Victory Parade

1938 Bobashela

There were 1,000 members of the 1938 graduating class of Trenton Central High School.

(This listing is not strictly alphabetical.  It’s as the names appear in the yearbook.  Some names at the end of the list are for students whose photos did not appear in the yearbook.)


Aaronson, Virginia Ruth

Abromowitch, Anne Cecelia

Acquaviva, Lucy Cerrato

Adelstein, Blanche Florence

Albushies, Edith Helen

Allen, Bella

Allen, Betty Reynolds

Allen, Minerva Doris

Allen, Robert Lee

Alloway, Edith Carol

Alvino, Dena Loretta

Amici, Albert Silvio

Ammann, Henry

Anderson, Albert Edward

Andrews, Robert Maize

Angelico, Frank Tony

Angelico, Yolanda Lucy

Angelucci, Sylvester Joseph

Anthony, Alexander Charles

Appleget, Charles Frederick

Arbitell, John Ralph, Jr.

Aronson, Sidney

Astbury, Ruth Spencer

Ayers, Mary Anna

Ayres, Dorothy Elizabeth

Azarchi, Sylvia

Azzinaro, Mary Delores

Babyak, Anne Dorothy

Bahrenburg, Robert

Ball, Tommie P.

Bara, Frank

Barbour, William B.

Barker, Caroline Joyce

Barna, Mary Anne

Bash, Alice Lillian

Battista, Concetta

Baxter, Ruth Gladys

Beaumont, Edith Muriel

Bellett, Marie Helen

Belli, Santo Louis

Bellotti, Patsy Joseph

Bender, Ernest Elmer

Berger, Isabel Winifred

Bernert, Frank

Birks, Jesse Bernard

Bishusky, Norman

Blackwell, Edgar John

Blackwell, Edith Lucille

Blakeslee, Barbara

Bloniarz, Helen Mary

Bloor, Mary R.

Bodine, Dorothy Florence

Bogage, Pauline Rose

Bogdan, Edward Joseph

Booker, Frances Bernadean

Boor, Martin

Borbas, Stephen John

Borcsik, Julius Steven

Boroday, Anne

Botteri, Dominic August

Boughton, Helen Mae

Bowden, William Francis

Bowers, Arthur

Boyd, Mary Elizabeth

Bradford, Wilmer Edward

Bradley, Genevieve Elizabeth

Bradley, Lloyd R.

Bradley, Margaret Joan

Brady, Helen Estelle

Braun, William Carl

Brearley, William Conover

Brown, Jean Elinor

Brown, John Wesley

Bucchi, Fannie Mary

Buck, Paul Woodward

Bulitt, Harold Richard

Bullock, Arthur William

Burbank, Cecil

Burd, Charles Edward

Burd, Doris Katherine

Burns, Margaret Anna

Burwell, Ruth Elizabeth

Burzymowski, Stanley Joseph

Butcher, John William

Buzzi, Floyd Lewis

Callahan, Wilma Cecelia

Callery, William

Campbell, Eleanor Rose

Cantwell, Alice J.

Caperella, Mildred Catherine

Caprario, Frank S.

Cardaciotto, Anthony Joseph

Carella, Helena Margaret

Carlton, Thelma Loretta

Carmignani, Evelyn Agnes

Carroll, John W.

Carson, Willis Royal

Carter, Margaret Marie

Carter, Theresa Jane

Cary, James Jay

Cashel, Helen Frances

Ceremsak, J. Raymond

Chambers, James Robert

Chapman, Howard William

Chato, Helen Ann

Chetneky, Steve Joseph

Chianese, Carmen

Choby, Albert

Ciarka, Lillian Joan

Ciarka, Sophie Dolores

Clark, Alice Ruth

Clark, Doris Marie

Clark, Helen Roberta

Clarke, Thomas Johnston

Clendening, Wilma Ruth

Cliver, Bassell Albert

Coleman, Evelyn Mae

Collard, Norman Paul

Commini, Daniel Mario

Conard, Clayton Howard

Coney, Ellen Kathryn

Connell, Thomas Paul

Connolly, Mary Agnes

Conte, Thomas G.

