1873 Diary of Edmund C. Hill |
(Inside front cover) My home
43 Greene Street, Trenton, N.J. (Next Page) Edmund C. Hill Born May 11th, 1855. Wednesday, January 1, 1873. Happy New Year! Attended church service during afternoon and evening in our church (Central Baptist) which has lately been repaired at a cost of $9000. The services were the first held in the audience room for six months Rather sleepy all day, because I attended watch meeting last night in the Greene Street Methodist Church. "Greene St." was one hundred years old yesterday. Thursday, January 2, 1873. Attended church in the evening. Mr T.R. Horolett, a former pastor preached. Wrote a notice of the church services for the "State Gazette." This is my second attempt to write for a paper. Friday, January 3, 1873. School commenced yesterday, but, owing to business in my father's store, I did not go until today. Attended church in the evening. Rev. Mr. Bliss preached from Gal.6:14. "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." Saturday, January 4, 1873. Nothing unusual. Studied my lessons and practised my music. I attend the Trenton Academy. Mr. Geo. S. Grosvenor, a very excellent man, is my teacher. Sunday, January 5, 1873. Awfully stormy! Attended church both morning and evening. Did not go to chapel tonight as usual. I am organist for Sabbath evenings at the chapel. Attended S.S. in afternoon. I am Secretary and Treasurer at the Perry St. Baptist S.S. Monday, January 6, 1873. Attended school. Took a lesson on the flute. I received a nice flute for a Christmas present last month. Went to church in the evening. Had a good meeting. This is the week of prayer. Tuesday, January 7, 1873. Attended school in morning but not in afternoon. In evening we had our Holiday Entertainment at the Chapel. Had an exceedingly pleasant time Wednesday, January 8, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Wrote a couple articles for the "dailies" on last night's entertainment. Thursday, January 9, 1873. Attended school. Took a lesson on my flute. My father has a gas machine. It would not operate to-night for some reason. So he and I had to keep the pump working for quite a long time. Friday, January 10, 1873. Attended school. Went in the evening to a party of Bennie L. Miller's up the Belvidere Delaware R.R. Had an excellent time. Did not sleep a wink all night. Saturday, January 11, 1873. Sleepy all day. Went skating in the morning; also, sleigh riding. Sunday, January 12, 1873 Having a head ache did not go to church in the morning. However, I attended S.S. and church in the evening at the chapel Monday, January 13, 1873. Took a flute lesson. Studied in evening. Tuesday, January 14, 1873. Attended school. The First Nat. Bank Directors had their annual dinner at our house today. Studied in evening. Wednesday, January 15, 1873. Attended school. Went skating after school. Studied in evening. Thursday, January 16, 1873. Attended school. I study Cicero, Genophon's Anabasis, Philosophy, and Arithmetic. Studied in evening. Friday, January 17, 1873 Attended school.; Spoke a selection from Marmion. Rearranged the S.S. register. Attended prayer meeting There is a great freshet in the river and creek, brought on by warm weather affecting the snow, and rain last night. Saturday, January 18, 1873. Studied, read and practiced music nearly all day. Sunday, January 19, 1873. Attended -church in morning; -sabbath school in afternoon; -church at Perry ST in evening. Took a walk with Lizzie up to Father Jenkins after S.S. Monday, January 20, 1873. Attended school. Took a flute lesson. Studied in evening. Father is not very well and has not been lately. He is one of the kindest, and best fathers that ever lived God grant him a long life! Tuesday, January 21, 1873. Attended school. Wrote a letter to Judson Hill Mr Bliss, a Baptist minister is staying at our house over night. Father a little worse: Has no sleep much. Wednesday, January 22, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Father a little better but he has a bad headache. He spends most of the time on the lounge. Two gentlemen, Mr Rowley and Mr Sheppard, called in to see him. Thursday, January 23, 1873. Attended school. Took a flute lesson Studied a little at home Purchased 4 new books to study to prepare for college examination next fall. Harry's birthday. 15 yrs. He is sick today. Father better today. Went to a temperance meeting at Taylor Hall. Heard Vice President Schuyler Colfax deliver an adress: also shook hands with him. Friday, January 24, 1873. Attended school. Went to prayer meeting in evening. Annie Chasey, a girl in my father's store, gave in her experience at the meeting. The sick ones improving. Saturday, January 25, 1873. Studied a little while. Stayed in the store nearby all day. Sida Shipe, went last night to sit up with a sick woman: and is sick herself now. Sunday, January 26, 1873. Attended church in morning: sabbath school in afternoon: and church at the chapel in the evening. Went from the chapel to the church where Miss Chasey was baptized. Monday, January 27, 1873. Attended school. Sida still sick. Father not very well. Went in the evening with Mrs McClurg down to Mrs Updike's, who is very low. Tuesday, January 28, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Wednesday, January 29, 1873. Attended school Studied in evening. Thursday, January 30, 1873. Attended school. Took a flute lesson. Father and Mother went away today for the sake of Father's health. Friday, January 31, 1873. Attended school. Went to church in evening. Met Frank Foster at church: he came home and stayed all night with me. |
Saturday, February 1, 1873 Stayed in store all day. Sunday, February 2, 1873. Attended church in morning; Sunday school in afternoon; and chapel in evening. Monday, February 3, 1873. Did not go to school. Stayed home and studied Received a letter from father, dated Paterson. Tuesday, February 4, 1873. Attended school. Took a walk down to the City Gas Works. In the evening went to Mr Blackfans and "turned out" 10 qts of ice cream. Wednesday, February 5, 1873. Attended school in morning. Came out early and went to the wedding of Mr Mendelssohn and Miss Wyman, at the Jew Synagogue. Also went to the reception in the evening at Taylor Hall. Thursday, February 6, 1873. Attended school. Will, Sawton, one of my friends came and stayed all night with me. Friday, February 7, 1873. Attended school. Went to church in evening. Saturday, February 8, 1873. Studied in morning. Stayed in store the rest of the day. Sunday, February 9, 1873. Attended- -Church in morning -S.S. in afternoon -Chapel in evening. Monday, February 10, 1873. Attended school. Went skating after school. Tuesday, February 11, 1873. Attended school Studied in evening. Pa and Ma came home today. They have been to Greandfather's, to Paterson, New York, Brooklyn, Newark and Holmdel. When they returned they gave Harry and I a set of dominoes. Wednesday, February 12, 1873. Attended school. Cut my hand quite badly in the evening. Thursday, February 13, 1873. Attended school. Friday, February 14, 1873. Attended school. Saturday, February 15, 1873. Read and studied nearly all day. Saw a Hebrew bible. 'Tis an odd and curious looking affair, Sunday, February 16, 1873. On account of weather went to church in evening only. Monday, February 17, 1873. Attended school. Went up to the Capitol in the evening. An important R.R. bill was to "come up." Waited until a late hour and came home disappointed. Tuesday, February 18, 1873. Attended school. Wednesday, February 19, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Thursday, February 20, 1873. Attended school. Bought a book - "Arnold's Latin Prose Compostion." The Messiah's Church used our church this evening to baptize in. 14 were baptized, one of whom was my cousin, Christiana Hill. Friday, February 21, 1873. Attended school. Had on session. Walked out to Taylor's slaughter house. Attended church in evening. Caught about 30 boys in the chapel. Had a hard time to put them out. During the last 2 weeks a great deal of damage has been done at the chapel by boys, mostly catholics. Saturday, February 22, 1873. Stayed in store almost all day. Very busy. Sunday, February 23, 1873. Church in morning. S.S. in afternoon Chapel in evening. Had 15 new singing books at the chapel. Great improvement in singing. Met Mrs. Harrison, a Baptist minister's widow at the chapel. Monday, February 24, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Tuesday, February 25, 1873. Attended school. Wednesday, February 26, 1873. Attended school. Commenced to study Lating Prose Composition. Studied in evening. Thursday, February 27, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Practised music with Harry: he plays on the organ, I on the flute. Friday, February 28, 1873. Attended school. Went to church in evening. Bought an Arnold's Greek Prose Composition.
