1871 Diary of Edmund C. Hill |
(Inside front cover) price 75 cts Edmund C. Hill (born May 11, 1855), from E.S. Trenton, N.J January Sunday, 1 1871 Went to church morning and evening; to Sunday School in the afternoon and to prayer meeting before church this evening. Had rather a noisy school today. Mr. Keyser spoke and I read the report of Treasury. 9:15 p.m splendid January Monday, 2 1871 Had to stay in the store this morning. In the afternoon was in the Y.M.C.A library for an hour or so. This is the week of prayer. I went to church tonight and truly the Lord was there. Everybody seemed happy. 10 p.m pleasant January Tuesday, 3 1871 Done very little today. Read a little and took my music lesson. I saw a chameleon top today for the first time and commenced to make one. Went out to the chapel and re-arranged the number of the S.S scholars. Mr. Knoppel came on a visit today. 10 p.m clear and cold January Wednesday, 4 1871 School commenced today. I knew my lessons very moderately well. Tonight I studied my lessons an hour or two, went skating after school. 9:40 pm nice January Thursday, 5 1871 Was perfect in all my lessons today. Helped Fred Roisnot to get into D.P.F & CO. Tried to study my lessons this evening but could not fix my mind on anything very much. nice January Friday, 6 1871 Had one session of school today. Took music lesson. Was around in the Y.M.C.A rooms an hour and then went to church. Did a little more on my chameleon top. rain ch. pleasant January Saturday, 7 1871 Went skating on the creek but because the ice was so rough I did not stay long. Was in the store almost all day. Lizzie and Ma went to bed sick and Raymond was taken sick also. Wrote the slips for the S.S. pleasant turn to cold January Sunday, 8 1871 Rose up about 8 oclock and went to church and Sunday school. After Sunday School made a call on Mr. Remson in the Eastern part of the town. I am secretary and treasurer of the Perry St. Mission, and have been for almost 5 months. snow and wind January Monday, 9 1871 Went to school was the only one in the Latin class. Knew all my lessons perfectly excepting algebra. Practiced an hour and studied my lessons this evening. cold January Tuesday, 10 1871 Went to school. Did some writing for Mr. Hatch and had a sort of "scrape" with Miss. Ecckings. Went to teachers meeting and got sold nicely by Ann Eliza and Ma by some stews. (sic) cold with snow January Wednesday, 11 1871 Went to school and studied about an hour and a half Did not do any of my practicing except about 5 minutes. Ma bought a wisk for me. A little book which my father had to be written I wrote for him. first rate January Thursday, 12 1871 Same routine as usual. In the evening I and Harry (good grammar) went out to the Model Hall to see the Table aux very pleasant January Friday, 13 1871 At school got "caught in the act" of throwing chalk and got kept in. Did not know a word of my Greek but my Latin was splendid. Took my music lesson and went to church in the evening. Thaw January Saturday, 14 1871 This
morning drew 4 magic lantern pictures. In the afternoon took some very pleasant January Sunday, 15 1871 Went to church in the morning and in the afternoon to S. School In the evening went to The Young Folks Prayer- meeting but having a headache came home afterward instead of going to church Mild January Monday, 16 1871 Same, old run. School and practice. Made a box with a glass top. pleasant January Tuesdsay, 17 1871 Had one session at school. Came home and then at 4 oclock went out to see Dr Hart The Temperance organizations are holding a conference today and in consequence we have been very busy in the store pleasant January Wednesday, 18 1871 Went
to school and heard the speakers of the coming nice January Thursday, 19 1871 Passed examination in Algebra. Caesar Elocution and spelling. My averages were for Writing 100 Algebra 90 Caesar 90 Elocution 99 Spelling 96 Latin 90 Greek 97 Total every 95.9 Went down to Washington Hall to the supper of the 2nd Pres. Church this evening I have been lucky lately nice January Friday, 20 1871 This morning I did not go to school but I did this afternoon and passed examination in Greek. Went to church this evening. Slight Snow January Saturday, 21 1871 In the morning I made an end (not the decease snow? even) to the table at which I am now writing and also commenced a bookshelf. Went around to the Y.M.C.A and got a book, Helped in the store and dried dished for my Mother. Pleasant ch to Rain January Sunday, 22 1871 After dressing went to church and in the afternoon went to school Read awhile in a book called "ragged Dick" Saw some boys on the canal today and guess we shall have skating before long. We have had none for some time cold January Monday, 23 1871 Too cold to write much coldest weather of the season Went to school and heard my averages my final ave is 95.9. Went out to the freight depot; to Mrs. McKenny's; and to the Warren St. Station for Aunt Kate's baggage. she having come today cold as Greenlands (icy ??) January Tuesdsay, 24 1871 Went to school and received my tickets for the commencement. Had a final rehearsal. Harry will get a certificate also. Took my music lesson. snow and cold January Wednesday, 25 1871 Had our commencement today Harry and I both received certificate for scholarship and conduct. I have now certificates for 5 terms. Went to church in the evening Was around in the YMCA rooms I hour or so. cool January Thursday, 26 1871 It has been so disagreeable that I have hardly been out of the house. Pa and Lida have gone to a party at Jos Whiteheads They have had a good many on hand lately first big snow and (fearful at that) January Friday, 27 1871 Sleighing is splendid. I went this afternoon to the Academy with Johnny Raum. Pa has got a swollen eye. He caught cold in it last night nice weather but bad walking January Saturday, 28 1871 Helped Harry shovel snow off the pavement in front of the icehouse. Signed my initials to the back of 1000 tickets for our intended "bazaar" Went down to Aunt Hennrietta Norton's to get a pattern for Ma cool turning to snow January Sunday, 29 1871 Went to church in the morning; to Sunday school in the afternoon, where we distributed the tickets for our "bazaar," and prayer meeting and to church in the evening In the morning had to get out of bed to shovel snow off of the pavement. It having snowed during the night snow turning ot pleasant January Monday, 30 1871 Commenced a new quarter today and broached the subject of Senior 1st and 2nd. Recited my lessons pretty well. Studied my lessons about an hour and a half this evening nice January Tuesday, 31 1871 Pa and Lida have gone to a party down at Allentown Went to school morning and afternoon Studied two hours this evening. Took my music lesson Received a letter from Wm Lawton of Bath S. Carolina Got my feet wet twice and had to change my shoes nice but is raining now
February Wednesday, 1 1871 Pa and Lida have returned. Went to school and in the evening studied about 1 1/2 hours Awful sloppy weather nice but bad
February Thursday, 2 1871 School as unusal but my tongue is truly an unruly member. If itwould keep still Went to prayer meeting at the chapel and after the prayer meeting the teachers had a meeting Got a new suit of clothes pants coat and vest cost $18.00. Best thing of the season. cool
Went to school and my tongue was as bad as ever. In the evening wrote a composition nice February Saturday, 4 1871 Wrote a composition for myself and wrote another for Johnny Raum Was
