in the Mexican, Civil, and Spanish-American Wars
THAT part of the history of
Trenton, which comes under the above general heading, has been assigned
to the writer. As to the Civil War in particular, it is his purpose to
give only a simple narrative of events and incidents pertaining to our
city during the war period of 1861-65, as taken from state and national
records, and gleaned largely from that prolific source for research, the
local press of the day, and from personal recollection; written so as
to avoid as much as possible the dryness of statistics. Outside events
during the war period will be referred to, or used, only when they bear
some relation to local history. Except
to a small group of our townsmen who were contemporary in youth with the
main period covered by this narrative, it will not be read or relished
with the zest which would have been the case had it been written twenty-five
years ago. Time has obscured the scenes and local events of those war-time
days, as we can well realize when we consider that Trentonians of three
score and ten still living, were but five years of age at the beginning
of the war and cannot recall from memory any of the opening, and but faintly
the closing incidents of the conflict. It meant something to have been
living in historic Trenton eighty years ago. At that time there were still
resident here a few people of advanced age who remembered some of the
closing scenes of the Revolutionary War which happened in our town; and
others who in their earlier years listened to the tales of older people,
of incidents in Trenton during that period in which they participated
or were spectators. Edward
D. Fox, of this city, was a drummer boy in the Fifth Regiment, New Jersey
Volunteers, at Williamsburg in 1862, and when he was a youngster of six
years was taken by an older brother to a reception in Jackson's Woods,
the site of old Camp Washington, tendered to the New Jersey Volunteers
who had returned from Mexico. At that time a man of eighty years who had
passed his life in Trenton might have told Fox how he, as a boy of eight
years, had seen the captive Hessians marched tinder guard through our
streets on their way to Pennsylvania; and later as a boy of thirteen had
turned out with the crowd on our streets, shouting their joy over the
glorious news from Yorktown; and finally as a man of twenty-one had participated
in the reception to General Washington on the occasion of his passage
through Trenton on his way to New York to be inaugurated first President
of the United States. So Edward D. Fox, still living, is a link in the
lengthening chain of years connecting celebrities and events of the past
with the present.
Conditions in Trenton in 1846, and
an Account of the City's Part in the Mexican War
IN A town or
small city where one knows practically everybody, the inhabitants naturally
come in closer and more intimate relations during the excitement attending
events of local, state or national importance, than in larger communities
where the population is more cosmopolitan and where changes in neighborhoods
are made more frequent by the arrival of newcomers and the removal of
older families from one section of the city to another - changes which
tend to sever those friendly relations existing in smaller communities
where such changes are rarer, and where members of neighboring families
become comrades or associates in times of war, or political or social
These were
the conditions in Trenton in 1846, and before taking up Trenton's part
in the Civil War, it may not be considered amiss to begin with this
brief account of the War with Mexico in which conflict some of our citizens
participated, who took part later in the long and bloody struggle of
In 1846 Trenton
had a population of but ten thousand. Charles Burroughs was mayor, and
was succeeded in 1847 by Samuel R. Hamilton. There was plenty of excitement
in Trenton in those days; the Oregon boundary-line controversy was still
unsettled and war with England seemed imminent; the troubles with Mexico
were rapidly approaching a climax and Congress was the scene of heated
debates on these momentous questions, reflected in discussions and disputes
in general stores and barber shops, but principally in the barrooms
of our inns and taverns, of which Trenton boasted a goodly supply in
those days when prohibition and padlocks were not. Kay's United States
Hotel, formerly the Indian Queen, on the site now occupied by the Trent
Theatre, and the Trenton House, then under the management of Colonel
William Snowden, were the favorite resorts for discussion. Here on any
inclement afternoon - there was plenty of leisure in those days - would
be gathered about the "social fire" our village statesmen of Democratic
or Whig proclivities to argue pro and con the probabilities of a war
with England over the Oregon question or with our sister republic of
Mexico; some of those who frequented the precincts of Host Kay's bar,
or the other resorts on these occasions, if mentioned by name, might
be remembered by some older Trentonians of today. All danger, however,
of war with England was averted by compromise, and the attention of
our townsmen was fixed on the operations of General Taylor on the Rio
began April 25, 1846, and on May 8 the battle of Palo Alto was fought,
followed by the battle of Resaca de la Palma on May 9, where Captain
May of the Second U. S. Dragoons made his famous charge. On May 18,
1846, General Zachary Taylor crossed the Rio Grande and occupied Matamoros.
The war was
now on in earnest and on May 19, 1846, Secretary of War Marcy inclosed
to Governor Stratton of New Jersey a copy of the Act of Congress, authorizing
the President to accept the services of volunteers. On May 22, 1846,
Governor Stratton issued his proclamation calling upon the uniformed
organized militia companies and other citizens to enroll and report
to the Adjutant General of the State as speedily as possible, in order
that they might be held in readiness for muster, and the War Department
advised thereof without delay. Under this call several of the uniformed
militia organizations of the city offered their services but were not
accepted at the time. The battle of Monterey was fought September 20,
21, 22, and 23, 1846; Buena Vista February 23, 1847, and the siege of
Vera Cruz was ended by the fall of that city, March 29, 1847.
Salutes were
fired in Trenton April 1, 1847, in honor of General Taylor's victories,
on the "Commons" then in front of the "Cottages" on East State Street,
between the Canal and Clinton Street; and on the streets, as in later
years, "extras" were sold by newsboys announcing the various battles
and victories gained by the United States army and volunteers in Mexico.
There was keen rivalry between the Gazette and Daily News
to be first on the streets with "news of battle."
On January
1, 1847, Lieutenant Robert P. Maclay of the Eighth Infantry, U. S. Army,
opened a recruiting station at old Fort Rawnsley at the junction of
Warren and Lamberton Streets. Lieutenant Maclay succeeded in enlisting
some twenty-five or thirty recruits who were paraded in the streets
from time to time, and forwarded in squads to Governor's Island for
muster into federal service.
Reporter Franklin S. Mills, sauntering
one day in the neighborhood of this old recruiting station, gave vent
to his patriotism in "City Gleanings" in the Gazette in the following
The ample folds of the
Stars and Stripes floating in the breeze at Fort Rawnsley, struck up in
our hearts a sort of "Hail-Columbia" sensation. Here we found a recruiting
sergeant fresh from the chapparals of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma,
who was running over with that kind of patriotism which boasts of "Guns
and Drums" of "Battles fought and victories won." He had a wound, too,
to attest his bravery, one which had carried away about one-third of his
This recruiting station
was closed March 15, 1847, and removed to Newark. Captain Yard's company,
to be mustered as Company G, Tenth U.S. Infantry, having been accepted
and ordered to report at Fort Hamilton, prepared for leaving the city.
On April 5, 1847, the company made a preliminary march through the streets
and on halting at the Indian Queen was treated by Host Kay to refreshments.
"The Alleghanians," a troupe of singers then performing in Trenton,
came out on the front porch of the hotel and sang "The Soldier's Bride"
and also a popular war song of the day dedicated to General Taylor,
set to the air of "Dandy Jim of Caroline," entitled "Old Rough and Ready,"
Your country
calls once more to arms,
So leave your workshops and your farms, Old
Rough and Ready makes the call,
The invitation's to you all.
On the next day the company,
consisting of Joseph A. Yard, Captain, George W. Taylor, First Lieutenant,
Benjamin Yard and John S. Nevins, Second Lieutenants, and ninety-three
non-commissioned officers and privates, left the drill hall on Mill
Hill and marched to the City Hall where a collation was prepared
for them by the citizens of Trenton. As they came up Greene Street,
the City Hall bell began ringing and hundreds of anxious eyes were fixed
upon the advancing troops. After partaking of the collation they returned
to the street and were received by the Mercer Rifle Corps. The companies
being drawn up in front of the City Hall on Greene Street, Samuel G.
Arnold stepped to the front of the companies and on behalf of a number
of citizens of Trenton, in a short speech, presented Captain Yard with
a sword. Captain Yard in acknowledgment made a fitting response. The
Mercer Rifle Corps under Captain Southard then took their position on
the right of the line, and the march to Princeton, en route to Fort
Hamilton, began. The troops passed through Second (State) Street to
Warren and thence to the Princeton Pike. As the troops marched by the
Indian Queen, the Trenton House and the Rising Sun Hotel (now the American
House), they were repeatedly cheered by groups of citizens standing
in crowds in front of the hotels and along the streets. The Rifle
Corps, after escorting Captain Yard's command as far as the point
where the Battle Monument now stands, took leave of the departing troops
and they proceeded alone on their march. About a mile out of the town,
the weather being inclement, they took off their knapsacks and putting
them in the baggage wagons donned their great-coats and took a fair
start for Princeton and from thence to their destination at Fort Hamilton
in New York harbor, reaching there about 8:00 p.m. on April 8, and according
to a letter from Private Alfred Murray published in Frank Mills' chatty
"City Gleanings" were obliged to go to their bunks without any supper.
In the morning they were treated to a breakfast of sea biscuit and raw
pork. Dinner consisted of pork about half done and bean soup with beans
so few they "had to dive to find 'em." For supper they were allotted
a half pint of coffee each, with more fat pork. They remained cheerful,
however, under these conditions in the commissary and placed no blame
therefor on Captain Yard, who retained the respect and affection of
his officers and enlisted men throughout their entire period of service.
Captain Yard's company, designated as "G," Tenth U.S. Infantry, together
with "H," the Camden company, also of the Tenth, which organization
included in its number some Trenton recruits and was commanded by Captain
Joshua W. Collett of Camden, left Fort Hamilton, April 11, 1847, on
the brig G. B. Lamar, arriving at Matamoros, Mexico, May
5 of that year. Several interesting letters were published in the Trenton
papers from Lieutenant Benjamin Yard, and other Trenton members of Company
G telling of the experiences and privations of camp life in Mexico.
After the departure of Captain
Yard's company, recruiting for Captain Samuel Dickinson's company, "E,"
Tenth U.S. Infantry, was hurried to completion. Captain Dickinson was
presented with a sword by the "National Guards" at their Armory, Isaac
W. Lanning, Esq., making the presentation speech. Lieutenant Gershom
Mott of Captain Dickinson's command was also the recipient of a sword
from a number of friends of the young officer, who afterwards, for distinguished
service in the Civil War, rose to the grade of Major General of Volunteers.
This presentation took place at the Trenton House.
Before Captain Dickinson and his command left for Mexico the battles
of Cerro Gordo and Churubusco had been fought and the army under General
Winfield Scott, like General Taylor's gallant troops, continued victorious
in their encounters with the brave soldiers of Mexico.
On Wednesday, May 12, 1847, a large crowd assembled at the railroad
station on East State Street and the Canal to take final leave of Captain
Dickinson and his officers and men. The company marched to the station
at about half past 10 o'clock a.m., followed by many of their friends.
Extra cars on the "Pilot Line" were provided for their transportation.
The troops were hurried aboard and the train moved slowly from the station
amid farewells of relatives and the cheers of friends and assembled
citizens. This organization left Fort Hamilton May 4, 1847, arriving
at Matamoros June 4, 1847. Company E consisted of Samuel Dickinson,
Captain, William M. Lewis, First Lieutenant, Gershom Mott, Second Lieutenant,
and eighty non-commissioned officers and privates.
On April 19, 1847, by direction
of President Polk, the Secretary of War called on Governor Stratton
for five companies of infantry to serve during the War with Mexico,
unless sooner discharged. The Secretary of War designated Trenton as
the point of mobilization of these companies and a camp for that purpose
was established accordingly. This camp was pitched opposite the Nathan
Beakes house near the Princeton Pike; Beatty Street, Morgan Avenue and
Southard Street, south of Beakes Street, now run through the site of
this old camp ground. The
main body of the volunteers of the New Jersey Battalion under command
of Lieutenant Colonel Dickinson Woodruff of this city - his home was
the building and grounds now occupied by the Trenton Country Club -
left September 3, 1847, for Governors Island, New York harbor, where
the five organizations were consolidated into four companies, to the
great disappointment of Captain William Napton, whose company containing
most of the Trenton recruits in the battalion was broken up and his
men distributed to complete other companies. This battalion was officered
as follows: Lieutenant Colonel Dickinson Woodruff, commanding; Company
A, Captain Henry A. Naglee; Company B, Captain James Reynolds; Company
C, Captain David McDowell; Company D, Captain David Pierson.
The battalion was mustered into federal service at Fort Hamilton by
Captain Minor Knowlton, First U.S. Artillery, September 4, 1847, and
on the twenty-ninth of the same month left Governors Island on the ship
Senator for Vera Cruz, where it arrived after a very stormy passage
of six weeks.
But little notice appears to have been taken in Trenton of the departure
of the New Jersey Battalion as most of the young men of Trenton enlisting
for the war, with the exception of those recruited by Captain Napton
and transferred to the four companies of the New Jersey Battalion, had
gone with the Trenton companies then serving under Captains Dickinson
and Yard in Mexico.
The New Jersey organizations were never in action or called to the front,
and after remaining in Mexico for nearly a year in a condition of comparative
inactivity, with the exception of garrison and convoy duty, were ordered
home by the War Department for discharge from the service. The New Jersey
Battalion left Vera Cruz on the ship Indiana and arrived at Fort
Hamilton July 22, 1848, and on the third, fourth and fifth days of August
was mustered out.
The two Trenton companies, E and G of the Tenth U.S. Infantry, together
with Company H of Camden, left Matamoros July 10, 1848, on the ship
Pharsalia and the barque General Taylor, and arrived at
Fort Hamilton August 4, 1848, being mustered out August 21, 22 and 24,
As the Trenton organizations did not return to Trenton in a body, but
came singly or in small detachments, they were not given a public reception
on our streets, but later were tendered a reception at Camp Washington,
Jackson's Woods.
The Trenton Companies of
the Tenth U.S. Infantry and the organizations of the New Jersey Battalion
during the Mexican Campaign did not escape without a number of casualties,
as follows:
Company E : There
were eleven deaths in this organization, including Lieutenant O. M.
Lewis of Trenton by yellow fever; one corporal and one private were
drowned; one private was shot and killed by a sentry at Matamoros; one
murdered, and six others, privates, died from yellow fever, dysentery,
Company G : There were nine deaths in this company from yellow fever
and dysentery, including Second Lieutenant Benjamin Yard, a brother
of Captain Joseph A. Yard, and Private William Downie, both of Trenton.
