Courts, Judges and Lawyers; Medicine
Frederick W. Gnichtel
Early Courts and Lawyers
In the early
records relating to Trenton there is no reference to courts established
here or to any lawyers who were living and practising in these parts
until after the passage of the Act of 1676 establishing courts.
County Court of Hunterdon County was at times held alternately at Maidenhead
(Lawrenceville) and at Hopewell, but as that was found to be inconvenient,
in March 1719, the governor ordered that the courts be held in Trenton,
and in 1724 it was enacted that the Supreme Court for Hunterdon County
be held here.
earliest sessions of the courts were held in the house of William Yard
on Front Street, at Samuel Hunt's and at other places. The first Court
House was built sometime between 1720
and 1730
(the exact
date is uncertain), on South Warren Street, and served until 1792.
In 1805 it
was purchased by the Trenton Banking Company and used until recently
as a banking house. The old Court House is described by Raum as a "two-story
building erected of sandstone, with stuccoed front. The cells were in
the lower story. The upper story was used as a court-room, the entrance
to which was by a number of stone steps erected on the outside of the
building and surrounded by an iron railing. The steps extended over
the pavement, commencing from the gutter, and persons going into the
Court House were compelled to ascend from the street. Persons going
up and down the street passed directly under these steps."
were not popular with
the early settlers in the Colony. This is shown in the provision in
the "Concessions and Agreements" of March 3, 1676, that no person should
be compelled to fee any attorney or counsellor to plead his case. It
went further and reasserted the common-law right of every person to
plead his own case. The truth is that there was very little call for
legal services in the early settlements along the Delaware. Settlers
were few and land plentiful, but as the population increased, the lawyer
appeared as an accepted and necessary part of the community.
The First
Lawyer of Record
The first
lawyer located in Trenton of whom we find any record is James Gould,
who was admitted as counsellor in 1725. As far as can be ascertained,
he confined himself largely to the settlement of estates and to real
property. We find an advertisement in 1729 for the sale of a house and
ferry known as Heath's Ferry on the Delaware River above the Falls,
application to be made to James Gould and Francis Bowes, attorneys-at-law.
sale of land in which he was mentioned occurred in 1731 near Yardley's
Mill. We also find his signature, in connection with Chief Justice Thomas
Farmer and the Grand jury, upon an address to George II in 1728. He
appears in many of the inventories of estates as a creditor. He died
in 1743, without leaving a will, and an administrator was appointed
on July 2 of that year. The Francis Bowes referred to in connection
with him was admitted as a counsellor in 1731. His address is given
variously as Trenton, Christiana Bridge and Philadelphia, where
he evidently lived in 1743. He appears only in advertisements in connection
with the sale of land. His daughter Esther married Colonel John Cox
in 1760.
There were
probably others who did legal work, some without license, but from that
time on the number of duly licensed lawyers increased. Located at the
head of navigation, and on the line of travel between two large and
important cities, Trenton grew steadily in population and wealth and
lawyers became more and more in demand. We have evidence that in the
early days they were prosperous.
Joseph Reed
who was admitted in 1763, in a letter written in 1763, after practising
three years, states: "There are sixteen courts which I am obliged to
attend from home, oftentimes nearly a whole week at each, besides attending
assizes, one a year, through the whole Province which contains thirteen
Jasper Smith
who was admitted in 1763, referring to the demands upon lawyers, observes
that in a few months after his admission he was engaged in as much business
as he could attend to, and might have had more if he could have attended
more courts. And he, with some pride, states that through his practice
he gathered an estate "beyond what my friends and even myself expected."
For Legal Services Increased
With Trenton
as the county seat of Hunterdon, and with the establishment of the capital
here in 1790, the demand for legal services at the sessions of the higher
courts increased and attracted more lawyers. In addition to the business
which naturally arose in a growing community, the members of the Bar
located here represented lawyers in distant parts of the State and appeared
for them before the higher courts.
In the early
Colonial days, lawyers were admitted on motion, and an extensive knowledge
of law was evidently not considered necessary. Laymen were allowed to
practise in the courts and many of the judges and some of the attorneys-general
during the Colonial days were selected from the laity.
As time
passed the courts became more strict regarding practitioners. A five-year
clerkship was required of students, which was shortened to four if the
student had been admitted to the degree of bachelor of arts in any college
in the United States. The student was required to pass an examination
conducted by sergeants at law. Later the examination was held in open
court or at the tavern in the presence of the justices. After practising
three years, another examination was required to become a counsellor.
In addition,
the court appointed by rule of court twelve sergeants "for such purposes
as have been heretofore used and approved." These were selected from
the counsellors, usually attending
at the Bar. At common law, a counsellor had to be of sixteen years'
standing before he could be called. The first sergeants at law were
appointed in 1755, and the practice continued until 1839 when it was
abandoned. During the entire period seventy-seven were called and they
were considered the leaders of the Bar. The appointment was regarded
as highly honorable and important as only sergeants could pass a common
recovery in the Supreme Court. When the common recovery (which was a
judgment recovered in a fictitious suit to get rid of estates tails
and remainders) was abolished in 1799, the office became largely a matter
of distinction and fell more and more into disuse until it was finally
It is not
possible to give an accurate list of all the lawyers who lived in Trenton
in the Colonial days or immediately after the Revolution, but the number
is quite large in view of the population of the city and the number
of houses erected here. Many of the lawyers practised not only here
but elsewhere in the State. The record covering the entire State shows
that two hundred and fifty-two attorneys were admitted prior to the
year 1800, and of this number Trenton, no doubt, had its due proportion.
Stetches of Some Early Lawyers
The most
prominent of the early residents connected with the judiciary was William
Trent for whom Trenton was named and who was appointed chief
justice of the Province in 1724 filling the office with credit until
his death. A sketch of his life has been given in detail earlier in
this volume (Chapter I).
Trent was
succeeded by Colonel Robert Lettis Hooper who was appointed chief
justice in 1725, served one year and was again appointed in 1729,
continuing in that office until his death in 1739. Hooper
was a landowner in Trenton and first appears in public life as a member
of the Assembly from 1721 to 1725, and was twice recommended
for a seat in the Government Council.
Much confusion
has resulted from the fact that three persons named Robert Lettis (Lettice)
Hooper appear in the records between 1721 and 1797. They lived
sometime in Pennsylvania and sometime in New Jersey. The chief justice
was the son of Daniel Hooper who came here from the Barbadoes and was
a member of Council in 1679. Robert Uttis Hooper, the first of
that name, was married August 16, 1701, and had three children
- Robert Lettis, James and Isabella. In 1768 an Isabella Hooper
married John Johnston of Perth Amboy, and in 1797 an Isabella Johnston
became the sole legatee of the third Robert Lettis Hooper who refers
to her as his sister.
Stryker, in his Trenton One Hundred Years Ago, referring to the
country seat known as "Belleville," located about one mile west of Trenton
near the junction of State and Prospect Streets, says that "after the
Revolution, it passed into the hands of Chief Justice Robert Lettis
It is well
established that Chief Justice Hooper died in March 1739, and was succeeded
by Robert Hunter Morris. The Robert Lettis Hooper who after the Revolution
became possessed of "Belleville" was his grandson, the third of that
name, who returned to Trenton about that time from his farm near Easton
where he resided during the Revolution. The second Robert Lettis Hooper,
son of the Chief Justice, died in 1785 at the age of seventy-six and
was buried in Episcopal burial ground in Trenton. He was born in 1709
and in 1735 appears in the Archives as a resident of Rocky Hill,
N.J. He was interested in mills and lands. He removed from Rocky Hill
to Bloomsbury, Trenton, in 1751 and had large land holdings in this
vicinity. Shortly after his father's death, he was chosen one of the
Council of New Jersey, and in 1740 was appointed to secure enlistments
in Somerset County for the war between England and Spain. In June 1751,
he was one of the managers of a lottery in Trenton for the purpose of
erecting a grammar school. In 1759, he advertised certain properties
in Nottingham Township, opposite Trenton, which he stated that he or
his sons, Robert Lettis Hooper, Jr., and Jacob Roetter Hooper, living
at his mill, would show to purchasers. There is a similar advertisement
July 12, 1759. The lots located on the road leading to the grist-mill
were to be "60 x 181 for a town in Nottingham Township," and the upper
part was called Mill Hill, the lower portion Bloomsbury. He is referred
to in Raum's History as "the man who first laid out Mill Hill
and Bloomsbury for a town."1
Mill Hill is the name formerly applied to that section of the city lying
south of the Assunpink, including the Court House, and Bloomsbury was
Then for
a time the father and the sons are involved in some financial difficulties;
there is a dissolution of partnership, and the second Robert Lettis
Hooper, in 1759, offers to let and later sell his plantation, Bloomsbury
Court, describing it "as a large brick house, which he then occupied,
located on the Delaware River, south of the Creek near the Trenton Ferry,
on a large handsome Avenue of English Cherry Trees." An orchard of three
hundred apple trees with the best grafted fruit is referred to, and
"peaches damsels, cherrys of several sorts, quinces, English walnuts,
grapes, raspberries and a large handsome garden." As an additional inducement,
he refers to the splendid fishing and the ducks and other water-fowl.
The name
of the third Robert Lettis Hooper, the judge of Hunterdon County, first
appears in the advertisement published by his father in 1759. He subsequently
settled in Northampton County, near Easton, and a letter from there
dated July 3, 1759, states that he married a widow, Margaret Biles,
granddaughter of Thomas Lambert of Nottingham. There is no record of
her death, but on October 31, 1781, he took out a license to marry Mrs.
Elizabeth Erskine. Her husband had been in charge of the American Ringwood
Company of Bergen County, and on July 6, 1782, the New Jersey Legislature
passed an Act:
To vest in Robert Lettis
Hooper, the younger, and Elizabeth, his wife, and the
survivor of them, with powers of agency to take charge of the Estate
of the American Company for the purpose mentioned therein.
Mrs. Hooper
died in 1795, and her husband died on July 30, 1797, in his sixty-seventh
year at his residence called "Belleville," near Trenton. He left no
children and the residue of his estate went to his sister, Isabella
Johnston of Perth Amboy. He was a man of strong character and took an
active part in the Revolutionary War as Deputy Quartermaster General,
located at Easton and later in Trenton. He was one of the judges of
Hunterdon County in 1782, and from 1785 to 1788 was a member of Council
and vice-president of that body during the entire term, acting in the
capacity of the governor in the absence of that official. He was an
honorary member of the Society of the Cincinnati.
After the
war and while living at Belleville, he was active in civic matters in
Trenton. As an active member, he signed the first constitution of the
Union Fire Company and contributed freely to the purchase of the necessary
apparatus. He was also the first deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge
of the Free and Accepted Masons of New Jersey, and the first senior
warden of Trenton Lodge No. 5, which was chartered in 1787, to which,
in his will, he presented his silver-hilted sword. In an obituary published
in Claypool's Daily Advertiser for August 11, 1797, appears this
He had for a long time charge
of important offices which he executed with fidelity, and was very much
respected in his private relations of life.
man prominent in public life, who was not a lawyer by profession but
who was selected for judicial honors, was Daniel Coxe, II, the
son of Dr. Daniel Coxe, I, the physician to Charles II, one of the largest
proprietors of West Jersey. He lived at Burlington until the later years
of his life when he came to Trenton, and died here. He was appointed
an associate justice on November 5, 1707, served for a few years and
was again appointed in 1734 and held the position until his death in
1739. He was a public-spirited man and did much in his time and generation
toward laying the foundations of our state government and state institutions.
In 1730, he was commissioned provincial grand master of New York, New
Jersey and Pennsylvania, the first Mason to hold that office in America.
Other details of his life have been given in Chapter I.
Coxe, a son of Daniel Coxe II, was a lawyer admitted at the March
term in 1735. He practised in Burlington and frequently appeared in
matters relating to Trenton. In 1739 he was executor of his father's
estate, and in 1753, William Coxe and Robert Lettis Hooper, as executors
of the estate of John Coxe, advertised certain lands in Trenton.
In 1750,
he had a violent quarrel with Governor Belcher, and in affidavits laid
before the Council he referred to the governor in very uncomplimentary
terms. On another occasion, when acting as counsel for Richard Borden,
being asked why a certain case pending before the Court of Chancery,
over which court the governor presided as chancellor, had not been tried,
replied that he could be of no further service to his client in that
matter; that he was not a courtier and had no interests at court and
that he did not expect any justice at the hands of the governor, and
told his client to go tell the governor. He stated that he was
determined never again to appear before the governor as chancellor.
Smith was admitted as an attorney in 1763 and practised for many
years in Trenton and vicinity. Although there is no record to show what
line of practice he pursued, in his will, in which he dwells at length
upon his activities, we find that he did a large business and that he
accumulated a very comfortable fortune, as he says, out of the practice
of law. He died in August 1813 and left personal property amounting
to nearly $17,000 and a large amount of real estate.
His will
is a splendid specimen of the old-fashioned will and the manner in which
the people of that time approached the testamentary disposition of property.
He gives many details of his life, his intense earnestness in dealing
with the subject and the quaintness with which he expressed himself
makes interesting reading. The first page or two of the will is practically
a synopsis of his life and gives the reasons which actuated him in disposing
of his property.
the evident care he gave to the disposition of his estate, long after
his death, in 1845, his will was brought into the Supreme Court in litigation.
The trustees of the church at Lawrenceville had been enjoined by the
will, under pain of forfeiture, from cutting or selling timber within
thirty years after obtaining possession, and it was charged by the heirs
at law that there had been a breach of this condition. The court decided
against the claim, and referring to the motives that actuated him in
making the will, says:
They may be clearly read
in the history of his life, which, with beautiful simplicity and truthfulness,
he has himself recorded; in his humble gratitude to God for His goodness
to him; and in his fervent desire to promote and perpetuate the preaching
of the gospel, in his native place. The property has since been sold.
Howell was born in Delaware and came to this State in 1774. He settled
at Bridgeton, N.J., was admitted to the Bar at the April term, 1779,
and after a distinguished career in the army removed to Trenton upon
his appointment as clerk of the Supreme Court in 1788. After his election
as governor in 1793 he lived for a time on State Street. During his
term as governor, he became an active member of the Hand In Hand Fire
Company. He took a prominent part in the reception tendered to George
Washington upon his passing through Trenton on his journey to New York
to be inaugurated as President. He was the only governor who ever appeared
in the field as Commander-in-Chief of the army. This occurred during
the whiskey insurrection in Pennsylvania in 1794, when troops were called
for by President Washington. He died in Trenton, May 5, 1805. Mrs. Jefferson
Davis was his granddaughter.
Pidgeon was admitted to the Bar in 1750 and lived on King Street.
He was married October 6, 1758, to Sarah Hoopes. At the time of the
Battle of Trenton his home was occupied by the Hessians. There are no
references as to his activities in his profession but he was evidently
a man of standing and importance in the community. His name frequently
appears in connection with the settlement of estates and with lotteries
held for the benefit of churches. He was related to the Cottnam family,
and Abraham Cottnam, also a lawyer, in his will desired and entreated
his friend, William Pidgeon, to assist his executors by his advice.
In 1768
and again in 1776, he advertised his properties in Trenton for sale.
His house is described as a two-story brick house with chambers for
servants, stable, garden and a small piece of meadow land with a well
of good water, situated on King Street, at a spot which corresponds
to the second property south of East Hanover Street on the east side
of the present Warren Street. The lot contained three-quarters of an
acre and extended through to Queen (Broad) Street "on which are placed
the stables." Later he removed to Stratford, Monmouth County, where
he died on January 5, 1780. By his will he left fifty pounds to the
Methodist Society of Trenton for the repair of their meeting house and
put three thousand pounds at the discretionary disposal of his executors
for charitable purposes and "for the relief of my Negroes as they may
merit it." In signing his will he made his mark and a note appended
said "the within named William Pidgeon was so burned by getting out
of his house when on fire that he could not hold a pen to write his
name, but made a mark as above, and escaped in his shirt." Two children,
two men servants and a hired man were burned to death at the same time.
