Directories 1844
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This listing, found in a bound volume in the Trenton Public Library's Trentoniana Room, is believed to be Trenton's first published directory. A notation indicates it appeared in the "The Sheet Anchor of Democracy" (a short-lived Trenton newspaper) on October 14, 1844. Unfortunately, none of the 1844 issues of this newspaper still exist. Please note it is alphabetized only on the first letter of the last name. |
Andrews, Jos. W., chair manufactory, No. 23 West 2nd st. Anderson, John B., bat store. No. 15 West 2nd st. Armour, A. H., Dentist, No. 19 Green st. Aaronson, J.J., Columbian hotel, Bridge and Bloomsbury st. Allcut, Mrs. Marg’t, Waterman’s Inn, Water and Ferry st., South Trenton. Aborn, John, grocer, and tallow chandler, Broad and Livingston street, Mill Hill.
Burroughs, Charles, tailor, city mayor, No. 61 Warren street. Burroughs, Cha’s C., fancy and staple dry goods store, No. 61 Warren st. Blackfan & Wilkinson, lumber yard, Feeder basin, Quarry street. Bunn, Nathaniel, dentist and medical store, No. 35 Warren st. Bellenjeau, Dan’l, cabinet ware room, Warren st. near Pennington road. Bateson, J., city plumber, Warren, opposite Perry st. Boling, J. B., house and sign painter, No. 118 Warren st. Bashford, N., Cornucopia hotel, and Princeton stage office, No. 98 Warren street. Briggs & Bacon, dry goods, grocery, and boot and shoe store, No. 74 Warren st. Bendel, Nicholas, Eagle hotel, Mill Hill, South Trenton. Bond, Rich’d J., whlesale manufacturer of cotton goods, Mill Hill. Bucknum, Hamlet, tin and sheet iron worker, Broad and Market st. Mill Hill. Brown, James, Eagle Hotel, Broad and Railroad st., Mill Hill. Bucknum, John, house and sign painter, Market and Harrison st., Mill Hill. Beasly, Mercer, att’y and counselor at law and master in chancery, No. 11 West 2nd street. Barwis, John, tailor, No. 7 West 2d street. Barclay, John, boot and shoe maker, No. 5 East 2d st. Brannin, Wm., bread and cake bakery, No, 11 East 2d st. Brandt, Rich’d, hat and cap store, No. 33 East 2d st. Brearley, Joseph, hardware store, No. 39 East 2d st. Brittain, C.M., millinary store, No. 38 East 2d st. Barnes, J.R. S., Drug store, No. 24 East 2d st. Brearley, S. & J. G., hardware, iron and steel store, No. 9 Perry st. Brister, David, miller, foot of Warren street. Bird & Weld, axe factory, South Trenton. Bonsall, Thomas, blacking and drug store, Bloomsbury st., South Trenton.
Cook, W.G., hardware store, and tin and stove manufactory, No. 65 Warren st. Craft, Isaac, grocery store, Front and Warren st. Combs, J.P., tailor, Warren below Front st. Clark, David, book store, No. 51 Warren st. Coleman, Jas. B., physician, No. 26 Warren st. Clark, D. A., clock and watch maker, and jewelry store, N.W. corner 2d and Warren st. Chumar, Henry B., drug store, No. 75 Warren st. Crosley, Sam’l, city hotel, Warren, opposite Perry st. Chambers, Robert, magistrate, Broad st., Mill Hill Cain, Tho’s, soap and candle manufactory, No. 25 West 2d st. Curry, Wm., dry good and grocery store, Nos. 28 and 14 East 2d st. Clark, James T., M.D., Green st., between Hanover and 2d st. Crozier and Moore, grist mill, Assanpink bridge and Bloomsburyt st. Cook, Rich’d, Iron foundry. Combs, Dan’l H., coffin maker and undertaker, corner Bridge and Union st.
