1881 Diary of Edmund C. Hill |
Saturday Jan.
1st, 1881 Father put me in charge of his business today at salary of $10 per week and 5% on all over $15,000 sales. Took dinner at Miners Addieltubband(?). Called at OHs, Buchanans. Brewers, Titus’ and young Ms. Buchanan. Sunday Jan.
2nd Church morning and evening. Read in afternoon. Mother is unwell; she has not left her room for nearly two weeks. Read Les Miserables. Monday Jan.
3rd At home. Went to see “My Pardner” at the Opera House with John Selkirk, Our head confectioner. Sent to N.Y. for eel(?) 15 vol. Chambers Encyclopedia, cloth binding new $11; Book Exchange price. Tuesday Jan.
4th At home. Ella Bower and Charley Wardell were married today at Central Baptist Church. Ray Austin married today. Wednesday Jan.
5th At home. Prayer meeting at night; Clinton Avenue. Roof leaked at night. Had to get up at 3AM and take tubs up in the garret to catch drips. Thursday Jan.
6th At home. Wrote to Ella Murray. Victoria Broomie was married to Mr. Will Thorn. Friday Jan.
7th At home. Harry came(?) on today from Waterbury. Saturday Jan.
8th At home. Have been making some changes quietly in the business. Engaged John Selkirk today for the year at $10 per week. Sunday Jan.
9th Church in morning. Read in afternoon. Bad weather. Took
a nap in evening. Monday Jan.
10th At home. Received letter from Pres. Hayes in his own handwriting, thanking us for the big pitcher and regretting that he cannot accept my invitation to visit the Trenton potteries. Tuesday Jan.
11th At home. Had long talk last night with “Honest” John Weill(?), the congressman from Paterson. Wednesday Jan.
12th At home. Directed(?) about two hundred circulars ready for mailing. Thursday Jan.
13th At home. Letter fr. Ella Murray. Anniversary of Harry and Maure’s wedding. Our family took dinner at Dr. Miners. There was a sociable in the evening but I did not attend.
Friday Jan.
14th At home. Tried to make a batch of angel food, a new cake, but did not get the right proportions. Went to prayer meeting at Clinton Avenue.
Saturday Jan.
15th At home. Dr. + Mrs. Miner, Kalin Harry and Maure and Louis Decker took tea at our house.
Sunday Jan.
16th Went home in a sleigh with Jennie Richards. Returned towards evening. Church at night.
Monday Jan.
17th At home. Went skating in the afternoon on the river. The river is in finer condition than I ever knew it to be.
Tuesday Jan.
18th At home. Inauguration Gov. Ludlow. Assemblyman Donnelly gave me complimentary ticket. Could not go. Busy at home. Gave my ticket to Mr. Bacon of Illinois, friend of Dr. Miner. Read Les Miserables at night.
Wednesday Jan.
19th At home. Grand Lodge Masons met today. Busy at home. Went to Opera House and heard John T. Raymond as Colonel Mulberry Sellers. Very good. Learning(?) went with me.
Thursday Jan.
20th At home. Attended Grand Lodge Masons in afternoon and saw the
new officers installed and the closing Went to a sociable at Taylors, in Morrisville.
Friday Jan.
21st At home. Lyman and I were vaccinated today. There is a little small pox about and people are being vaccinated by the thousand.
Saturday Jan.
22nd At home. Sunday Jan.
23rd Church morning and evening. Read “Les Miserables” in afternoon.
Monday Jan.
24th At home.
Tuesday Jan.25th At home. Lang(Doug?) Johnson is at work for mother making lambrequis(?) for the windows.
Wednesday Jan.
26th At home. Made an augments(?) for order tomorrow.
Thursday Jan.
27th - Creau(?) Ridge Went to Creau(?) Ridge to attend wedding of L.B. Meir’s daughter. 200 guests. $164. Everything satisfactory. Slept in parlor on sofa with Lang Johnson. Bad roads heavy with snow. Friday Jan.
28th Returned from Creau(?) Ridge. Cold ride 18 miles. Bought three volumes of Macauleys Essays also Homer’s Odyssey and Homer’s Iliad. (lost word) volumes Russia’s leather gill top(?). American Book Exchange $3.90.
Saturday Jan.
29th At home. Busy in store(?). Father was sick at night after he went to bed, with stomach troubles. I did not go to bed till 2 A.M.
Sunday Jan.
30th Church morning and evening. Read Les Miserables and Macauleys Essays in afternoon.
Monday Jan.
31st At home. Practised music at night. The month just closed has been very good We took in $1650. More than any month last year.
Tuesday Feb.
1st At home. Read papers and wrote letters at night.
Wednesday Feb.
2nd At home. Went to prayer meeting at night.
Thursday Feb.
3rd Went to New York. Stopped on way to see Chas Riess, Elizabeth. Bought bill of Easter Eggs and other things at Regeuhard(?), Shevill + Co.’s. Dined at Astor House Restaurant. Called at American Book Exchange.
Friday Feb.
4th At home.
Saturday Feb.
5th At home.
Sunday Feb.
6th Church morning and evening. Took dinner and tea with Dr. Miner.
Monday Feb.
7th At home. Father gave me a due bill today for one hundred dollars, the balance of last years wages. Went to Opera House. “Widow Bedon(?)”