in the daily prayer-meeting around at the YMCA Bot a new pair of shows @Mr Temples $6.00 (sic) nice ch. to very cold February Sunday, 5 1871 Did not wear my new coat today Am going to have it changed Went to church morning and evening to sunday school in the afternoon Rec. $12.69 so far for tickets went to prayer meeting at the house of sick Mrs Foster the wife of one of our adult bible class very cold February Monday, 6 1871 Went to school and took my music lesson this afternoon (Miss Hannah Shephard is my music teacher; she is a good player and I learn my lessons pretty good. Harry likes quick martial music and I like sacred music best.) cool February Tuesday, 7 1871 Went to school I was 1/2 hour late Teachers meeting this evening I have received $34.00 so far for tickets alone There was a large fire here tonight $150.00 damages nice February Wednesday, 8 1871 Went to school and after school helped trim the chapel nice February Thursday, 9 1871 School as usual Went to Bazaar in the evening. Too tired to write much now is 1/4 past 12 tomorrow (?) morning damp and cloudy. February Friday, 10 1871 Could not get my shoes on therefore I did not go to school. I stayed home this evening while Suzzie went ot the Bazaar Wrote a letter to Willie Lawton Our Bazaar was exceedingly successful, clearing $218.54 splendid February Saturday, 11 1871 Stayed in the store most of the time today, but in the morning I was out to the chapel helping arrange the room right. first rate February Sunday, 12 1871 Went to church and Sunday school in the afternoon Stayed home in the eve and read the Bible February Monday, 13 1871 School as usual studied this eve. Had a sort of a row with Miss Finlayson and I guess she will leave. Paid for a new pair of shoes price $5.00 pleasant February Tuesday, 14 1871 Worst snow we have had this year. My new shoes were thoroughly tested and stood fine (or snow) Went to school and in the evening we had a teachers metting at our house. Few present but lots of fun. Russell won a new shirt made of muslin left from the bazaar. snow hard all day February Wednesday, 15 1871 Went to school stayed at noon Ma went down country to stay two weeks The teachers to presented the # (teluna) sent tonight. Went to see about buying a "Virgil." had none but Dudley sent to Phila. for one for me pleasant February Thursday, 16 1871 Went to school Piled the benches up at the door so that our reading teacher could not come in commenced to study Virgil Like it very well Studied my lessons about 2 hours this evening snow beg to melt February Friday, 17 1871 School as usual Went to church in the evening Mr Fairchild gave us a "blowing up" today on a/c of the benches Frank Lowthorp came near being expelled Miss Sheppard loaned me her Latin Dict. pleasant February Saturday, 18 1871 Have not been out much today Studied Geology most of the morning. Got my "Virgil" today nice 1.25 Studied an hour or so and wrote a composition very rainy ch pleasant February Sunday, 19 1871 Went to church in morning and to Sunday school and prayer meeting in the afternoon Was very much interested in a S.S Book. We have cleared about $220.00 by the Bazaar, which is a great deal more than we expected. $120.00 more than I expected cloudy ch to pleasant February Monday, 20 1871 Went to school in the morning but in the afternoon stayed at home while Pa and Lida went to the funeral of Mrs Sarah Howell who died last Friday of pneumonia Studied in the evening rainy February Tuesday, 21 1871 Went to school and stayed at noon Took my music lesson this afternoon. Did not know hardly a work of my Greek today. pleasant February Wednesday, 22 1871 Today is Washington's birthday. A holiday appointed by U.S Law but because of NJ School Law does not say so, we were cheated out of a holiday To compromise the matter we had one session Nothing going on today no celebrations nor any thing unusual. nice February Thursday, 23 1871 Went to school. I stayed at noon Practiced after school Studied in evening good February Friday, 24 1871 Exactly same as yesterday fine February Saturday, 25 1871 The meat house belonging to Uncles Hugh and Sam burned entirely down. The loss will is is estimated to be $3,000 or $4,000 and will be keenly felt. Pa and Harry and I went down to the fire tonight muddy February Sunday, 26 1871 Dropped in at the morning mission Went to church in the morning and Sunday School in the afternoon In the evening went to prayer meeting and church rain February Monday, 27 1871 Went to school and in the evening attended the weekly sociable. cool march (?) wind February Tuesday, 28 1871 Went to school and have got a terrible headache at moment and Formed a military company at school and I joined nice
March Wednesday, 1 1871 School as usual Went
to hear the Frenchman it'll pass March Thursday, 2 1871 School as usual. Stayed at noon. Practiced in afternoon Studied in evening. too nice to be in school March Friday, 3 1871 Went to school studied in the evening. Practiced my music Had one session at school. Ma came home from the country and also Aunt Mag and Pearson Dillentash as visitors. Mr Romine came today and expects to stay at our house rainy March Saturday, 4 1871 Practiced my music, Studied my lessons Aunt Kate Gallagher went home today sunshine, snow, rain March Sunday, 5 1871 Attended church and morning mission S.S in morning; Perry St S.S & Teachers meeting in PM In the evening went out to the chapel. Mr Romine preached Text; Prepare for the coming thy God. very pleasant March Monday, 6 1871 Same run as usual school and study. Ben's sister came today and I walked out to Ben's house with her. She's good looking and pleasant. hum!hum! rainy March Tuesday, 7 1871 Went to school. Stayed at noon Took my music lesson Studied at night pleasant March Wednesday, 8 1871 Attended school. In the evenings went to Taylor Hall to see Prof. Williard's, Stereophcon It is something like Leromvell's Art Entertainment Have been practising my piece for the coming five weeks concert. Am rather shaky in the knees but will get over that I guess very fine March Thursday, 9 1871 School as usual Practiced my music. Practiced my piece for tomorrow. Am pretty sure of it. Name. "Boleridge's Hymn to the valley of Chimouni" It is a spendid piece when spoken right and I trust I may speak it well Pleasant March Friday, 10 1871 Spoke my piece and it was received with great honor. I don't think I could have done it any better had I practised it for three months One session. Whitehead breaked to pie. Went a round to the A.L & D.S this evening Had prayers after closing the store and Katy was greatly moved nice March Saturday, 11 1871 In the morning shoveled in 3 1/2 loads of saw-dust at the ice house. Took a bath in the afternoon Stayed
in the store all the evening nice March Sunday, 12 1871 Went to Morning Mission S. S; to church in morning; to Perry St Mission in the afternoon Mr. Romine preached at the Perry St Chapel this morning and evening. very rainy March Monday, 13 1871 School as usual, but now "our" class is called Senior I. Good enough! Studied in the eve. Mr. Romine & wife have gone out to the Square for a day or two. Looked for an "Anabasis." and ordered it at Dudleys. very nice March Tuesday, 14 1871 Went