Saturday, March 1, 1873. Helped in store. In the afternoon Pa proposed that Sizzie and I go up to Pennington and pay a visit to Aunt Sue Hatt(#). We packed up and went - taking the folks complelty by surprize. Sunday, March 2, 1873. Went to Presbetarian Church in morning: to Methodist sunday school in afternoon; and Methodist church in evening. The evening meeting was a joint affair. (Pres + Meth) For the first time in my life saw persons baptized - or rather sprinkled according to the Presbyterian method. Monday, March 3, 1873. Called on Mr Redyea the Methodist minister. and also went through Methodist Conference Seminary. Have spent a pleasant and proftable time in Pennington. Returned home Found Pa unwell: indications of quinzy(#) sore throat, to which he is subject. Tuesday, March 4, 1873. Attended school. Went to a sociable in the evening at Mrs Narroway's. Movements were made toward organizing a Baptist church east of the canal. Eighteen persons are ready to unite. Others will join after the affair has been started. Wednesday, March 5, 1873. Attended school. Went skating on the Delaware river in the afternoon Studied in evening. My mother's birthday; she is 42 years old; Pa gave her a beautiful gold watch. For a week or two we have been having very exciting times in the legislature about railroad matters. Thursday, March 6, 1873. Attended school in morning but no in afternoon. The flags of the N.J. regiments that were in the Civil War were today taken from the arsenal in South Trenton to the State Capitol. There are 92 of them and some are so torn and threadbare that there is scarcely any thing left of them. Friday, March 7, 1873. Attended school. Went to church in evening. Pa has got a very bad cold. It seems to get worse instead of better. Saturday, March 8, 1873. Studied in morning. Helped in the store all the rest of the day. Today we know for certain that Father has the quinsy sore throat. Sunday, March 9, 1873. Attended church in morning; sunday school in afternoon; church in evening: Monday, March 10, 1873. Attended school, Went to a church sociable in the eveing. Tuesday, March 11, 1873. Attended school. Mr + Mrs Grosvenor and Rev Mr + mrs Keyser came to our house to tea and to spend the evening. Wednesday, March 12, 1873. Attended school; one session. Studied in evening. Thursday, March 13, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Large R.R. meeting held this evening in Taylor's Hall. Friday, March 14, 1873. Attended school. Called on Charley Steward; took tea and spent the evening with him. Saturday, March 15, 1873. Studied some in morning and in afternoon also. Father gave a book called "Yesterday, Today, and Forever." (Bottom of page) wrote to John English Sunday, March 16, 1783. Attended church in morning S.S. in afternoon church in evening. Monday, March 17, 1873. Attende school. Studied in evening. Tuesday, March 18, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Wednesday, March 19, 1873. Attended school Studied in evening. Thursday, March 20, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Took a flute lesson. Friday, March 21, 1873. Attended school. Went to a musical concert in the evening; heard the celebrated Mlle Charlotte Palti sing. Saturday, March 22, 1873. Studied and helped in store all day. Cousin Willie Dillentash is at ourh house making a visit. Sunday, March 23, 1873. Attended church in morning and evening; also, S.S. in afternoon. Went to Young People's Prayer meeting; I led the meeting. Monday, March 24, 1873. Atteded school. Studied in evening. There is considerable excitement in our church about the old Methodist doctrine of Sanctification. Some prominent members are creating much unpleasantness in the church by their actions. Tuesday, March 25, 1873. Attended school Went to a concert of the Hamilton Baptist S.S. in Taylor's hall this evening. Wednesday, March 26, 1873. Attended church in evening Did not go to school. Had to stay in the store. Thursday, March 27, 1873. Attended school Studied in evening. Called on Miss Sizzie Eckings in the evening. Uncle Clark Hill and cousin Bertha came on today from Paterson. Friday, March 28, 1873. Attended school in morning, but not in afternoon. Studied in evening. Saturday, March 29, 1873. Studied and read almost all day. Sunday, March 30, 1873. Attended church in morning and evening; S.S. in afternoon; and Young Peoples Prayer Meeting, of which I was leader. Monday, March 31, 1873. Attended school. Went to a church business meeting. Father Mackin was buried today from the Catholic church. Church was filled; panice took place; several wounded, some fatally.