Company H: This company, principally raised in Camden, contained
some recruits from Trenton. It was commanded by Captain Joshua W. Collett
of Camden. This officer was killed in a duel with Captain Alexander
Wilkin of the Tenth U.S. Infantry, a regular army officer, January 21,
1848, at Carmargo, Mexico.
New Jersey Battalion: There was a total of twenty-seven deaths in
this organization from fever, dysentery, etc., including two drowned;
one murdered by Mexicans and one accidentally shot, making an aggregate
of forty-seven deaths from all causes in the New Jersey organizations.
For a city with a population
of but ten thousand Trenton was well represented in the Regular Army
and Navy during the period of the War with Mexico; and among those who
served in the regular establishments and received recognition for galant
and meritorious conduct appear the following:
Nathan Beakes Rossell was the oldest son of General Zachariah Rossell,
who himself served as Major in the Twenty-fifth and Fifteenth U.S. Infantry
during the War of 1812 and was afterwards appointed Adjutant General
of New Jersey. Lieutenant Rossell was appointed Second Lieutenant Fifth
U.S. Infantry, August 1, 1838. He was wounded in the shoulder at the
storming of the bishop's palace at Monterey, September 21, 1846, and
for gallant conduct at the battle of Molino del Ray was brevetted Major.
He subsequently participated in all the engagements between Vera Cruz
and the City of Mexico. This officer, still with the Fifth U.S. Infantry,
was killed in action at Gaines Mills, Va., June 27, 1862.
Samuel Gibbs French was a native of Trenton and graduated from West
Point in 1843 with the brevet rank of Second Lieutenant and assigned
to the Third U.S. Artillery, July 1, 1843. He was twice brevetted for
gallant and meritorious conduct at Monterey and Buena Vista. At the
Fourth of July celebration in Trenton in 1847 Captain French was presented
with a handsome sword by a group of his fellow citizens. This officer
attained the rank of Major General in the service of the Confederate
Army, and served with distinction throughout the Civil War.
George Clinton Westcott was appointed Second Lieutenant, Second
U. S. Infantry, in 1838, promoted First Lieutenant November 15, 1846,
and brevetted Captain September 13, 1847, for gallant and meritorious
conduct in the battle of Chapultepec. He was the son of James D. Westcott
of this city, formerly Secretary of State. Captain Westcott died of
yellow fever January 8, 1853, on the steamer Tennessee, and his
remains received an ocean burial.
In the U.S. Navy the following
named officers served with distinction:
William E. Hunt was a Captain in the Navy and served throughout
the Mexican War in command of the brig Porpoise, ten guns. His
second in command was Lieutenant Raphael Semmes, famous during the Civil
War as the Commander of the Confederate ship Alabama which played such
havoc with our merchant marine. Captain Hunt, while in command of the
sloop of war Levant, twenty guns, was lost at sea with his officers
and entire crew. He was last heard from September 18, 1860, and regarded
and noted by the Navy Department as lost June 30, 1861.
Charles G. Hunter was born and passed his boyhood in Trenton. He
entered the Navy as Midshipman in 1824 and served as Lieutenant in the
Mexican War. During that period he achieved considerable notoriety in
an affair which created some controversy in naval circles and considerable
excitement in Trenton. The facts in brief are as follows: Hunter
was ordered by Commodore Matthew C. Perry to proceed with his vessel,
the Scourge, three guns, to the port of the city of Alvarado, for purpose
of blockade, pending the arrival of Commodore Perry with fifteen
war ships, which were to act in concert with General Quitman, who
with two thousand five hundred troops was to attack the city by land.
When Perry, Commander-in-Chief, with his squadron, arrived at the port
of Alvarado he was astounded to see the United States flag streaming
from the forts and soon learned that Hunter acting on his own responsibility
had opened fire on the forts immediately upon his arrival off the city
and forced its surrender. The next day he proceeded up the river and
captured the town of Fla-Co-Talpam with considerable stores and shipping.
This was accomplished without loss of life or bloodshed on either side.
His action caused much chagrin and disappointment in the squadron and
Hunter was immediately placed under arrest. A court-martial was convened
at once on board the flagship Mississippi and Hunter was found guilty
of insubordination and disobedience of orders and sentenced to be dismissed
from the squadron after a reprimand by Commodore Perry, who directed
the reprimand to be read from the quarter-deck of every vessel in the
squadron. This sentence seems to have been imposed for the purpose of
humiliating Hunter and to dim the glory of the bloodless victory gained
by him; but it rather had the effect of lowering Commodore Perry in
public estimation. In his defense Lieutenant Hunter claimed that he,
being on detached duty, was vested with discretionary power and was
justified in assuming full responsibility, and did, with a single vessel
and without bloodshed, that which Commodore Perry thought a large force
by land and water was necessary to accomplish. At
the Fourth of July celebration in Trenton in 1847, Hunter was presented
with a silver pitcher, on which an inscription was engraved, commemorating
the victories at Alvarado and Fla-Co-Talpam. The presentation speech
was made by Mercer Beasley, Esq., on behalf of Lieutenant Hunter's friends.
Lieutenant Hunter was subsequently
assigned to the command of the revenue cutter Alleghany and ordered
to the Mediterranean. Beyond the fact that he was dismissed from the
Navy January 29, 1855, we find no trace of Hunter's subsequent career.
Philip F. Voorhees entered the Navy in 1809 as Midshipman and remained
in active service until 1855 when he was placed on the retired list.
He died at Annapolis, Md., February 26, 1862. Edward
M. Yard entered the service as Midshipman, November 1, 1827; passed
Midshipman June 10, 1833; Lieutenant February 28, 1838; served throughout
the Mexican War; promoted Commander September 14, 1855; served in the
Civil War until he was placed on the retired list; and served on special
duty from time to time until he resigned May 3, 1866. He died in Trenton,
May 27, 1889.
Bayse N. Westcott entered the Navy as Midshipman December 5, 1837,
and passed the various grades until his final retirement as Commander,
April 4, 1867. He served in the Mexican and Civil Wars, and died in
Philadelphia December 6, 1891. He was a close friend of Captain Edward
M. Yard and in their later years in Trenton the two old sea-dogs passed
much of their time in each other's company, going over their varied
experiences in the stirring days of the Mexican and Civil Wars.
Earl English graduated from Annapolis February 25, 1840, as Midshipman
and passed through the several grades, reaching that of Rear Admiral,
and remained in active service until his retirement in 1886. His residence
at the time of his retirement was Culpepper, Va., where he died July
5, 1893. This officer served with distinction throughout the Mexican
and Civil Wars.
Louis C. Sartori entered the Navy as Midshipman February 2, 1829;
passed Midshipman June 15, 1837; became Lieutenant September
8, 1841; promoted Commander April 27, 1861 ; Captain, September 26,
1861 ; and became Commodore December 12, 1873. He went on the retired
list June 3, 1874, and died January 11, 1899.
Watson Smith graduated from Annapolis, October 19, 1841; passed
the several grades, reaching that of Lieutenant Commander July 16, 1862.
He served in the Mexican War on the brig Porpoise under Captain
William E Hunt. In 1855 he accompanied Captain H. J. Hartstene on the
polar expedition fitted out by the Navy Department to search for Dr.
E. K. Kane of the Advance, a vessel sent out in 1853 to discover,
if possible, some traces of the fate of Sir John Franklin. No tidings
had been received of Dr. Kane for over two years. The Hartstene expedition
consisted of two vessels, the Release and the Arctic. Smith
was acting master on the latter vessel. Commander Smith served in the
Civil War until his death, December 19, 1864, of an illness contracted
in the Red River expedition. In January 1861 he married Mary, a daughter
of the late Counsellor Frederick Kingman of Trenton.
Political Feeling in the Civil War, Memorable
Events in Trenton, and Civil War Songs
DURING the eventful closing
days of 1860, and in 1861 prior to the inauguration of President Lincoln,
while there was a unanimity of feeling in favor of the preservation of
the Union, it was but natural for some of our citizens of the same political
faith as the leaders of the secession movement in the South, and who like
them had voted for the candidates of one or the other of the two factions
of the Democratic party, or the candidates of the Union party led by Bell
and Everett, to express in their utterances a measure of sympathy for
the South and object to coercion in treating with the seceding States,
and to approve of any efforts looking to compromise, or arbitration, to
check the secession movement, and so avoid a resort to arms. Such advocates
of conciliation would be classed today as pacifists but were then branded
by Republicans as "Copperheads," a designation given them because many
Democrats, advocates of state rights, wore on the lapel of their coats
the old copper cent with the head of Liberty thereon, as an emblem of
their faith in the Constitution. However, when courage was put to the
test hundreds of "Copperheads" marched gamely to the front, while many
of their defamers remained safely at home. 1
Taylor, Philadelphia in the Civil War, p. 13.
With the exception of editorials,
more or less bitter at times, characteristic of the partisan press of
the period, and taking advantage of every flaw in the policy of the
administration for criticism, there was never at any time during the
war any organized or concrete opposition to the conduct of the war by
any group of so-called "Copperheads." The press in Trenton - the True
American, advocating the principles of the Democratic party, and
the Gazette and Republican those of the Republican party - vied
with each other in their editorial columns and in non-partisan public
meetings to arouse the people to a realization of the gravity of the
coming struggle, the result of which was to determine the preservation
or disruption of our great Union. With the actual outbreak of hostilities
by the fall of Fort Sumter, all opposition for the time was changed
by a suppression of partisan feeling and Democrats, fully as patriotic
as their Republican opponents, sprang eagerly to the call to arms for
the defense and preservation of a united country. The first complete
brigade of infantry, fully uniformed, armed and equipped, to reach Washington
from any State after the call of the President for 75,000 men, was the
First Brigade, New Jersey Militia, three-months men, under command
of Brigadier General Theodore Runyon, a Democrat of unimpeachable
patriotism, with a large majority of his officers and enlisted men of
the same political faith, who boldly and cheerfully hastened to a conflict
which they had earnestly, but vainly, sought to avert. They realized,
however, that the first duty of a citizen under the Constitution was
to obey the laws of the constituted authorities of the state and national
governments. Many of the great Southern leaders, notably Alexander H.
Stephens, the statesman, and Robert E. Lee, the soldier, and many others
prominent in the political and social life of the South, stood out in
public speeches against secession until all opposition to that movement
failed, and then, but not until then, from natural feelings of loyalty
to their respective States, reluctantly, but with determination, threw
their lives and fortunes into a cause which they doubtless realized
would be finally lost as the South would not be able to overcome the
vast resources of the opposing States, which indeed, notwithstanding
the loss of much blood and treasure, emerged from the conflict unscathed
by devastation of homes and property, such as was suffered by the South.
Commenting on the disaster
at Bull Run and the existing political situation the True American
gave voice to sentiments to which Administration supporters took
exception. On August 24 Of the same year, Judge Naar decided to suspend
publication, declaring that while willing to give the support every
loyal citizen owes to the government, "we cannot so compromise our self-respect
as to continue publication under the positive or implied requirement
that we are to yield a hearty support to all the measures of the Administration."
The step was announced as follows:
It is with
profound regret that we find ourselves under the necessity of announcing
the intention from this day to suspend the publication of the True
American until such time (should it ever occur) when we can under
the guarantee of the Constitution and laws, publish it without
fear of mob law or of governmental dictation . . . . We take pride in
saying in defiance of all contradiction that nothing has ever appeared
in its columns indicating disloyalty to the Government either of the
Nation or the State, or in any way abusing the high privilege of perfect
freedom accorded by the Constitution to the press. Further than
this we must leave others to say. Nevertheless, it is admitted we have
expressed our thoughts freely and in accordance with our honest convictions,
but in language tempered by those social and conventionable restrictions
intended to guard the intercourse of the members of a civilized community
. . . .
On September 25, 1861, the
United States Grand Jury for the District of New Jersey sitting at Trenton
with Ephraim Marsh as chairman brought in a presentment against the Newark
Journal, the Warren Journal, the Hunterdon Democrat, the
New Brunswick Times, the Plainfield Gazette and the Hackettstown
Gazette, for alleged treasonable utterances. Several other New Jersey
newspapers including the True American were generally charged with
secession proclivities but were not named in the presentment. 2
Knapp, New Jersey Politics during the Period of the Civil War.
The True American resumed
its issue October 7, 1861, retracting nothing of what it had said.
President Lincoln during his
entire administration was subjected to far more trouble and annoyance
from interference in his war policy, first from the abolitionists and
later from the radical wing of his own party led by Thaddeus Stevens,
than from any action or criticism of the "Copperheads." Looking back over
a period of more than three-score years, political conditions of that
period can be dispassionately discussed and commented on. While it is
conceded that after the outbreak of hostilities any plan of adjustment
with the South which included the perpetuation of slavery was unthinkable,
yet it cannot be denied that many of the evils predicted by Democratic
statesmen that would result from continued disregard of the Constitution
were but too fully realized after the death of President Lincoln and the
coming into power of the radical element of his own party, and the unhappy
and scandalous period of "Reconstruction Days" which subjected the South,
a vanquished but brave people, to insult, persecution and degradation.
This condition culminated in 1876 with the decision of a partisan electoral
commission, based on a report of an investigation submitted by a group
of "visiting statesmen." By the decision of this commission the electoral
vote giving him a majority of one vote in the electoral college was awarded
to the Republican candidate.
Probably the remarks of Professor Seelye, at that time a Republican member
of Congress from Massachusetts, in a speech in Congress, picture the whole
miserable business in a nutshell. He said: It
seems to me perfectly clear that the charges made by each side against
the other are in the main true. No facts were ever proved more
conclusively than the fraud and corruption charged on the one side and
the intimidation and cruelty charged on the other. The corruption of
the one side seems as heinous as the cruelty of the other side is horrible.
And so it was that "fraud
and corruption" won out, and "first became triumphant in American history."
This reference to the election
of 1876 seems pertinent to this narrative because of the fact that Dr.
Simon B. Conover, a native of Cranbury, Middlesex County, well known
in Trenton where he was at one time a resident and conducted a drug
store at Broad and Market Streets, was a United States Senator from
Florida during the "Carpet-bag" regime, serving from 1873 to 1879 and
figured in the machinations resulting in the delivery of the electoral
vote of Florida to the Republican presidential candidate.
Because in the stirring
times of war the character of the men whose hands are at the helm of
government is of even greater importance than in "the piping times of
peace," it is of interest to know who occupied the positions of trust
in the city and state during the Civil War. The following list is therefore
Governors of
New Jersey
Adjutant General
of New Jersey
General of New Jersey |
Mayors of Trenton
An event of historic interest
was the reception to President-elect Lincoln in this city, February
21, 1861, while en route to Washington for his inauguration. The party
accompanying Mr. Lincoln was met at Jersey City by Governor Olden and
a joint committee of the Legislature as the State's Escort to Trenton.
