1880 Diary of Edmund C. Hill |
Thursday January 1st 1880
Father went to Waterbury, Conn. yesterday. I was busy in the store with orders. Went in afternoon with big reception order to Leol McDaniels, Princeton. 20 persons $100
Friday January 2nd
Mother very sick this morning but better in afternoon.
Sunday January 4th
Church morning and evening. Also S.S. in the afternoon had Mr. Lees class.
Monday January 5th
Our baker Mr. Gilbert stopped work.
Tuesday January 6th
Went to Phila for a baker. Got one named Karl Kluenspies. Miss Stafford died tonight. Went to bed at 7 p.m.
Wednesday January 7th
Did not feel very well all day. Had headache. Made our store bills for last year. Called at Miss Strafford’s.
Thursday January 8th
Vaulhorn paid me $175 to square up Bazaar bills. We cleaned about $1200 dollars on our Bazaar. Laura sick abed.
Saturday January 10th
In the store.
Sunday January 11th
Went to church morning and evening. Read Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain in afternoon.
Monday January 12th
Attended a meeting of Fraternal Lodge saw the asllars from Bahtub Bazaar present by D. Miner. Rec letter from Webb C. Hayes son of President Hayes. Sent today some flowers for Miss. Strattford’s funeral. I attended the funeral. They insisted I should ride in the second carriage.
Tuesday January 13th
Harry was married today to Maive Miner. Swell wedding. Had charge of the refreshment table. Wrote a letter to Webb C. Hayes in reply to one of yesterday. Harry went to Phila and Washington.
Wednesday January 14th
Made arraignment to learn baking from our new baker Karl Kluenspies. I want to know more about baking.
Thursday January 15th
Father went to Phila to look for a baker for Harry at Waterbury. I worked in the bakery room with Karl.
Friday January 16th
Bargained with Karl to teach me baking for twenty five dollars. Prayer meeting tonight. Trustees meeting afterward. I reported about Bazaar and was appointed to get up another Bazaar.
Saturday January 17th
In the bakeroom all day. Harry and his bride returned from their tour of Washington.
Sunday January 18th
Church morning and evening. Mr. Lee gave us his class-too bad- They wanted me to teach them. Will think about it. Harry and Mauve tool supper with us.
Monday January 19th
Harry and Mauve had a reception tonight at Dr. Miners. About a hundred were present.
Tuesday January 20th
Rec. a friendly letter from Webb C. Hayes. Called on Mrs. Perrine, wife of Gen Lewis Perrine. Harry and Mauve left this afternoon for Waterbury.
Wednesday January 21st
In the bakeroom. In afternoon attended Grand Lodge A. F. A. M also in evening. In evening had a lodge of instruction under Keber Wells of Paterson.
Thursday January 22nd
In the bake room. Called in evening at Mrs Buchanan’s. Miss Ella and Miss Mary Murray are visiting there pleasant evening. Bev Philips was along.
Friday January 23rd
In the bake room. Studied German at night.
Saturday January 24th
Oven was fixed last night. Rec. letter from Mrs Croswell at Paterson. There is to be a Bazaar at Paterson and she wants a full set of the “Astonisher.” There is to be a Bazaar at Lamberton also.
Sunday January 25th
Church morning and evening. Baptism at night. Nellie Flowers was baptized tonight.
Monday January 26th
In the bake room. Stephen F. Whitman and Son were burned out yesterday.
Tuesday January 27th
In the bake room.
Wednesday January 28th
In the bake room. Took Ella Murray in the evening to see Prof. Clemmers “Laila,” the children’s canfata, Mrs. Learning to her sister. Pleasant evening. Was bearer at Jennie Taylor’s funeral.
Thursday January 29th
In the bake room. Got a letter from Rev. B. F. Liepener of Red Bank asking for suggestions for a Bazaar. Wrote him a long letter. Wrote to Ida Pierson.
Friday January 30th
In the bake room. Prayer meeting at night, afterwards choir practice.
Saturday January 31st
In the bake room.
Sunday February 1st
Church at Clinton Ave. in morning. Went to St. Mary’s in the afternoon and heard the chimes . Went to Central Baptist Church at night with Ella Murray.
Monday February 2nd
Busy in bakeroom. Father and mother both unwell.
Tuesday February 3rd.
Went to Princeton with an order for Miss. Hudnut’s wedding. Charley Sedam was the groom. Also took an order to Admiral Emmons. Rain and wind in our faces both ways.
Wednesday February 4th.
Went to Phila to buy goods. Took Ella and Mary Murray along. Had good times. Visited Crofts, Wilbur and Co., Independence Hall, Carpenters Hall, Vanilla Store, and Zoological Garden. Took tea and spent evening at Buchanan’s.
Thursday February 5th
Not much to do today. Wrote description of yesterdays trip for Ella Murray’s Journal.
Friday February 6th
At home in the bake room. Mrs. Buchanan and the Murray girls called today to look at my European curiosities.
Saturday February 7th
In the bake room.
Sunday February 8th
Church at Clinton Ave. in the morning. Read books, played the organ and studied chiromancy and palmistry in the afternoon. Went to Cen. Baptist. Chu at night with Ella Murray. Read my Phila account to the folks at Buchanan’s.
Monday February 9th
In the bakeroom. The Murrays went home today. Ledinning and I went up to Trenton Junction with them.
Tuesday February 10th
In the bakeroom.
Wednesday February 11th
In the bakerooom Took German lesson.
Thursday February 12th
Went to New York to buy Easter Eggs bought at Schalls. Visited Dorlons, Fulton Market, A. J. Stewarts, Vienna Model Bakery, Macy’s, the cathedral and Delmonico’s.
Friday February 13th
In the bakeroom.
Saturday February 14th
In the bakeroom.
Sunday February 15th
Church morning and evening. Rev. John English of Salem preached. Five were baptized at night.
Monday February 16th
In the bake room. Took German lesson.
Tuesday February 17th
Took an order for 24th at Flemington for $200. Father went to high Bridge to see about ice. None has been gathered here to any amount. Wrote a long letter to Ella Murray.
Wednesday February 18th
In the bake room. Went to Lambertville with Lyman and Charley Dawes to see the Bazaar which is a copy of ours. Was much pleased with it. We took tea at Ida Pierson’s. Came home on 8.25 train.
Thursday February 19th
In the bakeroom. [The Lambertville folks cleared $500 and the Paterson folks about $1000]
Friday February 20th
In the bake room. Went to prayer meeting at night.
