Victory Parade



Saams Charles H, brakeman, h 1170 E State

Saas Alexander, grocer, 148 Bert av, h do

Saas George, cafe, 362 Fair, h do

Saaz Agnes, Y M H A, res 858 S Broad

Saaz Nathan, h 858 S Broad

Sabadino Frank, laborer, h 34 Pennington av

Sabary Victor, phd, 262 Hillcrest av

Sabaski Gregory, laborer, h 28 Escher

Sabat J, wireworker, res 483 S Broad

Sabatini Lorenzo, h 7 Cummings av

Sabo Alex, laborer, h 131 Hancock

Sabo Andrew, laborer, h 108 Horne av

Sabo Andrew, h 117 Sherman av

Sabo Carl, cabinetmaker, h 2407 S Broad

Sabo Frank, brassworker, h 342 Rusling

Sabo George, laborer, res 421 Genesee

Sabo George, wireworker, h 444 Centre

Sabo George, laborer, res 32 Adeline

Sabo James, grocer, 161 Lafayette av

Sabo John, Rev, h 210 Genesee

Sabo John, cigars & confectionery, 695 S Clinton av

Sabo John, grocer, 500 Adeline

Sabo John, laborer, h 125 Hancock

Sabo John, wireworker, h 267 Ashmore av

Sabo John T, laborer, h 217 Union

Sabo Joseph, wireworker, h 9 Cummings pl

Sabo Joseph, laborer, h 105 Hancock

Sabo Joseph, laborer, h 278 Home av

Sabo Joseph, wireworker, 241 Morris av

Sabo Julia, wid Julius, h 352 Morris av

Sabo Julius, laborer, h 29 Asbury

Sabo Julius Jr, wireworker, h 352 Morris av

Sabo Louis, laborer, res 324 Genesee

Sabo Margaret, res 117 Sherman av

Sabo Max, laborer, h 421 Genesee

Sabo Stephen, brassworker, h 340 Rusling

Sabo Stephen, baker, 159 Lafayette av, h do (Bd St Pk)

Sabo Stephen, laborer, h 34 Adeline

Sabo Stephen, wiredrawer, h 7 Jersey

Sabo Teresa, wid John, h 125 Durand av

Sabo Ustina, wid Stephen, h 620 Hudson

Sabo, see also Szabo

Sabol Jacob, wireworker, h 205 Second

Sabol John, wiredrawer, h 27 Second

Sabol Joseph, tinsmith, h 205 Second

Saboski John, laborer, h 41 Asbury

Sabusky Joseph, potter, h 180 Jefferson

Sachs Anna, saleslady, res 236 Clay

Sachs Cecelia, grocer, 236 Clay, h do

Sachs Charles, trucking, h 95 Lamberton

Sachs Herman, crockery, 73 Union, h do

Sachs Samuel, tailor, 208 1/2 S Broad, h 236 Clay

Sacka Thomas, wireworker, h 440 Genesee

Sackin Herman, merchant, h 209 Clay

Sackin Max, grocer, 13 Ferry, h do

Sackinger Joseph, wireworker, res 108 E Washington

Sacks Morris, harnessmaker, 606 S Warren, h do

Sacks Samuel, storekeeper, h 207 Market

Sackson Andrew, student, res 47 Hancock

Sackson John, wireworker, h 47 Hancock

Sackson John Jr, potter, res 47 Hancock

Sackson Michael, ropemaker, res 47 Hancock

Sackson Paul, cabinetmaker, res 47 Hancock

Sacmare Frank, laborer, h 211 Elmer

Sacred Heart Academy, 327 S Broad

Sacred Heart Church, S Broad cor Centre

Sactella Joseph, woodworker, res 60 Butler

Sactella Rose, woolworker, res 60 Butler

Sactella Samuel, rubberworker, res 60 Butler

Sackville Joseph, reamer, h 76 Dunham

Sadini Martino, laborer, h 611 Whittaker av

Saeffran Albert, packer, h 452 Genesee

Safe Cabinet Co, (Carroll H Hoagland), 7 N Stockton

Safir Harry L, milk, 820 S Warren, h do

Sagagdi Anna, wid Joseph, h 736 Lalor

Sagen Adam, wireworker, res 1702 Griswold

Sagorsky M, (Reliable Jewelry Store), 645 Princeton av

Saidt C Harold, clerk, res 1112 S Broad

Saidt Lyman H, res 1112 S Broad

Saidt William H, butcher, h 1112 S Broad

Sailey George, rubberworker, h Bella av (Hamilton twp)

St Andrew's P E Church, Brunswick av cor Cherry

St Basil's Roumanian Catholic Church (Roumanian), Adeline and Beatty

St Clair Charles, attendant State Hospital, res do

St Clair Douglas, (Leonard Apts), Bellevue and Prospect

St Clair Josephine, maid State Hospital, res do

St Claire Nola M, performer, res 119 E Hanover

St Claire W, performer, res 119 E Hanover

St Claire George E Rev, St Elizabeth Hungarian Mission, h 41 Chestnut av

St Claire Lloyd, attendant State Hospital, res do

St Florejan Beneficial Society, 757 Cass

St Francis Cemetery, Washington, cor Emory av

St Francis Convent, 54 Randall av

St Francis Convent, Chestnut av bet Kent and Roebling av

St Francis Convent, 33 W Front

St Francis of Assisium (R C German) Church, W Front n Willow

ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL, Hamilton av cor Chambers

St Francis School, W Front and Peace

St George Building and Loan Assn, 33 W State

St Hedwig's Catholic Church (Polish), Brunswick av cor N Olden av

St Hedwig's Convent, 1105 N Olden av

St Hedwig's School, Brunswick av cor N Olden av

ST JAMES DAY NURSERY (Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart), 136 N Warren

St James Episcopal Church, Greenwood av and Logan av

St Joachim' s R C (Italian) Church, Butler n S Clinton av

St Joachim's School, 21 Bayard

St John Arthur J, asst civil service examiner, res 123 Passaic

St John Bridget, wid John, h 7 Tyrell av

St John John, rubberworker, res 7 Tyrell av

St John Thomas, shipworker, res 2205 Genesee

St John's Cemetery, Lalor n Canal

St John's Slovak Lutheran Church, Adeline and Harding

St John's School, 430 Lamberton

St Joseph's Convent, 37 Sherman av

St Joseph's Rectory, 540 N Olden av

St Joseph's R C Church, N Olden av cor St Joes av

St Joseph's School, Sherman av cor St 3oes av

St Mark's English Lutheran Church, Chestnut av cor Emory av

St Mary's Greek Catholic Church, cor Grand and Malone

St Mary's Greek Catholic School, Grand cor Malone


ST MARY'S R C CATHEDRAL, N Warren cor Bank

St Mary's R C School, Bank n Chancery

St Paul's A M E Zion Church, 308 N Willow

St Paul's Deutsche Evangelische Kirche, Mercer cor Greenwood av

St Paul's M E Church, 261 Spring

St Paul's M E Chapel, Fisher pl and W State

St Paul's P E Church, Centre n Federal

St Peter and Paul R C Church, 347-349 Second n Federal

St Peter and Paul School, Second and Cass

ST REGIS THEATRE, 142-144 E State, William J Vernon pres

St Stanislaus Polish Catholic Church, Randall av cor Smith

St Stephen's Convent, 228 Genesee

St Stephen's R C (Magyar) Church, 218-220 Genesee

Sakey Julia, wid John C, h 45 Berg av

Sakker Frederick, ironmolder, res 214 E Franklin

Sakker Oscar, laborer, res 714 Franklin

Sakker Phillip, carshop worker, 714 Franklin

Sakowski Alexander, carpenter, h 125 Jersey

Salacka Andrew, laborer, res 65 Huston al

Salacka Joseph, laborer, h 65 Huston al

Salacko Joseph, laborer, h 57 Phillips av

Salaga John, die reamer, res 27 Howard

Salagy Julia, res 495 W Hanover

Salamandra Frank, student, res 463 Whittaker av

Salamandra Helen , res 463 Whittaker av

Salamandra Joachim, wireworker, h 739 Roebling av

Salamandra Leo, pres Leo Salamandra & Co Inc,and garage, 121 Morris av, h 902 Chestnut av

Salamandra Leo & Co Inc, bottlers, 902 Chestnut av and 103-13 Cummings av, Leo Salamandra pres and treas, Mrs Leo Salamandra v-pres

Salamandra Louis, drygoods, 463 Whittaker av, h do

Salamandra Rosato, (Rosato Salamandra & Bros), h 200 Fulton

Salamandra Russell, res 202 Fulton

Salamandra Silvio, bartender, res 310 Roebling av

Salamandra Theodore, res 202 Fulton

Salamandra Tito, steamship agent and foreign exchange, 200 Fulton, h do

Salato Michael, laborer, h 565 Lamberton

Salay George, ironworker, res 508 Lamberton

Salay Mary, wid Stephen, h 45 Howard

Salaz Peter, fruits, 116 Perry

Salb Charles H, patternmaker, res 401 Centre

Salb Kathryn C, teacher, res 401 Centre

Salb Herman A, cafe, 552 Lamberton, h do

Salb Viola, bookkeeper Roebling's, res 401 Centre

Salb William A, cafe, 401 Centre, h do

Salb William A Jr, tiremaker, res 401 Centre

Saleete Michael, laborer, h 4271A Elmer

Salem Mrs Herman R, notary and stenographer for C A Comp, 114 N Montgomery, h 146 Academy

Salem Herman R, salesman, h 146 Academy

Salerno Angelo, tailor, 866 Roebling av, h do

Salewsky Frank, laborer, h 51 Asbury

Saline Abraham, (Trenton Auto Top Co), h 2600 Genesee

Saline Walter, mgr Trenton Auto Top Co, res 2600 Genesee

Salisky Martin, laborer, h 34 Hart av

Salley Melvin, R F D No 2 (Slackwood)

Sally Abraham, janitor, h 20 Montgomery pl

SALMON JESSE R, clerk Court Chancery, State House

Salmons Harvey J, mail clerk, h 43 Cumberland av

Salem Hymen, groceries and meats, 100 Humboldt, h do

Salem Hyman, ladies' tailor, 133 E Hanover, h do

Salomon George, mgr of Hotel Sterling, res 39 W State

Salowokski Andrew, laborer, h 29 Randall av

Salsai Casper, laborer, h 205 Mulberry

Salt Annie, wid Joseph, res 200 Rosemont av

Salt Charles J, grocer, 748 Chambers, h do

Salt Eli, potter, h 925 S Broad

Salt E S, attendant State Hospital, res do

Salt Harold, conductor, h 112 Cleveland av

Salt Isabell, typist, res 200 Rosemont av

Salt James F, machinist, h 23 Colonial av

Salt James H, potter, h 171 S Logan av

Salt Joseph, potter, h 61 Ward av

Salt J R, R F D No 4 (Slackwood)

Salt J M, potter, h Lawrence rd (Slackwood)

Salt Minnie, housekeeper, res 563 Chestnut av

Salt Sarah, wid William, res 748 Chambers

Salt Walter, foreman, h 65 Ward av

Salt William, asst engineer, h 200 Rosemont av

Salt William, plumbing and heating contractor, 208 Ashmore av, h do

Salt William F, musician, Pennington rd

Salter Ben F, laborer, res 914 S Clinton av

Salter George R, carpenter, h 914 S Clinton av

SALTER HARRY B, asst State Comptroller, State House, res 138 W State

Salter Raymond, inspector, h 132 Pennington av

Salter Wilton, chauffeur, h 65 Summer

Salter William A, fireman P R R, h 952 Princeton av

Salter William H, laborer, h 65 Summer

Saltmer George S, inspector, res 340 Berwyn av

Saltmer Mary, wid Charles, h 36 Seward av

Saltus Peter, chauffeur, res 23 Heil av

Salup Max, junk, h 14 Union

Salup Minnie, res 14 Union

Salvadine Selvadore, sanitary presser, h 919 Southard

Salvador Oscar, presser, h 46 Bond

Salvanto Thomas, shoemaker, 868 S Broad, res 224 Liberty

Salvation Army Industrial Home for Alen, E Carroll cor Ewing, Charles Williams mgr

SALVATION ARMY, Relief Department; Employment Office; Missing Friends' Department; Play Room; Emergency Apartment for Women, 201-203 S Broad, Capt Ashton W J Brockman

Salvatore Dominick, mechanic, h 181 Anderson

Salvatore Joseph, ice cream, 53 Butler, h do

Salvatore Michael, laborer, h 221 Hudson

Salvatore Thomas, foreman, h 214 Butler

Salvatore Philomena, bookkeeper, res 214 Butler

Salvatore Palice, res 531 S Clinton av

Salway Eva, cap maker, res 127 Lamberton

Salway Mary, cigarpacker, res 127 Lamberton

Salway Samuel, cigars, 216 N Warren, h do

Salxet J, 34 Cooper

Salyga Joseph, rubberworker, res 2257 William

Salyga Michael, ropeshop worker, 373 Hewitt

Salyrna Joseph, laborer, h 6 Doane's al

Samachson David L, furniture, 320 S Broad, h do

Samblin Joseph, laborer, res 700 S Clinton av

Samele Lena C, res 19 College

Samele Mary J, dressmaker, 19 College, res do

Samele Rose T, cigarmaker, res 19 College

Samele Vito P, confectioner, 19 College, h do

Samey Andrew, wiredrawer, h 140 Berg av

Sam's Shoe Shop, (Samuel Lavinthal & Son), 180 S Broad and 8 N Warren

Sammons George, machinist, 315 Johnston av

Samonisky Hyman, grocer, 217-219 Fall, h do

Sampson Bertha, wid James, h 490 W Hanover

Sampson Edward, res 654 Centre

Sampson Frank, grocer, res 357 Greenwood av

Sampson Mary K, clerk, res 126 Woodland

Samsel Elihu, pipefitter, h 301 Rutherford av

Samsel Emma, housekeeper, h 42 Sheridan av

Samsel Linford, res 115 Mulberry

Samsel Mary, shirtmaker, res 509 Ferry

Samsel Violet Frances, hairdresser, res 44 Chambers

Samson Daniel, laborer, h 17 Taylor al

Samuelson Elias, notions, 300 Genesee, h do

Samuelson Herman L, student, res 300 Genesee

Samuelson H L, sign painter, room 30 Gundling Bldg

Samuelson Max, typist, res 300 Genesee

San Filipo Samuel, laborer, h 538 Hudson

Sanatra Pasquale, laborer, h 124 Webster

Sancusky John, rubberworker, res 158 Old Rose

Sancusky Joseph, rubberworker, res 158 Old Rose

Sandel Runo, brakeman, res 151 Monmouth

Sanders Albert, potter, h 85 Race

Sanders Arthur, laborer, h 447 S Olden av

Sanders Bernard M, machinist, h 921 E State

Sanders Caroline W, wid Morris, res 903 Carteret av

Sanders Edwin, clerk, res 126 Spring

Sanders Elizabeth M, res 517 Princeton av

Sanders Frank, machinist, 23 Cleveland av

Sanders Fred J, contractor, h 620 Atlantic av

Sanders Harry A, justice of the peace, h 20 E Paul av

Sanders Jeremiah, rubberworker, h 505 Ingham av

Sanders John H, policeman, 952 S Broad

Sanders Louis H, clerk, h 126 Spring

Sanders Mary A, wid James C, 429 Stuyvesant av

Sanders Norman, laborer, 317 Lamberton

Sanders Norman, chauffeur, 316 W Hanover cor Camden

Sanders Stephen, rubberworker, h 505 Ingham av

Sanders Theresa, dressmaking, 231 Genesee, h do

Sanders Walter E, mechanical engineer, h 903 Carteret av

Sanders Walter T, locksmith, 429 Stuyvesant av

Sanders Warren W, chemist, h 940 W State

Sanders William, carpenter, 517 Princeton av

Sanders William L, tiremaker, h 1438 Elizabeth av

Sanders W C, machinist, h 38 1/2 New Rose

Sanders, see also Saunders

Sanderson Frederick L, driver, res 133 S Feeder

Sanderson Harold, salesman, h 45 Cooper

Sanderson Voorhees T, laborer, res 133 S Feeder

Sanderson William H, driver, res 133 S Feeder

Sanderwanski Joseph, wireworker, h 314 Hewitt

Sandhoff Charlotte W, watchmaker, res 117 Division

Sandhoff Frederick C, engineer, h 237 Adeline

Sandhoff Henrietta A, teacher, res 117 Division

Sandhoff John C, wireworker, h 1132 Franklin

Sandhoff Joseph L, rubberworker, res 117 Division

Sandhoff Karl J, insurance agent, h 117 Division

Sandhoff William F, police, h 109 Liberty

Sandiford John, machinist, res 2224 William

Sandini Anthony, laborer, res 114 Bayard

Sandia Nick, confectioner, 808 S Broad, h do

Sandler Ella, grocer, 258 Garfield av, h do

Sando Joseph, carshop worker, h 445 Emory av

Sando Stephen, wireworker, h 120 Genesee

Sandora John, laborer, h 31 Fountain av

Sandow Patrick, wireworker, h 619 Whittaker av

Sands Anna, res 38 Houghton av

Sands Florence, res 104 Houghton av

Sands Hannah S, h 111 E Hanover

Sands Horace, horseshoer, 51 Girard av, h 104 Houghton av

SANDS JOSEPH H, real estate, room 409 Commonwealth Bldg, res 229 S Clinton av

Sands Thomas S, grocer, 419 Market, h 204 Jackson

Sands William M, grocer, 67 Hudson, h do

Sands William, h 38 Houghton av

Sandsire Joseph, rubberworker, res 40 Anderson

Sandsire Mary, textileworker, res 40 Anderson

Sandsire Nicholas laborer, h 40 Anderson

Sansire Vito, laborer, h 60 Asbury

Sandt Homer, expressman, 43 Park la

Sanduca Samuel, laborer, 130 Webster

Sandusky John A, laborer, h 140 Cass

Sanford Byron J, painter, res 22 Commerce

Sanford Cornelius, painter, res 22 Commerce

Sanford Daniel E, painter, 22 Commerce, h do

Sanford Edward, rector, res 249 E Front

Sanford Elwood, painter, h r 350 S Warren

Sanford Lloyd, machinist, 53 N Walter av

Sanford T Fletcher, painter, res 22 Commerce

Sanhican Rubber Co, (William B John), reclaimed rubber, Riverside Drive

Sanitary Coat; Apron & Towel Supply Co, 236 N Clinton av, Lewis B Shipper mgr


SANITARY EARTHENWARE SPECIALTY CO, Southard n Johnson trolley, Arthur Plantier pres, John A Moore v-pres, Edward T Swetnam sec-treas Sanitary Ice & Coal Co, Old Rose cor Addie al, W B Murdock pres, J H Hurley v-pres, John Staiger sec, C H Urshel treas

SANITARY POTTERS’ ASSOCIATION, 1003 Amer Mech Bldg, George G Dyer sec, James J Dale treas

SANITARY POTTERY SALESMEN’S ASSN, 1003 Amer Mech Bldg, George G Dyer sec, James J Dale treas

Sanko Charles, wireworker, h 13 Furman

Sanko Joseph, restaurant, 810 S Clinton av

Sankofsky Frank, laborer, h 1026 Ohio av

Sankousky Alec, (Mott's Shop), h 421 Division

Sanna Frank, rubberworker, h 175 Anderson

Sannet Lewis, insurance collector, h 5 New

Sanofski Frank, potter, res 32 Taylor

Sansues Joseph, tailor, h 266 Elmer

Santa Eduviges Mining Co, 127 E Hanover

Santanillo Philomina, spinner, res 233 Mott

Santanillo Salvator, fireman, h 233 Mott

Santarsire Leonard, wireworker, res 447 Whittaker av

Santassero Rocco, potter, h 571 S Clinton av

Santi Boniface, rubberworker, 416 Whittaker av

Santini Frank, laborer, h 214 Mott

Santisnti Joseph, tailor, h 228 Bayard

Santo Louis, laborer, h 718 Adeline

Santomena, Frank, tailor, 305 Broad-State Bldg, h 509 Bridge

Sanwicki Florence, braider, res 135 Genesee

Sanwicki Joseph, ropeworker, h 135 Genesee

Sanwicki Sophia, seamstress, res 135 Genesee

Sanwicki Stella, rubberworker, res 135 Genesee

Sanze Michael, potter, h 318 Jersey

Sapea Louis, rubberworker, h 28 Eastburn av

Saperstein Abraham, shipbuilder, res 25 Market

Saperstein Albert, pocket billiards, 57 Market, and varieties, 59 Market, res 25 do

Saperstein John, store clerk, res 23 Market

Saperstein Joseph, clerk, res 25 Market

Saperstein Meyer, confectioner, h 25 Market

Saperstein Samuel, car repairer, res 25 Market

Sapiro W, 335 S Warren

Saracco Bart, laborer, 24 Bayard

Saramba John, potter, h 55 Mulberry

SARCO COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY (The), (successors to Stenography and Reporting Co Ltd; The Modern Print Shop; H E Fine Co), printers; stationers; engravers; law and public stenographers, 19-21 E State

Sare Annie, wid William, h 134 Tremont

Sare Michael, laborer, h 490 1/2 Huston al

Saremba Herman, auto mechanic, h 454 Klagg av

Sargeant John P, laborer, h 789 Second

Sargeant William, painter, h 327 N Olden av

Sargiotta John, grocer, 213 Elmer, h do

Sargo Joseph, laborer, h 10 Hurley

Sargo Michael, laborer, h 232 Hill's al

Sargotti Pasquale, grocer, h 145 Bayard

Sarinan Frank, laborer, h 353 St Joes av

Sarkadi Joseph, laborer, h 211 Furman

Sarnewski Bernard S, machinist, h 1327 Hamilton av

Sarnofski Thomas laborer, h 626 Lalor

Sarses Michael, laborer, h 107 Hewitt

Sascacer Morris, wireworker, h Cove al

Sassaman George, potter, h 30 McKinley av

Satelli Frank, shipworker, res 565 S Clinton av

Satterfield C M, bookkeeper, 345 Hamilton av

Satterfield Victor, railroader, h 54 Chestnut av

SATTERTHWAITE BENJAMIN, salesman, h 33 Laclede

Satterthwaite Elizabeth B, genealogist, 52 N Stockton

Satterthwaite Emma, wid Charles E, res 1009 Division

SATTERTHWAITE JOHN R, seeds; farmers' supplies; agricultural implements and dairy and poultry supplies, 16 N Warren, h 44 Montgomery pl

SATTERTHWAITE HARVEY T, lawyer, 1012-1016 Amer Mech Bldg, h 18 Carroll

Satterthwaite Joseph H, physician, 52 N stockton, h do

SATTERTHWAITE LINTON, v-pres Warren Balderston & Co, and lawyer, 1012-1016 Amer Mech Bldg, h 912 Riverside av

Satterthwalte Linton Jr, student, res 912 Riverside av

Satterthwaite Margaret W, chiropodist, room 605 Amer Mech Bldg, h Crosswicks N J

Sattler Elizabeth, wid George, res 529 Emory av

Sauer George, ironworker, h 99 Sweets av

Sauer Henry C, driver, h 1010 Anderson

Sauer Michael, baker, res 308 Dayton

Sauers John, bartender, res 245 Adeline

Sauerwein Alfred, machinist, res 735 Centre

Sauerwein Angelus, brewer, h 735 Centre

Sauerwein George F, foreman, h 135 Hoffman av

Saul Ethan A, manager, 2614 Genesee

Saul John, laborer, res 774 Beatty

Saums Gertrude, wid Isaac W, res 907 Pennington av

Saums Harry L, sec Pyrolectric Instrument Co, h 326 Brunswick av

Saums Jacob W, engineer, h 907 Pennington av

Saums William L, student, res 907 Pennington av

Saunders Emma, domestic, res 30 Bryn Mawr av

Saunders Harry A, Justice Peace, 31 Kelsey av

Saunders M, h 83 Jackson

Saunders Mrs M, h 12 Cooper

Saunders, see also Sanders

Saunderson Emma, h 322 Calhoun

Saunderson Frank, tailoring, h 82 Belvidere

Saunderson MarJorie, teacher, res 322 Calhoun

Saunderson Warren R, porter, h 322 Calhoun

Savadge Aaron A, laborer, h 151 Wayne av

Savage Constance, potter, h 73 Oak

Savage Henry P, laborer, h 606 N Olden av

Savage Henry W, motorman, h 51 Liberty

Savage James A, carpenter, 519 Brunswick av

Savage James Jr, carpenter, 519 Brunswick av

Savage Jane, res 277 Bellevue av

Savage Matthew, rubberworker, h 65 Mulberry

Savage Stella, res 277 Bellevue av

Savalo Augustin, laborer, h 192 Anderson

Savidge Pearl C, teacher, res 259 Hamilton av

Saville John, salesman, res 103 Perry

SAVITZ JEROHN J, principal State Normal School, h 55 N Clinton av

Savko George, wireworker, 210 Randall av

Savko John, watchman h 420 Adeline

Sawadzki Frank J, wireworker, h 502 Second

Sawadzki John, ropeworker h 73 Jersey

Sawadzki John Jr, laborer, res 73 Jersey

Sawadzki Margaret, stamper, res 73 Jersey

Sawadzki Sophia, braider, res 73 Jersey

Sawaski Bernard, polisher, h 220 Jersey

Sawaski Joseph F, wire drawer, h 222 Jersey

Sawatsky John, laborer, h 3 Randall av

Sawchak Joseph, wiredrawer, 1129 Redfern av

Sawchak Nicholas, laborer, res 1129 Redfern av

Sawyer Abraham M, manager, h 286 Bellevue av

Sawyer John, electrician, h 308 Gardner av

Sawyer John E, asst accountant, res 424 Monmouth

Sawyer Theodore, prison deputy, h 211 E Hanover

Sawyes William, chauffeur, res 144 Lamberton

Saxe Elmer E, clerk, h 246 Garfield av

Saxe E Sterling, clerk, h 216 Euclid av

Saxson George, ironworker, res 301 Second

Saxson Stephen, plumber, 301 Second

Saxton Anna M, res 649 Rutherford av

Saxton Charles A, night watchman, h 818 Quinton av

Saxton Harriet E, wid Howard W, res 916 Carteret av

Saxton John, wireworker, res 125 Fulton

Saxton Mary, wid Adoniram J, res 916 Carteret av

Saxton Millard, motorman, h 1260 Princeton av

Saxton Thomas H, h 649 Rutherford av

SAYEN F R, sec Mercer Rubber Co, h Hamilton Square N J

SAYEN W H, pres Mercer Rubber Co, h Wayne Pa

SAYEN W H JR, treas Mercer Rubber Co, h 294 Nassau; Princeton N J

Saylor Rebecca, h 36 Livingston

Sayres Eugene, railroader, 352 Cleveland av

Sazpad John, laborer, h 14 Asbury pl

Scaccetti Galiano, laborer, h 609 Whittaker av

Scaingelli Joseph, laborer, h 11 College

Scalata Salvadora, laborer, h 28 Nassau

Scaleon Harry, fireman, res 23 E Ingham av

Scales Charles, driver, h 145 S Logan av

Scales James C, laborer, h 22 Lilly

Scales Leon J, railroader, h 31 N Olden av

Scales William F, chauffeur, h 509 Beatty

Scalli Rosa, wid John, res 74 Anderson

Scalzi Daniel, auto mechanic, 238 S Warren

Scalzi Frank D, barber, 127 S Warren, h do

SCALZI ROBERT F JR, prop Warren Street Garage and Metz Master Six Agency, h 238 S Warren

SCAMMELL FRANK G, physician, 40 S Clinton av, h do

Scammell Sarah J, wid John, h 32 W State

SCAMMELL SCOTT, counsellor-at-law (Scammell & Besore), Mech Nat'l Bank Bldg, h 234 W State

SCAMMELL WILLIAM D, v-pres Maddock Pottery Co, h Morris Heights Pa

SCAMMELL & BESORE, (Scott Scammell & Charles DeF Besore), counsellors-at-law, Mech Bank Bldg

Scanella Anthony J, riveter, res 18 Ingham av

Scanella Samuel, shoemaker, 16 W Ingham av, h 18 do

Scanella Vincenzo, grocer, 417 Hudson, h do

Scanlon Edward F, potter, h 824 Southard

Scanlon John, rubberworker, res 152 Trent av

Scanlon Joseph, bartender, res 401 N Olden av

Scanlon Louise E, watchworker, res 1023 N Olden av

Scapord George, rear 818 S Warren; door 11

Scarborough Addie, domestic, res 48 Carroll

Scarborough Arthur, machinist, h 324 Walnut av

Scarborough Charles, salesman h 1407 S Broad

Scarborough Howard H, fireman, h 676 Southard

Scarborough Howell, mason, h 62 Garfield av

Scarborough H Miller, student, res 132 W Hanover

Scarborough J Harvey, (Miller Drug Store), h 132 W Hanover

Scarborough Laura C, res 48 Carroll

Scarborough Rebecca, wid Howell, res 239 Cleveland av

Scarborough William, foreman, h 701 Southard

Scarcioni Pasquale, weaver, h 815 Roebling av

Scarff Mary, wid William, res 425 Greenwood av

Scarlata Charles, clerk, h 137 Phillips av

Scarlata Josephine A, grocer, 137 Phillips av, h do

Scarlata Rose, (S & R Scarlata), h 829 Princeton av

Scarlata Samuel, (S & R Scarlata), h 829 Princeton v

Scarlata S & R, (Samuel and Rose), grocers, 829 Princeton av

Scarlett Rufus, throat specialists, 78 N Clinton av, h Phila Pa

Scarratt Frederick, potter, h 166 Cooper

Scarratt Gertrude, print cutter, res 166 Cooper

Scarzolini Begnamino, laborer, h 68 Anderson

Scattergood Caleb, h 262 Mercer

Scentes Joseph, upholsterer, h 695 Southard

Schaaf Benjamin, conductor, h 362 Brunswick av

Schaaf Benjamin, engineer, h 134 Old Rose

Schaaf Christine H, teacher, res 166 Old Rose

Schaaf Clara C, stenographer, res 362 Brunswick av

Schaaf Elizabeth Y, h 362 Brunswick av

Schaaf John J, conductor P R R, h 166 Old Rose

Schaaf Raymond C, engineer, res 362 Brunswick av

Schab Leon, rubberworker, h 30 Mechanics av

Schady Peter, laborer, h 6 r 818 S Warren

Schaefer August C, baker, h 734 Centre

Schaefer Catherine, jeweler, res 734 Centre

Schaefer Charles A, accountant, res 8 West End av

SCHAEFER CHARLES W, sec Employing Printers Assn, 1001 Amer Mech Bldg, h 320 Beechwood av

Schaefer Matilda, watch vibrator, res 734 Centre

Schaefer Theodore, templetmaker, res 734 Centre

Schaefer William, carpenter, h 1045 S Broad

Schaeffer Charles F, carpenter, h 740 Henry (Deutzville)

Schaeffer Conrad, laborer, res 132 Ashmore av

Schaeffer Nicholas, laborer, h 132 Ashmore av

Schaeffer William, florist, h 1194 Deutz av (Deutzville)

Schaeffer William, machinist, res 46 Chestnut av

Schafer Arthur, patternmaker, h 117 Brown

Schafer Elizabeth G, clerk, res 32 Humboldt

Schafer Gregory, watchman, h 32 Humboldt

Schafer James V, clerk, res 32 Humboldt

Schafer Julius, pres-treas Home Furniture Co, h 510 Riverside av

Schafer Mathew, tailor, h 820 Liberty

SCHAFER OLIVER M, supt Municipal Electrical Division, h 850 Carteret av

Schafer Peter J, fire dept, res 32 Humboldt

Schafer Thomas L, clerk, h 46 Sweets av

Schafer William E, tree trimmer, res R D 5

Schafer Wililam E, slate roofer, 307 E Franklin

Schafer's Shoe Shop, (Andrew Schafer), 706 S Clinton av

Schaff Erna, millworker, res 406 N Olden av

Schaff Gustav, engineer, h 406 N Olden av

Schaff Jacob, butcher, h 27 Hewitt

Schaff William, foreman, h 2516 William

Schaffener Antonia, varieties, 115 Market, h do

Schaffener Beatrice, res 115 Market

Schaffener Michael, kilnman, h 54 Hobart av

Schaffener William, carpenter, h 176 Lamberton

Schaffer Andrew, wiredrawer, h 333 Monmouth

Schaffer Charles, rubberworker, h 14 Race

Schaffer Charles B, engineer, res 128 Allen

Schaffer Charles Jr, waiter, res 14 Race

Schaffer Fred, laborer, res 2105 William

Schaffer John, motorman, res 314 S Broad

Schaffer John, wireworker, h 149 Ashmore av

Schaible Claude, auto salesman, h 1928 S Clinton av

Schaible Flossie A, bookkeeper, res 340 Brunswick av

Schaible Harry F, butcher, res 405 Stuyvesant av

Schaible Harry F, foreman, h 405 Stuyvesant av

Schaible Percy, foreman, res 340 Brunswick av

Schaible Sarah A, wid Leonard, h 340 Brunswick av

Schakouski Agnes, potter, 43 Ingham av

Schakouski Elizabeth, potter, 48 Ingham av

Schakouski John, rubberworker, 43 Ingham av

Schakouski Joseph, laborer, 43 Ingham av

Schakouski Joseph Jr, laborer, 43 Ingham av

Schaller Agnes, polisher, res 629 Cass

Schaller Edmund O, fire dept, res 629 Cass

Schaller Edwin J, lineman, h 1618 S Clinton av

Schaller Joseph, fireman, res 629 Cass

Schaller Matthew H, typesetter, h 87 Jackson

Schaller Paul F, engineer, h 31 S Cook av

Schaller Paul R, brakeman, res 31 S Cook av

Schamp Edward, laborer, res 118 E Front

Schamp, see also Shamp

Schanan Adam, wireworker, res 808 Division

Schanck Frederick, paperhanger, 500 N Clinton av, h do

Schanck Horatio H, clerk, h 29 Cumberland

Schanck Mrs Charles H, h 21 Mulberry

Schanck Ralph D, foreman, h 47 S Logan av

Schanck William J, train dispatcher, h 610 W State

Schanck W Kirk, student, res 610 W State

Schaner Samuel, laborer, res 39 Barnes

Schankos Joseph, potter, h 430 N Clinton av

Schantz Grover C, machinist, h 231 Rosemont av

Schantz Lewis, lampworker, 1702 Brunswick av (Slackwood)

Schanze Charles F, electrician, h 136 Culbertson av

Schanze Henry, carpenter, h 1213 Genesee

Schapiro Elias Rev, rabbi, h 33 Lamberton

Schapuski Helen, operator, 139 Ingham av

Scharer John, potter, h 1054 S Broad

Schauer Arthur, fireman, res 820 E State

Schaulhoff S, mechanical engineer, h 233 Academy

Schaum Karl, laborer, h 236 Jersey

Schaumloeffel C L, bottler, 701 New Willow, h do

Schaumloeffel George, manager, res 701 New Willow

Schaumloeffel John, bookkeeper, res 701 New Willow

Schaus Barbara, midwife, 1221 Chestnut av, res do

Schaus Kasper, wireworker, h 1221 Chestnut av

Scheck Frank J, laborer, h 719 Chestnut av

Scheetz Adam W, carpenter, h 109 Garfield av

SCHEDULE RATING EXPERT, Fire Insurance, (Atlee Brown), Arthur Cartwright asst, 1007-08 Amer Mech Bldg

Scheele George F, clerk, h 148 Cuyler av

Scheeler Charles J, conductor, h 48 Charles

Scheetz George, foreman, h 111 Garfield av

SCHEICH FREDERICK F, roofer and metal contractor, 510 Stuyvesant av, h 408 Rutherford av

Scheidecker Frank, engineer, h 413 Ardmore av

Scheidell Alexander, U S A, res 319 S Warren

Scheidell George, trucker, h 14 Sanford

Scheidell Harry, fruit and produce, 531 N Clinton av, h do

Scheidell May, res 14 Sanford

Scheidell Sarah, h 213 E Front

Scheidnagel Anna M, res 97 Cooper

Scheldnagel Benjamin, blacksmith, h 97 Cooper

Scheidnagel Frank A, barber, 704 Centre, h 681 Second

Scheidnagel Frank J, machinist, h 125 E Hanover

Scheidnagel John, chainmaker, h 413 Centre

Scheidnagel Lida M, teacher, res 1002 S Broad

Scheidnagel Louis, capt Engine Co No 3, h 1002 S Broad

Scheiner Frank, potter, h 624 Spruce

Scheirer Merrill, inspector, h 915 Carteret av

Scheiwzei William, res 128 E Hanover

Scheja John, Rev, res 872 Brunswick av

Schek Louis, wireworker, h 1637 Chestnut av

Schelich Marion, baker, 128 Lalor, h do

Scheller Adolph, res 33 Ward av

Schelly George, potter, res 1170 E State

Schenaberg Frank, baker, 239 E Hanover

Schenck Cecelia, res 99 Spring

Schenck Charles, meter reader, h 316 Perry

Schenck Edgar B, woodworker, res 47 Colonial av

Schenck Edward B, locktender, h 626 Federal

Schenck Elizabeth, wid Isaac, h 144 E Front

Schenck Elmer W, carpenter, res 47 Colonial av

Schenck Ethel, capmaker, res 235 Ellis av

Schenck Garrett, carpenter, res 190 Liberty

Schenck Garrett, chauffeur, res 72 Bond

Schenck Garrett J, rubberworker, h 204 Clay

Schenck George A, wireworker, h 26 Conrad

Schenck Henry H, locktender Canal Lock No 7, h 355 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Schenck Herbert, repairer, res 99 Spring

Schenck Herbert M, chauffeur, res 13 Summer

Schenck Isaac, paperhanger, res 235 Ellis av

Schenck Isaac D, machinist, h 235 Ellis av

Schenck Jacob, laborer, h 124 Humboldt

Schenck John R, projectionist, res 8 Boudinot

Schenck Myrtle W, res 144 S Stockton

Schenck Ralph, rubberworker, h 31 S Olden av

Schenck Richard, wireworker, h 706 S Broad

Schenck Russell H, bartender, res 355 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Schenck Walter, driver, res 22 Humboldt

Schenck William B, manager, h 144 S Stockton

Scheppe Joseph, rubberworker, h 1860 Chestnut av

Scherbaum Emil R, State Highway Dept, 64 Beechwood av

Scherbaum Ethel W, asst bookkeeper, 64 Beechwood av

Scherbaum Frank H, cigarmaker, h 64 Beechwood av

Scherer Alfred, paperhanger, res 109 S Warren

Scherer Florence, saleswoman, res 25 E Ingham av

Scherer George, grocer, 684 Lamberton

Scherer Jacob A, machinist, res 1414 Liberty

Scherer James H, traveling salesman, h 25 E Ingham av

Scherer James L, glazier, res 25 E Ingham av

Scherer J Leland, wiretester, res 928 Chetsnut av

Scherer Michael, laborer, h 1414 Liberty

Scherer Paul, metal polisher h 761 Centre

Scherer Wallace, brass finisher, h 56 W Hanover

Scherer William, conductor, res 761 Centre

Scherer William R, glazier, res 15 E Ingham av

Schermerhorn Abram, plumber, 9 E Front, h 938 Carteret av

Schermerhorn Beatty, rubberworker, 845 Pennington av

Schermerhorn Edwin E, riveter, res 107 Garfield av

Schermerhorn Elizabeth, res 156 Passaic

Schermerhorn Ella, res 156 Passaic

Scherrer August, engineer, St Francis Hospital

Scheslinger Harry, manager, res 210 Academy

Schessberg Archibald, junkman, res 201 Fall

Schettz Flora Y, housekeeper res 2729 S Broad

Scheuermann Frank M, paper, h 227 Perry

Scheuren Florence N, teacher, res 912 Berkeley av

Scheurmann Katherine, widow, 240 Hamilton av

Scheviski Frank, h 124 Marion

Schevitz Paul, shoemaker, 105 N Broad, h do

Schiagger A, (Mgr Trenton Raincoat Co), h 56 Delawareview av

Schiarini James, motorman, h 204 Mott

Schiarite Sarfino, laborer, h 17 Swan

Schiavone Rocco, laborer, h 850 Roebling av

Schick Christian, butcher, h 29 Gordon

Schien Murice L, rubber mfgr, h 32 Lee av

Schiff Samuel, salesman, res 170 W State

Schiffermiller Henry, chauffeur, h 17 Green pI

Schildkraut Jacob M, physician, 326 Centre, h 609 W State

Schildkraut Samuel, drygoods, 202 Second, h 326 Centre

Schilling Albert, railroader, 729 Princeton av

Schilling Casper, rubberworker, h 910 Park av

Schilling Charles W, tilemaker, res 403 Klagg av

Schilling Edward E, potter, h 946 Ohio av

Schilling Nicholas, potter, h 935 Lyndale av

Schillinger Edith, teacher, State Home for Girls

Schillinger Edward, auto mechanic, res 164 W Hanover

Schimmel Frederick C, wiredrawer, h 305 Woodland

Schimmel John, h 936 S Clinton av

Schimmel Rose, res 936 S Clinton av

Schimpf Frank, florist, h 100 Sweets av

Schindewolf Ada, typist, res 272 Bellevue av

Schindewolf Alice, clerk, res 42 Ellsworth av

Schindewolf Clementine, student, res 341 Tyler

Schindewolf Dorothy, res 341 Tyler

Schindewolf Edith M, stenographer, res 42 Ellsworth av

Schindewolf Frances, teacher, res 341 Tyler

Schindewolf Frank L, potter, h 336 Morris av

Schindewolf Fred, drug clerk, res 42 Ellsworth av

Schindewolf Harold, U S N, res 341 Tyler

Schindewolf Harry, draftsman, res 42 Ellsworth av

Schindewolf Helen L, hairdresser, 272 Bellevue av, res do

Schindewolf Henry, potter, h 341 Tyler

Schindewolf J G, salesman, h 42 Ellsworth av

Schindewolf Louis J, tailor, h 272 Bellevue av

Schindewolf Nicholas, ironmolder, h 1315 S Broad

Schindewolf William J, sewing machine agent, 344 N Broad, h do

Schindler Edith R, saleswoman, res 212 Academy

Schindler Frank, machinist, h 304 Hamilton av

Schindler John, driver, res 427 Bridge

Schindler Katherine F, wid Louis M, h 212 Academy

Schindler Margaret, student, res 427 Bridge

Schindler Mary R, nurse, 212 Academy, h do

Schipske Alfred A, potter, h 522 Ingham av

Schipski Arthur R, clerk, res 993 S Broad

Schipski Charles A, stenographer, res 993 S Broad

Schipski Frederick W, laborer, h 993 S Broad

Schipski George, U S N, res 232 Wayne av

Schipski William, rubberworker, h 232 Wayne av

Schisler George, shoes, 31 S Broad, h 1103 W State

Schissler Louisa H, matron State Prison, res 1330 Greenwood av

Schissler Margaret, clerk, res 1330 Greenwood av

Schlafmann William, janitor, h 830 Genesee

Schlam Isaac, grocer, 339 Reservoir, h do

Schlapfer Albert, rubberworker, h 1228 Princeton av

Schlapfer John S, driver, res 1228 Princeton av

Schlavin Samuel, foreman, h 312 Division

Schlegel Anthony, driver, h 516 Liberty

Schlegel Edwin J, jeweler, res 223 Jackson

Schlegel George J, rubberworker, res 108 Sherman av

Schlegel John K, butcher, h 223 Jackson

Schlegel Mary K, wid Anton J, h 223 Jackson

SCHLEGEL RUDOLPH K, (v-pres Smith Bros Co), res 223 Jackson

Schlegel William A, solicitor Heimbach Business School, h 333 Chambers

Schleher Henry, rubberworker, h 40 Lynwood av

Schlesinger Hattie, bookkeeper, res 23 Colonial av

Schlesinger Lottie, saleswoman, res 23 Colonial av

Schlesinger Louis, buyer, h 23 Colonial av

Schlesinger Mollie, milliner, res 23 Colonial av

SchIesinger Rose, stenographer, res 23 Colonial av

Schless Jacob, welder, h 27 Nassau

Schleter Armin H, foreman, h 735 Adeline

Schletz Carl, salesman, res 232 Norway av

Schletz Edwin A, butcher, h 232 Norway av

Schletz John F, tinsmith, res 232 Norway av

Schley Julia, res 330 Southard

Schlicher Florence M, clerk, res 361 Pennington av

Schlicher Henry C, res 361 Pennington av

Schlicher Joseph P, student, res 361 Pennington av

Schlicher Leon M, stenographer, res 361 Pennington av

Schlicher Mary E, wid William, h 692 Stuyvesant av

Schlicher Peter, h 361 Pennington av

Schlicher Peter Jr, cashier, res 361 Pennington av

Schlicher Walter, mason, h 30 Elmhurst av

Schlichtman John, boilermaker, res 276 Hillcrest av

Schlindwein Louis, h 210 Overlook av (Bd St Pk)

Schlingheyde August F, storekeeper State Home for Girls

Schlingheyde Sarah J, officer State Home for Girls

Schlizzo Lorenzo, laborer h 64 Mechanics av

Schloer Fred, potter, res 603 S Warren

Schlottenmeier Anna C, stenographer, res 265 Cummings av

Schlottenmeier Annie, watchmaker, res 235 Ashmore av

Schlottenmeier Bernard F, carpenter, h 265 Cummings av

Schlottenmeier Catherine, stenographer, res 265 Cummings av

Schlottenmeier Elizabeth, phone operator, res 265 Cummings av

Schlottenmeier Frank I, res 225 Emory av

Schlottenmeier Henry, res 235 Ashmore av

Schlottenmeier Henry, laborer, h 225 Emory av

Schlottenmeier Joseph, laborer, h 508 Emory av

Schlottenmeier Joseph F, machinist, h 636 Perry

Schlottenmeier Julia, wid Frank, h 235 Ashmore av

Schlottenmeier Julia R, teacher, res 265 Cummings av

Schlottenmeier Minnie, cigarmaker, res 235 Ashmore av

Schlottenmeier Theodore, laborer, h 1045 Liberty

Schlotter Aloysius J, watchmaker, res 995 S Broad

Schmeidel Emil C, wireworker, h 101 1/2 New Rose

Schmeidel Felix F, brasspolisher, res 101 1/2 New Rose

Schmeltz Anton, laborer, h 337 Morris av

Schmeltz John, watchman, h 425 Emory av

Schmeltz Joseph, wireworker, h 323 Hewitt

Schmeltz Max, potter, h 321 Hewitt

Schmeltzer Mary G, officer State Home for Girls

Schmelzeisen Caroline, saleslady, res 910 S Clinton av

Schmelzeisen Frederick H, machinist, h 1109 Division

Schmelzeisen J Charles, h 313 Garfield av

Schmelzeisen William, h 910 S Clinton av

Schmetzle Matthew, cigar mfr, 117 Cummings av, h do

Schmid Carl Wesley, rubberworker, res 1033 S Clinton av

Schmid Charles, barber, 1033 S Clinton av, h do

Schmid Ernest, carpenter, 233 Hewitt

Schmid Frederick, barber, h 15 Centre

Schmid Mary, watchmaker, res 2228 Genesee

Schmid Stephen, machinist, h 2228 Genesee

Schmid Stephen Jr, res 2228 Genesee

Schmidt August J, laborer, h 176 Jersey

Schmidt Augusta, braider, res 1165 Bunting av (Deutzville)