Tuesday Feb.
8th At home. Busy preparing for wedding order tomorrow.
Wednesday Feb.
9th - Flemington, NJ Went with three colored waiters to Flemington to attend wedding of Miss Annie Voorhees(?) to Mr. Am(?). A. Cotter of Cincinnati 43 guests sat down. Finest spread ever in Flemington. Compliments (word illegible) Stopped at Lambertville on way home.
Thursday Feb.
10th At home. Attended centennial celebration of Trenton Academy.
Friday Feb.
11th Rec. letter from Ella Murray. Her old beau Tom Conover is dead. I wrote her a note. At home. Attended sociable of Tres Jolie at A.V. Mannings on Greenwood Avenue. Took Miss Boeman of Flemington who is visiting (illegible). Close coach, a bit of style, and fine time. Home 2 A.M.
Saturday Feb.
12th At home. Gave Will Balduff notice that I wish to make a change in Bakers.
Sunday Feb.
13th Church morning and evening. Read and played the organ in the afternoon.
Monday Feb.
14th At home.
Tuesday Feb.
15th At home. Spent the evening together with Mr. Taylor, Lately of New York at Miss Setphins(?), on Warren et.
Wednesday Feb.
16th At home.
Thursday Feb.
17th At home. [Hamilton Square] Mother went down to give Mrs. Tillon a dozen small bottles champagne . Gave a book Homers Odyssey to the Book Entertainment(?) of the Grand Aurrey(?) of the Republic.
Friday Feb.
18th - Phila Went to Phila. Engaged Henry S. Leach as baker to come on Monday. Made the aequaintance of Mr. Herbert the finest workman in our business in America. Took two degrees in Royal Arch(?) Masonry.
Saturday Feb.
19th Father went to Waterbury. Harry has to move. W.S. Balduff closed up work here.
Sunday Feb.
20th Went to church in morning, but not at night. Finished Les Miserables. Lyman and I visited St. Francis Hospital. Enquired about taking Mrs. Tillon.
Monday Feb.
21st At home. Henry S. Leach began work here as baker. Went to church business meeting. Afterward went to a variety(?) wedding at Mr. + Mrs. Hatfields No 40 Grant Ave.
Tuesday Feb.
22nd At home. Called on Miss Setphins(?) in the evening.
Wednesday Feb.
23rd At home. Reviewed(?) letter for Ella Murray, and afterward sent her a wreath of flowers for Tom Conover’s funeral.
Thursday Feb.
24th At home. There is a book sale going on in Trenton and I have purchased several volumes, a prize with every book.
Friday Feb.
25th At home.
Saturday Feb.
26th At home.
Sunday Feb.
27th Church morning and evening. Dr. Miner is unwell, and unable to preach. Dr. Clark, author of Clarks Commentaries preached at night.
Monday Feb.
28th At home. Church meeting at night for business. Not much accomplished.
Tuesday Mar.
1st At home. Lyman and I went to the Opera House to see Sol Smith Russell in Edgewood Folks. Fun.
Wednesday Mar.
2nd At home. Had a supper for Pabuolie Sons of America at home. 35 sat down. Bought four books at a book sale and drew a cameo ring.
Thursday Mar.
3rd At home.
Friday Mar.
4th At home. Went to a sociable at Ed Grant’s on Hanover st. 50 present. Very good time. I took Miss Annie Voorhees(?).
Saturday Mar.
5th At home. Took Mrs. Tillon to St. Francis Hospital. She will have very good care, and is satisfied with the change.
Sunday Mar.
6th Church morning and evening. Rev W.W. Case preached. I took dinner with Dr. Miner. Mr. Taylor took tea with us.
Monday Mar.
7th Wrote letter to Ella Murray.
Tuesday Mar.
8th At home. Took Royal Arch Mason degree in 3x3 Chapter. Mr. Robbins and Mr. Richard Brown were my associates. Bought a silk hab. (illegible) one.
Wednesday Mar.
9th (No Entry)
Thursday Mar.
10th At home. Attended a lecture at Model School Hall with Katie Miner. Subject “Woman by the Fireside”. Speaker, Edward T. Green. Afterward went to a church sociable at J. Wesley Horsfelts(?).
Friday Mar.
11th At home. Lee, Davison & Dye were robbed of $1000 worth of silks about 5 o’clock this morning.
Saturday Mar.
12th At home. Mrs. Welling says many are excited over discoveries of coal near their farm. I explained to her how no coal could be found.
Sunday Mar.
13th At home. Attended Clinton Ave. church in morning, visited St. Francis hospital in the afternoon with Mr. Taylor, took tea with Taylor, and went to 4th Pres. Church at night.
Monday Mar.
14th At home. Taylor and I visited at Slakeman’s(?) and heard Mrs S play the piano. Afterward called at Mr. Duncan’s on Mereu(?) st.
Tuesday Mar.
15th At home. Father went down to Hamilton Square Rec. Center for Ella Murray. They have lost all their property and will probably have to leave the old farm. Took horse back ride to Hospital + Perdican’s(?)
Wednesday Mar.
16th – Philadelphia Went to Philadelphia Bought fruit for wedding tomorrow also assortment of fine Easter Eggs. Called last evening with Beu Phillips on Carrie Tunis(?)