Saturday February 21st
In the bake room.
Sunday February 22nd
Went to church morning and evening. Took tea at Dr. Miners. Gov. Hurlbut, for 8 years a Sen. in Congress and a Major in the Rebellion spent Sunday with the Dr. He is a pleasant talker and I enjoyed myself hugely.
Monday February 23rd
In the bakeroom. Went to church business meeting. Was Secry. pro term and was appointed on a committee to audit the Treasurer’s books.
Tuesday February 24th
Dolon and Co burned out last night. Excitement. Went to Flemington to furnish a wedding for Miss Kee. Had three colored men with me. Everything satisfactory. Made a good impression. Wrote to Ella Murray. Harry and Mauve came home on a visit.
Wednesday February 25th
In the bakeroom. Mother came home from Frenchtown today. She is not in very good health.
Thursday February 26th
In the bakeroom. Went to a sheet and pillow case party at Mrs. Philip Ross’. It was given in honor of Miss Edgerton of Meriden town. Good time. Got home at 1 o’clock.
Friday February 27th
In the bakeroom
Saturday February 28th
In the bakeroom. Went to a mesmerizing show. Tom is getting a pretty well with German. He knows a good many words and phrases. Although only about two years old.
Sunday February 29th
Church morning and evening. Called on Chas Rulon who is sick with asthma. Read Louisa A. Alcott’s book called Mood’s. Mama took supper with us.
In the bakeroom. Practiced piano music at Mrs Ivins. Took a German lesson at night.
Tuesday March 2nd
In the bakeroom. Wrote a letter to Ella Murray.
Wednesday March 3rd
In the bakeroom Studied German at night.
Thursday March 4th
In the bakeroom. Called in evening at Thoene’s and Stakemaus. Rec. let. From Ella Murray.
Friday March 5th
In the bakeroom. Am learning baking pretty well. Went to prayer meeting at Clinton Avenue.
Saturday March 6th
In the bakeroom. Went to an organ recital at Dr. Halls church by Mr. Bidwell of Thomaston St. Mr. Bidwell wants to be organist there.
Sunday March 7th
Church morning and evening. Read a good deal. Father was very sick last night with stomach troubles. He has a great deal of pain sometimes.
Monday March 8th
In the bakeroom. Made seven kinds of cake. Made first batch of kisses. Took a German lesson. Afterward walked up to the State House and visited the Legislatures.
Tuesday March 9th
In the bakeroom. Went to a reherseal at Tayler Hall for the Irish Relief Concert. Sat next to John Parsons. We had two hundred singers present and 40 in orchestra. Good practice. Sauglotz leader. Wrote to Ella Murray.
Wednesday March 10th
In the bakeroom. Tried a bicycle this afternoon. Rode pretty well. Letter from Ella Murray.
Thursday March 11th
In the bakeroom. Went to a rehearsal for Irish relief concert. Not so good as Tuesday night.
Friday March 12th
In the bakeroom in morning. Washed down the side walls in afternoon. Studied German at night as I have been used to doing lately in the evenings.
Saturday March 13th
In the bakeroom. Our baker Karl is making a handsome ornament for the show window. It is to represent a temple on a rock.
Sunday March 14th
Rev. J. K. Manning preached at Clin Ave. today. He stayed with us. Went to church morning and evening. Caught a bad cold.
Monday March 15th
In the bakeroom. Had a ride on a bicycle. Went to rehearsal for tomorrow night. Good turnout.
Tuesday March 16th
Letter fr. Ella Murray. The grand concert under the auspices of the Mayor for the Irish Relief Fund came off tonight. Sauglotz-leader. 200 voices in chorus. 40 in orchestra. Little girls (Phelps) played violin. Saug Gloria, Harp through Jona’s Hall, Augel of Peace, Luthers Judgement Hymm, and Prayer Moses in Egypt. We sand Gilmore’s new anthem “Columbia.” Madame Oaksmith of New York assisted. Long programme out at 11.15 p.m. everybody pleased. Success.
Wednesday March 17th
In the bakeroom. Wrote a long letter to Ella Murray about last nights concert.
Thursday March 18th
In the bakeroom.
Friday March 19th
In the bakeroom. Karl finished a beautiful ornament for the window. It is a gum paste pyramid resting on green rocks.
Saturday March 20th
In the bakeroom.
Sunday March 21st
Went to church morning and evening. Stayed at home in afternoon and read George Eliot’s “Daniel Deronda.”
Monday March 22nd
In the bakeroom. Went to Lent services at 430 p.m. at St. Michael’s. Father told me today that he had paid cash $930 (many things he kept no account of, for Harrys venture of which was due $257.)
Tuesday March 23rd
Wrote letter and sent a couple of Easter eggs to Ella and Mary Murray. In the bakeroom.
Wednesday March 24th
In the bakeroom. Studied German in evening as I usually do. Was introduced to Mr. Hopping of Red Bank, N.J.
Thursday March 25th
In the bakeroom. Rec. letter from Ella Murray. Called on Mrs. Buchanan also Charley Steward. Spent evening at Mrs. Stakewais. Had my flute along.
Friday March 26th
In the bakeroom. At night studied German.
Saturday March 27th
Did not work in the bakeroom today. Went to a meeting at Haltersleys Music along to talk over a matter between Mr. Clemmer and Mr. Phelps.
Sunday March 28th
Went to church morning and evening. Read “Daniel Deronda” in afternoon and finished it. Chas Rulon died last night of Right’s disease (??).
Monday March 29th
In the bakeroom. Went over to Mr. Zeutier’s to take a German lesson but Mr. Zeutier had gone out. Mrs. Scott Siddons read here tonight.
Tuesday March 30th
In the bakeroom. Mother had a talk with me today on a private matter. Mr. Mowbray of Porter + Maybray Flour called at the store.
Wednesday March 31st
In the bakeroom. Went to Chas Rulons funeral. Studied German at night.
Thursday April 1st
In the bakeroom. In the evening called at Mr. W. C. Tilloris Mr. Hopping of Red Bank, N.J. Had a pleasant time. The girls played and sang for us.
Friday April 2nd
In the bakeroom. Lately I have been helping at noon time in the Rit ????
Saturday April 3rd
In the bakeroom.
Sunday April 4th
Church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Bord preached. At home in the afternoon I read “Last Days of Pompeii” by Lord Lylton.
