1900 TRENTON CITY DIRECTORY - Spellane to Zwirlein
Spellane Thomas F, stenographer, bds 7 Barnes
Spencer Elizabeth, wid Joseph, res 19 Green’s al
Spencer Emma, res 95 Summer
Spencer Eugene O, carriage builder, h 416 Rutherford av
Spencer George D L, tinsmith, h 41 Summer
Spencer Henry, cook, h 95 Summer
Spencer James K, butcher, Wash mkt, h 312 N Montgomery
Spencer John, h 63 Cooper
Spencer John, driver, h 288 Rutherford av
Spencer John S, deputy collector, h 310 Ferry
Spencer Mary E, (M E & S Spencer), res 310 Ferry
Spencer M E & S, (Mary E & Sarah), dressmakers, 308 Ferry
SPENCER ROBERT, plumber and gasfitter, 206 S Warren, h do
Spencer Sarah, (M E & S Spencer), res 310 Ferry
Spencer Thomas, bookkeeper, h 50 Hayes av
Spencer William, laborer, State Hospital, res do
Spencer William, blacksmith, h 690 Lamberton
Sperak John, laborer, h 55 Hill’s al
Sperling John V, salesman, h 386 Brunswick av
Sperling Mabel A, music teacher, res 386 Brunswick av
Sperry W E Langley, mgr, h 39 Cumberland av
Spicer Arthur M, fireman, h 150 Butler
Spicer Asa F, clerk, h 26 Railroad av
Spicer Edgar N, wiredrawer, bds 26 Railroad av
Spicer Emma, res 222 N Warren
Spicer Frank, potter, h 41 Sheridan av
Spicer Frederick, packer, h 48 Sheridan av
Spicer Theodosia, wid George B, res 73 Carroll
Spilsbury Edmund G, consulting engineer, h 216 W State
Spilsbury Persifor G, student, bds 216 W State
Spirato Nicholas, laborer, h 18 Mott
Spitz George S, foreman, h 108 Pennington av
Spitz Jacob, driver, h 814 Southard
Sponholtz Adolph, potter, h 29 Fillmore
Sponholtz Frederick, potter, bds 29 Fillmore
Spracklen Boiler and Machine Co; The, works, Third bel Landing
SPRACKLEN GEORGE W, grocer; also city comptroller, h 345 Hamilton av
Spracklen John, (Spracklen Boiler wks), bds 362 S Broad
Spracklen Mason J, (Spracklen Boiler and Machine Co), h 53 Union
SPRACKLEN PETER A, cigar manufacturer; also dealer in coal and wood, 356-358 S Broad, h 253 Jackson
Spragg Alice, res William (Broad St Park)
Spraggins General G, waiter, h 121 W Hanover
Sprague Clarence E, civil engineer, bds 439 Bellevue av
Sprague Walter C, laborer, h 142 Rose
Spranze Ross, laborer, h 27 Bond
SPRING ST PHARMACY, (William H Mickel; prop), N E cor Spring and Calhoun
Springard Charles, laborer, bds 316 Centre
Springard Francis J, boatbuilder, bds 316 Centre
Springard John P, photographer, 316 Centre, h do
Springard Joseph, h 316 Centre
Springard Marie A, wid John, res 316 Centre
Springer John, draughtsman, h 450 Brunswick av
Springer Lewis G, supt, h 450 Emory av
Sproll William F, butcher, h 9 Chambers
Sprowles Josephine Mrs, res 11 N Broad
Spruce Albert, machinist, h 33 S Olden av
Spruell Warren S, waiter, bds 406 Reservoir
Spurgin William H, clerk, res 138 E Hanover
Squier William F B, laborer, h 624 N Clinton av
Staab George, h 15 Grant av
Staats John H, collector, h 79 Philemon
Staats Mrs, res Dolton’s Block
Stacey Ernest J, barber, 360 1/2 N Clinton av
Stacey Ernest J, barber, 360 1/2 N Clinton av, h do
Stackhouse Isaac, produce, City mkt, h 122 Division
Stackhouse James J, clerk, bds 211 Passaic
Stackhouse James T, inspector, h 415 Monmouth
Stackhouse John, foreman, h 104 Union
Stackhouse Rachel, produce, City mkt, res Yardley; Pa
Stackhouse Robert, sawmaker, h 1035 S Broad
Stackhouse Sarah, wid Charles, res 142 Mercer
Stackhouse William, potter, bds 104 Union
Stackhouse William M, fire dept, h 1039 S Broad
Stahl Charles, wirebundler, h 119 Fulton
STAHL ERNEST C, books and stationery; "N J Staats Journal;" notary public and commissioner of deeds, 25 E Front, h do
STAHL HARRY E, machinist and bicycle manufacturer, 226-228 S Warren, h 35 Lamberton
Stahl John, engineer, h 222 Dickinson
Stahl Norman P, bookkeeper, bds 25 E Front
Stahl Edward jr, barber, 60 S Clinton av, h 49 Yard av
Stahuber George, machinist, bds 1101 Chestnut av
STAHUBER KORBIN, prop (Linden Park Hotel), 1101 Chestnut av, h do
STAIGER CHARLES, hardware; paints; oils; &c, 227 N Clinton av, h 22 Seward av
Staiger Henry, carpenter, bds 314 N Broad
Staiger John, barkeeper, h 316 N Broad
STAINSBY WILLIAM, chief Labor Bureau, h Newark; N J
Stakeman Charles Mrs, res 48 W State
Stakmann Frederick, mason, bds 265 Cummings av
Stakmann Julius, bricklayer, h 265 Cummings av
Stalcup Elizabeth, wid Edwin W, res 59 Rose
Stalcup William T, clerk, bds 59 Rose
Staley Frank, bds 152 Perry
Stamets Ella, wid William, res 37 N Willow
Standard China Works, (W Kimble, prop), Prospect n R R
STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE CO OF NEW JERSEY, (William C. Lawrence; pres’t), 11 W State
STANDARD OIL CO, (Edward B Fulper; mgr), New York and Olden avs
Standiford Richard, laborer, h 166 Home av
Stanley Catherine, res 246 Kossuth
Stanley Joseph, laborer State Hospital, res do
Stanley Shirt Factory, on line P R R n Fair grounds
Stanley William H, stonecutter, h 330 W Hanover
Stannard George, music teacher, 121 S Warren, h do
Stannard Henry J, engineer, h 115 S Willow
Stannard Mary A, wid Henry J, res 115 S Willow
Stantial Joseph D, carpenter, h 691 Princeton av
Stanton Charles, machinist, h 910 S Clinton av
Stanton Clara M, wid William E, res 144 Ferry
Stanton Edward, potter, bds 25 Bond
Stanton James, laborer, bds 25 Bond
Stanton James J, grocer, 8 Escher, h do
Stanton Joseph, ironworker, bds 705 Bridge
Stanton Patrick, potter, h 54 Bond
Stanton Thomas, potter, h 26 Bond
Stanton Thomas, potter, bds 44 Rose
Stanton Thomas, rubberworker, h 14 1/2 Tyrell av
Stapler Henry, h 233 Perry
Stapler Jacob, watchmaker, h 492 Chestnut av
Stapler Sarah L, wid John T, res 40 N Clinton av
Staples James, potter, h 147 Houghton av
Staples James J, potter, bds 147 Houghton av
Stapleton James, clerk, h 128 Spring
Stapleton James, potter, bds 12 Camden
Stapleton James J, clerk, bds 128 Spring
Stapleton John J, moulder, h 127 Houghton av
Stapleton Michael J, potter, bds 12 Camden
Stapleton Thomas, laborer, h 12 Camden
Stappung Edward, laborer State Hospital, res do
STAR BOTTLING CO, (Charles K Rehrig; pres’t), Lalor and Lamberton
Star Porcelain Co; The, (Thomas H Mackenzie; pres’t), electric porcelain specialties, Seward av
Star Printing Co, (A C Stowell), 33 W State
Starin Frank E, saloon, Grant av cor Seward av, h do
Starin Walter W, plumber, bds 510 S Warren
Stark Bessie, res 547 Lamberton
Stark Charles W, draughteman, bds 68 N Clinton av
Stark David J, laborer, h 547 Lamberton
Stark Frederick, fireman, h 546 Second
Stark Frederick C, laborer, bds 546 Second
Stass Edward, laborer, h 136 Morgan
Stast Adolph, laborer, h 136 Morgan av
STATE COUNCIL OF NEW JERSEY; Jr O U A M, (William H Miers; state council sec’y), room 41 Masonic Temple
STATE GAZETTE; DAILY AND WEEKLY, (John L Murphy Publishing Co; pub and prop), State cor Broad
STATE STREET HOUSE, (Mrs Eli K Ale; prop), 18 and 20 W State
States Alexander N, railroader, h 8 Spring
States Caroline, wid John, res 8 Spring
States Mary, wid William, res 6 Sanford
Stawiszynski Kasper, tailor, 26 Elm, h do
Staymaker Thomas, dye sinker, bds 292 Hamilton av
Stead Edward C, express, bds 536 Centre
Stead John, clerk, bds 104 W Front
Stead John P, potter, bds 22 Oxford
Stead Thomas, potter, h 22 Oxford
Stead Walter, machinist, bds 536 Centre
Stear George H, gardener, h 66 Philemon
Stearn Richard, mason, h 523 Roebling av
Steckel Augustus A, carriage trimmer, h 80 1/2 Pennington av
Steckiewiez Bros, (Edward & William), liquors, 839 S Broad
Steckiewiez Edward, (Steckiewiez Bros), h 839 S Broad
Steckiewiez William, (Steckiewiez Bros), h 839 S Broad
Steckley Harry, carpenter, h 126 Webster
Steel Adeline L, wid George, res 273 Clay
Steel Edward H, billiard parlor, 17 N Broad h 273 Clay
Steel Emma A, milliner, 309 S Broad, res 273 Clay
Steele Charles H, decorator, h 40 Seward av
Steele Frank J, decorator, h 187 Washington
Steele Joseph, decorator, bds 250 Walnut av
Steele Laura E, wid Charles, Logan av n E State
Steelman Frederick, electrician, bds 121 Perry
Steen Catharine, wid David, res 50 Spring
Steen David, laborer, h 50 Spring
Steen Harry G, stonecutter, h 232 Dickinson
Steen John A, broker, 16 E State, h 162 Brunswick av
Steen Mary E, teacher, res 50 Spring
Steen Mattie, dressmaker, res 320 N Willow
Steen Rosanna, wid John, res 162 Brunswick av
Steenberg Lorenzo R, timekeeper, h 302 Hudson
Steepy David, carpenter, h 333 Fair
Steepy George E, engineer, bds 325 Elmer
Steepy Isaac M, sawgrinder, bds 333 Fair
Steepy John W, painter, h 91 Lamberton
Steepy Sallie A, grocer, 328 Bridge, res do
Steepy Samuel, (Matthews & Steepy), h 328 Bridge
Steepy Walter, electrician, h 325 Elmer
Steffen Anton, machinist, h 441 Woodland
Steffen Joseph, saloon, 274 N Willow, h do
Stegemann Sophia, midwife, 34 Jersey, h do
Steh John, baker, h 216 Kossuth
Stehlin Joseph, butcher, bds 72 Tyrell av
Steif Lizzie, waitress, State Hospital, res do
Steifbold Henry, ironworker, h 117 Furman
Stein Louis H, mgr (Armour & Co), h 324 W State
Steinbuch Frederick, cigars, 352 Adeline, h do
Steiner Gottlieb, expressman, h r 497 W State
Steiner Joseph, liquors, 402 Centre, h do
Steiner Reading, brakeman, h 31 Chambers
Steiner William, brewer, h 743 Second
Steinman John, potter, h 119 Mill
Steinmetz William A, potter, h 54 New Rose
Stelle Isaac F, rubberworker, h Brunswick av (Slackwood)
Stelle John R, rubberworker, bds Brunswick av (Slackwood)
Stelle William W, cashier (Mechanics National Bank), h 46 N Clinton av
Stemhagen Christian, laborer, h 221 Fulton
Stemhagen John, h 118 Fulton
Stemper Frederick, carriage painter, bds 214 Fulton
Stenffen Charles, carpenter, h 39 Davies
Stenger Christopher, presser bds 149 Washington
Stenger John, grocer, 149 Washington, h do
Stenzel Anne M, wid William, h 326 Liberty
Stephan Henry, potter, h 75 Lincoln av
Stephan Thomas W, potter, h Melrose av (Villa Park)
Stephens Halsey De F, clerk, bds 600 Perry
Stephens James P, treas Greenwood Pottery Co, h 230 Greenwood av
Stephens Joseph, painter, 20 Ogden, h 37 Carroll
Stephens Robert, potter, h 115 Conovers al
Stephens William C, shoemaker, 19 Spring, h 356 W State
Stephenson Frank J, machinist, h 85 Philemon
Stephenson John, decorator, h 863 Centre
Stephenson Lawrence, decorator, bds 863 Centre
Stephenson Reuben C, h 229 N Broad
Sterling Caroline, wid Thomas C, res 84 Spring
Sterling Edward B, negotiator, h 313 Spring
Sterling George, bds 710 S Warren
Sterling Joseph, h 421 E State
Sterling Joseph S, bookkeeper, h 313 Spring
Sterling Reba L, dressmaker, res 84 Spring
STERLING ROBERT, prop (The Old Homestead); also sup’y City Cemetery, 406-408 N Clinton av, h do
Sterling William W, mail agent, bds 313 Spring
Stetser Eli B, storekeeper, h 248 Clay
Stetter Frank, potter, h 248 N Feeder
Stetter Mathew, potter, h 315 Rutherford av
Stetzer Eban M, barber, 20 S Warren, h do
Stevens Anna, wid William, res 18 Camden
Stevens Charles, driver, h 310 Ewing
Stevens Daniel B, mail clerk, h 220 Jackson
Stevens Daniel T, driver, h 242 Church
Stevens Edward E, engineer, h 19 Trent
Stevens Edward H, cook, h 12 Bellevue av
Stevens Elwood W, dipper, h Beechwood av
Stevens George, blockmaker, bds 609 Lamberton
Stevens George L, clerk, h 613 Genesee
Stevens Jesse F, inventor, bds 508 W State
Stevens John W, blacksmith, h 24 Union
Stevens John, bds 461 S Broad
Stevens Joseph W, carpenter, bds Beechwood av
Stevens Levi, inventor, h 508 W State
Stevens Levi jr, foreman, h 21 Montgomery pl
Stevens Robert G, (Crozer & Stevens), h 58 Hudson
Stevens Thomas, laborer, bds 609 Lamberton
Stevens Waters R, clerk, h 58 Hudson
Stevens William R, bds Beechwood av
Stevenson Carl, bookkeeper, bds 119 E Hanover
Stevenson Charles P, stage manager, h 120 W Front
Stevenson Charlotte E, dressmaker, 33 Yard av, res do
Stevenson Edward, painter, h 128 Fountain av
Stevenson Edward F, engineer, h 218 Jackson
Stevenson Edward H, printer, h 75 Philemon
Stevenson Ernest, carpenter, bds 119 E Hanover
Stevenson F G Mrs, res 1109 E State
Stevenson Frederick W, bricklayer, h 247 Mercer
Stevenson George H, h 119 E Hanover
Stevenson George H, carpenter, h 28 Hermitage av
Stevenson George H jr, carpenter, h 171 Passaic
Stevenson Harry, laborer, h 117 Temple
Stevenson Harry K, clerk, h 767 E State
Stevenson Joseph E, pres’t (The J E Stevenson Co), h 1230 E State
STEVENSON J E CO; THE, coal; flour and feed, 508 Mulberry and 246 Perry
Stevenson J Frank, machinist, h 85 Philemon
Stevenson Lizzie, wid Thomas, res 15 Fowler
Stevenson Miriam M, (Stevenson & Wright), res 767 E State
Stevenson Richard J, carpenter, bds 119 E Hanover
Stevenson Rosa, wid Winfield, res 171 Passaic
Stevenson Walter C, millworker, h 198 W Hanover
Stevenson William D, physician, 303 E State, h do
Stevenson William L, bakery, h 33 Yard av
Stevenson & Wright, (Miriam M Stevenson and Ella S Wright), milliners, 229 E State
Steward Alexander R, driver, h 137 Taylor
Steward Alfred E, driver, bds 29 Webster
Steward Charles A, engineer, h 234 Kossuth
STEWARD DOUGLAS P, (prop Steward House), h 217 E Front
Steward Edward E, wireworker, bds 315 Elmer
Steward Isaac, driver, h 626 N Clinton av
Steward Jonathan, real estate, 234 1/2 E State, h 328 Greenwood av
Steward Samuel B, asst yardmaster, h 26 Oxford
Steward Seldon S, wireworker, h 315 Elmer
Stewart William, carpenter, h 27 Second
Stewart Ainslee, mason, h 107 S Feeder
Stewart Albert C, sawmaker, h 821 S Warren
Stewart Albert T, bartender, bds 11 Centre
Stewart Bayard M, clerk, bds 208 W State
STEWART BUSINESS COLLEGE; THE, (Thomas J Stewart prop), 10 and 12 S Broad
Stewart Charles, grocer, bds 152 Perry
Stewart Charles K, driver, h 139 Sherman av
Stewart Frances, wid John H, res 208 W State
Stewart George B, wireworker, bds 54 Bayard
Stewart Ida M, dressmaker, res 54 Bayard
Stewart Malcolm, student, bds 208 W State
Stewart R J & Co, (Frank M Thomson), stockbrokers, Broad St Bank bldg
STEWART THOMAS J, (Stewart Business College), h 127 Academy
Stewart William, grocer, 152 N Broad, res Phila; Pa
Stewart William, insurance agent, bds 10 Perry
Stewart William J, watchman, h 173 Reservoir
Stewart William L, prison deputy, h 32 S Hermitage av
Stewart William L, trucker, h Ward av adj Greenwood Cty
Stewart William R, painter, h 54 Bayard
Sthowski Michael, janitor, h 234 Home av
Stief Eva, wid Philip, res 218 Home av
Stief Henry, watchmaker, h 218 Home av
Stief Jacob, optician, bds 218 Home av
Stiefbold Charles, h 102 Dye
Stiefbold George A, machinist, bds 307 Genesee
Stiefbold John, capt fire dep’t, h 307 Genesee
Stier Philip F, clerk, bds 132 E Front
Stiles & Co, (H A Stiles), oculists, Forst-Richey bldg
Stiles H A, (Stiles & Co), h Phila
Stiles William, driver, bds 88 Belvidere
Still Arthur, coachman, h 19 Stevens al
Still Charles, coachman, h r 153 Greenwood av
Still John J, laborer, bds 119 Dye
Stillman Ralph, fireman, bds 165 Brunswick av
Stillwell Charles, plumber, 471 Centre, h do
Stillwell Isaac, chainmaker, h 1225 Chestnut av
Stillwell James M, salesman, h 185 Washington
Stillwell James S, wireworker, h 56 Bayard
Stillwell William, produce, Washington mkt, h Lawrence station
Stilwell Elizabeth, wid Nicholas, res 128 Second
Stilwell James, ironworker, bds 213 Second
Stilwell Nicholas, wiredrawer, h 213 Second
Stimpson William A, bds 137 E Hanover
Stinchar John, laborer, h 107 Lexington
Stineman John, potter, bds 119 Mill
Stinenton Frederick W, bricklayer, h 422 Monmouth
Stiner Reading, brakeman, h 31 Chambers
Stines Charles, engineer, h 247 Walnut av
Stines David E, carpenter, h 980 E State
Stines Elias W, engineer, h 81 Sweets av
Stines Frank M, engineer, h 9 N Stockton
Stines Maria A, wid William, res 782 E State
Stingel John F, dust-presser, h 20 Sheridan av
Stinger John L, bookkeeper, h 550 S Warren
Stinson George, clerk, h 480 Stuyvesant av
Stinson Jane E, wid Samuel, res 566 Perry
Stipe Anton, potter, h 701 S Clinton av
Stipe Joseph, potter, bds 701 S Clinton av
Stires Charles, motorman, h 962 S Broad
Stiro Philip, brakeman, bds 866 E State
Stites James H, restaurant, 274 Kossuth, h 24 Lincoln av
Stock Mina, wid August, res Sewell av (Broad St Park)
St John James, res Odd Fellows’ Home
St John John, potter, h 61 Mulberry
St Michael’s Convent of the Sacred Heart, 143 Perry
Stock Walter, potter, bds Sewell av (Broad St Park)
Stockel Jacob J, laborer, h 524 Grand
Stockman Frederick, h 20 Ingleton
Stockman Frederick jr, bricklayer, bds 20 Ingleton
Stockman William, decorator, bds 20 Ingleton
Stockton Anna M, wid Robert F, res 180 W State
Stockton Annie, res 144 W State
STOCKTON BAYARD, counsellor-at-law, 105 E State, res Princeton; N J
Stockton Frederick W, potter, h 138 Bayard
Stockton Harriet, wid William, res 138 Bayard
Stockton J Edward J, coachman, h 14 Montgomery pl
Stockton Richard F, (Trenton Gas & Electric Co), h 200 W State
Stockton Robert F, h 207 E State
Stockwell William, clerk, h 1210 Chestnut av
Stoddard Adeline, wid Michael, res 550 Perry
Stoddard James, horse-clipper, 237 Cummings av,h do
Stoddard Milton, clerk, bds 550 Perry
Stoker John J, barber, h 305 Centre
Stokes Alfred C, physician, h 527 Monmouth
Stokes Barclay L, bookkeeper, h 138 Jackson
Stokes Benjamin F, bds 221 Mercer
Stokes Charles E, clerk, h 40 Railroad av
Stokes Charles E, superintendent, h 224 Academy
Stokes David E, potter’s printer, h 50 Oak
STOKES EDWARD A, lawyer, 123 E State, res 539 S Warren
Stokes Edward C, pres Mechanic’s Bank, bds Hotel Windsor
Stokes H Watson, clerk, h 56 Union
Stokes John, laborer, h 143 Taylor
Stokes John W, h 539 S Warren
Stokes Joseph O, (Home Rubber Co), h New York
Stokes Randolph M, collector, h 104 N Overbrook av
Stokes Rudolph, salesman, bds 221 Mercer
Stokes Watson, clerk, h 56 Union
Stokes Samuel, clerk, bds 104 N Overbrook av
Stokes Samuel A, brakeman, bds 40 Railroad av
Stokes William, potter, bds 50 Oak
Stokes William, potter, h 22 Taylor
STOKES WILLIAM J B, (Wilson & Stokes); (Wilson & Stokes Lumber Co); (Home Rubber Co) & (Trenton Rubber Co); also city treasurer, bds Hotel Windsor
Stokes William R, stock-dealer, h 221 Mercer
Stoll Abraham, h 44 Lamberton
Stoll Augustus F, (Stoll B B and Sta Co), h 307 S Clinton av
STOLL BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY CO, booksellers and stationery, 30 E State
Stoll Thomas A, (American Bedding & Mfg Co), h 52 N Clinton av
Stolte George A, liquors, 1068 S Broad, h do
Stolz John, laborer, h 409 Franklin
Stonaker Charles D, bds 592 Brunswick av
Stonaker John H, clerk, h 228 Passaic
Stonaker William, grocer, 274 Spring, h do
Stone Edmund L, lather, bds 375 Cummings av
Stone George, lather, bds 375 Cummings av
Stone John, contractor, h 656 S Broad
Stone John, laborer, bds 563 S Warren
Stone Joseph D, rubberworker, h 945 E State
Stone Samuel, h 375 Cummings av
Stone Samuel H, blacksmith, h 17 New
Stone Samuel jr, lather, bds 375 Cummings av
Stone Simon, blacksmith, h 17 New
Stone Walter, lather, bds 375 Cummings av
Stoner Grant W, fireman r r, h 46 Seward av
Stoop Charles H, bird fancier, 501 S Warren, h 5 Mill
Stoop Harry A, barber, 149 Prospect, h do
Storer George E, harnessmaker, bds Broad St Park
Storey Motor & Tool Co, (Imley E Storey; mgr), 464 S Broad
STOREY J WILBERT, newsdealer, 308 S Broad, h do
Storms Hannah, wid Joseph, h 50 Belvidere
Storms William, potter, bds 50 Belvidere
Storr John N F, collector, h 1021 Chestnut av
Stothoff George, coachman, h 34 Pike al
Stott Clarence, wireworker, h 325 Cummings av
Stott Thomas, spooler, h 259 Ashmore av
Stotz Barbara, wid, res 10 E Front
Stotz John, foreman brewer, h 770 Centre
Stout Albert A, decorator, bds 32 Hart av
Stout Andrew, blacksmith, h 717 Chestnut av
Stout Andrew D, carpenter, h 112 Spring
Stout Andrew F, butcher, h Lawrence rd (Slackwood)
Stout Anna H, cigars, 723 Centre, res do
Stout Anna L, res 38 Livingston
Stout Azariah, blacksmith, bds 63 Sweets av
Stout Charles, clerk, bds 218 N Montgomery
Stout Charles, clerk, bds 190 W Hanover
Stout Charles A, potter, h 32 Hart av
Stout Charles A, potter, h 114 Jefferson
Stout Charles F, clerk, bds 717 Chestnut av
Stout Charles P, railroader, bds 15 Grant av
Stout Edward, conductor, h 117 Tyler
Stout Edward, laborer, bds 331 S Feeder
Stout Edwin, clerk, bds 117 Tyler
Stout Ella C, teacher, bds 204 Hamilton av
Stout Frank G, Janitor, h 139 E Hanover
Stout Frank R, laborer, h 828 Liberty
Stout George, (Taylor & Stout), h 798 E State
Stout George F, hostler, bds 241 N Willow
Stout George W, teas; etc, cor Chancery and W Hanover, h 423 Monmouth
Stout Harry, potter, h Lafayette av (Broad St Park)
Stout Harry F, driver, h 11 Beaver
STOUT HARRY J, restaurant, 12-14 E State, h 45 W do
Stout J G Mrs, res Dolton’s Block
Stout Jacob, conveyancer, 25 W State, h do
Stout James, laborer, h 53 Bank
Stout James, potter, h 42 Escher
Stout Joseph, huckster, h 734 Roebling av
Stout Joseph, retired, h 453 Chestnut av
Stout Joseph, salesman, h 190 W Hanover
Stout Lewis S, potter, h 723 Centre
Stout Mary C, wid George W, res 204 Hamilton av
Stout Noah T, carpenter, h 46 Conrad
Stout Parker W, teamster, h 29 High
Stout Samuel B, policeman, h 723 Centre
Stout Seneca T, cigar mfr, 106 S Clinton av, h do
Stout Walter, cook, bds 348 N Montgomery
Stout Walter, dust-presser, h 7 Cook pl
Stout William O, tailor, State Hospital, res city
Stover Edward C, asst manager, h 474 W State
Stover Harold M, sup’t, h Broad St Park
Stover Hiram M, sup’t, h Broad St Park
Stover Isaac N, liveryman, h 142 Pearl
Stover Jacob A, livery, 77 Hudson, bds 142 Pearl
Stover Newton, driver, h 142 Pearl
Stow Walter, bricklayer, h 321 Lamberton
Stowell Arthur C, (Star Printing Co), h 248 Hamilton av
Stowell Ella S, teacher, res 140 Kent
Stowell George A, solicitor, h 140 Kent
Stowell Willard A, principal, h 140 Kent
Stradling Harry A, conductor, h 339 Elmer
Stradling Lafayette, bds 85 S Clinton av
Stradling Martin, peddler, h 1224 S Broad
Strafford Joseph B, printer, 222 Centre, h do
Straley Henry K, prison deputy, h 989 S Broad
Strasser George M, moulder, h 314 Genesee
STRASSER JOHN J, druggist, cor Princeton and Pennington av, h do
Stratton Albert E, floorwalker, h 39 Kent
Stratton Arthur M, beamer, h 108 W Front
Stratton Bros, (Edwin and Nathaniel), grocers, Broad St Pk
Stratton Edward, laborer, h 22 DickInson
Stratton Edward C, reporter (True American), bds Broad St Park
Stratton Edwin, (Stratton Bros), h Broad St Park
Stratton Hannah, school teacher, res Broad St Park
Stratton Jessie, school teacher, res Broad St Park
Stratton Mary E, nurse, res 5 1/2 Pennington av
Stratton Nathaniel, (Stratton Bros), h Broad St Park
Stratton Paul, student, bds Broad St Park
Stratton Thomas B, salesman, h Broad St Park
Stratton William, res Odd Fellows’ Home
Straub August, ropemaker, h 424 Genesee
Straub Joseph, conductor, bds 415 Genesee
Straub William Mrs, res 34 Pennington av
Strauss Clara, music teacher, 1105 Anderson, res do
Strauss Edward, driver, h 61 Rose
Strauss George E, teamster, h 61 Rose
Strauss Howard, paperhanger, h 200 Brunswick av
Strauss Joseph, laborer, h 4 Donnelly’s al
Strauss Theresa, grocer, 1105 Anderson, h do
Streeper George A, butcher, bds 302 N Clinton av
Street George, laborer, bds 148 Philemon
Street Martha, wid William, h 162 Walnut av
Street Samuel F, tinsmith, h 853 E State
Street William C, jobmaster, h Chambers (Homedell)
Streiff Jacob, tinsmith, h 152 E Front
Streiff John, carpenter, h 63 Tyrell av
Stremme John T, engineer, h 325 Rutherford av
Stretch Albert T, music teacher, h Warren Flats
Stretch David E, druggist, 602 S Warren, h Warren Flats