Schmidt Charles A, rubberworker, res 539 Nottingham Way

Schmidt Charles F, cafe, 602 Federal, h do

Schmidt Charles W, confectionery and milk, 1175 Brunswick av, h do (Slackwood)

Schmidt Conrad, foreman, h 116 Parker pl

Schmidt David C, meatcutter, h 539 Nottingham Way

Schmidt Edna, stenographer, res 1165 Bunting av (Deutzville)

Schmidt Ethel A, music teacher, 1061 S Clinton av, res do

Schmidt Frantz, laborer, h 105 Fulton

Schmidt Fred, rubberworker, res 539 Nottingham Way

Schmidt George W, laborer, res 225 Emory av

Schmidt Johanna, wid Henry, res 164 Jersey

Schmidt John, res 1061 S Clinton av

Schmidt John, wireworker, h 235 Grand

Schmidt Katherine, wid William, h 26 Beatty

Schmidt Martin, shopman, h 416 Franklin

Schmidt Milton, tire repairer, h 69 Cleveland av

Schmidt Raymond, res 517 N Clinton av

Schmidt Thomas, rubberworker, res 539 Nottingham Way

Schmidt William, mechanical dentist, res 26 Beatty

Schmidt William P, meat, 517 N Clinton av, h do

Schmidt William P, rubberworker, h 115 Roberts av

Schmidt, see also Schmitt and Smith

Schmieder Elenva, wid Joseph, res 2204 Genesee

Schmieder Frank, machinist, res 2204 Genesee

Schmitt Adam E, bricklayer, h 32 Hewitt

Schmitt Frederick, delicatessen, 821 S Broad, h do

Schmitt Jacob, potter, h 57 Middle Rose

Schmitt Walter, res 57 Middle Rose

Schmitt, see also Schmidt and Smith

Schmurak Benjamin, student, res 133 Lamberton

Schmurak Hyman, capmaker, h 133 Lamberton

Schmurak Isabella, wid Jacob, res 133 Lamberton

Schnabel Frederick, machinist, h 18 West Paul

Schneck Barclay, driver, h 771 N Clinton av

Schnedeker Joseph, shipyard worker, h 358 Brunswick av

Schneider Anna, wid John, h 48 S Walter av

Schneider Anna M, teacher, res 427 Chestnut av

Schneider Augustus, machinist, h 95 E Franklin

Schneider Conrad, wireworker, h 427 Chestnut av

Schneider Fenton, potter, res 48 S Walter av

Schneider Frank, foreman, h 42 Scammell av

Schneider George, railroader, res 1331 Genesee

Schneider George, rubberworker, h 314 Woodland

Schneider John, U S A, res 48 S Walter av

Schneider John, rubberworker, h 84 West

Schneider John, wireworker, h 312 Woodland

Schneider Louisa K, stenographer, res 427 Chestnut av

Schneider Nicholas, foreman, h 232 Kossuth

Schneider, see also Snider and Snyder

Schneiderreit Alfred J, wiredrawer, h 994 S Broad

Schneidnagel Frank, barber, h 681 Second

Schnell Bernard, barber, h 113 Burton av

Schnell Charles B, barber, 345 N Warren, h do

Schnell Frank, motorman, h 707 Lalor

Schnell Jeremiah, barber, res 345 N Warren

Schnepf Emil, desginer, h 34 Lee av

Schnepf Hilda, hairdresser, 34 Lee av, res do

Schnepf Melitta, hairdresser, 34 Lee av, res do

Schnitzer Adolph, shoemaker, 1014 S Broad, h 22 Ashmore av

Schnitzer August F, foreman, h 418 Commonwealth av

Schnoering John L, salesman, h 134 Exton av

Schnorbus Edward W, police, h 223 Rusling

Schnorbus Ernest, foreman, h 85 Cooper

Schnorbus Frank C, pipefitter, h 362 Cleveland av

Schnorbus Frank H, bridgetender, h 246 Jersey

Schnorbus Helen, porcelainworker, res 39 Randall av

Schnorbus Henry H, painter, h 39 Randall av

Schnorbus Henry H Jr, machinist, res 39 Randall av

Schnorbus John H, laborer, h 533 Centre

Schnorbus Joseph J, grocer, 1416 S Clinton av, h 1420 do

SCHNORBUS JOSEPH R, druggist, 339 N Warren, h do

Schnorbus Mary E, stenographer, res 1420 S Clinton av

Schnorbus Robert C, clerk, res 339 N Warren

Schnorbus Robert H, laborer, h 220 Home av

Schnorbus Vernon, wireworker, h 593 Centre

Schnorbus William J, mason, res 339 N Warren

Schnur Aaron, confectioner, h Hamilton and Olden avs

Schoch E Roland, chemical engineer, res 929 Carteret av

Schock John, attendant State Hospital, res do

Schock I, potter, h 3 Chase

SCHOELLER ALBERT E, (Trenton Plumbing and Heating Co), h Lawrenceville rd

Schoempier Philip, car repairer, h 502 Adeline

Schoenbockley Leo, foreman, res 736 Southard

Schoenhaar George E, U S N, res 283 Third

Schoening Elsa B, student, res 148 N Clinton av

Schoening Gustave A, physician, 148 N Clinton av, h do

Schoenthaler Carrie, hosiery worker , h 20 Annabelle av

Schoenthaler Foster, draughtsman, h 417 Cuyler av

Schoenthaler Frederick , potter, res 120 Ashmore av

Schoenthaler Harry G, toolmaker, h 1601 Liberty

Schoenthaler Laura, wid John, h 417 Cuyler av

Schoenthaler Russel, pharmacist, res 411 Cuyler av

Schoester George W, h 674 Stuyvesant av

Schofield Howard, laborer, h 835 Quinton av

Schofield John, foreman, h 220 Buchanan av (Bd St Pk)

Schofield, see also Scofield

Scholer Ernest, machinist, h 138 Second

Scholer Ernest Jr, machinist, res 138 Second

Scholl Adam J, collector, h 139 Passaic

Scholl, see also Shull

Scholz Charles, molder, h 207 Howell

Scholz Ernest, molder, h 212 Howell

SchoIz Frederick, printer, res 212 Howell

Schomberg Conrad, wireworker, h 803 Chambers

Schomberg Louis, wid George, res 217 Hewitt

Schomberg William, U S N, res 803 Chambers

Schon George, wireworker, h Leda

SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL ARTS, W State cor Willow, Frank Forrest Frederick director

Schooley Irene B, bookkeeper, res 135 Cleveland av

Schoonover Janetta W, wid J D LaBarre, res 11 W State

Schoonover John, special agt Provident Life and Trust Co, h 35 Prospect

Schoppett Harry, candymaker, h 22 Cain av

Schrader Bernard, gardener, res 805 Beatty

Schrader Charles, baker, res 62 Evans av

Schrader Florence T, clerk, res 744 Chambers

Schrader George, laborer, h 33 Eastburn av

Schrader Jacob, laborer, h 805 Beatty

Schrader Joseph, laborer, res 805 Beatty

Schrader Theodore, laborer, h 137 E Washington

Schrader Victor, pipefitter, res 805 Beatty

Schrader William, millhand, h 219 Dickinson

Schragger Alfred, (Trenton Raincoat Co), h 56 Delawareview av

Schragger Edward, bookkeeper, res 56 Delawareview av

Schragger Louis, manager, res 56 Delawareview av

Schranfko John, laborer, h 46 Turpin

Schrat Joseph, laborer, h 64 Perrine av

Schreiber John, driver, h 718 William

Schreier Michael, carpenter, h 123 Jersey

Schreier Nicholas, carpenter, h 150 Durand av (Deutzville)

Schreier Sebastian, laborer, h 335 Woodland

Schremser Charles, rubberworker, Seventh (Prospect Heights)

Schreyer Michael, laborer, res 723 Division

Schrieber Adam, kilnman, h 42 Escher

Schrieber Frank, driver, h 59 E Paul av

Schrieber Frank, potter, h 61 E Paul av

Schrieber Peter, potter, res 59 E Paul av

Schroeder Albert, electrician, h 541 Perry

Schroeder Anna, wid Ferdinand, h 619 Beatty

Schroeder Carl F, receiving clerk, res 252 Jersey

Schroeder Charles, h 324 Jersey

Schroeder Charles, wireworker, h 252 Jersey

Schroeder Charles, laborer, h 152 Jersey

Schroeder Charles, gate tender, h 1431 N Olden av

Schroeder Charles, machinist, h Park av (Bd St Pk)

Schroeder Edward, wiredrawer, res 627 Chambers

Schroeder Edward, U S N, res 132 Jersey

Schroeder Emma, cigarmaker, res 619 Beatty

Schroeder Frank P, brassworker, h 744 Chambers

Schroeder Frank R, U S A, res 744 Chambers

Schroeder George C, insurance, h 27 Wayne av

Schroeder George J, varieties, 125 Fountain av, h do

Schroeder Harry, wireworker, h 52 Conrad

Schroeder Harry A, laborer, h 219 Southard

Schroeder Herman J, laborer, h 620 Second

Schroeder Ira, carpenter, res 620 Second

Schroeder Jesse, housekeeper, h 31 Taylor al

Schroeder John, laborer, h 1450 N Olden av

Schroeder Joseph, foreman, h 627 Chambers

Schroeder Joseph T, clerk, h 118 Bert av

Schroeder Mary A, res 627 Chambers

Schroeder Minnie, wid Ferdinand A, h 611 Beatty

Schroeder Rose, presser, res 552 Centre

Schroeder Walter E, machinist, res 851 Melrose av

Schroeder William, (Private Detective P R R), h 1431 N Olden av

Schroeder William C, boxmaker, res 851 Melrose av

Schroeder William F, carpenter, h 851 Melrose av

Schroeder William J, railroad fireman, h 160 Washington

SCHROETER FRANK A, barber, 522 Stuyvesant av, h do

Schroite Dominick, res 84 Mechanics av

Schroth Edward C, railroader, res 936 W State

Schroth Elmer, rubberworker, res 139 Houghton av

SCHROTH FRANK D, sec Department Taxes and Assessment, State House, h 23 Delawareview av

Schroth Godfrey W, pianos, 120 Centre, h do

Schroth Godfrey W Jr, lawyer (Backus & Schroth), 412-413 Broad St Bank Bldg, res 120 Centre

Schroth Harry L, potter, h 411 Lamberton

Schroth Henry L, kiInman, h 304 Lamberton

Schroth John F, clerk P R R, res 244 Jackson

Schroth Katherine, wid Andrew, res 61 Pennington av

Schroth Margaret, wid John, h 244 Jackson

Schroth Mary C, teacher, res 244 Jackson

Schroth Raymond A, reporter State Gazette, res 244 Jackson

Schroth Washington W, carpenter, h 1131 Chambers

Schroth William H, chauffeur, h 232 N Warren

Schruby Edward, laborer, h 126 Humboldt

Schruby Nicholas, barber, res 334 S Broad

Schrum Albert A, machinist, res 1325 S Broad

Schrum August, driver, res 1325 S Broad

Schrum Charles Jr, wireworker, res 1325 S Broad

SCHRUM EDWARD A, mgr Commercial Casualty Ins Co, Amer Mech Bldg, h Nottingham Way; Mercerville N J

Schrum Emil J, potter, res 1325 S Broad

Schrum Julia, res 1325 S Broad

Schrum Mrs, Charles, h 1325 S Broad

Schrump Frank, presser, h 139 Ingham av

Schubarden Frank, linoleum worker, 12 Scammell av

Schubert Julius, jeweler, 807 Hudson, h do

Schuchardt Albert, capt Engine Co No 4, h 19 Sherman av

Schuchardt Charles, potter, h 30 N Cook av

Schuchardt Edward, rubberworker, res 19 Sherman av

Schuchardt Leon, rubberworker, res 19 Sherman av

Schuchardt Stephen, rubberworker, res 19 Sherman av

Schuchart Frank, kilnman, h 567 Brunswick av

Schuchat Jonas, pres Prince Cigar Mfg Co, h Newark N J

Schuck Frank, potter, h 432 Rutherford av

Schuck Frank H, plumber, res 432 Rutherford av

Schuck George, laborer, h 145 Kent

Schuck George, potteryman, 9 Chase

Schuck Jacob H, potter, h 151 Kent

Schuck Mary, wid Reuben C; braider, res 35 Adelia av

Schuck Philip J, potter, res 743 Chambers

Schueler Frederick, h 419 Beatty

Schuer Charles J, machinist, h 1048 Melrose av

Schuer Charles M, helper, res 1048 Melrose av

Schuer Herman A, machinist, res 1048 Melrose av

Schuhardt Russell, fireman, res 150 Hoffman av

Schuler Frederick, foreman, h 245 Adeline

Schuler George, rubberworker, h 26 Dickinson

Schuler Henry G, tiremaker, h 339 Garfield av

SchuIer John, ropeworker, h 49 Randall av

Schuler Sophia, dressmaker, 354 Garfield av, res do

Schulman Morris, tailor, 807 E State, h do

Schulock Stephen, h 118 E Trenton av

Schulte A, cigars, State cor Broad, S J Taylor mgr

Schulte A Genevieve, res 328 Bellevue av

SCHULTE WILLIAM H, pres Crozer Coal Co; mgr Trenton Brass and Machine Co, h 328 Bellevue av

Schulte William L, civil engineer, res 328 Bellevue av

Schultheis John Jr, driver, res 718 Centre

Schultz Albert J, leader, h 175 Rosemont av

Schultz Albert, potter, h 925 N Olden av

Schultz Augustav, h 196 Home av

Schultz A, Hebrew teacher, res 107 Lamberton

Schultz Benjamin, riveter, h 627 Adeline

Schultz Blanche, stenographer, res 107 Lamberton

Schultz Carl, potter, h 925 N Olden av

Schultz Carl J, laborer, res 715 Chestnut av

Schultz Charles H, (Carr & Schultz Electric Co), h 927 Princeton av

Schultz Charles N, painter, h 411 Centre

Schultz Charles W, attendant State Hospital, res do

Schultz Christian J, foreman, res 715 Chestnut av

Schultz Daniel E, res 84 Sweets av

Schultz Edward h, wireworker, h 332 Genesee

Schultz Fannie, wid William T, res 1109 W State

Schultz Ferdinand L W, machinist, h 1037 S Broad

Schultz Ferdinand W, carpenter, h 1041 S Clinton av

Schultz Florence, res 35 Sweets av

Schultz Frank P, draftsman, res 35 Sweets av

Schultz Frank W, prison deputy, h 750 Centre

Schultz Frederick A, machinist, h 28 Southard

Schultz Frederick W, potter, h 818 Princeton av

Schultz George E, signal watchman, h 21 Sanford

Schultz Gottlieb, blacksmith, h 648 Centre

Schultz Gottlieb C, salesman, h 48 Hancock

Schultz Henry, potter, res 670 Second

Schultz Henry C, engineer, h 78 Liberty

Schultz Herman A, res 84 Sweets av

Schultz Irvin, potter, h 925 N Olden av

Schultz James, rubberworker, 125 Boudinot

Schultz John, musician, res 107 Lamberton

SCHULTZ JOHN A, druggist, 101 N Broad cor Hanover, h 1109 W State

Schultz John D, machinist, h 313 S Clinton av

Schultz Margaret A, musician, res 25 E Ingham av

Schultz Mary, pottery worker, 99 Carroll

Schultz Otto, potter, h 925 N Olden av

Schultz Teresa, res 35 Sweets av

Schultz Walter H, auto mechanic, h 43 Gen Greene av

Schultz William, wireworker, h 670 Second

Schultz William A, salesman, h 25 E Ingham av

Schultz William F, potter, h 35 Sweets av

Schultz William F, tinsmith, res 48 Hancock

Schultz William H, fireman, res 313 S Clinton av

Schultz, see also Schultz and Shulz

Schultzworth Margaret, teacher, 239 Pearl

Schulz Albert F, undertaker, res 65 N Clinton av

Schulz Edward, machinist, h 653 Centre

Schulz Ferdinand, chauffeur, h 15 Victor av

Schulz Mary, wid Edmund J, h 250 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Schultz Robert J, rubberworker, res 250 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Schulz, see also Schultz and Shultz

Schulze Louis A, toolmaker, h 122 Mervine pl

Schumacher Anna, wid George, res 261 Cummings av

Schumacher Emory, tailor, h 312 Franklin

Schumacher Frederick, laborer, h 255 Cummings av

Schumacher Joseph J, conductor, 2445 Lafayette

Schumacher Peter, cabinetmaker, h 261 Cummings av

Schumacher Peter, wireworker, h 230 Fulton

Schumacher Peter Jr, bridgetender, 343 Morris av

Schumacher Peter Sr, cabinetmaker, 343 Morrts av

Schumacher, see also Shoemaker

Schuman Frederic, police, h 138 N Willow

Schuman John, wiredrawer, h 1402 S Clinton av

Schumann George H, conductor, h 819 Centre

Schumann Robert A, architect, 932 Lamberton, h do

Schumar A A, (Supt J L Mott), h 935 W State

Schumm Edward Austin, auto mechanic, h 741 Brunswick av

SCHUMM GEORGE M, (Chancery St Garage), h R F D No 1

Schumm Henry W, engineer, res 741 Brunswick av

Schumsky Daniel, laborer, h 9 r 818 S Waren

Schunder John, painter, h Nottingham Way

Schuster Charles L, chauffeur, res 347 Parkway

Schuster Earle, res 526 Pennington av

Schuster Edward, fireman, 138 Exton av

Schuster Edward L, rubberworker, res 347 Parkway av

Schuster Emil L, tinsmith, h 18 Dresden av

Schuster Florence, clerk, res 347 Parkway av

Schuster Frank, U S A, res 526 Pennington av

Schuster Jacob, mgr, h 347 Parkway av

Schuster John, grave digger, h 22 Ingleton

Schuster John L, foreman, h 526 Pennington av

Schuster Joseph, rubberworker, 138 Exton av

Schuster J David, potter, 138 Exton av

Schuster Marie, presser, res 172 E Washington

Schuster Paul L, res 526 Pennington av

Schuster Rudolph, carpenter, h 172 E Washington

Schuster Theodocia E, student, 347 Parkway av

Schuster William, ironworker, h 18 Dresden av

Schuster William, rubberworker, h 23 Barbara

Schuster William C, tiremaker, res 526 Pennington av

Schuster William F, carpenter, h 33 Sweets av

Schuster, see also Shuster

Schutts William, machinist, h 30 Carroll

Schuyler Hamilton, Rev, h 121 Academy

Schwab Anna, domestic, res 283 Ashmore av

Schwab Elizabeth, res 283 Ashmore av

Schwab Joseph D, watchman, h 808 Lamberton

Schwab Michael, rubberworker, h 283 Ashmore av

Schwalm Stephen, barber, 485 S Broad, h do

Schwartz Augustus W, asst state supt weights and measures, State House, res Elizabeth N J

Schwartz Catharine, domestic, res 229 W State

Schwartz Eugene, rubberworker, h 142 Cleveland av

Schwartz Frank A, kilnman, h 711 Chestnut av

Schwartz Frank A Jr, machinist, res 711 Chestnut av

Schwartz Ferdinand, wireworker, h 103 Fulton

Schwartz Frederick, laborer, h 620 Genesee

Schwartz Frederick Jr, bookkeeper Mech Nat'l Bank, res 620 Genesee

Schwartz Frederick, carpenter, h 1133 Indiana av

Schwartz Helen, textileworker, res 620 Genesee

Schwartz Ignatz, wiredrawer, h 1628 Chestnut av

Schwartz John, potter, h 23 Conrad

Schwartz Lena, wid Frank, h 129 Randall

Schwartz Lewis, driver, 107 E Ingham av

Schwartz Mary, res 2 Southard

Schwartz Munro, clothing, 336 S Broad, h do

Schwartz Philip, potter, h 8 Hewitt

Schwartz Rose, meat, 225 Fall, h do

Schwartz Samuel, butcher, res 225 Fall

Schwartz Stephen, rubberworker, h 217 Grand

Schwartz William, grocer, 701 Lalor, h do

Schwartz, see also Swartz

SCHWARTZMAN ABRAHAM, (Original New York Furriers Co), h 229 Centre

Schwarz Arthur, pres Princeton Worsted Mills Inc, h New York City

Schwarz Carl, potter, res 225 Dickinson

Schwarz Dora, rubberworker, 225 Dickinson

Schwarz John, rubberworker, h 225 Dickinson

Schwarzwalder Anna, dressmaker, res 146 Jersey

Schwarzwalder Anna L, watchman, res 1321 S Clinton av

Schwarzwalder Caroline, clerk, res 1321 S Clinton av

Schwarzwalder Charles, chauffeur, h 246 Hewitt

Schwarzwalder George, engineer, h 146 Jersey

Schwarzwalder John, laborer, h 751 Beatty

Schwarzwalder John Jr, carpenter, res 751 Beatty

Schwarzwalder Karl, machinist, h 1321 S Clinton av

Schwarzwalder Martha, looper, res 751 Beatty

Schwarzwalder Mary M, braider, 1321 S Clinton av

Schwarzwalder, see also Swartzwalder

Schweder George, inspector, h 515 Lalor

Schweder Henry F, wireworker, h 43 Sweets av

Schweder Herman H, fireman, h 543 Woodland

Schweitzgaeble Walter, ironworker, h 241 Perry

Schweizer Charles, h 442 S Broad

Schweizer Freda, widow, h 38 Berg av

Schweizer Louis, (Trenton Speedometer Service Station), h 442 S Broad

Schweizer Thomas, decorator, h 2130 Ellwood

Schweizer William H, advertising, 203 E State, res 128 E Hanover

Schwelter Frank, wireworker, h 442 Centre

Schwendt Jacob, tailor, h 9 Jersey

Schwendt Nicholas, storehouse, res 630 Washington

Schwendt Peter, cementworker, h 630 Washington

Schwenzer August A, foreman, h 1301 Chestnut av

Schwenzer Frederick P, foreman, h 737 Adeline

Schwenzer Harry A, potter, res 1301 Chestnut av

Schwenzer Thomas, china decorator, h 22 Klein

Schwerzler Anna, nurse, 90 Hudson

Schwing Anthony, blacksmith, h 1009 Smith

Schwing Charles A, machinist, res 1009 Smith

Schwing Joseph, ironmolder, h 914 Genesee

Schwing Joseph A, machinist, res 1009 Smith

Schwing Madeline, printer, res 914 Genesee

Schwitzgaebele Herbert, clerk, res 431 Pennington av

Schwitzgaebele Lena, charcoal, 431 Pennington av, h 403 do

Schwitzgaebele Maud M, res 431 Pennington av

Schworm Standley S, weather bureau, 15 Exton av

Sciacca Anthony, rubberworker, res 1036 Lyndale av

Sciacco Tomasco, laborer, res 43 Bayard

Sciarrotta Calogero, confectionery, 312 N Clinton av, h do

Sciascia Dominick, laborer, res 219 Butler

Sciascia Peter, laborer, 126 Nassau

Sclavi Paul, laborer, h 5 Cummings av

Sclocco Neunciota, grocer, 335 Reservoir, h do

Scobey A M, wid B J, 702 Stuyvesant av

Scobia John, laborer, h 319 Fair

Scobrick Michael, laborer, h 68 Power

Scofield Matthew C, oilcloth printer, h 160 Garfield av

Scofield Walter W Jr, chief inspector food and drugs, h 32 Bryn Mawr av

Scofield, see also Schofield

Scotia Anthony, laborer, h 28 Daymond

Scott Adelia T, res 129 Perry

Scott Amanda P, wid Frank P, h 21 Edgemere av

Scott Benjamin, laborer, 25 Titus

Scott Berta W, teacher, res 836 Parkside av

Scott Bessie, dressmaker, res 239 E Hanover

Scott Charles, foreman, 133 Passaic

Scott Charles D, druggist, h 65 Carroll

Scott Charles E, machinist, h 35 Anderson

Scott Charles W, engineer, h 17 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Scott Clarence H, brakeman P R R, h 212 Liberty

Scott Daniel, railroader, h 58 Sweets av

Scott David, yard man, h 362 N Clinton av

Scott Edmund, machinist, h 232 S Olden av

Scott Edward, potter, h 715 Southard

Scott Edward F, carpenter, h 13 Carroll

Scott Edward S, machinist, h 39 Colonial av

Scott Eli, 602 Stuyvesant av

Scott Elmer J, brakeman, res 19 Lewis

Scott Elva L, bookkeeper, res 81 S Hermitage av

Scott Emily, stenographer, res 143 Passaic

Scott Emma L, seamstress, res 129 Perry

Scott Frank R, carpenter, res 17 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Scott George H, tool and die maker, h 458 Cleveland av

Scott George W, carpenter, h 15 Summer

Scott George W, asst yard master, h 228 Norway av

Scott George W Jr, carpenter, res 15 Summer

SCOTT HARDWARE CO, (Joseph A Scott), 113 N Broad

Scott Harriet P, res 29 Oak la

Scott Harvey T, fisherman, res 15 Summer

Scott Henry, accountant, h 1017 Greenwood av

Scott Henry, laborer, h 6 Escher

Scott Howell E, potter, h 129 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Scott Ida, h 226 N Clinton av

Scott Jasper W, decorator, h 836 Parkside av

Scott Joseph, machinist, 905 Pennington av

SCOTT JOSEPH A, (Scott Hardware Co), h 29 Oak la

Scott Joseph F, state examiner State House, h Whippany N J

Scott Lillian M, clerk, res 65 Carroll

Scott Margaret, res 180 S Broad

Scott Marie B, housekeeper, res 227 W Hanover

Scott Mary E, res 47 Wayne av

Scott Mary F, dressmaker, 13 Carroll, h do

Scott Nathaniel, laborer, h 25 Titus av

Scott Percey, laborer, 25 Titus

Scott Richard S, pastor, 337 Hillcrest av

Scott Robert W, plumbing and tinning, 316 W Hanover

Scott Ruth, teacher, 602 Stuyvesant av

Scott Samuel P, clerk, res 21 Edgemere av

Scott Sarah, wid Walter, h 14 Perrine av

Scott Stella M, stenographer, res 81 S Hermitage av

Scott Susan D, wid Frederic, h 81 S Hermitage av

Scott Susan O, res 43 Carroll

Scott Susanna, wid Edwin, h 129 Perry

Scott Thomas, laborer, res 14 Perrine av

Scott Thomas, potter, 337 Hillcrest av

Scott Walter, painter, res 14 Perrine av

Scott Walter R, statistician, res 81 S Hermitage av

Scott William, laborer, h 4 Escher

Scotti Antonio, laborer, h 24 Clark

Scoyrare John, rubberworker, 20 Hart av

Scozzoro Joseph, laborer, h 137 Miller

Scozzoro Samuel, fruit, h 257 N Clinton av

SCRANTON DANIEL H, mgr The R G Dun & Co Mercantile Agency, suite 39 Forst-Richey Bldg, h 839 Edgewood av

Scranton Harold, rubberworker, h 24 W Paul av

Scranton Harold, fireman, h 49 N Stockton

SCRANTON SERENO S, salesman, res 839 Edgewood av

Screenir Powell, h 226 Breunig av

Scremsak John, foundryman, res 420 Beatty

Scremsak Michael, foundryman, h 420 Beatty

Scruby Nicholas, res 15 Centre

Scruggs George A, waiter, h 25 Barnes

Scull Samuel, grocer, 536 Lamberton, h do

Scullin Charles, clerk, res 110 Centre

Scullin John J, machinist, res 463 Chestnut av

Scullin Joseph A, watchman, h 133 Second

Scullin Josephine, nurse, res 463 Chestnut av

Scullin Mary, res 133 Second

Scullion John J, brakeman, res 334 S Warren

Scullion Margaret, nurse, 334 S Warren, h do

Scullion Mary, wid Hugh, h 163 Lamberton

Scullion Michael J, molder, res 844 Beatty

Scullion Thomas, laborer, res 334 S Warren

Scully Fred, tiremaker, h 2023 S Clinton av

Scully John, potter, h 136 Anderson

Scully John, rubberworker, h 57 Heil av

Scully John Jr, railroader, res 136 Anderson

Scully Margaret, cigarmaker, res 136 Anderson

Scully Michael, rubberworker, h 57 Heil av

Scully Michael P, bricklayer, h 120 Sherman av

Scully Michael P Jr, bricklayer, res 763 N Clinton av

Scully Myra, widow h 109 Rusling

Scully Peter, rubberworker, h 1128 N Olden av

Scully Raymond, boxmaker, res 109 Rusling

Scully Thomas, h 57 Heil av

Scully Thomas, potter, res 136 Anderson

Scully Thomas J, wireworker, res 109 Rusling

Sculthrope Gertrude, res 128 Culbertson av

Scumski Daniel, ironworker, h 9 r 818 S Warren

Scurato Thomas, wireworker, h 25 Asbury

Scudder Alfred B, carpenter, h 913 Melrose av

Scudder Charles V, teamster, h 923 Melrose av

Scudder Clifton R, driver, h 375 Third

Scudder Cora, saleswoman, res 404 Liberty

Scudder Edna D, res 823 W State

Scudder Edward J, foreman, res 482 Greenwood av

Scudder Ellen, wid Horace, res 634 Perry

Scudder Elvira, wid Frederick, h Hamilton av n Greenwood Cemetery

Scudder George R, tinsmith, res 116 S Warren

Scudder Hervey C, counsellor-at-law, 111 E State, h Trenton Junction N J

Scudder Horatio S, machinist, h 116 Burton av

Scudder Howard, painter, 301 Johnston av

Scudder Joseph W, fire dept, h 36 Tyrell av

Scudder Julia, h 25 Prospect

Scudder Lydia M, res 913 Melrose av

Scudder Martha, first directress Widows' Home, res 156 W State

Scudder Mary E, stenographer, res 36 Tyrell av

Scudder Nan S, stenographer, res 850 Parkside av

Scudder Philmore, musician, res 115 BeIlevue av

Scudder Sumner B, carrier P O, h 256 Mercer

Scudder Uriel Titus, motor maintainer, h 508 Stuyvesant av

Scudder William, painter, h 2327 William

Scudder William B, laborer, h 629 Bridge

Sczues Stephen, foreman, h 115 Grand

Sczyerbach Powell, laborer, h 45 Dickinson

Seabold Sally Mrs, 136 Passaic

Seabridge Anna, res 147 Lamberton

Seabridge Catherine, wid David, h 35 Parkinson av (Bd St Pk)

Seabridge Charles, rubberworker, h 33 Mulberry

Seabridge Edward, salesman, h 46 Delawareview av

Seabridge Elizabeth L, wid Samuel, h 39 Poplar

Seabridge George R, rubberworker, h 26 Oak

Seabridge Harry, potter, res 36 Carroll

Seabridge Harry M, machinist, h 145 Mechanics av

Seabridge Isabella, paper box maker, res 195 Lamberton

Seabridge Leah, res 515 E State

Seabridge May F, res 45 Mulberry

Seabridge Samuel, top builder, h 334 N Clinton av

Seabridge Walter H, musician, res 147 Mercer

Seabridge William S, clerk, res 954 Ohio av

Seach Michael, laborer, h 417 Woodland

Seader Frank, Mott employe, 109 S Montgomery

Sealace Daniel, wireworker, h 111 William

Sealace Rachel, wid Henry, h 113 William

SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, 3 City Hall, James E O'Donovan sealer

Sealer of Weights and Measures, Court House, Stephen G Plant sealer

Sealer James, potter, h 2346 William

Seaman Angelo, laborer, h 58 Phillips av

Seaman Daniel, 890 Parkside av

Seaman Frank E, receiving teller, 890 Parkside av

Seaman Frank, wireworker, h 18 Turpin

Seaman Frank Jr, conductor, res 18 Turpin

Seaman George W, (Fowler Seaman and Co), res Lawrenceville

Seaman James, pool and cigars, 901 Beatty, h do

Seaman John, motorman, 201 Turpin

Seaman Joseph, machinist, res 901 Beatty

Seaman Leon, wiredrawer, res 18 Turpin

Seaman May M, stenographer, res 1144 E State

Seaman Millie S, teacher, 1144 E State

Seaman Virginia, res Widows' Home

Seaman Walter I, clerk, h 1144 E State

Seamle Nunziato, laborer, 463 Lamberton

Seamen James, toolmaker, res 757 Centre

Seamen John, clerk, res 726 Cass

Seamen Michael, ropemaker, h 109 Turpin

Seamon William, rubberworker, 30 Adelia av

Seamen, see also Semen and Semen

Sear Samuel, prop Shirt Shop, 38 1/2 E State, res 165 S Broad

Searfoss Harry W, timekeeper, res 191 Cooper

Searfoss William M, bricklayer h 191 Cooper

Sears Arnold, chef, res 168 S Broad

Sears Charles T, foreman, 429 Parkway av

Sears Ellsworth, pipefitter, h 223 Fair

Sears Mamie, wid William, res 742 S Warren

Sears Samuel, gents' furnishing, E State, h 165 S Broad

Seaver C L, manager, h 305 Cuvler av

Seavey Abraham, driver, h 104 Union

Seavey Elizabeth, res 519 Henry (Deutzville)

Seavey Isaac, junk peddler, h 519 Henry (Deutzville)

Seavey Jacob, barber, 210 N Broad, res 132 Fair

Sebastian Gottlieb, laborer, h 121 William

Sebastiano Aleo, laborer, h 118 Phillips av

Sebespyen George, laborer, h 632 Roebling av

Sebo Joseph, wireworker, h 78 Woolverton av

Sebo Joseph, salesman, confectioner, 940 Brunswick av, h do

Sebok Michael, laborer, h 140 Hancock

Sebold Alberta M, teacher, res 39 Model av

Sebold George, chauffeur , h 307 Woodland

Sebold Marie A, teacher, res 39 Model av

Sebold Mary, wid Edgar C, res 349 Berwyn av

Sebold Mary E, wid David B, h 39 Model av

Sebold Walter T, woodworker, h 49 Cleveland av

Sebolian Joseph, rubberworker, h 33 Fillmore

Sebring Charles H, res 520 Market

Sebring Elizabeth, wid Joshua, h 520 Market

Sebring Louisa, wid Ellsworth, h 34 Wainwright av

Sebring Susie, musician, res 34 Wainwright av

Sech Vasile, cigars, 717 S Broad, h do

Sechock Andrew, laborer, 428 Lamberton

Sechrist Mabel, bookkeeper, res 313 Bellevue av

Seckinger Andrew, rubberworker, res 405 Morris av

Seckinger Joseph J, pipefitter, res 405 Morris av

Seckinger Rosina, wid Wendelin, h 405 Morris av

Secola Angelo, laborer, h 35 Emory av


Second Presbyterian Church, N W cor Market and Mercer


Secretary's Office Grand Lodge F & A M, 1101-05 Broad St Bank Bldg, Isaac Cherry grand sec

SECRETARY'S OFFICE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Administration Bldg, 9 S Stockton

Seczegledi Joseph, laborer, h 56 Woolverton av

Sedia Joseph, grocer, Hutchison's rd, h do

Sedor Andrew, carbuilder, h 14 Jersey

Sedor Catherine, wid Blajez, res 52 Randall av

Sedor Katie, domestic, 40 Bryn Mawr av

Sedorok John, wiredrawer, h 706 Second

Seeds Annie, wid Noah, h 61 Bond

Seeds Charles W, engineer, h 221 Walnut av

Seeds Franklin M, clerk, h 143 Second

Seeds Joseph, laborer, h 192 Jefferson

Seeds Lillian M, bookkeeper, res 117 Jackson

Seeds Louella A, res 117 Jackson

Seeds Sarah W, wid John T, h 117 Jackson

Seefelt Frederick W, potter, h 40 Bond

Seefelt Harman F, potter, res 40 Bond

Seefelt Otto A, res 40 Bond

Seefelt Walter F, dairy helper, res 40 Bond

Seeger Jacob, huckster, h 114 Adeline

Seeger John, carpenter, h 728 Franklin

Seeger John P N, (sec and mgr Nicholas Seeger & Son), res 697 Centre

Seeger Nicholas, pres Nicholas Seeger & Son Inc, h 697 Centre

Seeger Nicholas & Son Inc, store fixtures, 130 Factory, Nicholas Seeger pres, John P N Seeger sec and mgr

Seeley Roy B, physician, 144 W State, res do

Seely Reuben W, safe guards, h 15 N Olden av

Seerop Willard, machinist, h 121 Roberts av

Seery James R, molder, h Ninth (Prospect Heights)

Sees Clement F, laborer, h 732 Hamilton av

Sees John, mgr Travelers Ins Co, 410 Broad St Bank Bldg, res 49 Hermitage av

Seese Janie, machine operator, 329 Liberty

Seevic Jake, barber, 732 Fair

Sefallo Alphonso, laborer, h 57 Sweets av

Sefransky Agnes, maid, res 151 Fair

Sefransky Frances, capmaker, res 151 Fair

Sefransky John, baker, res 151 Fair

Sefransky Katie, wid Jacob, h 151 Fair

Sefrin Joseph H, machinist, h 212 Euclid av

Sefrin Paul G, draftsman, res 212 Euclid av

Sefton Thomas G, operator, res 385 Third

Segafoss William, police, res 18 Oxford

Segedy Stephen, laborer, h 338 Hewitt

Seginger Joseph, laborer, h 219 Hewitt

Schwenzr Robert, wireworker, res 118 Smith av

Seib Frederick, wireworker, h 162 S Stockton

Seib Minnie E, music teacher, 31 Hewitt, h do

Seibel Anna, res 150 Brunswick av

Seibel Clarence J, polisher, res 150 Brunswick av

Seibel Edward, clerk, res 120 Brunswick av

Seibel Edward J, news agt, res 150 Brunswick av

Seibel Howard F, rubberworker, res 150 Brunswick av

Seibel Nettie B, nurse, 396 Brunswick av, res do

Seiber Frank, clerk, h 135 S Logan av

Seibert Raymond S, physician, 359 Hamilton av, h do

Seick Catharine, wid John, res 346 Emory av

Selck Francis, watchmaker, res 346 Emory av

Seeds Winifred H, machinist, res 117 Jackson

Seeds William, railroader, h 1434 D'Arcy

Seidell Lewis, cabinetmaker, h 56 Hayes av

SEIDENBERG & CO, (branch of American Cigar Co), cigars, College cor Division and 110-116 Factory, Albert Gold mgr

Seidenglanz Anna, stenographer, res 818 Beatty

Seidenglanz Charles, foreman, 856 Franklin

Seldenglanz Edward A, engraver, 15 E State, h 602 William

Seidenglanz Frank, clerk, res 856 Franklin

Seidenglanz Joseph G, special agent Penn Mutual Life Ing Co, res 856 Franklin

Seldenglanz Martin, brass polisher, h 818 Beatty

Seidenglanz Mary A, textileworker, res 818 Beatty

Seidner Morris, barber, h 108 Fall

Seiejko William, rubberworker, res 130 Sherman av

Seifert Alonzo, brakeman, h 46 Yard av

Seifert Michael H, foreman, res 871 Revere av

Seifert Samuel, res 46 Yard av

Seifritz Adolph, h 55 Lincoln av

Seifritz Otto W F, brakeman, res 913 E State

Seig Frank, potter, res 229 Ellis av

Seig Frederick W, motor builder, h 229 Ellis av

Seig William, res 229 Ellis av

Seigel Harry, pres Parkside Development Co, h 502 Riverside av

Seigel John, raincoat maker, 9 Union

Seigel Morris M, merchant, 1169 E State

Seiger Esther, bookkeeper, res 21 E Front

Seiger Frank, printer, h 211 Passaic

Seiger Morris, sporting goods, 21 E Front, h do

Seiger Solomon, bookkeeper, res 21 E Front

Seiger William, produce, Washington Market, h 936 Prospect

Seiler Christian, salesman, h 604 William

Seiler Christian F, clerk, res 129 Ashmore av

Seiler John T, salesman, h 904 Carteret av

Seiler Joseph, smoked fish, 129 Ashmore av, h do

Seiler Paul B, attendant State Hospital, res do

Seiler Paul F, driver, res 129 Ashmore av

Seiler William G, driver, res 129 Ashmore av

Seiling Peter, attendant State Hospital, res do

Seins Augustus, rubberworker, h 757 Roebling av

Seipel William B, boilermaker, h 417 S Olden av

Seiple Elmer J, bartender, res 327 Brunswick av

Seitlin Myron, res Model Apts, 140 N Clinton

Seitz Anna, decorator, res 322 Genesee

Seitz Anna M, wid Maximilian, h 52 Houghton av

Seitz Anthony, laborer, h 426 Genesee

Seitz Charles, U S N, 426 Genesee

Seitz Christian J, wiredrawer, h 600 Dayton

Seitz Frederick, plumber, h 341 Cummings av

SEITZ HARRY C T, treas Taylor Provision Co, h 61 Perrine

Seitz Herman, delicatessen, 434 Genesee, h do

Seitz Joseph, plumber, res 434 Genesee

SEITZ JOSEPH M, (Chambersburg Radiator and Welding Shop), h 728 S Broad

Seitz Margaret, wid William, h 61 Perrine av

Seitz Victor, watchman, h 322 Genesee

Sejeras Joseph, rubberworker, h 627 Ohio av

Sekarak John, brassfinisher, h 1590 Chestnut av

Seker Alexander, laborer, 207 Ashmore av

Sekile Charles, laborer, 315 Genesee

Selak Andrew, machinist, h 47 Model av

Selak George, laborer, h 438 Adeline

Selano Frank, laborer, h 304 Cortlandt

Selazabo Charles, helper, 45 Pearl

Selby Frances E, wid Sidney L, h 246 Academy

Selby Le Roy, clerk P R R, h Scudder's Falls N J

Selenak John, wiredrawer, h 401 Home av

Selep Thomas, U S A, res 135 Second

Selepo Salvatore, stone mason, h 155 Phillips av

Selernick Benjamin, rubberworker, res 115 Steamboat

Selernick Rebecca, h 115 Steamboat

Selige Louis, h 327 Hewitt

Seliggie Peter M, driver, res 750 S Warren

Seligman Jacob, salesman, h 56 Colonial av

Selkloss John, railroader, h 28 Howell

Sell John, clerk, h 222 Miller

Sellers Eugene, laborer, h 116 Belvidere

Sellers Frank R, engineer, h 209 Ingham av

Sellers Hartley, track foreman, h 330 W Hanover

Sellner Alois, fireman, h 612 Lamberton

Sellner Dorothy, stenographer, 612 Lamberton

Sellner Harry, (Carlton Clothes Shop), h Newark N J

Sellnow Mabel V, seamstress, res 18 Mechanics av

Sellnow Raymond F, agent, h 2473 Randall av (Bd St Pk)

Sellnow William, h 18 Mechanics av

Selsman Simon, res 16 Union

Semanski George, janitor, h 490 Huston al

Semen George, wireworker, h 121 Genesee

Semen George Jr, carpenter, res 121 Genesee

Semen Rose, domestic, res 121 Genesee

Semeretski Joseph, wireworker, res 9 College pl

Semler Andrew, rubberworker h 827 Revere

Semler Andrew Jr, U S A, res 827 Revere av

Semler Frank S, wiretester, h 597 Second

Semmer John T, conductor, h 1005 Division

Semon Earl W, plumber, res 142 West End av

Semon Frank Jr, trolley conductor, h 112 Pearl

Semon John, laborer, h 125 Fulton

Semon John, watchman, h 276 Spring

Semon Laura O, wid William, h 142 West End av

Semon Mary, dressmaker, 276 Spring, res do

Semon Nora M, clerk, res 142 West End av

Semon Orton D, japanner, res 142 West End av

Semon Peter, contractor, 212 W Hanover, h,do

Semon Robert H, machinist, res 276 Spring

Semon, see also Seaman and Seamon

SEMPLE CHARLES H, pres Semple Rubber Co, h 34 Fisher pl

SEMPLE RUBBER CO, 112 Murray, Charles H Semple pres, Geo T Howard sec, Fillmore A Drake treas

Semsoik Andrew, musician, res 682 S Broad

Sendoia John, laborer, h 62 Gordon

Sendor Andrew, gardener, res 555 S Broad

Senduski John, wiredrawer, h 448 Emory av

Senepki Ludwig, wiredrawer, res 133 Howell

Senf Josephine, res 86 Spring

Senf Josephine, wid Ernest, h 86 Spring

Senf Margaret, res 502 Grand

Senf Robert, foreman, h 502 Grand

Senf William, res 502 Grand

Senifski Michael, wiredrawer, res 131 Howell

Senifski Norbert, rubberworker, res 131 Howell

Senior Harold, toolmaker, h Klockner av

Sennet Charles, U S A, res 59 Bond

Sennet Sarah F, wid Charles, h 436 Emory av

Sennit William A, ironworker, h 396 N Clinton av

Senon Michael, laborer, h 145 Miller

Sensakteen Thomas, carpenter, h 20 Hewitt av (Deutzville)

Sensor Thomas, secy, h 176 W State

Sentak Bernard, foreman, h 436 Ferry

Sepesen Paul, wireworker, h 440 Genesee

Seppe Andrew, wireworker, res 103 Genesee

Seppe Mary, cigarmaker, res 103 Genesee

Seppe Michael, watchman, h 103 Genesee

Seraflni Anthony, gasworker, res 37 Butler

Serafini Benjamin, laborer, h 25 Cummings av

Serafini Daniel, laborer, res 260 N Warren

Serafini Domenick, laborer, h 37 Butler

Serafini Ethel, woolworker, res 37 Butler

Serafini Filomena, wid John, h 62 Division

Serafini Frank, barber, h 623 Bridge

Serafini Vincent, Rev, 62 Division, h do

Seranater Stephen, wireworker, h 843 Beatty

Serapan Jacob, painter, h 104 Ashmore av

Serbin Michael, laborer, h 160 Home av

Serek John, wireworker, h 116 Genesee

Sereni Antonio, res 804 Roebling av

Sereni Joseph, rubberworker, res 676 Washington

Sereni Paul, wireworker, h 754 Roebling av

Sereni Vincent, rubberworker, h 676 Washington

Seres John, wireworker, h 106 Roebling av

Sergeant Leta H, h 165 Monmouth

Sergeant Oscar, boilermaker, h 338 Walnut av

Sergeant, see also Sargeant

Serimgeour Fred, manager, h 714 Stuyvesant av

Sernberger Charles res 212 Spring

Serpico Pasquale, Iaborer, h 835 Roebling av

Serrine Charles, chauffeur, res 402 Liberty

Serson Mary L, wid John R, h 812 Riverside av

Seruby Jacob, laborer, h 46 Wilson

Seruby Newell D, cook, h 9 Barnes

Seruby Ulysses, laborer, res 32 Belvidere

Seruby Walter, laborer, res 9 Barnes

Servasio Arnold, ironworker, res 411 Genesee

Severs Charles H, bookkeeper, res 276 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Service Charles R, salesman, h 52 McKinley av