Monday April 5th
In the bakeroom. Took German lesson from 8 till 9 p.m. Practiced flute and piano duets with Mrs Stakermau? 9 til 10
Tuesday April 6th
In the bakeroom. Wrote letter to Ella C. Murray. Harry’s wife came home on a short visit.
Wednesday April 7th
In the bakeroom. Went to church business meeting. Not much importance. Dr. Miner presided.
Thursday April 8th
In the bakeroom. Studied German at night.
Saturday April 10th
In the bakeroom. Father went to Philadelphia today. Mrs. Bonney has been sick two months. She is out again now.
Sunday April 11th
Church morning and Eve. Dined at Mr. Miners. Went to S. S. to assist Katie Miner in arranging for a Little Folk’s Concert.
Monday April 12th
In the bakeroom. No German lesson. Mr. Zeutner was sick. Ella Randal came to work here today. Laura Wagner left today.
Tuesday April 13th
In the bakeroom and store. Called on Mrs. Hart Brewer and Mrs. Buchanan. Went to a sociable at the church in behalf of Mr. Bord. Leaved $25 for him.
Ex. Judge Fuller of N.J. took dinner here today.
Wednesday April 14th
Wrote to Ella Murray. Went to entertainment at Opera House saw the “Bergers and Sol Smith Russel. In the Store.
Thursday April 15th
Received letter from Ella Murray In the store.
Friday April 16th
In the store and made can cream. Began putting in ice. The ice crop here this winter was a failure. Father, Peter Kalzeubach and John Tyelll sent to Maine for a boat coal.
Saturday April 17th
In the store. The men worked at putting in ice again today. I am reading at present “Memoirs of Madame de Remusal.”
Sunday April 18th
Went to church morning and evening. Mr. Bord preached.
Monday April 19th
In the bakeroom and store. Took German lesson. Finished putting in ice today. Eight car loads (85 tons of weight) cost put in the house about $600. Father fills the house (175 to 250 tons) usually for $145.
Tuesday April 20th
In the bakeroom. Wrote letter to Ella Murray about my progress in baking.
Wednesday April 21st
In bakeroom. Paid Mr. Lee my subscription in full for building fund for Clin Ave Ch. $34.50. I had paid $12.50 (My subscription was $50.) Al and Emily Pierson called at our house tonight.
Thursday April 22nd
In the bakeroom. Rec. letter from Ella Murray. Practiced music with Mrs. Stakerman in the evening. Took German lesson.
Friday April 23rd
In the bakeroom. Went to a sociable of the Tres Jolie at John L. Murphy’s and turned out some cream. It was the last sociable of the society for the season.
Saturday April 24th
In the bakeroom. Went to Geo Stouts in the evening to choir practice.
Sunday April 25th
Church morning and evening. Mr. Bord preached in morning and Dr. Minor in evening. Read “Felix Holt.” Walked out to the grounds where the circus is to be held tomorrow.
Monday April 26th
In the store. Big circus in town today. Cooper, O’Brien with Saugers Maragerie and the Loudon Show 15 elephants. Busy in the store. Acrobat injured. Heavy rain at night and everyone wet through.
Tuesday April 27th
In the bakeroom. Heard Rafael Joseffy the Hungarian piano virtuoso at the Opera House. He is the best pianist I ever heard. It is rumored that Carley Steward and Belle Norton are married.
Wednesday April 28th
In the cream factory and store. Had a reception order at Lambetville, 125 guests $140. Father went with 3 waiters.
Thursday April 29th
Went to Philadelphia. Bought a Seamen Ice bureau freezer. Engaged Harry Renner, one of Morse’s bakers to work for Father. Beginning June 1st. Went to Finell’s Restaurant, spent a little while in the Y.M.C.A. rooms.
Friday April 30th
In the store.
Saturday May 1st
In the bakeroom. Went to choir practice in the evening at Dr. Miner’s. George Stout our late choister closed his engagement last Sunday. We will try to get along without him for the present.
Sunday May 2nd
Went to church morning and evening. Dr. Miner preached to young people at night.
Dining at Dr. Miner’s. Addie Hubbard is visiting there.
Monday May 3rd
In the bakeroom. Karl is to leave 1st of June. He will bake for George Zeigler at the Glenwood House at the Del. Water Gap.
Tuesday May 4th
In the bakeroom. Spent the evening with Mr. Hop??? At Mrs. Thoenes on Warren St. Red Bank, NJ is to have a bazaar copied after ours.
Wednesday May 5th
In the bakeroom. Studied German at night. Rev. M. Foole of Middletwon and Rev Mr. Manning of Key Port stayed at our house last night.
Thursday May 6th
In the bakeroom. Went to opera at night with Miss Addie Hubbard of Hartford, Conn. Miss Emma Abbott sand in “Romes and Jilliel” by Gorunod. Very Good.
Friday March 7th
In the bakeroom. Went to prayer meeting and choir practice afterward. The Trenton Baptist Association meets at Asbury Park in June. There is talk of making me the clerk of it.
Saturday March 8th
In the store. Our new ice cream freezer. Seamen’s pa??? arrived today. Father made up a can with it. Mother is sick abed.
Sunday March 9th
Church morning and evening. Young Mr. Bilbberley of Hamilton Square preached. His bride was with him. The Gugaul Class is to have a concert on the 25th. I am taking charge of the business part of it.
Monday May 10th
In the store. Warm weather and busy trade. I guess the match between Charley and Addie Hubbards is broken off.
Tuesday May 11th
In the store. Big fire at Bowmans terra cotta works. Rec. letter from Ella Murray. Wrote to Ella Murray. Twenty-five years old today. Had three pocket combs given me.
Wednesday May 12th
In the store. Dr. Miner gave me Geirie’s Life of Christ, a 1200 page volume as a birthday present.
Thursday May 13th
In the bakeroom and store. Nellie Gordon is coming in the store next Monday as clerk.
Friday May 14th
In the bakeroom. Went to prayer meeting. Addie Hubbard and Katie Miner took tea at our house. Charley Gook?? And Addie were engaged but Charley treated her meanly and the engagement was broken off.
Saturday May 15th
In the bakeroom and store. Went on a good many errands.
Sunday May 16th
Went to church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Howlett preached, this evening subject was about the White Horse in Revelations. Went to S.S. Made out the programme for the little folks concert.
Monday May 17th
In the bakeroom. Practiced music in the evening with Mrs. Stakerman.
Tuesday May 18th
In the store and bakeroom. Rec. letter from Ella Murray.
Wednesday May 19th
In the bakeroom. Wrote to Ella Murray.