to school. Studied in the evening nice March Wednesday, 15 1871 School as usual Was sent down from the Singing class for doing nothing (?). In the evening went to prayer meeting at the chapel. Have got a new reading teacher name: Mrs. Chambers. like her very well foggy March Thursday, 16 1871 Rec. word today a letter from G. Warren who said he had sold my album for $5.00 and the money would be sent in a coiuple of week. Went to school. Studied in the evening. misty March Friday, 17 1871 Went to school. Had one session Read in Y.M.C.A Studied in evening. very rainy March Saturday, 18 1871 Helped "put in" two loads of saw-dust into the ice-house Commenced to read Aesop's Fables in Latin Helped in the store. March Sunday, 19 1871 Visited the morning mission; church in morning; S.S and prayer meeting in afternoon and prayer meeting and church in evening. Went with Mr Romino to a large fire about 11 or 12 oclock. very pleasant March Monday, 20 1871 Went to school as usual. Took my music lesson. Studied my lessons in the evening. Mr Fairchild kindly loaned me his Greek Lexicon, until the summer vacation nice ch. rainy March Tuesday, 21 1871 After school I went to George Ronan's and saw a good many Chinese curiosities. He gave me several. pleasant March Wednesday, 22 1871 Went to school. Practised my horn. Studied 2 or 3 hours in the evening. Commenced Anabasis today. bright March Thursday, 23 1871 Went to school. Studied in the evening about 2 hours. Practised music uc.uc.uc.uc.uc.uc The new books for our library came today cool March Friday, 24 1871 Went to school and to prayer meeting this evening Ellie Fuller & Mr Sheppard gave in their experience tonight. They are the first fruits of the chapel prayer meeting. spring-like March Saturday, 25 1871 Have been very busy in arranging the new S.S Library. Have done nearly nothing else all day long. a little windy March Sunday, 26 1871 Attended morning mission S.S.; Church in morning and evening: Perry Street Mission S.S and prayer meeting in evening. Two were baptised this evenig in an exceedingly solemn manner at our church. snow-storm March Monday, 27 1871 Attended school and took my music lesson caught an awful cold on the chest. Soaked my feet and went to bed in the early hours of the evening. March Tuesday, 28 1871 Attended school and prayer meeting at the chapel. All of the Baptist ministers in Trenton came to our house to tea tonight. Had a very pleasant time very cool March Wednesday, 29 1871 Attended school. practised my music. In the evening studied my lessons. very pleasant March Thursday, 30 1871 Attended school and about same as yesterday damp March Friday, 31 1871 About same as yesterday very pleasant
April Saturday, 1 1871 Very stormy day Therefore have stayed in the house most of the time. Went out to the chapel and arranged the library. Studied my Virgil in the evening. April Sunday, 2 1871 Attended Morning Mission S.S; church in the morning; Sunday school in afternoon; prayer meeting in eve; church in eve. Katie Harl and Anna Walters were baptised tonight. Gave out our new library books today for the first time. very pleasant April Monday, 3 1871 Attended school. Studied my lessons in the evening until 11:30 P.M rainy April
Attended school. and was examined in Reading, Spelling, Algebra and Greek. Jos. Capner and his mother was here today. Attended meeting at the chapel Judson S. Hill preached. It was the first time I ever heard him preach. May God send down his blessings upon him abundantly. dusty April Wednesday, 5 1871 Attended school and passed examination in Rhetoric and Greek. Did very well in R. and middling in Greek. Wrote a letter to T.A Jameson. breezy April
Attended school and passed examination in Writing. Studied in the evening. Took my music lesson. fine April Friday, 7 1871 As school broke up yesterday, of course according to Axiom 1432791 I did not go. But I have worked like a tropper all day long. Helped him put in 3 loads of saw-dust into ice-house. Attended prayer meeting. Harry went down counrty with Uncle Ed and Aunt Moll warm April Saturday, 8 1871 Have been busy all day. Went to Cousin Sarah Hill's funeral. Helped in the store all the evening and at 11 oclock I cannot stand straight on them hot April Sunday, 9 1871 Attended Perry Street Mission S.S; prayer meeting and church in the evening at 4 oclock, 82 in shade April Monday, 10 1871 It is election day and many are in the street Have been busy in the store. Raymond has been taken sick; something like the croup. warm April Tuesday, 11 1871 Took my music lesson. Alfred Cubberly came here to board. Fire companies are now having a torch light procession in honor of their newly elected chief, John A Weart warm April Wednesday, 12 1871 Helped 'put in' a load of wood. Attended prayer meeting in evening. cool April Thursday, 13 1871 Took a walk over on the gravel, trying to get some 'guinea foal' and jasper but did not get any of either. cool April Friday, 14 1871 Helped 'put in' a load of saw dust at the ice house. Raymond is very poor. cool April Saturday, 15 1871 Been busy all day long. Harry came home from the country. excellent April Sunday, 16 1871 Attended church, Sunday School, young christians prayer meeting and service in evening. Mr Keyser being absent, Mr Hyde preached in morning and Mr Studiford (Presbyterian) in evening. Raymond suffers a great deal. "Thy will, Oh Father, and not ours, be done" very pleasant April Monday, 17 1871 Did not attend school. Reasons: Ray is very sick and helped "put in" more saw-dust. Raymond may not survive until morning. May God grant that he shall live and be of much use in the world. nice April Tuesday, 18 1871 Attended school; helped in the store; studied in the evening. Raymond was a little brighter this morning. May God be pleased to allow him to remain on this beautiful earth splendid April Wednesday, 19 1871 Attended school. My term ave. for last gr is 98.5 and ex. ave is 95. Studied in evening. rainy April Thursday, 20 1871 Had one session at school; but I was excused at 12 oclock. Ray is better; thank the Lord! Pa was taken sick last night with a heavy cold and has been abed all day. rainy April Friday, 21 1871 Attended school in morning, but in afternoon did not go. Helped in store. Ray is about same; Pa's throat pains him worse. Still abed. Doctor W. says it is the quinsy very pleasant April Saturday, 22 1871 Been in store all day. Father has got the quinsy; is about as yesteday. Ray is improving slowly thank God. cloudy April Sunday, 23 1871 Attended morning mission S.S church in morning, Perry St Mission in afternoon, prayer meeting in eve and church at night. Father is a great deal better and Raymond about as yesterday. charming April Monday, 24 1871 Bessie was taken sick today and is very low. Pa is better and Raymond ditto Did not go to school today. nice April Tuesday, 25 1871 Bessie died today of the scarlet fever. We have now a very sad household. Pa is better at his first food since taken sick. Raymond is very much brighter. It came so suddenly. She only lived 36 hours after she was taken sick "Thy will be done" It is Lyman's twin next to be sick. May God spare him too pleasant April Wednesday, 26 1871 Have not been out of the house all day. The day has passed sadly enough. Mr Weaver kindly requested to pay for the wreath for darling Bessie. Ma gave me a small penknife of Bessie's as a keepsake. warm April Thursday, 27 1871 Took our last look at and placed Bessie under the sod. Oh how sad I feel! Having idolized Bessie! God in his great wisdom and perhaps as a punishment has removed her from our midst. It drizzled so sadly as we went to the funeral. rainy April Friday, 28 1871 Although I might have done so, I did not go to school today, but stayed in the store with Lizzie. very rainy April Saturday, 29 1871 Have been in the store all day long and am very tired. very warm with one short heavy shower April Sunday, 30 1871 Attended church; Perry St. S.S, Young Christians prayer meeting. How lonely the house seems without the presence of departed Bessie. I can hardly realize that she has passed away; it seems so much like a dream. warm