Decou, Sam’l E., bakery, corner of Front and Warren st. Dansbury, Samuel, butcher, foot of Warren street. Disbrow, Benj. S., cabinet ware and sofa manufactory, 106 Warren st. Davinson, John, paper mill, Front, above Willow st. Davis, E. P., drug and essence store, No. 18 Front st. Dunn, Isaac, sash and blind manufactor, Assanpink bridge and Green st. Dolton, Edward, grocery store, No, 44 West 2d st. Dunn, Willet, tailor store, No. 1 East 2d st. Dill, George, tobacconist, No. 22 East 2d st. Dayton, Wm. L., counsellor at law, 2d, above Green st. Davison, C. S., attorney at law, 2d, above green st. Decou, Jos., grocer, cor. Green and Perry street. Dippolt, Charles, boot, shoe and trunk store and justice of the peace, 2d above Green st. Donovan, Hosea, boot maker, Bloomsbury st., below Assanpink. Dubree, dry goods, grocery and provision store, Bridge and Union st.
Evans, Samuel, judge and justice, notary public, and commissioner for taking bail and affidavits in causes depending in the New Jersey supreme court, No. 53 Warren st. English, Joshua, Rising Sun hotel, and Belvidere stage office, No. 96 Warren st. Ewing, J., councellor at law, No. 62 West 2d st. Estelow, Geo. W., Grocery and provision store, corner of Perry and Green street. English, Tho's P., manufacturers' and mechanics' inn, Bloomsbury st. below Assanpink creek.
Fenton, Dan'l, book store and stationary, No. 45 Warren st. Foster, Whildin, cabinet and sofa warerooms, No. 25 Warren st. Fausset, Mrs. Catharine, tin manufactory, No. 116 Warren st. Furman Aaron, Mercer house, No. 102 Warren st. Fish, Green and Company, lumber merchants, Front and Willow st. Foster, M.S., Dentist and manufacturer of incorruptible porcelain teeth, No. 21 Front st. Furman, Rich'd, boot and shoe maker, No. 29 East 2d st. Fish & Co., coal and wood merchants and proprietors of the New York Philadelphia packets, office Trenton Bason. Field, Timothy, South Trenton, iron foundry, Bloomsbury street. Franklin, Ew'd, boot and shoe maker, Bloomsbury, South Trenton.
Green, Armitage, dry goods and grocery store, No. 77 Warren st. Green, Caleb S., attorney at law, No. 55 West 2d st. Green, H.W., attorney at law and counsellor, No. 69 West 2d st. Green, Nathaniel, dry goods, grocery and provision store, No. 39 West 2d st. Green, Charles, The Farmer's inn, centre of the Market. Gordon, Thomas, surveyor, conveyancer, master in chancery, and commissioner to take the acknowledgments of deeds, &c., for the states of Pennsylvania and New York, Green st. ab. 2d. Green, W.A. & A. B., coal and wood yard, basin and railroad depot. Gordon, Charles, New Jersey hotel, Union and Ferry St., South Trenton.
Husbands, C. M., dry goods store, No. 63 Warren st. Hewlings, Tho's B., drug store, No. 43 Waren st. Hart, Mrs., millinery and fancy store, No. 73 Warren st. Howell, John, physician, No. 91 Warren st. Hayden, Benj., cedar ware and basket store, No. 93 Warren st. Howell, Wm. C., magistrate, surveyor, conveyancer, commissioner, &c., No. 99 Warren st. Howell, Charles, Indian Queen and United States hotel, Warren, opposite Hanover st. How, Henry K., Druggist, No. 68 Warren st. Howell, Jr., Henry B., confectionary, No. 78 Warren st. Howell, Samuel, grocery store, No. 66 Warren st. Howell, Israel, boot and shoe store, No. 127 Warren st. Hester, Isaac A., Golden Fleece hotel, No. 221 Warren st., and New Brunswick turnpike road. Hutchinson, Wm. S., brush manufactory, No. 6 Front st. Hotchkiss, S. M. D., dentist, No. 19 Front st. Harris, A. R., magistrate, office Mill Hill. Hamilton, Hugh, grocery and liquor store, head of Green street. Halsted, Wm., attorney and counsellor at law, No. 56 West 2d st. Hamilton, Sam'l R., counsellor at law, West 2d st. Hutchinson, Geo. S., tailor, No. 21 West 2d st. Hutchinson, John C., boot and shoe maker, No. 