Tuesday, April 1, 1873. Attended school Bought a pair of boots. Studied in the evening. Wednesday, April 2, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. The general R.R. law went into force this morning. The "National" was organised within ten minutes after Gov. Parker signed his name to the bill. Thursday, April 3, 1873. Attended school. Studied in evening. Friday, April 4, 1873. Attended school. Last day at the Trenton Academy. My average for the quarter ending today is the highest in the school. Attended church covenant meeting in the evening. Saturday, April 5, 1873. Read and helped in the store all day. Sunday, April 6, 1873. Attended church in morning and evening; S.S. in afternoon and Young Peopls Prayer Meeting. At S.S. was very much surprized by the presentation of a beautiful album by the teachers & officers of the school. Mr. Jas Buchanan made the presentation speech. Monday, April 7, 1873. Helped in the store; Saw Mr. Geo Lasher in the evening. Went to a church sociable in the evening. (Bottom of Page) Wrote to Cousin Jud Hill ----------- Miss Emma Slater. Tuesday, April 8, 1873. Read, studied and helped in store. Bought an English Grammar and a trunk. Wednesday, April 9, 1873. Read, studied and helped in store. Went to church in the evening. Bought and "Olneys Geometry. Thursday, April 10, 1873. Studied some, Uncle Edmund Evernham came for me and I went home with him; expect to spend the summer on his farm. Went to a M.E. prayer meeting with Uncle Ed who is a Methodist. My Uncle has a good farm of about 55 acres, about 2 miles from Allentown, N.J. Friday, April 11, 1873. Commenced to learn farming. Tried harrowing. Harrowed two acres Went over to Uncle Nahor's to see Grand father and grandmother. (Bottom of page) wrote to charle m steward Saturday, April 12, 1873. Rain and snow. Did nothing much all day. Sunday, April 13, 1873. Went to M E. Church with Uncle Ed and Aunt Moll in the morning. Monday, April 14, 1873. Helped Uncle Ed haul and spread manure all day. Tuesday, April 15, 1873. (No Entry) Wednesday, April 16, 1873. Ma came down country with Uncle Ed, who went to Trenton today; she intends to go to the funeral tomorrow (Bottom of page) rec letter from Sida Shipe Thursday, April 17, 1873. Went to Mary James' funeral at Allentown and Hamilton Square; during the whole day it rained incessantly After the funeral went to Uncle Nahor's to see Grandfather and Grandmother. Friday, April 18, 1873. Ma went home. Saturday, April 19, 1873. (No Entry) Sunday, April 20, 1873. Attended M.E. church + S.S. in morning Monday, April 21, 1873. Commenced making garden. Tuesday, April 22, 1873. (No Entry) Wednesday, April 23, 1873. Chopped wood almost all day (Bottom of page) wrote to Edwin Hill Thursday, April 24, 1873. Cousin Jo has got her organ. I am going to try to learn her to play on it this summer. Planted potatoes (Bottom of Page) wrote to Sizzie Hill. Butler Murray. rec. letters from Syman Sizzie Hill Emma H. Slater Charles Steward Friday, April 25, 1873. (No Entry). Saturday, April 26, 1873. Made garden William Sawton, who was in this section, came to see me and took dinner here at Uncle Ed's. Sunday, April 27, 1873. Attended Baptist church in morning at Hamilton Square. And M.E. Church in evening at Allentown. Monday, April 28, 1873. (No Entry) Tuesday, April 29, 1873. Sowed peas in the garden. Wednesday, April 30, 1873. Went to Newtown for coal (Bottom of page) rec letter from Edwin Hill
Thursday, May 1, 1873. Went to Allentown to mill. (Bottom of page) rec. letter from Jud S. Hill Friday, May 2, 1873. Very rainy. Stayed all night with cousin Edmund Yard, whose father's farm is near Uncle Ed's. (Bottom of Page) Wrote to Father Emma Slater Saturday, May 3, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Sunday, May 4, 1873. Attended Baptist church at the Square with Uncle Simon Dillintash and M.E. church at Allentown in the evening with Cousins Hillie and John Dillintash. Attended S.S. at Newtown in afternoon. Stayed all night with Uncle Simon. Monday, May 5, 1873. Harrowed corn ground. Uncle Ed will plant this year about 16 acres in corn. Tuesday, May 6, 1873. Chopped wood Wednesday, May 7, 1873. Harrowed corn ground in afternoon. This is a very backward spring. Thursday, May 8, 1873. Harrowed corn ground in morning. In the afternoon wrote out the answers to some prize questions in the "American Agriculturist." Friday, May 9, 1873. Rainy weather. In the afternoon went over to Uncle Nahor's : staid there all night. (Bottom of page) wrote to Charley Steward Brother Harry. Saturday, May 10, 1873. Went to Uncle Jimmy Yard's "stone frolic". and had an excellent time Also went to Allentown to mill (Bottom of page) rec letter from Father Hill Sawton. Sunday, May 11, 1873. 18 years old. Went to M.E. church at Allentown in morning. Monday, May 12, 1873. Went over to Uncle Nahor's and helped plant corn Tuesday, May 13, 1873. (No entry). Wednesday, May 14, 1873. Planted corn Found an Indian arrow-head and some pieces of stone called oolite *(#) on the corn ground. Thursday, May 15, 1873. Planted corn. Friday, May 16, 1873. Went to Darnell's mill at Allentown. Went to Uncle Simon's and helped him plant corn. He has put 12 acres in corn. There were 13 of us and we finished planting in one day. Saturday, May 17, 1873. Went to Trenton with Uncle to take a load of oats. Bought a couple of pairs of spectacles of Dr Schwab the optician. My eyes are weak. Sunday, May 18, 1873. Went to M.E. church at Allentown both morning and evening. (Bottom of page) Rec. letter from Miss Slater + postal card from Harry. Monday, May 19, 1873. Made fence. Tuesday, May 20, 1873. Made fence Wednesday, May 21, 1873. (No entry). Thursday, May 22, 1873. (No entry). Friday, May 23, 1873. Grubbed stumps and ploughed potato ground Saturday, May 24, 1873. Planted potatoes Cousin Joe and I went to Trenton to attend Sunday School celebration tomorrow Sunday, May 25, 1873. Attended church in morning; also Sunday School Anniversary in afternoon; also chapel in evening. Monday, May 26, 1873. Went back to Uncle Ed's. Resolved to stop reading and writing for a time on account of my weak eyes. Tuesday, May 27, 1873. White washed fence. Wednesday, May 28, 1873. Went to brusswicks (#). Thermometer 85* in the shade Thursday, May 29, 1873. Made fence. Went to Allentown in evening to attend prayer meeting. (Bottom of page) wrote to Emma Slater - card to Father. Friday, May 30, 1873. Commenced replanting corn Some kind of a small yellowish worm about half an inch long has got into Uncle's corn and eaten it. This makes a great deal of replanting to do. Saturday, May 31, 1873. Finished replanting corn. Quit using spectacles