Servis Edward B, clerk, 25 N Anderson

Servis Frederick F, foreman, h 484 Rutherford av

Servis Harry, bookkeeper, res 34 M Rose

Servis Herbert, driver, h 29 N Logan av

Servis John W, signal maintainer, h 445 Stuyvesant av

Servis Lambert T, res 1545 Hamilton av

Servis Shenck S, steamfitter, h 34 M Rose

Servis Smith F, res 29 N Logan av

Servis Walter V, driver, h 230 Holland av

Servis William P, foreman, h 134 Woodland

Serv-Us Pure Food Co, Premium Store, 202 S Warren

Serwer Samuel, manager, h 561 E State

Sesini Arcangelo, rubberworker, res 731 Roebling av

Sesini Ilario, shoemaker, 731 Roebling av, h do

Sesso Charles, shoemaker, h 128 Humboldt

Setaullshe Joseph, tileworker, h 96 Breunig av

Settlement House, 24 Poplar

Sevastine Dominick, laborer, h 60 Gordon

Seventh Day Adventist Church, cor Columbus and St Francis

Severino Carl, rubberworker, h 60 Perrine av

Severn Frederick A, pipefitter, res 727 Adeline

Severn Noas S, wireworker, h 727 Adeline

Severn Raymond E, clerk, res 727 Adeline

Severns Collin D, market master, h 224 Centre

Severns Mary J, wid Charles, h 215 Clay

Severns Mary M, wid John W, h 334 W State

Severns Susan, wid Dalzell, res 134 S Olden av

Severns William, h 11 W Front

Severs C Howard, organizer, h 276 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Severs Emma N, dressmaker, res 276 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Severs Ernest, manager, res 44 N Overbrook av

Severs James R, h 230 Hamilton av

Severs Ridgeway J, chauffeur, res 230 Hamilton av

Severs Sarah A, wid Samuel, h 22 Cooper

Seville Edward, monument works, h 463 Hamilton av

Seville Edward Jr, clerk, res 463 Hamilton av

Seville Monument Mfg Co, Greenwood av n Greenwood Cemetery, E E Seville gen mgr

Seward Albert D, tailor 203 E State, res Stockton N J

Sewell Cameron I, clerk P R R, res 563 E State

Sewell Mary J, wid Robert J, h 563 E State

Sexton Alma B, milliner, res 913 Park av

Sexton Anita, res 1105 Greenwood av

Sexton Bert, railroader, h 312 Bert av

Sexton Charles A, h 1306 Hamilton av

Sexton Harold E, draftsman, res 913 Park av

Sexton Harry P, machinist and dyemaker, h 918 Park av

Sexton Howard L, mgr, res 1105 Greenwood av

Sexton Margaret, clerk, res 1306 Hamilton av

Sexton Marian G, stenographer, res 913 Park av

Sexton Nita B, clerk State House, res 1306 Hamilton av

Sexton Ruth, stenographer, res 1306 Hamilton av

Sexton Watson, railroader, res 312 Bert av

Seydel Eugene, watchmaker, 440 S Broad, h do

Seydel Eugene Jr, garage, 22 Conovers al, h 440 S Broad

Sezt Louis, laborer, h 47 Adeline

Shablofsky Joseph, fireman, h 615 N Olden av

Shacaluki Stephen, laborer, res 112 Sherman av

Shackaway Mrs, capmaker, res 57 Decatur

Shackelford Henry M, caterer, 559 Perry, res Phila Pa

Shackelford Katherine, widow, res 11 Thompson

Shaddow Roscoe R, milk, 224 Woodland, h do

Shadinger Margaret, wid William, h 421 W Hanover

Shafer Frederick R, machinist, res 102 Samuel

Shafer Harry, wireworker, h 1138 Franklin

Shafer John C, lineman, h 607 Woodland

Shaffer Carl F, cornet teacher, h 696 Southard

Shaffer Frank, baker, h 122 Furman

Shaffer Frank H Jr, U S A, res 122 Furman

Shaffer Glenville, warehouseman P R R, h 203 Wayne av

Shaffer William F, baker, res 122 Furman

Shahiman Herpsma, wid Moses, res 718 Princeton av

Shahiman S M, physician, 718 Princeton av, h do

Shain Nicholas, wireworker, h 263 Ashmore av

Shakespeare Clarence, golf expert, h 17 Laselle av

Shakespeare Harry R, insurance agt, res 17 Laselle av

Shaleski Wesley, potter, h 649 Ohio av

Shall Dominick, laborer, res 12 Furman

Shall John, wireworker, 511 Bridge

Shallcross William W, farmer, h 48 Ewing

Shalont Thomas, laborer, h 187 Girard av

Shaltis Michael, laborer, h 127 Ferry

Shamagiz Joseph, tailor, 1014 S Clinton av, h do

Shamoski Louis, railroader, res 99 Union

Shamp Barbara, wid Thomas, h 729 Princeton av

Shamp George, rubberworker, res 729 Princeton av

Shamp Joseph, rubberworker, res 729 Princeton av

Shamp William B, varieties, 727 Princeton av, h do

Shanahan Dennis, potter, h 809 Lyndale av

Shanahan Ellen, wid John, res 28 Monroe

Shanahan Maurice, laborer, h 28 Monroe

Shanahan Thomas, driver, res 28 Monroe

Shanasky Tony, laborer, 6 Enterprise av

Shandys Edward P, machinist, res 510 Centennial av

Shandys Frank, h 510 Centennial av

Shandys Victor, machinist, res 510 Centennial av

Shane J, painter, h 19 Decatur

Shanluka Steve, laborer, h 53 Oak

Shank Mary, wid John, h 1 William

Shankman Samuel B, clothier, 141 S Broad, h 17 Atterbury av

Shankman Simon, clothing, 175 S Broad, h do

Shankman Sol, (The Booterie), h 131 S Broad

Shanley Michael, h 183 Jefferson

Shann Allen C, carpenter, h 422 W Hanover

Shannon Elizabeth E, wid Michael, h 833 Second

Shannon Harry, laborer, h 229 N Montgomery

Shannon John W, conductor, h 152 Franklin

Shannon Marcus, ironworker, h 108 William

Shannon Raymond P, clerk, res 833 Second

Shannon Theresa, grocer, 19 Cosey pl, h do

Shannon Thomas res 28 W Lafayette

Shannon Thomas, h 338 St Joes ar

Shannon William M, plumber, res 45 N Stockton

Shapiro Aaron, designer, h 210 S Broad

Shapiro Benjamin, confectionery, 104 W Hanover, h do

Shapiro David, cafe, 18 Canal, h do

Shapiro Edward, cabinetmaker, h 157 Fair

Shapiro Edward, restaurant, 33 Union, h do

Shapiro Harry, h 1 Union

Shapiro Israel, milliner, 310 S Broad, h do

Shapiro Meyers, cafe, 24 Elmer, h do

Sharawarko Theodore, laborer, res 9 Jefferson

Sharbaugh George, chief engineer, h 34 Ogden

Share Frank, chauffeur, res 29 Evans av

Sharf Abraham, grocer, 798 E State, h do

Sharf Samuel, grocer, 869 E State, h do

Shargo Atta, wid John, h 136 Turpin

Shargo Michael, laborer, h 15 Steamboat

Shariow Harry, window cleaner, h 2 Mercer ct

Sharkadi Louis, laborer, h 224 Emory av

Sharkey John, laborer, h 3 William

Sharkey Joseph C, mfr of jet and mineral knob tops, Prospect n P & R Ry, h 834 Berkeley av

Sharkey Samuel, salesman, h 611 W State

Sharland Charles J, sanitary presser, h 46 Kelsey av

Sharlin Jacob, cabinetmaker, h 103 Fall

Sharlin Joseph, electrician, h 407 Market

SHARLIN SAMUEL, gas and electric fixtures, 308 S Broad, h do

Sharotta Josephine, wid Joseph, h 40 Perrine av

Sharp Bessie, milliner, res 334 Tyler

Sharp B Howard, teacher School for Deaf, h 244 Cleveland av

Sharp Ella G, res 244 Cleveland av

Sharp Frank, foreman, h 636 Grand

Sharp Frederick J, rubberworker, h 11 Annabelle av (Bd St Pk)

Sharp George H, machinist, h 160 Walnut av

Sharp Jessie M, wid Lewis E, h 2235 Schiller av (Bd St Pk)

Sharp John A, instructor, h 324 Tyler

Sharp Lambert, h 410 Rutherford av

Sharp Mary E, dressmaker, 208 E Front, h do

Sharp Stephen, machinist, res 113 Morris av

Sharp Wright, laborer, h 843 Prospect

Sharp's Studio, (Alan Logue), photographers, 27 E State

Sharratt William, potter, res 336 S Olden av

Shatof Lena, seamstress, res 57 Decatur

Shatow Isaac, grocery, 2020 Genesee, h do

Shaudys Peter, baker, h 677 Lamberton

Shaut William, barber, res 107 Ashmore av

Shaw Aaron, potter, h 120 Old Rose

Shaw Ada M, decorator, res 40 Chambers

Shaw Albert, rubberworker, h 4 Oakland av

Shaw Albert, smelter, h 122 E Trenton av

Shaw Albert H, clerk, res 214 E Franklin

Shaw Anna, clerk, res 3 Moffatt av

Shaw Bayard, potter, res 680 Second

Shaw Bessie, watchmaker, res 1256 Princeton av

Shaw Charles, potter, res 212 E Trenton av

Shaw Charles N, bookkeeper, res 3 Moffatt av

Shaw Clarence H, carpenter, res 214 E Franklin

Shaw Edwin, clerk, h 336 Hamilton av

Shaw Elizabeth, res 212 E Trenton av

Shaw Elsie M, machine operator, res 201 Prospect

Shaw George, rubberworker, res 212 E Trenton av

Shaw George, tiremaker, res 12 Walnut

Shaw George M, h 451 W Hanover

Shaw Harry, h 707 S Broad

Shaw Harry, chauffeur, h 402 S Clinton av

Shaw Harry J, potter, res 120 Old Rose

Shaw Helen M, teacher, res 922 Lamberton

Shaw Henry, moldmaker, h 40 Chambers

Shaw Howard K, student, res 922 Lamberton

Shaw Joseph Albert, mail carrier, h 350 Berwyn av

Shaw Joseph B, physician, 119 S Warren, h do

Shaw Lennie, h 727 Hamilton av

Shaw Mary A, res 315 Cass

Shaw Milton, res 1256 Princeton av

Shaw Myrtle, inspector, res 336 Hamilton av

Shaw Phillip Kulp, railroader, h 331 Rutherford av

Shaw Pottery, James Shaw pres, Jonas Fuld sec-treas, Parker av n Olden av

Shaw Raymond, boilermaker, h 238 Walnut av

Shaw Robert L, mgr, res 451 W Hanover

Shaw Rose, wid Charles, res 1256 Princeton av

Shaw Samuel T, engineer, h 60 Garfield av

Shaw Thomas, clerk, h 922 Lamberton

Shaw T Willard, student, res 922 Lamberton

Shaw William, laborer, h 39 Summer

Shaw William, potter, h 3 Moffatt av

Shea Catharine, wid Michael, h 20 Emory av

Shea James, deputy police, h 410 Ferry

Shea John, manager, h 429 W Hanover

Shea John, wireworker, res 20 Emory av

Shea Katherine, clerk, res 33 Morgan

Shea Katherine, wid James, res 133 Cummings av

Shea Katherine, wid John, res 81 Poplar

Shea Mildred K, teacher, res 924 W State

Shea Patrick O, potter, h 33 Morgan av

Shea Stephen A, molder, h 45 Scammell av

Shea William, wireworker, h 326 Rusling

Shea, see also O'Shea

Shear J M, mgr Union Rubber and Asbestos Co, h 52 S Hermitage av

Shearer Edward C, blacksmith, res 305 Walnut av

Shearer Martha, wid Edward B, h 868 E State

Shearer Ralph E, clerk, res 868 E State

Shearman Charles A, machinist, h 1112 Hamilton av

Sheehan Charles, laborer, res 120 Furman

Sheehan Edward, cigarmaker, res 1058 S Broad

Sheehan John, wiredrawer, h 120 Furman

Sheehan John J, machinist, h 14 Humboldt

Sheehan J, manager, h 66 W Hanover

Sheehan Lillian, seamstress, res 364 S Warren

Sheehan Patrick, laborer, res 120 Furman

Sheehan William, rubberworker, res 120 Furman

Sheehy Katherine, wid John, res 14 West End av

Sheen Patrick, laborer, h 15 Lafayette

Sheenan John, foreman res 713 S Warren

Sheenan John, ironworker, res 123 Chancery

Sheenan Owen, layer out, res 713 S Warren

Sheenan Thomas, crane operator, res 713 S Warren

Sheer Frank, chauffeur, h 29 Evans av

Shein Bessie, wid Joseph, h 521 S Warren

Shekiro Anna, presser, res 128 Grand

Shelby Clarence F, fireman, h 803 Prospect

Shelby Eugene J, conductor, h 803 Prospect

Shelby James E, student, res 803 Prospect

Shelby J Leo, fireman, res 803 Prospect

Shelby Thomas, cafe, 1024 Lamberton, h do

Sheldon James, potter, h 48 Tyrell av

Shelhamer Louisa, wid Daniel F, res 17 Park la

Shelly Michael J, engineer P R R, h 709 Monmouth

Shelley M Emma, nurse, 289 S Logan av, res do

Shelton Mary E, res 837 Pennington av

Shelton Ralph, potter, res 608 Mulberry

Shelton Walter F, machinist, res 837 Pennington av

Shelton Walter S, h 837 Pennington av

Shendler Peter, laborer, h 434 Emory av

Shennard Theodore, flagman, h 60 Hayes

Shentay John, laborer, h 205 William

Shepard Oscar C, teacher, res 492 W State

Shepherd Adeline F, stenographer, res 833 Stuyvesant av

Shepherd Anna, wid Frank, h 1210 E State

Shepherd Charles D, telegraph operator, h 229 Bellevue av

Shepherd Elizabeth, wid Cyrenius W, h 833 Stuyvesant av

Shepherd Gerald D, res 229 Bellevue av

Shepherd Jacob R, h 90 Ewing

Shepherd Jeanette, wid William H, h 634 Perry

Shepherd Olivia U, widow, h 53 Southard

Shepherd R Bowden, Rev, h 302 Chestnut av

Shepon John, wireworker, h 152 Turpin

Sheppard Albert, railroader, h 228 Hamilton av

Sheppard Carl, trolley operator, h 613 Adeline

Sheppard Edgar J, painter, res 68 Kelsey av

Sheppard Ellwood M, laborer, h 1423 S Clinton av

Sheppard George W, conductor, h 1126 Hamilton av

Sheppard Harriet, confectionery, 166 Lamberton, h do

Sheppard Harriet W, h 251 E Front

Sheppard Harry B, machinist, res 1310 S Clinton av

Sheppard Howard S, mechanic, res 27 Kelsey av

Sheppard James, foreman, h 1310 S Clinton av

Sheppard Joseph W, rubberworker, res 146 S Broad

Sheppard Josephine E, wid Asa, h 1126 Hamilton av

Sheppard Louis, laborer, h 2105 William

Sheppard Mary, wid Kent, res 311 S Broad

Sheppard Mary E, res 251 E Front

Sheppard Paul, rubberworker, res 356 S Olden av

Sheppard Samuel D, engineer, h 27 Kelsey av

Sheppard Samuel F, res 166 Lamberton

Sheppard Wendel L, toolmaker, h 356 S Olden av

Shepperd Mary, wid William, res 133 Passaic

Sherack George, laborer, h 423 Cass

Sherbaun Emil, State Highway Dept, res 64 Beechwood av

Sheridan Alice V, clerk, res 21 Wayne av

Sheridan Anna, cigars and confectionery, 674 Princeton av, res 672 do

Sheridan Anna R, clerk, res 523 Centre

Sheridan Annie, wid Kearney, h 340 Berwyn av

Sheridan Edward, h 58 N Walter av

Sheridan James, railroader, h 42 Chambers

Sheridan Jeffries, railroader, 23 Southard

Sheridan Jennie C, dressmaker, res 709 Southard

Sheridan John, freight brakeman, res 912 E State

Sheridan John J, machinist, h 624 Monmouth

Sheridan Joseph, ironworker, res 523 Centre

Sheridan J Vincent, clerk, res 672 Princeton av

Sheridan Kerney, laborer, h 212 Emory av

Sheridan Lawrence, baker, h 523 Centre

Sheridan Margaret, res 523 Centre

Sheridan Matthew J, potter, h 709 Southard

Sheridan Patrick F, boilermaker, h 672 Princeton av

Sheridan Sarah, wireworker, res 107 Second

SHERIFF’S OFFICE, Court House, Frederick P Rees sheriff

Sherman Alver, auto painter, res 34 Sweets av

Sherman Calvin H, barber, 541 Hamilton av, h do

Sherman E H, fish and oysters, 9 Pennington av

Sherman Ferdinand R, auto mechanic, res 18 Evans av

Sherman Garage, 208-210 N Willow

Sherman George A, switchman, h 2113 Partridge av

Sherman Harry, potter, h 20 Lilly

Sherman H J, tea and coffee, 849 S Broad, h do

Sherman Lester B, clerk, res 248 S Logan av

Sherman Norman, clerk, res 248 S Logan av

Sherman Samuel, tire vulcanizing, 404 S Broad, h do

Sherman Willard, manager, h 779 E State

Sherman William, draftsman, 712 Nottingham Way

Sherrard Francis G, pres A L Gill Agricultural Works Inc, h Portland Conn

Sherratt Arthur, employment manager, h 29 Bryn Mawr av

Sherratt Charles A, collector, h 429 Gladstone av

Sherrer Eugene, blacksmith, 330 1/2 Centre

Sherwin Mary, attendant State Hospital, res do

Sherwood Samuel, res Odd Fellows' Home

Shevlin Margaret, grocer, 160 Lamberton, h do

SHICK CHARLES, (Charles Shick Co), h 920 Berkeley av

SHICK CHARLES CO, (Charles Shick; Horace F Quick; Charles S Carr), iron and steel, 153-155 W Hanover

Shick George B, salesman, res 436 W Hanover

Shick George C, salesman, h 436 W Hanover

Shick Mary, shoes, 26 S Warren, h do

Shick Samuel, machinist, res 503 Perry

Shidell Harry, salesman, res 133 Academy

Shields Jennie, domestic, res 19 N Clinton av

Shields John D, 219 Mercer

Shiffman Victor, tiremaker, h 74 Dunham

Shifter Samuel, brakeman P R R, res 405 Monmouth

Shill Charles W, linotype operator, 58 Wall

Shill Elizabeth, wid Charles, h 203 Southard

Shill Harriet R, clerk, res 203 Southard

Shill May M, general assistant Public Library, res 203 Southard

Shilling Frank, res 403 Klagg av

Shilling Frederick, rubberworker, res 935 Lyndale av

Shiloh Baptist Church, Belvidere n Calhoun

Shimanstie Stephen, machinist, 523 Nottingham Way

Shimf Michael, wireworker, res 144 Ferry

Shindel Martin, shipyard worker, h 1350 S Broad

Shingle Mary, wid Levi, nurse, 56 Kelsey av

Shinn Frank, engineer, h 803 Pennington av

Shinn G Frank, bookkeeper, h 823 Edgewood av

Shinn Harry, supervisor, h 230 Euclid av

Shinn H C, draftsman, 230 Euclid av

Shinn Howard, diemaker, 106 Ashmore av

Shinn Joseph P, clerk, h 234 E State

Shinn Margaret, housekeeper, h 329 Liberty

Shinn Martha V, milliner, 234 E State, h do

Shinn May, textileworker, res 1016 Division

Shinn Walter, woodworker, h 30 Lincoln av

Shinn William E, salesman, h 437 S Olden av

Shipley John, laborer, h 24 Beaver

Shipley Watson, coremaker, 24 Beaver

Shipman Harry, furrier, res 152 Fair

Shipman Lewis M, teacher, 214 E State

Shipper Lewis B, sanitary coat; apron and towel supply company, h 733 Monmouth

Shipps Mary, advertising representative, res Aleda Apts

Shipski Emil, engineer, h 29 Fountain lav

Shipski Frederick, tinsmith, res 29 Fountain av

Shipski Frederick W Jr, carpenter, h 1211 Genesee

Shipski Walter, shipyard worker, h 1413 Liberty

Shipski Wilhelmina, decorator, res 29 Fountpin av

Shirey John D, watchmaker, 859 Melrose av

SHIRKEN FRANK, Trenton Bag and Burlap, res 20 Union

Shirken Joseph, paperhanger, res 20 Union

Shirkey Philip, railroader, h 489 S Logan av

Shirm Anna V, phone operator, res 862 Lamberton

Shirm Anton, kilnfireman, h 123 Cass

Shirm Joseph, rivetmaker, h 862 Lamberton

Shirm Joseph F, clerk Standard Fire Ins Co, res 862 Lamberton

Shirm Margaret, cloth examiner, res 862 Lamberton

Shirm Mary E, clothmender, res 862 Lamberton

Shively Richard J, office asst, 226 Buchanan av

Shivers Arling, druggist, res 221 Sewell av (Bd St Pk)

Shivers Daniel, laborer, h 819 Southard

Shivers George, ground hand, res 221 Sewell av (Bd St Pk)

Shivers George D, laborer, res 221 Sewell av (Bd St Pk)

Shivers George F, elevator operator First Nat'l Bank, h 221 Sewell av (Bd St Pk)

Shmukler Lewis, drygoods, 35 Union, h do

Shock Charles, laborer, res 844 Beatty

Shock Stanley, boilermaker, h 38 Adelia av

Shockey Charles, patternmaker, h 31 S Logan av

Shockley Leon, res 2410 Genesee

Shoehitz Joseph, laborer, h 18 Adeline

Shoemaker E M, salesman, h 6 Pennington av

Shoemaker Frederick, driver, h 28 Spring

Shoemaker J Harry, teacher, h 43 Oak la

Shoemaker John, wireworker, h 318 Woodland

Shoemaker Lucy, res Widows' Home

Shoemaker Martin, rubberworker, res 318 Woodland

Shoester George W, division operator P R R, h 41 Prospect

Shof Frank, driver, h 325 Ellis

Sholin Max, grocer, 523 Pennington av, h 525 do

Sholtis George, cafe, 86 E Paul av, h do

Sholtis Mary, rubberworker, res 346 N Montgomery

Shomberg George, res 457 Emory av

Shomberg Henry A, baker, 457 Emory av, h do

Shometz Joseph, tailor, h 312 Hewitt

Shmola John, h 43 Klagg av

Shoporni Michael, wireworker, h 310 Roebling av

Shopp Albert, engineer, h 417 Walnut av

Shopwell Nettie, stenographer, res 771 Second

Short Fred, fireman, h 248 S Logan av

Short Oliver C, asst chief examiner, h 53 Model av

Short Robert, conductor, res 1327 Genesee

Shorter John W, chauffeur, h 12 Barnes

Shorter Mabel, res 12 Barnes

Shorter Wililam, laborer, res 110 Allen

Shorts Doman, laborer, h 637 N Willow

Shott Charles L, brakeman, h 441 Emory av

Shotton Edith, stenographer, 17 Adelia av

Shotton Ernest, machinist, 17 Adelia av

Shotton George, machinist, 17 Adelia av

Shotton Jennie, housekeeper, 17 Adelia av

Shotton John, machinist, 17 Adelia av

Shotton Norman, boilermaker, 17 Adelia av

Shotwell Carol M, bookkeeper, res 215 S Clinton av

Shotwell Frank C, engineer, h 215 S Clinton av

Shotwell George, electrician, 385 Brunswick av

Shourds Frank, railroader, clerk, h 402 Ardmore av

Shourds Thaddeus L, machinist's helper, h 246 Tioga

Showers Michael, wiredrawer, 490 Huston

Shreeves Howard, foreman, h 972 Princeton av

Shreve Hudson J, sec and treas Trenton Electric Supply Co, res 565 E State

Shreve John, general foreman, 433 Monmouth

Shreve John C, clerk, State Hospital, res do

Shreve Earl, clerk, h 231 Perry

Shreve William E, wiredrawer, h 172 Liberty

Shrevlow Jake, peddler, 187 Cooper

Shrine Alfred D, foreman, h 722 Southard

Shroeder William J, railroad detective, res 709 E State

Shrope Arthur W, insurance agent, res 47 Wayne av

Shrope Pearl E Mrs, stenographer, res 47 Wayne av

Shrubey Jessie, domestic, res 717 W State

Shuback Mary, widow Kaster, res 149 Fair

Shubert Joseph, jeweler, 808 S Clinton av

Shuenbuckler John, laborer, 30 Dunham

Shuler Frank E, wiredrawer, h 821 Centre

Shulk Pasquala, laborer, h 46 M Rose

Shull, see also Scholl

Shultinski Martin, laborer, h 14 Coates

Shultise Jacob, tirebuilder, h 327 Ellis av

Shultz Anna, res 333 Chambers

Shultz Edward, Trenton Wall Paper Co, h 1 Union

Shultz Frank, wiredrawer, h 1257 Princeton av

Shultz Frank, rubberworker, res 327 St Joes av

Shultz Harold, clerk, res 37 Franklin

Shultz John, engineer, h 141 W Hanover

Shultz John, h 45 N Walter av

Shutz Loretta, rubberworker, res 354 St Joes av

Shultz Michael, boilermaker, 406 Lanaberton

Shultz Morris, potter, 205 Perry

Shultz William, molder, res 154 McClellan av (Bd St Pk)

Shultz, see also Schultz and Shulz

Shumack John, fireman, h 37 Hill's al

Shumann A Arthur, mfr, h 937 State

Shungilo Anthony, rubberworker, h 50 Prince

Shunn Emma M, decorator, res 1016 Division

Shupon Joseph, laborer, h 401 Franklin

Shupon Rose, cigarworker, res 401 Franklin

Shupon Veronica, cigarworker, res 401 Franklin

Shurski John, wireworker, res 707 S Clinton av

Shust Stephen, laborer, h 68 Asbury

Shuster Adolph, machinist, h 172 E Washington

Shuster John D, laborer, h 405 Centre

Shuster, see also Schuster

Shutly John, tiremaker, res 16 Vine

Shutz Abraham, clothier, 250 N Broad, h do

Shutz Anna, buyer, res 250 N Broad

Shutz Edward, electrician, res 250 N Broad

Shutz Eva, saleswoman, res 250 N Broad

Shutz Jacob, furniture, 533 Perry, h do

Shwador Frederick, res Eighth (Prospect Heights)

Siber S, cleaning and pressing, 840 S Clinton av, h do

Sibbit James H, conductor, res 49 Chestnut av

Sibbitt George, dryer, 70 Cooper

Sibley George N, fire dept, h 112 N Stockton

Sica Angelo, foreman, h 309 S Clinton av

Sica Philomena, res 309 S Clinton av

Sica Samuel, physician, 309 S Clinton av, h do

Sicara Anthony, laborer, h 540 Home av

Sicara John, machinist, h 540 Home av

Sicerstaek Tony, chainworker, res 235 Howell

Sichtfus Nicholas, barber, h 127 Grand

Sickels Arthur, machinist, h 110 Chambers

Sickels Harry B, bookkeeper, h 910 Edgewood av

Sickels Merrill, clerk, res 910 Edgewood av

Sickels Raymond, civil engineer, h 409 S Olden av

Sickels Raymond, tankfitter, h 519 Princeton av

SickeIs William, auto fender fitter, h 9 Perry

Sickinger Joseph, laborer, h 330 Rusling

Sickles Leon, salesman, h 1532 Riverside drive

Siconk Wilden, water dept, res 235 Adeline

Siddall Thomas G, janitor, h 209 Mercer

Siddell Amos, special officer, res 41 Cooper

Sidel Caroline, h 311 Cummings av

Sidlock Joseph, wiredrawer, h 819 Lamberton

Sidorak John, wireworker, h 1027 Smith av

Siebers Anna, clerk, res 424 Johnston av

Siebers Augusta, wid John, h 389 Second

Siebers Frank J, clerk, h 424 Johnston av

Siebers Henry, police, h 169 Rosemont av

Siebers Mary T, presser, res 424 Johnston av

Siegel Harry, contractor, h 502 Riverside av

Siegel Max, res 24 New

Siegel Max, peddler, h 515 Lamberton

Siegle Benjamin, film operator, res 187 S Broad

Siegle Bros, (Irvin and Samuel), paper bags, 32 and 34 W Hanover

Siegle Irvin, (Siegle Bros), h 26 Murray

Siegle Jacob, grocer, 35 N Logan av, h do

Siegle Nathan, house furnishings, 187 S Broad, h do

Siegle Samuel, (Siegle Bros), h 111 Wayne av

Siejner Simon, rubberworker, h 600 Ohio av

Sienkiewicz Frank, wireworker, h 721 Beatty

Sienkowski Michael, laborer, h 1028 Ohio av

Sieracki William, grocer, 51 Adeline, h do

Siet Harry, junk, h 30 Decatur

Siet Joseph, railroader, res 49 Union

Siet Louis, janitor, res 49 Union

Siet Minnie, saleslady, res 49 Union

Siet Max, peddler, res 112 Fall

Siez Stanislaus, laborer, h 1259 Princeton av

Sigafoos Beniamni F, woodworker, h 136 West End av

Sigafoos Helen, res 136 West End av

Sigafoos Henry G, engineer, h 77 Sweets av

Sigafoos John F, woodworker, res 136 West End av

Sigafoos Lewis, police, res 77 Sweets av

Sigafoos Sarah, widow, 214 Pearl

Sigafoos William, police, h 16 West End av

Sigansky Joseph, carpenter, h 818 Spruce

Sigenfoos Isaac, lather, h 529 Genesee

Sigi Alexander, wireworker, h 434 Adeline

Sigler Catharine, wid Frank, h 292 Hamilton av

Sigler Charles M, physician, h 200 W State, h do

Sigler Florence V, stenographer, res 292 Hamilton av

Sigler Vane B, physician, 709 Broad St Bank Bldg, res Leonard Apts

Sigler Walter W, rubberworker, h 1341 Liberty

Sigley John, wireworker, h 210 Emory av

Sigley Robert S, stenographer, h 230 Ardmore av

Sigley Walter, rubberworker, h 1341 Liberty

Sigley Winifred, nurse, res 115 Ferry

Signur Catalina, wid James, res 936 W State

Siket Daniel, wireworker, res 724 Division

Siket John, laborer, res 740 Beatty

Sikocinski Anthony, wireworker, h 24 Asbury pl

Sikorski Adam, engineer, h 119 Hewitt

Sikorski Anthony, varieties, 536 N Clinton av, h do

Sikorski Jacob, laborer, h 609 Pine

Siksai Andrew, blacksmith, h 303 Ashmore av

Sikucrenski Julius, h 272 Hill's al

SILCOX HERBERT C, treas Petry Express & Storage Co and sales mgr Petry Motor Sales Corporation, h 631 Monmouth

Silcox John V, bookkeeper, res Princeton N J

Silcox Walter, traffic supt, 347 Schiller av (Bd St Pk)

Silk Henry, druggist, 869 S Broad, h do

Sillcox Wilden B, utilityman, res 601 Adeline

Siller Joseph, machine operator, 918 Franklin

Sillich Katie, res 253 Jackson

Siloski Stephen, potter, h 825 Beatty

Silvasan Demeto, wireworker, h 707 Hudson

Silvastoro Peter, kilndrawer, res 572 S Clinton av

Silvasy Andrew, laborer, h 81 Mulberry

Silver Harry, laborer, res 152 Fair

Silver Lena, bookkeeper, res 320 S Broad

Silver Max, paperhanger, 268 Kossuth

Silver Samuel A, tailor, 468 1/2 Centre, h 313 Union

Silverglate Morris, stationary fireman, res 41 Decatur

Silverglate Sarah, clerk, res 41 Decatur

Silverman Julius, shoes, 246 N Willow, h do

Silverman Lillian, wid Reuben, h 207 Perry

Silvers Anna R, wid Levy, res 116 Lee av

Silvers Charles, res 667 Chambers

Silvers Damon L, (Mayhem & Silvers), h 116 Lee av

Silvers Helen M, telephone operator, res 776 E State

Silvers John, res 28 N Cook av

Silvers Elizabeth F, wid Frank F, h 776 E State

Silvers Elson, laborer, h 28 N Cook av

Silvers Frank A, clerk, h 303 Ardmore av

Silvers Frank H, draftsman, h 68 Spring

Silvers James, plumber, h 667 Chambers

SILVERS JAMES L, supt Trent Tile Co, h 117 N Montgomery

Silvers Martha J, res Odd Fellows' Home

Silverstein Ann, clerk, res 185 Lamberton

Silverstein Benjamin, secondhand clothing, 202 N Warren, h 22 Bank

Silverstein David, installments, h 68 Lamberton

Silverstein Harry, grocer, 554 Perry, h do

Silverstein Hyman, furniture, 332 S Broad, h do

Silverstein Hyman, laborer, res 185 Lamberton

Silverstein Israel, salesman, res 185 Lamberton

Silverstein Isidor, salesman, res 22 Bank

Silverstein John L, police, 15 Monmouth pl

Silverstein Lena, saleswoman, res 22 Bank

Silverstein Samuel, res 22 Decatur

Simalovic Stephen, laborer, h 230 Klagg av

Simanoski Stanley, machinist, h 80 Klagg av

Simcoe George, mgr Electric Porcelain Co, h 64 S Hermitage av

Simicsak Joseph, second-hand furniture, 800 S Clinton av, h do

Simkins Aubrey L, inspector, res 815 Centre

Simkins Loren L, conductor, h 815 Centre

Simko Michael, wiredrawer, h 2136 S Broad

Simm James, granite cutter, res 6 Cliff

Simmon John, laborer, h 477 Lamberton

Simmonka Louis, carpenter, res 127 Fulton

Simmons Annie, wid William, res 659 Stuyvesant av

Simmons Charles, engineer, h 188 Brunswick av

Simmons Edward G, chauffeur, h 36 Humboldt

Simmons Ellen A, wid res 139 Centre

Simmons George E, chauffeur, res 718 Greenwood av

Simmons Mary, 555 E State

Simmons S E, wid Harry, res 2357 S Broad

Simmons Theresa, wid Charles, res 319 Monmouth

Simmons Walter P, clerk P R R, h 221 Clay

Simms Helen, h 499 Calhoun

Simms Leah, domestic, res 28 Canal

Simon Alex, laborer, 315 Genesee

Simon Frank, h 438 Centre

Simon John, cafe, 320 N Broad, h do

Simon John, rubberworker, 626 Washington

Simon John, linoleumworker, 501 Johnston av

Simon John, laborer, h 8 Coates

Simon Joseph, (Simon & Nemitz), h 1032 Deutz av

Simon Louis, railroader, res 22 New

Simon Max, shoe findings, 436 S Broad, h do

Simon Mellville, laborer, h 303 Hudson

Simon Morris, cigars, 215 Fall, h do

Simon Morris, salesman, res 722 Riverside drive

Simon Lewis, machinist, h 11 S Cook av

Simon Morris, salesman, h 427 Stuyvesant av

Simon Samue , sec Fitzgibbon & Crisp Inc, res 22 Edgemere

Simon & Nemitz, grocer and meats, (Joseph Simon & Louis Nemitz), 1032 Deutz av

Simone Calogero, shoemaker, 39 E Paul av, h do

Simone Charles, laborer, h 71 E Paul av

Simone John, clerk, res 71 E Paul av

Simone Joseph, barber, 81 E Paul av, h 76 do

Simone Joseph, molder, h 121 Miller

Simonelli Michael, rubberworker, h 19 Butler

Simonovitch Steve, laborer, h 131 Decatur

Simons Clarence L, machinist, h 351 S Logan av

Simons Enock, h 674 N Clinton av

Simons John, (Restaurant Mgr), h 901 Melrose

Simons Myra, h 31 Bank

Simpkins Elizabeth, milliner, res 2051 S Broad

Simpkins Harry H, clerk, res 2061 S Broad

Simpkins Howard, contractor, 2051 S Broad, h do

Simpkins John A, machinist, h 44 Schiller av (Bd St Pk)

Simpson Agnes, porcelain worker, res 143 Academy

Simpson Albert, laborer, res 501 Calhoun

Simpson Anna, res 234 Academy

Simpson Effie, laborer, h 265 Church

Simpson Elsie, domestic, h 242 Allen

Simpson Ernest, potter, h 453 S Logan av

Simpson Florence H, clerk, res 234 Academy

Simpson G R, sec C G Winans Co, h Newark N J

Simpson Harry, presser, h 739 Chambers

Simpson H, res 106 Lynwood av

Simpson James B, patternmaker, 24 Adelia av

Simpson James, manager, h 1244 Genesee

Simpson Louisa, wid Edward, h 338 S Broad

Simpson Margaret T, stenographer State House, res 234 Academy

Simpson Seely R, operator, h 53 Fountain av

Simpson Thomas D, watchmaker, 24 Adelia av

Simpson William G, clerk, h 715 Anderson

Simpson William J, painter, res 215 E Front

Simpson William R, printer, h 24 Adelia av

Simpson William T, P R R clerk, h 179 W Hanover

Simpson W K, stenographer, h 26 Perry

Sims Mary, res Widows' Home

Simshok Michael, peddler, h 227 Third

Simson Alva, waiter, 501 Calhoun

Simson A, confectioner, res 215 Fall

Sincerbeaux Charles, (Sincerbeaux & Moore), h Princeton N J

Sincerbeaux & Moore, (Charles S Sincerbeaux & G Roland Moore), civil engineers and surveyors, 603 Amer Mech Bldg

Sinchak Anna, cigarmaker, h 24 Jersey

Sinchak Michael, wireworker, h 1588 Chestnut av

Sinclair Benjamin, rubberworker, h 515 Emory av

Sinclair Clarence, special officer P R R, res 515 Emory av

SINCLAIR GEORGE E, sec Star Porcelain Co, h 588 Rutherford av

SINCLAIR HERBERT, treas and gen mgr Star Porcelain Co, h 800 Riverside av

Sinclair Margaret, wid James, res 1243 E State

Sincox John M, U S N, res 22 Hanford pl

Sinczak Michael, laborer, res 16 Adeline

Sindel John, wireworker, res 219 Rusling

Sine Andrew, paperhanger, 64 West End av, h do

Sine Anna, wid John, h 1 Jefferson

Sine Herbert M, teamster, h 296 Church

Sine Norman, brakeman, res 46 Yard av

Sine Richard, salesman, 521 E State

Sinef Walter, carpenter, res 27 Passaic

Sines Annie H, wid Charles D, painting, 234 E Front, h do

Sines A, clerk, res 141 E State

SINES JOHN H, editor Trenton Times, h 73 Oak la

Sines George W, painter, res 234 E Front

Sines Gertrude M, advertising, res 73 Oak la

Sines J A Wallace, printer, res 73 Oak Ia

Sines Margaret J, bookkeeper, res 73 Oak la

SINES WALTER, (Hanover Garage and Mgr Hanover Millwork Co), h 27 Passaic

Sines Walter G, carpenter, res 27 Passaic

Singer Morris, dry goods, 230 N Broad, h do

Singer Sewing Machine Co, 106 N Warren, H D Thompson, mgr

Singleman B C, nurse, res 225 Ellis av

Singler Stephen, laborer, h 316 Franklin

Singleton Thomas, laborer, res 343 Perry

Sinibaldi Nello, meat, 640 Roebling av, res 412 Whittaker av

Sinkawicz Joseph, res 129 Taylor

Sinkhorn Agnes, dressmaker, 232 E State, h do

Sinking Fund Commission, 213-215 City Hall

Sinko John, laborer, h 75 Grand

Sinnet James, rubberworker, res 653 N Clinton av

Sinon Anna, wid Carl, h 236 Hewitt

SINOT W J, mgr of Wolf & Co accountants, res 10 Atterbury av

Sinslar Arthur, shoe salesman, 741 Nottingham Way

Sintak Bernard, laborer, h 130 Cass

Sintak Joseph, laborer, h 16 Elm

Sintek Joseph, plumber, h 127 Randall av

Sipe, Earl D, res 119 E Hanover

Sipes Albert B, foreman, res 335 Monmouth

Sipes Harry, novelty worker, h 2348 William

Sipiesko Marianna, wid Theodore, res 235 Grand

Sipler Calvin, wireworker, Park la (Farm House)

Sipler D Edward, (Bird's Carpet Cleaning Works), h 443 Schiller av (Bd St Pk)

Sipler Elizabeth R, laundryworker, res 17 Lamberton

SipIer Foster F, phone operator, res 982 S Broad

Sipler John, carpenter, h 16 Dresden av

Sipler Lucretia, h 306 N Clinton av

Sipler Mary E, wid John, h 17 Lamberton

Sipler Mary J confectioner, 485 Princeton av, h do

Sipler Stella, saleswoman, h 982 S Broad

Sipos George, furniture maker, h 72 Franklin

Sipos Michael, laborer, h 6 Huston al

Sirak George, wireworker, h 423 Cass

Siris Arris B, grocer, 749 S Warren, h do

Siris George, delicatessen, 7 Perry, h do

Siris H L, grocer, 1150 E State, h do

Siris J H, grocer, 627 N Clinton av, res 625 do

Sirovec Michael, ropeworker, h 148 Tremont

Sirovety Andrew, ropeshop, 906 Lamberton

Sisom John H, wiredrawer, h 32 Bayard

Sisom Warren, laborer, res 32 Bayard

Sissom Frank, salesman, 2 Lamberton

Sisson Frank, (Alpha Dairy Market), h 225 E Hanover

Sisson John E, tinsmith, h 2355 S Broad

Sista Charles, cigars, 585 S Clinton av, h do

Sista Charles R, physician, 476 Hamilton av, h do

Sista Frank J, electrician, res 585 S Clinton av

Sisters of Charity Convent, 450 Lamberton

Sisters of the Holy Cross, 233 Adeline

Sisters of Mercy, Cathedral Parish, Bank

Sisters of Mercy St Joseph's Parish, 37 Sherman av

Sisters of St Dominick, 407 Second

Sisters of St Francis, 54 Randall av

Sisters of St Joachim's, 25-27 Bayard

Sisti Augustine, laborer, h 443 Whittaker av

Sisti Daniel, plumber, 542 S Clinton av, h do

Sisti Elizabeth, wid Joseph, h 542 S Clinton av

Sisti Frank, laborer, h 112 Franklin

Sisti Gabriel, rubberworker res 443 Whittaker av

Sisti Thomas, potter, h 719 'Whittaker av

Sisti Victor, plumber, res 452 Genesee

Sisto Dominick, shoemaker, 338 N Broad, h 429 Princeton av

Sisto Tony, shoemaker, h 429 Princeton av

Sitko Albert, ironworker, h 140 Ferry

Sitko James, laborer, res 623 Whittaker av

Sivecs Stephen, laborer, h 164 Randall av

Sivivel M, laborer, h 181 Lamberton

Sivo Antonio, laborer, h 50 Butler

Sivo Antreo, potter, res 50 Butler

Sivo Filomena, domestic, res 50 Butler

Skean William J, draftsman, h 411 Ardmore av

Sked Elizabeth D, wid Richard, res 46 W Lafayette

Skeliter Walter, linoleum worker, h 13 N Logan av

Skellenger Edward B, physician, h 851 Hamilton av

Skellenger Henry B, asst mgr, h 35 Elmhurst av

Skelton Charles School, Centre n Bridge

Skelton Roy, printer, h 930 Lamberton

Skhzydlinski Joseph, molder, h 742 Adeline

Skillman A, cook State Hospital, res do

Skillman Charles, joiner, h 6 Stockton pl

Skillman Edgar G, cashier Katzenbach & Bullock Co Inc, 59 Oak la

Skillman Edith, cook, h 7 Meyer

Skillman Edna V, (sec Skillman Co), res 532 W State

Skillman Edward C, receiving clerk, h 240 Rosemont av

Skillman Fred, paperhanger, h Carr av (Slackwood)

Skillman George C, clerk, h 47 Laurel av

Skillman Harvey, bricklayer, h 451 Stuyvesant av

Skillman John B Jr, bricklayer, h 264 Hillcrest av

Skillman Josephine, secretary Skillman Hardware Mfg Co, h 532 W State

Skillman Peter H, polisher, res 1041 E State

Skillman Peter W, h 309 Academy

Skillman Raymond, 922 S Clinton av, h do

Skillman Sarah A Benjes, res 705 Atlantic av

Skillman Sidney, asphalt inspector, h 1812 Riverside Drive

Skillman William, shipworker, res 922 S Clinton av

Skillman William T, carpenter, h 405 Walnut av

Skillman Hardware Mfg Co, 130 West End av, William G Wherry pres and treas, Josephine Skillman sec

Skillman Co, real estate, William G Wherry pres and treas, Edna M Skillman sec, 130 West End av

Skilton Anna ,wid Caleb, res 454 S Olden av

Skinn Melinda, wid Thomas J, res 510 Grand

Skinner Eugene M, wireworker, h 515 Market

Skinner Mary A J, h 105 Bellevue av

Skino Anthony, laborer, h 611 Lamberton

SKIRM ANTHONY A, (A Skirm & Sons), h 218 Spring

SKIRM A A & SONS, (Anthony A; Samuel S S and James), stoves and tin roofing, 225 N Broad

Skirm Benjamin C, (Steel & Skirm), h 545 E State

Skirm Edward T, foreman, h 159 Passaic

SKIRM GEORGE W, sec U & G Rubber Mfg Co, h 65 Bryn Mawr av

SKIRM JAMES, (A A Skirm & Sons), h 254 Bellevue av

Skirm Robert W, supt Enterprise Pottery, h 545 E State

SKIRM SAMUEL S S, (A A Skirm & Sons), res 118 Spring

Skitek Stanislaw, potter, h 196 Girard av

Skiwski Edna, dressmaker, h 215 Second, h do

Skiwski Joseph, bolter, h 215 Second

Sklut David, clerk, res 61 Decatur

Sklut Louis, junk, h 61 Decatur

Sklute Lena, wid Morris, h 20 High

Sklute Rose, seamstress, res 20 High

Skocensky John, laborer, h 116 Ferry

Skocousky Joseph, laborer, h 442 Home av

Skoczylas Joseph, cafe, 562 Second, h do

Skodowsky Alexander, ropemaker, res 315 Second

Skodowsky Frank, ropemaker, res 315 Second

Skodowsky John, h 315 Second

Skodowsky John Jr, laborer, res 315 Second

Skokos Peter, confectioner, 14 N Broad, res 228 Perry

Skolsky William, grocer, Spruce, h do (Prospect Heights)

Skolsgy William Jr, potter, res Spruce (Prospect Heights)