He lived in Trenton for many years and was one of the trustees of the
First Presbyterian Church. He was executor under the will of Daniel
Coxe and entrusted with many important public duties.
Cowell, the elder, was born December 7, 1716, and died May 4, 1799.
He was a brother of David Cowell, the first pastor of the Presbyterian
Church. Ebenezer Cowell, the son, was born in 1743, and having graduated
from Princeton, studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1769. He
practised law in Trenton and lived with his brother Dr. David Cowell,
a bachelor, and an eminent physician and surgeon, in the first house
on the southerly side of Pennington Road. During the Revolution, he
and his father, who was a gunsmith, rendered valuable services to the
American army in seeing to the repair of guns, etc., and advancing considerable
sums out of their private funds to help the cause.
On July
17, 1776, Ebenezer Cowell appeared before the Council of Safety and
complained that Sheriff Barnes had refused to receive and execute two
writs issued under the authority of the people pursuant to the ordinance
of the convention. The sheriff was sent for and admitted that he declined
to act as sheriff under the authority of the new government and was
removed from office and a new sheriff was appointed. On September 7,
1776, Cowell became clerk of Hunterdon County. He died in 1817 and the
notice of his death published in the Trenton Federalist of February
17, 1817, states:
That on the morning of the
fifteenth of February, he was found dead in the house where he resided,
and probably perished in consequence of the severity of the weather.
winter of 1817 was unusually severe, the reports being that the thermometer
was far below the "cypher." He had never married and, after his death,
it was found that his entire estate amounted to seventy-nine dollars
and twenty cents, of which seventy dollars was represented by the value
of his books.
On the south
side of Pennington Road, a short distance above Calhoun Street, lived
Abraham Cottnam, one of the leading lawyers of Trenton before
the Revolutionary War. In the latter part of his life, he removed to
what is now the northwest corner of Warren and Bank Streets and, after
his death, the property was turned into an inn by Rensselaer Williams.
His sons remained in the old house until 1779 when it was sold to Chief
Justice Brearley who had married their sister. Abraham Cottnam was admitted
to the Bar as counsellor at the November term, 1746. There is, however,
no record of his admission as an attorney. He was also a magistrate.
He married a daughter of Joseph Warrell, the attorney-general. In April
1778 his executors (Robert Hoops, his son-in-law, and George Cottnam,
his son) advertised for the recovery of his docket taken from the office
of Ebenezer Cowell when the enemy was in Trenton. They also offered
for sale his late residence, "Dowd's Dale," which was located at the
corner of Bank and Warren Streets and consisted of about sixteen acres.
Petty's Run ran through the property. It was afterwards turned
into a tavern and called the Royal Oak. In his will, Cottnam made the
Hon. Daniel Coxe his executor and desired and entreated his friend,
William Pidgeon, Esq., to assist his executor with his advice. His son,
George Cottnam, who lived with him, was admitted as an attorney at the
May term 1780. To his son, Warrell Cottnam, he gave all his law :books,
including those which he claimed under the will of Joseph Warrell, the
Worrell, I, was made attorney-general in 1733 and was twice recommended
for the Council but apparently did not want the office. He is referred
to as a "gentleman of the law," and the title "Notary and Tabellion
Public" was appended to his name. There is no record that he was admitted
to the Bar in New Jersey. In 1751 he resided on the estate known as
"Belleville" near Trenton, and stated in a certificate which he signed
for Samuel Tucker that he lived there many years and consequently "could
give a good character of Samuel Tucker, his neighbor, having
known him since Tucker was a boy." He asked leave to resign in 1754
"in order to make his declining years comfortable" and died in the summer
of 1758. In 1751, Joseph Warrell, attorney-general, appointed Abraham
Cottnam to prosecute an indictment found against Lewis Morris Ashfield,
charged with profanity and assault.
His son,
Joseph Warrell, II, was licensed as an attorney May 13, 1758.
He appears in 1753 as the manager of a lottery for, the Trenton English
and Grammar School, and as the clerk of the circuits. There is no record
that he was an active practitioner. He died in 1775. His tombstone in
the First Presbyterian Churchyard is inscribed:
In memory of Joseph Warrell,
Esq., who departed this life March 6, 1775, age 56 years. This stone
is erected, not from pomp or pageantry, but from true affection.
For other thoughts employ
the widowed wife,The
best of husbands, loved in private life Bids her with tears to raise
this humble stone, That holds his ashes and expects her own.
Morris Ashfield was a member of the Bar, admitted at the May term,
1746. He lived at the time in Middlesex but in 1759 gave his address
as Shrewsbury or Trenton. He was related to Chief Justice Morris and
was evidently a man of standing, as on April 30, 1751, he was appointed
a member of Council of the Colony. On October 21, following, he was
indicted at Perth Amboy, charged with swearing in a most profane manner
and damning the King's laws and assaulting the constable with a whip.
It was evidently
considered an important affair, and in a letter written by the governor
we find that "Young Ashfield is greatly concerned about the affair and
is endeavoring in all ways possible to get himself acquitted of this
flagrant crime," anxious, no doubt, to assume his duties as member of
the Council.
Warrell, who was not present when the indictment was found because of
"indisposition," had deputized his son-in-law, Abraham Cottnam, a prominent
Trenton lawyer, to represent him and now deputized him to prosecute
the Pleas of the Crown for him "in his absence and indisposition." Notwithstanding
the evident anxiety of the attorney-general and lawyer Cottnam to convict
Ashfield, he was acquitted. The witnesses, even the constable himself,
were vague in their recollection of the exact words spoken, and Cottnam,
the deputized attorney-general, in order to bolster up his case, took
the stand and contradicted his principal witness by testifying
to the language as given to him by the constable at the time of the
indictment. Governor Belcher was deeply disappointed at the verdict
which cleared young Ashfield "by a nicety in law, although I believe
everybody thought him guilty." He refused to admit him as a member of
the Council. Chief Justice Robert H. Morris did not regard the matter
seriously, and in a letter to the Lords of Trade, said,
that the mere accusation
of a rash expression used (if at all) when provoked and probably when
in drink, seems to be hardly sufficient to justify a disobedience of
his Majesty's command.
The Lords
of Trade, who had recommended Ashfield and submitted his name to the
King, did not approve of the actions of the governor, and Ashfield was
admitted. In 1761 he was named as one of the persons to be commissioned
to try pirates.
Reed, a brother of Joseph Reed, was admitted as an attorney on April
3, 1770, but never became a counsellor. He entered public life at an
earlier day and in 1776 he was appointed surrogate of Hunterdon. At
the beginning of the Revolution, the Provincial Congress appointed him
Lieutenant Colonel of a battalion to be raised in Gloucester, Salem,
Cumberland and Burlington, and later he was commissioned Colonel of
the First Regiment of Burlington. He also held at different times the
office of clerk of the Supreme Court, clerk in chancery, deputy secretary
of state and, upon the resignation of Charles Pettit (his brother-in-law),
he succeeded him as secretary of state. He died in 1794, and was succeeded
by Samuel Witham Stockton. He resided for a short time in Trenton but
there is no record that he ever engaged in the active practice of the
S. Hunter was admitted as an attorney in 1802 and as counsellor
three years later, and practised in Trenton. Very little can be ascertained
concerning him, but it is stated that he probably had practised law
in some other State before practising in Trenton. He received the honorary
degree of A.M. from Princeton in 1802 and was prominent in Masonic circles.
Leake was born in Cumberland County in 1747. He was admitted to
the Bar in 1776 and his name heads the list as the first licensed attorney
after the adoption of our Constitution. He frequently appeared in the
Supreme Court, associated with or opposed by the leading lawyers of
that day. He opened an office in Salem but in 1785 removed to Trenton
where he rapidly acquired an extensive practice and quickly took a leading
place at the Bar. He lived on the east side of Warren Street, opposite
Hanover Street, and soon became active in local matters. He was a member
of the Union Fire Company and a contributor to its upkeep.
Judge Elmer
characterizes him as eccentric but regarded him as an honest lawyer,
an earnest, sincere Christian, and a man highly fespected by the community.
He relates an instance which occurred when Governor Bloomfield first
presided as chancellor. The question was raised as to retaining the
English practice of addressing the chancellor as "Your Excellency."
Governor Bloomfield said that he was a republican and did not desire
to be addressed by that title. Mr. Samuel Leake, who was present, immediately
arose, and with much earnestness and solemnity, addressing the chancellor,
"May it please your excellency,
your excellency's predecessors were always addressed by the title, 'your
excellency' and if your excellency please, the proper title of the Governor
of the State was and is 'your excellency.' I humbly pray, therefore,
on my own behalf and on behalf of the Bar generally, that we may be
permitted by your excellency's leave to address your excellency when
sitting in the high Court of Chancery, by the ancient title of 'your
prominent lawyer (a brother of Richard Stockton, the Signer) who made
his home in Trenton, was Samuel Witham Stockton who was born
in 1751. He was admitted to the Bar on September 3, 1772,
and removed to Trenton in 1794. His home was on the north side of
Front Street, just west of the Black Horse Tavern, and the village market
was located between his home and the tavern. In 1774 he went to Europe
as secretary of the American Commission to the Courts of Austria and
Prussia, and while abroad negotiated a treaty with Holland. He was one
of the signers of the constitution of the Union Fire Company in 1792,
and contributed to the purchase of a new engine. He was senior grand
warden of the Grand Lodge of Masons in 1791 and grand master in 1794,
and was secretary of state in the latter year.
C. Houston practised law in Trenton. He was born in Sumter
County, S:C., and came north to attend the College of New Jersey (Princeton).
After his graduation, he became Professor of Natural Philosophy in that
His father
was a Quaker and a prominent and wealthy planter, who refused to give
his son a liberal education but consented to furnish him with a horse,
clothes and fifty pounds of money to do with as he pleased. The young
son gladly accepted and came to Princeton, entering the college as a
freshman. To meet expenses, he took charge of a grammar school connected
with the college, keeping up with his studies at the same time. In 1768
he graduated with distinguished honor and received a silver medal.
Upon the
breaking out of the Revolution, he was appointed Captain of the Militia
of New Jersey and served until March 25, 1777, when he was appointed
deputy secretary to the Continental Congress. In 1778 he became a member
of the Assembly of New Jersey, and in 1779 a member of the Continental
Congress. In 1781 Congress elected him comptroller of the treasury.
He was admitted to the Bar of New Jersey in 1781, and the same year
was appointed clerk of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, which office
he held until his death. After resigning his professorship in the College
of New Jersey, he became one of the founders and a stockholder of the
Trenton Academy. Mr. Houston was also a member of the convention which
drafted the Constitution of the United. States, and, according to the
record, took a prominent part in forming i, although his name is not
appended to the instrument.
He served
with Chief Justice Brearley on the commission appointed by the Continental
Congress which finally settled the dispute, between Pennsylvania and
Connecticut, involving a large strip of Northern Pennsylvania. The commission
met in Trenton in 1782.3
3 See pp. 629-32,
died at the age of forty-two.
De Cow was admitted to the Bar on May 16, 1765. His name frequently
appears in connection with advertisements for the sale of lands, and
in 1774 he advertised a run-away servant. The advertisement states that:
the run-away had served
two years with Isaac De Cow, Attorney at Law at Trenton, New Jersey,
but was obliged to fly from the Province for counterfeiting Charles
Ogden's name.
Mr. De Cow
lived on King Street (now Warren) on the north side of De Cow Alley,
now West Hanover Street, in the house that was used in 1799 by President
Adams as his official residence. It was later known as the Phoenix Hotel.
De Cow was appointed Major of the First Regiment of the Militia of Hunterdon
County, and resigned on July 5, 1776. He was active in local matters
and an active member of a fire company and of the Masonic fraternity.
Craft, who lived on Mill Hill on the site which in later years was
occupied by Robert Dowling as a hotel, was admitted to the Bar in 1790.
He was not active in the practice of law. On July 9, 1798, he joined
with William Black in the purchase of the State Gazette and New Jersey
Advertiser. They changed the name to the Federalist and New Jersey
Gazette and in September 1800 Craft retired from the newspaper business.
In 1803, on September 14, he and several other gentlemen purchased a
spring at the head of town from Stephen Scales, and incorporated the
Trenton Water Works. The company furnished water to the people of Trenton,
at first through pipes constructed of wood which later were replaced
by iron. In 1845, the water works were purchased by the city. Shortly
after 1803, Craft moved to Falls Township, Bucks County, Pa., and died
there in November 1808. He owned property in Pennsylvania and New Jersey,
and an inventory of his New Jersey estate was filed January 10, 1809.
Linn was admitted to the Bar in 1772 while a resident of Somerset
County. Sometime between the years 1801 when his congressional term
ended and 1805 when he was appointed secretary of state, he removed
to Trenton and practised law.
Mr. Linn
was a graduate of the College of New Jersey and during the Revolutionary
War held a commission as Major in the militia. In 1777 he was elected
to the Legislative Council from Somerset County. In 1776 he was appointed
"Attorney at Law for the Province of New Jersey" by Governor Franklin,
and in the years between 1790 and 1798 he represented Somerset County
in the Legislature and in 1796 was vice-president of the Council. In
1798 he was elected to Congress and served until 1801, being a member
of that body during the famous election contest between Burr and Jefferson,
and voted for Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Linn was afterwards appointed supervisor
of revenue of New Jersey. He held the office of secretary of state from1805
until the time of his death in December 1820. He was highly respected
as a citizen but attained no high eminence in his profession, having
turned his attention principally to other pursuits.
Ewing was born January 30, 1758, in Cumberland County and before
he was twenty-one was elected clerk of the New Jersey Assembly. He removed
to Trenton and held the office of clerk for twenty years. He read law
in the office of William C. Houston, was admitted to the Bar in 1788
and practised here until 1803 when he removed to Pennsylvania. His nephew,
Charles Ewing, was chief justice of the Supreme Court for many years.
During his residence here he took an active part in local affairs and
was one of the organizers of the Grand Lodge of Masons.
D. Woodruff was born September 12, 1762, was admitted to the Bar
in 1784, was called as a sergeant in 1792, and during the same year
was appointed attorney-general and held the office for over twenty years.
He lived on Hanover Street and took an active part in religious and
civic matters. He served in the Legislature and was influential in having
Trenton selected as the State Capital. In 1787 he assisted in the organization
of Trenton Lodge No. 5, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and
became its first master and later was elected grand master.
Salter was commissioned associate judge of the Supreme Court on
May 15, 1754. Chief Justice Robert Hunter Morris, on tendering his resignation
in 1754, suggested Richard Salter as his successor, describing him as
"a man of understanding and fortune, a firm friend of the Government,
and one who will act in that station with honor to himself and
justice to the public." The resignation of the chief justice was not
accepted and Richard Salter was made associate judge. He was a member
of the Council for the Western Division and resided here. His appointment
was suggested to the chief justice by judge Charles Reed, who said:
"There cannot be a more proper person to supply your place than Mr.
Salter. You are no stranger to his abilities."
Rhea was born in Monmouth County in 1754, the son of Jonathan and
Lydia (Forman) Rhea. Mr. Rhea served during the War of the Revolution
in the New Jersey line of the Continental army. He was appointed Ensign,
Second New Jersey Infantry, January 1, 1777, and Second Lieutenant,
April 1, 1778; he resigned November 3, 1783, and was commissioned Captain
by brevet. He was admitted to the Bar in 1784 and was twice elected,
by the joint meeting, clerk of the Monmouth Common Pleas and in June
1793 was elected clerk of the Supreme Court, which office he held until
November 1807. In 1793 he was a presidential elector, casting his vote
for John Adams. He was Quartermaster General of the State from 1807
to 1813. He was grand treasurer of the Grand Lodge F. and A.M. from
1805 to 1813. Mr. Rhea was the second president of the Trenton Banking
Company, serving as such from 1807 to 1815. He built the old mansion
opposite the State House which was afterward sold to Charles Higbee,
who in turn sold it to George Fox of Philadelphia, who settled it on
Philemon Dickinson, nephew by marriage. Mr. Rhea's daughter Mary was
the wife of Garret D. Wall. Mr. Rhea died in Trenton February 3, 1815.