19 West 2d st. Howell, Charles, tin manufacturer, No. 14 West 2d st. Hughes, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, No. 12 West 2d st. Howell, Jacob C., candy manufactory and fruit store, No. 5 West 2d st. Hill & Daly, dry good and grocery store, No.16 West 2d st. Haines & Collins, dry good and grocery store, No. 18 West 2d st. Hutchinson, Tho's D., tobacconist, No. 2 West 2d st. Hunt, Marshea, millinery store, Green st. between 2d and Hanover. Hendry, Alex, marble yard, corner of Green and Hanover st. Howell, Obadiah, Jr., grocery store, Perry and Green st. Howell, Benj. T., livery stable, Hanover, above Warren, opposite railroad. Haws, John, mustard manufactory, No. 46 West 2d st. Hoy, James, sen., manufactory of cotton goods, Assanpink, Broad and Warren st., South Trenton. Howell, Wm. A., wheelwright and coach maker, Hanover st. near the bason. Hannum, J., coach and sign painter, 2d above Green st. Howell, Peter, physician, Green sr., below 2d. Hellings, John A., Steamboat hotel, Bridge and Bloomsbury st., South Trenton Hamilton, James, manufacturer of cotton goods and carpeting, Livingston st., and Assanpink creek, Mill Hill
James & Holmes, drug store, No. 83 Warren st. Jay, Wm., grocery store, No. 42 Warren st. Jeffries, Staten, house and sign painter, Perry and Warren st. James, George, dealer in dry goods, groceries, china, hardware, provisions, wood and coal, also, botanic medicines, Broad st., Mill Hill. Jay, Charles W., editor of the Clay Banner, office No. 5 East 2d st. Johnston, Miss E., millinery store, No. 21 Warren st. James, J. B., physician and druggist, Bridge and Bloomsbury st., South Trenton.
Kallum, Samuel, boot and shoe store, No. 185 Warren st. Kay, Samuel, tailor store, No. 64 Warren st. Kerwood, Wm., cabinet maker, No. 29 West 2d st. Klein, John F., hat and cap store, No. 35 East 2d st.
Lannin, Wm. B., wheelwright, Warren and Washington st. Laning, E. & S., house painter and glazier, Front and Green st. Lee, Henry M., blacksmith, Broad st., near railroad, Mill Hill. Liddell, J., boot and shoe maker, Broad st., Mill Hill. Lowry, Mrs. Jane, millinery store, No. 3 West 2d st. Long, James, porter, ale and cider establishment, No. 21 East 2d st. Laning, Isaiah, boot and shoe store, No. 6 East 2d st. Laning, Issac w., attorney and counselor at law, 2d above Green st. Loder, Daniel, button factory, Bloomsbury st. and Assanpink bridge. Loyd, Samuel, Bloomsbury House, Ferry, below Bloomsbury st., South Trenton.
Mills, Franklin S., editor of the Sheet Anchor of Democracy, office, No. 49 Warren st., residence Mill Hill. Marshal, J., wool dealer, No. 141 Warren st. Milledge, John, ladies’ shoes, and leather store, No. 6 West 2d st. Mount, D. C. & Co’s, seed and grocery store, No. 17 East 2d st. Milledge, David, boot and shoe store, No. 32 East 2d st. Maccoun, physician, 2d above Green st. Moore, I & C., oil mill, upon Factory st., Assanpink creek. Mershon, T., boot and shoe maker, Bloomsbury st., South Trenton. Morris, Geo., Bakery, Bloomsbury st. near Bridge st., South Trenton. Manning, Isaac S., wheelwright and coach maker, Bloomsbury st., near Bridge st., South Trenton. McCully, J., boot and shoe store, No. 36 Warren and Front st. McKelway, John, physician, No. 24 Warren st. McCarrier, Joseph, Warren Hotel, No. 163 Warren st. McNeely, Rob’t, leather store, No. 40 Warren st. McChesney, Charles, physician, secretary of stste, Second st., opposite the State House. McPherson, Tho’s, boot, shoe and trunk store, No. 18 East 2d st. McPherson, J., saddle and harness manufactory, No. 8 East 2d st. McClurg, Sam’l, brewery, Green above Hanover st., magistrate’s office No. 37 Green st. McKelway, John, Jr., attorney at law, East 2d st. above Green. McGill, Wm., Mechanic’s Inn, Lamberton and Warren st., South Trenton.
