1900 TRENTON CITY DIRECTORY - Pace to Speizle Pace Jerrie, peddler, h 47 Lamberton Pachuta John, laborer, h 18 Furman Packer Alfred W, sergeant-at-arms D Ct, h 112 W Hanover Packer Augusta W, teacher, res 112 W Hanover Packer Collins L, prison deputy, h 314 S Clinton Packer Elisha D, driver, h 530 Perry Packer Gouverneur V, lawyer, 25 E State, h 201 S Clinton av Packer Julian G, clerk, h 79 N Clinton av Packer Melville K, engineer, h 50 Chestnut av Packer Peter P, compositor, h 10 N Willow PACKER SAMUEL B, stone dealer, 321 Perry, coal 430 do, h 79 N Clinton av Packer William D, grocer, 500 Emory av, h do Padderatz Christian, carpenter, h 210 Fulton Padderatz Christopher, laborer, h 822 Roebling av Padderatz Frederick, bds 103 Ashmore av Padderatz Fritz, laborer, h 319 William Padderatz John, h 103 Ashmore av Padderatz William, clerk, bds 103 Ashmore av Padderatz William, plumber, bds 319 William Paddock Frank, manager, h 52 N Stockton Paetzell Edward, railroader, bds 57 Rose PAFF B FRANK, grocer, 102 N Willow cor Hanover, h 58 W Hanover Paff Harry, clerk, h 468 W Hanover Paff William K, bookkeeper, h 824 Carteret av Paffe Florida, notions, 204 Centre, h do Paffe John L, machinist, bds 204 Centre Paffe William, tailor, h 204 Centre Paffe William J, potter, h 17 New Rose Paffe William J jr, potter, bds 17 Rose Page Anthony W, janitor, h 49 Cooper Page Elmer S, glazier, h Lafayette av (Broad St Park) Page Frederick, clerk, bds 230 W State PAGE GEORGE W, (with People’s Brewing Co); also saloon and freeholder, 963-965 New York av cor Mulberry, h do Page Harry, h Dolton’s Block Page Harry, rubberworker, bds 324 Perry Page Joseph B, warhouseman, h Lafayette av (B St Park) Page Samuel, barkeeper, bds 964 Mulberry Page Samuel, manager, h 106 N Broad Page Samuel B, h 164 Brunswick av Page William, saloon, 695 N Clinton av, h do Pagels Carl, laborer, h 744 Beatty Pakels Ernest, laborer, h Pashley av Pagliona Lonto, laborer, h 12 New Pahe Joseph, laborer, h 721 Cass Pahi Alexander, laborer, bds 40 Hancock av Pahre Lewis C, foreman, h 49 Oak Paine Frank, printer, bds 1117 Hamilton av Paine Joseph, machinist, bds 1117 Hamilton av Paine William, shoemaker, h 1117 Hamilton av Painter Calebbina, wid John E, res 285 Spring Painter George A, butcher, h 49 Olden av Painter William E, machinist, bds 190 Ingham av Palace; The, millinery, 42 E State Palanky Charles, wiredrawer, h 756 Roebling av Palinski Frank, barber, 43 Howard, h do Palinski Jacob, laborer, h 17 Randall av Palmer Abram, bds 318 Fair Palmer Adolphus H, laborer, h 25 Bank Palmer Albert L, patternmaker, h 621 Centre Palmer Alexander T, carpenter, h 621 Centre Palmer Caroline, res 10 Woodland Palmer Charles, ironworker, bds 22 Hampton av Palmer Claude A, potter, bds 175 Washington Palmer Edward, potter, bds 10 Woodland Palmer George M, potter bds 175 Washington Palmer George W, laborer, h 517 St Joes av Palmer Harriet, decorator, res 10 Woodland Palmer James, h 35 Union Palmer James, rubberworker, h 106 Sherman av Palmer James A, brakeman, h 116 Rose Palmer John, engineer, bds 444 N Clinton av Palmer John, laborer, h 107 Summer Palmer John G, photographer, 594 S Broad, h 22 Bank Palmer Joseph, potter, h 502 N Clinton av Palmer Joseph, driver, bds 75 Union Palmer Joseph B, driver, h 55 Cooper Palmer Kate, wid Benjamin, res 438 N Clinton av Palmer Milton, potter, bds 10 Woodland Palmer Richard, salesman, bds 162 Ashmore av Palmer Thomas, carder, bds 35 Union Palmer Thomas J, sanitary presser, h 203 Washington Palmer Warner, potter, h 159 Walnut av Palmer Willard E, farmer, h 331 Fair Palmer William J, potter, bds 175 Washington Palmer William S, laborer, h 175 Washington Palmosa John, laborer, h 16 Mott Pals John, kilnman, h 616 Adeline Palschewski Frank laborer h 56 Turpin Palsluk Constantine, laborer, h 258 Cortlandt Pancoast J Louis, carpenter, bds 314 S Broad Pancoast John F, butcher, 200 Hamilton av, h 310 S Clinton Pangborn Kate, nurse, res 126 N Stockton Papier & Levy, (Solomon Papier and Samuel Levy), merchant tailors, 126 S Broad Papier Philip, clerk, bds 28 E Front Papier Solomon, (Papier & Levy), h 218 E Front Papies Ignatz, laborer, h 350 St Joes av Parent Charles S, railroader, h 217 Walnut av Parent Edward, teamster, h 540 Hudson Parent George D, wheelwright, h 65 Spring Parent Harry M, huckster, h 417 Woodland Parent Horace D, wheelwright, h 65 Spring Parent John, cigars, 501 Perry, h do Parent John B, confectionery, 562 N Clinton av, h do Parent John D, laborer, bds 220 Woodland Parent William H S, machinist, h 220 Woodland Parichy Andrew, laborer, h 19 Hancock av Parichy Michael, laborer, bds 19 Hancock av Park James, tailor, h 18 Passaic Parke John H, milkman, h 448 Woodland Parker Aaron H, foreman, h 17 Second Parker Charles H, laborer, h 174 Jefferson Parker Charles J, driver, h 19 Second Parker Charles S, pork packer, 1040 S Clinton av, h 1037 do Parker Charlotte C, wid William H, res 56 Wall Parker Edwin A, clerk, h 23 Yard av Parker Frank B, clerk, bds 1032 S Clinton av Parker Frank B, railroader, bds 21 Barbara Parker George Mrs, res 237 Centre PARKER GEORGE H, physician, 420 E State, h do Parker George W, engineer, h 146 Hamilton av Parker George W jr, tinsmith, bds 146 Hamilton av Parker George W S, clerk, h 23 Yard av Parker Harry S, bridgetender, h 207 Prospect Parker Henry H, cider maker, h 120 Houghton av Parker Howard W, tinsmith, h r 114 Second Parker James A, potter, bds 42 Sherman av Parker Joseph G, bookeeper, h 1214 Anderson Parker Lambert J, carpenter, h 24 Barbara PAIXEK LEWIS, lawyer; also treas (Trenton Saving Fund Society), h 713 S Warren Parker Lewis, paperhanger, h 233 Bridge Parker Margaret B, teacher, res 56 Carroll Parker Martin M, bridge tender, h 613 S Broad Parker Mary, wid Charles, res 203 Hewitt Parker Mary A Mrs, res 56 Carroll Parker Sarah, wid George, res 237 Centre Parker W Bradford, bookkeeper, h 23 Yard av Parker William J, bookkeeper, bds 713 S Warren Parker William S, prison deputy, h 410 Hudson Parkes Elizabeth, wid Isaac, res 478 Huston al Parkin Frank P Rev, (State St M E Church), h 237 E State Parkinson Edward S, fire insurance, 144 E State, h 115 do Parkinson John, shoemaker, h 681 Lamberton Parkinson John, laborer, h 71 Cooper Parkinson John P, beamer, h 167 Lamberton Parkinson Michael, laborer, h 54 Asbury Parks Annie E, wid Garrett D, res 1026 S Broad Parks Garrett S, driver, bds 1026 S Broad Parks John C, oilcloth maker, h 219 Butler Parmele William L, machinist, h 906 Carteret av Parr Thomas, laborer, h 152 Lamberton PARRISH CHARLES W, carpenter and builder, 29 Morris av, h do Parrish Daniel D, grocer, 1215 Chestnut av, h do Parrish Elmer E, carpenter, h 121 Rusling Parrish Howard W, carpenter, h 1018 Division Parrish John M, jeweler, 1217 Chestnut av, h do Parry Theodore H, clerk, h 47 W Front Parry William W, granite cutter, bds 62 Prospect Parse Jacob D, iron worker, h Lafayette av (Broad St Park) Parse Mary W, wid Henry, res 411 Schiller av (Broad St Pk) Parson Albert, potter, h 29 Barclay Parson Charles B, clerk, bds 779 Centre Parson Daniel, driver, h 29 Wilson Parson George, potter, bds 33 Barclay Parson John L, asst city comptroller, h 314 E State Parson John W, potter, h 51 Bond Parson Walter, clerk, h 565 Centre Parsons Edward B, seed merchant, h 520 W State Parsons Frank, engineer, h 175 Brunswick av Parsons James, iron worker, h 136 Tremont Parsons Louis, concreter, h 66 Gordon Parsons Richard, clerk, bds 314 E State Parsons William, saw filer, h 139 Hamilton av Partsche John, laborer, h 39 Jersey Pascoe Mary A, wid John, res 206 Prospect Pashley Charles, farmer, h 53 Logan av Pashley William, trucker, h 187 Pennington av Past William, agent, h 65 Carroll Pastor Joseph, shoemaker, h 10 Woolverton av Pastor Julius, wire drawer, h 723 Cass Pastor Robert, laborer, h 381 Second Patcoski Peter, decorator, h 55 Girard av Patrick Herbert W, civil engineer, bds 303 E State Patrick Julius, laborer, h 835 Lamberton Patrick Mary, wid William, res 213 Pearl Patrick William F, paperhanger, bds 6 Tyrell av Patschkowski Martin, rubber worker, h 736 Beatty Patte Michael, laborer, h 205 Fair PATTERSON ALBERT R, pharmacist, 185 S Broad, h 309 do Patterson Charles, watchman, h 97 Clark PATTERSON CHARLES L, insurance and real estate; also auctioneer, 14 W State, h 219 E Hanover Patterson Edward H, waiter, bds 139 Allen Patterson Edwin F, paperhanger, bds 331 Tyler Patterson Isaac M Rev, h 1125 Greenwood av Patterson Joseph, engineer, h 331 Tyler Patterson William, driver, h 74 Jersey Patterson William, potter, h 137 Fulton Patterson William R, laborer, h 1509 S Clinton av Pattison James, potter, h 143 Washington (Homedell) Pattison John M, potter; also freeholder, h 809 S Clinton av Patton Fannie, tailoress, res 148 Perry Pau John, wire drawer, h 42 Adeline Pauck George, potter, h Lawrence n Slackwood Pauck George E, potter, h 30 N Overbrook av Paul Agnes Mrs, res 219 Walnut av Paul Alfred E, rubber worker, h 437 Emory av Paul Charles, laborer, h 640 Franklin Paul Charles S, potters’ printer, h 54 Commerce Paul George, engineer, h 611 Beatty Paul George, sanitary presser, h Lawrence rd (Slackwood) Paul John W, laborer, h 20 Sherman av Paul Samuel A, grocer, 65 Tucker, h do Pauling James, potter, bds 943 E State Pauling Margaret, wid Henry, res 943 E State Pauljicsin George, laborer, h 16 Furman Paxson Edward, rubber worker, bds 666 S Broad Paxson Elwood H, carpenter, h 1016 Division Paxson James, foreman, h 666 S Broad Paxson Lillian R, dressmaker, 1016 Division, h do Paxson William, fireman, State Hospital, res Ewing Payran Elwood S, brakeman, bds 62 Wall Payran Israel H, brakeman, bds 703 E State Payran John D, marble works, 401 E State, h 703 do Payran John H, harness, 11 N Warren, h 115 E Front Payran Samuel, harness maker, 201 N Broad, h 62 Wall Peabody William H, engineer, h 44 Railroad av Peak Aaron, expressman, h 23 Thompson Peak Anna N, teacher, res 820 Division Peak Emma, res 231 Emory av Peak Emma M, nurse, 820 Division, h do Peak James R, laborer, h 813 Anderson Peak James T, real estate, 820 Division, h do Pearce Annie, wid Gordon, res 37 Montgomery pl Pearlman & Lavinson, (Samuel Pearlman and Nathan Lavinson), clothing, 141 S Broad Pearlman Samuel, (Pearlman and Lavinson), h 1 Fair Pearson Edward M, bds 36 W State Pearson Emma B, teacher, res 60 Spring Pearson Frank, h 715 Division Pearson George, laborer, bds 146 lngham av Pearson George, presser, bds 70 Prince Pearson Hannah E Mrs, res 34 Southard Pearson John, railroader, h 442 Rutherford av Pearson Lewis C, harness maker, h 146 Ingham av Pearson Mercy L, teacher, res 32 Southard Pearson Thomas, blacksmith, h 36 Sheridan av Pearson Robert F, druggist, 202 Centre, h do Pearson Wilfred, baker, bds 36 Sheridan av Pecht Charles, wire drawer, bds 139 Genesee Pecht Engelberg, clerk, bds 139 Genesee Pecht Frank, cigars; etc, h 139 Genesee Pecht Frank jr, wire drawer, bds 139 Genesee Pecht Joseph, laborer, h 29 Jersey Peck Nelson W, carpenter, h 56 Mott Peck William M, carpenter, bds 56 Mott Peclak Ambrose, cider maker, h 178 Houghton av Peclak Julius, laborer, h 156 Girard av Pecock George, res Odd Fellows’ Home Pedrick William E, artist, 144 E State, bds 3 Philemon Pedrick William G, engraver, h 3 Philemon Pedro Salvotore, shoemaker, 254 Hamilton av, h do PEERLESS TOBACCO CO, (Philip Freudenmacher; president), Woodland byd Liberty Pegels Charles, laborer, h 744 Beatty Pegg William C, salesman, h 133 S Stockton Peirce Robert, driver, h 819 Division Peirson John, lettercarrier, h 216 Ashmore av Peirson William V, watchmaker, h 1014 Division Pelan Arthur, laborer, bds 463 S Broad PELAN WILLIAM D, clerk, "Sunday Advertiser" office, h 107 Second Pelleteri Joseph, confectioner, 728 S Broad, h do Pemberton Stephen, machinist, h W State n Y M C A grnds Pendergast Arthur E, clerk, h 23 Wall Penkoski Paul, laborer, h 913 Genesee Pennington Harry E, fire dept, h 176 Cooper Pennington John B, carpenter, h 143 Hamilton av Pennington Sophia, res 314 Perry Pennock Joseph F, foreman, h 270 Hamilton av PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD FREIGHT STATION, E State cor Canal PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PASSENGER STATION, S Clinton av n Creek PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD VOLUNTARY RELIEF DEPARTMENT, (Holmes D Ely; supt) S Clinton av n Depot Pennsylvania Railroad Y M C A, 43 Chestnut av Penrose Amos, (Tuesday & Penrose), h 245 Jackson Penrose Archibald, clerk, h 1010 Division Penrose George A, bookkeeper, bds 245 Jackson Penrose Jonathan C, blacksmith, 366 S Broad, h 245 Jackson Pentz Gustav, wire splicer, h 610 Lamberton Pentz John F, druggist, h 723 S Broad Peody Morris, laborer, h 18 Woolverton av PEOPLE’S BREWING CO, (T E Otis; pres’t, Franz Hill; vice-pres’t, John L Kuser; sec’ty and treas), office and brewery, Lamberton cor Lalor Peoples James, machinist, bds 21 Jersey Peplow Mary E, wid Edward H, res 210 Spring Percell Mathiew, printer, h 1007 E State Percival Ebenezer P, jewelry, 148 E State, bds 43 N Stockton Percival Eppy, installment agent, bds 121 Perry Percival Henry, steward, res Hotel Windsor Percy Joseph, potter, h 218 Cortland Percy William, railroader, h 114 Chambers Percy William, railroader, h 793 E State Perdunn John, kilnman, h 388 Brunswick av Perdunn Theodore, chainmaker, h 1208 Chestnut av Perdunn William, rubberworker, h 529 Pennington av Percault Aurora, teacher, res 1007 Division Pereault Emory, wire drawer, h 1007 Division Perinchief Percy Rev, (pastor St Paul’s M E Church), h 242 Spring Perkins Arthur, decorator, h 872 E State Perkins Brayton M, agent, h 102 Division Perkins Carrie M, teacher, res 102 Division Perkins George W, mason, h 725 Whittaker av Perkins Joseph, kilnman, res r Philemon Perkins Thomas, waiter, h 4 Heath al Perlman Samuel, clothier, 141 S Broad, h 1 Fair Pernardi Andrew, laborer, h 708 Roebling Peronytez Stephen, laborer, h 50 Adeline Perrine Andrew, laborer, bds 43 Fowler Perrine Charles H, painter, h 33 Jennie Perrine Charles J, clerk, bds 829 Anderson Perrine George, brooms, 829 Anderson, h do Perrine Henry P, h 166 Greenwood av Pemne John, clerk, h 6 Southard Perrine Lewis, lawyer, 137 E State, h 187 Greenwood av Perrine Vincent, justice of peace, 187 Locust, h do Perrone, Ammidio, tailor, h 196 Division Perry Charles, mariner, bds 37 Montgomery pl Perry Charles, laborer, h 13 Home av Perry D, U S A Col, h 167 Greenwood av Perry Edward, driver, h 1 Kelly ct Perry Edward jr, driver, bds 1 Kelly ct perry Frank, molder, h 115 Taylor Perry George, driver, bds 1 Kelly ct Perry Harry B, flagman, h 32 Railroad av Perry Louisa, wid Anthony, res 117 Centre Perry Thomas, machine agt, h 14 Emory av Perry William, sanitary presser, h 137 Lamberton Persky Harry, carpenter, h 60 Decatur Persky Isaac, peddler, h 53 Decatur Person Joseph C, stenographer, h 417 Monmouth PETERS BROS, (George W and Whitfield L), city express stand E Front and S Warren; office 107 W Hanover Peters Charles, cooper, h 97 Tremont Peters Charles, carpenter, bds 7 Perry Peters Charles T, clerk, h 154 S Stockton Peters Edward R, mattress maker, h 63 Fountain av Peters Emil, moulder, h 227 Hewitt Peters Fannie K, teacher, res 12 Southard Peters George W, (Peters Bros), h 107 W Hanover Peters George W, laborer, bds 163 1/2 Old Rose Peters Henry H, moulder, h 50 Sheridan av Peters Hetty B, wid David, res 340 S Warren Peters Jacob, carpenter, h 326 Jersey Peters John, laborer, h 165 Hancock Peters John W, carpenter, h 618 Brunswick av Peters John W Mrs, dressmaker, res 618 Brunswick av Peters Lydia M, teacher, res 12 Southard Peters Seymour J, boxmaker, bds 228 S Broad Peters Walter E, nurse, res 136 Sweets av Peters Whitfield L, (Peters Bros), h 107 W Hanover Peters William, laborer, bds 163 1/2 Old Rose Peterson Andrew, brickmaker, h 24 Rose Peterson Anita Mrs, res 7 Taylor al Peterson Howard C, laborer, bds 10 Belvidere Peterson John, caterer, h 10 Belvidere Peterson Kate, boarding, h 240 N Broad Peterson Nathan R, watchman, h 114 Mill Peterson Thomas, laborer, h 108 Humboldt Peterson William, laborer, bds 10 Belvidere Peterson William H, waiter, bds 10 Belvidere Peterson William, wire drawer, h 427 Lamberton Peto Henry, rubber worker, h 44 Pennington av Peto John, potter, bds 44 Pennington av Peto Joseph J, potter, h 91 Sweets av Petras John, laborer, h 304 Cortland Petris Michael, laborer, h 800 Pennsylvania av Petrovich John, laborer, h 378 Union Petry Catharine, wid Frederick, res 17 Morris av Petry Frederick, milk, 411 Genesee, h do Petry Frederick, ropemaker, h 249 Cummings av Petry Henry, butcher, h 19 Morris av Petry Henry, laborer, h 20 Ashmore av Petry Jacob, laborer, h 44 Jersey Petry Peter P, blacksmith, 813 S Broad, h 407 Genesee Pette Charles W, music teacher, 131 Jackson, h do Pettie William P, laborer, bds 23 Summer Pettifore William C, laborer, h 31 Barnes Pettit Darrell C, superintendent, h Johnston av Pettit Rebecca J, res 786 E State Pettit Theodore, paperhanger, h 102 1/2 Union Pettit Watson, produce dealer, h 102 1/2 Union Pettit William P jr, wall paper, 314 Lamberton, h do Pettro Antoine, bootblack, bds 321 Lamberton Pettro Frank, tobacco, 321 Lamberton, h do Petty Margaret, wid Jacob, res 27 Bank Petty Nelson L, counselor-at-law, 28 W State, bds 192 do Petzold Henry E, potter, h 223 Chambers Peze William, barber, bds 20 S Warren Pfeifer Anne, knit goods, 568 Perry, h do Pfeifer Cresent, wid Edward, res 568 Perry Pfeifer John D, laborer, h 815 S Warren Pfister & Anderson, (Harry W Pfister and Alfred H Anderson), barbers, 30 S Warren Pfister Harry W, (Pfister & Anderson), h 336 S Warren Pfister John F, barber, 343 S Warren, h do Pfisterberg Max, peddler, bds 18 Asbury Pfitzinger Henry, milk, 745 Beatty, h do Pfleger Albert, moulder, h 424 Ferry Pfleger Eliza, wid Albert, res 424 Ferry Pfleger Frederick, jeweler, 179 S Broad, h 222 N Broad Pfleger Kate Mrs, res 606 Lamberton Pfleger Louis, jeweler, 29 S Broad, h do Pfleider John, baker, h 128 Home av Pfloeger Charles, potter, bds 405 Hewitt Pfloeger Peter, potter, h 405 Hewitt Phares George W, gardener, h 122 Passaic Phares Henry T, gardener, h 90 Spring Phares John W, grocer; also freeholder, 349 N Warren, h 90 Spring Phares William P, clerk, h 48 Murray Phares George F, clerk, bds E State and Olden av Pharon Samuel T, potter, h 617 Roebling av Phelan Joseph, laborer, h 5 Dittmar al Phelan James, moulder, h 33 Union Phelan John, potter, h 417 Federal Phelps Henry C, carpenter, h 33 Charles Phelps Rebecca J, wid John S, res 131 Jackson Phifer Edward, retired, bds 214 N Montgomery Phifer Fred W, carpenter, h 134 Allen Phifer George, ironmolder, h 306 N Montgomery Phifer John H, carpenter, h 214 N Montgomery Phifer John D, motorman, h 884 S Broad Phifer William H, barber, 304 N Montgomery, h do Philadelphia and Reading Freight Station, Ringold PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD STATION, N Warren cor Tucker Philhower Charles, cementer, bds 240 N Feeder Philhower Charles, rubber worker, bds 2 Humboldt Philhower Frederick, laborer, bds 240 N Feeder Philhower Henry, plumber, h 308 N Montgomery Philhower John, ruber worker, h 2 Humboldt Philhower Peter, driver, h 229 Allen Philhower Philip, junkman, h 240 N Feeder Philhower Stephen, junk, h 240 N Feeder Philkill Ida, domestic, State Hospital, res do Philkill L, fruits; etc, 160 N Broad, h 58 Pennington av Philkill Mahlon T, tinsmith, 211 N Broad, h 49 Pennington Philkill Wesley, grocer, 58 Pennington av, h do Philps Charles M, driver, h 230 Passaic Philps Chester M, locktender, h 341 Genesee Phillips Albert C, shipping clerk, h 53 Olden av Phillips Albert S, (Mercer Rubber Co), h 332 Greenwood av Phillips Alex McAlpin, reporter (True American), h 308 W State Phillips Amos S, salesman, h 434 Pennington av Phillips & Bluemel, (Oliver H Phillips and J Theodore Bluemel), merchant tailors, 114 S Warren Phillips Arthur L, bicycle machinist, 214 S Warren, h do Phillips B M & Co, (Benjamin M Phillips and William A Holcombe), real estate, 143 E State Phillips Benjamin M, (B M Phillips & Co), h 531 E State Phillips Caleb A, canvasser, h 244 Ashmore av Phillips Charles, coachman, bds 225 Perry Phillips Charles C, printer, h 127 Mercer Phillips Charles H, brakeman, h 46 Walnut av Phillips Claude C, painter, h 484 Rutherford av Phillips Duane W, station agent, h Asylum Station Phillips Edward H, foreman, h Durand (Deutzville) Phillips Edward L, driver, h 88 Sweets av Phillips Elmer E, driver, h 41 W Front Phillips Eldridge, janitor, res Dolton’s Block Phillips Eugene R, rubberworker, bds 293 Church Phillips Farley R, oysters, 486 Chestnut av, h do Phillips George D, brass worker, h 133 Lamberton Phillips George O, driver, h 15 W Front Phillips Henry, potters’ printer, h 52-54 Assanpink Phillips Henry D, lawyer, Broad St Bank bldg, bds 39 Prospect Phillips Horatio, rubber worker, bds 133 Lamberton Phillips J R, insurance agent, h 46 Southard Phillips James, cratemaker, h 82 Poplar Phillips James, potter, h 828 Pennsylvania av Phillips James G, candy maker, bds 90 Pennington av Phillips Joanna F, res 39 Prospect Phillips John, crate mfr, St Joe’s av, h 55 Mechanics av Phillips John, laborer, bds 408 Bellevue av Phillips John C, potter, h 207 Trent Phillips John H, lineman, h 489 Chestnut av Phillips John S, carpenter, h 632 W State Phillips John S, compositor, h 120 Calhoun Phillips John W, fire dep’t, h 110 S Warren Phillips John W, laborer, h 244 Ashmore av Phillips Joseph, laborer, bds 708 Roebling av Phillips Joseph B, hotel, Broad St Park, h do Phillips Kate A, millinery, 27 E State, bds l5 W Front Phillips Lucy, wid Samuel, res 34 Rose Phillips Lydia A, wid Charles, res 15 W Front Phillips Mary, wid James, res Olden n Brunswick av Phillips Nathaniel B, carpenter, h 18 Walnut av Phillips Olivia Mrs, res 1123 E State Phillips