Sunday, June 1, 1873. Attended M.E church at Allentown. Joined a class in the S.S. Monday, June 2, 1873. Hoed potatoes Went to the black-smiths on horseback. On the road home the horse go away from me and I had to walk part way home. Eyesight very much improved. Tuesday, June 3, 1873. Made hills for sweet potatoes: planted some sweet corn. (Bottom of page) wrote to Judson S. Hill Wednesday, June 4, 1873. Went to Uncle Jimmy Yard's "moving frolic"; about 14 men and boys were there; we moved his barn about 80 yards or more. Took Aunt Moll to Allentown. (Bottom of page) rec letter from Sida Shipe Charles Stewart. Thursday, June 5, 1873. Worked in the garden. (Bottom of page) wrote to Edward Hill. Friday, June 6, 1873. Aunt Moll and I went to Trenton. Saturday, June 7, 1873. Replanted corn the second time. Sunday, June 8, 1873. For curiosity's sake, went to Catholic church at Allentown in morning Also attended M.E. S.S in morning and church service in evening. (Bottom of page) rec letter from Miss Slater. Monday, June 9, 1873. Sprained my ankle by falling off the wagon shed. Tuesday, June 10, 1873. (No entry). Wednesday, June 11, 1873. Replanted corn the third, and, I hope, last time. Thursday, June 12, 1873. Washed harness and commenced weeding corn. Went to Allentown in the evening. (bottom of page) wrote letter to C. M Steward Friday, June 13, 1873. Weeded corn all day Saturday, June 14, 1873. Finished weeding corn. Uncle Ed and I killed twelve opossums - one old one and eleven young ones. I found a vein of boy iron ore on Mr. Burtis' farm. Sunday, June 15, 1873. Went to Baptist church at the Square. Hee and Henry Shipe, a young divinity student, preach afterward went and spent the day with Uncle (s) Jamity West Made a midnight call on a young lady. Miss Heorvell, who was entertaining her beau, Ed Yard. Monday, June 16, 1873. Ploughed corn with a Riggs plough. Tuesday, June 17, 1873. Plowed corn Wednesday, June 18, 1873. Cut brush and tore down fence. Set out sweet potato plants Thursday, June 19, 1873. Made fence. Attended prayer meeting at Allentown in the evening. (Bottom of Page) wrote to Miss Slater. Friday, June 20, 1873. Made fence. Saturday, June 21, 1873. Went fishing with Uncle Ed and Richey to Hutchinson's mill and Doctor's creek Did not catch very many fishes. Sunday, June 22, 1873. Attended church at Allentown in morning also sabbath school. Monday, June 23, 1873. Plowed corn. Rev. Mr Williams was at Uncle Ed's to tea. After stopping work in the field, I rode old John, 22 years old and fiery as a colt, up to the house through the apple orchard, which has not been trimmed in a long while, and nearly lost my head like Absalom. Tuesday, June 24, 1873. Rainy day. Stayed in the house. (Bottom of Page) Wrote to Sida Shipe & William Lawton Wednesday, June 25, 1873. Worked in the garden. Little cousin Jennie was taken sick and I went to Allentown for the doctor. He said she has the quinsy (Bottom of Page) rec letter from S. B. Murray. Thursday, June 26, 1873. Worked in the potato patch. Friday, June 27, 1873. Went to Allentown to the store. Made fence. Uncle Ed shot a hoot owl, measuring nearly four feet from tip to tip. (Bottom of Page) Wrote postal card to S.B. Murray. Saturday, June 28, 1873. Went to Allentown with Uncle Ed to take a load of hay to Dr Howell. Hay is very high at present and is worth $25 and $30 a ton. In the afternoon I walked over to Uncle Ed's father's house. Stayed there to tea. (Bottom of Page) rec card from Harry letter from Ed Hill. Sunday, June 29, 1873. Attended Sunday school and church in morning at Allentown. Laura Smith and Mary Anna Burd came home with us to spend the day, and returned in the evening. Monday, June 30, 1873. Since I have been here I always helped Aunt Moll do the washing. She has a washing machine, which I "turn" for her Plowed corn some. Uncle mowed hay We carted one load into the barn.
Tuesday, July 1, 1873. Commenced to cart hay into the barn and got caught in the rain Wednesday, July 2, 1873. Hauled hay. Thursday, July 3, 1873. Went to Trenton in the morning train. All seemed glad to see me. Cousin Edwin Hill of Newark was making a visit at our house. Friday, July 4, 1873. Ever Glorious Fourth! Spent with more parades, shooting of fireworks and firing of guns and cannon than I ever knew in Trenton. Sold over 400 quarts of ice cream in the store. Saturday, July 5, 1873. Miss Frank Snyder, Cousin Ed, Mother and I went to Philadelphia. We saw Dr C. W. Gleason concerning my eyes. He quieted my fears and gave me a bottle of Medicine, nearly all of which I spilled. Visited Independence Hall and Fairmount Park. Got up an excitement in the cars on our return. On our arrival home found that Lyman had had two of his tow mashed with a falling gale. Sunday, July 6, 1873. Attended service at the Clinton Avenue Baptist Church. Cousin Jud hill, now home from school, preached a good plain sermon. I presided at the organ. Went to Sunday School and evening service at the Central Monday, July 7, 1873. Called to see Miss Sally Stafford and her flag. Unfortuneatley for us, she had taken it to Boston for exhibition. Returned to Uncle Ed's in the afternoon Took Raymond with me. I gave Judson a book on Saturday and today he gave me one. Learned that I took a prize for my answers to fifteen questions in American Agriculturist Rec letter from Chas Stewart Wrote card to Agriculturist Tuesday, July 8, 1873. Took my first lesson in the wheat field. Learned to rake, bind, and shock up. Wednesday, July 9, 1873. In the wheat again Thursday, July 10, 1873. Carted in hay for Uncle Nahor in the morning and for ourselves in the afternoon Friday, July 11, 1873. Finished hauling our hay (Bottom of Page) Rec letter from Miss Slater Saturday, July 12, 1873. Finished hauling in wheat. In the afternoon I went to mill at Allentown, taking Raymond and Gennie along for a ride. (Bottom of Page) wrote to Father. Sunday, July 13, 1873. Did not go to church In the afternoon, I went over to Uncle Nahor's to see Grandfather and Grandmother. Monday, July 14, 1873. Helped Uncle Nahor haul hay. Tuesday, July 15, 1873. Helped Uncle Nahor haul hay. Wednesday, July 16, 1873. Geo Yard, Uncle Ed, and