1882 Diary of Edmund C. Hill |
Inside cover labeled:
Edmund C. Hill 11 Greene St Trenton N. J. |
Sunday 1. 1882. Went to church in morning. Dr Pendleton preached. Dr Miner is indisposed. Read in afternoon and evening. Played piano awhile. Went to bed early.
Monday 2. Began another year with same arrangements as last year. $10 per week and 5 per cent on all sales above $15000. Made no calls.
January, Saturday
7. 1882. At home.
Sunday 8. Church morning. Not at evening.
January, Monday
9. 1882. At home. Guiteaue’s trial is still dragging along.
Tuesday 10.
At home.
January, Wednesday
11. 1882. At home.
Thursday 12.
At home.
January, Friday
13. 1882. At home.
Saturday 14.
At home.
January, Sunday
15. 1882. Church morning and evening.
Monday 16. Bought ticket for the “A” company reception next week. Also put in some bids for the supper with Frank Lothorp and Will Montgomery. Tried frying oysters in olive oil
January, Tuesday
17. 1882. At home. Went to meeting of Palestine commaudery. Sir Knight Weller is very low.
Wednesday 18.
Went to Phila on business. Rode down with Ada Sulger. Bought some goods, inquired into the Florida Land scheme dined at Girard House, made some little discoveries in regard to Finellis fried oysters.
January, Thursday
19. 1882. At home. Spent the evening with Colonel Manning who is recovering from a paralytic stroke.
Friday 20. At home in morning. Busy in store in afternoon. Went to Philadelphia. Bought a swallow tail coat with vest ($15.00) at Yates, Ledger Building
January, Saturday
21. 1882. At home. Made out estimate of father’s affairs today for him as follows Assets 47936.69 Insurance 5000. Total 52936.69 Labilities 23478.48 Balance $29458.21
Sunday 22. Went to church in morning. Read and studied in afternoon.
January, Monday
23. 1882. At home. Went to the Commandery in the evening. Decided to attend funeral of Sir Knight Hiram Weller tomorrow.
Tuesday 24.
At home morning. In afternoon went to Sir Knight Weller’s funeral with Palestine Commandery. Mercer Lodge and Wricklers Band went also. Mr Gilbert Slack recited Blue Lodge service. Service in 1st Bap Ch.
January, Wednesday
25. 1882. At home. Went with Ada Sulger to the “A” Company Reception (Ball). Six or eight hundred people present, brass band, string orchestra, elegant toilets parquette floored over. It was the swell event of the season.
Thursday 26.
At home. Guiteau was brought in guilty last evening by the jury after an absence of half an hour. The satisfaction is universal.
January, Friday 27. 1882. At home.
Saturday 28.
At home. At a Clinton Ave. trustee meeting tonight. A paper of dissatisfaction was presented. It came from those who give little and talk much.
January, Sunday
29. 1882. Went to church morning and evening. Rev Mr. Kelly, a retired army chaplain, preached. Dined at Miners. Had important talk with Doctor. Harry and Mawe who came visiting at the Doctor’s, took tea with us.
Monday 30. At home.
Phila. January, Tuesday 31. 1882 Went to Philadelphia and bought some fruit for an order tomorrow.
Bordentown February, Wednesday 1. Went to Bordentown to furnish a reception for Mr and Mrs Wm. U. Thompson, lately married in Philad. Took 4 waiters, 1 driver and Laug Johnson. Everthing satisfactory. Bill was $265.
February, Thursday
2. 1882. At home. Went in evening alone to Opera House to hear Henry Ward Beecher lecture on “The Reign of the common People”. If it was anything at all, it was as infidel as anything of Robt. Ingusoll’s.
Friday 3. At home. Dr. Miner and Mr Vanhorn are having a little disturbance.
Called at Sulgers.
February, Saturday
4. 1882. Terrific snow storm In evening went out to Vanhorn’s and afterward to Miner’s to see if I could make peace between them. Think now it will all come right.
Sunday 5. Went to church morning and evening. Saw Vanhorn again.
Read Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice after dinner.
February, Monday
6. 1882. At home. Bought Alexandre Dumas Life of Napoloeon in French.
New York Tuesday
7. Went to New York in afternoon to attend the French Cooks Ball. Dresses and dancing were ridiculous. The tables were superb. Stopped at Irving House. Father paid my expenses.
New York February, Wednesday 8. 1882. Attended to some errands at Thurber’s. Regeuhards and other places and came home at about 1 oclock.
Thursday 9.
At home. Washed and labeled a lot of minerals that I have wanted to for a long while.
February, Friday
10. 1882. At home. Father and Mother are worried over the church difficulties. Father did not sleep a moment last night.
Saturday 11.
At home. Called at Vanhorn’s and think I have arranged matters now for peace. Time will tell
February, Sunday
12. 1882. Church morning and evening. Played the organ. I and Mr. Dawes made a request for business meeting tomorrow night, which headed off another party taking wind of their sails. Visited hospital.
Monday 13. At home. Busy all day preparing figures and facts. Attended church meeting. Made a half hour speech, which seemed to have the effect I desired. The best speech I ever made.
February, Tuesday
14. 1882. At home. Called at col. Mannings in afternoon and played atapiaus for him.
Wednesday 15.
Had charge of wedding at Jas. Brooks on Pennington Avenue. Fifty guests. Miss Brooks married Benj. Hendrickson. Everything very satisfactory, especially Vienna coffee.