Thursday May 20th
In the bakeroom in the morning and the store in afternoon and evening. Democratic Convention in town to nominate delegates to National Convention at Cincinnati. We had 150 people to 200 to dine with us.
Friday May 21st
In the bakeroom. Very busy. Prayer meeting and choir practice in the evening. Rev Mr. Bord led the meeting.
Saturday May 22nd
In the store all day. Two of Thos Burroughs daughters of Keyport are visiting at Dr. Miners. They called at our house tonight.
Sunday May 23rd
Church morning and evening and S.S. in afternoon. Jas Cubberley preached in the morning. He dined with us. Dr. Miner preached at night.
Monday May 24th
In the store. Father put up the platform for the little folks concert.
Tuesday May 25th
In the store. The little folks concert of the S.S. came off under Misses Vanhorne and Mr. Prelty good entertainment. About twenty five dollars profit. I have helped them with their business matters. Wrote to Ella Murray.
Wednesday May 26th
Went to Phila to get information about bakers. Come home early. Telegramed to W.S. Baldoff at Mt. Holly who came up in the evening. We engaged him at $12 per week and board. Our train today ran over a man. Rec. letter and box of flowers from Ella Murray.
Thursday May 27th
Went to Flemington and searched the county records to find out about the rear line of fathers property . Made a greater number of abstracts.
Friday May 28th
Worked in the bakeroom. Rec. letter from Ella Murray. Went to church in evening and afternoon went to Mr. Vanhorn’s to audit his treasurer’s report. Mr. Bonney, Mr . Royal and I were the auditing committee.
Saturday May 29th
In the store. We have been buying ice this last month. We pay 50 cts a hundred. On next Tuesday father expects to begin using his own ice.
Sunday May 30th
Went to church morning and evening. Mr. Bord preached. Wrote letter to Ella Murray.
Monday May 31st
Decoration Day. In the store and ice cream yard. Lyman had a day off so I made all the ice cream. Went to church business meeting. Misses Hill, Vanhorne, Chambers and Lee were elected trustees. Mr. Bonney was elected S.S. Supt. Audit R. Lee. Jr. Church Clerk.
Tuesday June 1st
In the ice cream yard and store. Mauve came to Trenton today. Harry’s business has been good.
Wednesday June 2nd
In the cream yard and store. Rec. letter from Ella Murray.
Thursday June 3rd
In the store. The 13th anniversary of the Clinton Ave. S.S. came off tonight. E??? very good. Father had change. Hee retuned from the superintendency after serving 13 years. The leader gave him a beautiful Bible. I managed the tableaux.
Friday June 4th
In the bakeroom, also in the kitchen putting up strawberry flavor ice cream. Went to one of Prof. Cromwells Art Entertainments. “London, the Great City,” very good to see so many familiar places.
Saturday June 5th
In the store. Karl left us today.
Sunday June 6th
Went to Church morning and evening. Dr. Miner preached in the morning and Rev, Mr. Lucas at night.
Read in afternoon.
Monday June 7th
New baker today W.S. Baldoff. I got the second finger off my left hand crushed today and a surgeon Dr. Coleman amputated it. Went to the opera house and saw Cromwells Art Pictures.
Tuesday June 8th
Went to Asbury Park to attenc Assocation. Fine Day. Dr. Miner preached. I was beaten for clerk by Rev. Frank Spencer much to the surprise fo the d??? I was sent to Mr. Myers “Leres cent cottage,” splendid place.
Wednesday June 9th Asbury Park
Attended the Association Meetings. Very good. Rev.Mr. Baker Moderator, Rev. Mr. Jones, Rev JG Buchanan and the two Misses Gaskills are at my place also. Jolly Company. We have a boat and carriage at our disposal.
Thursday June 10th Asbury Park Middletown
Stayed at the Park til noon. Then went to Middletown. Saw the Murray Family and came home by 5 o’clock train. Have my hand dressed again.
Friday June 11th
Did not get up till 11 o’clock. Went to Phila in afternoon to buy goods.
Saturday June 12th
In the store.
Sunday June 13th
Went to church morning and evening. Mr. Bord preached. Wrote to Ella Murray.
Monday June 14th
Called at Mr. Buchanan’s this afternoon. She was not at home.
Tuesday June 15th
This week is a sort of vacation week. My finger has pained me. Father told me to take a week off. Rec. letter from Ella Murray.
Wednesday June 16th
Called at Ella Bowers. She was not at home. Wrote to Ella Murray.
Thursday June 17th
In the store.
Friday June 18th
Rec. letter from Jud hill in Tenn. Also some specimens of ancient pottery and minerals. Took a ride with Sam Jemison out to Dr. G.G. Abbots on the Sandhills Road. He gave me some good specimens and pamphlets. He is a member of Peabody Institute of Yale College.
Saturday June 19th
In the store. We do not get to bed Saturdays until near 12 o’clock.
Sunday June 20th
Went to Central Baptist Ch. Heard the baccalaureat Sermon before Normal and Model School, by Mr. Hartman. Read morning and evening and went to bed early.
Monday June 21st
In the bakeroom.
Tuesday June 22nd
Went to Commencement of Trenton High School at Opera House. Excersises very good. Addie Rittenhouse Valedictorian. Rec letter from Ella Murray.
Wednesday June 23rd
In the bakeroom. Model Commencement tonight. Very busy after it was over.
Thursday June 24th
In the store. Normal Commencement today. Florrie McGalliard was valedictorian. Lynman went on an excursion up the Hudson. Ella Bower gave me her picture on porcelaine.
Friday June 25th
In the bakeroom. Finished an article for the “New Jersey Home Magazine” entitled “Lost in the Clouds.”
Saturday June 26th
In the store. Went to Mrs. Fosts funeral. Father was one of the bearers. Dr. Armitage of N.Y. preached at the sermon. Mrs. F was a friend of mine.
Sunday June 27th
Went to church morning and evening. Dr. Miner preached this morning and Rev. Mr. Howlett this eveing. Read “John Halifax Gentleman.”
Monday June 28th
In the store. Corrected the proof of my article “Lost in the Clouds.”
Tuesday June 29th
In the store. I have been appointed again to take charge of a Bazaar to take place in November. Mr. Vaulson, Mr. Bonney and Mrs. Miner are my chief assistants.
Wednesday June 30th
In the store. Rec. letter fr. Joseph Alexander an old chum of the “Scythia” from whom I parted at Edinborough Scotland. He received a postal fr. Me. He is doing well.