Stretch Edward F, tinsmith, bds 240 W Hanover
Strimple ---, blacksmith, bds 205 S Warren
Stringer John, rougher, bds 212 S Warren
Strobel George, cigarmaker, h 22 Emory av
Strobel George O, h 330 Centre
Strobiensky Joseph, laborer, h 14 Jefferson
Strock Samuel L, mariner, bds 711 Princeton av
Strodach Paul Z Rev, (Ev Lu Church), bds 124 N Warren
Strohecker Albert A, bakery, 405 Hudson, h do
Strolf August, laborer, h 185 Ferrier av
Strong Edward W, painter, h 83 Pashley av
Strouse Howard C, peperhanger, h 200 Brunswick av
Strouse Jonathan, potter, h 1122 Pennsylvania av
Strube Christian, blacksmith, h 105 Houghton av
Struble Eva E, res 324 Chestnut av
Struble George, barkeeper, bds 21 N Warren
Struble Harry B, student, bds 324 Chestnut av
Struble Louise B, res324 Chestnut av
Struble Uzal H, clerk, h 324 Chestnut av
STRUBLE WILLIAM A, prop (City Steam Laundry), h 46 Wall
STRUBLE WILLIAM McD, physician, 691 S Broad, h do
Struby Enoch, laborer, bds 20 Barclay
Strudel Christian, barkeeper, bds 900 Liberty
Strudhoff Martha, wid Richard, res 54 Quarry al
Stryker Abraham, potter, bds 205 W Hanover
Stryker Abram V D, sup’t, h 254 Spring
Stryker Alice V D, res 20 Walnut av
Stryker Charles N, h 139 Spring
Stryker Charles V, clerk, bds 17 Chapel
Stryker Charles W, clerk, bds 927 Carteret av
Stryker Cornelius V, clerk, bds 17 Chapel
Stryker Emma, dressmaker, 120 E Trenton av, h do
Stryker Francis, architect, bds 216 Butler
Stryker Garrett W, grocer, 25 Barbara, h 17 Chapel
Stryker Helen, wid Theodore, res 216 Butler
Stryker Henry P, teamster, h 205 W Hanover
Stryker James, teamster, bds 1523 S Clinton av
Stryker James T, grocer, 222 N Warren, h 97 Spring
Stryker Jesse D, driver, bds 120 E Trenton av
Stryker John V, clerk, h 208 Jackson
Stryker Julia M, stenographer, bds 20 Walnut
Stryker Laura F, bds 723 Monmouth
Stryker Louisa, wid Abraham B, res 15 Montgomery pl
Stryker McClellan, motorman, bds 1227 S Clinton av
Stryker Theodore, clerk, bds 206 Academy
Stryker Thomas D, guard, h 206 Calhoun
STRIKER WILLIAM S, adjutant general, State House, h 321 W State
Stubbs Albert, decorator, h 116 W Front
Stubbs Thomas, decorator, h 116 W Front
Stubenazy Emily, wid Charles, h 1524 Adeline
Stubenazy Henry C, plasterer, h 417 Lamberton
Stubenazy Stephen, wireweaver, h 524 Adeline
Stuckert Charles, drug clerk, h 142 W Hanover
Studdiford Samuel M Rev, (3d Pres Church), h 139 N Warren
Stuebgen Frank, musician, 126 Jackson, h do
Stull Emily P, wid Henry, res 228 Jackson
Stull Howell C, (F S Katzenbach & Co), h 369 W State
Stull John, veterinarian, 140 W State, h do
Stults Andrew, clerk, bds 60 N Stockton
Stults B Grover, sup’t, h Thompson av (Millham Junction)
Stults George, clerk, h 449 Chestnut av
Stults Harry A, bookkeeper, h 132 Brunswick av
Stults Jacob H, (Allen & Stults), h 132 Brunswick av
Stults Mary, res 521 Perry
Stults Randall, switchman, h 24 Sherman av
Stults Richard P, carpenter, h 79 Klagg av
Stuttgart Lazarus, laborer, h 8 Schenck al
Suber B Frank, overseer, h 307 Academy
Suber John H, driver, h 224 Philemon
Suber Philetus, clerk, bds307 Academy
Sucorali Rocci, laborer,h 20 Asbury
Sukkau Amelia, wid Jacob, res 46 Adeline
Sukkau Otto, laborer, h 143 Tremont
Sulger William, h 849 Centre
Sullivan Barney, potter, bds 23 College
SULLIVAN CHARLES E, druggist, 339 N Warren, h do
Sullivan Daniel, saloon, 442 Ferry, h do
Sullivan Elizabeth, wid James, res 16 S Jackson
Sullivan James, mason, h 25 College
Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, h 231 Allen
Sullivan John, laborer, h 23 College
Sullivan John jr, mason, bds 23 College
Sullivan John J, bottler, h 217 Spring
Sullivan Joseph, rubberworker, bds 23 College
Sullivan Michael, blacksmith, bds 347 Academy
Sullivan Michael, blacksmith, h 354 Jersey
Sullivan Peter, coachman, bds 357 S Warren
Sullivan Samuel, laborer, h 66 Fair
Sullivan Simon, moulder, h 843 Lamberton
Sullivan Timothy, fireman, h Lalor adj canal
Sullivan Thomas, laborer, h 660 S Broad
Sully Stephen, laborer, h 40 Hancock av
Sulman Morris, tailor, h 74 1/2 Lamberton
Sulze Joseph, laborer, h 135 Cass
Summer John, laborer, h 247 Ashmore av
Summerfield John, laborer, h 106 New Rose
Summers Ambrose, horseshoer, bds 339 Perry
Summers Daniel, horseshoer, 121 N Willow, h 339 Perry
Summers Lucy C, dressmaker, res 339 Perry
Summers Michael, blacksmith, h 166 Passaic
Summers Robert, laborer, h 69 Lincoln av
Summers William T, h 25 Barclay
Sumner Stephen, potter, h 11 Swan
SUN LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA, (Thomas R Raitt; manager for New Jersey), 10 W State
SUNDAY ADVERTISER; THE TRENTON (published by the Advertiser Publishing Co), 33 W State
Sunningshine John T, carpenter, bds 203 Trent
Super Cora B, wid James M, res 221 Brunswick av
Superior Fire Linings Co, Oakland n R R
Suppers Augusta, res 19 Lincoln av
Suppers Charles F, butcher, 268 N Clinton av, h do
Suppers Daniel, laborer, bds 19 Lincoln av
Suppers Martin, potter, bds 19 Lincoln av
Surprise Merchandise Co, clothing; &c, 117 S Broad
Surtees Robert, foreman; also police commissioner, h 525 Hudson
Surtees Samuel J, clerk, bds 525 Hudson
Sutcliffe R Moss; (E F Hooper & Co), h 61 Ewing
Sutcliffe Sarah, wid Robert, res 61 Ewing
Sutcliffe Thomas I, clerk, h 835 Berkeley av
Sutcliffe William, woolenworker, h 211 Union
Sutnick Nathan, dry goods, 100 Hancock av, h do
Sutphin C Thompson, decorator, h 214 W State
Sutphin David A, secy (Sutphin Ice and Coal Co), bds 97 Spring
Sutphin Eleanor, wid George W, res 156 S Stockton
Sutphin Elmer E, machinist, 276 Church, h 307 Spring
Sutphin Emma, dressmaker, 132 Mercer, res do
SUTPHIN ICE AND COAL CO, (John W Sutphin; pres’t, Owen H Locke; treas, David A Sutphin; sec’y), ice; coal and wood, Willow opp Bank
Sutphin James T, commercial traveler, h 48 W Front
Sutphin John W, (Sutphin Ice and Coal Co), res Bucks Co; Pa
SUTPHIN & LARUE CO; THE, (Richard Sutphin and C Augustus LaRue), livery and boarding stables, W Hanover cor Chancery, office do
Sutphin Richard, (Sutphin & LaRue), h 214 W State
Sutphin William A, carpenter, h 132 Mercer
Sutter Daniel, ropemaker, h 364 Rusling
Sutter Frank H, clerk, h 321 W Hanover
Sutterlein August, potter, bds 21 Howard
Sutterlein Carl, rubberworker, h 732 Beatty
Sutterlein Daniel, gardener, h 722 Beatty
Sutterlein Emil, potter, bds 21 Howard
Sutterlein Frederick, potter, bds 21 Howard
Sutterlein Jacob, cooper, 40 Woolverton av, h do
Sutterlein Jacob jr, cooper, h 8 Woolverton av
Sutterlein William, ironworker, bds 21 Howard
Sutterley Albert, carpenter, bds Lafayette av (B St Park)
Sutterley Charles, tinsmith, h Lafayette av (Broad St Park)
Sutterley Edward, painter, bds 423 Woodland
Sutterley Harry, tinsmith, bds Broad St Park
Sutterley Job R, carpenter, h 228 Bayard
Sutterley Rudolph P, templetmaker, h Broad St Park
Sutton Abner C, brakeman h 47 Sheridan av
Sutton Charles A, blacksmith, h 21 Marion
Sutton Edmund, printer, bds 341 Tyler
Sutton Edwin, carpenter, h 4 Lewis
Sutton George K, paperhanger, h 227 Passaic
Sutton Israel S, contractor, 414 Market, h do
Sutton Joseph, kilnman, h 341 Tyler
Sutton Lewis H, rubberworker, h 407 Bridge
Sutton Marion V, teacher, res 21 Marion
Sutton Martha M, wid John, res 423 Princeton av
Sutton Mary, boarding house, res 150 Perry
Sutton Michael, carriagemaker, bds 173 S Broad
Sutton William H, laborer, h 200 Whittaker av
Sutts George, conductor, bds 352 Walnut av
Sutty John, laborer, h 147 Hancock av
Suydam Frank, prison deputy, res Bordentown
Suydam Hannah, wid Andrew, res 41 Butler
Suydam Howard, baker, h 1227 S Clinton av
Suydam Isaac D, baker, 269 Hamilton av, h do
Suydam Ward, potter, h 41 Butler
Swain Annie Mrs, res 438 N Clinton av
Swain Benjamin F, butcher, h 40 High
Swain Frank D, railroader, h 793 E State
Swain Frank, butcher, h 40 High
SWAIN GEORGE B, state treasurer, res Newark; N J
Swain Jacob M, photographer, h 8 N Stockton
Swain T Godfrey, drug clerk, bds 36 W State
Swallow Charles, sand dealer, h 5 Perry
Swan Aaron, waiter, bds 318 N Montgomery
Swan Abraham jr, surveyor, h 21 N Olden av
Swan Abram, contractor, 17 Carroll, h do
Swan Annie, wid John, h 238 W Hanover
Swan Charles, potter, h 34 Spring
Swan Henrietta, res 520 E State
Swan John B, decorator, h 957 Pennsylvania av
Swan William, plumber, h 645 Lamberton
Swan William C, potter, bds 34 Spring
Swann Ebenezer W, decorator, h 627 Brunswick av
Swann Frederick, lamp mfr, h 130 W Hanover
Swann Frederick C, clerk, bds 627 Brunswick av
Swann John J, decorator, bds 627 Brunswick av
Swanson Edward, carpenter, bds 668 S Broad
SWARTZ CLINTON J, manager (Western Union Telegraph Office), h 846 Carteret av
Swartz Grant, foreman, h 28 Cumberland
Swartz Rosana, res 609 Princeton av
Swartz Joseph, fireman, bds 33 Assanpink
Swartz Joseph W, repairman, h 529 S Clinton av
Swartz Joseph W, repairman, h 529 S Clinton av
Swarz Adrain, potter, bds 178 1/2 Jefferson
Swatzke Joseph, wiredrawer, h 54 Randall av
Swayze Calvin Y, clerk, bds 216 Brunswick av
Swayze Frank, laundryman, h 30 W Front
Swayze Frederick, rubberworker, h 30 W Front
SWAYZE HUGH M, marble and granite works, 26-28 S Stockton, h 30 W Front
Swayze Samuel L, salesman, h 48 Cooper
Swayze William J, miller, h 1202 Chestnut av
Sweath Stephen, laborer, h 2 Home av
Sweeney Albert R, newindealer, 18 Charles, bds 30 Division
Sweeney Alexander, h 136 Second
Sweeney Alexander jr, laborer, bds 136 Second
Sweeney Alfred A, foreman, h 46 Ewing
Sweeney Andrew, police sergeant, h 204 Spring
Sweeney Aubray, polisher, h 107 Anderson
Sweeney Bridget, wid Jeremiah, res 463 Centre
Sweeney Charles, switchtender, h 222 Fulton
Sweeney Cornelius, brickmaker, h 582 Centre
Sweeney Cornelius, laborer, bds 10 Turpin
Sweeney Dayton E, laborer, bds 238 Ashmore av
Sweeney Edward, laborer, bds 562 Second
Sweeney Edward, tinsmith, h 114 Division
Sweeney Edward, packer, bds 81 Cooper
Sweeney Edward H, clerk, bds 204 Spring
Sweeney Edward J, elevatorman, bds 841 Centre
Sweeney Elmer E, machinist, bds 30 Division
Sweeney Frank L, carpenter, h 140 Sweets av
Sweeney Jacob M, shoemaker, 727 Princeton av, h do
Sweeney James, machinist, h 15 Ingleton
Sweeney James, wiredrawer, h 463 Centre
Sweeney James, machinist, h 403 Lamberton
Sweeney Jeremiah J, harness, 335 S Broad, h 463 Centre
Sweeney John, machinist, h 18 Ingleton
Sweeney John T, asst yardmaster, h 30 Division
Sweeney Margaret, wid Edward, res 301 Perry
Sweeney Mary, wid Edward, res 555 Centre
Sweeney Mary F, wid Thomas, res 103 Anderson
Sweeney Mary D, wid Edward, res 64 Carroll
Sweeney Michael, clerk, bds 130 S Broad
Sweeney Michael, moulder, bds 490 Geneses
Sweeney Michael D, tinsmith, bds 47 Bank
Sweeney Michael J, potter, h 545 Brunswick av
Sweeney Neil, potter, h 582 Centre
Sweeney Owen, h 149 N Broad
Sweeney Owen B, clerk, h 3 Hewitt
Sweeney Patrick, watchman, h 47 Bank
Sweeney Rowland D, sanitary presser, h 147 Kent
Sweeney Thomas, packer, h 215 Fall
Sweeney Thomas, tailor, bds 169 S Broad
Sweeny Joseph R, asst cashier Mechanics Bank, h 109 Anderson
Sweet Albert P, driver, h 129 Pennington av
Sweet Charles P, clerk, h 244 N Willow
Sweet Dora, widow, res r 129 Pennington av
Sweet Johanna Mrs, res 234 N Warren
SWEET JOHN C, bricklayer, h 239 Centre
Sweet William W, potter, h 352 Brunswick av
Sweetcandy Carlos, laborer, h 82 Quarry al
Sweeting Edward, laborer, bds 273 Walnut av
Swem Albert P, engineer, h 106 Walnut av
Swem Anna M, wid Charles, res 108 Walnut av
Swem Charles E, finisher, h 886 Lamberton
Swem Elizabeth, wid Asher, res 18 Bank
Swem George, laborer, h 114 Home av
Swem George B, bookkeeper, bds 18 Bank
Swem Harry S, clerk, h 886 Lamberton
Swem J Lewis, bookkeeper, h 18 Bank
Swem Margaret, wid Charles, res 886 Lamberton
Swem Mary J, res 18 Bank
Swem William D, carpenter, h 77 Grand
Swem William T, telegrapher, h 42 Southard
Swem William T S, carpenter, h 77 Grand
Swerewofsky Abraham, shoemaker, 135 Pennington av, h do
Swerski John, laborer, h 335 Union
Swetnam Herbert, h 21 Ewing
Swetnam John, potter, h 31 Walnut av
Swetnam Lawrence, saloon, 575 Perry, h do
Swetnam Thomas, pres’t (Sanitary Earthenware Specialty Co), h 21 Ewing
Swetnam Thomas H, rubberworker, bds 31 Walnut av
Swick Christian, brewer, h 683 Second
Swick Martin W, brakeman, h 66 Washington
Swick Otto, potter, h 178 Jefferson
Swig Isaac, grocer, 144 Hancock av, h do
Swing Carlton P, clerk, bds 812 Carteret av
Swing Francis M, grocer, 102 N Stockton, h 812 Carteret av
Swing Henry S, compositor, res Dolton’s Block
Swiswoko Paulina, wid John, res 19 George
Swope Adam, h 8 Perry
Swope George W, fireman, h Vanderveer ct
Swope Harry, potter, h 234 N Willow
Swope Jesse W, laborer, h 79 Summer
Swope Robert, potter, bds 73 Pennington av
Sykes George, laborer, h 101 Emory av
Sykes Jacob, peddler, h 300 Genesee
Sykes John (Capital Cycle Co), h 17 E Front
SYKES JOHN, counselor-at-law, 111 E State, res Hamilton Square
Sykes Timothy, waiter, bds 8 Barnes
Sykes William, trucker, h E Hamilton av ab Olden av
Sykes William J, produce (Wash mkt), h 201 Fulton
Sylvester Ellsworth, laborer, h Randall av (Broad St Park)
Symonski Frank, laborer, h 306 Cortlandt
Sypler Harry, h 328 Genesee
Sypniswka Joseph, laborer, h 356 Fair
Szagany Michael, wiredrawer, h 37 Howard
Szczerba John, laborer, h 46 Turpin
Szerszen John, laborer, h 1128 Pennsylvania av
Szues John, laborer, h 44 Adeline
Taback Samuel, potter, bds 173 S Broad
Tabor Louis H, machinist, bds 220 Philemon
Tabor William H, watchman, h 220 Philemon
Tabram John C, tinware; &e, 144 S Broad, h 203 E Hanover
Tabram William, clerk, h 18 E Front
Tachash Andrew, wiredrawer, h 163 Hancock av
Tack Charles W, bookbinder, bds 215 N Warren
Taefner Bros (Henry and Michael), florists, Broad St Park
Taeffner Henry, (Taeffner Bros), h Broad St Park
Taeffner Michael, (Taeffner Bros), h Broad St Park
Tafrow Antonio, laborer, h 524 Lamberton
Tafs August, driver, h 227 N Willow
Taft Frederick, laborer, h 32 Olden av
Taft Samuel K, potter, h 154 Sherman av
Tagg John, laborer, h 324 Klagg av
Taggart Harry, blacksmith, h 554 S Clinton av
Taite James F, U S M Corps, res Mullen’s Hotel
Takacs Andrew, laborer, h 59 Hancock av
Takacs John, laborer, h 59 Hancock av
Takosky Tadora, kilnfirer, h 36 Grant av
Takubowski Frank, tailor, 107 Centre, h do
Tabulinki Herman, teamster, h Bunting av (Deutzville)
Talbot William, potter, h 428 Monmouth
Talent Anna, wid James, res 106 E Washington (Homedell)
Talent Frank, bridgebuilder, h 106 E Washington
Talley George W, bjiker, h 477 Genesee
Tallon James H, grocer, 247 Hamilton av, h do
Tallon James H, potter, h 17 Grant av
Tallon James J A, clerk, bds 247 Hamilton av
Tallon Lucy P, res 49 W Front
Tallon Margaret E, vestmaker, 49 W Front, res do
Tallon Philip A, kilnman, h 35 Tyrell av
Tambour John E, prison deputy, h 43 Pearl
Tamko Michael, laborer, h 162 Hancock av
Tams Albert E, potter, h 537 S Clinton av
Tams Arthur J, (Greenwood China Co), h 330 Tyler
Tams Austin, potter, h 217 N Montgomery
Tams Catharine, wid John, res 123 Second
Tams Edwin A, foreman, h 815 S Clinton av
Tams Frank, clerk, bds 123 Second
Tams Frederick, potter, bds 133 Genesee
Tams George, potter, h 112 New Rose
Tams George E, superintendent, h 340 Tyler
Tams Harry, potter, h Fairmount av (Villa Park)
Tams James, (Greenwood Pottery Co), h 329 Greenwood av
Tams James, engraver, h 1020 Chestnut av
Tams James, potter, h r 328 Bridge
Tams Jane, grocer, 130 Washington, res do
Tams Jane, wid William H, res 453 Whittaker av
Tams Joseph, tailor, 69 Mulberry, h do
Tams Samuel, potter, bds 534 Adeline
Tams Thomas W, potter, bds 329 Greenwood av
Tams William H, kilnman, h 453 Whittaker av
Tams William H, superintendent, h 338 Tyler
Tangalsin Kate, wid Julius T, res 47 Mechanics av
Tantum Aaron W, galvanizer, h 219 Home av
Tantum Elizabeth, wid Joseph, res 419 Market
Tantum Elvira, clerk, bds 269 Walnut av
Tantum Harry H, clerk, h Deutz av (Deutzville)
Tantum James D, physician, 284 Hamilton av, h do
Tantum Jerome, bds 324 Perry
Tantum John R, potter, h 44 Houghton av
Tantum Mary, wid William H, res 224 S Clinton av
Targett Emma, wid John, res 48 Livingston
Tarnowaki Michael Rev, h 71 Randall av
Tarosky Joseph, laborer, h 112 Landing
Tarpey John, laborer, bds 568 S Clinton av
Tart Edward J, boilermaker, h 219 Third
Tart Samuel, boilermaker, h 563 Second
Tartar George, laborer, h 91 Hill’s al
Tarter Josephine, res 10 Lamberton
Tasker Joseph, butler, h 187 Greenwood av
Tate John, res Odd Fellows’ Home
Tate Walter J, diemaker, h 2 Yetter’s ct
Tatte Tony, shoemaker, bds 612 N Clinton av
Tatter Decorating Co; The W H, Monmouth n State
Tatler Edgar E, decorator, h Hillcrest av (Hillcrest)
Tatler Thomas C, decorator, h 26 Hart av
Tatler William H, decorator, h Beechwood av (Hillcrest)
Tattersall Harry, butcher, h 505 Bridge
Tattersall James C, (John Tattersall & Son), h 101 S Over brook av
TATTERSALL JOHN & SON (James C), coal and wood, 100 Philemon, office 223 N Warren
Tattersall John, (John Tattersall & Son), h 325 Tyler
Taube Carl E, florist, 16 S Broad, h Hamilton av ab Olden av
Taylor Adelia, wid Joseph H, res 110 Passaic
Taylor Andrew, laborer, h 706 Roebling av
Taylor Andrew, potter, bds 723 Roebling av
Taylor Anna E, teacher, res 213 E Hanover
Taylor Ann C, wid William L, res 142 Bayard
Taylor Arthur, potter, bds 723 Roebling av
Taylor Charles, foreman, h 806 Lamberton
Taylor Charles F, barber, 8 E Hanover, h 164 W Hanover
Taylor Clifford P, (James C Taylor & Son), h 210 N Clinton av
Taylor Clinton L, musician, bds 30 Barnes
Taylor Daniel, motorman, h 412 Genesee
Taylor David, clerk, h 164 W Hanover
Taylor David, h 225 Pearl
Taylor David E, (Cleland, Simpson & Taylor), res Scranton
Taylor D W C C, (The Taylor Drug and Chemical Co), bds W State cor Prospect
Taylor Drug and Chemical Co; The (W Scott Taylor; E F Hooper and D W C C Taylor), 115 Olive
Taylor Edward H, (M V Taylor & Sons), h 622 N Clinton av
Taylor Edward R, (J C Taylor’s Son), h 334 S Broad
Taylor Edward R, clerk, bds 228 Jackson
Taylor Edward W, cashier, h 33 Ewing
Taylor Elizabeth H, nurse, res 551 Emory av
Taylor Emma, wid Thomas, res 1113 S Clinton av
Taylor Emma C, teacher, res 24 Carroll
Taylor Frank, ironworker, bds 320 Bridge
Taylor Frank H, ticket collector, h 24 Carroll
Taylor Frank, h 52 Edward
Taylor Frederick, moulder, bds 70 Prince
Taylor Genevieve, teacher, res 24 Carroll
Taylor George G, packer, h 129 Sherman av
Taylor George M, clerk, bds 401 N Montgomery
Taylor George M, machinist, h 765 E State
TAYLOR HALL LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES, (Christian F Braasch; prop), Broad and Front
Taylor Hannah M, res 144 W State
Taylor Harry C, (Taylor Provision Co), h 416 E State
Taylor Harry E, (Taylor & Stout), bds 765 E State
Taylor Harry E, sanitary presser, bds 113 Olden av
Taylor H Merrick, clerk, h 24 Carroll
Taylor Ida V, wid Thomas, res 913 Chambera
Taylor James B, electrician, h 155 E Front
Taylor James C, (J C Taylor & Son), h 210 N Clinton av
TAYLOR’S JAMES C SON, (Edward R), funeral director and embalmer, 334 S Broad
TAYLOR JAMES C & SON, (Clifford P Taylor), undertakers and embalmers, 306 S Broad
Taylor James H, spinner, h 51 Cooper
Taylor James W, painter, h 401 N Montgomery
Taylor Jenkins R, (E S Applegate & Co), h 5 Philemon
Taylor Jennie V, teacher, res 24 Carroll
Taylor John, clerk, bds 326 Centre
Taylor John, potter, h 3 Tyler
Taylor John, (The Taylor Provision Co), h 416 E State
Taylor John C, driver, h 51 Bank
Taylor John F, railroader, h 219 Walnut av
Taylor John F, sanitary presser, h 113 Olden av
Taylor John S, insurance agent, h r 138 Bayard
Taylor Joseph, inspector, bds 119 Mill
Taylor Joseph, laborer, h 315 E Ewing
Taylor Joseph, teamster, h 648 N Clinton av
Taylor Joseph H, foreman, h 142 Bayard
Taylor Lester, rubberworker, h 1212 Chestnut av
Taylor Lizzie H, nurse, res 551 Emory av
Taylor Louis C, agent, h 40 Carroll
Taylor Martin V, (M V Taylor & Sons), h 381 N Clinton av
Taylor M V & Sons, (Martin V; Edward H; William E and Samuel B), welldiggers, 381 N Clinton av
Taylor Oliver, driver, h 203 S Warren
Taylor Opera House, (Alvan H Simonds; mgr), S Broad bel State
TAYLOR PROVISION CO; THE, (John Taylor; pres’t and treas, W T Taylor; sec’y), provisions and fertilizers, Perrine av and BDRR
Taylor Rachel, wid William, res 81 Union
Taylor Ralmond S, undertaker, bds 334 S Broad
Taylor Richard, potter, h 46 Edward
Taylor Richard, potter, h 723 Roebling av
Taylor Samuel, h 551 Emory av
Taylor Samuel B, (M V Taylor & Sons), h 381 N Clinton av
Taylor Sarah K, wid John, res 409 Market
Taylor Sarah F, wid Charles G, res 5 Philemon
Taylor & Stout, (H E Taylor and George Stout), grocers, 798 E State
Taylor Sylvester, real estate, h 110 Spring
Taylor Thomas, ironworker, h 332 Jersey
Taylor Thomas, milkman, h 19 Vine
Taylor Thomas B, (Cole & Taylor), h 155 E Front
Taylor Thomas B, rubberworker, h 37 Grant av
Taylor Thomas B jr, h 155 E Front
Taylor Thomas E, kilnman, bds 113 Olden av
Taylor Thomas L, combmaker, h 1212 Chestnut av
Taylor Thompson, cigars, 888 Lamberton, h do
Taylor Thompson jr, timekeeper, h 838 Lamberton
Taylor William, packer, h 26 Oak
Taylor William E, (M V Taylor & Sons), h 26 Oak
Taylor William E, motorman, h 1013 Chestnut av
Taylor William H, laborer, h 59 Grand
Taylor William H, salesman, h 244 Mercer
Taylor William T, (Taylor Provision Co), h 52 S Clinton av
TAYLOR W SCOTT, (Taylor Drug and Chemical Co); also druggist, Broad cor Perry, h 225 Academy
Taylor Zachary, fire dep’t, bds 228 Jackson
Teabout Bethenia, wid Isaac, res 21 Summer
Teabout William, waiter, bds 152 Perry
Technical and Art School, Academy n N Broad
Teel Edmund, h 31 E State
Teel Etta W, millinery, 31 E State, res do
Teel S Althea, milliner, res 31E State
Tehan Edward, laborer, h 165 Houghton av
Teisseire Emma C, teacher, res 203 Market
Tekusky John, potter, h 518 Liberty
Telin Titus T, wiredrawer, bds 122 Pearl
Teller Theodore, windowdresser, bds 218 N Montgomery
Telsky Frank, helper, h 629 Lamberton
Temple Bayne, engineer, bds 178 W Hanover
Temple Charles, painter, h 63 Pennlngton av
Temple Charles W, fireman, h 38 Walnut av
Temple Cornelia V, res 37 Ewing
Temple Edward Y, clerk, h 37 Ewing
Temple Elizabeth C, wid Talmage, res 228 Spring
Temple Ella, res 217 N Broad
Temple George R, laborer, h 156 Division
Temple George W, bookkeeper, h 132 Pennington av
Temple Israel, driver, h 223 Mott
Temple John, painter, bds 49 Clark
Temple John C, miller, bds 132 Pennington av
Temple John T, lawyer, 146 E State, res Barlow’s Hotel
Temple John W, laborer, bds 1005 Division
Temple S W Mrs, res 29 Bayard
Temple Samuel J, miller, h 132 Pennington av
Temple Thomas D, driver, h 228 Spring
Temple William B, clerk, h 29 Bayard
Temple William H, fire dep’t, h 213 Butler
Temple William T, photographer, 101 S Clinton av, h 37 Ewing
Templin John, mason, h 681 Second
TenBrock Peter I, salesman, h 121 Woodland
Teneous Levien, wheelwright, 509 Liberty, h 1402 S Clinton
Tenney Ella R, wid William E, res 16 Hamilton av
Terhune Thomas D, grocer, 721 Chestnut av, h do
Terhune William, farmer, h 314 Academy
Terradell The, (apartments), 505 Perry
Terradell Thomas M, wholesale wood dealer, h 505 Perry
Terradell William F, engineer, bds r 134 Monmouth
Terry Elijah W, potter, h 15 Humboldt
Terry Frank A, musician, bds 71 Cooper
Terry Franklin R, laborer, bds 409 Stuyvesant av
Terry Helen, wid Robert V, res 57 Gordon
Terry John H, carpenter, h 75 Lamberton