Thursday Mar.
17th Went to wedding at Mrs DeCou’s(?), on Brunswick Road 80 guests, bill $116.
Friday Mar.
18th At home.
Saturday Mar.
19th At home. Have a wretched bad cold.
Sunday Mar.
20th Went to church at Clinton Avenue in morning and evening. Took a nap in afternoon.
Monday Mar.
21st At home Called on Miss (following crossed out) Carrie Tunis in the evening
Tuesday Mar.
22nd At home Wrote to Ella Murray
Wednesday Mar.
23rd (No Entry)
Thursday Mar.
24th (No Entry)
Friday Mar.
25th At home Attended “Tres Jolie” sociable at Mr Whitehead’s, on Greenwood Ave. It was a masquerade and I wore a Knight Templar(?) uniform.
Saturday Mar.
26th At home. Discharged Henry Leach, to take effect tonight. As compensation for no notice, I gave him a half week’s pay.
Sunday Mar.
27th Went to church at Clinton Avenue morning and evening. Read book in afternoon.
Monday Mar.
28th At home New baker went to work, by name Mr. Davis. Letter fr. Selkirk. He will not likely be back to work again Went to Lineu(?) Wedding at Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nicolli on Wall st. 22nd anniversary.
Tuesday Mar.
29th At home. In the bakeroom, helping new baker Letter from Ella Murray
Wednesday Mar.
30th In the bakeroom Thursday Mar.
31st Went to Phila. Ordered a big mirror $37.50. Saw Selkirk. Dined at Hotel Bellevue, just opened. Very fine. Came home in time to go with Lyman to the Opera House to hear Mrs. Scott-Siddons as Rosalind in “As you like it”. Perfectly grand.
Friday Apr.
1st At home, in bakeroom. Paid S.L. Bailey my insurance money.
Saturday Apr.
2nd In the bakeroom
Sunday Apr.
3rd Church morning and evening. Rev T.S. Griffith preached
Monday Apr.
4th In the bakeroom Went to church meeting at night. About a dozen members were excluded for misconduct. Jos Millingteri(?) was one
Tuesday Apr.
5th In the bakeroom
Wednesday Apr.
6th In the bakeroom Went to prayer meeting
Thursday Apr.
7th In the bakeroom.
Friday Apr.
8th In the bakeroom Wrote to Ella Murray. Lyman and I had a fine horse back ride about town. Lyman had Furman’s(?) little gray mare and I had Mr. Ivins new black pony Daudy(?)
Saturday Apr.
9th In the bakeroom. Mrs Tillon died this morning
Sunday Apr.
10th Went to church morning and evening.
Monday Apr.
11th In the bakeroom. New confectioner John Campbell went to work. Lang Johnson, Lyman, and I went to Opera House to see Janauschek play Mary Queen of Scots.
Tuesday Apr.
12th In bakeroom Went to chapter meeting. Mr Davis’ father came up from Germantown(?) to vouch for him. The examination was excellent.
Wednesday Apr.
13th In the bakeroom Called on Mrs Buchanan in the evening, and afterward at Miner’s to see the baby.
Thursday Apr.
14th At home. Went to a meeting of Methodist (word illegible) to welcome the new presiding Elder Rev M Shock.
Friday Apr.
15th Went to Philadelphia Bought an assortment of moulds for bonbons Attended to some other business and then remained to see Sarah Bernhardt in “Jole Etraugere(?)” at the Chestnut St Theater. Very good.
Saturday Apr.
16th At home Our stock of Easter Eggs was very good but no profit. We just cleared ourselves, and have enough fine eggs for next year. The card trade spoils our sales.
Sunday Apr.
17th Went to church morning and evening. Read David Copperfield in afternoon
Monday Apr.
18th In the bakeroom. Went to Trenton Lodge No 5 to assist Mr Davis in passing examination
Tuesday Apr.
19th At home
Wednesday Apr.
20th At home Rec. Letter fr. Ella Murray. Went to wedding of Mr Chas Damon and Miss White.
Thursday Apr.
21st At home. Went to Penns Valley(?) to attend wedding at Chas A. Parson’s. Perfectly satisfied. Came home and went to Ashlan(?) Lodge to see Adolph Beers’ “raised.”
Friday Apr.
22nd At home
Saturday Apr.
23rd At home Yesterday and today we have had carpenters busy in the bakeroom fitting for benches, hot room for bonbons Mr Davis left off work today
Sunday Apr.
24th Church morning and evening. Took carriage in afternoon with Maggie Stonaker. Drove to Yardley ville and back.
Monday Apr.
25th At home A new man named Samuel Kugler went to work today as baker. Called on Carrie Tunis and heard some good music.
Tuesday Apr.
26th At home Mother and Father went to Frenchtown for a visit.
Wednesday Apr.
27th At home
Thursday Apr.
28th At home. Furnished Julia Rulon’s wedding. Sitting table – great bother(?) bus(?) folks were pleased.
Friday Apr.
29th At home Took degree of Knight of Red Cross. Several big members were present from other Commanderies. Banquet afterward
Saturday Apr.
30th At home.
Sunday May 1st At home. Went to church morning and evening. Took a nap after dinner.