May Monday, 1 1871 For the first time in a week, attended school. My last weeks averages are to be dropped entirely from the record. Studied in the evening. Received today the first strawberries of the season. healthy May Tuesday, 2 1871 Attended school; studied in evening. Raymond is considerably worse. warm May Wednesday, 3 1871 Attended school. Studied in the evening. Helped in the store. Lyman was taken sick day before yesterday and today is very sick. The doctor says it is not but we think it is the scarlet fever warm ch to rainy May Thursday, 4 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening. Raymond and Lyman are both somewhat better. very hard rain May Friday, 5 1871 Had one session at school. Wrote a composition in the evening. Al and I took a walk after supper. rainy May Saturday, 6 1871 Have been busy in the store all day. Raymond and Lyman are both a great deal better very rainy May Sunday, 7 1871 Attended morning mission and Perry St. Sunday School and also service in the morning. very pleasant May Monday, 8 1871 Attended school. Wrote a lot of notices for Father warm May Tuesday, 9 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening. warm May Wednesday, 10 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening Uncle Ed. and Joanna cam up to stay today for a few days. Uncle commenced to tear out the kitchen partition to fix it differently cool but pleasant May Thursday, 11 1871 Am sixteen years old today. Attended school. Helped in the store. Attended a meeting at the chapel. jolly May Friday, 12 1871 Attended school. Studied lessons in evening. Stayed after school and played base-ball. Raymond, Lyman and Pa are all getting better fast. Ly is going to school on Monday. pleasant May Saturday, 13 1871 Have been very busy all day long. In the morning walked out to Darrah and Bateman's coalyard. The (D&B) had no coal in the yard. warm May Sunday, 14 1871 Attended morning service, and Sunday school in afternoon. Walked down to the Riverview Cemetary; the first time since Bessie died. beautiful May Monday, 15 1871 Attended school. Played baseball. Wrote a composition warm May Tuesday, 16 1871 Attended school. Read and studied in evening. Took my music lesson. pleasant May Wednesday, 17 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening. Helped in store. Played baseball after school this afternoon. rainy ch to pleasant May Thursday, 18 1871 Attended school. Harry went but came home sick with a heavy fever ~~~ May Friday, 19 1871 Attended school Helped in the store. Went to prayer meeting Harry is a little better. Raymond's ear is in a very bad state. It may burst and affect his skull. warm May Saturday, 20 1871 Helped in the store all day long Wrote out and delivered some slips for the Ladies Aid Society. oppressive May Sunday, 21 1871 Attended church morning and evening; sunday school in afternoon; and young christians prayer meeting very warm May Monday, 22 1871 Attended school. cool May Tuesday, 23 1871 Attended school pleasant May Wednesday, 24 1871 Attended school. Studied and helped in the store in the evening. After the Opera we were quite busy pleasant May Thursday, 25 1871 Attended school. Studied til 11.15 P.M. Pa came out to school today. warm May Friday, 26 1871 Attended school. Had one session and our five weeks exercised. Had a very hard and sudden shower; but in was all over in half an hour very hot May Saturday, 27 1871 Been busy all day in store. Have got a racking headache sultry May Sunday, 28 1871 Felt sick and did not go anywhere except to Sunday School. After had got a bout half way home I had to go back again for a book hot May Monday, 29 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening. Had one session. The Fire Dept. had a grand parade and picnic very warm May Tuesday, 30 1871 Decoration day did not have school. In eve had our S.S anniversary. Everything went off finely. hot May Wednesday, 31 1871 Attended school. Took my music lesson hot with 1 heavy shower
June Thursday, 1 1871 Attended school in morning but not in afternoon. Big wedding order today. Wrote letter to Jud. at Hamilton Studied in evening. warm June Friday, 2 1871 Attended school; Had one session. Went in to swim. Attended monring mission exhibition. pleasant June Saturday, 3 1871 Busy in store all day long hot June Sunday, 4 1871 Attended Morning Mission S.S; churchin morning Sunday School in afternoon; Y.M.C.A prayer meeting; and Young Christians prayer in meeting. Communion today. warm ch to rain June Monday, 5 1871 Attended school. Practised my music. Studied my lessons in evening. warm June Tuesday, 6 1871 Attended school. Took a music lesson. Studied in evening. Cousin Joe Capner came here on a visit. warm June Wednesday, 7 1871 Attended school; and the festival of the church with Lizzie. Studied in the evening until 12.15 P.M. cloudy ch. rain June Thursday, 8 1871 Did not go to school. Lida, Lyman and Pa all went down country. Lida stayed. Rest came home. Studied till 11 P.M pleasant June Friday, 9 1871 Attended school. Helped in store. Studied in evening. First night this week I have gone to bed before 11 oclock. warm June Saturday, 10 1871 Collected pew rents, and made about 80 cts by so doing received 5% for collecting warm June Sunday, 11 1871 Attended Morning Mission S.S; church, morning and evening; Perry Street S.S; and Young Christians prayer meeting. Intended to go down to the cemetary but the rain stopped us. warm ch to rain June Monday, 12 1871 Attended school. very small number there in morning on a/c of rain Studied an helped in store in eve. R Willie Fuller paid Harry and I $18.00 for stamps. Profit is $1.50 apiece. rain ch. to pleasant June Tuesday, 13 1871 Attended school. Took music lesson. Went up to Henry Robinson's. Wrote letter to Judson Hill sultry June Wednesday, 14 1871 Attended school. and in the eve a meeting of Trenton Baptist Association. Had more than our share of visitors; twenty for dinner and 3 for lodgings pleasant June Thursday, 15 1871 Attended school. Busy all day. Studied at night George Roy saved a boys life today by catching him while sinking in the water power Annie Brewer's father was drowned at Dydensburg NY. Association sent a lot more folks here to dinner. pleasant June Friday, 16 1871 Attended school Had one session. Passed examination in Greek, Rhetoric, Elecution & Composition. Think I did well in all. Attended church in evening. delightful June Saturday, 17 1871 Been in the store all day long. Very tired and sleepy cool ch to rainy June Sunday, 18 1871 The morning school was turned into a prayer meeting. Had a (strin) attended at both church and Perry Street Sunday School got coughs in the rain exceedingly rainy June Monday, 19 1871 Attended school, and passed examination in Latin Ave in Latin 94, in Greek, 94, in Eloc. 98; in Writing 99, Spelling and Composition each 100; Rhetoric 96. June Tuesday, 20 1871 Attended one session of school and received any certificate. Pa gave me word that I might go to the commencement exercises at Hightstown. Glad to go. pleasant ch wet. June Wednesday, 21 1871 delightful June Thursday, 22 1871 Yesterday attended the commencement of the N.J.C&S.I at Hightstown. Pleased very much Got on the wrong car in coming home. Ma, Mr&Mrs Murphy hired a carriage and went to Princeton Junction; from there home by rail. Cousin Louisa and myself remained at Hightstown and came home in morning. Pa dismissed the boy from the store. I take his place and wages pleasant June Friday, 23 1871 Have had the disentery this last 3 days. Took a dose of Jamaica Ginger tonight. Felt awful lazy. Business has been more slack today than any day for a long time notwithstanding the weather middling warm June Saturday, 24 1871 Been in the store all day. The boy in the store left today and on Monday I am to take his place. wet & rainy June Sunday, 25 1871 Attended Morning Mission S.S; church in morning, and Perry St. Mission in afternoon. Intended going down to Riverview cemetary but did not feel well. tip-top June Monday, 26 1871 Been in store all day long; am very tired and sleepy. Commenced today to receive wages for my work. Pay not very heavy; $1.00 per week. Sufficient to keep me in spending money. warm June Tuesday, 27 1871 Have been in the store all day. Am getting over the disentery very rapidly. pleasant June Wednesday, 28 1871 Been in the store almost all day. Attended church in evening. Read considerable in a book of Harry's, named "Wonders of Insect Life." wet and rainy June Thursday, 29 1871 Been busy in store especially in afternoon and evening, as Lizzie went up to see her mother. fine June Friday, 30 1871 Not much to do in store today. Pa sent me to the bank and the money a/c came out 9 dollars short. Was scared but found out at length that the a/c was not counted right. Aunt Moll came up and had her baby's picture taken. splendid