Terry Joseph, potter, bds 337 W Hanover
Terry Joseph B, beltman, bds 593 Chestnut av
Terry Joshua V, h 71 Cooper
Terry Mary H, wid Robert S, res 119 Fountain av
Terry Mary S, wid Robert, res 4 Perry
Terry Robert, musician, h 192 S Broad
Terry Samuel B, contractor, h 89 Lamberton
Terry William B, potter, h 405 Stuyvesant av
Terry William K, delivery, bds 71 Cooper
Terunschock Michael, laborer, h Ditmar al
Teschke Otto, laborer, h 285 Third
Tesgrzk Andrew, laborer, h 402 Fair
Tessein Ferdinand, wireworker, h 126 Landing
Tessein George, blacksmith, h 821 Beatty
Tessein Louis, gasmaker, h Henry (Deutzville)
Tesmein Rudolph, braider, h Henry (Deutzville)
Test Ezekiel F, laborer, bds 331 Fair
Test Reuben, rubberworker, bds 321 Breunig av
Tettemer Frank, foreman, h 103 New York av
Tettemer Silas, h 531 S Broad
Tettemer Walter, fire dept, h 531 S Broad
Tettemer William, kilnman, bds 103 New York av
Tewes Ernest, machinist, h Hillcrest av (Hillcrest)
Thaler John, h 835 S Clinton av
Thaler John; jr, potter, bds 835 S Clinton av
Thatcher Charles, painter, h 755 Cass
Thatcher Charles S, druggist, Hudson cor Elmer, h do
Thatcher Elisha, farmer, h Bunting av (Deutzville)
Thatcher John R, salesman, h 27 Morris av
THATCHER JULIUS E, manager (New York Life Insurance Co), 147-149 E State, h 47 Ewing
Thatcher R Henry, manager (The Hanover), h 137 E Hanover
Thatcher Thomas, motorman, h 656 Centre
Theberge Arthur L, wiredrawer, bds 539 Emory av
Theberge Peter L, wiredrawer, h 539 Emory av
Theis Jacob, wiredrawer, h 139 Tremont
Thele John, butcher, h 330 1/2 Centre
Therastchak John, laborer, h 820 Lamberton
Thiel August, laborer, h 25 Trent
Thiel Elizabeth, res 25 Trent
Thiel Joseph, carpenter, bds 433 Elmer
Thiel Matthew, carpenter, h 433 Elmer
Thiel Nicholas, wiredrawer, bds 433 Elmer
Thines Anna M, wid John, res 113 Academy
Thines John, school mechanic, h 113 Academy
Thines K, (Mercer Fire Brick Works), h 113 Academy
Thines William B, (Mercer Fire Brick Works), h 104 N Stockton
Thoene Henry Mrs, 175 Greenwood av
Thomann Frank, saloon, 919 S Broad, h do
Thomas Albert R Mrs, res 246 N Warren
Thomas Anna, wid George, res 76 Quarry al
Thomas Annie O Mrs, res 521 E State
Thomas Arthur, potter, h 856 Lamberton
Thomas Charles, motorman, bds 410 Centre
Thomas Charles H, engineer, h 1274 S Broad
Thomas George, ironworker, h 259 Elmer
Thomas George, ironworker, h 15 Swan
Thomas George jr, clerk, Win 121 Tyler
Thomas George N, druggist, 1100 Chestnut av, h do
Thomas George W, inspector, h 121 Tyler
Thomas Harry, loomfixer, bds 119 Mill
Thomas Howard J, student, bds 118 W State
Thomas James M, sanitary presser, h 61 Tyrell av
Thomas James M jr, coremaker, bds 61 Tyrell av
Thomas James R, druggist, 12 E Hanover, h 118 W State
Thomas Jennie, res 16 Belvidere
Thomas Joseph, laborer, bds 65 Gordon
Thomas Liscomb, laborer, h 494 Calhoun
Thomas Margaret, wid Arthur, res 35 Tucker
Thomas Mary A, cook State Hospital, res do
Thomas Rebecca, wid James, res 322 Calhoun
Thomas William, foreman, h 857 E State
Thomas William, wiredrawer, h 461 S Broad
Thomas William N, blacksmith, Beatty cor Fulton, h 306 Genesee
Thomas William T, rubberworker, h 45 Mechanics av
Thomasso Mary, dressmaker, res 47 Fowler
Thomkins Addie, bookkeeper, res 13 Perry
Thomkins Catherine L, boarding house, 13 Perry
Thomkins Clarence, driver, bds 13 Perry
Thompson Abner L, potter, h 137 Walnut av
Thompson Ada M, res 323 W Hanover
Thompson A W, clerk, bds 216 N Broad
Thompson Adolphus, decorator, bds 240 E State
Thompson Andrew, (A Thompson & Co), h 217 S Warren
THOMPSON A & CO, City Flour Mills, 219-221 S Warren
Thompson Annie, dressmaker, 1178 Brunswick av, res do
Thompson Carleton, bookkeeper, bds 217 S Warren
Thompson Charles, railroader, h 217 Dickinson
Thompson Charles C, bookkeeper, bds 123 Perry
Thompson Charles H, laborer, bds 35 W Hanover
Thompson Edgar, machinist, bds 31 Carroll
Thompson Edward, herbs, 35 W Hanover, h do
Thompson Eli, potter, h 420 St Joes av
Thompson Elizabeth, widow, res 686 S Clinton av
Thompson Frank, barber, 23 W Hanover, h 9 Taylor’s al
Thompson Frank, salesman, h 217 S Warren
Thompson Frank F, shirtmaker, h 201 Market
Thompson Frederick, kilnman, h 1178 Brunswick av
Thompson George, grocer, 53 Grant av, h do
Thompson George, mason, bds 188 Ingham av
Thompson George, salesman, h 123 Perry
Thompson George F, potter, h 11 Thompson
Thompson George L, salesman, bds 248 N Warren
Thompson George W, miller, h 215 S Warren
Thompson George W, gardener, h 125 Quarry al
Thompson Harrison, milkman, 180 Anderson, h do
Thompson Hedley V, civil engineer, h 917 Carteret av
Thompson Helen J, schoolteacher, res 44 Ewing
Thompson Howard, shirtcutter, h 119 Lamberton
Thompson Hugh B, decorator, h 632 Mulberry
Thompson Ira M, manager, h 248 N Warren
Thompson Isaac N, clerk, h 98 Spring
Thompson James W, potter, h 57 Klagg av
Thompson John, laborer, h 1146 Lamberton
Thompson John B Rev, h 20 Wall
Thompson John E, rubberworker, bds 31 Carroll
Thompson John F, bookkeeper, res Dolton’s Block
Thompson John F, miller, h 50 Murray
Thompson John F L, bookkeeper, h 214 Hamilton av
Thompson John L, saloon, 698 S Clinton av, also grocer, 686 S Clinton jv, h do
Thompson Joseph A, painter, bds 321 Breunig av
Thompson Joseph O, sup’t of engines, h 44 Ewing
Thompson Lemuel, hosemaker, h 139 Washington
Thompson Leroy, bookkeeper, bds 121 Perry
THOMPSON LEWIS A, clerk in chancery, State House, res Somerville
Thompson Louis, wiredrawer, bds 321 Walnut av
Thompson Mary, wid William, res 57 Klagg av
Thompson Mary J, wid Charles H, res 201 Market
Thompson Mary W, music teacher, res 92 Spring
Thompson Nellie, wid Howard, res 278 Hamilton av
Thompson Phoebe, res 291 Hamilton av
THOMPSON ROBERT, grocer, 6 Rusling, h do
Thompson Sering, laborer State Hospital, res do
Thompson Thomas R, sexton, h 240 E State
Thompson Thomas J, cigarmaker, bds 154 N Broad
Thompson Thomas S, miller, h 75 Union
Thompson William, laborer, bds 739 Second
Thompson William, machinist, bds 222 Bayard
Thompson William, machinist, h 915 Beatty
Thompson William, sanitary presser, h 804 Brunswick av
Thompson William, watchmaker, h 34 Lamberton
Thompson William E, patrolman, h 329 Monmouth
Thompson William H, potter, h 22 1/2 Seward av
Thompson William M, insurance, h 113 Market
Thomson Alexander F, patternmaker, h 335 Elmer
Thomson Francis D, compositor, bds 335 Elmer
Thomson J Fred, law student, h 50 Murray
Thomson John N, kilnman, h 8 Tyrell av
Thomson Wilfred D, jeweler, h 34 Lamberton
Thorn Albert, laborer, h 103 Fall
Thorn Asher M, engineer, h 329 S Warren
Thorn Azariah, clerk, h 125 Jackson
Thorn Benjamin F, presser, h 1130 Princeton av
Thorn Charles, constable, bds 112 S Clinton av
Thorn Charles F, carpenter, h 108 Cleveland av
Thorn Cracker Co, (Joseph S and J Wiggins), ft Jackson
Thorn Edward, barber, h 1011 S Clinton av
Thorn Edward M, bank teller, also fire com’r, h 230 Jackson
Thorn Harry W, potter, h 1 Barbara
Thorn James, laborer, h 103 Fall
Thorn Jesse, pressman, h 733 W State
Thorn John, blacksmith, h 103 Fall
Thorn John L, potter, h 90 Bellevue av
Thorn Joseph S, (Thorn Cracker Co), h 37 Bayard
Thorn J Wiggins, (Thorn Cracker Co), h 37 Bayard
Thorn Manuel, foreman, h 239 Perry
Thorn Mary E, teacher, bds 260 Jackson
Thorn Richard Rev, h 306 S Clinton av
Thorn Robert, paperhangings, 216 S Broad, h 214 do
Thorn Uriel, switchtender, bds 1 Barbara
Thorn Walter L, potter, bds 125 Jackson
Thorn Wilbert, housepainter, h 25 Bayard
Thorn William, warepolisher, h 39 Union
Thorn William H, foreman, h 54 Wall
Thorn William W, rubberworker, bds 122 Pearl
Thornhill Henry, dipper, h 177 Washington
Thornhill Jacob, prison deputy, h 114 Quarry al
Thornhill William, porter, bds 114 Quarry al
Thornley Albert W, real estate, Forst-Richey bldg, bds 3 Philemon
Thornley E Hartley, (Jesse Thornley & Son), h 93 Cooper
Thornley Frederick, news agent, h 129 Cooper
Thornley George W, proofreader, h 34 Philemon
Thornley Jesse & Son, (E Hartley), painters, S Warren cor Lamberton
Thornley Jesse, (Jesse Thornley & Son), h 15 Cooper
Thornton John F, bookkeeper, h 277 Spring
Thornton Martha B, wid Byron, res 277 Spring
Thornton Thomas, laborer, 104 Bellevue av
Thornton Thomas jr, laborer, bds 104 Bellevue av
Thorp George, bricklayer, bds 117 Mill
Thorp Hugh, bricklayer, bds 117 Mill
Thorp John, potter, bds 117 Mill
Thorp Susan, wid George, res 117 Mill
Thorp Thomas, spinner, bds 117 Mill
Thourvall Frank, laborer, h 211 Furman
Throp Frank W, ins agent, 132 E State, bds 127 E Hanover
THROP SAMUEL W, real estate and agent for the Equitible Life Assurance Society, 4 S Broad; Lincoln bldg, h 246 E Hanover
Thropp Frank W, (Eureka Flint and Spar Co), h 116 Chestnut av
Thropp John E, (John E Thropp & Sons Co), h 16 Lewis
Thropp John E jr, (John E Thropp & Sons Co), h 359 Hamilton av
THROPP JOHN E & SONS CO, (Peter D; John E jr; Frank W and Thomas H), machine; boiler shop and foundry, ft Lewis n Greenwood av
Thropp Peter D, (John E Thropp & Sons Co), bds 16 Lewis
Thropp Thomas H, (Eureka Flint and Spar Co); also county collector, bds 16 Lewis
THROPP WILLIAM R, (Trenton Steam Engine Works), machine; foundry and boiler shop, E State n S Olden av, h White Horse rd
Thulander Andreas S, jeweler, 204 S Broad, h 542 S Warren
Thulander Emil, jeweler, h 542 S Warren
Thurnes Joseph Rev, (St Francis Church), h 31 W Front
Tibbetts Joseph B, (Turford & Tibbets), h 310 W State
Tice Elizabeth R, res 741 S Warren
Tice Lewis, cook, bds 28 E Hanover
Tice Mary J, res 741 S Warren
Tick James, laborer, h 460 Genesee
Tidd Harry, druggist, 799 E State, h do
TIDD MILTON, wholesale and retail druggist; pharmacist, Hamilton av cor S Clinton av, also 692 and 694 S Broad cor Dye, h 161 Hamilton av
Tidgwell Harry Mrs, res 2 Hudson ct
Tidgwell John, driver, h 37 High
Tiehl Joanna, wid Lawrence, res 164 Passaic
Tiernan John, laborer, h 417 Federal
Tiernan Michael, h 417 Federal
Tierney John, ironworker, h 185 Lamberton
Tierney Lawrence, driver, h 115 S Feeder
Tierney Lawrence E, fireman, h 183 Lamberton
Tierney Patrick laborer, h 108 Bellevue av
Tierney Thomas J, driver, h 2 Kafer al
Tiffany James, kilnman, h 24 Mechanics av
Tiffany Patrick, laborer, h 815 Plum
Tiffany Thomas, kilnman, bds 815 Plum
Tighe Ellen, dressmaker, 636 Perry, res do
Tighe James, ironworker, h 141 Cass
Tighe Jane, wid Patrick, res 376 Union
Tighe Mary, weaver, res 376 Union
Tighe Owen, gardener, h 636 Perry
Tighe Thomas J, fire dep’t, h 697 S Broad
Tilson Mary B, teacher, res 124 Bayard
Tilton Albert L, woodturner, 16 W Lafayette, h B St Park
Tilton Bros, (P B Tilton), butter and eggs, City mkt
Tilton Charles S, undertaker, h 537 Chestnut av
Tilton Elmer E, laborer, h 1009 Anderson
Tilton Frank, wireworker, h 120 Rusling
Tilton Frank H, laborer, h 1066 S Broad
Tilton Frederick S, potter, bds 110 Chambers
Tilton Harry A, clerk, h 48 Division
Tilton Henry, laborer, h 658 Second
Tilton Henry L, bds 501 Second
Tilton Jane, wid John, res 1066 S Broad
Tilton Peter R, (Tilton Bros), h 13 Chambers
Tilton William H, stenographer, h 23 Lewis
Tilton William H, driver, h 1006 Anderson
Tilton William K, bookkeeper, h 110 Chambers
Timm August, laborer, h 150 Ingham av
Timm William, temperer, h 212 Home av
Tims Gustave, driver, bds 126 W Front
Tindall Aaron, mason, h 85 Lamberton
Tindall Albert L, clerk, h 222 E Front
Tindall Alfred, laborer, h 1119 S Broad
Tindall Amos, mason, h 269 Walnut av
Tindall Anna M, res 119 S Willow
Tindall David S, mason, bds 269 Walnut av
Tindall Emily, res 269 Walnut av
Tindall George, barkeeper, bds 120 Furman
Tindall George A, employe State Hospital, res do
Tindall George A, rubberworker, h Cherry la (Slackwood)
Tindall George H, (Cooley & Tindall), h 93 Jackson
Tindall George V, machinist, h 304 Hudson
Tindall Harry, bds 1018 Chestnut av
Tindall Harry E, spinner, bds 85 Lamberton
Tindall Howard, laborer, h 180 Lamberton
Tindall Howard, clerk, bds 42 S Clinton av
Tindall James, janitor, h 13 Butler
Tindall James H, reporter, h 1018 Chestnut av
Tindall Jerome B, painter, bds 126 W Front
Tindall John, baker, bds 120 Furman
Tindall Richard, mason, h 120 Furman
Tindall Samuel T, livery, Brunswick av n Broad, h 116 Brunswick av
Tindall Thomas R, potter, h 520 Market
Tindall William E, spinner, bds 85 Lamberton
Tindall William H, printer, bds 520 Market
Tindell Edward, potter, h 8 E Lafayette
Tindell Edward, potter, h 331 N Willow
Tipper Thomas, potter, h 156 Garfield av
Titly Thomas, potter, h 80 Hart av
Tittensor Edward, mouldmaker, h 136 Monmouth
Tittensor Edward jr, warehouseman, bds 136 Monmouth
Tittensor Ernest, potter, h 21 Bayard
Tittensor John, potter, h 18 Bayard
Tittensor Theodore, mason, bds 554 Perry
Tittensor Thomas, decorator, h 838 Indiana av
Titter Thomas, rubberworker, bds 13 Olden av
Titus Albert C, h 495 W State
Titus Alfred E, bookkeeper, h 184 Passaic
Titus Elizabeth Mrs, res 112 Greenwood av
Titus A Leroy, potter, bds 426 Rutherford av
Titus Benjamin, h 307 S Clinton av
Titus Edward L, asst health inspector, h 202 Hamilton av
Titus Emily, rubberworker, res 143 Houghton av
Titus Enoch H, carpenter, h 1209 Chestnut av
Titus Georgiana, wid James H, res 832 Genesee
Titus Harman H, flour and feed, 126 S Warren, h 105 do
Titus Harry C, salesman, bds 307 S Clinton av
Titus Harry S, salesman, h 915 Edgewood av
Titus Howard S, h 31 Prospect
Titus John, res Odd Fellows’ Home
Titus J Welling, h 170 W State
Titus Lyman L, clerk, bds adj Fair Grounds
Titus Nicholas O, bookkeeper, h 502 Princeton av
Titus Noah H, produce (City mkt), res Pennington
Titus Uriel B, superintendent, h adj Interstate FairGrounds
Titus Walter C, (Mutual Rubber Co), bds 495 W State
Titus Wesley, laborer, h Pennington av n Prospect
Titus William W, rubberworker, h 4 Prince
Tobias Ferdinand H, clerk, h 36 Carroll
Tobias Morris L, jeweler, 161 S Broad, h do
Tobin Arthur P D, draughtsman, h 148 Mercer
Tobin Horace B, contractor, bds 242 E Hanover
Tobin Patrick, laborer, h 114 Turpin
Tobin Ralph, clerk, bds 128 E Hanover
Tobin William, saloon, 562 Second, h do
Tobish Abraham, clerk, h 184 S Broad
Tobish Bernard, men’s furnishings, 159 S Broad, h 184 do
Todd Charles R, blacksmith, h 621 Second
Todd Harry, engineer, bds 621 Second
Todd John R, engineer, h 535 S Clinton av
Todd Mabel, res 159 E Front
Toepler George L, potter, h 212 Spring
Toft Frank, laborer, h 307 Union
Toft Guy, railroader, bds 910 E State
Toft John W, potter, h 639 Brunswick av
Toft Lewis, potter, h Princeton av (Slackwood)
Tohill Bernard D, hotel, 778 Centre, h do
Tollner Josephine, wid William, res 144 Philemon
Tolson William H, janitor, h 61 Summer
TOMAN BROS, (John F and Jeremiah P), electrical contractors; bicycle dealers; electrical and bicycle repairing, 145 N Broad
Toman Gottfried G, saloon, 625 Cass, h do
Toman Jeremiah P, (Toman Bros), res Dolton’s Block
Toman John F, (Toman Bros), h 313 S Clinton av
Tomaseck John C, sanitary presser, h 320 Franklin
Tomaseck Wenzel, potter, h Broad St Park
Tombleson Howard jr, employe State Hospital, res do
Tomillo Anton, laborer, h 324 Fair
Tomley Caleb B, designer, h 1154 E State
Tomlinson Aaron S, cooper, Adeline n Beatty, h 927 S Broad
Tomlinson Abner, potter, bds 309 Genesee
Tomlinson Albert, potter, bds Liberty n S Olden av
Tomlinson Amos, laborer, bds Liberty n S Olden av
Tomlinson Charles, rubberworker, bds 183 Passaic
Tomlinson Cooper, butcher, h 346 S Broad
Tomlinson Ernest H, reporter, h 24 Hermitage av
Tomlinson Grant, driver, h 468 N Clinton av
Tomlinson Harry C, carpenter, h 164 Division
Tomlinson Howard F, teller, h 543 N Clinton av
Tomlinson James G, photographer, bds 315 Walnut av
Tomlinson James M, brakeman, h 28 Walnut av
Tomlinson John, kilnman, bds 231 Bridge
Tomlinson John B, coal and ice, 520 Hudson, h do
Tomlinson Joseph Y, collector, h 315 Walnut av
Tomlinson Kate, bds 50 W Lafayette
Tomlinson Mary C, wid Benjamin F, res 50 S Clinton av
Tomlinson M Harvey, (Tomlinson & Satterthwaite), h 44 Montgomery pl
Tomlinson Prudence, wid A B, res 42 Montgomery pl
Tomlinson Ridgway G, machinist, bds 315 Walnut av
Tomlinson Robert, laborer, bds 29 Passaic
Tomlinson Samuel, laborer, bds 58 Passaic
Tomlinson Samuel, laborer, bds 7 Perry
Tomlinson Samuel, rubberworker, h 543 N Clinton av
TOMLINSON & SATTERTHWAITE, (M Harvey Tomlinson and John R Satterthwaite), seeds; farmers’ supplies and agricultural implements, 16 N Warren
Tomlinson William, guard, h 309 Genesee
Tomlinson William C, cooper, bds 927 S Broad
Tomlinson Yard, ins collector, h 315 Walnut av
Tompkins Lucius D, physician, h 314 S Broad
Toms Clarence W, clerk, bds 207 Academy
Toms Harriet, wid Runyon, res 134 Monmouth
Toms Selina, wid Charles, res 207 Academy
Tonkins J Willis, shoemaker, 213 Rusling, h 802 Division
Tonne Henry A, ironworker, h 697 S Clinton av
Tonne Henry F, saloon, 504 N Clinton av, h do
Tonne Henry K, rubberworker, bds 504 N Clinton av
Tonne John, laborer, h 29 Webster
Tonne John B, rubberworker, h 29 Webster
Tonne John C, roller, h 128 Fulton
Tonner George F, carriage painter, bds 120 N Warren
Tonner Grace A, millinery, 120 N Warren, res do
Tonner William J, carriage builder, bds 120 N Warren
Tonzan Sebastian, laborer, h 27 Mott
Toombs Harry J, paperhanger, h r 163 Brunswick av
Toomey Daniel, laborer, h 92 Sweets av
Toomey Daniel jr, wiredrawer, bds 92 Sweets av
Toomey Daniel J, chainmaker, h 268 Church
Toomey James, potter, bds 92 Sweets av
Toomey Michael, potter, bds 92 Sweets av
Toomey Patrick, potter, bds 92 Sweets av
Tootell Robert E, laborer, h 428 Genesee
Tootell Thomas, engineer, h 340 Centre
Tootell William F, decorator, h 204 Jersey
Toothill Samuel, car inspector, h 114 1/2 Bridge
Toph Emeri, cigars, 108 Hancock, h do
Topley William A, tinsmith, h 30 High
Torbert Charles, engineer, bds 4 Prince
Torker John, laborer, h 398 Fair
Torney James, agent, bds Hotel Windsor
Torney Patrick, saggermaker, h 56 Gordon
Tott John, laborer, h 117 Jennie
Totten Albert W, brakeman, bds 9 W Front
Totten Charles A, brickmaker, h 12 Evans av
Totten Clarence B, clerk, bds 275 Clay
Totten Edward, retired, h Liberty n S Olden av
Totten James W, asst yardmaster, h 275 Clay
Totten John W, potter, h 12 Evans av
Totten Joseph, brakeman, h Liberty n S Olden av
Totten Nellie Mrs, res 24 Walter av
Totten William W, car inspector, h 3 Hudson
Totter George, laborer, bds 511 Federal
Totter Michael, laborer, h 512 Federal
Towers Frank J, sawmaker, h 342 Centre
Townsend Everitt, sup’t, h 334 Tyler
Townsend John, carpenter, h 643 Brunswick av
Townsend John F, machinist, bds 517 Monmouth
Townsend Joseph, laborer, bds 314 Elmer
Townsend Margaret, teacher, res Hamilton av bel Hudson
Townsend Socrates Rev, h Hamilton av n Hudson
Tracey Bartley, heater, h 124 Second
Tracey Catherine, wid Patrick, res 421 Cass
Tracey Dennis, wire temperer, bds 829 Lamberton
Tracey Edward, wiredrawer, bds 501 Second
Tracey Edward E, presser h 76 Perrine av
Tracey Hugh W, bartender, bds 9 Centre
Tracey John, plumber, h 155 Conover’s al
Tracey John J, wiredrawer, h 581 Second
Tracey Michael, h 124 Second
Tracey Thomas, miller, bds 151 Jefferson
Tracey William J, watchman, h 5 Barbara
TRADES UNION ADVOCATE, (Reuben Forker; editor and publisher), office 153 Sherman av
Trainor Bernard F, policeman, h 227 Home av
Trainor John C, junk dealer, bds 1016 Genesee
Trainor John P, junk dealer, h 1016 Genesee
Trainor John, h 331 Franklin (Homedell)
Trangelo Michael, laborer, h 324 Fair
Transem Sarah, wid Reuben, res 78 Quarry al
Tranter Albert, laborer, h 63 Klagg av
TRAPP THOMAS, watchmaker and jeweler, 19 E State, h 119 N Broad
Trauter Charles, plumber, bds 23 Bank
Trauter George, bds 23 Bank
Trauter John, laborer, h 216 Elmer
Trauter Samuel, railroader, h 23 Bank
Trauter William, h 23 Bank
Trautmaun Frank A, blacksmith, h 40 Humboldt
TRAVER CLAYTON L, bookseller and stationer, 108 S Broad, h 133 E Hanover
Traver Morris L, retired, bds 133 E Hanover
Travers Catharine, wid Thomas, res 514 Second
Travers James, baggagemaster, h 514 Second
Travers James F, clerk, h 49 Lamberton
Travers John F, saloon, 296 Third, h do
Travers John F, watchman, h 57 Asbury
Travers Luke B, cigarmaker, h 70 Lamberton
Travers Mary, res 116 Chambers
Travers Mary F, wid Francis, res 49 Lamberton
Travers Nellie, dressmaker, res 514 Second
Travis Arthur, potter, h 43 Olden av
Travis Caroline, dressmaker, 10 Escher, res do
Travis Ellen M, dressmaker, 123 Second, res do
Travis John, laborer, h 627 Genesee
Travis John E, paperhanger, 10 Escher, h do
Travis Stephen, potter, h 43 Olden av
Travis Thomas, laborer, bds 627 Genesee
Travis William, ironworker, h 328 Union
Treadwill Walter F, hodearrier, h 23 Barnes
Trelease Herbert B, harnessmaker, bds 238 Hamilton av
Tremirtier Charles, laborer, h 111 Emory av
Tremont House, (George Van Doren), State cor Canal
Tremple Edward, potter, h 50 Fountain av
Tremple Edward, tobacco and cigars, 286 N Willow, h do
Trenham Joseph H, laborer, h 74 Cooper
Trent Anna, wid John, res 57 Gordon
Trent Frank, rubberworker, bds 162 Girard av
Trent John M, rubberworker, bds 1037 Indiana av
Trent Tile Co, (Benjamin F Lee; pres), 531 Klagg av
TRENTON ABATTOIR CO, (William Schlicher and Peter Schlicher), wholesale butchers, foot Perrine av
Trenton Agricultural Works, Fair cor Mill
Trenton Athletic Club, Prince n Olden av
TRENTON BANKING CO; THE, (Joseph H Bruere; pres’t, Austin Snider; cashier), 11 S Warren
Trenton Beef Co, 25 Ringold
Trenton Board of Trade, 40 E State
TRENTON BONE FERTILIZER CO, (John D Rue; pres’t, Elijah C Hutchinson; sec’y), New York av
TRENTON BRANCH STATE MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASS’N, (Fell & Moon), real estate; life and fire insurance; mortgages; &c, 152 E State
TRENTON BRASS AND MACHINE CO, (Ferd W Roebling; pres’t, Frank O Briggs; treas, W H Gandy; sec’y, William H Schulte; sup’t), manufacturers plumbers’ brass goods, Prospect cor Dale
Trenton Brewing Co (see People’s Brewing Co), Lalor cor Lamberton
Trenton Broom Co, (David Yohannan; prop), Muirheid av
Trenton Cab Co, (Frank Ullrich; prop), 56 Sweets av
Trenton Chattel Loan Agency, 4 S Broad
TRENTON CHEMICAL CO, (William H Milburn), 1109 Division
TRENTON CARRIAGE AND WAGON WORKS, (Valentine & Weeden Co), 436 Princeton av
Trenton City Bridge Co, (J Steward; treas), 234 E State
Trenton City Hospital, Brunswick av ab Paul av
TRENTON CLOTHING CO, (A W Mann), clothiers; hatters and furnishers, 18-20 N Broad
Trenton Cycle Co, (James E Pursell), 8 E State
Trenton Decorating Co, 70 Tyrell av
Trenton Deutsche Zeitung, (Otto Erdlen; publisher), 134 S Broad
TRENTON EXCELSIOR CORNICE WORKS, (Clinton B Higgins; prop), 2 and 4 Bank
Trenton Fire Brick Co (W W Withee; pres’t), New York av
TRENTON FIRE CLAY AND PORCELAIN CO, (O O Bowman; pres’t; R K Bowman; treas), Third cor Davies
TRENTON GAS AND ELECTRIC CO, (Henry C Moore; pres’t, A R Kuser; sec’y-treas, Richard Stockton; gen’l mgr), 222 E State
Trenton Grocery Co, 18 E Front
TRENTON HOUSE, (Peter Katzenbach; prop), N Warren cor Hanover
TRENTON HOUSE GRILL, (Peter Katzenbach; prop, Frederick F Katzenbach; mgr), E Hanover bet N Broad and N Warren
TRENTON IRON CO, (Abram S Hewitt; pres’t, William S Hewitt; vice pres’t, Charles E Hewitt; managing director, Peter Cooper Hewitt; treas, E Hanson; sec’y), Hamilton av n canal
Trenton Iron Railing Works, (E K Leslie), 15 W Lafayette
Trenton Lamp Co (Josiah Hellyer), Ingham av