February, Thursday
16. 1882. At home. Attended Ashlan Lodge No 76. Visiting Lodges were present from Princeton, Bordentown, and Bristol, Pa. 200 people present. Refreshments. We furnished cream-Neapolitan bricks.
Friday 17. At home. Called at Sulgers. Miss Webster returned my two books. Buckle’s Civilization having read them with pleasure
February, Saturday
18. 1882. At home. Eagle Fire leo Bazaar opened tonight. We furnished the candy factory and ice cream also. Big crowd present.
Sunday 19. Church morning and evening. Rev Walkinson preached Took nap after dinner. None of our adherents put any money in envelopes in the collection today.
February, Monday
20. 1882. At home. Sort of a trustee meeting held at our house tonight. Vanhorn, Chambers, Drake, Boyle, and Bonney present. Father lost all patience and blowed Vanhorn up. Vanhorn cooled down and then business proceeded.
Tuesday 21.
At home. Vanhorn and Father called on Vannest. The upshot of it was that Mr Vannest and myself were appointed to drat a paper to be presented first to the trustees and then to the church.
February, Wednesday
22. 1882. At home. Had charge of a supper at Walter’s Hall, given by Fraternal Lodge to invited guests. 71 gentlemen present all delighted with the spread.
Thursday 23.
At home. Ada Sulger and I went to Opera house to hear Miss Kellogg sing in concert. Kellogg was sick. Miss Howe sang instead. Adarnowski played baritone and Brignoli tenor besides other persons
February, Friday
24. 1882. At home.
Saturday 25.
At home. Church trustee meeting held at our house. Very quiet. Dr Miner and his friends will n odoubt be beaten at the next church meeting
February, Sunday
26. 1882. Church morning and evening. Rev Watkinson preached. Dr Miner at Hamilton Square. George and Eva Reading of Frenchtown called at our house this afternoon.
Monday 27. At home. Kugler was sick. I had to run the baking. Church business meeting. Miner’s resignation was read and virtually accepted.
February, Tuesday
28. 1882. At home. Worked in bakeroom
March, Wednesday
1. At home. Worked in bake room.
March, Thursday
2. 1882. At home.
Phila. Friday 3. Went to Phila on noon train. Bought some goods for store and took dancing lesson at carpenters. Returned at 6 P.M.
March, Saturday
4. 1882. At home.
Sunday 5. Went to church morning and evening. Rev Mr Cain preached.
March, Monday
6. 1882. At home.
Tuesday 7. At home.
March, Wednesday
8. 1882. At home.
Bordentown, Bristol Thursday 9. Went to Bordentown and Burlington to make arrangements for Doctor Miner’s lecture. Met Ed Cliff at Bordentown. Afterward went to Bristol and returned home
March, Friday
10. 1882. At home. Called at Suglers in
Saturday 11.
At home. Father and Mother are both sick. Father with quiusy and Mother with bronchial and nervous troubles
March, Sunday
12. 1882. Church morning and evening. Rev Mr Cain preached. Read Hamlet through after dinner.
Monday 13. At home. Went to Columns Lodge at night. Yeo D. Scudder was irritiated.
Princeton March, Tuesday 14. 1882. At home in morning. Went to Princeton at 3.25 to arrange for Doctor Miner’s lecture. Because acquainted with Dr. Atwater, Professor of Logic, a fine old gentleman.
Wednesday 15.
At home Sent subscription to
March, Thursday
16. 1882. At home. Went to Opera House at night to see Bartholenews 16
trained horses. Most wonderful
display I ever saw. Saw Dr Thomas, a traveler and a scliolan editor of
a Cyclopoaedia.
Friday 17. At home.
March, Saturday
18. 1882. At home.
Sunday 19. Went to church morning and evening. Our choir is reduced to Katie Miner and myself but we stick. Dined at Miner’s. Miner gave me two large volumes of Geological Survey of Illinois.
March, Monday
20. 1882. At home. Went to leohumr Lodge. Heerny Oliphant was given his Master degree. We furnished a spread.
Tuesday 21.
At home. Went to wedding at Thoene’s. Ida was married to Stephen Pfeil of New York. Jolly good time, real German fashion. Afterward went to Commandery meeting. We had an informal visit from the Eminent Grand Commander.
Phila. March, Wednesday 22. 1882. At home in morning. Went to Phila on 1.15 P.M. train attended to some buying and came back on 5 P.M. train.
Thursday 23.
At home.
March, Friday
24. 1882. At home.
Saturday 25.
At home. Mr. Watkinson Mr. Royle and myself have been appointed a collecting committee for Clinton Ave. church. It will not amount to anything.
March, Sunday
26. 1882. Church morning and evening. Had a number of little girls in choir. Read Longfello after dinner. Longfellow died last week.
Monday 27. At home Attended leolurmn Lodge. One of Gen Oliphant’s sons brother of the one last week, was made a Mason
March, Tuesday
28. 1882. At home Had two refreshment orders. One at Doctor Rogus. His son Dick has just graduated as doctor. gave a dinner to the physicians of the city.
Wednesday 29.
March, Thursday
30. 1882. At home. Went at 7.30 P.M to a committee meeting at Royle’s. Present Royle, Walkinson, and self. We agreed to ask the trustees for written instructions.
Friday 31. At home. Received through the U. C. J. Union a fine set of Shakespeare
in 4 vol. Cost $8.25 Legislature adjurid today at noon worst in years.