Oliver H, (Phillips & Bluemel) h 144 Academy Phillips Patrick J, potter, h Olden n Brunswick av Phillips Rebecca R, wid Sylvester H, res Asylum Station Phillips Reuben, wheelwright, h 113 Fall Phillips Richard, machinist, h 476 Centre Phillips Robert H C, physician, 243 N Warren, h do Phillips Robert P, carpenter, h 27 Yard av Phillips Robert S, h 332 Greenwood av Phillips S Holcombe, driver, h 410 N Montgomery Phillips Sarah, res 210 S Warren Phillips Scudder H, stock dealer, bds Hillcrest av (Hillcrest) Phillips Theophilus, millwright, h 133 Lamberton Phillips W W L Mrs, res Trenton House Phillips William, music teacher, h 48 Cooper Phillips William, potter, h Bunting av (Deutzville) PHILLIPS WILLIAM L, coal; wood; ice; hay; feed; lime and cement, 607 and 609 Cass, h 904 Carteret av Phillips William R, nurseryman, h 131 Perry Phillips William W, rubber worker, bds 88 Sweets av Pick Thomas, laborer, h Lafayette av (Broad St Park) Pickel Frances, res 117 N Montgomery Pickel Joseph M, engineer, h 53 Model av Pickel Kate, res 222 Home av Pickels Stephen, ticket agent, h 141 S Feeder Pickett James T, pressman, h 229 E Front Pickett Mary, res 231 E Front Pieszonchar George, laborer, h 235 Hill’s al Piell John A, carpenter, h 508 N Clinton av Pierce Asher, hostler, bds 253 Walnnt av Pierce Elizabeth A Mrs, res 36 W Lafayette PIERCE FRANK E, sewing machines and supplies, 196 S Broad, h do Pierce Franklin, railroader, bds 741 E State Pierce George W, commercial traveler, h 8 Philemon Pierce Hannah, teacher, res 253 Walnut av Pierce John, (Y M C A), bds 132 E Hanover Pierce John J, clerk, h 257 Jackson Pierce Louis B, bank clerk, bds 257 Jackson Pierce Lulu, teacher, res 253 Walnut av Pierce Lyman L, gen’l sec’y (Y M C A), bds 132 E Hanover Pierce Minnie R, teacher, res 257 Jackson Pierce Rufus, cabman, bds 253 Walnut av Pierciey John, engineer, bds 202 Southard Pierrepont Joshua, dentist, 221 S Clinton av, h do Pierrepont William J, bookkeeper, bds 221 S Clinton av Pierro Daniel, confectioner, 618 S Clinton av, h do Pierre Donato, grocer, 204 Ferry, h do Pierson Aaron, ship carpenter, h 13 Morgan Pierson Alfred B, potter, bds 13 Morgan Pierson Edward M, potter, h 929 New Willow Pierson Glenn, machinist, h 104 Division Pierson Hettie T, wid William, res 136 Butler Pierson Joseph B, sergeant-at-arms (State courts), h 129 Calhoun Pierson Joseph N, ship caulker, bds 13 Morgan Pierson Leslie C, school superintendent, h 491 W State Pierson Richard B, potter, h 926 New Willow Pierson Sylvester, kilnman, h Bunting av (Deutzville) Pierson William T, blacksmith, E Hamilton av, h 136 Butler Pietro John, laborer, h 115 Dye Pietro Michael, tobacconist, 718 S Broad, h do Piggin Henry G, potter, h Brunswick av (Slackwood) Pilak John, laborer, h 350 St Joes av Pilger Charles H, city detective, h 342 W State Pilger John C, plumber, h 84 Lamberton Pilger Margaret, wid Martin, res 304 W Hanover Pilger Richard C, policeman, h 306 W Hanover Pilgram Albert, laborer, h S Clinton av n Cedar la Pilkington Edward, loomboss, h 21 Butler Pilkington Leonard, foreman, h 15 Butler Pilkington Mary, wid John, res 15 Butler Pilkington Reuben B, weigher, h 17 Butler Pillar Christopher, ropemaker, h 169 Jersey Piller Anton, bricklayer, bds 212 Genesee Piller Jacob, laborer, h 212 Genesee Piller Jacob jr, laborer, bds 212 Genesee Pinchok Andrew, laborer, h 117 Howell Pindo Charles, laborer, h 24 Asbury Pine Frank B, rubberworker, h 73 Breunig av Pine Henry H, bricklayer, h 714 Division Pinto Frank, ironworker, h 318 Ferry Pinto Michael, potter, h 217 Mott Piorkowski Michael, laborer, h 6 Escher Pipenbrink Christian, vulcanizer, h 510 Liberty Piper Henry, engineer, h 218 Brunswick av Piper William R, law student, h 218 Brunswick av Pippel Alois, laborer, bds 34 Cove Pippel Anthony J, mouldmaker, h 209 Mulberry Pippel Frank, laborer, bds 34 Cove Pippel George, laborer, bds 34 Cove Pippel Jacob, laborer, bds 34 Cove Pippel John, wiredrawer, h 114 Fulton Pippel Joseph W, baker, h 845 S Broad Pippel Katrina, wid Philip, h 34 Cove Pippel William J, clerk, h 413 Lamberton Pippel William J, shoemaker, 845 S Broad, h do Pippen Agnes, wid Wesley, res 339 Academy Pippen Alfred, livery, 131 Kossuth, h do Pippen Jonas K, h 129 Kossuth Pippen Joseph M, potter, bds 129 Kossuth Pippen Lillian, res 304 Perry Pipitt Harry S, carpenter, h 24 Walnut av Pipple Anthony, laborer, bds 319 Federal Pirola John, h 529 Chestnut av Pirola John jr, wallpaper, 527 Chestnut av, h do Pirola Peter, paperhanger, bds 529 Chestnut av Pitcher George, manager, bds 316 Perry Pitcher George J, loan agency, 4 S Broad, h 316 Perry Pitman Albert B, sanitary presser, bds 444 Emory av Pitman Amos B, jeweler, h 216 Clay PITMAN BROS, (Francis A and Charles), grocers, 559 Centre Pitman Charles, (Pitman Bros), h 587 Centre Pitman David, laborer, h 283 Ashmore av Pitman Francis, (Pitman Bros), h 587 Centre Pitman Frederick, potter, bds 283 Ashmore av Pitman George R, salestable, h Broad St Park Pitman George W, sanitary presser, bds 444 Emory av Pitman John E, laborer, h 444 Emory av Pitman Theodosia M, wid Caleb E, res 40 S Clinton av Pitman Thomas C, woodworker, h 519 S Clinton av Pittenger Alfred S, grocer, 522 S Warren, h do Pittenger Edward L, brakeman, bds 309 Walnut av Pittenger Frederick J, manager, bds 36 W State Pittenger George W, grocer, 108 N Warren, h 131 Academy Pittenger Jacob L, brakeman, h 330 Walnut av Pittenger Joseph B, clerk, h 115 Chancery Pittenger Lillie M, music teacher, res 522 S Warren Pittenger Richard J, clerk, bds 522 S Warren Pittinger David, bds 131 Perry Pittinger Frederick J, clerk, bds 36 W State Pittinger George W, grocer, h 131 Academy Pittinger Mercy A, res 113 N Broad Pittman Charles, ironworker, bds 140 Locust Pittman David, peddler, h 283 Ashmore av Pittman Frederick U, potter, bds 283 Ashmore av Pittman John H, huckster, h 17 Franklin Pittman Joseph, warehouseman, h 212 Bayard Pittman Raymond H, bookkeeper, h 165 Anderson Pivovarnik Annie, wid John, res 122 Adeline Pivovarnik John, saloon, 122 Adeline, h do Plaag Henry M, mason, h 508 Liberty Planck Harry C, laborer, bds 215 Jackson Planck Ogden H, cloth inspector, h 215 Jackson Plant Jesse, potter, h 325 Fair Plant John D, potter, h Indiana av cor Cherry PLANT MARIA, groceries and notions; also sub-postal agency, 1055 Indiana av, res do Plant Samuel, potter, h 324 Walnut av Plant Stephen G, clerk, h 1045 Indiana av Plantier Arthur, potter, h 505 Perry Plantier Arthur, vice president, h 505 Perry Plantitt John, potter, h 821 Princeton av Plate Edward, oilclothmaker, h 258 Quinton av (Villa Park) Plater Edward, potter, h 124 Carroll Plato Charles D, bookkeeper, h 5 Hudson Platt Benjamin, potter, h 155 Sherman av Platt Daniel L, commission merchant, h 133 Tyler Platt Frank, potter, h 17 Girard av Platt George F, bookkeeper, bds 133 Tyler Platt George W, potter, h 192 Jefferson Platt Matthew, potter, h 333 Tyler Plech John, wireworker, h 10 Adeline Plenefish Kate, wid Julius, res 547 Centre Plensky Thomas, wireworker, h 290 Hill’s al Pley Michael, laborer, h 5 Elm PlinerMary, res 19 Tyler Plough David, fruit, 198 S Broad, h 16 Livingston Plough H H, (R H Blakely & Co), res Fordham; N Y Plum Levi, shoemaker, h 53 Summer Plumaria Carl, laborer, h 544 Phillips av Plumer Sullivan, laborer, h 26 Clark Plumley Kate J, librarian State Hospital, res do Plummer Carl, laborer, bds 544 Phillips av Plummer Manuel, laborer, h 544 Phillips av Plunkett Elizabeth, wid James, res 127 Ferry Plunkett Howard R, cigars; &c, 5 Howell, h do Plunkett James, mason, h 201 Locust Plunkett Stephen, baker, h 35 Summer Plunkett William J, bricklayer, h 221 Walnut av Plunocro Calogero, laborer, h 64 Ferrier Plutzman Philip, potter, h 328 Jersey Podmore Arthur G, potter, bds 123 Brunswick av Podmore Harry, foreman, h 123 Brunswick av Podmore William, mouldmaker, h 32 Sherman av Podowski John, laborer, h 622 Lamberton Pogletki Paul, engineer, h 65 Randall av Pohle Emil, sanitary presser, bds 137 Dickinson Pohle Emily, wid Louis M, res 137 Dickinson Pohle Lewis, potter, h 229 Dickinson Pohle Oscar, rubberworker, h 1 Yetter’s ct Pohle Otto, presser, bds 137 Dickinson Poinsett Brazillia, laborer, h 33 Emory av Poinsett Caleb W, driver, h 723 Whittaker av Poinsett Carl A, carpenter, bds 271 Clay Poinsett Charles, laborer, bds 1049 S Broad Poinsett Williard, watchman, h 18 Hampton Poinsett Wright, carpenter, h 271 Clay Pointon Frederick, potter, h 31 Oak Pointon William, potter, h 657 N Clinton av Poka Marie, wid John, res 432 Centre Poland John, blacksmith, h 248 Walnut av Poland John C, machinist, h 323 Second Poland Martha, wid John, res 52 Hudson Poland Sarah, teacher, res 571 S Broad POLAND WILLIAM A, architect; also freeholder, 11 W State, h 571 S Broad Polch Elizabeth, widow, res 100 Jennie Polenz Frank, laborer, h 619 Adeline Polichin Michael, laborer, h 458 Lamberton Polk Building, N W cor Broad and Front Pollard John, potter, h 68 Olden av Pollard William, potter, h 68 Olden av Poller Christian, wiredrawer, h 169 Jersey Pollman Bruno, farmer, h E Hamilton av opp Liberty Pollock Charles E, clerk, bds 614 Perry Pollock George W, potter, bds 614 Perry Pollock James, potter, h 614 Perry Pollock Michael, fisherman, h 458 Lamberton Pollock Sarah T, teacher, res 614 Perry Pols Jacob, kilnman, h 616 Adeline Pondak John, wireworker, h 76 Woolverton av Poole Arthur, foreman, h 478 N Clinton av Poole Minnie J, dressmaker, 703 Cass, res do Poole Thomas, foreman, h 703 Cass Poolton George C Rev, h 22 Sherman av Pope Arthur, potter, h 1025 Indiana av Pope Charles A, (Trenton Fire Brick Co), bds 39 N Clinton av Pope Charles D, barkeeper, h 121 N Broad Pope Edward, painter, bds 22 Cooper Pope Frederick J, photographer, bds 1 Johnson pl Pope Frederick W, decorator, h 1 Johnson pl Pope Hannah, grocer, 201 William, h do Pope James B, kilnman, h 49 Tyrell av Pope John A, clerk, bds 274 Hamilton av Pope John M, manager, h 274 Hamilton av Pope Nathan, retired, h 313 Walnut av POPE STEPHEN, wholesale and retail dealer in pork pies and blood pudding, 521 Mulberry, h do Pope William I, potters’ printer, h 47 Franklin Pope William J, potter, h 52 Washington Popkin Bernard, peddler, h 20 New Popkin Max, stationer, 65 Union, h do Popshitzky Kismos, laborer, h 44 Randall av Porembski Frank, laborer, bds 359 Fair Porr Adam, laborer, h 816 Second Porter Albert, car inspector, h 106 Bridge Porter Alfred S, paperhanger, h 461 Whittaker av Porter Ann, wid William, res 226 N Broad Porter Annie L, wid Martin, res 44 Sherman av Porter Daniel, potter, h 126 Washington Porter Edward, barber, 104 S Clinton av, h 19 College Porter Edward, car inspector, bds 132 S Broad Porter Frank, sanitary presser, h 17 College Porter George H, storekeeper, h 119 S Warren Porter George S, printer, h 22 Division Porter Sarah W, wid John, res 20 Carroll Porter Thomas, machinist, h 136 S Broad Porter Thomas W, car inspector, h 132 S Broad Porter William M, car inspector, h 114 Bridge Post August, galvanizer, h 41 Randall av Post David C, h 337 Monmouth Post Frank, decorator, h 507 N Clinton av Post Frank, potter, h 41 Randall av Post Frank V, paperhanger, 338 N Clinton av, h do Post Joseph P, salesman, h 218 Clay POST OFFICE, (A C Yard; postmaster), N E cor State and Montgomery POSTAL TELEGRAPH AID CABLE CO, (Erwin P Cooper; manager), 6 E State Potelski Charles, laborer, h 29 Randall av Potent Charles J, expressman, h 231 Emory av Potent Emma, dressmaker, res 231 Emory av POTH F A & SONS BREWING CO, (Richard A Goeke; agent), 10 E Front Potinca Joseph, laborer, h 1 Jersey Potoma Michael, laborer, h 561 Lamberton Potter Charles H, conductor, h 100 Washington Potter Frederick A, bookkeeper, h 935 Edgewood av Potter Hayes B, carpenter, bds 311 Church Potter William C, music teacher, h 48 Bayard POTTS AARON H, sanitary presser; also financial sec’y Sanitary Pressers’ Union, h 161 Passaic Potts Christiana Mrs, res 322 W Hanover Potts Elmer H, barber, h 129 Spring Potts Fannie E, teacher, res 223 Passaic Potts George P, bds 161 Passaic Potts Harry M, laborer, h 893 Second Potts John A, boarding stable, 184 W Hanover,h 111 E do Potts John L, cigars, 119 Lalor, h 895 Second Potts Mabel, res 495 Rutherford av Potts Mary I, wid Richard, res 223 Passaic Potts William H, h 225 N Warren Potzer Emil, laborer, bds 226 Landing Potzer Frederick, driver, h 226 Landing POULSON & COLEMAN, (George H Poulson and Jedediah G Coleman), funeral directors and embalmers, 18 S Warren Poulson George H, (Poulson & Coleman), h 237 E Front Poulton Joseph, shoemaker, 1030 Ohio av, h do Poure Charles, laborer, h 816 Second Pousti Andrew, laborer, h 155 Hancock Powell David C, mail clerk, h Schiller av cor Park av Powell Elizabeth, wid Albert, res 392 1/2 Third Powell Hattie, medium, res 321 Fair Powell Joseph D, bookkeeper, h 264 Spring Powell Samuel A, foreman, h 191 Cooper Powell Stacy W, blacksmith, 466 Genesee, h 100 William Powelson J Newton, ins agent, h 913 Edgewood av Powers Alfred, presser, h 87 Breunig av Powers Bertram, potter, h 146 Girard av Powers Bertram jr, brassworker, h 146 Girard av Powers David, grocer, 119 Second, h do Powers George A, clerk, h 126 N Willow Powers James, wiredrawer, h 154 Second Powers James J, sexton, h 126 N Willow Powers John, diereamer, h 399 Second Powers John, potter, bds 900 E State Powers John, wiredrawer, h 214 Second Powers John J, mouldmaker, bds 150 N Warren Powers Joseph D, compositor, bds 125 W Hanover Powers Martin W, wiredrawer, h 115 Second Powers Mary P, dressmaker, res 103 Perry Powers Rebecca A, dressmaker, res 819 Beatty Powers Samuel, laborer, h 819 Beatty Powers Walter, potter, h 63 Oak Powers William, potter, h 900 E State Powers William jr, potter, bds 900 E State Powers William, wireworker, bds 105 Sherman av Powis Eliza, wid Thomas, res 58 Butler Powis Samuel, shipper, h 419 Whittaker av Powis Samuel, wiredrawer, h 819 Beatty Powis Thomas, wiredrawer, bds 419 Whittaker av Powis William, laborer, h 58 Butler Powles Samuel C, kilnman, h 55 Mulberry Powlin Andrew, laborer, h 351 1/2 S Warren Pownall John, laborer, h 639 Chambers Pownall John F, mason, h 421 Division Pownall Walter D, bookkeeper, h 49 Wall Powner Charles H, mouldmaker, h 716 Mulberry Powner Thomas, potter, bds 716 Mulberry Prall Claude C, machinist, h 76 Anderson Prall Frederick B, plumber, bds 233 William Prall George C, prison deputy, h 216 Pearl Prall George Q, machinist, bds 707 Anderson Prall Jane, grocer, 707 Anderson, res do Prall William D, sawmaker, h 707 Anderson Pratt Charles W, grocer, 419 Market, h do Pratt John Q, clerk, bds 419 Market Pratt William H, clerk, h 416 Market Precurco Joseph, butcher, 92 Dye, h do Precurco Ladislau, butcher, h 92 Dye Prediger William H, shoemaker, h 230 Butler Prentice Ella C, wid Arthur R, res 113 S Warren Prentice Ernest W, potter, h 113 S Warren Preston Abraham M, motorman, h 3 Davies Preston Charles, laborer, h 107 Houghton av Preston Edward D, motorman, bds 519 Genesee Preston Robert, conductor, h 16 Ashmore av Preston Samuel H, rubberworker, bds 234 E State Preston Snowden M, railroader, h 234 E State Preston Thomas, men’s goods, 1022 Chestnut av, h do Preston William, millwright, h 134 Lamberton Preston William B, loomfixer, h 134 Lamberton Preston William H, weaver, h 203 William Prettyman John W, fish dealer, 401 Elmer, h do Prettyman Joseph, huckster, bds 12 Second Price Annie, res 20 Belvidere Price Charles C, canvasser, bds 183 W Hanover Price Charles M, laborer, h 74 Carroll Price Edward C, brakeman, h 67 Lincoln av Price Ellen Mrs, res 74 Carroll Price Fannie F, milliner, res 183 W Hanover Price Frank P, butcher, h 865 Centre Price George S, clerk, h 513 Princeton av Price George W, pork packer, 26 Chambers, h 801 E State Price Harry, clerk, bds 133 Academy Price Harry, driver, bds 232 N Feeder Price Harry, foreman, h 346 Centre Price Herman L, cutter, h 17 Houghton av Price Hugh G, brickmaker, h 11 Chauncey Price Israel, teacher, h 109 Fall Price John, machinist, h 359 S Warren Price Jonathan P, railroader, h 255 Mercer Price Mary, wid Burnett B, res 869 Centre Price Theodore J, brickmaker, h 1006 Princeton av Price Theodore W, potters’ printer, h Garfield av n E State Price Thomas, potters’ printer, h 101 Olden av Price William H, potters’ printer, bds 255 Mercer Price William N, brakeman, h 415 N Montgomery Prichard Henry S, engineer, h 441 Bellevue av Prickett Charles E, rubberworker, h 159 Girard av Prickett Eliza A, wid George W, res 159 Girard av Prickett Hewlings L, clerk, h 66 Carroll Prickett W Scott, conductor, h 27 Cumberland Prickett William H, h 159 Girard av Priem Frederick, ropemaker, bds 652 Centre Priest Harry W, flagman, h 31 Carroll Priest Katie, res 215 Walnut av Prigge Charles J, junk dealer, h 10 Brown Prikonofsky Joseph, laborer, h 776 Beatty Prince George T, kilnman, h 964 Brunswick av Prince James, potter, bds 958 Brunswick av Prince John K, sanitary presser, h 180 Walnut av Prince Martin, laborer, h 128 Ferry Prince Samuel, engineer, h 309 Rutherford av Prince Samuel J, grocer, 752 Centre, h do Prince Thomas, laborer, h 958 Brunswick av Prince Thomas, potter, h 661 New Willow Prince Thomas jr, potter, bds 958 Brunswick av Prince Walter, sanitary presser, h 1124 Princeton av Prince William H, brickburner, h Princeton av opp Fell’s brickyard Prior Charity L, dressmaker, res 36 Southard Prior Christiana, res 21 Huston al Prior E Geneva, dressmaker, 36 Southard, res do Prior George C, potter, h Cherry la (Slackwood) Prior J Elwood, milk, 4 Southard, h do Prior John, wheelwright, h 126 Spring Prior Joseph B, agt lamps; &c, 6 E Hanover, h 223 Academy Prior Robert, carpenter, h Slack av (Slackwood) Prior Samuel W, (T H Prior & Son), h 777 E State Prior T H & Son, (Thomas H and Samuel W), contractors, Muirheid av Prior Thomas H, (T H Prior & Son), h 55 Yard av Prior Thomas B, milk, 36 Southard, h do Priory John, laborer, bds 37 High Priory Joseph, blacksmith, bds 37 High PrioryTerence D, mason, h 16 1/2 Tyrell av Priory Terence J, mason, bds 313 Perry Priory Thomas, laborer, bds 37 High Pritchard John, janitor, Forst-Ricliey bldg, res do Proctor Alice, wid John, res 2 Mayer ct Proctor John, carpenter, h 53 Garfield av Proctor Mary E, dressmaker, res 147 Garfield av Proctor Morris, boxmaker, h 27 New Proctor Phineas B, electrician, h 53 Garfield av Proctor Richard, laborer, h 27 New Proctor Robert, potter, h 2 Mayer ct Proctor Samuel, ropemaker, h 27 New Prohnaw Michael, laborer, h 37 Hill’s al Prottsman Philip, potter, h 328 Jersey Proudlove James, kilnman, h 53 Mulberry Provident Friendly Society, 4 S Broad Providential Life and Trust Co, Forst-Richey bldg Providential Tile Works, (James H Robinson and Charles L Whitehead; props), Enterprise Provost Charles A, fireman, h 219 Clay Provost Charles R, produce, h 230 Second Provost Cornelia, matron, res Normal Hall Provost Elizabeth S, wid Robert, res 938 Carteret av Provost Frederick, roofpainter, h 713 Centre Provost Harry S, ins collector, bds 20 Walnut av Provost Henry M, rubberworker, h 13 Assanpink Provost John F, produce, bds 230 Second Provost Peter D, motorman, h 507 Market Provost Robert L, prison deputy, h 19 Hudson PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO; THE, (J Elston Woodland; sup’t), Masonic Temple Prugh John, bds 26 Philemo Prykanowaki Joseph, laborer, h 10 Elm Pryor Marcelle, wid Patrick, res 38 Grant av Pryor Terence P, kilnman, bds Grant av Ptschyody August, potter, h 18 Woolverton av Ptschyody Hugo, barber, 722 Cass, h do Pugh Andrew S, painter, h 45 Summer Pugh Ethel N, teacher, res 234 Jackson Pugh George, h 234 Jackson Pugh George H, grainer, 227 W Hanover, h 209 do Pugh Lottie R, dressmaker, 209 W Hanover, res do Pullen Bessie, res 113 E Front Pullen Chandler, blacksmith, h 545 Hudson Pullen Charles, driver, bds 17 Titus av Pullen Clarence, paperhanger, h 136 Jefferson Pullen Clarence W, painter, h 142 Perry Pullen Fannie, teacher, res 113 E Front Pullen Frank, engineer, h 48 Wilson Pullen Frank A, commercial traveler, h 110 Division Pullen George H, produce, h 49 N Stockton Pullen George O, machinist, h Johnston av Pullen Isabelle V, res 11 Perry Pullen J Harry, carpenter, h 126 Cooper Pullen James, gateman, h 229 Ferry Pullen Lewis W, collector, bds 41 Passaic Pullen Louisa B, confectioner, 683 Centre, res do Pullen Lucy A, wid Charles W, res 17 Thompson Pullen William I, stairbuilder, h 123 Boudinot Pulone Michael, laborer, h 109 Fulton Pumyea Willard, shipping clerk, h 106 Chestnut av Pumyea William, sexton, h 225 Bayard Purcell Eliza, wid Michael, res 38 Cooper Purcell Helen, wid Patrick, res 162 Jefferson Purcell Kyren, laborer, h 325 N Willow Purcell Lemon, laborer, h 45 Wilson Purcell Mary A, wid William, res 411 Cass Purcell Nicholas, laborer, h 156 Frazier Purcell Rose, wid Pierce, res 189 W Hanover Purcell Sarah A, dressmaker, 111 Lamberton, res do Purcell William, potter, bds 156 Frazier Purdunn John, flagman, h W State n Asylum Purdunn John, peddler, h 206 Franklin (Homedell) Purdunn Joseph, potter, bds 457 Princeton av Purdunn Lewis, potter, h 729 Whittaker av Purdunn Mary, wid George, bridgetender, h n Asylum Purdunn William, rubberworker, h 529 Pennington av Purdy A G Mrs, res 120 Division Purdy Carrie Mrs, res 76 Bellevue av Purdy Hasbrouck S, electrical engineer, h 120 Division Purdy Hugh A, fireman, h 92 Olden av Purdy John J, engineer, h 92 Olden av Purnall William A, laborer, h Second n Lalor Purnell John, laborer, h 554 S Warren Pursell James E, (Trenton Cycle Co), 8 E State, h 113 E Hanover Pursell Simon, laborer, h 45 Wilson Pursell Vestilla Mrs, res 834 Carteret av Pursell William, laborer, bds 119 Frazier Purves Montgomery R, foreman, h 1123 S Clinton av Purves Susanna, wid Robert, res 1125 S Clinton av Purvis George H, tinsmith, 317 S Warren, h do Purviss Harry L, potter, h 160 