A greatgrandson was Garret D. W. Vroom.
Rutherford was born in New York City, September 20, 1760, and was
graduated from the College of New Jersey in 1776. He studied law, was
admitted to the Bar in 1782, and practised in New York City, 1779-87,
and later in Edgerston, N.J.; subsequently he came to Trenton, remaining
until 1807. He was a prominent churchman and a presidential elector
in 1798, 1813 and 1821. He was elected to the United States Senate and
served from March 4, 1791 to December 5, 1798, when he resigned. He
became a member of the New York and New Jersey boundary commission in
1826, and of the New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania boundary commission,
1829-33. He died in Rutherford, N.J., February 23, 1840.
D. Wall studied law with General Jonathan Rhea, clerk of the Supreme
Court, was admitted in 1804 and commenced the practice of law in Trenton.
He resided here until 1828 when he removed to Burlington. In 1812 he
was elected by joint meeting clerk of the Supreme Court and held the
office for five years. In 1829 he was elected governor and chancellor
but declined and in 1835 was elected to the United States Senate and
was an active supporter of the administrations of Jackson and VanBuren.
Later he became one of the judges of the Court of Errors and Appeals
where his great legal learning was conspicuously displayed. He died
in 1850.
Moore White was admitted to the Bar in 1791 and called as
a sergeant in 1812. He practised in Gloucester County and represented
that county in the Assembly. In 1833 he was appointed attorney-general
and served until 1838 when he was elected by the joint Session as associate
justice of the Supreme Court, which position he held until February
27, 1845. The New Jersey Register for 1837 gives his name
in the list of twelve attorneys who lived in Trenton at that time, but
after his retirement from the Bench he removed to Woodbury where he
died in 1867 at the age of ninety-one.
How, although not a member of the Bar, for a time was one of the
judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Hunterdon County. He was also
sheriff. His death was announced in the Trenton newspapers of January
14, 1799.
For biographical sketches
of David Brearley, Joseph Reed, and Isaac Smith, see
Chap. II, above.
Courts and Lawyers in the Nineteenth Century and After
With the
establishment of the state and the federal courts in Trenton, lawyers
from other localities were naturally attracted and established homes
here. A number of these lawyers quickly achieved prominence. This was
especially true in the first half of the nineteenth century. It was
the practice then, because of the lack of rapid travelling facilities,
to employ local counsel to present cases on appeal to the higher courts.
This is evident from the early reports, where we find the local lawyers
appeared in many of the cases which originated elsewhere.
these constant accessions, the number was not large. The New Jersey
Register for 1837, published by Joseph C. Potts, gives the following
lawyers resident of Trenton at that time:
John Moore
White, admitted in 1791 ; Samuel L. Southard, 1811; Samuel R. Hamilton,
1812; William Halsted, 1816; Henry W. Green, 1825; James Ewing, 1826;
Stacy G. Potts, 1827; Benjamin F. Vancleave, 1830; James Wilson, 1830;
Joseph C. Potts, 1833; William P. Sherman, 1833; Isaac W. Laning, 1834.
The population in 1840 was
In 1857,
with an estimated population of 15,000, Boyd's Directory gives
the lawyers in Trenton as follows: Henry W. Green, chief justice, Mercer
Beasley, William L. Dayton, Andrew Dutcher, James Ewing, E. H. Grandin,
Caleb S. Green, Barker Gummere, William Halsted, A. M. Johnson, Frederick
Kingman, Isaac W. Lanning, Joseph F. Randolph, Augustus G. Richey, Edward
W. Scudder, William I. Shreve, Robert F. Stockton, James Wilson and
Stacy G. Potts, associate justice. In 1870, with a population of 22,874,
the number of lawyers was forty and in 1900, with a population of 73,307,
the number was ninety-six. At the present time (December 1928) there
are one hundred and ninety-one lawyers in Trenton with an estimated
population of 139,000.
During the
period preceding the Civil War, the Bar of Trenton contained among its
members many who became active in political life. Some of them achieved
high places of honor and responsibility
and their fame extended far beyond the borders of the State. Outstanding
among the many distinguished names, we find Samuel L. Southard, Peter
D. Vroom and William L. Dayton whose remarkable careers ran along parallel
lines, both in the State and nation. On the following pages are presented
brief sketches of these men and other members of the Bar who attained
conspicuous success in their profession and in other fields.
L. Southard was admitted to the Bar in 1811, and after serving
in the State Legislature was chosen an associate justice of the Supreme
Court in 1815 and removed to Trenton. He remained on the Bench until
1821 when he was elected to the United States Senate. He immediately
took a prominent part in national affairs and in 1823 he became Secretary
of the Navy under President Monroe and continued in that office under
John Quincy Adams until 1829, when he was elected attorney-general of
New Jersey and resumed his practice in Trenton. In 1832 he was chosen
governor and in 1833 returned to the United States Senate. In 1841 he
was presiding officer of the Senate and acting Vice-President after
Mr. Tyler succeeded General Harrison, and continued in that position
until his death in 1842.
Mr. Southard
was regarded as a very able and brilliant man, and was recognized as
a leader, not only at the Bar, but in every position he held. His home
was in Trenton until 1838 when he became president of the Morris Canal
and Banking Company and removed to Jersey City.
D. Vroom was admitted to the Bar in 1813 and after practising at
various places settled, in 1820, at Somerville. He served in the Legislature
and in 1829 was chosen governor and ex-officio chancellor. These offices
he held continuously until 1835, except for the year 1832 when Southard
was elected. Mr. Vroom's service as chancellor has always been recognized
as of exceptional value to the Bar and to the State, and his opinions
have done much to settle equitable principles and formulate the practice
of the Court of Equity.
In 1838
Governor Vroom was elected to Congress and, notwithstanding the refusal
of a certificate by Governor Pennington, he was admitted and seated
after a contest in Congress.
At the end
of his term he became a resident of Trenton and continued practising
here until his appointment as Minister to Prussia. He was regarded as
a very able and conscientious lawyer and stood at the head of the State
L. Dayton was admitted in 1830. He opened an office at Middletown,
Monmouth County, and later removed to Freehold where his ability and
character were quickly recognized and he soon had a large practice,
not only in the County, but the State courts. In 1837 he was elected
to the Legislature and the following year chosen by the joint meeting
as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. After serving three years,
he resigned and returned to the practice of his profession in Trenton.
The following year he was elected to the United States Senate to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Southard. During the nine
years of Senator Dayton's incumbency he came in contact with the historical
characters of that period and took a leading part in the struggles resulting
from the Mexican War and the slavery agitation. In June 1856 he was
nominated Vice-President on the Republican ticket, and in 1857 was appointed
attorney-general and occupied that position until his appointment by
President Lincoln as Minister Plenipotentiary to France, at that time
one of the most responsible positions of the government. This position
he filled with conspicuous ability and to the entire satisfaction of
the President. He died suddenly in Paris on December1i, 1864.
Ewing, admitted in 1802, soon ranked as one of the leaders in the
State and was called as a sergeant in 1812. In 1824 be was appointed
chief justice and held that position until his death in 1832.
W. Green, born in Lawrenceville, studied in the office of Chief
Justice Ewing, was admitted in 1825, practised in Trenton and resided
here until his death. He served in the Legislature, and was a member
of the Constitutional Convention in 1844. Two years later he became
chief justice and filled that position until 1861 when he was appointed
chancellor. Henry W. Green's services to the State as a lawyer and judge
were of the most exalted character and he has been called the idol of
his day and generation. His opinions were clear and lucid and helped
to mould the judicial jurisprudence of the State. Many of the cases
decided by him have been accepted without appeal and are regarded as
leading cases. He presided at the Circuit held in Trenton from 1846
to 1860, and added dignity to the Bar and greatly assisted the legal
profession in seeking justice for their clients.
Halsted, Jr., belonged to the family of Halsteds in Essex County
and was a brother of Chancellor Oliver .Spencer Halsted of Newark. He
was graduated from the College of New Jersey in 1812 and was admitted
to the Bar in 1816. Industrious and indefatigable, he had a large practice,
and was usually retained by those who had suits against the Camden and
Amboy Railroad Company. He was prosecutor of the pleas in Hunterdon
County from 1833 to 1837 and a member of Congress from 1837 to 1839
and from 1841 to 1843. He was appointed district attorney for the district
of New Jersey in 1849, and as reporter of the Supreme Court of the State
he published Halsted's Reports in seven volumes. He raised the
First New Jersey Cavalry in the Civil War and went out as Colonel of
the regiment, but was not long in the service. He died in 1873, at the
age of eighty-four.
G. Potts, justice of the Supreme Court, studied in the office of
Lucius H. Stockton, and later in the office of Garret D. Wall, and was
licensed as an attorney in 1827. He was born in Harrisburg in 1799 and
in 1808 came to Trenton to live with his grandfather, Stacy Potts, who
was then mayor of Trenton. He learned the printing trade and for a time
edited the Emporium. As a Jackson Democrat he was twice elected to the
General Assembly, and in 1831 was appointed clerk of the Court of Chancery,
which office he held for ten years. In 1852 he was appointed a justice
of the Supreme Court and served for seven years and was regarded as
an able and conscientious judge, very popular with the Bar and with
the public generally.
He was deeply religious and took a prominent part in church work. He
lived on West State Street, just east of the State House, and died in
Beasley, who presided at our Circuit for many years, was born in
Philadelphia in 1815, attended the College of New Jersey but did not
graduate. He studied law in Trenton and was admitted to the Bar in 1838
at about the time the County was formed. He opened a law office on West
State Street, near Warren, and later built an office adjoining his home
on East State Street, where he lived until a few years before he died.
The site of his home is now occupied by the new portion of the Broad
Street Bank building. His father was an Episcopal clergyman and at one
time rector of St. Michael's Church. He bad great familiarity with legal
principles and practice and was particularly.accomplished in the preparation
of pleading and noted for his accuracy and discernment. He served as
city solicitor and in 1851 he was the Whig candidate for mayor but failed
of election. He served in the Common Council, and was active in civic
matters. He was recognized as a good citizen and a learned, forceful
and successful lawyer.
In 1864
he was appointed chief justice and held the office until his death in
1897-nearly thirty-three years. At the time of his appointment the College
of New Jersey conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws.
The record
of his judicial opinions is contained in twenty-nine volumes of the
Law Reports and thirty-seven of the Equity. He was of commanding ability
and, in the words of Justice Collins, he "presided over our highest
tribunal with courtly dignity and matchless skill and added lustre to
the bright record of his distinguished predecessors." He had explored
and knew all the sources of the law and was entirely familiar with its
principles. He was not a narrow case-lawyer, so-called, as the following
quotation from his opinion in the case of Gregory ads. Wilson, 7 Vroom,
315, 323. will clearly illustrate: "In these days, when legal knowledge
is so dearly acquired, and legal learning is so cheaply displayed, a
voluminous citation of authorities is apt to look like a petit larceny
on the digests."
It is said
that Chief Justice Beasley was seriously considered by President Cleveland
for chief justice of the United States in 1888, when the late Melville
W. Fuller was selected, and that the only reason that Chief Justice
Beasley was not named was because of his age, being then seventy-three
years old.
In presiding
over trials at the Circuit and in the Oyer and Terminer the chief justice
was dignified and courteous, and showed patience and kindliness in his
endeavor to do justice. His charges to the jury were simple and clear
and were entirely free from the unusual words that are sometimes found
in his opinions. His decisions at the Circuit were rarely overruled.
Upon his
death the public press truly said that on his elevation to the Bench
the advocates lost from their number one of the very ablest in the whole
State, and the judiciary gained a member whose name was known in all
courts of the land, and who was equalled in knowledge of law by few,
if any, of the eminent jurists of America, and whose decisions were
quoted constantly before foreign as well as home tribunals.
Chief Justice
Beasley held the Mercer Circuit from the time of his appointment until
1890, when he exchanged with Justice Scudder, and until his death presided
in Monmouth and Middlesex County.
The chief
justice was highly regarded not only by the members of the Bar, but
by a large circle of friends. He was a great reader and especially fond
of Dickens, but any novel suited him, if it ended happily. He was fond
of gunning and was an expert marksman on the wing. Many of his leisure
hours at home were spent in wood-carving. In his early days he was celebrated
as a billiard player, and had few equals.
G. Richey, who for many years was a leader of the Trenton Bar, was
born in 1819 in Warren County and was a graduate of Lafayette College.
Upon his admission to the Bar in 1844, he opened an office in Asbury,
N.J., and practised there until 1856, when he removed to Trenton where
his legal ability and business capacity were soon recqgnized and gained
him a high class of practice. In 1865 he was elected to the New Jersey
Senate and served one term. He was an enterprising and public-spirited
citizen and was deeply interested in the welfare and progress of the
community in which he lived. For many years he was actively identified
with many of the financial, religious and benevolent institutions of
the city. As a lawyer he devoted himself largely to commercial and business
law and gained high reputation as a safe and conscientious lawyer. He
died in 1894.
Van Syckel was born on April 17, 1830, at Bethlehem, N.J.,
and upon his appointment to the Supreme Court removed to Trenton where
he resided until his death. Almost immediately upon his admittance to
the Bar he attained a very high standing because of his legal ability
and his knowledge of the law. He was a justice of the Supreme Court
until in 1904 when, because of a temporary disability, he resigned.
Curiously enough, justice Van Syckel long outlived every one of his
associates on the Supreme Court Bench and survived until 1923 when he
died at the advanced age of ninety-three. He lived to be the oldest
practising lawyer in the State.
The high
personal character of judge Van Syckel and the noted public service
rendered by him during the long period of his active life mark him as
one of the outstanding figures in the history of the city and of this
State. Graduating from Princeton with high honors at the age of sixteen,
he soon thereafter began the study of law and was admitted to the Bar
of the Supreme Court in 1851. After practising law for sixteen years
in his native county of Hunterdon, he was appointed a justice of the
Supreme Court, which position he held by successive appointments for
a period of thirty-five years. In 1880 the degree of LL.D. was conferred
upon him by Princeton College.
Judge Van
Syckel was especially noted as a trial judge. The accuracy of his rulings
at Circuit and the quickness with which he dispatched business excited
universal commendation.
On the Bench
of the Supreme Court and the Court of Errors Judge Van Syckel did equally
important work. His opinions written therein are marked by brevity of
expression, clearness of thought and sound legal learning. They rank
with those of the best judges at a time when those courts were famous
for their personnel.
Judge Van
Syckel's success on the Bench was due in no small measure to his lofty
character. He had a conscience void of offense and he kept it so clear
and so alert that with him the discovery of truth and the detection
of error was almost an intuition.
The impress
made by judge Van Syckel on the jurisprudence of this State and the
example he set to young and aspiring members of the Bar will keep his
memory green for generations to come. He was noted for quickness of
perception, alertness of decision and a prompt grasping of the salient
features of a cause.
After leaving
the Bench, Justice Van Syckel was constantly consulted in important
matters and his opinions were highly regarded by the public and usually
accepted as final. He was active in church and civic matters and rendered
valuable services in connection with many of the public questions which
arose during the later years of his life. Golf and horseback riding
were his favorite outdoor diversions.
W. Scudder, another justice who presided at the Mercer Circuit,
was born at Scudder's Falls in 1822. He was educated at Lawrenceville
and Princeton, studied law in the office of the Hon. William L. Dayton
and was admitted in 1844. He was a man of affairs before his elevation
to the Bench, and was, during a long and successful practice at the
Bar, noted for the strictest integrity. He was a member of the State
Senate from Mercer County for one term of three years, from 1863 to
1865 inclusive, and he was president of that body in the latter year.