Saturday 1. 1882. At home. Ray had lots of fun with a lead quarter and a string. Put the quarter on the sidewalk and let people try to pick it up.
Sunday 2. Church morning and eveni. Watkinson preached. We had five girls in the choir.l I made a proposition that Miner be paid to me as 1. and date resignation then, he to retain his lecture money since then
April, Monday
3. 1882. At home. Went to Opera house with Ada Sulger to see “The Professor,” a popular light-comedy. Enjoyed it immensely. Miner authorized me to act for him in settling accounts
Tuesday 4. At home. Attended a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Clinton Ave Church. On behalf of Miner I offered a proposition to pay him up to Mar. 1. 82 he to date his resignation from then and he to retain what he has made since then
April, Wednesday 5. 1882. At home.
Thursday 6.
At home. Today I had a meeting with Mr. Vanhorn and settled Dr. Miner’s accounts. He gave me $434.60 and a note for $250. I gave him Dr’s resignation. I am much pleased over the transaction.
April, Friday
7. 1882. At home.
Saturday 8.
At home. Kugler, our baker, was out of town attending his sister’s funeral. I did his work in the bakeroom.
April, Sunday
9. 1882. Went to church morning and evening. Watkinson preached. After morning service, a special church meeting was held and Doctor Miner’s resignation was read and accepted.
Monday 10. At home. Went around to Jos. Ashton’s with E. W. Taylor to post him up in masonry. leily election today sweeping by Deucocratic.
April, Tuesday
11. 1882. At home. Called at Sulgers. John Campbell, our confectioner is off on a spree today.
Wednesday 12.
At home. Made a donation of a years subscription to the Temperance
Women’s Reading room Mother has a very bad cold and cough
April, Thursday
13. 1882. At home. Lyman was taken sick at his stomach today and fainted at the dinner table. He had not felt ewll for several days.
Friday 14. I did Lymans work today in the ice cream yard
April, Saturday
15. 1882. At home. Worked in ice cream yard.
Sunday 16. Went to church morning and evening. Watkinson preached. Read “King Lear” after dinner.
April, Monday
17. 1882. At home.
Tuesday 18.
At home. Went to Opera House with Ada Sulger to see opera of Babber of Seville with Abbie Carrington as prima donna. Italian opera, under Max Strakoseh. Very fair performance
April, Wednesday
19. 1882. At home. Lily Yates married to Rob. Vanzandt
Bordentown Thursday 20. Went to Bordentown on 3 P.M. train to see Mr + Mrs J. N. Adams in reference to a party order. Arranged to take out a $5000 insurance policy in Northwestern Co of Milwaukee.
April, Friday
21. 1882. At home.
Saturday 22.
At home. Received letter from Mrs Holines of Adrian. Mich. Giving damaging facts about Rev. Dunsford.
April, Saturday
23. 1882. Went to church morning and evening. Watkinson preached. Mrs Hart is visiting at our house. George Reading of Frenchtown took tea with us.
Phila. Monday 24. Went to Phila. Ordered goods for store and went to Barnum’s circus, saw all the sights, tumblers, acrobats, riders, Roman chariot races and Jumbo the great Jumbo, the African elephant, bought from the London Zoo.
April, Tuesday
25. 1882. At home. Made application formally for $5000 policy in Northwestern Mutual Life insurance Co on 25 year endowment plan. B. M. Phillips agent. Was examined by Dr. W. A. Clark.
Wednesday 26.
At home. Rec check of 154.50 from father and paid it to M. M. Philips, he giving me receipt for 181.75. he deducted 15% of 1st year as an inducement.
April, Thursday
27. 1882. At home.
Friday 28. At home.
April, Saturday
29. 1882. At home. During the 4 months finished today we have taken in about $33 more than corresponding months last year. Jennie Richards gave me a pretty embroidered hat band
Sunday 30. Went to church morning and evening. Read in afternoon.
Monday 1. 1882. At home.
Tuesday 2. At home. Made three doz chicken croquettes after supper. Packed dishes.
Freehold. May,
Wednesday 3. 1882. Went to Freehold on 3.25 P.M. train with lot of dishes and refreshments. Took Heck Weber with me.
Freehold. Thursday 4. Served a large wedding (ordered for 170) Mr. Clifford Snyder married Lillian Denise daughter of J. H. Denice. Bill 271.50. People delighted.
Red Bank. May, Friday 5. 1882. Went to R.B. on 9oclock train. Visited Ella Murray. Passed pleasant day, had ride on the river and returned home at night.
Saturday 6.
At home.
May, Sunday
7. 1882. Church morning and evening.
Monday 8. At home.
May, Tuesday
9. 1882. At home. Kugler was drunk.
I did the baking. Took a ride with Martie Seabrook who is visiting here with her mother.
Wednesday 10. Kugler still away I baked again.
May, Thursday
11. 1882. 27 years old today At home Copied some old papers loaned me by Maj. Yard relating to the Yard Family of Devon. Rec. a boquet of 27 roses, a card and a hatband.
Friday 12. At home.
May, Saturday
13. 1882. At home.
Sunday 14. Very rainy Went to church in morning but not in evening. Read Shakespeare
May, Monday
15. 1882. At home. Busy in store. Father went to Phila. To attend to business. Afterward went to Camden to see Barnum’s Circus.
