1947 Cathedral There are 174 members of the 1947 graduating class of Cathedral High School: |
Schwab, Elaine Anna (President) Goeke, Margaret Rita (Officer) O’Rourke, Jeanne Carol (Officer) Johnson, Frances Demery (Officer) Kearney, Sally Anne (Officer) Markgraf, Claire Marie (Officer) Addante, Angela Virginia Andrzejak, Dolores Alberta Ashmore, Rosemary Joan Ballone, Carmela Josephine Bambrick, Patricia Kathleen Barrett, Theresa Ellen Bartolomei, Clara Concetta [Photo Damaged] Bentz, Marion Elizabeth Berger, Marie Catherine Bogda, Doris Mary Bogdine,Wilhelmina Bresnen, Patricia Marie Brian, Dorothy Mary Brodowski, Elaine Adele [Photo Damaged] Brophy, Mary Honora Buckalew, Mercedes Ann Burke, Ann Theresa Burke, Lillian Lorraine Burke, Mary Ramona Butler, Therese Celeste Calu, Helen Ida [Photo Damaged] Calu, Jacqueline Catherine Camerota, Marianne Judith Campbell, Rosemarie Patricia Cavanaugh, Margaret Anne Chester, Joan Mary Cleary, Marie Caullet Coleman, Mary Patricia [Photo Damaged] Conklin, Madeline Jane Constance, Marie Violet Cook, Norma Elizabeth Coulter, Theresa Celestine Cunningham, Marietta Grace Curran, Eileen Marie Debosky, Jean Cecilia [Photo Damaged] DeFreytas, Valerie Theresa Demko, Elizabeth Margaret Dentini, Florentine Corine Di Antonio, Dina Mary Dietrich, Anne Margaret Dillon, Margaret Mary DiMaria, Rose Biagia [Photo Damaged] Donnelly, Jeanne Marie Downs, Joan Barbara Doyle, Katherine Margaret Duncan, Lillian Agnes Elias, Mary Ann Fearen, Winifred Ann Fitzgibbon, Josephine Ann [Photo Damaged] Fitzpatrick, Ellen Ann Flaherty, Theresa Claire Flynn, Marie Doris Foley, Elizabeth Jane Furda, Florence Marie Furry, Patricia Marie Gabriele, Theresa Marie [Photo Damaged] Gallagher, Gene Marie [Photo Damaged] Gallagher, Mary Jane Gandolfo, Phyllis Vita Getz, Jacqueline Ruth Giancola, Clementine Nancy Goodman, Sally Ann Grogan, Marie Veronica [Photo Damaged] Gunning, Bernadine Catherine Halloran, Eileen Margaret Hannon, Claire Marie Hartmann, Rosemarie Anna Hauck, Sara Ann Healy, Margaret Mary Hearney, Marilyn Davis [Photo Damaged] Heitzman, Joan Marie [Photo Damaged] Hewitson, Cynthia Adrian Higgs, Vivian Inez Hornyak, Anne Mary Hudik, Marjorie Ann Hughes, Anne Margaret Hunt, Dolores Ann [Photo Damaged] Immordino, Jean Elizabeth Innes, Patricia Ann Kandebo, Florence Elaine Kamrad, Marie Catherine Keefe, Margaret Mary Keegan, Geraldine Claire Kelly, Janith Marie [Photo Damaged] Kelly, Madeline Eileen [Photo Damaged] Kelly, Rosemary Margaret Kennedy, Ann Marie Kennedy, Lorraine Katherine Kerlin, Helen Jane Kerr, Catherine Mary Knapp, Dorothy Gloria [Photo Damaged] Knock, Florentine Mary Kocsak, Rose Marie Julia Kosco, Vilma Elizabeth Kowalski, Rita Frances [Photo Damaged] Krause, Lillian Mary Krewson, Claire Haney Kroschwitz, Bernice Margaret [Photo Damaged] Kulczynski, Regina Marie [Photo Damaged] Kuzneski, Doris Josephine Lakomski, Joan Rosalie Leary, Marie Madeline Lindenthal, Dorothy Marie Little, Alice Jeanne Mahon, Jule Maureen [Photo Damaged] Maliszewski, Josephine Joan Maloney, Ann McNichol Mancuso, Antoinette Dolores Mancuso, Ramona Joan [Photo Damaged] Marren, Jean Claire McCluskey, Valere Helen McDonald, Mary Jane [Photo Damaged] McFadden, Laura Teresa McGann, Eileen Regina McGrath, Anita Joan McKee, Barbara Ann McMahon, Margaret Jane Mercantini, Helen Louise Migliarese, Mary Eleanor [Photo Damaged] Molner, Margaret Anne Mount, Sarah Agnes Mras, Theresa Marie Mrazik, Eleanor Ann Murphy, Elizabeth Anne Nicholson, Catherine Anne Norton, Margaret Elizabeth [Photo Damaged] O’Brien, Patricia Alma Parkinson, Joan Claire Paster, Barbara Mary Picciolo, Grace Mary Pilla, Dorothy Louisa Przemieniecki, Eugenia Helen Reed, Claire Romayne [Photo Damaged] Repko, Julia Rose Riggs, Rosemary Elaine Rossi, Theresa Kathryn Rue, Ruth Marie Sabo, Dorothy Irene Salen, Dolores Ann Santitoro, Mary Joseph [Photo Damaged] Schell, Mary Magdalen Scherer, Marie Veronica Snincsak, Dorothy Ann Snyder, Rosalie Ann Sofchak, Claire Mary Stankwitz, Dorothy Hedwig Stanton, Grace Mary [Photo Damaged] Stephan, Mary Ann Stewart, Margaret Ann Stillger, Marilyn Edith Tataranowicz, Thersa Anna Testa, Louise Roth Timby, Marie Theresa Tonne, Bernice Regina [Photo Damaged] Trainor, Ann Bridget Tresansky, Helen Theresa Vagnozzi, Catherine Victoria Van Ness, Elizabeth Lorraine Walsh, Marie Teresa [Photo Damaged] Walsh, Catherine Mary Wagonowicz, Irene Josephine Walsh, Rosemary Catherine Westall, Sally Ann Winston, Mary Alice Woods, Mary Katherine Alice Yurcho, Elvera Ella Zajac, Ethel Mary Zoda, Dorothy Louise [Photo Damaged] |
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