Contento, Lucy Lucille

Conway, Margaret Patricia

Cook, Janice Allyn

Cook, Richard Warner

Cooke, Blanche Mae

Cooper, Doris Marie

Corson, Pennington

Cosma, Louis Lutz

Cowell, William George

Cox, John E.

Cox, Miriam Elizabeth

Crane, Ernest George

Creager, Ruth Melvina

Critchlow, George Franklin

Crockett, Richard Carver

Crowell, David Harrison

Crowell, Jane M.

Cubberly, Joseph Earle

Cuiule, Albert Ernest

Cuiule, Vincent George

Culliton, Richard Joseph

Curtin, Ernest Albert

Cyzewski, Edmund Lee

Dallas, Sarah Spenser

Danbury, Eleanor Elizabeth

D’Angelo, Charles Michael

Daniels, Margaret Elizabeth

D’Arcy, Catherine Elizabeth

David, Joshua W. Jr.

Davidowski, Leon Joseph

Davidowski, William Stanley

Davis, Mildred May

Day, Thomas Martin

Dayton, James Henry

De Angelis, Henry Anthony

De Angelo, Joseph Carl

De Base, Charles

DeChico, Catherine

Deck, Francis A.

De Filipps, Marie M.

De Flesco, Jean Mabel

DeGuiseppe, Marie Antoinette

Deitz, Morton

Delahanty, Mary A.

Demby, Ruth Alice

Dennis, Marjorie

Deodata, Gloria Claire

Derle, August Augustus

Dettmar, Anna May

De Vaul, Doris Catherine

Di Benedetto, Helene Loretta

Di Donato, Daniel Gaetano

Di Donato, Josephine Claire

Dileo, Rose Marie

Dill, Edith Regina

DiMartino, James Frank

Disbrow, Louise Mary

Di Stasi, Carmela Justina

Doray, Michael Charles

Domanski, John Anthony

Donnelly, William

Dougherty, Margaret Anne

Driver, Elwood Thomas

Duachek, Theresa Anna

Dubusky, Dorothy Mary

Dunn, Matthew

Durisin, Michael George

Dziubek, Helen Eleanor

Eastham, Betty Virginia

Eckstein, Edith

Edelman, Aaron Brown

Edge, Walter Paul

Edwards, Elinor Lorraine

Edwards, Fred

Egan, Richard Frederic

Ehrengruber, Elizabeth Joan

Ehrlich, Paul

Elhardt, Elmer Ted

Elias, Ruth Anne

Elischer, Isabel Wilma

Elshove, Ernest Russell

Elting, Rosalind Helen

Engel, Rosetta Emma

Engelberger, Elsie

English, Donald Victor

Ent, Norma Alena

Erick, William Frederick

Ertel, Gertrude Ruth

Estok, Michael

Evaul, Carol Elizabeth

Everett, Dolores Hope

Ewing, James Hunter

Fabian, Parthenia Virginia

Fabio, Alfonso

Fabrizio, Rose Ann

Falcey, Betty Sarah

Falcone, Irene Theresa

Faley, Jennie

Faras, Josephine

Farley, Robert Henry

Farrell, Catherine Mary

Fasanella, Carmen Joseph

Feeney, Mildred

Feinberg, Thelma

Feldman, Norma Jayne

Fell, Georgiana

Fiala, Mary Helen

Filipowicz, Rose Sophie

Filipponi, Mary Julia

Firman, Howard A.

Fish, Donald Everett

Fisher, William Ivin

Flanagan, Edward

Fling, Noma Ethel

Ford, Marjorie Davis

Ford, Robert Stevenson

Forman, Morris A.