He practised extensively in all the courts of the State until 1869,
when he was appointed by Governor Randolph one of the justices of the
Supreme Court.
He was highly
regarded in Trenton and his appointment, it was soon recognized, added
strength and dignity to the Bench. He was not a man of impulses, was
peculiarly free from prejudice and was always impartial. Of a kindly
nature he was beloved by the Bar and if was regarded as a pleasure to
appear before him. And with it all, his chief characteristics were a
strong, keen sense of the right, and an unswerving desire to do justice
between man and man. His judgments were sound and his opinions always
clear and lucid and bear the marks of research and labor.
He died
suddenly on February 3, 1893, beloved and mourned by the entire State.
As was stated in the resolutions adopted by the Supreme Court at the
time of his death, "Death came to him so quickly and so mercifully as
to remind one of that of the Patriarch in the Scriptures who 'walked
with God and was not, because God took him.'"
Reed was born in Reed's Manor, Ewing Township, in 1839 and had a
long and successful career as judge and vice-chancellor. He was first
admitted to the New York Bar and afterwards in 1864 to the New Jersey
Bar. Establishing himself in this city he soon became prominent in political
and social matters. Elected to the Common Council in 1865, he served
two years and in recognition of his services he was elected mayor of
the city in 1867. In 1869 he was appointed the first law judge of the
Court of Common Pleas, serving five years, and in 1875 was appointed
justice of the Supreme Court. In 1895 he resigned and was appointed
vice-chancellor and served until 1904, when he returned to the Supreme
Court and continued in that position until 1911.
He was a
sound lawyer and a genial man, always courteous and considerate of others
and was a most popular judge. His wide knowledge of the law and his
experience, combined with ability to dispatch business rapidly, soon
won for him a distinction among his learned associates. His retirement
was considered a great loss to the Bench. He died December 6, 1919.
Buchanan, who was appointed judge of the Common Pleas in 1874 and
presided for five years, was born at Ringoes in 1839. He was admitted
to the Bar in 1864 and immediately afterwards settled in Trenton. He
took an active part in civic and church affairs and became one of Trenton's
leading citizens.
He was a
painstaking and kindly man and enjoyed the friendship and confidence
of everyone. He had a long and honorable career in this community, and
.after leaving the Bench served in the Common Council of Trenton and
for eight years represented the district in Congress. A fine portrait,
procured to be painted by the members of the Bar who had been students
in his office, is now hung upon the wall of the Mercer County Common
Pleas Court room-a pleasant reminder of the judge and gentleman. He
served but one term and was succeeded by judge John H. Stewart.
H. Stewart was born in Warren County and was admitted to the Bar
in 1867. After practising in Belvidere a short time he opened an office
in Trenton and soon became prominent because of the excellence of his
work in preparing and publishing a Digest of New Jersey Reports.
Later, in 1877, he and judge Vroom published The Revision of
the Statutes of New Jersey.
In 1879
he was appointed judge of the Mercer Common Pleas and served for eleven
years, until his death in 1890. In Judge Stewart's time the business
of the court, especially in its criminal branch, grew to be considerable
and important, owing principally to the great increase in the population
of the county. Judge Stewart, although he had not been an extensive
practitioner at the Bar, displayed marked qualities as a jurist and
was a most acceptable judge in every sense of the word. He was a great
student and indefatigable worker. In social intercourse he was extremely
jovial and told the best of stories in a charming and inimitable manner.
He died March 1890.
S. Woodruff was born in Newark in 1841. He came to Trenton with
his family when he was nine years old and was admitted to the Bar in
1868. An able and careful lawyer, he soon gained the confidence of the
community and served in the Common Council, as member of the school
board and in the Legislature. In 1890 he succeeded Judge Stewart and
presided upon our Common Pleas Bench for a period of ten years. He had
judicial experience for eleven years upon the City District Court Bench
before his elevation to the Common Pleas. It was he who discovered and
caused the arrest of the murderer Lewis, at Millstone, in 1863, while
teaching school at that place.4 Judge Woodruff
was very popular both as a judge and as a man, and had a host of friends
who were delighted to be associated with him. His death, in i9o6, some
years after his retirement from judicial labors, was exceedingly regretted.
See pp. 636-7, below.
A fine portrait
of him presented by the Bar of the County of Mercer, adorns
the wall of .the Common Pleas Court room, and, as judge Reed said in
his feeling remarks when accepting the portrait, which was presented
by Chancellor Walker on behalf of the Bar: "It is a speaking likeness
of a kind-hearted and courteous gentleman."
F. Chambers was graduated from Princeton College and admitted to
the Bar at the November term, 1875. In 1884 he was elected to the House
of Assembly, served through the session of 1885, and died during the
summer of that year. He was prominent in military affairs, and was assistant
adjutant general on the staff of Major General Mott, commanding the
Division of National Guard of New Jersey, with the rank of Colonel.
Mr. Chambers was able and popular, and gave great promise of a successful
career when his untimely death removed him from our midst.
S. Meredith
Dickinson was a member of the Bar for many years, but did not practise
extensively. He was chief clerk of the Chancery office and distinguished
himself .by publishing an edition of Chancery precedents in 1879, a
revised and enlarged edition of which he published in 1894. These works
are the vale-mecum of Chancery practice in this State. He was
also Chancery reporter, and edited twenty-one volumes of the opinions
of chancellors and vice-chancellors. He died January 29, 1905.
Ewing Green was the son of Caleb S. Green, grandson of Chief Justice
Charles Ewing and nephew of Henry W. Green, chief justice and chancellor.
He received his early education in the Trenton Academy and was graduated
from the College of New Jersey in 1870. He studied law in his father's
office and was admitted to the Bar in 1873. He was a member of the Common
Council of Trenton from 1882 to 1885, and a trustee of the Theological
Seminary at Princeton. He was one of the judges of the Court of Errors
and Appeals, as was his father before him. He for many years was a director
of the Trenton Banking Company and also acted as its counsel for a time.
He was painstaking and able, as his opinions delivered in the court
of which he was a judge clearly demonstrate, notably in the case of
Mackenzie against Trustees of Presbytery,5 in
which he showed that what is known as the doctrine of cy pres obtains
in this State, that is, that a fund for charity impossible of application
according to the intention of the giver shall be applied by the court
as nearly as may be according to his intention.
5 67 N.J.
Equity Reports 652.
Barker Gummere won
laurels at the Bar of this County and more particularly at the Bar of
the State, for it was in the state courts-Chancery, Supreme Court and
Court of Errors and Appeals-that he was most famous. In 1861 he was
appointed clerk in Chancery by Governor Olden and
was reappointed in 1866 by Governor Ward, serving for two terms, or
ten years in all. During that time he practised but little, and not
at all in the Court of Chancery, where, by reason of his clerkship,
he was of course excluded from practice. He was not idle, however, but
studied deeply in every branch and department of jurisprudence, so that
when he returned to the activities of professional life in 1871, he
was, perhaps, the most splendidly equipped lawyer ,in the State. All
but the younger members of the Trenton Bar have had the pleasure of
hearing this great man argue most weighty causes in the courts, and
everyone who has heard him
has been impressed with his profundity, logic, incisive reasoning and
ability in marshalling and presenting the facts and the law of the controversy
as they presented themselves to him. During later years he practised
more after the fashion of an English barrister than an American attorney,
that is, he did not meet clients or draw bills or answers in Chancery
or declarations or pleas at law for them directly, but held consultations
only with lawyers who associated him in their causes and he presented
those causes to the courts upon instructions from solicitors and independent
researches and investigations made by himself, a way of presenting causes
to the higher courts most satisfactory to counsel.
No account
of the Bench and Bar of Trenton would be complete without a mention
of the life and character of John P. Stockton. A Jerseyman
through and through, of a distinguished New Jersey family, he was not
content to rest upon their laurels, but won distinction for himself.
In 1857, when but thirty-one years old, he was appointed by President
Buchanan to be Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to the
Court of Rome. He held that position until 1861, when he returned to
New Jersey and resumed the practice of law in Trenton. His father and
grandfather before him had been United States Senators and he was elected
to that exalted position by the Legislature in 1865, but was unseated
after serving one year, because, while he had received a majority of
the votes cast in the joint meeting of the Legislature, he had not received
a majority of the votes of all the members elected to both Houses. He
was, however, reelected to the Senate in 1869, and served a full term
of six years, when he returned to Trenton and again resumed the practice
of law. In 1877 he was appointed attorney-general and served in that
capacity for twenty years. It was in this office, doubtless, that his
greatest service to the State was rendered. During his term, grave questions
of state policy, including the Act for the taxation of railroad companies,
came under review in the courts and were ably advocated and successfully
upheld by AttorneyGeneral Stockton. He was a man of simplicity of character,
as most great men are, and of extraordinary eloquence, which most great
men are not. He had a fine, almost picturesque presence and a most mellifluent
voice, which, combined with his eloquence, made him one of the famous
public speakers of his day and generation. After relinquishing the office
of attorney-general, he practised law for a few years in Jersey City
and died quite unexpectedly, revered and regretted by the people of
New Jersey.
T. Bird was born in Bethlehem, Hunterdon County, and studied law
in the office of A. G. Richey in Trenton, but practised ,in Flemington
where he became one of the leaders of the Bar. Upon his appointment
as vice-chancellor in 1882 Mr. Bird moved to Trenton and resided here
until his death in 1911.
In 1882
there were but two vice-chancellors, Van Fleet and Bird, and there was
no increase in the number until 1889. During the interim the business
increased rapidly and it has been said that Vice-Chancellor Bird heard
more cases and wrote a greater number of opinions than any other judge
during the same number of years. He was an indefatigable worker, holding
court, sometimes, every working day of the week and it was marvellous
that he found time to write the numerous opinions he filed.
He was greatly
respected by the entire community and esteemed as a conscientious judge,
whose only aim was to do justice in the cases that came before him.
Before his elevation to the Bench he took deep interest in political
matters and was a member of Congress, taking a prominent part in
the stirring congressional controversies of 1868 to 1872. After his
retirement from the Bench in 1903 he resumed practice in Trenton. He
died May 6, 1911.
D. W. Vroom was born in Trenton on December 17, 1843. He read law
with his father, Governor Peter D. Vroom, and was admitted to practice
in 1868. His ability as a lawyer soon gave him a commanding position
at the Bar of the County and of the State. In 1869 he was made city
solicitor, and in 1870 was appointed prosecutor of the County of Mercer.
In 1873 he resigned to accept the position of reporter for the Supreme
Court, a position which his father had occupied before him, and between
them they published fifty-six volumes of the Supreme Court Reports.
He also, in conjunction with judge Stewart, prepared for publication
the Revision of the Statutes of New Jersey in 1877, and ten years
later assisted in the preparation of a supplement. In 1894 he and Judge
Lanning published The General Statutes of New Jersey.
In 1881
Judge Vroom was elected mayor of Trenton and later, when the board of
public works was created, he was made its president. An appointment
to the Supreme Court was declined in 1900, but in 1906 he accepted an
appointment to the Court of Errors and Appeals, which office he resigned
in 1913 because of failing health. He was one of the organizers of the
General Society of the Sons of the Revolution and was active in the
Trenton Battle Monument Association. He had many and varied interests
and was prominent in historical and patriotic associations, among them
the Society of the Cincinnati.
He was an
accomplished lawyer and a cultured gentleman, and was deeply interested
in literature. His private library, one of the largest in the State,
was filled with choice books and first editions. His work at the office
done for the day, his recreation was in his home library. He not only
loved books, but was a constant reader and had an intimate knowledge
of their contents. He was especially fond of history and biography,
and so extensive was his reading and his association with books of this
sort that the great leaders and workers of the world became to him "living
persons" and "brought him face to face with their subjects."
He was also
a great lover of flowers, and his outdoor delight was found principally
in the growing of roses. He had one of the finest collection of roses
in the State, some of which were of old stock and planted by his father.
Judge Vroom was famous as a collector of rare books and autographed
letters, and an industrious extra illustrator of interesting books.
He died March 4, 1914.
Buchanan was born in 1849 in Bucks County, Pa., and was no relation
to the James Buchanan mentioned above. At the age of thirteen he removed
to Trenton with his parents. He began working in a bakery and spent
his nights in preparing himself for college, entering Princeton in 1872
and being graduated two years later. He studied law with Augustus G.
Richey, was admitted to the Bar in 1877, and quickly gained recognition
as a well-prepared and careful lawyer.
In 1882
Mr. Buchanan represented Henry H. Yard in the suit against the Ocean
Beach Association in a claim to the ownership of valuable beachfront
land in what is now Belmar. It was some ten years before a final decision
in the case was reached by the Court of Errors.
In1902 Mr.
Buchanan was elected to the Common Council and served very efficiently.
At the end of two years he was nominated for the office of mayor to
oppose Frank S. Katzenbach, Jr., and was defeated.
In 1906
Chancellor Magee appointed him equity reporter and advisory master,
which positions he filled with conspicuous ability and to the satisfaction
of the entire Bar. Mr. Buchanan was always regarded as a thoroughly
honest, capable lawyer who honored his profession, and his death was
a distinct loss to the city and State. He died October 15, 1916.
T. Nixon was first admitted to the Bar of West Virginia, and afterwards
was admitted in New Jersey and practised at Bridgeton. He was a member
of the Legislature in 1849-50 and speaker of the House the latter year;
was elected to Congress in 1858 and in 1860 was an elector who supported
Abraham Lincoln for President. In 1870 he was appointed judge of the
United States District Court for the district of New Jersey and filled
the position to the entire satisfaction of the Bar and the public generally
until his death in 1889. He removed to Trenton upon his appointment
and became prominent here in religious and educational matters. He was
trustee of the College of New Jersey and was one of the founders and
president of the Board of Trustees of the Lawrenceville School.
T. Green, a nephew of Chancellor Green, was a lawyer of very high
order of ability and became judge of the United States District Court
in 1889. He was admitted in 1858 and for many years was general counsel
for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in New Jersey, a position in which
he acquitted himself with great ability and success. He was a genial
man, very social in his nature, and proved a very able and painstaking
judge, but owing to his untimely death his career upon the Bench was
brief and did not give him an opportunity to earn the distinguished
reputation as a judge for which he seemed destined.
M. Lanning was born in Ewing Township in 1849 and after graduating
from the Lawrenceville High School in 1866 was a teacher in the public
schools of Trenton and Mercer County until 1880, when he was admitted
to the Bar as an attorney. A year after he was admitted he was chosen
city solicitor and after serving three years was appointed judge of
the District Court. He collaborated with judge Vroom in the publication
of the Supplement to the Revision of the General Statutes of New
Jersey, and later compiled and published a revised edition of the
general statutes. He was a public-spirited man, active in the church,
a director of the Princeton Theological Seminary and a trustee of the
Lawrenceville School, a member of the constitutional commission of 1894
and connected with and active in the conduct of several financial institutions
of Trenton.
In 1902
Judge Lanning was elected to Congress and resigned after the first session
in order to qualify as judge of the United States District Court of
New Jersey. In 1909 he was promoted to circuit judge for the Third Judicial
was noted for the conscientious, painstaking way in which he performed
every duty that devolved upon him, and to the important litigations
in which he figured he devoted his entire time and energy. He died February
16, 1912.
Duncan Oliphant was born in Pennsylvania in 1824 and was graduated
at Jefferson College in 1844 and the Harvard Law School in 1847. He
was admitted to the Bar of Fayette County September 1847. With the exception
of a few years' practice in Pittsburgh he practised at Uniontown until
the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion. He commanded the 8th Pennsylvania
Regiment and later the 14th of the Veteran Reserve Corps, participating
in numerous engagements of the war, including all of the Seven Days'
battles. In 1865 he was assigned to the command of the 2nd Brigade of
the Garrison at Washington. He moved to Princeton in 1867 and resumed
the practice of law in New Jersey. In 1870 he removed to Trenton and
was appointed clerk of the United States Circuit Court for the District
of New Jersey, which office he held until his decease in October 1904.