TRENTON; LAWRENCEVILLE AND PRINCETON RAILROAD CO, (W F Sadler jr; sec’y and treas), offices 25 and 26 Forst-Richey bldg
TRENTON MALLEABLE IRON CO, (Richard C Oliphant; pres’t; Alex C Oliphant; vice pres’t, Josiah Hollies; sec’y-treas), mfrs malleable castings, New York av n Olden av
TRENTON MILLS AND ELEVATOR CO, (Levi B Risdon; pres’t-treas, W G Howell; vice pres’t, C W Howell; sec’y-mgr), merchant millers and dealers in grain, 235; 237 and 239 S Warren
Trenton Music School, (Rudolph Ruhlman; director), 167 Cooper
Trenton Oilcloth Co, E State ab Olden av
TRENTON POTTERIES CO; THE, (D K Bayne; pres’t, W S Hancock; vice pres’t, C E Lawton; sec’y-treas, J A Campbell; gen’l mgr, E C Stover; asst gen’l mgr), office N Clinton av cor Ott
TRENTON RED FRONT BRICK WORKS, (Charles H Reichert), brick manufacturers, Princeton av cor Spruce
Trenton Rubber Co, on line of P R R, Millham Junction
TRENTON SANITARIUM, (W H Burbank), 318 Chestnut av
TRENTON SAVING FUND SOCIETY, (Lewis Parker; treas), 123 E State
Trenton Spring Mattress Co, Parker av
TRENTON SPRINKLING AND EXPRESS, (Robert B Bonney estate, Jacob N Reed; sup’t), 210 W Hanover
TRENTON STEAM ENGINE WORKS, (William R Thropp; prop), E State n Olden av
Trenton Stilt; Spur and Pin Works, (Charles W Donaghue; prop), Pennsylvania av n Mulberry
Trenton Stone and Construction Co, (Walter West; pres’t), Broad St Bank bldg
TRENTON STREET RAILWAY CO, (Henry C Moore; pres’t), S Clinton av cor Greenwoca av
TRENTON SUNDAY ADVERTISER, (published by Advertiser Publishing Co), 33 W State
Trenton Sunday Courier, (John Briest; editor), 163 E Front
Trenton Supply Co, Brunswick av
TRENTON TIMES PUBLISHING CO, (Edmund C Hill; pres’t, John A Wallace; editor, William C Sproul; sec’y, Charles R Long; treas and mgr), office 146 E State
Trenton Trading Stamp Co, Ribsam bldg
TRENTON TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO; THE, (Hugh H Hamill; pres’t, William G Moore; cashier), 26-28 W State
TRENTON VAULT CLEANING CO, (W H Young & Co; props), Calhoun and P R R
Trenton Watch Co, Monmouth n Hamilton av
Trenton Water Power Co, (Chas E Hewitt; pres), ft S Warren
TRENTON WINE AND LIQUOR CO, (A Klinkawstein), 120 S Broad
Trepton William, machinist, State Hospital, res do
Trier Joseph, carpenter, h 61 Pennington av
Trier Joseph A, carpenter, bds 61 Pennington av
Triesch Frank, bds 68 Sweets av
Triesch Joseph, tailor, h 68 Sweets av
Trimble Edward, painter, h 8 Grant av
Trimmer Benjamin W, woodworker, h 14 Perry
Trimmer George S, carpenter, bds 21 Walnut
Trimmer Theodore S, clerk, h 118 E Front
Trimmer William R, railroader, h 21 Walnut av
Trinkle Mina, wid Charles, res 1305 Chestnut av
Trinkley Alexander, moulder, bds 54 Rose
Trinkley Benjamin, potter, bds 54 Rose
Trinkley Charles, potter,-bds 54 Rose
Trinkley Frank, potter h 58 Bose
Trinkley John, laborer, h 54 Rose
Trinkley Joseph C, potter, bds 1139 Indiana av
Trinkley William, sanitary presser, h 417 Stuyvesant av
Trockenbrod George, wiredrawer, h 817 Division
Troger Sadie, res 73 Ewing
Trossbach Edmund, galvanizer, h 305 Cummings av
Trossbach Henry, wireworker, bds 305 Cummings av
Trossbach Julius, clerk, bds 305 Cummings av
Troup Charles W, asst sup’t, h 825 S Broad
Trout David T, janitor, h 109 W Hanover
Trout Enoch R, engineer, h 20 Oxford
Trout Hugh D, bookeeper, bds 36 Ogden
Trout Mary M, wid Henry F, res 36 Ogden
Troutman Edward, potter, h 815 Second
Troutman William C, horseshoer, h 40 Humboldt
Trouts Daniel, miller, bds 9 Barbara
Trouts William, clerk, bds 164 S Broad
Trouts Elizabeth, tailoress, res 9 Barbara
Trouts John, laborer, h 9 Barbara
Truax Henry W, conductor, h 38 Chambers
Trudell William, barber, h 68 Philemon
True Elijah, laborer, h 7 Centre ct
TRUE AMERICAN; THE, daily and weekly (Naar; Day & Naar; publishers, Joseph L Naar; editor), 14 N Warren
Truehart Helen, wid Oliver, res 61 Cooper
Truehart Isaac, laborer, h 406 Reservoir
Truehart James, driver, h 17 Barnes
Truehart John, laborer, h 104 Genesee
Truex Edgar T, foreman, h 34 Overbrook av
Truex Ellen E, wid William S, res 34 Overbrook av
Truex Marcus W, grocer, 202 Passaic, h do
Truex William S, printer, bds 34 Overbrook av
Truman Frank, laborer, bds 390 S Warren
Truman Margaret L, wid William, res 162 Fair
Truman Mary A, wid John, res Hewitt (Deutaville)
Truman Thomas, bookkeeper, h 320 Bellevue av
Trupp John, roper, h 331 Genesee
Tsork Adam, laborer, h 187 Ferrier av
Tucker Charles, laborer, h 115 Ferry
Tucker Charles H, watchmaker, h 234 Bayard
Tucker Edward, driver, bds 316 N Montgomery
Tucker Elmer E, machinist, bds 115 Ferry
Tucker Frank, prison deputy, bds 122 S Warren
Tucker Henry C, engineer, h 148 Ingham av
Tucker Jane E, res 239 N Warren
Tucker John, engineer, h 113 Ferry
Tucker Joseph, laborer, h 316 N Montgomery
Tucker Kate R, res 239 N Warren
Tucker Marcio E, h 239 N Warren
Tucker Samuel, gardener, h 210 Liberty
Tuesday Edwin G, carpenter, bds 322 Elmer
Tuesday Frank, tinsmith, Genesee cor Liberty, h do
Tuesday Sheffield, (Tuesday & Son), h 322 Elmer
Tuesday Thomas S, (Tuesday & Son), bds 322 Elmer
Tuesday & Son, (Sheffield and Thomas S), plumbers, Whittaker av cor Butler
Tuesday William H, tinsmith, h 263 Morris av
Tuleja John, laborer, h 144 Turpin
Tulane Paul M, retired, h 65 N Clinton av
Tully James, rubberworker, bds 52 W Hanover
Tully Thomas J, rubberworker, h 34 Sweets av
Tume Christopher, laborer, h 924 Southard
Tumko George, laborer, h 150 Huston al
Tunis Anna H, teacher, res 145 Prospect
Tunis Charles S, supervisor of census, bds 145 Prospect
Tunis Stephen W, h 266 Jackson
Tunnicliffe George, engraver, h 1241 Greenwood av
Tunstall Aaron, baker, h 236 Jackson
Tunstall Christopher B, foreman, h 71 Union
Tunstall De Witt, laborer, bds 3 N Feeder
Tunusky Otto, potter, h 844 Lamberton
Tura Louis, laborer, h 24 Mott
Tura Victor, laborer, bds 24 Mott
Tureak Antonio, laborer, h 818 Ohio av
Turford Alexander, salesman, h 74 Hudson
Turford Cornelius, (Egyptian pottery), h 212 W State
Turford Dora, teacher, res 310 W State
Turford Joseph, potter, h 25 Logan av
Turford Mary, (Turford & Tibbetts), res 212 W State
Turford & Tibbetts, (Mary Turford and Joseph B Tibbetts), teas, 140 S Broad
Turnbull John, com merchant, h 42 Wilson
Turnbull William, huckster, bds 412 Centre
Turner Hall, 164 S Broad
Turner Harry W, decorator, bds 41 Tyrell av
Turner John, watchman, h 886 S Broad
Turner John W Rev, bds 316 S Broad
Turner Joseph A, packer, h 23 New Rose
Turner Joseph P, physician, 1150 Lamberton, h do
Turner Richard, bricklayer, h 41 Tyrell av
Turner Robert, music teacher, 216 Cass, h do
Turner Samuel, engraver, h 30 Poplar
Turner Squire, laborer, h 25 Taylor al
Turner Thomas J, waiter, res Hotel Windsor
Turner William, manager, h 216 W Hanover
Turner William, meat, 1236 S Clinton av, h 116 Liberty
Turpin Sarah A, wid John F, res 15 Hart av
Tushi Andrew, laborer, h 157 Hancock
Tuttle Charles, clerk, h 217 Jackson
Tuttle George, shoemaker, h 121 Cummings av
Tuttle Thomas, laborer, bds 124 Fulton
Tuttri Joseph, laborer, h 82 Clark
Twigg Thomas, restaurant, 206 N Broad, h do
Twist John P, moulder, bds 1152 E State
Twist Oliver, druggist, 1152 E State, h do
Tye Amos, bds 27 Union
Tye Amos, driver, bds 122 Lamberton
Tye Charles, woolsorter, h 26 Union
Tye Charles, pressman, bds 59 Cooper
Tye Joseph A, woolsorter, h 59 Cooper
Tye Joseph W, shoemaker, 212 N Broad, h 26 Union
Tyler Charles W, signalman, h 215 Hudson
Tyler Cornelius, ironworker, h 125 Landing
Tynan John, laborer, h 28 Bellevue av
Tynan Mary, wid John, res 55 Bellevue av
Tynan Michael F, potter, h 89 Pashley av
Tynan M J, res Dolton’s Block
Tynan Thomas, h 260 Church
Tynan Thomas, potter, h 55 Bellevue av
Tyrrell Francis T, fireman, h 44 Spring
Tyrrell Frank, laborer, bds 501 Second
Tyrrell George J, presser, h 18 Cross
Tyrrell Hannah, wid Thomas, res 736 S Warren
Tyrrell Henry C, engineer, h 35 Assanpink
Tyrrell James, h 40 Sherman av
Tyrrell John, laborer, h 16 Cross
Tyrrell John, sup’t, h 960 Lamberton
Tyrrell John T, barber, 314 S Warren, h 736 do
Tyrrell Joseph, milk dealer, 960 Lamberton, h do
Tyrrell Joseph A, policeman, h 745 S Warren
Tyrrell Katharine C, dressmaker, 747 S Warren, res do
Tyrrell Mary, wid Frank, res 538 S Warren
Tyrrell Richard A, foreman, h 30 Exton av
Tyrrell Thomas F, watchman, bds 736 S Warren
Tyrrell William, ironworker, bds 736 S Warren
Tyrrell William J, wiredrawer, h 747 S Warren
Tysley Frederick, rubberworker, bds 582 Brunswick av
Tyson Charles R, laborer, h 12 Peace
Uahovitz John, shoemaker, 120 1/2 Ferry, h do
Udiff Christopher, laborer, h 504 Lamberton
Udy Fred H, ins collector, h 235 Franklin
Udy George W, laborer, h 119 Cummings av
Uhaze John, laborer, h 10 Genesee
Ullrich Frank J, cabs, 56 Sweets av, h 47 Fountain av
Ulrich Michael, driver, h 1139 Indiana av
Ulmer Henry F, carpenter, h 104 Brunswick av
Ulmer James, potter, h 315 Brunswick av
Ulmer John W, potter, bds 57 Pennington av
Ulmer Rosana, wid, res 315 Brunswick av
Umberger Grant, ins collector, h 30 N Hermitage av
Umflint John T, car inspector, bds 739 E State
Umpleby Frank M, potter, h 585 Centre
Umpleby George A, potter, h 816 Carteret av
Umpleby Joseph A, potter, h 20 Seward av
Umpleby Mary A, wid Thomas, res 20 Seward av
Umpleby Thomas S, potter, h 25 N Willow
Umpleby William H, florist, h Greenwood av ab Logan av
Umstat Thomas M, conductor, h 423 Woodland av
Umstead Albert B, rubberworker, bds 25 Houghton av
Umstead Charles, laborer, bds 25 Houghton av
Umstead Henry, sawyer, h 25 Houghton av
Umstead John F, engineer, h 203 Church
Umstead Walter J, potter, bds 25 Houghton av
Ungaro Daniel, pool room, 720 S Clinton av, h 726 do
Ungaro Frank, fruits, 158 N Willow
Ungaro John M, confectionery, 305 N Warren, h do
Ungaro Rocco, grocer, 726 S Clinton av, h do
Unger Frederick, baker, bds 116 Sherman av
Ungerleider Harry C, butcher, 597 Centre, h 590 do
Ungerleider Herman, grocer, 110 Jennie, h do
Union Industrial Home, (Mrs Nellie K Crane; matron), Chestnut av
UNION IRON WORKS, (Duncan Mackenzie; prop), Hamilton av n Canal
UNION LIBRARY, (Alice M Rice; librarian), E State n post office
UNITED & GLOBE RUBBER MANUFACTURING CO, (Watson H Linburg; pres, Welling G Sickel; vice-pres, A C Oliphant; treas, John S Broughton; sec and mgr), manfr’s mechanical rubber goods, Prospect av and P & R R R
UNITED ICE CO; THE; of Trenton, N J, (James Fury; George H Weller; A L Worthington; Lester B Weller and Thos A Fury), office Fair cor Fall
United States Broom Co, Park cor E Canal
UNITED STATES EXPRESS CO, (Samuel L King jr; manager), 7 N Warren
UNITED STATES FIDELITY & GUARANTY CO, (Charles L Patterson; agent), 14 W State
UNITED STATES HOTEL, (John J McCarthy; prop), 19 N Warren
United States Marine Corps, office Ribsam bldg
Unternahr August, baker, 87 Sweets av, h do
Unverzagt Louis, machinist, h 917 Princeton av
Unwin Joseph, saggermaker, h 513 Emory av
Updegrove Edward Mrs, res Brunswick av (Slackwood)
Updike Alfred C, kindling wood, h 62 Bayard
Updike Archibald, (Updike & Son), res Pennington; N J
UPDIKE ARCHIBALD & SON (Lincoln), real estate and insurance, 137 E State
Updike Archibald F, (William Updike & Son), h 240 E Front
Updike Charles H, (Robert W Kennedy Co), h 122 Centre
Updike Charles H, clerk, h 39 Ewing
Updike Clarence D, bds 240 E Front
Updike D Foster, broker, h 48 Wall
Updike George, potter, h 211 Southard
Updike Hartley T, real estate, h 713 Chestnut av
Updike Joseph B, watchman, bds 274 Bellevue av
Updike Levi, boots and shoes, 22 N Broad, h 441 E State
Updike Lincoln, (A Updike & Son), res Pennington; N J
Updike Mulford, laborer, h 604 Centre
Updike William, (William Updike & Son), h 240 E Front
Updike William & Son, (Archibald F), boarding stable, 146 E Front
Updyke George L, clerk, bds 203 W Hanover
Updite Charles, boatman, bds 145 Houghton av
Updite Isaac, boatman, h 145 Houghton av
Updite Isaac jr, barber, bds 145 Houghton av
Uplander Bernard, laborer, bds 34 Olden av
Uplander Joseph, laborer, h 1123 Anderson
Urbaniak Michael, laborer, h 180 Houghton av
Urian John, bds 517 Emory av
Urick Martin, laborer, h 41 Howard
URKEN & KOHN, (Solomon Urken and Israel Kohn), dry goods; clothing; etc, S Clinton av cor Division
Urken Solomon, (Urken & Kohn), h 912 Division
URQUHART DUNCAN J, manager (Colonial Life Insurance Co), 135 E State, bds 48 N Stockton
Urshel Charles G, engineer, h 458 N Montgomery
Unsprung Albert, grocer, 729 Division, h do
Utter William, carpenter, h 805 E State
Vail John A, watchman, h 872 Lamberton
Vail Robert W, clerk, bds 872 Lamberton
Vale Thomas C, toolmaker, bds 292 Hamilton av
Valentine Alice V, teacher, res 405 Princeton av
Valentine Edith M, stenographer, res 465 Princeton av
Valentine Frederick C, fireman, h 16 Market
VALENTINE HARRY C, lawyer, 12 E State, h 911 Carteret av
Valentine Jacob S, (The Valentine & Weeden Co), h Princeton av
Valentine John, potter, h 25 Emory av
Valentine Lewis, coachman, h 136 Walnut av
VALENTINE & WEEDEN CO; THE, (Jacob S Valentine and Claudius P Weeden; prop’s), Trenton carriage and wagon works, 432 to 438 Princeton av
Valerez Antonio, laborer, h 21 Cummings av
Vallance Caroline, wid George, res 17 Livingston
Vallance George S, laborer, bds 17 Livingston
Vallance William H, bds 17 Livingston
Vallenger Felix, ironworker, h 41 Turpin
Vallenger John, laborer, bds 41 Turpin
Valliere Louise de, manager, h 112 E Hanover
Van Aken Frank, butcher, h 600 Liberty
Van Aken Elmer B, meat, h 600 Liberty
Vanaman John B, mason, bds 622 Monmouth
Vanaman Matilda, wid Edward, res Lawrence rd Slackwood
Vanarsdale Charles F, milkman, h Brunswick av Slackwood
Vanarsdale Oscar, moulder, h 8 Humboldt
Vanarsdale William F, engineer, h 47 Ewing
Vanarsdale William H, grocer, Brunswick av (Slackwood)
Van Aulen Charles R, toolmaker, h 148 Kent
Van Buskirk Charles, carpenter, bds 39 Philemon
Van Clamp Adeline, wid Elias, res 310 William
Van Camp Mary, wid William, res 866 E State
Van Camp Watson F, bank examiner, bds Barlow’s hotel
Van Cleef Dewitt, barkeeper, h 18 W Stockton
Van Cleef Herbert, bds 18 W Stockton
Van Cleef James H, lampmounter, h 105 Pashley av
Van Cleef John T, (Worthington & Van Cleef); lawyer, h 305 Chestnut av
Van Cleef Sarah, wid Cyneas D, res 18 W Stockton
Van Cleve Benjamin Mrs, res 36 Model av
Van Cleve Harrie C, corsets, 767 Second, h do
Van Cleve James G Mrs, res 36 Model av
Van Cleve John S, collector, h 767 Second
Van Cleve Walter S, clerk, h 36 Model av
Van Cleve William G, sup’t, h 1123 E State
Vandam Francis, bricklayer, h 823 Southard
Vandebeck Albert, h 357 Fair
Vandecar Lovina, wid Alonso, res 233 Mercer
Vandegrift George H, potter, h 32 Philemon
Vandegrift Harry H, printer, h 51 Walter av
Vandegrift Howard, medical student, bds 209 E Front
Vandegrift Howard F, clerk, bds 567 Howard
Vandegrift Thomas H, railroader, h 287 Walnut av
Vanderberg Robert D, salesman, bds 822 E State
Vandewater Hannah J, wid Robert S, res 20 Cooper
Vandewater Louis, telegrapher, h 20 Cooper
Vandewater William L, clerk, h 143 Mott
Vandewater William L, salesman, h 50 Hudson
Vanderbeck Frank H, clerk, bds 121 E Hanover
Vanderbeck George W, painter, h 611 Genesee
Vanderbeck Jacques, architect, h 135 Passaic
Vanderbeck Walter M, laborer, h 1118 S Broad
Vanderbilt Augustus G, clerk, h 301 N Broad
Vanderbilt Augustus, watchman, h Bunting av (Deutzville)
Vanderbilt Edward, painter, bds Bunting av (Deutzville)
Vanderbilt Silas, butcher, bds 340 Brunswick av
Vanderslice Charles G, bookkeeper, bds 146 Pennington av
VANDERSLICE GEORGE Z, coal and wood, 436 Calhoun, h 146 Pennington av
Vanderveer Aaron, waiter, h 32 Wood
Vanderveer Alexander, laborer, h 2 Kelly ct
Vanderveer Clarence, jeweler, bds 692 Centre
Vanderveer Daniel, carpenter, h 1124 Lamberton
Vanderveer Edgar M, cutter, bds 1166 E State
Vanderveer Henry, (Skillman; Vanderveer & Williams), h 692 Centre
Vanderveer John W, laborer, bds 1124 Lamberton
Vanderveer Joseph B, horse radish, h 1116 Lamberton
Vanderveer Pierson A, bicycles, 1023 S Broad, h do
Vanderveer Robert A, waiter, h 15 Stevens al
Vanderveer William, painter, bds 1124 Lamberton
Vandervoort James, engineer, h 735 Centre
Vanderweel Tunis, wool spinner, h 50 Lamberton
Van Deventer William P, conductor, h 256 N Warren
Van Dike Henry S, messenger, bds 111 Spring
Van Dike John S, (Holt & Van Dike), res Hopewell; N J
Van Dike John S Rev, res Dolton’s Block
Van Dike Martin B, laborer, h 21 Spring
Van Doren Emily C, wid Joseph, res 632 Perry
Van Doren Frederick, clerk, bds 40 W Front
Van Doren George, (prop Tremont House), res do
Van Doren John, laborer, h 86 Belvidere
Van Doren John L, wheelwright, Pennington av cor Willow, h 40 W Front
Van Doren Laura, wid Henry, res 305 Perry
Van Doren Lydia, wid Andrew J, res 28 Passaic
Van Doren Raymond, wireworker, res 213 Fall
Van Dright Everitt, clerk, bds 517 Market
Van Dright Robert, watchman, h 517 Market
Van Duyn Abram H, bookkeeper, bds 133 Perry
Van Duyn William B, physician, h 133 Perry
Van Duyn William J, jeweler, h 153 Passaic
Van Dyke Charles H, fireman, h 225 Prospect
Van Dyke Emma J, wid Frank, res 24 Seward av
Van Dyke Jonathan B, clerk, h 39 Philemon
Van Dyke Joseph M, bookkeeper, h 613 Bridge
Van Dyke Martin V B, laborer, h 21 Spring
Van Dyke Mary, wid Samuel, res 33 Tucker
Van Dyke Raymond, rubberworker, h 39 Mechanics av
Van Dyke William F, rubberworker, bds 24 Seward av
Van Fleet Bayard, sexton, h 42 W Front
Van Fleet Garret, conductor, h 903 S Broad
Van Fleet Hamford C, brakeman, bds 113 Brunswick av
Van Fleet Harriet U, wid John H, res 42 W Front
Van Fleet Luther, conductor, bds ,124 Landing
Van Fleet Oscar, clerk, bds 402 Hudson
Vanharler Helen Mrs, res 111 Bellevue av
Vanharler Elizabeth, teacher, res 111 Bellevue av
Vanharler Joseph D, driver, h 227 Church
Van Harler William, clerk, h 80 Bellevue av
Vanhart Jonathan C, tailor, h 211 E Hanover
Van Hise Abram A, bds 474 Stuyvesant av
Van Hise Albert, driver, bds 560 S Warren
Van Hise Alfred, engineer, h 572 Second
Van Hise Carrie, res 110 S Willow
Van Hise Charles G, huckster, h Broad St Park
Van Hise Elijah B, watchman, h 138 Philemon
Van Hise Eliza, wid Abraham, h 419 Lamberton
Van Hise Elizabeth, wid James, res 580 Second
Van Hise Frank A, presser, h 474 Stuyvesant av
Van Hise George, laborer, h 578 Second
Van Hise George H, moulder, h 737 Second
Van Hise James W, baker, h 613 Genesee
Van Hise John, potter, bds 580 Second
Van Hise John H, electrician, bds 55 Chestnut av
Van Hise Joseph, driver, h 560 S Warren
Van Hise Morgan S, rubberworker, h 764 Brunswick av
Van Hise Stephen C, engineer, h 55 Chestnut av
Van Hise William F, boilertender, h 405 Elmer
Van Hise William H, potter, h 388 Third
Van Hise William W, potter, h 580 Second
Van Horn Arminda, wid Thomas, res 336 W State
Van Horn Carrie B, dressmaker, res 24 Sheridan av
Van Horn Chandler C, quarryman, h 223 Bellevue av
Van Horn Charles, machinist, h 183 Cooper
Van Horn Charles L, barber, h 68 Gordon
Van Horn Charlotte E, wid George W, res 124 S Warren
Van Horn Edward W, potter, h 310 Roebling av
Van Horn Elizabeth A, wid William, res 659 N Clinton av
Van Horn Frank, police sergeant, h 336 W State
Van Horn Frederick A, potter, bds 28 Humboldt
Van Horn Harry jr, butcher, bds 34 Tyler
Van Horn Henry S, baggagemaster, h 34 Tyler
Van Horn Isaiah M, constable, h 24 Sheridan av
Van Horn Jacob Mrs, res 537 S Broad
Van Horn James, laborer, h 116 Belvidere
Van Horn Jonathan, carpenter, bds 485 Stuyvesant av
Van Horn Joseph, machinist, h 537 Centre
Van Horn Joseph A, laborer, h 125 Dickinson
Van Horn Lewis H, plasterer, 548 Perry, h do
Van Horn Lottie Mrs, res 124 S Warren
Van Horn Louise, wid Morris, res 66 Spring
Van Horn Martha, music teacher, 183 Cooper, res do
Van Horn Morris jr, student, bds 66 Spring
Van Horn Nicholas B, railroader, h 15 Hudson
Van Horn Oscar D, (The Van Horn Shirtwaist Co), h 225 Hamilton av
Van Horn Samuel, engineer, h 604 S Clinton av
Van Horn Sarah, wid Albert, h 28 Humboldt
Van Horn Shirtwaist Co; The, (O D Van Horn and H C Conrad), S Broad cor Second
Van Horn Taylor, conductor, h 220 Bayard
Van Horn Warren H, plasterer, bds 548 Perry
Van Horn Willet P, engineer, h 27 Charles
Van Horn William, printer, bds 203 William
Van Horn William, laborer, bds 217 Kossuth
VAN HORN WILLIAM B, jailer Court House, res do
Van Horn William D, rubberworker, bds 659 N Clinton av
Van Horn William H, machinist, h 251 Morris av
Van Horn W Edgar, candymaker, bds 604 S Clinton av
Van Houten Jacob G Mrs, res 18 Philemon
Van’ Kirk Ralph, h 116 W Front
Van Lieu Bertha, dressmaker, 9 Ogden, res do
Van Lieu Jacob S, messenger, h 133 Boudinot
Van Lieu Oliver, electrician, h 61 Greenwood av
Van Lieu Richard, baker, bds 9 Ogden
Van Lieu William H, compounder, h 9 Ogden
Van Luppen Girard, ins collector, bds 506 Emory av
Van Luppen James, braider, bds 1011 Division
Van Luppen John, clerk, bds 605 Genesee
Van Luppen Joseph T, wiretester, h 1013 Division
Van Marter Benjamin, peddler, h 818 Genesee
Van Marter George, huckster, h 223 Home av
Van Marter Jacob, painter, h 124 Rusling av
Van Marter Lydia, wid Jacob, res 124 Rusling
Van Marter Mary F, wid William A, res 43 Gordon
Van Mortice William, chainmaker, h 3 Addie al
Van Ness Emma Mrs, trained nurse, res 121 N Broad
Van Ness Henry, cigars, 1086 S Broad, h do
Van Ness Robert B, stereotyper, h 70 Philemon
Vanness William N, car inspector, h 351 Fair
VANNEST; COLEMAN & CO, (William I Vannest, Henry U Coleman and William A Biles), clothiers and merchant tailors, 39; 41; 43 E State
Vannest Dewitt C, motorman, h 65 Hudson
Vannest George E, truckman, h 17 Hudson
Vannest John S, student, bds 122 E Hanover
Vannest Rebecca, wid Voorhees, res 51 N Stockton
Vannest Susan A, wid John B, res 17 Hudson
Vannest William I, (Vannest; Coleman & Co), h 122 E Hanover
Vannoy Sarah Mrs, res 81 Spring
Vannoy Wilbur V, fireman, h 214 Passaic
Vanoszz Angustine, laborer, h 735 Roebling av
Vanoszz Dominick, laborer, bds 735 Roebling av
Vanoszz John, laborer, bds 735 Roebling av
Van Pelt David, laborer, h Lyndale av (Villa Park)
Van Pelt Isabella, boarding, res 137 S Stockton
Van Pelt Walter F, engineer, bds 400 N Clinton av
Van Pelt William L, laborer, bds Lyndale av (Villa Park)
Van Roden John C, sup’t P R R relief dep’t, h 53 Chestnut av
Vansant Annie, wid Israel, res 219 Clay
Vansant Charles C, printer, bds 33 Calhoun
Vansant Charles H, clerk, bds 222 Spring
Vansant Charles T, carpenter, h 128 Brunswick av
Vansant Curtis, watchman, h 10 Frazier
Vansant Edward, bricklayer, bds 219 Clay
Vansant George C, mariner, h 222 Spring
Vansant Isaiah, shoemaker, h 33 Calhoun
Vansant John, engineer, h 57 Carroll
Vansant John N, mason, h 87 Philemon
Vansant Richard, laborer, h 467 Calhoun
Vansant Stephen, mason, h 143 Centre
Vansant Theodore F, clerk, bds 130 W State
Vansant Walter E, patternmaker, h 211 Butler
Vansant William, laborer, h 31 Gordon
Van Schoich Herbert, painter, bds St Joe’s av
Van Shoich Sarah, res 252 Spring
Van Sickel George W, mattressmaker, h 143 Pearl
Van Sickel Henry, car inspector, h 35 Anderson
Van Sickel Lewis, wireworker, h 72 Jersey
Van Sickell Caleb C, upholsterer, h 19 N Willow
Van Sickell Elizabeth, wid George, res 122 S Stockton
Van Sickell Frederick, rubberworker, h 122 S Stockton
Van Sickell William M, foreman, h 41 N Stockton
Van Syckel Arthur W, laborer, bds 92 Belvidere
Van Syckel Bennett, justice Supreme Court, h 125 Greenwood av
Van Syckel Charles S, (treas Greenwood China Co), h 224 Greenwood av