The train containing Mr. Lincoln and suite arrived at the railroad station,
then located at State Street and the Canal, at 12 o'clock noon of February
21 and was greeted by a large crowd that had assembled at that point.
When the train came to a stop Mr. Lincoln and his suite stepped to the
platform and proceeded to the Tremont House, kept by Major Joseph Cunningham,
where His Honor, Mayor Franklin S. Mills, was waiting to receive them,
and to whom Mr. Lincoln was presented by the Hon. William L. Dayton.
The mayor welcomed the distinguished visitor in a brief speech to which
Mr. Lincoln responded with a few remarks on the pride and pleasure he
felt in accepting the hospitality of our historic town. The crowd about
the Tremont House and from there to Montgomery Street made the thoroughfare
almost impassable. At the conclusion of Mr. Lincoln's brief response
to the mayor, the cavalcade formed under Captain Robert C. Belleville,
chief marshal, and his aides in the following order:
Horsemen; Paterson Blues; Trenton Rifles; Barouche with the President-elect
and State Committee; Suite of President-elect; Mayor and Common Council;
Arriving at the State House Mr. Lincoln was first taken to the Senate
Chamber where he was introduced to President Perry and the other senators.
After a short address of welcome by the president of the Senate, to
which Mr. Lincoln made a brief response, he was taken to the Assembly
Chamber and introduced by Speaker Teese to the members. Here also brief
speeches of welcome and response were made. After these ceremonies the
party was escorted to the Trenton House where a collation had been prepared.
In response to repeated calls and continuous cheering by the people
assembled on Warren Street, Mr. Lincoln stepped from a window on the
second story to a staging which had been erected and spoke to the crowd
below in his characteristic manner as follows:
I was kindly
invited by your representatives in the Legislature to visit the
Capital of your honored State and in acknowledging their kind invitation
I was compelled to respond to the welcome of the presiding officer of
each body and I suppose they intended I should speak to you through
them as they are the representatives of all of you; and if I should
speak here, I should only have to repeat in a great measure much that
I then said which would be uninteresting to my friends who greet me
here. I have no speech to make but merely appear to you and let the
ladies look at me. And as to the latter, I think I have decidedly the
best of the bargain. My friends, allow me to bid you farewell.
During Mr. Lincoln's stay at
the Trenton House a great crowd remained in and about the hotel, all anxious
to get a look at him; a number of citizens called on him and a general
and cordial handshaking took place. About two o'clock the escort was re-formed
in the original order and moved to the railroad station, where Mr. Lincoln
and suite took the train for Philadelphia 3 and
thence on to Washington where for more than four long and weary
years of internal strife and bloodshed, such as no other civilized nation
has ever undergone, he was confronted with the most difficult problems
which, up to that period, had ever been turned over to a President of
the United States by his predecessor. In the solution of those problems
he had to overcome or withstand the continuous opposition and criticism
of political friend and foe alike, in his efforts to save to posterity
an unbroken Union of the sovereign States of our country.
In Philadelphia in the late afternoon of February 21, 1861, following
his reception in Trenton, I saw Abraham Lincoln as he, with his suite,
alighted from carriages at the Ninth Street entrance to the Continental
Hotel. I saw him again in the latter part of December 1864, in Grover's
Theatre, Washington, at a play entitled "Gamea; or the Hebrew Fortune
Teller." It was a rather swash buckling affair featuring a female actress
"Vestali," as a cavalier in the leading part. There was a good bit of
sword play in the piece.
When Lincoln
came in, entirely unattended, leading a little boy by the hand, he passed
around to the right, back of what used to be called the "dress circle,"
and entered the lower box. The theatre was about half filled, and with
the exception of some hand-clapping, to which he made no acknowledgement,
no other notice was taken of his presence. On both of these occasions
I noticed that apparent languor in his movements and that expression
of weariness in his face which many writers have attributed to the foreshadowing
in his mind of coming events, or the cares of his great office, but
which I think are characteristics common to the long-limbed, loose-jointed
and slow-moving western men of his physical type. - S.S.A.
All through the four weary
years of the War the interest of our citizens was centered largely on
the movements of the Army of the Potomac. News from armies in the far
South and Southwest attracted but perfunctory attention. Newsboys with
"extras" on the hot summer afternoons of those eventful years, lazily
droning out "a-n-o-t-h-e-r b-a-t-t-1-a i-n M-i-z-o-u-r-e-e," found few
purchasers; but all intelligence from the Army of the Potomac - almost
all the boys from Trenton were in that army, - was eagerly and anxiously
looked for, and extra editions of local or Philadelphia papers containing
tidings of a battle in Virginia found ready purchasers. So, at different
periods during the progress of the war there were days of much excitement
in Trenton; days in the first year of the war when the streets of Trenton
in front of the True American office at the southwest corner
of Warren and Front Streets and the State Gazette and Republican
office at the northeast corner of State and Warren Streets were
the gathering points for crowds desirous of hearing the latest news
from Washington and Virginia as announced on bulletin boards at those
places. Few, very few, now living can recall to memory those early years
of the '60's.
The first of those exciting days was that on which news of the attack
on Fort Sumter, followed by its reduction and surrender, was received.
This news was of special interest to our citizens as Major Robert Anderson,
commanding officer of Fort Sumter, was well known and had many warm
friends in Trenton, he having been stationed here as inspector of iron-work
turned out by the Trenton Iron Works Company, under contracts with the
United States government for public buildings constructed under the
Treasury Department from July 20, 1855, to November 15, 1859. The fall
of Fort Sumter provoked much feeling in Trenton, and newspaper offices,
and even private homes, were besieged by crowds demanding the display
of the national colors by those looked upon as being lukewarm in expressions
of patriotism. The call of the President for seventy-five thousand militia;
the firing on troops passing through Baltimore en route to Washington;
the crossing of the Union troops over the Long Bridge to Virginia; the
tragic death in Alexandria of Colonel Ellsworth of the New York Fire
Zouaves at the hands of James W. Jackson, the proprietor of the Marshall
House, who shot him as he was descending the stairway of the hotel carrying
over his arm a Confederate flag which he had just taken from the roof,
followed by the killing of Jackson by Sergeant Brownell of the Zouaves,
served to keep alive the excitement on our streets during those early
days of the war.
The height of popular agitation
was reached, however, on that memorable Sunday, July 21, 1861, when
rumors of the defeat of the Union Army under command of Major General
Irwin McDowell at Bull Run were received, - rumors verified on the days
immediately following with particulars of the disaster, and of the panic
of our troops as they fled in dismay, pursued, as they imagined, by
the dreaded Black Horse Cavalry and the "Louisiana Tigers."
The retreat from Bull Run was not without a humorous side. Many civilians
(including some from Trenton) and newspaper correspondents had gone
down to Washington, and from thence, in hacks or other conveyances,
over into Virginia to witness what was to be an easy victory for the
Union Army; but when they realized that our army was badly beaten arid
retreating in confusion they were to be found in the van of the fleeing
and disordered troops on their mad stampede to Washington. A few days
afterwards "Charlie" Jay, writing to the True American, said:
"Things are looking better; the retreat has slowed down to a walk."
Early in the spring of 1862 the Army of the Potomac under command of
McClellan was advancing on its drive for Richmond; Yorktown was besieged
in April and May by the Union troops and the battle of Williamsburg
was fought May 5, 1862. Of the New Jersey Volunteers, the Fifth, Sixth,
Seventh and Eighth Regiments took part in this engagement. In the Fifth
Regiment Captain Robert S. Gould's company, "E," Lewis Guards, and Captain
Charles Ewing's company, "B," Livingston Guards, of the Sixth New Jersey
Infantry, were the Trenton companies engaged, and particulars of the
battle were awaited with much apprehension by those having relatives
and friends in the New Jersey organizations. In the delay of any official
list of casualties the anxiety for definite information increased.
When authentic particulars were finally received with lists of the killed
and wounded in the New Jersey regiments the people of Trenton were for
the first time brought to a realization of the tragedy of war, more
especially as it was then learned that on that bloody day at Williamsburg
fell two gallant young officers from Trenton - Lieutenant DeKlyn Lalor
of Company E and Aaron Wilkes, Adjutant of the Sixth Regiment, besides
Private Walter S. McCormick of Captain Ewing's company. There were several
other of our young men serving in the ranks of the Jersey troops killed
or wounded on that day.
When the bodies of Lalor, Wilkes, and McCormick reached Trenton, they
were buried with military honors. Walter McCormick was an estimable
young man, an employee in the office of the True American, and
had many friends in Trenton.
Another happening, June 23, 1862, causing considerable excitement in
Trenton, was an accident to a troop train running on the Camden and
Amboy Railroad along the Delaware and Raritan Canal between two and
three miles below the city. The train consisted of twenty-five cars
heavily loaded with men, horses, cannon and other ordnance stores, together
with commissary and quartermaster stores, etc., of the Eighth Battery,
Artillery, Massachusetts Volunteers.
President Lincoln and suite returning from West Point had passed through
Trenton over this road a few hours before the accident en route to Washington
via Camden. After the special had passed the spot where later the accident
occurred a gang of workmen making some repairs, not knowing of the coming
of the troop train, had removed several rails. The engineer of the troop
train, although sighting the working gang, failed to notice the absence
of any rails and ran ahead, causing the accident which resulted in the
overturning of some of the cars and the drowning of two men, George
E. Smith and Hosea Packard, and twelve horses of the battery. As this
accident occurred within the boundaries of Mercer County, Coroner LaRue
called a jury and held an inquest on the bodies of the unfortunate men
and rendered a verdict in accordance with the facts without censuring
the engineer of the train or the working gang.
An event of particular local
interest was the arrival here of General George B. McClellan after he
was relieved by executive order from the command of the Army of the
Potomac, with instructions from the General-in-Chief to turn his command
over to General Burnside, repair to Trenton and report for further orders.
General McClellan arrived in Trenton at 4 a.m., November 12, 1862, on
the "owl train" from Washington. He was accompanied by Colonel E. H.
Wright, son of former United States Senator William Wright, of Newark;
Lieutenant Colonel E. M. K. Hudson, Lieutenant Colonel Paul von Radowitz,
Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Colburn, Captain J. C. Duane and several other
officers, civilians, clerks, etc. They proceeded directly to the State
Street House (now the Hotel Sterling), then under the management of
Charles M. Norcross, where quarters for himself, family and staff had
been reserved, and where Mrs. McClellan with her parents, General and
Mrs. Marcy, and near friends were anxiously awaiting their arrival.
After greeting relatives and friends the General retired to his room
for much needed rest. He remained in his room all day, admitting only
a limited number of visitors and those being personal friends and acquaintances.
In the evening an immense crowd assembled in front of the hotel and
the Trenton Cornet Band commenced a serenade. After several airs had
been played, the Hon. Andrew Dutcher appeared and requested the assemblage
to preserve order as General McClellan was about to come out. A few
minutes later McClellan stepped quickly out to the front steps at the
hotel entrance, and was greeted with tremendous cheering. He looked
well and appeared to be in robust health. With a few appropriate remarks,
Mr. Dutcher introduced him to the assembly and he at once began speaking
in a clear voice, as follows:
My friends
- for I feel that you are all my friends - I stand before you, not as
a maker of speeches, not as a politician, but as a soldier. I came among
you to seek quiet and repose, and from the moment of my arrival I have
received nothing but kindness. Although I appear before you as a stranger,
I am not altogether unacquainted with your history. Your gallant soldiers
were with me in every battle, from the siege of Yorktown to the Battle
of Antietam, and I here bear witness to their devotion to the cause
for which we are fighting. [Here the cheering caused the General to
pause for nearly ten minutes; continuing, he said:] I also have to speak
of the ever faithful, ever true Taylor; the dashing and intrepid Kearny-men
who have given their lives for the maintenance of our government, and
before bidding you good night, I have this advice to give you: While
the Army is fighting, you as citizens must see that the war is prosecuted
for the preservation of the Union and the Constitution, for your nationality
and your rights as citizens.
The crowd about the hotel remained
for a long time and in further answer to repeated calls, McClellan appeared
at the window and thanking the people bade them "good night."
The New York Herald's correspondent spoke of this demonstration
to McClellan in Trenton as "unprecedented, both as to numbers and enthusiasm."
As were the soldiers of the Army of the Potomac, our citizens were deeply
impressed by McClellan's winning personality and freedom from anything
like ostentation, in short, they found him a man who would be sure to
inspire love and respect among his comrades-in-arms and all others with
whom he came in contact.
Mrs. McClellan and General and Mrs. Marcy came in for a large share of
admiration and favorable comment for the democratic but dignified and
refined manner in which they assisted in greeting the stream of visitors
who called daily to pay their respects to General McClellan many of whom,
veterans of the Army of the Potomac, greeted him as their "Old Commander."
A letter received from an officer in the army to a friend in Trenton reads
as follows: In
Camp Near Fredericksburg, Va., November 22, 1862.
The removal
of McClellan has thrown a deep gloom over the army, which in my opinion,
may prove disastrous to our army. The whole army had more confidence
in him than in any other man in the country; and he could get more fight
out of them than any other man ....
The forebodings expressed above
were soon to be realized by the disasters of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville
while the Army of the Potomac was under the command of Burnside and Hooker
respectively. A correspondent
in the local press speaking of McClellan's popularity exclaimed:
One is surprised
after a short visit [to him] to account for the bitterness of the
radical press, except upon the theory that he is, in look and gesture,
mind and manners, the very opposite of radicalism.
Of course the criticism
of McClellan in the local press was not all favorable; articles were
written charging him with being overcautious, and procrastinating in
his movements in following up advantages gained, etc. His loyalty and
courage were never questioned.
McClellan's relief from command of the Army of the Potomac terminated
his service in the Army of the United States. He remained in Trenton
some two months until his affairs with the War Department were adjusted
and he then for a time occupied a home in New York City until he finally
established himself and family in a beautiful home on the Orange Mountains
in New Jersey.
The disasters to the Union
arms in Virginia following the removal of McClellan from the command
of the Army of the Potomac had a depressing effect on the people, manifested
in Trenton and elsewhere by the difficulty experienced in obtaining
recruits or reenlistments for the diminishing ranks of the regiments
in the field and for the new organizations forming under calls for more
troops. This difficulty was increased for the reason that many members
of regiments whose term of service was expiring were induced by officers
of the U.S. Army to enlist in the regular service, and it was only by
offers of large bounties that cities, counties and townships were enabled
to fill their respective quotas without recourse to the impending draft.