I went afishing to James Hutchinson's millpond. We caught 140 sunfish in four hours, which is considered doing very well. Raymond went to school with Richie. This was his first day at school. He describes it as a room full of counters and you mustn't say a word out loud. Thursday, July 17, 1873. Worked in the oats. Friday, July 18, 1873. Went to the blacksmith's in the morning and helped George Yard with his oats in the afternoon Saturday, July 19, 1873. Harrowed corn. Sunday, July 20, 1873. Attended church in morning at Allentown. In the afternoon walked over to Uncle Nahor's after a bottle of eyewash, which was sent there for me. (Bottom of Page) Rec letter from Lida. " Lyman. card " Harry. Monday, July 21, 1873. Helped Uncle George Yard with his oats. Tuesday, July 22, 1873. Hauled in oats. Wednesday, July 23, 1873. Finished hauling oats After we got through all hands went to Tattletown Creek and had a good swim. Thursday, July 24, 1873. Made fence Friday, July 25, 1873. Went down in the "pines" after "huckleberries." Aunt Moll was taken deathly sick. Providentially Dr Kelly of Perrineville rode by and gave her some medicine which helped her immediately. Berries were scarce because of the drought While we were gone Father came down to Uncle Ed's. He had gone home when we returned. Very sorry that I did not see him. Saturday, July 26, 1873. Went to Philadelphia Saw Dr Gleason. Visited> Post Office Custom House. Independence hall P.R.R large office. Continental Hotel. Hood's Museum and also, Camden and saw the Soldiers Monument. Stayed all night at Uncle Simon's near the Newtown Station, because it was 9 oclock P.M. when I reached Newtown. Sunday, July 27, 1873. Attended Baptist Church at the Square. and then returned to Uncle Ed's. (Bottom of Page) Rec letter from Lyman. Monday, July 28, 1873. (No Entry) Tuesday, July 29, 1873. Went over to Uncle Nahor's to see how he and Grandfather are. Neither were at all well. Grandfather has had the palsy for the last 16 years and is a great sufferer. 12 years have gone by since he has fed himself a mouthful. (Bottom of Page) Wrote to Agriculturist Wrote to Emma Slater Wednesday, July 30, 1873. Drove around the vicinity with Cousin Joanna and a young lady name Sue Taylor, who are a committee soliciting for the Allentown M.E. Harvest Home, to be held August 6th. They were well received and were given a great many articles Grandfather and Uncle Nahor are not so well as they were. Thursday, July 31, 1873. Hauled rails to make fence
Friday, August 1, 1873. Made fence Saturday, August 2, 1873. Worked in the garden (Bottom of Page) wrote to Mother. Sunday, August 3, 1873. Remained at home all day and took care of Raymond. Monday, August 4, 1873. Went with Uncle Ed to Asher Border's woods and helped arrange for the harvest hom on Wednesday next. Tuesday, August 5, 1873. Returned to Trenton for good Mother, Lyman, and Aunt Sue Hart went Horon country to see Grandfather and Grandmother. Wednesday, August 6, 1873. Helped in the store In the afternoon Sizzie and I walked over to Morrisville to attend the 1st Baptist picnic. Thursday, August 7, 1873. Helped in the store. Harry has been up to Easton during my absenc and he has very kindly brought me about 20 varities of minerals found near Easton, among which are several different specimens of iron ores, paint ores and quartz crystals. Wrote to Cousin Ed Hill. Friday, August 8, 1873. Helped in the store Saturday, August 9, 1873 Helped in the store. (Bottom of Page) wrote postal card to Mother Sunday, August 10, 1873. Attended service at the Clinton Avenue Baptist church, lately formed. Played the organ for the church. Also attended the Sunday school connected with it (lately Perry Street Mission) and also played the organ there. Monday, August 11, 1873. Helped in the store. Mother and Aunt Sue returned. Tuesday, August 12, 1873. Went on an excursion of the 1st Baptist Church up the Hudson: saw the Palisades, Highlands West Point, New York and its harbor and all points of interest as far up as Newburg. On the return had a collision and I very narrowly escaped death. No one hower was injured In the panic I lost a good basket which with its contents were worth about 12 dollars Wednesday, August 13, 1873. Have settled down in the store for the present. On account of my poor eyesight, I have given up all hope of going to college, at least this year It is my expectation to remain in the store with my father Thursday, August 14, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Friday, August 15, 1873. Went to prayer meeting in the evening. Mr Keyser, our minister being absent, Rev Mr Sheppard led the meeting. Saturday, August 16, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Sunday, August 17, 1873. Attended church both morning and evening at Clinton Avenue Baptist Church. also Sunday school in same place. Played the organ Monday, August 18, 1873. (Bottom of Page) wrote to Everett Dillentash and told him about the excursion up the Hudson. Tuesday, August 19, 1873. Father + me did a down country to recruit. Received my Agriculturist prize. Wednesday, August 20, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Thursday, August 21, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Friday, August 22, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Saturday, August 23, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Sunday, August 24, 1873. Attended Clinton Avenue Baptist Ch. and Sunday school in morning and afternoon and in the evening Harry + I went to St. Michaels (Episcopal) church. The services were odd to us, plain Baptists that we are and Harry was quite bewildered with the downsittings + uprisings. Clinton Ave gave a call to Rev Chas B. Perkins with a salary of $1100.00 Monday, August 25, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Tuesday, August 26, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Wednesday, August 27, 1873 (NO ENTRY) Thursday, August 28, 1873. Had a little company to spend the evening. Friday, August 29, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Saturday, August 30, 1873. Sida and Syman returned home from the country. Sunday, August 31, 1873. Attended church service in the morning and S.S. in the afternoon at the Central Bap. and church in the evening at Clinton Ave. Syman and I took a walk out to Mercer Cemetery after S.S. James Stafford of the Alliance, under Commodore Barry lies buried in this cemetery.