Fosbrook, Lillian May

Foulds, Elsie Elizabeth

Fountain, Doris Capus

Foy, James

Frantz, June Marie

Frascella, Marie Rita

Fraytak, Ernest Julius

Freeman, June Beverley

Frey, Marie Elizabeth

Fromkin, Melvin David

Fruscione, Mary Rose

Funari, Mario Morris

Fyffe, Margaret

Gallagher, Donald William

Garvis, Bernard Robert

Gawrysiak, Edward

Gazsi, Edward Julius

Gazzillo, Rose Carol

Gerber, Frank A., Jr.

Gerding, Florence Margaret

Gerhauser, Frederick Carroll, Jr.

Germershausen, Walter Allen

Gerofsky, Alfred Milton

Gervasio, Anthony

Getz, Virginia Agnes

Gherardi, Gherardo Joseph

Giallella, Catherine Rita

Gibson, Rufus Charles

Gilbert, Lois Marie

Giordano, James Joseph

Giordano, John Joseph

Giordano, Philomena Elizabeth

Gladstone, Erwin

Gladstone, Lorraine

Glendon, Annis Elizabeth

Gloeckner, M. Jean

Glover, Frederick Leroy

Gold, Gilbert Samuel

Golden, Caroline Dorothy

Golden, C. Olive

Golding, Henry Joseph

Goldman, Myron Maurice

Goldmann, Evelyn P.

Goodman, Edward A.

Goodwin, James Francis

Gore, Joseph

Goreglad, Anastasia

Gorski, Jean

Gould, Henry

Goulding, Robert W.

Graham, Lucille Bessie

Gray, Thomas Henry

Green, Leonard Eler

Greenberg, Marjorie Mildred

Greenley, Catherine Mildred

Gross, Herbert B.

Grosso, Nicholas D.

Guadagno, Michael J.

Gualfetti, Guido John

Gusz, Margaret Anne

Gutke, Hans Frederick

Gutman, George

Hagans, Audrey Essiebelle

Hahn, Adam Victor

Haines, Dorothy Alice

Haisonak, Nicholas

Hallett, Claire Ellen

Hand, Robert William

Haney, Joan Veronica

Hannah, William

Harcar, Joseph Francis

Harris, Dale Ackley

Hartz, Eleanor Suzanne

Harvey, Ruth Beatrice

Harvilla, Margaret Elaine

Hawley, Wanda Gertrude

Haws, Lillian Elizabeth

Heckman, Gladys Juanita

Henderson, Robert

Hendrickson, Charles

Hendrickson, Henrietta L.

Hendrickson, Mabelle Frances

Henry, John Joseph

Hertzman, Fredrick George

Heyesy, Ernest

Hice, Edith Marie

Hicks, Grace Evelyn

Higgins, Edward David

Hildinger, Claire Helen

Hill, Doris Eloise

Hills, Ruth Esther

Hirst, William Bernard

Hobson, Edward Pearson

Hodanish, George

Hoffman, Elizabeth Clara

Hoffman, Ruth Marie

Holmes, Allen Carwell

Holmes, Helen Virginia

Holsman, Anne Eleanor

Holsneck, Dorothy Eleanor

Hoover, Edward Thomas

Hopton, Alice Adel

Horst, Abram Thomas

Houseman, George Benjamin

Humphrey, Florence May

Humphrey, Harold Benjamin

Hunt, Theo B.

Hurd, Richard Carlton

Hustak, Mildred Claire

Hutchinson, Anna Margaret

Hutchinson, Theodore Coerte

Hutton, Margaret Alice

Immordino, James Frank

Immordino, William Angelo

Innocenzi, August Domnick

Irwin, David James

Irwin, Ilda

Jablonski, Carolyn Loretta

Jacobson, Alfred

Janukowicz, Raymond Walter

Jauss, Mabel Logan

Jedynak, Bertha

Jenkins, Wilbert Wendell

Jensen, Charles

Jesencky, Olga Marie

Jewitt, Mabel Catherine

Johnson, Bette Lillian

Johnson, Charles Henry

Johnson, Elmer Matthews

Johnson, Emma Dollie

Johnson, Harry Lowell

Johnson, Howard Warner

Johnson,Wilma Crealock

Jones, Carol Louise

Jones, Leon Willard

Jones, Zebedee

Joslin, Frank William

Joyce, Peggy A.