Van Syckel George, kalsominer, 223 W Hanover, h do
Van Syckel Susan, wid Charles, res 48 Bellevue av
Van Syckel William, laborer, h 30 Belvidere
Van Syckel William, laborer, h 92 Belvidere
Van Syckel William S, lawyer, h 125 Greenwood av
Van Syckle John, laborer, bds 81 Summer
Van Syckle William jr, waiter, h 73 Summer
Vanszkie John, laborer, h 459 Lamberton
Vanszkie William, laborer, h r 636 Second
Van Tilberg Cornelia, res Dolton’s Block
Van Tilberg Henry, foreman, h 742 Centre
Van Valkenburg William L, enameler, bds 303 S Warren
Van Water George E, huckster, h 223 Home av
Vannert Sarah P, wid William, res 247 Clay
Vanwinkle John, prison deputy, bds 201 Hudson
Van Zandt Anna M, dressmaker, res 310 William
Van Zandt Howard B, painter, h 828 Anderson
Vanzandt Isaac R, carpenter, h Woodland cor Dayton
Vanzandt Russell J, bookkeeper, bds American House
Varanofsky Anthony, laborer, h 17 Barclay
Vare Thomas W, (prop Crescent Iron Works), h 4 Lamberton
Varga Dorothy, wid Michael, res 489 Huston al
Varley William, printer, bds 30 Cuyler av
Varner Robert, soap, 18 Union, h 33 do
Varner Sarah, wid James, h 39 Union
Varner William J, h 24 W Front
Varsye Laszio, laborer, h 10 Genesee
Vaughn Clara F, dressmaker, res 640 N Clinton av
Vaughn Clark D, electrician, h 147 N Broad
Vaughn Edward R, lather, h 1312 S Clinton av
Vaughan Emma R, wid Jasper S, res 17 Assanpink
Vaughn Frank, clerk, bds 304 N Clinton av
Vaughn George L, rubberworker, h 43 Hart av
Vaughn Henry F, paver, h 519 St Joe’s av
Vaughn James, paver, h 29 Oak
Vaughan Jasper S, tilemaker, bds 17 Assanpink
Vaughn John H, potter, h 640 N Clinton av
Vaughn Samuel S, rubberworker, h 32 Beaver
Vaughn Sarah, wid William H, res 32 Lincoln av
Vaughn Thomas C, butcher, h 718 S Warren
Vaughn Thomas P, horseshoer, 14 Bank, h 36 N Hermitage
Vaughn William W, paver, bds 519 St Joe’s av
Veidt William, h 58 Tyrell av
Veitch John, special officer, bds 333 Hamilton av
Veldoff Samuel, potter, h 125 Houghton av
Velke Charles, laborer, h 203 Third
Veninzi Felix, laborer, h 198 Division
Venanzi James, laborer, h 68 Clark
Venanzi John, laborer, h 404 Elmer
Venanzi Nicholas, shoemaker, 710 Roebling, h 198 Division
Venney Ann, res 13 S Warren
Venzerlie Michael, laborer, h 95 Tremont
Verlenden Edith L, teacher, res 202 Academy
Veteran House, (P H Mathews), 168 S Broad
Vetterlein William B, salesman, bds 147 Passaic
Vetterlein W B, h 147 Passaic
Vialkawitsch Albert, carpenter, bds 723 Princeton av
Vialkawitsch John, plumber, bds 280 Bellevue av
Vickers Harriet, res 148 Perry
Vickers Harry, potter, h 307 Washington (Homedell)
Vickery John E, driver, h 295 N Willow
Vickery Joseph, laborer, h 135 Passaic
Villa Park Poultry Yards, 846 Melrose av (Villa Park)
Vincent Amos, laborer, h 129 Turpin
Vincent Henry, laborer, bds 86 Quarry al
Vine & Freedman, (Simon Vine and Morris Freedman), shirt mfrs, 110 Bridge
Vine Bros, (Harry and Louis), dry goods, 516 S Clinton av
Vine Harry, (Vine Bros), h 516 S Clinton av
Vine Israel, gents’ furnisher, 338 S Broad, h do
Vine Louis, (Vine Bros), h 516 S Clinton av
Vine Simon, (Vine & Freedman), h 58 Decatur
Vinston Sarah, wid John, res 84 Sweets av
Virag Stephen Rev, h 239 Adeline
Vischnifsky John, laborer, h 3 Randall av
Vitholm Mary, res 129 Decatur
Vitieritte Frank, laborer, h 732 Roebling av
Viveti James, laborer, h 26 Asbury
Vogel Bros, (Nathan and Otto), butchers, 701 E State
Vogel Fannie, wid Abraham, res 701 E State
Vogel Frank H, upholsterer, h 185 Cooper
Vogel Isaac S, peddler, h 45 Decatur
Vogel Nathan, (Vogel Bros), h 701 E State
Vogel Otto, (Vogel Bros), h 701 E State
Vogel Solomon H, clerk, h 108 Lamberton
Vogler George W, expressman, h 518 Calhoun
Vogler Henry, tobacconist, 441 Lamberton, h do
Vogler January, notions, 99 Lamberton, h do
Vogler John J, candies, 171 S Broad, h do
Vogler Martin, candymaker, h 8 Hewitt
Vognet John, laborer, h 831 S Warren
Vogts John H, engineer, h 824 S Clinton av
Voigt Walter, music teacher, 113 Morris av, h do
Voleske Frederick, laborer, bds 109 Sweets av
Voleske Julius, laborer, h 109 Sweets av
Volk Anton, potter, h 29 Mechanics av
Volk Ernest, archaeologist, h 817 S Clinton av
Volk John, tobacconist, 544 N Clinton av, h 446 do
Volk John jr, rubberworker, bds 446 N Clinton av
Volk Robert R, clerk, h 112 N Willow
Volk Walter F, clerk, bds 29 Mechanics av
Volkmar Harry, collector, h 501 Southard
Vollman Andrew, engineer, h 224 Second
Vollman John, ropemaker, bds 224 Second
VOLLMER EBERHARD, hotel, Chambers cor Locust, h do
Vollmer Eberhard jr, clerk, bds 211 Locust
Vollmer John F, kilnman, h 521 N Clinton av
Volimer William H, potter, h 56 Perrine av
Volpp Almedia, dressmaker, res 143 Fountain av
Volpp Phillip, stonecutter, h 143 Fountain av
Volz David, saloon, 662 S Broad, h do
Volz Rudolph, brewer, bds 962 Lamberton
Von Hofe Moritz, liquors, 301 Cummings av, h do
Von Voigtlander Oscar, carpenter, h 924 W State
Voorhees Abram, salesman, h 9 S Broad
Voorhees Ambrose T, filer, h 410 Klagg av
Voorhees Ashley C, carpenter, h 592 Brunswick av
Voorhees Cadmus, engineer, h 215 Hamilton av
Voorhees Charles P, tinsmith, h 317 N Willow
Voorhees Clarence P, peddler, h 23 Humboldt
Voorhees Coan, mason, h 256 N Feeder
Voorhees Cornelius, res 326 N Montgomery
Voorhees Ellis D, laborer h 86 Poplar
Voorhees Elmer E, tinsmith, h 480 W Hanover
Voorhees Etta, res 308 Perry
Voorhees Ezekiel, agent, bds 329 Walnut av
VOOREES FOSTER M, Governor of New Jersey, res Elizabeth
Voorhees Frank P, tinsmith, bds 181 Pennington av
Voorhees George, foreman, h 51 S Olden av
Voorhees George B, bds 401 Schiller av (Broad St Park)
Voorhees George D, tinsmith, h 181 Pennington av
Voorhees George D jr, tinsmith, bds 181 Pennington av
Voorhees George J, carpenter, h 216 Brunswick av
Voorhees Gilbert C, h 722 Genesee
Voorhees Harry, driver, h 13 Barbara
VOOREES HARVEY M, women and childrens outfitter, 109 E State, bds Hotel Windsor
Voorhees Irving, carder, bds 722 Genesee
Voorhees J B, bds 222 N Warren
Voorhees J Spencer, bookkeeper, bds 313 S Broad
Voorhees Jacob R, rubberworker, h 324 Perry
Voorhees John, carpenter, h 486 Stuyvesant av
Voorhees Mahlon G, polishing & grinding, 332 N Broad, h do
Voorhees Mary, res 326 N Montgomery
Voorhees Mary A, wid Edwin, res 319 Market
Voorhees Mary M, ladies’ hairdresser, 9 S Broad, h do
Voorhees Ralph, rubberworker, h Princeton av n Spruce
Voorhees Spencer J, bookkeeper, bds 313 S Broad
Voorhees Wilbert M, foreman, h 156 Hamilton av
Voorhees William H, hodcarrier, h 240 Church
Voorhees William M, laborer, h 12 Spring
Voorhees Wyckoff, machinist, bds 401 Schiller av
Voorhies John A, carpenter, h 542 Centre
Voorhies William S Rev, (pastor Second Pres Church), h 909 Berkeley av
Voorhis George H, principal, h 311 S Clinton
Vormwald Andrew, moulder, h 717 Division
Vormwald George, wiredrawer, h 618 Roebling av
Vosler Augustus J, driver, bds 236 Passaic
Vossler Frederick, gardener, h 115 Pearl
Vosler George W, expressman, h 236 Passaic
Vosler Sylvester, driver, bds 236 Passaic
Votta Charles F, musician, bds 1208 S Broad
Votta John, rubberworker, h 222 Ashmore av
Votta Pasquale, confectionery, 1208 S Broad, h do
Voullaire Alphonse, bookkeeper, h S Warren cor Front
Vreeland Mary, wid John J, res 200 Hudson
VROOM GARRET D W, counselor-at-law, 5 W State (Mechanics Bank bldg), h 159 do
Vroom Peter D, U S Army, res 159 W State
Wachter Frank, foreman, h 511 Emory av
Wachter Michael, foreman, h 419 Chestnut av
Waddick James, prison deputy, bds 124 N Warren
Wade Anna J, wid Thomas, res 132 Fountain av
Wade James A, butcher, bds 132 Fountain av
Wade John, foreman, h New York av cor Olden av
Wade John G, florist, h 132 Fountain av
Wade Samuel, fireman, h 82 Hart av
Wade Thomas, laborer, bds 503 N Clinton av
Wade William, rubberworker, bds 543 Brunswick av
Wager Henry, laborer, h 17 College ct
Wagner Albert, laborer, h 55 Klagg av
Wagner Andrew, painter, h 723 Whittaker av
Wagner Charles, butcher, h 598 Chestnut av
Wagner Charles F, saloon, 712 S Broad, h do
Wagner Constantine, (Wagner & Meyer), h 340 Brunswick
Wagner Elmer L, woolspinner, h 310 Lamberton
Wagner Frank, confectioner, 137 S Broad, h do
Wagner Frank, laborer, h 507 Jennie
Wagner Frank, potter, h 620 Chestnut av
Wagner Franz, res 148 Brunswick av
Wagner Franz A jr, funeral director, 148 Brunswick av
Wagner Frederick, bartender, bds 677 S Broad
Wagner Gustav, butcher, 420 Emory av, h do
Wagner Gustav jr,laundry, bds 420 Emory av
Wagner Henry, laborer, h 19 College ct
Wagner Henry F, bricklayer, h 310 Lamberton
Wagner Jacob, liquors, 677 S Broad, h do
Wagner John, barkeeper, h 102 Jennie
Wagner John F, property-man, h 149 N Broad
Wagner John P, wiredrawer, h 310 Lamberton
Wagner Joseph, candymaker, h 89 Sweets av
Wagner Louis, shoemaker, 6 E Front, h do
Wagner Marie, res 310 Lamberton
Wagner & Meyer, (Constantine Wagner and Frank Meyer), butchers, City mkt
Wagner Otto, laborer, h 24 New Rose
Wagner Valentine, ropemaker, h 320 Rusling
Wagner Wendell, butcher, bds 6 E Front
Wah Mark, laundry, 319 Centre, h do
Waigraf William, baker, bds 145 Cummings av
Wain Christopher, tailor, 152 E State, h 49 Grant av
Wain John, presser, h 32 Seward av
Wain William T, clerk, bds 49 Grant av
WAINWRIGHT GEORGE, florist, 627 Princeton av, h do
Wainwright John H,, florist, bds 627 Princeton av
Wainwright John H, rubberworker, bds 824 Spruce
Wainwright Robert, foreman, h 451 Chestnut av
Wainwright Walling, rubberworker, h 824 Spruce
Waite Chester C, clerk, bds 155 Hamilton av
Waite Warren S, grocer, 158 Hamilton av, h 155 do
Walbour Samuel, clerk, bds 125 Factory
Walch Christopher, potter, h 32 Walter av
Walch John, engineer, h 572 Brunswick av
Walcott Amanda, res 115 Greenwood av
Walcott Augustus N, marblecutter, h 46 Ewing
Walcott Harry E, hostler, h 214 Southard
Walcott Maggie, nurse, res 214 Sonthard
Walcott William A, kilnman, bds 214 Sonthard
Wald Carrie F, clerk, res 227 Centre
Wald Christine, wid Nicholas, res 481 Centre
Wald Edward P, newsdesler, 227 Centre, h do
Wald Harry C, clerk, bds 227 Centre
Wald Lizzie M, clerk, res 227 Centre
Wald Philip, barber, 227 Centre, h do
Waldron Bridget M, wid Thomas, res 726 S Walren
Waldron Cornelius, (Waldron & Son), h Indiana av n Olden
Waldron C & Son, (Cornelius and John), blacksmiths, New York av cor Olden av
Waldron Freeman, h 557 N Clinton av
Waldron Harry O, grocer, Brunswick av cor Phillips, h do
Waldron John, (Waldron & Son), h 208 Indiana av
Waldron John J, clerk, h 19 Jackson
Waldron Joseph J, blacksmith, bds 726 S Warren
WALDRON THOMAS F, sporting editor (Sunday Advertiser), bds 726 S Warren
Waldron Walter J, brakeman, h 56 Christopher
WALDRON WILLIAM L, grocer, S Warren cor Fall, h 726 S Warren
Waldt August, tailor, 442 Centre, h do
Waliewski Anthony, laborer, h 213 Fair
Walk David C, bds 137 Pearl
Walke John, wiretinner, h 143 Washington (Homedell)
Walker Absalom J, retired, h 141 S Broad
Walker Albert W, kilnman, bds 50 Oak
Walker Alfred, potter, h 318 Roebling av
Walker Allen, potter, bds 50 Oak
Walker Arthur, decorator, h 16 Seward av
Walker Augustus M, cattle dealer, h 102 Chambers
Walker Bros, (Daniel R and John K), tailors, r 141 S Broad
Walker Charles, presser, h 38 Sheridan av
Walker Charles H, farmer, h 156 Passaic
Walker Charles J, h 444 Centre
Walker Clement, butcher, 46 Tyrell av, h do
Walker Daniel B, (Walker Bros), h 76 Cooper
Walker Edwin Robert, (Beasley & Walker), h 214 Academy
Walker Emma, wid William, res 16 Fillmore
Walker Frank J, hosemaker, h 25 Webster
Walker Frederick A, foreman, h 54 Division
Walker Frederick C, barkeeper, h Brunswick av (Slackwood)
Walker Frederick W, driver, bds 50 Oak
Walker George, potter, bds 29 Poplar
Walker George W, presser, res 479 Centre
Walker Harry, laborer, bds 318 N Clinton av
Walker Harry, policeman, h 928 Ohio av
Walker Harry, potter, h 84 Bond
Walker Harry A, potter, h Jonhston av
Walker Irene, dressmaker, 243 Church, res do
Walker Isaac, laborer, h 7 Forst al
Walker Jacob M, carpenter, h 106 William
Walker James, laborer, bds 518 Princeton av
Walker Joanna, wid John G, res 21 N Willow
Walker John A, potter, bds 602 Mulberry
Walker John C, carpenter, bds 647 Brunswick av
Walker John C, driver, res 1038 Lamberton
Walker John F, ironworker, h 680 Lamberton
Walker John F, plumber, bds 21 N Willow
Walker John G, huckster, h Lyndale av (Villa Park)
Walker John K, (Walker Bros), h 76 Cooper
WALKER JOHN P, sup’t N J School for Deaf Mutes, Hamilton av cor Chestnut av, res do
Walker John S, potter, h 236 Ashmore av
Walker Joseph, screenmaker, bds 444 Centre
Walker Leonard, potter, h 44 N Olden av
Walker Martha, wid William, h 44 N Olden av
Walker Martin, driver, h 1038 Lamberton
Walker Mary H, dressmaker, res 238 Elmer
Walker Michael, laborer, h 219 Lamberton
Walker Michael J, brakeman, h 144 Monmouth
Walker Otho, potter, bds 102 Chambers
Walker Patrick J, wireworker, bds 219 Lamberton
Walker Samuel, notions, 255 N Broad, h do
WALKER SAMUEL Jr, counselor-at-law; also police commissioner, 105 E State, h 222 Brunswick av
Walker Thomas, (Convery & Walker), h 56 Spring
Walker Thomas, foreman, h 309 Cummings av
Walker William, meat market, 801 Mulberry, h do
Walker William, rubberworker, h 45 Dickinson
Walker William H, ice, h 101 Houghton av
Walklett C Harry, saloon, 600 S Clinton av, h do
Walklett Elizabeth Mrs, res 126 Fountain av
Walklett Elizabeth A, dressmaker, res Cherry la (Slackwood)
Walklett James, grocer, 101 Sherman av, h do
Walklett James, laborer, bds 126 Fountain av
Walklett Mercer B, potter, h r 138 Bayard
Walklett Thomas, potter, h Cherry la (Slackwood)
Walklett William, potter, bds 250 N Warren
Wall Robert, watchman, h 612 Mulberry
Wall William, machinist, h 882 Lamberton
Wallace Anna Mrs, res 34 Bellevue av
Wallace George, electrician, h 406 Market
Wallace Harry, clerk, bds 127 E Hanover
Wallace Hudson, commercial traveler, h 446 Emory av
Wallace James, laborer, bds 39 Jefferson
Wallace John A, editor Trenton Times, res Chester; Pa
Wallace Joseph H, foreman, h 34 Ogden
Wallace Mabel, res 54 Bellevue av
Wallace Margaret, dressmaker, res 820 Carteret av
Wallace May, res 58 Bellevue av
Wallace Nellie M, school teacher, res 34 Ogden
Wallace Thomas, laborer, h 39 Jefferson
Wallace Thomas A, shipping clerk, h 504 Hudson
Wallace William S, electrician, h 820 Carteret av
Wallen Minnie, boarding, res 18 Barnes
Walley Richard, moulder, h 227 Second
Walley Samuel, ironworker, bds 227 Second
Wallington George F, tinsmith, h 123 W Hanover
Wallington Gershom L, sec’y (Crescent Belting and Packing Co), h 40 Lamberton
Wallington Parmelia A, wid George E, res 40 Lamberton
Wallington Sarah R, teacher, res 40 Lamberton
Wallington Taylor, brakeman, h 796 E State
Wallis Hettie D, wid Henry E, res 39 N Clinton av
Wallis Herman, laborer, h 325 Morris av
Wallis Louis, retired, h 145 E Hanover
Wallis William B, taxidermist, h 240 Perry
Walls Hugh, laborer, h 219 Fair
Walmsley George G, potter, h 26 W Front
Walmsley Mary J, wid Edward, res 26 Fillmore
Walmsley Richard, potter, h 176 Pennington av
Walmaley Thomas G, potter, h 26 W Front
Waln William, motorman, bds 755 Centre
Walp Mary, teacher, res Industrial School
Walser John, baker, h 122 Furman
Walsh Allan B, electrician, 709 S Broad, h 817 Beatty
Walsh Charles, rubberworker, h 120 Landing
Walsh Frank J, photographer, 120 Perry, h 54 Model av
Walsh Harry J, potter, h 42 Murray
Walsh Henry, laborer, h 9 Prince
Walsh John, laborer, bds 29 Jessie
Walsh John F, clerk, bds 82 1/2 Pennington av
Walsh John H, engineer, h 572 Brunswick av
Walsh John J, tailor, h 96 Spring
Walsh Martin F, driver, h 25 Dickinson
Walsh Michael, boilermaker, h 36 West
Walsh Richard, machinist, h 817 Beatty
Walsh Robert, electrician, h 817 Beatty
Walsh William J, lawyer, 137 E State, h 82 1/2 Pennington av
WALTER & ARNOLD, (Institute of Mechano Neural Therapy), 78 N Clinton av cor Monmouth
Walter Elizabeth, grocer, N Clinton av cor Perry, res do
Walter Frederick, baker, h 359 Pennington av
Walter Frederick, decorator, h 260 Kossuth
Walter Frederick D, grocer, Genesee cor Beatty, h do
Walter Jacob L, baker, 128 Lalor, h do
Walter John, bottler, bds 444 S Broad
Walter John H, brakeman, h 228 S Olden av
Walter John P, (Drs. Walter & Arnold), h 78 N Clinton av
Walter Matthew, brewer, h 751 Second
Walter Peter, waiter, h 416 Washington
Walter Sebastian, bottler, h 444 S Broad
Walter William H, grocer, h 640 Perry
Walters Charles, potter, h 45 Franklin
Walters Chris, rubberworker, h 911 Beatty
Walters Clara, operator, res 1021 S Broad
Walters George, cigars, 1055 S Broad, h do
Walters Harry, lineman, h 145 S Broad
Walters Henry C, salesman, h 238 Clay
Walters Jacob J, policeman, h 115 Fall
Walters Joseph B, drug clerk, bds 400 Princeton av
Walters Michael, h 238 Elmer
Walters Rachel E, widow, res 17 E Lafayette
Walters Rose, operator, res 1021 S Broad
Walters Rosina, wid Christian, res 1021 S Broad
Walters Sebastian, potter, h 827 Cherry
Walters William, laborer, bds 957 S Broad
Walters W Penn, carpenter, h 812 Division
Walton Alfred B, painter, h 181 Lamberton
Walton Alfred L, carpenter, bds 455 Centre
Walton Anice P, wid Austin, res 841 Beatty
Walton Austin, bricklayer, bds 355 Cummings av
Walton Benjamin, contractor, h 33 Orange
Walton Benjamin F, brick mfr, h 188 Ingham av
Walton Charles, painter, h 355 Cummings av
Walton Charles B, saloon, 106 N Broad, h 107 Lamberton
Walton Charles H, (C H Walton & Co), res Camden; N J
WALTON C H & CO, (William and Charles H), musical instruments; sheet music, 11 E State
Walton Charles H, packer, bds 531 S Broad
Walton Enoch, bricklayer, bds 355 Cummings av
Walton George H, bricklayer, bds 355 Cummings av
Walton Grant, laborer, bds 140 Rose
Walton Isaiah R, fireman, h 508 Perry
Walton Isaiah R, laborer, h 243 Walnut av
Walton John, railroader, h 362 Reservoir
Walton John M, grocer, 215 Home av, h do
Walton Lewis M, saloon, 502 S Warren, h do
Walton Louis, laborer, bds 138 Rose
Walton Robert, carpenter, h 620 Whittaker av
Walton Sylvia A, wid William, res 28 Railroad av
Walton W Edward, lineman, h 28 Mechanics av
Walton William, (C H Walton & Co), res Camden; N J
Walton William, huckster, h 140 Rose
Walton William, laborer, h r 203 Fair
Walz John G, laborer, h 1 Third
Walz Mary B, res 317 William
Walzer John, rubberworker, h 25 Huston al
Warburton George T, barkeeper, h 117 Kulp al
Ward Annie, grocer, 559 Emory av, res do
Ward Bernard, potter, bds 559 Emory av
Ward Edward, potter, h 734 Centre
Ward Edward, ,potter, h 304 Rutherford av
Ward Eliza, wid Edward, res 615 Roebling av
Ward Elizabeth, wid Thomas, res 60 Escher
Ward Frederick I, rubberworker, h 233 Butler
Ward Henry Rev, (St John’s R C Church), res adj
Ward John, laborer, h 328 Southard
Ward John, notions, 428 N Clinton av, h do
Ward John, potter, h 1212 Anderson
Ward John, potter, h 319 Rutherford av
Ward John, huckster, h 205 William
WARD JOHN W, medical director, State Hospital, res do
Ward Joseph, conductor, h 409 Monmouth
Ward Mary, wid Thomas, res 224 Fulton
Ward Mary E, res 184 Lamberton
Ward Patrick, laborer, h 565 Second
Ward Peter, mason, h 559 Emory av
Ward Peter jr, mason, bds 559 Emory av
Ward Robert, mouldmaker, bds 615 Roehling av
Ward Samuel, butcher, bds 615 Roebling av
Ward Thomas P, kilnman, h 65 Tyrell av
Ward Watson M, machinist, h 231 Butler
Ward William, laborer, h 408 Grand
Ward William, potter, bds 248 Allen
Ward William, potter, h 618 Centre
Wardell John, potter, bds 364 N Clinton av
Ware Samuel, h 117 N Stockton
Wareham Horatio, potter, h 29 Klagg av
Wareham William H, potter, h 55 Tyrell av
Wargaml George, laborer, h 811 S Warren
Wargo John E, ins collector, h 31 Orange
Warman Arthur P, cash registers, 132 N Warren, h do
Warman David, physician, 239 Chestnut av, h do
Warman Richard W, collector, bds 239 Chestnut av
Warman Vincent B, clerk, h 824 Southard
Warner Augustus J, clerk, bds 6 Pennington av
Warner Benjamin G, bricklayer, h 228 Tyler
Warner Bessie, teacher, res 177 Brunswick av
Warner Charles, mason, h 128 E Washington (Homedell)
Warner Charles D, helper, h 611 Lamberton
Warner Edward H, potter, h 6 Pennington av
Warner Edward J, laborer, h 415 Lamberton
Warner Emily H, principal, res 28 Yard av
Warner Frank A, salesman, h 239 N Warren
Warner Frederick, laborer, h 120 Harding
Warner Gustav, laborer, h 731 Beatty
Warner Hannah Mrs, res 14 Belvidere
Warner Horace B, mason, State Hospital, res Ewing
Warner James, tinsmith, 560 N Clinton av, h do
Warner John B, bds 375 Fair
Warner John B, cableman, h 820 Genesee
Warner John S, lineman, h 126 Allen
Warner Maggie, wid David, res 128 E Washington
Warner Mary I, wid Ralph, res 50 S Clinton av
Warner Oliver M, ins agent, h 211 W Hanover
Warner Robert R, shipping clerk, h 169 Franklin
Warner William, mattressmaker, bds 177 S Broad
Warnock Stephen, laborer, h 15 Steamboat
Warrell George J, wiredrawer, h 929 Chambers
Warren; Balderston & Co, (W O Warren; G W Balderston and George W Warren), plumbers’ supplies, 116 S Broad
Warren Flats, Clark bldg, N Warren cor W Hanover
Warren Edward, cratemaker, Brunswick av and Southard, h 541 Brunswick av
Warren George W, (Warren; Balderston & Co), h 66 Hudson
Warren John C, mason, h 35 Tyler
Warren Mary Mrs, res 149 N Broad
Warren Miles K, conductor, h 1037 S Broad
Warren Parmlee M, grocer, 227 S Clinton av, h do
Warren William J, patrolman, h 350 Walnut av
Warren William O, (Warren; Balderston & Co), h 64 Hudson
Warschauer Max L, ladies’ tailor, bds 43 Pennington av
Wartman August, moulder, bds 431 S Broad
Warwick John, tinsmith, h 187 Passaic
Warwick Morris, prison deputy, h 111 Division
Warwick Samuel, finisher, bds 194 W Hanover
Warwick Theodore F, bds 111 Division
Washburn Sheppard C, carpenter, h 218 Breunig av
Washington Market Clothing Co, 109 S Broad
Washington William H, laborer, bds 65 Gordon
Washninsky John, laborer, h 8 Gleason’s al
Wassel Joseph, laborer, h 809 Beatty
Watchorn Joseph, foreman, h 106 Washington
Waterhouse Emma C, wid George, res 2 Bridge
Waterman Henry, laborer, h 206 Washington
Waters Amos F, conductor, h 5 Pennington av
Waters Charles H, student bds 5 Pennington av
Waters Ella, res 175 Passaic
Waters Emma L, wid Frank H, res 4 E Lafayette
Waters Frederick L, (Herbert & Waters), h 136 S Broad
Waters Harry, lineman, bds 145 S Broad
Waters Mary N, asst matron State Prison, res 124 E Front
Waters Susan E, wid William, res 59 N Stockton
Watkin Ellen, wid Richard, res 52 1/2 Tyrell av
Watkins David S, rubberworker, h 33 Houghton av
Watkins Jane, wid Charles, res 243 Allen
Watkins Samuel, laborer, h 636 N Clinton av
Watkinson William, gardener, h 263 Church
Watson Albert, brakeman, bds 53 Walter av
Watson Alexander, laborer, h 294 N Willow
Watson Andrew P, decorator, h 107 Centre
Watson Anna E, dressmaker, res 51 Model av
Watson Carrie, dressmaker, res 301 N Broad
Watson Charles, signalman, h 115 Bayard
Watson Earl M, toys; &c, 8 N Broad, h do
Watson Elsworth S, machinist, bds 330 S Warren
Watson George, rubberworker, h 329 W Hanover
Watson George L, potter, bds 292 Bellevue av
Watson Harry, potter, h 952 S Broad
Watson Harry R, woolenworker, h 159 Lamberton
Watson James A, laborer, h 231 Ferry
WATSON JOHN, general machinist; boilermaker; &c, 1 to 11 Fair n Factory, h 330 S Warren
Watson John B, driver, h 301 N Broad
Watson John L, painter, h 207 Calhoun
Watson Joseph L, civil engineer, 137 E State, h 30 Southard
