Victory Parade

1955 Immaculata

There are 197 members of the 1955 graduating class of Trenton Catholic Boys' High School.


Angelini, Gary

Astore, Anthony

Bacso, Paul

Banyacki, Michael

Bartram, John

Belardo, Anthony

Benson, Thomas

Bergevin, John

Berson, Francis

Biter, Rubert Jr.

Bittner, William

Blackburn, Lemuel

Blakeslee, Harold

Bonelli, Joseph

Bordas, Edward

Brenna, Reynold

Broda, Edward

Brown, Jay

Bulger, James

Burns, Patrick

Butera, Salvatore

Buzgo, Alexander

Byrnes, James

Cammeso, Robert

Candelori, Alexander

Cariello, Francis

Carr, John

Carr, Robert

Cech, John

Chesner, William

Christ, Harry

Churner, Charles

Cleveland, Neil

Conca, Alexander

Conte, Maurice

Correnti, Joseph

Corrigan, Thomas

Cunningham, Patrick

Czyzyk, Edward

Dade, Ronald

DeAngelo, John

DeBlasio, Louis

DeCandido, Eugene

DeGrave, Donald

DeGregory, Richard

Delate, Joseph

DelVecchio, John

DeVaney, Michael

Dhulster, Richard

Dilli, John

D’Oria, Joseph

Duffy, James

Dutko, Thomas

Elam, Henry

Erwin, Donald

Fedor, Alexander

Feher, Gregory

Fiorelli, Arthur

Fischer, Gregory

Frey, Harry

Gale, John

Gallagher, Edward

Gar, Daniel

Garrett, John

Gerstenberg, John

Girm, John

Gogan, Robert

Golia, George

Gr, Samuel (Should be Graff, according to a classmate)

Green, Thomas

Gregorio, Nicholas

Grussler, John

Harris, Conrad

Hatrack, Robert

Henry, Edward

Hewitson, David

Higham, Justus Jr.

Hodges, James

Hoeflich, William

Hofmann, Robert

Hutman, William

Jankowicz, Robert

Janukowicz, Walter

Jones, James

Jurgens, Anton

Keating, John

Keating, Joseph

Kelly, John

Kelty, Joseph

Kennedy, Joseph

Kerwick, Robert

Kiefer, Louis

Kiernan, John

Kirkham, Robert

Kocsardy, Robert

Kolpack, Albert

Kontura, Joseph

Kopec, Donald

Kopp, Francis

Krisak, Donald

Kroehling, Philip

Lasecki, Joseph

Lizzano, Robert

Lotti, Victor

Madden, John

Maganzin, Arthur

Mahon, Donald

Maisto, Joseph

Majewski, Richard

Malloy, James

Mancino, Anthony

Margerum, Edward

Margerum, Eugene

Marinko, Charles

Marshall, James

Marue, Michael

Marut, Stanley

Mastrosimone, Claude

Matarese, James

Maziarz, Richard

McClain, Charles

McGinley, Edward

McKeever, James

McNelis, Robert

Meskill, Robert

Minich, Stephen

Molnar, Paul

Montervino, Joseph

Morrison, Richard

Mulvan, Edward

Muzyk, Carol

O’Connor, Roderic

O’Gorman, Francis

Pagodin, Thomas

Parziale, Anthony

Pelc, Edward

Peluso, Angelo

Pental, Gerald

Peoples, Louis

Pesarini, Caesar

Piotrowski, Richard

Pointon, Reginald

Popovich, Michael

Powell, Joseph

Pultorak, Robert

Quinn, Eugene

Rabel, Andrew

Rafferty, Michael

Reuter, James

Ricco, John

Ringkamp, Donald

Rivera, Ruben

Robbins, Joseph

Rodgers, Philip

Rubando, Peter

Ryan, Francis

Sakson, Robert

Salmastrelli, Harvey

Schannen, Henry

Scheideler, Thomas

Schmidt, Gregory

Schnorbus, Robert

Schnorbus, Walter

Schwing, Francis

Sienkiewicz, Stanley

Sirak, Carl

Smeraldi, Angelo

Smith, Eugene

Sondej, Gerald

Stachurski, Fredrick

Steward, Robert

Stonaker, Raymond

Summers, Allen

Swasay, Peter

Szelich, Walter

Thomas, Joseph

Thomas, Robert

Thompson, Philip

Thomson, Francis

Treptow, Thomas

Tyrell, Michael

Vannozzi, Lawrence

Wagner, Joseph

Wallace, James

Walters, Hugo

Walton, Norman

Weiss, Vincent

Wells, John

Wentzel, Warren

Werner, Stanley

Whatley, Roger

White, Donald

Wroblewski, Ronald

Yuhasz, Joseph

Zajac, Ronald

Zarzeczny, Paul

Zdanowicz, Clifford

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