Tuesday 16.
Very busy in store. Barnums circus was in town. Thousands of strangers were here. We fed about 300 at dinner.
Vincentown May, Wednesday 17. 1882. Busy in morning packing up. Went by wagon to (illegible and scribbled out) Vincentown to attend golden wedding of Gen + Mrs John S Irick. Fine affair. Worked till 2 in the morning.
Thursday 18.
Returned from Vincentown by wagon, reaching home by 11 A. M. Our driver off a wheel for some woman. Went to Lambertville at 3 P.M. took tea with Pierson’s and went to Frenchtown at 6.15 to see mother.
May, Friday
19. 1882. Returned home on early train. Mother’s health his very bad, restless nights and a
good deal of useless worrying.
Saturday 20.
At home. Father went up to Frenchtown to see mother.
May, Sunday
21. 1882. Went to church morning and evening. Walked over to Hospital after dinner. Made up a little purse to buy Lottie Lucas a wedding present.
Monday 22. At home. Mrs Nanoway and I went and bought a silver ice pitcher for Lottie Lucas. Was vaccinated by Dr Belleyiau, an assistant of Dr Phillips.
May, Tuesday
23. 1882. At home. Jennie Richards went to her grandmother funeral. Lottie Lucas married to Rev. Mr Bromley, a Baptist
Minister from California.
Wednesday 24.
At home. Mrs Baltus Pickel died.
May, Thursday
25. 1882. At home.
Friday 26. At home. Vaccinated again Today I called on our reliable friends got them all out to prayer meeting and asked for letters for Dr Miner Mrs Miner + Katie. Granted unanimously without any words.
May, Saturday
27. 1882. At home.
Sunday 28. Church morning and evening. Rev Clias B. Perkins preached. Big congregation. Those who hated him worst when here were loudest in their friendship today.
May, Monday
29. 1882. Church meeting tonight. Annual. We prevented Deacon Lee from being elected trustee which is I hope the indication of his bad influence. Used boldness, denounced him openly and defeated him. The plans were entirely my own. I care nothing for the church save that – it is Father’s pet project. Therefor I shall help all I can. When Lee went out everybody seemed to shun him. I cn only regard him as a whited sepulcher.
May, Wednesday
31. 1882. At home. Horseback ride in morning. Went last night to Opera House to hear Layfayette College Glee Club.
Thursday 1.
June, Friday
2. 1882. At home.
Saturday 3.
At home. Very busy in the store. Father went to Frenchtown to see mother. Mattige Stouaker left today.
June, Sunday
4. 1882. Church morning and evening. Joe Butterworth preached. The church trustees have invited me to give my views to them on the church money matters. Katie Miner and I visited the hospital.
Monday 5. At home. Letter fr. Ella Murray. Mother and Father came home. Mother very unwell. Church meeting at night. Royle elected Supt. Kept Lee out of everything. I was appointed to write letter to Association.
June, Tuesday
6. 1882. Took drive with mother. Hired Sallie Sutton to help in the store for two weeks.
Wednesday 7.
June, Thursday
8. 1882. At home. Began work on rebuilding our bakeoven. Will take about two weeks. Old one been in use 12 years or more.
Friday 9. Went to meeting of Commandery Frank Brandt and Wm Halton
were made Knights-Templar.
June, Saturday
10. 1882. Rec. letter from Mrs Seabrook. On my advice she will wait a little for her money on Clinton Ave
Sunday 11. Church morning and evening. I did not sing in choir. Katie Meiner + I wound up last Sunday after a due notice. Read the church letter after evening service. Unanimously adopted.
June, Monday
12. 1882.
Tuesday 13.
At home. We learned that Lewis H. Vanhorn has put his property out of his hands on Feb. 7th. This makes Father responsible for all church notes. Baptist association met today at 1st church.
June, Wednesday
14. 1882. At home. Drew some money from the savings bank paid my insurance on $4000 policy and also loaned Father $40. Mother is restless and dreadfully nervous.
Thursday 15.
At home. Attended trustee church meeting in the church and gave my views by request on church matters. Suggested an Excusion in August, a Bazaar in November and a concert in February.
June, Friday
16. 1882. At home.
Saturday 17.
At home. Very busy indeed.
June, Sunday
18. 1882. Went to Dr Hall’s church in morning and to Clinton Ave Baptist at night. In afternoon read Shakespear’s “Merry Wives of Windsor”
and “Twelvth Night”.
Monday 19. At home. Went to church meeting. Was clerk. The trustees were appointed a committee to fill pulpit.
June, Tuesday
20. 1882. At home. Lyman went to a picnic. I made ice cream for him today. Father had notice served on him by Sheriff in regard to Pickel and church matter.
Wednesday 21.
At home. Received a letter from Hon John Hart Brewer, now in Congress, in reference to a book.
June, Thursday
22. 1882. At home. Sent $10 to C. H. King, Orange, Essex Co. N.J. to be put on his special list of cake baking scholars: Lessons and information for 3 years.
Friday 23. At home Our new bake oven was finished today.
June, Saturday
24. 1882. At home. Busy in store.
Sunday 25. About to Hamilton Square with Dr Miner. He preached in Baptist Church. WE stayed at Aunt Dena’s. Terriffic thunderstorm at 3 to 5 P.M.