Monday May 2nd At home Am devoting at present a good deal of spare time to German
Tuesday May
3rd At home Rec. letter fr. Ella Murray
Wednesday May
4th At home Went to prayer meeting at night with Addie Hubband who is visiting again at Miner’s.
Thursday May
5th At home
Friday May 6th At home Wrote letter to Ella Murray. The last one probably
Saturday May
7th – Frenchtown At home. Went to Frenchtown on a visit. Met Mother at Aunt Sue Hart’s. Had pleasant evening
Sunday May 8th
– Frenchtown Went to Presbyterian Church in Morning and to Methodist church at night with Mame Hart and Eva Reading. Afterward Mame and I walked up on the hill to Eva’s home.
Monday May 9th Returned home with Mother.
Tuesday May
10th At home
Wednesday May
11th My birthday Recd a pretty brush and holder from cousin Lydia Nonlori(?) also a witty card from the girls at Frenchtown Addie Hubbard, Katie Miner + Mr. Taylor took tea with us.
Thursday May
12th At home. Went to a church supper at Clinton Avenue with Addie Hubbard.
Friday May 13th At home.
Saturday May
14th At home.
Sunday May 15th At home. Church morning and evening.
Monday May 16th At home Made an arrangement with Kugler to teach me more about baking Worked in the bakeroom in the afternoon.
Tuesday May
17th Worked in the bakeroom
Wednesday May
18th – Princeton Went with refreshments to Mr. John S. Gulick’s(?) at Princeton.
Thursday May
19th At home Went to a sociable the last of the season of the Tres Jolie at Mr. Havens on West State St. Very good time.
Friday May 20th At home Wrote to Ella Murray. The revised edition of the New Testament was issued today
Saturday May
21st At home
Sunday May 22nd Church morning and evening. Read a little in my Greek Testament comparing it with it the new version.
Monday May 23rd At home Worked in the bakeroom. Attended Professor Cromwell’s Art Entertainment. Tonight he illustrated Germany and the Rhine.
Tuesday May
24th At home
Wednesday May
25th At home
Thursday May
26th At home.
Friday May 27th Took tea at Dr. Miner’s. Uncle Seinon(?) Dilleutash’s(?) horse ran away. Uncle Seinon(?) was hurt.
Saturday May
28th At home Worked in ice cream yard. Lyman went to picnic Letter from Ella Murray.
Sunday May 29th At home. Church morning and evening. Mr. Buchanan preached.
Monday May 30th At home. Have received my Knight Templar equipments. Cost 56 dollars. Regular price 82. two or three of us ordered together
Tuesday May
31st At home Expected to receive the Knight Templar degree tonight but was disappointed. Wrote to Ella Murray.
Wednesday Jun.
1st – Yardleyville Went to Yardleyville to attend wedding at Mr. Vangandt’s(?).
Thursday Jun.
2nd At home.
Friday Jun.
3rd At home. Went up to State House to search the records for Miss Sarah A. Gallagher of Lambertville for matters of history to make a family tree.
Saturday Jun.
4th (No Entry)
Sunday Jun.
5th Church morning and evening Took a long walk in afternoon over the (word illegible) bridge and then down to Morrisville returning over the lower bridge
Monday Jun.
6th At home
Tuesday Jun.
7th At home. Tried to make some chicken croquettes and succeeded splendidly. Expect hereafter to make our own and not use Augustin’s or McKenney’s.
Wednesday Jun.
8th – Hightstown Went to Hightown to furnish wedding of Rev. Dr. Davis daughter A special train was run from Camden to Hightstown Afterward went to Blacks Mills to Mr. C.H. Vansant’s.
Thursday Jun.
9th – Blacks Mills Furnished wedding of Miss Vansant to Mr. Ely Cashier of Red Bank Bank. One hundred and seventy five guests. Everything very fine. Order, $225. Very generous people. All Baptists.
Friday Jun.
10th Returned to Trenton by wagon Called on Sallie Martindell in the evening.
Saturday Jun.
11th At home. Mothers health is very wretched. Father applied for $5000 additional insurance, but was refused for health.
Sunday Jun.
12th Church morning and evening. Took tea at Dr. Miner’s. Mr. Pendleton took tea with us.
Monday Jun.
13th At home. Tuesday Jun.
14th (No Entry)
Wednesday Jun.
15th (No Entry)
Thursday Jun.
16th (No Entry)
Friday Jun.
17th Took the Knight Templar and Knight of Malta in Palestine Commandery No 4 with Mr. Robbins. Robbins and I had a treat ready for the Knights
Saturday Jun.
18th At home.
Sunday Jun.
19th Wrote letter to Ella Murray in (word illegible) Went to church in evening. No preaching.
Monday Jun.
20th (No Entry)
Tuesday Jun.
21st Went to meeting of Commandery.
Wednesday Jun.
22nd At home Had a fine horseback ride on the little grey of Furman’s. Made application for $4000 insurance in Mutual Benefits Life Insurance Co.
Thursday Jun.
23rd Judson S. Hill is home on a visit fr. Tennessee. He is pastor of a M.E. church and Editor of a paper.
Friday Jun 24th Mother went home with Mrs Hart who has been visiting here. She will stay some time.
Saturday Jun.
25th At home
Sunday Jun.