The draft was most unpopular and enrolling officers were greatly hampered
in the work assigned to them in connection therewith. The invasion of
Maryland and Pennsylvania by Lee in June and July 1863, terminating
in the battle of Gettysburg, was a source of disturbed feeling in Trenton.
The streets were filled by anxious crowds eager to learn of the movements
of the Confederate Army under Lee; the telegraph office was besieged
and the street in front was almost impassable. On June 15, 1863, President
Lincoln called for one hundred thousand militia to repel the threatened
invasion of Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio by the Confederate
Army, and in response to this call, and an urgent request from Governor
Curtin of Pennsylvania, Governor Parker under date of June 17, 1863,
called upon the citizens of the State to organize as military companies
to march at once to the assistance of Pennsylvania during the emergency
existing there. Under this call the following named militia organizations
from Trenton volunteered for the relief of Pennsylvania:
Company A, New
Jersey Militia: Captain, William R. Murphy; three commissioned officers
and sixty-one enlisted men.
B, New Jersey Militia: Captain, George F. Marshall; three commissioned
officers and thirty-nine enlisted men.
C, New Jersey Militia: Captain, James C. Manning; three commissioned
officers and fifty enlisted men.
I, New Jersey Militia: Captain, Joseph A. Yard; three commissioned
officers and thirty-nine enlisted men.
The Trenton companies with
the other militia companies from New Jersey under this call, upon their
arrival at Harrisburg, Pa., reported to Major General Couch, commanding
the Department of Militia, and were organized into two battalions. Captain
William R. Murphy of Company A was assigned to the command of the First
Battalion. At the end of their thirty days' service they were returned
to Trenton for discharge. The thanks of Governor Curtin were tendered
for their service in Pennsylvania.
Except for receptions given in June to the Twenty-first and Twenty-second
Infantry, New Jersey Volunteers, on their return after the expiration
of their term of service, the town had quieted down from the excitement
attending the invasion of Pennsylvania.
In March 1864 General Grant was placed in command of all armies in the
field, himself taking command of the Army of the Potomac. May 4 he began
activities by crossing the Rapidan and entered the Wilderness where
he was attacked by Lee and the Battle of the Wilderness was fought.
The result was indecisive and frustrated Grant's plan of placing himself
between Lee and Richmond. The battles of Spottsylvania and Cold Harbor
followed, and within some thirty days after the crossing of the Rapidan,
Grant had lost in killed, wounded and missing 54,939 men, and no advantage
had been gained. It was after the battle of Spottsylvania that Grant
wrote to Halleck, "I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes
all summer." Lee's losses were much less; indeed, as matters
stood after the butchery of Cold Harbor, his army, strengthened with
some reenforcements, emerged from thirty days of incessant fighting
almost as large as it was at the beginning of the campaign. It did take
Grant "all summer" and well into the spring of 1865, at a dreadful sacrifice
of life, before the Confederacy was finally vanquished.
The presidential campaign of 1864 resulting in the reelection of Abraham
Lincoln was of much interest in Trenton as General McClellan, the Democratic
nominee, during his stay here after his relief from the command of the
Army of the Potomac had made many friends in our community; and with
the parades, meetings and flag-raisings of both political parties; with
speeches by prominent men of New Jersey and neighboring States; and
the current war news, the town was kept very much alive, although people
were getting war-weary and the activities of the armies in the field
raised but little interest.
Much apprehension was felt
in the early spring of 1865 when it was announced that a draft to fill
Trenton's quota would begin March 28, at the Provost Marshal's office
in Odd Fellows Hall, at the southwest corner of Greene and Hanover Streets,
and continue daily until the quota was completed. The lists of names
drawn were published daily and the substitute brokers prepared for a
big harvest. Substitutes were furnished by these thrifty patriots at
prices ranging from $500 to $1,000, and notorious bounty jumpers
enlisted early and often in the place of drafted citizens. But the end
was rapidly approaching and it was soon apparent that our citizens drafted
under this last call would not be mustered into service. First came
the fall of Richmond, and on Sunday, April 9, 1865, a little after 10
p.m., news was received of the surrender of General Robert E. Lee and
the remnant of his army. The news ran through the town like wild-fire;
crowds passed through State Street and Warren Street cheering, and the
City Hall bell and the church bells began ringing and kept it up until
midnight. The rejoicing in the streets was kept up until nearly daybreak;
and on Tuesday a salute of two hundred guns was fired on the State House
grounds in the rear of the Capitol in honor of the final victory of
the Union arms in Virginia.
In a few days an order was issued by the Secretary of War directing
that all further recruiting and drafting be stopped, to the great relief
of those citizens of Trenton whose names had appeared in the lists of
But the rejoicing at the success of our armies was soon to be turned
to expressions of horror and grief, for on the early morning of Saturday,
April 15, the shocking news was received of the assassination on the
night before of President Lincoln in Ford's Theatre, Washington, by
John Wilkes Booth, and in a few hours the decorations of victory on
our public buildings and many private homes were changed for the inky
emblems of mourning. With the final passage on April 24 through our
city of the funeral train bearing the body of the beloved President,
stricken down in the hour of national victory, and with the welcome
tendered by the city authorities to the returning veterans by detachments
or complete organizations, terminating with the reception, May 2, 1866,
to the Thirty-fourth Infantry, New Jersey Volunteers, which had been
retained on duty in Alabama, Trenton's memorable connections with the
great war were ended.
No people, unless in old
Scotland in the feudal days of the clans and the border wars, ever produced
so many battle songs as those written by American song-writers during
the period of the Civil War. The attempt will be made here to give a
brief account of some of the more popular ones, taken entirely from
memory as but little reference to them could be found in any literature
on the war of 1861-65. They were all popular in Trenton.
"Dixie" came out in 1860, before the Civil War, and, becoming popular
in the South, was adopted as its own. In addition to "Dixie,"
the only songs of the South that survived the war were "Maryland, My
Maryland," set to the music of a beautiful German air, and the "Bonnie
Blue Flag that Bears a Single Star."
In the North one of the earlier songs was "When This Cruel War Is Over."
The air to this sentimental song was plaintive in tone and became extremely
popular. President Lincoln's call for three hundred thousand troops
brought out "We Are Coming, Father Abraham, Three Hundred Thousand More."
"John Brown's Body Lies a-Mouldering in the Grave, But His Soul Goes
Marching On," became very popular. The music was taken from a revival
song of the day, beginning, "Say, brothers, will you meet us," and was
also adapted by Julia Ward Howe as the music to her "Battle Hymn of
the Republic."
"'Tis Just Before the Battle, Mother"; "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp the Boys
Are Marching"; "Who Will Care for Mother Now" and "The Battle Cry of
Freedom," or "We'll Rally Round the Flag, Boys," were also much favored.
"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" was a tremendous favorite and because
of its brisk, catchy melody was used by the young people of those faraway
days at the wind-up, or "All Hands Around" of the "Lancers," and the
When McClellan, after his successful campaign in West Virginia, was
.assigned to the command of the Army of the Potomac, "McClellan Is Our
Leader" was produced, and when he was first removed from the command
of that army, the clamor from the veterans of the Army of the Potomac
for his restoration was voiced in "Give Us Back Our Old Commander,"
which was done, and he defeated Lee at Antietam.
In 1862, when McClellan's army fell back from before Richmond and reoccupied
some of its former camp sites, the song "Tenting Tonight on the Old
Camp Ground" became, and still is, a favorite melody.
The late justice Alfred Reed of the Supreme Court, in those days a popular
young lawyer, had a fine tenor voice and was fond of these songs which
he sang with much expression. The writer remembers one in particular
which he heard him sing. It was of a faithful old slave bewailing the
sad changes that war had brought to the old plantation. It ran
as follows:
Since Massa's gone
to wah, The devil's
been to pay, The cotton-pickin'
niggers Have all run
away; Some are up at
Richmond, The good-for-nothing
scamps, Some are diggin'
muck In the Union Army
camps. Chorus: Come
back, Massa, come back, O,
come back, Massa, come back; Come
back to Uncle Sam And
be a Union man, And
save the old plantation. Others
of more or less popularity are recalled, but we shall take space to mention
only one of these which, with the exception of "Dixie," has outlived in
popularity all the others, - the famous "Marching Through Georgia," dedicated
to General Sherman.
Listening to these old melodies calls up, in the hearts of the few of
us who lived in those never-to-be-forgotten days, feelings that can hardly
be realized by the present rapid-living and busy generation.
Services of the State and City in the Civil War
IN 1861 the militia forces
of the State were organized under the revision of the militia law of
April 17, 1846, which divided the militia into county brigades, each
under the command of a Brigadier General; the several brigades were
formed into divisions designated as the First, Second, Third and Fourth
Divisions, respectively. Although some amendments had been made to this
antiquated Act between 1846 and 1861, the general provisions were the
same, dividing the militia between the ages of eighteen and forty-five
into two classes, the active and the reserve; the former comprised all
persons liable to military duty who were enlisted in the uniformed companies
of the several brigades, and the reserve consisted of the residue or
unorganized portion of the militia.
Many years of profound peace, and the absence of any cause for alarm,
had left the reserve militia entirely unorganized and to a great extent
unenrolled throughout the State, while the active militia or uniformed
companies were almost entirely supported by patriotic individual effort
with little or no encouragement from the state or national government.
The active militia amounted in the aggregate to about four thousand
four hundred officers and enlisted men, consisting in a great measure
of scattered companies allotted to the several county brigades, and
these organizations in many instances were but poorly armed and equipped.
So when the State was suddenly called upon to detail from the militia
a brigade of four regiments of infantry for immediate service, with
a probability of being called on later for a larger force, an immediate
organization of the reserve militia was deemed necessary and orders
for that purpose were issued.
In the meantime existing uniformed companies were raised, and within
a week after the acceptance of the first company the required brigade
was organized; fifteen days after the call to arms by the Federal Executive,
New Jersey had her brigade ready to move to Washington, for national
The arms and accoutrements
in possession of the State in the beginning of the year 1861 were limited
in quantity and of inferior pattern. Rifled, percussion and flint-lock
muskets aggregating about six thousand stands with less than one thousand
rifles of more modern pattern were in the hands of the uniformed companies
of the militia. Many of these arms were of obsolete pattern and were
at once called in, and those in store at the Arsenal 4
were put in condition for active service. Under contracts for these
repairs about seven thousand five hundred flint-lock muskets, caliber
58, were changed to percussion and rifled to suit the required service.
This old building, the scene of so many activities during the Mexican,
the Civil, the Spanish-American and the World War, covering a period
of nearly ninety years, has been abandoned as an arsenal and turned
over by the Quartermaster General to the State Department of Institutions
and Agencies.
All serviceable
military property stored at the Trenton Arsenal has been removed to
the new arsenal completed in 1928 at the State camp grounds, Sea Girt.
When the present
State prison was finished in 1836, the inmates of the old penitentiary
were transferred to the new institution and the Mercer County authorities
were permitted the use of the old building as a jail until the new County
jail, then in course of construction, was completed. After the removal
of the County prisoners to the new jail, the old prison, as had been
recommended by Governors Southard and Vroom, was turned over to General
Samuel R. Hamilton, Quartermaster General, to be used as an arsenal
for the storage of the ordnance, ordnance stores and camp and garrison
equipage which had up to that time been kept in the old State Bank building
at the northwest corner of Warren and Bank Streets and in the loft of
the State House.
There were no breech-loading
rifles in possession of the State and few, if any, in the U. S. Army
in 1861.
On the fifteenth of April,
1861, President Lincoln made his memorable proclamation, calling on
the militia of the several States for seventy-five thousand men for
three months' service for the national defense, and on the same day
the Secretary of War notified Governor Olden that New Jersey's quota
would require, including officers and enlisted men, a force amounting
to 3,123.
On April 17 Governor Olden issued his proclamation calling on the militia
for four regiments of infantry to total in strength the number shown
in the schedule accompanying the requisition of the Secretary of War.
Under date of April 16 the Adjutant General, Robert F. Stockton, ordered
Captain William R. Murphy, Company A National Guard, First Regiment,
Mercer Brigade, to report to the Quartermaster General of the State,
which order was complied with, and on the same day General Lewis Perrine,
Quartermaster General, directed Captain Murphy to proceed with his command
to the State Arsenal for guard duty at that place. The duty was performed
by that organization with such fidelity as to elicit the commendation
of Governor Olden at the termination of this important service, for
the Arsenal had suddenly become the scene of much activity.
The Arsenal buildings being found inadequate for the increased demand
on their facilities in the work of equipping the four regiments, a large
and commodious building was constructed, twenty-five feet wide by one-hundred
and fifty feet long, and two stories in height.
The State was without camp and garrison equipage, and vacant houses
were rented for the accommodation of the Third and Fourth Regiments.
They were billeted at the different hotels and boarding houses for meals.
For the accommodation of the First and Second Regiments, barracks were
hastily erected within the Arsenal inclosure, and two mess-halls, each
one hundred and fifty feet long with a commodious kitchen, were also
constructed. Subsistence for the troops was furnished by contract.
The First Regiment was clothed at Newark, by authority of the Quartermaster
General at the expense of the State. The Second Regiment was mostly
clothed by a committee of liberal and patriotic gentlemen, citizens
of Jersey City, at their own expense without authority from the State.
The entire brigade of four regiments was armed and equipped at the Arsenal.
The organization, arming and equipping of the First Brigade, New Jersey
Militia, being completed, it was mustered into the service of the United
States at Trenton, on April 30, 1861, to serve three months, by Major
Theodore T. A. Laidley and Lieutenant Alfred T. A. Torbert of the U.S.
Army, and left Trenton for the seat of war May 3, 1861. In consequence
of the destruction of railroads and bridges between Philadelphia and
Baltimore, and in order that no time might be lost thereby in forwarding
the troops when ready for marching orders, fourteen steam transports
were chartered by General Perrine, fitted up at great expense, and the
entire command accompanied by a state battery of four brass field-pieces,
all under command of Brigadier General Theodore Runyon, left Trenton
for Washington. General Runyon with his brigade reported to President
Lincoln at Washington, May 6, 1861, being the first fully organized
brigade to reach the national capital for its defense. This prompt response
to the call of the President was acknowledged in a letter from the Secretary
of War to Governor Olden in which he said:
Allow me to
tender to you the thanks of this department for the very prompt and
efficient manner in which you, and the people of your State, have responded
to the requisition made upon you.