June, Monday
26. 1882. At home. Called at Sulgers
Pennington, Tuesday 27. At home in morning. Went at 4 P.M. in a wagon to Penninton Seminary to furnish a banquet for the graduating class. Table at 10.30 Home at 3 A.M. Good time. Everybody pleased
June, Wednesday
28. 1882. At home. In evening went with Katie Miner to Opera House to Model School Commencement. May Stelle read a fine esaay “Women beyond the Fireside”. Florence Leeds was highest in class.
Thursday 29.
Normal School Commencement today. We were busy in store.
June, Friday
30. 1882. At home. Superintended a supper at Buxton’s Decorating Works. All happy and pleased Guiteau hanged today.
July, Saturday
1. At home.
July, Sunday
2. 1882. Went to church at Clinton Avenue in morning and State Street M.E. at night. Read Shakespear’s “Measure for Measure” in afternoon.
Monday 3. At home. Went to church meeting. I exposed Mr Vanhorn on his property matter and Mr Lee, the hypocrite, and I had some sharp words.
July, Tuesday
4. 1882. At home. Rain all day. Sales very light. Only 61.16
Wednesday 5.
At home. Called at Swan’s on East State St. Very pleasant evening.
Friday 7. At home.
July, Saturday
8. 1882. At home. Helped Lyman in ice cream yard.
Sunday 9. At home. Went for curiosity to a Spiritualist meeting. Thought it a big fraud.
July, Monday
10. 1882. At home. Made up 72 qts currants into jelly
Tuesday 11.
July, Wednesday
12. 1882.
Asbury Park, Thursday 13. Went on 3.38 train to Asbury with Palestine. Stopped at Early’s, were received by Covson Commander, which we visited. 14 were made Knights. Red Cross had a banquet. Bed at 1 A.M. sleep at 2.
Long Branch – Red Bank, July Friday 14. 1882. Called on Myer’s and others. Went at 10.47 to Long Branch, rambled around there awhile, went at 1236 to Red Bank, saw the Murrays + Coopers. Came home at 4.40.
Saturday 15.
At home. Bought a row boat of Terry for $20. Oars 1.50.
Shipped it to Ocean Grove for Ray to use this summer. Mother is sometimes out of her mind.
July, Sunday
16. 1882. Went to 1st Pres. In morning. Dr Hall preached. Read “All’s Well that Ends Well”.
Monday 17. At home. Fitted Raymond out and sent him to Ocean Grove. It has cost me $37 or $38. He will carry passengers and pay his own board.
July, Tuesday
18. 1882. At home.
Wednesday 19. At home. Father paid Baltus Pickel $1500 and received a mortgage on Clinton Ave Church instead.
July, Thursday
20. 1882. At home in morning. Went to Imlaystown to wedding of Miss Giveson to Mr Williams. Hired order in same family. Got home 1.10 A. M.
Friday 21. At home.
July, Saturday
22. 1882. At home.
Sunday 23. Went to Clinton Ave in morning and Central Bap. in evening. Read “Taming of the Shrew” after dinner which furnished the first of the four volumes of Shakespeare. Jennie Richards went home this morning quite sick.
July, Monday
24. 1882. At home. Rec. word from Jennie. She had a chill this morning. Rec a box of fossils by Express from Ella Murry. Attended Fraternal Lodge. Irving W. Kelly was entered.
Tuesday 25.
July, Wednesday 26. 1882.
Thursday 27.
July, Friday
28. 1882.
Saturday 29.
July, Sunday
30. 1882. Went up to Irving Kelly’s Drug Store and instructed him in his first degree. Felt unwell and Kelly gave me a dose of Montserrat Lime Juice. No help.
Monday 31. The Missionary Board of the Baptist Association met at our church as a council to listen to our troubles and advise. Referred the entire matter back to the trustees and deacons to effect a settlement themselves if possible.
August, Tuesday
1. 1882. Felt very unwell. Bad stomach ache.
Wednesday 2.
Rec. letter from Ray saying his boat leaks besides is dull and he is discouraged. Wrote to him to keep up a good spirit and do his best. Quite unwell.
August, Thursday
3. 1882. Rec. letter from Ada Sulger at Ocean Grove. Called on Dr Rogers and got a prescription. Rec says I have an attack of dysentery.
Friday 4. Doctor Rogers called on me. Thinks I will be sick some time.
August, Saturday
5. 1882. Am entirely disabled from store work
Sunday 6. Rec letter from Dr. Miner at Walibury.
August, Monday
7. 1882. A little better
Tuesday 8. Rec. letter from Ella Murray.
August, Wednesday
9. 1882.
Thursday 10.
Suffered a relapse. Father and doctor both anxious. My case was serious. [This was written up in September
August, Friday
11. 1882.
Saturday 12.
August, Sunday
13. 1882.
Monday 14.
August, Tuesday
15. 1882.
Wednesday 16.
August, Thursday
17. 1882.
Friday 18.
August, Saturday
19. 1882.
Sunday 20.
August, Monday
21. 1882. I have intense pheumatic pains in back and feet. The doctor does not seem to worry over them but they pain me dreadfully.
Thursday 22.
Rec. letter from Ella Murray.
August, Wednesday
23. 1882.
Thursday 24. Told Dr Rogers I was discouraged and unless I get better I should call another doctor. He said I was not dangerously sick now and would be well in two weeks.
August, Friday
25. 1882.
Saturday 26.
August, Sunday
27. 1882.
Monday 28.