Hamilton av Purvis James, machinist, h 46 Bayard Purvis Thomas, tinroofer, h 56 Lamberton Puth Anthony J, saloon, 280 N Clinton av, h do Puth Mary, res 432 Centre Puystgi Michael, laborer, h 110 Dye Pycraft Alphonso M, city assessor, h 217 Tyler Pycraft Jonathan F, restaurant, 511 Perry, h do Pycraft Walter B, clerk, bds 217 Tyler Quaranta Lewis, shoemaker, 324 S Clinton av, h do Querbach George D, machinist, h 37 Adeline Quering William, carpenter, h 118 Adeline Quick Charles A, upholsterer, h 26 Chapel Quick Charles H, clerk, bds 258 Spring Quick Eliza T, wid William R, res 32 W Front Quick Frank A, carpenter, h 509 Centre Quick Garrett A, carpenter, h 137 Philemon Quick James E, clerk, h 412 Rutherford av Quick Jediah H, carpenter, h 534 S Warren Quick John, carpenter, h 223 Genesee Quick Peter D, clerk, h 114 Houghton av Quick Philip, barkeeper, h 748 Centre Quick Tunis, wheelwright, Beatty cor Fulton, h 748 Centre Quick Upton M, carpenter, bds 288 N Willow Quick William H, compositor, h 510 Market Quicksell Clarence, carpenter, bds 21 Roebling av Quicksill Frederick, conductor, h 118 Landing Quigg Elwood, h 18 Delaware Quigley Howell, (MacCrellish & Quigley), h 139 Jackson Quigley James, potter, bds 251 Allen Quigley James, laborer, h 223 S Feeder Quigley James, h 565 Lamberton Quigley James J, bricklayer, bds 21 N Willow Quigley Joseph P, ironworker, h 705 Bridge Quigley Joseph R, produce (Washington mkt), h 90 Jackson Quigley Priscilla S, wid Isaac, res 28 Division Quigley Walter N, laborer, bds 28 Division Quigley William J, ironworker, h 484 Genesee Quigner Joseph, potter, h 133 Sherman av Quiligan John E, electrician, h 20 Spring Quinn Bridget, wid Michael, res 48 Seward av Quinn Catharine, widow, res 64 Fair Quinn Frank B, rubberworker, bds 7 Sylvester av Quinn George N, shipping clerk, h E State ab Olden av Quinn James, potter, bds 84 Bellevue av Quinn James, potter, h 64 Perrine av Quinn John, barkeeper, bds 336 N Broad Quinn John F, carpenter, h 70 Fair Quinn John J, potter, h 550 Phillips av Quinn John P, potter, bds 84 Bellevue av Quinn Margaret, wid Francis, res 13 Fair Quinn Michael, blacksmith, Brunswick av cor Southard, h 48 Seward av Quinn Michael, potter, h 82 Bellevue av Quinn Nellie, wid Patrick, res 48 Grant av Quinn Patrick, tobacconist, 563 N Clinton av, h do Quinn Thomas, laborer, h 17 Asbury Quinn Thomas, laborer, h 7 Sylvester av Quinn Thomas, rubberworker, bds 7 Sylvester av Quinn Thomas A, clerk, bds 48 Seward av QUINN WARREN A, wines and liquors; wholesale and retail, 701 and 703 Cass, h do Quinn William, tailor, h 84 Bellevue av Quinn William, machinist, h 505 Perry Quinney Raphael, moulder, h 36 Turpin Quintin Clarence E, instructor, res Fashion Stud Farm Quirk James Mrs, res 375 S Warren Quirk Thomas, wiredrawer, h 252 Elmer Quirk Michael, machinist, h 252 Elmer Quirk Richard, laborer, bds 252 Elmer Raaf William, bds 887 S Broad Rabatie Frank, bds 353 Rusling Rabatie John, ropemaker, h 351 Rusling Rabatie Joseph, laborer, h 207 Federal Rabatie Matthew, ropemaker, h 353 Rusling Rabbino Louis, picture dealer, bds 150 Perry Rabinowitch Julius, baker, 19 Water, h do Rackinson Harry, butcher, 1348 S Broad, h do Radcliff Joseph, butcher, 202 Cass, h 703 Lamberton Radel William, wiredrawer, h 94 Dye Raden Samuel, fruiterer, bds 23 E Lafayette Radford John, baker, bds 561 Second Radford Joseph, contractor, 946 Lamberton, h do Radice Frank, barber, 138 Pennington av, h do Radice Girardo, laborer, h 113 Mott Radice Vito, shoes, 1118 S Clinton av, h do Radisolov John, laborer, bds 126 Home av Rae Sarah J, teacher, res Industrial School Raezner Daniel, driver, bds 59 Gordon Rafacas Hattie, wid Andrew, res 20 Barnes Rafferty John K, potter, h 13 Olden av Rafferty Margaret, wid John, res 18 Monroe Rafferty Margaret, wid Paul, res 559 Perry Rafferty Martin J, tailor, h 18 Monroe Rafferty Michael, fireman, h 40 Taylor Rafferty Paul, potter, h 214 Southard Rafferty Thomas, potter, bds 1012 New Willow Rafferty William J, potter, h 559 Perry Raider Charles W, driver, h 36 Lamberton Raikes William, carriage builder, h 63 Sweets av Railkes William B, painter, bds 63 Sweets av Rainbow Albert E, foreman, h 115 Mott Rainbow Charles, wiredrawer, bds 812 S Clinton av Rainbow George, court messenger, h 528 Hudson Rainbow George A, potter, bds 841 S Clinton av Rainbow James, potter, h 318 N Montgomery Rainbow John, potter, h 812 S Cilnton av Rainbow Richard J, potter, bds 566 Centre Rainear Thomas, peddler, h Logan av n Hamilton av Rainey George, laborer, res St Francis Hospital Rainey James, potter, bds 215 Southard Rainey James, gatetender, h 108 Kossuth Rainey Thomas J, potter, bds 108 Kossuth Rairdon Joseph A, painter, bds 431 S Broad Rainier Hannah L, res 221 E Hanover Raisch George M, h 23 Lincoln av Raisch Wilhelm L, salesman, bds 23 Lincoln av RAITT THOMAS R, mgr for N J of the Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada, 10 W State, h 492 do Ramey Sanford D, machinist, bds 228 S Broad Ramsey John H, moulder, h 539 S Broad Ramsey William, carpenter, bds 539 S Broad Ramson Maria, wid Samuel, res 1410 S Clinton av Randall Albert, ropemaker, h 36 Hewitt Randall Amos A, contractor h 509 Market Randall Charles A, rubberworker, h 619 Second Randall Charles R, carpenter, h 43 N Hermitage av Randall Ella L, dressmaker, res 118 Passaic Randall Henry E, laborer, h 695 Centre Randall J Alfred, instructor, bds 122 Pearl Randall John P, laborer, h 236 Hewitt Randall Jonathan B, carpenter, h 212 N Broad Randall Joseph, laborer, bds 236 Hewitt Randall Lewis P, student, bds 509 Market Randall William H, baggage porter, h 23 Tyler Randelman Nathan, (Finkle & Randelman), h 564 N Clinton Randolph Charles H, rubberworker, h 359 St Joes av Randolph Harry, butcher, 443 Centre, h do Randolph Phineas, policeman, h 15 Sheridan av Randow Annie E, wid Frederick, res 54 Klagg av Randow Charles A, rubberworker, h 619 Second Raney John, driver, h 59 Summer Raney Michael, laborer, bds 78 Olden av Raney Patrick, saloon, 22 Morgan, h 24 do Rankin Hyden, oilclothmaker, bds E Clinton av adj creek Raper William, machinist, h 6 Emory av Rapinski Gustav, shoemaker, h 36 Elm Rapp Christina, dry goods, 455 Centre, res do Rappaport Samuel, crockery, h 6 Decatur Rasofsky Louis, peddler, h 13 Decatur Rasum Peter, laborer, h Lawrence rd (Slackwood) Ratcliffe Edmond, potter, h 354 St Joes av Ratcliffe Samuel, kilnman, h 37 Houghton av Ratcliffe William J, laborer, h 95 Breunig av Rathbone George W, ironworker, bds Hamilton av cor Olden Rathbone Henry J, ice dealer, h Hamilton av cor Olden av Rathbone Henry J jr, ice dealer, bds Hamilton cor Olden av Rathbone Mira, dressmaker, res 1033 Indiana av Rathbone William C, potter, h 405 Breunig av Rathbun George P, clerk, h 11 Tyrell av Raub A Eliabeth, res 214 Perry Raub J Stanley, clerk, bds 214 Perry Raub Maurice D, salesman, h 212 Perry RAUB THOMAS E, coal and wood, 362 Perry, h 214 do Rauding William, manager, h 109 N Broad Raulf Anton, wiredrawer, h 237 Rusling Raulf August, barber, 237 Rusling, h do Raulf Frank, wiredrawer, h 257 Cummings av Raum Jane, wid John O, res 117 S Montgomery Raum Leila R, res 117 S Montgomery Rawley Samuel, sanitary presser, h 211 Mott Rawlins Percy K, cratemaker, h 360 ½ N Clinton av Rawson James, superintendent, h 332 Tyler Ray Jennie, music teacher, res 406 Roebling av Ray John T, paperhanger, h 406 Roebling av Raylman George, driver, h 206 Mott Raylman Horace T, sheetironworker, bds 257 Clay Raymond Beulah, milliner, res 58 Cooper Raymond George R, woolenworker, h 58 Cooper Raymond Hannah, wid Frederick, res 504 Whittaker av Raywood Bridget, wid William, res 52 Mott Raywood John, potter, bds 17 Oak Raywood Joseph, potter, h 17 Oak Raywood Richard, potter, h 341 Brunswick av Raywood Samuel, potter, bds 71 Poplar Raywood Thomas H, potter, h 71 Poplar Raywood Thomas H, barber, 330 N Clinton av, h 71 Poplar Rea Annie Mrs, res 316 N Waren Rea Henry J, selector, h 212 N Montgomery Rea John, machinist, h 212 N Montgomery Rea William J, fireman, bds 212 N Montgomery Read Ellen, wid James, res 40 Washington Read George H E, plumber, h 26 Ogden Read George W, laborer, bds 121 Passaic Read James, carpenter, bds 40 Washington Read John E, ironworker, bds 40 Washington Read Mary, wid Anthony, res 312 W State Read Richard, laborer, h 121 Passaic Read Ulysses, laborer, bds 121 Passaic Read William, laborer, bds 86 Quarry al Reade Caroline, wid William, res 11 Stevens al Reade John, potter, h 174 Division Reade William F, potter, bds 174 Division Reader William, carpenter, h 835 Genesee Reading Alfred A, driver, h 266 Church Reading Bridget, wid Alfred, res 495 Stuyvesant av Reading Cab Co, (William N English; mgr), 385 Railroad av Reading Charles, laborer, bds 220 N Warren Reading Charles A, potter, h 495 Stuyvesant av Reading Edward M, city assessor, h 216 N Warren Reading Harvey F, bookkeeper, h 62 Butler Reading John F, coachman, h 19 Titus av Reading John J, coachman, h 127 Boudinot READING JOSEPH, fish and oysters, N E cor Perry and Warren, h 121 Chancery Reading Jonathan Mrs, res 220 N Warren Reading Katie, boarding, 220 N Warren, res do Reading Louisa M, wid Louis E, res 626 W State Reading Rosa, grocer, 406 N Montgomery, res do Reading Sadie, milliner, res 121 Chancery Reagan Bridget, wid Michael, res 205 S Feeder REAL ESTATE TITLE CO (THE) OF NEW JERSEY, (Hugh H Hamill, pres’t), 28 W State Reardon John P, laborer, bds 503 N Clinton av Reardon Mary, confectioner, Prospect cor Pennington av Reardon Matthew, potter, h Prospect cor Pennington av Reas John, newsdealer, h 139 Tremont Reasoner James, laborer, bds 331 N Montgomery Reay Henry C, potter, h 18 Mead Reay John M, potter, h 538 N Clinton av Reay Mary, wid Mark J, res 551 N Clinton av Reay Mary, wid William, res 36 Tyrell av Reay William T, potter, h 551 N Clinton av Reazner James D, laborer, h 59 Gordon Rech John, ropemaker, h 806 Division Reck George, milkman, h 326 Genesee Reck George J, milkman, bds 326 Genesee Recker Joseph, chainmaker, h 1308 S Broad Reckerson Robert, butcher, h 12 Water Reddan Thomas, laborer, bds 740 Roebling av Reddan William, laborer, h 740 Roebling av Redden Anna, confectioner, 317 Union, res do Reddan Martin W P, physician, bds 42 Spring Reddan Michael, h 42 Spring Reddan William J, student, bds 42 Spring Redding Mary E, res 3 Taylor al Redding Theodore, laborer, h 3 Taylor al Reddy Edward, potter, h 52 Clark Redfern John H, clerk, h 9 N Willow Redfern Joseph, h 237 Mercer Redman John C, potter, h 435 Emory av Redman John G, potter, h 435 Emory av Bedman Joseph, laborer, bds 543 Emory av Redman Martin W, roper, h 435 Emory av Redmond Charles, potter, h 622 Anderson Rednor Isador C, furniture, 302 S Broad, h do Red Star Carpet Cleaning Works, (Bell & Scobey; props), 11 W Lafayette Red Star Home Coupon Ex Co, 109 N Broad REDWAY THOMAS H R, grand secretary Grand Lodge F & A M, Masonic Temple, h 177 Brunswick av Reed Albert, laborer, bds 156 Philemon Reed Albert, saggermaker, bds Hamilton av cor S Olden av Reed Alexander F, laborer, h 194 Lamberton Reed Alfred, vice chancellor, res Ewing twp Reed Ansom B, carpenter, h 141 Sherman av Reed Augustus A, cablemaker, h 715 Chestnut av Reed Beulah, res 49 Bellevue av Reed Callene T, teacher, res 443 Chestnut av Reed Charles, saggermaker, bds Hamilton av cor S Olden av Reed Charles, potter, bds 32 Ingham av Reed Charles A, japanner, h 156 Philemon Reed Charles E, railroader, h 33 Pearl Reed Charles E, potter, bds 47 Summer Reed Charles H, clerk, h 79 Pashley av Reed Charles H, machinist, h 433 Centre Reed Charles T, barber, h 780 E State Reed Charles W, grocer, 201 Spring, h do Reed Clara M, wid Hugh, res 194 Lamberton Reed DeWitt, salesman, h 259 Hamilton av Reed, Edward, laborer, h 289 Ashmore av Reed Ernest, rubber chemist, bds 119 S Montgomery Reed Frederick D, painter, bds 519 Emory av Reed George, rubberworker, bds 223 Mott Reed George E, potter, bds 16 S Jackson Reed George F C, (Joseph B Reed & Sons), res Hamilton twp Reed George W, real estate, h 675 N Clinton av Reed Harvey G, (Joseph B Reed & Sons), res Hamilton twp Reid J George N, commercial traveler, h 26 Beaver Reed Jacob M, superintendent, h 200 W Hanover Reed James N, laborer, h 148 Washington (Homedell) Reed Jane E, dressmaker, res 313 Hudson Reed John F, salesman, h 818 E State Reed John W, manager, h 443 Chestnut av Reed Joseph B, (Joseph B Reed & Sons), res Hamilton twp Reed Joseph B, livery, bds 145 S Stockton REED JOSEPH B & SONS, (Harvey G and George F C), feed; grain; hay and coal, 258 and 260 N Clinton av Reed Joseph P, laborer, h 313 Hudson Reed Lillian M, teacher, res 443 Chestnut av Reed Liscomb T Mrs, res 196 Locust Reed Margaret, wid Edward, res 118 Chestnut av Reed Mary, wid Amos, res 215 S Warren Reed Mary, wid William, res 110 N Stockton Reed Melville T, milk, 675 N Clinton av, h do Reed Owen P, rubberworker, h 804 Cherry Reed Peter S, rubberworker, h adj Whitehead’s mill Reed Rebecca wid Charles A, res 144 Sweets av Reed Robert H, engineer, h 118 Chestnut av Reed Samuel P, brickmaker, h 358 Reservoir Reed Thomas, beamer, h 544 S Warren Reed Wesley, house painter, h 339 Genesee Reed William C, brakeman, bds 196 Locust Reed William H, railroader, h 258 Church Reeder Albert S, ironworker, h 311 Calhoun Reeder Augustus S, engineer, h 740 Centre Reeder Belle, wid Cornelius, res 408 Elmer Reeder Benjamin P Mrs, res 168 W Hanover Reeder Charles, potter, h 13 Chapel Reeder Charles S, bookkeeper, bds 311 Calhoun Reeder Elizabeth, wid William W, res 740 Centre Reeder Frank E, sanitary presser, bds 13 Chapel Reeder Lewis W, carriage mfr, 225 S Warren, h 18 Philemon Reeder Mary, wid Amos, res 22 Southard Reeder Melvina, wid Albert K, res 83 Southard Reedy Edward, handler, bds 172 Monmouth Reedy John F, potter, bds 24 Bank Reedy Mary C, dressmaker, res 172 Monmouth Reedy William jr, laborer, bds 172 Monmouth Reedy William sr, h 172 Monmouth Reeg Annie, wid Amos, res 38 1/2 New Rose Reeg Engelberg B, butcher (Wasn mkt), res Dolton’s Block Reeg Ludwina, wid George, res 47 Fountain av Reeger John, tilemaker, h 602 S Warren Reeger John L, U S A, h 101 Hancock av Reera John, laborer, h 1 Margerum ct Rees Albert W, clerk, h 46 Division Rees Charles S, barber, 484 N Clinton av, h 509 do Rees Ella M, teacher, res 164 Anderson Rees Frederick P, foreman, also assemblyman, h 321 Liberty Rees John, potter, h 755 Beatty Rees Lizzie R, wid Philip T, res 553 S Clinton av Rees Mary, boarding house,209 E Front, res do Rees Thomas, potters’ printer, h Quinton av (Villa Park) Rees Thomas D, roller, h 164 Anderson Reese Albert, engineer, h 24 Tyler Reese Alexander, painter, h 615 Division Reese John, wiredrawer, bds 234 Mott Reese John, wiredrawer, h 93 Clark Reese John A, foreman, h 588 Centre Reese Nathan, foreman, h Pennington av n Prospect Reese William, brakeman, h 7 Thompson Reeve Dallas, register vital statistics, h 2 Southard Reeves Andrew C, (Reeves Machine Co; Walter West & Co); also lawyer, Broad St Bank bldg, h 157 Greenwood av Reeves Charles, laborer, h 45 Turpin Reeves Clifton, (Reeves Machine Co), h 47 S Olden av Reeves Daniel, presser, bds 816 Mulberry Reeves Elizabeth, wid Enoch, res 229 Centre Reeves Elizabeth Mrs, res 519 E State Reeves Ella V, wid Enos, res 304 N Warren Reeves Florence N, wid John A, res 40 Yard av Reeves Joseph M, h 40 Yard av REEVES MACHINE CO; THE, (A C and Clifton Reeves), engines and machinery, Parker and Randolph avs Regan Edward, potter, h 23 Butler Regan Elizabeth, wid Dominick, res 23 Butler Regan Martin, laborer, bds 23 Butler Regan Martin, plaster, h 30 Oak Regan Michael, laborer, h 3 Margerum ct Regensberger, Charles J, electrician, bds 319 Genesee Regensberger, John, terrai~tta worker, h 319 Genesee Regeusberger Otto, compositor, bds 319 Genesee Regnault Fannie, res 44 Belvidere Regnault George W, h 9 Taylor al Regnault John H, barkeeper, h 58 Passaic Regnault Rebecca, wid George, res 13 Taylor al Rehrig Charles K, clerk, bds 344 Bellevueav Reichel Frederick, blacksmith, h 481 Centre REICHERT CHARLES H, (Trenton Red Front Brick Works), h Princeton av cor Spruce Reichert Charles sr, chainmaker, h 149 Fountain av Reichert George Mrs, dressmaker, res 115 Brunswick av Reichert Harry, carpenter, bds 149 Fountain av Reichert William, engineer, h 932 New Willow Reichert William, blacksmith, h Lalor opp Beatty Reid Andrew, laborer, h 377 Hewitt Reid Charles A, sup’t (Broad St Bank bldg), h 261 Jackson Reid Edgar P, operator, bds 158 Passaic Reid Hugh M, auctioneer, 122 S Broad, h 321 Market Reigel William H, agent, h 36 Overbrook av Reiger Katora, laborer, h 537 Phillips av Reikowsky Herman, laborer, h 42 Fountain av Reilly Bridget, wid Thomas, res 173 Girard av Reilly Edward, saloon, 300 N Clinton av, h do Reilly Edward Mrs, res Hotel Windsor Reilly Edward E, barber, 533 Chestnut av, h do Reilly John, watchmaker, bds 533 Chestnut av Reilly John J, potter, bds 533 Chestnut av Reilly Joseph S, warehouseman, h 36 Beaver Reilly Patrick F, carpenter, h 21 1/2 Reilly Richard, wireworker, h 608 Second Reilly Sarah, wid Philip, res 112 Southard Reilly Theresa A, tailoress, res 21 1/2 Sheridan av Reilly William W, polisher, bds 21 1/2 Sheridan av Reim Joseph, car inspector, h 31 Adeline Reim Kate, wid George, res 31 Adeline Reiman Henry, ropemaker, h 116 Second Reiman Jacob, carpenter, h 48 Fountain av Reimer Ira, laborer, bds 13 Pennington av Rein Frank, kilnrnan, h 670 N Clinton av Rein George, dishmaker, h 717 Mulberry Rein Henry, potter, bds 717 Mulberry Reinbold Jacob, driver, h 119 Passaic Reiner Matthew, laborer, h 17 Orange Reinert George, h 1000 Division Reingruber Henry, laborer, bds 201 N Willow Reingruber John M, laborer, h 210 N Willow Reinhard Jacob, prison commissary, h 119 Centre Reinhardt Jacob, driver, bds 230 Bayard Reinhart Albert H, woolenworker, h 166 Cooper Reinhart Katherine, teacher, res 516 Market Reisner Charles, watchmaker, bds 419 Chestnut av Reisner Leon, fireman, h 160 Home av Reiss Charles, laborer, h 815 Division Reiss Mary, wid William, h 815 Division Reister Frederick, saloon, 140 Jefferson, h 132 do Reister’s Hall, 140 Jefferson Reister William H, bookkeeper, h 132 Jefferson Reith Carl, carpenter, h 212 Centre Reith Lizzie C, notions, 212 Centre, res do Reither Charles, wire rope splicer, h 522 Federal Rekofsky Joseph, laborer, h 172 Hancock av Relak Michael, laborer, bds 35 Turpin Rellstab Herman W, kilnman, h 39 Pearl RELLSTAB JOHN, (Buchanan & Rellstab); also county judge, h 218 Hamilton av Remmele Paulena, wid John, res 60 Gordon Remmele Robert, carpenter, h 223 Hewitt Remsen Alvin, potter, bds 128 Mercer Remsen Rury, mason, bds 220 Bayard Remsen Elmer E, potter, h 128 Mercer Remsen Irving, potter, h 259 Walnut av Remsen Oswald, potter, h 126 Mercer Renc John G, grocer, 125 Sherman av, h do Renc William, shirtcutter, h 125 Sherman av Render James, farmer, bds 157 Brunswick av Renelt Frank, foreman, h Carroll Rengert Michael, laborer, bds 880 New York av Renner Charles, driver, h 256 Church Renner William H, baker, h 813 S Clinton av Reno John, laborer, h 180 Hancock av Rentner Albert C, laborer, h 15 Hewitt Rentner August, roper, bds 120 Mott Rentner Frederick, foreman, h 17 Hewitt Rentner Frederick, ropemaker, h 149 Ashmore av Rentner Herman, laborer, h 605 Second Rentz John C, laborer, h 60 Bellevue av Repp William, clerk, bds 495 Princeton av Reppert Edward F, machinist, h 44 Charles Reppert Ellen, wid Frederick, res 133 Kossuth Republican Club, 139 E Hanover Reseler Annie M, res 227 Taylor Retter Gotfried, stonemason, h 13 Brown Reuss Herman, foreman, h 210 Genesee Reutter Jacob, painter, 679 S Broad, h do Reutter John, painter, h 679 S Broad Reutter Walter, wireworker, h 679 S Broad Revolinski Alexander, laborer, h 773 Beatty Rex Harry, operator, bds 240 Clay Reynolds & Co, (John R), confectionery, 29 E State Reynolds Elizabeth M, wid Henry, res 311 S Warren Reynolds George A, decorator, h 39 Anderson Reynolds George O, fireman, h 116 Hewitt Reynolds John, woolworker, bds 303 S Warren Reynolds John, presser, bds 217 Breunig av Reynolds John E, laborer, h 317 St Joes av Reynolds John F, cutter, h 244 Bellevue av Reynolds John R, (Reynolds & Co), res Wilmington; Del Reynolds John R, fancy goods, 18 E State, h 134 W do Reynolds Josephine, wid Thomas, res 119 Pearl Reynolds Martha, wid James, res 116 Quarry al Reynolds Thomas, machinist, bds 119 Pearl Reynolds Thomas H, commercial traveler, h 78 Philemon Reynolds Walter M, clerk, h 95 Spring Reynolds William E, clerk, h 158 S Stockton Reynolds William F, fireman, h 623 N Clinton av Rezner Leo, laborer, h 160 Home av Rhead Harry, machinist, h 240 Morris av Rhead Henry, potter, h 335 Walnut av Rhead John, potter, bds 335 Walnut av Rhinehart Tacey, wid Humphrey D, res 193 Lamberton Rhoades Catharine Mrs, notions, 77 Lamberton, res do Rhoades George S, baker, h 188 Lamberton Rhoades John, potter, h 20 Mead Rhoades William J, expressman, bds 77 Lamberton Rhoades William L, baker, h 188 Lamberton Rhoads Harry W, polisher, h 106 Houghton av Rhoads Jacob B, grocer, 346 Elmer, h do Rhodes John, retired, h 119 N Stockton Rhodes Robert, potters’ printer, h 24 Oak Rhoda Richard, brassmoulder, bds 121 Perry Rhubert James, railroader, h 29 Bainbridge Ribsam Building, N E cor Broad and Front Ribsam Carlman, (C Ribsam & Son) h 31 Wall Ribsam Joseph F, florist, h 46 Chestnut av RIBSAM CARLMAN & SON, (Martin C), nurserymen; florists; seedsmen and dealers in garden and farming implements, S Broad cor Front Ribsam Martin C, (C Ribsam & Son), h 27 Wall Ribsam Nicholas J, florist, h 320 Monmouth Ricatto Gihon, cigars, 576 Perry, h 181 Jeferson Rice A Sager, salesman, bds 221 Academy Rice Agnes H, music teacher, 38 Southard, res do RICE ALICE M, librarian (Union Library), res 38 Southard Rice Annie, dressmaker, res 21 Sanford Rice Bessie, school