Kaflin, Harry

Kalman, Libbey

Kanicki, Irene M.

Karwoski, Lawrence Joseph, Jr.

Kasser, Sidney

Katko, Isabelle

Kazior, Walter Frank

Keller, Alois Gregory

Kelly, Regina Margaret

Kellock, Shirley Elizabeth

Kelty, Mary Virginia

Kerlin, Suzanne M.

Kerwick, John Patrick

Kiessling, Miriam Emilie

Kilcheski, Frank, Jr.

Killingsworth, William George

Kimball, Frances Emma

Kipperman, William B.

Kirkham, June Evelyn

Kisty, Joseph Francis

Klein, Madeline

Kline, Eugene Leonard

Kliwinski, Mary Barbara

Knight, Catherine Virginia

Knight, Phyllis Lorette

Kosa, Florence Violet

Kostival, Margaret Mary

Kowalski, William

Kramarz, Thaddeus Peter

Krantz, William

Krauch, Donald R.

Krauss, Jack Sparks

Krecicka, Veronica Joan

Kriegner, Francis

Kriesick, Frank John

Krosnick, Max

Krzyzanowski, Josephine Barbara

Kuhn, Charles William

Kuntz, Mary Julia

Kupecka, Anna Joan

Kupecki, Michael

Kurlander, Albert George

Kuroczka, Milton John

Kurty, Michael Anthony

Kusnerik, Virginia Marie

Kwoka, Genevieve Virginia

Lacomchiek, Helen Marie

Lakios, Vanetia

Lambert, Evelyn Natoria

Lampl, Sylvan Robert

Lane, John Joseph

Lanzoni, Albert

Lapinewsky, Josephine Mary

Larrabee, Deborah Leola

Larrabee, Grace McBride

Larrabee, Richard Dunlap

Lasek, Jeanette Theresa

Lasky, Mary Alexander

Latham, John Parker

Lavine, Bernard

Lavine, Talbert

Law, Audrey Elizabeth

Lechner, Charles Joseph

Lee, Benjamin Franklin

Leftwick, Mildred

Lehman, Sylvia Alyce

Leigh, Ethel Helen

Leip, Birkby Alfred

Lemke, Estella May

Leser, Blanche

Lettiere, Marie Arlene

Levere, Theodore Carl

Levey, Manfred Paul

Levine, Lillian Ann

Levy, Monroe

Lewandowski, Sophie J.

Libori, Esther

Lichtfus, Augusta Catherine

Liwacz, Joseph H.

Lloyd, Alma Marie

Lombardo, Rose Joan

Long, George Francis

Loser, Thomas N.

Lowe, Virginia

Lowrey, Howard Charles

Ludecke, Joyce May

MacKenzie, E. Janice

Magennis, John Joseph

Magna, Helene Eleanor

Malcolm, Katharine Lawrence

Mallard, Mary Cecelia

Manziano, Mae Palma

Marangiello, Theresa Mary

Marasco, Roland Louis

Maressa, Thomas Samuel

Marinelli, Nicholas Marvin

Marut, John William

Marut, Michael Stephen

Mather, Dorothy Louise

Mayhew, Virginia

McAllister, Ruby Katheryn

McCandliss, John Kerr

McCann, Doris Elizabeth

McChesney, Helen Rachel

McClellan, Ruth Elizabeth

McDonald, Mary Virginia

McGuckin, Evelyn Harriett

McKee, Elizabeth

McManus, Helen Kathleen

McRae, Edith W.

McTighe, Ruth Jane

McVay, Leon Joseph

Mealey, Thomas Augustine

Medved, Edna

Melman, Aaron

Mendrey, Stephen Roderick

Mennel, Raymond Godfrey

Mennuti, Frank Joseph

Mentis, Nicholas J. P.