Raymond returned
August, Tuesday
29. 1882. Dismissed Dr. Rogers and called Dr J. W. Berton
Wednesday 30.
Rec a very pretty fancy fan from Katie Miner. Have rec. since I have been sick beautiful flowers from Ribsaus and others, jellies and lots of good things.
August, Thursday
31. 1882. Rec letter from Harry. Wants me to visit Waterbury.
September, Saturday
2. 1882.
Sunday 3.
September, Monday
4. 1882. Rec letter from Ella Murray.
Tuesday 5.
September, Wednesday
6. 1882.
Thursday 7.
Father sent a paper tonight to the Board of Trustees offering to retire or to remain, anything to save the church to the Baptists. The paper was laid upon the table.
September, Friday
8. 1882. Came down stairs for the first.
Saturday 9.
September, Sunday
10. 1882. Sent a notice to church calling for a church meeting tomorrow night. I being church clerk was the authorized one
Monday 11. Church meeting (special) held tonight. Father presented a memorial requesting a council to adjust difficulties. Voted down by the opposition we have tried our level best to save the property.
September, Tuesday
Wednesday 13.
Took a drive today with Father. First time since I have been sick that I have been out doors.
September, Thursday
14. 1882.
Friday 15.
September, Saturday
16. 1882.
Sunday 17.
September, Monday
18. 1882. Been living quietly at home taking matters easy. At –
Tuesday 19. Rec. invitations again from Harry to come to Waterbury.
New York & Waterbury, September, Wednesday 20. 1882. Went to Waterbury by rail, P.R.R. and the New Haven Road. Took folks by surpirise. Save oxen harnressed to plow first time in my life. Henry is not well. Was very tired. Went at night to wedding of Sam Ferris. Harry’s colored ice cream maker.
Thursday 21.
Very rainy. Harry and I were obliged to remain in all day. Met young Dr. Gregory (homeopathic) Put myself under his care.
September, Friday
22. 1882. Rain again. In
the house still. Read a book
called “Knights of Today.” Dr. Miner, Mrs Miner and Katie are boarding with Harr
and Mame this Summer.
Saturday 23.
Heavy rain. New bridge washed away from Naugatuck. Stayed in all day. Read old Harpers Magazines, Cowper’s pocurs. + c. Got acquainted with Mr King, baker and Mr Nava, candy maker. Harry’s workineu
Waterbury Com. September, Sunday 24. 1882. Harry and I remained at home. Read a long account of the Ancient and Accepted Rite (33º) in a book published by Folger of New York.
Monday 25. Took one or two walks. Got acquainted with Mr Bassett, Librarian at the Silas Bronson Library. He promised me some geological specimens.
Waterville, September, Tuesday 26. 1882. Took a drive with Harry, Mame + Katie along the Naugatuck to Waterville. Charming road and a good, clear day.
Waterbury Conn., Wednesday 27. Dr. Gregory invited me to a drive behind his little black horse. Had fine time. Dr is well educated.
Waterbury Conn., September, Thursday 28. 1882. Went with Harry at night to his Masonic Lodge. Worked my way in easy. Connecticut Masons are not so strict as with us.
Friday 29.
High Rock Grove, September, Saturday 30. 1882. Went with Mame + Katie to High Rock Grove, a noted and pretty pleasure ground six miles down the Naugatuck.
Waterbury, October, Sunday 1. Visited the two Catholic Churches before Breakfast. Katie and I attended St. John’s Episcopal Church.
After dinner, Harry, Mame, Katie and I walked up to High Rock
and had
Thomaston, Conn. October, Monday 2. 1882. Katie Miner and I went to Thomaston. Dined with Peris Miner. The clock works not running today. Our friends took us through however. Returned to Waterbury.
New York. Tuesday, 3. Harry + I went to N.Y. by the New York and New England Road. Bought goods at Reguihard, Sheville + Co’s and at Hart’s. Visited American Institute Exhibition. Not so good as last year. Went to Trenton. Mother quite unwell.
Trenton. October, Wednesday 4. 1882. Harry went to Phila on business. Bartholemeus educated horses are exhibiting now in Trenton.
Thursday 5.
Helped a little in the store. Went to a Commandry drill at Washington Hall.
October, Friday
6. 1882. At home in morning. After dinner drove down to Uncle Ed Evernshaw’s with Ada Sugler. Pleasant drive there and back.
Saturday 7.
At home. Father is busy putting a wharf back of his Mercer Street
property. Cost $300. Mother’s mind is completely shattered. Miner’s folks came home today. Mother did not seem to know them.
October, Sunday 8. 1882. Went to Clinton Ave. in morning. Dined at Miner’s in evening. Read one of Anthony Trollope’s new stories. Retired early. Mother asked me who I was.
Monday 9. Went to work again for good. Spent an hour drilling at the Commandry again. Father told Judge Buchanan to press Vanhorn and bring him to terms.
October, Tuesday
10. 1882.
Mt. Holly, Wednesday
11. Went to Mt. Holly Fair. Very good exhibit. Saw Laug Johnson. Had chat with Gen Irick. Dined in the directors and judges tent. Met Mr Gaskill of Pemberton Mail Beds who promised me some fossils. Went at night to Templar drill.
October, Thursday 12. 1882. There was a sociable of sixty people met at Dr Miner’s tonight – A grand good time. At the same time the church trustees held a meeting in the church, passing resolution not ot give Father a mortgage for his securities.