Monday, September 1, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Tuesday, September 2, 1873. Took a walk with Jas. Buchanan, lawyer, up the Delaware river on a geologizing expedition. Made arrangements with Makee (#) and Co. to make a case for me to put my minerals in. Miss Lizzie (?) Reeves of Lambertville, N.J. is here on a visit. She is a niece of Jas. Marshall, the finder of California gold. She is going to give a number of his specimens from Cal. To me. Wednesday, September 3, 1873. Sold an old show case, which father gave me sometime ago towards my new mineral cabinet. Thursday, September 4, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Friday, September 5, 1873. Heard that Grandfather was failing rapidly. Mother rode down to see him and help take care of him Rowland Hill, a cousin of mine, accidentally killed himself. Saturday, September 6, 1873. State Capital + Sentinel. Sunday, September 7, 1873. Attended church both morning and evening, and sunday school in the afternoon at our own church. Doctor Keyser preached for the first time since his vacatin. After S.S. I went to the 3rd Presbyterian church and heard Rev Mr S.M. Studdiford Monday, September 8, 1873. Mother returned home for some mourning goods. Grandfather died last night at about 10 P.M. I went to the funeral of Cousin Rowland. Tremendous crowd - about 2000 people viewed the corpse - great excitement. - Judson faints at the grave. - honors by the Knights of Pythias. rec letter from Cousin Edwin Hill. Tuesday, September 9, 1873. Saw Rev Mr C.B. Perkins and his bride. He accepts the Clinton Ave calls and enters upon his duties next Sunday. Wednesday, September 10, 1873. Attended the funeral of Grandfather Dilatush at Newtown. After the services, Grandfather's will was read. He left $1000. to each of his children and the rest to Uncle Nahor, reserving, however, for Grandmother, the use of the property until she dies. Thursday, September 11, 1873. (Bottom of Page) wrote a letter to Sam Cheesman, West Virginia Friday, September 12, 1873. Went to prayer meeting. In the absence of Bro Keyser, Mr. A. J. Byram Sr. led the meeting. Mr Harry Weber, one of our members who is much excited on the subjicts of sactification and prefect holiness, made some very vehement remarks and an exceedingly earnest prayer. Miss Clara Foster, a maiden lady advanced in years, nearly fainted. It is very much feared that Mr Weber, good man that he is, will go crazy on religious matters. Saturday, September 13, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Sunday, September 14, 1873. Attended church in morning at Clinton Avenue Baptist Church in the morning. Also went went to the sunday school a the place to play the organ in the absence of Miss Hannah Sheppard, their organist. In the evening went to Church at the Central Baptist and heard Rev. Mr - - Pierce preach. Monday, September 15, 1873. Note by the way, My leisure time I fill up by reading some good book. I alway keep a good, useful volume in the store Tuesday, September 16, 1873. Mr and Mrs Perkins had a very pleasant sociable this evening at their boarding house. I wasnt present, but I heard very good reports of the sociable. Everybody seemed happy and appeared to think the new minister and his wife are "perfectly splendid." Wednesday, September 17, 1873. Father went to Philadelphia. (Bottom of Page) rec. postal card form "Winsted Herald." Winstead Conn. with an advertisement printed on its back Thursday, September 18, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Friday, September 19, 1873. Attended prayer meeting in the evening. Bought a book of Johnny Raum, called the "Capture, prison pen and Escape", a tale of the late rebellion. Saturday, September 20, 1873. Uncle Ed and Aunt Moll came to Trenton. Uncle Ed gave me $10. for working on the farm this summer. Sunday, September 21, 1873. Attended church both morning and evening at the Central. In the afternoon, I took Jos English's position as secretary "pro tem" at Clinton Ave. Monday, September 22, 1873. Father and Mother drove down country to see Uncle Nahor Dillentash, who lies at the point of death with consumption. Wrote an article for the Examiner and Chronicler, a N.Y. Baptist weekly. Whether they will publish it or not, I cannot tell. Tuesday, September 23, 1873. Father went to New York to buy cake ornaments. He expects to visit Paterson, Newark and Orange also before he returns. We look for him tomorrow evening. (Bottom of Page) Rec letter from Sam Cheesman. Wednesday, September 24, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Thursday, September 25, 1873. Uncle George Yard came to Trenton and brought with him the news of Uncle Nahor Dillentash's death, which occurred last night. Friday, September 26, 1873. Had a talk with Father about writing a Trenton Guide Book. He thinks one could be written which would pay right nicely. His idea is to have, advertisements and reading matter on alternate pages. (Bottom of Page) wrote to J.B. Sippincott. Saturday, September 27, 1873. Went to Uncle Nahor's funeral. Sunday, September 28, 1873. Attended church morning and evening and sunday school in the afternoon at the Central. After school, Syman + Harry and I took a walk down to the Country. The Normal School girls hereafter have to attend school at the Central. It is creating quite a good bit of disturbance. They do not want to leave the Clinton Avenue school. Monday, September 29, 1873. Bought a book called "Violets, " a colliction of Mrs Col. Freeze's writings. Made up my mind to study, read, or write an hour or two every day. Tuesday, September 30, 1873. Bought a book written by C.C. Haven, and called "A New Historical Manual" Commenced to write my intended "Guide book."
Wednesday, October 1, 1873. Busy in store all day. Went to church with Mother in the evening. Mother has a very bad cough, and unless it becomes better, she may never get entirely well. Thursday, October 2, 1873. Went to see Jennie Hathon in regard to giving me music lessons. I expect to commence on Monday the 13th inst. Friday, October 3, 1873. Took a walk with Domimie (#) Perkins and saw Col. J R. Freeze's Old World collection. This collection was pronounced by Dr Diehl, an ex - consul, to be the second finest in the United States. A gentleman by the name of Bishop has the best. Was introduced to Mr Albert Runyon, State Comptroller. Made a deposit in the Saving's Bank of $5. Saturday, October 4, 1873. Mother's health is no better. Bought a razor and shaving cup - $2.25 Sunday, October 5, 1873. Attended church in Morning at the Central and evening at Clinton Avenue. Also went to the C.A. Sunday school to play the organ, at Miss Sheppard's request. Am reading a book entitled John Knox and his Times. Monday, October 6, 1873. Ordered a new coat (and vest) at Mr Babcock's. Barnum's circus is in town today, and although the rain is pouring, great numbers of people are in town. At dinner we had about 125 or 150 persons. Our bedroom is being very nicely fixed up. A heater has been put in the sitting room and that also warms our room. It is now undergoing a thorough cleaning, painting, and painting. All very fine. Tuesday, October 7, 1873. Annie Chasey left this morning to go to Philadelphia on a visit (BOTTOM OF PAGE) Wrote to John English Wednesday, October 8, 1873. (BOTTOM OF PAGE) Rec. paper from Sam Cheesman Thursday, October 9, 1873. Grand parade of the Junior Order of American Mechanics. Expected to visit the State Prison with Mr and Mrs Perkins but was compelled to defer our visit on account of press of business Friday, October 10, 1873. Father and Mother went to Philadelphia. They called on Annie, Chasey. Saturday, October 11, 1873. My new coat and vest, ordered some days ago, were sent home today. I like them very well They cost 20 dollars Sunday, October 12, 1873. Attended church at the Central Baptist, also sunday school Monday, October 13, 1873. Cut my hand with a piece of glass. Wrote a short item for the State Gazette. Took my first music lesson of Jennie Halton Also bought a music book Tuesday, October 14, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Wednesday, October 15, 1873. Rev. Lyman Wright, a former pastor at the Central and a great friend of my parents, is in Trenton to attend the council and ordination tomorrow; he is staying at our house. Thursday, October 16, 1873. Took a music lesson. In the evening I attended Services at the Central church. Mr Chas B. Perkins was ordained. After the ceremony all the ministers present and their wives