Victory Parade

Mayoral Candidate's Responses to Trenton Historical Society's Question on Using Historic Assets
1) Among Trenton's assets are its historic sites, museums & landmark buildings. How will you use these assets to promote economic development in the city?

Frank Weeden

My answer is that I have far and away the most solid RECORD regarding all
these issues. You already know that.

-Restored six Trenton buildings
-Promoted preservation throughout my 25 years in this city
-Organized to save the Broad St. bank building
-Created a plan for the Broad St. Bank building district
-Organized to kill the Leewood project in Lamberton District
-Organized against other eminent domain taking of historic homes
-Helped with the Lamberton district historic designation
-Appeared three or four times at School Board to advocate for High School preservation
-and much more...

Please also see "platform" on

Alex Brown

  I demonstrated the value I place on those treasures by including photos of many of them on my campaign website ( ) back when I announced my candidacy last, Spring. We must combine celebrating our treasures while at the same time “rescuing” many of our treasures that are awaiting restoration. To quote from The Trenton Historical Society website, “Trenton has two of the most important resources needed to reinvent itself: An incredible building stock and intact, historic neighborhoods. These assets, combined with our parks, monuments and public buildings, comprise Trenton's physical heritage - a heritage that is unique, potentially very attractive, and increasingly in demand.”

Eric Jackson

  One of my top priorities as Mayor will be the economic revitalization of our City. Our Waterfront and downtown are both essential components of that revitalization, as are our historic sites, museums, and landmark buildings. As Mayor, I will promote Trenton as an arts, history, and cultural draw for the region. I will support a marketing campaign that promotes Trenton as a great place to live, work, shop or open a business, and as part of that marketing campaign, will promote Trenton's historic sites, museums and landmark buildings, encouraging greater attendance at these venues. I will continue to support the marketing and awareness efforts already underway, including the historic tours that are sponsored by the Trenton Historical Society and others. I will seek to create greater linkages within the City, such as hosting City events at our City's historic venues and promoting partnerships between the Trenton School system and our historic and cultural institutions.

Paul Pintella
  Trenton has a wealth of historic sites that are systemic of the colonial era and the post industrial era. I believe that its is imperative that Trenton take advantage of it cultural assets and market them year round through the City, Trenton Downtown Association, Beautiful Trenton, Contemporary Society, the Trenton Historical Society, and other entities that currently exist. I believe that revenue can be generated by tourism that would benefit the hotel, souvenir shops, dinning, create jobs and potentially spur on other economic opportunities. I also believe that integrating our waterways (river, canal, creek ) would also enhance the city's ability to attract people to the city.

Keith Hamilton

As you know, the Capital City of Trenton has a unique colonial history as being the seat of national government power. Our established motto speaks for itself, “ Trenton Makes the World Takes.” Therefore, these and other historic property assets, such as the Battle of Monument, will be used to promote economic development in the city by first confronting the challenges of establishing Trenton as a safe, “Zero Tolerance” environment, a sought-after historic tourist destination, and a magnet ripe for new businesses. Through federal, state, local, corporate and non-profit partnerships, we will use historic properties to promote local economic development by working hand-in-hand with the local, national and global print and broadcast media outlets to build awareness, interest and change negative perceptions to positive perceptions in order to enhance the unique heritage that Trenton has to offer. These actions would, thus, create the environment to strengthen our economy, as it would attract historic tourism and new businesses to the city. Hence, new job opportunities would be created to complement a newly educated or retrained workforce of Trentonians . In short, my administration will focus on restoring the City of Trenton to the prominence it once held by focusing on the 3 Es: Economics, Education and Empowerment.


John Harmon

I cannot over state what I feel about our capacity to generate revenue for our city by a visionary plan to broaden how we see the historic value of our city and then market that vision as an “experience” in waiting for the world to enjoy. I unfold in some limited narrative, “my vision” of the historic renaissance of Trenton on my website:

I see a comprehensive audit of all departmental operations, including our school system, to outline the details of our fiscal situation, as a prerequisite to sensible big-picture planning and responsible and rigidly benchmarked implementation of change strategies. I state this because we must break the current City Council leadership pattern of approving disjointed and spotty development contracts that don't hire or envelop our people in the meaningful experience of transforming our city from a broad historical-palette kind of perspective.

Then, I see defining all of what we are historically as the fundamental foundation to building what we can become, socially, esthetically, commercially and structurally.

I am anxious to facilitate an expert symposium of a discussion of all the “historic firsts” and “points of significance” our city and this region can accurately claim. Once carefully vetted, these facts and icons will become pillars to a new and aggressive e-commerce and marketing plan. Because of its manageable size and unique density of mixed cultures, Trenton can be and should be a story-based market center. I will make sure that happens with the coordination of as many varied community of stakeholders as will be necessary.

Not unlike the piece of geography set off downtown New Orleans renowned world wide as “The French Quarter”, or the feeling of an outdoor museum attracting millions to the Liberty Bell and Constitution Hall in Philadelphia , I see our combined historical footprint as a year-round interactive experience that never stops running. From enactments to boat tours, to day-time and night-time walking tours, to carriages tracing a day in the life of colonists and a cast of military icons, to contests, mini-theme fairs and plays, and spontaneous street theatre.


Annette Lartigue

**Historic preservation must be a priority.

**All development projects must be inclusive of a marketing plan that will showcase our assets.

** Educate residents, students and businesses about our resources and opportunities.


Tony Mack

Trenton is indeed a historic community. There are numerous landmarks that are significant to the development of the city. If properly promoted, these landmarks may

provide great economic resource to the community. I would reshape the Trenton Downtown Association in a way that it would focus on our resources. Tourist who come to the city spend money in shops and restaurants. They buy gas and they patronize local businesses. Progressive marketing and promotion would serve to increase local community revenue.


Manny Segura

Emanuel Shahid
Watson ben Avraham


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