Friday 13. Went to Templar drill at night. A new paper “The Trenton Times” made its appearance yesterday. Called at night at Judge Buchanan’s and afterward on Mr Vanhorn.
October, Saturday
14. 1882. Glory! Vanhorn called four times at our house. Father refused a part settlement, asking a settlement once for all. Vanhorn came down, there was a trustee meeting at Buchanan’s office. The trustees gave Father mortgage for $2050 and note for 1000.
Sunday 15. Went to church morning and evening. After night-service an auditing com. Was appointed to go over Treas. Vanhorn’s accounts, he having decided to leave the church! Good. Read two of Shakespeare’s historical plays.
October, Monday
16. 1882. At house in morning. Went to Phila after dinner. Bought goods at Douglas, Thanhauser’s, Whitmans, Alleu’s and Whitman’s. Called at Sulgers in evening. Ada excused herself from going on Wed. evening.
Tuesday 17. At home. Superintended dinner at wedding of Minnie Smith to Benjamin Lee. Folks delighted.
October, Wednesday
18. 1882. At home. Palestine Com. Had dress drill reception and review at the Opera House. Drill in Assembly Room. Lunch in chapter room. Miss Haitie Haines of Albany went with me. A great success.
Thursday 19.
At home. Called at Mrs Stakerman’s after tea. Mrs. S. and Emma played piano very kindly for me. Rec. request as church clerk to call a church meeting rest Monday night.
October, Friday
20. 1882. At home. Went to prayer meeting, afterward called on Mrs Judge Buchanan.
Saturday 21.
October, Sunday
22. 1882. Went to church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Pierce preached. I issued a call for church meeting tomorrow night.
Monday 23. Went to church business meeting. Vanhorn, Drake, Gordon, Lee, and others. 68 in all asked for and rec. letters (general letters). They voted themselves out. I was excused from voting. Good riddance! We are stronger without them.
October, Tuesday
24. 1882. At home. Had a lot of blank general letters printed. I filled them out and sent them to Vanhorn.
Wednesday 25.
At home. Lyman is away. I fried doughnuts and did his other work. He went to Phila to the BiCentennial. I went to Templar Drill at night. Tickets for tomorrow cost $4 for music and R.R. fare.
October, Thursday
26. 1882.
Friday 27.
October, Saturday
28. 1882.
Sunday 29. Church morning + evening. Watkinson preached. Attendance about 40 in morning 60 at niht. Bonney took charge of S.S. Had 60 scholars. Last Sunday there were 150. The opposition had big meetings at Walter’s Hall, with a “stolen” minister, Rev Coxtell.
October, Monday
30. 1882. Church business meeting. Very small attendance. Hill (J.C) Dawes, Grainger, Stites and Horsfelt, elected Trustees. E. C. Hill Treasurer, and Bonney Supt. S.S. We made give deed for church to New Jersey Baptist State Convention.
Freehold, Tuesday
31. Went to Freehold to wedding, Miss Barricklo to Mr Schwrtz. Table very much admired. 60 guests $100. Father went to Bordentown, delegate to Baptist State Convention. Wrote to Ella Murray.
Wednesday 1. 1882. Father went to Bordentown. The outgoing members sent a delegation today. They were coldly received. The convention will most likely help us. I worked all day trimming up our store for grand opening.
Thursday 2.
Grand Opening Day. Seven long tables in the saloon, full of fancy goods
in our line. About 200 visitors,
Vienna coffee for all. Complete
success. Put a telephone in the store for a year’s trial
November, Friday
3. 1882. 2nd day of the opening about 450 visitors. The visitors are delighted.
Saturday 4.
Last day of the opening, about 1500 visitors. We gave out 900 cups of coffee. The news papers praised us. The best opening of the season.
November, Sunday
5. 1882. Church morning and evening. Sang in choir. Mr Caine preached. Lyman and I dined at Miner’s.
Monday 6. Packed away goods from our grand opening. Busy all day. Rec. order from John Dewitt Miller for 25 gal coffee tomorrow to be given out at once of the polling places.
November, Tuesday
7. 1882. Election today in many states [Note – Elections went sweepingly democratic except in New Jersey. John Hart Brewer was reelected to Congress. Randolph Moore County Clerk and Joe Applegate to Legislature Called at Swan’s and Moore’s Ashley place
Wednesday 8.
At home. Went to a choir practice at Mr Wm Moores. East-Trenton Good time.
November, Thursday
9. 1882.
Friday 10. At home. Called at night on Miss Muirhead. Southard St. Met Mr Brewer there.
November, Saturday
11. 1882. At home Busy in store. Laura and Charley Dawes gave Katie Miner and me each a leather medal! for past choir service. Good joke. Medals very pretty
Sunday 12. Church morning and evening. Dr. G. W. Clark preached in morning – 60 present. Watkinson at night – 90 present. Had a cornet player, Mr Baker in the choir. Excellent music today.
November, Monday
13. 1882. At home. Had important talk with father in reference to pardnership. Called at Sulgers, first time in a month. Louis Decker called at store today. He is married, looks hearty and lives out West.
Tuesday 14.
At home. Louis Decker who went west lately and who was lately married in East on a visit. Rec. letter from Ella Murray, who has just been yachting on the Hudson.
November, Wednesday
15. 1882. Cynthia Sheppard Married to Mr Souders of Mt Hololy. We furnished the lunch. Went to choir practice at Mrs Nicholas on Wall St. Nice time. Tom Baker played cornet. Miss Collins sang some solos.