M. Robeson, a distinguished Jerseyman, became a member of the Trenton
Bar late in life. He came to Trenton in 1888 and died here nine years
later. He was born at Oxford Furnace, Warren County, in 1827, was graduated
from Princeton in 1847, studied law in the office of Chief Justice Hornblower
at Newark and practised in Jersey City. At the age of twenty-six, while
still a resident of Jersey City, he was appointed by Governor Newell
prosecutor of the Pleas of Camden County. This occasioned considerable
criticism, not on the score of Mr. Robeson's ability, but because the
appointment was given to a non-resident of Camden. However, Mr. Robeson
removed there and distinguished himself as a prosecutor. During the
Civil War he was appointed Brigadier General by Governor Olden and took
an active part in the organization of the state troops. In 1867 he was
appointed attorney-general by Governor Ward. During his term as attorneygeneral
he assisted the prosecutor in the various Counties in the trial of homicide
cases and at one time there were seven persons in this State under sentence
of death, whom he had prosecuted, including a woman who was later executed
at New Brunswick. In 1869 he was appointed .Secretary of the Navy by
President Grant and held the office during both terms of that President.
He was severely criticized during this period but his claim has always
been that his policy as Secretary of the Navy laid the foundation of
our modern navy. He was a very large man, which in connection with other
striking personal traits made him a favorite with cartoonists. Puck
had a cartoon with General Robeson almost every week and it is said
that he was the most caricatured man of his day.
At the close
of his term in the Cabinet he returned and practised law in Camden until
his removal to Trenton eleven years later.
Robeson was concerned in many important cases. He was a man of marked
ability as a lawyer and as a statesman and was a most impressive public
speaker. He took part in the litigation in the early '80's, following
the attempted combinations on the part of some railroads, and appeared
for the railroads when the constitutionality of the Railroad Tax Act
of 1884 was raised in the Supreme Court and later the Court of Errors.
He also appeared for the defendants in a number of murder trials, among
them the Hunter case in Camden, one of the famous cases which attracted
great attention because of its sensational features and the prominence
of the people involved.
Robeson served two terms in Congress and was practically leader during
the entire time. Upon his defeat in 1883 he retired permanently from
politics and devoted himself to the practice of law, at first in Camden
and later in Trenton. He died in Trenton September 28, 1897.
Among the
more prominent members of the Mercer County Bar who have recently passed
away and who deserve at least a brief mention here are Linton Satterthwaite,
who had a mind of keen analytical order and whose arguments before the
Supreme Court on constitutional questions were always listened to with
great respect; Francis B. Lee, a popular Trentonian better known as
a local historian and publicist than as a lawyer; Francis C. Lowthorp,
a man of culture, of a genial spirit and popular among his fellows;
William J. Crossley, for several terms prosecutor of the pleas, an effective
political orator and a criminal lawyer of recognized ability; John A.
Montgomery, judge of the City District Court, witty, courteous and a
quick dispatcher of business; James S. Aitkin, a forceful and progressive
lawyer, highly esteemed by his co-workers and clients; Bayard Stockton,
many years ago prosecutor of the pleas and at the time of his death
chancery reporter, an able and painstaking lawyer, trustee for many
estates with a large clientele in Princeton, than whom none was more
highly esteemed and trusted; Barton B. Hutchinson, an active, highly
respected, hardworking lawyer, member of the Assembly and of the Senate
with a large and lucrative practice; and Carroll Robbins, advisory master
and chancery reporter, a genial lawyer of great industry with a love
for mathematics and intricate problems, who died suddenly, beloved by
the Bar and the public generally. For many years he served on the School
Board, and one of our largest schools is named in his honor.
The Bench and Bar Today
The Bench
and Bar of Mercer County continue today as in the past to uphold the
fine traditions inherited from their predecessors. The time has not
yet come to pass final judgment upon
the leaders of the Bar now active in this community, but perhaps it
is not too much to say that as a body the judges and lawyers of today
are no less worthy of esteem than were those who flourished here in
the past. Certainly there was never a time in the history of Trenton
when a larger proportion of high official positions were filled by men
who live in Trenton and who for the most part are closely identified
with the life and interest of their home town.
Two associate-justices
of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, Frank S. Katzenbach, Jr., and Thomas
W. Trenchard, are citizens of Trenton, and Edward L. Katzenbach, the
present attorney-general, is also a Trenton man. United States district
judges living here are John Rellstab and Joseph L. Bodine, and J. Warren
Davis lives in close proximity to the city on the Lawrenceville Road.
The chancellor of New Jersey, Edwin Robert Walker, now serving his third
term in that high office, has lived in Trenton for most of his life,
though he was born elsewhere. Vice-Chancellors John H. Backes and Malcolm
G. Buchanan come of old Trenton families. All of these are public-spirited
citizens and men of distinction in the community as well as legal lights
of state-wide eminence. Most of them have made their professional careers
in Trenton and have won their way to the positions which they now hold
through ability and character displayed while practising at the local
To mention
the names of Trenton lawyers active at the present time would be to
call a roll of over one hundred and fifty practitioners, many of whom
are on the way to success if they have not already attained it.
The District
The District
Court of the City of Trenton was established under the Act of 1877 to
take the place of the Court for the Trial of Small Causes. The jurisdiction
at that time was limited to two hundred dollars and was later increased
to five hundred dollars; efforts have since been made to increase the
limit to one thousand dollars.
Robert S.
Woodruff was the first judge appointed and retained that position for
about eleven years, until his promotion to the County Bench. He was
followed by William M. Lanning who occupied the Bench until 1891. He
was appointed by the joint session but in 1891 the law was changed placing
in the hands of the governor the appointing power and Chauncey H. Beasley
was appointed. He was succeeded in 1896 by John Rellstab who occupied
the position until 1900, when he was promoted to the Court of Common
Pleas and was succeeded by George W. Macpherson. Since that time Huston
Dixon, John A. Montgomery, Charles H. English and J. Conner French,
in the order named, have occupied the position of judge of that court.
The Court
is noted for its expeditious way of disposing of business and has always
been very popular with litigants.
The Federal
of the United States District Court were held in Trenton at an early
date. The first judge was David Brearley, a resident of Trenton. He
resigned the chief justiceship of the State of New Jersey to accept
the office and died in 1790, after having occupied the place for less
than a year.
No other
resident of Trenton occupied the office until 1870 when Judge John T.
Nixon, a member of the Cumberland County Bar, was appointed and removed
to Trenton. Later, Trenton was represented in the Federal Court by Edward
T. Green and William M. Lanning, and at present John Rellstab and Joseph
L. Bodine, both members of the Trenton Bar, occupy the Federal Bench.
The Court
Soon after
the formation of the County of Mercer in 1838, steps were taken for
the erection of a new Court House. There was some rivalry as to where
it should be located. Lawrenceville, Hamilton Square, White Horse and
the present location, then known as "Mill Hill" were suggested, and
only after a spirited contest was it finally located at Broad and Market
Streets. The old building with its large Corinthian columns was of pleasing
architecture, and with the surrogate's office on one side and the clerk's
office on the other, surrounded by large hade
trees, made a very attractive and impressive picture. In 1863 a new
jail was built and later the clerk's office was enlarged, but the old
Court House, with its large courtroom, ventilated by ten large windows,
continued to serve the public down to 1904, when it was torn down and
the present building put in its place.
The first
term of the courts of the new County was held in June 1838, and was
presided over by justice Dayton. The court was attended by Sheriff Richard
Jacques, County Clerk Richard H. Shreve, and Surrogate William P. Sherman.
The Pleas were prosecuted by Richard S. Fields, the attorney-general,
which was then the custom, although James Wilson had been appointed
prosecutor of the new County.
No law judge
was appointed to preside in this County until 1869 when Alfred Reed
was named; he held the office for five years and was followed by James
Buchanan who served one term and was succeeded by John H. Stewart who
occupied the Bench until his death in 1890. Robert S. Woodruff followed
him, presiding until 1900 when he was succeeded by John Rellstab, who,
in 1909, was promoted to the United States District Court and was succeeded
by Frederick W. Gnichtel who held the position until 1916 when the present
occupant, Erwin E. Marshall, was appointed.
The Mercer County Bar Association
The Mercer
County Bar Association was established March 26, 1901. There had been
associations in existence prior to that time but the need for organization
was not felt and the meetings were irregular. Some years before the
establishment of the present organization, the law students of the city
formed an association known as the Kent Association which had regular
meetings to aid the students in the study of law, and had an annual
dinner to which the members of the Bar were invited and which was largely
attended by them.
On March
26, 1901, the Kent Association met for the last time and celebrated
its last annual banquet at the Trenton House, and was then merged into
and thereafter became known as the Mercer County Bar Association. The
first officers elected were:
President, John T. Bird; vice-president, Robert S. Woodruff; secretary,
Frederick W. Gnichtel; and treasurer, Frederic L. Hulme. The following
constituted the board of trustees: Bayard Stockton, Frank W. Katzenbach,
Jr., John H. Backes. Edwin Robert Walker and James Buchanan.
Some Notable Cases Tried In Trenton
THE capital of the State and, in later years, as an increasingly active
industrial, commercial and financial center, it is only natural that
Trenton should have been the scene of many an important or intensely
interesting bit of litigation. The old records of trials and decisions
offer, indeed, countless examples of cases which are of more than passing
interest particularly to a lawyer. There remain, on the other hand,
many cases of historical and general interest, but the exigencies of
space permit the recording of only a few and the brief summaries which
are given below by no means exhaust the record of notable trials which
have taken place in Trenton and which might well be referred to here.
trial of William Tennent for indictment in 1741 probably aroused more
lasting interest than any other case tried in New Jersey. For more than
half a century after the occurrence and long after the death of the
active participants, the oral version was current among the people and
constantly repeated, with emphasis on the appealing features, until
it finally saw print as a distorted account of what was originally quite
an ordinary trial, interesting at the time because it involved two well-known
and prominent ministers of the day. It grew out of what was evidently
a case of mistaken identity, the witnesses for the original defendant
being themselves tried on the charge of perjury.
Tom Bell, a well-known character, notable in New Jersey and the neighboring
Colonies for all sorts of lawless escapades, was mistaken one evening
in Princeton by John Stockton for the Rev. John Rowland, a prominent
Presbyterian minister. He disclaimed the honor, but immediately realized
the possibilities that the resemblance offered for profitable adventures.
without delay, he repaired to a parish in Hunterdon County, where Mr.
Rowland was only slightly known, and introduced himself to a prosperous
farmer as the famous itinerant evangelist. He was cordially received,
and was invited to supply the vacant pulpit of the parish on the following
Sabbath. When the day came and the family and the supposed preacher
were on the way to church, the latter announced that he had forgotten
his sermon. The head of the family thereupon placed the speedy horse
upon which he was riding at Bell's disposal. Bell returned to the empty
house, rifled it, and with horse and booty sped away to parts unknown.
against Mr. Rowland was presented to the Hunterdon County grand jury.
Twice the jury came in with no indictment, but the judge sent them back
for a third deliberation, when a true bill was returned. The utmost
efforts were put forth to secure witnesses for the prosecution. Those
to whom Bell (with the horse in his possession) had introduced himself
as Rowland, were subpoenaed.
case came to trial in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Trenton, June
15, 1741. The defense was an alibi. The Rev. John Rowland, the defendant,
testified that at the time the horse was stolen, he, the Rev. William
Tennent, Jr., and two laymen were on an evangelistic tour in a neighboring
Colony. Mr. Tennent, Benjamin Stevens and Joshua Anderson, the two laymen
in question, all testified to this fact, and there was nothing for the
jury to do but to bring in a verdict of acquittal.
First Verdict Fails to Settle the Matter
this did not settle the matter. The owner of the horse was sure that
it was Rowland who robbed him, and there were many people who were just
as positive. The chief justice and his friends claimed that the ends
of justice had been defeated by perjury, and that, too, on the part
of the pastor of the largest church in the Presbytery, and they determined
to take further legal action in the matter.
Presbytery was arrayed in two hostile camps during the summer and great
excitement prevailed. The indictments against Tennent and Stevens were
found in the Court of Quarter Sessions for Hunterdon County, August
6, 1741.
story of the trial appeared in print for the first time in "The Life
of Rev. William Tennent," published in The Assembly Magazine, March
1806, of which Dr. Elias Boudinot was editor, and was incorporated in
Alexander's Log College, published in 1845, where it was given
wide publicity. The memoir was largely the work of Dr. Thomas Henderson,
a ruling elder of Old Tennent Church, a son of John Henderson, who was
ruling elder of the same church for a greater part of the pastorate
of the Rev. William Tennent. Dr. Henderson gathered the facts of the
trials and the incidents connected therewith from his parents, who in
their turn had been intimately associated with Mr. Tennent all through
the trying ordeals. It is surmised that Dr. Boudinot also received data
from his father-in-law, John Stockton.
the time of the publication all the participants had passed away, and
Dr. Thomas Henderson, who was born in 1743, had no personal knowledge
of the facts.
these conditions, it will readily appear that there was abundant opportunity
for the traditional element to have full sway. The story had been handed
down from one to another, each, no doubt, adding to the original account
until the facts were lost sight of, and supernatural features brought
into prominence.
Summoned Witnesses
most interesting portion of the Henderson-Boudinot account is that relating
to the happenings on the morning of the Tennent trial, when his legal
advisers met, apparently to begin preparations for the defense of their
client. What took place at that time, as related in the Log College,
which is taken from the original publication of the story in 1806,
inquiry as to what witnesses he had, Mr. Tennent answered that he did
not know of any witnesses but God and his own conscience. Mr. Coxe replied:
"If you have no witnesses, sir, the trial must be put off; otherwise
you most certainly will be convicted. You well know the strong testimony
that will be brought against you, and the exertions they are making
to accomplish your ruin." Mr. Tennent replied: "I am sensible of all
this, yet it never shall be said that I have delayed the trial, or been
afraid to meet the justice of my country. I know my innocence, and that
God whose I am, and whom I serve, will never suffer me to fall by these
snares of the devil, or by the wicked machinations of his agents or
servants. Therefore, gentlemen, go on to the trial."
Tennent left the conference and then, according to the original narrative,
through witnesses apparently produced by supernatural means, the minister
was acquitted. The statement which follows is apparently as it passed
current for more than half a century and as it first appeared in print
in 1806:
Tennent had not walked far in the street, before he met a man and his
wife, who stopped him and asked if his name was not Tennent. He answered
in the affirmative and begged to know if they had any business with
him. The man replied, 'you know best.' He told his name, and said that
he was from a certain place in Pennsylvania or Maryland; that Messrs.
Rowland, Tennent, Anderson and Stevens had lodged either at his house,
or in a house where he and his wife had been servants (it is not now
certain which) at a particular time, which he named; that on the following
day they heard Messrs. Tennent and Rowland preach; that some nights
before they left home, he and his wife waked out of a sound sleep, and
each told the other a dream which had just occurred, and which proved
to be the same in substance, to wit, that he, Mr. Tennent, at Trenton,
was in the greatest possible distress, and that it was in their power
and theirs only, to relieve him. Considering it as a remarkable dream
only, they again went to sleep, and it was twice repeated, precisely
in the same manner, to both of them. This made so deep an impression
on their minds, that they set off, and here they were, and would know
of him what they were to do. Mr. Tennent immediately went with them
to the Court House, and his counsel, on examining the man and his wife
and finding their testimony to be full to the purpose, were, as they
well might be, in perfect astonishment. Before the trial began, another
person, of a low character, called on Mr. Tennent, and told him that
he was so harassed in conscience, for the part he had been acting in
this prosecution, that he could get no rest till he had determined to
come and make a full confession. He sent this man to his counsel also.
Soon after, Mr. Stockton from Princeton appeared, and added his testimony.
In short, they went to trial and satisfied the jury so perfectly
on the subject, that they did not hesitate honorably to acquit Mr.
Tennent, by their unanimous verdict of not guilty, to the great confusion
and mortification of his numerous opposers."