26th Church morning and evening. Lyman and I took dinner at Dr Miners.
Monday Jun.
27th At home Furnished an order the Normal Hall. The Bryant society had a sociable.
Tuesday Jun.
28th At home Letter from Ella Murray.
Wednesday Jun.
29th – Cranbury Went to Cranbury to furnish wedding. Miss Anna D. Voorhees was married to Mr. John S. Bergen of Brooklyn.
Thursday Jun.
30th At home Furnished sociable of the graduating class of the High School. We have taken in $834 more this half year than the same last year.
Friday July
1st At home Nine of us wrote postals to Mother. Subscribed to the “Familien(?) Journal” a German paper published in Philadelphia.
Saturday July
2nd At home President Garfield shot, perhaps fatally wounded.
Sunday July
3rd Church morning, but not at evening. Walked down to Dr Turner’s at Pine Grove. Garfield worse
Monday July
4th Garfield better. Busy in store. Sold 325 qts cream Took in $170.45
Tuesday July
5th – Philadelphia Went to Philadelphia on business. Bought some goods. Took dinner at Lauber’s restaurant. Inquired price of Weber and Chickening pianos.
Wednesday July
6th At home Took a dancing lesson of Al (last name illegible) Lizzie Reeves dined with us.
Thursday July
7th – Frenchtown At home in morning Went to Frenchtown with Dr Phillips to see mother
Friday July
8th At home. Took dancing lesson
Saturday July
9th At home
Sunday July
10th Church morning and evening Mr Banvis(?) preached and Mr Cain.
Monday July
11th At home.
Tuesday July
12th At home
Wednesday July
13th At home Lyman sprained his back. I finished his work.
Thursday July
14th Worked in ice cream yard
Friday July
15th Worked in ice cream yard Rec. policy of $4000 in Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. 30 year endowment plan.
Saturday July
16th Worked in ice cream yard
Sunday July
17th Church morning and evening Wrote letter to Ella Murray.
Monday July
18th In the cream yard. Father returned from Frenchtown
Tuesday July
19th In cream yard. Lyman’s back is nearly well
Wednesday July
20th – Up the Hudson Ray + I went on a trip up the Hudson by Regular train to Jersey City(P.R.R.) and Richard Stockton. Spent 2 ½ hours at West Point. Good weather. Fine time.
Thursday July
21st At home.
Friday July
22nd At home. Lida, Tom, Lyman and Jennie went to the Zoological Garden at Phila today.
Saturday July
23rd At home
Sunday July
24th Church morning and evening. Dr. Miner preached his third anniversary sermon. He settled in Trenton while I was in Europe.
Monday July
25th At home.
Tuesday July
26th Father went to Ocean Grove on an excursion. Today I paid Mr Clemmen(?) $122.12 the first premium on a 30 year endowment policy of $4000. Mutual Benefit Ins. Co. of Newark, N.J.
Wednesday July
27th At home. Asbury Park is having a Bazaar copied after ours. Father reports matters a little flat(?), and that members do not work well together
Thursday July
28th At home.
Friday July
29th At home Spent evening at Ada Sulgers. Kugler showed me some wrinkles on biscuit.
Saturday July
30th At home. Father went to Frenchtown to see Mother who is not well.
Sunday July
31st Church in morning. Dr. Miner is sick. Barvis preached. Wrote to Ella Murray. Early to bed
Monday Aug 1st At home. Lida has bought Aunt Sue Hart’s organ for $100, and is going to send it to Harry for a present.
Tuesday Aug
2nd At home. Set the sponge(?) for tomorrow
Wednesday Aug
3rd At home Worked in bake room. Kugler went to Chester to see to moving furniture to Trenton. Letter fr. Father. He and Mother have gone to water gap + Pocono. She is not well.
Thursday Aug
4th At home
Friday Aug 5th At home Called on Miss Sulger.
Saturday Aug
6th At home Busy in store Sold out of cream Lyman went away for a week or so at Ocean Grove
Sunday Aug 7th Church in evening but not in morning Read George Eliot’s Romola(?).
Monday Aug 8th This week I expect to make ice cream for Lyman. Had several money checks and a note to meet today Paid all and had five cents in bank.
Tuesday Aug
9th In cream yard. Letter from Ella Murray. Father writes us most every day. Mother better
Wednesday Aug
10th At home, and at work. Started an account again in the savings bank. Put in eight dollars.
Thursday Aug
11th At home. Make most of my cream by hand. I like it better than machine made. Ray, Edgar Hancock and I went boating on the Delaware and swimming.
Friday Aug 12th In cream yard Went to Commandery in evening to see about attending Orrin B. Faussetts funeral tomorrow. Decided not to go.
Saturday Aug
13th At home, at work in cream yard. Sold out of cream.
Sunday Aug 14th Went to church in morning. Mr Barvis preached. Am reading Romola.
Monday Aug 15th Worked in cream yard. Called at Mr Knowles(?) on Monmouth st in evening. Ada Knowles had a small oil painting to give me. Her own work. The family move away this week.
Tuesday Aug
16th At home in cream yard Annie Broome (illegible) a clerk in store and Lydia Norton from Kitchen are at Ocean Grove this week.