Thursday July 1st
In the store.
Friday July 2nd
In the bakeroom. Rec. letter from Ella Murray. Went to prayer meeting and choir practice.
Saturday July 3rd
In the bakeroom and store. Eda and Emily Pierson arrived today to spend a day or two with us. I met them at the depts.. Raymond burned himself badly with powder.
Sunday July 4th
Went to church morning and evening. Read “Slaves of Paris” in afternoon. R
Monday July 5th
In the bakeroom and store. Rained in afternoon and evening and spoiled our trade. Today was celebrated as a holiday. The rain spoiled the sale for father of a thousand or fifteen hundred plates of cream.
Tuesday July 6th
In the bakeroom. Ida and Emily went home. Had meeting of Executive Com for next bazaar Vanhorn, Bonney and Mrs. Miner. They adopted all my wishes.
Wednesday July 7th
In the bakeroom and store. Took ride with Dr. Miner to Uncle Sammy Flock’s. He wanted a hundred dollars from him for the church. I think he will give it. Afternoon had a nice ride with Mattie Baukirk.
Thursday July 8th
In the store. Katie Miner is staying a few days at our house. Last week mother spent a few days at Dr. Miners.
Friday July 9th
In the bakeroom and store. Mr. Jon Perdicaris gave me a pressing invitation to call at his house.
Saturday July 10th
In the bakeroom. Busy in store.
Sunday July 11th
Went to church morning and evening. Dr. Miner preached. Wrote to Ella Murray. Played “Night Shades No Longer” at Church.
Monday July 12th
In the store. Studied German at night. Finished “The Slaves of Paris” by Emil Gaboner.
Tuesday July 13th
In the store. Practised on Mrs. Stakmans piano a little. Studied a little Geology- about the Cretaceous Period.
Wednesdy July 14th Ocean Grove, Red Bank.
Went to Ocean Grove. Bathed with Addie Hubbard. Dined at Myers. Then went to Red Bank to attend Baptist Bazaar copied from ours. Do not like it so well as ours. Stayed with Rev. B. F. Liepsner.
Thursday, July 15th Red Bank, Middletown
Went to Middletown to see the Murrays. Had nice time. Walked up the road to see one of the eccentric cousins. Spent the evening singing and telling stories.
Friday July 16th Middletown, New York
Went to New York. Inquired about refrigerators-Allegretti and Whitsons. Examined the refrigerators at the Windsor Hotel and the Union Club and saw of course two famous Kitchens. Visited Greenwood Cemetery and Manhattan Beac. Heard Levy and Gilmores Band. Took the night boat for New Haven.
Saturday July 17th New Haven, Waterbury
Saw New Haven. Yale College and Peabody Museum. Missed Prof. Made acquaintance with Radcliffe. Went to Waterbury. Saw Harry and Mauve. They were surprised to see me.
Sunday July 18th Waterbury, Conn.
Went to Baptist Church in morning also prayer meeting at “Home Reading Rooms.” Called on friends in afternoon. Went to church (Episcopal) and service of song at Pres. Church. Made acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey.
Monday July 19th Waterbury
Looked around. Visited Scovill Brass Works. Mr. Spruce showed me around. Free Mason. Met Rev. Mr. Folwell. Visited the spoon factory and Heolmes, Bailey, Haydin’s Works. Introduced to the Bailey family.
Tuesday July 20th Waterbury, Hartford, New Haven
Went to Hartford with Harry and Mauve. Saw the Capitol and Colts Armory. Called on Mrs. Colt about Bazaar matters. Stylish lady. Saw Habensteins restaurants. Took train for New Haven and midnight took boat from there to New York. Saw Radcliffe again.
Wednesday July 21st New York and Trenton
Looked about New York on business matters. Went to matinees of Haverleys minstrels and went home on 4.45 train. At Hopewell, locomotive had accident. No one was hurt. Rec postal fr. Louis Decker dated Algeria, Africa. He is well.
Thursday July 22nd
Went horse riding. Hired Harry Keutchunsons mare “Dutch.” Rec letter from Ella Murray. Worked in store. Am reading “Last Days of Monsiery Lecocque.”
Friday July 23rd
In the bakeroom and store. Studied German at night as usual.
Saturday July 24th
In the bakeroom.
Sunday July 25th
Went to Church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. of Asbury Park preached.
Monday July 26th
In the bakeroom and store. Called on Mrs. Buchanan and had a long talk with her. She told me lots of things I wanted to know.
Tuesday July 27th
In the store. In the evening went boating on the Delaware with Ella and Florry bower. Wrote to Ella Murray.
Wednesday July 28th
In the store. [ Yesterday I called on Mr. John O. Ra???. His brother a resident of Brazil has brought his three children her to be educated. He brought a large number of Brazilian curiosities.]
Thursday July 29th
Lynam had a holiday and I did his work in the yard. Called on Mr. Jon Pedicaris and examined his painting and curiosities from his home at Tangiers, Africa.
Friday July 30th
In the store. Mrs. Annie Tillon has been very sick. Today she was brought to our house. She is very low. Mary Hart came avisiting.
Saturday July 31st
In the store all day. Tom tumbled in the bath tub half full of water. No damage. Wrote to Neber, Rev Liepsner and Ben Thompson.
Sunday August 1st
Church morning and evening. Dr. Miner preached in the morning and Joe Bulterwoth in the evening. Took tea at Dr. Miners.
Monday August 2nd
In the bakeroom in the morning. Took horse back ride in afternoon. 11 miles on Harry Hutchinson’s black mare “Dutch” to Mrs. Wellings. Ewing. Rec letter fr. Ella Murray. Letter from Bennie Thompson.
Tuesday August 3rd
In the bakeroom. At our house. the four Sheppard girls, Lottie Lucas, hill Balduff, Mary Hart, Miss Mall of Brifgetown, Minnie Tilton.
Wednesday August 4th
In the bakeroom in the morning. Started for Bordentown by Broad St. Station was one minute late. Look through Roeblings Mill (first time) took 4 P.M. train. Spent an hour with Bennie Thompson.
Thursday August 5th
In the store. Finished a wedding breakfast at Princeton and a sociable at Ewing.
Friday August 6th
In the store. Prayer meeting and choir practice at night. Called on Lottie Lucas on Bazaar matters.
Saturday August 7th
In the store. Dr. Tannner completed a fast of forty days at today noon.
Sunday August 8th
Church morning and evening. Ada Knowles played the organ today.