Nutt, Wm. N., hair dressing room, No. 86 Warren st. Norcross, Wm. W., grocery and liquor store, No. 62 2d and Warren st. Naragan, Wm., confectionary and fruit store, No. 12 East 2d st. Nelson, J.W., cabinet ware rooms, Hanover and Green st.
Obert, Peter B. blacksmith, shop Washington and Warren st.
Phillips, P. S., flour, feed and seed store, No. 85 Warren st. Potts, Wm. Henry & Brother, leather store, No. 125 Perry and Warren st. Pauk, Henry, dyer and scourer, No. 122 Warren st. Paul, Wm. B., grocery and confectionary store, Broad st., Mill Hill. Potts, Stacy G., attorney and counselor at law, No. 62 Delaware and West 2d st. Phillips & Boswell, printing office, No. 2 West 2d st. Pearsin, Wm., locksmith and bell hanger, Green above Perry st. Parker, Henry, Gun store, Perry below Green st. Phillips, James, Rail Road Temperance house, Hanover, aboe Warren st. Parker & Sager, lumber merchants, Perry st., near canal. Perrine, Lewis, attorney at law, East 2d above Green st. Potts, Joseph C., attorney at law and master in chancery, East 2d above Green st. Prussen, Rudolph, watch and clock maker and jewelry store, East 2d above Green st. Parker, Lewis, grocery, provision and liquor store, foot of Ferry st., South Trenton Phillips, Elias, grocery, china and liquor store, No. 52 Warren st.
Quicksal, Sam’l, mercer and tailor, No. 38 Warren st.
Rockafellow, John S., draper and tailor, No. 38 Warren st. Reading, Joseph, coach and sign painter, Washington and Warren st. Roberts, Sam’l and Edward, clock and watch maker and jewelry store, No. 81 Warren st. Reading, Montgomery, leather store, No. 111 Warren st. Robinson, Jas. S., blacksmith shop, Green and Warren st. Rickey, John, druggist, No. 72 Warren st. Runk, T.W. & Co., merchant tailors, No, 37 East 2d st. Rickey and Hamil, brush manufactures, No. 11 Green st. Reed, Wm., wheelwright, Green and Front st. Redman, James, callicoprinting factory, South Trenton. Robinson, J. A., upholster and paper hanger, No. 95 Warren street.
Skirm, James, ladies’ shoe store, No. 57 Warren st. Sterling & Plumbly, dry goods and grocery store, No. 46 Warren st. Snowden, Wm., Trenton House, Hanover and Warren st. Sunningshine & Hager, tobacco, snuff and cigar store, No. 101 Warren st. Smith, Theodore, tailor, No. 183 Warren st. Starkey, Wm., rope maker, No. 192 Warren st. Stokes, Samuel, boot and shoe store, No. 148 Warren st. Slack, Joseph, saddle and harness manufactory, No. 88 Warren st. Simon, Sam’l, snuff and cigar manufactory, No. 70 Warren st. Slack, John M., wheelwright, Broad st., near railroad, Mill Hill. Still, Lewis G., rope maker, Harrison, above Broad st., Mill Hill. Skelton, Charles, druggist and ladies’ shoe store, Broad st., Mill Hill. Simons, Charles, cabinet maker, No. 35 West 2d st. Smith, Horace, magistrate, office No. 4 West 2d st. Stryker & Steward, dry goods, grocery and provision store, No. 41 East 2d and Green st. Soper, Lysander, dry goods, groceries, crockery, provisions and hat and cap store, No. 30 East 2d st. Sims, James H., New York and Phila. Railroad agent, office, Trenton bason. Southard, Grant & Co., Lumber merchants, East 2d st., near Trenton bason. Simpson, Jas. A., attorney and counsellor at law, 2d and Green st. Smith, J.H., grocer and magistrate, store and office Bloomsbury and Fall st., South Trenton. Sutton, Samuel, Mercer Iron Foundry, Bloomsbury st., South Trenton. Styker & Steward, dry goods, grocery and provison store, Bloomsbury and Ferry st., South Trenton. Steward, J. M., coach manufacturer, Bloomsbury st., South Trenton. Stout, F., ladies’ shoe maker, Green, below 2d st. Sunderland, John, blacksmith, Ferry and Bridge st., South Trenton. Sherman & Harron, publishers of the New Jersey State Gazette, East 2d and Warren street.