Wednesday Aug
17th – Phila At home in cream yard. Went to Philadelphia in afternoon on business Lyman returned from Ocean Grove
Thursday Aug
18th At home. Jennie Richards is not well. The Bazaar at Asbury Park, copied from ours, was a decided failure.
Friday Aug 19th At home Bought copy of Buckles History of Civilization in England.
Saturday Aug
20th At home Father returned after a 3 weeks absence. Mother is at Frenchtown and better.
Sunday Aug 21st Went to church in morning. Played organ. Read considerable German today.
Monday Aug 22nd
(No Entry)
Tuesday Aug
23rd (No Entry)
Wednesday Aug
24th Kugler was sick and I did the baking.
Thursday Aug
25th (No Entry)
Friday Aug 26th At home Went to Commandery. Stacey Pfein was given the Templar degree. Our Commandery decided to entertain Cyrene Commandery of Camden on the 13th of September
Saturday Aug
27th At home.
Sunday Aug 28th Church in morning. I played the organ. Read Buckles “Civilization” and some German papers
Monday Aug 29th At home Called at Miss Sulgers. Put up some crystallized fruit. Bought a copy of Mendelsohn’s Songs without words.
Tuesday Aug
30th Mother came home today. Looks much better.
Wednesday Aug
31st At home. Attended Knight Templar drill at the asylum
Thursday Sep
1st At home
Friday Sep 2nd At home.
Saturday Sep
3rd At home. Mother has become so nervous that today we sent her to Aunt Dinah’s at Hamilton Square
Sunday Sep 4th Church twice Played the organ. Had a fair choir in the morning but at night I played and sang alone. Sent a little birthday present to Ella Murray.
Monday Sep 5th At home 8.10 P.M called on Jennie Hutchinson, but found the entire family had retired.
Tuesday Sep
6th At home. Father went to Hamilton Square Garfield was moved to Long Branch
Wednesday Sep
7th At home Went to Commandery drill Letter from Ella Murray.
Thursday Sep
8th At home Father came home from Hamilton Square.
Friday Sep 9th At home. Kugler was sick and I had to do the baking. Lyman sprained his ankle Dr. Miner came home
Saturday Sep
10th At home Joe Jefferson the actor, took some oysters at our place tonight after his performance at the Opera House.
Sunday Sep 11th Church morning and evening. Played the organ. Read Buckle’s History of Civilization. Father and I stopped at Miner’s at night on our way home, and saw a young couple, married.
Monday Sep 12th At home Busy preparing for tomorrows banquet. Went to a drill at the commandery
Tuesday Sep
13th Grand Commandery Knights Templay met today. Cyrene Com. of Camden gave escort to Grand Commander. Palestine tendered reception and banquet to Cyrene and to Gr. Commandery. We got up banquet. Fine day. Everything superb.
Wednesday Sep
14th At home busy clearing up from yesterdays orders. Went to the theatre. Last night our commandery visited Chas Bechtel and Jos. Stokes, who had been reselected grand officers.
Thursday Sep
15th – Switchback Went on an excursion up to Mauch(?) Church, (illegible) Onoko and the Switchback railroad. Had a clear, cool day, and enjoyed myself very much. On the way home, our conductor fell in the canal. I helped pull him out.
Friday Sep 16th At home. I have been really tired out lately but now that cool weather has returned, I begin to feel all right again
Saturday Sep
17th At home.
Sunday Sep 18th Church twice. Played the organ. Played Mozarts Gloria in morning and Prayer from Moses in Egypt at night. Read in afternoon.
Monday Sep 19th At home Recd my gold Knight Templar charm from Stakeman, price 25.00. Also bought a chain for $4.25. Father has bad attack of dysentery.
Tuesday Sep
20th Was awakened last night by tolling of bells at 2 oclock. Garfield died at 10.35. news came slow. Draped our store in morning. Took buck board ride with father
Wednesday Sep
21st At home Garfields body was taken to Washington by special train. I saw the train pass Clinton St. depot. The store was closed, like all others in New Jersey from 10 to 12.
Thursday Sep
22nd At home Mother came home today from Aunt Moll’s but returned again before night. She looks better. Father, Lida, Tom + Mrs Miner had driven down to Aunt Moll’s but missed (rest illegible)
Friday Sep 23rd Father and I went to Phila today to order some goods and see about cost of wagon. Bought 6 doz new knives, 2 porcelain cans and confectionary supplies. Visited Academy of Natural Sciences.
Saturday Sep
24th At home The only talk is of Garfield. The city is draped from one end to the other in mourning.
Sunday Sep 25th Church morning and evening. Finished reading Buckles History of Civilization. Rev. Grinelle of Penn’s Neck preached
Monday Sep 26th Quieter than Sunday In respect to Garfield whose funeral took place today at Cleveland. every store was closed. bells tolled and memorial services held. I attended State St Methodist Went canoeing with Lyman at (illegible)
Tuesday Sep
27th At home. Wrote yesterday to Ella Murray.
Wednesday Sep
28th At home.
Thursday Sep
29th At home Had charge of a wedding dinner at Mayor Mill’s. His daughter was married to Mr. Lawton. Called at Miss Sulgers. Met and was introduced to Miss Webster, a teacher
Friday Sep 30th At home
Saturday Oct
1st At home.