Monday August 9th
In the store. Jimmie has a weeks vacation beginning today.
Tuesday August 10th
In the store. Wrote letter to Ella Murray.
Wednesday August 11th
In the store.
Thursday August 12th
In the store. Went to Lucy King’s funeral. Was bearer. Rev. Mr. Case and Rev. Mr. Walkinson preached interment at Greenwood.
Friday August 13th
In the store. Went to prayer meeting.
Saturday August 14th
In store. Had letter heads and circulars for Bazaar printed today.
Sunday August 15th
Church morning and eve. Rev. Mr. Baur’s preached. Sunday School in afternoon. Had Fanny Redfern’s class. Went to Catholic Vespers at St. Marys.
Monday August 16th
Sent check to Harry for $10 which he loaned me some time ago. In bakeroom. Spent evening at the reading room.
Tuesday August 17th
In bakeroom all day. Grand Army of the Republic is holding great encampment at Bordentwon. Rec. letter from Ella Murray.
Wednesday August 18th
Busy in the store. The Republican Convention met at Opera House. Nominated F. A. Ports for Gov. We had 80 delegates to dinner.
Thursday August 19th
In store. Had horse back ride on gray mare. Ten miles.
Friday August 20th
In the ice cream yard in morning. Went to Encampment at Bordentown at 3 p.m. Saw the shaw battle. It is said 50,000 people were present.
Saturday August 21st
In store. Harry came on last night. He retuned to Waterbury this morning taking mother with him.
Sunday August 22nd
Church morning and evening.
Monday August 23rd
Will Balduff was away today. I had charge of the bakeroom alone. Got along very nicely. My first experience running the bakeroom.
Tuesday August 24th
In bakeroom. Wrote Ella Murray. Took horseback ride.
Wednesday August 25th
In the bakeroom. Washed woodwork and painted. Father went away on a vacation trip to Armandale, Schooley’s Mountain and the Switchback.
Thursday August 26th
In store and bakeroom.
Friday August 27th Phila
Went to Phila. Bought some fancy groceries, gave order at Whitmans took dancing lesson, called on Confectioners Journal and attended some other things. Went to Mr. and Mrs. Thos Royal’s glas weddng.
Saturday August 28th
In store.
Sunday August 29th
Church morning and evening. Mr. Barwis preached.
Monday August 30th
In bakeroom. Called on the Broome girls. Good time. Ordered a copy of the Venus de Milo for the Bazaar from the El? Pottery.
Tuesday August 31st
In bakeroom. Bought a hat, cape and leggings for bity. Took horseback ride with George Irins.
Wednesday September 1st
In the store. Democratic convention in town today. Busy in store. Above a hundred and fifty took dinner here. It is rumored that D. M. De Hughes committed suicide. Doubtful.
Thursday September 2nd Ocean Grove
Went to Ocean grove and saw Mr. Johnson, there to Red Bank and saw H. E. Chaudler and Rev. Mr. Liepsner, all about Bazaar business. Then went to Middletwon and spent the night at Murrays. Talked chemistry with Mr. M. Had a dance.
Friday September 3rd Paterson, N.J.
Had splendid horseback ride with Ella Murray to the Highlands. Played greenhorn and then took the lead for 16 miles. Went on 3 o’clock train to Paterson, N.J. Saw Mrs. Blauvel on Bazaar business. Then to prayer meeting.
Saturday September 4th New York, Manhattan
Visited a silk mill with Uncle Clark. Went to New York. Attended to Bazaar matters and had my head examined by Nelson Sizer. Went to Coney Island. Met Mother, Con, Hill and Laura there. Saw grand fireworks. I stayed in New York all night.
Sunday September 5th
Took morning train to Trenton. We arrived at 11 a.m. Slept in afternoon. Church at night. Dr. Miner preached. He is in excellent health.
Monday September 6th
In the bakeroom. Tonight had a grand parade. Seniors and Juniors. I paraded with the seniors. About 250 turned out. Hinkles Band beautiful exits, good ladies. Compliments.
Tuesday September 7th
In the bakeroom. I gave Nill Balduff the baker a holiday and did the baking myself for practice sake. Dr. and Mrs. Miner and Belle Hubbard took tea with ys. Called at Mrs. Buchanan’s.
Wednesday September 8th
In the bakeroom. Spent the evening at Mrs. Heunts on Front St. Sybilla Heunt of Lambertville is visiting there. Also Miss Ollie Moore.
Thursday September 9th
In the bakeroom. Finished making a Swiss cottage of sponge cake and icing. Attended the primary meeting. (Republican). The delegates elected were in favor of Hart Brewer for Congress.
Friday September 10th
In the store. Prepared a circular to start our Bazaar work.
Saturday September 11th
In the bakeroom. In the store at night.
Sunday September 12th
Church morning and eveing. Read Vicar of Wakefield in afternoon and finished it.
Monday September 13th
Hill balduff had a holiday. I ran the bakeroom with Charley Allen as helper. Made buns, doughnuts, Cinnamon Bun, Jelly bake, Lady fingers, sponge, drop and Fancy pound, Cococnut Jumbles, Cream puffs, macaroons, Kisses Spanish bun and New York pound.
Tuesday September 14th
In the bakeroom. Mother came home last night. Lizzie Cheppard took tea with us. Had sociable at Dr. Miners to start Bazaar work. Dr and I made speeches. Everything encouraging. Judge Buchanan lost the Nomination for Congress today.
Wednesday September 15th
In bakeroom in morning. Took a walk with Dr. and Mrs. Miner and Bella Hubbard. Visited John Moses pottery. Took tea at Miners.
Thursday September 16th
In bakeroom and store. Large Re. parade at night. 900 or 1000 in line. I turned out with the Invincibles. The Independents gave a lunch to the Groveville delegation after the parade fathers store.
Friday September 17th
In the store. Lida and Tom went to Waterbury to see Harry and Mauve.
Saturday September 18th
In the bakeroom and store. Nellie Gordon is sick. Letter from Ella Murray.
Sunday September 19th
Church morning and eveing. Read “Chapters on Socialism” by John Steward Mill.
Monday September 20th
In the bakeroom and store. Studied German at night in the store.
Tuesday September 21st
In bakeroom and store. Attended meeting at Green St. M. E. Church in honor of 500th anniversary of Wyckliffes Bible translation.
Wednesday September 22nd
In bakeroom and store. Went to sociable at Ossenberg Hose House to turn out some Neapolitan cream. Got home at twelve o’clock.