Titus & Brothers, French and English dry good store, No. 61 Warren st. Temple, Dan’l, boot and shoe store, Warren below Front st. Titus, Jones & Co., dry goods, grocery and provision store, No. 68 Warren st. Temple, Wm., boot and shoe store, No. 44 Warren st. Thompson, Andrew, machinist, No. 46 West 2d st. Tolles, H.B. & Co., New York dry goods, groceries, shoes, carpeting, hat and cap store, No. 40 East 2d and Green st. Taylor, John L., physician, No. 6 Green st. Taylor & Disbrow, blacksmiths, Hanover st., near Trenton bason. Titus, Aaron M., blacksmith, 2d above Green st. Thomas, Richard, tin, copper and sheet iron worker, Assanpink and Bloomsbury st., South Trenton.
Updike, Abraham, boot and shoe store, No. 90 Warren st. Upton, Tho’s, stove and tin ware manufactory, No. 23 East 2d st.
Vansyckell, Sylvester, upholster, No. 111 Warren st. Valentine, John, wheelwright shop, Broad st., Mill Hill. Vroom, Peter D., counsellor at law, No. 43 West 2nd st. Vanhart, G.W., hair cutting and shaving room, No. 7 East 2d st. Vandegrift, Wm., tailor shop, Hanover aboveWarren st. Vanderveer, C. H., Jackson Hotel, Trenton bridge, South Trenton.
Wise, James, tobacco, snuff, and cigar store, No. 47 Warren st. Woodruff, Abraham, boot and shoe store, No. 54 Warren st. Wampole, E., hardware, crockery, stove, sheet iron and tin store, Front and Warren st. White, John B., saddle and harness manufactory, Hanover and Warren st. Wells, Wm., confectionary and fruit store, No. 113 Warren st. Wright, Wm. P., boot and shoe store, No. 156 Warren st. Walton, Emerick, tobacconist, No. 94 Warren st. Weart, J. T., livery stable, Warren opposite Hanover st. Weiss, Wm., hairdressing room, No. 44 Warren st. Whitaker, John, dry goods, groceries, china, hardware and provision store, and dealer in wood and coal, Broad st., Mill Hill. Warner Charles Morris, Mercer County hotel, Broad and Market st., Mill Hill. West, Baily A., magistrate, Broad st., Mill Hill. Whitley, Wm., editor of Temperance Herald, publication office, grocery and provision store, No. 13 East 2d st. Wilson, J. D., Drug store, No. 36 East 2d st. West, Wm. A., confectionary and fruit store, No. 10 East 2d st. Witherup, David, carpenter shop, Hanover and Green st. Wall, James W., attorney at law, East 2d above Green st. Wilson, S. H., tailor shop, Green below 2d st. Warner, R. L., Dentist, East 2d st., above Green Warner, Jacob, blacksmith shop, Green and Front st. Wilson, Daniel, grocery and provision store, Bloomsbury st., South Trenton. Whitlie, John, tailor shop, Bloomsbury st., South Trenton. Willey, John, grocery and flour store, Bloomsbury, near Fall st., South Trenton. Wall & Grinder, manufacturers of cotton goods, Assanpink, between Broad and Bloomsbury st., South Trenton.
Yard, A. W., soap manufactory, Broad st., Mill Hill. Yard, Joseph A., editor of the Emporium, office No. 10 West 2d st. Yard, Benj. F., auctioneer and commission merchant, No. 19 East 2d st. Yard, Jacob S., gentlemen’s cap maker and ladies’ shoe store, No. 23 East 2d st. Yard, Archibald, soap factory, Bloomsbury st., South Trenton. Yard, Cjarles C., fancy store, No. 67 Warren st.
Zena, John, baker and grocery, No. 208 Warren st.
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