teacher, res 38 Southard Rice Caroline A, teacher, res 38 Lamberton Rice Charles W, brickmaker, bds 322 Calhoun Rice Clara E, wid Hiram L, res 38 Southard RICE CLOTHING CO, (Jonas D Rice; prop), merchant tailors and men’s furnishers, 10-12 N Broad Rice Elwood, waiter, h 329 N Montgomery Rice Frederick, baker, bds 759 Cass Rice George E, brickmaker, bds 148 Sherman av Rice George M, brewer, h 23 Lincoln av Rice Harriett, wid Josiah S, res 38 Lamberton Rice Henry, h 479 Centre Rice Herman, barkeeper, bds 160 Jefferson Rice John J, saloon, 160 Jefferson, h do Rice Jonas D, (Rice Clothing Co), h 22 Carroll Rice Joseph, retired, h 221 Academy Rice Lyman B, clerk, bds 27 Chapel Rice Margaret, widow, res 21 Sanford Rice Mary, wid Joseph, res 160 Jefferson Rice Philip, potter, h 479 Centre RICE WILLIAM, physician and surgeon, 567 S Warren, h 565 do Rice William, rubberworker, h 234 Walnut av Rice William L, salesman, h 23 Lincoln av Rich Benjamin, candies, Cadwalader Park, res do Rich Charles, potter, h 132 Sherman av Rich Charles H, conductor, h 323 Monmouth Rich Edward, potter, h 132 Sherman av Rich Edward jr, presser, h 668 N Clinton av Rich Elizabeth, wid James, res 219 Spring Rich Elizabeth Mrs, res 132 Sherman av Rich George, potter, h 149 Sherman av Rich James, potter, h 132 Girard av Rich James E, potter, h 132 Girard av Rich William, railroader, h 35 S Olden av Richards Emily, wid Thomas, res 35 College Richards Ervin V, (Diamond Porcelain Co), h 113 W State Richards Howard E, mattressmaker, h 108 Boudinot RICHARDS HOWARD N, druggist, Perry cor Montgomery, h 202 E Hanover Richards John, machinist, h 245 Hamilton av Richards John H, carpenter, bds 621 Centre Richards John H, watchmaker, bds 35 College Richards John J, grocer, 230 W State, h do Richards Walter, bicycle repairer, 78 Jackson, bds 82 do Richards William, carpenter, bds 358 Brunswick av Richardson Alfred M, salesman, bds 223 Tyler Richardson Archibald, grocer, 42 Jefferson, h do Richardson Daniel, driver, h r 167 S Broad Richardson Edward M, salesman, h 837 Berkeley av Richardson Frank, freight handler, h 676 N Clinton av Richardson Frederick G, paperhanger, h 200 Lamberton Richardson George, ins collector, h 553 Perry Richardson George, potter, h 29 Lincoln av Richardson James A, potter, h 225 1/2 Kossuth Richardson James B, machinist, bds 46 Livingston Richardson John B, butcher, h 223 Tyler Richardson John J, foreman, h 40 Chestnut av Richardson John V, brakeman, bds 223 Tyler Richardson Joseph B, (J B Richardson &, Son), res Phila; Pa RICHARDSON JOSEPH B & SON (Joseph C), wholesale and retail dealers in lime; coal; cement; terra cotta pipe and building materials, 120 S Stockton Richardson Joseph C, (J B Richardson & Son), h 220 Academy Richardson Mary E, dressmaker, 553 Perry, res do RICHARDSON PERCY B, wholesale dealer in coal; lime; cement; sand and stone, 111 E State, h 256 Bellevue av Richardson Robert, clerk, bds 42 Jefferson Richardson Sarah, wid Thomas, res 116 Lamberton Richardson Thomas J, machinist, h 116 Lamberton Richardson William, clerk, bds 42 Jefferson Richardson William, potter, h 565 N Clinton av Richardson William H, manager, h 11 E State Richardson William H, potter, h 616 Princeton av Richardson William H, patternmaker, h 910 Lamberton Richert Albert H, slipmaker, bds 115 Brunswick av Richert Anna M, dressmaker, res 115 Brunswick av Richert Leon G, rubberworker, h 23 Trent Richert William, laborer, h 932 Willow ab Ingham av Richetti Frank, junk, h 6 Diamond Richey Augustus G (Est of), 11 W State Richey Augustus G Mrs, res 443 W State RICHEY ISAAC F, counselor-at-law, 11 W State, h 443 do Richmond Thomas, ironmoulder, h 196 Lamberton Richter Frank, plumber, h 18 W Lafayette Richter Harriett, dressmaker, res 222 N Clinton av Richter Henry, policeman, h 18 W Lafayette Richter Henry J, asst superintendent, h 8 Asbury Richter Julia, wid Guido, res 314 Lamberton Ricke John W, stripper, h 243 Adeline Rickert Jacob S, butcher h 51 Spring Rickett Frank, laborer, h 461 Lamberton Rickett Isaac, plumber, h 210 Prospect Rickeit Victor, laborer, h 457 Lamberton RICKEY ALEXANDER H, assistant secretary of state, h 55 Southard Rickey Amy R, res 215 N Broad Rickey Carl H, engineer, bds 55 Southard Rickey Charles E, watchmaker, bds 104 E Hanover Rickey Frank T, carpenter, h 9 W Front Rickey Furman, produce, City mkt, h Yardley; Pa Rickey Harry L, jeweler, 14 N Broad, h do Rickey James R, retired, h 459 Whittaker av Rickey Joseph O, (Merchants Express), h 936 Carteret av Rickey Lambert, (Merchants Express), h 236 N Warren Rickey Lambert & Son, (Joseph O), props Merchants Express, P & R R freight office Rickey Louis H, foreman, h 28 Beaver Rickey Mary A Mrs, res 215 N Broad Rickey Phoebe H, wid Lambert, res 104 E Hanover Rickey Walter H & Co, (Walter H Rickey), steamship agts, 16 E State Rickey Walter H, (W H Rickey& Co), h 595 Brunswick av RICKEY WILLIAM P, agent Phila and Reading R R, h 595 Brunswick av Rickey William P jr, baggage master, bds 144 Pennington Ricotto Vincenzo, barber, 186 Jefferson, h do Riddell John, ironworker, h 119 Mott Riddell Thomas, shoemaker, h 552 S Clinton av Rider Andrew J, (Rider Bus Col), h 3143 Mantua av (Phila) RIDER BUSINESS COLLEGE, (A J Rider; prop), Ribsam bldg, S Broad cor Front Rider William H, plumber, bds 531 Genesee Ridey John, drover, bds 137 Spring Ridgway John, potter, bds 306 E Trenton av Ridgway John C, driver, bds 2 Philemon Ridgway Mary A, wid John, res 29 Kent Ridgway William B, clerk, h 2 Philemon Ridgeway Edward H, laborer, h 213 Church Riedel Edmund C, foreman, h 563 Chestnut av Riedel Edmund E, foreman, h 563 Chestnut av Riedel Florence E, wid Ewald G, res 699 Chambers Riedel Robert, laborer, bds 563 Chestnut av Riedel William, patternmaker, bds 563 Chestnut av Riegel James, oysters, bds 426 Princeton av Riegel Jennie, wid Theodore, res 107 Spring Riegel Thomas T M, clerk, h 107 Spring Riehill Catharine, nurse, res 201 W Hanover Riehill William, horse-shoer, 30 Chancery, h 201 W Hanover Riehl Frank, potter, bds 64 Rose Riehl Joseph, sexton, h 64 Rose Rieker John G, baker, h 577 S Clinton av Rieker Tobias, boots and shoes, 702 S Broad, h do Riemann Christian, carpenter, h 103 Genesee Riemann Dora, dressmaker, res 23 S Warren Rieman Elizabeth, wid Jacob, res 116 Second Rieman Henry, wire drawer, h 116 Second Riemann Jacob, carpenter, h 48 Fountain av Rien George F, potter, h Lawrence rd (Slackwood) Rien John H, butcher, h Lawrence rd (Slackwood) Riether John H, wire drawer, h 705 S Clinton av Riether Joseph, grocer, 249 Second, h do Riether Joseph, oils, 301 Second, h 249 do Rifken & Baneson, (Nathan Rifken and Samuel Baneson), tailors, 628 S Warren Rifkin Louis, tailor, h 626 S Warren Rifkin Nathan, (Rifkin & Baneson), cigars, 326 S Warren,h do Rigby Leonard W, coal; wood, 212 Franklin, h do Rigger William, h 243 Adeline RIGGS E E, apothecary, S E cor Monmouth and Walnut av, h do Riker Henry, driver, h 14 Ogden Riker Henry, watchman, h 312 Cortland Riker John, driver, h 18 Ingham av Riker John, mason, h 310 Woodland Riker John R, clerk, h 7 Philemon Riker Joseph, driver, bds 18 Ingham av Riker Martha A, wid John, res 7 Philemon RIKER WILLIAM JR, clerk Supreme Court, State House, h Orange; N J Riley Augustus T, miller, h 711 Anderson Riley Bridget, boarding, 817 S Broad, res do Riley Charles, gateman, h 37 New Rose Riley Charles A, laborer, h 543 Roebling av Riley Charles O P, fish, 106 W Hanover, h do Riley Christopher, mason, bds 398 N Clinton av Riley Daniel, potter, h 108 Fountain av Riley Daniel, potter, h 86 Washington Riley Daniel B, potter, h 111 Temple Riley Dennert, farmer, bds 512 Calhoun Riley Edward, clerk, h 38 Bank Riley Edward, laborer, h 95 Klagg av Riley Enoch, potter, h 330 Elmer Riley Evert, student, bds 106 W Hanover Riley Frank, laborer, h 817 S Broad Riley Frank J, painter, bds 1016 S Broad Riley Harry C, printer, bds 1016 S Broad Riley Henry, flour miller, h 320 Bridge Riley Horace S, asst supt, h 201 Passaic Riley James T, potter, bds 149 Houghton av Riley John, bds 148 Perry Riley John F, driver, h 321 Academy Riley John H, engraver, bds Trenton House Riley Joseph, h Dolton’s Block Riley Joseph, hostler, h 123 Rose Riley Joseph, jiggerman, bds 30 Grant av Riley Malachi, wire drawer, h 1016 S Broad Riley Marcella, wid Joseph, res 30 Grant av Riley Margaret, dressmaker, 711 Anderson, h do Riley Maria, wid Theodore, res 57 Clark Riley Marvin A, reporter, h 6 W Front Riley Mary, grocer, 1016 S Broad, res do Riley Mary, res 362 N Clinton av Riley Mary, wid James, res 2 Hogarty al Riley Patrick J, potter, h 505 Perry Riley Peter A, potter, bds 323 Brunswick av Riley Thomas, laborer, bds 142 Rose Riley Thomas, potter, h 322 E Trenton av Riley William, printer, bds 1016 S Broad Riley Thomas F, clerk, bds 323 Brunswick av Rinehart David, poultry, h 516 Market Ringkamp, Bernard, saloon, 100 Dye, h do Ringkamp Frank, engineer, h 539 Roebling av Ringkamp Henry, saloon, 507 Second, h do Ringkamp Xavier, butcher, bds 507 Second Ringle Peter, laborer, h 613 Liberty Ringold Ella, res 20 Barnes Ringwood John, h 54 Escher Ringwood John jr, potter, bds 54 Escher Ripley Peris F, telegrapher, h 148 Pearl Riguete Frank, temperer, h Liberty n Chambers Risdon Edgar L, h 807 S Clinton av Risdon John, contractor, h 123 Mott RISDON LEVI B, pres’t (Trenton Mills & Elevator Co), h 130 W State Risdon Maggie H, (Smith & Walker), res 130 W State Risdon Margaret, wid William B, res 224 E Front Risdon Theodore R, clerk, h 8 Peace Riseley Arthur J, clerk, bds 166 W Hanover Riseley Charles P, clerk, h 199 Passaic Riseley James P, compositor, h 252 Jackson Riseley Jemima, wid John, res 853 E State Riseley William J, stone mason, h 59 Greenwood av Ristow Charles, potter, h Deutz av (Deutzville) Ristow Charles J, potter, bds 614 Centre Ristow Christopher, laborer, h 214 Home av Ristow Emma, saleslady, bds 488 Centre Ristow Ernest, potter, h 313 Case Ristow Ernest jr, potter, bds 313 Cass Ristow Frederick A, wire drawer, h 614 Centre Ristow Frederick W, potter, bds 614 Centre Ristow Herman, fireman, h 780 Beatty Ristow John, kilnman, h 488 Centre Ristow John, clerk, bds 313 Cass Bistow Lewis G, decorator, h 622 Centre Ristow William, laborer, h 774 Beatty Ristow William, laborer, h 622 Centre Ritchie Amos B, tel operator, h 410 Rutherford av Ritchie Elwood, painter, h 254 Bellevue av Riter Rhoda, wid Jeremiah, res 322 N Willow Rithle Caroline, wid Peter, res 117 Jefferson Rittenger Jacob, driver, h 276 N Willow Rittenger Lena, dressmaker, res 276 N Willow Rittenger Susanna, wid Philip, res 276 N Willow Rittenger William, driver, bds 276 N Willow Rittenhouse Charles E, driver, h 209 E State Rittenhouse E, student, bds American House Rittenhouse Earle D, electrician, bds 235 Spring Bittenhouse Henry H, janitor, h 137 Passaic Rittenhouse John C, pianos; etc, 119 N Broad, h 235 Spring Rittenhouse John W, foreman, h 25 Ewing Rittenhouse Martha V, dressmaker, res 235 Spring Rittenhouse Peter L, collector, h 264 Clay Ritter Andrew, h 187 Cooper Ritter Charles, ropemaker, h 1004 S Clinton av Ritter Charles, potter, h 735 Beatty Ritter Charles jr, fireman, bds 1004 S Clinton av Ritter Frederick M, wire worker, bds 620 Centre Ritter John, ropemaker, h 1002 S Clinton av Ritter John, gardener, h 334 Emory av Ritter William, japanner, h 123 Spring RITTMANN GOTTLIEB, "The Owl", wines, liquors and cigars, 143 S Broad and Factory, h do Rittmann Jacob, saloon, 234 N Clinton av, h do Rixson John C, barber, h 66 W Lafayette Rizer Jacob, laborer, h 231 Mott Roach Charles W, wheel wright, h 25 New Rose Roach Joseph, blackmmith, bds 216 Academy Robb Lewis, clerk, h 119 Second Robbins Anna B, wid William H, res 240 Clay Robbins & Bro, (Harry and Wallace F), bakers, 254 N Clinton av ROBBINS CARROLL, cousellor at law, rooms 28-30 Forst-Richey bldg, h 263 Hamilton av ROBBINS CHARLES, grocer, Walnut av cor Chambers, h do Robbins Charles L, retired, bds 430 Monmouth Robbins Clarke A, foreman, h 1049 S Broad Robbins Clement, clerk, bds 421 Federal Robbins Edward J, salesman, h 329 Spring Robbins Edwin, cutter, bds 1123 S Clinton av Robbins Ellery, (Bird & Robbins), bds 52 N Stockton Robbins Elmer, hosemaker, bds Hamilton av cor Olden av Robbins Gertrude, wid Clement, res 421 Federal Robbins Harry, (Robbins & Bro), h 254 N Clinton av Robbins Irwin, baker, h 800 Division Robbins John, potter, bds 308 N Montgomery Robbins John B, rubber worker, bds 1210 Chestnut av Robbins John J, machinist, bds 113 Adeline Robbins Judson J, laborer, h 11 Hermann Robbins Teresa, wid Clarence, res 225 Jackson Robbins Theodore jr, laborer, h 1103 Division Robbins Veronica, milliner, res 124 N Warren Robbins Wallace B, (Robbins & Bro), h 1108 Anderson Robbins William A, patternmaker, bds 49 Olden av Robbins William B, rubber worker, h 318 Franklin Robbins William D, laborer, h 824 Second Robbins William G, driver, h 48 N Stockton Robech John, laborer, h 820 Ohio av Robech Thomas, laborer, bds 820 Ohio av Robechewski Frank, wire worker, h 15 Orange Roberson Albert, laborer, bds 235 Clay Roberson Emma L, wid Joseph, res 1114 Anderson Roberson Frank C, driver, h 235 Clay Roberson James, clerk, bds 336 N Broad Roberson Sarah E, wid Andrew, h 326 Centre Roberts Albert, watchmaker, h 145 Hamilton av Roberts Charles E, counselor at law, 132 E State, bds 146 Academy Roberts Charles K, cigarmaker, h 26 W Lafayette Roberts Charles W, laborer State Hospital, res Ewing Roberts Mrs Cornelia S, res 201 Lamberton Roberts Edward W, lineman, h 217 Bridge Roberts Elmer, foreman, h 906 S Broad Roberts Frank N, clerk, res Dolton’s Block Roberts Fred, wire drawer, h 245 Clay Roberts George L, stable boss, h 425 Centre Roberts Hannah, res 22 Barnes Roberts Harry, laborer, bds 45 Bellevue av Roberts Harry, clerk, h Quinton av (Villa Park) Roberts Harry E, driver, bds 425 Centre Roberts John P, electrician, bds 1055 S Clinton av Roberts John P, driver, h 211 Church Roberts Joseph A, h 804 Cass Roberts Norman J, laborer, h 33 Wilson Roberts Thomas J, blacksmith, h 425 Centre Roberts William, (Fell & Roberts), h 188 Pennington av Roberts William E, clerk, h 238 E State Roberts William H, brakeman, bds 739 E State Robertshaw Alfred F, clerk, bds 116 Mill Robertshaw Herbert, wool-sorter, h 116 Mill Robertson Edward, motorman, h 18 Beaver Robertson Francis, groceries, 18 Beaver, h do Robertson George B, h 24 Railroad av Robertson Jesse, music teacher, res 215 Mercer Robertson Neil, hardware, 830 S Broad, h do Robeson Anna M, bds Hotel Windsor Robillard Lavinia Mrs, res 48 Fowler Robins Edwin, painter, 119 E Front, h do Robins Elizabeth, wid John, res 157 Lamberton Robins George D, bookkeeper, h 1 Hudson Robins John G, potter, bds 49 Mulberry Robins John R, painter, h 77 Philemon Robins William H, painter, h 120 E Front Robinson Abram V, lawyer, 111 E State, bds 313 S Broad Robinson Albert, wire drawer, h 309 Genesee Robinson Alfred H, wool-sorter, h 115 Mill Robinson Anna, res 23 Thompson Robinson Benjamin, (Robinson Bros), h 722 Anderson Robinson Bernard, crate maker, bds 114 Klagg av Robinson Bros, (Joseph and Benjamin), shoes, 722 Anderson Robinson Christiana, wid, res 329 N Montgomery Robinson Eliza, wid Lewis, res 114 Klag av Robinson Frank J, bds 310 N Broad Robinson George, screenmaker, bds 548 S Clinton av Robinson George, railroader, h 219 S Clinton av Robinson George W, butcher, h 316 Reservoir Robinson Harriet, wid, res 115 Mill Robinson Harry E, polisher, bds 284 Rutherford av Robinson Henry, packer, h 61 Lincoln av Robinson Henry T, potter, bds 61 Lincoln av Robinson James H, (Providential Tile Works), h 178 Brunswick av Robinson John, laborer, bds Hillcrest av (Hillcrest) Robinson John Rev, h 425 Woodland av Robinson Joseph, potter, h 253 Dickinson Robinson Joseph, (Robinson Bros), h 722 Anderson Robinson Joseph H, laborer, h 384 St Joe’s av Robinson Leonard K, cigar packer, bds 131 E Front Robinson Louis, dry goods, 676 S Broad, h do Robinson Louis C, spoke finisher, h 284 Rutherford av Robinson Marlo J, salesman, bds 216 Academy Robinson Mathias, insurance, bds 152 Perry Robinson Michael, molder, bds 722 Anderson Robinson Sallie, res 228 E Hanover Robinson Thermal Bath Co, 234 ½ E State Robinson Warner, clerk, bds 316 Reservoir Robison Edward W, baker, 12 Rusling, h do Robson S W Mrs, res 108 N Stockton Roccoe Mary, wid Henry, res 299 N Willow Rocford Rene, languages, h 328 S Broad Roch Charles, tailor, h 15 Jersey Roche Eliza, wid Pierce, res 314 N Clinton av Roche Edward H, grocer, 869 E State, h do Roche T J Mrs, res 338 W Hanover Rochford Michael, potter, h 94 Olden av Rochinsky W, shoemaker, 645 Beatty, h do Rock George, sanitary presser, h 28 Fillmore Rock Nellie Mrs, res 650 N Clinton av Rock Raymond, painter, h 631 Roebling av Rockafellow Laura, dressmaker, res 457 Princeton av Rockel Frederick, potter, Pennsylvania av n Olden av Rockhill Clarence P, clerk, bds 254 Clay Rockhill Ephraim, h 272 Morris av Rockhill Frank W, shipping clerk, h 254 Clay Rockhill Lloyd H, bookkeeper, h 921 Carteret av Rockhill Thomas A, salesman, h 140 E Front Roddy Alexander, gardener, h 335 W Hanover Roddy Charles H, driver, bds 335 W Hanover Roddy George A, clerk, bds 335 W Hanover Roddy William H, clerk, h 408 Lamberton Roden Henry G, decorator, h 957 Pensylvania av Rodenba ugh Elwood, engineer, h 253 N Willow Rodenbaugh Jacob, brakeman, bds 304 Pennington av Rodenbaugh Peter, potter, bds 49 Sweets av Rodenbaugh Robert, engineer, h 304 Pennington av Rodgers James E Rev, (St Paul A M E Ch), h 310 N Willow Rodgers Lizzie, res 149 Jefferson Rodgers Owen B, h 102 W State Rodman Harry, laborer, h 84 Belvidere Rodman Matilda, grocer, 157 W Hanover, h do Rodman Thomas, h 56 Quarry al Rodman William H, painter, h 17 Titus av ROE DENNIS, contractor, h 483 W State Roe John, laborer, h 228 Dickinson Roe Thomas, laborer, h W State bey Roe Thomas, dairyman, State Hospital, h do Roebling Karl G, (The John A Roebling’s Sons Co), h 222 W State Roebling Charles G, (pres’t John A Roebling’s Sons Co), h 333 W State ROEBLING CONSTRUCTION CO; THE, S Broad, and Canal Roebling Ferdinand W, (treas The John A Roebling’s Sons Co), h 222 W State ROEBLING’S SONS CO; THE JOHN A, mfrs wire rope, S Broad n Canal Roebling Washington A, (vice pres’t The John A Roebling’s Sons Co); also civil engineer, h 191 W State Roff August, laborer, h 185 Ferrier av Roff John, laborer, bds 224 Klagg av Roff Joseph, laborer, bds 649 Lamberton Roff Joseph N, driver, h 12 S Jackson Roff Martin, laborer, h 224 Klagg av Roff William A, dipper, h 12 N Jackson Rogom James, laborer, State Hospital, res do Rogers Abraham, rubber worker, bds 342 N Clinton av Rogers Ada M, teacher, res 886 S Broad Rogers Allen M, patrol driver, h 109 Pashley av Rogers Alvin W, butcher, bds 886 S Broad ROGERS AMOS, butcher, 886 S Broad cor Beatty, h do Rogers Amsey, blacksmith, bds 502 S Warren Rogers Benjamin, (E B &B Rogers), res Allentown Rogers Bernard, flagman, h 261 N Broad Rogers Catharine I, stenographer, res 261 N Broad Rogers Charles, rubber worker, h 158 Pennington av Rogers Charles, (Charles Rogers & Co), h 502 S Warren Rogers Charles & Co, (Charles Rogers and John Cady), bottlers, r 20 N Warren Rogers Charles D, carpenter, h 208 Liberty Rogers Charles G, engineer, h 231 Fall Rogers C Harry, carpenter, h 120 Jackson Rogers E B & B, (Elias B and Benjamin), house movers, 718 Genesee Rogers E R, clerk, h 21 Chapel Rogers Elias B, (E B & B Rogers), res Allentown Rogers Ella M, photographer, 6 E State, res do ROGERS ELMER H, physician, 126 N Warren, h do Rogers Ervin W, fire insurance, h 329 Bellevue av Rogers Frederick, potter, bds 9 Cook pl Rogers Frederick R, potter, h 56 Tyrell av Rogers Harry, huckster, h 1 Hogarty al Rogers Harry, foreman, h 106 Bayard Rogers Harry E, sanitary presser, h 58 Chestnut av Rogers H E Mrs, fancy goods, 58 Chestnut av, h do Rogers James, railroader, h 159 Brunswick av Rogers James N, tinsinith, h 15 Kent Rogers Jane E, wid Levi, res 6 F, State Rogers Jane E, wid Peter, h 18 Perrine av Rogers John M, clerk, h 32 Philemon Rogers John S, laborer, bds 24 Sherman av Rogers Joseph L, tinsmith, 129 Hudson, h 21 Kent Rogers Lester, plumber, bds 144 E Front Rogers Mark F, potter, h 314 N Montgomery Rogers Martha A, wid Isachar, res 25 Livingston Rogers Martin J, Salesman, h 418 Ferry Rogers Mary A, notions, 524 S Warren, res do Rogers Peter, laborer, h 215 S Feeder Rogers Peter jr, driver, bds 215 S Feeder Rogers Rebecca A, wid Job H, res 120 Jackson ROGERS RICHARD R Jr, physician and surgeon; also county physician, 610 Perry, h do Rogers Richard R sr, physician, h 110 E Hanover Rogers Thomas, potter, h 32 Sanford Rogers Thomas, tinsinith, h 31 Kent Rogers Timothy, railroader, h 155 Old Rose Rogers William, crate maker h 13 Tyrell av Rogers William, cigars, 346 N Clinton av, h do Rogers William B, h 269 Schiller av (Broad St Park) Rogers William J, printer, bds 231 Fall Rogers William J, laborer, bds 265 Allen Rogers William jr, freight handler, bds 13 Tyrell av Rogers William sr, laborer, h 265 Allen Rogers William T, physician, bds 225 Perry Roissier Frank J, dipper, h 18 Sheridan av Rojeski William, potter, bds 359 Fair Roll Frederick, saloon, 133 Pennington av, h do Roll Jacob, teamster, h 15 Summer Rolla Frank, laborer, bds 63 Hills al Rolla James, laborer, h 155 Hills al Roller Jacob J, potter, h 120 Ashmore av Rollings George B, engineer, h Henry (Deutzville) Rolnok Job, junk, h 10 Gleason’s al Rolph John, machinist, bds 817 S Broad Rom Harry, mariner, h 23 New Romanski Joseph, laborer, h 815 S Warren ROMAINE JAMES H, prop (American House), cor N Warren and W Hanover Romine Elizabeth, wid John, res 232 N Warren Romine Emma J, res 232 N Warren Rommel Frederick, butcher, h 694 S Clinton av Rommell Joseph, dipper, h 319 Walnut av Ronan James, (J Howard Ronan & Co), h Avon-by-the-Sea