Important Details Lacking
whole affair makes a good story with dramatic possibilities. At the
same time it ignores many details, which would have added to the interest.
The parish in Hunterdon County where Mr. Rowland, the travelling preacher,
was only slightly known-the name of the prosperous farmer who was deceived
and robbed by Tom Bell-the place where Tennent and Rowland were preaching-the
names of the witnesses who were summoned by the remarkable dream-all
these matters mpst have been well known at the time of the trial but
are evidently regarded as not worthy of mention. Yet, notwithstanding
these omissions of important details, there is ample basis for the story
as shown by the records of the Supreme Court.
examination of the facts by Richard S. Fields, Esq., of Princeton, afterwards
judge of the United States District Court, and a further exhaustive
study of the records by Chancellor Henry W. Green, lead to the conclusion
that Tennent was represented by eminent and able counsel, men of the
highest standing in the community. The case was regarded as an attempt
to persecute an eminent minister, and his lawyers, actuated by their
religious zeal and their regard for the honored pastor of the oldest
church in the Presbytery, took all the steps necessary to bring
out the truth in the case before the court. This is amply supported
by the records of the court.
The conclusion
reached by Richard S. Fields, Esq., is:
"On the whole,
I am strongly inclined to believe, notwithstanding the affair from the
beginning to end was not a little extraordinary, yet that there was
nothing in it which may not readily be accounted for upon natural principles."
1868, Chancellor Green examined the old records still on file with the
Supreme Court and rejects the idea that counsel went to trial without
a thorough preparation and asserted "with perfect confidence" that the
acquittal of William Tennent "was not effected by supernatural means,
and that the attendance of the witnesses was not procured by a dream."
it was that actually happened, the fact remains that the Presbytery
had been kept in turmoil for over a year and the verdict was hailed
as a signal triumph over "the sons of Belial."
1782 Trenton was selected as the meeting place of a Court of Commissioners
appointed by the Continental Congress to hear and determine the controversy
which involved a claim on the part of Connecticut to the jurisdiction
and ownership of a considerable portion of northern Pennsylvania. The
case was one of the most important ever tried in this city; the parties
were two sovereign States and thousands of square miles of fertile land,
now part of the State of Pennsylvania, were under dispute.
decision in the case is known as "The Trenton Decree" and terminated
a controversy which had been pending since 1757 and which caused intense
ill-feeling between the two Colonies, with actual war for a considerable
portion of that period.
order to make the matter clear, it is necessary to go back more than
a century previous, when the lands in the eastern part of this continent
were parcelled out by the British Crown. The grants were usually in
generous terms, but vague in description and with frequent overlaps,
due to ignorance of the geography of America.
a charter issued in 1662 Connecticut received the land now embraced
within the northern and southern boundaries of Connecticut and extending
from Narragansett Bay on the east to the "South Sea" on the west. The
charter excepted any land then under the dominion of any other Christian
Prince or State, and assuming the South Sea to be the present Pacific
Ocean, the charter gave the State of Connecticut a well-founded claim
to a strip of land extending westward to the Pacific excepting only
a strip of New York State. Connecticut also claimed priority by reason
of a deed from the Indians in 1754, and by actual settlement in 1762.
In 1681 the same King who issued the Connecticut charter granted a charter
to William Penn for a tract of land which had for its northern boundary
the 42nd degree of latitude, thus overlapping by one degree the grant
made nineteen years before to Connecticut. For nearly a century Connecticut
made no active claim to the land and it was only after all the territory
within her undisturbed boundary had been preempted that she turned her
eyes to the west.
proprietors of Pennsylvania maintained that when their charter was granted,
the eastern boundary of New York State had been decided by the attorney-general
of England to be the western boundary of Connecticut, and that this
decision restored the lands westward to the Crown and laid them open
to a new grant. Although Pennsylvania did not purchase from the Indians
until 1768, and did not effect any settlements until a year later, she
claimed that Connecticut obtained its deed by fraud, that undue influence
was resorted to and that rum played an important part in inducing the
Indians to execute the instrument.
never admitted the claim of her sister Colony and ignored the grants
made by Connecticut by making grants of the same lands to her own citizens.
This led to conflicts between the settlers, at first confined to the
land-owners themselves, but later some bloody clashes took place between
the official representatives of the two States. In some cases settlements
were completely destroyed. The settlers from Connecticut were called
"Yankees" and those who claimed under grants of Pennsylvania were "Pennamites,"
and thus is derived what is known in history as the "Pennamite War."
Hamilton of Pennsylvania issued a proclamation warning the trespassers
off and enjoined all state officials to prosecute and bring to justice
the intruders. He communicated with the governor of Connecticut who
was firm in his position and refused to vacate. The Indians became threatening
and in 1763 they fell upon all settlers alike and massacred them indiscriminately.
State of Actual Warfare
warfare existed for about three years and the Connecticut men were assisted
by some citizens of Pennsylvania who sympathized with them, claiming
they were the victims of land speculators and that whatever Pennsylvania
did they should recognize the titles as legitimate.
1773 commissioners were appointed by Connecticut to treat with the commissioners
of Pennsylvania but nothing was accomplished and Connecticut boldly
extended her authority by establishing local governments and assuming
active control. During the Revolution there was a lull in the strife
between the two States and both turned their attention to meet the common
foe, but as the Revolutionary War drew to a close, preparations were
made to continue the controversy. Instead of resorting to force, Pennsylvania
took advantage of a section of the Articles of Confederation, which
provided that the "United States in Congress assembled shall be the
last resort of appeal in disputes and differences now subsisting or
that may hereafter arise between two or more States, concerning boundaries,
jurisdiction or any other cause whatever."
petition was presented to the Continental Congress, which at once took
cognizance and sent notice to Connecticut. After some delay an agreement
was reached under which William Whipple of New Hampshire, Nathaniel
Greene of Rhode Island, David Brearley and William Churchill Houston
of New Jersey, Cyrus Griffin and Joseph Jones of Virginia, and John
Rutlidge of South Carolina were appointed commissioners to try the matter.
Later it was learned that General Greene and John Rutlidge could not
attend and Thomas Nelson of Virginia and Welcome Arnold of Rhode Island
were substituted. Congress approved the selection and constituted a
Court of Commissioners. The two members from New Jersey, David Brearley
and William Churchill Houston, were both members of the Bar and residents
of Trenton.
Commission's Decision
commission met in Trenton on November 12, 1782, and continued in session
until December 30 following, and the case was presented by able counsel
from Connecticut and Pennsylvania. The court declined to order notice
to be given to the settlers who claimed the land, holding that the right
of the soil did not come before them; that the question they were empowered
to decide was solely that of jurisdiction. With this preliminary ruling
and after hearing the arguments of counsel, the Court on Monday, December
20, 1782, gave its decision in these words:
are unanimously of opinion that the State of Connecticut has no right
to the lands in controversy. We are also unanimously of opinion that
the jurisdiction and preemption of all the territory lying within the
charter boundary of Pennsylvania, and now claimed by the State of Connecticut,
does of right belong to the State of Pennsylvania."
"Yankee" settlers accepted the result as determining only the question
of jurisdiction and not the title or right of the soil. They acquiesced
in the verdict since their understanding was that they were not to be
disturbed in their holdings. In this Pennsylvania did not agree, and
when they learned that the troops sent to the Wyoming Valley to guard
them against Indians were also present to protect the settlers under
Pennsylvania titles as against those derived from Connecticut, the conflict
was reopened. But it was the beginning of the end. The Connecticut settlers
were compelled to go. Entire families were turned out of their homes
and reduced to destitution and compelled to leave the Wyoming Valley.
They suffered great hardships as they were driven by the troops some
eighty miles from the Wyoming to the Delaware Valley. Their harsh treatment
produced a reaction in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania. Later
it was learned that the commissioners in rendering "The Trenton Decree"
also wrote s letter suggesting to Pennsylvania that the settlers from
Connecticut be permitted to remain undisturbed in their possession until
proper steps could be taken to decide the controversy respecting the
private right of soil. Public opinion was aroused and checked the further
eviction of the settlers. Pennsylvania was criticized because of the
treatment of the settlers and Connecticut because she retired from the
controversy, leaving her settlers to fight for the land which they had
purchased from their State.
1787 the matter was compromised by granting to the settlers seventeen
townships in which settlements had been made before the decision was
rendered, they to relinquish their claims to the other lands. This and
the passage of a number of Acts by the Pennsylvania Legislature, and
the appointment of a commission, finally adjusted the matter.
this commission was established by the Continental Congress, under authority
of the Articles of Confederation to arbitrate and settle a controversy
between what were then independent sovereign States, and despite the
importance of the issue, very little mention of the matter is made in
history. It evidently made very little stir in Trenton, because no mention
of it is found in the early histories.
V. DE COW, 1832
is not often that a court of justice is called upon to inquire into
the doctrines and opinions of a religious society for the purpose of
deciding whether they are right or wrong. A court is without power to
make such inquiry for the purpose of enforcing any particular belief,
but may inquire into it when substantial rights are involved. This was
frst decided in 1832 in a famous case known as Hendrickson v. De Cow
which grew out of a difference of religious views in the Society of
Friends. The basis of the action was as follows:
of the Action
appears that in 1827 there was a division in the Society of Friends;
one party became known as the Hicksites, and the other as the Orthodox.
The latter were connected with what was known as the Arch Street Yearly
Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia; and the Hicksites, by whom De Cow
was appointed, were connected with the Greene Street Meeting. At some
date prior to the division, the Society of Friends of Chesterfield had
made a loan to Thomas L. Shotwell who in turn had made a mortgage to
Joseph Hendrickson, the treasurer of the School Fund of the Meeting.
When the time came for the foreclosure of the mortgage, Shotwell admitted
the debt but asserted that he had been warned that Hendrickson was no
longer treasurer of the fund and that Stacy De Cow, as his successor,
claimed the money represented by the bond and mortgage.
matter came into the Court of Chancery, both parties claiming
to represent the ancient Society of Friends and as such entitled to
the fund, and it was submitted to the chancellor to decide the true
ownership. The chancellor had been counsel for one of the parties and
declined to hear the case. He called to his aid Chief Justice Ewing
and Associate Justice George K. Drake who sat as advisory masters. It
was argued by most distinguished counsel and in the most elaborate manner.
George Wood and I. K. Williamson appeared for the Orthodox, and G. D.
Wall and S. L. Southard represented the Hicksites.
week was consumed in the argument and in the reading of the testimony,
which filled two large volumes. The case involved questions of law,
of fact, and of theology. The argument took place in Trenton and the
courtroom was crowded by the interested parties. Chief Justice Ewing,
after a thorough and careful examination of the testimony and the arguments,
and an investigation into the beliefs and differences of the parties,
decided that the Arch .Street Meeting was the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
of the Society of Friends, and that the Greene Street Meeting was not,
thus upholding the Orthodox Friends. He declined to pass on the religious
difference, if any, between the two parties, but, as a matter of law,
decided in favor of the Orthodox party.
Drake also wrote a long opinion in which he said that the division was
based on a difference of religious views, which he examined at great
length, and finally came to the conclusion that the large fund was established
by the Orthodox Society by members who had no thought of diverting it
into the hands of men who entertained views differing from those entertained
by the contributors. He declined to express any opinion with regard
to the doctrines entertained by the Hicksites, but held that, under
the law, the fund should be awarded to the Meeting which had shown that
they agreed in doctrine with the Society of Friends as it existed at
the origin of the trust.
of the Court of Appeals
case was finally taken to the Court of Appeals presided over by Chancellor
Seeley, who was the governor, and argued in July 1833. The decree of
the Court of Chancery was affirmed, and in announcing the result Governor
Seeley read a carefully prepared recommendation suggesting that the
litigants should make an amicable compromise in regard to the property
in dispute and the other property held by the Society. This was later
carried out by a special Act passed February 11, 1836, which provided
that the rights, estates and property of the incorporated Society of
Friends should not be hurt, "endamaged" or affected by the division,
secession or separation, which had occurred in the Society; that the
personal and real estate should be divided equitably and ratably in
proportion to the number of members who had joined or attached themselves
to either of the said parties; and in case they could not agree upon
such division, application might be made to the Court of Chancery for
a proper division, and that such property should be held upon the same
trusts, upon which the property was theretofore held. That the burial
grounds were to be held forever in common for the burial of members
of either side, and their descendants.
pursuance of the provisions of the Act, the matter was compromised by
the Society of Friends, some of the meeting houses, notably those in
Trenton, Mansfield and Crosswicks were transferred to the possession
of the Hicksites, but the funds were retained by the Orthodox.
March 1852 the case of the Goodyear Rubber Company v. Day was argued
in the United States Circuit Court, and it brought to the city two very
eminent men, -Daniel Webster, who was then filling the office of Secretary
of State in the Cabinet of President Fillmore, and Joseph Choate, one
of the greatest of American lawyers.
the appearance of cabinet officers before the federal courts in private
litigation would hardly be tolerated now, it was not uncommon in the
early days. Webster at the time was heavily in debt, and as he stated
in a letter to his son, he welcomed the ten thousand dollar fee he received
to help him pay his creditors.
appearance in Trenton aroused great interest. The Federal courtroom,
at the State House, was too small to accommodate the great numbers wishing
to hear him, and judge Grier adjourned the trial to the County Court
House. The streets surrounding the Court House were thronged with eager
admirers and a reporter of the local paper complains that when he arrived
there at eleven o'clock the crowd was so great that he was unable to
gain admittance.
Differences Ignored
Mr. Webster at that time held the office of Secretary of State under
a Whig administration, and expected the nomination for the presidency
at the convention of the Whig Party which was to be held the following
June, the citizens of Trenton, including the Democratic governor and
the Democratic Legislature, ignored political considerations and gave
him a hearty welcome as a great American. A committee, consisting of
members of the Legislature and of the Judiciary, members of the Bar
and citizens generally, was formed to tender him a dinner, and the invitation
with the signers and reply of Webster makes interesting reading at this
To the Hon. Daniel
The subscribers, members of the Legislature and the Bar of New Jersey,
and citizens of Trenton, learning that professional engagements would
detain Mr. Webster a few days in this city, embrace the occasion without
political distinction, to manifest to him their high sense of his character,
abilities and services, by inviting him to partake of a public dinner,
at such time during his sojourn amongst us, as will best suit his convenience.
We have the honor
to be,
With great respect,
your most obedient
A. Perdicaris, James Ewing, Phil. Dickinson, Jos. C. Potts, Sam'1 R.
Hamilton, Charles L. Pearson, Mercer Beasley, Wm. L. Dayton, William
Brown, John Huyler, E. S. Doughty, John A. Boyle, John C. Beardsley,
Wm. H. Conover, W. C. Alexander, Abr'm Hopper, Silas D. Canfield, John
Manners, Jos. F. Randolph, A. O. Zabriskie, G. S. Cannon, James Applegate,
Josephus Shann, James S. Bell, E. T. Carpenter, Stephen Congar, Alex
M. Johnston, Josiah N. Bird, John J. Jackson, Wm. Halsted, William Pennington,
John Hopper, A. S. Pennington, Beach Vanderpool, R. S. Field, Samuel
Mairs, Charles Sitgraves."
Mr. Webster replied
N.J., Mar. 24, 1852.