July Saturday, 1 1871 Finished my first weeks full work. Lyman came home from Aunt Sue Hart's where he has been for the last two weeks. Wrote a letter to Cousin Edwin. rain ch to cool July Sunday, 2 1871 Attended morning Mission S.S; church in morning; Perry Street Mission, and church in evening. Our church has secured the services of a splendid choir. Took a walk in afternoon, and called on Mr&Mrs Murphy Went in, for the first time, to see new Catholic Cathedral. cloudy ch to clear July Monday, 3 1871 Business not very brisk, on account of weather. Hope we will have a nice day tomorrow. Joanna Evernham came up today to help us invon tomorrow. Lizzie expects to go home with Joe. cloudy July Tuesday, 4 1871 The Glorious (?) busy in store today fine fireworks were left off at Coranover and Greene. Shot our fireworks at about half past 11 P.M Pa gave me 50 cts. sometimes splendid sometimes cloudy July Wednesday, 5 1871 Did not get up until 1/4 to seven worked hard till 11 P.M. Ann Eliza Hill the cook, left of her own accord with about 10 minutes warning warm July Thursday, 6 1871 In the afternoon Pa gave free and I taking a friend went boat riding on the river. The South Trenton Musical Association met here this evening. Someone cracked one of our large store windows on the fourth This is the third window on this block that has lately been served this way cost of window $190.00 hot ch to rain July Friday, 7 1871 Lizzie and Joanna went down country this afternoon. Lizzie is almost sick and is going to stay two weeks. I rode out of the depot with them. Busy in store Ma is being, for the time present, cook; she is better than any cook that we ever had warm July Saturday, 8 1871 In the afternoon took a walk out to the chapel, which has been nicely papered and washed. Busy in store, espeically in the evening. Ice cream begins to see better 200 & 300 qts on a Saturday. hot July Sunday, 9 1871 Attended Morning Mission S.S. church in morning, and evening and Perry St. Mission warm July Monday, 10 1871 Busy in store close July Tuesday, 11 1871 Ma, this evening went to Titusville Rained very very hard when she went. An excursion by Uro Lance Masons went to Long Branch today 21 carloads, 600 pev plus. Harry had a linen coat given him. It was too large for him and therefore I am wearing it rainy July Wednesday, 12 1871 Busy
in store today; and in evening went to attend church lecture. Subject,
A Rich Fool. A great riot came off in New York City today. between the
military and Protestant warm July Thursday, 13 1871 Middling busy in store warm July Friday, 14 1871 Been in store all day. Not so much to do but that I have plenty of time to do it in. Stemmed almost a whole box of raisins. warm July Saturday, 15 1871 Lida is splendid help in the store but she shows it more since LIzzie is down country Busy in store Stemmed a layer of raisons hot July Sunday, 16 1871 Attended Morning Mission and Perry Street Sunday Schools; service in morning nad evening. (Mr John English preached) an able sermon this evening, from the text; Search the Scriptures, uc July Monday, 17 1871 Been in store all day. Did not feel very well in evening but soon got over it. warm July Tuesday, 18 1871 Very bad heachache tonight. cool in doors, hot out July Wednesday, 19 1871 Been in store all day long. Had a head-ache when I woke up this morning. Been in chill weather lately dull July Thursday, 20 1871 Heard from Lizzie She is coming home on Saturday. Was not very well during the first part of her visit. Cousin Joanna was also sick. Felt very sleepy now at half past two P.M. cool July Friday, 21 1871 In the afternoon took two boquets for my sisters grave and with Lyman rode down in a hack to Riverview Cemetary Came home by the side fo the canals. Stopped in O.O Bowman Lina Cotton Works and went all through them cool July Saturday, 22 1871 Trade has been exceedingly dull this last 3 weeks: and not only in our business but in all kinds Lizzie came home today from Aunt Moll's. pleasant July Sunday, 23 1871 Attended Morning Mission S.S.; church in morning, Perry St Mission S.S, Teachers meeting, Young Christians Prayer meeting and church in evening. After sunday shool took a walk with Mr Everett, a young dentist, first to see the new R.C. church and then to his house. very pleasant July Monday, 24 1871 Pared the apples for pies; practised for about half an hour; was in the Y.M.C.A rooms. In store rest of the time July Tuesday, 25 1871 very chilly, seems more like December than July. If this weather last our excursion will be a grand fizzle instead of "grand suc (sic) success." Have had a severe cold in the head this last few days exceedingly chilly July Wednesday, 26 1871 Received a letter from Frank Jameson and commenced to write one. Attended church service in the evening cool July Thursday, 27 1871 Carrie Randolph came on a visit here today. Aunt Sue Hart- who gave me a gold ring- came today to go on the excursion. pleasant ending with rain July Friday, 28 1871 Went on an excursion to Long Branch.. Had a good time. Dipped myself in cold Ocean for the first time. excellent July Saturday, 29 1871 Yesterday I was in the water too long and caught cold. Lizzie has had a very bad cold on the chest for a long time. Uncle Sime and Aunt Mag came up to town to day. I expected to go home with them but changed my mind Lyman went with them to stay for an indefinite time showery July Sunday, 30 1871 Attended morning mission Sunday School church service in morning and Perrty St S.S Mr Keyser our pastor preached a quarterly blackboard sermon to the Sunday Schools. pleasant ch to rain July Monday, 31 1871 In store all day long. Nothing unusual excepting hail in a thunderstorm this afternoon Storms and showers come regular now everyday. Made a boat to take down country with me tomorrow to give to Richy Evemhaum warm with hailshower