were invited down to my fathers saloon, where refreshments were given them. I saw Revs Lyman Wright, Parmelee, Vassar, Griffiths, Case, Belden, Willifer, Colvel and others. Friday, October 17, 1873. Visited the N.J. State Prison and Arsenal with Mr & Mrs Perkins, Annie Vancamp and sister Lizzie. My long expected mineral cabinet was put up today in the rear of the saloon, and I placed my specimens on the shelves. I have about a thousand specimens and about 400 or more varieties, at the present time. Saturday, October 18, 1873. (Bottom of Page) wrote letter to Judson Sunday, October 19, 1873. Attended church at the Central morning and evening. In the afternoon went to the Clinton Ave school and took charge of the Secretary's books. Monday, October 20, 1873. Very stormy. Took a music lesson. Tuesday, October 21, 1873. Went to Phila with Harry to spend a few days. Took dinner at Messr Pine + Bro, 144 S. 8th St. where we buy most of our confectionery. Then went to Mr Knoppel's, 1511 North 13th Street. We then visited Girard College with Mr Knoppel's two daughters. In the evening to see what it was like went to the Theatre. Do not think much of the performance. Wednesday, October 22, 1873. Did up the Mint in the morning and saw lots of funny things After dinner Mr Knoppel hired a barouche (#) and took us to see Fairmount Park We went to George's Hill, the Belmont Hotel, up the Schuylkill and Wissahickon (#) to Indian Rock; in all, a ride of 25 miles. Thursday, October 23, 1873. Visited the Blind Asylum in the morning and Woods Museum at 9th and Arch in the afternoon. Called on Dr. C. Gleason, 1007 Arch St in the afternoon and got a bottle of Blood Restorative. We see, day by day, great numbers of interesting places and buildings of which I have not spoken. Mr K. is very wealthy and has nothing to do but show us the "elephant." Wrote to Father. Friday, October 24, 1873. In the morning we visited the New Masonic Temple on Broad Street This building has been finished but a short time and is one of the handsomest ornament, of which the city can boast. Mr. Knoppel took us after dinner to the Navy Yard where we saw many curious things and also cut off a piece of the old Constitution to bring home. Returned to Trenton in the 6 o'clock line. Saturday, October 25, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Sunday, October 26, 1873. Attended church morning and evening; also Sunday school in the afternoon. Joseph Millington, The first convert of the Clinton Ave. Church. was baptized at the Central. The services were very interesting. Mr Perkins preached the sermon, after which he administered the rite of baptism for the first time; Mr Keyser also baptized a boy whose name is James Wardell. Monday, October 27, 1873. Took a music lesson The floor in the store was planed today preparatory to putting down a new oilcloth. A new range was also put into the kitchen. Tuesday, October 28, 1873. Subscribed a dollar to the church music fund. Lida and I attended one of Prof. Cromwell's Art Entertainments in the evening. Wednesday, October 29, 1873. Father and Lida went to Heightstown to attend a wedding. Have given up my notion of writing a city guide book, for the present at least, because I hardly think it would pay financially. (Bottom of Page) wrote a letter to Nan Shaffer Thursday, October 30, 1873. Father and Lida went to Titusville to attend the wedding of Ada Matthews. Rev Mr Howlett, Mr Griffith + Wife and Mr Perkins all called in this afternoon. (Bottom of Page) Rec letter from Jud Hill. Friday, October 31, 1873. Attended prayer meeting in the evening.
Saturday, November 1, 1873. Izzy Gearheart was married this morning and started for her new home in South Carolina. Sunday, November 2, 1873. Attended church in the morning and Sunday school in the afternoon at the Central. Giving to a severe headache, I did not go anywhere in the evening but remained at home on the lounge. Monday, November 3, 1873. In the afternoon I took a music lesson. My music teacher, Miss Jennie Halton has quite a cough and unless it is speedily checked, may result in consumption. We had a little company in the evening. Mr. And Mrs. Perkins, and Mr and Mrs. Sheppard, with their daughters Lizzie and Kaitie were here and spent a very pleasant time Rec an 8 page letter from John English. Tuesday, November 4, 1873. A very kind description of my cabinet of minerals appeared in the Daily True American of today. Mr. Edward Jenkins wrote it. Last week Lizzie and I were invited to attend a surprize party. Tonight the young lady who was to be surprized called in and, for very good reasons, told us not to come. Wednesday, November 5, 1873. John Macneeley gave me a small box of minerals and promised me two others. In the afternoon I called on Charley Steward on Clinton St. Spent a couple of hours very pleasantly and then called Mr Perkins boarding house. Mr P. was not home. In the evening Joe English and Florence Mount called to see Lizzie. Thursday, November 6, 1873. Took a music lesson Friday, November 7, 1873. Attended church in the evening. Wrote an article about the Arsenal for the Lambertville Record. (Bottom of Page) Wrote to Clark Peison, Ed of L. Record, sending article Saturday, November 8, 1873. A copy of the Methodist, (date Oct 11th) was given to me today. It contains a short "Anecdote of Commodore Stewart," which I wrote during the Summer while in the country. Sunday, November 9, 1873. Attended church morning and evening at the Central and in the afternoon went to Sunday School at the chapel (Clinton Ave.) Monday, November 10, 1873. Took a music lesson. John Macabe and his wife were here to dinner. The country is passing through a panic. Workmen are discharged prices are lowered and the future has a very gloomy look. Tuesday, November 11, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Wednesday, November 12, 1873. Went to the Young Peoples Prayer Meeting at the church in the evening. Thursday, November 13, 1873. Took a music lesson. Rec. a copy of the Lam - Record containing my article Julia Yard came up today to stay on a visit until Saturday Mrs Keyser, Mrs Boose, Lida, Ma, and Raymond went up to the Asylum in the afternoon. (Bottom of page) Wrote postal card to S.E. Cheeseman Friday, November 14, 1873. Attended church in the evening. The city is much excited over the condition of Cuban affairs. The entire populace think that the U.S. should interfere, and, if necessary, declare war against Spain. Saturday, November 15, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Sunday, November 16, 1873. Attended church at Central Baptist in the morning; and S.S. in the afternoon In the evening Lyman and I went to the State Street Methodist church Monday, November 17, 1873. Took a music lesson Father and Mother think that I improve in music very fast. At any rate, I am trying to learn. In the evening I went to the church and joined a Bible Class. It was just formed this evening The Class appointed me to lead off at our next meeting by delivering an address on "The Geography of the Lands of the Bible." Tuesday, November 18, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Wednesday, November 19, 1873. Lizzie went to country with Aunt Martha Yard and Julia. Thursday, November 20, 1873. Took a music lesson I am giving some of my time to the studying of Mineralogy and Geology. Friday, November 21, 1873. Attended prayermeeting in the evening Saturday, November 22, 1873. Wrote an article for the Gazette on the widening of Montgomery St. Also wrote another of about a column in length for the Lambertville Record on "The Philadlephia Navy-Yard." Sunday, November 23, 1873. Attended church, morning and evening, and sunday school in afternoon at the Central Baptist. Monday, November 24, 1873. Took a music lesson Tuesday, November 25, 1873. Attended a meeting of the Bible Class. I delivered the leading address. Subject: Geography of the Lands of the Bible. Wednesday, November 26, 1873. Aunt Moll came up to spend a few days. Sent my article to the "Record." Thursday, November 27, 1873. Thanksgiving day. I attended church in the morning at Dr. John Hall's Presbyterian church. This church was established in 1712, and is the oldest in the city. Dr. Hall has been pastor at this church over 30 years. Friday, November 28, 1873. Attended prayer meeting in the evening. Saturday, November 29, 1873. Wrote a half column sketch of the Arsenal for the Gazette. Bought a new overcoat. Sunday, November 30, 1873. Attended the three regular services at the Central Baptist.