Ronan J Howard, (J Howard Ronan & Co), h 136 E Hanover Ronan J Howard & Co, (James Ronan), teas; etc, 133 N Broad Ronca Agostino, shoemaker, 326 N Broad, bds 54 Mott Rooney John A, laborer, h 36 Walnut av Rooney Michael J, wire drawer, h 320 Lamberton Rooney Thomas J, wiredrawer, bds 320 Lamberton Rose Andrew, grocer, 200 E Trenton av, h do Rose Burroughs S, (A E Clark & Co), h 945 Berkeley av Rose Charles, machinist, h 237 Cummings av Rose Charles L, saggermaker, h 118 Harding Rose Clifton A, (John W Rose & Son), bds 141 N Warren Rose Etta, teacher, res 53 1/2 Summer Rose James A, waiter, h 247 Church Rose John J, confectionery, 112 S Clinton av, h do ROSE JOHN W, carriage manufacturer, 313 S Warren, also chipped beef, J W Rose & Son, 141 N Warren, h latter Rose Margaret E, clerk, res 200 E Trenton av Rose Mary, dressmaker, 200 E Trenton av, res do Rose Mary, clerk, res 112 S Clinton av Rose Richard M, clerk, bds 141 N Warren 2d floor Rose Samuel, rubber worker, h 22 1/2 Jefferson Rose William G, clerk, bds 200 E Trenton av Rose William W, grocer, 169 Pennington av, h do Rosell Elizabeth, teacher, res Industrial School Rosenau Arthur, salesman, bds 22 N Broad Rosenau Nathan Rabbi, (Har Sinai Temple), h 22 N Broad Rosenbaum Morris, peddler, h 16 Livingston Rosenberg Lewis, tailor, h 5 Ferry Rosenblatt Julius, laborer, h 526 Market Rosenkraus Eugene, collector, h 215 Bellevue av Rosensky Frederick, laborer, h 32 Adeline Rosentaught Nathan, peddler, h 126 Mill Rosenthal Ida, wid Abraham, res 34 Decatur Rosenthal Joseph, (Surprise Mdse Co), h 152 W Hanover Rosenthal Max, peddler, h 36 Decatur Roser Frederick, tailor, h 40 Cooper Rosenzwerg David, tailor, 24 E Front, h do Ross Anthony, laborer h 122 Fair Ross Charles, potter, bds 224 Klagg av Ross Clarence L, drug clerk, h 141 Butler Ross Daniel, bookkeeper, bds 332 Southard Ross James, sales stables, h 332 Southard Ross James A, police officer, h 26 Monroe Ross John, bricklayer, bds 332 Southard Ross Joseph, candy store, 266 N Clinton av, h do Ross William H, grocer, 401 Stuyvesant av, h do Rossell Alonzo, ins agent, bds 108 W Hanover Rossell Anna, res 300 W State Rossell William, laborer, bds 202 Southard Rossier Frank, potter, h 532 N Clinton av Rossow Ernest, laborer, h 148 Philemon Rostron Ellen J, wid James, res 161 Lamberton Rostron John, wool sorter, bds 161 Lamberton Rostron Walburg C, laborer, bds 161 Lamberton Rostron William C, woolen worker, bds 161 Lamberton Roth Armin, tailor, h 166 S Broad Roth Bertrand, shoemaker, bds 251 N Clinton av Roth Harry, slater, h 742 Cass Roth John, wire worker, bds 960 Lamberton Roth Nicholas, rope maker, h 145 Ashmore av Roth Philip, wire drawer, h 42 Jersey Roth William, roper, h 340 William Rothschild V Henry & Co, shirt factory, on line of P R R Rottgardt Henry, laborer, h 940 Lamberton Rottman Frederick W, tailor, h 82 Philemon Roum Harry, peddler, h 23 New Roundtree Rev I W L, h 425 Schiller av (Broad St Park) Rouner Isaac Capt, liquor dealer, 880 S Broad, h 211 Emory Roupp Joseph, driver, h 816 Second Rourke Charles H, bricklayer, bds 57 W Hanover Rourke Frances, wid John, res 57 W Hanover Rourke John F, bookkeeper, bds 57 W Hanover Rowan Andrew K, h Broad St Park Rowe Alfred J, saloon, 202 Perry, h do ROWE FREDERICK W, jeweler, 175 S Broad, h 120 Brunswick av Rowe James, carriage painter, bds 57 Bank Rowe James, potter, 43 S Olden av Rowe John H, fireman, bds 536 Adeline Rowland David L, stenographer, h 137 Rose Rowland Henry, carriage builder, h 90 Lamberton Rowland John, potter, h 20 Morgan Rowland Robert, potter, h 405 N Montgomery Rowland Sarah, wid Thomas, h 137 Rose Rowland Thomas, kilnman, h 137 Rose Rowley Charles B, cigar manfr, 139 S Broad, h do Rowley Edward, tailor, bds 310 W Hanover Rowley Edward A, butcher, h 209 Market Rowley Ellen, wid Richard, res 39 Tyrell av Rowley George, decorator, h 380 St Joe’s av Rowley Harry E, cigar manfr, 234 Perry, h 232 do Rowley Minnie, domestic, State Hospital, res do Rowley Ralph, potter, h 311 Third Rowley Samuel, potter, h 211 Mott Rowley William A, lather, h Quinton av (Villa Park) Royal Horace M, asst sec (Home Rubber Co), h 106 S Overbrook av Royer Eliza, teacher, res 204 E Front Royer Frank, fire dept, h 8 W Lafayette Royle George H, grocer, 205 Clay, h do Royle James W, foreman, h 46 N Stockton Royle Mathias, printer, h 145 Walnut av Royle Silas T, decorator, bds 46 N Stockton ROYLE THOMAS, sup’t Packer’s stone yard, h 113 S Montgomery Rubertone Nicholas, laborer, h 103 Fulton Ruckle Joseph N, clerk, h 27 Montgomery pl Rude August, rubberworker, h 142 Tremont Rude Jacob, wirdrawer, h 142 Tremont Ruder Frank, laborer, 151 Hancock av Rue Albert, mason, bds 212 Passaic Rue Alfred, h 203 Clinton av Rue Anna A, real estate, res 231 N Broad Rue Catherine, dressmaker, 149 Jackson, res do Rue Charles H, collector, bds 79 Cooper Rue Charles W, produce, bds 149 Jackson Rue Dora, grocer, 231 N Willow, res do Rue Edward, mason, h 521 Emory av Rue Eliza, wid Lewis R, res 1010 New Willow Rue E Allen, prison deputy, h 311 S Broad Rue Elmer, mason, h Lafayette av (Broad St Park) Rue Frank B, foreman, h 15 Tyler Rue Gilbert W, watchman, h 25 E Lafayette Rue Harry B, railroader, h 165 Walnut av Rue James W, engineer, h 106 Lamberton RUE JOHN D, pres (Trenton Bone Fertilizer Co), h 236 E Hanover Rue John V, laborer, bds 1010 New Willow Rue Lewis, fireman, h 312 Walnut av Rue Lewis B, carpenter, h 115 Fulton Rue Lewis R, laborer, bds 1010 New Willow Rue Lillian M, dressmaker, 149 Jackson, res do Rue Lizzie, wid Jacob, res 79 Cooper Rue Mary, wid Matthew, res 268 Hamilton av Rue Spafford H, caterer, h 18 E Lafayette Rue Susan, res 95 Lamberton Rue Thomas C, mason, bds 95 Lamberton Rue William, collector, bds 212 Passaic Rue William H, mason, h 17 Lamberton Ruelius Charles L, stonecutter, bds 12 Humboldt Ruelius George A, potter, bds 12 Humboldt Ruelius John J, stonecutter, h 12 Humboldt Ruff John, laborer, h 416 Elmer Ruggaber Charles, tinsmith, bds Atlantic av ab Logan av Ruggaber George, tailor, h 142 Lamberton Ruggaber Henry, oilclothmaker, bds Atlantic av ab Logan Ruggaber John, laborer, h 142 Lamberton Ruggaber Joseph, cigarmaker, h 1109 S Clinton av Ruggaber Joseph, baker, h Atlantic av ab Logan av Rugilinski Valentine, laborer, h 11 Elm RUHLMAN C FRED, printer and stereotyper and leader of Ruhlman’s band, 169-171 Cooper, h do Ruhlman Cassel R, music teacher, bds 947 Carteret av RUHLMAN JOHN S, piano salesman and tuner, h 947 Carteret av Rnhlman’s Naval Reserve Band and Orchestra, 167 Cooper Ruhlman Rudolph, music teacher, h 167 Cooper Rulon Albert, rubberworker, h 584 Centre Rulon Augusta, dressmaker, res 225 Jackson Rulon Budd W, conductor, h 5 Tyler Rulon Elizabeth S, wid Hamilton B, res 76 Wall Rulon Emiline B, wid Edwin M, h 148 E Front Rulon George, grocer, 776 Second, h do Rulon Hannah W, wid James C, res 16 W Stockton Rulon Joseph B, machinist, bds 776 Second Rulon Leason E, transfer agent, h 16 W Stockton Rulon Norman E, decorator, h 24 Oxford Rulon Ralph H, clerk, bds 151 Pennington av Rulon Walter H, potters’ printer, bds 76 Wall Rumpf Christian, potter, bds 357 St Joes av Rumpf John A, potter, h 274 Walnut av Rumpf John C, potter, h 357 St Joes av Rumpf William C, potter, bds 357 St Joe’s av Runkle Thomas C, h 144 Passaic Runkle William T, clerk, bds 144 Passaic Runyan Harry L, draughtsman, bds 181 Passaic Runyan Hugh A, gardener, bds 181 Passaic Runyan Morris C, furniture, 218 S Broad, h 181 Passaic Runyon Elmer E, rubber worker, h 701 Chambers Runyon George L, railroader, bds 164 Locust Runyon Harvey K, miller, h 148 Sherman av Runyon John G, railroader, h 164 Locust Runyon John M, watchmaker, h Quinton av (Villa Park) Runyon Oliver, wire worker, bds 311 W Hanover Runyon Oliver C, rubber worker, h 311 W Hanover Runyon Samuel, railroader, h 168 Locust Runyon William, res Dolton’s Block Runyon William, railroader, bds 164 Locust Ruopp Charles F, bds 1200 S Broad Ruopp John, laborer, h 513 Bridge Ruopp John C, machinist, bds 513 Bridge Ruopp Mary, wid Jacob, res 32 Walter av Ruopp William G, hotel, 1200 S Broad, h do Rupert Edward, machinist, h 420 Rutherford av Ruscomb George, molder, h 6 Adeline Rushton Jesse V, engineer, h 541 Emory av Ruskus Joseph, waiter, bds 162 S Broad RUSLING JAMES F, counselor at law, 224 E State, h 226 do Rusling James W, banker and broker, bds 226 E State Rusling William, real estate, h 221 E Hanover Russ Joseph, laborer, h 16 Asbury Russell Bartholomew, railroader, bds 401 Stuyvesant av Russell De Witt C, polisher, h 214 Philemon Russell Harry C, polisher, bds 214 Philemon Russell Thomas, driver, h 104 Franklin Russell Thomas J, potter, h 291 Church Russenak Michael, laborer, bds 383 Second Russi Antonia, laborer, h 46 Butler Russo Angelo, (Russo Bros), h Broad St Park Russo Bros, (Angelo and Joseph), confectioners, Broad St Pk Russo Joseph, (Russo Bros), h Broad St Park Russo Michael, laborer, h 1512 S Clinton av Rust Levi, iron worker, h 231 Bridge Rust William, molder, h 104 1/2 Union Ruth Arthur, cigar maker, bds 27 Summer Buth Oscar, rubber worker, h 805 Prospect Ruth Stewart, rubber worker, bds Brookville Ruth William S, driver, h 184 Girard av Ruthenbeck Wilhelm, wire drawer, h William (Broad St Pk) Rutter John, potter, h 132 Kent Rutter Sarah E Mrs, confectionery, 132 Kent, h do Rutzinger Frank, cloth maker, bds 24 Belvidere Rutzinger Frederick, cloth maker, h 24 Belvidere Ryall David M, upholsterer, bds 37 Model av Ryan Alfred H, supt, h 486 W State Ryan Arthur, broom maker, bds 57 Fountain av Ryan Catharine, wid Michael, res 29 Olden av Ryan Charles W, carpenter, h 317 Academy Ryan Christopher R, laborer, h 124 William Ryan Daniel, laborer, h 23 Second Ryan David, gardener, h 9 Kent Ryan Edward, paver, h 9 Asssapink Ryan Emma, wid Timothy, res 9 Assanpink Ryan Fannie, wid Garritt, res 29 Dickinson RYAN GEORGE T, blacksmith and horseshoer, 12 E Carroll, h 557 S Warren Ryan Harry F, stone cutter, h 28 Chapel Ryan Hugh, molder, h 45 Assanpink Ryan James, wool worker, bds 502 S Warren Ryan James J, railroader, h 26 Cuyler av Ryan John, grocer, 324 Rusling Ryan John, patrolman, h 203 Mott Ryan John, potter, bds 218 Cortland Ryan John, laborer, h 316 Bridge Ryan John, saloon, 29 Olden av, h do Ryan John, plasterer, bds 39 Morgan Ryan John J, barkeeper, bds 39 N Willow Ryan John M, carpenter, bds 742 S Warren Ryan Martin, laborer, bds 316 Bridge Ryan Mary, wid John, res 558 Second Ryan Mary, wid John, res 264 Church Ryan Mary A, res 166 Cooper Ryan Michael, rubber worker, h 27 Olden av Ryan Michael J, brakeman, bds 39 Grant av Ryan Patrick, barkeeper, bds 397 Reservoir Ryan Patrick J, laborer, h 26 Tyrell av Ryan Robert M, fireman, h 682 Lamberton Ryan Rose Mrs, dressmaker, res 112 Rose Ryan Sarah, wid William, res 742 S Warren Ryan Stephen, laborer, h 317 Southard Ryan Thomas, machinist, h 29 Walter av Ryan Thomas, sanitary presser, h 436 Pennington av Ryan Thomas, bridge tender, at Cadwalader Park Ryan Thomas, coachman, bds 9 Kent Ryan Thomas J, railroader, bds 26 Cuyler av Ryan Thomas J, laborer, bds Cadwalader Prk Bridge House RYAN TIMOTHY, bluestone; flagging and paving; also contractor, 502 Perry, h 134 Kossuth Ryan William J, clerk, h 81 Southard Ryan William S, brass molder, h 112 Rose Ryder James, potter, h 18 Lincoln av Ryder Nellie, dressmaker, 18 Lincoln av, res do Ryel Clark H, iron worker, h 159 Sherman av Ryel Frank H, molder, bds 159 Sherman av Ryel Frank H jr, core maker, bds 159 Sherman av Ryel Willard E, core maker, bds 159 Sherman av Rymond Annie, boarding house, 207 S Warren, res do Rymond Emma, dressmaker, res 207 S Warren Rymond George, carpenter, h 25 Sheridan av Rymond Mary, wid Jonas, res 413 N Montgomery Rymond Wilson, clerk, bds 207 S Warren Saas Alexander, oilcloth maker, bds 839 S Clinton av Saas Augusta, wid Frederick, res 315 Second Saas Nathan, milkman, h 839 S Clinton av Sabastian George, laborer, h 4 Frazier Sabo John, grocer and butcher, 717 Case, h do Sabo Lewis, iron worker, h 20 Jennie Sabol Jacob, laborer, h 150 Hancock av Sackett John, laborer, h 110 Hancock av SADLER WILLIAM F Jr, secy and treas Trenton; Lawrenceville and Princeton Railroad Co, offices 25 and 26 Forst-Richey bldg, bds Trenton House Sager John Mrs, res 210 E Hanover Sager John, stenographer, bds 210 E Hanover Saggerty Joseph, laborer, h 38 Hancock Sailey George W, rubber worker, bds 46 Oak Sailey Melvin, rubber worker, h 46 Oak ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL, Chambers cor Hamilton av SALB HERMAN A, Deer Hotel, 550 Lamberton cor Federal, h do Salb William A, saloon, 401 Centre, h do Sally Edward, laborer, h 8 Jefferson Sally Henry, laborer, bds 8 Jefferson Sally John, laborer, h 33 Howard Salow John, modeler, h 237 Perry Salt Charles, crate maker, h 46 Hart av Salt Edward G, kilnman, h 622 Roebling av Salt John M, potter, h 1047 Indiana av Salt Joseph, engineer, h 55 Assanpink Salt Joseph W, potter, bds 622 Roebling av Salt William, bicycles, 385 N Clinton av, h 55 Assanpink Salt William, crate mfr, 57 Assanpink, h do Salt William, machinist, h 528 N Clinton av Salt William, potter, h 214 Ashmore av Salt William jr, musician, bds 57 Assanpink Saltees Charles, laborer, h 383 Union Salter Eugene D, fireman, h 27 Chambers SALTER HARRY B, asst city clerk, h 44 Overbrook av Salter John B, fireman, h 152 Walnut av Salter John P, fireman, h 863 E State Salter Malcolm, rubber worker, h 42 Overbrook av Salter Margaret, wid Asher, res 405 Franklin Salter Mary A, stenographer, res 42 Overbrook av Salter William B, saw maker, h 405 Franklin Saltmer Harry, conductor, h 261 N Willow Sam Charlie, laundry, 310 Hudson, h do Sam Charlie Mark, laundry, 74 Bayard, h do Samler Simon Mrs, res 228 Perry Sampson Catharine, wid Frank, res 446 S Broad SAMPSON JAMES, saloon; also wholesale liquor dealer, 456 S Broad, h do Samsel Horace, wire worker, h 225 Clay Samsel Linford, laborer, bds 123 Lamberton Samsel Samuel, h 123 Lamberton Samson Daniel M, grocer, 11 Emory av, h do Samuelson Elias, rag dealer, h 234 Fulton Sanders Alfred, fireman, h 442 Centre Sanders Bernard, machinist, bds 131 Genesee Sanders Charles, potter, h 129 Taylor Sanders Edwin, laborer, bds 44 Butler Sanders Frank, potter, bds 129 Taylor Sanders Frederick, fireman, h 450 Centre Sanders Henry, cigar maker, bds 820 Anderson Sanders Isaac, laborer, h 14 Passaic Sanders James C, laborer, h 44 Butler Sanders John, policeman, h 958 S Broad Sanders John J, saggermaker, h 14 Oak Sanders Norman, notions, 465 Lamberton, h do Sanders William, carpenter, h 519 Princeton av Sanders William, potter, bds 932 Ohio av Sanderson George, h 72 Bellevue av Sandhoff August, potter, h 159 Pennington av Sandhoff Carl J, supt, h 29 Emory av Sandhoff Frederick, engineer, h 766 Beatty Sandhoff John, laborer, h 660 Second Sandhoff Rudolph, wire worker, bds 424 Ferry Sandhoff William, policeman, h 433 Emory av Sands Horace G, blacksmith, h 31 Houghton av Sands Joseph H, clerk, bds 401 Market Snds Thomas S, grocer, 401 Market, h do Sands William, blacksmith, 49 Girard av, h 38 Houghton av Sands William M, machinist, h 201 Perry Sanefsky Michael, laborer, h 21 Hewitt Sanford Charles A, laborer, bds 203 Church Sanford Charles H, fireman, bds 390 Brunswick av Sanford George, wire worker, bds 23 Centre Sanford John S, student, bds 124 W State Sanford William A, lawyer, h 390 Brunswick av Sanitary Earthenware Specialty Co, Southard n May SANITARY PRESSERS’ ASSOCIATION, (Arthur Wildblood pres, T B Dennis sec), meets every Thursday night Ribsam bldg Santannello Salvatore, laborer, h 356 Union Sarask John, laborer, h 138 Jersey Sargeant Agnes Mrs, res 73 Mulberry Sargeant William, saloon, 372 N Clinton av, h do Sarsfield John, railroader, h 807 Lamberton Sassman George H, boatman, h 47 Grant av Sassman George H jr, kilnman, bds 47 Grant av Sassman John, presser, bds 47 Grant av SATTERTHWAIT LINTON, counsellor-at-law, Broad St Bank bldg; State cor Montgomery, h 912 Riverside av Satterthwaite Benjamin, farmer, h 35 Southard Satterthwaite Charles E, salesman, h 1009 Division Satterthwaite John R, (Tomlinson & Satterthwaite), h 44 Montgomery pl Satterthwaite Laura H, physician, 45 W State,h 35 Southard Satterthwaite Newbury, driver, h 442 Emory av Sauders Charles, laborer, bds 817 S Broad Sauer Frederick, rope maker, h 22 Hewitt Sauer George, machinist, bds 22 Hewitt Sauer Henry, clerk, bds 22 Hewitt Sauer John, rope maker, bds 22 Hewitt Sauerwein Angelus, brewer, h 769 Second Saums Isaac W, driver, h 521 Princeton av Saums Jacob W, brakeman, h 52 Fountain av Saunders Edward C, laborer, h 225 N Willow Saunders Edward H, polisher, bds 225 N Willow Saunders George, laborer, h 45 Bellevue av Saunders John, shoemaker, 607 Lamberton, h do Saunders Samuel M, machinist, bds 124 Butler Saunderson Isaac, laborer, h 14 Passaic Saunderson John H, ins; etc, 111 E State, h 36 Livingston Saunderson Warren R, watchman, h 96 Belvidere Saunderson William H, laborer, h 335 Reservoir Saunt Peter, laborer, h 80 Quarry al Savage Henry, niotorman, bds 751 Centre Savage Henry, saloon, 82 Klagg av, h do Savidge James A, carpenter, h 180 Jefferson Savidge John W, watchman, h 178 W Hanover Savory Walter H, city editor True American, h 141 E State Sawrey John, butter; etc, Washington mkt, res Emelie Sawyer Abraham M, sup’t, h 221 Centre Sawyer John, rubber worker, h 732 S Warren Sawyer Lydia C, wid Joseph A, res 11 W Front Sawyer Thomas, turner, h 223 Second Saxton Harriet, wid Hobson, res 557 Perry Saxton Thomas, saloon, 388 S Warren, h do Scalella Leonardo, bartender, bds 622 S Clinton av Scales Charles, polisher, h 35 Houghton av Scales Cornelius, polisher, h 20 Dickinson Scales James F, well-digger, h 105 Taylor Scamniell Charles H,supt, bds 119 Tyler Scammell David W, clerk, bds 119 Tyler SCAMMELL FRANK G, physician, 413 E State, bds 119 Tyler Scammell John, fireman, h 119 Tyler Scammell John R, wire drawer, bds 119 Tyler Scammell Matthew J, student, bds 119 Tyler Scammell I Scott, lawyer, 5 W State, bds 119 Tyler Scammell William, bookkeeper, h 119 Tyler Scanlon Christina, wid Patrick, h 238 N Broad Scanlon John J, engraver, h 127 Factory Scanlon Patrick, wire drawer, bds 222 Bayard Scarborough Arthur, foreman, h 307 Walnut av Scarborough Elmer, railroader, h 244 Church Scarborough Fletcher, clerk, h 737 E State Scarborough Frank, laborer, h 326 N Broad Scarborough George W, driver, h 19 Peter al Scarborough Howell, engineer, h 309 Walnut av Scarborough Isaac B, smoker, h 509 Princeton av Scarborough J Harvey, manager, h 132 W Hanover SCARBOROUGH; RIGHT REV JOHN, P E Bishop of N J, h 107 Greenwood av Scarborough Mary, wid George, res 45 Spring Scarborough Sarah, wid George W, res 45 Spring Scarborough William J, driver, bds 159 Girard av Schaaf Benjamin F, conductor, h 158 Rose Schaaf Charles, grocer, Rose cor Feeder, h do Schaaf John J, railroader, h 166 Rose Schaber Mary, wid John J, h 142 E Front Schaefer Andrew, galvanizer, h 420 Federal Schaefer Lewis A T, clerk, bds 12 N Warren Schaefer William carpenter, h 15 Brown Schafer August, baker, h 729 Adeline Schafer Charles, engineer, bds 805 New Willow Schafer Charles K, baker, 625 S Warren, h do Schafer Conrad, barkeeper, bds 401 Adeline Schafer Gregory, baker, 86 Pennington av, h do Schafer Joseph, slater, h Franklin (Homedell) Schafer Pemberton M, farmer, h 639 Second Schafer Thomas, clerk, bds 86 Pennington av Schafer William, conductor, h 1114 Lamberton Schaff Jacob, butcher, h 27 Hewitt Schaaf John J, conductor, h 166 Rose Schaff Michael, tailor, h 47 Asbury Schaffer Coley, driver, h 147 Lamberton Schaffer Edward C, kilinman, h 639 Second Schaffner Antonia, notions, 115 Market, h do Schaffner George, slater, h 115 Market Schaffner Michael A, kilnman, bds 115 Market Schaffner William A, laborer, bds 115 Market Schaible Alice, dressmaker, res 358 Brunswick av Schaible Leonard, carpenter, h 358 Brunswick av Schaible Leonard jr, boatman, bds 358 Brunswick av Schall Mary H, wid John, res 108 Jackson Schall May, teacher, res 108 Jackson Schaller Ernest, machinist, h 138 Second Schaller Otto, saloon, 204 Genesee, h do Schanck Charles H, policeman, h 152 Kent Schanck Eva, res 925 S Broad Schanck Frank P, laborer, bds 220 Woodland Schanck Garret W, carpenter, h 925 S Broad Schanck John L, driver, h 104 N Willow Schanck Ralph D, potter, h 409 Stuyvesant av Schanck Samuel R, h 409 Stuyvesant av Schangel Elizabeth, wid Frederick, res 170 Walnut av Schanze Charles, carpenter, h 408 Franklin Schanze Emma, dressmaker, res 408 Franklin Schapp Emil, potter, bds 265 Cummings av Schaudt William, barber, 561 S Clinton av, h do Schauer Paul, watchman, h 551 Phillips av SCHAUMLOEFFEL GEORGE, wholesale dealer and bottler of Ballantine’s Newark beer; ale; porter and brown stout; soda and mineral waters, 837-839 Southard, h 59 Lamberton Schaum Carl, laborer, h 733 Adeline Scheeder John L, machinist, h 513 Ferry Scheele Frederick, watchman, h 215 Bayard Scheele George, laborer, h 914 S Broad Scheele George F, clerk, h 238 Bayard Scheeler Charles J, conductor, h 48 Charles Scheeler George, laborer, h 34 Turpin Scheidell Harry, fruit dealer, h 124 Webster Scheidell Joseph, fruits, 505 N Clinton av, h 124 Webster av Scheidnagel Anthony, laborer, h 97 Cooper Scheidnagel Francis, h 203 Second Scheidnagel Frank A, barber, bds 406 S Broad Scheidnagel John E, barber, 406 S Broad, h do Scheidnagel Joseph, chain maker, h 413 Centre Scheidnagel Louis, fire dep’t, h 203 Second Schelbert Frank, laborer, h 115 Cummings av Scheley Magdalene, res 698 S Broad Schell John, picker, h 45 Jersey Schelsinger Louis, clerk, bds 25 S Broad Schenck Alfred, conductor, h 559 Perry Schenck Alfred D, clerk, bds 226 Passaic Schenck Alonzo, motorman, bds 132 Jackson Schenck Ann, wid Samuel R, res 103 W Front Schenck Charles, engineer, h 42 Sheridan av Schenck Charles H, clerk, bds 