August Tuesday, 1 1871 In store until about half past five P.M. and then went down country with Uncle Ed to his place. In the evening walked over to Uncle Jimmy yards with Curles for a beam to weigh ice with. The ride in the wagon was first rate. (?) throughout the U.S are only middling this summer. splendid, in afterrnoon a short shower August Wednesday, 2 1871 Attended Harvest Home of Allentown ME church. Spent $1.50 Had a splendid time. Came home about 11:30 P.M. Made an acequaintance with several nice girls, Spent two dollars saw lots of relatives and friends, and had a good time generally. Profits of H.H $242.01 good August Thursday, 3 1871 Went blackberrying in morning. Was over to Uncle Narhors in the afternoon helping Evert and Eddie haul out manure. Uncle Ed went to bed sick with quinsy sore throat Grandfather has been a great deal worse lately and fears are entertained that he may not live long. splendid August Friday, 4 1871 Curles and I threshed Uncle Ed's timothy seed for him. He is very little better Aunt Mary even has come to Uncle Ed's a visiting. Wrote a letter to Harry good with a short shower in afternoon August Saturday, 5 1871 Went down to Robin's woods and saw the men cut rails. Richy Land's father came here to see him. first rate August Sunday, 6 1871 Uncle Ed still sick. Joanna, Curles and I attended Sunday School and M.E church at Allentown Hartson and Em Everham and their mother, relatives of Uncle, came to see him in the afternoon. fine August Monday, 7 1871 About the middle of the afternoon I started for Uncle Simon Dillentush's arriving there, I rode with Cousin Willie to Newtown for a load of marl. (The marl comes from the Squankum Marl Beds. A great many hundred tons of marl are annually used in this section of the country) excellent August Tuesday, 8 1871 Helped Willie haul marl form the Newtown station. Lyman, who is staying at Uncle Nahon's came over today to see me and get his clothes which he had left at here. (Lyman had "been helping haul dung" but looked as though he had been playing with the pigs; such a dirty boy and happy) warm August Wednesday, 9 1871 All, except Willie, Clark and I have gone to the excursion of the Hamilton Square Church Long Branch. Willie shot 5 robins; we broiled them and ate them. Wrote a letter to Lizzie. The excursionists all say that they had lots of fun bathing Pearson was afraid to venture in. very good August Thursday, 10 1871 Helped haul one load of marl. In evening went to Uncle Nahor's to stay till Saturday. Willie Pierson, Clark, and I went fishing. Started about 6 o'clock and returned at 3 PM I caught fifteen; more than any of the others. Ate a great many peaches, apples and pears. pretty warm August Friday, 11 1871 Was sick all day long. Reason:-Ate too much green fruit yesterday. In bed the biggest part of the morning. Received a letter from home; smallpox in Trenton. Lyman and I took a basket of apples over to Uncle George Yard's in the evening while the boys were milking. good August Saturday, 12 1871 Aunt Dinah and Cousin Lavine came to spend the day at Uncle Nahor's Aunt Dinah washed grandfather and fixed him nicely Towards night traveled over to Uncle Ed's; met Curles on the road going to Allentown. Joanna is at Cranberry to stay till next Wednesday. hot August Sunday, 13 1871 Attended Sabbath School (and taught a class of small boys) and the Methodist Church at Allentown, of which Uncle & Aunt and Cousin Joanna are members. (Uncle Ed took Joanna to the doctors on Thursday. Poor thing! he said she had the heart disease. She has been aching for a long while) splendid August Monday, 14 1871 Uncle Ed and I rode about 4 miles from here to a place called Egg Tavern, after peaches for Aunt Moll to can Got only 1 basket; not what we wanted Aunt Moll had company to dinner (peaches, in his section of the country are worth about 75 cents a basket) warm & cloudy August Tuesday, 15 1871 Intended going home today but at length concluded to remain until tomorrow. Helped Aunt Moll can a basket of peaches August Wednesday, 16 1871 Started to go to the cars for home. Had a wheezy old horse and got to the depot just to late. Pa and Ma and Raymond came today on the cars today to stay a couple of days. We all went to Uncle Sime's At night Pa and Ma went to Uncle Nahor's to see grandfather I attended church this morning hot August Thursday, 17 1871 Came home in the cars. Was in the store. Had a splendid time while down country generally. warm August Friday, 18 1871 Lizzie was out of the store almost all day. Pa and Ma came home in the evening. George (our cream maker) and I carried 4 qts of cream about a mile out in the country to Mr Abner Chamber's warm August Saturday, 19 1871 Lizzie sick all day. Found 75 cts cool August Sunday, 20 1871 Attended Morning Mission S.S, church, Perry St Mission S.S, young christian prayer meeting, and church in the evening Mr. John English preached for us. warm August Monday, 21 1871 Grand Firemens Parade today. Harry, Geo. Roy and Mr Frank Foster went fishing this afternoon and caught 100 fishes in 2 1/2 hours. Commenced to lay the Nicholson pavement today on our block warm August Tuesday, 22 1871 Nothing unusual. Commenced in earnest and laid considerable of the Nicholson pavement warm August Wednesday, 23 1871 Found ten dollars and restored it to the owner, Dr Lily, of Lambertville N.J He did not even thank me. Poor man! How his manners must have been neglected I pity him! drizzly August Thursday, 24 1871 Same routine as usual. Took a walk over on the Grand. cloudy August Friday, 25 1871 Been a rainy day. Worked some of my minerals smooth. rainy August Saturday, 26 1871 Busy in store. The minister who is to preach for us tomorrow is staying at our house. warm August Sunday, 27 1871 Attended morning mission and Perry St Mission S.S's: church in morning; prayer meeting and temperence meeting. Had a big watermelon for dinner hot and cloudy August Monday, 28 1871 In the store all day. August Tuesday, 29 1871 had a headache in afternoon and evening. George, Mr Foster and I took a load ride down the river in the evening. Mattie McConley and Will Ricker came today to pay us a visit. warm August Wednesday, 30 1871 Frank Jameson came today to spend a few days with me. Today is Lizzie's birthday, I gave her a volume of Tenneson's poems. showery August Thursday, 31 1871 Frank left for home today. Had a walk down to the flint mills cool
September Friday, 1 1871 Had my hair cut today. Price 15 cts. Attended covenant meeting in the evening, Business very dull. Studied Latin Grammar for next week. Read "Enoch Arden" by Tenneson pleasant September Saturday, 2 1871 Last day of vacation Uncle Joshua Norton has the smallpox and is not expected to recover. cool September Sunday, 3 1871 Uncle Joshua Norton died at 11:30 last night and was buried at 5 oclock this morning. Pa was up half the night seeing about the permit for burial and digging grave Attended both S.S's, church in morning (Dr Eaton preached) and Central M.E Church in evening excellent September Monday, 4 1871 Went to the Academy for the first time, Like the school very well. Harry sold his stamp album. fine September Tuesday, 5 1871 Mr Grovesnor gives slapping long lesson Took a walk in the city with George's cousin, Miss Clark. wamr September Wednesday, 6 1871 Attended school. Pa bought a flag 14 ft. long September Thursday, 7 1871 Attended school in morning but was excused in afternoon. The Republican State Convention met in Trenton today. We were extraordinary busy mild September Friday, 8 1871 Did not attend school in the afternoon. The painters commenced to paint our store today. My average in studies for the week was 91.6 good September Saturday, 9 1871 Studied, helped in the store. good September Sunday, 10 1871 Attended Morning Mission and Perry Street Mission S.S's church in morning. Mr Keyser is back from his summer vacation. He took tea with us splendid September Monday, 11 1871 Attended school; studied in evening September Tuesday, 12 1871 Attended school; studied in evening September Wednesday, 13 1871 Attended school in morning but not in afternoon. The Democratic State Convention met in Trenton today. We were very busy in the store. cloudy in morning September Thursday, 14 1871 Attended school in morning but not in the afternoon. cold and chilly September Friday, 15 1871 Had one session at school today. Weather so cold that fired wonto not make a house uncomfortable. cold and rainy September Saturday, 16 1871 Been rather busy in store today. cool September Sunday, 17 1871 Attended church both morning and evening; Perry St Mission S. cool September Monday, 18 1871 Attended school September Tuesday, 19 1871 Attended school in the evening went to Taylor Hall to see Cromwell's Art Exhibition cool September Wednesday, 20 1871 Attended school in morning. In afternoon went to the N.J State Agricultural Fair Expense $1.25 cold September Thursday, 21 1871 Attended school cool September Friday, 22 1871 Attended school cool September Saturday, 23 1871 Busy in store cold September Sunday, 24 1871 Attended church in morning also Sunday School in morning and afternoon pleasant September Monday, 25 1871 Attended school Studied in evening. Was reading in the Rooms of the Y.M.C.A an hour. pleasant September Tuesday, 26 1871 Attended school Studied in evening At school I studied Greek Grammar, Latin Caesar, Greenleafs, Algebra, Greenleafs Geometry, Declamation, Composition, and Writings. pleasant September Wednesday, 27 1871 Attended school Mrs. Griffith, Willie and Murray came to visit us today Willie returned to the Hightstown Institute, where at present he is going to school. Mrs G. & Murry remain yet for 2 days splendid September Thursday, 28 1871 Attended school. At noon went out ot he commons and saw a balloon ascension; also a woman walk a tight rope. cool and bracing September Friday, 29 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening September Saturday, 30 1871 Busy in store today. A great many Princeton College students came in to get their supper Baseball Match between the Trenton club and a Phila. one. Also, a firemens parade. splendid
October Sunday, 1 1871 Attended church in morning and Sunday School both morning and afternoon cool October Monday, 2 1871 Attended school. We had a Grand Torchlight procession here tonight. very pleasant October Tuesday, 3 1871 Attended school drizzly October Wednesday,4 1871 Attended school. Had a headache in evening and retired early. Don't have to study as much now out of school as I did a few weeks ago. clear as a bell October Thursday, 5 1871 Attended school October Friday, 6 1871 Attended school. Saw several experiments in chemistry at the academy. Read a composition on "How Igot on the Wrong Train." very rainy October Saturday, 7 1871 Very busy all day in store. Bought a suit of neat thick every-day clothes and overcoat. Had about sixty (60) Princeton College students in for supper. They came down to Trenton to see a match game of baseball. cool October Sunday, 8 1871 Attended church both morning and evening; Morning Mission and Perry Street S.S; also Young Christians Prayer Meeting. splendid October Monday, 9 1871 Attended school. Received from the publishers a "History of the City of Trenton" by John E. Raum. Price $2.50 October Tuesday, 10 1871 Attended school October Wednesday, 11 1871 Attended school In the evening went to a meeting to collect funds for the relief of Chicago, which has been partly reduced to ashes About $170 00 was subscribed in less than an hour. Good for Trenton very hot October Thursday, 12 1871 Attended school clear and cold October Friday, 13 1871 Attended school Gave 1.00 to the Chicago Relief Fund and had a short and spicy piece about it in the "Sentinel." cool October Saturday, 14 1871 Been rather busy in store. Wrote a letter to my cousin Judson Hill, at Madison University. Wrote the letter in Latin. very pleasant October Sunday, 15 1871 Attended Morning Mission S.S; church in morning; Perry St Mission S.S; and prayer meeting at the Alms House and church in evening, with Mr Frank Foster at Mr Thorns church. Subscribed 60 cts for the Home Mission Society warm ch to rain cool October Monday, 16 1871 Attended school ave. for last week 81.6. Studied in evening. excellent October Tuesday, 17 1871 Attended school. Read in evening Our ice cream maker, George, who has been away 10 days returned today. Wrote a letter to Willie H. Forst, who is attending school at Chester Pa. excellent October Wednesday, 18 1871 Lida and Pa went to Hightstown to attend to an order. I did not go to school today. cold October Thursday, 19 1871 Attended school and in the evening went to chapel in Perry Street. Studied after I came home. nice October Friday, 20 1871 Attended school. Read "The Store of William the Silent," in the evening. Pa was very sick last night; did not expect him to live till morning. He had a severe and sudden attack of cholera morbus. But, thank God! He is better now. cool October Saturday, 21 1871 Busy in store today. Pa is very much better. He went out and got shaved. He is very weak, so much so that he can hardly walk. Received letters from Judson S. Hill and Willie H. Forst. cold October Sunday, 22 1871 Attended Morning Mission S.S; church both morning and evening; Perry St. S.S. Our church voted tonight to adopt the new Baptist Hymn Book. splendid October Monday, 23 1871 Attended school. In the evening went to a church "sociable," held this evening at the parsonage. Pa is nearly well now although very weak. Average at school for last week, 88.8 pleasant October Tuesday, 24 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening Heard Mr Pangborn speak in the Republican Mase Meeting. Am getting along slowly but surely in school. pleasant ch. to cold October Wednesday, 25 1871 This is the state of Ma- Unconceivably commenced to write the piece that I am going to speak Friday. Attended school and church meeting in evening. cold & rainy October Thursday, 26 1871 Attended school. in the evening went to the house of our pastor, Mr Lehas Keyser. About 18 young men were present, had a very pleasant time. cool and foggy October Friday, 27 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening. Have got a job to perform that will keep busy a couple of weeks. I have to direct about 600 circulars. misty October Saturday, 28 1871 Been busy in store today. So busy that i have had time to look at my lessons only about 1/2 hour. Ma went down to Holmdel, to stay a week. Afterward she goes from there to Paterson. Pa went to Phila today on business. cool October Sunday, 29 1871 Attended church service morning and evening; Morning Mission and Perry St. S.S. and Young Peoples Prayer Meeting cool October Monday, 30 1871 Attended school. Nothing unusual. warm October Tuesday, 31 1871 Attended school and afterward had a nice carriage ride with Peter Katzenback. This evening several young ladies and young gentlemen met at our house to practice a piece for next Sunday. I have had, since Sunday, a terribly bad cold in the head cool
November Wedesday, 1 1871 Pa and Lida were both gone out of the store today; Pa had a wedding at 3 P.M in Bordentown and a party at 10 P.M at Lawrenceville. Therefore I did not go to school. cool November Thursday, 2 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening. cool November Friday, 3 1871 Attended school and in the evening went covenant meeting. After school tonight stayed and played ball in the school yard excellent November Saturday, 4 1871 Lizzie started for Paterson this morning... She expects to meet Ma at Jersey City. coldest of the season November Sunday, 5 1871 Attends Perry St Mission; church in evening and also Young Christians Prayer Meeting. cool November Monday, 5 1871 Attended school. Average last week 85.6. Went to the Sociable made a guess on the "Parsonage pumpkin" one that grew in the ministers yard. My guess was the nearest being 86 lbs. The pumpkin weighed 85. very cold November Tuesday, 7 1871 Attended school in morning but not in afternoon. Had a terrible headache in afternoon and evening. Received a letter from Lizzie. cool November Wednesday, 8 1871 Attended school. Wrote a letter to Ma and Lizzie. Studied my Greek in evening. pleasant November Thursday, 9 1871 Attended school. In the evening went out to the depot with a lady to see whether a friend of her's has come from Altoona, PA. She had not come. excellent November Friday, 10 1871 Attended school in morning but not in the afternoon Went to Prayer Meeting in evening very rainy November Saturday, 11 1871 Been busy in store today. Wrote a letter to Cousin Judson, at