Thursday 16.
At home. The party who went out of our church hold meetings in Walter’s Hall. They have posted a notice of the election of seven trustees. The affairs lacks strength.
November, Friday
17. 1882.
Saturday 18.
At home.
November, Sunday
19. 1882. Church morning and evening. Rev. W.W. Case preached. Had good music. In afternoon went to a meeting of the Salvation Army at Frieze Hall. The people appeared like sincere fanatics.
Monday 20. At home. Took tea at Miner’s. Capt Ebenezer Morgan was there. HE told thrilling whale stories. There was a choir sociable after tea. Many were present. Rec. letter from Ida Pierson inviting me to visit Lambertville.
November, Tuesday
21. 1882. At home. Took tea at Dawes. Bonny + wife, Miner + wife + Katie were present also. Katie Miner + I went to hear Herman the Wizard. The feats were marvelous.
Wednesday 22.
At home. Went in evening to a children’s fair at Mrs Nichol’s 27 Wall St. Had jolly good time and spent about twenty ten ct pieces. A china pug dog was given to Katie Miner.
November, Thursday
23. 1882. At home. Went to supper at Central Baptist Church. Saw a fan drill by six girls. John Moses and S.K. Wilson called on Father today to inquire about trading Baptist and Episcopalian churches on Clinton St. Father said No decidedly
Friday 24. At home.
November, Saturday
25. 1882.
Sunday 26. Went to church morning + eve. Rev. A. Armstrong preached. He wouldn’t take but $3. Our choir now numbers 13. Katie Miner plays today for the last time
November, Monday
27. 1882. Went to church business meeting. Nothing special. Afterward went to Fraternal Lodge and took charge of a supper. Irving Kelly and Jas MEgill were raised.
Tuesday 28.
At home. Went to choir practice at Bonneys. Dr. + Mrs. Miner and Katie, Mr + Mrs Nichols and Isaac, and Miss Collins took supper with us.
November, Wednesday
29. 1882. At home. Dr. Miner, Mrs. Miner, Kate and Edith went to Groton Bank Comm. Today. They have stayed some days with us. They cried on parting.
Thursday 30. Busy sending out orders all the morning. Closed store at noon. Dinner at two. Mother improving, for which we give thanks. We furnished a newsboys’ dinner – fifty at the reading rooms. The Trenton Times paid for it. Lots of fun.
December, Friday 1. 1882. Went to city on business. Bought goods at Douglas, Thanhausers, Whitmans. Called at Sulgers after tea.
Saturday 2.
At home. Began to revise church roll book. A pretty good job.
December, Sunday
3. 1882. Went to church morning and evening. Rev. Bullock of Cedarville preached. I took my position as organist. Jennie Richards and I
Monday 4. At home.
December, Tuesday
5. 1882. At home.
Wednesday 6.
At home. Transit of berries. Went to choir practice at Miss Collins.
December, Tuesday
7. 1882. At home. Called at Sulgers.
Friday 8. At home. Father grows discouraged over church matters. Others promised assistance but their deeds are only empty words.
December, Saturday
9. 1882. At home.
Sunday 10. Church twice, E. Bauers preached.
December, Monday
11. 1882.
Tuesday 12.
December, Wednesday
13. 1882. Had charge of dinner at wedding of Major Tautum’s daughter.
Lawrenceville, Thursday 14. Went to Lawrenceville to serve supper for Samuel Vancleef’s reception.
December, Friday
15. 1882.
Saturday 16.
December, Sunday
17. 1882. At home. Church morning and evening. Rev. E. Barrors preached.
Monday 18. Went to Jobstown to boss the dinner of Mr + Mrs Alfred S. Black’s silver wedding. An informal conference was held at the church. Very satisfactory. Hope ahead.
December, Tuesday
19. 1882.
Wednesday 20.
December, Thursday
21. 1882. Superintended dinner at wedding of Mr. Hayes and Miss Peabody.
Friday 22. Very busy in store.
December, Saturday
23. 1882. Very busy day. Took in 355.57. This weeks sales 978.73 Rec. a card from Ella Murray and a picture from Ada Sulger Father gave Aunt Denah a big Bible.
Sunday 24. Church twice Rev. Mr Lawrence preached.
Miss Collens solos and Tom Bakers cornet begin to draw. Jennie Richards gave me a gold pen
December, Monday
25. 1882. At home, busy. Went to Opera of Mascothe with Ada Sulger. Gave her a pretty satin box of fine candies.
Mother’s health grows better and her mind clearer
Tuesday 26.
Went to choir practice at Chas. K. Dawes. Our choir now begins to sing authentics and choruses.
December, Wednesday
27. 1882. At home. Called at Sulger’s in the evening.
Thursday 28.
Went to church sociable at Mr Smiths Yard Ave. Fixed up my church envelope system for next year
December, Friday
29. 1882. At home Made out bills for this year. Will mail them Monday morning. Gave cake to the letter carriers, telephone girls,
police and express men
At home Irving Kelly was elected President of a Gymnastic club. He gave a supper to the members at our home
December, Sunday
31. 1882. At home Church morning
Have arranged to continue with Father next year same as before. 11
Cash account – January. Received Paid 12 Loaned Miner 20 8 Paid ch. subscription 13
Transcribed 2006 |
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