Sunday Oct 2nd At home. Went to church Played the organ
Monday Oct 3rd
– Friday Oct 7th (No entries)
Saturday Oct
8th At home Am much interested in Buckles History of Civilization.
Sunday Oct 9th Church morning and evening. I played. Rev. Mr Dunsford preached. Dr. Miner is becoming somewhat discouraged over his work.
Monday Oct 10th
– Tuesday Oct 11th (No entries)
Wednesday Oct
12th At home. Went to Opera House to see Mestayer’s play “Tourists in a Pullman Palace Car.” Fair.
Thursday Oct
13th Went to Imlaystown with two colored waiters to attend a wedding at Mrs Jas Giveson’s.
Friday Oct 14th Did not get up till 8 oclock. Busy in store all day getting ready to send out Fall circular. Am reading Huths Life of Buckle.
Saturday Oct
15th At home. Jennie Evernham died today. Harry came on today from Waterbury He has trouble with his workmen.
Sunday Oct 16th Went to church in morning. Rev. Mr. Dunsford preached. Took a carriage ride out to Jennie Richards with Maggie Stonaker.
Monday Oct 17th (No entry)
Tuesday Oct
18th – Allentown Went to Allentown by wagon to Jennie Evernham’s funeral.
Wednesday Oct
19th – Edgewood, Pa. Went to Edgewood, near Yardleyville Pa to attend wedding of Miss Janniey(?) to Mr Satterthwait(?). Order amounted to $96 Went to prayer meeting. Wrote to Adrian. Wis. to learn about Dunsford, who is singular
Thursday Oct
20th – New York Went to New York to buy goods. Bought at Thurber’s(?) and at Regenhard, Shevill Ho’s(?). Visited the 50th Exhibition of the American Institute. Dined at Vienna Café. Went on evening train to Keyport, N.J.
Friday Oct 21st
– Keyport At Mrs. T.W. Seabrook’s. Had a fine carriage ride with Mrs S. and her daughter Marta. Last night Mrs S. gave me a history of my ancestors from Penelope Stout (1640) down to the present.
Saturday Oct
22nd – Red Bank Went from Keyport to Red Bank to call on the Murray family, who I learn are also descendants of Penelope Stout. Returned to Trenton in evening.
Sunday Oct 23rd Went to church morning and evening. Dr. Miner preached. Read Life of Buckle and my German newspaper.
Monday Oct 24th Jennie Richards came back much improved in health after four weeks absence. Annie Broome left today.
Tuesday Oct
25th At home and at work. Read letter from Adrian. Wis. stating that Dunsford was excluded for beastly(?) conduct. He is a fraud
Wednesday Oct
26th On duty. Called on Miss Sulger. Bought a copy of Dr C.C. Abbott’s “Primitive Industry.”
Thursday Oct
27th At home Father came home from a four days ramble in the Lehigh Valley. Pocono Mountains (illegible).
Friday Oct 28th At home
Saturday Oct
29th At home
Sunday Oct 30th Church morning and evening. Dined at Miner’s. Mr. and Mrs. Acton(?) are visiting there Finished Huth’s Life of Buckle.
Monday Oct 31st At home. Father + Mother went to Flemington to funeral of Will Hill, my cousin. Bought a dressing case, (word illegible) complete for traveling Went to (rest illegible)
Nov 1st At home Kugler and Campbell got drunk yesterday afternoon. Nothing done in bakeroom today
Wednesday Nov
2nd Kugler not able to cook. I did the baking. Campbell made a half day. Went to concert and tableaux at Central Baptist Church. Excellent
Thursday Nov
3rd Kugler back again. Am reading Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense.” Mother talks of going to Florida for the winter
Friday Nov 4th At home Called at Miss Sulger’s and spent an evening practising duets on the piano. Usually study a little French after closing store
Saturday Nov
5th At home Had a long talk with Mr Bonney and Mr Vauhon(?) in regard to an Indian Encampment to raise money for Clinton Ave. I gave them advice, but declined to take (rest illegible).
Sunday Nov 6th Went to church morning and evening. Dr Miner preached. Went to Hattie(?) Gordons funeral at 2 P.M.
Monday Nov 7th At home. Gave directions about painting our new wagon. black, maroon and gold. Found an interesting account of Penelope Stout, one of my ancestors in State Gazette for Dec. 13th, 1842.
Tuesday Nov
8th At home Wrote long letter to Ella Murray, narrating our mutual family history from Penelope Stout which is obtained from best sources. She came to America from Holland in 1620.
Wednesday Nov
9th At home. Called at Miss Sulger’s. Was led into a profitless discussion. Saw Bishop O’Farrel installed at the Cathedral. Big parade too. He made good speech.
Thursday Nov
10th At home Wrote to Gov. Wm A. Newell of Olympia, Washington asking for pamphlets and information. Am acquainted with him.
Friday Nov 11th At home Busy at night filling boxes of candy for tomorrows sales.
Saturday Nov
12th At home. Had consultation with Father regarding plans for next year. He also talked with me about the terms of his will, but I told him he had better suit himself and declined making any suggestions
Sunday Nov 13th At home. Went to church twice. Mr Pendleton preached. Read a French book.
Monday Nov 14th At home.