Monday, December 1, 1873. Took a music lesson. Sold a thorough bass book to Mary Merrick. Uncle Ed brought Lizzie home and took Aunt Moll back with him. He gave ten additional dollars fro work this summer. Went around to the church in the evening. Tuesday, December 2, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Wednesday, December 3, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Thursday, December 4, 1873. Took a music lesson. Paid my subscription for music. Went to the chapel prayer meeting in the evening. Friday, December 5, 1873. Received a copy of the Lambertville Record containing my sketch of the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Attended church covenant meeting in the evening. Saturday, December 6, 1873. Saw a machine, called the pulsometer, used for pumping water from mines, cribs & c. Also saw and talked with Dr. Walker, the California Vinegar Bitters man, who is worth three million dollars. (Bottom of Page) Sent newspaper to Jud. Wrote to Jud and Joe. Sunday, December 7, 1873. Attended church in monring; sunday school in afternoon; and church in the evening. Mr Perkins baptized five in the evening at our church Monday, December 8, 1873. Took a music lesson. In the evening I attended a meeting of the "Young Mens' Evening Bible Class, of the Central Baptist Church." I was appointed to lead off in the discussion at the next meeting. Subject : "The Creation." (BOTTOM OF PAGE) Wrote to Mr + Mrs Knoppel. Tuesday, December 9, 1873. Attended a book auction in the evening and bought three books for $ 1.95 They are Moore's Poems, Wordsworths Poems, and a handsomely bound Bible. Wednesday, December 10, 1873. Ma and Sida took Raymond to Philadelphia to have his head examined by Dr. Cloyes (#) W. Gleason. The drum of Ryamond's right ear is entirely "gone" and he will never hear a particle with it. (Bottom of Page) Rec letter from Nan Shaffer. Thursday, December 11, 1873. Called on C.C. Havens, the old gentleman who has written so many books and essays on the Battles of Trenton and Princeton. He showed me a number of relics, including a letter written to his father by Gen Washington. Took a music lesson Saw 4 real live Indians. Attended paryer meeting with Pa at the Clinton Ave. Church Friday, December 12, 1873. Wrote an item for the State Gazette. Saturday, December 13, 1873. Will Whitehead, an old class-mate, and now a student in Rutger's College, at New Brunswick, N.J., called on me and took dinner here. Sunday, December 14, 1873. Attended church twice and S.S. once at the Central Baptist. Monday, December 15, 1873. Took a music lesson on the organ at our church. The church organ has 24 stops and over 900 pipes. I expect to practice an hour on it each week day. In the evening I attended and meeting of the Y.M.E.B. Class. I was the principal speaker. Mr knowledge of geology an mineralogy was of great assistance. We decided to make a present to Mr Keyser. Tuesday, December 16, 1873. Unpacked the toys for the Holidays. Father did not buy any new toys this winter. He intends to dispose of his present stock and not deal in them hereafter. Attended prayer meeting at the chapel. Wednesday, December 17, 1873. The confectioneries for Christmas have been coming in this last few days. There are nearly a thousand lbs in the store at present writing. In the evening I acted detective Father's icehouse on Mercer Street is being torn down and I was sent over there for an hour or so to watch if anybody were carrying wood away. Thursday, December 18, 1873. In the evening about a dozen of the "Young Men" called on Mr. Keyser and presented him and his wife with a handsome silver set. We had a very pleasant time. (Bottom of page) Rec a letter from Eugene Aaron. Friday, December 19, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Saturday, December 20, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Sunday, December 21, 1873. Attended church in the morning and S.S. in the afternoon at the Central. In the evening I went to Clinton Ave. with Ma. Monday, December 22, 1873. Harry and I went out and made some little purchases for Christmas. We bought a very pretty and curious toy called a Chiromagica (#) fro Lyman and some other little articles. Tuesday, December 23, 1873. We set out shoes and plates last night. I received a book, three handkerchiefs, and china cup and a cane. The presents were generally very nice. Ma made Pa a present of a gold watch, paid for with a hundred dollars which Grandfather gave her eight years ago. I sent a box of fine confectioneries to Miss S-r, Normal Hall. Wednesday, December 24, 1873. Very busy in the store Thursday, December 25, 1873. Christmas. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Trenton was quite lively. (Bottom of Page) Received a note of thanks from Miss S. Friday, December 26, 1873. Attended prayer meeting in the evening. Miss Jennie Hatton, my music teacher, is very sick, and not expected to get well. Her father told me he did not think she could live very long. I am sorry for my own sake as well as her own, because I would lose an excellent teacher. Saturday, December 27, 1873. (NO ENTRY) Sunday, December 28, 1873. Attended church (morning and evening) and S.S. at Central church. Monday, December 29, 1873. Attended church business meeting in the evening. Had a very exciting time. Some members desire the pastor to leave, thinking it for the interests of the church. Very violent speeches were made on both sides. The meeting was "packed" by Mr Keysers' adherents. Tuesday, December 30, 1873. Attended the Holiday entertainment of the Clinton Avenue Sunday school in the evening. Wednesday, December 31, 1873. (NO ENTRY) |
50 cents and upward. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. JANUARY. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. February. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. March. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. April. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. May. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. July. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. August. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. September. |
CASH ACCOUNT. October | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. November. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CASH ACCOUNT. December. |
Transcribed 2002 by Christopher L. Witte |
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