Watson Leroy, railroader, bds 234 Walnut av
Watson Martha R, wid John, res 207 Calhoun
Watson May, principal, res 330 S Warren
Watson Moses, cigars, 112 Home av, h do
Watson Phoebe, wid John, res 105 E Hanover
Watson Samuel C, fire dep’t, h 314 Reservoir
Watson Samuel L, machinist, h 330 S Warren
Watson Thomas, woolsorter, h 159 Lamberton
Watson Walter M, saloon, 302 Brunswick av, h do
Watson Walton M, lawyer, 224 E State, h 105 E Hanover
Watson Warren, engineer, h 158 Walnut av
Watson William, conductor, bds 828 Anderson
Watson William, driver, h 116 Home av
Watson William, moulder, h 65 Lamberton
Watson William H, machinist, h 134 Passaic
Watson William N, machinist, bds 330 S Warren
Watson William N, shoemaker, 135 W Hanover, h do
Watt George M, baker, 1210 S Clinton av, h do
Watt Jonathan, loomfixer, h 1002 Division
Watts Carrie, wid Walter, res 201 Calhoun
Watts Robert S, employe State Hospital, res do
Watts William C, painter, h 65 Mulberry
WAYFARERS’ CHRISTIAN SOCIETY, (B M Brown), Terradelphia, E Carroll and Jefferson
Wayman Harry P, produce, h Bunting av (Deutzville)
Wayman Henry P, produce, 310 Market, h 1006 Anderson
Wayman John T, contractor, h Deutz av (Deutzville)
Weast Harry J, tinsmith, h 34 Cooper
Weatherby Ernest, potter, h 39 Butler
Weatherby Isaac, real estate, h 151 S Stockton
Weatherby Samuel H, supply agent, bds 151 S Stockton
Weaver Ann, wid William, res 140 Cass
Weaver Frank, motorman, h 647 Centre
Weaver Frank H, potter, h 204 Mott
Weaver Jacob, printer, h 34 Montgomery pl
Weaver James L, carriage painter, h 108 N Willow
Weaver John, papercarrier, bds 890 E State
Weaver John P, potter, h 837 E State
Weaver Michael W, bricklayer, h 38 Passaic
Weaver Oliver E, carpenter, h 318 Fair
Weaver William B, brakeman, h 429 Elmer
Weaver William H, foreman, h 537 Emory av
Webb Alfred, clerk, bds 211 Southard
Webb Charles P, coachman, h 67 Franklin
Webb Isaac, laborer, h 826 S Clinton av
Webb James, brickmaker, h 46 Bond
Webb James, motorman, bds 759 Centre
Webb James J, salesman, h 141 Prospect av
Webb John F, decorator, bds 46 Bond
Webb John T, rubberworker, h 25 Bond
Webb Samuel P, laborer, bds 141 Prospect
Webb Thomas, potter, bds 30 Bond
Webber Alexander T, carver, h 100 Belvidere
Webber Walter F, conductor, h 839 E State
Webbley Charles, machinist, bds 882 Lamberton
Weber B Walberg, clerk, h 42 S Clinton av
Weber Christian C Rev, h 725 S Broad
Weber Frank, h 555 Rutherford av
Weber Frank W, printer, bds 555 Rutherford av
Weber Frederick, baker, bds 144 Jefferson
Weber George A, carpenter, bds 555 Rutherford av
Weber George P; machinist, h 326 Hill’s al
Weber Hannah P, wid Henry T, res 42 S Clinton av
Weber Harry C, mason, bds 555 Rutherford av
Weber Harry R, fireman, bds 881 E State
Weber Henry, mason, h 29 New Rose
Weber Henry A, clerk, h 202 Pennington av
Weber Henry B, barber, h 523 N Clinton av
Weber Henry J, chainmaker, h 471 Princeton av
Weber John, wireworker, h 25 Randall av
WEBER JOHN L, carriages; harness; horses; &c, 310 N Warren, res n Princeton, N J
Weber John R, clerk, bds 42 S Clinton av
Weber Joseph, expreesman, h 29 Chapel
Weber Peter, laborer, h 80 Woolverton av
Weber Peter, machinist, h 495 Centre
Weber Philip, barber, 523 N Clinton av, h do
Weber Samuel S, superintendent, h 204 W State
Weber Walter M, clerk, bd, 555 Rutherford av
Weber Wesley W, helper, bds 107 Walnut av
Weber William W, chainmaker, h 555 Rutherford av
Webster James F, ironworker, h 104 Woolverton av
Webster John, ironworker, bds 104 Woolverton av
Webster Milton, butcher, h 29 S Warren
Webster Richard, laborer, h 252 Walnut av
Webster Thomas, ironworker, bds 104 Woolverton av
Weck Martin, weaver, h 612 Genesee
Weckerle Alois, laborer, h 632 Aldeline
Weckerlin Frederick, butcher, 1079 S Broad, h do
Wedger John H, sexton, h 65 Cooper
Wedger John W, ironworker, h 886 Lamberton
Wee Wing, laundry, 205 N Broad, h do
Weeden Claudius P, (The Valentine & Weeden Co), h 217 Brunswick av
Weeden Frank E, (F E Weeden & Co), h 168 Brunswick av
Weeden Frank E Mrs, music teacher, res 168 Brunswick av
WEEDEN FRANK E & CO, hardware; paints and bicycles, 341 N Warren
Weekes William T, retired, bds 832 S Broad
Weeks Mary, res 134 Second
Weelans Anna E, res 328 Elmer
Weelans Charles, (Monument Pottery Co), h 556 Chestnut av
Weelans Frank, potter, h 328 Elmer
Weelans Hannah, wid Robert, res 45 Charles
Weelans Henry, potter, h 45 Charles
Weelans John, potter, bds 190 Ingham av
Weelans Robert, (Monument Pottery Co), h 417 Hudson
Weidel August, sup’t (Real Estate Title Co), h 130 E Front
Weidel Karl A, watchmaker, h 195 Division
Weidemann Annie, notions, 501 Emory av, res do
Weideniann Cornelius, laborer, bds 501 Emory av
Weidenbach Joseph, laborer, h 740 Beatty
Weier Christian, h 15 Hewitt
Weier Edward, barber, 617 N Clinton av, h do
Weigand Charles, blacksmith, h 111 Fall
Weigand Charles J, butcher, bds 720 Case
Weigand Ernestine, wid Fritz, res 224 Ashmore av
Weigand George, kilnman, h 137 Sherman av
Weigand Mary, wid Peter, res 224 Ashmore av
Weigand Maurice W, kilnman, h 537 N Clinton av
Weigand Roland H, wiredrawer, bds 301 Jackson
Weigand Theodore, policeman, h 720 Cass
Weigand Theodore, watchman, h 301 Jackson
Weigand William, laborer, h 1618 S Clinton av
Weigel John P, ins collector, h 466 Genesee
Weigel Thomas, h 23 Barclay
Weiger Frank, laborer, h 86 Sweets av
Weiger Frank jr, laborer, bds 86 Sweets av
Weiger John, laborer, h 111 Sweets av
Weiger Matthew, grocer, 113 Sweets av, h do
Weik Charles F, baker, 241 Federal, h do
Weik Charles F jr, driver, bds 241 Federal
Weik William H, baker, bds 241 Federal
Weilder Jacob, laborer, h 8 Cross
Weinienski Stein, moulder, h 15 George
Weinmann John, saloon, 239 N Clinton av, h do
WEIR ELERIDGE G, civil engineer and surveyor; also engineer for the borough of Morrisville; Pa, 105 E State, h 21 Yard av
Weir Ensley A, adv mgr Trenton Times, h 230 E Front
Weir Ida M, wid John, res 17 Lamberton
Weiss Julius, gardener State Hospital, res do
Weirman Crawford L, barber, 660 Beatty, h 33 Adeline
Weirman Harry, potter, bds 3 Vanderveer ct
Weirs Charles R, teacher, bds 269 Spring
Weisgerber John, laborer, h Howell cor Dayton
Weisner Charles, potter, h 55 Perrine av
Weisner Joseph, laborer, h 109 Lexington
Weiss Albert, sawmaker, h 448 Genesee
Weiss Albert, laborer, bds 1001 S Clinton av
Weiss Charles, stonemason, h 1246 S Broad
Weiss Christina, wid David, res 26 Adeline
Weiss Ferdinand, wiredrawer, h 327 Fair
Weiss Frank B, shoemaker, 596 S Broad, h 403 Franklin
Weiss John, laborer, h 621 Adeline
Weiss John, laborer, h 67 Jersey
Weiss John jr, potter, h 621 Adeline
Weiss Joseph, galvanizer, h 623 Adeline
Weiss Joseph, laborer, h 219 Woodland
Weiss Joseph, potter, h 263 Morris av
Weiss Lucien, wiredrawer, h 214 Genesee
Weiss Mary, wid Paul, res 67 Jersey
Weiss Paul, printer, h 67 Jersey
Weissert Charles, shoemaker, 144 Rose, h do
Welch Ann, wid Edward, res 113 Turpin
Welch Leonard, laborer, h 13 Beaver
Welch Leonard jr, laborer, bds 13 Beaver
Welch Peter, laborer, h 560 Second
Welch Theodore B, laborer, h 39 Bellevue av
Welch Theodore C, laborer, bds 39 Bellevue av
Welch Thomas, laborer, bds 560 Second
Welcher Garrett J, bridgetender, h 823 S Warren
Welcher Jesse M, puddler, h 823 S Warren
Weld J Dana, salesman, h 16 N Warren
Welde Edward, rubberworker, h 240 Cummings av
Welde Emil, wirebundler, h 1102 Lamberton
Welde George, sup’t (Capital City Brewing Co), h 106 Taylor
Weldernon Rosie, wid August, h 330 Ferry
Weldey Gertrude, confectioner, 1102 Lamberton, res do
Weldey George, brewer, h 6 Taylor
Weldon Matthew, kindling wood, h 52 Asbury
Weldon Matthew jr, laborer, bds 52 Asbury
Weldon Michael, wiredrawer, bds 52 Asbury
Weldon Patrick, wireweaver, bds 52 Asbury
Weldy Albert L, saloon, 11 Centre, h do
Weldy Frederick, brewer, h 105 Dickinson
Weldy Thomas, laborer, bds 219 Allen
Welge Mary, wid Joseph, res 444 Centre
Welk John, potter, h r 555 Centre
Welke Stephen, laborer, h 113 Temple
Welkie Paul, rubberworker, h 144 Washington (Homedell)
Weller George H, (Hirem Weller’s Sons), h 115 W Hanover
Weller Harry H, (Hirem Weller’s Sons), h 305 Spring
WELLER’S HIREM SONS, (Harry H; William E; George H and Lester R), shipyard and coal, 462 Brunswick av and 234 ½ E State
Weller Lester R, (Hirem Weller’s Sons), h 116 Spring
Weller Sarah, wid Hirem, res 450 Brunswick av
Weller William E, (Hirem Weller’s Sons), bds 165 Brunswick av
Welley Richard, moulder, bds 227 Second
Welley Samuel, ironworker, h 227 Second
Welling Helen K, wid Joseph T, res 439 Bellevue av
Welling Isaac H, salesman, h 440 Rutherford av
Wells Carrie, wid Walter, res 115 S Montgomery
Wells Charles, clerk, h 23 Southard
Wells Charles, kilnman, h 1232 S Clinton av
Wells Charles B, grocer, 32 Pike al, h do
Wells E Stanton, potter, bds 38 Bank
Wells Frank, rubberworker, h 581 Centre
Wells Joseph M, physician, h 922 Edgewood av
Wells Seth B, engineer, h 536 Adeline
Wells William, woolenworker, bds 160 Hamilton av
Wells William A, clerk, h 92 Spring
Welsh Charles, laborer, h 178 Hancock av
Welsh Daniel J, wiredrawer, h 113 Turpin
Welsh Henry, potter, h 9 Prince
Welsh James, potter, bds 174 Houghton av
Welsh John, wellborer, 1328 S Clinton av, h do
Welsh John, wholesale candy, 137 Fulton, h do
Welsh John T, potter, h 576 Centre
Welsh Mary E, wid Michael, res 6 Prince
Welsh Michael, laborer, bds 105 Calhoun
Welsh Michael, machinist, h 36 West
Welsh Michael, potter, bds 576 Centre
Welsh Michael J, grocer, 106 Breunig av, h do
Welsh Nicholas, ironworker, h 635 Bridge
Welsh Patrick, plumber, bds 113 Turpin
Welsh Peter S, potter, h 255 N Clinton av
Welsh Richard jr, electrician, h 316 Hewitt
Welsh Thomas, saggermaker, bds 504 Lamberton
Welsh William, potter, h 231 Allen
Wemmer William N, plumber, r 13 E State; also 108 S Warren, h do
Wendel Hugo Rev, h 12 Livingston
Wendt August, laborer, h 814 S Clinton av
WENGERT ANTHONY, shaving and hairdressing parlors, 15 E Front, h do
Wengert Edward, barber, bds 144 E Front
Wengert Edward J, barber, bds 144 E Front
Wengert Henry A, barber, 127 S Warren, h do
Wenjel Frederick, potter, h 40 Sweets av
Wenkel William, saloon, 1 Davies, h do
Wennerstrom Charles, machinist, h 109 Division
Wennerstrom John, paver, h 634 Roebling av
Wenrich Joseph F, riveter, bds 806 Lamberton
Wentworth George, laborer, h 119 Howell
Wentworth George P L, carpenter, h 79 Mulberry
Wentworth James F, machinist, h 257 Clay
Wentz Christopher, retired, h 220 Jackson
Wentz Georgiana, wid Christian, res 131 Fulton
Wentz John, rubberworker, h 131 Ferry
Wentz John, laborer, h 1128 Pennsylvania av
Wentz Samuel, wiredrawer, h 131 Fulton
Wenzel Charles, laborer, h 509 Second
Wenzel Ernest, butcher, 1157 Oak
Wenzel Frederick, clerk, h 46 Sweets av
Wenzel Frederick sr, clerk, bds 102 Centre
WENZEL GEORGE, (Daymond & Wenzel); also grocer; meat market and pork packer, Centre cor Ferry, h 102 Centre
Wenzel George J, clerk, bds 102 Centre
Wenzel Lewis, laborer, h 112 New Rose
Wenzel William, butcher, h 70 Hart av
Werkheiser John N, engineer, h 120 Lamberton
Werkheiser Luther B, janitor, h 120 Lamberton
Werkner Sigmund, decorator, h 227 Kossuth
Werneke Frederick W, carpenter, h 343 Brunswick av
Werner August, bartender, h 40 1/2 W Lafayette
Werner Herman, ins collector, h 150 Ashmore av
Werner Joseph, laborer, h 615 Lamberton
Werner Randholt, decorator, bds 150 Ashmore av
Werog Andrew, wiredrawer, h 35 Howard
Werr Anthony, wiredrawer, h 19 Orange
Wert Harry W, laborer, bds 71 Pennington av
Werts Laura A, wid Cornelius, res 9 N Stockton
Werts Thomas, blacksmith, bds 467 Stuyvesant av
Wertz Frank, blacksmith, h 55 Decatur
Wertz Jediah, railroader, h 11 Walnut av
Wertz William H, carpenter, h Liberty n Chambers
Wertz William H, fireman, h 20 Commerce
West Abigail, wid William, res 632 W State
West Albert S, clerk, bds 254 Jackson
West Anna, art goods, 104 E Hanover, res do
West Charles, truckman, bds 219 Walnut av
West Charles B, clerk, bds 26 Bayard
West Cornelia J, dressmaker, res 26 Bayard
West Eliza, wid John, res 706 S Clinton av
West Frederick, rubberworker, h 32 Hermitage av
West George W, driver, h 42 Wall
West Harvey, motorman, bds 751 Centre
West Henry R, potter, h 45 Rose
West Horace E, lineman, h 17 Cumberland
West Irving, baker,h 23 Grand
West Isidore, private school, 524 Bridge, h 141 Centre
West James, insurance solicitor, h 422 Ferry
West James W, compositor, h 422 Ferry
West J Oscar B, (Zimri West & Son), h West Orange; N J
West Job, restaurant, 334 N Broad, h do
West John T, laborer, h 516 W Hanover
West Lewis, clerk, bds 324 Calhoun
West Lizzie B, music teacher, res 141 Centre
West Martha McK, wid James G, res 359 Hamilton av
West Mary J, wid George R, res r 418 Princeton av
West Merton S, clerk, bds 508 E State
West Samuel, h 804 Chestnut av
West Theresa, wid William F, res 17 Cumberland
West Thomas J, restaurant, 108 S Clinton av, h do
West Walter, (Walter West & Co), h 106 Greenwood av
WEST WALTER & CO, (Walter West; Frank W Muschert and Andrew C Reeves), wholesale grocers, 106 N Stockton opp Hanover
West William, potter, bds r 418 Princeton av
West William B, saloon, 324 Calhoun, h do
West William M, h 330 S Broad
West William T, h 508 E State
West Zephaniah, clerk, h 117 Morris av
West Zimri, (Z West & Son), h West Orange; N J
West Zimri & Son, (J Oscar B), cracker bakers, 410 Beatty
Westcott Robert M, ins collector, bds 36 W State
Westenburger Frank G, decorator, h 155 Passaic
Westenburger John, ins collector, h 38 Rose
West End Baptist Mission, Philemon
West End Boarding House, 140 W State
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, (Clinton J Swartz; mgr), State cor Warren
Westfall Louis, laborer, h 336 Jersey
Weston Elsa, wid Wardell, res 206 Hamilton av
Weston Ella M, teacher, res 206 Hamilton av
Weston George, cigarmaker, h 206 Hamilton av
Weston Isaac, kilnman, h 334 N Clinton av
Weston Isaac, potter, h 54 Poplar
Weston Joseph, plumber, bds 206 Hamilton av
Weston Richard, potter, h 639 Chambers
Weterson John, laborer, h 235 Allen
Weth Andrew, blacksmith, h 285 Hill’s al
Wetherill Joseph P, laborer, h 548 Hudson
Wetherill Paint Co, Woolverton av
WETTENGEL WILLIAM, musical instruments, 633 Bridge, h do
Wetzel Albert, blacksmith, h 124 Home av
Weyer Henry A, engineer, h 23 Marion
Weymann John, carpenter, h 8 West
Whalen Catharine, housekeeper, res 369 Brunswick av
Whalen Charles, fireman, h 332 Union
Whalen Edward, laborer, h 367 Brunswick av
Whalen James, driver, h 22 Passaic
Whalen Matthew, potter, bds 521 Mulberry
Whalen Patrick, moulder, h 50 Wilson
Whalen Thomas, chainmaker, h 56 Cooper
Whartenby Walter, printer, h 40 Walter av
Wharton Benjamin, ironworker, h 233 Elmer
Wharton Charles M, brakeman, h 143 Old Rose
Wharton Edward F, potter, h 1116 Anderson
Wharton Henry, painter, h 765 Centre
Wharton Henry M, farmer, h Broad St Park
Wharton Jennie E, dressmaker, res 319 Monmouth
Wharton Samuel R, carpenter, h 201 Mott
Wharton T Cheston, conductor, h 868 E State
Wharton William, produce (Wash mkt), res Morrisville
Wharton William H, painter, h 765 Centre
Wharton William J, farmer, h Broad St Park
Whayland Charles, clerk, h 249 Mercer
Whayland Wesley A, delivery, h 31 Cooper
Wheat Edward, butcher, h 20 Olden av
Wheat Edward T, clerk, h 20 Olden av
Wheat Herbert, engineer, h 141 Hamilton av
Wheat William, salesman, bds 318 Perry
Wheatland Frank L, bookkeeper, res Trenton House
Wheatley John, driver, bds 25 Clark
Wheatley Joseph, laborer, bds 25 Clark
Wheatley Patrick, laborer, h 25 Clark
Wheatley Thomas, potter, h 110 Jefferson
Wheatley William, wiredrawer, h 25 Clark
Wheeler Clarence L, superintendent, h 45 Model av
Wheeler Edward, driver, bds 212 N Feeder
Wheeler Frank, engineer, bds 22 Cooper
Wheeler George D, prison deputy, bds 19 Kent
WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO, (Thomas Campbell; manager), 108 E Hanover
Wheeling Adeline, baker, 156 N Broad, res do
Whelan Abbie, wid John, h 10 Sanford
Whelan Annie, wid Dennis, res 11 Grand
Whelan Charles M, plumber, h 1423 S Clinton av
Whelan Dennis, potter, h 11 Grand
Whelan Edward, potter, bds 27 Fillmore
Whelan Edward, potter, bds 369 Brunswick av
Whelan George, plumber, bds 1234 S Broad
Whelan John, driver, bds 10 Sanford
Whelan John H, potter, h 326 W Hanover
Whelan Mary, dressmaker, res 369 Brunswick av
Whelan Mary, wid Michael, res 27 Fillmore
Whelan Matthew, potter, h 11 Grand
Whelan Thomas, potter, bds 27 Fillmore
Whelan Walter, shoemaker, h 1234 S Broad
Whelan William, laborer, h 44 Asbury
Whidden George W, h 143 Cooper
Whildey Alonzo, (Cooper & Whildey), h 209 Clay
Whildey Annie E, wid Clet R, res 416 Third
Whildey Emma, wid Harry C, res 229 Bayard
Whildey George, moulder, h 12 Whittaker av
Whildey Sarah J, wid Lewis, res 121 Kent
Whildey William, kilnman, bds 209 Clay
Whitcomb Eugene E, musician, h 101 Pashley av
White Abraham, brakeman, bds 56 Chestnut av
White Adelaide, cigars, 421 Federal, res do
White Agnes, stenographer State Hospital, res city
White Alfred, carpenter, h 209 Hamilton av
White Alfred M C, laborer, bds 344 S Warren
White Anthony M, produce (Wash mkt), res Dolington; Pa
White Austin, railroader, h 17 Walnut av
White Bridget, wid Thomas, res 23 Market
White Charles, rubberworker, h 324 Rutherford av
White Charles, printer, h 569 Centre
White Charles, laborer, res Brookville
White Edgar A, carpenter, h 8 Lewis
White Edmund, real estate, h 108 Spring
White Edmund C, foreman, h 209 Jackson
White Edward, rubberworker, h 10 Southard
White Elias S, expressman, h 344 S Warren
White Frank, teas and coffees, 146 E State, bds 132 E Hanover
White George C, machinist, bds 308 Union
White Harry E, laborer, h- 307 Woodland
White Harry G, salesman, h 55 Tucker
White Hattie, res 124 Allen
White Hope V, confectioner, 501 Chestnut av, res do
White Howard, bds 209 Hamilton av
White James M, grocer, 59 Passaic, h 309 Spring
White Jane, wid Francis, res 83 Carroll
White John, painter, h 130 W Front
White John F, huckster, bds 83 Carroll
White Joseph, motorman, bds 123 Lamberton
White Juseph, shoemaker, 21 Anderson, h do
White Joseph T, student, h 1150 Lamberton
White Joseph W, painter, res Brookville
White Josephine, wid William, res 110 S Broad
White Lewis H, conductor, h 33 Anderson
White Lizzie H, dressmaker, res 53 Model av
White Marshall T, clerk, h 225 N Clinton av
White Mary, res 9 Cook Pl
White Nathan, tinsmith, h 532 S Warren
White Oliver, carpenter, h 22 Bayard
White Peter, driver, h 47 Bond
White Phoebe, wid John, res 20 Decatur
White Robert, laborer State Hospital, res do
White Robert M, laborer, h 620 Centre
White Samuel C, railroader, h 20 Chapel
White Samuel C, machinist, h 308 Union
White Samuel K, railroader, h Broad St Park
White Samuel P, engineer, bds 416 Third
White Sarah, wid Joseph, res 416 Third
White Sarah J, wid Benjamin, res 37 Southard
White Shelley S, expressman, bds 344 S Warren
White Stephen, conductor, h 822 Centre
White Susan D, wid Isaac, res 58 Bayard
White Thomas, stonecutter, h Lyndale av (Villa Park)
White Thomas, bookkeeper, h 410 Roebling av
White Thomas M, principal, h 944 Lamberton
White William, printer, h 110 S Broad
White William B, driver, h 20 Decatur
White William H, (White & Son), h 266 Spring
White William H & Son, (William J), hardware, 112 N Broad
White William J, (White & Son), bds 266 Spring
White William J, h 208 Prospect
White William T, steward,bds 30 Barnes
White Winfield H, rubberworker, h 217 Fulton
Whitehead Alfred, (Whitehead Bros’ Rubber Co), res Millham Junction
Whitehead Bros’ Rubber Co, adj creek n P R R
Whitehead C Louis, (Providential Tile Works), h 502 W State
Whitehead Charles W, plumber, h Quinton av (Villa Park)
Whitehead Edward, superintendent, h 407 Market
Whitehead Edward J, potter, h 225 Dickinson
Whitehead Emma C, vocal teacher, res 502 W State
Whitehead Frederick, h 28 Model av
Whitehead George, railroader, h 117 Washington
Whitehead Harvey, machinist, h 46 Fountain av
Whitehead Harvey, clerk, h 52 W State
Whitehead Howard C, clerk, bds 136 N Clinton av
Whitehead John, potter, h 242 N Broad
Whitehead Martha, wid James, res 217 S Clinton av
Whitehead Richard R, (Whitehead Bros Rubber Co), h 136 N Clinton av
Whitehead Robert V, bookkeeper, bds 52 W State
Whitehead Thomas, real estate, h 35 Butler
Whitehead William R, pres’t (American L & B Co), h 218 Greenwood av
WHITEHOUSE EDWARD, grocer, 1130 S Broad, h do
Whitehouse Ernest, wiredrawer, h 155 Tremont
Whitehouse Samuel, blacksmith, h 645 Second
Whitehouse Samuel E, laborer, h 155 Tremont
Whitesell Harry, compositor, h 338 Pennington av
Whitfield William B, wiredrawer, h 33 Walnut av
Whitley Joseph, engineer, h 482 Stuyvesant av
Whitley Sarah A, wid Joseph, res Lalor opp Beatty
Whitlock Abraham, expressman, h 151 Rose
Whitlock Elmer J, carpenter, bds 19 Chapel
Whitlock Isaac, restaurant, 304 Brunswick av, h do
Whitlock John C, sexton, h 19 Chapel
Whitlock Theodore, carpenter, bds 304 Brunswick av
Whitlock William, driver, h 501 Centre
Whitney Carl, moulder, h 247 Mercer
Whitney Chester M, teacher, bds 235 Bayard
Whittaker Andrew B, packer, bds 213 Emory av
Whittaker Caroline, res 603 Centre
Whittaker Elizabeth, res 342 N Clinton av
Whittaker Elmer, carpenter, bds 213 Emoryav
Whittaker George, laborer, h 343 Brunswick av
WHITTAKER GEORGE R, real estate; also sec’y and treas Riverview Cemetery, 202 Hamilton av, h 324 do
Whittaker George W, engineer, h 151 Sherman av
Whittaker George W jr, engineer, bds 151 Sherman av
Whittaker Harry D, potter, h 225 Cummings av
Whittaker Helen, res 603 Centre
Whittaker James, janitor, h 223 Fall
Whittaker Jennie S, dressmaker, 407 N Montgamery, res do
Whittaker John H, supt (Riverview Cemetery), h 864 Centre
Whittaker John J, laborer, bds 213 Emory av
Whittaker John T, insurance, bds 324 Hamilton av
Whittaker Joseph D, potter, h 233 Morris av
Whittaker Joseph T, engineer, h 407 N Montgomery
Whittaker Margeret, wid Albert, res 207 S Broad
Whittaker Martha, millinery, 342 N Clinton av
Whittaker Mary P, wid William J, res 213 Emory av
Whittaker Mary, res 39 W State
Whittaker Mary A, res 603 Centre
Whittaker Peter, watchman, h 35 Asbury
Whittaker Richard M, brass moulder, h 1005 E State
Whittaker Thomas A, carpenter, h 202 E Front
Whittaker William, carpenter, h 10 Bond
Whittaker William, potter, h 246 Cummings av
Whittle Hannah, dry goods, 570 S Warren, res do
Whittle John, bds 570 S Warren
WHITTLESEY MILLS, general agent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, 301 Chestnut av, h do
Wholey Cornelius, cigars, 217 Southard, h do
Wiatt William, paperhanger, bds 448 Woodland
Wibianisky John, laborer, h 32 Water
Wiche Moses, laborer, h 86 Quarry al
Wichinsky Vincent, laborer, h 129 Turpin
Wickes Charles, agent, h 47 S Olden av
Wickham Charles H, civil engineer, bds 36 Model av
Wickfield William, potter, h 16 E Lafayette
Widing Charles E, blacksmith, bds 531 Emory av
Widing John, bds 614 Roebling av
WIDING JOHN E, harness maker, 316 Perry, h do
Widing William, h 614 Roebling av
Widing William, h 531 Emory av
Widmann Charles W, groundlayer, h 212 Fall
Widmann Louis, patternmaker, bds 493 S Broad
Widows’ and Single Women’s Home, 111 W Front
Wiedemann Martin, blacksmith, h 501 Emory av
Wieger Joseph, potter, h 55 Sweets av
Wiejack Andrew, laborer, h 47 Hancock av
Wieland Frederick, diesinker, bds 97 Lamberton
Wiesner Henry, cabinetmaker, h 180 Jefferson
