Victory Parade

MS426 - Letter to Ira Mason

Side 1


Trenton, Sept. 13, 1846

Mr. Ira Mason


My dear Friend,


            This leaves us all well, thank the Giver, and we sincerely hope it will find you and our Ulster Friends as well as Burlington's enjoying the same inestimable blessing.  Concerning our moving to this place, it is as yet very unfortunate.  Wilkes Barre is the ___    ___   ___ we could have thought upon.  The mountainous rough roads are all but impassable and after we got there we ____ in a complete fix to tell what  - to – do – we could not go with our goods as they informed us we might have to stay at Whitehaven weeks ere we could find a boat to come along to take us on – Hence we were compelled to leave them to be transported on a transportation line betwikt (betwixt) Wilkes Barre and Philadelphia.  We have been here 3 weeks and a half and our goods have not come yet and we entertain very serious apprehensions at their delay.  All I can earn goes for board bills and if we lose bedding, apparel & furniture it is to be a very serious affair.  I come now to speak of your liberal kindness which I know of no others who were capable of doing as you did and I tremble in avowing my incapability to enclose the ten dollars you were so kind as (to) hand over when I saw you last.  I have waited this long and dare not delay writing any longer – If any of these things I left with Friend Alcock will save you I should like you to apply them and the avowal here would satisfy him as per order.

            We ought by all means have went to Pottsville, as to its being the cheapest and most expeditious route – there is no question of it-


Side 2


I had to pay 24$ stage fare from Wilkes Barre to this place and the cars at Pottsville would have taken passengers & goods for less.  My goods if ever I do get them are to cost one dollar per hundred, they weigh betwixt 14 & 15,00 wt.  I have it all Job work at present making hatchets for Uncle Sam's soldiers to carry for bushing(?) amongst the Mexicans.  I can earn 12 & 14 shillings per day, this place had increased to be one half larger than when I was here before and Cooper from New York has a large rolling mill employs 400 hands night & day, and other factories have started into being, every thing marketable is very reasonable except butter which is 20 cts. per lb.  Peaches are a complete ___ (drug?) – a shilling per bushel – cotton good(s) are greatly reduced, and we don't hear so much about the tariff as might be expected – the reason may be most of the manufacturers are democrats.  Remember us to enquiring friends – and give our love to Mrs. Mason and the young folks.  Write soon and excuse me for the present while I subscribe.                                                                                        I have the honor to be

Dear friend

Yours affectionately


Andrew Gray


Mr. I. Mason


P. S. please direct

Andrew Gray

At the ax factory

Trenton, NJ


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