Madison University, Hamilton, N.J. pleasant November Sunday, 12 1871 Attended church in evening, and also both Sunday Schools. cool November Monday, 13 1871 Attended school morning and afternoon ave. for last week 92.6 Averages for last yr Scholarship 89.8 Deportment 98.6 days absent 5 1/2 times tardy 2 New gr begins today. My tuition fee is $12 cool November Tuesday, 14 1871 Attended school Had one session on a/c of the stormy weather. Expected Ma and Lizzie, ever since Saturday, but they have not come yet. very very rainy November Wednesday, 15 1871 Did not go to school in afternoon. Stayed home and took care of Raymond and only went in the morning. Ma and Lizzie have not come yet; do not know the reason why. Last night the Wesley M.E Church (colored) was burned to the ground. clear and cool November Thursday, 16 1871 Attended school. Ma and Lizzie came home today. They borught presents for all. I received a silver napkin ring from Ma and W'Novum Testamentum Graece," from sister Lizzie. snow and blow November Friday, 17 1871 Attended school; went to bed early with a bad headache. cool November Saturday 18, 1871 Been in store all day. Been busy most of the time Received the new singing books "The Baptist Hymn and Time Books" Harry and I had a present of one between us. (price $1.60) excellent November Sunday, 19 1871 Attended church in morning and evening, Morning Mission and Perry St. Mission Sunday Schools; young christians prayer meeting; and a meeting of the Y.M.C.A. cloudy November Monday, 20 1871 Attended school. Last weeks average 97.2 Am quite proud of it. very rainy November Tuesday, 21 1871 Attended school. pleasant November Wednesday, 22 1871 Attended school in morning but not in afternoon. Lida and Pa went to Philadelphia to purchase Christmas goods. excellent November Thursday, 23 1871 Attended school. We have a football at school and have a great deal of fun with it. very cool November Friday, 24 1871 Attended school in morning but not in afternoon. Went out to the depot to see the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia. did not see him. Got soaking wet in the rain. wet and dismal November Saturday, 25 1871 Busy in store Bought a book called "A Treatise on Gems" pleasant November Sunday, 26 1871 Attended Morning Mission and Perry St. S.S. also church in morning. cool November Monday, 27 1871 Went to school in morning; but not in afternoon. Frank Jameson came to visit me. Mr & Mrs Strader on the opposite side of the street had a "muss" about 11 P.M. cool November Tuesday, 28 1871 Attended school. At night went to Taylor Hall to hear Mr. Dickenson lecture on the "Antiquities of this Country" Lyman and Lidy went to Uncle Ed's. cold November Wednesday, 29 1871 Attended school and church in morning. No more school till Monday. What bliss! hmm! Shoo fly. awful cold November Thursday, 30 1871 Thanksgiving closed store at noon saw a military parade; attended church at the Perry St. Chapel and heard Mr John English preach a good sermon. Pa and I went out to Normal Hill to turn out some ice cream. awful cold
December Friday, 1 1871 Lida and Lyman came home. Unpacked our Christmas goods about 225 dollars worth. cold December Saturday, 2 1871 Busy in store. Received a letter from Judson and wrote one in return. cold December Sunday, 3 1871 Attended church in morning; Perry St. and Morning Mission S.S first snow December Monday, 4 1871 Attended school. Last weeks average 89 snow and cold December Tuesday, 5 1871 In the evening a teachers meeting was held at our house. Attended school very cold December Wednesday, 6 1871 Attended school; and prayer meeting in evening. cold December Thursday, 7 1871 Attended school. Pa went to New York yesterday morning and returned tonight Intended on going skating today but the ice turned to slosh cold December Friday, 8 1871 Attended school and also church in the evening. Am getting a long very well in school. Expect to commence reading the Anabasis in a very short time. Am reading the 3rd book of Caesar's commentaries. warmer December Saturday, 9 1871 Busy in store. Bought a "Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon" Price $4.75 cool December Sunday, 10 1871 Attended church in morning; Morning Mission and Perry St. S.S; and also Young Christians Prayer Meeting. cool December Monday, 11 1871 Attended school. Ave last week was 92.1 The church sociable was held at our house this evening. Went skating today; first time this year. pleasant December Tuesday, 12 1871 Attended school. Studied in the evening excellent December Wednesday, 13 1871 Attended school. Studied some in the evening. rainy December Thursday, 14 1871 Attended school. Studied during the evening. cool December Friday, 15 1871 Attended school and also church meeting in the evening cold December Saturday, 16 1871 very busy in store today cold December Sunday, 17 1871 Attended Morning Mission and (Sunday) Perry St. Mission S.S's church in morning; young christians prayer meeting, and Dr Hall's Presbyterian church in evening. cloudy December Monday, 18 1871 Attended school. Studied my lessons in the evening. Commenced to read Zenophon Anabasis. S.E Cheeseman and I are the only ones in the Greek class. Last week's average 79.2. Was down very low in Geometry, but all the other studies were good. drizzle December Tuesday, 19 1871 Attended school Studied in evening. Bought a book entitled, "Shifting Winds," for a Christmas present for Harry. snow 4in deep December Wednesday, 20 1871 Attended school. Borrowed a "Donegan's Greek Lexicon" of Wm H Brearley. I can now have one at school and another at home. Wrote a composition Lizzie is not at all well. Am afraid she will have consumption unless something more effectual is tried. snow December Thursday, 21 1871 Attended school. Studied in evening Lizzie a little better. My time is mostly occupied as when I am out of schoo, I am in the store. down to zero December Friday, 22 1871 Attended school in morning but not in afternoon School closed until after the holidays. Raymond has got a the croup. Lizzie is a very little better. We set our shoes tonight. What will we get! We can know in the morning. snow December Saturday, 23 1871 We children received a large Taylor and Farley Organ, worth $225. I received shirt studs from Ma; wrapper from Ma; book called "The Sandal Wood Trader" from Harry; Don Quixote from Mr John McNeely; a dollar from Lida; and a watch chain from Ma. Busy in store not withstanding the weather. rain December Sunday, 24 1871 Attended church in morning and sunday school in afternoon. warm & spring like December Monday, 25 1871 Merry Christmas! very busy in store In the evening went with my father to a house of State Street to serve a party. foggy & drizzly December Tuesday, 26 1871 Busy in store pleasant December Wednesday, 27 1871 Had a headache. Attended lecture at church in evening. cold December Thursday, 28 1871 In store all day Will be glad when school commences, so that I can get out in the open air more. Lizzie has not been in the store for nearly a week and I have to take her place. cold December Friday, 29 1871 Attended meeting at church in evening. cloudy December Saturday, 30 1871 Rather busy in the store. Pa gave me my subscription to the S.S Teacher and cancelled a debt of one dollar in all $1.50. Quite a New Years present. rainy December Sunday, 31 1871 Put in a full day. Attended Morning Mission S.S; church in morning; Perry St. S.S; teachers meeting; Young Christians Prayer Meeting; church in evening; prayer meeting after church; and watch meeting at the Trinity M.E Church with Wm Lawton. Great New Year's present from Pa, viz; a note for $200.00 clear
Memoranda Clothes
Sunday School Coll.
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