Wiessman Henry, kilnman, h 52 New Rose
Wigley John W, foreman, h 763 E State
Wigley Robert E, decorator, h 60 Anderson
Wigley William H, decorator, bds 763 E State
Wigner Michael, laborer, h 29 Dale
Wikoff Jesse, weaver, bds 474 Genesee
Wikoff Percy H, clerk, bds 118 Spring
Wilber Joseph F, foreman, bds 236 Dickinson
Wilbert Charles, laborer, h 771 Beatty
Wilbert Christian, laborer, h 605 Lamberton
Wilbur Charles, laborer, bds 652 N Clinton av
Wilbur Harry W, freight handler, bds 126 Olden av
Wilcox John, railroader, bds 303 Walnut av
WILCOX JOHN H, salesman, h 204 Calhoun
Wilcox Vestus P, instructor, h 633 Cass
Wilcox William, potter, h 28 Paul av
Wildblood Arthur F, sanitary presser, h 476 Walnut av
Wildblood Caroline, wid Jacob, res 241 Mercer
Wildblood Edwin E, laborer, h 241 Mercer
Wildblood Elias E, potter, bds 241 Mercer
Wildblood Frederick F, potters’ supplies; &c, 236 N Clinton av, h do
Wildblood Jacob H, potter, h 241 Mercer
Wildblood John J, potter, h 12 Morris av
Wilde Frederick H, superintendent, h 215 S Clinton av
Wilde William, sanitary presser, bds 127 Dickinson
Wilde William, wiredrawer, h 294 Third
Wildey Mary, wid Charles, res 416 Third
Wiles Rachael, wid Benjamin, res 263 Church
Wiley Alice D, teacher, res 229 S Clinton av
Wiley David, potter, h 248 Allen
Wiley Elmer, watchmaker, h 66 Anderson
Wiley Garrett, rubberworker, h 826 Pennsylvania av
Wiley Isaac W, harnessmaker, 18 E Hanover, h 229 S Clinton av
Wiley J K & Co, (John Drechsler), patent medicines, 135 N Broad
Wiley John K, (J K Wiley & Co), res Baltimore; Md
Wiley Thomas S, machinist, h 66 Bayard
Wilgus John C, electrician, bds 122 Landing
Wilke Cornelius, moulder, bds 308 N Clinton av
Wilke William, ironworker, h 7 Cummings av
Wilkes Aaron Post Rooms, 12 S Broad
Wilkes Christopher, machinist, h 114 N Overbrook av
Wilkes Daniel, machinist, h 33 Clark
Wilkes Edward, plumber, bds 262 Clay
Wilkes Harry H, machinist, h 208 Second
Wilkes John, laborer, h 555 Centre
Wilkes John E, machinist, h 206 Second
Wilkes John C, h 29 Lewis
Wilkes Joseph, machinist, h 262 Clay
Wilkes Joseph, machinist, bds 300 S Clinton av
WILKES MOSES, machinist and builder, r 204 Second, h 204 do
Wilkes Paul, h 51 Southard
Wilkes Peter, machinist, h 30 Tyler
Wilkes Susan F, wid Peter, res 51 Southard
Wilkes William, plumber, h 135 Boudinot
Wilkie James, superintendent, h 1238 E State
Wilking Charles D, machinist, bds 170 W Hanover
Wilking Margaret, wid Jacob, res 170 W Hanover
Wilkinson Andrew, fire dep’t, h 29 Market
Wilkinson Arthur, potter, bds 637 Chambers
Wilkinson Edward, laborer, bds 134 Case
Wilkinson George B, polisher, h 280 Rutherford av
Wilkinson Jesse C, potter, h 95 Franklin (Homedell)
Wilkinson John, laborer, bds 15 Lamberton
Wilkinson Joseph P, retired, bds 95 Franklin (Homedell)
Wilkinson Hahlon, kilnman, h 339 Centre
Wilkinson Mary F, wid Bryan C, res r Phileman
Wilkinson Ogden D, real estate, 18 E State, res Philadelphia
Wilkinson Thomas, woolsorter, bds 129 Lamberton
Wilkinson William, tilemaker, h 22 Olden av
Wilkinson William H, locksmith, 139 Hamilton av, h do
Wiles George D, flint and spar, res Hotel Windsor
Willets Daniel, (Willets Mfg Co), h 309 Chestnut av
Willets Edmund, salesman, bds 309 Chestnut av
Willets Edmund B, (Willets Mfg Co), h 219 Greenwood av
Willets Joseph, (Willets Mfg Co), h 321 Greenwood av
Willets Mfg Co, (Jos Willets; pres’t), china and earthenware, Southard cor Canal
Willets William G, engineer, h 304 Lamberton
Willever Charles E, carpenter, h 420 Liberty
Willever Frank C, tinsmith,h 1327 S Clinton av
Willever Frederick, wireworker, bds 1015 Chestnut av
Willever John C, foreman, h 1015 Chestnut av
Willever Lillian M, wid Joseph W, res 322 Elmer
Willever William E, carpenter, h 418 Liberty
Willey Caleb B, teamster, h Lafayette av (Broad St Park)
Willey E S & Bro, (J Edgar), lumber, Broad St Park
Willey Edwin E, butcher, 158 Kent, h 156 do
Willey Eugene S, (E S Willey & Bro), h Broad St Park
Willey Howard S, bookkeeper, h 247 Lafayette av
Willey J Edgar, (E S Wiley & Bro), h Broad St Park
Willey Sallie, dressmaker, 156 Kent, res do
Willey Walter J, carpenter, h 117 Woodland
Williams Abner S, commercial traveler, h 432 Emory av
Williams Achsah, dressmaker, res 467 Princeton av
Williams Albert, conductor, bds 609 Second
Williams Albert E, watchmaker, bds 432 Emory av
WILLIAMS ALBERT F, wholesale and retail jeweler, 23 E State, h do
Williams Albert J, cigarmaker, bds 1051 S Broad
Williams Anne, wid Frank, res 17 Taylor al
Williams Anthony S, driver, h 1106 Lamberton
WILLIAMS ANTHONY T, boots; shoes and rubbers, 139 N Broad, h 265 Spring
Williams Augustus, laborer, h 1106 Lamberton
Williams Augustus, potter, bds 227 William
Williams Charles, driver, h 727 Whittaker av
Williams Charles H, (Skillman; Vanderveer & Williams), h 54 N Stockton
Williams Charles H, bookkeeper, bds 113 Centre
Williams Charles W, laborer, h 165 Rose
Williams Curles T, treas (Reeves Machine Co), h 231 Perry
Williams Curles T jr, patternmaker, bds 49 Olden av
Williams David, chainmaker, bds 1060 S Broad
Williams David, farmer, bds 1102 Genesee
Williams David E, rubberworker, h 28 Mechanics av
Williams David B, cigarmaker, h Cleveland av
Williams Edward, decorator, h 816 Mulberry
Williams Edward, laborer, h 614 Mulberry
Williams Edward F, rubberworker, h 18 Mechanics av
Williams Elizabeth, teacher, res 113 Centre
Williams Ethel, dressmaker, res 246 Church
WILLIAMS FRANK H, physician, 101 Greenwood av, h do
Williams Frank W, coachman State Hospital, res do
Williams Frederick, huckster, h 13 Pennington av
Williams George, laborer, h 611 Cass
Williams George, ropemaker, h 636 Adeline
Williams George jr, laborer, h Hamilton av ab Logan av
Williams Harriet A, wid John S, res 132 Passaic
Williams Harry, chainmaker, bds 1060 S Broad
Williams Harvey H, huckster, h 326 Rusling
Williams Henry, laborer, bds 152 Hogarty al
Williams Henry, potter, h 134 Morgan
Williams Herbert D, mattressmaker, bds 132 Passaic
Williams Isaac S, painter, h 118 Allen
Williams J E & Co, (Martin D Hicks; mgr), dry goods, 208 S Broad
Williams J Edgar, (J E Williams & Co), res Verona; N J
Williams James, machinist, bds 33 Dale
Williams James, warehouseman, h 224 Genesee
Williams James R, bds 980 E State
Williams Joel C, rubberworker, h 39 N Hermitage av
Williams John, farmer, h 36 Humboldt
Williams John D, locktender, bds 739 Centre
Williams John H, carpenter, h 114 Franklin
Williams John K, laborer, h 417 Market
Williams John P, plumber, h 148 Passaic
Williams John S, plumber, bds 132 Passaic
Williams Joseph, butcher, h 137 Spring
Williams Joseph jr, bookkeeper, h 325 Spring
Williams Joseph H, laborer, h 1106 Lamberton
Williams Lewis C, millwright, h 17 Thompson
WILLIAMS LEWIS R, city assessor, h 113 Centre
Williams Maggie, wid Frank, res 29 Fountain av
Williams Maltina, wid Lemuel, res 23 Summer
Williams Margaret, wid Thomas, res 341 Academy
Williams Margaret J, notary public, res 417 Market
Williams Mary, res 18 Decatur
WILLIAMS MARLIN C, jeweler, 314 Centre, h do
Williams Nehemiah, chainmaker, bds 1060 S Broad
Williams Nellie, res 70 Prince
Williams Pierce, kilnman, h 719 Pine
Williams Raymond, laborer, bds 165 Rose
Williams Richard, kilnman, h 227 William
Williams Richard, weighmaster, bds 224 Genesee
Williams Richard F, potter, h 636 Adeline
Williams Rose, wid Nehemiah, res 1060 S Broad
Williams Sadie W, music teacher, res 416 Rutherford av
Williams Samuel, photographer, 535 N Clinton av, h do
Williams Samuel B, potter, h 142 Kent
Williams Sarah, wid Joseph, res Henry (Deutzville)
Williams Thomas H, sawmaker, h 613 Adeline
Williams Walter, clerk, bds 265 Spring
Williams Walter, laborer, h 611 Cass
Williams Walter, laborer, h 465 1/2 Centre
Williams William, carpenter, h 859 Chambers
Williams William, clerk, h 214 Pearl
Williams William, laborer, h 518 St Joes av
Williams William, constable, h 1051 S Broad
Williams William jr, agent, h 707 Centre
Williams William jr, kilnman, h 518 St Joes av
Williams William A, carpenter, h 837 Chambers
Williams William A, potter, h 1106 Lamberton
Williams William H, driver, h 535 N Clinton av
Williams William H, locksmith, bds 104 Chestnut av
WILLIAMSON & CODY, (George M Williamson and John Cody jr), furniture; carpets and bedding, 118 N Broad
Williamson David E, rubberworker, h Emmett av (Villa Pk)
Williamson George, foreman, h 107 Olden av
Williamson George M, (Williamson & Cody), h 213 E Front
Williamson George W, mason, h 118 Overbrook av
Williamson Grace, typewriter, res 115 Tyler
Williamson Harriet, wid Henry, res 5 Barclay
Williamson Harry, driver, h 124 Kirkbride
Williamson John D, commercial traveler, bds 43 W State
Williamson Lewis, clerk, bds 141 Perry
Williamson Mary V, typewriter, res 115 Tyler
Williamson Samuel L, baggageman, h 132 Bayard
Williamson Walter W, bookkeeper, h 213 E Front
Williamson William K, driver, h Kirkbride
Willis John, foreman, h 154 Division
Willis Joseph A, flagman, h 7 Hampton
Willis Sarah Mrs, res 229 N Broad
Willis William T, watchman, h 78 Hart av
Willoughby Samuel J, laborer, h 583 Second
Wills Walker, potter, h 19 Commerce
Willvert Leroy, laborer, h 340 N Clinton av
Wilmer Daniel F, saloon, 260 N Warren, h do
Wilmerton Ruth A, wid Hall, res 245 Mercer
Wilmore Frank R, (Morris & Wilmore), h Greenwood av car Norway av
Wilmot Clarence, clerk, bds 213 E Front
Wilner Edward E, lather, h 229 Church
Wilner Edward E jr, lather, bds 229 Church
Wilson Abdon B, machinist, bds 403 Elmer
Wilson Abdon L, miller, h 403 Elmer
Wilson Ahab, carpenter, bds 201 S Warren
Wilson Albert C D, (J H Wilson & Co), bds 109 Perry
Wilson Albert G, moulder, bds 1085 S Clinton av
Wilson Albert L, steamfitter, bds 1008 S Clinton av
Wilson Alexander, watchmaker, h 404 Roebling av
Wilson Alfred, bookkeeper, h 697 Centre
Wilson Alfred, brickmaker, bds 158 Frazier
Wilson Alfred L, musician, bds 1008 S Clinton av
Wilson Alice R, music teacher, 41 Carroll, res do
Wilson Allan R, draughtsman, h 25 Conrad
Wilson Amos P, moulder, bds 122 Lalor
Wilson Asher, milk ilealer, 250 E Hanover, h do
Wilson Augustine, butcher, bds 31 Charles
Wilson Augustus, carpenter, h 64 Bayard
WILSON BENJAMIN A, law student, h 541 Roebling av
Wilson Charles, paver, h 1011 Anderson
Wilson Charles, h 435 Lamberton
Wilson Charles H, waiter, bds W Hanover and canal
Wilson Charles J, laborer, rids 401 Elmer
Wilson Clara, school teacher, res 697 Centre
Wilson Clara Mrs, nurse, res 45 Yard av
WILSON CLARENCE D, music teacher (organist Central Baptist Church; thorough instruction on the piano; organ and theory), 136 W Hanover, h do
Wilson Clark, whitewasher, h 9 Barnes
Wilson & Combs, (Walter A Wilson and Charles W Combs), butchers, 301 Hudson
Wilson David B, salesman, h 151 Brunswick av
Wilson David H, h 122 Lalor
WILSON E CLIFFORD, (Wilson’s Carpet Store), carpets; oil; cloths; furniture; &c, 20 E State, h 15 Southard
Wilson Elizabeth Mrs, res 135 Allen
Wilson Emma, wid Robert, res 306 N Broad
Wilson Frank, baker, h 720 S Warren
Wilson Frank C, driver, h 435 W Hanover
Wilson Frank H, (James H Wilson & Co), bds 109 Perry
Wilson Frederick L, collector, bds 1326 S Clinton av
Wilson Frederick S, salesman, h 319 E State
Wilson George, h 40 Houghton av
Wilson George, laborer, h 50 Hart av
Wilson George, laborer, h 15 Oak
Wilson George, railroader, h 419 Monmouth
Wilson George, laborer, h 9 Taylor al
Wilson George A, butcher, bds 31 Charles
Wilson George F, sup’t (Mercer Hospital), h 22 S Clinton av
Wilson George M, engineer, h 41 Carroll
Wilson George S, moulder, bds 1085 S Clinton av
Wilson George W, rubberworker, h 42 Houghton av
Wilson Harry,car inspector, bds 124 Bridge
Wilson Henry, clerk, h 127 Cooper
Wilson Harry, moulder, bds 1085 S Clinton av
Wilson Harry H, clerk, bds 122 Passaic
Wilson Henry H, manager, h 1326 S Clinton av
Wilson Harry L, mattressmaker, bds 1326 S Clinton av
Wilson Harry S, manager, bds 22 S Clinton av
Wilson Harry W H, paperhanger, h 7 S Warren
Wilson Isaac, carpenter, bds 538 Adeline
Wilson Isaac, presser, h 36 Oak
Wilson Isaac R Mrs, res 141 Academy
WILSON J H & CO, (James H and Albert C D), wallpaper, 9 S Warren
Wilson James H, (J H Wilson & Co), h 109 Perry
Wilson James J, (Wilson & Stokes Lumber Co), h 514 E State
Wilson James J, clerk, h 13 S Warren
Wilson John, carpenter, bds 4 Woodland
Wilson John, laborer, h 5 Taylor al
Wilson John, moulder, h 1085 S Clinton av
Wilson John, railroader, bds 234 Mercer
Wilson John, tailor, h 140 S Broad
Wilson John, upholsterer, 820 Anderson, h do
Wilson John A, electrician, h 109 Rusling
Wilson John D, bds 109 Perry
Wilson John G, U S A, bds 207 Franklin (Homedell)
Wilson John H, rubberworker, h 40 Houghton av
Wilson John J, stairbuilder, bds 238 Spring
Wilson John M, clerk, bds 106 Chambers
Wilson Joseph, potter, h 134 Jefferson
Wilson Joseph K, driver, h 1017 Chestnut av
Wilson Joseph S, watchmaker, 685 S Broad, h do
Wilson Kendrick R, machinist, h 235 Centre
Wilson Laura, res 45 Montgomery pl
Wilson Lizzie, dressmaker, 520 Bridge, res 571 Ferry
Wilson Lott P, carpenter, h 128 Butler
Wilson Louise, res 13 Ewing
Wilson Mary, wid William H, res 1008 S Clinton av
Wilson Mary E, stenographer, res 13 Ewing
Wilson Mary M, res 136 W Hanover
Wilson Matilda, wid Israel, res 203 Butler
Wilson M L, wid Welsey E, res 42 N Clinton av
Wilson Paul, railroader, bds 46 Passaic
Wilson Peter, laborer, h r 304 W Hanover
Wilson Phoebe, wid George, res 517 Calhoun
Wilson Richard P, (Wilson & Stokes; also Wilson & Stokes Lumber Co), h 202 S Broad
Wilson Richard S, clerk district court, h 104 S Overbrook av
Wilson Samuel E, bookkeeper, bds 22 S Clinton av
Wilson Samuel J, coremaker, h 140 Ferry
WILSON SAMUEL K, (Wilson’s Woolen Mills), Fair n Mill, Factory opp Cooper, h 212 Greenwood av
Wilson Samuel S, bookkeeper, h 15 Carroll
Wilson Sarah C, dressmaker, res 31 Anderson
Wilson Susan, wid William, res 308 N Montgomery
WILSON & STOKES, (Richard P Wilson and William J B Stokes), wholesale and retail dealers in manufacturing and domestic coals, 651 to 675 S Broad
WILSON & STOKES LUMBER CO, (Richard P Wilson; William J B Stokes and James J Wilson), wholesale and retail dealers in lumber, 651 to 675 S Broad
Wilson Thomas F, h 1053 S Clinton av
Wilson Van, chainnaker, h S Broad n Liberty
Wilson Walter A, (Wilson & Combs), h 301 Hudson
Wilson Walter P, compositor, h 476 W Hanover
Wilson Walter S, truckman, h 98 Ewing
Wilson William, conductor, bds 751 Centre
Wilson William, laborer, h 47 Poplar
Wilson William, potter, h 40 Houghton av
Wilson William, rubberworker, bds 522 N Clinton av
Wilson William, telegrapher, bds 31 Anderson
Wilson William jr, laborer, h 49 Poplar
Wilson William P, foreman, h 1008 S Clinton av
Wilson William R, peddler, h 207 E Franklin (Homedell)
Wilson William S, painter, h 541 Roebling av
Wilton Thomas B, grocer, Sheridan av cor Seward av, h do
Wimpenny Arnold, student, h 548 Centre
Wimpenny Boothloyd, manager, h 548 Centre
Wimpenny Sutherland, clerk, bds 548 Centre
Winans Julia, wid Thomas, res 42 W State
Winans Olive E B, wid Louis, res 18 Yard av
Winant Ellwood, manager, 459 Princeton av, h do
Wind William, potter, h 33 N Stockton
Winder Charles C, patternmaker, h 27 Walter av
Winder Fannie A, millinery, 434 S Broad, res do
Winder James B, modeler, h 300 Rutherford av
Winder James W, apprentice, bds 300 Rutherford av
Winder John B, huckster, h 1230 S Clinton av
Winder Mary, wid William, res 300 Rutherford av
Winder Phoebe T, wid Theodore, res 434 S Broad
Winder Rebecca A, wid James B, res 115 Centre
Winder Theodore E, bds 434 S Broad
Windsor Edward, potter, h 26 Klagg av
WINDSOR WAREHOUSE, (Fitzcharles & Melrose), dry goods; cloaks and notions, 117 and 119 E State
Windsor John H, potter, h 34 Taylor
Wineberg & Koslaw, (Morris Wineberg and Philip Koslaw), dry goods, 81 Jersey
Wineberg Morris, (Wineberg & Koslaw), h 81 Jersey
Wineland Mary E, wid William, res 147 Jackson
Winemore Annie, wid John, res 1022 Ohio av
Winemore John W, decorator, bds 1022 Ohio av
Winemore John L, student, bds 1022 Ohio av
Winfield Louis, clerk, bds 20 Spring
Wing Sing, laundry, 160 N Willow
Winkle George, potter, h 41 Anderson
Winkle William, potter, bds 41 Anderson
WINKLER ALBERT, leader Second Regiment band; also freeholder, h 33 W Front
Winkler Clarence A, machinist, h 27 Hanford pl
Winkler Emil, musician, h Maple av (Hillcrest)
Winkler Frank A, musician, h 206 W Hanover
Winkler George E, musician, bds Maple av (Hillcrest)
Winkler Gustave, piano mfr, 21 S Warren, h Hillcrest
Winkler Harry E, musician, bds Maple av (Hillcrest)
Winkler Sophia, wid Gotwald, res Hillcrest av (Hillcrest)
Winkler William, piano tuner, 10 E State, h Hillcrest
Winner Clarence, chainmaker, bds 111 Union
Winner Samuel, rubberworker, bds 666 S Broad
Winstanley William, dry goods, 344 N Clinton av, h do
Winston Diana, wid Robert, res 414 Reservoir
Winter Charles M, barkeeper, h 8 S Willow
Winter John, h 756 Centre
Winter William R, machinist, bds 756 Centre
Wintersgill Ralph, potter, bds 162 S Stockton
Wire Michael, ironworker, h 45 Asbury
Wirth Emily, varieties, 508 Liberty, res do
Wirth Otto, rubberworker, h 316 E Trenton av
Wirtschafter Henry, dry goods, 25-27 S Broad, h do
Wise E B, ins collector, bds 36 W State
Wise John, laborer, h 902 Princeton av
Wise Valentine, laborer, h 36 Randall av
Wiseman Jacob, 5 and 10c store, 724 S Broad, h do
Wiseman John, clerk, bds 122 Ashmore av
Wiseman Samuel, student, bds 268 Clay
Wiseman Samuel D, teacher, h 268 Clay
Wiseman Scott, student, bds 268 Clay
Wiser Alan, laborer, h 19 Exton av
Wishart Alfred W Rev, h 116 N Stockton
Wishart Peter, painter, h 317 Second
Wismer Edward, railroader, bds 151 Walnut av
Wismer Edward W, rubberworker, h 75 Cooper
Wismer Henry, laborer, bds 28 High
Wismer Hugh, flagman, h 28 High
Witham James W, handler, bds 165 Brunswick av
Witham Samuel, fire dept, h 24 Philemon
Withee William W, (Trenton F B Co), res La Crosse; Wis
Withers John, moulder, h 138 Tremont
Withers Oscar, waiter, h 63 Gordon
Witherup Emeline B, res 216 E Hanover
Witmer D F, saloon, 260 N Warren, h do
Witt Anthony F, laborer, h 44 Girard av
Witt Charles, potter, h 542 N Clinton av
Witte Eugene B, physician, 425 E State, h do
Wittenberg August, galvanizer, h 12 West
Wittenberg Caroline, dressmaker, 12 West, res do
Wittenborn Anna, waitress State Hospital, res do
Wittenborn David T, clerk, bds 705 S Broad
Wittenborn Frederick, laborer, bds 820 S Clinton av
Wittenborn Frederick J, grocer, 1201 Anderson, h do
Wittenborn Frederick T, h 705 S Broad
Wittenborn John, laborer, h 820 S Clinton av
Wittenborn Robert G, upholsterer, 106 Centre, h 505 Ferry
Witter Harrison R, tinsmith, h Walnut av cor S Olden av
Witter Hugh R, foreman, h 851 E State
Witter Henry R, saloon, 301 Walnut av h do
Witter Joseph W, barkeeper, bds 301 Walnut av
Witterkind Peter, presser, h 330 Jersey
Witthoefft Charles F, laborer, h 1616 S Clinton av
Witzel Albert, cigars, 124 Home av, h do
Witzel Genevieve, wid Henry, res 33 Brown
Witzel Henry, potter, h 33 Brown
Witiel John, potter, h 349 Rusling
Witzel Joseph, h 822 Liberty
Witzgall Caspar, mason, h 321 Cummings av
Wobush Stephen, laborer, h 117 Jennie
Woehrer Charles J, student, bds 124 N Warren
Woerner Charles J, retired, h 644 S Broad
Woerner Charles jr, leather; &c, 149 S Broad, bds 644 do
Woerner Gustav, laborer, h 731 Beatty
Wohlfather Anthony, mason, h 10 Pennington av
Wolcott Augustus M, stonecutter, h 46 Ewing
Wolcott Carliss N, employe State Hospital, res do
Wolcott M Mrs, nurse, res 212 N Broad
Wolcott Vernon, employe State Hospital, res do
Wolcott William A, kilnman, h 31 New Rose
Wolf August, fireman, h 1101 S Broad
Wolf Charles, farmer, h 337 Garfield av
Wolf Elizabeth, wid Martin, res 529 Roebling av
Wolf Francis J, musician, bds 400 Roebling av
Wolf Frederick, wiredrawer, h 321 Morris av
WOLF GERTRUDE L, agent (Agricultural Insurance Co; L & O Dep’t), 400 and 402 Roebling av, res do
Wolf Harry H, laborer, h 231 Cummings av
Wolf Herman, ropemaker, h 219 Cummings av
Wolf J Scott, machinist, bds Charles
Wolf John E, watchmaker, h 471 Chestnut av
Wolf John M jr, wholesale grocer, 23 S Warren, h do
Wolf Julius, laborer, h 321 Morris av
Wolf Lewis, carpenter, h 768 Beatty
Wolf Martin, rubberworker, h Johnston av
Wolf Paul G, mason, h 630 Anderson
Wolf Peter, h 995 S Broad’
Wolf Reinhold, band leader, h 402 Roebling av
Wolf Stephen, laborer, h 492 Huston al
Wolf William, potter, h 232 Cummings av
Wolff D & Co, clothing, 134 S Broad
Wolfinger Frank, potter, bds 713 Bridge
Wolfinger Harry, polisher, bds 711 Bridge
Wolfinger Irwin P, manager, h 820 E State
Wolfram May, res 134 W State
Wolfson Bernard V, (Wolfson’s Sons), bds 137 E Hanover
Wolfson’s A Sons (Bernard V and Sol S), clothiers, 7 S Broad
Wolfson Sol S, (Wolfson’s Sons), h 137 E Hanover
Wolpert Andrew, cigarmaker, h 52 Murray
Wolpert Joseph T, cabinetmaker, h 147 Philemon
Wolverton Amanda, wid William H, res Randall av
Wolverton Charles, rubberworker, h 8 Prince
Wolverton Charles P, engineer, bds 516 Whittaker av
Wolverton Ellen, wid William, res 8 Prince
Wolverton Gabriel, harnessmaker, h 227 Emory av
Wolverton George, fireman, bds 516 Whittaker av
Wolverton George S, carpenter, h 34 Cumberland
Wolverton Harry, harness, 958 S Broad, h 227 Emory av
Wolverton John W, laborer, h 70 Prince
Wolverton Philip R, carpenter, h 516 Whittaker av
Wolverton Reading R, laborer, h 70 Prince
Wolverton Tilden J, barber, 509 Perry, h do
Wolverton William, carpenter, h 314 W Hanover
Wombaugh Horace A, bds 30 Walnut av
Wombaugh Howell M, warehouseman, h 30 Walnut av
Wombaugh John, potter, h 13 Thompson
Wombaugh John L, harnessmaker, h 1207 Chestnut av
Wombaugh Montgomery H, printer, h 30 Walnut av
Wombaugh Sullivan, boxmaker, h 120 Allen
Wombwell Charles, manager, h 163 Mercer
Wombwell Charles B, decorator, bds 163 Mercer
Wombwell Frederick G, asst sup’t, bds 163 Mercer
WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, circulating library and free reading room; lecture hall; &c, E State n post office
Women’s Exchange; The, 7 W State
Wood Albert, bricklayer, h 1036 S Broad
Wood Albert H, painter, h 315 Academy
Wood Alfred, decorator, h 256 Walnut av
Wood Alfred, laborer, bds 8 Barnes
Wood Anna, res 249 Elmer
Wood Arthur, rubberworker, h 33 Sherman av
Wood Arthur H, bank cashier, h 264 Jackson
Wood A S Mrs, notions, 214 Brunswick av, res do
Wood Barton H, mason, h 154 S Stockton
Wood Benjamin F, carpenter, h 45 Peace
Wood & Biles, (William J Wood and Daniel V Biles), Central Bicycle Co, 121 S Broad
Wood Cassie B, res 420 E State
Wood Charles, grocer, 133 Dickinson, h do
Wood Charles F, potter, h 104 William
Wood Charles H, clerk, h 25 Cumberland
Wood Charles H, engineer, h Hewitt (Deutzville)
Wood Charles H, kilnman, h 59 1/2 Rose
Wood Clara B, wid Charles B, res 347 Perry
Wood Eckert, grinder, h 820 Liberty
Wood Edgar M, wiredrawer, h 337 S Warren
Wood Edmund, (Henry Wood’s Sons), h 224 Chestnut av
Wood Edward P, helper, h 107 Walnut av
Wood Edward S, lawyer, 140 E State, h 138 do
Wood Edwin, sanitary presser, h 223 Brunswick av
Wood Eliza, res 232 N Warren
Wood Elmer B, mason, h 587 Second
Wood Esther, res 115 E State
Wood Ethelbert, clerk, h 1030 S Broad
Wood Frederick J, rubberworker, h 140 Sherman av
Wood George, (Henry Wood’s Sons), h 117 E Hanover
Wood George H, potter, h 761 E State
Wood George H, marblecutter, h 214 Brunswick av
Wood George M, rubberworker, bds 219 Brunswick av