346 N Broad Schenck Elizabeth, wid Isaac, h 22 E Canal Schenck Elmer W, carpenter, h 103 S Warren Schenck Garrett J, driver, h 204 Clay Schenck Garrit J,driver, h 22 Humboldt Schenck Harry H, engineer, h 335 E State Schenck Horatio H, clerk, h 205 Passaic Schenck Isaac, paperhanger, h 37 Oak Schenck Jennie, dressmaker, 20 Southard, res do Schenck John, boxman, bds 22 E Canal Schenck J G, res Dolton’s Block Schenck Mary F, wid Richard, res 28 Woodland Schenck Phoebe E, wid Garrett, res 22 Humboldt Schenck Ralph, rubber worker, h 226 Passaic Schenck Robert, baker, bds 22 E Canal Schenck Samuel R, oysters, Rutherford av, h 409 Stuyvesant Schenck Swancer, restaurant, 346 N Broad, h do Schenck William B, coachman, h 108 Brunswick av Schenck William H, patrolman, h 276 Walnut av Scherbaum Frank F, musician, h Beechwood av (Hillcrest) SCHERMERHORN ABRAM, plumber; gas and steam fitter, 9 E Front, h 938 Carteret av Schermerhorn Ella, teacher, res 405 Market Schermerhorn Joseph A, h 405 Market Scheurerman Kate, wid Frank, res 145 Academy Schiffermiller Henry, coachman, bds 227 Perry Schildkraht Samuel, shoemaker, 246 Perry, h do Schille Charles A, machinist, bds 402 Liberty Schillig Casper, wire drawer, h 35 Jersey Schilling Edward E, moulder, h 549 Phillips av Schilling Julius, engineer, h 823 Division Schilling William, teamster, h 931 New Willow Schimanofsky William, janitor, h 156 Hancock Schimmel Frederick, wire drawer, h 938 S Clinton av Schimmel Frederick jr, wire drawer, bds 938 S Clinton av Schimmel John, wire drawer, h 218 Fulton Schimmel John jr, drug clerk, bds 218 Fulton Schimph Frank, florist, bds 31 Wall Schindewolf Anna, boarding house, res 112 E Hanover Schindewolf Charles, clerk, bds 112 E Hanover Schindewolf Harry, fire dep’t, h 217 Pearl Schindewolf John G, grocer, 601 Chestnut av, h do Schindewolf Louis, tailor, h 140 S Broad Schindewolf Louis J, tailor, h 290 Rutherford av Schindewolf Nicholas, moulder, bds 231 Second Schindewolf William, clerk, bds 112 E Hanover Schindle Gottlieb, laborer, h 331 Cummings av Schindler Adams, laborer, h 426 Lamberton Schindler Frank, laborer, h 110 Turpin Schindler John, h 56 Decatur Schindler Louis M, superintendent, h 921 Edgewood av Schindler Peter, laborer, h 56 Decatur Schindler Peter, laborer, h 20 Adeline Schindthaler Henry, wire worker, bds 303 Cummings av Schindthaler John, h 303 Cummings av Schingle Louis, machinist, h 1219 Chestnut av Schinkel Wilhelmina, wid John, res 213 Hewitt Schipski Emil, watchman, h 26 Sweets av Schipski Frederick, laborer, h 178 Jersey Schirm Anton, laborer, bds 831 Lamberton Schirm Joseph, laborer, h 829 Lamberton Schisler Charles, grocer, 802 Lamberton, h do Schisler George, clerk, bds 217 Cass Schisler John, h 217 Cass Schiv John, laborer, h 45 Jersey Schlafmann William, laborer, h 122 Woolverton av Schlegel Anton, tailor, h 223 Jackson Schlegel George, bartender, bds Bromley Inn Schlegel John, carpenter, h 927 Beatty Schlegel Rudolph, baker, bds 223 Jackson Schleive Virgie, laborer, h 208 Ferrier av Schlicher Charlotte, res 150 Brunswick av Schlicher Frederick, watchman, h 26 Seward av Schlicher Peter, (Trenton Abattoir Co), h 152 Brunswick av Schlicher William, (Trenton Abattoir Co), h 150 Brunswick Schlickling John, carpenter, bds 530 Hudson Schlickling Peter, saloon, 530 Hudson, h do Schlitt John, motorman, h 111 Landing Schlitter Emma, wid Jacob, h 523 Chestnut av Schlosberg Jacob, clothing, 133 Ferry, h do Schlosofsky John, laborer, h 35 Randall av Schlotterer Alois, watchmaker, bds 908 S Broad Schlotterer Barbara, wid Serwandus, res 908 S Broad Schlotman Fred, barkeeper, bds American House Schlottenmeier Bernard, grocer, S Broad cor Cass, h do Schlottenmeier Henry, laborer, h 263 Cummings av Schlottenmeier Joseph, laborer, h 242 Hewitt Schlottenmeier Theodore, rubber worker, h 111 New Rose Schlottenmeier William, laborer, h 245 Rusling Schlottke Martin, laborer, bds 124 Home av Schmeltzer Joseph, carpenter, h 13 Jersey Schmelzeisen Carrie F, teacher, res 21 Roebling av Schmelzeisen Frederick, machinist, bds 21 Roebling Schmelzeisen J Charles, plumber, bds 21 Roebling av Schmelzeisen William, grocer, 21 Roebling av, h do Schmid Charles, barber, 1137 S Clinton av, h 1225 do Schmid Charles, salesman, bds 610 Genesee Schmid Matthias, laborer, h 610 Genesee Schmidt Adolph, wire weaver, bds 1206 Chestnut av Schmidt Albert, laborer, h 213 Landing Schmidt Ambrose, laborer, h 1206 Chestnut av Schmidt Andrew, laborer, h 80 Bond Schmidt Anna, res 115 Jersey Schmidt Anthony, laborer, h 222 Jersey Schmidt Anthony, laborer, h 25 Orange Schmidt Charles, barber, bds 510 S Clinton av Schmidt Charles, grocer, 55 Union, h do Schmidt Charles, laborer, bds 281 Third Schmidt Charles Mrs, res 522 N Clinton av Schmidt Christian, blacksmith, h 400 Liberty Schmidt David C, meat, 81 Klagg av, h do Schmidt Ernest, engineer, h 234 Rusling Schmidt Francis L Mrs, res 512 Princeton av Schmidt Frank, weaver, bds 1206 Chestnut av Schmidt Frank, machinist, h 201 Genesee Schmidt Frederick, grocer, 1049 S Clinton av, h do Schmidt Frederick J, butcher, h 508 N Clinton av Schmidt Giacomo, clerk, h 224 Pearl Schmidt Hannah, wid Henry, h 281 Third Schmidt Herman, laborer, h 18 Beatty Schmidt John, laborer, h 65 Hancock Schmidt John, wire drawer, h 201 Genesee Schmidt Joseph, machinist, h 817 W State Schmidt Louis, saloon, 773 Chambers, h do Schmidt Peter, poultry, City mkt, h Edgewood av Schmidt William, ropemake, h 1047 S Clinton av Schmidt William H, machinist, h 139 Taylor Schmidt William P, butcher, 517 N Clinton av, h do Schmitt Adam, mason, h 319 Cummings av Schmitt Jacob, mason, bds 319 Cummings av Schneider Anna, wid John, res 45 Tyrell av Schneider Barbara, confectitner, 232 Kossuth, h do Schneider Bruno, wiredrawer, bds 228 Landing Schneider Ferdinand M, upholsterer, h 228 Landing Schneider Fredolin, laborer, h 113 Fulton Schneider Gustav, machinist, h 323 Woodland Schneider Jacob, wheelwright, h 720 Washington Schneider John, confectioner, Grand cor Beatty, h do Schneider John, laborer, h 1608 S Clinton av Schneider John V, milk, 627 Franklin, h do Schneider Lena, wid John, res 906 Genesee Schneider Ulric, shipping clerk, h 39 Titus av Schnell Bernard J, barber, 511 Princeton av, bds 345 N Warren Schnell Charles, barber, bds 164 W Hanover Schnell Charles B, barber, 345 N Warren, h do Schnell William, baker, h 931 Beatty Schnerwess Adam, laborer, h 223 Rusling Schnitzer Adolph, shoemaker, 1056 S Clinton av, h 22 Ashmore av Schnitzer August, wiredrawer, h 4 Hewitt Schnitzer Christina, wid Ferdinand, h 22 Ashmore av Schnitzer Daniel, ins collector, h 547 Emory av Schnitzer Harry, barber, bds 547 Emory av Schnorbus Adam, laborer, h 223 Rusling Schnorbus Ernest, presser, bds 630 N Clinton av Schnorbus Frank, shoemaker, h 531 Centre Schnorbus Henry, laborer, h 531 Centre Schnorbus Herman, laborer, h 531 Centre Schnorbus John, potter, h 531 Centre Schnorbus Joseph, cigarmaker, h 531 Centre Schnorbus Joseph, laborer, h 723 Adeline Schnorbus Robert, watchman, h 220 Home av Schoen Otto, cabinetmaker, h 287 Third Schoenhaar Frederick, laborer, h 264 Home av Schoenhaar Frederick, laborer, h 283 Third Schoenhut William, laborer, bds 486 Centre Schoening Gustav, physician, h 223 Perry Schoenly & Lister, (William G Schoenly and Frank Lister), flour mill, Brookville Schoenly William G, (Schoenly & Lister), res Brookville Schoenthaler Frederick, potter, bds 120 Ashmore av Schoenthaler John, potter, h 921 S Clinton av Scholdowski Joseph, laborer, h 637 New Willow Scholer Ernest, stoves, 138 Second, h do Scholes Benjamin, park guard, bds 246 Academy Scholl Adam, clerk, bds 139 Passaic Scholl George, brickmaker, h 139 Passaic Schollenberger Frank, fire dep’t, h 217 Genesee Scholler Alert, machinist, h 457 Stuyvesant av Schomberg Conrad, wiredrawer, h 725 Division Schomberg George, baker, 217 Hewitt, h do Schomberg George, baker, Lafayette av, h do (B St Park) Schondelmaier John, blacksmith, bds 407 Genesee Schookwork Joseph, barber, h 729 Princeton av Schooley Mary A, res 794 E State Schooley Naomi, wid James, res 11 Roebling av Schooner Michael, wiredrawer, h 192 Home av Schoonover Frank E, artist, bds 302 W State SCHOONOVER J D LABARRE, lawyer, room 15 Forst-Richey bldg, h 302 W State SCHOONOVER JOHN, special agent Provident Life and Trust Co of Philadelphia, room 15 Forst-Richey bldg, h 302 W State Schop Gustav, pressel, h 348 Adeline Schrader Charles, baker, h 627 N Clinton av Schrader Charles, laborer, h Cherry la (Slackwood) Schrader George, laborer, h 627 N Clinton av Schrader Henry, confectioner, 37 Tucker, h do Schrader Jacob, laborer, h 805 Beatty Schrader John, kilnman, h 1113 Southard Schrader John H, wiredrawer, h 620 Second Schrader William, laborer, h 627 N Clinton av Schrader William, laborer, bds 461 S Broad Schramm Otto J, salesman, bds 143 Brunswick av Schremser John, cooper, h 808 Liberty Schriber Frank, laborer, h 59 Paul av Schrinberg Frederick, galvanizer, h 354 Rusling Schroeder Bernard F, grocer, 262 Jersey, h do Schroeder Caroline, wid John, res 125 Fountain av Schroeder Charles, fire dep’t, h 119 Jersey Schroeder Charles, wireworker, h 252 Jersey Schroeder Charles, laborer, h 112 Fulton Schroeder Ferdinand, laborer, h 619 Beatty Schroeder Frank P, ironworker, h 220 Washington Schroeder Frederick, potter, h 405 Centre Schroeder George, clerk, h 125 Fountain av Schroeder Harry A, driver, h 122 Tyler Schroeder Herman J, wiredrawer, h 620 Second Schroeder John, potter, h 53 Fountain av Schroeder John F, helper, bds 119 Jersey Schroeder Joseph, laborer, h 841 S Warren Schroeder William F, carpenter, h 256 Jersey Schroth Annie, wid Michael, res 612 Lamberton Schroth Catharine, wid Andrew, res 133 Decatur Schroth Elizabeth, wid Charles, res 29 Union Schroth Godfrey W, pianos and organs, 120 Centre, h do Schroth Henry C, kilnman, bds 304 Lamberton SCHROTH JOHN, bottler of New York Lion Brewery Pilsner beer; Philadelphia porter; ales; brown stout; mineral waters; seltzers; &c, 45-47 W Hanover, h 632 S Warren Schroth John F, clerk, h 632 S Warren Schroth John W, bricklayer, h 620 Anderson Schroth Margaret, school teacher, res 632 S Warren Schroth Washington, carpenter, h 612 Lamberton Schuchardt Albert, fire dep’t, h 628 N Clinton av Schuchardt Michael, laborer, h 171 Sherman av Schuerble Dennis, butcher, bds 252 N Broad Schuerman Anthony, cab driver, h 130 Allen Schueneman Bros, (Emil J and William F), mfg confectioners, 19 Anderson Schueneman Emil J, (Schueneman Bros), h 45 Pearl Schueneman William F, (Schueneman Bros), res Philad’a Schulda Ada, confectioner, 486 1/2 Princeton av, res do Schuler Frederick, confectioner, 238 Cummings av, h do Schull J N, physician, res Hotel Windsor Schultheis John, carpenter, bds 228 Cummings av Schulte William H, superintendent, h 283 Spring Schultz Abraham, tailor, h 112 Fall Schultz Alfred F, undertaker, bds 46 N Stockton Schultz Annie, wid Jacob, res r 231 Fair Schultz Augustus, machinist, h 196 Home av Schultz Caroline Mrs, res 139 Fountain av Schultz Charles, fisherman, h 411 Centre Schultz Charles, potter, h 648, New Willow Schultz Charles W, cook State Hospital, res do Schultz Christian, laborer, h 416 Genesee Schultz Edward, potter, h 33 Oak Schultz Ferdinand W, machinist, h 331 W Hanover Schultz Frank, potter, h 12 Elm Schultz Frank, carpenter State Hospital, res do Schultz Frederica, wid Carl, res 410 Genesee Schultz Frederick, laborer, h 196 Home av Schultz Frederick, laborer, h 138 Sweets av Schultz Gottlieb, blacksmith, h 648 Centre Schultz Gottlieb, driver, h 48 Hancock av Schultz Henry, tailor, h 159 Franklin Schultz Herman, laborer, bds 139 Fountain av Schultz Jacob, laborer, h 129 Jersey Schultz John A, produce dealer, h 72 Spring Schultz John C, milk, 1045 S Clinton av, h do Schultz John D, wiredrawer, bds 802 E State Schultz Kate A, cook State Hospital, res do Schultz Louis F, clerk, bds 123 Spring Schultz Louisa, varieties, 1045 S Clinton av, res do Schultz William, hostler, h 107 Fountain av Schultz William F, fireman, h 35 Sweets av Schulz Christina, wid Ferdinand, res 602 Princeton av Schulz Frederick P, lineman, bds 602 Princeton av Schulz Joseph, watchmaker, h 159 Franklin Schumacher Fritz, laborer, h 194 Home av Schuman Andrew, laborer, h 145 Turpin Schuman Christian, wid John, res 430 Genesee Schuman Frederick, laborer, bds 430 Genesee Schumann Alexander, laborer, bds 507 Southard Schumann John C, wiredrawer, h 446 Genesee Schumm Charles J, kilnman, h 310 Rutherford av Schuppe John, fisherman, h 337 Union Schuster David G, brickmaker, h 505 Calhoun Schuster Edward, brickmaker, bds 105 New Rose Schuster Henry P, decorator, h 251 N Broad Schuster Jacob, potter, h 62 Fountain av Schuster John L, brickmoulder, h 151 Pennington av Schuster M Anna, dressmaker, 251 N Broad, res do Schuster William, brickmaker, h 105 New Rose Schuster William, carpenter, h 33 Sweets av Schuyler Hamilton Rev, h 121 Academy Schwaniel George, laborer, h 375 Second Schwartz Anna, wid George, res 19 Camden Schwartz Charles, laborer, h 729 Beatty Schwartz Edward, potter, bds 180 Jefferson Schwartz Frank A, kilnman, h 385 Hewitt Schwartz Frank, ropemaker, h 175 Jersey Schwartz Frederick, laborer, h 1133 Indiana av Schwartz Frederick, wiredrawer, h 175 Jersey Schwartz Isaac A, employe State Hospital, res do Schwartz John, waiter, h 12 Hancock av Schwartz John, potter, h 23 Conrad Schwartz John, laborer, h Parker av n Olden av Schwartz John G, colormixer, h 644 Lamberton Schwartz John L, potter, h 644 Lamberton Schwartz Louisa Mrs, res 24 Emory av Schwartz M Mrs, druggist, 105 S Broad, res do Schwartz Paul, paperhanger, h 215 Furman Schwartz Powell, laborer, bds Parker av n S Olden av Schwartzenberg Moses, clothing, 14 E Hanover, h do Schwarzschild & Sulzberger Beef Co, 283 N Willow Schwarzwalder Gotfried, kilnman, h 318 Genesee Schwarzwalder John, plumber, h 847 Beatty Schwarzwelder Charles, machinist, h 328 Rusling Schwarzwelder Christian, fireman, h 144 Jersey Schwarzwelder George, fireman, h 146 Jersey Schweder Frederick, laborer, h 315 Morris av Schweder Johanna, wid Henry, h 204 Home av Schwehm Jacob, driver, bds 211 Brunswick av Schwehm John, barber, 211 Brunswick av , h do Schweitzer George, laborer, h 345 Rusling Schweizer Carl, engineer, h 420 Genesee Schweizer John C, (Schweizer & Co), h 684 S Broad Schweizer John C & Co, dry goods, 684 S Broad Schweizer Louis, watchmaker, bds 420 Genesee Schweizer William, clerk, bds 684 S Broad Schwenzer August, laborer, h 806 Liberty Schwenzer Catharine, wid Jacob, res 806 Liberty Schwenzer Gustave A, laborer, bds 806 Liberty Schwenzer Margaret A, wid Robert, res 143 Ashmore av Scluth W Morris, peddler, h 22 Decatur Scobey Byron J, (Bell & Scobey), wallpaper, 118 S Warren, h 660 Stuyvesant av Scodofsky John, laborer, h 18 Turpin Scofield Cyrus S, clerk,h 214 Spring Scott Albert, laborer, bds 333 N Montgomery SCOTT CHARLES D, apothecary, 539 Chestnut av, h 547 do Scott Charles H, carpenter, h 9 Forst al Scott Charles T, salesman, h 41 Mechanics av Scott Charles W, engineer, h 25 Lincoln av Scott Daniel, potter, h 24 Escher Scott David B, driver, bds 562 N Clinton av Scott Dora M, res 559 Centre Scott Edmund C, clerk, bds 129 Perry Scott Edward, kilnman, bds 206 Southard Scott Edward F, carpenter, h 13 Carroll Scott Edwin C, clerk, h 129 Perry Scott Eli, grocer, 535 Chestnut av, h do Scott Elizabeth, res 221 N Broad Scott Elizabeth, wid William S, res 559 Centre Scott Ella, wid Harry, res 514 Calhoun Scott Frederick, motorman, h 236 Bayard Scott George W, carpenter, h 3 Donnelly’s al Scott George W, laborer, h 111 Jackson Scott Hart, laborer, bds 3 Donnelly’s al Scott Howell E, sanitary presser, h 50 Tyrell av Scott Isaac, oysters; &c, 213 Elmer, h do Scott Jasper W, painter, h 125 W Hanover Scott Jerome, laborer, h 307 W Hanover Scott John, rubberworker, bds 4 Prince Scott John J, h 206 Southard Scott Johnson, laborer, bds 4 Prince SCOTT JOSEPH A, hardware; bicycles and house furnishings, 113 N Broad, h do Scott Levi, mason, h 13 College ct Scott Lewis W, lawyer, h 31 Prospect Scott Lydia A, fruits; &c, 28 S Broad, res 101 Jackson Scott Mae, millinery, 31 N Willow, res do Scott Maggie Mrs, res 237 N Warren Scott Mary E, res 7 Perry Scott Mary F, dressmaker, 13 Carroll, res do Scott Redmond, laborer, bds 413 N Montgomery Scott Robert, moulder, h 210 Brunswick av Scott Robert J, cashier, h 129 Perry Scott Susanna, wid Edwin, res 129 Perry Scott Thomas, potter, h 626 Roebling av SCOTT WALTER, ticket agent P R R, Clinton St station Scott Walter A, watchman, h 165 Passaic SCRANTON DANIEL H, (R G Dun & Co), h 36 Prospect Scudder Amanda, wid Joseph, res 222 Hamilton av Scudder Amos B, dairy inspector, h 412 Hudson Scudder Charles, salesman, bds 134 W Hanover Scudder Christopher B, conductor, h 250 Clay Scudder Edna, res 138 W State Scudder Edward S, rubberworker, bds 412 Hudson Scudder Ella L, dressmaker, 57 Wall, res do Scudder Frederick G, signal dep’t P R R, bds 278 Walnut av Scudder Gilbert jr, waiter, h 17 Stevens al Scudder Hannah, res 13 W Front Scudder Hannah V, wid John, res 150 W Hanover Scudder Harriett M, wid Enoch J, res 57 Wall SCUDDER HARVEY C, lawyer, 111 E State, res Trenton Junction Scudder Henry D, h 132 W State ScudderHenry S, wheelwright, h 110 Brunswick av Scudder Horace M, janitor, h 278 Walnut av Scudder James W, woodworker, h 65 Wall Scudder John H, pres’t (First National Bank), h 205 W State Scudder Joseph W, warehouseman, h 36 Tyrell av Scudder Sumner B, lettercarrier, bds 256 Mercer Scudder William B, driver, h 18 Greenwood av Scullin Hugh sr, h 510 Union Scullin Hugh jr, ironheater, bds 510 Union Scullin John C, carpenter, h 438 Ferry Scullin Joseph, foreman, h 133 Second Scullin Margaret, trained nurse, res 334 S Warren Scullin Thomas, rougher, bds 726 S Warren Scullion Bridget, wid Henry, res 202 Lamberton Scullion Harry, laborer, h 12 Woolverton av Scullion Michael, laborer, h 12 Woolverton av Scully John, potter, h 624 Roebling av Scully Thomas, driver, h 660 S Broad Seabold Edward, engineer, h 119 Morris av Seabold Johnson, res Barlow’s Hotel Seabridge Bertha, tobacconist, 206 Mulberry, h do Seabridge Charles W, wireworker, h 707 S Clinton av Seabridge David C, kilnman, h 1138 Indiana av Seabridge Eckford, potter, h 627 N Clinton av Seabridge Edward P, barber, 627 N Clinton av, h do Seabridge George, kilnman, bds 220 Mercer Seabridge George R, decorator, h 11 Hart av Seabridge Henry M, potter, h 422 Klagg av Seabridge Henry M, potter, h 726 Mulberry Seabridge Joseph, potter, h 28 Bayard Seabridge Paul, barber, h 627 N Clinton av Seabridge Samuel, kilnman, h 707 S Clinton av Seabridge Samuel C, laborer, h 59 Klagg av Seabridge William, potter, h 42 Escher Seabridge William, potter, h 206 Mulberry Seabridge William, potter, h 559 Perry Seaman Albert L, bookkeeper, h 16 N Willow Seaman Charles H, clerk, bds 684 S Broad Seaman Daniel, ins agent, h 16 N Willow Seaman Frank, laborer, h 16 Turpin Seaman Frank, potter, h 638 N Clinton av Seaman Frank E, clerk, res 16 N Willow Seaman Grace A L, stenographer, res 16 N Willow Seaman Peter, brickmaker, h 35 Ewing Seaman Virginia H, dressmaker, 70 Carroll, res do Seaman Walter I, wiredrawer, bds 684 S Broad Seaman William, engineer, h 638 N Clinton av Seaman William jr, driver, bds 638 N Clinton av Searfoss Edward, machinist, h 660 Lamberton Searfoss William M, bricklayer, h 187 Cooper Seargant John P, laborer, h 801 Second Seargant Susan, wid John, res 801 Second Searle Bernard V, foreman, h 23 Montgomery pl Sears Alexander, waiter, bds 31 Barnes Sears Annie N, wid Jacob C, res 115 Tyler Sears George O, hostler, h 115 Furman Sears William E, carpenter, h 223 Fair Sebastian George W, laborer, h 577 Frazier Sebold Francis B, grocer, 123 Passaic, h do Sebring Louisa, wid Ellsworth, res 308 N Montgomery Seckerson James, butcher, 119 Anderson, h do SECOND DISTRICT POLICE STATION, S Broad opp Cass Secunde Joseph, laborer, bds 451 N Montgomery Seddon Catharine, wid Henry, res 141 Mercer Seddon Marjorie, music teacher, 141 Mercer, res do Sedowitzky Max, laborer, h 514 Lamberton Seeds Benjamin F, brickfirer, bds 10 Grant av Seeds Frank M, bookkeeper, h 258 Mercer Seeds James, h 192 Jefferson Seeds James jr, painter, bds 192 Jefferson Seeds John H W, blacksmith, h 126 W Front Seeds John T, blacksmith, h 414 Elmer Seeds Joseph, brakeman, h 226 Kossuth Seeds Noah, blacksmith, bds 126 W Front Seeds Sarah J, wid Elias B, res 614 Brunswick av Seeds Winfred, helper, bds 414 Elmer Seeds William, railroader, h 13 Grant av Seefelt William, laborer, bds 117 New Rose Seeger Jacob F, fruits; &c, S Broad cor State, h 114 Adeline Seeger John, bds 114 Adeline Seeger John, carpenter, h 311 William Seeger Nicholas, cabinetmaker, h 723 Beatty Seely Levi, physician, h 482 W State Seely Reuben W, potter, h 15 N Olden av Segginger Frank, laborer, bds 240 Second Sehatey John, laborer, bds 45 George Sehatey Peter, laborer, h 45 George Seibert Jacob, moulder, h 555 Phillips av Seibert William W, clerk, h 329 Tyler Seidenzahl Bessie, boarding, 550 Perry, res do Seidenzahl Charles, potter, h 550 Perry Seifeld Frederick, potter, bds 138 Fountain av Sefelt John, laborer, bds 117 New Rose Sefelt William, laborer, h 117 New Rose Seiferd Sebastian, shoemaker, h 78 Woolverton av Seifert Carrie M, teacher, res 124 N Warren Seifritz William, shoemaker, 228 N Broad, h do Seigel Abram, (Hub Clothing Co), h 212 Academy Seiger Christina, wid Frederick, res 495 Princeton av Seiger Frank, compositor, h 103 Jackson Seiger Herman, clerk, bds 495 Princeton av Seiger Morris stoves, 63 Union, h do Seiger William, produce (City mkt), h 495 Princeton av Seiler Charles H, potter, bds 176 Passaic Seiler Helen, wid Charles, res 176 Passaic Seiler John T, clerk, bds 176 Passaic Seip Frederick, wireworker, h 619 Franklin Seip