Tuesday Nov
15th (No entry)
Wednesday Nov
16th Furnished a wedding at Robt. S. Johnstons. His daughter Mary was married to Mr Stokes. Practised music with Ada Sulger.
Thursday Nov
17th – Bordentown – Phila Went to Bordentown and took an order for a stylish Thanksgiving dinner. Then went to Phila, ordered goods at Whitman’s, Knoppels, and Crofts, and came home at 5.45
Friday Nov 18th The Clinton Ave. church is preparing for a church fair An Indian Encampment. I am not doing much for this – too much work – besides I do not wish Bought Smiths “Wealth of Nations”
Saturday Nov
19th At home The Indian Encampment (church fair) opened tonight. Wet weather. Fair success.
Sunday Nov 20th Church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Watkinson preached. Studied Fasquellis French Grammar.
Monday Nov 21st At home. The Encampment opened on Sat with wet weather. 600 tickets sold. Bids fair to be a success.
Tuesday Nov
22nd At home. Had change of wedding table at Rulon’s, Brunswick Ave. Allie R. married Will Hall. Ada Sulger and I went to Opera House to see Burgess in “Widow Bedolt.” Lots of fun.
Wednesday Nov
23rd At home. Made a couple of dozen chicken croquettes.
Thursday Nov
24th – Thanksgiving Busy sending out orders till noon. Dined at 2.30 Decker took dinner with us. Went up into the Encampment a few minutes, afterward visited Mercer, No 50. Eastburn W. Taylor was entered.
Friday Nov 25th At home
Saturday Nov
26th At home.
Sunday Nov 27th Church morning and evening. Mr. Watkinson preached in morning and Dr. Luther at night. Read awhile and practiced duet music with Katie Miner.
Monday Nov 28th At home. Worked in bakeroom nearly all day Wrote up accounts at night.
Tuesday Nov
29th At home. Busy in store. Spent the evening at Miss Sulger’s. Wrote to Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. for information
Wednesday Nov
30th At home Saw the trophy won for best drilling(?) by the New Jersey Battallion at the Yorktown Centennial Celebration
Dec 1st At home Furnished wedding of Susie Parker and Mr Ashmole. Went to Indian Encampment. Last night. Made about thirty five cheap presents
Friday Dec 2nd At home. Our new wagon is progressing nicely
Saturday Dec
3rd At home. Stacey Pfein had stroke of paralysis
Sunday Dec 4th Church morning and evening. Mr Watkinson preached. Read a German paper in the afternoon.
Monday Dec 5th Went to Philadelphia to buy goods. At night went to Coleman(?) Lodge to see Henry D. Scudder take his third degree.
Tuesday Dec
6th At home. Went to a high tones(?) first class operatic concert with Ada Sulger. Carreno(?) played. Donaldi sang soprano, Stantini sang tenor
Wednesday Dec
7th At home Wrote to Ella Murray
Thursday Dec
8th At home Worked in bakeroom all day.
Friday Dec 9th At home, and on duty.
Saturday Dec
10th At home
Sunday Dec 11th Church morning and evening. Rev Mr Watkinson preached. Read and studied in afternoon.
Monday Dec 12th At home. Went to the Opera House with Ada Sulger to see “Patience” The new opera. We thought it silly
Tuesday Dec
13th Kulger, our baker was drunk and I had to do the baking. Rec. a mournful letter from Ella C. Murray.
Wednesday Dec
14th Kugler was not not back and I had to work in bakeroom again. Thursday Dec
15th At home Busy in bakeroom all the morning, and in store all the afternoon.
Friday Dec 16th At home – in store
Saturday Dec
17th At home. Busy in store Paid Kugler five dollars for teaching me points in baking.
Sunday Dec 18th Church in morning. Read and studied after dinner. Went to bed early
Monday Dec 19th At home. Busy in store.
Tuesday Dec
20th At home Busy in store
Wednesday Dec
21st At home
Thursday Dec
22nd At home
Friday Dec 23rd At home
Saturday Dec
24th At home Took in Sold $230.26 worth of candies today Gave
Sunday Dec 25th At home. Unwell. Laid all day lounge Dr Miner gave me an (word illegible) he brought from Washington. Mother gave me a hair brush. Had a good turkey dinner.
Monday Dec 26th Busy in store. Mother, Father, Jennie and I took tea at Doctor Miner’s. Mr and Mrs Jas. Buchanan also dined with them Closed store at 3 P.M.
Tuesday Dec
27th At home. Mother, Lydia and I went to a Masonie(?) supper and reunion. Dr Miner and Father went to Hartford, Conn on business
Wednesday Dec
28th At home Wrote to Ella Murray
Thursday Dec
29th At home. Furnished wedding of Jimmy Lie and Miss Thorn on Jackson st.
Friday Dec 30th At home Called at Sulger’s. Lang Johnson made a handsome garnet lambrequin for my room window.
Saturday Dec
31st At home. Finished up accounts in store. We took in $18146.60, against $15294.40 last year. Very satisfactory all around. My percentage this year is $157.33 which with $520. wages makes $677.33. Of this I have saved in cash and in endowment insurance about $380 besides investing $50 in books $26 and more to Father’s church and paying $15 for Mrs Tilton’s Hospital expenses. |
Transcribed 2006 |
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