Wood George O, laborer, h 1519 S Clinton av
Wood George W, modeler, h 915 Carteret av
Wood George W, packer, h 114 N Willow
Wood Harry, potter, h 60 Fountain av
Wood Harry A, lettercarrier, h Hanford pl
Wood Henry, laborer, h 1314 S Clinton av
WOOD’S HENRY SONS, (Edmund and George), iron and steel, 15 N Warren
Wood Horace, coal and ice, 518 Hudson, h do
Wood Horace M, printer, h 337 S Warren
Wood Ira W, counselor-at-law, 140 E State, h 138 do
Wood Isaac T, counselor-at-law, 140 E State, h 438 do
Wood J Henry, coal dealer, h 28 Philemon
Wood J Howard, clerk, bds 347 Perry
Wood James, clerk, h 50 N Stockton
Wood James, rubberworker, h 547 N Clinton av
Wood James W, butcher, bds 240 N Willow
Wood John, laborer, bds 820 Liberty
Wood John, potter, h 140 Sherman av
Wood John, saloon, 320 N Clinton av, h do
Wood John E, taxidermist, h 1109 Anderson
Wood John W, potter, h 21 1/2 New Rose
Wood Joseph, potter, h 547 N Clinton av
Wood Joseph, tailor, 243 N Clinton av, h do
Wood Joseph F, rubberworker, h 33 Sherman av
Wood Joseph W, clerk, bds 126 Olden av
Wood Lottie, wid Charles, res 21 1/2 New Rose
Wood Mary, wid Michael, res 547 N Clinton av
Wood Mary E, wid Richard E, res 231 Church
Wood Mary H, wid Edward, res 331 Spring
Wood Mary J, res 115 E State
Wood Richard E M Mrs, res 231 Church
Wood Robert L, collector, bds 45 Pearl
Wood Samuel, machinist, bds 34 Sheridan av
Wood Sarah, res 115 E State
Wood Sarah, wid George, res 33 Sherman av
Wood Shreve Q, engineer, h Durand av (Deutzville)
Wood Stephen, kilnman, h 25 Oak
Wood Susanna C, soothing syrup, res 121 S Broad
Wood Thomas H, potter, h 55 Butler
Wood William, h Brunswick av (Slackwood)
Wood William, kilnman, h 47 Hart av
Wood William, mason, h 823 S Broad
Wood William, potter, h 587 Second
Wood William C, tea agent, h 351 Academy
Wood William H, selector, h 84 Perrine av
Wood William H, kilnman, h 478 Stuyvesant av
Wood William H jr, potter, bds 478 Stuyvesant av
Wood William J, kilnman, h 555 S Clinton av
Wood William J, men’s furnisher;also Biles & Wood, 121 S Broad, h do
Wood William J jr, machinist, bds 555 S Clinton av
Wood William M J, student, bds 25 Cumberland
Wood William P, h 138 E State
Woodfint John, groundlayer, bds 1041 Indiana av
Woodford James, laborer, bds 1 Taylor al
Woodhead William, potter, h 1027 Indiana av
Woodhouse Alfred, student, bds 831 W State
Woodhouse Chain Works, (William Woodhouse; prop), Third and Schenck
Woodhouse John H, foreman, h 52 Division
Woodhouse Thomas T, bookkeeper, h 123 Bayard
Woodhouse William, (chain works), h 841 W State
WOODHOUSE WILLIAM JR, advertising and business writing, h 713 W State
Woodington George, railroader, bds 19 Walnut
Woodington Harry, railroader, h 27 Hampton
WOODLAND J ELSTON, sup’t; also notary public (The Prudential Insurance Co), h 928 Berkeley av
Woodring Frank L, laborer, bds 113 Adeline
Woodruff Clarence W, grocer, 341 Monmouth, h 801 Carteret av
Woodruff Edwin F, insurance, h 237 E Hanover
Woodruff Elizabeth, teacher, res 228 E Hanover
Woodruff Harry F, paperhanger, h 305 Hudson
Woodruff Isaac P, h 807 E State
Woodruff J Harry, clerk, bds 15 Yard av
WOODRUFF ROBERT S, counselor-at-law, 137 E State, h 228 E Hanover
Woodruff Thomas C, shipping clerk, h 136 Brunswick av
Woodruff Thomas C, clerk, h 769 E State
Woodruff Willard H, printer, h 209 Passaic
Woodruff William D, clerk, h 15 Yard av
Woodruff William S, res American House
Woods Ellis, tinsmith, h 62 Anderson
Woodson George, laborer, h 1122 Princeton av
Woodward Amos M, clerk, bds 133 Passaic
Woodward Andrew H, potter, bds 133 Passaic
Woodward Andrew R, h 133 Passaic
Woodward Benjamin M, milk dealer, h 408 Rutherford av
Woodward Clara, res 110 S Willow
Woodward Emma L, res 225 E Hanover
Woodward John, confectioner, 1322 S Clinton av, h do
Woodward William, fireman, h 117 Olden av
WOODWORTH O & CO, 5 and 10-cent store, 110 S Broad
Woodworth Oscar, (O Woodworth & Co), h 229 E Hanover
Woolbridge George, potter, h 159 S Rose
Woolbridge James, kilnman, h 403 Breunig av
Wooley Albert B, h 689 Centre
Wooley Anna B, teacher, res 126 Centre
Wooley Catharine, wid Joseph, res 528 S Warren
Wooley Christopher C, chainmaker, h 450 Genesee
Wooley Edgar, machinist, bds 127 Brunswick av
Wooley Edmund C, bookbinder, bds 574 Centre
Wooley Edmund H, jeweler, h 574 Centre
Wooley Elizabeth, wid Charles, 1425 S Clinton av
Wooley Elmer J, laundryman, h 19 Livingston
Wooley Frank C, shipping clerk, bds 126 Centre
Wooley Henry, jeweler, bds 574 Centre
Wooley James H, jeweler, bds 574 Centre
Wooley James Spencer, bundler, h 923 S Broad
Wooley John, woolenworker, h 25 Decatur
Wooley Leon C, rollturner, h 206 Roebling av
Wooley Lewis C, principal, h 136 E Front
Wooley Samuel, driver, h 20 Landing
Wooley Samuel J, h 172 Division
Wooley Sarah J, wid James R, res 126 Centre
Wooley Wesley B, policeman, h 125 Chancery
Wooley William C, h 702 Second
Wooliver John, wooldresser, bds 538 Second
Woolley Charles, driver, h 76 Quarry al
Woolley Harrison J, cigarmaker, bds 19 N Olden av
Woolley Harry B, decorator, h 31 Bank
Woolley John, weaver, h 25 Decatur
Woolley Paul, tailor, h r 326 E State
Woolman Sarah, wid Samuel, res 507 Market
Woolsey Margaret, teacher, res 453 Chestnut av
Woolsey Peter, collector, bds 319 Market
Woolston Amos, milkman, h 255 Hamilton av
Woolston Charlotte, wid Michael, res 222 Mercer
Woolston Edgar H, foreman, h 222 Mercer
Woolston Joseph B, rubberworker, h 75 Breunig av
Woolston Louis C, painter, h 29 Montgomery pl
Woolston Sarah A, wid Joshua S, res 75 Breunig av
Woolston Thomas B, agent, h 140 Jackson
Woolston William A, boatbuilder, h 20 Sweets av
Woolverton A Frank, rubberworker, h 348 St Joes av
Woolverton Anna C, wid Edwin V C, res 413 E State
Woolverton Benjamin, laborer, h 28 Exton av
Woolverton Emma M, res 348 St Joes av
Woolverton Gabriel jr, asst sup’t, h 40 N Overbrook av
Woolverton Jacob, driver, bds 524 Market
Woolverton Jacob P, teamster, h 1415 Liberty
WOOLVERTON JAMES I, dentist, 123 N Stockton, h do
Woolverton John E, dentist, 124 W State, h do
Woolverton William, potter, h 498 Calhoun
Woolverton William J, grocer, 128 E Trenton av, h do
Woolweaver Abram, clerk, bds 249 Walnut av
Woolweaver William, clerk, h 55 Franklin
Wooten David E, clerk, bds 55 Fountain av
Wooten Ernest D, clerk, bds 55 Fountain av
Wooten Mary, wid Levi, res 55 Fountain av
Wooten William H, sanitary presser, h 49 Walter av
Wormser Moses, manager, h 439 Princeton av
Worob Morris, dry goods, 338 St Joes av, h do
Worob Stephen, shoemaker, 213 Ferry, h do
Worrell Charles W, driver, h 113 Brunswick av
Worth Colin N, foreman, h 873 Chambers
Worth George I, teamster, h 1352 S Broad
Worth Isaac, h 1113 S Clinton av
Worth John S, brass polisher, h 24 Exton av
Worth John W, (Hayes & Worth), h 51 Greenwood av
Worth Theodore, mason, h 65 Bond
Worth Thomas, laborer, bds 1113 S Clinton av
Worth Thomas, tinsmith, h 954 Ohio av
Worth William H, cigarmaker, h 57 Bellevue av
Worth William T, tinsmith, h 1037 Indiana av
Worthington Albanus L, (Worthington & Van Cleef; also United Ice Co), h 421 E State
WORTHINGTON ANTHONY H, physician, 110 W State, h do
Worthington Clifford A, clerk, h 421 E State
Worthington & Co, real estate, 22 Perry
Worthington Edgar J, laborer, bds 153 Rose
Worthington Elizabeth, boarding, 104 W Front, res do
Worthington Harry, clerk, h 104 W Front
Worthington Henry R, physician, 110 W State, h do
Worthington Jacob W, janitor, h Hart av n R R
Worthington J Sterling, clerk, bds 421 E State
Worthington Kate, restaurant, 238 N Willow, res do
Worthington May, bookkeeper, res 230 Passaic
Worthington Samuel R, rubberworker, bds 15 New Rose
WORTHINGTON & VAN CLEEF, (Albanus L Worthington and John T Van Cleef), insurance; law and real estate, 135 E State
Worthington William J, railroader, h 153 Rose
Worthington William H, rubberworker, h 15 New Rose
Worthley Charles, laborer, bds N Clinton av cor Perry
Worrilow Benjamin F, driver, h 236 E Front
Wortley Harry C, clerk, h 521 S Warren
Wortley Malinda, wid William C, h 521 S Warren
Wosiski Peter, laborer, h 274 Cortlandt
Wozchynski John, laborer, h 33 Asbury
Wrick Thomas J, foreman, h 137 Academy
Wriggins Thomas P, manager, h 800 Edgewood av
Wright Alexander, potter, h 62 W Lafayette
Wright Alfred, potter, h 144 Humboldt
Wright Alfred H, engineer, h 61 Clark
Wright Amanda, wid James, res 16 Carroll
Wright Anna J, dressmaker, res 202 Clay
Wright Charles W, artist, h 108 E Hanover
Wright Charles W, manager, h 38 S Clinton av
Wright Clarkson, blacksmith, h 135 Lamberton
Wright Daniel W, carpenter, bds 327 Tyler
Wright David W, builder, h 225 Tyler
Wright Ella S, (Stevenson & Wright), res Burlington
Wright Elmer E, prison deputy, h 55 Spring
Wright Euphemia M, wid Nathaniel, res 237 Jackson
Wright Florence, res 343 Academy
Wright Frank C, h S Broad n Cedar la
Wright George, potter, h 854 Fairmount av (Villa Park)
Wright George B, carriage painter, h 219 Church
Wright George J, bds 248 Jackson
Wright Hannah H, wid Edward, res 31 Lamberton
Wright Harry, driver, bds 56 Pennington av
Wright Harry C, clerk, bds 133 Mercer
Wright Harry D, clerk, bds 37 Marion
Wright Harry S, real estate, bds 11 Perry
Wright Isabel, wid Aaron S, res 24 Southard
Wright James C, dentist, 385 Clinton av, h do
Wright Jane C, wid Joel B, res 121 N Montgomery
Wright John, sup’t (Fidelity Cold Storage), h 365 Hamilton av
Wright John H, salesman, bds 225 Tyler
Wright John M, blacksmith, h 590 Chestnut av
Wright John W, salesman, h 133 Mercer
Wright Joseph B, (Joseph B Wright & Son), h 335 Bellevue av
WRIGHT JOSEPH B & SON, (Joseph H), insurance and real estate, 15 W State
Wright Joseph H, (Joseph B Wright & Son), h 335 Bellevue av
Wright Katie, wid Samuel, res 56 Pennington av
Wright Lemuel, collector, h 38 S Clinton av
Wright Lewis H, grocer, Market cor Lamberton, h 138 Lamberton
Wright Lucius R, variety store, 16 E Hanover, h do
Wright Marcia M, school principal, res 345 Perry
Wright Mary A, res 799 E State
Wright Mary A, bds 331 Fair
Wright Minnie S, dressmaker, h 202 Clay
Wright Nettie, teacher, res 345 Perry
Wright Nomer J Rev, h 237 Jackson
Wright Orville C, cashier, h 16 Carroll
Wright Orville E, clerk, bds 237 Jackson
Wright Preston, waiter, h 75 Bellevue av
Wright Rebecca, res 19 Taylor al
Wright Rebecca, wid Arthur, res 88 Quarry al
Wright Rebecca W, wid Henry, res 75 Bellevue av
Wright Richard, driver, h 145 Lamberton
Wright Robert J, potter, h 14 Washington
Wright Samuel T, butcher, h 111 William
Wright Vernon G, engineer, h 121 N Montgomery
Wright Warren W, tobacconist, 341 Fair, h do
Wright William, porter, bds 133 Mercer
Wright William M, bookkeeper State Comptroller’s office, res Princeton
Wrzauowski Frank, potter, h 150 Rossell
Wrzauowski John, potter, bds 150 Rossell
Wunke Theodore, decorator, h 182 Anderson
Wurfflein Andrew, clerk, h 44 Livingston
Wurfflein Peter E, reporter, h 44 Livingston
Wurtenburger George, laborer, h 848 Centre
WURTS GEORGE, Secretary of State, res Paterson
Wyckoff Andrew, barber, h 1010 Anderson
Wyckoff Augustus, driver, h 56 Poplar
Wyckoff Charles, carpenter, bds 474 Genesee
Wyckoff Edward P, (J S Wyckoff & Son), h 44 W Lafayette
Wyckoff Eva A, wid Barton, res 160 S Stockton
Wyckoff George B, driver, h 716 S Warren
Wyckoff Howard E, clerk, bds 308 Hudson
Wyckoff J S Son, (Jacob S and Edward F), horseshoers, E Front cor Stockton
Wyckoff Jacob S, (J S Wyckoff & Son), h 205 S Warren
Wyckoff John, butcher, bds 540 Perry
Wyckoff John, tinsmith, h 241 Perry
Wyckoff John H, blacksmith, h 226 N Broad
Wyckoff Louis, blacksmith, h 205 S Warren
Wyckoff Rachel H Mrs, res 237 Centre
Wyckoff Raymond, laborer, h 42 Pennington av
Wyckoff Rebecca, wid James H, res 1137 S Clinton av
Wyckoff Richard, manager, h 308 Hudson
Wyckoff William V, bookkeeper, bds 250 N Warren
Wyckoff William W, physician, h 12 N Warren
Wyco John, ironworker, h 315 Genesee
Wylie Alfred J, tinsmith, h 246 Bellevue av
Wylie George T, rubberworker, bds 612 New Willow
Wylie James C, rubberworker, h 163 Rose
Wylie Martin, baker, bds 394 Brunswick av
Wylie Matilda, wid Frank, res 316 Elmer
Wylie William, rubberworker, h 612 New Willow
Wynder Edward, laborer, h 534 N Clinton av
Wynn William H, employe State Hospital, res do
Wythman James W, potter, bds 165 Brunswick av
Yacht Club, (Jack W Stokes), 108 Bridge
Yaesko Joseph, laborer, h 53 Asbury
Yago Joseph, grocer, 62 Ferrier av, h do
Yago Yara, barber, 85 Klagg av, h do
Yakchy John, laborer, h r 331 Second
YARD ALEXANDER C, real estate, 144 E State, also postmaster, h 519 E State
Yard Ann C, widGeorge L, res 19 Yard av
Yard Emory N, h 50 Yard av
Yard’s Exchange, (G P Yard), 306 E State
Yard Frank, mason, bds 137 Morris av
YARD FRED B, ladies’ furnishing goods, 4-6 N Broad, h 940 Berkeley av
Yard George B, (Yard’s Exchange); also civil engineer, 306 E State, h 222 Greenwood av
Yard George H, justice of the peace, h 450 S Broad
Yard George R B, tinsmith, bds 78 Lamberton
Yard Isaac M, clerk, h 38 Wall
Yard J Herbert, livery, 114 S Broad, h 29 Lafayette
Yard John A, moulder, h 137 Morris av
Yard John A jr, laborer, bds 137 Morris av
Yard John S, architect, h 571 S Broad
Yard John S, laborer, bds 141 Prospect
Yard Lena H, dressmaker, res 19 Yard av
Yard Nahor B, real estate, h 859 E State
Yard Pearson W, physician, 727 S Broad, h do
Yard Sarah E, wid Charles E, res 78 Lamberton
Yard William A, bds 54 S Olden av
Yard William C, foreman, h 18 Emory av
Yard William F, paper box factory, 125 S Stockton, h 19 Yard av
Yard William H, paying teller, h 132 E Hanover
Yard William S, h 132 E Hanover
Yardley Charles T, printer, h 32 Grant av
Yardley Henry, chainmaker, h 1316 S Clinton av
Yates Bessie, res 221 Hudson
Yates Caroline, wid William, res 101 Spring
Yates Edward P, driver, h 8 Titus av
Yates Elizabeth A, wid William B, res 109 Cooper
Yates Francis, potter, h 115 Butler
Yates Harry H, ironworker, h 712 Division
Yates Herbert, potter, h 232 Morris av
Yates James, potter, bds 115 Butler
Yates John, potter, h 110 Elmer
Yates Joseph, decorator, h 253 Morris av
Yates Joseph, newsdealer, bds 115 Butler
Yates Joseph, potter, bds 32 Sheridan av
Yates Joseph H, bds 306 Perry
Yates Melvin A, wiredrawer, h 259 Mercer
Yates Ralph L, clerk, h 109 Cooper
Yates Rowland F, grocer, 160 Lamberton, h 109 Cooper
Yates Stephen, machinist, h 613 Beatty
Yates Thomas, ironworker, h r 514 Hudson
Yates William H, fish; &c, 500 Hudson, h 413 do
Yeager Alexander, braider, bds 700 S Clinton av
Yeager Anna E, nurse, res 150 Monmouth
Yeager Arno, potter, h 22 1/2 Livingston
Yeager Edmund D, harnesemaker, bds 150 Monmouth
Yeager Joseph H, machinist, h 224 Fulton
Yeager Otto, potter, bds 22 1/2 Livingston
Yeager Peter, jiggerman, bds 31 E Lafayette
Yeager Peter, watchman, h 700 S Clinton av
Yeager Richard, machinist, h 476 Centre
Yeager Thomas C, rubberworker, h 150 Monmouth
Yee Mack, laundry, 403 Centre, h do
Yelland James, laborer, h 64 Hart av
Yellinger James F, railroader, h 22 Fillmore
Yemar Peter, laborer, h 71 Mott
YERKES ALFRED, cigars and smokers’ goods, 7 E State, h 60 Philemon
Yerkes Benjamin E, clerk, h 83 Philemon
Yetman George B, saloon, 1288 S Broad, h do
Yetman Lorenzo, manager, bds 1288 S Broad
Yetter Henry, carriage mfr, 24 E Lafayette, h Broad St Park
Yettor John, blacksmith, bds 330 Centre
Yetter Catherine, wid John, res 104 Centre
Yetter Mary, wid Charles, res 803 S Clinton av
Ying Charlie, laundry, 121 Spring, h do
Yobst Ferdinand, laborer, h 247 Second
Yoechner Caspar, grocer, 1003 Chambers, h do
Yoechner Emil, potter, bds 1003 Chambers
Yoechner W, foreman, res American House
Yohannan David, prop (Trenton Broom Co), h 121 Perry
Yook Mark, laundry, 304 1/2 S Broad, h do
Yopp Thomas, ropemaker, bds 353 Fair
Yost George, potter, bds 11 Barbara
Yost Morris E, flour hand, h 21 Cooper
Yost Sarah, wid John, res 11 Barbara
Yost William, kilnman, bds 11 Barbara
You Lem, laundry, 1 Philemon, h do
Youmans Charles, veterinary surgeon, h 23 Clark
Youmans George, compositor, h 721 Whittaker av
Youmans William B, potter, bds 23 Clark
Young Abraham, driver, h 102 William
Young Adam, confectioner, 84 Pennington av, h do
Young Alexander, laborer, h 517 Lamberton
Young Alexander K, superintendent, h 198 Brunswick av
Young Alfred, commercial traveler, h 69 Franklin
Young Andrew, baker, h 517 Lamberton
Young Andrew, shoemaker, h 810 E State
Young Bella, wid Charles, res 87 Lamberton
Young Catharine, dressmaker, res 207 E Front
Young Charles, mouldmaker, h 208 Brunswick av
Young Charles E, clerk, bds 130 S Broad
YOUNG CHARLES H, pharmacist, 600 Perry cor Southard, h do
Young Charles J, laborer, h 575 Frazier
Young Charles M, fireman, bds 810 E State
Young Daniel P, ironworker, bds 817 Lamberton
Young Edmund L, potter, bds 817 Lamberton
Young Edward, rubberworker, bds 130 S Broad
Young Edward, collector, h 425 Stuyvesant av
Young Elizabeth, music teacher, res 517 Lamberton
Young Frank B, brakeman, h 120 Fountain av
Young Frank B, salesman, h 800 Edgewood av
Young George, notions, Hart av cor Cross, h do
Young Harry, foreman, bds 456 W Hanover
Young Holloway H, teamster, h 571 S Clinton av
Young Isaac, stonecutter, h 109 Houghton av
Young J Albert, salesman, h 28 Carroll
Young Jacob, milkman, h Liberty n Olden av
Young Jacob W, teamster, h 317 Genesee
Young James, potter, h 36 Pennington av
Young John, potter, h 239 Kossuth
Young Joseph, ironworker, h 405 Bridge
Young Kate, dressmaker, res 11 Market
Young Kate, dressmaker, 207 E Front, res do
Young Lawrence E, ironworker, bds 817 Lamberton
Young Lawrence, baker, bds 446 Centre
Young Livingston W, barber, 524 S Clinton av, h Br’d St P’k
Young Margaret, wid Jacob, res 452 Lamberton
YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, (Lyman L Pierce; sec’y), 127 to 133 E State
Young Michael F, engraver, bds 817 Lamberton
Young Peter, laborer, bds 526 Perry
Young Richard, laborer, bds 456 W Hanover
Young Robert, laborer, h 817 Lamberton
Young Robert A, potter, bds 817 Lamberton
Young Samuel, carpenter, bds 129 Ashmore av
Young Samuel R, watchman, h 36 Poplar
Young Samuel S, machinist, bds 606 Perry
Young Sarah A, wid George, res 829 Carteret av
Young Sarah E, wid Richard, res 456 W Hanover
Young Theodore W, (W H Young & Co), h 246 W State
YOUNG W H & CO, (Willard H and Theodore W), wholesale and retail coal and wood, 325 Calhoun n Church
Young Willard H, (W H Young & Co), h 246 W State
Young William, h 606 Perry
Young William, laborer, h 114 Jennie
Young William, painter, h 125 S Willow
Young William E, potter, h 40 Hart av
Young William H, engineer, bds 28 Spring
Young William H, watchman, h 153 1/2 Rose
Young Williston, laborer, bds 571 S Clinton av
Yuncker Adolph, clock repairer, 26 Ogden, h do
Yunk Peter, laborer, h William (Broad St Park)
Yutz Joseph, baker, h 182 Locust
Zaerhinger Marie, res 206 E Front
Zahles Lewis, potter, h 10 Humboldt
Zambrano Joseph P, waiter, h 231 Kossuth
Zamoiski John, laborer, h 180 Sherman av
Zamoski Joseph, boots and shoes, 226 Klagg av, h do
Zandt Peter, laborer, h 80 Quarry al
Zanger William, grocer, 302 Franklin, h 300 do
Zapp Frederick, clerk, bds 198 Pennington av
Zarembea John, laborer, h 63 Hancock av
Zarowski Michael, laborer, h 311 Federal
Zatmann Joseph, laborer, h 74 Clark
Zatzarino Samuel, laborer, h 38 Clark
Zehner Charles, h 28 Southard
Zehner Edward H, candymaker, h Hudson cor Butler
Zehner John, asst foreman, h 68 Wall
Zehner Joseph, potter, bds 716 Beatty
Zehner Joseph A, brickmaker, h 98 Ewing
Zeiphie Robert, potter, h 715 Princeton av
Zeise Otto F, oil and gasoline, 14 Fountain av, h do
Zeiser John, salesman, h 222 W Hanover
Zeiss Joseph, fireman, h 233 Cummings av
Zeiss Victor, watchman, h 153 Jefferson
Zeliph Cornelius, laborer, h 135 Fulton
Zeliph Frederick, laborer, bds 135 Fulton
Zelley Francis H, pork dealer, h 115 Chambers
Zelley James R, butcher, 322 Perry, bds 324 do
Zelley James R, butcher, 322 Perry, h do
Zelley Lavinia, res 119 S Willow
Zelley Lewis, butcher, bds 324 Perry
Zeldt Joseph, peddler, h 43 Decatur
Zenker Charles L, clerk, bds 233 Bayard
Zenker Frederick W, potter, Cleveland av n E State
Zenker John W, roundsman, h 233 Bayard
Zenker Theodore, driver, h 127 Taylor
Zerko Andrew, laborer, h 9 Hancock av
Zerman Edward B, electrician, h 224 S Clinton av
Zerman George B, electrician, bds 360 Brunswick av
Zerman Joseph, butcher, 91 Union, h do
Zerman Thomas, clerk, res Barlow’s Hotel
Zerman Weistling, poultry, h 360 Brunswick av
Zerman William, telephone repairer, h 10 W Stockton
Zermandar Sylve, laborer, h 87 Clark
Zeron Samuel, potter, bds 128 Jefferson
Zeyvusitz Vitus, laborer, h 443 Woodland
Zickuhr Charles, brickmaker, h 57 Sweets av
Zickuhr Mary, wid Frederick, res 112 New Rose
Zickuhr William, driver, h 290 Rutherford av
Zickuhr William, laborer, h 53 Sweets av
Zickwolf Charles C, saloon, 1025 S Broad, h do
Zickwolf Henry C, saloon, 563 S Broad, h do
Zickwolf John E, ropemaker, bds 125 Landing
Zickwolf Regina, wid Conrad, res 1038 S Broad
Zickwolf William, ropemaker, h 220 Hewitt
Ziegler Adam, machinist, bds 107 Klagg av
Ziegler John, carpenter, h 17 Brown
Ziegler Joseph, ins collector, h 208 Fulton
Ziegler Peter, boots and shoes, 107 Klagg av, h do
Ziegler Philip, potter, bds 107 Klagg av
Ziegler Stephen, potter, h 22 Mechanics av
Ziegler William G, blacksmith, bds 37 Bank
Zielinski Albert, tailor, bds 653 Beatty
Zielinski Alexander, (Zielinski Bros), bds 653 Beatty
Zielinski Bros, (Theodore; Joseph; Alexander and John), tailors, 653 Beatty
Zielinski Frank, tailor, bds 235 Hill’s al
Zielinski John, (Zielinski Bros), bds 653 Beatty
Zielinski Joseph, (Zielinski Bros), bds 653 Beatty
Zielinski Theodore, (Zielinski Bros), bds 653 Beatty
Zigarske Emil, potter, bds 633 Second
Zigenfuss Charles, clerk, h 479 Genesee
Zigenfuss Elias, (Trenton Roller Mills), h 109 S Warren
Zigenfuss Mary, wid Henry, res 33 N Willow
Zigenfuss Samuel, (Trenton Roller Mills), h 976 S Broad
Zigrand William, decorator, h 101 Ashmore av
Zilstorf Gustav, wiredrawer, bds 102 1/2 Union
Zimmer Caroline, wid Carl, res 751 Second
Zimmer George A, bds 520 Federal
Zimmer Jacob J, potter,h 402 Union
Zimmer Jacob J, potter, h 1514 S Clinton av
Zimmerle Frederick, engineer, h 130 E Washington
Zimmerman Conrad, roller, h 179 Jersey
Zimmerman Hannah, res 70 Bellevue av
Zimmerman John, laborer, bds 114 Chestnut av
Zimmerman Marie R, wid Jacob, res 47 New Rose
Zimmerman Nicholas, laborer, h 411 Ferry
Zisgen Catherine, supervisor of music, res 446 Centre
Zisgen John B, baker, h 446 Centre
Zisgen Mary K, bookkeeper, res 446 Centre
Zisgen Peter, engraver, h 750 Centre
Zoda Sarafine, laborer, h 536 Phillips av
Zojoski Stanislaus, laborer, h 235 Hill’s al
Zoller John, steamfitter, h 225 Genesee
Zookovitz Harry L, manager, bds 221 1/2 Fall
Zubitsky Julian, baker, bds 759 Cass
Zuccarello Antonio, tobacconist, h 421 Bridge
Zuccarello John, pool, 95 S Clinton av, h 41 Asbury
Zuccarello Louis, tobacconist, 26 S Broad, h 20 Asbury
Zunser Jacob, frames, 155 S Broad, h do
Zurkatz John, laborer, h 42 Turpin
Zvaifler & Bash (George Zvaifler and Charles Bash), pictures, 182 S Broad
Zvaifler George, (Zvaifler & Bash), bds 148 Perry
Zwick Christian, wireworker, h 683 Second
Zwick Jacob, laborer, h 25 Second
Zwick John L, ropemaker, bds 683 Second
Zwig John, potter, 108 Cleveland av
Zwirlein Julius, saloon, 52 Pennington av
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