Skorochocki Konstanty, rubberworker, 517 Lamberton

Skoropa Valenty, laborer, res 1401 Princeton av

Skoropad Michael, laborer, h 58 Daymond

Skowronski Elizabeth, textileworker, res 572 Second

Skowronski Frank J, laborer, h 572 Second

Skreiwski John, brassworker, h 34 Randall av

Skreiwski Joseph, ropeworker, h 464 Home av

Skreiwski Peter, laborer, res 34 Randall av

Skrinar Stephen, laborer, h 120 Harding

Skrobiszewki John, chainmaker, h 787 Beatty

Skrobiszewski Stanley, bakery, 642 N Clinton av, h do

Skuklinski Adam, helper, h 546 Home av

Skukowski Joseph, wiredrawer, res 124 Kossuth

Skultety John, carshops, h 428 Washington

Skunda Louis, linoleumworker, h 541 Emory av

Skurlo Michael, ropemaker, h 55 Berg av

Skwara Albert, laborer, h 638 Indiana av

Skwara Jozef, laborer, h 662 Pennsylvania av

Skweikert Minnie, cigarmaker, h 314 E Franklin

Skwirut Frank, res 905 New York av

Slabicki Carl, pottery, h 581 Second

Slabicki Frank, wireworker, h 848 Lamberton

Slabiczki Stephen, laborer, h 336 Adeline

Slaboda George, cafe, 839 S Broad, h do

Slaboda John, laborer, h 161 Randall av

Slaboda Michael, laborer, h 223 Second

Slack Alonzo B, h 632 W State

Slack Alvin, fire department, h 413 Market

Slack August K, rubberworker, res Spruce (Prospect Heights)

Slack B Conover, student, res 537 Rutherford av

Slack Carl, carpenter, res 327 Rutherford av

Slack Charles A, commissioner of deeds and notary, 48 N Stockton, h do

SLACK CHARLES A, mgr C G Winans Co, h 763 Stuyvesant av

Slack Charles E, potter res 18 Monroe

Slack Clarence B, h 125 Spring

Slack Clarence J, physician, 230 W State, h do

Slack Elmer R, machinist, h 25 Passaic

Slack Elwood, rubberworker, res 53 Cleveland av

Slack Fred H, clerk, res 28 Tyler

Slack Frederick T B, plumber, res 327 Rutherford av

Slac George, rubberworker, res Spruce (Prospect Heights)

Slack Gilbert B, h 165 Mercer

Slack Grace P, h 1002 Stuyvesant av

Slack Grover, res 250 Spring

Slack Harry, plumber, h 12 Dunham

Slack Harry, railroader, h 16 Dunham

Slack Herman E, potter, h 18 Monroe

Slack Howard, rubberworker, h 327 Rutherford av

Slack Ida, wid William, res 56 Cooper

Slack John W, potter, res 18 Monreo

SLACK J CADWALADER, assistant cashier Mechanics National Bank, h 537 Rutherford av

Slack Laura C, h 2 E State

Slack Leila M, res 537 Rutherford av

Slack Leison, turntable operator, res 12 Dunham

Slack Lewis C, h Carr av (Slackwood)

Slack Lydia M, wid Anderson R, res 1915 S Clinton av

Slack Manna, laundress, res Spruce (Prospect Heights)

Slack Mary A, clerk, res 208 E Front

Slack Minnie, wid George B, res 532 Centre

Slack M Burnett, clerk, h 23 Tyler

Slack M A, Mrs, R F D No 2, Slackwood

Slack Noah, teamster, h Spruce (Prospect Heights)

Slack Phillip S, (Slack & Bennett), res 345 Hamilton av

Slack Rebecca H, wid Edgar B, res 165 Mercer

Slack Reta H, laundress, res Spruce (Prospect Heights)

Slack Samuel, machinist, h 53 Cleveland av

Slack Schuyler S, chemist, res 345 Hamilton av

SLACK WALTER C, contractor, mgr Hopewell Dainties Co and pres Merchants Express, h 900 Riverside av

Slack Willard S, salesman, res 900 Riverside av

Slack William, watchman, h 24 Oxford

Slack William A, messenger Mecnanics Nat'l Bank, h Yardley Pa

Slack William G, express, res 250 Spring

Slack William H, salesman, res 230 W State

Slack William W , architect (W W Slack & Son), res 230 W State

Slack William W & Son, (William W and Leon W), architects, 142-144 E State

Slack & Bennett, (Philip S Slack and James L Bennett), plumbing and heating engineers, 340 N Broad

Slackwood Firemen's Relief Assn, Slack av, Thos C Hyatt pres, O S Carr sec

Slackwood Public School, Carr av (Slackwood)

Slackwood Union Church, Brunswick av, Sampson Astbury clerk

Slackwood Volunteer Fire Co, Slack av, Thos C Hyatt pres, Thos B Stevens sec

Slade Lucy, res Leonard apts

Slade Marjorie, h Leonard apts

Slager Julia, widow, h 11 Cummings pl

Slamin Henry, student, res 470 Hamilton av

Slamin Mary, stenographer, res 470 Hamilton av

Slamin M Viola, res 470 Hamilton av

Slamin Patrick H, salesman, h 470 Hamilton av

Slane Anthony, guard, h 168 Monmouth

Slane Ruth, stenographer, res 168 Monmouth

Slater Austin, carpenter, h 37 Walnut av

Slater Harriet, wid William, res 2345 William

Slater Walter, driver, res 2136 S Broad

Slattery Daniel, wiredrawer, res 1002 Hudson

Slattery John, rubberworker, h 19 Vine

Slattery William A, blacksmith, 697 Southard

Slavenak Adam, foreman, h 1343 Genesee

Slavenak Katherine, clerk, res 1342 Genesee

Slavenak Madeline, bookkeeper, res 1343 Genesee

Slavenak Marie, bookkeeper, res 1343 Genesee

Slavick Irene, domestic, res 834 Berkeley av

Slavin Annie, h 87 Union

Slavin Peter F, potter, h 12 Oak

Slavinski Joseph, potter, h 620 Spruce

Slavinsky Sebastian, rubberworker, h 67 Mulberry

Slayback William, rubberworker, res Hutchinson's rd

Sleeper Julia A, res 92 Spring

Slimm Charles A, conductor, res 100 Walnut av

Slimm Joseph E, fireman, h 431 Gladstone av

Slimm William, brakeman, h 779 Centre

Slingerland Lowella, wid John, res 19 Greenwood av

Sliva Andrey, h 109 Beatty

Sloan Belle J, financial sec 101 S & D of L, res 135 Cleveland av

Sloan Robert, printer, h 135 Cleveland av

Sloane Eleanor J, clerk, U S Dept Service, res Hotel Hanover

Sloane Thomas F, manager, Hotel Hanover

Slocum Judson A, manager, 409 Cuyler av

Slocum Livingston H, millwright, h 1135 Chambers

Sloer Albert B, artist, 123 S Warren, h do

Sloer Frederick J, optician, 25 S Warren, h do

Sloff Andrew A, clerk P O, h 117 Parker pl

Sloman Harry, paperhanger, h 177 Cooper

Slomo George, wiredrawer, h 206 Genesee

Slomski Stanley K, baker, 615 N Clinton av, h do

Sloshberg Archibald, junk, 201 Fair, h do

Sloshberg Etta E, stenographer, res 201 Fair

Sloshberg Hyman, grocer, 611 Second, h do

Sloshberg Jacob, notions, 133 Ferry, h do

Sloshberg Morris, advertising agent, res 133 Ferry

Sloski Theodore, laborer, h 402 Home av

Slosowski Frank, laborer, h 33 Randall av

Slosowski John, laborer, h 11 Randall av

Slossar John, laborer, res 1585 Chestnut av

Slossar Mary, wid Michael, h 1585 Chestnut av

Slosser Stephen, wireworker, res 128 Adeline

Slotterback Howard W, railroader, h 249 N Willow

Slover Albert D, yard master , h 1104 Franklin

Slover Caleb C, bridgetender, 454 Mulberry

Slover Carl A, machinist, 37 S Olden av

Slover Charles A, tiremaker, h 9 Mechanics av

Slover Charles A, rubberworker, h 41 Mulberry

Slover Elmer E, rubberworker, h 7 Scammell av

Slover Frank E, machinist, h 104 Laclede av

Slover Harriet L, saleslady, res 454 Mulberry

Slover John E, rubberworker, h 23 Joan Terrace

Slover John H, sexton, res 93 Spring

Slover John R, machinist, h 89 Spring

Slover Katherine E, wid Frederick, h 63 Pennington av

Slover Lavinia, dressmaker, 7 Perry, h do

Slover Leonard, tiremaker, h 401 Klagg av

Slover Mildred, stenographer, res 1104 Franklin

Slover William B, bridgetender, h 454 Mulberry

Sloves Bessie, res 346 Centre

Sloves Myer R, grocer, 701 E State, h do

Slovjak John, laborer, h 274 Hills al

Slovjak Joseph, laborer, h 274 Hill's al

Sloyan David, engineer, h 29 Klagg av

Sloyan Elizabeth M, watchworker, res 699 Princeton av

Sirzelczyk Felix, laborer, h 10 George

Sluka John, shoemaker, 119 W Hanover, h do

SLUSSER H D, pres Pocono Rubber Cloth Co, 1851 E State

Slviva George, laborer, h 604 Ohio av

Smack Charles, rubberworker, res 611 Pine

Smajda Michael, laborer, h 31 Orange

Small Charles B, crew dispatcher, 151 Monmouth

Small Charles F, dairykeeper, State Hospital, res do

Smal Joseph T, clerk, 151 Monmouth

Small Michael J, foreman, 151 Monmouth

Small Michael Jr, brakeman, 151 Monmouth

Smalley Caroline, wid Joseph, h 418 Genesee

Smalley Flora C, stenographer, res 2133 S Broad

Smalley George E, machinist, res 151 S Broad

Smalley Joseph R, res 418 Genesee

Smalley Margaret, wire brazier, res 319 Cass

Smalley William N, machinist, h 319 Cass

Smallwood Arthur, collector, 16 Lincoln av

Smallwood George H, potter, h 606 Liberty

Smallwood John, janitor, h 130 Exton av

Smallwood Laura L, janitress, 130 Exton av

Smalski Walter, laborer, h 452 Klagg av

Smedley John, motorman, h 2330 William

Smel C H, machinist, 747 Nottingham Way

Smeraldi Antonio, wireworker, h 116 Mott

Smetanka Andrew, laborer, h 153 Hill's al

Smilley Amecy, res 19 Hermann

Smires Anson T, machinist, h Camp av (Hamilton twp) R D 5

Smires Clarence, engineer, h 927 Quinton av

Smires Harvey, fireman, h 41 Cleveland av

Smiteman E, Rev, 7 Gordon

Smith Adam, moulder, h 35 Mechanics av

Smith Adolph, rubberworker, res 446 Emory av

Smith Alfred F, machinist, h 670 Southard

Smith Albert, laborer, h Second av (Hamilton twp)

Smith Albert, printer, res 35 Pennington av

Smith Albert D, real estate, 15 S Warren, h do

Smith Albert E, machinist, h 226 Fulton

Smith Aida, saleswoman, res 438 S Broad

Smith Alfred E, salesman, h 194 Monmouth

Smith Alice, porcelainworker, 330 Southard

Smit Alice, stenographer, res 2015 Brunswick av (Slackwood)

Smit Alice, tileworker, res 45 Monroe

Smith Allan, rubberworker, 503 Ingham av

Smith Almetta, brusher, 553 Brunswick av

Smith Alstyn J, boilermaker, h 37 Cleveland av

Smith Alvah, h 104 Culbertson av

Smith Anthony, driver, h 332 W Hanover

Smith Ambrose L, teacher, Brookville Point; Riverside Drive

Smith Andrew L, potter, res 131 Washington

Smith Ann, wid Charles, res 337 W Hanover

Smith Ann B, res Aleda apts

Smith Anna F, stenographer, res 108 N Hermitage av

Smith Anthony, laborer, h 89 Summer

Smith Arthur, electrician, 236 Park la

Smith Arthur, laborer, h 225 Allen

Smith Arthur A, R F D No 2 Slackwood

Smith Arthur C, buyer, res 21 Chapel

Smith Arvilla, h 24 S Logan av

Smith A L, 49 Livingston

Smith A Richard, carpenter, h 285 Church

Smith Bessie, cashier, res 438 S Broad

Smith Bessie R, wid C Webster, h 818 Edgewood av

Smith Brose E, pres First National Bank Wrightstown, h 61 Bryn Mawr av

SMITH BROS CO, furniture; carpets; etc, 144-146 N Broad, G R Smith pres, R K Schlegel v-pres, Francis Gribbin sec

Smith Caroline, h 37 New Roosevelt

Smith Catharine, woolworker, res 131 Washington

Smith Catharine M, porcelainworker, res 28 Lincoln av

Smith Catherine, wid Richard H, res 62 S Hermtiage av

Smith Catherine A, wid Clarence W; clerk Stoll's, h 125 Chancery

Smith Catherine M, nurse, res 443 E State

Smith Charles, auto truck driver, res 67 Chancery

Smith Charles, clerk, h 123 Brunswick av

Smith Charles, foreman, h 203 Hudson

Smith Charles, grocer, 55 Union, h do

Smith Charles, printer, h 33 Calhoun

Smith Charles, wiredrawer, h 225 Centre

Smith Charles A, (A A Smith Sons), h 991 S Broad

Smith Charles B, rubberworker, h 646 E State

Smith Charles C, rubberworker, res 36 Ogden

Smith Charles F, potter, h 724 New Willow

Smith Charles H, police, h 207 Calhoun

Smith Charles J, contractor, 202 Academy, h do

Smith Charles P, laborer, res 30 Eastburn

Smith Charles R, salesman, res 27 Prospect

Smith Charlotte, wid Asa, res 239 Allen

Smith Charlotte G, phone operator, res 131 Washington

Smith Clara E V, saleswoman, res 1117 S Clinton av

Smith Clarence, conductor, h 685 Centre

Smith Clarence, pipefitter, h 37 Marion

Smith Clarence L, sales engineer, h 919 Edgewood av

Smith Clement S, machinist, h 824 E State

Smith Clifford, mason, h 35 Schiller av (Bd St Pk)

Smith Clifford, pressman, 34 Ingham av

Smith C M Mrs, res Dolton's Block

Smith C Sidney, agent North American Life Ins Co, 145 E Hanover, res 68 Garfield av

Smith Daniel, bricklayer, res 207 Calhoun

Smith David W, grocer, 87 Spring, h do

Smith Dean C, buyer, res 21 Chapel

Smith Earl V, mfg optician, 235 E State, h 32 Elmhurst av

Smith Edith, library, res 68 Prospect

Smith Edith B, stenographer, res 147 Prospect

Smith Edmond J, machinist, res 243 Bellevue av

Smith Edna C, stenographer, res 813 Quinton av

Smith Edward, clerk, h 610 Genesee

Smith Edward C, potter, h 1051 Indiana av

Smith Edward D, res 147 Prospect

Smith Edward J, cafe, 1456 S Clinton av, h do

Smith Elizabeth, wid James, h 2103 Chambers

Smith Elizabeth A, wid Edgar P, res 554 Centre

Smith Elizabeth B, dressmaker, 444 W Hanover, res do

Smith Elizabeth K, rubberworker, res 813 Quinton av

Smith Ella, wid Hervey, h 315 Walnut av

Smith Ella L, teacher, State Home for Girls

Smith Ellen, housekeeper, h 427 Bridge

Smith Ellsworth, rubberworker, 503 Ingham av

Smith Elmer, res 11 S Cook av

Smith Elmer, carpenter, 219 Tyler

Smith Elmer B, motorman, res 962 Lamberton

Smith Emanuel, carpenter, h 2212 Genesee

Smith Emma, wid Hugh E, res 567 Rutherford av

Smith Emma A, wid Samuel, res 26 Spring

Smith Emma D, h 813 Quinton av

Smith Ernest K, Elk Club, res 157 Cooper

Smith Ervin C, bookkeeper, res 924 Ohio av

Smith Ethel L, teacher, res 661 Rutherford av

Smith Eva, wid, 1255 Deutz av (Deutzville)

Smith Everitt R, h 221 Jackson

Smith Fannie G, wid William, h 1266 E State

Smith Fannie P, res 262 Mercer

Smith Florence H, saleswoman, res 108 N Hermitage av

Smith Forman, carpenter, h 21 S Warren

Smith Frances V, stenographer, res 213 Bellevue av

Smith Francis, rubberworker, res 350 St Joes av

Smith Frank, h 733 Indiana av

Smith Frank, h Michigan av (Slackwood)

Smith Frank, (The Smith Press), h 273 Spring

Smith Frank, rubberworker, 71 S Walter

Smith Frank H, newsdealer, 54 S Clinton av, h do

SMITH FRANK H, Commissioner Banking and Insurance, State House, h Plainfield N J

Smith Frank J, watchmaker, h 314 Division

Smith Frank J, postmaster Clinton St Station, res 72 Lamberton

Smith Frank V, manager, res 284 Spring

Smith Franklin P, supervisor signals P R R, h 530 Tyler

Smith Finley, manager, res 409 Liberty

Smith Fred, laborer, h 118 Fall

Smith Fred, patternmaker, h 126 Hewitt av (Deutzville)

Smith Frederic, brakeman, res 41 Colonial av

Smith Frederick, agent, 203 E State, res 144 W Hanover

Smith Frederick, chauffeur, h 118 Fall

Smith Frederick F, bookkeeper, res 120 N Hermitage av

Smith Frederick S, machinist, h 314 Gardner av

Smith George, baker, h 405 Hudson

Smith George, recruiting sergeant U S A, 481 Brunswick av

Smith George, tinsmith, 221 Pearl

Smith George, wireworker, h 629 Lamberton

Smith George, woodworker, h 143 Old Rose

Smith George A, contractor, 213 West End av, h do

Smith George A, machinist, 25 Ingham av

Smith George F, driver, h 108 W Hanover

Smith George H, automobile salesman, 632 Monmouth

Smith George H, blacksmith, h 136 Old Rose

Smith George H, brakeman, h 513 1/2 Princeton av

Smith George H, carpenter, 145 Old Rose

Smith George L, foreman, h 504 Bridge

Smith George L, salesman, res Trenton Junction N J

Smith George P, engineer, h 39 Carroll

Smith George R, salesman, h 133 Passaic

Smith George R, warehouseman P R R, res 29 Houghton av

Smith George W, bookkeeper, res 315 Walnut av

Smith George W, laborer, 36 Beaver

Smith George W, polisher, h 1196 Deutz av (Deutzville)

Smith George W, prison deputy, h 301 Hamilton av

Smith George W H, laborer, h 10 Jefferson

Smith G W, engineer, h 12 W Paul

Smith Georgiana, housekeeper, res 1140 E State

Smith Gertrtude, stenographer, res 55 Union

Smith G Edward, tinsmith, 260 Mercer, h do

Smith Gilbert F, mattressmaker, res 17 Chapel

Smith Goldy, housekeeper, h 67 Chauncey

SMITH G R, pres Smith Bros Co, h 541 W State

Smith Hall, Hamilton av cor Hudson

Smith Hannah, wid John, res 341 S Warren

Smith Hannah N, wid Schenck, h 298 Rutherford av

Smith Harry agent, h 65 Spring

Smith Harry, bricklayer, h 17 Marion

Smith Harry, carpenter, h 639 Genesee

Smith Harry, driver, res 27 Barclay

Smith Harry, painter, h 331 S Warren

Smith Harry C, engineer, h 247 Ardmore av

Smith Hary E, watchmaker, 219 Tyler

Smith Harry F, cigars, 13 W State, h 27 Prospect

Smith Harry G, painter, h 310 Pennington av

Smith Harry J, rubberworker, res 804 Cherry

Smith Harry N, manager Samuel Bell & Sons, h Phila Pa

Smith Harry R, brassfinisher, h 71 Liberty

Smith Harry V, clerk, h 638 Franklin

Smith Hauch painter h 453 Henry (Deutzville)

Smith Harvey G, machinist, h 489 Chambers

Smith Hayard S, potter, h 394 Brunswick av

Smith Hazel, res 848 Plum

Smith Helen, bookkeeper, 219 Tyler

Smith Helen, teacher, res 470 Centre

Smith Henry, laborer, res 318 N Montgomery

Smith Henry A, molder, h 470 Centre

Smith Henry F, butcher, h 100 Spring

Smith Herbert, decorator, h 309 Norway av

Smith Herbert F, traffic manager, h 318 Gardner av

Smith Herbert S, engineer, h 108 N Hermitage av

Smith Herman, letter carrier, res 18 Beatty

Smith Herman D, clerk, 214 Pearl

Smith Honora S, bookkeeper, res 32 Conrad

Smith Horace A, (The Smith Press), res 463 Rutherford av

Smith Houghton C, physician, 1063 S Clinton av, h do

Smith Howard, laborer, res 1439 S Clinton av

Smith Howard C, foreman, h 319 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Smith Howard J, machinist, res 1266 State

Smith Howard L, shipping clerk, res 661 Rutherford av

SMITH HOWARD S, druggist, 685 Stuyvesant av cor N Hermitage av, h do

SMITH H ARTHUR, pres Trenton Trust Co, h 1687 Brunswick av (Slackwood)

Smith H H, custodian of vault Broad St Nat'l Bank, h 18 Oak la

Smith Ida, wid Albert, res 50 Centre

Smith Insall R, clerk P O, res 209 Mercer

SMITH IRA F, lawyer, 602 Broad St Bank Bldg, res R F D No 4; Lawrenceville rd

Smith Isaac, laborer h 218 Holland av

Smith James, driver, h 449 Lamberton

Smith James, R F D No 2, Slackwood

Smith James E, res 49 Heil av

Smith James H, laborer, res 30 E Canal

Smith James K, rubberworker, 503 Ingham av

Smith James L, fireman, 23 Ewing

Smith James L, machinist, Klockner av (Hamilton twp)

Smith James R, superintendent, h 2015 Brunswick av (Slackwood)

Smith James S, chef, h 245 Church

Smith Jacob, blacksmith, h 25 Fountain av

Smith Jacob R, watchman, h 31 Chambers

Smith Jerry, patrolman, res 730 Centre

Smith Jonathan B, res 276 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Smith John, h 224 Rosemont av

Smith John, garage, h 7 Perry

Smith John, laborer, h 133 Jersey

Smith John, laborer, h 39 Summer

Smith John, plumber, h 23 Trent av

Smith John, potter, 66 Gordon

Smith John, tiremaker, 530 Ingham av

Smith John, usher, h 234 Euclid av

SMITH JOHN A, custodian State House, h Haddon Heights

Smith John E, rubberworker, h 16 Oak

Smith John F, manager, h 45 Monroe

Smith John F, sec Resolute Pottery Co, h 1315 Greenwood av

Smith John G, salesman, h 1616 E State

Smith John H, pipefitter, h 312 Perry

Smith John J, bartender, 219 Tyler

Smith John J, lunch wagon, 202 N Clinton av

Smith John L, salesman, h 243 Bellevue av

Smith John R, street dept, res 27 Lincoln av

Smith John T, clerk, 15 Carroll

Smith Mrs John, confectionery and ice cream, 530 Ingham av

Smith Joseph, architect, res 243 Bellevue av

Smith Joseph, clerk, 17 Marion

Smith Joseph, driver, h 197 Cooper

Smith Joseph, laborer, h 350 St Joes av

Smith Joseph, potter, res 350 St Joes av

Smith Joseph public service, res 160 Cleveland av

Smith Joseph, railroader, h 165 Locust

Smith Joseph, rubberworker, res 68 Bellevue av

Smith Joseph, teamster, res 25 1/2 Cooper

Smith Joseph L, laborer, h 160 Cleveland av

Smith Joseph R, chauffeur, h 12 Spring

Smith Joseph T, blacksmith, h 216 Fulton

Smith Josephine, res 919 Beatty

Smith Julia, res 70 Hart av

Smith J Emanuel, machinist, h 47 Annabelle av

Smith J Holmes, 142 W State, P A Surgeon for Bureau U S Public Health and State Health Dept, res 1432 Riverside av

Smith Katherine, domestic, res 450 Norway av

Smith Katherine A, stenographer, res 301 Hamilton av

Smith Kathryn, stenographer, 485 Stuyvesant av

Smith Lambert H, asst City District Court Clerk, h 736 Southard

Smith Laura B, buyer, res 284 Spring

Smith Lawrence, railroader, res 210 Holland

Smith Lemuel H, rubberworker, h 26 Spring

Smith Leo, machinist, res 115 Chancery

Smith Leo, Red Cross, New York, h 243 Bellevue av

Smith Lester W, railroader, h 32 Ashmore av

Smith Lewis, newsdealer, h 151 Cooper

Smith Lewis A, drygoods, h 134 Lamberton

Smith Lewis B, ice cream, Genesee and Beatty

Smith Lillian, porcelainworker, h 338 N Clinton av

Smith Lillian V, h 34 Belvidere

Smith Lina M, clerk, res 423 W Hanover

Smith Louis, fish and fruit, 56 Union, h do

Smith Louis, merchant, h 134 Lamberton

Smith Louis B, varieties, 347 Genesee, h do

Smith Lucy, res 132 S Broad

Smith Lucy, h 206 Maple av

Smith L C & Bros Typewriter Co, 20-22 E State, R B Jones sales agt

Smith Mable, watchmaker, h 219 Tyler

Smith Margaret, res 49 Heil av

Smith Margaret, stenographer, res 131 Kossuth

Smith Margaret, wid Charles, res 143 Mercer

Smith Margaret, wid Charles J, h 348 Berwyn av

Smith Margaret, weaver, res 341 S Warren

Smith Margaretta O, wid Erven L, h 634 W State

Smith Maria, h 112 Kossuth

Smith Marie E, dressmaker, 29 S Warren, h do

Smith Marion D, supervisor, res 43 Chestnut av

Smith Marion W, res 19 Tyler

Smith Martha B, wid W Scott, res 284 Spring

Smith Martha E, stenographer, h 47 Annabelle av

Smith Martha S, stenographer, res 260 Mercer

Smith Martin, machinist, h 445 Centre

Smith Martin, watchman, h 32 Conrad

Smith Mary, h 72 Lamberton

Smith Mary, watchmaker, res 131 Washington

Smith Mary, textileworker, res 223 Landing

Smith Mary, wid Richard, res 858 E State

Smith Mary A, barber, 709 S Broad, h 991 do

Smith Mary C, h 67 Chauncey

Smith Mary E, wid Albert A, h 991 S Broad

Smith Mary E, stenographer, res 485 Stuyvesant av

Smith Max, potter, h 328 Klagg av

Smith May, phone operator, res 933 S Broad

Smith Michael, fireman, h 1038 Ohio av

Smith Michael, laborer, h 612 Cherry

Smith Michael, wireworker, h 320 Morris av

Smith Michael L, foreman, h 25 1/2 Cooper

Smith Mildred M, box factory, res 424 Stuyvesant av

Smith Minnie, h 64 Jersey

Smith Mont, weaver, res 405 Lamberton

Smith M Agnes, stenographer, res 243 Bellevue av

Smith Nettie L, h 424 Stuyvesant av

Smith Nicholas, blacksmith, h 1618 E State

SMITH NORMAN, sec and treas Magnetic Pigment Co, res Rutherford N J

Smith Norman A, clerk, res 485 Stuyvesant av

Smith Paul, driver, h 43 Spring

Smith Paul, foreman, h 67 Chauncey

Smith Paul H, receiving teller, res 61 Bryn Mawr av

Smith Peppina, wid Charles, h 635 Bridge

Smith Percy, accountant, h 401 Norway av

Smith Peter, potter, h 236 Norway av

Smith Press, (Frank Smith), printers, Perry and Montgomery

Smith Rachel, jewelmaker, res 470 Centre

Smith Raymond, chauffeur, h 407 Monmouth

Smith Raymond, railroader, h 401 1/2 N Montgomery

Smith Raymond J, salesman, h 707 Stuyvesant av

Smith Raymond P, draftsman, res 107 N Hermitage av

Smith Reba A, teacher, res 260 Mercer

Smith Rebecca A, wid George h 133 Cooper

Smith Rhandena C, buyer, h 21 Chapel

Smith Richard H, carpenter, h 139 E Front

Smith Richard M J, lawyer, 508 Commonwealth Bldg, h Hightstown N J

SMITH RICHARD S, telegraph operator State House, h 849 Berkeley av

Smith Robert, rubberworker, h 161 Jefferson

Smith Robert, salesman, h 12 West End av

Smith Robert C, clerk, h 47 Annabelle av

Smith Robert C, machinist, res 440 Adeline

Smith Robert E, painter, h 107 N Hermitage av

Smith Robert E, teamster, h 55 Poplar

Smith Robert J, clerk, res 438 S Broad

Smith Roland W, designer, res 406 Rutherford av

Smith Roy, teacher, h 407 Ardmore av

Smith Russell, rubberworker, res 11 S Cook av

Smith Sadie, wid John, h 100 Hart av

Smith Sadie, clerk, res 319 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Smith Sadye E, dressmaker, 29 S Warren, res do

Smith Samuel, rubberworker, h 2021 Brunswick av (Slackwood)

Smith Samuel G, milk, 1812 Greenwood av, h do

Smith Samuel H, electrical contractor, 239 Chestnut av, h do

Smith Samuel R, bridgetender, h 112 Landing

Smith Sarah, saleswoman, res 55 Union

Smith Sarah C, porcelainworker, res 28 Lincoln av

Smith Sarah W, wid Charles C, res 100 Parkside av

Smith Simon, dry goods, 438 S Broad, h do

Smith Stephen, steamfitter, h 381 Brunswick av

Smith Stephen J, engineer, h 692 Southard

Smith Susan, res 31 New Rose

Smith S Hodge, mgr Empire Rubber Co, h 1504 Brunswick av

Smith Terrance, laborer, res 427 Bridge

Smith Theodore H, salesman, h 259 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Smith Theodore K, fire dept, h 23 Chapel

Smith Theodore V, manager, h 145 Prospect

Smith Thomas, driver, h 310 William

Smith Thomas, potter, res 343 Academy

Smith Thomas Jr, cementworker, h 343 Academy

Smith Thomas A, rubberworker, h 609 Nottingham Way

Smith Thomas M, chauffeur, h 919 Beatty

Smith Thomas V, sec Karno Smith Co, res 56 Colonial av

Smith Walter, express, res 149 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Smith Walter, laborer, h 1226 Indiana av

Smith Walter A, machinist, h 134 W Hanover

Smith Walter B, potter, res 48 Charles

SMITH WALTER F, real estate; insurance; notary, Wilkinson Bldg, 203 E State, h 430 Bellevue av

Smith Walter J, P O clerk, res 151 Cooper

Smith Walter W, plumber, h 25 Yard av, h do

Smith Walter W, engineer, h 193 W Hanover

Smith Warren D, engineer, 362 S Olden av

Smith William, res 251 Mercer

Smith William, h 103 Pashley av

Smith William, driver, res 27 Barclay

Smith William, engineer, h 149 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Smith William, laborer, h 13 Second

Smith William, machinist, h 118 McClellan av (Bd St Pk)

Smith William, potter, h 15 Barclay

Smith William, potter, h Madison av (Prospect Heights)

Smith William, printer, h 405 Liberty

Smith William, printer, h 234 Dickinson

Smith William, rubberworker, h 29 Nassau

Smith William, team driver, h 2122 Schiller av

Smith William, tileworker, h Eleventh (Prospect Heights)

Smith William C, laborer, h 112 Stacey av

Smith William C, mgr, h 406 Rutherford av

Smith William D, telegraph operator, res 233 Perry

Smith William E, brakeman, h 54 Wall

Smith William E, milk, 924 Ohio av, h do

Smith William E, salesman, h 147 Prospect

Smith William G, candymaker, res 1266 E State

Smith William G, chauffeur, h 331 Genesee

Smith William H, res 151 Cooper

Smith William H, engineer, h 1439 S Clinton av

Smith William H, special officer, h 21 Chapel

Smith William H, stationery engineer, h Whitehead rd

Smith William H, team driver, h 345 S Olden av

Smith William J, air-brake inspector, h 27 Lincoln av

Smith William J, janitor, h 120 Brunswick av

Smith William L, asst station master, h 355 Hamilton av

Smith William M, clerk, h 216 West End av

Smith William M, finisher, res 54 Bellevue av

Smith William M, stationary engineer, h 13 Waverly pl

Smith William N, auto repairman, h 1212 Chestnut av

Smith William R, blacksmith, h 2 Oakland

Smith William T, auto mechanic, h 37 West End av

Smith William V, stationary engineer, h 14 Cliff

Smith William W, carpenter, 485 Stuyvesant av, h do

Smith, see also Schmid, Schmidt, Schmidz, Schmitt, Smyth

Smithard Joseph, carpenter, res 617 Chambers

Smock Margaret French, teacher, res 236 Chestnut av

Smoliga Anna V, teacher, res 458 Emory av

Smoliga John, ropeshop worker, h 10 Jersey

Smoliga Julius, student, res 458 Emory av

Smoliga Michael, wiredrawer, h 458 Emory av

Smolinski John, laborer, res 11 Dillon al

Smonas Alexander, coal passer State Hospital, res do

Smulansky Andrew, laborer, h 110 Marion

Smulein Hyman, painter, 312 Union, h do

Smull Walter G, U S A, res 711 Division

SMURKLES LEWIS, dry goods, 35 Union, h do

Smyth Agnes E, hairdresser, res 204 Pennington av

Smyth Catherine, teacher, res 276 Hamilton av

Smyth Catherine A, wid James, h 204 Pennington av

SMYTH JAMES (Estate), tailor, 154 N Broad, Martin J Raftery mgr

Smyth James V, clothcutter, res 204 Pennington av

Smyth John W, special officer, h 8 N Cook av

Smyth Katherine H, bookkeeper, res 204 Pennington av

Smyth Mary A, teacher, res 204 Pennington av

Smyth Theodore, manager, h 20 Samuel

Smyth, see also Schmid, Schmidt, Schmidz, Schmitt and Smith

Snape Margaret, wid William, res 22 S Warren

Sneath Ethel, typist, res 115 Centre

Sneath George A, tiremaker, h 52 Johnston av

Sneath Louis, draftsman, Princeton rd (Slackwood)

Sneath William C, bookkeeper, res 115 Centre

Sneddon Earl, machinist's helper, h 98 Sweets av

Sneddon John, railroader, h 98 Sweets av

Sneddon Raymond, fitter, h 14 Nottingham Way

Snedeker Austin C, teller women's dept Mechanics Nat'l Bank, h 34 Bryn Mawr av

Snedeker C G, Mrs, h 126 N Warren

Snedeker Edward, railroader, res 268 Walnut av

Snedeker Elias, machinist, h 211 West End av

Snedeker Ella G, wid George E, h 521 Tyler

Snedeker Elmer, rubberworker, h 111 Race

Snedeker Franklin E, storekeeper State Hospital, res do

Snedeker Harry, carpenter, res 41 Mulberry

Snedeker Hugh, clerk, res 21 E Lafayette

Snedeker J Russell, clerk, h 181 Rosemont av

Snedeker Luther M, brass finisher, h 717 William

Snedeker Mae W, seamstress, res 112 Cooper

Snedeker Roy, brakeman, h 338 S Warren

Snedeker Vincent B, mason, h 265 Hamilton av

Snell Harry, shipping clerk, res 171 W Hanover

Snetarnear Arthur, clerk, h 732 Cass

SNEYD ENAMELED BRICK Co, New York av and Plum, Charles T H Phillips pres and genl mgr, Donald M Miller v-pres J F Morton treas, Charles T Clark sec

Snider Austin, h 47 Prospect

Snider Charles P, inspector, h 38 Carroll

Snider, see also Schneider and Snyder

Snincsak Andrew S, rivetheater, res 217 Cass

Snincsak John, crane operator, res 217 Cass

Snincsak Michael, riveter, res 217 Cass

Snincsak Michael J, machinist, h 217 Cass

Snook Albert H, laborer, h 39 Cleveland av

Snook Asher H, barber, 1280 E State, h 125 Ward av

Snook Daisy B, clerk, res 32 Bellevue av

Snook Emeline M, wid Harry W, h 250 Spring

Snook Harry, potter, h 21 Titus av

Snook Harry G, res 668 Princeton av

Snook Helen E, bookkeeper, res 668 Princeton av

Snook Jesse, rubberworker, res 324 Perry

Snook Lester C, shipping clerk, h 31 Garfield av

Snook Mrs Elizabeth, h 746 Centre

Snook Nellie R, bowmaker, res 39 Cleveland av

Snook Orville G, ironworker, h 322 Cleveland av

Snook Patrick R, conductor, h 1115 E State

Snook Peter G, stationary engineer, h 668 Princeton av

Snook Raymond, watchmaker, res 748 Centre

Snook Theodore, machinist's helper, h 27 S Walter av

Snook Wilbur, rubberworker, res 746 Centre

Snook William H, kilnman, h 13 Morgan av

Snow Herbert V, potter, h 333 Walnut av

Snow John W, contractor, h 1150 Hamilton av

Snow Walter, farmer, h Hamilton av n Liberty

Snow Walter J, farmer, Hamilton av n Greenwood Cemetery

SNOW WILBUR A, agt Otis Elevator Co, h 21 N Lenape av

Snowden Herbert N, asst supt, h 141 N Cook av

Snowden Mrs Robert P, h 476 Greenwood av

Snowden S Emily, wid Samuel, res 198 Brunswick av

Snowden Woodbury B, chief deputy U S Marshall, h 571 E State

Snowden Woodbury S, salesman, res 122 N Warren

Snunaresni George, laborer, h 124 Kossuth

Snyder Abraham, grocer and meats, 109 N Broad, h 501 Centre

Snyder Abraham, (Abraham Snyder & Co), h 107 Perry

Snyder Abraham & Co, (Abraham Snyder), pawnbrokers' sales store, 107 Perry

Snyder Adolph C, watchman, h 29 N Hermitage av

Snyder Albert chauffeur res 504 Woodland

Snyder Albert, painter, res 623 Genesee

Snyder Albert B, res 11 Montgomery pl

Snyder Barbara, wid John, res 104 Virginia av

Snyder Bridget, wid Matthew, h 12 Landing

Snyder Catherine, rubberworker, res 692 Lamberton

Snyder Charles, auto mechanic, res 16 Landing

Snyder Charles F, salesman, res 411 Stuyvesant av

Snyder Charles M, superintendent, h 1103 Division

Snyder Daniel, shipbuilder, h 201 Locust

Snyder Dora, lampworks, res 839 Second

Snyder Earl, electrical worker, res 1103 Division

Snyder Edna, porcelainworker, res 1103 Division

Snyder Edward G, contractor, h 411 Schiller av (Bd St Pk)

Snyder Ella, widow, h 504 Woodland

Snyder Elmer H, motorman, h 839 Second

Snyder Emily, clerk, res 839 Second

Snyder Ervin, laborer, h 298 Church

Snyder Florence, res 106 Lee av

Snyder Frank, carpenter, res 454 S Broad

SNYDER FRANK M, (Snyder & Son), h 40 1/2 W Lafayette

Snyder Frederick L, cafe, 13 Tucker, h 312 N Broad

Snyder George P, conductor, h 204 Liberty

Snyder Georgeanna, tileworker, res 504 Woodland

Snyder Harry, shipyard worker, res 216 Southard

Snyder Harry E, wirestrander, res 5 Cummings av

Snyder Harvey J, pres Fox Book Bindery Co, h 23 Commerce

Snyder Henry, h 310 N Montgomery

Snyder Jacob, sexton, res r 340 Tyler

Snyder James, h 216 Pearl

Snyder James, carpenter, h 70 S Walter av

Snyder John, trucking, 1402 S Broad, h do

Snyder John, woolworker, h 403 Franklin

Snyder John R, superintendent, h 452 Tyler

Snyder John W, elevator operator, h 725 Adelia

Snyder Joseph, motorman h 809 Division

Snyder J Albert, sales agent, h 11 Montgomery pl

Snyder Leavitt, potter, h 1542 S Clinton av

Snyder Lena, watch factory, res 379 Hamilton av

Snyder Lewis, laborer, h 340 Centre

Snyder Loretta M, stenographer, res 11 Montgomery pl

Snyder Louis, h 1124 Lamberton

Snyder Margaret, res 719 Centre

Snyder Mary, wid William, h 692 Lamberton

Snyder Mary A, res 205 S Broad

Snyder Mary E, milliner, res 22 Fairview av

Snyder Matlenea, wid Peter, res 10 Peace

Snyder Matthew, wiredrawer, res 719 Centre

Snyder Matthew W, polisher, h 12 Landing

Snyder Melville E, Rev, res Talbert apts

SNYDER NICHOLAS, (N Snyder & Son), h 40 W Lafayette

Snyder Nicholas, student, res 401/2 W Lafayette

Snyder N Parkes, wiredrawer, h 15 Francis av

SNYDYER N & SON, (Nicholas and Frank M), cafe, 108 N Broad

Snyder Oliver K, potter, h 411 Stuyvesant av

Snyder Orville, clerk, res 839 Second

Snyder Peter, laborer h 826 Ohio av

Snyder Raymond, driver, h 55 Lamberton

Snyder Rosie, cigarmaker, res 403 Franklin

Snyder Roy, h 1911 S Clinton av

Snyder Sadie, tileworker, res 504 Woodland

Snyder Solomon, Princess Market, res 501 Centre

Snyder Stella H, phone operator, res 216 Southard

Snyder Stephen, rubberworker, h 533 St Joes av

Snyder Truman S, collector, res 809 Division

Snyder Victor M, machinist P R R, h 216 Southard

Snyder Viola F, cashier, res 476 Garfield av

Snyder Werner J, inspector, h 16 Victor av

Snyder William, public service, h 126 Pennington av

Snyder William B, steamfitter, h 520 Princeton av

SNYDER WILLIAM D, (Barlow Grocery Co), h 877 Stuyvesant av

Snyder, see also Schneider and Snider

Snyder's Inc, (hats), Chas J Housel mgr, 4 E State

Sobacki Anthony, wireworker, res 48 Elm

Sobacki Sarah, wid Joseph, h 48 Elm

Sobeck Frank, coilwinder, h 1021 S Broad

Soben Mary, wid George, h 504 May

Sobesito Carl, laborer, h 141 Mott

Sobitini Antone, laborer, res 214 Mott

Sobke Harry E, engineer P R R, h 491 Brunswick av

Sobo Garbo, laborer, h 119 Ferry

Sobo Joseph S, laborer, h 726 Indiana av

Sobon Michael, laborer, res 322 Home av

Sochane Helen, attendant State Hospital, res do

Sockrider Charles A, tile inspector, h 410 Berwyn av

Socks Anton, blacksmith, h 244 Morris av

Socy John, varieties, 429 Morris av, h do

Sodality House of Immaculate Conception Church, 591 Chestnut av

Soden Albert, chauffeur, h 696 Sallie

Soden Ambrose, potter, h 92 Ewing

Soden A N, auto repair work, 436 Princeton av, res 164 Walnut av

Soden Charles, pipefitter, h 630 Lamberton

Soden Garrett N, res 316 Hillcrest av

Soden George, laborer, res 23 Jefferson

Soden Henry S, rubberworker, h 493 S Logan av

Soden Jacob H, engineer, h 493 S Logan av

Soden Mary, wid George, h 23 Jefferson

Soden Oliver L, fish, 51 N Olden av, h do

Soden William, res 17 Second

Sodowsky James, laborer, h 208 Jersey

Soethen Aloysius, decorator, h 523 Chestnut av

Soethen Eleanore, teacher, res 523 Chestnut av

Soethen Helen A, teacher, res 523 Chestnut av

Soetman Cornelius, superintendent, h 136 N Clinton av

Soffel William, lineman, h 171 Walnut av

Sofin William, chauffeur, h 229 Furman

Sogen Frank, laborer, h 123 Dye

Sognes John, wiredrawer, res 28 Adeline

Sognis John, P O clerk, res 242 Tyler

Sohalsky Stephen, rubberworker, h 329 Klagg av

Sohardt John, laborer, h 46 Turpin

SOHL OLIVER A, automobiles and garage, 237 E State, h 104 Lee av

Sojka Joseph, laborer, res 909 New York av

Sokalner Samuel, laborer, h 114 1/2 Bridge

Sokay Stephen, laborer, h 107 Lexington

Soko Catherine, domestic, res 61 Union

Sokol William, painter, h 127 William

Sokolow Jacob, White House Restaurant, res 55 Market

Sokolowski Anthony, laborer, h 71 Mulberry

Sokolowski Daniel, laborer, h 42 Mechanics av

Sokolowski John, laborer, h 1641 Chestnut av

Sola Philip, laborer, h 62 Perrine av

Solak Frank, kilnman, h 108 Kirkbride av

Solan James A, potter, res 46 S Olden av

Solan James L, lunch wagon, 1298 S Broad, h 629 Woodland

Solan John, counselor-at-law and assistant Attorney General's dept, 103 E State, res 46 S Olden av

Solan Joseph V, bookkeeper, res 46 S Olden av

Solan Leon F, (Solan & Dotter), res 46 S Olden av

Solan Michael J, real estate; notary public; commr of deeds N J; N Y and Penna, 103 E State, h 46 S Olden av