John, laborer, h 9 Morris av Seip John jr, carpenter, bds 9 Morris av Seitz Anton, ropemaker, h 426 Genesee Seitz Charles, laborer, h 615 Adeline Seitz Christian, wiredrawer, bds 432 Genesee Seitz Frederick M, music teacher, h 46 Hancock av Seitz Harry C T, salesman, h 61 Perrine av Seitz Herman, machinist, h 432 Genesee Seitz Joseph, h 615 Adeline Seitz Lydia, varieties, 432 Genesee, res do Seitz Max, wiredrawer, bds 432 Genesee Seitz M Frederick, musician, h 46 Hancock av Seitz William G, foreman, h 61 Perrine av Selby Sidney L, conductor, h 110 Chestnut av Selfelt John, laborer, h 127 New Rose Sellner Louis, laborer, h 557 Lamberton Sellner Rebecca, wid George, res 1301 Chestnut av Sellnow Frederick, oilclothmaker, h 113 Dickinson Selmer Frank, wireworker, h 37 Turpin Seman George, wiredrawer, h 121 Genesee Seman Stephen, rubberworker, bds 121 Genesee Semon Embri, h 641 Cass Semon Frank, laborer, h 52 Turpin Semon John, brickmaker, h 276 Spring Semon Mary, dressmaker, res 276 Spring Semon Peter, brickmaker, bds 35 Ewing Semon Susan A, wid Louis, res 311 Church Semon William Mrs, res 142 Passaic Semon William, sexton, h 156 Hancock av Seners John J, patternmaker, h 300 S Clinton av Seners William K, watchman, h 431 Monmouth Seney Joseph, potter, h 52 Commerce Senf Josephine, wid Ernest, res 86 Spring Senf Robert, galvanizer, h 229 Genesee Sennet Charles, carpenter, h 510 Second Sennit William A, driver, h 1141 Indiana av Sentak Bernard, laborer, h 24 Coates Sentken Joseph, laborer, h 807 Beatty Seraphino Dominick Rev, h 63 Butler Serafini Vincent Rev, h 711 Chestnut av Seratzke John, galvanizer, h 73 Jersey SERUBY ALFRED, justice of the peace, h 71 Summer Seruby Amos, waiter, bds 21 Titus av Seruby Asher, laborer, h 364 Reservoir Seruby Eustis, laborer, h 34 Bank Seruby James A, cook, bds 71 Summer Seruby John P, laborer, bds 517 Calhoun Seruby Newel D, driver, h 21 Barnes Seruby Ulysses, laborer, h 34 Bank Seruby Walter H, janitor (City Hall), res do Seruby William, laborer, h 1108 Genesee Servis Charles C, driver, h 222 N Feeder Servis Fisher, bridgetender, h N Montgomery ab Feeder Servis Holmes T, clerk, bds 924 Carteret av, Servis James S, carpenter, h 20 Philemon Servis John E, driver, bds 222 N Feeder Servis Lambert T, carpenter, h 117 Hudson Servis William, (Hamilton Rubber Mfg Co), h 304 Spring Serviss Sallie A, teacher, res 231 N Broad Seufert Sebastian, laborer, h 78 Woolverton av Severns Charles W, potter, h 215 Clay Severns Collins D, kindling wood, h 224 Centre Severns Noah, laborer, h 727 Adeline Severns Raymond, bds 152 Perry Severns Susan, wid Dalzell, res 26 Sherman av Severns William T, foreman, h 115 Fulton Severs Addie L, dressmaker, res 447 Chestnut av Severs Alonzo T, grocer, 400 Hudson, h do Severs Charles H, wireworker, h 815 Beatty Severs Daniel W, h 840 Melrose av (Villa Park) Severs Emma N, wid George, res 815 Beatty Severs Howard C, wireworker, h 815 Beatty Severs John J, patternmaker, h 300 S Clinton av Severs William K, watchman, h 431 Monmouth Seville E E & Co, (Greenwood Marble Works), Greenwood av opp cemetery Seville Edward E, (Seville & Co), h 235 Bayard Seward Albert D, tailor, h 17 Clark Sewell Michael, res Hamilton twp n Liberty Sewell Mary G, res 101 Jackson Sexton Ann, wid Benjamin, res 38 Butler Sexton Charles A, salesman, h Hamilton av ab Olden av Sexton Emily, teacher, res 140 Kent Sexton Howard, baker, 303 Hudson, h do Sexton Joseph M, carpenter, h 501 Hudson Seybold Jacob, wiredrawer, h 150 Hancock av Seydel Eugene, jeweler, 485 S Broad, h do Sgok Charles, brewer, h 919 Beatty Shadinger Margaret A, grocer, 701 Bridge, res do Shaefer Ida E, teacher, res Trenton Junction Shafer Joseph M, cigarmaker, bds 138 Lamberton Shaffer Glenville, railroader, h 100 Locust Shaffer Harry H, conductor h 707 E State Shamback George, watchman, h 386 Hewitt Shamp Thomas, laborer, h 906 Princeton av Shamp William A, rubberworker, h 318 E Trenton av Shamrock Joseph, laborer, h 209 Federal Shanahan Daniel, potter, bds 43 Oak Shanahan David, potter, h 59 Oak Shanahan Dennis, potter, h 51 Oak Shanahan John, laborer, h 54 Wilson Shanahan Mary, wid Michael, h 43 Oak Shanahan Michael J, packer, h 244 Kossuth Shanahan Thomas, cratemaker, bds 43 Oak Shandis Stanislaus, shoemaker, h 607 Lamberton Shaner Samuel P, clerk, h 51 Hart av Shangle Elizabeth, wid Frederick, res 170 Walnut av Shangle Frederick, student, bds 170 Walnut av Shanley Francis, laborer, bds 389 Brunswick av Shanley John, ironworker, h 393 Second Shanley John jr, ins collector, h 393 Second Shanley Mary A, wid William, res 658 Lamberton Shannon George, potter, bds 647 Lamberton Shannon John W, potter, h 949 E State Shannon Michael J, policeman, h 833 Second Shannon Thomas, laborer, h 647 Lamberton Shapiro Meyer, peddler, h 48 Decatur Shares Harriet, wid James A, res 341 Elmer Sharp Benjamin H, supervisor, res Deaf-Mute School Sharp Charles, bds 120 Mott Sharp Elizabeth C, wid William H, res Schiller av Sharp Fred, engineer, h 551 Brunswick av Sharp George W, musician, h 116 Bayard Sharp Henry B, blacksmith, h 835 S Warren Sharp Ida, supervising nurse (City Hospital), res do Sharp John, h 21 Passaic SharpJohn A, ins agent, h 120 Mott Sharp Lambert, engineer, h 374 Brunswick av Sharp Levi H, gardener, h 230 Spring Sharp Mary E, dressmaker, res 312 Academy Sharp Mary E, dressmaker, res 230 Spring Sharp Peter P, telegrapher, bds 21 Passaic Sharp William, waiter, h 13 Fowler Sharp William A, bds 327 Monmouth Sharp William H, photographer, 940 S Clinton av, h 551 Brunswick av Sharp William S, historian, h 18 Montgomery pl Sharp William T, conductor, h 327 Monmouth Shaudys John, potter, h 71 Jersey Shaudys Peter, baker, bds 71 Jersey Shaur Paul, watchman, h 553 Phillips av Shaw Aaron, kilnman, h 120 Rose Shaw Abraham, potter, h 813 Second Shaw Albert, potter, h 361 St Joes av Shaw Albert M, laborer, h 361 St Joes av Shaw Anna Y, nurse, res 209 Genesee Shaw Charles, foreman, h 196 Washington Shaw Charles W, clerk, h 208 Academy Shaw George M, driver, h 106 Jackson Shaw George T, bridgemaker, h 209 Genesee Shaw Hannah, wid David, res 119 S Warren Shaw Harry J, potters’ printer, bds 120 Rose Shaw Henry, h 41 Grant av Shaw Joseph A, lettercarrier, h 489 Princeton av SHAW JOSEPH B, physician, 119 S Warren, h do Shaw Oliver, modeler, h 218 Butler Shaw Robert L, bookkeeper, h 130 Jackson Shaw Sarah C, teacher, res 301 N Broad Shaw Sarah M, wid George, res 729 Division Shaw Silas H, mariner, h 321 Monmouth Shaw Thomas, potter, bds 136 Kent Shaw Thomas, potter, h 804 Lamberton Shaw William H, machinist, h 18 Firth Shaw William O, machinist, h 1168 E State Shawitz Andrew, butcher, 614 Lamberton, h do Shea Catharine, wid John, res 106 Taylor Shea John, wiredrawer, bds 712 S Clinton av Shea Michael, auction rooms, 714 S Clinton av, h 712 do Shea Stephen, moulder, h 559 Brunswick av Shebbeard George R, h 252 Spring Shedera John, laborer, bds 800 Pennsylvania av Sheehan Bart, lineman, h 33 Bellevue av Sheehan John, wiredrawer, h 118 Dye Sheehan Patrick, laborer, bds 140 Second Sheehy John, stonemason, h 102 Fall Sheele Frederick, gateman, h 215 Bayard Sheenan John, h 11 Lexington Sheenan John, wiredrawer, h 511 Second Sheenan John J, bridgebuilder, h 13 Lexington Sheenan Owen H, ballplayer, bds 11 Lexington Shekk Ignats, machinist, h 843 S Warren Shelby Eugene J, railroader, h 209 Prospect Shelby Thomas, conductor, bds 426 Princeton av Sheldon John, potter, h r 555 Centre Shelby George W, potter, bds 59 1/2 Tyrell av Shelley Mary B, wid Benjamin, res 59 1/2 Tyrell av Shelley Samuel, brooms, 54 Assanpink, bds 59 1/2 Tyrell av Shelley William, freight, handler, bds 59 1/2 Tyrell av Shelton John, laborer, bds 555 Centre Shelton Walter, fireman, h 153 Pennington av Shemow Elizabeth, wid Edward, h 38 Wood Shennard Theodore, watchman, h 429 Pennington av Shepherd Charles D, operator, h 229 Bellevue av Shepherd Cornelius, physician, 186 S Broad, h do Shepherd Cyrenius W, harness, 101 N Willow, h do Shepherd Eugene, salesman, h 74 Philemon Shepherd Edgar, teacher, bds 213 E Hanover Shepherd Frank B, driver, bds 416 S Broad Shepherd Harry, wheelwright, bds 280 Bellevue av Shepherd Irenaeus M, physician, 188 S Broad, h 186 do Shepherd Jacob B, conductor, h 90 Ewing Shepherd Nathaniel, clerk, h 31 Anderson Shepherd William H, laborer, h 634 Perry Sheppard Asa, salesman, h 236 Clay Sheppard George W, buffer, h 236 Clay Sheppard Harriet V, cigars, 154 Lamberton, res do Sheppard Harriet W, wid Rev Ephraim, res 251 E Front Sheppard James, laborer, h 1511 S Clinton av Sheppard John S, student, h 36 Livingston Sheppard Thomas, laborer, h 150 Hamilton av Sheppard Thomas jr, woolenworker, bds 150 Hamilton Sheppard John W, h 45 W State Sherard Maria M, teacher, res 22 Bayard Sherd Allen, stonecutter, bds 27 Tyrell av Sheridan Ann, wid James, res 695 Lamberton Sheridan Lawrence, baker, h 695 Lamberton Sheridan Matthew, laborer, h 519 N Clinton av Sheridan Matthew, laborer, h 117 Taylor Sheridan Patrick F, machinist, h 717 Princeton av Sheridan Sadie E, wid Bernard, res 206 E Front Sherman William P, boxmaker, h 193 Lamberton Sherratt Elizabeth, wid William, res 817 Chestnut av Sherratt William, potter, h 817 Chestnut av Sherrer Eugene, blacksmith, h 713 Bridge Shevlin Catherine, wid Hugh, res 190 Home av Shevlin Daniel, wireworker, bds 190 Home av Shevlin Peter, wiredrawer, bds 190 Home av Shick Anson, tailor, h 20 W Front Shick Charles, hardware, 125 W Front, h 49 W State Shick George C, (Shick & Co), h 20 W Front Shick George C & Co, stock and grain brokers, 3 S Broad Shick John, tailor, 10 S Warren, 11 do Shick Kate, wid William, res 246 Perry Shick William H, wireworker, bds 20 W Front Shields John D, men’s goods, State cor Broad, h Hillcrest Shields William W, employe State Hospital, res do Shill Charles A, brushmaker, h 203 Southard Shinkle Henry, carpenter, h 8 Boudinot Shinn Frank G, bookkeeper, h 304 W State Shinn Joseph P, clerk, bds 116 W Front Shinn Morgan, bridge builder, bds 17 Franklin Shinn Walter, woodworker, h 542 Hudson Shinn William E, salesman, h 315 S Broad Shipley John, laborer, bds 24 Beaver Shipski John, milkman, h Hamilton av opp Greenwood Cty Shipsky William, potter, h 15 Ivins al Shivolt James, planer, bds 333 Fair Shockley William, patrolman, h 209 Hudson Shotwell Frank C, engineer, h 332 Genesee Shreve Henry W E, optician, h 39 N Clinton av Shreve Howard, foreman, h 909 Edgewood av Shreve Hudson J, bookkeeper, bds 214 E Front Shreve Isaac A, supt Battle Monument, h 214 E Front Shreve Rebecca H, wid E Mercer, res 39 N Clinton av Shreve William E, wiredrawer, h 717 S Clinton av Shropshire Joseph, janitor, bds 33 Lincoln av Shropshire Joseph jr, carpenter, h 33 Lincoln av Shrouds Thaddeus, wiredrawer, h 321 Walnut av Shufflebotham Eliza, notions, 378 N Clinton av, res do Shufflin James, hosewrapper, bds 1 High r 434 Pennington SHULL JOHN D, medical examiner P R R, 100 S Clinton av, res Hotel Windsor Shull Peter W, employe State Hospital, res do Shulman Max, ladies’ tailor, 212 1/2 S Broad, h 74 Lambetton Shure Max, peddler, h 34 Water Shurlati John, laborer, h 319 Union Shurtz James R, accountant, h 30 W State Shurtz John O, h 311 Bridge Shuvlin Anthony C Rev, (St Francis R C Church), res adj Sibbitt George W, kilnman, h 201 Fair Sibbitt John C, usher, h 147 Walnut av Sickel Anton, laborer, h 27 Hewitt Sickel Benjamin, clerk, h 132 S Stockton Sickel Caroline, wid Solomon, res 132 S Stockton Sickel Harry, junk, h 14 New Sickel Maria M, teacher, res Industrial School Sickel Myer, clerk, h 132 S Stockton Sickel Welling G, (United & Globe Rubber Mfg Co), h 56 N Clinton av Sickels Alonzo, carpenter, h 910 S Broad Sickels Arthur, rubberworker, bds 552 Hudson Sickels Harry B, bookkeeper, h 200 Pennington av Sickels Raymond, stenographer, h 410 Lamberton Sickels William B, ticket agent, h 410 Lamberton Sickinger Wendolin, laborer, h 345 Morris av Sickler Forrest V, employe State Hospital, res do Sicon John, laborer, h 20 Coates Siddall Amos, watchman, bds 41 Cooper Siddall John, mason, h 306 S Broad Siddall Lewis, bds 112 N Overbrook av Sidders John L, flagman, h 225 Chambers Siebers Caroline, wid Thomas, res 508 Federal Siebers John, laborer, h 508 Federal Sieck John, laborer, h 211 Hewitt Sieg William, presser, bds 213 Mulberry Siegel Max, peddler, h 29 Water Siegle Nathan, crockery, 104 S Warren, h do Siegle Samuel, tobacconist, 106 S Warren, h do Sieple Elmer, laborer, bds 221 Brunswick av Sieps Aaron H, huckster, h 9 Butler Sigafoos Esther B, wid Samuel, res 35 Mechanics av Sigafoos Henry G, sawyer, h 35 Mechanics av Sigafoos Sallie E, dressmaker, res 104 Chestnut av Sigafoos William L, bds 104 Chestnut av Sigler Frank W, bookbinder, 25 E State, h 207 W Hanover Sigley Agnes, wid David, res 10 West Sigley Frank, cigars, 580 Perry, h do Sigley Joseph, laborer, h 10 West Sigley Nellie N, stenographer, res 580 Perry Sigley Walter, rubberworker, h 602 S Warren Sigley William, potter, h 63 Lincoln av Silcox Brothers, (Henry A and Herbert C), grocers, 301 Perry Silcox Henry A, (Silcox Bros), h 1113 E State Silcox Herbert C, (Silcox Bros), h 1113 E State Silcox Peter V, grocer, h 1113 E State SILVER BURG LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES, (Charles and George M Furman; props), 12-14 E Front Silverman George, shoemaker, 101 St Joes av, h 19 Olden av Silverman Hyman, tinware, 95 Union, h do Silverman Julius, shoemaker, 123 Factory, h do Silverman Moses Rev, h 1 Gleason’s al Silvers Annie B, wid John C, res 126 Olden av Silvers Edward F, poolroom, 126 Olden av, h do Silvers Enoch E, machinist, h 94 Spring Silvers Frank F, draughtsman, h 122 Overbrook av Silvers George, hodcarrier, h 513 Calhoun Silvers Isabel, wid John H, res 34 Bayard Silvers Isaiah Mrs, res 54 Hart av Silvers James H, laborer, h 825 Anderson Silvers James L, clerk, h 79 Spring Silvers John, switchman, h 27 Tyler Silvers Levi, callendarman, h 186 Brunswick av Silvers Lewis, rubberworker, bds 116 Dickinson Silvers Martha J, wid Samuel, res 310 Academy Silvers May, milliner, res 54 Hart av Silvers S M C Mrs, res 36 W State Silvers William, wiredrawer, h r 380 S Warren Silvers William A, galvanizer, h 70 Anderson Silvers William M, sanitary presser, h 105 Lamberton Silvers William V, machinist, h 310 Academy Silverstein Harry, shoemaker, h 13 New Silverstein Hyman, peddler, h 13 New Silverstein Israel, peddler, h 13 New Silverstein Louis, dry goods, 9 Emory av, h do Silverstein Louis, dry goods, 200 Jefferson, h do Silverstone Julius, machinist, h 20 Hampton Silvester Napoleon, potter, h 17 Sheridan av Simgak Andrew, laborer, h 45 Pennington av Simmins Charles H, laborer, h 5 Centre ct Simmins Henry E, clerk, h 719 Chestnut av Simmins May E, music teacher, res 719 Chestnut av Simmons Anna, wid William, res 207 E Front Simmons Charles, fireman, h 148 Rose Simmons Edward E, brakeman, h 27 Ringold Simmons Edwin, tobacconist, 319 S Broad, h do Simmons Fannie, wid George, res 64 Spring Simmons John W, painter, h 64 Spring Simmons Ducius G, salesman, h 34 Livingston Simmons Welling, painter, bds 64 Spring Simmons William J, mill supplies, 152 E State, h 67 Carroll Simms Frederick W, laborer, h 3 Hogarty al Simon Isaac, peddler, h 216 Fall Simon Jacob, peddler, h 216 Fall Simon John, saloon, 13 Tucker, h 36 Bellevue av Simon Lazarus, salesman, h 29 Ewing Simon Mark, leather, 436 S Broad, h do Simonds Alvin H, mgr (Opera House), h 910 Edgewood av Simons Frank P, rubberworker, h 18 Tyrell av Simons Harvey, rougher, bds 18 Tyrell av Simons John, printer, bds 41 S Olden av Simons Louis M, machinist, h 941 E State Simons Lydia, res 325 Walnut av Simpkins Charles E, machinist, bds 166 Hamilton av Simpkins Charles R, machinist, bds 1 Tyler Simpkton Howard, farmer, h Lalor n S Broad Simpson Ann, wid John, res 739 Second Simpson Florence H, res 319 E State Simpson James A, waiter, bds 320 Calhoun Simpson John, (Cleland, Simpson & Taylor), res Scranton Simpson John H, cook, bds 320 Calhoun Simpson John S, laborer, h 89 Bellevue av Simpson Joseph H, caterer, h 143 S Feeder Simpson Philip K, driver, bds 89 Bellevue av Simpson William H, packer, h 933 New York av Simpson William R, potters’ printer, h 316 Franklin Simpson William S, dyer, h 320 Calhoun Sims Mary E, res 331 S Warren Sims Oliver, laborer, bds 25 Taylor al Sinchock John, laborer, h 216 Second Sinclair Benjamin, rubberworker, h 515 Emory av Sinclair Charles G, marhiecutter, bds 248 Mercer Sinclair Frank, potters’ printer, bds 643 Brunswick av Sinclair George E, bookkeeper, h 138 Passaic Sinclair Herbert, (Star Porcelain Co), h 48 1/2 Wall Sinclair William D, h 420 E State Sine John W, flagman, h 1 Jefferson Sines Charles D, painter, h 234 E Front Sines John H, reporter, h 470 W Hanover Sing Charley, laundry, 615 S Warren, h do Sing Mock, laundry, 536 N Clinton av, h do Singer Henry, baker, bds 1000 Division SINGER MANUFACTURING CO (M L Ballard; manager), 106 N Warren Singleton George, laborer, bds 381 N Clinton av Singleton Richard M, (Salvation Army), h 205 N Broad Sinkel Martin, basketmaker, h 731 Adeline Sinkhorn John B, contractor, res Hamilton twp Sinkhorn William N jr, foreman, res Hamilton twp Sinneskie John, laborer, h 540 Phillips av Sintak John, watchman, h 824 Lamberton Sipe William, machinist, h 725 Centre Sipes John, laborer, h 528 Princeton av Sipes John, laborer, h 620 Franklin Sipes Sarah Mrs, notions, 38 Bond, h do Sipler Christopher C, boxmaker, h 212 Fair Sipler Daniel, potter, h 1429 S Clinton av Sipler Edward D, carpetcleaner, h 69 Cooper Sipler John, cooper, h 55 Hancock av Sipler William, potter, bds 1429 S Clinton av Siples William, potter, bds 214 Prospect Sippley Joseph, tobacconist, 31 1/2 E Hanover, h 34 Chapel Siskey John, decorator, h 1104 Lamberton Siskey Joseph, wiredrawer, h 142 Hancock av Siskin John, ironworker, h 19 Huston al Sisom Eugene, laborer, bds 32 Bayard Sisom George, potter, h 914 S Clinton av Sisom John H, laborer, h 32 Bayard Sisom William, potter, h 119 Woodland Sison Frank, butcher, bds 8 Woodland Sison James L, butcher, h 8 Woodland Sista Charles, confectioner, 585 S Clinton av, h do Sisters of Mercy, h 135 Sherman av Sisto Daniel, potter, bds 62 Clark Sisto Joseph, laborer, h 62 Clark Sisto Tony, shoemaker, 6 Perrine av, h do Sitgraves William, foreman, bds 259 Mercer Sitt Joseph, laborer, h 51 Jersey Siwinski Bernard, laborer, h 179 Sherman av Skellenger E B, druggist, 264 Hamilton air, h do Skelly James, laborer, bds 312 Centre Skelly Michael J, engineer, h 411 Monmouth Skerrett Jane, wid Herbert, grocer, 114 Breunig av, res do Skillman Abram J, h 128 E Hanover Skillman Alfred S, laborer, bds 18 Montgomery pl Skillman Allen, switchman, h 146 S Stockton Skillman Edward C, clerk, bds 343 Perry Skillman Edward V D, (Skillman Hardware Co), h 532 W State Skillman Frederick C, machinist, bds 289 Bellevue av Skillman Harvey, mason, bds 289 Bellevue av Skillman John B, constable, bds 855 E State Skillman John B, mason, h 289 Bellevue av Skillman Luther S, secretary, 103 E State, h 48 Ewing Skillman Mfg Co, (E V D Skillman; pres’t), Philemon Skillman Peter W, engineer, h 343 Perry Skillman Richard W, driver, h 249 Church Skillman Stephen S, farmer, h 15 Sweets av Skillman Thomas, harnessmaker, h 903 S Broad Skillman; Vanderveer & Williams, (William F Skillman; Henry Vanderveer and Charles H Williams), mfg jewelers, 3 S Broad Skillman William, wheelwright, bds 280 Bellevue av Skillman William F, (Skillman; Vanderveer & Williams), h 715 W State Skilton Charles S, music teacher, h 223 Academy Skinn Benjamin, barkeeper, bds 103 Calhoun Skinn Margaret, wid George, res 124 Calhoun Skinn Thomas J, laborer, h 506 Grand Skinner Jacob H, agent, h 505 Perry Skirm Anthony A, (A A Skirm & Son), h 218 Spring SKIRM ANTHONY A & SON, (Samuel S), hardware; stoves; ranges and tin roofing, N E cor Broad and Perry Skirm Asa F, secretary, res state St House Skirm Benjamin C, treasurer, h 21 N Clinton av Skirm Charles A, asst weighmaster, h 56 Hart av Skirm Charles H, h 21 N Clinton av Skirm Edward E, wiredrawer, h 230 Bayard Skirm Edward T, foreman, h 17 Montgomery pl Skirm Frederick R, wiredrawer, bds 230 Bayard Skirm James, bookkeeper, bds 218 Spring Skirm Robert W, superintendent, h 21 N Clinton av Skirm Samuel S, (A A Skirm & Son), bds 218 Spring Skirm William H, (Empire Rubber Mfg Co and D P Forst & Co), h 124 E Hanover Skirm William H, (Enterprise Pottery Co), h 34 Model av Skirm William H jr, sec’y (Empire Rubber Mfg Co), h 102 Greenwood av Sklarkoski Joseph, laborer, h 817 S Warren Skolianik Joseph, laborer, h 416 Klagg av Skriesfsky Joseph, laborer, h 34 Randall av Skrobiszewski Joseph, laborer, h 131 Turpin Slabotha George, laborer, h 305 Second Slabotha John, laborer, h 305 Second Slack Abram K, produce (Washington mkt), res Penn Slack Alonzo B, engineer, h 46 W Front Slack Bros, (Philip S and Clarence B), plumbers, 112 Brunswick av Slack Burnett M, usher, h 196 Monmouth SLACK CHARLES A, package and trunk delivery, 5 N Montgomery, h 240 Clay Slack Clarence B, (Slack Bros), bds 319 Market Slack George H, contractor, h 46 Bayard Slack George W, contractor, h 234 Morris av Slack Gilbert B, (Claffey & Slack), h 165 Mercer Slack Hannah, wid Cyrenius, res 313 Pennington av Slack Harry, machinist, h 131 Bayard Slack Harry C, driver, h 130 Webster SLACK & HATFIELD, (Henry M Slack and William H Hatfield), photographers, 27-29 E State SLACK HENRY M, (Slack & Hatfield), h 320 N Warren Slack Herman E, potter, h 55 Rose Slack Howard, laborer, h 322 Rutherford av Slack J Cadwallader, clerk, h 537 Rutherford av Slack Joseph E, packer, h 46 W Front Slack Maria, wid Joseph A, res 320 N Warren Slack Mary, res Brunswick av (Slackwood) Slack Philip S, (Slack Bros), bds 319 Market Slack Ross, h 118 Rose Slack Walter C, contractor, h 923 Edgewood av Slack Wilbur, wagon wheel mfr, Marion, res