The New Jersey troops being
among the earliest to reach the seat of war, and being the only fully
organized brigade there, were at once assigned to the important and
urgent duty of strengthening the defenses of the national capital, at
that time seriously threatened and supposed to be in imminent
danger; and their timely services were repeatedly acknowledged. This
brigade was not in active service at the battle of Bull Run, Sunday,
July 21, 1861, but as reported by Major General Irwin McDowell
commanding the army at the Bull Run disaster July 21, 1861, the First
and Second Regiments, New Jersey Volunteer Militia, were ordered up
from Runyon's brigade to assist in checking, or covering the retreat
of the panic-stricken army. The Third Regiment (containing the three
Trenton companies) and the Fourth Regiment, New Jersey Militia, performed
no other service during the battle of Bull Run than guarding communication
with Washington by way of Vienna, and the Orange and Alexandria Railroad.
Upon the expiration of their term of service July 31, 1861, the four
regiments, New Jersey Volunteer Militia, of Runyon's brigade were honorably
discharged; a large portion of them, however, immediately volunteered
their services and were mustered in with one or the other of
the three-year regiments then forming.
According to General Runyon's report to the governor, the brigade lost
by death from all causes, during its absence from New Jersey, but four
men, two of whom were of the First Regiment, and the others of the Fourth.
Ensign Henry K. Zehner of Company D, Third Regiment, Captain Mulford's
company, died July 28, 1861, at Washington, D.C. There were no other
casualties in the Trenton companies.
Lieutenant Zehner was the first citizen from Trenton and the first commissioned
officer from New Jersey to give up his life in the service of his country,
and the arrival of his remains in Trenton was made the occasion of the
first military funeral here of the Civil War.
Trenton had now become the
scene of great military activity. 5 Tents were
erected in the Arsenal yard and were also pitched in the grounds about
the State House. Most of the rooms in the State House were turned over
to the use of military officers, who in their attractive uniforms were
constantly passing in and out of the building. 6
With the rotunda and corridors filled with recruits; the marching and
countermarching of detachments and squads of troops in the streets to
the inspiring music of fife and drum; the foreign-looking Zouaves with
baggy Ted trousers and fez; mounted officers and orderlies dashing to
and from the State House to the Arsenal and the mobilization camps,
our quiet town suddenly put on much of the "pomp and circumstance of
war" strangely at variance with the sleepy period of those peaceful
years following the return of the volunteers from Mexico.
5 Trenton
was the headquarters of the Second Congressional District of New Jersey,
which district was composed of Ocean, Burlington, Monmouth and Mercer.
The Provost Marshal of the district was James R. Coppock, stationed
in Trenton at the southeast corner of Warren and Front Streets, to take
charge of the recruiting, enrolling, drafting, arresting of deserters,
etc., in his district.
From the beginning
of the Civil War until October 26, 1861, the State of New Jersey was
in the Military Department of the East under the command of Major General
John E. Wool. From October 26, 1861, to February 1, 1862, New Jersey
was not in any military department. From February 1, 1862, to March
22, 1862, the State was in the Military Department of the Potomac, under
the command of Major General George B. McClellan. From March 22, 1862
to February 6, 1863, New Jersey was in the Middle Department under the
command of Major General John A. Dix, Major General John E. Wool, and
Major General Robert C. Schenk, respectively. From February 6, 1863,
to the end of the war, it was in the Department of the East, under the
command of Major General John E. Wool, Major General John A. Dix, and
Major General Joseh Hooker, respectively.
The first camp in
Trenton was just outside of the Arsenal walls and was called Camp Olden;
later this name was given to the large camp on the Sandtown road near
Pond Run, where many of the New Jersey regiments were mobilized and
mustered into Federal service.
Perrine was located on the East bank of the Delaware and Raritan canal
opposite the State Prison. There was a cavalry camp, Camp Halsted, along
the feeder near Moses Woods, now the junction of West Hanover and Passaic
Streets. Camp Bayard was situated west of South Broad Street and south
of Cass.
The war had meanwhile assumed
a magnitude which made imperative a call for a larger number of troops
for a longer term of service for its suppression, and May 3, 1861, the
President issued his proclamation calling for men for three-year service,
under which call three regiments were assigned to New Jersey.
A proposition was made by Governor Olden to the War Department at Washington
for the State to furnish the necessary clothing, equipment and camp
and garrison equipage as specified in general orders, to be inspected
and paid for in accordance with the customary rules of .the service
as observed towards other contractors. The proposition was accepted
and within three weeks the necessary supplies were furnished and delivered
at the Arsenal. On the twenty-eighth of June, 1861, the three regiments
were sent forward by rail to Washington, amply provided with everything
necessary for active service.
Following the consternation and excitement occasioned by the overwhelming
defeat sustained by the Union forces at Bull Run, all hopes for a speedy
suppression of the rebellion vanished and it was realized that this
country was to face a long, obstinate and bloody war. Under date Of
July 29, 1861, the Secretary of War under authority of the President
called on Governor Olden for five new regiments in addition to the three
three-year regiments then in the field. The Fourth Regiment was the
first of these five regiments to leave for the front.
Of the forty-one militia
companies formed in Trenton from August 12, 1861, to December 18, 1861,
only eleven attained to the numerical strength requisite for muster
into Federal service. Consequently, many members of the weaker organizations
were transferred to the companies nearest completion, to fill them up
to the required strength. These completed organizations served in the
following-named regiments:
Third Regiment, Militia
Company A : Joseph A. Yard, Captain; Robert S. Gould, First Lieutenant;
Charles Ewing, Ensign. Company
C (Wilkinson Volunteers): Isaac Paul Lykens, Captain; John W. Neal,
First Lieutenant; John R. Beatty, Ensign. Company
D (Jersey Blues): Samuel Mulford, Captain; Franklin S. Mills, First
Lieutenant; Henry K. Zehner, Ensign.
First Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers
Company B (Company B, National Guard): Sylvester Van Sickell, Captain
(resigned July 31, 1862) ; William H. Tantum, Captain (vice Van Sickell,
resigned); William Brant, W., Captain (vice Tantum, promoted).
Fourth Regiment, Infantry,
Volunteers Company
B (Wilson Zouaves) : William Sedden, Captain (deserted March 24,
1862) ; Robert S. Johnston, Captain (vice Sedden, deserted) ; Horatio
S. Howell, Captain (vice Johnston, mustered out). Company
C (Stevens Guards) : Heathcote F. Disbrow, Captain (resigned December
20, 1861) ; Barzilla Ridgway, Captain (vice Disbrow, resigned) ; Howard
King, Captain (vice Ridgway, promoted); Caleb M. Wright, Captain (vice
King, mustered out). Company
D (Jersey Blues) : Samuel Mulford, Captain (promoted Major) ; Baldwin
Hufty, Captain (vice Mulford, promoted) ; John J. Letchworth, Captain
(vice Hufty, promoted).
Fifth Regiment, Infantry,
Volunteers Company
E (Lewis Guards) : Robert S. Gould, Captain (resigned April 18,
1863) ; Edward P. Berry, Captain (vice Gould, resigned. Captain Berry
died of wounds received in action at Gettysburg.)
Sixth Regiment, Infantry,
Volunteers Company
B (Livingston Guards) : Charles Ewing, Captain (promoted January
8, 1863) ; Joseph R. West, Captain (vice Ewing, promoted).
Eleventh Regiment, Infantry,
Volunteers Company
C (Belleville Guards) : John J. Willis, Captain (resigned March
6, 1863) ; Andrew H. Ackerman, Captain (vice Willis, resigned. Killed
at Gettysburg July 3, 1863) ; Edward T. Kennedy, Captain (vice Ackerman,
killed in action) ; George Savidge, Captain (vice Kennedy, resigned).
Fourteenth Regiment,
Infantry, Volunteers Company
B (Union Light Infantry) : Benjamin F. Craig, Captain; Jarvis Wanser,
Captain (vice Craig, dismissed).
Of the forty-five volunteer
military organizations of all arms of the service raised in New Jersey
during the progress of the Civil War of 1861-65, nineteen regiments
and twelve companies of infantry, three regiments of cavalry and four
batteries of the First Regiment of Artillery were mobilized and mustered
into Federal service in the camps in, or adjacent to Trenton as shown
on this statement:
First Regiment, Infantry, New Jersey Volunteer Militia, afterwards
numbered as the Seventeenth Infantry. Mustered in at Trenton April 30,
1861, for three-months service.
Second Regiment, Infantry, New Jersey Volunteer Militia, afterwards
numbered as the Eighteenth Infantry. Mustered in at Trenton May 1, 1861,
for three-months service.
Third Regiment, Infantry, New Jersey Volunteer Militia, afterwards
numbered as the Nineteenth Infantry. Mustered in at Trenton, April 27,
1861, for three-months service.
Fourth Regiment, Infantry, New Jersey Volunteer Militia, afterwards
given the designation of the Twentieth Infantry. Mustered in at Trenton,
April 27, 1861, for three-months service.
First Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp Olden,
Trenton, May 21, 1861, for three years.
Second Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp Olden,
Trenton, May 26, 1861, for three years.
Third Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp Olden,
Trenton, June 4, 1861, for three years.
Fourth Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp
Olden, Trenton, August 19, 1861, for three years.
Fifth Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp
Olden, Trenton, August 22, 1861, for three years.
Sixth Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp Olden,
Trenton, August 19, 1861, for three years.
Seventh Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp Olden,
Trenton, September 3, 1861, for three years.
Eighth Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp Olden,
Trenton, .September 14, 1861, for three years.
Ninth Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp Olden,
Trenton, September 13 to October 14, 1861, for three years.
Eleventh Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp Perrine,
Trenton, August 18, 1862, for three years.
Sixteenth Regiment (First Regiment Cavalry). Headquarters at Camp
Halsted, Trenton. Seventeenth
Regiment, Infantry. See First Regiment, Volunteer Militia - three-months
men. Eighteenth
Regiment, Infantry. See Second Regiment, Volunteer Militia - three-months
men. Nineteenth
Regiment, Infantry. See Third Regiment, Volunteer Militia - three-months
men. Twentieth
Regiment, Infantry. See Fourth Regiment, Volunteer Militia - three-months
On the fourth of August,
1862, the President ordered that a draft, the first, of three hundred
thousand militia be immediately called into the service of the United
States, to serve for nine months unless sooner discharged, regulations
for the draft to be established by the Secretary of War. A subsequent
order dated August 19 directed that "The draft be made on Wednesday
the third of September, 1862, between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and
5 o'clock p.m. and continued from day to day between the same hours
until completed."
A general desire was manifested by our citizens to fill New Jersey's
quota (10,478) by voluntary enlistment, and thus avoid the draft; but
the time was so short that the returns of draft commissioners could
not be obtained before the date fixed by the draft, and so the people
were forced to a draft, whereas, if time had been given, New Jersey
could have raised the quota by voluntary enlistment. More time was requested
of the War Department but it was denied, and it seemed to be a time
for state officials to take responsibility upon themselves and act with
promptness and energy, for the people had a right to know the number
of men they were required to raise, in time to use all endeavor to raise
the number without a draft.
It was announced that volunteers in lieu of drafted men would be received
up to the first day of September, and that positively the draft would
take place at the appointed time if the quota should not be filled by
voluntary enlistments by that date.
The result was gratifying beyond all expectation. For several days previous
to the time fixed for the draft men poured into Camp Perrine at Trenton,
designated as Draft Rendezvous No. 1, under command of Brigadier General
N. Norris Halsted, and by the evening of September 2, 1862, our quota
was filled by voluntary enlistments, and, practically, a draft at that
time was avoided. Subsequently and before the regiments left the State
a few men were drafted, one of the commissioners deeming it his duty
to resort to draft because the quota of his County was not quite full,
notwithstanding the excess of volunteers over the quota of the whole
The organizations mustered in at Trenton under this call were the following:
Twenty-first Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp
Perrine, September 15, 1862, for nine months.
Twenty-second Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp
Perrine, September 22, 1862, for nine months.
Twenty-fifth Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Five companies of this
regiment mustered in at Camp Perrine, September 18, 1862, for nine months.
Thirty-second Regiment (Second Cavalry). Mustered in at Camp Perrine,
August and September 1863, for three years or the war.
Thirty-fourth Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Field and staff and
seven companies of this regiment mustered in at Camp Parker, October
6 to November 9, 1863, for three years.
Thirty-sixth Regiment (Third Cavalry). Mustered in at Camp Bayard,
January and February 1864 for three years.
Thirty-seventh Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Trenton,
June 23, 1864, for one hundred days.
Thirty-eighth Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp
Bayard, September 1864, for one year.
Fortieth Regiment, Infantry, Volunteers. Mustered in at Camp Perrine
for one, two, or three years, October 24, 1864, to March 10,
First Regiment, Artillery, Volunteers:
Battery B. Mustered in at Camp Olden, September 3, 1861, for three years.
Battery C. Mustered in at Camp Perrine, September 11, 1863, for three
Battery D. Mustered in at Camp Perrine, September 16, 1863, for three
Battery E. Mustered in at Camp Perrine, September 8, 1863, for three
The population of Trenton
in April 1861, based on the census of 1860, was 17,221, or in
round figures in April 1861, 18,000. The actual number of males between
the ages of 18 and 45 cannot be definitely ascertained, but according
to the reports of the Adjutant General of New Jersey, of the 98,886
men in the State available for military duty, 88,305 were sent to the
field. From Trenton there were, based on a fair estimate of the militia
strength of the city, approximately two thousand volunteers in New Jersey
regiments and volunteer organizations of neighboring states.
On April 18, 1861, a public
meeting was held in Temperance Hall at the southeast corner of Greene
(later Broad) and Front Streets for the purpose of devising plans for
the care and support of families of volunteers enlisting for the war
and the appointment of committees to solicit subscriptions from the
citizens of Trenton for that purpose. The appeal met with a generous
response. The Trenton Bank and the Mechanic's Bank also made liberal
contributions to the fund in addition to the large loans tendered to
Governor Olden towards the expenses of fitting out the volunteer organizations.
Sub-committees were also appointed to attend to the proper distribution
of money and supplies to the families of soldiers.
The women of the First Presbyterian Church and of other churches formed
societies for the purpose of furnishing lint, bandages, clothing and
other supplies of a miscellaneous nature required by soldiers in the
field. These associations continued their work during the entire period
of the war for our troops in the field.