I cannot well say how much honored I feel myself to be, in receiving
an invitation from members of the Legislature, the Bar of New Jersey,
and citizens of Trenton, without political distinction to accept from
them a public dinner as a token of their respect. In the list of names
attached to this invitation, I find those highly distinguished in public
life, on the Bench and at the Bar, and as well known and as highly respected
out of the State as within it.With many of them, it has been my good
fortune to be associated in the counsels of the country, in the course
of a public life not now a short one; and this renders the expression
of their regard the more highly acceptable and grateful. But I am obliged
to say, gentlemen, that my engagements do not allow me to avail myself
of your kindness. I am here only for the purpose of fulfilling a professional
obligation of long standing and as soon as the duty can be performed,
I shall feel bound to return to Washington. Allow me, gentlemen, to
thank you cordially for your kind invitation, and to assure you that
it does now and will always give me sincere pleasure to renew and strengthen
my friendly intercourse with those of you whom I have heretofore known
and to cultivate the acquaintance of others, to whom I am as yet personally
a stranger. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen,
very obedient servant,
declination, however, did not prevent another form of public honor tendered
him. for on the same day at noon he was given a reception by Governor
George F. Fort and the Legislature. The committee appointed waited upon
him at his hotel and escorted him to the House of Assembly where he
was presented to the Speaker and the members of the House. Mr. Zabriskie,
the spokesman, welcomed him in a brief, formal address to the legislative
halls of the State of New Jersey, and Webster, after the applause of
greeting had subsided, replied in kind.
Patent Upheld
case of Goodyear v. .Day which was the reason for Webster's presence
in Trenton was brought to test the validity of Goodyear's rubber patent.
Goodyear had been experimenting with rubber for over a decade, and during
his experimental period he had spent not only his own money, but the
money of others, and for sometime was confined to a debtors' prison
which, in a letter written therefrom, he referred to as "this hotel,
which, after all, is perhaps as good a resting place as any this side
of the grave." At last, however, he discovered the real secret and in
1844 obtained a patent covering the process for vulcanizing India rubber,
which soon became a useful and important product. The principal elements
in Goodyear's discoveries were the application of certain chemicals
and of a greater amount of heat than had formerly been employed.
claimed that his patent had been infringed by Day, and to this a defense
was made that Goodyear was not the first inventor, and that the patent
was void. The case was brought to trial in Trenton during the month
of March, 1852. Webster, in the course of his argument, had occasion
to make personal allusion to Goodyear as follows
believe that the man who sits at this table, Charles Goodyear, is to
go down to posterity in the history of the arts in this country, in
that great class of inventors, at the head of which stands Robert Fulton;
in which class stand the names of Whitney, and of Morse, and in which
class will stand `non post longo intervallo,' the humble name of Charles
years since then have proved that Webster was a good prophet. He himself
proved at the time that he was a good lawyer, for though his opponent
was the distinguished and brilliant Joseph Choate, Webster was successful
and the Goodyear patent was upheld.
Lewis, a large man, powerfully built, and a mysterious character, had
murdered a man named Rowand, a jeweller in Princeton, and had robbed
his store. He was captured in Millstone upon being identified by Robert
S. Woodruff, later judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Mercer County,
who happened to be there at the time and had read of the murder. From
the description given of the murderer, he recognized him in the hotel
at that place and gave the alarm; Lewis was taken into custody by a
couple of constables and a search of his room discovered evidence which
materially helped in securing his conviction.
the trial of Lewis the State was represented by the then prosecutor,
John F. Hageman, and the illustrious Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, the
attorney-general, who was later United States Senator and Secretary
of State. Lewis, on the other hand, was not wanting in friends who had
the means to procure for him able defenders. He was represented by a
New York lawyer named Dunphy, who bore a formidable reputation, and
associated with him was an English barrister named Edwin James, who
practised in New York for a few years and then returned to England.
Attorney-General Frelinghuysen's conduct of this case was characterized
by Mr. James as one of the ablest forensic endeavors that he had ever
evidence against the defendant was wholly circumstantial, but quite
convincing, and the jury promptly returned a verdict of guilty and the
man was executed in April 1863, the first criminal executed in Mercer
County. So mysterious was Lewis, and so obviously able to procure the
best of talent for his defense, which gave evidence of his having powerful
friends, that the belief was widespread that a rescue might be attempted
at the time of his execution. To prevent this, Company A of the New
Jersey National Guard was placed on guard at the Court House. The execution,
however, took place without a hitch and the culprit was afterwards photographed
in his coffin, some of the photographs being extant and in the possession
of Trentonians at the present time.
in those days murder trials were not "played up" by the newspapers to
such a degree as is the custom of the present era, in its day and generation
the Lewis case aroused an exceptionally active general interest and
long held its place in the public eye.
and Doctors
Lewis Levin, M.D.
at the request of F.W.G.
the early years of
its history Trenton, in common with the rest of New Jersey, had only
a limited number of men who had received medical training in Europe.
The profession here as elsewhere was composed chiefly of men who, without
liberal education, lived a year or two with a practitioner of any sort,
read the few books within their reach, and then assuming the title "doctor"
set themselves out as competent to cure disease.
up to the middle of the eighteenth century "doctoring" in the sparsely
settled districts was considered a trade and not a profession. It was
only in the larger towns and cities that some of the physicians were
intelligent in their practice.
the French and Indian War association with British medical officers
who accompanied the troops and established military hospitals in the
Colonies served to raise the standard of local American physicians,
who prompted by the evident superiority of the British surgeons took
occasion to read their books, to inspect their military hospitals, to
observe their practice and to learn from their experience.
State Medical Society Organized
the organization of the New Jersey Medical Society in 1766, a change
for the better in medical education took place. One of its first
acts was to ordain that no student be taken as an apprentice unless
he had a competent knowledge of Latin and Greek. No member of the society
was permitted to take an apprentice for less than four years, three
of which had to be spent with the master and the fourth, if desired,
in some school of physic in Europe or America.
is interesting to note that in 1795, and again in 1825, Princeton College
entertained plans for the establishment of a medical school. In both
instances the project failed of accomplishment.
1771 the New Jersey Medical Society petitioned the Colonial Legislature
to enact a bill, "regulating the practice of medicine." This bill was
passed in 1772 and provided for the licensing of physicians by judges
of the Supreme Court following an examination before a board of medical
men. The standards of attainment were raised, students were stimulated
to greater study, and quackery met with a serious setback.
1818, under an amended charter received from the Legislature, the society's
parliamentary proceedings were carried on by delegates chosen from each
County. It was not, however, until 1848 that the District Society of
Mercer County was formed. Under the direction of the Medical Society
of the State of New Jersey, Drs. John H. Phillips, Henry P. Welling,
James B. Coleman, John McKelway and Francis A. Ewing, all residents
of Mercer County, formed themselves into a society called the District
Medical Society of the County of Mercer.
McKelway was chosen its first president, Francis A. Ewing, vice-president,
John H. Phillips, secretary, and George R. Robbins, treasurer. Dr. James
B. Coleman was appointed to deliver the first essay before the society.
County Society Establishes Censor
January 1849 a board of censors was organized with James B. Coleman
as senior censor. To each member of the board a specific subject was
assigned for the examination of candidates for membership: George R.
Robbins, anatomy and physiology; John McKelway, surgery and practice
of medicine; James B. Coleman, chemistry and pharmacy; and John H. Phillips,
materia medica, midwifery, diseases of women and children. That the
censors were capable of censuring as well as licensing is indicated
by their recommendation to the district society and the Medical Society
of New Jersey, advising the revocation of the license of Dr. James B.
McClintock of Trenton because of his connection with a firm manufacturing
medicines from secret formulae.
Society Grows in Membership and Influence
October 1855 the society recommended to the city that a city hospital
be established.
succeeding years found the society membership and influence.
It maintained a strict code of ethics, expelling those of its members
who strayed from its principles. Several members of the society served
with the Union forces during the Civil War. Their dues to the society
were remitted because of that service.
David Warman was an active member and read several papers of interest.
One of these, called "Female Physicians," regarded women as particularly
unfitted for the profession. Dr. Warman, in November 187o, read a paper
on the need of a hospital in Trenton and offered a motion, which was
carried, approving the efforts of the German Catholics of the city who
were then fostering a movement to build a hospital, which later became
St. Francis' Hospital. A city dispensary was recommended and a charter
was obtained by Dr. Warman in May 1871.
Mercer County Medical Society has continued actively under the same
principles bequeathed to it by its founders. It has a present membership
of about one hundred twenty-five out of a total number of physicians
practising in Trenton of about one hundred sixty.
The officers are: Dr. R. B. Seely, president; Dr. Joseph S. Vanneman,
vice-president; Dr. Dunbar Hutchinson, secretary; and Dr. Harry North,
Scetches of Some Early Physicians
are short biographical sketches of some of the more eminent physicians
who have practised in Trenton. It would be manifestly impossible to
include all even of the prominent doctors in the limited space allotted
to this subject.
Cadwalader, the first burgess of Trenton and a physician of eminence
in his day, was born in 1707, son of John Cadwalader, a Welshman who
came to America in 1699 with William Penn. His medical education consisted
of two years study with his uncle, Dr. Evan Jones, after which he studied
at the Royal College of Surgeons at London, graduating in 1730. For
another year he studied anatomy under Cheselden.
Cadwalader was a believer in inoculation for smallpox and did much to
popularize the practice in Trenton and Philadelphia. In 1745 he wrote
a paper entitled, "An Essay on the West India Dry Gripes," which was
published by Benjamin Franklin.
Cadwalader was elected the first burgess of the Borough of Trenton,
in 1746. That he was interested in educating the masses is shown by
his donation of £500 for the founding of a public library in Trenton.
was a teacher as well as a practitioner of medicine, delivering what
were probably the first lectures in America on anatomy in 1752. In 1769
upon the founding of the present American Philosophical Society he was
chosen one of its vice-chancellors, an office he filled until his death
which occurred on November 14, 1779. He is buried in the Friends' Meeting
burying ground on East Hanover Street.
Bryant was a son of William Bryant, a commander in the merchant
service between New York and London. Dr. Bryant was a successful practitioner
in Trenton. At the time of the Revolutionary War he was well advanced
in years. In 1778 he made the acquaintance of Dr. Nicholas de Belleville,
becoming greatly attached to this brilliant young Frenchman. He persuaded
the physician to seek his release from the military service and settle
in Trenton. Thereafter Dr. de Belleville and Dr. Bryant were associated
together in the practice of medicine. For further particulars, see the
sketch in Chap. II, "Trenton and Trentonians in the Revolutionary Era."
Bryant died in 1783. His will provided generously for all of his relatives,
indicating tliat for his times he was a rich man.
Smith was born in 1740. He graduated from Princeton in 1755 and
tutored there in 1757. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War he was
commissioned Colonel, First Regiment, Hunterdon County Militia. He resigned
to accept the appointment as justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey,
February 15, 1777, which office he held for eighteen years. He was then
elected to Congress. These public duties forced him to withdraw from
the practice of medicine though he retained interest in his profession
as shown by his regular attendance at the meetings of the medical society.
He had joined the Medical Society of New Jersey in 1767. For further
particulars, see his sketch in Chap. II, "Trenton and Trentonians in
the Revolutionary Era." He died August 29, 1807.
Beatty was born December ig, 1749, in Hartsville, Pa., the son of
a clergyman, and the grandson (on his mother's side) of John Reading,
Colonial governor of New Jersey, 1746-47 and 1757-58. He was graduated
from Princeton in 1769, and studied medicine under Dr. Benjamin Rush,
of Philadelphia. He practised first in Princeton. In 1774 he married
Mary Longstreet of Princeton, who died in 1815. Dr. Beatty's second
wife. was Catherine Lalor, widow of Jeremiah Lalor and daughter of Barnt
De Klyn. She died in 1861, at the age of eighty-eight years.
Beatty enlisted in the Revolutionary army in 1775. He rose quickly from
Captain and then Colonel in 1776, to Commissary General of prisoners,
1778 to 1780, at which time, with peace assured, he resigned. He returned
to his practice in Princeton. At the close of the war Dr. Beatty was
elected the first president of the Medical .Society of New Jersey upon
the resumption of its meetings. In 1795 he was elected secretary of
State (serving for ten years) and removed to Trenton, occupying a residence
at what is now 205 West State Street.
Beatty held many public offices. He was New Jersey delegate to the Continental
Congress 1783-85 ; representative of Middlesex County at the State convention
ratifying the Federal Constitution, 1787; speaker of the Assembly, 1789,
delivering at that time in behalf of the New Jersey Legislature a congratulatory
address to General Washington upon his election as President; member
of Congress, 1793 ; and secretary of State of New Jersey, 1795-1805.
was superintendent of the construction of the bridge between Bloomsbury
(later South Trenton) and Morrisville, Pa. In 1815 he was elected to
the presidency of the Trenton Banking Company, continuing in that capacity
until his sudden death of apoplexy in 1826. He is buried in the graveyard
of the First Presbyterian Church.
de Belleville was born in 1753 at Metz, France. He studied medicine
under his father's tuition and then entered the medical schools and
hospitals of Paris. After seven years study he received his diploma.
He was held in high esteem and respect by his teachers.
after his graduation he met Count Casimir Pulaski, who was then about
to embark for America to recruit a legion for the army of the Colonies.
Dr. de Belleville was induced to join with him in his undertaking. His
duties as a military surgeon led him to Trenton, where he met Dr. William
Bryant, then an old physician, who persuaded Belleville to settle in
Trenton as a practitioner. Thus, after about fifteen months of military
life, he left the service and settled in 1778. He married
Ann Brittain.
de Belleville was well liked for his social qualities and general intelligence
as well as his medical ability. He attained great prominence
as a physician and,was well known by the eminent medical men of Philadelphia.
He had a large and lucrative practice. He was the family attendant of
Joseph Bonaparte who was then living in Bordentown.
de Belleville's reputation drew many students to him and of these he
was a devoted teacher. Several years before his death, on December 17,
1831, he withdrew from active practice, but always maintained close
contact with his profession.
Fleeson Glentworth was the son of George Glentworth, M.D., and Margaret,
daughter of John Linton. He was secretary of the University of Pennsylvania,
1791; a fellow of the College of Physicians; a founder of the Academy
of Fine Arts; and trustee of the Society of the P.E. 'Church for the
Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania. During the residence of
George Washington in Philadelphia, he was attended by Dr. Glentworth,
who is thus mentioned .by Washington in a letter under date of April
20, 1797: "Thanks to the kind attention of my esteemed friend Dr. Glentworth
. . . than whom no nobler man nor skilful physician ever lived, I am
now restored to my usual state of health." Dr. Glentworth was a warden
of St. Michael's Church, 1820-24.
He was buried in
St. Paul's churchyard, Philadelphia, January 19, 1833.
McKelway was born in Glasgow, Scotland, January 7, 1788, the son
of Alexander McKelway. He graduated from the University of Glasgow in
1813 or 1814 and came to America in 1817, locating in Trenton after
one year spent in Lancaster, Pa. He was married in Scotland before he
emigrated and his wife joined him after he had settled in Trenton.
McKelway was a prominent physician in Trenton and was noted for his
rigid observance of the ethics of the profession.
was postmaster of Trenton, 1842-43, having been appointed by President
Tyler. In May 1848 Dr. McKelway and four other physicians were appointed
by the New Jersey State Medical Society to organize the Mercer County
Medical Society.
few years before his death, Dr. McKelway slipped on an icy pavement,
fracturing his hip. This necessitated his retirement from active practice.
He died in Trenton, April 23, 1877, at the age of ninety, and lies buried
in Mercer Cemetery.
McCaffrey was one of South Trenton's most familiar figures from
1851 to the early '70's. Born in Carlow County, Ireland, in the early
years of the nineteenth century, he came to this country about 1843,
settling first in Hollidaysburg, Pa., but removing to Trenton about
1851, following the establishment of the New Jersey Steel and Iron Works
and the John A. Roebling plant, where many of his fellow Irishmen had
found employment.
late Lewis Parker, another well-known citizen of South Trenton, wrote
some years ago of Dr. McCaffrey as a familiar acquaintance "neat in
his attire, with a mild, benevolent face and an eye that fairly sparkled
with humor." He invariably wore a high hat and carried a cane. Throughout
his professional career, he always travelled afoot. Dr. McCaffrey was
a graduate of the Dublin School of Medicine. His residence was on South
Warren Street, opposite historic Bloomsbury Court, and he appears to
have accumulated considerable means in his local practice, retiring
in 1872 to spend his later years near Pittsburgh, Pa., adjoining a convent
of the Sisters of Mercy, where three of his daughters had become nuns.