Solan Patrick, potter, h 39 Passaic

Solan & Dotter, contractors, (Leon F Solan & Joseph M Dotter), 46 S Olden av

Solbach Catherine, varieties, 136 Ashmore av, h do

Solchonsky Thomas, rubberworker, h 58 Girard av

Soldin Edgar H, railroader, res 351 S Olden av

Soldin Joseph, h 351 S Olden av

Soldin Robert B, threadmaker, res 351 S Olden av

Solds John, wireworker, h 304 Genesee

Solemka Andrew, res 852 Roebling av

Solie John, wireworker, h 641 Franklin

Solimando Anthony, chauffeur, res 242 Elmer

Solimando Fred, painter, res 920 S Clinton av

Solimando Louis, painter, 242 Elmer, h do

Solimando John, painter, 920 S Clinton av, h do

Solimando Matteo, musician, res 920 S Clinton av

Solimando Michael, laborer, h 242 Elmer

Solimando Michael Jr, painter, res 242 Elmer

Solimier Andrew, wireworker, h 212 Emory av

Solinski Joseph, res 740 Cass

Solinski Martin, potter, h 612 New Willow

Solinski Mary, wid Joseph, h 740 Cass

Solinski Michael, wiredrawer, res 740 Cass

Solinsky Anthony, rubberworker, h 118 Kossuth

Solinsky George, laborer, res 377 Second

Solinsky John J, rubberworker, h 436 Home av

Solkey Frank, laborer, h 715 Field av

Solliday Edward R, res 138 W State

Solliday Raymond H, machinist, h 246 Ardmore av

Solman Harry, student, res 245 Centre

Solo Julius, merchant, res 24 Murray

Solomando Carman, wireworker, h 220 Bayard

Solomon Addie P, stenographer, res 6 Boudinot

Solomon Anna M, wid J Howard, h 6 Boudinot

Solomon Edward, bakery, h 187 S Broad

Solomon Frank H, invoice clerk, res 6 Boudinot

Solomon Matthew, wireworker, h 267 Morris av

Solomon Morris, confectioner, 101 Emory av, h do

Solomon Raymond, machinist helper, h 166 Walnut av

Solomon Samuel, real estate, 63 Forst-Richey Bldg, h 531 S Warren

Solomon Stephen, laborer, h 17 Emory av

Solomon Warren, rubberworker, 23 N Logan av

Solomon William, conductor, h 33 Evans av

SOLON MARC, treas and gen mgr Mercer Pottery Co, h 704 Parkside av

Solon Mary, housekeeper, 120 Beakes

Solowsko Michael, res 740 Second

Soltes Vincent, wireworker, res 217 Grand

Soltescz Frank rubberworker, h Field av, R D 5

Soltesz Charles, laborer, res 447 Genesee

Soltesz Paul, wiredrawer, h 555 S Broad

Soltesz Stephen, laborer, h 343 Union

Soltis Andrew, potter, h 367 St Joss av

Soltis John, ironworker, h 230 Hill's al

Soltis John, shipbuilder, res 265 Morris av

Soltis Mary, cigarmaker, res 265 Morris av

Solz George Jr, salesman, h 917 Carteret av

Somando Nicholas, h 309 Hudson

Somarona August, laborer, h 404 Hudson

Sombardine Aniello, mason, h 821 Roebling av

Somers Mazie, stenographer, res 14 Southard

Somers Robert F, conductor, h 14 Southard

Sommer Bernard, wireworker, res 247 Ashmore av

Sommer Caroline, wid George, h 336 Genesee

SOMMER GEORGE N J, physician, 120 W State, h do

Sommer Josephine C, res 336 Genesee

Sommer, see also Sommers, Summer, Summers and Sumner

Sommerfeld Azel, clerk, h 26 W Paul av

Sommerfeld Martin L, pressman, h 202 Reservoir

Sommers Anthony, laborer, h 17 Elm

Sommers Bertha H, bookkeeper, res 698 S Broad

Sommers Charles E, asst teller First Nat'l Bank, Trenton R F D No 1

Sommers Elsie M, clerk, res 698 S Broad

Sommers Jacob, confectioner, 698 S Broad, h do

Sommers Joseph, polisher, h 400 Home av

Sommers Walter, laborer, h 404 Rome av

Sommers, see also Sommer, Summer and Sumners

Somner John, bricklayer, h 345 Walnut av

Somner Mildred, watchmaker, res 345 Walnut av

Somovari John, laborer, h 114 Steamboat

Somovari Joseph, laborer, h 112 Steamboat

Sonn Harold Willis, clerk, h 51 Bryn Mawr av

Sonnick Adam, molder, res 623 Grand

Sonntag Wililam, brass finisher, h 386 Third

Sooskow Michael, laborer, h 54 Poplar

Soov Jesse A, rubberworker, h 33 Cleveland av

Sophers Ceclia L, stenographer, res 737 Second

Sophers David H, potter, res 737 Second

Sophers Louisa C, stenographer, res 737 Second

Sophers Thomas W, potter, h 737 Second

Sophko Andrew, foundry worker, res 216 Second

Sophko John, laborer, h 227 Furman

Sopner Max, rabbi, h 560 S Warren

Sopper Morris, junk, r 15 New

Soppik Michael, wireworker, h 125 Howell

Sorentino Frederick, barber, res 201 Butler

Sorentino Peter, laborer, h 406 Washington

Soriero Antonio, bookkeeper, res 612 N Clinton av

Soriero Frank, laborer, res 612 N Clinton av

Soriero Frank, shoemaker, 66 Middle Rose, h do

Soriero John, h 66 Middle Rose

Soriero Joseph, foreman, h 734 Cass

Soriero Lawrence, electrician, h 26 Wainwright av

Soriero Samuel, h 612 N Clinton av

Soroko Martin, Iron worker, h 1097 S Broad

Sorranan Frank, turbine worker, h Sixth (Hamilton twp)

Sorrentino Anthony, laborer, res 61 Washington

Sorrick Stanley, laborer, h 10 George

Sorter Harry L, clerk, h 103 West End av

Sorter Samuel H, salesman, h 25 Short

Sorter Wilbur, machinist, h 218 Hollywood Drive

Sosnowski Adolph, cafe, 82 Jersey, h do

Sosnowski John, mason, res 209 Fall

Sost Catharine H, h 577 S Clinton av

Sost Charles J, rubberworker, h 700 Adeline

Sost William, driver, res 577 S Clinton av

Sotak Anna, wid Michael, h 643 Cass

Sotke J, h 621 S Olden av

Sott George, crucible worker, h 7 Barclay

Souder Anna R, saleswoman, res 423 S Olden av

Souder Frances H, wid Isaac, h 423 S Olden av

Souder Julia W, res 423 S Olden av

Souders Edward, rubberworker, h 107 Waverly pl

Souders George, boatman, h 431 New York av

Soukup Julius, machinist, h 33 Houghton av

Sourbeer Ray C, res 505 Tyler

Sourbeer Walter G, boiler inspector, h 505 Tyler

South Anna F, wid John H, h 166 Walnut av

South Bertha L, assembler, res 84 Race

SOUTH BROAD ST THEATRE, Wm J Vernon rngr, 900 S Broad

SOUTH DAVID S, chief Bureau Vital Statistics, State House, h 947 Berkeley av

South Edward, glassblower, h 50 Chestnut av

South Elizabeth, res 333 Spring

South Ella, braider, h 74 West

South Elmer S, auto painter, h 232 N Willow


South Ervin, clerk, res 333 Spring

South George R, patternmaker, h 28 Perry

South Harry, chauffeur, h 414 Centre

South Jersey Crockery Co Inc, 108 Decatur, Morris Rudner pres, Manus A Fuld v-pres, Jonas A Fuld sec and treas

South John M, h 755 Stuyvesant av

South Joseph F, laborer, h 84 Race

South Julia, wid Alexander, h 141 Prospect

South Lendrurn W, brakeman, h 491 Stuyvesant av

South Leon, billposter, h 25 Lafayette

South Lester M, mason, h 345 Genesee

South Lovett S, bookkeeper State House, res Dix Haven

South Mary K, wid, h 27 Taylor,

South Mildred, maid State Hospital, res do

South Miles, mason, h 27 Taylor

South Trenton Butcher Co, (Samuel Goldsmith), 68 Union

South Trenton Paper Co, (Jacob Albert), 25 Union; warehouse 6-9 Decatur; yards 103-105 Market

South Walter, teamster, h 34 Nottingham Way

South Wilmer, head carpenter State Hospital, res do

South W D, clerk, res 216 Brunswick av

Southard Abraham H, clerk, h 228 Spring

Southard Elizabeth, wid John, confectionery, 886 E State, h do

Southard Louise, res 228 Spring

Southard Lydia, housekeeper, h 28 Deaver

Southard Mary, clerk, r 355 Hamilton av

Southard Mildred H, stenographer, res 228 Spring

Southard Raymond, fireman, h 236 S Cook av

Southard Walberg, res 150 Perry

Southwick E P, res 233 Hanover

Southwick John, team driver, h 676 N Clinton av

Southwick Nellie A, wid Joseph, h 421 E State

Southwick William R, route foreman, h 802 Stuyvesant av

Sowadski Julius O, painting contractor, 641 Centre, h do

Soykus John, ironworker, h 111 Taylor

Space Alexander G, weaver, h 329 S Warren

Space Alice, stem maker, h 329 S Warren

Space Eugene M, weaver, res 54 W Lafayette

Space Maria, res 147 Sherman av

Space Thyra M, res 329 S Warren

Spahn Jacob J, salesman, h 227 Walnut av

Spain Helen, rubberworker, res 919 Ohio av

Spain John, laborer, h 860 Lamberton

Spair Annie, wid Joseph, h 148 Butler

Spair Anthony, potter, h 1006 Chestnut av

SPAIR DANIEL A, lawyer 907-908 Amer Mech Bldg; and sec County Tax Board, h 401 Elmer

Spair Frank, bookkeeper, res 401 Elmer

Spair James, laborer, h 120 Swan

Spair John, laborer, h 50 Clark

Spair Nicholas, grocer, 401 Elmer, h do

Spair Peter, driver, res 120 Swan

Spair Peter A, real estate broker, res 401 Elmer

SPALDING BENJAMIN J, supt American Steel and Wire Co, h 707 Hamilton av

Spare Elwood, h 147 Sherman av

Sparella Grace, silk factory, res 113 Miller

Sparella James, laborer, res 113 Miller

Sparella Joseph, laborer, res 113 Miller

Sparella Ross, rubberworker, res 113 Miller

Sparino Antonio, laborer, h 27 Pashley av

Spark Michael, laborer, h 10 New

Sparke Newton, laborer, h 53 Summer

Sparks Leonard J, machinist, h 122 Mervine pl

Sparlet Joseph, varieties, h 251 N Clinton av

Sparling Frank R, special officer, h 245 Hamilton av

Sparling Leonard, machinist, res 245 Hamilton av

Sparling Olive, res 245 Hamilton av

Sparmaker Annie M, wid John W, res 711 Stuyvesant av

Sparmaker Clarence W, State Board Health, h 711 Stuyvesant av

Sparndeo John, inspector, h 34 Hewitt

Spartola Frank, h 36 Taylor

SPAULDING MARVIN A, lawyer, 817 Broad St Bank Bldg, h 849 Carteret av

Speak George C, engineer, h 146 Perry

Spear Edward M, corporation agent, 18 Wall, h do

Spear Edward R, stereotyper, res 18 Wall

Spear Grace M, stenographer, res 430 Rutherford av

Spear Jean, clerk, 430 Rutherford av

Spear William D, sec Trenton Photographic Society, res 430 Rutherford av

Spearinv Paul, foreman, h 25 Mervine pl

Specht Jacob, laborer, res 11 Orange

Specht Mary A, h 55 Southard

Specht Raymond S, potter, res 55 Southard

Speck Charles H, meterman, h 303 Rutherford av

Speck Erma, teacher, res 316 Lamberton

Speck John H, h 316 Lamberton

Speck Katherine, wid James, h 257 Walnut

Speck Lillie, wid, res 330 Tyler

Specta Samuel, laborer, h 415 Ferry

Specter Abraham, rabbi, h 214 Fair

Spector Abraham, (Spector & Son), h 135 Lamberton

Spector Frank , peddler, h 121 Mill

Spector Harry, tailor, 418 Princeton av, h do

Spector Harry, tailor, 325 S Broad, h do

Spector Joseph, (Spector & Son), h 313 S Broad

Spector Leah, clerk, res 419 Princeton av

Spector Leah H, nurse, res 313 S Broad

Spector Lena, capmaker, res 121 Mill

Spector Matilda, nurse, res 313 S Broad

Spector Morris, tailor, h 141 Lamberton

Spector Nathan, delicatessen, 105 Lamberton, h do

Spector Nathan, manager, h 121 Mill

Spector & Son, (Joseph and Abraham), tailors, 813 S Broad

Spedding William, potter, h 854 Cleveland av

Speece William, clerk, h 20 Fountain av

Speer David V B, deputy keeper, h 11 Kent

Speese William H, salesman, h 20 Fountain av

Speildener Jacob, wireworker, res 82 Woolverton av

Spenadusky Thomas, potter, h 925 N Willow

Spence Hermon, rubberworker, h 187 1/2 Passaic

Spence Mary, widow, res 1025 Division

Spence Richard W, manager, h 67 Gen Greene av

Spence Thomas, contractor, h 11 Ogden

Spencer Caroline E, bookkeeper, res 19 Green pl

Spencer Elizabeth J, nurse, 19 Green pl, h do

Spencer Emma, h 12 Bellevue av

Spencer James, carpenter, h 12 Hurley

Spencer John, wholesale confectioner 214 Prospect, res 239 H Hanover

Spencer Mary, wid Zachariah, res r 10 Bank

Spencer Mary A, wid John, res 209 Passaic

Spencer Mary E, dressmaker, res 790 Stuyvesant av

Spencer Robert, plumber, h 206 S Warren

Spencer Sarah, res 690 Stuyvesant av

Spencer Thomas, bookkeeper, h 50 Hayes av

Spencer William E, res 218 Cass

Spencer William H, blacksmith, h 218 Cass

Spenisso Francesco, rubberworker, res 517 Chestnut av

Sper Daniel, bootblack, 830 S Broad, h do

Speranza Dominick, wiredrawer, h 27 College

Sperling Co, (Martha M and Gertrude J Sperling), confectioners, 17 N Broad

Sperling Frank, machinist, h 46 Mechanics av

Sperling Frederick De Witt, produce dealer, h 1235 Chambers

Sperling Gertrude J, (Sperling Co), res 1014 Stuyvesant av

Sperling Jess, wireworker, h 1036 S Broad

Sperling Martha M, (Sperling Co), h 1014 Stuyvesant av

Sperry Lewis, painter, h 73 Ferrier av

Speshka John, wiredrawer, 305 Centre

Spesil Andrew, ironworker, h 618 Franklin

Speska John, laborer, h 305 Centre

Spicer Arthur M, engineer, h 247 Tyler

Spicer Charles L, potter, h 1610 S Clinton av

Spicer Edgar M, wiredrawer 1214 Adeline

Spicer Frederick, U S N, res 247 Tyler

Spicer Fred V, shipping clerk, h 461 Rutherford av

Spicer John T, adv mgr, res 461 Rutherford av

Spicorella Joseph, laborer, res 112 Beakes

Spiegel Anton, painter, res 625 Division

Spiegel Emma, waitress, res 4 Southard

Spiegel Morris M, drygoods, 563 N Clinton av, h do

Spiegel Samuel, foreman, h 832 S Broad

Spiekermann Adolph, decorator, h 128 Mercer

Spiekman M, cashier, res 49 Sweets av

Spiezle David, salesman, res 220 Fall

Spiezle Florence, saleswoman, res 220 Fall

Spiezle Nathan, grocer, 220 Fall, h do

Spiezle William, clothing broker, h 73 Bryn Mawr av

SPILLANE MAURICE R Rev, Diocese of Trenton, res 153 N Warren

Spindel Felix, (Spindel's Sheet Metal Shop), h Tullytown Pa

Spindel's Sheet Metal Shop, (Felix Spindel), auto radiator repairers, 315 S Broad

Spindler Vestus F, machinist, res 437 Garfield av

Spindler Walter G, brushmaker, 437 Garfield av, h do

Spinelli Daniel, rubberworker, res 23 College

Spirito Anthony, shoemaker, h 255 N Clinton av

Spiro Morris, newspaperman, h 209 Market

Spistak Andrew, wireworker, h 219 Second

Spitz Charles, 703 Princeton av

Spitz Jacob F, laborer, h 818 Southard

Spitz William, operator, h 438 Brunswick av

Spitzlander Frank, wireworker, h 14 West

Spitzlander John, wireworker, h 25 Cummings av

Splitter Gustave J, rubberworker, h 122 Anderson

Spongralls Thomas, rubberworker, h 21 Eastburn av

Sponholtz Amelia, wid James, h 44 Poplar

Sponholtz Frederick, potter, h 1209 Chambers

Sponholtz William, potter, h 120 Fountain av

Spotolo Raymond, laborer, h 84 Perrine av

Spoy John, h 118 Temple

Sprague C, supt American Bridge, h 319 Bellevue av

Sprague Franklin, engineer, h 469 Stuyvesant av

Sprague Gladys S, stenographer State House, res 118 Walnut av

Sprague Margaret, flat worker, res 469 Stuyvesant av

Sprague Washington P, rubberworker, h 1719 Roberts av

Sprance Peter, Grand Hat Cleaning and Boot Blacking Parlor, 27 College

Spranza Harry, potter, h 244 Kossuth

Spranza Joseph, rubberworker, h 1444 Princeton av

Sprazza James, presser, h 119 Phillips av

Spreat Robert, decorator, h 365 Garfield av

Spreat William, apprentice carpenter, res 365 Garfield av

Spreng Louise, officer State Home for Girls

Springard Joseph, mechanic, h 852 Lamberton

Springer Elizabeth, watchworker, h 705 E State

Sproat Ethel J, saleswoman, res 130 Second

Sprowl Eugene F, conductor P R R, res 213 Perry

Spruce Albert, machinist and tool maker, 43 Garfield av

Spruce Erma M, res 43 Garfield av

Spurdens Sidney, U S A, res 104 Bert av

Spyck Bruno, rubberworker, h 729 Indiana av

Squibb Charles, blacksmith, h 246 Tioga

Squire Lawrence, laborer, h 638 Ohio av

Srale Stephen, carpenter, res 227 Cummings av

Srvatos Edward, h 32 Water

Ssemia Joseph, laborer, h 818 S Warren

Ssksmeik Joseph, rubberworker, h 1811 Chestnut av

Ssymansky Joseph, potter, h 32 Randall av

Staats Etta M, saleswoman, res 76 West End av

Staats John H, foreman, h 76 West End av

Staats Mary, office worker, res 58 Wall

Staats Walter M, printer, res 76 West End av

Stabile Carlo, weaver, h 116 Hudson

STABILI G, physician and electro-therapy specialist, 304 Moreau; Morrisville Pa

Stacewicz A, grocer and meats, 640 N Clinton av, h do

Stacey Anna, saleslady, res 109 Rusling

Stachefsky Brunesof, potter, h 34 Taylor

Stack Thomas, rubberworker, h 40 Grant av

Stackhouse Edward, manager, h 671 Franklin

Stackhouse Elizabeth A, stenographer State House, res Hightstown N J

Stackhouse Ella J, stenographer, res 824 Revere av

Stackhouse Elmer E, chauffeur, h 10 E Lafayette

Stackhouse Frank, paperhanging, h 228 Ardmore av

Stackhouse Lester, res 572 E State

Stackhouse Lewis S, mgr Safe Deposit Dept; Trenton Banking Co, h 230 Highland av

Stackhouse Mercy Anna, wid Isaac, res 234 Academy

Stackhouse Thomas H, bookkeeper, res Yardley Pa

Stackhouse Walter, printer, h 824 Revere av

Stackhouse William, butcher, h 824 Revere av

Stackhouse William, tilepresser, h 19 Houghton av

Stackhouse William Jr, city fireman, res 824 Revere av

Stackhouse Winnie, h 1035 S Broad

Stackiewicz Anna, wid Julius, rubberworker, h 160 Girard av

Stackiewicz Julius Jr, pottery, res 160 Girard

STACY-TRENT GARAGE, Lewis D Eldridge pres, Geo B Eldridge v-pres, J Russell Eldridge sec, L A Eldridge treas, 224-236 W Hanover

Stacziawiczees Alexander, potter, h 22 Taylor

Stadden Edward, shipping clerk, res Princeton rd (Slackwood)

Stadden William, rubberworker, h Princeton rd (Slackwood)

Stadnic Paul, ironworker, res 1099 S Broad

Stadnic Peter, ironworker, h 1099 S Broad

Stafford George, U S N, res 48 Ewing

Stahl Anna, wireweaver, res 545 Emory av

Stahl Charles H, watchman, h 545 Emory av

Stahl Ernest C, notary, res Glenco apts

Stahl Ernest C Jr, salesman, h Glenco apts

Stahl Harry E, machinist, r 220 S Warren, h 275 Bellevue av

Stahl John, potter, h 2115 Ellwood

STAHL NORMAN P, sec G A Barlow's Sons Co, h 27 Fisher pl

Stahle Anna L, buyer, res 932 Carteret av

Stahle Annie , saleslady, h 205 W Hanover

Stahle Edward, barber, 33 N Warren, h 932 Carteret av

Stahle Ethel M, res 158 Old Rose

Stahle Julius H, engineer, h 158 Old Rose

Stahosky Laura, wid Victor, h 139 Franklin

Stahovski Vanda P, dressmaker, 1114 Prospect, res do

Stahovski Michael, h 1114 Prospect

Stahuber George, machinist, h 1103 Chestnut av

Stahuber Josephine, wid Corbin, h 1105 Chestnut av

Stahuber William, (Gafgen & Stahuber), h 1105 Chestnut av

Staiger Charles, hardware and paints, 227 N Clinton av, h 20 Southard

Staiger Charles J, hardware and paints, 227 N Clinton av, h 2438 S Broad

Staigar John, sec Sanitary Ice and Coal Co, h 775 E State

Staiger John M, auto mechanic, res 775 E State

Staley William H, molder, res 47 N Olden av

Stam William, reeler, h 240 Emory av

Stancel Frank, rubberworker, res 605 Pine

Stancel John, rubberworker, res 605 Pine

Stancel Joseph, laborer, h 605 Pine

Stancin Joseph, express, 713 S Broad, h do

Standard Accident Ins Co, N E cor State and Warren

STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE CO OF NEW JERSEY (The), 15 W State, Owen J Prior pres, K G Roebling 1st v-pres, Frederick W Wright 2d v-pres and treas, Wm M Crozer sec, R J Carey asst sec

STANDARD INLAID MFG CO, E State and Logan av, George R Cook pres, J Russell Beekman treas, Samuel Haverstick sec

Standard Oil Co (N J), New York av cor N Olden av, William M Todd mgr

Standard Supply & Equipment Co, mill supplies, 143 N Warren, Frank E Thomas mgr

Standard Supply and Service, (N K Berry pres), 203 E State

Standiford Richard, laborer, res 18 W Lafayette

Standiford William, res 315 Gardner av

Stanike Julius, restaurant, 2 Third, h do

Stankewicz Anthony, potter, h 880 Lamberton

Stankewicz George, h 53 Mechanics av

Stankiswicz Balbina, wid Anton h 80 Bond

Stankiwich Leona, wid Joseph, h 143 Taylor

Stankoski Stephen, potter, h 191 Girard av

Stankovisc John, laborer, h 2 Elm

Stanley Arthur, marble cutter, res 112 Passaic

Stanley James O, asst superintendent, h 703 W State

Stanley Joseph, millworker, h 184 Passaic

Stanley Mrs James O, editor Woman's Page State Gazette, res 703 W State

Stanley Sarah, wid William, h 112 Passaic

Stanley William T, police, h 463 Stuyvesant av

Stannard Agnes M, wid Harry J, h 43 Lamberton

Stannard George S, musician, 121 S Warren, h do

Stannard George W, clerk, res 43 Lamberton

Stansky Joseph, molder, h 841 Beatty

Stanton Charles E, police, h 533 Emory av

Stanton Ella, clerk, h 329 W Hanover

Stanton James, deputy clerk, h 216 Park la

Stanton John A, engineer, h 122 Bert av

Stanton Joseph R, compositor, res 20 Oxford

Stanton Mary, chocolatecoater, res 20 Oxford

Stanton Mary E, wid Charles, res 533 Emory av

Stanton Mary R, res 812 Cass

Stanton Thomas J, machinist, h 812 Cass

Stanton Thomas R, potter, h 20 Oxford

Stanton William W, res 812 Cass

Stanziola Tony, laborer, h 18 Nottingham Way

Stanzski Joseph, rubberworker, h 37 Mead

Stapler Anna, wid Henry, res 608 N Hermitage av

Stapler Mary, res 40 N Clinton av

Stapler Sarah, wid John, h 40 N Clinton av

Staples Charles W, waiter, h 16 Montgomery pl

Staples Frederick M, sec McFarland Foundry and Machine Co, h Trenton N J

Staples John E, clerk, res 16 Montgomery pl

Staples R N, driver State Hospital, res do

Stapleton James J, engineer, res 128 Spring

Stapleton Katherine F, teacher, res 128 Spring

Stapleton Mary A, teacher, h 128 Spring

Stappung Edward, attendant State Hospital, res do

Star Cleaning and Dyeing Service, (Aram Packlaian), 322 E State

Star Express and Long Distance Moving Co Inc, (Fred J Wittenborn sec and mgr), E Trenton & St Joes avs

STAR PORCELAIN CO, Muirhead av n Dewey, Thomas H Mackenzie pres, Herbert Sinclair treas and gen rngr, Frank H Gardiner v-pres, George E Sinclair sec, Ambrose T Fenton gen supt

Starin Ferdinand, res 11 Centre

Starin Walter W, cafe, 11-13 Centre, h do

Stark Charles W, (Stark & Faussett), h Trenton Junction

Stark Elizabeth, attendant State Hospital, res do

Stark Frederick C, engineer, h 538 Second

Stark Frederick C Jr, laborer, res 538 Second

Stark Gustave, ironworker, h 1411 Liberty

Stark John, salesman, h 116 Cooper

Stark Lewis D, grocer, h 868 Revere av

Stark Paul, res 1792 Nottingham Way

Stark & Faussett, (Charles W Stark), mantles; tiles; fire places; fixtures, 216 S Warren

Starkosky Stanislaus, potter, h 1503 Indiana av

Starlings James, laborer, h 318 N Montgomery

Starr Abraham, blacksmith, h 313 Union

Starr Isidor, cloakmaker, res 69 Union

Starr Jacob, laborer, h 97 Pashley av

Starr James, laborer, res 308 Reservoir

Starry Francis, foreman, h 129 Roberts av

Stass Joseph, res 102 Fountain av

Stass William M, chauffeur, res 102 Fountain av

STATE ARSENAL, Second cor Cass, Capt Walter Firth military storekeeper

State Board of Medical Examiners, 119 W State

STATE CAPITOL, W State beyond Willow

STATE COUNCIL JR O U A M, 903-905 Amer Mech Bldg, William H Miers sec



STATE GAZETTE, 127-131 E Hanover, State Gazette Publishing Co publishers


STATE GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO, printers; etc, 127-131 E Hanover, Henry W Comfort pres, Chas H Baker treas, Chas B Case sec


State Highway Garage, (main office 1001 Broad St Bank Bldg), Everett's al rear 235 E Front

STATE HOME FOR GIRLS, Stuyvesant av n Hillcrest Station, Mary Bell Harris supt

STATE LIBRARY, Room 301; State House

STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, N Clinton av cor Monmouth

State Office Engineering, Weights and Measures, 125 W State

STATE PRISON, Third bel Federal and Cass, James H Mulheron keeper

STATE SCHOOLS, N Clinton av cor Monmouth, Jerohn J Savitz principal

State Street Candy Kitchen, (Vafias Nicholas & Aggellos Zimnes), 213 E State

State Street M E Church, E State cor Stockton

STATE STREET THEATRE, 211 E State, Herman Wahn mgr

States Alexander M, chainmaker, res 24 Chapel

Staub Clarence E, metalworker, res 64 Bellevue av

Staub Elizabeth, wid William, h 64 Bellevue av

Staub Hermon M, metalworker, h 11 Waverly pl

Staub Herman, woodworker, h 81 Pashley av

Staub Howard H, tinner, res 64 Bellevue av

Staub Joseph R, (Trenton Body Co), h 2757 S Broad

Stauss Herman, driver, h 102 1/2 Unoin

Stawburg Ray, wholesale man, 61 Lincoln av

Stawski Boleslaw, tailor, 645 N Clinton av, h do

Stawski Carl, cigars, 49 Mechanics av, h do

Stawiszynski Anthony, confectioner, 5 Elm, h do

Stawiszynski Frank, laborer, res 26 Elm

Stawiszynski Kasper, tailor, 26 Elm, h do

Stead Carroll, teacher, h 505 Farragut av

Stead Edwin C, expressman, h 744 Centre

Stead John, painter, res 22 Cooper

Stead Margaret E, wid Simeon, h 310 S Clinton av

Stead Walter E, machinist, h 391 Hewitt

Steak Mary Eva, stenographer, res 310 S Clinton av

Stearle Charles, brassworker, h 414 Walnut av

Stearle Charles H, rubberworker, h 109 Hewitt

Stearn Frank, salesman, res 18 Nassau

Stearn George S, rubberworker, h 103 S Walter av

Stearn Granville, clerk, h 523 Roebling av

Stearn Harry, bricklayer, res 523 Roebling av

Stearn James R, bricklayer, res 523 Roebling av

Stearn Louie, res 523 Roebling av

Stearn Richard, machinist, res 523 Roebling av

Stearn Sydney F, machinist, h 63 Wall

Stearns Morris, butcher, 54 Union, h do

Steber Andrew, ropemaker, h 225 Second

Stec Jacob, rubberworker, h 7 Fell

Stec William B, wireworker, h 62 Barnt av

Steckley Harry, carpenter, 95 Ward av, h do

Steddner Nicholas, laborer, h 336 Cummings av

Steel Adelaide M, bookkeeper, res 1118 W State

Steel Edward H, (Steel & Skirm) and pres A F Updike Rubber Co, h Morris Heights Pa

Steel & Skirm, (Edwin H Steel & Benjamin C Skirm), proprietors The Academy, 141-145 E State

Steel & Skirm Building, 141-145 E State

Steel James, slateroofer, h 105 Woodland

Steel Mary O, saleswoman, 40 Livingston

Steele Albert, foreman, h 11 Lafayette

Steele Albert C, machinist, h 1530 Elizabeth av

Steele Albert C Jr, bookkeeper, res 1530 Elizabeth av

Steele Alexander, potter, 132 Annabelle av

Steele Daniel, res 9 Mill

Steele Daniel J, machinist, h 920 Liberty

Steele Hugh, potter, h 132 Annabelle av

Steele William R, chipper and caulker, h 488 S Logan av

Steelman Edmund D, clerk, res 142 Prospect

Steelman Ida, sec-treas R A Steelman Co, res 142 Prospect

Steelman Miriam, musician, res 142 Prospect

Steelman R A, pres R A Steelman Co, h 142 Prospect

Steelman R A Co, roofers, 835 Southard, R E Steelman pres, Ida F Steelman sec-treas

Steelman William B, prison keeper, h 1409 S Broad

Steen John, wiredrawer, h 221 Bridge

Steen Oscar E, machinist, h 930 Steward av

Steen Rudolph, wireworker, res 221 Bridge

Steen Walter, compositor, 11 Lafayette av

Steen William, machinist, res 930 Steward av

Steen William B, printer, h 213 Passaic

Steen William J, oreman, h 353 Greenwood av

Steen William J, R R engineer, res 729 Hamilton av

Steepy David, carpenter, h 128 Second

Steepy David, patternmaker, res 1204 Anderson

Steepy Isaac, tilemaker, res 128 Second

Steepy Louis, reelmaker, res 128 Second

Steepy Richard, laborer, res 128 Second

Steepy Samuel, braider, h 380 Third

Steepy Samuel, laborer, h 979 Smith

Steepy Sarah E, res 923 Revere av

Steepy Walter, foreman, h 840 Quinton av

Steepy Winfield, machinist, h 125 Chestnut av

Stefan Anna, cook State Hospital, res do

Stefan John, shoemaker, h 630 Liberty

Stefantak Dominac, laborer, h 1429 N Olden av

Stefanowicz Felix, laborer, h 604 Cherry

Stefanowicz Frank, cigars, 466 N Clinton av, h do

Steffen Albert, laborer, res 160 Randall av

Steffen Anthony, h 445 Woodland

Steffen Carol, clerk, h 160 Randall av

Steffen Clara, cigarmaker, res 160 Randall av

Steffen Frank, molder, h 445 Woodland

Steffen Leo C, confectioner, 1525 S Clinton av, h do

Stehlin Margaret, linoleumworker, res 119 S Stockton

Stehlin Mrs J, domestic, res 821 E State

Stehr Elizabeth, res Talbert apts

Steifbold Ella, wid Ellen, res 112 Walnut av

Steigler Anton, potter, h 15 1/2 Cooper

Steimmetz Albert J, maintainer, h 65 Ewing

Stein A, (Men's Wear Shop), h 346 S Warren

Stein Ervin, battery worker, h 256 Howell

Stein Frank, potter, h 1951 Chestnut av

Stein Louis H, (Louis H Stein Co), h 825 W State

Stein Madeline, telephone operator, 818 Pennington av

Stein Louis H Co, meats and provisions, 305 N Warren, Louis H Stein pres, Joseph Williams sec

Steinbach Frank A, electrical engineer, res 23 Annabelle av (Bd St Pk)

Steinbach Joseph, potter, h 62 Evans av

Steinberg Jacob, groceries, 99 Lamberton

Stein Elizabeth, res 770 Centre

Stein Harvey S, motorman, h 322 Academy

Steine Joseph, driver, h 134 Brunswick av

Steinecker George T, accountant, res 428 Ardmore av

Steiner David, grocer, Klockner av, h do

Steiner Helen, clerk, res 5 Lalor

Steiner John, wireworker, 738 Henry (Deutzville)

STEINER JOSEPH J, (Joseph J Steiner & Co), h Pennington rd

STEINER JOSEPH J & CO, automobile painting; body mfrs; auto tops and general repairing, Pennington rd

Steiner Joseph W, laborer, h 79 West End av

Steiner Julius D, clerk, h 101 West End av

Steiner Morris, (Boston Clothing Store), h 253 Jackson

Steiner Reading, engineer, h 24 Dresden av

Steiner Samuel, tinsmith, h Klockner av (Hamilton twp)

Steiner William, watchman, h 5 Lalor

Steinert George, chemist, res 649 Rutherford av

Steinert Joseph, pres Globe Porcelain Co, h 1744 Nottingham av

Steinert Samuel, shipbuilder, h 138 West End av

Steinetz Stephen, driver, h 541 Brunswick av

Steinfield Eva, R F D No 4 (Slackwood)

Steingrob Joseph, butter, 91 Union, h do

Steinhager Christian, expressman, h 2226 Genesee

Steinhardt Frank, driver, res 1146 Deutz av (Deutzville)

Steinman John, rubberworker, res 274 Kossuth

Steinman John J, laborer, res 239 N Clinton av

Steinman Morris, tailor, h 29 Cooper

Steinn Selma, waitress, res 205 S Broad

Steir George, rubberworker, res 2012 Genesee

Stella Peter, grocer, 42 Tyrell av, h do

Stellar Joseph, potter, h 23 Sweets av

Stelle Albert N, P O clerk, res 1322 Greenwood av

Stelle George A, motorman, h 243 Clay

Stelle John R, carpenter, h Thompson av (Hamilton twp)

Stelle Mildred A, stenographer, res 243 Clay

Stelleno George, fruit, S Broad & State, h 248 Perry

Stelleno Peter, fruit, S Broad & State, res 248 Perry

Stellettano Dominick, laborer, h 115 Bayard

Stemm Margaret, res 169 S Broad

Stemler Otto P, lineman, res 222 Pearl

Stemper Otto, driver, res 332 Genesee

Stenabaugh Willard D, clerk, h 846 Quinton av

Stencer Thomas, machine operator, res 653 Pennington av

Stenchula Anna, domestic, res 39 N Clinton av

Stendts Edwards, h 70 Race

Stengel, see Stingel

Stengrol Jacob, grocer, 99 Lamberton

Stenson Edward, brakeman, 39 Adams av

Stenzel John F, prison deputy, res 318 Liberty

Stenzel Katharine, clerk, res 188 Passaic

Stenzell William F, dealer in oils, h Miller & Steward R F D No 5

Stepetz John, rubberworker, 101 Houghton av

Stephan Alice, stenographer, res 821 Revere av

Stephan Edwin, potter, res 821 Revere av

Stephan Henry, potter, 100 Park la

Stephan Henry L, res 118 Pennington av

Stephan Joseph M, order clerk, 100 Park Ia

Stephan Milton C, bookkeeper, res 100 Park la

Stephan Peter S, milk salesman, h 811 Melrose av

Stephan Robert, machinist, res 821 Revere av

Stephan Thomas, secretary, res 821 Revere av

Stephan Thomas R, druggist, h 51 Evans av

Stephanidell N, salesman, h 7 N Broad

Stephanideli N, (Ellis Constantine Co), h 807 W State

Stephanoni John, laborer, 157 Conovers al

Stephen John, rubberworker, h 320 Fair

STEPHENS SAILENT SIX, (Christian & Watkins), 202-204 N Willow

Stephenson Elizabeth, res 275 S Olden av

Stephenson Frank, ironworker, h 1035 Indiana av

Stephenson Frederick J, potter, h 310 Hobart av

Stephenson George, machinist, h 275 S Olden av

Stephenson Lawrence, printer, h 224 Spring

Stephenson Mary, teacher, res 275 S Olden av

Stepko John, laborer, h 627 N Clinton av

Sterling Edward B, inheritance tax examiner, h 941 Edgewood av

Sterling Edward H, res 941 Edgewood av

STERLING HOTEL, W State cor Chancery, Emil Mielke prop

Sterling Robert, clerk R M S, h 150 Walnut av

Sterling Waldburg C, carpenter, h 409 S Cook av

Stern Andrew, wireworker, h 310 Hewitt

Stern James, tinsmith, res 190 Locust

Stern Morris butcher 112 Union

Stern Samuel, raincoat maker, h 11 Cooper

Sterner Claude, carpenter, res 29 Bank

Sterner Fred G, sanitary presser, h 214 Kossuth

Sterninburg Alex, fireman, h 485 S Logan av

Sterns Morris, butcher, h 64 Union

Stetser Evan M, barber, 20 S Warren, h 22 do

Stetter Mathew, h 524 Pennington av

Stettner Lawrence, ladies' tailor, h 922 Chestnut av

Stetz Joseph, laborer, h 117 Temple

Steveman Charles, potter, 205 Ferry

Stevens Anthony, brassworker, h 5 Elm

Stevens Bert, foreman, h 224 E Hanover

Stevens Edward, cook, h 15 Barnes

Stevens Elwood, potter, h 233 Beechwood av

Stevens Hannah, widow, 19 Monmouth pI

Stevens Harold S, res 47 Colonial av

Stevens Harry M, bender, res 20 Jarvis pl

Stevens Horatio, installer, 19 Monmouth pl

Stevens Jesse, machinist, res 813 Centre

Stevens John, wireworker, res 1013 S Clinton av

Stevens J E, inspector, 233 Beechwood av

Stevens Mary, wid George L, res 35 Yard av

Stevens Robert, res 1260 E State

Stevens Sarah S, wid Thomas S, h 58 Hudson

Stevens Thomas S, mail carrier also township committeeman, h Brunswick av (Slackwood)

Stevens Thurlow, coppersmith, h 36 Victor av

Stevens William, auto salesman, 19 Monmouth pI

Stevenson Albert E, carpenter, h 2329 William

Stevenson Carl, machinist, h 1139 E State

Stevenson Carl A, bookkeeper, res 45 Carroll

Stevenson Charles, R F D No 2 (Slackwood)

Stevenson Charlotte, res 32 N Clinton av

Stevenson Daniel F, reporter, res 620 Stuyvesant av

Stevenson Edward, painter, 242 Norway av h do

Stevenson Emma, wid Charles P, h 61 Wilkinson pl

Stevenson Ernest, carpenter, h 144 Passaic

Stevenson Ernest Jr, porcelain worker, 108 Chambers

Stevenson Ernest, conductor, h 109 Chambers

Stevenson Frank J, sec J E Stevenson Co, h 1226 E State

Stevenson Grace, wid Samuel, res 20 W Lafayette

Stevenson Harry K, clerk, h 154 W State

Stevenson Horace N, auto mechanic, h 27 Columbia av

Stevenson Jean P, res 32 N Clinton av

Stevenson John, rubberworker, h 1502 Indiana av

Stevenson John, driver, h r 691 Pennington av

Stevenson Joseph E, asst county detective, res 37 Delawareview av

Stevenson Julia F, wid Joseph E, h 32 N Clinton av

Stevenson J E Co (The), lumber; coal; grain; hay; lime and cement, 609 Mulberry, James D Hall pres and treas, Frank J Stevenson sec

Stevenson J Frank, machinist, h 229 Passaic

Stevenson Kate W, wid E H, 620 Stuyvesant av

Stevenson Laura H, clerk, res 706 Stuyvesant av

Stevenson Martha A, teacher, res 434 E State

Stevenson Mary A, wid Frank G, h 37 Delawareview av

STEVENSON MILTON F, treas Colonial Trust Co, h 1109 Hamilton av

Stevenson Miriam M, milliner, res 488 E State

Stevenson Robert H, tilepresser, res 691 Pennington av

Stevenson Serena, domestic, res 238 Hillcrest av

Stevenson Thomas, decorator, 12 Ogden

Stevenson Thomas H, tinsmith, h 1166 Franklin

Stevenson Walter C, manager, h 706 Stuyvesant av

Stevenson William, printer, 383 Hewitt

Stevenson William D, physician, 726 W State, h do

STEVENSON W WYCKOFF, physician, 969 S Broad, h do

Stevenson William L, res 32 N Clinton av

Steward Alexander R, conductor, h 256 Kossuth

Steward Charles A, foreman, h 2206 Genesee

Steward D J, Rev, 223 Prospect

Steward Edward, potter, res 48 Decatur

Steward Elizabeth, watchmaker, res 26 Woodland

Steward E Thomas, teamster, h 331 N Olden av

Steward Henry, laborer, res 126 Allen

Steward Isaac, foreman, h 331 N Olden av

Steward Norman, telegraph operator, res 947 Carteret av

Steward Paul E, real estate, 36 Schiller

Steward Robert, maintainer P R R, h 331 N Olden av

Steward Samuel R, yardmaster, h 947 Carteret av

Steward Samuel R Jr, draftsman, 947 Carteret av

Steward William, railroader, res 2 Tyler

Steward William, potter, res 946 Beatty

Stewart Albert, machinist's helper, res 127 Cooper

Stewart Albert, plumber's helper, h 185 Washington

Stewart Albert D, laborer, res 127 Cooper

Stewart Albert W Jr, wireworker, res 185 Washington

Stewart Alexander, cafe, h 169 Old Rose

Stewart Alfonso, potter 235 N Willow

Stewart Arthur, tiremaker, 22 Dunham

Stewart Augustus T, res 173 Reservoir

Stewart Caldwell, h 134 Bert av

Stewart Charles, h Hamilton av n Liberty

Stewart Charles H, tiremaker, h 117 Ingham av

Stewart Elizabeth D, spooler, res 515 Lalor

Stewart Florence E, res 628 Greenwood av

Stewart George B, machinist, res 27 Chapel

Stewart Hannah P, wid William R, res 27 Chapel

Stewart Harry, steward of Lotus Club, res 17 S Broad

Stewart Helen M, 185 Washington

Stewart Henry, oilclothworker, h 23 Cleveland av

Stewart Homer C, stenographer, res 105 Spring

Stewart Janet, stenographer, res 134 Bert av

Stewart John, rubberworker, h 212 Wayne av

Stewart John J, millworker, res 1025 Liberty

Stewart Lloyd C, engineer, h 22 Ogden

Stewart Louis D, tiremaker, res 173 Reservoir

Stewart Margaret P, clerk, res 134 Bert av

Stewart Martha E, wid William L, res Hamilton av n Liberty

Stewart Martin, foreman, 201 Hudson

Stewart Mary, wid William, res 615 Lalor

Stewart Mary E, nurse, res 173 Reservoir

Stewart Oscar R, salesman, res 480 W Hanover

Stewart Richard, rubberworker, h 295 N Willow

Stewart Robert E, machinist, res 511 E State

Stewart Samuel G, wireworker, h 744 Henry (Deutzville)

Stewart Stephen K, student, res 173 Reservoir

Stewart Thomas J, h 830 Edgewood av

Stewart William J, foreman, h 173 Reservoir

Stewart William J, laborer, res 516 Lalor

Stewart William L, deputy State Prison, h Mercerville N J

STEWART WILLIAM N, gen mgr Stoll's, res 838 W State

Sthen Jennie, widow, h 1422 Elizabeth

Stief Elizabeth, domestic, res 697 Chambers

Stief Eva, wid Peter, h 697 Chambers

Stiefbold Charles, wireworker, h 681 S Broad

Stiefbold Henry, ironworker, h 575 Centre

Stiefbold John, h 108 Walnut av

Stierbold John C, patternmaker, h 474 Garfield av

Stiefbold Ruth, stenographer, res 681 S Broad

Stiefbold Winfield E, chauffeur, res 575 Centre

Stieh Lillian, bookkeeper, res 234 N Clinton av

Stief Susie, domestic, res 697 Chambers

Stienert Morris, superintendent, h 238 Norway av

Stier George, auto mechanic, res 2412 Genesee

Stiles Isaac, engineer, 788 E State

Stiles James, chief clerk, 58 McKinley av

Stiles Josephine, seamstress State Hospital, res do

Stiles Mary, telephone operator, State Hospital, res do

STILES WILLIAM S, superintendent Nat'l Radiator Co, h 80 N Overbrook av

Still Arthur, laborer, h 32 E Canal

Still Arthur Jr, driver, res 32 E Canal

Still Harry, res 32 E Canal

Stilla Mariana, laborer, h 234 Fulton

Stillano John, confectioner, 158 N Broad, h do

Stille Clara, widow, 42 Pennington av

Stillwagon Russel, oysters, res 720 Princeton av

Stillwagon William, fish, h 720 Princeton av

Stillwagon W & Son, (William and Russel), fish and oysters, 720 Princeton av

Stillwell Fannie, wid Isaac, res 110 Woodland

Stillwell Frank, machinist, 19 S Walter av

Stillwell Frederick I, fireman, h 110 Woodland

Stillwell Howard W, fruit and produce, res 326 S Clinton av

Stillwell James F, American Steel and Wire, res 26 Ellsworth

Stillwell Laura, grocer, 402 S Broad, h do

Stillwell Marion, inspector, res 110 Woodland

Stillwell Nicholas, pipefitter, h 402 S Broad

Stilman Relple, engineer P R R, res 225 Ellis av

Stilson Frank G, clerk, h 94 Mechanics av

Stilwell Charles, huckster, res 405 Franklin

Stilwell Harry E, fireman, h 18 Grant av

Stimax Elizabeth, res 114 Rusling

Stimpson George F, motorman, h 771 Second

Stine Joseph, rubberworker, h 74 Hart av

Stines Charles, potter, h 624 Mulberry

Stines Charles, engineer, 1113 E State

Stines Marvin A, mason, res 2000 Greenwood av

Stines Mary, wid David, h 2000 Greenwood av

Stingel Charles L, policeman, res 265 S Olden av

Stingel Emiley, stenographer, res 265 S Olden av

Stingel John F, supt, h 265 S Olden av

Stingel J Fred, bookkeeper, h 44 S Walter av

Stingel William H, machinist, res 257 S Olden av

Stinson Arlington C, clerk, res 480 Stuyvesant av

STINSON C M, Trenton Automotive Collateral Co

Stinson Erma M, res 480 Stuyvesant av

Stinson George W, inspector, h 480 Stuyvesant av

Stinson Jennie, wid Samuel, h 519 Stuyvesant av

Stipe Joseph, watchman, res 16 Emory av

Stipeck E J, sec-treas N J Conference of S D A, h 411 S Cook av

Stipitz Anthony, rubberworker, res 101 Houghton av

Stire Matthew, foreman, h 1955 Chestnut av

Stirpe Rosnia, wid Michael, h 828 Genesee

Stitzer John, rubberworker, h 721 Cherry

Stocco Nicholas, res 153 Phillips av

Stocco Philip, laborer, h 153 Phillips av

Stock August, ironmolder, res 931 New Willow

STOCK JOHN C Rev, supt N J Children's Home Society, res Y M C A

Stocker Clifford J, clerk, res 831 Stuyvesant av

Stocker John J, timekeeper, h 831 Stuyvesant av

Stocker Lester, clerk, 831 Stuyvesant av

Stocker William E, carpenter, h 38 Ward av

Stocker William F, fire dept, res 629 Cass

Stocker, see Stoker

Stockley Frank, potter, res 75 E Paul av

Stockman Julius, mason, h 1035 Liberty

Stockman Julius E, stock clerk, res 1035 Liberty

Stockman Lillian, packer, res 1035 Liberty

Stockman Marie, packer, res 1035 Liberty

Stockman Minnie, packer, res 1035 Liberty

Stockton Apartments, 153-155 S Stockton

STOCKTON BAYARD, counsellor-at-law, 812-815 Amer Mech Bldg, h Princeton N J

Stockton Charles T, blacksmith, h 928 Fairmount av

Stockton Frederick W, potter, h 1039 Greenwood av

Stockton J Edward, coachman, h 44 Murray

STOCKTON RICHARD, Commissioner Charities and Corrections (also with Taylor; Smith & Hard), h 437 Greenwood av