In the spring of 1865 an Act was passed by the Legislature to incorporate
a Soldiers' Children's Home and named for the management thereof a number
of prominent women of the State. The object of this Act was to provide
for the support and education of the destitute children of any soldier,
living or dead, who may have been engaged in the conflict for the preservation
of the Union. This institution was established originally in Jersey
City but after an appropriation for its support was made it was removed
to Trenton, locating at Millham. Mrs. William L. Dayton was chosen president
and Mrs. J. S. Davenport and Mrs. Augustus G. Richey vice-presidents;
Miss Mary A. Hall, treasurer, and Miss Mary F. Johnston, secretary,
with a board of directors residing in Jersey City and Trenton. The location
at Millham being at a considerable distance from Trenton, a house at
92 Warren Street was purchased and used until the completion
in 1867 of the new building at Hamilton and Chestnut Avenues to be used
for the purposes named in the Act for the next ten years. A full description
of this building is given in Raum's History of Trenton. From
the opening until its close in 1877, some three hundred children, boys
and girls, were cared for and educated at this institution until they
arrived at an age when they were qualified for employment for self-support.
Upon the close of the institution the care of the buildings was turned
over to the Quartermaster General who retained supervision until its
conversion into a State institution for the deaf and dumb, for which
purpose it was used until the construction of the present buildings
at Trenton Junction.
Much activity among our
merchants in Trenton during the Civil War was occasioned by the urgent
need of the national and state governments for military supplies of
every description. Our large industrial plants were also very busy.
One of the most important of these plants was that of the New Jersey
Arms and Ordnance Company, manufacturing muskets and heavy ordnance.
The Trenton Iron Company, later known as the New Jersey Steel and Iron
Company, rendered great service to the War Department in the manufacture
of iron of a quality suitable for gun barrels, etc. Charles Hewitt,
at the request of the Secretary of War, went to England and bought up
a large quantity of such suitable iron and studied the conditions of
its manufacture. Mr. Hewitt, with the information thus gained, succeeded
in manufacturing an excellent quality of iron and rolled gun barrels
therefrom which passed a rigid inspection by Major Dyer, U.S.A., superintendent
of the Springfield Armory. All barrels made under Mr. Hewitt's formula
were stamped "Trenton" and were known as the "Trenton-Springfield Rifle."
The New Jersey Arms and Ordnance Company established a proving ground
near Trenton along the Delaware and Raritan Canal, near Lock No. 3,
better known later as Mitchell's Lock, for the testing of the Dahlgren
guns and other ordnance manufactured for the government under the supervision
of the Secretary of War. This proving ground was carefully constructed
for practice with heavy ordnance, and to guard against the possibility
of accidents was under rigid surveillance during testing periods.
General Lewis Perrine, Quartermaster General of New Jersey, contracted
with the New Jersey Arms and Ordnance Company for muskets and with Emerson
& Silvers of Trenton for swords and scabbards for non-commissioned
officers and for sabers for the cavalry and artillery. Among local merchants
furnishing various military stores were Joseph McPherson, artillery
harness, saddles and bridles; John B. Anderson, forage caps and army
hats; Jonathan Steward and others, flannel shirts; Joseph Rice and Charles
H. McChesney, drawers; Daniel and William Temple, boots and shoes; Henderson
G. Scudder and others, army blankets.
Upton and Miller, Brearley, Cogill & Company and other local dealers
furnished large quantities of small ordnance, commissary and quartermaster
stores too numerous to mention in detail.
Trenton Officers in the Civil War and Roster of Company A, National
FOLLOWING is a record of citizens
of Trenton who served as commissioned officers in the Volunteer and Regular
Armies, the Navy and the Marine Corps during the Civil War; service, if
any, in the Mexican War of 1846-48 is indicated by an asterisk ( * ):
Abbott, Joseph W.,
1st Lieut., Co. E, 7th N.J. Inf., Vols., Sept. 18, 1861; Captain,
May 27, 1862; killed in action at Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, 1862.
Allison, Thomas S., Major and Paymaster, June 1, 1861; Brevet Lieut.
Col., March 13, 1865; appointed Paymaster U.S. Army April 1, 1867. Died
Feb. 1, 1871.
Austin, Matthew S., Pvt., Co. G, 5th N.J. Inf., Vols., Aug. 24, 1861;
Commissary Sergt. N.C.S., Aug. 29, 1861; 2d Lieut., Co. G, Nov. 10, 1862;
mustered out Sept. 7, 1864.
Barton, James A., 3rd Asst. Engineer, U.S. Navy, Jan. 16, 1863; resigned
Nov. 5, 1868.
Beatty, John R., Ensign, Co. C, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vols., Militia, April
27, 1861 ; mustered out July 31, 1861.
Bennett, George A., 1st Sergt., 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 17, 1861
; 2nd Lieut. Co. D, Dec. 2r, 1861; 1st Lieut., Co. C, Sept. 0, 1862; discharged
April 6, 1863.
Bodine, Budd S., 1st Lieut., Co. B, 14th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 20,
1862; resigned March 1, 1864.
Boyd, Charles S., Sergt., Co. B, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 9, 1861;
2nd Lieut., June 11, 1863; mustered out Nov. 6, 1864.
Bragg, George Lawrence, Pvt., Sth Cav., Penn. Vols.; 2nd Lieut., Co.
F, Aug. 21, 1861 ; 1st Lieut., Co. M, July 15, 1862; promoted Commissary
of Subsistence from Co. M, Oct. 15, 1862; killed in action at Deep Bottom,
Va., Aug. 16, 1864.
Brant, William, Jr., Corp., 1st Inf., N.J. Vols., May 21, 1861; Sergt,
Feb. 4, 1862 ; 1st Lieut., Co. B, Feb. 2, 1865 ; Brevetted Capt., April
2, 1865, for gallant and meritorious conduct before Petersburg, Va.; Captain,
Co. B, May 11, 1865.
Brown, Charles P., Q.M. .Sergt., 12th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 12, 1862
; 2nd Lieut., Co. A, April 11, 1864, not mustered; 1st Lieut., Co. I,
May 20, 1864; Capt., Jan. 30, 1865; mustered out June 4, 1865.
Campbell, Edward L., Capt., Co. E, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vols., May 28, 1861;
Lieut. Col., 15th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 11 1862, for distinguished
service and gallantry at Cedar Creek, Va., to date from Oct. 19, 1864;
Col., Feb. 6, 1865; declined. Col., 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., May 29, 1865;
brevetted Brig. Gen. to date from April 9, 1865, for gallant and meritorious
services in the operations resulting in the fall of Richmond and the surrender
of Gen. Lee at Appomattox.
Clark, Henry R., 2nd Lieut., Co. A, 5th Inf., N.J. Vols., Dec. 16,
1862; killed in action at Gettysburg, Va., July 2, 1863.
Craig, Benjamin F., Capt., Co. B, 14th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 20,
1862; dismissed Nov. 12, 1864.
Cunningham, Thomas, Sergt., Co. B, 1st Inf., N.J. Vols., May 21, 1861;
1st Sergt., Sept. 1, 1862; 1st Lieut., Co. C, Feb. 13, 1863; Capt., Co.
K., 38th Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out June 30, 1865.
Dayton Ferdinand V., Asst. Surgeon, 1st Cav., N.J. Vols., Sept. 20,
1861; Surgeon, 2nd Cav., N.J. Vols., July 2, 1863; discharged at Natchez,
Miss., Aug. 2, 1865; brevetted Lieut. Col. for meritorious conduct during
the war, to date from March 13, 1865 ; mustered out October 24, 1865.
Dickinson, S. Meredith, Co. A, N.G., April 6, 1861; Acting Asst. Paymaster,
U.S. Navy, 1861 ; resigned Oct. 31, 1862.
Disbrow, Heathcoate J., Capt., CO. C, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 17,
1861; Capt., 15th U.S. Inf., May 14, 1861; resigned Dec. 20, 1861.
Dod, Albert B., Pvt., Co. A.N.G., April 16, 1861 ; Capt., 15th U.S.
Inf:, May 14, 1861 ; resigned Aug. 15, 1864.
Drake, J. Madison, Sergt., CO. C, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia, April
23, 1861; mustered out July 31, 1861; Sergt., Co. K, 9th Inf., N.J. Vols.,
Oct. 15, 1861; 1st Sergt., May 16, 1862; 2nd Lieut., Co. D, June 3, 1863;
1st Lieut., April 13, 1864; Capt., Feb. 8, 1865, not mustered. This officer
was taken prisoner at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864, but made his escape
by leaping from a train of cars while in transit from Charleston to Columbia,
S.C., and after forty-seven days wandering in the mountains reached the
Union lines in safety. Lieut. Drake received a medal of honor from Congress
for gallantry and bravery.
English, Earl,* Midshipman in U.S. Navy in 1840; Lieut. Commander,
July 16, 1862, and at the time of his retirement had attained to the rank
of Rear Admiral. He died in 1893 at Culpepper, Va.
Ewing, Charles, Ensign, Co. A, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia, April
23, 1861; mustered out July 31, 1861; Capt., Co. B, 6th Inf., N.J. Vols.,
Sept. 9, 1861; Major, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Jan. 8, 1863; Lieut. Col.,
Sept. 14, 1863 ; discharged March 16, 1865.
Farrell, Lawrence, 2nd Lieut., Co. H, 35th Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept.
21, 1863; 1st Lieut., Sept. 24, 1863; Capt., Nov. 15, 1864, not mustered;
discharged Jan. 23, 1865, disability.
Fausett, Orrin B., 1st Lieut., Co. C, iith Inf., N.J. Vols., July
22, 1862; resigned March 6, 1863, disability.
Faussett, John B., Sergt., Co. A, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia, April
23, 1861; mustered out July 31, 1861; 2nd Lieut., Co. C, 11th Inf., N.J.
Vols., March 6, 1863; 1st Lieut., Sept. 29, 1863; resigned July 19, 1864,
Fisher, Clark, 3rd Asst. Engineer, LT,S. Navy, May 3, 1859; 2nd Asst.
Engineer, July 1, 1861 ; 1st Asst. Engineer, May 20, 1863; Chief Engineer,
Jan. 23, 1871; resigned March 27, 1872.
Fisher, Otis, 2nd Lieut., 8th Inf., U.S.A., Aug. 5, 1861; 1st Lieut.,
Sept. i9, 1863 ; Brevet Capt., Aug. 9, 1862, for gallant and meritorious
service at Cedar Mountain, Va.; Brevet Major, Sept. 3o, 1864, for
gallant and meritorious conduct at Battle of Poplar Spring Church, Va.;
died Oct. 4, 1864, of wounds received in action Sept. 30, 1864, at Poplar
Spring Church, Va.
Freese, Jacob R., Capt. and Asst. Adj. Gen., Aug. 24, 1861;
resigned Dec. 31, 1863.
Gilkyson, Stephen R., Capt., Co. A, 6th Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 9,
1861; Major, July 22, 1862 ; Lieut. Col., Oct.11, 1863 ; Col., June 1,
1864, not mustered; Col. 4oth Inf., N.J. Vols., March 7, 1865; mustered
out July 13, 1865.
Gould, Robert S., 1st Lieut., Co. A, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia,
April 23, 1861; mustered out July 31, 1861; Capt., Co. E, 5th Inf., N.J.
Vols., Aug. 28, 1861 ; resigned April 18, 1863, disability.
Hall, Caldwell K., Co. A.N.G., April 16, 1861; Adj., 5th Inf., NJ.
Vols., Aug. 28, 1861; A.D:C., staff General F. Paterson; Lieut. Col.,
14th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 27, 1862 ; resigned, Sept. 10, 1864, wounds
received at battle of .Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864; Brevet Col. and Brig.
Gen., March 13, 1865.
Halsted, Henry O., Major, 1st Cav., N.J. Vols., Sept. 21, 1861; discharged
Feb. 18, 1862, S.O. War Dept., A.G.O., Washington, D.C.
Halsted, N. Norris, Lieut. Col., A.D.C., staff Gov. Olden, and Commandant
of Camp Perrine as rendezvous for drafted men and recruits.
Halsted, William, Col., 1st Cav., N.J. Vols., Sept. 1, 1861 ; discharged
Feb. 18, 1862, S.O. War Dept., A.G.O., Washington, D.C.
Hammell, John S., enrolled Sept. 6, 1861, at New York City and mustered
in as 1st Lieut., Co. G, 66th Inf., N.Y. Vols., promoted Adj. same date;
Capt., Co. B, April 15, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va.; Lieut. Col.,
Jan. 11, 1863; captured June 17, 1864, it Petersburg, Va.; paroled at
Savannah, Ga., Nov. 30, 1864; mustered out with the regiment Aug. 30,
1865; brevetted Brig. Gen. to date from March 13, 1865; said to be the
youngest officer of the rank in the Union Army.
Hammell, William H., Capt., Co. F, 9th Inf., N.Y. Vols. (Hawkins Zouaves),
May 4, 1861 ; wounded in action at Camden, N.C., April 19, 1862 ; mustered
out with regiment, May 20, 1863.
Hargous, Peter J., Mate, U.S. Navy, Oct. 11, 1861 ; promoted Acting
Master, "having distinguished himself on the Congress, June 14,
1862" ; resigned March 17, 1865.
Heisler, George, Co. A, N.G., April 16, 1861; 2nd Lieut., U.S. Marine
Corps, Nov. 25, 1861 ; died at Memphis, Tenn., July 12, 1862.
Higbee, George H., Co. A, N.G., April 16, 1861 ; 1st Lieut., 11th
U.S. Inf., May 14, 1861, reaching the brevet rank of Lieut. Col. for bravery
and meritorious conduct during the war; remained in the army until 1870.
Holt, William H., Lieut. Col., 31st Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 11, 1862;
resigned Feb. 5, 1863.
Holt, Woodbury D., Capt., Co. E, 31st Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 10,
1862; mustered out June 24, 1863.
Hunt, James C., Son of late Captain W. E. Hunt, U.S.N.; Co. A, N.G.,
April 16, 1861; 1st Lieut., Co. 3, 1st Cav., N.J. Vols. ; resigned to
accept commission as 2nd Lieut., 1st U.S. Cav., Feb. 19, 1862; 1st Lieut.,
July 17, 1862; Regimental Ord. Master, July 18, 1862; Bat. Capt., May
6, 1864; Capt., June 28, 1864; Bat. Major, April 1, 1865. The
late Charles J. Ihrie, a resident of this city since 1852, the year of
his appointment as State Librarian, an office which he held until 1866,
had three sons, formerly well known in Trenton, in the Civil War, as follows:
Ihrie, George P.,
graduated from West Point, appointed from N.J.; 2nd Lieut., 3rd U.S.