He died September 9, 1890, at the patriarchal age of eighty-eight.
leaving Trenton the Mercer County Medical Society, of which Dr. McCaffrey
had been an active member, presented him with a goldheaded cane, passed
resolutions at the loss of an associate "much endeared by long residence
in Trenton and by eminently gentlemanly deportment," and closed by electing
him to honorary membership.
McCaffrey has the distinction of being the first Irish Catholic physician
to practise in Trenton. He was prominent in the affairs of old St. John's
Church and his youngest daughter, Anna, was an early organist of the
parish choir, as well as the first teacher in the parochial school,
opened in 1854.
Beakes Coleman was born in Trenton, October 6, 1805. He was the
son of James and Sarah B. Coleman (Quakers), and the brother of Isaac
P. Coleman, a well known physician of Pemberton, N.J. Dr. James B. Coleman
received his early education in Trenton. For a time he worked in a drug
store. Later he studied medicine under Dr. Nicholas de Belleville. He
received a degree in medicine from Yale in 1829. He practised two years
in Philadelphia, six years in Burlington County, N.J., and then in 1837
moved to Trenton where he remained until his death.
Coleman's preference was for surgery and he was one of the best surgeons
of his locality. He was well versed in many fields of science and contributed
to various periodicals and newspapers. He frequently gave public lectures,
chiefly on natural philosophy, chemistry, vegetable physiology and phrenology.
Coleman was a creditable painter, doing many portraits of his friends.
He also did caricature work for the newspapers. He was a frequent reader
of papers before medical associations, among them a paper on "Drainage
of City of Trenton" being highly commended.
Coleman was at one time president of the board of health, a manager
of the New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum, a pension examiner, and three
times president of the New Jersey State Medical Society.
wife was the daughter of the Rev. Dr. Frederick Beasley, rector of St.
Michael's Church, Trenton, 1830-36, and sister of Chief Justice Mercer
Beasley of the New Jersey Supreme Court. A son, H. Waldberg Coleman,
also became a prominent physician.
Ingleton Grant, the son of William and Martha Roe Grant, was born
in Trenton, November 11, 1812. He graduated from Princeton College in
1833 and received his early medical education under the tutelage of
Dr. James T. Clarke, taking his medical degree from the University of
Pennsylvania in 1837. He located at once in Trenton. He married in 1839
May Westcott Roe, of Woodbury, N.J.
a physician, Dr. Grant was successful and popular. This was due to his
earnest endeavor to arrive at the correct diagnosis which he was the
better enabled to do by his constant perusal of current medical literature.
Dr. Grant was a
vestryman (1860-70) in St. Michael's Church.
He died March 13,
1871, at the age of fifty-nine years.
L. Pearson was born in Philadelphia, about 1822, the son of a retired
merchant, Isaac L. Pearson, who moved to Trenton in 1850. Dr. Pearson
never practised his profession but devoted his time to matters that
were of special personal interest to him. He received his education
from the Moravian School near Bethlehem, Pa., the schools of Philadelphia,
and from Yale where he attended the medical lectures. In 1844 he received
a license from the Medical Society of New Jersey.
association with his father he developed a fine garden on their estate
on the southwest corner of West State and Calhoun Streets. Because of
the presence in the rear of the grounds of a glen through which a spring
flowed the estate was named "Glen Cairn." Dr. Pearson's chief hobby
was timepieces. He never permitted one to vary the fraction of a second
from another.
was a director in the Trenton Banking Company, and one of the managers
of the Trenton Savings Fund Company.
wife, Mary, was the daughter of the Hon. George Woodruff, attorneygeneral
of Georgia, who owned Oaklands, the present site of the Trenton Country
Dr. Pearson died
suddenly on the street in Philadelphia in 1883.
Woolverton was born in Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, N.J.
He received his early education in the township schools. In 1847 he
entered the University of Pennsylvania, receiving his M.D. in 1849.
In later years Lafayette awarded him the degree of A.M.
his graduation, Dr. Woolverton moved to Trenton, practising here for
almost forty years. He became one of Trenton's most popular and successful
physicians and was always the friend of the young practitioner.
Dr. Woolverton
found time to serve his community in various capacities: State senator,
1868; member of Council, 1886; mayor of Trenton; for several years member
of the board of freeholders; president of the board of school trustees.
He was surgeon-in-chief to St. Francis' Hospital from the day of its
opening to the day of his death. He was president of the State Medical
Society in 1862 and was active in free masonry, attaining to the 33rd
He continued in
active practice until his death, September 14, 1888.
Shepherd, of Quaker parentage, .was born January 20, 1827, in Buckingham
Township, Pa. His preliminary education was received at the Doylestown
Academy and the private school at New Britain. He taught school for
two years. Ambitious for advancement, he entered the office of Dr. G.
R. McCoy of Doylestown and "read" medicine for one year. He then entered
the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1861.
Shepherd located in Trenton, in the Mill Hill district of South Broad
Street. He was especially interested in public education, serving fourteen
years as member of the board of education and superintendent of public
instruction. He was for eight years member of the State board of education.
was president of the board of trade, member of the local board of health
and in 1894 member of the State board of health. Dr. Shepherd was president
and member of the staff of St. Francis' Hospital, member of the New
Jersey Historical Society, and member of the State Charities Aid Society.
He was physician to the New Jersey State Prison and pension examiner
during the first Cleveland administration.
died October 7, 1903. His son Ireneus was also a physician.
W. L. Phillips was born in Lawrence Township, Mercer County, N.J.,
February 19, 1829. He was descended from a long line of Jerseymen, his
great-great-grandfather having been a resident of Maidenhead (now Lawrence
Township) in the latter part of the seventeenth century.
Phillips entered the Sophomore class of Princeton in 1845 and was graduated
in 1848. He subsequently studied in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia,
graduating in 1851. He at once located in Trenton and the latter part
of that year married Margaret Sarah, daughter of Dr. John and Isabella
McKelway of Trenton.
Phillips' wife died six years after their marriage. He married for his
second wife Meta McAlpin.
Phillips became a member of the Mercer County Medical Society July 22,
1851. At the outbreak of the Civil War he assisted in the organization
of the First New Jersey Cavalry, Volunteers, and proceeded to the front
as surgeon to that regiment. He was promoted Surgeon-in-chief to the
Second Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. He participated
in a number of engagements, the most prominent one heing the Battle
of Gettysburg. The Roll of Honor, on the stone porch of the old church
at Gettysburg, contains his name inscribed among those whose services
were particularly outstanding.
his return to Trenton he again resumed active practice and also became
interested in civic matters. He was one of the organizers of the board
of health, was interested in the formation of a public park and was
one of those responsible for the present sewer system. He was the leader
in the movement towards the establishment of Mercer Hospital. He was
for some years surgeon to the New Jersey State Prison.
the close of his life, impairment of health compelled him to give up
the strenuous life of a successful physician. He became medical director
to the National Soldiers' Home at Fortress Monroe, where he died April
17, 1896. He is buried in Riverview Cemetery.
H. Dunham was born at Piscataway, Middlesex County, N.J., March
24, 1839. He is descended from the Rev. Edmund Dunham, who came
from England in 1681. His ancestor was the founder of the Seventh Day
Baptist Church. On his maternal side he was descended from Pontius Stelle
of France, whose son, born in New York in 1683, later became pastor
of the Piscataway Baptist Church.
the age of sixteen Dr. Dunham entered the service of Dr. David C. English
of New Brunswick. Subsequently he was associated in Elizabeth with Dr.
Thomas L. Hough, and in 1858 he came to Trenton and was a clerk in the
drug store of Isaac D. James. In 1861 he began to "read" medicine with
Dr. Thomas J. Corson, afterwards entering the University of Pennsylvania
from which he was graduated in 1864. He passed his examinations for
Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Army, and served aboard the hospital steamer
State of Maine.
the Civil War Dr. Dunham returned to Trenton and formed a partnership
in the drug business with Isaac D. James. This continued until 1874.
Subsequently he practised medicine at his office and residence, 129
South Warren Street.
Dunham was on the staff of St. Francis' Hospital for seventeen years.
He was county physician and superintendent of public schools. He was
married in 1867 to Anna L., daughter of ex-sheriff Amos Sickel.
died in 1893.
L. Bodine, son of Daniel B. and Elizabeth (Lamb) Bodine, was born
at Pemberton, Burlington County, N.J., June 26, 1839. He was of Huguenot
descent. Dr. Bodine's father was twice mayor of Trenton. His grandfather
was a prominent landowner in Burlington County and his great-grandfather,
John Bodine, was an officer in the Continental Army, serving throughout
the Revolutionary War.
Bodine received his early education in the schools of Pemberton and
later attended the Trenton Academy. He and his brother, afterwards the
Rev. William B. Bodine, a prominent clergyman of Philadelphia, attended
Princeton College and were graduated in the class of i86o, both being
among the first five of this class. Dr. Bodine then took up the study
of medicine with his uncle, former Governor George Franklin Fort, and
also attended the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in the class
of 1865. After a year's interneship at the Episcopal Hospital of Philadelphia
he began the active practice of his profession in Trenton. He was successful
from the outset and gained considerable reputation in the treatment
of mental diseases. He was much in demand as a consultant and was for
many years chief-of-staff at St. Francis' Hospital and consulting physician
to the New Jersey State Prison. He was a frequent orator before the
American .Social Service Association. He was also a prolific contributor
to medical journals, particularly on the subject of insanity and mental
disease. He was appointed by Governor Ludlow as a member of the State
sinking fund commission, rendering valuable services in that capacity.
He was for many years a vestryman of St. Michael's Church.
Bodine married Frances P. Davis, October 7, 1874. He died while in the
prime of life, January 2, 1889. Two children survive him, Joseph L.
Bodine, well-known judge of the United States District Court, and a
daughter, Elizabeth.
Elmer was born in Bridgeton, N.J., December 14, 1840, of a family
that counted several generations of physicians.
attended Princeton College, graduating in the class of 1861. He received
his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania, 1864. He practised
for four years in Bridgeton and then moved to Trenton where he continued
his practice until his death.
Elmer soon had an extensive practice among the leading families of Trenton.
He was a member and an elder of the First Presbyterian Church. He was
one of the organizers of the State board of health, was president and
treasurer of the Mercer County Medical Society, and was also for twenty
years corresponding secretary of the New Jersey State Medical Society
and later president of that organization. He was a member of the American
Medical Association and the American Academy of Medicine.
Elmer in 1869 married Alice Gray of Columbia, Pa., who died in 1888
leaving four children. The three sons all graduated from Princeton and
fill high positions in the professional and commercial worlds. Walter
Elmer, the second son, is a well-known orthopaedist of Philadelphia.
Dr. Elmer lived at 44 West State Street. He died July 18, 1908, and
lies buried beside his wife in Riverview Cemetery.
Potts Britton was born in Trenton 1845. His preliminary education
was obtained in the local schools. He was graduated from the School
of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, in 1873. He practised in Trenton
and was a member of the staff of the St. Francis' Hospital. He was appointed
to the staff of the New Jersey State Hospital for the Insane, which
position he occupied for six years. In 1882 he purchased the drug business
established by Isaac James, fifty years before, on Warren Street, just
south of .State. In 1894 he removed this business to the new pharmacy
in the Masonic Temple building, corner State and Warren Streets. In
1882 he married Katherine G. Kirby, daughter of Dr. Kirby, for many
years a resident physician of the State Hospital.
Britton was a member of the New Jersey State Medical Society
and the New Jersey State Pharmaceutical Association. He was also a member
of the Trenton board of health. He lived at 126 West State Street until
his death March 29, 1912.
H. MacKenzie was born in Nova .Scotia in 1847. He received a classical
education at Dalhousie College, Halifax, and completed his medical studies
at Harvard Medical School in 1871. He soon came to Trenton, living first
on Centre Street and later removing to East State Street.
was surgeon-in-chief on the staff of the St. Francis' Hospital for over
twenty years. He was city physician for three years; physician to the
New Jersey State Prison; president of the Mercer County Medical Society;
superintendent of public schools.
1878 Dr. Mackenzie married Miss Helen H. Buchanan of Trenton. A son,
Egbert, also became a physician.
died October 20, 1920.
Smith Lalor was born in Hamilton Township, Mercer County, April
16, 1848, on the Lalor Homestead, known as "Bow Hill," originally built
and occupied by Barnt DeKlyn, whose daughter Catherine married as her
first husband Jeremiah Lalor, an ancestor of the above.
Lalor was educated at the Lawrenceville School and was graduated from
Princeton in 1869. He then studied medicine under Dr. John Woolverton,
later attending the University of Pennsylvania, receiving his M.D. degree
in 1872. He then opened his office in Trenton, continuing in active
practice until his death. He was a man of striking personality and unbounded
energy and quickly gathered about him a large practice. He was a member
of the State and Mercer County Medical societies, having been president
of the latter body in 1882. He was city physician for four years; member
board of school trustees for three years; superintendent of public instruction
1876-77; member of the board of health for seven years; appointed examining
pension surgeon during President Cleveland's administration; County
physician for four years; and physician to Deaf Mute School for several
Lalor died suddenly January 18, 1919. He is buried in Riverview Cemetery.
V. Cantwell was born in Trenton, February 27, 1862, son of Peter
P. Cantwell. In 1881 he began his medical course in the University of
Pennsylvania, was graduated in 1884, and in May 1885 began the practice
of medicine in Trenton. He became surgeon at the St. Francis' Hospital
in 1887 and thereafter continued as a brilliant and resourceful operator,
whose ability was the result of constant research and reading. He was
county physician for a period.
Cantwell wrote considerably for the medical journals and his writings
were highly valued by the medical profession at home and abroad.
1898 his health failed and he went to El Paso, Tex., where he remained
for two years. He returned to Trenton in 1900 and resumed his practice.
In 1908 he discontinued operating but received patients in his home
Cantwell served as pension examiner during President Cleveland's term;
served on the city board of health; and was a member of Common Council.
He was consulting physician to the State Prison in 1894-96.
Cantwell died March 11, 1910, aged forty-eight years, and was survived
by his wife Alice (Burns) Cantwell and two children, Frank and Alice.
He is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery.
are many other Trenton practitioners, some perhaps equally as prominent
as those whose sketches have been given, who deserve to be mentioned
here-though only a line can be allowed to each for lack of space. Among
those who have passed away in recent times were Dr. R. R. Rogers,
Sr., and his son by the same name; Dr. Horace G. Norton, at
one time president of the board of trade; Dr. John W. Ward, for
many years superintendent of the State Hospital; Dr. H. M. Weeks,
who after years of practice in this city became superintendent of
the State Epileptic Village at Skillman, succeeded in turn by his son,
Dr. David F. Weeks, the present superintendent; Dr. Ezra M. Hunt,
who practised little if any locally but was secretary of .the State
board of health for several years; Dr. A. H. Worthington, a prominent
homeopathic practitioner; Dr. James D. Tantum, noted for his
generous benefactions to Mercer Hospital; Dr. J. K. Young, who
subsequently attained a high place as an orthopaedic surgeon in Philadelphia;
Dr. C. H. Mcllvaine, Trenton's first resident oculist; Drs.
Lyman and Charles B. Leavitt, father and son; Dr. Horace
G. Wetherill, who practised here successfully for years .before
settling in Denver, where he became a prominent physician, now retired;
and Drs. Sarah E. Smith and E. F. Hollinshead, who were
among the earliest women physicians in Trenton. Of the older physicians
still living in Trenton and who have had a long and successful career
are Dr. William A. Clark, now retired, who began his practice
here in 1879, and Dr. Nelson B. Oliphant, still on the active
list after forty-seven years spent in the work of his profession in
this community.
is made to the many physicians whose valuable information concerning
the lives of the above deceased physicians has made possible these sketches.
Particularly to Dr. William A. Clark am I indebted for his services
in gathering much of the biographical data. Most of the early medical
history is taken from Stephen Wickes' History of Medicine in New