STOCKTON RICHARD 3d, lawyer, 812-815 Amer Mech Bldg, h Princeton N J

Stockton Richard Jr, Major Infantry U S A, h 437 Greenwood av

Stockweather Leon, clerk, res 564 E State

Stoddard Adeline H, wid Michael, res 17 Lincoln av

Stoddard Benjamin, tileworker, res 2025 S Clinton av

Stoddard-Dayton Garage, (Edmund H Zehner), 32 Clancery

Stoddard Frank, automobile worker, h 918 Roebling av

Stoddard George W, cloth examiner, h 18 E Front

Stoddard Harry, janitor, res 274 Kossuth

Stoddard William, tiremaker, 1772 E State

Stoehr August, blacksmith, h 1019 Smith

Stoehr Elenor, stenographer, res 1019 Smith

Stofcho Albert, carpenter, res 2215 Genesee

Stoker Edward, potter, h 135 Kossuth

Stoker Frederick F, laborer, res 524 Grand

Stoker Jacob, h 524 Grand

Stoker Margaret, textileworker, res 524 Grand

Stoker William, fire dept, res 524 Grand

Stoker William, potter, h 920 New (Hamilton twp)

Stokes Alexander, chainmaker, res 246 Bellevue av

Stokes Alfred C, physician, h 527 Monmouth

Stokes Barclay L, novelties, h 844 Stuyvesant av

Stokes Benedict, meats and groceries, 1234 S Clinton av

Stokes Benjamin F, stock clerk, res 30 Cumberland av

Stokes Caroline C, res 527 Monmouth

Stokes Catharine, saleswoman, res 631 Genesee

STOKES CHARLES E, v-pres Home Rubber Co, h 843 W State

Stokes David E, wareroomman, h 613 Nottingham Way

STOKES EDWARD C, pres Mechanics Nat'l Bank, and Chairman Republican State Committee, h 128 W State

Stokes Frederick A, lawyer, res 41 S Hermitage av

Stokes Grace C, teacher, res 49 Charles

Stokes H Watson, assistant superintendent, h 49 Charles

Stokes Ida V, res Talbert apts

Stokes I Oliver, Thermoid Rubber Co, res 219 W State

Stokes Jack W, Yacht Club, 110 Bridge

Stokes James F, foreman, h 23 New Rose

Stokes John H, mgr Nat'l Benefit Assn, h 16 Bellevue av

STOKES JOSEPH O, treas Home Rubber Co, h New York City

Stokes Joseph Rubber Co, Taylor ft Webster, Charles E Stokes pres, William J B Stokes v-pres, Joseph O Stokes treas, Harry L Boyer gen mgr, Charles L Fulkert supt

Stokes Mabel L, stenographer, res 30 Cumberland av

Stokes Margaret, teacher, res 49 Charles

Stokes Mildred, seamstress, res 631 Genesee

Stokes Nellie, wid William, res 1172 E State

STOKES ROBERT J, sec Thermoid Rubber Co, h 833 W State

STOKES WILLIAM J B, pres Home Rubber Co, h 219 W State

Stokes William R, salesman, h 30 Cumberland av

Stolcz Martin, baker, 9 Virginia av, h 413 Grand

STOLL AUGUSTUS F, (Stoll Blankbook and Stationery Co), h 838 W State

STOLL BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY CO, book sellers and stationers, 20-22 E State

Stoll Thomas A, treas Trenton Spring Mattress Co, h 229 W Sta

Stolte Elizabeth, laundress, res 1068 S Broad

Stolte George A, painter, 1068 S Broad, h do

Stolte George A Jr, manager, res 1068 S Broad

Stolte's Hall, 1068 S Broad

Stoltz John, laborer, h 120 Rusling

Stoltz John Jr, laborer, res 120 Rusling

Stoltz William, laborer, res 120 Rusling

Stonaker Alfred, clerk, res 63 McKinley av

Stonaker D V Jr, salesman, Cook Y M C A, 1135 Greenwood av

Stonaker John H, salesman, h 228 Passaic

Stonaker William, salesman, h 26 N Overbrook av

Stone Catherine E, wid Joseph D, h 192 Rosemont av

Stone Coke Co (Joseph Stone), Coke and Coal Nuggets, 101 Marion

Stone David, rubberworker, h 624 Ingham av

Stone Edmund, lather, res 130 E Washington

Stone Edward, fireman, h 25 N Logan av

Stone Frank, oriental goods and lace shop, 118 N Montgomery, h do

Stone Henry T, linoleum worker, h 460 S Olden av

Stone James C, salesman, h 219 E Hanover

Stone John, contractor, 1108 Chestnut av, h do

Stone John W, (Roebling Inn), h 739 W State

Stone Joseph H, (Stone Coke Co), h 1007 Greenwood av

Stone Kate, Boys' Supervisor N J Children's Home Society, Brunswick av (Slackwood)

Stone Margaret A, wid Joseph, h 19 Hanford PI

Stone Russell, wireworker, res 1011 Anderson

Stone Samuel, lather, res 130 E Washington

Stone Samuel H, cafe, 302 Perry, h do

Stone Sarah E, stenographer, res 192 Rosemont av

Stone Susan A, stenographer, res 192 Rosemont av

Stone Walter, lather, h 335 Rusling

Stoner Grant, engineer, h 115 Garfield av

Stoner Harry R, master mechanic, h 705 E State

Stoner Harry W, machinist, res 42 Carroll

Stoner Howard, bookkeeper, res 312 Garfield av

Stoner Louisa, clerk, res 705 E State

Stoner Margaret, clerk, res 705 E State

Stoner William G, U S A, res 115 Garfield av

Stoney Duryea E, carpenter, res 242 Walnut av

Stoney Reta, assembler, res 242 Walnut av

Stonicki George, laborer, h 230 Breunig av

Stoop George, railroader, res 620 N Clinton av

Stoop George S, clerk, res 519 Stuyvesant av

Stoop William, molder, h Twelfth (Prospect Heights)

Stoop William H, collector, res 519 Stuyvesant av

Storaci Samuel, shoemaker, 304 Hudson, h do

Storer Carl, brakeman, h 575 1/2 Centre

Storer Earl, inspector, h 569 Rutherford av

Storer Edmund M, asst County Engineer, h 1618 Riverside Drive

Storer Hiram M, state road inspector, h 25 Carroll

Story George, railroader, h 47 Hart av

Story Harry, inspector, res 229 E Hanover

Story John, laborer, h 177 Randall av

Stoss Nicholas, wireworker, h 326 Woodland

Stott Linda, braider, res 114 Woodland

Stott Thomas, res 1754 E State

Stott T Elbert, electrician, h 1754 E State

Stoulks John, wireworker, h 1405 S Broad

Stout Andrew F, postmaster, h Lawrence rd (Slackwood)

Stout Anna, clerk, res 141 N Warren

Stout Anna E, confectionery and bakery, 36 Bellevue av, h 100 do

Stout Archibald E, contractor, h Elks' Home

Stout Austin S, conductor, h 171 Locust

Stout Calvin, milk, 1200 Princeton av, h do

Stout Charles, railroader, res 289 Bellevue av

Stout Charles A, potter, h 68 Lynwood av

Stout Charles F, h 507 N Hermitage av

Stout Charles P, potter, res 68 Lynwood av

Stout Clara A, milliner, res 111 Brunswick av

Stout David T, driver, h 122 Fountain av

Stout Edward, h 117 Tyler

Stout Edward, wireworker, h 133 Allen

Stout Edwin, paints, 114 N Montgomery, h 42 Ewing

Stout Elizabeth R, wid Andrew J, h 507 N Hermitage av

Stout Elmer E, shipyard worker, res 213 S Clinton av

Stout Elmer H, contractor, 36 Model av, h do

Stout Frank, wire tester, h 763 E State

Stout George, chauffeur, h 100 Bellevue av

Stout George, salesman, res 225 E State

Stout George W, shipyard worker, res 213 S Clinton av

Stout Harold, asst undertaker, res 225 E State

Stout Harry, salesman, res 76 Lamberton

Stout Harry F, chauffeur, res 100 Bellevue av

STOUT HARRY J, (Stout's Restaurant) and Harry J Stout & Son, h 324 W State

STOUT HARRY J & SON, automobile dealers, (Harry J and J Leroy), 6-8 W Front

Stout Harry S, cafe, 9 Centre, h do

Stout Homer, P O clerk, h 230 Passaic

Stout James A, rubberworker, h 111 Brunswick av

Stout John L, res 195 Bellevue av

Stout Joseph H, driver, h 1110 Genesee

STOUT J LEROY, Oldsmobile Agency, 6-8 W Front, h 901 Stuyvesant av

Stout Lewis V, chauffeur, res 205 Calhoun

Stout Minnie E, boarding, 213 S Clinton av, h do

Stout Morton C & Co, tailors, 137 E State, Claude A Hammond rngr

Stout Raymond, painter, h 50 Centre

Stout Robert B, barber, 1049 S Broad, h do

Stout Samuel S, machinist, h 336 Berwyn av

Stout Sarah J, wid Lewis S, h 827 Spruce

Stout Seneca T, cigar manufacturer, 199 S Broad, h do

Stout Valla S, res Dolton's Block

Stout Wilbert, electrician, res 805 Lamberton

Stout Wilbur, electrician, h 2333 Liberty

Stout William, laborer, h 651 Lamberton

Stout William F, signal malntainer, h 451 S Olden av

Stout William H, butcher, res 1524 Elizabeth av

Stout's Restaurant, (Harry J Stout & Patrick Kiernan), 12 E State

Stoutenburgh John M, potter, h 42 Harris av

Stover Charles C, commercial artist, res 474 W State

Stover Edward C, assistant manager, h 474 W State

Stover Edward C Jr, publicity agent, res 474 W State

Stover Henry S, civil engineer, res 474 W State

Stover J Warren, chauffeur, h 129 Jackson

Stover Rachel P, wid Jordon H, h 474 W State

Stover Rachel P, res 474 W State

Stover Warren H, dentist, 429 E State, h Lawrenceville rd

Stover William, conductor, res 252 N Warren

Stover William J, engraver, res 474 W State

Stowell Ella S, housekeeper, res 41 Delawarevlew av

Stowell Leonard A, (Crescent Printing Co), res 39 W State

Stowell Willard A, teacher, h 41 Delawareview av

Stoy Joseph, laborer, h 119 Exton av

Stoz Joseph, wireworker, h 6 Rusling

Stpniewski Frank, rubberworker, res 623 Williams

Stpniewski Harry, rubberworker, res 623 Williams

Stpniewski Mary, wid Theodore, h 623 William

Stpniewski Michael, rubberworker, res 623 William

Stradling Florence, h 879 Stuyvesant av

Stradling Harry, motorman, res 203 W Hanover

Stradling Harry A, clerk, res 276 Bellevue av

Stradling Joseph Y, blacksmith, h 65 Cleveland av

Stradllng Mark, salesman, h 62 Conovers &I

Stradling Russel, motorman, h 111 Passaic

Strafford George M, paperhanger, res 194 W Hanover

Straka John, wireworker, res 217 Rusling

Straka Joseph, laborer, h 138 Turpin

Straka Martin, fireman, res 922 Chestnut,av

Straley Harold W, asst note clerk Mechanics Nat'l Bank, h 989 S Broad

Straley Jeanette W, wid Henry K, h 989 S Broad

Straley Mildred A, stenographer, res 989 S Broad

Strand Theatre, (Frederick R Parker; Charles C Hildinger and David Johnston), moving pictures, Hermitage av cor West End

Strang Ernest G, paperhanger, h 828 Quinton av

Strano Joseph, foreman, h 123 Dickinson

Strasser Harry, tailor, h 135 Lamberton

STRASSER JOHN J, (Strasser Pharmacy), res 283 Bellevue av

STRASSER PHARMACY, cor Princeton and Pennington avs, John J Strasser Jr mgr

Straszrska Sebastian, wireworker, h 712 Adeline

Stratos August, candymaker, res 604 Market

Strats Christopher, ironmolder, h 212 Holland av

Stratton R Frank, (Trenton Engineering Co), h 700 Stuyvesant av

Stratton Doris L, res Bromley Inn (Hamilton twp)

Stratton Edwin C, traffic manager, h 1202 W State

Stratton Henry M, clerk District Court, 307 City Hall, res Bromley Inn (Hamilton twp)

Stratton John W, crane operator, res 841 Revere av

Stratton Mrs, widow, h 1321 Hamilton av

Stratton Nathaniel, shipping clerk, h 186 W Hanover

Stratton William M, physician, 2225 S Broad, h do

Straub Henry P, foreman, res 32 Bellevue av

Straub Martha M, wid William, res 335 Brunswick av

Straud Edward T, mail carrier, 67 Oak

Straus F A & Co, (L F Straus & S Weinberg), yarns, Johnston av n P R R

Straus L F, (F A Straus & Co), h New York City

Strauss Charles M, bookkeeper, h 18 Colonial av

Straussfogel Adolph, grocer, 703 Second, h 674 do

Straussfogel Max, grocer, 251 Centre, h do

Straway Grover C, engineer, h 748 Centre

Straway Mrs Hattie, h 748 Centre

Stredden Harriet, widow, 87 Annabelle av

Streecker John, vulcanizing shop, Market cor Jackson, h 175 Girard av


Street Russell E, tinsmith, res 853 E State

Street Samuel F, tinsmith, h 853 E State

Streiff John, carpenter, h 144 Pearl

Streit George W, supt, h 168 W Hanover

Strelec George, laborer, h 12 Woolverton av

Stremlo Frank, rubberworker, res 82 Mechanics av

Stretch Albert T, (Strech Violin School), h 207 Academy

Stretch David E, druggist, res 207 Academy

Strezelck Felix, blacksmith, Southard and Brunswick av

Stricker Andrew, h 118 E Trenton av

Stricker J Clifford, office manager, h 19 McKinley av

Stricklin Hartridge, fireman, h 128 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Strigle John, laborer, h 215 Dickinson

Striker Norman R, student, res 204 Jackson

Strinscki Joseph, laborer, h 77 Breunig av

Stroble William, conductor, h 1012 S Broad

Strock Frederick, chauffeur, h 36 Passaic

Strock Samuel, driver, res 4 Sanford

Stroebel Barbara, wid George L, h 328 Centre

Strohecker Albert A, bakery, 862 E State, h 479 Hamilton av

Stromberg Joseph, drygoods, 1610 E State, h do

Strong Joseph L, baker, 405 Hudson, h 241 Hamilton av

Strong's Bakery, (Joseph L Strong), 405 Hudson

Strossfoel Rose, clerk, res 845 Lamberton

Strouse Anna M, dressmaker, 837 Stuyvesant av, h do

Strouse Edward G, foreman, h 698 Southard

Strouse Florence, operator, res 71 Spring

Strouse Howard C, paperhanger, h 837 Stuyvesant av

Strouse John, chauffeur, res 35 Garfield

Strouse Rebecca, res 456 W Hanover

Strouse Sarah, wid J D, h 456 W Hanover

Strouse W W, gen yardmaster P R R coal pockets, res 924 Prospect

Strubee Christian, blacksmith, h 2042 Ellwood

Strubee Henry J, electrician, res 2042 Ellwood

Struble John I, machinist, h 106 N Willow

Struble Maud, matron Trenton Day Nursery, h 864 S Broad

Struble William Mc D, student, 332 Ardmore av

Struck Grace, stenographer, 107 Waverly pl

Struck Raymond, driver, h 107 Waverly pi

Strucker John, h 175 Girard av

Strucker Mary, res 175 Girard av

Strugosky Casimir, carpenter, h 29 Jefferson

Struk William, laborer, 140 Liberty

Strum Samuel, (New York Delicatessen), 28 E Front

Strycharz John, rubberworker, h 943 New York av

Strycharz Stanley, h 610 Indiana av

Stryker Abraham, packer, h 304 Rutherford av

Stryker Abraham V D, clerk, res 242 Academy

Stryker Alexander H, manager, res 314 W State

Stryker Anna, wid William C, res 915 Quinton av

Stryker Beaulah, instructor , 495 Brunswick av

Stryker Cecelia, wid Henry, h 304 Rutherford av

Stryker Charles W, clerk, h 165 Walnut av

Stryker Clara L, nurse, res 282 Spring

Stryker Cornelius V, potter , res 55 Sweets av

Stryker Garrett C, wireworker, h 703 Division

Stryker Helen B, wid William S, res 321 W State

Stryker James T, h 97 Spring

Stryker John E, fireman, h 239 Garfield av

Stryker Julia M, res Clarendon apts

Stryker Lavinia H, res 139 Spring

Stryker L T, confectionery, res 54 S Olden av

Stryker Margaretta A, res 139 Spring

Stryker Mary H, wid Abraham Q, res 125 Parker pl

Stryker Myra, hosieryworker, res 703 Division

Stryker William H, garage, h 2059 Greenwood av

STRYKER W BRADFORD, mgr Acme Tire Sale Co, h 321 W State

Strymorvicz Hedwig, housekeeper, res 872 Brunswick av

Strzelezyk Felix, blacksmith, res 407 Brunswick av

Stuart Armelia, domestic, res 225 E Hanover

Stuart Harry, chauffeur, 138 Brunswick av

Stuart Helen, operator, 390 Brunswick av

Stuart John, laborer, 43 Gordon

Stubbs Corinne E, director Virgil Piano Studio, h 825 Edgewood av

Stubbs Eliza, wid William, res 222 S Warren

Stubbs Thomas, insurance agent, 150 Mercer

Stubbs William, res 13 Wilson

Stubbs William E, liability clerk, h 825 Edgewood av

Stubenazy Charles, wireworker, res 1514 S Clinton av

Stubenazy Charles A, wireworker, res 1146 Franklin

Stubenazy Christian, dogcatcher, h 1146 Franklin

Stubenazy Clara, h 653 New Willow

STUCKERT CHARLES, (Stuckert's Drug Store), h 496 W State

STUCKERT'S DRUG STORE, (Charles Stuckert), 10 N Warren

STUDDIFORD JAMES O, investments, 19 First Nat'l Bank Bldg, h 614 Monmouth

Studebaker Automobiles, 151-153 Brunswick av, C P Weeden Motor Co agts

Studemann William, wiredrawer, h 822 Beatty

Stull Harry O, machinist, h 444 Garfield av

Stull Mary T, wid Howell C, h 47 Prospect

Stumpf Joseph, barber, h 662 S Broad

Stumpo Joseph, special officer, h 504 Grand

Stumpo Rocco, railroader, h Whitehead rd

Stup Grayson Z, Rev, h 407 Chambers

Sturdy Tire & Rubber Co, 17-35 Perrine av, Isaac Fineberg mgr

Sturzyk John, potter, res 156 Durand av (Deutzville)

Sturzyk Michael, candy store, 148 Durand av, h do (Deutzville)

Stults Addison H, milk, Hutchinson's Mills, h do

Stults Alfred T, rubberworker, res 30 W Front

Stults Alfred D, laborer, res 30 W Front

Stults Andrew M, clerk, res 18 Belmont Circle

Stults B Grover, (Stults Bros), h 177 Rosemont av

Stults Bros, (Jacob H and B Grover), feed, r 116 Brunswick av

Stults Clara M, packer, res 337 Ellis av

Stults Edward Mrs, res 508 W State

Stults Edward R, potter, res 30 W Front

Stults George, clerk P R R, h 449 Chestnut av

Stults Harry W, fireman, res 217 Academy

Stults Howard R, electrician, res 30 W Front

Stults Jacob H, (Stults Bros), h 480 Rutherford av

Stults Jennie, teacher, res 818 Edgewood av

Stults Randall, switchtender, h 26 Sherman av

Stults William R, brakeman, res 43 Southard

Stutterlin Daniel W, diemaker h 142 Barnt av

Stuy Frank, wireworker, h 42 Randall av

Suba Ernest, Rev, res 972 S Broad

Suber Harry, rubberworker, h 423 Stuyvesant av

Suber John Harper, livery, h 224 West End av

Suber Ray L, sander, h 425 Stuyvesant av

Subers Anna H, bookbinder, res 58 Bank

Subers Mrs Daniel, rubberworker, 39 Tyrell av

Such George, potter, res 434 Adeline

Such John, ropemaker, 2134 S Broad

Suchma Joseph, mason, 1858 Chestnut av

Sudel Joseph, wiredrawer, h 624 1/2 Second

Suddo Anthony, laborer, h 261 Elmer

Suess Marie, wid August, res 414 S Broad

Suffnos Morris, shoe findings, 8 Union, h do

Sugar Bowl Co, (Peter Skokos), confectioners, 14 N Broad

Suigala Anthony, rubberworker, h 50 Prince

Sujansky Joseph, cabinetmaker, res 40 Chelton av

Sukkaw Harry, tilepresser, res 695 Lamberton

Suknovidt Henry, fireman, h 611 Cass

Sukuski Mathew, foundry worker h 321 Klagg av

Sul Michael, blacksmith, res 62 Power

Sulac Louis, laborer, h 52 Hancock

Sulhey Michael, railroader, h 70 Franklin

Sullivan Albert T, government employee, h 141 Mercer

Sullivan Anna, domestic, res 425 Greenwood av

Sullivan Anna E, stenographer, res 33 Ellsworth av

Sullivan Anna F, teacher, res 34 Benton

Sullivan Catharine, wid Michael, h 33 Ellsworth av

Sullivan Catharine C, stenographer, res 33 Ellsworth av

Sullivan Charles E, clerk, h 222 Highland av

Sullivan Daniel J, fireman, h 219 Pearl

Sullivan Dennis, shipworker, res 26 Bellevue av

Sullivan Edward J, foreman, res 455 S Olden av

Sull van Eugene J, clerk, res 33 Ellsworth av

Sullivan Francis J, machinist, res 33 Ellsworth av

Sullivan Francis J, Rev, h 716 Bellevue av

Sullivan Helen, teacher, res 34 Benton

Sullivan James D, (Gray & Sullivan), h 46 McKinley av

Sullivan James, clerk, h 46 McKinley av

Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, res 440 Centre

Sullivan Jeremiah, pressman, res 14 Kelsey av

Sullivan John, tiremaker, h 445 Centre

Sullivan John, shipbuilder, res 219 E Trenton av

Sullivan John E, wireworker, h 239 Woodland

Sullivan John J, laborer, h 41 Kelsey av

Sullivan John J, brakeman, h 3 Mechanics av

Sullivan John L, machinist, h 277 Tyler

Sullivan Joseph A, secretary, res 34 Benton

Sullivan Joseph D, salesagent, h 59 Edgemere av

Sullivan Joseph L, foreman, res 436 Perry

Sullivan Joseph T, advertising manager, h 27 Bryn Mawr av

Sullivan J Leo, electrician, 128 Burton

Sullivan Margaret, stenographer, res 34 Benton

Sullivan Margaret M, stenographer, res 38 Ellsworth av

Sullivan Mary, wid Daniel, h 34 Benton

Sullivan Poppy, shipyard worker, res 363 Greenwood av

Sullivan Samuel A, mechanic, res 41 Kelsey av

Sullivan Thomas P, electrician, res 41 Kelsey av

Sulowske Andrew, wireworker, res 1613 Chestnut av

Sultan Herman, manager, h 5631h N Clinton av

Sultanof Louis, general upholsterer, 328 S Broad, h do

Sultanowski Bruno, rubberworker, h 676 N Olden av

Sumholz David, lace shop, h 83 Jackson

Sumicsaky Joseph, furniture, 801 S Clinton av, res do

Summer Joseph, h 147 Hamilton av

SUMMERFELDT JOHN R, treas Rider College, h 815 Berkeley av

Summers Anna, saleswoman, 467 Greenwood av

Summers Daniel H, salesman, h 214 W Hanover

Summers Ellen A, milliner, 227 N Warren, h do

SUN OPTICAL MFG CO, 38 W State, F C Leaming pres, phone 5447

Sunday Frank, laborer h 7 Barnt

Sunday John, laborer, h 316 Home av

Sunday Peter, laborer, h 11 Barnt av

Sunderland Charles C, civil engineer, h 501 N Hermitage av

Sundura Samuel, laborer, h 41 Hart av

Sunningshine John T, carpenter, res 912 Melrose av

Sunnyside John, barber, res Dolton's Block

Sunsky Michael, laborer, res 131 Ferry

Suozzi Angelo, laborer, h 302 Hudson

Suozzi Ernest, rubberworker, res 302 Hudson

Suozzo Russell, (Fidelity Realty Co), res 318 S Clinton av

SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKS, 115 City Hall, Alvin Bugbee supt

SUPERIOR FIRE LININGS, mfrs fire brick; tile; etc, Oakland av and P & R Ry, opp Highland av, A Reeder Chambers prop

Supervising Agent (Trenton Div) Penna R R, 72 S Clinton av

Supinski Joseph, carpenter, h 619 Second

Suplee William J, salesman, h 469 Hamilton av

Supper Charles F, meatcutter, h 19 Lincoln av

Supper Hobart G, clerk, res 19 Lincoln av

Supplee William R, machinist, h 2079 Greenwood av

Supplier Florence, h 1246 Genesee

Supra Joseph, laborer, h 7 Hirsch al

Supreme Court Justice, Court House, Thomas R Trenchard justice

Supronyi John, laborer, h 123 Grand

Surka Nicholas, rubberworker, h 1261 Princeton av

Suro Thomas, confectioner, 28 Hart av, h do

Surro Pietro, confectioner, 24 Jefferson, h do

SURROGATE'S OFFICE, Court House, Walter Madden surrogate

Surtees Etta X, nurse, h 112 Laclede av

Surtees Herbert M, bricklayer, res 112 Laclede av

SURTEES S J COAL CO, (S J Surtees), Feeder n Montgomery

SURTEES SAMUEL J, (S J Surtees Coal Co), h 1067 S Clinton av

Sury Blajez, laborer, h 124 Grand

Sus Joseph R, engineer, res 773 E State

Susbalaz Alex, ropeshop worker, h 547 Emory av

Suska Nicholas, fireman, h 136 Genesee

Sussman Samuel, tailor, 212 Perry, h do

Sussman Samuel L, tailor, 560 N Clinton av, h do

Sutak Andrew, potter, h 937 S Clinton av

Sutak Joseph, rubberworker, h 927 S Clinton av

Sutak Michael, laborer, h 108 Lexington

Sutcliffe Margaret, res 1107 W State

SUTCLIFFE R MOSS, (E F Hooper & Co), h 1107 W State

Sutcliffe T, P O clerk, 223 Academy

Suters Sarah M, wid Andrew, h 611 Bridge

SUTHERLAND D MANSON, mgr Agasote Millboard Co, h 35 Fisher pI

Sutmary Mary, h 213 Mott

Sutnick Abel, sign painter, 338 Adeline, h do

Sutnick Lena, clerk, res 801 S Broad

Sutnick Mabel, clerk, res 801 S Broad

SUTNICK MICHAEL, dentist, 706 S Broad, h do

Sutnick Nathan, department store, 801 S Broad, h do

Suto John, laborer, h 320 Case

Suto Michael, wiredrawer, h 118 Furman

Suto Michael Jr, laborer, res 118 Furman

Sutor Louis, wireworker, h 204 Home av

SUTPHEN JAMES T, asst treas Mercer Trust Co, h 306 Berwyn av

Sutphen Martha V, wid James T, res 306 Berwyn av

Sutphen Peter A, carpenter, res 1410 Riverside Drive

Sutphin Calvin B, blacksmith, 166 Pennington av, h do

Sutphin Cora, lampworker, 520 Ingham av

Sutphin C Thompson, decorator, res 924 W State

Sutphin Elmer E, (Sutphin Machine Works), h 307 Spring

Sutphin Ethel, wid Clarence, h 88 West End av

Sutphin Harold B, machinist, h 1614 Riverside Drive

Sutphin Helen E, bookkeeper, res 669 Rutherford av

SUTPHIN DAVID A, sec-treas Sutphin lce & Coal Co, h 294 Spring

SUTPHIN ICE & COAL CO, 131 N Willow, David A Sutphin sec-treas

Sutphin Isabelle M, wid Richard, h 196 W State

Sutphin Louis, laborer, res 567 Brunswick av

Sutphin Machine Works, (Elmer E Sutphin), 280-290 Church

Sutphin Mary E, h 520 Ingham

Sutphin Paul, rubberworker, 520 Ingham

Sutphin Richard L, toolmaker, h 659 Rutherford av

Sutphin Winfield, potter, 41 N Roosevelt

Sutter Alexander J, taxidermist, h 357 Morris av

Sutter Edward A, clerk, 317 Rutherford av

Sutter Daniel, foreman, h 430 Washington

Sutter Francis R, grocer, h 317 Rutherford av

Sutter Horace, clerk, h 747 Second

Sutter Karl, driver, res 430 Washington

Sutter Louise C, teacher, res 317 Rutherford av

Sutter Maria, watchmaker, h 430 Washington

Sutterley Job R, foreman, res 27 N Anderson

Sutterley Le Roy, machine worker, res 27 N Anderson

Sutterley Margaret, wid Gabriel, h 42 Schiller av

Sutterlin Carl, rubberworker, h 732 Beatty

Sutterlin Charles E, res 722 Beatty

Sutterlin Daniel, florist, h 722 Beatty

Sutterlin Daniel C, foreman, res 722 Beatty

Sutterlin Emma, clerk, res 722 Beatty

Sutterlin William L, foreman, res 1242 Bunting av (Deutzville)

Sutto Michael, flat wire worker, res 102 Genesee

Sutto Michael, wireworker, h 104 Genesee

Sutton Abner C, laborer, h 217 N Montgomery

Sutton Edmond, printer, h 307 Genesee

Sutton George K, foreman, res 252 N Warren

Sutton James G, salesman, res 63 Wilkinson pl

Sutton Jonathan R, clerk, h 63 Wilkinson pI

Sutton Martha E, milliner, 416 Broad St Bank Bldg, h 618 Monmouth

Sutton Michael J, cafe, 302 Brunswick av, h do

Sutton Rose E, res 302 Brunswick av

Sutton Samuel H, machinist, res 63 Wilkinson pI

Sutton William, rubberworker, h 135 Roberts av

Sutts John, machinist, res Moose Home

Silveg John, laborer, h 235 Morris av

Suydam Charles H, clerk, h 21 Hanford pl

Suydam George, lineman, h 15 Chapel

Suydam Wayman, salesman, res 269 Hamilton av

Suzza Russell, shipyard worker, res 318 S Clinton av

Svatus Andrew, laborer, h 750 S Warren

Svatus Gabriel, laborer, res 750 S Warren

Svcouture Nickle, machinist, 619 Nottingham Way

Svitala Joseph, laborer, h 440 Grand

Swab Andrew, laborer, h r 820 S Warren

Swagresh Andy, laborer, h 32 Water

Swain Charles R, clerk, h Princeton and Lawrence rds (Slackwood)

Swain Frank, railroader, h 1203 Genesee

Swain George, supt Fair Grounds, h Nottingham Way

Swain Ida, watchmaker, res 214 Columbus av

Swain William, plumber, res 28 W Lafayette

Swallow M Elizabeth, boarding, 246 E Front, h do

Swan Aaron J, porter, h 15 Fowler

Swan Abram Sr, architect, h 30 Wilkinson pl

SWAN ABRAM Jr, engineer of streets, 101 City Hall, h 506 Riverside av

Swan A W, garden contractor, 539 S Warren

SWAN CHARLES E, sec-treas Eureka Fire Co, 17 S Westfield av

Swan Elizabeth, 932 Berkeley

Swan William, roper, h 30 Tyler

Swangler Gibson, engineer, h 25 Commerce

Swangler Henry, machinist, h 204 Holland av

Swann Frederick C, salesman, h Prospect and W State

Swann Howard F, res 327 Berwyn av

Swann Justin D, machinist, h Princeton rd (Slackwood)

Swann John J, laundryman, h 327 Berwyn av

Swann Robert C, millwright, h 254 Spring

Swanson Albert, railroader, h 403 N Olden av

Swanson Margaret, Yardville Heights

Swanson William J, barber, h 40 Barnes

Swart Edward, potter, h 48 Decatur

SWARTZ CLINTON J, receiver of taxes, 110 City Hall, h 838 Edgewood av

Swartz Elsie M, stenographer, res 808 W State

Swartz Frank A, h 1214 Hamilton av

Swartz George, upholsterer, h 9 Howell

Swartz Joseph, carpenter, h 601 Princeton av

Swartz Michael, laborer, h 130 Jersey

Swartz Miriam P, stenographer, res 808 W State

Swartz Ralph M, chauffeur, h 833 Edgewood av

Swartz U S Grant, master mechanic, h 833 Edgewood av

Swartz Walter P, machinist, h 152 Walnut av

Swartz William A, foreman, h 115 Culbertson av

Swartz, see also Schwartz and Schwarz

Swayze Calvin, butcher, h 466 W Hanover

SWAYZE FRANK W, (Swayze & Margerum), h 342 S Broad

Swayze Horace, carpenter, 27 Ewing

Swayze Russel, electrician's helper, res 466 W Hanover

Swayze William J, machinist, h 398 S Warren

SWAYZE & MARGERUM, (Frank W Swayze & Herbert P Margerum), undertakers, 342 S Broad

Sweder George, laborer, h 932 N Willow

Sweeney Alexander, laborer, h 136 Second

Sweeney Alfred E, clerk, res 857 Melrose av

SWEENEY ANDREW E, delinquent tax collector, 217 City Hall, h 204 Spring

Sweeney Annie E, wid Edward, h 857 Melrose av

Sweeney Bernard E, salesman, res 41 Cumberland av

Sweeney Edith, clerk, 420 Monmouth

Sweeney Edward, fire dept, h 9 Kent

Sweeney Edward, laborer, 152 Trent

Sweeney Edward B, potter, h 76 Bellevue av

Sweeney Edward H, bookkeeper, res 204 Spring

Sweeney Edward J, manager, res 41 Cumberland

Sweeney Edward J, elevator operator, h 841 Centre

Sweeney Ella, confectionery, 732 Princeton av

Sweeney E E, bookkeeper, res 128 E Hanover

Sweeney Fannie L, school teacher, res 857 Melrose av

Sweeney Grace S, saleswoman, res 33 Anderson

Sweeney Isabelle, stenographer, res 429 Centre

Sweeney James J, toolmaker, h 41 Cumberland av

Sweeney James, motorman, res 817 Centre

Sweeney Jeremiah J, harnessmaker, 186 S Broad, h 32 S Hermitage av

Sweeney John J, plumber, 429 Centre

Sweeney John J Jr, student, res 429 Centre

Sweeney John J , tiremaker, res 76 Kelsey av

Sweeney John J, brassmolder, h 816 Southard

Sweeney Lawrence J, polisher, 723 Princeton av, h do

Sweeney Michael P, watchman, 176 Pennington av

Sweeney Miles, printer, h 857 Melrose av

Sweeney Neil, res 841 Centre

Sweeney Patrick, engineer, h 125 Roberts av

Sweeney Patrick, tiremaker, h Hutchinson's rd (Hamilton twp)

Sweeney Rose, teacher, res 429 Centre

Sweeney R John, rubberworker, res 125 Roberts av

Sweeney Thomas F, clerk, res 41 Cumberland av

Sweeney Thomas J, packer, h 76 Kelsey av

Sweeney Walter, clerk, res 128 E Hanover

Sweeny Dayton W, bookbinder, h 15 Grant av

Sweeny Estelle A, bookkeeper, res 244 Tyler

Sweeny Evelyn M, cigarmaker, res 15 Grant av

Sweeny Frank L, contractor, 666 Rutherford av

Sweeny Jennie, waitress, res 315 Bert av

Sweeny John T, assistant yardmaster, h 244 Tyler

SWEENY JOSEPH R, cashier Mechanics Nat'l Bank, h 109 Anderson

Sweeny Lida M, res 109 Anderson

Sweeny Louise J, bobbinworker, res 15 Grant av

Sweeny Mabel, stenographer, res 1210 Riverside av

Sweeny Margaret, wid Edward C, h 1210 Riverside av

Sweeny Raymond L, student, 666 Rutherford av

Sweet Charles Parker, clerk Custodian's office, State House, h 344 Pennington av

Sweet George, machinist's helper, res 543 Tyler

Sweet Johanna, widow, 1157 Chambers

Sweet John, laborer, res 1157 Chambers

Sweet William, res 448 S Broad

Sweeting Ralph, foreman, res 332 Tyler

Swem Albert P, janitor, h 106 Walnut av

Swem Borden W, student, res 1037 Greenwood av

Swem Charles, collector, res 15 Grand

Swem Charles E, regulator, h 1614 E State

Swem Charles L, sec to President Wilson, res 985 Smith

Swem George B, porcelainworker, h 18 Bank

Swem Hannah M, braider, res 33 Schiller av (Bd St Pk)

Swem Helen M, teacher, res 19 Ellsworth av

Swem J Lewis, bookkeeper, res 18 Bank

Swem Le Roy, fireman, res 47 Hudson

Swem Mary J, res 18 Bank

Swem Mrs Theodore, res 19 Ellsworth av

Swenconac Iguance, laborer, h 194 Girard av

Swenning Edward, machinist, 227 Sewell av

Swenning Lillian, clerk, 437 Stuyvesant av

Swerenofsky Harry, shoemaker, 252 N Clinton av, h do

Swerer Jacob, oilworker, res 715 William

Swern Abraham, cafe, 302 Mulberry, h do

Swern Morris, student, res 302 Mulberry

SWERN SAMUEL, sec-treas Hoenig-Swern Co, h 22 Murray

Swern Samuel, res 302 Mulberry

Swern Sarah, student, res 302 Mulberry

SWETNAM EDWARD T, sec-treas Sanitary Earthenware Specialty Co, res 157 Rosemont av

Swetnam John, houseman State Hospital, res do

Swetnam Laura A, stenographer, res 801 E State

Swetnam Lawrence, h 801 E State

Swick Albert, railroader, h 241 Perry

Swick Catherine, rubberworker, res 1055 E State

Swick Catharine, with Otto, res 178 Jefferson

Swick Catharine S, wid William, h 15 Hermann

Swick Wililam J, salesman, h 113 Newell av

Swiderski John, laborer, res 143 Lexington

Swiecnisky Peter, porcelainworker, h 18 Mead

Swierek Jacob, laborer, h 785 Beatty

Swift Nicholas, h 105 Girard av

Swift & Co, provisions, 25-29 Ringold, Forrest A Morgan mgr

Swiggett John W, laborer, h 57 Fountain av

Swing Carlton P, optician, 37 N Willow, h do

Swingler Eliabeth M, nurse, res 621 Tyler

Swircznygsi Jack, pottery, res 785 Beatty

SWITLIK STANLEY, (Switlik & Co), h 1419 S Broad

SWITLIK S & CO, real estate and insurance, 869 S Broad

Switlik Walter, grocer, 1604 Chestnut av

Swiztak Martin, laborer, h 559 Lamberton

Swol Joseph, cooper, h 1532 Princeton av

Swope Alfred K, repairman, h 213 Tioga

Swope Arthur T, pipefitter, res 205 Cleveland av

Swope Harry, res 6 Johnson pl

Swope Isaac P, hosemaker, h 80 Sweets av

Swope Robert, driver, res 72 Pennington av

Swope Walter, crane operator, res 213 Tioga

Sxkasi Louis, rubberworker, h 265 Ashmore av

Sycz Peter, rubberworker, h 20 Dickinson

Syke John, vegetable dealer, 117 Cooper

Syken Harry, driver, res 46 Union

Sykes Alvin W, counsellor-at-law, 111 E State, h Hamilton Square N J

Sykes Emma M, domestic, h 106 Quarry al

SYKES JOHN, (John Sykes & Co), h Newark N J

SYKES JOHN & Co, (John Sykes and John P Hooper), Indian Motorcycles; Bicycles and Supplies, 145 N Broad

Sykes William J, produce, Washington Market, h 802 Second

Sykes William, farmer, h 328 S Logan av

Sylvester Amanda, wid, 1742 E State

Sylvester Amelio, shoemaker, h 18 E Paul av

Sylvester Andrew, fireman, 1623 Wagner av

Sylvester Elizabeth E, stevedore P R R, res 15 Camden

Sylvester Ellsworth, freighthandler, 533 Rutherford av

Sylvester Frank, porter, h 58 Bayard

Sylvester Frank, boilermaker, 45 Lincoln av

Sylvester Frederick, laborer, res 340 Elmer

Sylvester James, janitor, h 400 Reservoir

Sylvester John, laborer, h 340 Elmer

Sylvester John, tiremaker, h 59 Hobart av

Sylvester Leroy, rubberworker, 1742 E State

Sylvester Louis, laborer, h 104 Mott

Sylvester Mary, sizer, res 104 Mott

Sylvester Pasquale, laborer, res 340 Elmer

Symak Alexander, laborer, h 697 Second

Symak Benjamin, U S A, res 697 Second

Symanovick Nicholas, h 11 Mead

Symanski William, h 326 Mulberry

Symonowicz Peter, cafe, 506 Perry, h do

Sypeck Michael, rubberworker, h 634 Ohio av

Sypniewski Frank, U S A, res 529 Second

Sypniewski Joseph, h 529 Second

Sypniewski Louis, presser, res 607 Pine

Sypniewski Mary, res 529 Second

Syul Joseph, blacksmith, cor Lalor and Beatty

Szabo Andrew, laborer, h 331 Second

Szabo Michael, laborer, h 228 Home av

Szabo, see also Sabo

Szagany John P, wireworker, res 706 Division

Szagany Michael, wiredrawer, h 706 Division

Szagany Michael Jr, railroader, h 708 Division

Szakach Andrew, laborer, 608 S Clinton av

Szakracs Andrew, enameler, h 166 Jersey

Szalkonfski John, industrial engineer, 26 Ogden

Szamodoski Joseph, butcher, h 138 Genesee

Szathmary Joseph, shipworker, h 318 Genesee

Szaz Dorothy, stenographer, res 45 Conrad

Szaz Julia, stenographer, res 45 Conrad

Szaz Julius, foreman, h 45 Conrad

Szeir Wendell, laborer, h 834 Genesee

Szeker Joseph, wireworker, h 33 Hancock

Szekeres A, grocer, 659 Emory av, h do

Szell Alexander, laborer, h 567 N Clinton av

Szenasy Louis, shoemaker, 177 S Broad

Szenczy John, laborer, h 1011 S Clinton av

Szerszen Agnes, rubberworker, res 1129 Pennsylvania av

Szerszen Victoria, wid John, h 1129 Pennsylvania av

Szesztai Gerson, wireworker, h 1209 Anderson

Szet Stephen, laborer, h 210 Jersey

Szczeney Konstanty, cafe, 401 Lamberton, h do

Szczerney Joseph, conductor, res 954 Princeton av

Szikoro John, laborer, res 824 S Warren

Szikra Michael, barber, 821 Beatty, h do

SztIagyi George, laborer, h 134 Genesee

Szilakyi John, wireworker, res 159 Hancock

Szilagyi Mary, wid Alexander, h 709 Hudson

Szilagyi Michael, laborer, h 223 Home av

Szilsiggi Alexander, machinist, h 206 Emory av

Szincrak Andrew, firemen, h 146 Second

Szlugajski Joseph, presser, h 30 Stout av

Szmerija John, laborer, res 824 S Warren

Sznbrowski Anthony, laborer, h 520 Lamberton

Szoha Michael, machinist, h 616 Roebling av

Szolomayer Joseph, laborer, h 162 Jersey

Szolomayer Stephen, rubberworker, h 17 Emory av

Szolomski John, laborer, h 133 Fountain av

Szoly Julius, wireworker, res 215 Genesee

Szombathy Charles, laborer, h 354 Morris av

Szombathy James, laborer, h 360 Morris av

Szombathy Joseph, wireworker, h 501 Emory av

Szomboti Andrew, laborer, res 20 Ingleton

Szoziey John laborer h 144 Hancock

Szuch John, laborer, h 1441 S Clinton av

Szucs George, grocer, 201 Genesee, h do

Szucs John, wireworker, h 703 S Clinton av

Szucs Julia, cigarmaker, res 703 S Clinton av

Szucsik John, laborer, 819 S Warren

Szueta Gabor, ropemaker, h 76 Woolverton av

Szuetta Stephen, elevator operator, h 231 Morris av

Szuhl Joseph, blacksmith, h 1186 Deutz av (Deutzville)

Szukach John, laborer, res 608 S Clinton av

Szul George, laborer, h 43 Randall av

Szul John, grinder, h 978 Smith

Szul Michael, blacksmith, h 62 Power

Szul Joseph, horseshoer, Lalor cor Beatty, h 980 Smith

Szumski Samuel, laborer, h 317 Fair

Szwed Joseph, laborer, h 643 Pennsylvania av

Szwedo James, laborer, res 1014 Pennsylvania av

Szychulski Stephen, insurance agent, h 620 S Warren

Szychulski Stanley, sanitary presser, 58 Evans av

Szymangk John, rubberworker, 32 Sherman av

Szymansky Anna, h 32 Randall av

Szymansky Joseph, laborer, h 32 Randall av

Tabor William H, res 938 S Clinton av

Tabram John C, house furnishings, 144 S Broad, h 203 E Hanover

Taca Tony, wireworker, h 631 Cass

Tackach Anthony, laborer, h 4921/2 Huston al

Tackacs John, wireworker, res 711 Genesee

Tackacs Michael, boxnailer, h 711 Genesee

Tackacs Stephen, wire temperer, res 711 Genesee

Tackacs Stephen Jr, wireworker, res 711 Genesee

Tadeusiak B Henry, physician, 987 S Broad, h do

Taff William, chauffeur, 918 Franklin

Tafro Harry, wireworker, res 177 Washington

Tafrow Anthony, wiredrawer, res 721 Chestnut av

Tafrow Steven, confectioner and billiards, 721 Chestnut av, h do

Tafrow Thomas, machinist, res 617 Centre

Tafs Alice, h 549 Perry

Tafs Joseph, potter, res 549 Perry

Tafs William, potter, h 549 Perry

Taft Anna, rubberworker, res 154 Sherman av

Taft John G, (Union House), 239 N Clinton av, h do

Taft Samuel K, potter, h 154 Sherman av

Taft Samuel Jr, filtration plant, res 154 Sherman av

Taggard Edward, salesman, 565 Brunswick av

Taggart Harry, blacksmith, h 292 Hamilton av

Taggart Merle L, secretary, res 292 Hamilton av

Tagharini Guiseppe, laborer, Hutchison's rd

Taing Miles, rubberworker, res 25 S Walter av

Tait Collin F, clerk, res 814 Brunswick av

Tait William, Inspector, res 814 Brunswick av

Takach Andrew, wireworker, res 557 S Broad

Takaes Andrew, watchman, h 282 Ashmore av

Takacs John, wireworker, h 353 Cummings av

Takats Joseph, laborer, h 10 Eastburn av

Takazewski Joseph, laborer, h 312 Lamberton

Taks Michael, carpenter, 79 Annabelle av

Talarowski Frank, shipping clerk, h 820 Beatty

Talarowski Joseph, laborer, h 425 Cass

Talbert Apartments, (Franklin B Moore), 27-29 N Clinton av

Talbos Elias, laborer, h 38 Elm

Talbot David, driver, h 146 S Stockton

Talbot William, driver, 703 Anderson

Tallerica Joseph, laborer, 43 Daymond

Talley George, baker, h 251 Garfield av

Talley Wesley, laborer, h 102 Liberty

Tallon James H, factory inspector, h 498 W Hanover

Tallon James J A, commr of deeds; justice of peace and notary public, 247 Hamilton av, h do