Artillery; 1st Lieut., 1857; resigned Dec. 31, 1859; at outbreak of Civil
War reentered the regular service and served throughout the war; received
brevet ranks of Lieut. Col., and Brig. Gen. for gallant and meritorious
Ihrie, Joseph, Color Sergt. in the Confederate Army, killed at the
battle of Shiloh.
Ihrie, Warren, Capt., 61st Reg. & Ill. Inf., Vols. ; although
in poor health he participated with his company in the battle of Shiloh
(where his brother in the Confederate Army was killed) ; Captain Ihrie
died of a fever a few days after the battle and his remains were brought
to Trenton for burial.
Johnston, Robert S., 1st Lieut., Co. B, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols.,
Sept. 6, 1862; Capt., vice Sedden, deserted; mustered out Sept. 3, 1864.
Johnston, Thomas P., Q.M., 7th Inf., NJ. Vols., Aug. 24, 1861
; resigned Feb. 19, 1863, to accept commission as Capt. and Q.M., U.S.
Vols., serving as such in various capacities, receiving for such service
brevet ranks of Major and Lieut. Col.; mustered out Nov. 13, 1867.
Kline, Manuel, 1st Sergt., Co. A, 15th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug.
25, 1862; 2nd Lieut., Co. H, Sept. 10, 1864; mustered out June 22, 1865.
Kafer, John C., 3rd Asst. Engineer, U.S. Navy, Jan. 16, 1863;
2nd Asst. Engineer, May 28, 1864; remained in service after the war.
Kafer, Peter M., Acting 3rd Asst. Engineer, U.S. Navy, May 21, 1864;
honorably discharged October 20, 1865.
Lodor, Daniel, 1st Lieut., Co. A, 6th Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 9, 1861
; Major, 10th Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 3, 1862; discharged July 12, 1864.
Lodor, Richard, graduated from West Point as brevet 2nd Lieut., 4th
U.S. Art., July 1, 1856; 2nd Lieut., Oct. 31, 1856; 1st Lieut., Feb. 1,
1861; Capt., Nov. 29, 1861 ; Brevet Major, Dec. 31, 1862, for gallant
and meritorious service in battle of Stone River, Tenn.; Brevet Lieut.
Col. and Brevet Col., March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service
during the war; retired with rank of Brig. Gen., April 23, 1904.
Lykens, Isaac P., Capt., Co. C, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia, April
23, 1861 ; mustered out July 31, 1861.
McCall, William C., Co. A.N.G., April 16, 1860 ; 1st Lieut., Co. B,
6th Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 9, 1861; resigned Oct. 7, 1861, to accept
commission as Capt., 14th U.S. Inf.; resigned July 31, 1863.
McNeeley, James W., Co. A, N.G., April 16, 1861; 1st Lieut., 10th
Inf., N.J. Vols., April 17, 1863; Capt., June 20, 1863; Major, April 5,
1865; Lieut. Col., 2nd Inf., N.J. Vols., June 26, 1865; Col., July 26,
1865, not mustered; mustered out July 11, 1865.
Mills, Franklin S., 1st Lieut, Co. D, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia,
April 24, 1861; mustered out July 31, 1861.
Moody, Irwin, 1st Lieut. and Adj., 93rd Inf., Indiana Vols.; killed
in action at battle of Guntown, Miss., June 10, 1864.
Mott, Gershom,* born and raised in Trenton and served under Capt.
Samuel Dickinson in the Mexican War. He was living in Bordentown at the
outbreak of the Civil War and served in the Union Army as follows: Lieut.
Col., 5th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 23, 1861; Col., 6th Inf., N.J. Vols.,
May 7, 1862; Brig. Gen., Sept. 7, 1862; B'v't Maj. Gen., Aug. 1, 1864;
Maj. Gen., May 26, 1865; resigned, Feb. 20, 1866; Commands: 3rd Brig.
(2nd N.J. Brigade), 2nd Div., 3rd Corps; 2nd Div., 3rd Corps, Army of
the Potomac.
Mount, Joseph S., Capt., Co. E, 21st Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 2, 1862;
mustered out June 19, 1863.
Mulford, Samuel, Capt., Co. D, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia, April
24, 1861; mustered out July 31, 1861 ; Capt., Co. D, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols.,
Aug. 17, 1861 Major, Sept. 16, 1862; resigned Dec. 18, 1862.
Murphy, William R., Capt., Co. A, N.G., April 16, 1861; Col., l0th
Inf., N.J. Vols., Jan. 29, 1862; resigned March 12, 1863; commanded Co,
A, N.J. Militia, Penna. Emergency, June 17 to July 16, 1863.
Murphy, Charles V. C.,Co. A, N.G., April 16, 1861; 1st Lieut., Co.
A, 10th Inf., N.J. Vols., April 17, 1862; Capt., Co. K, 10th Inf., N.J.
Vols., July 30, 1864, not mustered; discharged April 18, 1865.
Murphy, T. Malcolm, Sergt., Co. G, 1st Cav., NJ. Vols., Aug. 4, 1863
; Sergt. Major, Sept. 23, 1863; 2nd Lieut., Co. A, 3rd Cav., N.J. Vols.,
Nov. 10, 1863; Capt., Jan. 12, 1864; Major, June 30, 1865, not mustered;
discharged S.O. 132 Par. 7, A.G.O., War Dept., Washington, D.C.
Napton, William,* Col., 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia, April 27, 1861
; mustered out July 31, 1861; commissioned Capt. of Vols. in Mexican War
but not mustered.
Neal, John W., 1st Lieut., CO. C, 3rd Inf., N.J. Militia, April 23,
1861 ; mustered out July 31, 1861.
Parker, John, 2nd Lieut., Co. B, 1st Inf., N.J. Vols., July 7, 1861
; 1st Lieut., Aug. 6, 1862; Capt., Co. C, Aug. 30, 1863. Discharged as
paroled prisoner. Mustered out March 12, 1865.
Paxson, Frank P., Co. A, N.J. Militia, June 17 to July 16, 1863; Asst.
Surgeon, 7th Inf., N.J. Vols., Dec. 16, 1864; resigned May 30, 1865.
Paxson, Henry C., Adjutant, 12th Inf., N.J. Vols., July 9, 1862; resigned
May 28, 1863.
Paxson, James O., Enrolled at Trenton, July 24, 1861 ; mustered in
as 1st Lieut., Co. D, 48th Inf., New York Vols., Aug. 21, 1861 ; Capt.,
June 30, 1862; wounded July 18, 1863, at the storming of Fort Wagner,
S.C., and died of his wounds at Beaufort, S.C., July 31, 1863.
Pearson, John M., 2nd Lieut., Co. D, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 17,
1861 ; 1st Lieut., Co. F, Dec. 21, 1861; Capt., Co. K, Jan. 8, 1863; mustered
out Nov. 19, 1864.
Phillips, William W. L., Major and Surgeon, 1st Cav., N.J. Vols.,
Aug. 16, 1861 ; mustered out Sept. 20, 1864.
Price, Frank, Jr., Corp., Co. H, 2nd Inf., N.J. Militia, April 26,
1861 ; mustered out July 31, 1861; Adjutant, 7th Inf.. N.J. Vols., Sept.
2, 1861; Major, March 31, 1862; discharged July 13, 1862; discharge revoked
Nov. 12, 1862; Lieut. Col., Dec. 9, 1862; Col., July 23, 1863; brevetted
Brig. Gen. for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war to date
from March 3, 1865.
Ribble, James 1. B., Asst. Surgeon, 8th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 20,
1862; Surgeon, 13th Inf., N.J. Vols., April 20, 1864; mustered out June
8, 1865.
Ridgway, Barzilla, 1st Lieut., Co. D, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 17,
1861; Capt., Co. C, Jan. 3, 1862; Lieut. Col., Jan. 8, 1863; resigned
April 27, 1863.
Roberts, Robert W., 2nd Lieut., Co. C, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug.
17, 1861; 1st Lieut., Co. E, Oct. 13, 1862; resigned Feb. 1863 to accept
appointment as 1st Lieut. and Q.M., 12th Reg., Vet. Reserve Corps; brevetted
Major March 16, 1865; discharged Oct. 30, 1867.
Roebling, Washington A., Co. A, N.G., April 16, 1861 ; discharged
to enlist in New York; enrolled June 15, 1861, as Pvt. 6th N.Y. Vol. Independent
Battery; Sergt., Sept. 1, 1861; 2nd Lieut., Jan. 23, 1862; discharged
May 26, 1864, to accept commission as Major and A.D.C., U.S. Vols. ; resigned
Jan. 1, 1865; commissioned Lieut. Col., U.S. Vols., by brevet to
date from Dec. 6, 1864, for gallant service during the campaign before
Richmond, Va.; Col., U.S. Vols., by brevet to date from March 13, 1865,
for gallant and meritorious service during the war.
Ross, William B., Pvt., Co. A, 14th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 26, 1862;
1st Lieut., Co. B, Sept. 10, 1864. Killed in action at Cedar Creek, Va.,
Oct. 19, 1864.
Rossell, Nathan Beakes,* Major, 3rd Inf., U.S.A., Sept. 25, 1861;
killed at Battle of Gaines Mill, Va., June 27, 1862 ; served with distinction
in the Mexican War in Regular Army.
Rossell, William Henry, Capt., 10th U.S. Inf., Dec. 7, 1861 ; Brevet
Major Feb. 21, 1862, for gallant and meritorious service in the. Battle
of Valverde, N.M.; retired Nov. 28, 1863.
Rowell, John T., 2nd Lieut., Co. C, 29th Inf., N.J. Vols., .Sept.
9, 1862; 1st Lieut., April 4, 1863; Capt., Co. K, 35th Inf., N.J. Vols.,
Sept. 15, 1863; mustered out July 2o, 1865.
Sedden, William, Capt., Co. B, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 9, 1861;
deserted March 24, 1862.
Schoonover, Johns, Pvt., Co. D, 1st Inf., N.J. Vols., May 8, 1861
; Sergt., March 24, 1862; Adjutant, lith Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 21, 1862;
Lieut. Col., July 28, 1863; B'v't Col., March 13, 1865, for conspicuous
Smith, Watson,* Lieut., U.S. Navy, Sept. 15, 1855 ; Lieut. Com., July
16, 1862; served in Civil War under Rear Admiral David D. Porter in the
Mississippi Squadron; contracted a fever on the Red River Expedition which
resulted in his death in Trenton, Dec. 19, 1864; also served in the Navy
throughout the Mexican War.
Speeler, Henry A., 1st Lieut., Co. K, 35th Tnf., N.J. Vols., Sept.
15, 1863; Capt., Co. H, May 25, 1865 ; mustered out July 20, 1865 ; served
also in 48th Inf., N.Y. Vols., as a non-commissioned officer in Co. D.
Speer, Calvin P., 1st Lieut., Co. C, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 17,
1861; resigned Sept. 9, 1862.
Stahl, Ernest C., Pvt., Battery C, 1st Artillery, N.J. Vols., Sept.
4, 1863; Corp., Dec. 6, 1863; Sergt., June 12, 1864; 2nd Lieut., June
13, 1864; 1st Lieut., March 17, 1865 ; mustered out June 19, 1865 ; served
subsequently in the 8th and 107th Inf., U.S. Colored Troops; resigned
July 16, 1866.
Stryker, William S., Major and Paymaster, U.S. Vols., Feb. 19, 1863;
Major and A.D.C., staff of Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore; Brevet Lieut. Col.,
Nov. 24, 1865 ; resigned June 30, 1866 ; Adj.-Gen. of N.J., April 12,
Stull, Henry S., 2nd Lieut., Co. H, 1st Cav., N.J. Vols., April 4,
1862; resigned Sept. 18, 1862; 1st Lieut., CO. M, 3rd Cav., N.J. Vols.,
Dec. 12, 1863 ; Capt., May 6, 1864 ; mustered out Aug. 1, 1865.
Stull, John, Capt., Co. M, 3rd Cav., N.J. Vols., Dec. 12, 1863; dismissed
April 11, 1864.
Tantum, William H., 1st Lieut., Co. B, 1st Inf., N.J. Vols., May 21,
1861; Capt., Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out June 29, 1865.
Titus, Joab, 1st Lieut., Co. F, 22nd Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 17, 1862;
mustered out June 25, 1863.
Titus, Uriel B., Q.M., F. and S., 22nd Inf., N.J. Vols., Oct. 17,
1862; mustered out June 25, 1863; 1st Lieut., Co. B, 11th Inf., N.J. Vols.,
Oct. 13, 1864; transferred to Co. A, 12th Inf., N.J. Vols., June 5, 1865;
brevetted Capt. for meritorious service during the campaign terminating
in the surrender of General Lee, to date from April 9, 1865.
Van Sickell, Caleb C., 1st Sergt., CO. C, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug.
13, 1861; 2nd Lieut., Co. E, Dec. 23, 1861; 1st Lieut., Jan. 8, 1863;
discharged Sept. 14, 1864, wounds received in action.
Van Sickell, Sylvester, Capt., Co. B, 1st Inf., N.J. Vols., May 21,
1861; resigned July 31, 1862, disability.
Volk, Christian A., Sergt., Co. C, 40th Inf., N.J. Vols., Jan. 12,
1865 ; Sergt.-Major, N.C.S., .March 23, 1865; 2nd Lieut., Co. A, March
28, 1865; mustered out July 13, 1865.
Vroom, Garret D. W., served in Co. A, N.J. Militia, June 17 to July
16, 1863, Penna. Emergency, and as A.D:C. with rank of Lieut. Col., staff
of Gov. Parker, 1863-66.
Vroom, Peter D., Adjutant, 1st Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 12, 1862; wounded
in action at Crampton's Pass, Va., Sept. 14, 1862; Major, 2nd Cav., Aug.
28, 1863; brevetted Lieut. Col. for gallant and meritorious service during
the war, to date from March 13, 1865; mustered out Oct. 24, 1865; accepted
a commission as 2nd Lieut. in 3rd U.S. Cav., April 9, 1867, and remained
in service until April 12, 1903, when he retired with rank of Brig. Gen.
Wells, Israel, 2nd Lieut., Q.M., 31st Inf., U.S. Vols., Sept. 17,
1862; mustered out June 21, 1863; 2nd Lieut., Q.M., 38th Inf., N.J. Vols.,
Sept. 22, 1864; mustered out June 30, 1865.
Whitaker, Edgar, Sergt., Co. C, 4th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 13, 1861;
1st Sergt., Dec. 25, 1861; 2nd Lieut., Co. G, Jan. 3, 1862; resigned July
25, 1862; Adjutant, 29th Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. i9, 1862; mustered out
June 30, 1863.
