samuoll Bonham his hoirs ad afsigns a cortuin Lott of Land Scittuato Lying & boing in Trontown aforosaid and is bounded & Limmittod in manor following Viz: ct  Beginnig at a post standing by the Lowor stroot it boing a cornor of Thomas Okloy’s Lott thonce by his Lott Southwostorly Twonty two dogroos and Tonn porch to his othor cornor Thon Northwostorly Sixty Eight dogroos & four porch to a cornor post of Isacc Watsons thon by his Lott North Easstorly Twonty two dogroos & tonn porch to watsono xxx Cornor post by the stroot Thon by the Stroot south Eastorly Sixty Eight dogroos and four porch to tho xxx xxx Cornor or place of boginning Containing ono quartor of an acor Togothor with all & singular the houfos Barnos Stablos Edificos buildings yards Orchards Gardons Backsidos Lands pasturos & Troos waters watorcourfos and all othor Libortios provolodgos proffitts advantagos Eafmonts Horoditamonts and appurtonancos whatsoovor to the s.d Lotts of Land mofsuago or tonomont bolonging or in any wifo apportaining and all the Estato Right Titlo Introst prosont posofsion property claim & domand whatsoovor with tho Rovorsion & Rovorsions & Romaindors ronts ifsuos and proffitts thoroof & of ovory part & parcoll thoroof To have and to hold tho abovo doscribod Lott of Land as tho xxx abovo Limitted & bounded & all othors the Horoditamonts and promifsos horoby Grantod  xxx montionod or Intonded to bo Grantod & Sold and Evory part & parcoll thoroof with thoir & ovory of thoir appurtonancos Unto tho s.d Samuol Bonham & his hoirs and afsigns To tho only propor uso and.  And alfo That tho Said Lott of Land or Tonomont as abovo Limmittod and Boundod with tho horoditamonts and promifsos horoby Grantod or intontionod to bo Grantod as aforofaid and ovory part & parcoll Thoroof with all and singulor thois and ovory of thoir appurtonancos Now Now aro and from honcoforth forovor horoaftor Shall Romaino continuo and bo Unto the s.d Samuol Bonham his hoirs and afsigns ffroo & Cloar & frooly and clearly acquitted and Difchargod of and from all & all mannor of formor and othor Bargains Salos Gift xx Grants ffoffmonts Dovicos Ufsos xxx dowors Right & Titlo of dowor mortgagos Intails annutios ronts arroaragos of Ronts and all othor Chargos xxx & Incumbrancos whatfoovor tho xxx ronts thoirout afsuming & payablo to our Sovoroign Lord tho King his hoirs & Suckcofsors (Successsors) and tho arroargos thoroof if any only Excoptod and that ho tho s.d Jamso Tront and his hoirs and all and ovory othor porson ad porfons Whatfoovor Lawfully claiming Undor him or which shall or may at any Timo horoaftor havo or Lawfully claims any Estate Right Titlo or Introst of in or for tho said Lott of Land or Tonomont horoditamonts and promifsos horoby Grantod with tho appurtonancos Shall & will at any timo horoaftor upon tho Rofonably Roquost Cofts and chargos in Law of him tho s.d Samuol Bonham his hoirs or afsigns mako Exotuo and acknowlodgo or caufo so to bo all & ovory Such furthor & othor act & act or Dood or Doods convoyancos and afsurancos in the Law for thos furthor & bettor afsuranco and confirmation of the s.d Lott of Land and promifos horoby Grantod or montionod to bo grantod as aforesaid Unto the s.d Samuol Bonham his hoirs or afsigns as by him or thom or by his or thoir council Loarnod in tho Law Shall Rosonably doviso adviso or Roquiro to do Such furthor afsurance contain not nor Imply any furthor a Warranty or acquittal thon Is horoin comprifod  In witnefs whoroof tho partios foist abovo Namod in thofo prosont Indonturos havo horounto Intorchangoably sott thoir

                                    } hands and Soals tho day & yoar first abovo writton-

Sealed and Dolivered in the Prosonts of us

Signed: Sarah Hunloke

Signed:  Sam’l Green                                       Signed:  James Trent Wax Seal

                                                                        In pencil: Son of Chief Justice Trent

On verso:  Sam’l Bonham Deed ffrom James Trent Esq’s for a xxx Lott

James Trent]


Samuel Bonham}


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