Tallon Joseph E, student, res 498 W Hanover

Tallon J Edward, clerk, res 498 W Hanover

Tallon J LeRoy, clerk, res 498 W Hanover

Tallon Leon F, carpenter, res 484 W State

Tallon Madeline K, dressmaker, res 484 W State

Tallon Philip, carpenter, cor West End av and Montgomery pl

Tallon William P, electrician, res 484 W State

Tallon Winifred M, wid Philip A, h 484 W State

Tallon Winifred, stenographer, res 484 W State

Tallone Alfonso, laborer, h 227 Elmer

Tallone Pasquale, potter, h 515 Chestnut av

Tambour John, prison keeper, h 909 Melrose av

Tams Arthur J, mgr Trenton Red Front Brick Works and Greenwood China Co

Tams Catherine, 1062 Pennington rd

Tams George E, v-pres Greenwood China Co, h 1212 Riverside av

Tams George W, printer, res 225 Brinton av

Tams George, clerk Trenton Times, h 108 E Ingham av

Tams Hilda M, teacher, res 1017 Brunswick av

Tams James A, potter, res 164 Brown

TAMS JAMES, hardware; paints and feed, 2426 S Broad, h 303 Columbus av

Tams James (Estate), Princeton av cor Spruce

Tams Jennie, res 1062 Pennington rd

Tams Joseph, tailor, h 1017 Brunswick av

Tams Mary F, matron county jail, h 702 Monmouth

Tams Myra, watchmaker, res 303 Columbus av

Tams Raymond R, mgr Greenwood Pottery, h 15 Fisher pI

Tams Theodore T, asst supervisor state labor, h 1212 Riverside av

Tams Thomas W, supt Greenwood Pottery, h 941 W State

Tams William E, rubberworker, res 1017 Brunswick av

Tams William, pres Greenwood China Co, h 41 Prospect

Tams W Blaine, (Greenwood Pottery Co), h 915 W State

Tamto Antony, laborer, h 416 Washington

Tancke Anna, confectionery, 711 S Broad, h do

Tancreda August, confectioner, 430 Elmer, h do

Tankel A, (Harrison & Tankel), h 715 Beatty

Tankel Joseph, tinsmith, h 715 Beatty

Tankel Morris, shoemaker, 120 Ferry, h do

Tankle Samuel, shoe repairer, 284 1/2 N Willow, res 274 do

Tano Miriam, attendant State Hospital, res do

Tantum Aaron, elevator operator, h 462 Genesee

Tantum Elmer E, electrician, h 1309 Chestnut av

Tantum Emma, bookkeeper, h 213 Perry

Tantum Harry, groceries and provisions, 501 Tyler, h do

Tantum Hartshorn H, wireroller, h 112 Ashmore av

Tantum Isaac, timekeeper, res 462 Genesee

Tantum Margaret W, h 845 W State

Tantum Mary V, wid William, h 127 Mercer

Tantum Oscar E, carpenter, h 2528 William

Tantum Robert, decorator, 208 Academy

Tantum William H, mfr, res 127 Mercer

Tantum Viola, clerk, res 113 Wayne av

Tanzillo Michael, barber, h 715 Whittaker av

Tanzone Anthony, manager, res 118 Fulton

Tanzone Daniel J, manager, h 118 Fulton

Tanzone Frank, carpenter, h 212 Mott

Tanzone Joseph, manager, res 118 Fulton

Tanzone Thomas, laborer, h 223 Butler

Tanzone Vincenzo, grocer, 118 Fulton, h do

Tapler William, Inspector, res 302 Tyler

Tarangel Charles, laborer, res 324 Fair

Tarangel James P, laborer, res 324 Fair

Tarangel Rose, wid Michael, h 324 Fair

Taransic Michael, laborer, h 467 Lamberton

Taranzo Michael, barber, 233 Bayard

Tarbal Illes, laborer, h 41 Hancock

Tarknecki Stanley, laborer, h 827 S Warren

Tarkschi Louis, laborer, 118 Southard

Tarnoske Howard, potter, h 69 Race

Tarnoske Otto, potter, h 66 Washington

Tarnoski Michael, laborer, h 4 Davies

Taronyi Miklos, laborer, h 25 Levine's ct

Tarsallt Joseph, laborer, 854 Roebling av

Tart Edward, driver, res 221 Jackson

Tart Edward J, boilermaker, h 1242 Genesee

Tart Mabel, textileworker, res 1242 Genesee

Tart Robert, hosieryworker, res 1242 Genesee

Tasca Sarah, h 87 Ward av

TASHJIAN K S, oriental rugs, 126 Brunswick av, h do

Taska Joseph C, butler, res 537 Greenwood av

Tassone Vincent, laborer, h 36 Wainwright av

Tata Michael, laborer, res 510 Federal

Tatarak Felix, laborer, h 886 Lamberton

Tatarek Mary, wid Otto, h 815 Beatty

Tataro Antonio, laborer, h 301 Morris av

Tate Margaret, res Odd Fellows' Home

Tatle Harry, ticket seller, res 132 Fair

Tatle Sophia, saleswoman, res 132 Fair

Tatler Edgar E, (Tatler & Lawson Decorating Co), h 949 Berkeley av

Tatler William H, decorator, h 54 Elmhurst av

Tatler & Lawson Decorating Co, china decorators, Monmouth n E State, Edgar E Tatler pres, James P Lawson sec-treas

Tatrai Stephen, wireworker, h 332 Ashmore av

TATTERSALL CO, coal and mason builders' supplies, 147 N Warren, coal pockets; 100 West End av, sand yard; 321 Perry, James C Tattersall pres, K I Callahan treas

TATTERSALL JAMES C, pres Tattersall Co; pres Fitzgibbon & Crisp Inc; pres Mercer Mortgage Securities Co, h 407 W State

Tattersall Samuel L, res 168 W State

Tattersall Storage Yards, 321 Perry

TATTORY ALBERT ,(American lce & Coal Co), h 15 Morris av

Tattory Antone, laborer, res 15 Morris av

TATTORY CHARLES J, bookkeeper, res 15 Morris av

Tattory Morris, chauffeur, res 15 Morris av

Taub Anna, (Russian-Turkish Baths), 623 S Warren

Taub Essie, seamstress, res 52 Union

Taub Fannie, dry goods, 52 Union, res do

Taub Henry, h 623 S Warren

Taub John, mason, h 613 S Warren

TAUBEL WILLIAM F, (William F Taubel Inc) h Riverside N J

TAUBEL WILLIAM F INC, hosiery mfrs, Grand and Elm, Thomas H De Lacy mgr

Tauth Benjamin, packer, res 623 Lalor

TAX RECEIVER'S OFFICE, 109-11 City Hall, Clniton J Swartz receiver

Taxi Service Co, (John Wiskgerber), Warren cor E State

Taylor Abram, drygoods, 2280 S Broad, h do

Taylor Abraham, men's furnishings, 9 Perry, h 722 Anderson

Taylor Adelia, wid Joseph, h 110 Passaic

Taylor Albert A, lawyer, 1012-1016 Amer Mech Bldg, h Allentown N J

Taylor Alice, stenographer, res 265 Spring

Taylor Amos, res Odd Fellows' Home

Taylor Andrew C, milk, h 1100 Prospect

Taylor Annie E, wid Frank, res 908 W State

Taylor Benjamin, motorman, res 325 W Hanover

Taylor Bessie I, res 333 Bellevue av

Taylor Charles, ironworker, res 504 Centre

Taylor Charles F, potter, h 13 Hart av

TAYLOR CLIFFORD P, undertaker, 306 S Broad, h 210 N Clinton av

Taylor Daniel, motorman, h 824 Liberty

Taylor Dora D, wid Charles F, res 164 W Hanover

Taylor Drug & Chemical Co, 219 Olive

Taylor Edward, U S N, res 1602 S Broad

Taylor Edward R, musician res 28 Gen Greene av

Taylor Edward R, note teller First Nat'l Bank, res Mercerville N J

Taylor Edwin, farmhand State Hospital, res do

Taylor Elwood, blacksmith's helper, res 205 Spring

Taylor Emma, wid Frederick, res 17 Houghton av

Taylor Emma H, wid Thomas R, res 578 Rutherford av

Taylor Emma K, stenographer, res 265 Spring

Taylor Erwin F, fireman, h 308 S Cnilton av

Taylor Everet, h 204 Academy

Taylor Ezra, clerk, h 1003 Lamberton

Taylor Florence, watchmaker, res 461 Princeton av

Taylor Frank, fireman, res 504 Centre

Taylor Frank, laborer, h 159 Old Rose

Taylor Frank, watchman, h 518 St Joes av

Taylor George, machinist, res 160 Walnut av

Taylor George, potter, res 54 S Walter av

Taylor George Jr, potter, h 405 Centre

Taylor George H, pipefitter, res 160 Walnut av

Taylor George M, machinist, res 241 Walnut av

Taylor Hannah, winder, res 205 Spring

Taylor Harry, laborer, h 311 S Warren

Taylor Harry B, auto mechanic, res 842 Carteret av

Taylor Harry E, h 765 E State

Taylor Helen, wid John, asst matron State Prison, h 20 Perry

Taylor Henry, truck driver, h 132 Morgan av

Taylor Ida F, wid Edward W, h 28 Gen Greene av

Taylor Ida L, wid Sylvester, res 333 Bellevue av

Taylor Ira, salesman, res 308 S Clinton av

Taylor Isaac M, engineer, h 331 Breunig av

Taylor Iva A, stenographer, res 219 N Montgomery

Taylor James, laborer, h 240 Mercer

Taylor James, painter, h 27 Summer

Taylor James B, res 155 E Front

Taylor James R, student, res 36 Parkside av

Taylor James W, painter, res 40 Spring

TAYLOR JENKINS R, (E S Applegate & Co), h 295 Spring

Taylor Jennie L, wid Charles h 126 E Front

Taylor John h 388 Brunswick av

Taylor John, chauffeur, h 33 Ringold

Taylor John, motorman, h 536 Centre

Taylor John A, bookkeeper, res 284 Bellevue av

Taylor John B, laborer, res 11 Barnes

Taylor John F, decorator, h 19 New Rose

Taylor John S, v-pres and sec Rees, Taylor & Co Inc, h 922 Stuyvesant av

Taylor Joseph, livery, 14 E Front, h 1246 E State

Taylor Joseph Jr, engineer, res 1246 E State

Taylor Julia A, nurse, res 327 Ellis av

Taylor J Wallace, driver, h 241 Walnut av

Taylor Mrs J M, h 76 N Clinton av

Taylor Katherine, lampworks, h 310 Rutherford av

Taylor Leamotte, engineer, h 376 Lafayette av

Taylor Lillian, res 1246 E State

Taylor Louis, machinist, 306 Division

Taylor Louis L, warehouseman P R R, h 17 Houghton av

Taylor Lucille E, student, res 210 N Clinton av

Taylor Lucy A, wid Charles E, res 703 W State

Taylor Martin, boxmaker, res 54 S Walter av

Taylor Mary A, wid Gilbert L, res 278 Bellevue av

Taylor Mary E, wid Davis h 220 Pearl

Taylor Mary F, stenographer, res 76 N Clinton av

Taylor Matthew B, decorator, h 258 Spring

Taylor Moses E, foreman, h 758 N Clinton av

Taylor Nathan S, drug clerk, res 205 Spring

Taylor Nellie, res 155 E Front

Taylor Nelson D, civil engineer, res 36 Parkside av

Taylor Oliver, wheelwright, h 450 S Broad

Taylor Opera House, S Broad bel State, Montgomery Moses mgr

Taylor Opera House Block, S Broad bel State

Taylor Pearl B, teacher, res 578 Rutherford av

TAYLOR PROVISION CO, 63-65 Perrine av, William T Taylor pres, H C T Seitz treas, William A Foote sec

Taylor Raymond, packer, h 52 Yard

TAYLOR RAYMOND S, (Ivins and Taylor), h 819 Berkeley av

Taylor Rhoda E, housekeeper, h 31 Columbia av

Taylor Richard, potter, h 461 Princeton av

Taylor Richard W, shipworker, res 227 Spring

Taylor Samuel B, machinist, h 112 Woodland

Taylor Samuel J, mgr A Schulte store, cor Broad and State

Taylor Sarah W, wid Charles, res 244 Cleveland av

TAYLOR SMITH & HARD, stock brokers, 9 W State, Richard Stockton local partner

Taylor Squire, carshops, res 836 E State

Taylor Thomas B, attendant State Hospital, res do

Taylor Thomas B, h 155 E Front

Taylor Thomas B Jr, printer, 76-78 Jackson, h 155 E Front

Taylor Thomas E, rubberworker, res 17 Houghton av

Taylor Thomas L, electrician, h 29 Edgemere

Taylor Thompson, bridge shop, res 918 Lamberton

Taylor Vermont B, engineer h 376 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Taylor Walter, packer, h 327 Ellis av

TAYLOR WALTER A, physician, 68 Prospect, h do

Taylor Wilbur C, clerk, h 217 Highland av

Taylor Wilbur H, men's furnishings, 142 E State, h 922 Carteret av

Taylor William, cableworker, res 1004 Hudson

Taylor William A, laborer, h 163 1/2 Old Rose

Taylor William E, rubberworker, h 800 Division

Taylor William H, electrician, 499 Brunswick av

Taylor William H, salesman, h 922 Carteret av

TAYLOR WILLIAM T, pres Taylor Provision Co, h 59 Perrine av

Taylor William T, coremaker, res 124 Lalor

Taylor William T, grocer, h 237 Cuyler av

TAYLOR WINFIELD S Jr, druggist, res 36 Parkside av

TAYLOR W SCOTT, druggist, N Broad cor Perry, h 36 Parkside av

Tazza Andrew, shoemaker, 45 Boudinot h do

Teachers' Pension and Annuity Fund, John Enright sec-treas, Commonwealth Bldg

Tebohl Frederick, machinist, h 412 Ashmore av

TECHNICAL PRESS, (Morris Gerenday), 27 Hancock

Tedeschi Peter, musician, h 643 Emory av

Tedeschi Peter, taxi driver, h 229 Bert av

Teel William O, machinist, h 28 Victor av

Teeter Elijah R H, draftsman, h 113 Spring

Tehan Edward, rubberworker, h 601 Pine

Tehan James, rubberworker, res 601 Pine

Tehlan Theodore R, Rev, h 1979 Brunswick av (Slackwood)

Teich Benjamin, grocer, 370 Morris av, h do

Teich Joseph, shipworker, res 110 Lamberton

Teigelbor John, confectioner, cor S Broad and Lakeside av, h do

Teiss Samuel A, condenser, h 639 Brunswick av

Teisseire Emma C, res 41 Passaic

Teitz David, h 109 Market

Teitz Elizabeth, dressmaker, res 109 Market

Teitz Esther, stenographer, res 109 Market

Teitz Jacob, student, res 109 Market

Teitz Samuel, contractor, 469 Brunswick av, h do

Telehatej John, laborer, h 465 Lamberton

Tellini Louis, janitor, h 26 Wall

Temken Meyer, store and office fixtures, 350 S Broad, h 118 Lamberton

Tempesto John, 306 Hamilton av

TEMPESTO JOSEPH, physician, 306 Hamilton av, res do

Tempesto Theresa, operator, res 591 Chestnut av

Tempfli Augustine, wireworker, h 4 Jersey

Tempfli Jakabo, laborer, h 322 Jersey

Temple Anna J, wid Charles, res 11 Lalor

Temple Bane, engineer, h 104 W State

Temple Belinda A, housekeeper, res 800 W State

Temple Catharine, wid John, res 111 S Montgomery

Temple Charles, bodybuilder, h 35 Howard

Temple Charles L, carpenter, h 34 Walnut av

Temple Charles W, watchman, h 38 Walnut av

Temple Cornelia V, h 64 Prospect

Temple Edward Y, clerk, res 64 Prospect

Temple Elizabeth, forewoman, h 111 S Montgomery

Temple Elizabeth C, wid Charles A, res 53 Bank

Temple George W, manager, h 262 Highland av

Temple George T, tester, res 205 Morris av

Temple Harold, crane operator, h 1037 Lamberton

Temple Jane E, wid James, h 91 Poplar

Temple John T, lawyer, 401 Commonwealth Bldg, h 233 Academy

Temple John W, chauffeur, h 526 Perry

Temple Elizabeth, forelady, res 111 S Montgomery

Temple Margaret, buyer, res 53 Bank

Temple Marie C, stenographer, res 53 Bank

Temple Mary, cook, res 137 S Feeder

Temple Roy L, rubberworker, h 26 N Walter av

Temple William, amusement operator, h 441 Stuyvesant av

Temple William J, (Temple's Auto Repair Shop), res 53 Bank

TEMPLE’S AUTO REPAIR SHOP, William J Temple, 100 Quarry

Templin John, mason, h 713 Second

Templin John Jr, ironworker, res 713 Second

Tems Herman, janitor, h 72 Cooper

Teneous Howard B, auto painting, 1406 S Clinton av, h do

Ten Eyck Mrs R J, dressmaker, res 21 Colonial av

TENNANT A C, sec-mgr Wilkinson-Tennant Co, res Phila Pa

Tenney Harry, driver, h 238 Tioga

Tenney Leroy, rubberworker, res 384 Brunswick av

Tenszler Anthony, cabinetmaker, 412 S Broad, h 239 Third

Tenth Ward Republican Club, 99 Washington

Ter John, ironworker, h 664 Franklin

Terella Frank, laborer, res 715 Whittaker av

Terhune Beekman R, principal Carroll Robbins School, 45 Elmhurst av

Terhune Frank C, treas Anchor Pottery, h Brooklyn N Y

Terhune William, telephone worker, h 35 Carroll

Terleski John, laborer, h 825 Lamberton

Terleski John, laborer, h 807 Lamberton

Terleski Michael, laborer, h 465 Centre

Terman Joseph, fireman, res 708 Brunswick av

Termun Susan, wid, h 335 Second

Terneji John, res 783 Beatty

Terradell Emma L, res 17 Ewing

Terradell Loretta R C, nurse, res 17 Ewing

Terradell Mercedes, R C nurse, res 17 Ewing

Terradell Regnilad, student, res 17 Ewing

Terradell Thomas M Jr, clerk, res 17 Ewing

Terradello Richard R, h 39 Anderson

Terrell Nellie M, teacher, res 846 Berkeley av

Terrio Charles, taxi driver, h 108 N Willow

Territo Joseph, wireworker, h 46 Butler

Terry Bessie B, stenographer, res 135 Walnut av

Terry Elijah W, potter, h 359 Hamilton av

Terry Ervin E, fire department, h 337 W Hanover

Terry George D, fireman, h 135 Walnut av

Terry George D, draftsman, h 437 Norway av

Terry Herman S, savings dept Broad St Bank, res Newtown Pa

Terry Joseph, special officer, h 337 W Hanover

Terry Nellie H, teacher, res 135 Walnut av

Tessein Carrie F, dressmaker, 566 Second, res do

Tessein Elizabeth, wid Rudolph, h 417 Henry (Deutzville)

Tessein Ferdinand, foreman, h 126 Landing

Tessein Freda, wid Louis, h 566 Second

Tessein Henry, carpenter, res 417 Henry (Deutzville)

Tessein Rudolph F, bridgetender, h 1199 Deutz av (Deutzville)

Tessein Russell, carpenter, res 417 Henry (Deutzville)

Testerman Cecelia, attendant State Hospital, res do

Tettemer Clayton, shipping clerk, 52 Sylvester av

Tettemer Frank, foreman, h 103 New York av

Tettemer Pearl, optician, h 103 New York av

Tettemer William, fire dept, h 44 Sherman av

TEUNON APARTMENTS, (Charles G Teunon), 229 E Hanover

Teunon Arnold R, bookkeeper, res 820 Carteret av

TEUNON CHARLES G, (real estate and insurance), 229 E Hanover, h do

Teunon Evan, agent, res 229 E Hanover

TEUNON J S, (C P A) (J E Teunon & Co), h 820 Carteret av

Teunon Russell C, fire insurance, Bd St Bank Bldg, h 820 Carteret av

TEUNON & CO J S, certified public accountants, 211 Broad St Bank Bldg

Tevador Louis, h 515 Beatty

Tewes Ernest, machinist, h 67 Hillcrest av

Tewes May A, stenographer, res 67 Hillcrest av

TEXAS CO (The), oil products, Oakland av and P & R Ry, J J Malloy agent

Teyzes Alexander, laborer, res 8 Hancock

Teyzes Frank, laborer, h 8 Hancock

Tezsla Mary, wid Antony, h 1612 Chestnut av

Thackara Harry, conductor, h 27 Cuyler av

Thackray W L, head farmer State Hospital, res do

Thalak Szymon, h 767 Beatty

Thatcher Bertha E, teacher, res 25 Franklin

Thatcher Charles, res 54 West End av

Thatcher Charles S, druggist, 401 Hudson, h 324 Chestnut av

Thatcher Clifford C, contractor, h 174 Franklin

Thatcher Edith, saleswoman, res 25 Franklin

Thatcher Emma V, wid Jones, h 142 Locust

Thatcher Florence, stenographer, h 25 Franklin

Thatcher Gertrude, bookkeeper, res 2745 S Broad

Thatcher Helen, wid Charles, h 109 Kossuth

Thatcher John E, lineman, h 140 E Washington

Thatcher John R, manager, res 31 N Hermitage av

THATCHER RALPH P, (E R Taylor) undertaker, 960 S Broad, h do

Thatcher Sadie B, saleswoman, res 2745 S Broad

Thatcher Thomas, lineman, h 420 Monmouth

Thatcher Thomas, salesman, h 2745 S Broad

Thatcher Warren, asst undertaker, res 2745 S Broad

Thatcher William D, Rev, res 50 Centre

Theberge George W, sheet metal worker, res 313 S Clinton av

Theburg Mabel, nurse, 267 Walnut av, h do

Theis Amelia, res 211 W S tate

Theis Jacob, laborer, h 870 Quinton av

Thele John, butcher, h 1014 Chestnut av

The Momac Co, mfrs lighting fixtures, 109 Chancery la

Theobald Anton, cooper, h 122 Webster

Theodoro Angelana, wireworker, h 462 Commonwealth av

THERMOID RUBBER CO, Whitehead rd n P R R, J O Stokes pres, Fred S Wilson v-pres, W J B Stokes treas, R J Stokes sec

Theriault Lynn K, h 442 Garfiled av

Thesche Adolph, laborer, h 625 Lamberton

Thibado Harry, laborer, h 143 E Washington

Thiel Albert, U S A, res 25 Trent av

Thiel Jacob N, police, res 20 Bank

Thiel John, laborer, res 113 Morris av

Thiel Joseph, carpenter, h 40 Franklin

Thiel Joseph, foreman, h 25 Trent av

Thiel Joseph A, potter, res 25 Trent av

Thiel Mathias, res 311 S Clinton av

Thiel Matthew, carpenter, h 131 Rusling

Thiel Nicholas, potter, h 531 Genesee

Thieleman Charles, driver, res 92 Ewing

Thines John, supt, res 119 Perry

Thines William B, architect, 416 Commonwealth Bldg, res 119 Perry

Third Presbyterian Church, N Warren ab Hanover

Thoburn John J, machinist, h 435 Cleveland av

Thoburn William, clerk, res 435 Cleveland av

Thockenbrod Edward H, wiredrawer, h 228 Dayton

Thockenbrod John, carpenter, h 307 McClellan

Thom William, laborer, h 683 Second

THOMAN EDWARD L, (Up-to-Date Tire Repair Shop), 305 S Warren, h 559 Perry

Thoman Henry, salesman, h 310 Bert av

Thoman J Walter, carpenter, h 106 Hoffman av

Thomann Alois J, musician, h 910 Chestnut av

Thomann Frank, ship builder, h 243 Pearl

Thomann Ida, stenographer, res 243 Pearl

Thomann Roselle, stenographer, res 243 Pearl

THOMAS ARTHUR L, dentist, 9 E State, h 288 N Willow

Thomas Benjamin, wireworker, res 448 S Broad

Thomas B D, salesman, h 924 Stuyvesant av

Thomas Charles H, watchman, h 1115 Anderson

Thomas Christopher, rubberworker, h 112 Cleveland av

Thomas Clifford E, engineer, h 17 Chambers

Thomas Daniel, wireworker, h 287 Ashmore av

Thomas Doyle, brakeman, h 777 E State

Thomas Edward, tiremaker, h 40 Sylvester av

Thomas Elizabeth, h 138 Allen

Thomas Elizabeth, grocer, 233 E Front, h 68 Carroll

Thomas Emma, varieties, 463 Chestnut av, h do

Thomas Ferris, peddler, h 49 Monroe

Thomas Florence, child's nurse, res 30 Belvidere

Thomas Francis, asst fireman, res 30 Belvidere

Thomas Frank, laborer, h 208 Hamilton av

Thomas Frank E, manager, h 602 Stuyvesant av

Thomas George N, druggist, 146 Perry, h 41 Ewing

Thomas Harry, brakeman, h 923 E State

Thomas Harvey, electrician, res 110 N Stockton

Thomas Howard B, salesman, res 978 S Broad

Thomas Howard J, dentist, 147 E Hanover, h 613 W State

Thomas James, office boy, res 30 Belvidere

Thomas James, sanitary presser, h 669 Franklin

Thomas James R, h 118 W State

Thomas John, clerk, h 43 S Walter av

Thomas John, laborer, h 332 Fair

Thomas John, weaver, h 106 Chambers

Thomas Joseph, bartender, res 246 Allen

Thomas Julia, wid Mitchell, h 30 Belvidere

Thomas J J, real estate and insurance, 811 Amer Mech Bldg, h 168 W State

Thomas Lillian, pottery worker, res 40 Sylvester

Thomas Liscomb, potter, h 19 Montgomery pl

Thomas Mary, child's nurse, res 30 Belvidere

Thomas Michael, 498 Calhoun

Thomas Michael, wireworker, h 119 Jersey

Thomas Paul A, clerk, h 631 Second

Thomas Richard O, foreman, h 723 Nottingham Way

Thomas Thomas, machinist, res 498 Calhoun

Thomas Thomas, plumber, h 138 Allen

Thomas Walter F, porcelainworker, h 113 Sweets av

Thomas William, res 30 Belvidere

Thomas William, bookkeeper, res 334 Berwyn av

Thomas William, clerk, h 68 Carroll

Thomas WiIliam, shipping clerk, h 857 E State

Thomas WiIliam, R R detective, h 2126 Partridge

Thomas William H, train dispatcher, h 237 E Hanover

Thomas William J, laborer, h 12 Belvidere

Thomas William L, clerk, res 41 Ewing

Thomas William M, mason, h 201 Perry

Thomas William N, blacksmith, Beatty cor Fulton

Thomas William T, rubberworker, h 27 E Lafayette

Thomason Karim, carpenter, h 1332 N Olden av

Thome Anna, decorator, res 913 Southard

Thome John, laborer, h 913 Southard

Thomkins A V, bookkeeper, res 237 Hamilton av

Thomkins Clarence L, engineer, h 512 Bridge

Thomkins Joseph A, painter, res 36 Carroll

Thompson Abner L, driver, h 499 Pennington av

Thompson Adolphus, decorator, res 55 Bank

Thompson Agnes, student, res 20 McKinley av

Thompson Albert B, student, res 100 S Overbrook av

Thompson Albert G, cement pavements, h 100 S Overbrook av

Thompson Anna J, wid John, res 248 Pearl

Thompson A W, foreman P R R, h 503 Southard

Thompson Caroline B, h 560 Rutherford av

THOMPSON CHARLES C, sec Samuel Heath Co, h 929 Edgewood av

Thompson Charles S, asst yardmaster, h 50 S Olden av

Thompson Clara, employe State Home for Girls

Thompson Denman W, patternmaker, res 514 Johnston av

Thompson Edward J, engineer P R R, h 43 Carroll

Thompson Edwin B, foreman, h 488 Rutherford av

Thompson Elizabeth, teacher, res 50 S Olden av

Thompson Elizabeth, wid Eli, h 514 Johnston av

Thompson Elizabeth, asst bookkeeper, res 669 Stuyvesant av

Thompson EIizabeth E, h 251 Spring

Thompson Emily F, teacher, res 20 McKinley av

Thompson Emory S, conductor P R R, 5 Tyler

Thompson Ephraim, elevator operator, h 37 Jefferson

Thompson Ernest, laborer, h 28 Humboldt

Thompson Flora, graduate nurse, 882 Stuyvesant av, h do

Thompson Frank, miller, res 28 S Warren

THOMPSON FRANK, reporter Trenton Times, h 488 Riverside av

Thompson Frank F, shirtmaker, res 112 Cooper

Thompson Frank W, clerk, h 416 Cleveland av

Thompson Fred, fireman, h 882 Stuyvesant av

THOMPSON GAYLORD, gen mgr N J-Penna Traction Co, h 532 W State

Thompson George, grocer, 53 Grant av, h 20 Seward av

Thompson George L, salesman, h 669 Stuyvesant av

Thomspon Grace D, teacher, res 882 Stuyvesant av

Thompson Grant, coremaker, h 230 Overlook av (Bd St Pk)

Thompson Gus, bartender, res 819 Chestnut av

Thompson G M, foreman, 356 Garfield av

Thompson arry, carpenter, h 252 Park av (Bd St Pk)

Thompson Harry, fireman, h 180 Anderson

Thompson Harry J, potter, h 74 Garfield av

Thompson Horace, electrician, res 210 Academy

Thompson Howard H, clerk, res 20 Seward av

Thompson Hugh B, carrier P O, h 88 Race

Thompson H D, (mgr Singer Sewing Mach Co), h Freehold N J

Thompson Isaac, student, res 20 McKinley av

Thompson Isaac N, butcher, h 98 Spring

Thompson Jacob, decorator, res 362 S Broad

Thompson James, rubberworker, h 107 Houghton av

Thompson James F, blacksmith, h 508 Tyler

Thompson Jane, cleaner, res 166 Passaic

Thompson John, electrician, h 809 Princeton av

Thompson John, laborer, h 3 West End av

Thompson John F L, bookkeeper, res 39 S Hermitage av

Thompson John H, res 210 Academy

Thompson John L, signalman, res 146 Passaic

Thompson John L, (Lafayette Cafe), h 14 S Warren

THOMPSON JOHN W, consulting engineer and contractor, 508 Bd St Bank Bldg, h 441 Bellevue av

Thompson Joseph H, res Odd Fellows' Home

Thompson J Frederic, auditor, res 50 Murray

Thompson J Harry, manager, h 945 Carteret av

Thompson Katharine, res 107 Houthton av

Thompson Laura, res 389 Monmouth

Thompson Lela, stenographer, res 210 Academy

Thompson Leon, driver, h 2328 William

THOMPSON LEROY C, real estate; insurance; stocks and bonds; mgr Mercer Mortgage Securities Co; First Nat'l Bank Bldg, h 921 Edgewood av

Thompson Lewis A, pres Independent Brick Co, h Somerville N J

Thompson Lillian M, stenographer, res 20 Seward av

Thompson Mabel, res 14 S Warren

Thompson Margaret, gilder, res 514 Johnston av

Thompson Margaret J, h 20 N Willow

Thompson Marie W, laboratory technician State Hospital, res do

Thompson Marion, teacher, res 532 W State

Thompson Mary, h 292 N Willow

Thompson Mary A, wid William H, h 252 Mercer

Thompson Mary W, music teacher, 31 Ewing, h do

Thompson Mathilda, sec and notary public, res 20 McKinley av

Thompson Maud, watch factory worker, res 379 Hamilton av

Thompson Melvin G, upholsterer, res 210 Academy

Thompson Michael, salesman, h 611 Lamberton

Thompson Mildred, bookkeeper, res 20 McKinley av

Thompson Phoebe, wid Sering, res 51 Sweets av

Thompson Raymond, sanitary presser, h 298 S Logan av

Thompson Reba, saleswoman, res 210 Academy

Thompson Richard E, U S A, res 278 Hamilton av

Thompson Sarah R, wid Evan, res 278 Hamilton av

Thompson Thomas, machinist, h 20 McKinley av

Thompson Thomas B, laborer, h 104 Quarry

Thompson Thomas S, miller, res 319 S Warren

Thompson Viola, teacher State Home for Girls

Thompson Walter L, potter, res 20 Seward av

Thompson Washington, hodcarrier, res 11 Thompson

Thompson William, brass finisher, res 538 Genesee

Thompson William, inspector, h 36 S Walter av

Thompson William, lineman, h 1010 Brunswick av

Thompson William, receiving clerk, h 20 McKinley av

Thompson Wililam Jr, mechanical engineer, res 20 McKinley av

Thompson William A, clerk Mercer Trust Co, res 43 Carroll

Thompson William G B, State Highway Engineer, 1002 Broad St Bank Bldg, h 1017 Greenwood av

Thompson William H, potter, 1981 Brunswick av (Slackwood)

Thompson William M Jr, bookkeeper Broad St Nat'l Bank, h 819 E State

Thomson Clarence, pipefitter, h 462 Garfield av

Thomson Frank, res 27 Heil av

Thomson George, potter, h 53 S Olden av

Thomson George Jr, railroader, res 53 S Olden av

Thomson Henry, res 31 Carroll

Thomson James, mason, res 53 S Olden av

Thomson Joel O, clerk, h 248 Ardmore av

Thomson John, r 1318 Hamilton av

Thomson John F, miller, h 50 Murray

Thomson Lillian D, decorator, res 31 Carroll

Thomson Ralph E, boilermaker, h 915 E State

Thomson Robert, rubberworker, h 53 S Olden av

Thorn Allen E, car builder, h 119 Mill

Thorn Anna, stenographer, res 204 S Broad

Thorn Asher M, machinist, h 139 S Stockton

Thorn Edwin, redrawer, h 1258 Princeton

Thorn Edwin F, barber, 1148 E State, h do

Thorn Frank, driver, res 716 Mulberry

Thorn Harrison, potter, res 716 Murray

Thorn Harry W, conductor, res 44 Sanford

Thorn Horace E, sales agent, h 29 Laclede av

Thorn Isabel, res 56 N Clinton av

Thorn James F, inspector, h 47 S Walter av

Thorn Jesse, pressman, res 52 W Hanover

Thorn Joseph S Cracker Co, r 75 Jackson

Thorn J Clement, res 1111 Greenwood av

Thorn J Wiggins Jr, salesman, res 1111 Greenwood av

Thorn Lewis, sub-foreman, h 185 Cooper

Thorn Louis E, res Odd Fellows' Home

Thorn Mary E, school principal, res 938 W State

Thorn Minerva, wid William, res 43 E State

Thorn Mollie B, wid J Wiggins, h 1111 Greenwood av

Thorn Morris, drygoods, 1214-16 S Clinton av, h do

Thorn Robert, wallpaper and ladies' clothing, 204 S Broad, h do

Thorn Rose, bookkeeper, res 204 S Broad

Thorn Urille, res 44 Sanford

Thorn Walter E, cutter, res 556 Centennial av

Thorn William, spring mattress worker, h 30 Adelia av

Thorn William D, tiremaker, h 82 Norman av

Thornhill Jacob, coachman State Prison, h 114 Quarry

Thornley Anthony K, mech dentist, 9 E State, h 15 Cooper

Thornley E Hartley, signs, Lamberton cor S Warren, h 15 Cooper

Thornton Louis H, bartender, h 23 Mulberry

Thornton Sarah V, wid Ogden, res 2 Lewis

Thornton Thomas, tireheater, h Thompson (Hamilton twp)

Thornton William H, motorman, h 731 Centre

Thornton William H Jr, finisher, res 731 Centre

Thoroughgood Walter, h 13 Thompson

Thorp Hugh J, builder, h 532 S Warren

Thorp W, machinist, res 119 Burton

Thosh John, base ball player, h r 646 Lamberton

Throckenbrod John G, carpenter, h 1327 S Clinton av

Thropp Charlotte W, res Morrisville R F D No 1

Thropp Elizabeth, wid William R, h 700 Greenwood av

THROPP FRANK W, sec John E Thropp's Sons Co; treas Eureka Flint & Spar Co, h 1245 Greenwood av

Thropp Harold D, res 1245 Greenwood av

Thropp James W, student, res Morrisville R F D No 1

Thropp John E 3d, res Morrisville R F D No 1

THROPP JOHN EXTON, pres William R Thropp Sons Co, h 940 W State

THROPP JOHN E, pres John E Thropp's Sons Co; sec Eureka Flint and Spar Co, h Morrisville R F D No 1

THROPP JOSEPH G, sec and treas William R Thropp Sons Co, h 814 Berkeley av

Thropp May, student, res 541 E State

THROPP PETER D, treas John E Thropp's Sons Co; pres Eureka Flint & Spar Co, h 901 W State

THROPP THOMAS H, v-pres John E Thropp's Sons Co; v-pres Eureka Flint & Spar Co, h 541 E State

THROPP WILLIAM R SONS CO, machinists, 968 E State, John Exton Thropp pres, Joseph W Thropp sec-treas

THROPP’S JOHN E SONS CO, iron founders and machinists, ft Lewis n Greenwood av and Fair cor Mill, John E Thropp pres, Thomas H Thropp v-pres, Frank W Thropp sec, Peter D Thropp treas

Thum Francis L, clerk-bookkeeper State Hospital, res do

Thursday Robert, machinist, h 1945 Chestnut av

TIBBETTS JOSEPH, steamship agent; insurance and real estate, 785 1/2 S Broad, h 210 E Front

Tice R Howell, teacher, h 220 Mercer

Tice William G, chemist, h 21 Laclede av

Tichenor Charles H, mgr Updike Realty and Construction Co, h 61 McKinley av

Tick Frank J, painter, res 446 Genesee

Tick Joseph, auto painter, 1122 Anderson, h 446 Genesee

Tidd Anna W, wid Milton, h 237 Pearl

Tidd Kenneth S, clerk, res 237 Pearl

Tidd Walter L, foreman, h 109 Newell av

Tidgett Humphrey wiredrawer, h 314 Monmouth

Tidgett Lucuse, laborer, res 314 Monmouth

Tiebiena George, radiator maker, h 932 New Willow

Tienken William, sheet metal worker, h 26 Centre

Tierney Catherine, textile worker, res 174 Lamberton

Tierney Elizabeth, weaver, res 174 Lamberton

Tierney John T, compositor, res 174 Lamberton

Tierney Lawrence E, ironworker, h 174 Lamberton

Tierney Michael J Jr, helper, res 17 Victor av

Tierney Mrs Sabra, h 174 Lamberton

Tierney Thomas J, watchman, h 17 Victor av

Tiethohl Frederick, elevator operator, h 618 Adeline

Tietjien Frederick H, salesman, h 2223 William

Tighe Bertha, stenographer, res 1067 S Broad

Tighe James P, drug clerk, res 409 Ardmore av

Tighe Jennie, stenographer, res 409 Ardmore av

Tighe Mary E, wid James, h 409 Ardmore av

Tighe Mary T, braider, res 378 Union

Tighe Patrick, wireworker, h 148 Hamilton av

Tighe Rachel, stenographer, res 409 Ardmore av

Tighe Rebecca, h 61 S Walter av

Tighe Robert R, clerk, res 409 Ardmore av

Tighe Thomas J, fireman, h 16 Emory av

Tighe Thomas J, plumber, h 456 Emory av

Tilden Bert O, pres Bellmark Co, h 399 W State

Tilden Muriel, music teacher, res 399 W State

Tilger John, laborer, res 217 Genesee

Tilger Joseph, blacksmith, h 409 Genesee

Tillery Major, Janitor, h 340 Hamilton av

Tilson Mary D, teacher, h 1 Moffatt av

Tilton Albert L, wood turning and sawing, 227 S Warren, h 1017 S Broad

Tilton Atwood S, pyrometor, h 1417 S Broad

Tilton Carl L, foreman, h 908 Fairmount av

Tilton Catherine, rubberworker, res 705 Anderson

Tilton Charles S, undertaker, 311 Hudson, h do

Tilton Edith, stenographer, res 452 S Olden av

Tilton Edward, tiremaker, h 630 N Clinton av

Tilton Edward H, supt, h 29 Elmhurst av

Tilton Elizabeth, cigarmaker, res 229 Hewitt

Tilton Elmer E, ropemaker, h 452 S Olden av

Tilton E B, fish market, 534 Stuyvesant av, h 318 Beechwood av

Tilton Frank, clerk, res 1036 S Broad

Tilton Fred S, clerk, h 310 S Logan av

Tilton George I, deputy receiver of taxes, 110 City Hall, res 231 N Warren

Tilton Harry, tiremaker, h 40 S Walter av

Tilton Harry M, salesman, h 2701 S Broad

Tilton James G, conductor, res 828 1/2 Genesee

Tilton Jemina, wid Charles, res 437 Norway av

Tilton Leavitt, machinist, h 1036 S Broad

TILTON PETER R, district mgr Woodmen of World, 406-407 Commonwealth Bldg, h 231 N Warren

Tilton William H, h 634 Monmouth

Tilton William H, contractor, 1006 Anderson, h do

Tilton William H, engineer, h 83 Yard av

Timko Anna, wid Michael, res 237 Second

Timko George, laborer, h 856 Lamberton

Timko John A, wireworker, h 317 Second

Timko Paul J, laborer, res 317 Second

Timm Frederick, laborer, h 846 Fairmount av

Timm William, laborer, h 424 Franklin

Timmians John J, motorman h 64 Gordon

Tims Herman, Janitor, h 72 Cooper

Timson Julia, housekeeper, h 74 Hobart av

Tindall Amos, mason, h 269 Walnut av

Tindall Amos H, farms; real estate and insurance, 143 E State, h Hamilton Sq

Tindall Bernadine, h Hutchison's rd

Tindall Clark, sexton, res 508 Ferry

Tindall Edward J, potter, h 122 E Front

Tindall Elizabeth, wid Albert L, h 210 E Front

Tindall Esther, decorator, res 428 Princeton av

Tindall Francis C, patternmaker, res 269 Walnut av

Tindall George A, painter, Slack av, h do (Slackwood)

Tindall George W, conductor, res 643 Princeton av

Tindall Hannah, wid Ira, res 316 Pennington av

Tindall Harry J, insurance agt, h 1511 S Clihton av

Tindall Harry R, police, h 777 Second

TINDALL HARVEY, plumber, Hamilton Square, h do

Tindall James, janitor P R R station, h 20 Canal

Tindall Marion L, stenographer, res 210 E Front

Tindall Mary E, furnished rooms, 122 E Front, h do

Tindall Mary W, wid George H, h 730 Riverside av

Tindall Warren, engineer, h Hutchinson's rd

Tindall William, motorman, h 164 Passaic

Tindall William, wiredrawer, h 439 Garfield av

Tindell Howard B, journalist, h 62 W State

Tinsley Eleanor, cashier, res 119 Tyler

Tinsley William, foreman, h 898 Second

Tire Shop (The), Israel Richmond, tires; wholesale and retail, 136 E Hanover

Tisdale William, wireworker, res 6 Belvidere

Tisocsky Tony, h 89 Klagg av

Tissier Leopold L, engineer, h 444 S Olden av

Titan Battery Service Co, (A D Wetherill pres, G L Tomlinson sec), 18 E Hanover

Titara Anthony, laborer, h 44 Randall av

Titley Thomas, rubberworer, h 255 S Logan av

Tittensor Edward, foreman, res 338 Rutherford av

Titus Albert C, shoemaker, res 331 Berwyn av

TITUS ALFRED E, v-pres C V Hill Co Inc, h Pennington rd

Titus Andrew, truck driver, h 17 Stevens al

Titus Annie D, res 40 Model av

Titus Charles C, trolley conductor, h 639 Princeton av

Titus David B, auto works, res 331 Berwyn av

Titus Edward L, sanitary inspector, 107 City Hall, h 107 N Hermitage av

Titus Eli D, real estate, 506 N Hermitage av, h do

Titus Emily O, foreman, h 113 Parker pl

Titus Ethel, stenographer, res 639 Princeton av

Titus Frederic, motorman, h 226 Perry

Titus Frederick R, farmer, res 434 S Olden av

Titus G Harold, auto works, res 331 Berwyn av

Titus Harry, asst cashier Wrightstown Bank, h 639 Princeton av

Titus Harry E, clerk, res 468 S Olden av

Titus Helen E, sec and notary public, 615 Bt St Bank Bldg, res 811 Pennington av

Titus Laura H, clerk, res 331 Berwyn av

Titus Louise D, teacher, res 506 N Hermitage av

Titus Margaret A, h 117 N Montgomery

Titus Mary, teacher, res 239 Pearl

Titus Mary E, wid Arthur, h 316 Berwyn av

Titus Rebecca, wid Albert C, res 170 W State

Titus Sherman, railroader, res 21 Yard av

Titus Stephen A, salesman, h 331 Berwyn av

Titus Stephen D, engineer, h 55 McKinley av

Titus Susie N, stenographer, res Glenmoore N J

Titus Theodore T Jr, machinist, res 434 S Olden av

Titus Welling G, sales manager, h 30 Perdicaris pI

Titus Wesley B, h 811 Pennington av

TITUS WILLIAM H, sec Hildebrecht Ice Cream Co, h 213 Highland av

Tivadar George, railroader, h 304 Roebling av

Tividor Louis, laborer, h 515 Beatty

Tizcinski Stephen, h 521 St Joes av

Tminnet Edward, machinist, res 634 Lamberton

Toat John A, laborer, h 16 Huston al

Tobias Andrew, laborer, h 12 Huston al

Tobias Loretta, res Dolton's Block

Tobias Mary, domestic, res 816 Riverside av

Toblasz Jacob, laborer, h 5 Chase

Toblen Arthur P D, examiner, h 502 W Hanover

Tobin Alice A, teacher, res 258 Bellevue av

Tobin Harriet R, wid Philip, res 1030 S Broad

TOBIN HENRY J, treas Hurley-Tobin Co, h 258 Bellevue av

Tobin Henry M, student, res 258 Bellevue av

TOBIN HORACE B, sec and treas United & Globe Rubber Mfg, res 225 W State

Tobin Joseph R, salesman, res 258 Bellevue av

Tobin Mary C, teacher, res 268 Bellevue av

Tobin Patrick, potter, h 116 Turpin

Tobin Ralph W, manager, h 172 W State

Tobish Abraham, (B Tobish & Son), h 41 Bryn Mawr av

Tobish Bernard, (B Tobish & Son), h 612 W State

Tobish B & Son, (Abraham and Bernard), men's furnishings, 159 S Broad

Tobish Lois, teacher, res 612 W State

Tobish Marion R, res 612 W State

Tobish Theodore, civil engineer; contractor, 216 Amer Mech Bldg, 40 Bryn Mawr av

Toborzyis Louis, laborer, res 783 Beatty

Toboz Louis, rubberworker, h 57 Hill's at

Todd John G, blacksmith, h 1420 Liberty

Todd Lester, chauffeur, res 316 Perry

Todd Roscoe, barber, 59 Franklin

Todd William M, mgr Standard Oil Co (N J), h 837 E State

Todtenhausen Elizabeth, h 60 Conover's al

Toft Elizabeth J, clerk, res 1304 N Olden av

Toft Frederick G, fire dept, h 45 Charles

Toft Frederick G Jr, presser, res 1304 N Olden av

Toft Frederilck W, potter, h 1304 N Olden av

Toft James, clerk, h 1329 N Olden av

Toft James Cecil, supt Crescent Pottery, h 60 Beechwood av

Toft John, potter, h Princeton,rd (Slackwood)