Wilkes, Aaron, 2nd Lieut., Co. B, 6th Inf., N.J. Vols., Sept. 9, 1861
; 1st Lieut., Oct. 7, 1861; Adjutant Jan. 27, 1862 ; killed in action
at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862.
Wilkes, Peter, Pvt., Co. B, 5th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 26, 1861; Sergt..
Co. B, N.J. Militia, Penna. Emergency, June 17, 1863; 1st Lieut., Co.
C, 37th Inf., N.J. Vols. (100 days), June 24, 1864.
Withington, James, Pvt., Co. B, 5th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 26, 1861;
Sergt., Co. B, N.J. Militia, Penna. Emergency, June 17, 1863 ; 1st Lieut.,
Co. C, 37th lnf., N.J. Vols. (100 days), June 24, 1864.
Woodward, Tenadore, 2nd Lieut., Co. B, 14th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug.
26, 1862; 1st Lieut., March 4, 1864, not mustered. Resigned, Aug. 24,
Woerner, Christian, 1st Lieut., Battery A, 1st Art., N.J. Vols., Aug.
12, 1861 ; resigned Oct. 4, 1862 ; 2nd Lieut., Battery C, 1st Art., N.J.
Vols., July 18, 1863; Capt., Sept. 11, 1863; brevetted Major for gallant
and distinguished service at Battle of Reams Station and during the campaign
before Richmond, Va., to date from Dec. 2, 1864; mustered out June 19,
Woolsey, Henry H., 2nd Lieut., Co. E, 5th Inf., N.J. Vols., Aug. 28,
1861; 1st Lieut., May 7, 1862 ; Capt., Co. H, Jan. 6, 1863 ; died Jan.
19, 1864, of wounds received in action before Petersburg, Va.
Yard, Joseph A.,* Capt., Co. A, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia, April
23, 1861;mustered Out July 31, 1861; he commanded Co. G, N.J. Militia,
Pennsylvania Emergency, July 3, to July 23, 1863 ; died Oct. 17, 1878.
Zehner, Henry K., Ensign, Co. D, 3rd Inf., N.J. Vol. Militia, April
24, 1861; died in Washington, D.C., July 28, 1861.
During the terrible conflicts
in the Wilderness, and before Petersburg and Richmond, the following-named
gentlemen, under the call of the Surgeon General, U.S. Army, for volunteer
surgeons and nurses, responded to treat the wounded taken in large numbers
to Fredericksburg, Md.: Dr. Thomas. J. Corson; Dr. John Woolverton;
and Dr. Charles Hodge, Jr.
These doctors served at periods in field hospitals at various points
until the end of hostilities at Appomattox.
This company was organized
at a meeting called for the purpose at the American House, November
30, 1860, with Robert C. Belleville, chairman, and S. Meredith Dickinson,
secretary. At a subsequent meeting William R. Murphy was elected Captain,
Robert C. Belleville First Lieutenant, and Joseph Ott, Second Lieutenant.
The company was rapidly recruited
to the required strength and on April 16, 1861, reported for active
duty under the following order:
Trenton, April 16, 1861
Captain William R. Murphy,
Co. A, National Guard, 1st Regiment, Mercer Brigade. Sir:-You
will consider yourself and company under your command detailed for special
service. You will report
forthwith to the Quartermaster-General of the State and act under his
orders until otherwise directed.
By order
of the Commander-in-Chief
Adjutant General
In his report for 1861 the
Quartermaster General said
The young gentlemen
composing this company performed all the duties of a military garrison,
and, at the same time, rendered important service, assisting in the
work of arming and equipping the troops for the field for the period
of three months service from the 16th of April to the 16th of July,
in which time seven regiments, four of militia and three of volunteers,
were fully armed and equipped. This company served also during the draft
riots at Perth Amboy in November 1863.
The following roster will give
a brief record of service, including guard duty, rendered by original
members of this fine organization, in the Civil War:
William R. Murphy,
Capt. |
Col., l0th Inf., N.J.
Vols. |
Robert C. Belleville,
1st Lieut. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Joseph Ott, 2nd Lieut. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Barzilla Ridgway, 3rd
Lieut. |
Capt., Co. C, 4th Inf.,
N.J. Vols., and Col. of 4th Inf. |
Charles G. McChesney,
1st Sergt. |
Capt., Co. G, l0th
Inf., N.J. Vols. |
J. Harris Cogill, Sergt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
George M. Cogill, Sergt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Edward T. Green, Sergt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
S. McNeeley, Corp. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
James B. Coppuck, Corp. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
S. Meredith Dickinson,
Corp. |
Paymaster, U.S.S.
Dade, June 17, 1861. |
Thomas T. Ryan, Corp. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
George Heisler, Corp. |
2nd Lieut., U.S. Marine
Corps; |
died at Memphis, Tenn.,
July 12, 1862. |
James S. Pullen, Musician |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Also Musician, 5th,Inf.,
N.J. Vols. |
Edward D. Fox, Musician |
5th Inf., N.J. Vols. |
Abbott, Joseph, Jr.,
Pvt. |
7th Inf., N.J. Vols.;
killed in action. |
Atkin, William, Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Baker, William H Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Bechtel, William H.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Bennett, George A.,
Pvt. |
4th Inf., N.J. Vols. |
Bennett, Aaron, Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Henry, Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Biles, Charles, Pvt. |
Biles, Henry D., Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Burroughs, Garret S.,
Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Cane, Gustavus, Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Christopher, Mark,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Coleman, Caleb, Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Dean, George H., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Disbrow, Benjamin L.,
Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Disbrow, John C., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Dod, Albert B., Pvt. |
Capt., 15th U.S. Inf.,
May 14, 1861. |
Fuller, Henry, Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Gaston, William B.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Green, Charles E.,
Pvt. |
Emergency, July 1863. |
Hall, Caldwell K.,
Pvt. |
5th and 14th Inf.,
N.J. Vols. |
Heilent, Charles, Pvt. |
duty at Arsenal. |
Montgomery P., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
George H., Pvt. |
11th U.S. Inf. |
Hunt, James C., Pvt. |
1st N.J.
Cav. and 1st U.S. Cav. |
Hutchinson, John P.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Ivory, Richard C.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Johnson, Edward N.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Johnson, Thomas W.,
Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Johnston, John B.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Keen, Reynold D., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Kerr, Samuel C., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Lalor, DeKlyn, Pvt. |
5th Inf., N.J. Vols.
; killed in action. |
Leeds, Charles W.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Lodor, Daniel, Jr.,
Pvt. |
2nd and l0th Inf.,
N.J. Vols. |
McCall, William C.,
Pvt. |
6th Inf., N.J. Vols.,
and 14th U.S. Inf. |
McConnell, Charles
J., Pvt. |
U. S.
Navy. |
McIlvaine, Edward,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
McLaughlin, John C.,
Pvt. |
duty at Arsenal. |
McKenzie, Duncan, Pvt. |
4th Inf., N.J. Vols. |
McNeeley, James W.,
Pvt. |
2nd and 10th Inf.,
N.J. Vols. |
Moses, John, Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Mount, Robert S., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Murphy, Charles V.
C., Pvt. |
10th Inf., N.J. Vols. |
Murphy, John W., Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Murphy, T. Malcolm,
Pvt. |
2nd and 3rd Cav., NJ.
Vols. |
Neale, William H.,
Pvt. |
Discharged 6, 16, '61;
guard duty at Arsenal. |
Owens, James W., Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Patterson, Frank F.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Roebling, Washington
A., Pvt. |
Discharged to join
Bat. attached to 9th N.Y. Militia. |
Rowley, John D., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Sager, John, Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Joseph G., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Skirm, Charles H.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Skirm, William H.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Snowden, Charles F.,
Pvt. |
Penna, Emergency, July
1863 ; |
also as Post Q.M. at
Camp Frelinghuysen. |
Sterling, Joseph, Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863; M.S.K. at Arsenal. |
Stevens, John G., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Stryker, William S.,
Pvt. |
Paymaster, N.J. Vols.
; staff duty. |
Stull, Howell C., Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Stull, John, Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863 ; 3rd Cav., N.J. Vols. |
Taylor, John, Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Thomas, Joseph S.,
Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Thomas, Richard, Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Van Cleve, John B.,
Pvt. |
Discharged to join
Co. K., 23rd Inf., Penna. Vols. |
Van Sickell, Caleb
C., Pvt. |
4th Inf., N.J. Vols. |
Van Sickell, Charles
B., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Wallis, George H.,
Pvt. |
Discharged to join
N.Y. Reg.; |
Capt. 42nd Inf., N.Y.
Vols. (Tammany Regiment). |
Weart, John A., Pvt. |
Penna. Emergency, July
1863. |
Wentz, Philip H., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Whittaker, Charles
H., Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
Whittaker, Edgar, Pvt. |
4th Inf., N.J. Vols.;
Adjutant, 29th Inf., N.J. Vols |
Wildey, George, Pvt. |
Discharged May 16,
1861. |
Wilkes, Aaron, Pvt. |
6th Inf.; killed in
action. |
Willis, John J., Pvt. |
11th Inf., N.J. Vols. |
Wilson, Samuel K.,
Jr., Pvt. |
23rd Inf., N.J. Vols. |
Witherup, David, Pvt. |
Guard duty at Arsenal. |
The Spanish-American War
IN APRIL, 1898 the State Military
Department consisted of Foster M. Voorhees, Governor and Commander-in-Chief;
William S. Stryker, Adjutant General, and Richard A. Donnelly, Quartermaster
General. The freeing of the island of Cuba from Spanish rule had long
been the dream of liberty-loving Americans of the United States, and the
government in two instances endeavored to acquire the island from Spain
by purchase: once under President Polk in 1848 and again about 1858 when
a measure introduced in the Senate for the purchase of Cuba failed of
The stubborn insurrection in Cuba continued and the blowing up of the
U.S.S. Maine in the harbor of Havana was followed in April 1898
by a joint resolution in Congress for recognition of the independence
of the people of Cuba, which was approved by the President on the twentieth
day of April, 1898, and on the twenty-third the President called for volunteers
to sustain the government. Spain refused to withdraw its land and naval
forces from Cuba and the existence of a state of war between the two countries
was declared by Congress. THE
Of the four regiments of
National Guard infantry mobilized in 1898 at Camp Voorhees, Sea Girt,
and of the two battalions of the naval reserve, there were but three
companies of infantry and one division of the Battalion of the West,
Naval Reserves, volunteering from Trenton in the War with Spain.
The infantry companies were attached to the Fourth Regiment, New Jersey
National Guard Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Colonel Robert G. Smith
and later by Colonel Quincy O. M. Gillmore, U.S.A.
The following-named
officers of the field and staff were from Trenton: Thomas S. Chambers,
Major; Gouverneur V. Packer, Battalion Adjutant; Frederick Gilkyson,
Battalion Adjutant; Harry O. Valentine, Quartermaster.
The companies were:
Company A: Volunteers from Company A, Seventh Regiment, National
Guard of New Jersey; Captain, Richard R. Whitehead; First Lieutenant,
Jacob M. Coward; Second Lieutenant, John W. Roberts.
Company G: Volunteers from Company D, Seventh Regiment, National
Guard of New Jersey; Captain, Bernard Rogers; First Lieutenant, John
M. Rogers; Second Lieutenant, Joseph A. Herron.
Company L: Made up from volunteers from the Trenton Companies of
the Seventh Regiment, National Guard of New Jersey, and others unattached
to any military organization; Captain, Clayton J. Bailey; First Lieutenant,
William E. Pedrick; Second Lieutenant, Fred F. C. Woodward. William
H. Earley served as Second Lieutenant in Company H, Fourth Regiment,
New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, and later as First Lieutenant, Company
K, of the same organization.
The Fourth Regiment was mobilized at Camp Voorhees, Sea Girt, sent first
to Camp Meade, Middletown, Pa., and thence to Camp Wetherill, S.C.,
where it remained until its muster-out at the close of the war, without
any other active service than drill and general camp duty. None of the
New Jersey military organizations were sent to Cuba.
The First Divisions of the
Battalion of the West which contained the members of that organization
from Trenton were detailed to the U.S. S. Resolute, May 13,1898,
and served with the fleet before Santiago de Cuba, witnessing and participating
in the action which resulted in the destruction of the Spanish fleet
under the brave but unfortunate Admiral Cevera, arriving at the scene
of surrender before the Cristoval Colon struck her flag. The
Resolute received the prisoners from the Colon comprising
nineteen officers and four hundred and ninety-five men and proceeded
to Guantanamo Bay, transferring the prisoners to the U.S.S. St. Paul
and the U.S.S. Harvard. On
the twelfth of August the Resolute was sent to bombard Manzanillo.
The bombardment was opened but on the morning of the thirteenth news
was received of the signing of the protocol of peace, and hostilities
ended. The Naval Reserve of New Jersey made a fine record in the Spanish-American
War as shown by the following letter from Commander Eaton, U.S.N., to
the Governor of New Jersey:
West, Fla., October 8, 1898.
after a service lasting for five months, the members of the West Battalion,
New Jersey Naval Reserves, are detached from this ship and ordered north
for honorable discharge.
I cannot allow
them to leave the Resolute without expressing to you, and through
you, to the State which they have honored, my sense of the patriotism,
fidelity and bravery these Reserves have shown during the late war.
Not only in the battles off Santiago on July 3, and off Manzanillo on
August 12, when under fire from the enemy they exhibited coolness, courage
and enthusiasm, but also in the much harder, but less glorious work
at Guantanamo and Santiago they have shown the qualities which command
respect and enforce confidence.
I had my doubts
when they joined the Resolute - doubts based upon the
inexperience of the Reserves, but I assure your Excellency, that after
the first month there have been no doubts, and I am most sincerely sorry
to have them go. They have shown that they possess all the qualities,
steadfastness, courage, endurance and reliability, which render a man
valuable to his country in time of need. It will be always a boast of
my Naval life that the somewhat proud record, which the Resolute
has made for herself in the war now past, was due mainly to the
efficient and brave service rendered by the men of your State.
I regret that
the exigencies of the situation prevent my saying in person, what I
have so lamely put on paper, but I can assure you that your State may
well feel proud of the record earned by the brave men of the West Battalion,
who are but now laying down their arms, and quitting the service which
they have honored and most ably sustained. I have the honor to be, your
respectfully yours,
U. S. Navy,
U.S.S. Resolute.
Except in military circles
there was but little interest manifested in Trenton during the period
of the war with Spain.