Thursday September 23rd
In bakeroom and store. The Invincibles went to Lambertville to join in the parade. They looked very nice. I did not go. Bought Clifford Wilsons big Newfoundland dog for twenty five dollars.
Friday September 24th
In bakerom and store. Father is not very well. He suffers in the head.
Saturday September 25th
In bakeroom and store.
Sunday September 26th
Church morning and evening. Sau Ah Brah a Karen preached in morning and lectured at night in costume. Interesting and entertaining.
Monday September 27th
In bakeroom in morning. Took horse back ride in afternoon to Dr. G. G. Abbots and Sylvaus Hutchinsons. At Miss Lottie Lucas in evening arranging 1st church committee for Bazaar.
Tuesday September 28th
In bakeroom. Big Republican parade at night. I did not parade. I was at home attending to illuminations and red light.
Wednesday September 29th
In bakeroom and store.
Thursday September 30th
In bakeroom and store. Went to a dance party in Grange Hall at Trenton Junction. About 60 people, music by five colored me, no refreshments, good time, good dancing. Home two o’clock.
Friday October 1st
In bakeroom and store.
Saturday October 2nd
In bakeroom and store.
Sunday October 3rd
Church morning and eveing. Rev. G. W. Penleton of Rahway preached. Walked down to Riverview and looked for Indian relives. Did not find any.
Tuesday October 5th
In bakeroom and store.
Wednesday October 6th
In bakeroom early. Jennie Yard was married today to Culbert Mann Jr. of Philadelphia. We furnished the table and were highly complimented. Called at Bowers.
Thursday October 7th
In bakeroom and store. Sociable at our house tonight. About forty were present. Everything encouraging for Bazaar.
Friday October 8th
In bakeroom and store. Went to Asylum with a Range cake in afternoon. Judge Buchanan gave me a list of committees names for the Ce? Church.
Saturday October 9th
In bakeroom and store. Horse bnack ride in afternoon with Ed Leaning. Rode to Princessville, John Taylor was nominated for State Senator, back to Trenton and called on Perdicaris.
Sunday October 10th
Church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Peudleton preached. Went to S. S. in afternoon and made some arrangements in regard to Bazaar committees.
Monday October 11th
In store and bakeroom. Called on Mattie Baukinks, Mr. Bonney’s and Charley Dawes on Bazaar matters.
Tuesday October 12th
In store. Father, Mother and Jennie went to Phila today ona business and pleasure trip. Indiana and Ohio voted Rep. today. The City Invin???? Had an impromptu parade.
Wednesday October 13th
I had charge of bakeroom today will Will Balduff went to a Monut? Fair. The Republicans are wild with excitement over their victory in Indiana and Ohio.
Thursday October 14th
In the store. Began Homer’s Odyssey (Popes translation)
Friday October 15th
In store. Prayer meeting at night. Expected to hold business meeting for Bazaar afterword but so few were present it was not held.
Saturday October 16th
In store and bakeroom. Sold 1200 doughnuts. Rob Irigersoll spoke at a Republican mass meeting. Big torchlight parade at night. 3000 to 4000 in line. We set off red lights, rockets and Roman candles. Very busy in the store.
Sunday October 17th
Church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Perdleton preached. Read Homer’s Odyssey.
Monday October 18th
In store. Called on Mary Broome. She will take charge of Japanese booth at Bazaar. Also on Matties baukirk who promises to take the flower booth. Sent nice big basket fruit to Ella Murray who is sick with fever.
Tuesday October 19th
In the bakeroom. Rec. letter of thanks for basket of fruit from Mary Murray for her sister.
Wednesday October 20th
In store. Mrs. Ronan buried today.
Thursday October 21st
At home.
Friday October 22nd
In store. Invited to a sociable at Trenton Junction. Had no lady and did not go. Went to Republicans mass meeting at Opera House. Secretary Robeson spoke. I was one of the secretaries.
Saturday October 23rd
In store. The Methodist Fair opened tonight at Assembly rooms. Chas Dawes and I went down to see it. Weak imitation of last year Bazaar.
Sunday October 24th
Church morning and evening. Rev. G. W. Pendleton preached. Finished reading Homer’s Odyssey.
Monday October 25th
In bakeroom and store. Sent out lot of circulars to Central Church members to assist in Baptist Bazaar.
Tuesday October 26th
In store. Father went to Bergen to attend State Convention. I am to meet him in New York on Thursday. Went to Methodist Fair.
Wednesday October 27th
In store. Went to sociable at Mr. Nicolls on Wall St. Home at 2 o’clock.
Thursday October 28th
Went to N.Y. with May Broome. Met Father at Shalls. Went to Macys, Stewarts, Ridleys, American Institute and a Japanese store. Home at 7 p.m. Sociable at Mr. Knowles for Bazaar. Our train ran over a boy. Killed instantly.
Friday October 29th
In store. Went on a big Republican parade. Bad weather, muddy streets but pretty goods turnout. Home at 12:45.
Saturday October 30th
In store. Big Dem. parade tonight. Not so good as ours last night.
Sunday October 31st
Church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Pendleton preached.
Tuesday November 2nd
Election today. Gen. Garfield of Ohio elected President, Ludlow Gov., John H. Brewer, Congressman, John Taylor, Senator and R. A. Donelly, Assemblyman.
Wednesday November 3rd
In store. Had a jubilation parade. The Invincibles, Taylor Battery, Business Men turned out. Grand Illuminations.
Thursday November 4th
At home. Sociable at Mrs. Nicolls in Wall St.
Friday November 5th
At home in morning. Went to Yardville in afternoon to see Lang Johnson. His decorations will be good.
Saturday November 6th
At home. Had house cleaning in store.
Sunday November 7th
Church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Pendleton preached.
Monday November 8th
Louis K. Decker came home today. Mrs. D. met him in New York. Lulu and I met him at the depot. Harry came on today from Waterbury.
Tuesday November 9th
Harry and I went to Philadelphia. Hired a man to make candy. Ordered some Christmas goods. Selected some Japanese goods also for bazaar.
Wednesday November 10th
In store. Had sociable at the church. Every thing lovely for the Bazaar.
Friday November 12th
In store. Went to sociable at Trenton Junction with Lulu Decker. Nice time- about 25 couples- home about two o’clock.
Saturday November 13th
In store. Rev. Mr. Pendleton’s son has done a great deal of printing for our Bazaar. Went over to Rev. Mr. Spencers in Chambersbuy. The Calvary church is to have a table at the Bazaar.