Frenchtown Slack William, driver, h 224 Allen Slack William A, driver, h 234 Spring Slack William G, expressman, h 256 Spring Slack William H, salesman, h 26 N Overbrook av Slack William W, architect, 18 E State, h 947 Edgewood av Slade Amy, wid Frederick J, res 435 Bellevue av Slade Winthrop, (N J Steel & Iron Co), h 110 S Overbrook av Slagle Anton, laborer, h 506 Liberty Slane Anthony, saloon, 348 N Clinton av, h 338 do Slater Seth W, engineer, h 127 E Hanover Slater William, potter, bds 141 Perry Slattery Daniel, wiredrawer bds 140 Mott Slattery James, h 321 St Joes av Slattery James T, potter, h 321 St Joes av Slattery John, laborer, h 321 St Joes av Slattery William, blacksmith, h 321 St Joes av Slaughter John, bellman, bds 121 W Hanover Slaughter William, bellman, bds 121 W Hanover Slavin Philip, potter, h 34 Oak Slayan James, sanitary presser, bds 19 Olden av Slee Charles, cigars, 3 S Broad, h 840 Berkeley av Slim Samuel W, engineer, h 258 N Warren Slingerland John H, rubberworker, h 11 Greenwood av Sloan Austin (Mercer Rubber Co), res Trenton House Sloan Margaret, res Trenton House Sloane Albert, laborer, bds 347 Academy Slocum Wilfred, millwright, h 137 Mott Sloer Albert B, artist, res 123 S Warren Sloer Bertha E, res 123 S Warren Sloer Frederick J, machinist, h 123 S Warren Slomovich Samuel, peddler, h 38 Water Sloshberg Archie, dry goods, 326 Bridge, h do Slover Charles A, rubberworker, h 12 Breunig av Slover Caleb C, bridgetender, h 453 Mulberry Slover Elizabeth, wid John, res 1204 Anderson Slover Ella A, dressmaker, res 304 Church Slover Elmer E, rubberworker, h 219 Dickinson Slover Frederick, barkeeper, bds 1204 Anderson Slover John, rubberworker, h 12 Breunig av Slover John H, rubberworker, h 304 Church Slover Pearson W, rubberworker, h 40 Poplar Slover William B, bridgetender, h 453 Mulberry Smalley Carrie, wid Joseph, res 68 Bellevue av Smalley Hannah, wid Joseph, res 229 Centre Smalley John R, dentist, h 350 Brunswick av Smalley William N, machinist, h 231 Centre Smallwood Arthur, potter, h 1208 Anderson Smallwood George H, potter, bds 1208 Anderson Smallwood Sarah A, wid George, res 1208 Anderson Smallwood Thomas, potter, h 83 Clark Smallwood William, cook, bds 316 Perry Smart William, ironworker, h 666 Lamberton Smathers E E & Co, brokers, 127 N Warren Smedley Matilda, wid Joseph, res Hamilton av cor Liberty Smeltzer Joseph, carpenter, h 13 Jersey Smires James, engineer, h 211 N Montgomery Smires Thomas C, grocer, 280 Walnut av, h do Smith Abijah S, bds 110 Rose Smith Abraham L, conductor, h 41 S Olden av Smith Abram, laborer, h 219 S Feeder Smith Adolph, wireweaver, bds 205 1/2 Fulton Smith Albert, printer, bds 133 Fountain av Smith Albert A, barber, 1060 S Clinton av, h do Smith Albert D, h 317 E State Smith Albert E, boilertender, h 436 Whittaker av Smith Albert E, potter, h 228 Fulton Smith Alexander, laborer, h 21 Jefferson Smith Alfred, blacksmith, bds 17 Swan Smith Alfred S, potter, h 364 N Clinton av Smith Alvah, icecream parlor, 271 Hamilton av, h do Smith Amanda, wid Jonathan, res 154 Philemon Smith Ambrose, laborer, h 52 Mott Smith Andrew, potter, bds 9 Barclay Smith Ann, res 813 S Warren Smith Anna A, teacher, bds 32 Cumberland Smith Anne, wid Thomas, res 179 W Hanover Smith Annie, laundress, res 225 S Feeder Smith Annie M, (Smith & Walker), res 130 W State Smith Anthony, dipper, bds Brunswick av (Slackwood) Smith Arthur, engineer, h 440 Emory av Smith Arthur H, clerk, h 208 Garfield av Smith Asa, laborer, h 65 Gordon Smith Bridget, wid Lewis, res 57 Poplar Smith Charles, colormaker, h 30 Ogden Smith Charles, laborer, h 113 Second Smith Charles, rubberworker, h 34 Perrine av Smith Charles, wiredrawer, bds 646 E State Smith Charles, saloon, 502 Lamberton, h do Smith Charles A, clerk, bds 625 N Clinton av Smith Charles C, carriage trimmer, h 16 Pennington av Smith Charles E, driver, h 74 Quarry al Smith Charles G, saloon, 779 Centre, h do Smith Charles H, policeman, bds 60 Poplar Smith Charles R, bookkeeper, h 249 Spring Smith Charles W, bookkeeper, h 32 Cumberland Smith Charles W, milkman, h Lawrence rd (Slackwood) Smith Clara N, notions, 151 W Hanover, res do Smith Clark A, rubberworker, bds 444 W Hanover Smith Clement S, butcher, State Hospital, res do Smith Clinton B, h 9 W State Smith Daniel, blacksmith, bds 32 Monroe Smith Daniel D, hotel, 1001 S Clinton av, h do Smith David W, confectionery, 87 Spring, h do Smith D James, fireman, h 1 Hancock Smith Edward, rubberworker, bds 158 Pennington av Smith Edward, salesman, bds 22 Yard av Smith Edward F, bottler, 104 N Stockton, h 80 Greenwood av Smith Edward J, barber, 1110 Chestnut av, h do Smith Edward J, clerk, bds 22 Yard av Smith Eli, driver, bds 302 E State Smith Elias, wheelwright, bds 280 Bellevue av Smith Elias A, guard, bds 128 N Stockton Smith Elijah Y, bookkeeper, h 43 Clark Smith Elizabeth, wid Charles, res 473 Centre Smith Elizabeth, wid George A, res 504 Bridge Smith Elizabeth, wid Jacob V N, res 138 Philemon Smith Elizabeth, wid John, res 474 Genesee Smith Elizabeth A, res 178 W State Smith Ella M, employment office, res 34 Perrine av Smith Ellen, wid John, res 131 Chancery Smith Elmer, freight handler, bds 234 E State Smith Elmer E, ironworker, h 133 Mott Smith Ernest F, reporter, bds 43 Clark Smith Ernest K, news agent, h 129 Cooper Smith Forman, salesman, h 45 N Stockton Smith Forrest C, packer, h 27 Tyrell av Smith Frank, laborer, h 268 Cortland Smith Frank, laborer, bds 197 Ferrier av Smith Frank, laborer, h 45 Sweets av Smith Frank G, potter, h 207 Bellevue av Smith Frank H, newsdealer, h 54 S Clinton av Smith Frederick, barber, h 211 Fall Smith Frederick, laborer, bds 23 Jefferson Smith Frederick, painter, h 444 W Hanover Smith Frederick, printer, h 62 Union Smith Frederick D, manager, h Johnston av cor Crest Smith Frederick S, machinist, h 19 Hanford pl Smith Garrett W, h 246 Clay Smith G Edward, tinsmith, 360 S Broad, h do Smith George, collector, h 212 Passaic SMITH GEORGE, hotel, 485 Chestnut av, h do Smith George, laborer, bds 620 Genesee Smith George, laborer, h 1008 New Willow Smith George, manager, h 212 Passaic Smith George A, bricklayer, h 55 Cooper Smith George A, laborer, h 512 Liberty Smith George H, brakeman, bds 32 Sweets av Smith George H, conductor, h 26 Ogden Smith George H, driver, h 27 Passaic Smith George L, wiredrawer, h 504 Bridge Smith George M, rubberworker, h 136 Washington Smith George R, (Smith & Girton), h 160 Philemon Smith George R, laborer, bds 625 N Clinton av Smith George W, machinist, h 28 Seward av Smith George W, polisher, bds 618 S Warren Smith George W, prison deputy, h 111 Cooper Smith George W, restaurant, 416 S Broad, h do Smith Gertie, res 13 Belevue av Smith Gilbert S, laborer, h 27 Spring Smith & Girton, (George R Smith; John Girton), grocers, 160 Philemon Smith H Frank, printer, 25 E State, h 628 W do Smith Hamlet, grocer, 528 S Clinton av, h do Smith Hannah, nurse, res 243 Mercer Smith Hannah, wid John, res 77 Cooper Smith Harry, clerk, bds American House Smith Harry, messenger, bds 234 E State Smith Harry, presser, bds 413 Stuyvesant av Smith Harry A, bricklayer, bds 433 Monmouth Smith Harry E, watchmaker, bds 133 Mott SMITH HARRY F, tobacconist; also sup’t Cadwalader Park, 4 E State, h 249 Spring Smith Harry H, potter, bds 1456 S Clinton av Smith Harry R, bookkeeper, bds 74 Pennington av Smith Harvey G, machinist, h 246 Clay Smith Hattie, wid George, res 392 1/2 Third Smith Hawk, laborer, h 816 Centre Smith Helen, wid Philip, res 313 Bridge Smith Helen B, teacher, res 438 S Broad Smith Helen E Mrs, res 226 N Warren Smith Henry, broom-maker, h Summer n Calhoun Smith Henry A, moulder, h 472 Centre Smith Henry N, real estate, h Fashion Farm Smith Henry S, farmer, h Hopewell av (Slackwood) Smith Herbert L, salesman, h Cass cor Adeline Smith Herbert S, engineer, h 68 Anderson Smith Herman G, shipping clerk, h 226 Pearl Smith Hervey S, potter, h 127 N Stockton Smith Holdren, railroader, h 456 N Montgomery Smith Howard, laborer, h 816 Centre Smith Howard C, machinist, h 235 Lafayette av Broad St Pk Smith Howard L, invoice clerk, bds 169 Passaic Smith Hugh E, painter, bds 215 E Front Smith Isaac, stonecutter, h 23 Jefferson Smith Isaiah Cramer, foreman, h 49 Union Smith J B R, clerk, bds 36 W State Smith Jacob, potter, h 57 Rose Smith Jacob D, driver, h 38 High Smith Jacob R, clerk, h 151 W Hanover Smith James, janitor, h 130 Morgan Smith James, laborer, bds 148 Ingham av Smith James C, kilnman, h 1049 Indiana av Smith James C, plasterer, bds 60 Poplar Smith James H, saloon, 501 Bridge, h do Smith James J, laborer, h 131 Chancery Smith James R, brakeman, h 152 Fair Smith James W, policeman, h 1075 S Broad Smith Jane, wid Bernard, res 208 Academy Smith John, h 110 Kossuth Smith John, engineer, h 7 Tyler Smith John, laborer, bds 195 Ferrier av Smith John, laborer, h 746 Roebling av Smith John, painter, h 414 Centre Smith John, porter, h 54 Perrine av Smith John, potter, bds 786 E State Smith John, rubberworker, bds 23 Marion Smith John A, barber, 814 S Broad, h do Smith John C, barber, bds 814 S Broad Smith John C, linguist, h 280 Hamilton av Smith John C, superintendent, h 653 N Clinton av Smith John E, potter’s printer, h 43 Tyrell av Smith John G, bricklayer, bds 433 Monmouth Smith John H, laborer, h 36 Escher Smith John J, wiredrawer, bds 133 Mott Smith John O, rubberworker, bds 11 Carroll Smith John S, conductor, h 32 Sweets av Smith John T, clerk, bds 528 S Clinton av Smith John T, laborer, h 620 Genesee Smith John T, wireworker, bds 122 Fair Smith John W, barber, 223 Southard, h 57 Rose Smith John W, shoemaker, bds 332 S Broad Smith Jonas B, packer, bds 10 Southard Smith Jonas M, carpenter, h 739 Roebling av Smith Jonathan P, cigars, 618 S Warren, h do Smith Joseph, butcher, h 59 Perrine av Smith Joseph, kilnman, h 16 Jefferson Smith Joseph, potter, h 162 Home av Smith Joseph, shoemaker, h 645 Beatty Smith Joseph, potter, h 463 Stuyvesant av Smith Joseph D, contractor and builder, h 433 Monmouth Smith Joseph T, blacksmith, h 267 Morris av SMITH J STOCKTON, hardware; paints; etc, 1024 Chestnut av, h do Smith Katherine, res 16 Delaware Smith Lawrence M, brakeman, h 97 Carroll Smith Lemuel C, clerk, bds 1117 S Clinton av Smith Lewis, laborer, bds 30 Belvidere Smith Lewis, newsdealer, h 2 Cosey pl Smith Lewis D, fire dep’t, h 42 Sherman av Smith Lewis H, driver, h 119 Spring Smith Lewis W, carpenter, bds 38 High Smith Louis V, mason, bds 43 Clark Smith Maggie, wid George, res 44 Bond Smith Mahlon, motorman, h 124 Landing Smith Manuel E, laborer, h 414 Reservoir Smith Margaret, wid Michael, res 125 S Warren Smith Marshall F, paver, h 82 Greenwood av Smith Martha, res Dolton’s Block Smith Martha, res 74 Pennington av Smith Martin, wiredrawer, h 223 Hudson Smith Martin, potter, h 453 Klagg av Smith Mary, res 220 E Front Smith Mary A, wid William H, res 151 Cooper Smith Mary M, wid George P, bds 345 Fair Smith Matthew A, dentist, 80 Greenwood av, h do Smith Michael, laborer, h 321 Federal Smith Michael, potter, bds 110 Kossuth Smith Michael L, driver, h 10 Cooper Smith Minnie, dressmaker, 56 Mott Smith Montezuma, twister, h 48 Lamberton Smith Nathan H, saloon, 1456 S Clinton av, h do Smith Neri jr, coffee roaster, h 468 Genesee Smith Nicholas, laborer, h 26 Exton av Smith Patrick, laborer, h 147 Fair Smith Paul, engineer, h 452 Genesee Smith Paul B, potter, h 401 S Clinton av Smith Paulina, wid Anton, res Michigan av n Indiana av Smith Peter C, tileworker, h 318 Lamberton Smith Peter J, policeman, h 120 Ferry Smith Phoebe A, wid Charles E, res 27 Spring Smith Rebecca A, nurse, 133 Cooper, res do Smith Richard, potter, h 858 E State Smith Richard H, bds 302 Greenwood av Smith Richard S, telegrapher, h 818 Carteret av Smith Robert, carpenter, h 403 William Smith Robert, expressman, h 72 Poplar Smith Robert, stonecutter, h 125 Spring Smith Robert E, painter, h 124 Boudenot Smith Rosanna,res 131 Taylor Smith S Kate, res 561 Centre Smith Sadie M, domestic, State Hospital, res do Smith Samuel, roper, h 52 Mott Smith Samuel, shipping clerk, h 561 Centre Smith Samuel, railroader, h 26 Spring Smith Samuel G, sup’t, h Greenwoodav cor Norway Smith Samuel H, clerk, bds 528 S Clinton av Smith Sarah A, wid Thomas, res 228 S Broad Smith Sarah L, wid William, res 409 Market Smith Schenck, driver, h 298 Rutherford av Smith Susan, wid Samuel R, res 9 W State Smith Thomas, driver, h 992 Lamberton Smith Thomas, laborer, h 27 Jefferson Smith Thomas jr, potter, bds 646 E State Smith Thomas J, barkeeper, h 409 Federal Smith Thomas J, nickelplater, h 507 Hamilton av Smith Thomas L, ironworker, bds 116 Dye Smith Thomas W, potter, h 646 E State Smith W Edgar, milk dealer, h 924 Ohio av Smith W Madison, shipping clerk, h 216 Philemon Smith & Walker, (Annie M Smith and Maggie H Risdon) millinery, 107 E State Smith Walter F, insurance, 215 E State, bds 444 W Hanover Smith Walter H, potter, h 212 Motf Smith Ward M, cigarmaker, h 377 Cummings av Smith Watson, janitor, h 625 N Clinton av Smith Willard C, asst sup’t, bds 79 Philemon Smith William, (Brand & Smith), h 251 Spring Smith William, hosemaker, h 228 N Willow Smith William, laborer, bds 80 Belvidere Smith William, laborer, h 3 Ferry Smith William, laborer, h 217 S Feeder Smith William, laborer, h 28 Taylor SMITH WILLIAM, merchant tailor; also tobacco and cigars, 343 N Warren opp Battle Monument, h 133 Fountain av Smith William A, machinist, bds 528 S Clinton av Smith William B, clerk, h 30 Chapel Smith William C, clerk, h 37 Marion Smith William E, clerk, h 84 Philemon Smith William H, baker, h 18 W Front Smith William H, railroader, h 145 Rose Smith William H, coachman, bds 74 Quarry al Smith William M, shipping clerk, h 216 Philemon Smith William P, engineer, h 861 E State Smith William P, engineer, h 37 Assanpink Smith William R, butcher, h 1117 S Clinton av Smith William W, carpenter, h 723 Princeton av Smith Winfield W, painter, h 205 S Broad Smock John C, state geologist, bds Trenton House Smyth James, tailor, 154 N Broad, h 204 Pennington av Smyth James jr, cutter, bds 204 Pennington av Smyth John W, rigger, bds 152 Monmouth Smyth Richard, laborer, h 80 Perrine av Smyth William R, laborer, h 47Assanpink Sneath George, potter, h 38 Perrine av Sneath Harry C, laborer, h 31 Dickinson Sneath Samuel B, grocer, 292 N Clinton av, h do Snedeker Abram H, driver, bds 307 Perry Snedeker Catharine, wid Jacob, res 628 Division Snedeker Edgar A, sup’t, h 33 Cumberland av Snedeker Edgar W, woodworker, h 260 Bellevue av Snedeker Edward A, engineer, State Hospital, res do SNEDEKER GEORGE E & CO, pianos; organs and music, 5 N Warren, res Princeton Junction Snedeker Henry H, salesman, h 110 N Willow Snedeker John V, bricklayer, bds 152 E Front Snedeker Julia, wid Raymond H, res 407 Monmouth Snedeker Luther M, mattressmaker, bds 211 Prospect Snedeker Mary E, matron, res 628 Division Snedeker William C, mason, h 137 Franklin Snedeker William E jr, bookkeeper, h 351 St Joe’s av Snedeker William W, rubberworker, h 307 Perry Snider Austin, cashier (Trenton BankingCo), h 17 Yard av Snook Albert H, laborer, h 203 Butler Snook Cornelius, carpenter, h 78 Bellevue av Snook Harry, driver, h 15 Titus av Snook Henry W Mrs, wholesale liquors, 5 5 Warren, h 250 Spring Snook Riley, railroader, h 27 Sheridan av Snook Peter G, engineer, h 191 Pennington av Snow Arthur, kilnman, h 490 Centre Snow Harold, potter, bds 584 Perry Snow Herbert, potter, bds 584 Perry Snow Lewis B, foreman, h 104 Pearl Snow Walter S, motorman, bds 269 Walnut av Snowden Charles F, storekeeper State Arsenal, res do Snowden John H, railroader, h 76 Lincoln av Snowden Woodbury, salesman, h 83 Carroll Snowden Woodbury B, salesman, bds 83 Carroll Snyder Albert, dipper, h 241 Kossuth Snyder Alfred O, fireman, bds 1221 Chestnut av Snyder Anna, wid John, h 40 Tyrell av Snyder August, potter, h 380 Brunswick av Snyder Charles M, sexton, h 1208 S Clinton av Snyder Christian, laborer, bds 649 Lamberton Snyder Florence, dressmaker, res 97 Bellevne av Snyder Frank M, cigarmaker, h 40 W Lafayette Snyder Frederick, retired, bds 652 E State Snyder Frederick L, saloon, 22 Ingleton, h do Snyder George L, carpenter, h 22 Rusling Snyder George P, salesman, bds 1221 Chestnut av Snyder Harvey, bookbinder, bds 1215 S Clinton av Snyder Henry, driver, h 25 Davies Snyder Isaac N, bookkeeper, h 638 Perry Snyder J Albert, mixed buckwheat, 88 Philemon, h 11 Montgomery pl Snyder Jacob, laborer, h 1210 S Clinton av Snyder James A, sup’t, h 6 Philemen Snyder John, wiredrawer, h 830 Laniberton Snyder John, milkman, h 627 Franklin Snyder John W, clerk, bds 154 S Broad Snyder Joseph C, railroader, h 652 E State Snyder Joseph F, motorman, h 126 Rushing Snyder Leavitt, shipping clerk, bds 1215 S Clinton av Snyder Louis, laborer, h 649 Lamberton Snyder Magdalena, wid Peter, res 44 Bellevue av Snyder Mary A, wid Christy, res Lafayette av (Broad St Pk) Snyder Milliard S, contractor, h 14 Hampton Snyder Nellie, dressmaker, res 246 Perry Snyder Nicholas, cigar mfr, 202 S Warren, h 40 W Lafayette Snyder Ollie, dipper, h 241 Kossuth Snyder Robert, coffee roaster, h 470 Genesee Snyder Ruth, wid David, res 254 Kossuth Snyder Thomas G, flagman, bds 866 E State Snyder William, h 1215 S Clinton av Snyder William, ironworker, bds 830 Lamberton Snyder William, laborer, h 1215 S Clinton av Snyder William H, moulder, bds 62 Perrine av Snyder William R, h 1221 Chestnut av Sobba Alexander, laborer, h 1 Randall av Soden Ambrose, machinist, h 47 Cooper Soden Catherine, wid, res 523 Chestnut av Soden Henry, laborer, h 123 Olden av Soden Lemuel F, blacksmith, h 36 Rose Soden Lemuel F, clerk, bds 36 Rose Soden Robert R, janitor, h 134 Sweets av Soden William, laborer, h 157 Old Rose Soethen Aloysius, decorator, h 472 Walnut av Solan James, kilnman, h 25 Jefferson Solan John, driver, h 143 W Hanover SOLAN MICHAEL J, real estate; also justice of the peace, 105 E State, h 632 N Clinton av Solan Patrick, potter, bds 143 W Hanover Solbach Albert, peddler, h Liberty cor Howell Solimando John, painter, h 242 Elmer Solimando Michael, laborer, bds 242 Elmer Solinski Frank, presser, h 620 N Willow Solinski Mathias, bds 620 N Willow Solliday Edward B, rubber mfr, bds Hotel Windsor Soloman Howard J, bookkeeper, h 6 Boudinot Soltis Andrew, laborer, h 414 Klagg av Somers William, laborer, bds 335 Reservoir Sommer Caroline, wid George, res-229 Perry Sommer George N J, physician, h 229 Perry Sommerfield John, potter, h 106 New Rose Sommers Carl S, candymaker, bds 396 Brwiswick av Sommers Jacob, confectioner, 698 S Broad, h do Sommers John, brickmaker, h 396 Brunswick av Sommers Mary, wid Michael, res 617 Adeline Sonetzky Anthony;laborer, h 14 Elm Sonnenberg William, fireman, h 116 Landing Sontag Margaret, h 31 W Front Sooy Jesse A, shipping clerk, h 137 Dickinson Soppig Michael, laborer, h 33 Huston al Soriere Frank, shoemaker, 42 Rose, h do Soriero Saveria, shoemaker, 610 N Clinton av, h do Sortor Cornelia, teacher, res 223 Mercer Sortor George D, evangelist, bds 133 E Front Sost Catherine, bakery, 579 S Clinton av, h do Sost Christian, laborer, h 700 Adeline Sost John F, conductor, h 16 Landing Souders Belle, res 119 S Stockton Souders Fannie H, wid Isaac, res 12 Bank Souders Joseph J, foreman, h 827 S Broad South A Furman, wireworker, h Hewitt (Deutzville) SOUTH BROAD ST PACKING CO, (F Ketterer & Son), 672 S Broad South Daisy, wid, res 1427 S Clinton av South David S, bookkeeper, bds 10 Lamberton South Edmond, laborer, bds 7 Market South Enoch, h 248 Academy South Harvey W, photographer, 103 E State, h 35 Railroad South John D, h 9 Market South John H, conductor, h 166 Walnut av South John M, lockkeeper, h Prison lock South John W, blacksmith, h 74 West South Lovett S, carpenter, State Hospital, res do South Mary P, wid John M, res 190 Brunswick av South Miles, laborer, h 326 Ferry South Samuel L, carpenter, h Asylum station South William E, carter, h Emmett av (Villa Park) South Wilmer J, carpenter, h 128 Passaic Southard Abraham H, clerk, h 44 Chestnut av Southard Louisa H, res 148 W State Southard Virginia, wid Samuel L, h 238 W State Soutliard Walbury, bds 141 N Warren 3d floor Southwick Abraham, (A B Southwick & Son), h 225 Brunswick av Southwick Abraham R & Son, (William R), grocers, 225 Brunswick av Southwick Albert G, salesman, h 166 W Hanover Southwick Anna M, res 107 S Warren Southwick Charles M, salesman, h 107 S Warren SOUTHWICK’S COMBINATION STORE, dry goods; notions and millinery, 127-129 E State; Y M C A bldg Southwick Edward P, clerk, h 233 E Hanover Southwick John K, laborer, h 529 Princeton av Southwick Joseph A, (Southwicks Combination Store), h 107 S Warren Southwick William R, (A R Southwick & Son), bds 225 Brunswick av Souville Frank, carpenter, h 114 Allen Sozio John, fruit dealer, 840 S Clinton av, h do Spahn Jacob J, clerk, bds 217 E Front Spain James, potter, bds 346 Brunswick av Spain James W, kilnman, h 14 Cross Spain John, driver, bds 58 Passaic Spain John, potter, bds 12 Cross Spare Elwood, presser, h 147 Sherman av Sparmaker Annie M, wid John W, res 232 Spring Sparmaker Clarence W, painter, bds 232 Spring Spear David V, prison deputy, h 19 Kent Spear Edward M, agent, h 52 Wall Specht Charles A, driver, h 501 Perry Specht Jacob, potter, h Oakland av n Brick Yard Speck Casper J, prison deputy, h 11 Hudson Speck Frank C, superintendent, h 60 Hudson Speck John, baker, h 316 Lamberton Speck Walter, shipping clerk, bds 11 Hudson Specter Nathan, merchant tailor, 145 S Broad, h do Specter Joseph, tailor, 189 S Broad, h 57 Union Speeler John F, decorator, bds 208 N Clinton av Speeler Mary, wid Henry, res 208 N Clinton av Speese Elizabeth, wid John, res 47 W State Speizle Lena, grocer, 25 Water, res do Speizle Nathan, peddler, h 25 Water © Gary Nigh 2001 |
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