Toft May, clerk, res 1304 N Olden av

Toft Reuben N, clerk P R R, h 58 Beechwood av

Toft Susan, decorator, res 42 Christoph av

Toft William L, potter, h Princeton rd (Slackwood)

Tohill Bernard B, cafe, 119 S Broad, h do

Tohill Francis, auto mechanic, res 119 S Broad

Tohill Mary, res 119 S Broad

Tokocz John, laborer, res 824 S Warren

Tokoes Stephen, driver h 215 Landing

Tolas Joseph J, clerk, h 48 Dickinson

TOLEDO SCALE CO, Edmund M Watkins agent, 106 E Hanover

Tolino Antonetta, h 313 Hudson

Toliver Elizabeth, h 246 Allen

Toliver Ernest, driver, h 250 Allen

Toll Benjamin, drygoods, 37 Chambers, h do

Tolleno Frank rubberworker, res 24 Bond

Tollner Elizbeth A, clerk, res 67 Bryn Mawr av

Tollner Josephine, wid William, res 67 Bryn Mawr av

Tollner Josephine E, clerk, res 67 Bryn Mawr av

Tollner Mary A, clerk, res 67 Bryn Mawr av

Tollner William J, cashier American Express Co, h 67 Bryn Mawr av

Tolome Tony, laborer, h 20 Daymond

Toloney Antone, laborer, h 133 Bayard

Tolson William H, laborer, h 106 Belvidere

Tolus George, laborer, h 831 Beatty

Tomaes John, laborer, res 415 Genesee

Toman Anna K, wid Godfrey, res 995 S Broad

Toman John F, h 834 Stuyvesant av

TOMAN JOHN F Jr, (John F Toman Sons Co), res 130 N Warren

TOMAN JOHN P SONS CO, (John F Jr and Louis A Toman), automobile supplies; paints and varnishes, 118 N Warren

TOMAN LOUIS A, (John F Toman Sons Co), res 834 Stuyvesant av

Toman Mary, res 661 Stuyvesant av

Tomas John, coal passer State Hospital, res do

Tomaseck Albert, wireworker, h 2214 Genesee

Tomasec Dorothy, decorator, res 2214 Genesee

Tomaseck Edward, linesman, res 2214 Genesee

Tomaseck Harold, wireworker, h 2214 Genesee

Tomaseek John, tiremaker, h 2216 Genesee

Tomaseck Josephine, widow, h 2214 Genesee

Tomaseck Margaret, worsted worker, res 2214 Genesee

Tomaseck Mary A, watchmaker, res 591 Chestnut av

Tomaseck Thomas, carpenter, h 2914 Genesee

Tomaske Frank, tileworker, res 655 Ohio av

Tomasulo Anthony, res 337 Elmer

Tomasulo Daniel, police, res 337 Elmer

Tomasulo Dominick, laborer, res 116 Division

Tomasulo Felice, watchman, h 337 Elmer

Tomasulo Pasquale, rubberworker, res 116 Division

Tomchany Coloman, Rev, h 351 Second

Tomchik Andrew, laborer, res 223 Third

Tomchik Koral, groceries and meats, 223 Third, h do

Tome Henry, chauffeur, res 527 N Clinton av

Tome Maurice U, bookkeeper, h 26 Lee av

Tome Stewart, carpenter, h 527 N Clinton av

TOMEC JOHN, mgr Cook's Linoleum, res 845 Berkeley av

Tomes John, rubberworker, h 14 Oak

Tomiski Martin, laborer, res 317 Genesee

Tomkinson Amy, musician, 33 Southard, h do

Tomkinson Gordon, printer, h 33 Southard

Tomkinson Harry, engraver, res 33 Southard

Tomko Andrew, clerk, h 340 Centre

TOMKO ANDREW M, undertaker, 912 S Broad, h 2 Jersey

Tomko James, wireworker, h 427 Woodland

Tomko John, wiredrawer, h 237 Second

Tomko Joseph J, res 341 Centre

Tomko Mary, wid John, h 341 Centre

Tomko Mary, wid Stephen, h 591 Second

Tomlinson Admiral, potter, res 116 E Hanover

Tomlinson Alvin, laborer res 61 Oak

Tomlinson Amos H, watchman, h 133 E Franklin

Tomlinson Barmore, gasfitter, res 61 Oak

Tomlinson Charles H, fireman, h 88 S Logan av

Tomlinson Eva J, stenographer, res 698 Southard

Tomlinson Frederick P, clerk, res 1085 S Clinton av

Tomlinson George J, rubberworker, res 1256 E State

Tomlinson George L, (sec-treas Titan Battery Service Co), h 85 Jackson

Tomlinson Grace, clerk, res 917 Melrose

Tomlinson Harman V, clerk, h 226 McClellan av (Bd St Pk)

Tomlinson Harry C, architect, h 917 Melrose av

Tomlinson Howard A, clerk, h 143 Garfield av

Tomlinson Howard B, driver, h 83 West End av

TOMLINSON HOWARD F, treas Trenton Trust Co, h 220 Maple av

Tomlinson Hubert B, rubberworker, h 154 S Olden av

Tomlinson John, h 215 Clay

Tomlinson John E, student, res 154 S Olden av

Tomlinson J David, clerk, res 698 Southard

Tomlinson Kirk, shipping clerk, h 77 West End av

Tomlinson Maria, wid Grant, h 61 Oak

Tomlinson Mary A, wid George, res 154 S Olden av

Tomlinson Mary C, h 326 W State

Tomlinson Maurice L, auto repairman, h 103 Park la

Tomlinson Mildred, stenographer, res 917 Melrose

Tomlinson Ridgeway G, machinist, h 1085 S Clinton av

Tomlinson Valmar H, meterreader, res 61 Oak

Tomlinson William, electrician, h 203 Passaic

Tompkins Flora H, stenographer, res 428 W Hanover

Tompkins J W, eastern representative J H Parker & Sons Inc, h 428 W Hanover

Tompkins Lucius D, physician, 132 N Warren

Tompkins Margaret F, secretary, res 428 W Hanover

Tompkins Solomon, laborer, h 21 Hermann

Tompkins William C, res 202 Franklin

Tompkinson Gordon, electrician, res 35 Southard

Tompko Elizabeth, cigarmaker, res 40 Adeline

Tompko Helene, wid Michael, h 40 Adeline

Tomson Charles A, stenographer, res 313 Church

Tonne Alfred C, tiremaker, res 447 Norway av

Tonne Catharine, wid Henry F, 447 Norway av

Tonne Eli M, machinist, res 24 Lynwood

Tonne Elizabeth B, forelady, res 447 Norway av

Tonne Emma L, forewoman, res 447 Norway av

Tonne John H, rubberworker, res 24 Lynwood av

Tonne William H, hand painter, res 447 Norway av

Tonney John, watchman, h Miller av (Hamilton twp)

Tonney John Jr, machinist, res Miller av (Hamilton twp)

Tonti Antonio, laborer, h 78 Anderson

Toohey Helen T, cashier Katzenbach's, res 125 Kossuth

Toohey Margaret, wid John, h 125 Kossuth

Toohey N, clerk, h 125 Kossuth

Toole Frank, ironworker, res 363 Greenwood av

Tooleman David, cafe, 140 Locust, h do

Toomey Catharine, wid John, res 146 N Willow

Toomey Daniel J, chainmaker, h 7 Chambers

Toomey Frank J, confectionery and cigars, 7 Chambers, h do

Toomey James, potter, res 92 Sweets av

Toomey Joseph, plumber, h 119 Fountain av

Toomey Michael, laborer, res 567 Brunswick av

Toomey Patrick, potter, h 92 Sweets av

Toomey Richard, laborer, h 571 S Broad

Toomey Thomas, foreman, h 412 S Cook av

Toomey Timothy, brakeman, h 846 Revere av

Toomey Timothy A, lineman, h 52 West End av

Tootell Florence E, musician, 29 Cain av, h do

TootelI George M, operator, res 29 Cain

TootelI Josephine, wid Thomas, res Seventh (Prospect Heights)

TootelI Thomas E, plumber, res 2009 S Clinton av

TootelI Walter A, clerk, res 330 Genesee

TootelI William, potter, h 330 Genesee

Tootell William Jr, timekeeper, res 330 Genesee

Tooth Frank, bricklayer, res New R D 5

Toothill Edwin, yardmaster, h 20 Gen Greene av

ToothilI Samuel, railroader, res 224 S Cook av

Tope Arthur W, machinist, h 47 Model av

Tope Samuel, clerk, res 47 Model av

Topley Elizabeth M, operator, res 30 High

Topley Howard E, foreman, h 25 Columbia av

Topley Ida, wid William A, h 30 High

Topley Le Roy J, chauffeur, h 2138 Genesee

Topley William A Jr, res 30 High

Topolewski John, laborer, h 458 Lamberton

Topolewski Walenty, patcher, h 813 Beatty

Toposki Louis, laborer, h 113 Fulton

Topplano Stephen, res 111 S Montgomery

Torbitt Charles H, engineer, h 630 Walnut av

Torlini Loredo, laborer, h 614 Whittaker av

Torlini Pompilio, wireworker, h 602 Whittaker av

Torme Stephen, laborer, h 360 Union

Tormo Alexander, wireworker, h 103 Second

Torok Julius, rubberworker, h 414 Lida

Torok Michael, cigarmaker, h 614 Washington

Torok Michael Jr, cabinetmaker, res 614 Washington

Toros Max, laborer, h 131 Pennington av

Torretti Bros, shoe repairing, 111 Morris av

Torretti Tertuliano, shoemaker, 1091 S Broad, h 800 Chestnut av

Torretti & Co, shoes, 2283 S Broad

Torroni Anthony, laborer, h 142 Kent

Tort John, laborer, h 25 Emory av

Toryjan Gabriel, potter, h 738 Beatty

Toryjan Musta, laborer, res 738 Beatty

Tosey Andrew, laborer, h 130 Morgan av

Tossi Dominick, confectionery, 31 Chapel, h do

Totch Stephen, wireworker, h 256 Ashmore av

Tote Gerson, wiredrawer, h Lida

Tote Stephen, musician, h 627 Franklin

Tote Stephen, wireworker, h 99 Fulton

Toter Rockey, laborer, h 116 Wayne av

Toth Alexander, clerk, h 322 Ashmore av

Toth Alexander, laborer, h 123 Tilton al

Toth Andrew, Rev, res 2343 William

Toth Andrew, wireworker, h 121 Ferry

Toth Birdie, laborer, res 233 Third

Toth Elizabeth, cigarmaker, res 123 Tilton al

Toth Elizabeth, wid Paul, h 775 Beatty

Toth Emery, cigars, 46 Hancock, h do

Toth Frank, mason, res New (Hamilton twp)

Toth George, laborer, h 203 Third

Toth Helen, cigarmaker, res 123 Tilton al

Toth James, laborer, h 130 Grand

Toth John, laborer, h 45 Asbury

Toth John, mason, h 400 Samuel

Toth John, wireworker, res 1162 Franklin

Toth Joseph, laborer, h 815 S Warren

Toth Joseph, policeman, h 235 Third

Toth Julius, electrician, h 449 Genesee

Toth Louis, book agent, h Borden av

Toth Mary, wid John, h 347 Morris av

Toth Mary, wid John, res 237 Third

Toth Michael, rubberworker, h 9 College pl

Toth Michael, wireworker, h 24 Adeline

Toth Nicholas, laborer, h 622 Adeline

Toth Paul, chainmaker, h 510 Second

Toth Samuel, mason, h New (Hamilton twp)

Toth Samuel Jr, mason, res New (Hamilton twp)

Toth Stephen, bottler, h 233 Third

Toth Stephen, laborer, h 182 Home av

Toth Stephen, laborer, res 267 Ashmore av

Toth Stephen, molder, h 763 Second

Toth Theresa, cigarmaker, res 347 Morris av

Tother Joseph , laborer, h 154 Phillips av

Totoro Joseph, h 154 Phillips av

Totory Morris, chauffeur, res 620 Chestnut av

Tott John A, contractor, h 324 Fair

Totten Albert W, brakeman, res 252 N Warren

Totten Charles E rubberworker, h 60 Wilson

Totten Edward, rubberworker, h 133 Pennington av

Totten Fred J, stage hand, h 514 W Hanover

Totten John W, laborer, h 114 Marlon

Totten Walter, driver, res 60 Wilson

Toulgoel Ives, tiremaker, h 1022 Ohio av

Toutl Louis, rubberworker, h 126 Fulton

Toutier William, bottler, h 211 Landing

Towd Walter, stenographer, res 241 Tyler

TOWER GARAGE & REPAIR CO, (Ray E Tower and Cooper Lenox), 42 Pearl

Tower Jean L, electrician, h 46 N Overbrook av

TOWER RAY E, (Tower Garage & Repair Shop), res 370 Brunswick av

Towers Frank J, deputy State Prison, h 49 Elmhurst av

Towers Mabel R, teacher, res 49 Elmhurst av

Town Francis C, h 154 W State

Towne Grace W, bookkeeper, res 39 Bryn Mawr av

Townley Caleb B Jr, painter, h 454 S Logan av

Townley Lewis M, patternmaker, h 58 Cleveland av

Townley Pauline, res 56 Cooper

Townley Rebecca, rubberworker, res 58 Cleveland av

Townley Ruth M, phone operator, res 454 S Logan av

Townsend Anne Louise, teacher School for Deaf, res 471 Hamiltonav

Townsend Everett, mgr Robertson Art Tile, h 344 Bellevue av

Townsend Harry L, baker, 140 S Olden av, h do

Townsend Helen, student, res 344 Bellevue av

Townsend Joseph, wireworker, h 126 Jersey

Toye Herbert, chemist, res 111 Park la

Toye H C, res Cook Y M C A

Tozzi Angelo F, candy and cigars, 226 S Clinton av, h 224 do

Tozzi Michael, rubberworker, res 22 Tyler

Trabb Harry, tailor, 58 Pennington av, h do

Trabb Hyman, rubberworker, res 730 Pennington av

Trabb Sarah, bookkeeper, res 58 Pennington av

Tracey Bartley, watchman, h 313 Centre

Tracey Dennis, electrician, h 119 N Stockton

Tracey Dennis A, newsdealer, h 29 Chambers

Tracey Edward, railroader, h 334 N Clinton av

Tracey Martin F, tiremaker, h 208 Second

Tracey Mary A, clerk, res 76 Perrine av

Tracey Mary C, wid Edward E, res 76 Perrine av

Tracey Michael, newsdealer, State cor Warren, res 29 Chambers

Tracey Michael P, rubberworker, res 658 Lamberton

Tracy Anna F, milliner, res 5 Barbara

Tracy John J, wiredrawer, h 1000 Melrose av

Tracy John P, machinist, res 313 Centre

Tracy Marv C, wid William J, h 5 Barbara

Tracy Mary G, stenographer, res 1000 Melrose av

Tracy Stephen T, wire tester, h 1000 Melrose av

Tracy Thomas, laborer, res 70 Hart av

Tracy William, wire tester, h 313 Centre

Trainor Bernard F, conductor, h 1030 Genesee

Trainor James A, machinist, res 512 Centennial av

Trainor John, stenographer, res 1030 Genesee

Trainor John F, asst supt, h 711 Mulberry

Trainor Mrs Hugh, res 89 PashIey av

Tralinger Martin, wireworker, res 479 Genesee

Tramer Peter, tinsmith, h 327 Cummings av

Tramm Frederick C, barber, 16 Washington, h do

Tramontana Charles, h 60 E Paul av

Tramontana James, laborer, h 141 Miller

Tramontana Joseph, molder, h 58 E Paul av

Tramontana Nicholas, clerk, res 60 E Paul av

Tramontana Samuel, laborer, h 39 Dexter

Trangel Howard, laborer, res 716 S Warren

Transoe Sarah, wid Reuben, res 11 Taylor al

TRANSUE FRANK, lawyer also chief clerk office Secretary of State, State House, h 10 Whittier av

Trapin Stephen, potter, h 72 Perrine av

TRAPP ALEXANDER, lawyer, 711 Broad St Bank bldg, h 47 Delawareview av

Trapp Joseph, potter, h 55 Tyrell av

Trapp Thomas, jeweler, 148 E State, res 209 E Hanover

Traub August C Jr, machinist, res 817 Lyndale av

Traub Paul, physician, res 296 Spring

Trauger Elmer, truck driver, h 159 Hewitt av (Deutzville)

Trauger Reuben S, driver, h 565 Centre

Trauger Thomas, tiremaker, res 244 Perry

Trauger William D, inspector, h 947 E State

Traumann Reinhard J, chauffeur, h 42 Wilkinson pl

Trautman Charles W, blacksmith, h 118 N Willow

Trautwein Henry, machinist, h 2374 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Travelers Insurance Co, 410 Broad St Bank Bldg, Charles A Benedict investigator

TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO OF HARTFORD CONN, 205 Amer Mech Bldg, Norman Foster Co gen agts

TRAVER CLAYTON L, books and stationery, 108 S Broad, h 46 N Clinton av

Traver Joseph, shipping clerk, h 1705 S Clinton av

Traver Lewis B, librarian Camp Merritt, res 295 Hamilton av

Traver Lucretia B, teacher, res 46 N Clinton av

Traver Morris S, salesman, h 899 Bellevue av

Travers Alice, seamstress State Hospital, res do

Travers Anna, waredresser, res 369 Third

Travers Catharine, wid William, h 369 Third

Travers James, special officer, h 196 Lamberton

Travers James A, rubberworker, res 540 Lamberton

Travers James F, h 49 Lamberton

Travers John, potter, res 369 Third

Travers John J, engineer, h 246 Pearl

Travers Luke B, cigarmaker, h 70 Lamberton

Travers Mary, wid John, h 164 Monmouth

Travers Mrs J, res 994 E State

Travers Raft, laborer, res 219 Mulberry

Travers William A, watchman, 540 Lamberton

Travers William J, h 85 Escher

Travers William J, potter, h 57 Asbury

Travis Caroline, wid John, h 330 Southard

Travis Fred, chauffeur, res 128 Bayard

Travis G Frank, undertaker, 128 Bayard

Travis Joseph, chauffeur, res 128 Bayard

Travis Julia, wid Lawrence, h 326 Ashmore av

Travis Lawrence, wireworker, res 326 Ashmore av

Travis Lena, operator, res 128 Bayard

Travis Mrs Anne, h 273 Walnut av

Travis Rhody, porcelain worker, res 330 Southard

Travis Rose, operator, res 128 Bayard

Travlers Benjamin, laborer, res 17 Summer

Traynor Hugh, millworker, h 81 Pashley av

Treadwell Walter, laborer, res 37 Bellevue av


Trebling Frank, shipyard worker, h 28 Grant av

Trecaurmelli Guilio, laborer, 1226 Princeton av

Treftz Walter, machinist, res 315 W Hanover

TREFTZ HARRY G, mfr F A North Piano Co, h 226 Academy

Trego Benjamin F, attendant State Hospital, res do

Trehou Joseph D, mechanician, h 1049 E State

Treiber Benjamin, physician, 626 Perry, h do

Treilzinski Teofil, laborer, h 700 Gibbs av

Tremitiere Anna, watchmaker, res 1053 S Broad

Tremitiere Charles, brassworker, res 1053 S Broad

Tremitiere Joseph F, laborer, h 90 Liberty

Tremitiere Margaret, textileworker, res 1053 S Broad

Tremont House, (John J Brown), N W cor State and Canal

Tremple Edward, baker, h 85 Pennington av

Tremple Edward H, confectioner and ice cream, 104 Pennington av, res 85 do

TREMPLE WILLIAM, grocer and ice cream, 1299 E State, h do

TRENCHARD THOMAS W, Justice Supreme Court, 203 E State, h 816 Riverside av

Trenham Joseph H, foreman, h 401 Walnut av

Trenhas Alfred, tire coverer, h 89 Ward av

Trenkley Alexander, airbrake inspector, h 231 Commonwealth av

Trenkley Charles, produce, 251 N Broad, h do

Trenkley William, sanitary presser, h 417 Stuyvesant av

Trent Brick Co, Princeton av n Spruce, Joseph Burton pres, Albanus W Goulding sec-treas

TRENT ENGRAVING CO, (Harry R Hartman), 8-10 S Stockton

Trent George H, stationery engineer, h 358 Richland

TRENT PRESS, (Thomas J Delate), printers, 14 N Warren

Trent Rubber Co, pneumatic tires and tubes, H A Ludeke pres, I A Worthington v-pres, E H Unkles sec-treas, Enterpise av

TRENT THEATRE, 17-19 N Warren, Montgomery Moses mgr


Trent Theatre Candy Kitchen, (Philip Vaflas and Sons), 17 N Warren

TRENT TILE CO INC, Klagg av cor Plum

Trenton Aerie No 100 F O E, 124 N Warren

TRENTON AUTO RADIATOR WORKS, (Nathan and Benjamin Kramer), 246 Perry

Trenton Auto Sales Co, 99-101 S Clinton av, Louis M Nelson mgr

Trenton Auto Tire Repair Shop, (Milton Schmidt), 237 E State

Trenton Auto Top Co, (Abraham Saline & Walter Saline), 321 S Warren

TRENTON AUTOMOTIVE COLLATERAL, 308 Commonwealth Bldg, C M Stimson

TRENTON BAG & BURLAP CO (Harry Heller & Frank Shirken), Stokes av n Ingham av

TRENTON BANKING CO (The), W State and N Warren, John A Campbell pres, Henry W Green and Foster C Griffith v-pres, William E Green asst to pres, Robert W Howell cashier, Ira Frost asst cashier, C Herbert Fetter asst cashier, Samuel H Bulock trust officer

Trenton Bargain House, second hand clothing, M Romansky mgr, 192 S Broad

Trenton Body Co, Joseph R Staub, 1-3 Centre ct

Trenton Bone Fertilizer Co, New York av and Strawberry, W G Howell pres, E C Hutchinson sec and treas

Trenton Bottle Exchange, (David Davis), rear 143 E Front

Trenton Bottling Co, (Hyman Golden), 12 Decatur

TRENTON BRASS & MACHINE CO, Mfrs plumbers' brass goods, Prospect n Dale, F W Roebling Jr. pres, K G Roebling sec-treas, W H Schulte mgr

TRENTON BUSINESS SCHOOL, 214 E State, Charles C Heimbach pres, C Raymond Brinkman treas

Trenton Canoe Club, Delaware River ft S Gouveneur av

Trenton Car Advertising Co, 413-415 E State

Trenton Carpet House, Jacob Aaronson, 169 S Broad

TRENTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 9th floor Broad St Bank Bldg J A Lambert pres, Harry D Conover sec

Trenton Chemical Co, (George W Ferrell), res 1109 Division

Trenton City Cab Co, Clinton St Station P R R

TRENTON CITY DIRECTORY OFFICE, 14 N Warren, Thomas J Delate mgr

TRENTON CLEARING HOUSE, (Franklin Hendrickson mgr), 36 E State

TRENTON CLOTHING CO, (Aaron W and Horace Mann), clothiers; hatters and men's furnishers, 18-20 N Broad

Trenton Club, 36 W State

Trenton Coal and Charcoal Co, (Samuel; Nathan and Leon Brody), ft Rose

Trenton Conservatory of Music, W J Toole director, piano; violin and vocal instruction, 540 E State

TRENTON CREDIT ASSOCIATION, H F Tomlinson pres, F W Hoopes v-pres, J William Pennell sec-treas, Arthur B Harris mgr, 506-507 Commonwealth Bldg

Trenton Council Boy Scouts of America, cor Montgomery and E Hanover, William D Durling scout executive

Trenton County Club , Sullivan Way Station A

Trenton Day Nursery, 1224 S Broad, Mrs Daniel Bechtel pres, Maude Struble matron

Trenton Drug Sundry Supply Co, (Simon Glassman), 128 N Warren

Trenton Electric & Conduit Co Inc, 1 Tyler, Lambert A Alpaugh pres, Clifford J Alpagh sec-treas-mgr, George B Matthew gen supt

Trenton Electric Supply Co, 207 E State, Chas F McCoy pres, Hudson J Shreve sec-treas

Trenton Engineering Co, (B Frank Stratton and W Earl Rochford), 506 Amer Mech Bldg

TRENTON EVENING TIMES, 8-10-12 S Stockton, James Kerney editor, Owen Moon Jr mgr

Trenton Filtration Works, Calhoun and Delaware River, Frederick W Daggett supt

Trenton Fire-Clay and Porcelain Co, Davies cor Third


TRENTON FOLDING BOX CO, E W Arnold pres, G F Vanacken v-pres, R F Burroughs secy, Pearl and Lafayette

TRENTON FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Academy n Broad, and branches Hamilton av cor Chestnut av; Columbus School and Franklin School, Howard L Hughes librarian

Trenton Fuel Co, (Samuel Bennett), coal, 528 Perry

Trenton Glass Co, Charles H Baker pres, Joseph A Fritz treas, 127 E Hanover

Trenton Grain and Hay Co, (Harvey G Reed), 418 N Montgomery

TRENTON HIGH SCHOOL, Chestnut av and Hamilton av

TRENTON HORSE BAZAAR, sales and exchange stables, 324-326 Perry

TRENTON HOUSE, (B C Kuser), N Warren cor E Hanover, J G Buch mgr

Trenton House Cafe, 20 N Warren

Trenton House Garage, Wm A Paul prop, 220 S Warren


TRENTON LEHIGH COAL CO, (Joseph Gladstone), coal; coke; wood and charcoal, cor New York av and Phillips av

TRENTON LODGE NO 164 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, E State and Canal, Henry E Rogers dictator, W Maher sec

Trenton Malleable Iron Co, New York av n N Olden av, Frank J Eppele pres and gen mgr, Edwin D Bloor sec, A A Shumann treas

TRENTON MOTOR SALES CORPORATION, H T Bonham pres, H Gerofsky treas, 9-11 Fair

Trenton Musical Association, Edward Nack pres, Howard A Tomlinson sec, 215 E State

Trenton Novelty Works, Lafayette and Peace

Trenton Oilcolth and Linoleum CO, E State cor Logan av

Trenton Paint and Oil Co, 408-409 Commonwealth Bldg, John Thaler rep

TRENTON PAPER STOCK CO, (Harry L Rom), 22-24 N Willow

Trenton Pattern Works, pattern and cabinetmakers, 219 Monmouth, Roderick D Cameron prop

Trenton Pickling Works, Ivins n Fountain av

TRENTON PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS CO, (Morris and Joseph Cohen), 312 S Broad

TRENTON PLUMBING AND HEATING CO, (Albert E Schoeller), plumbers; heating systems; stoves; gas ranges; metal cornices and roofers, 366 S Broad cor Greenwood

TRENTON PORCELAIN CO, 803 E State, B H Maguire pres, George E Maguire treas and gen mgr

Trenton Poster Adv Co, 14-16 Lamberton

TRENTON POTTERS ASSOCIATION, 1003 Amer Mech Bldg, George G Dyer sec, James J Dale treas

TRENTON POTTERIES CO, N Clinton av cor Ott, J A Campbell pres, J E Brodhead v-pres, C E Lawton sec and treas, E S Aitkin gen mgr, A K Young gen supt, H F Whitehead asst sec and treas, Plant No 1; Allen n Canal, Plant No 2; Prospect cor Stuyvesant av, Plant No 3; N Clinton av cor Ott, Plant No 4 New York av n Olden av, Plant No 5; Lalor and Hancock, Plant No 6; N Clinton av cor Ott

Trenton Potteries Co (Stables and Garage), 484-498 N Clinton av

Trenton Products Co, (Albert A Strohecker), baker, 293 Ashmore av

Trenton Pumping Station, ft Calhoun

Trenton Raincoat Co, (D J Madden and A Schragger), 226 S Warren

Trenton Realty Co, (Ignatius J Zielinski agt), 1305 S Broad

Trenton Red Front Brick Works (Estate James Tams), Princeton av cor Spruce, Arthur J Tams mgr

TRENTON ROUGH DRY LAUNDRY, 927 E State, George W Wardell pres, W W Morrell sec-treas

TRENTON SAVING FUND SOCIETY (The), 123-125 E State, Isaac F Richey pres, John A Campbell v-pres, Wm H Yard sec and treas, Robert V Whitehead asst treas

Trenton Saving Fund Society Building (The), 123-125 E State

Trenton Scrap Iron Metal Co, 132-136 Pennington av, Aaron Cohen prop

Trenton Scrap Rubber Supply Co, (Isaac Fineburg), 17-35 Perrine av

Trenton Sheet Metal Co, (August W Zelley), 49-51 Gordon

Trenton Shirt Mfg Co, (Joseph Lavine), 614-616 S Warren

Trenton Slag Roofing Co, (Louis Olinsky), 405 S Broad

Trenton Smelting and Refining Co Inc, Canal and Pearl, mfrs spelter; spelter solder and welding rods, M A Mackey pres, H E Kelshaw treas

Trenton Speedometer Service Station, (Louis Schweizer), 442 S Broad

Trenton Spring Mattress Co, Parker av n Olden av, Thomas A Stoll treas, Samuel I Emley sec


TRENTON SUNDAY TIMES-ADVERTISER, 10 S Stockton, Trenton Times publishers

Trenton Taxicab Co, office Trenton House, Joseph G Buch, sec-treas and gen mgr

Trenton Terrace, real estate, 145 E Hanover

TRENTON TIMES, publishers Trenton Evening Times & Sunday Times-Advertiser, 8-10-12 S Stockton, Andrew C Reeves pres, James Kerney v-pres, Owen Moon Jr treas

Trenton Tinners' and Roofers' Supply Co, Alexander Husid, 106 Factory

Trenton Tire and Supplies Garage, 111-113 Chancery

Trenton Tire and Tube Shop, (Thomas Rose), 3 Third

Trenton Tobacco Co (Louis Cohen), wholesale tobacco, 177 S Broad, h do

TRENTON TRANSPORTATION CO, office Municipal Wharf; S Warren and Ferry, Andrew Carton agt

TRENTON TRUST CO, 26-28-30 W State, H Arthur Smith pres, Nelson L Petty v-pres and trust officer, Howard F Tomlinson treas, William J Pierrepont asst treas, Walter F Volk Sec

Trenton Wall Paper Co, (Edward Shultz), 7 Union, h 1 do

Trenton Warehouse, (Nathan H Aroniss), furniture, 152-154-156 S Broad

Trenton Water Dept Pumping Station, Delaware River ft Calhoun

Trenton Water Works, Calhoun and Delaware River

TRENTON WELFARE ASSOCIATION, 212-213 Broad St Bank Bldg, Hannah L Longmore sec

Trenton Wholesale Bottle Dealers, 19 Dillon al

Trenton Yacht Club, 1171 Lamberton





Trenton & New Brunswick Ry Co, Liberty and Adeline

Trentonian Social Club, 108 E Hanover, Patrick Crane sec

Treptow August F, h 18 Sweets av

Treptow Charles, wireworker, h 34 Commerce

Treptow John, rubberworker, h 178 Sherman av

Treptow John C F, foreman, h 756 N Clinton av

Treptow John Y, turbine worker, res 556 N Clinton av

Treptow Leroy, bank clerk, h 74 S Hermitage av

Treptow Stanley, rubberworker, h 178 Sherman av

Treptow William, asst engineer State Hospital, res do

Trerotola Gaetano, ironworker, h 75 Ferrier av

Trerotola Jennie, shirtmaker, res 75 Ferrier av

Trerotola John, laborer, h r 76 Phillips av

Trescausky John, millworker, h 410 Klagg av

Trescinsky John, fireman, h 64 Barnt av

Tresenti Delmeo, laborer, res 140 Bayard

Treverton Rexford E, mgr International Correspondence School, h 218 Academy

Trevisan Garvasio, rubberworker, h 189 Ferrier av

Trexcansky Mary, wid John, h 53 Asbury

Triblehorn Dorothy, wid Charles, h 47 N Olden av

Trier Andrew J, carpenter, h 800 Princeton av

Trier Charles J, student, res 61 Pennington av

Trier Eleanor, saleslady, res 500 Atlantic av

Trier Joseph, carpenter, h 61 Pennington av

Trieseli Joseph, tailor, h 47 Lamberton, h do

Trimble Alice, clerk, res 1247 E State

Trimble Blanche, clerk, res 1247 E State

Trimble Edward, res 813 Stuyvesant av

Trimble George J, conductor, h 23 Pearl

Trimble J, express, 1307 S Broad, h do

Trimble Robert J, salesman, h 1247 E State

Trimmer Claude, railroader, h 222 Mercer

Trimmer Claude A, inspector, h 67 Wall

Trimmer Harvey W, shipping clerk, h 357 Cleveland av

Trimmer Howard, rubberworker, h 67 Wall

Trimmer Joseph, clerk, 1250 Princeton av

Trimmer Sarah A, wid William R, res 67 Wall

Trinity Episcopal Church, Academy opp Public Library

Trinity M E Church, 115 Perry

Trindle John L, farmhand State Hospital, res do

Trinkle Elizabeth, res 461 S Olden av

Trinkle Mina, wid Charles, h 461 S Olden av

Trionfetti Alassio, cafe, 600 Chestnut av, h do

Tripp John B, salesman, h 910 Melrose av

Trippe Earle, electrician, h 562 E State

Trischler Blasius, potter, h 1010 Liberty

Tristas Paul, railroader, h Whitehead rd

Trockenbrod Frederick W, res 1407 S Clinton av

Trockenbrod George J, wireworker, h 1407 S Clinton av

Trockenbrod Lillian H, shirtmaker, res 1407 S Clinton av

Trofsdosky Walter, rubberworker, h N Clinton n Sherman av

Troiani Giovanni, rubberworker, h 609 Whittaker av

Tronkos Andrew, wireworker, h 170 Franklin

Tronkos Elizabeth, packer, res 170 Franklin

Tronkos Mary, winder, res 170 Franklin

Trorles Stanley, tinsmith, h 25 Asbury pI

Troschinetz Antone, shipper, h 38 Huston al

Troska, George, ironworker, h 218 Pearl

Trossbach Cornelia, teacher, res 119 Culbertson av

Trossbach Edmund F, h 119 Culbertson av

Trossbach Emily, res 119 Culbertson av

Trossbach Henry, musician, 119 Culbertson av, res do

Trossbach Martha, dressmaker, 884 S Broad, res do

Trotter John B, manager, res 342 Berwyn av

Trotti Frank, foreman, res 636 Roebling av

Trotto John, laborer, h 314 Elmer

Trotto Thomas, watchman, h 236 Bayard

Trought John W, watchman, h 25 Conrad

Troup Charles W, clerk, h 258 Clay

Trout Albert, brakeman, h 32 S Walter av

Trout Clara R, assembler, res 44 Carroll

Trout David T, janitor, res Talbert apts

Trout Elizabeth D, h 356 W State

Trout George B, attendant State Hospital, res do

Trout Harry, railroader, res 19 Calhoun

TROUT HUGH D, pres D P Forst & Co, h 11 Belmont Circle

Trout Louise E, wid J F, h 207 Parkway av

Trout Marie M, assembler, res 44 Carroll

Trout Rachael A, res 44 Carroll

Trout Sarah J, nurse, res 356 W State

Trouts Ethel M, bookkeeper, res 215 Jackson

Trouts Henry, wood dealer, h 215 Jackson

Trouts Robert J, carpenter, res 215 Jackson

Trowbridge Ralph D, salesman, res 946 Carteret av

Troxell Evan W, musician, res 104 Schiller av (Bd St Pk)

Troxell Harold R, laborer, h 2241 Schiller av

Troxell Myrtle R, bookkeeper, res 104 Schiller av (Bd St Pk)

TRUCK CO NO 1, 53-57 W Hanover, Charles A Knoblauch captain

TRUCK CO NO 2, 1005 S Clinton av, Walter Allen captain

TRUCK CO NO 3, S Olden av and Walnut av, Roland Weigand capt

True Maud, wid Carl M, h 919 Lyndale av

True Moses, rubberworker, h 244 Allen

Truehart Elizabeth, h 91 Escher

Truehart William, gardener, res 167 W State

Truehart William G, hodcarrier, h 27 Taylor al

Trueman Ernest, clerk, h 861 Revere av

Truex Joseph H clerk, h 221 Passaic

Truhan Anna, cigarmaker, res 49 Hancock

Truhan Mary, wid John, h 49 Hancock

Truhan Michael, wireworker, h 49 Hancock

Trulik Vincent, rubberworker, res 118 Centre

Truman Mary C, widow, h 27 Ewing

Trumpore Bowman, carpenter, h 91 Spring

Trumpore Helen, wid Howard, h 44 Carroll

Trumpore James, clerk, res 319 Lafayette av (Bd St Pk)

Trupneck Jacob, laborer, res 113 Morris av

Trupp John, ropeworker, h 443 Emory av

Trusella James, laborer, h 30 New Rose

Tryhoski Joseph, wireworker, h 239 Ashmore av

Tsarch Otto, potter, h 22 Plum

Tachudin Charles, (Bay Ridge Specialty Co), h 24 Ellsworth

TSHUDY WALTER F, gen supt New Jersey and Penna Traction Co, res Morrisville Pa

Tubert Patrick, brassfinisher, h 1805 Chestnut av

Tucci Anthony, plasterer, h 405 Elmer

Tucci Frank, laborer, h 411 Whittaker av

Tucci James, barber, res 411 Whittaker av

Tuccillo Frederick, bricklayer, res 404 Anderson

Tuccillo John, mason, h 806 Roebling av

Tuccillo Joseph, bricklayer, res 404 Anderson

Tuccillo Louis, bricklayer, res 404 Anderson

Tuckage Mary, wid John, h 870 Lamberton

Tuckage Rose, cigarmaker, res 870 Lamberton

Tucker Ada, restaurant, 17 Roosevelt, h do

Tucker Allison, laborer, res 37 New Roosevelt

Tucker Cecil C, manager, h 85 Oak la

Tucker Charles, h 115 Ferry

Tucker Charles H, h 101 Pashley av

Tucker Harry, potter, h 182 Jefferson

Tucker Henry, laborer, h 17 New Roosevelt

Tucker John, engineer, h 155 Cooper

Tucker John E, motorman, res 155 Cooper

TUCKER JOHN M, mgr Calmaspa Flooring Co, 33 Gundling Bldg

Tucker Marcia E, h 239 N Warren

Tucker Mary, res 1620 Roberts

Tucker Rachel, wid Daniel, res 22 Barnes

Tucker Thomas, hodcarrier, res 19 Thompson

Tucker Thomas, laborer, h 23 New Roosevelt

Tucker William, smelting worker, res 1735 Roberts av

TudIcs Michael, laborer, 68 Power

Tudya John, wireworker, h 234 Ashmore av

Tuesday Edwin G, car inspector, res 836 Melrose av

Tuesday Eliza, wid Sheffield, h 826 Melrose av

Tuesday Frank S, tinsmith, 329 Liberty, h do

Tuesday Frank S Jr, trimmer, res 329 Liberty

Tuesday Thomas S, plumber, h 37 Kirkbride

Tuggyan John, carshops, h 610 Adeline

Tugni Giovanni, laborer, h 117 Fulton

Tular John, laborer, h 20 Huston al

Tuldoziecki B, rubberworker, h 52 Mechanics av

Tuliszevoski Charles, rubberworker, h 1016 Pennsylvania av

Tully Rose, saleslady, res 28 N Anderson

Tully William A, prop Majestic Restaurant, h 28 N Anderson

Tulson David, laborer, res 205 S Feeder

Tulton Franz, designer, Hamilton av R F D No 5

Tumillo Anthony, laborer, h 321 Fair

Tummillo Nicholas, (Grand Hat Cleaning and Boot Blacking), h 223 Centre

Tummillo Peter P, adv specialist, h 223 Centre

Tunas Sarah, res 2185 S Broad

Tunda Sofil, ropemaker, res 1445 S Clinton av

Tuniecki Frank, molder, h 214 Randall av

Tunner Antal, cafe, 273 Morris av, h do

Tunney Catharine, wid Henry, res 805 Clinton av

Tunnicliffe George, h 1241 Greenwood av

Tunnicliffe George, printer, h 306 Hobart av

Tunnicliffe Mary, watch factory, res 306 Hobart av

Tunnicliffe William E, guard, h 614 Mulberry

Tunstall Minnie, wrapper, res 95 Carroll

Tunstall Miranda, wid Christopher B, res 725 W State

Tunstall Thomas F, sales agent, h 725 W State

TuozzoIo Angelo, laborer, res 415 St Francis av

Tuozzolo Catharine, wid Anton, res 450 Genesee

Tuozzolo Daniel, potter, res 450 Genesee

Tuozzolo James, potter, h 1022 Anderson

Tuozzolo James, potter, h 450 Genesee

Tuozzolo John, U S A, res 450 Genesee

Turano John, wireworker, h 315 Hudson

Turano Louis, watchman, h 139 Butler

Turano Martin, chauffeur, res 139 Butler

Turano Michael, chauffeur, res 139 Butler

Turano Nicholas, laborer, h 129 Butler

Turano Samuel, student, res 129 Butler

Turba John, laborer, res 205 Ferry

Turczyn Charles, ironworker, h 658 Pennsylvania av

Ture Michael, fireman, h 135 Cummings av

Turford Annie S, wid Cornelius, h 205 W State

Turford John H, foreman, h 317 Berwyn av

Turford Lulu E, wid Stanley T, res 317 Berwyn av

Turford Virginia E, res 205 W State

Turgvan George, laborer, h 711 S Clinton av

Turinick George, h 90 Breunig av

Turkington William D, contractor, 231 Highland av, h do

Turlay Mrs F W, h 33 Maple av

Turnball Mrs Kate M, h 53 Pennington av

Turner Alfred, rubberworker, res 840 Plum

Turner Catharine, wid Richard, h 95 Poplar

Turner Charles, insurance agent, h 316 Hobart av

Turner E M, nurse; Aleda apts, res do

Turner George, supt, h Slack av (Slackwood)

Turner G W, steelworker, h 209 Landing

Turner Harry W, packer, res 95 Poplar

Turner Irvine P P, oculist, 507 Bd St Bank Bldg, h Pennington N J

Turner Isaiah B, Rev, h 304 N Willow

Turner James, chauffeur, h 116 Quarry

Turner James, gen mgr, h Fernwood

Turner John, carpenter, h 330 Ashmore av

Turner Joseph A, packer, h 537 Nottingham Way

Turner Percey, res 840 Plum

Turner Richard E, railroader, res 95 Poplar

Turner Samuel, engraver, res 840 Plum

Turner Samuel, laborer, h 119 Second

Turner Warren, laborer, h 634 Grand

Turner William, potter, h 837 Plum

Turner William, supt, h 938 Carteret av

Turner William H, carpenter, h 618 Anderson

Turofsky Marie, inspector, res 509 Centre

Turofsky Pauline, housekeeper, h 509 Centre

Turpin Charles E, steamfitter, h 507 Princeton av

Turpin Joseph B, Boys and Girls Club leader, Court House

Tusay Jacob, attendant State Hospital, res do

Tusay Stephen, shipworker, res 2044 Genesee

Tusay Stephen S, ironworker, h 1424 Genesee

Tussolo Frank A, shipping clerk, h 1008 S Broad

Tuteak Michael, laborer, 4 Quinton pl

Tuzzi Philip, wireworker, h 129 Fulton

Twentieth Century Market, (Mark Purcell prop), 757 1/2 Cass

Twining Amos H, meter reader, h 205 Park la

Twining Mary C, wid William H, res 103 Park la

Twining Mary E, res 205 Park la

Twist Oliver, druggist, h 62 McKinley av

Twitchell Mayville W, asst state geologist, 121 W State, h 278 Bellevue av

Tyack Anne E, secretary, res 204 Academy

Tybor Josephine, dressmaker, 236 Centre, h do

Tye Charles, clerk, res 224 Pearl

Tye Charles, woolsorter, h 217 S Clinton av

Tye Florence E, clerk, res 217 S Clinton av

Tye Joseph A, woolsorter, h 224 Pearl

Tye's Shoe Repairing, (Sarah Grinslade), 13 Perry

Tykarski Nellie, wid Theodore, h 893 Second

Tyler Charles W, asst storekeeper, h 335 S Olden av

Tyler Hannah, wid Thomas, res 129 Pennington av

Tyler Michael, laborer, h 410 Home av

Tyman Katherine, res 28 Bellevue av

Tyman Mary, wid John, res 28 Bellevue av

Tyman Michael J, conductor, h 22 Evans av

Tynan Mary, wid John, h 30 Passaic

Typewriter Exchange, (Walter W Prior), 240 E State

Tyrell Beatrice E, stenographer, res 708 Princeton av

Tyrell Elmer V, U S A, h 4 Cosey pl

Tyrell Harry J, conductor, h 17 Furman

Tyrell James W, chauffeur, res 4 Cosey pl

Tyrell Joseph, janitor, h 4 Cosey pl

Tyrell Mildred A, bookkeeper, res 4 Cosey pl

Tyrrell Anna M, teacher, res 51 Ellsworth av

Tyrrell Charles F, carpenter, res 216 W Hanover

Tyrrell Claire, bookkeeper, res 538 S Warren

Tyrrell Francis R, clerk, res 216 W Hanover

Tyrrell Francis T, engineer, h 216 W Hanover

Tyrrell George J, potter, h 18 Hurley

Tyrrell James A, rubberworker, res 18 Hurley

Tyrrell John J, machinist, h 1327 N Olden av

Tyrrell Joseph A, foreman, h 51 Ellsworth av

Tyrrell Margaret M, potter, res 18 Hurley

Tyrrell Marie E, clerk, res 51 Ellsworth av

Tyrrell Marie E, stenographer, res 216 W Hanover

Tyrrell Mary, wid Frank, h 538 S Warren

Tyrrell Mary J, potter, res 18 Hurley

Tyrrell Richard A, foreman, h 708 Princeton av

Tyrrell Thomas P, carpenter, res 216 W Hanover

Tyrrell William M, motorman, h 181 W Hanover

Tyscko Walter, cafe, 504 N Clinton av, h do

Tyson Margaret, widow, h 227 Dickinson

Tysosky Anthony, rubberworker, h 146 Sherman av

© Gary Nigh 1999

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