Sunday November 14th
Church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Pendleton preached. Katie Miner was away. I played. Took Lizzie Shephard to church with me at night. Made a speech after morning service.
Monday November 15th
At the store. Finished reading matter for “The Baptist Bazaar” advance paper. 6000 circulation. Called on Jim Mcleabe, Robert Lucas and Gilbert Black. A new man John Selkirk began candy making for father.
Tuesday November 16th
At home. Drilled Raymond on Punch and Judy. Wrote up season tickets.
Wednesday November 17th
Had a meeting at Clinton Ave preparatory to Bazaar. Everything satisfactory.
Thursday November 18th
Made a good many preparations for Bazaar.
Friday November 19th
Spent most of the day at the Opera House doing very little. Manual work but directing others.
Saturday November 20th
Spent day at Opera House directing operations. Bazaar opened unsuccessfully. Bad weather but had an attendance of 1000 Mayor Rice started the machinery. The Bazaar’s better than last year.
Sunday November 21st
At church morning and evening. Rev. Pendleton preached. Wrote a half column outside for State Gazette at request of Clark the reporter.
Monday November 22nd
Attended home and Bazaar work. The newspapers spoke very highly today of our Bazaar. Started the voting upon Duke the dog.
Tuesday November 23rd
Busy at home and Bazaar. Tonight at the Bazaar. We had a minstrel elephant made of caution flannel. Very good imitation. Lots of costumes, fine books, music and fun.
Wednesday November 24th
At home and Bazaar. Received letter from Ella Murray. She has been sick 66 days. I send he a copy of our Bazaar paper “The Astonisher” every day.
Thursday November 25th Thanksgiving
At home and Bazaar. Attended Charley McKeeleys wedding. Father is unwell. Big crowd at Bazaar tonight. Last night I prevented a drunken fellow from being fleeced of nineteen thousand dollars of a gang of shapers.
Friday November 26th
At Bazaar. Bad weather and swell attendance. The candy factory draws at the Bazaar. Candy sells fast as made.
Saturday November 27th
At Bazaar. Large Attendance. Matinee.
Sunday November 28th
Church at night. Home in morning. Read in afternoon.
Monday November 29th
At Bazaar.
Tuesday November 30th
At Bazaar. Rec. letter from R. P. Hayes son of Pres. Hayes. He is going to send us a box of flowers. Letter from Ella Murray.
Wednesday December 1st
At Bazaar.
Thursday December 2nd
At Bazaar.
Friday December 3rd
At Bazaar. Voting on Duke closed. James Mclabe has most votes. Duke brought us $442, 430. Great excitement.
Tuesday December 7th Philadelphia
Cleaned up assembly rooms by nine o’clock. Went to Philadelphia by 11.20 train, ordered quarter ton candies of Whitman & Son.
Wednesday December 8th New York, Middletown
Went to New York. Ordered a quarter ton candies of Goette & Miller. Took 1.30 train to Middletown and astonished Ella Murray by walking in. Returned to Trenton and went to church supper at Central Baptist Church.
Thursday December 9th
Paid a good many bills for Bazaar. Went to sociable at Senator Blackewlls on Academy St. Had a good time. Danced with Miss. Heart of Yardville. Got home 2 o’clock.
Friday December 10th
Finished up most of Bazaar matters. Went to Mr. Vanhorns at night and balanced up. We have cleared $1454.25. Mother is unwell.
Saturday December 11th
Busy in store. Episcopal Bazaar opens tonight. Copy of ours. Uncle Clark and Laura came on today.
Sunday December 12th
Church morning and evening. Dr. Miner preached. Read Tasso in afternoon. Lang Johnson is boarding at our house during a Bazaar which the Episcopalians are holding.
Monday December 13th
In store. Mr. Vanhorn came down tonight to settle up money matters. The Bazaar cleared $1445.95
Tuesday December 14th
In store. Was elected a member of Royal Arch Masons 3x3 chapter. Dr. Woolverton examines Mrs. Tillon who is staying here. She has consumption-bad case
Wednesday December 15th
In store. Went to Young Peoples. Prayer meeting at Clinton Avenue.
Thursday December 16th
In store. Fixing for Christmas. Mr. Selkirk and Lyman the working nights making clean toys for Christmas trade.
Friday December 17th
At home. Mauve, Harry’s wife came on today.
Saturday December 18th
At home.
Sunday December 19th
Church morning and evening. Dr. Miner preached. Took tea at Dr. Miner’s.
Monday December 20th
At home. Busy with candy.
Tuesday December 21st
At home. Wrote to Ella Murray.
Wednesday December 22nd
At home. Busy putting up packages of candy for Christmas.
Thursday December 23rd
At home in store. Letter from Ella Murray. Rec. ivory handled umbrella from “Friends in the Clinton Avenue.
Friday December 24th
AT home. Busy in store. Sold $ 147.16 in candy. Took in $203.63 in all. Sent large pitch to President Hayes. Send present of Plaques to Ella Murray.
Saturday December 25th
At home. Rec. a nice Jap letter holder from Lang Johnson. A paper stocking from Caddie Hubbard, a silk handkerchief from Ella Murray. Made a good many presents. Mother to sick to be up. Wrote letter to Pres. Hayes.
Sunday December 26th
Fierce snow all day. We did not go to church or Sunday school all day. Read all day.
Monday December 27th
Rec. long letter from Ella Murray.
Tuesday December 28th
Went to Phila. For goods. Tried to find a good baker in Balduffs place. Did not succeed. Went to sociable at John L. Murphys. Took Miss Belle Tilis.
Wednesday December 29th
Went to work making out bills.
Thursday December 30th
At work on bills.
Friday December 31st
At work on bills.
Pandora bag for matinee Medals Candy Factory Electric Light
Party Music
Whisperings of Love Clayton March Many Boys Galop Home Sweet Home Listen to Mocking Bird Glide Waltz Racquet Galop Russian March German Waltz Broom Waltz Jolly Brothers
Pieces to Sing.
Menagerie. Music in the air Little Brown Church Good Old Home. Reign of Reign Rock one busy One wide river Grandfathers Clock. Mary had a Little Lamb Yes we all will be there Student Song Last Cigar My Pretty Maid Mrs. Jones I’m Done Singing Her Mothers Name Warrior Bold I’ll remember you Love in my Prayers.
My Cough Syrup at Decon’s 34699-2-20-77. Dr. R.R. Rogers
Transcribed 2006 by Julia Hughes |
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