Menyhart, Carl Frank

Meserall, Fred J.

Meszaros, Mary Isabelle

Milgaten, Bernice

Milinowicz, Edward Stanley

Miller, Howard Edward

Miller, Robert

Miller, Ruth Alice

Millington, Beatrice Frances

Millman, Dorothy Rita

Millner, Bernard N.

Mintz, Milton

Mirkin, Jean Toby

Mitchell, Doris Evelyn

Moffett, Doris May

Moloney, Louis Carey

Monteverde, James Francis

Mooney, Thomas

Moore, Herbert Franklin

Moore, Jean Louise

Morgan, Willis Cadwalader

Morris, Jane Hunter

Mottola, Victor I.

Mount, Doris Marian

Moximo, Alice Teresa

Mule, Johanna Roberta

Mumola, Nancy Helen

Murphy, Jane A.

Murphy, Maston

Myers, Edwin Samuel

Napoleon, Frank

Nardone, Frances Mary

Naylor, Richard Harry

Nelson, Betty Theresa

Neri, Armand A.

Newman, Marion Ellen

Newman, Sidney

Niehaus, Betty Anne

Nightingale, Florence Olive

Nonziato, Michael Coleman

Noone, Marjorie Evelyn

Norman, Helen Rowland

Novak, Joseph Edward

Novitski, Helen Ann

O’Kean, Martin

O’Mara, A. James

Ostermier, Elizabeth Marie

Otto, Doris Louise

Overture, Charlotte Cecelia

Pacia, John Joseph

Page, Charles A.

Page, Joel Larry

Page, Lester Larry

Pagnotta, Andrew

Pakman, Harold Louis

Palazey, Walter

Palazzo, Ralph D.

Palsho, George Ralph

Pantano, Margaret Catherine

Paone, Catherine Marie

Papp, Michael

Papszycka, Dorothy Florence

Parker, Betty Anna

Parker, Lewis Walter

Parno, Josephine Pearl

Parrish, Eldon Gordon

Pasawicz, Matthew Raymond

Paternoster, Lena R.

Penkoske, Theresa Emilie

Perlingiero, Madeline Mary

Perlitch, Rose

Perlman, Irving Jacob

Peters, Marie Hattie

Peters, Marie Patricia

Petrangeli, Iris Beatrice

Petrichko, Margaret

Petrino, Lucie Beatrice

Petty, Donald Richard

Pfleider, Evelyn Ann

Pfleiderer, Hazel Mary

Phares, Patricia Anne

Phelan, Francis

Phelps, Virginia Lillian

Phillips, Beatrice E.

Piela, Jean

Piepszak, V. Leo

Pierozak, Jennie

Pincus, Lawrence

Pine, John Fred

Pipher, Margery Claire

Pisauro, Vincent Donald

Pitcher, Charles Winfield

Pivarnik, Olga Marcia

Platt, Francis Joseph

Platt, William Arnold

Poinsett, Margaret May

Polasky, Anna Theodora

Ponzio, Dorothy Anna

Post, Bergen S,

Potter, Charles Haldon

Potter, John William

Powell, Jack William

Power, Doris Jane

Power, John

Pregg, George Michael

Preston, Corrine

Prickett, Ellis

Prickett, Vivian Ada

Procaccini, Theodore A.

Proctor, Dorothy May

Projetti, Leonard John

Protzmann, Harry William

Pugliese, Donald

Pugliese, Earl Frank

Puhalski, Stanley Edwin

Pullen, Warren Leon

Purcell, Constance Saturnia

Purdunn, Robert Alin

Pushart, Albert Edward

Rabatie, Thelma Mary

Rabstein, Sylvia Lee

Radice, Anthony J.

Ragazzo, Michael Anthony

Raible, Catherine Mary

Ramsdell, Robert Cole

Rappaport, Leon George

Raughley, Lawrence

Reading, Harold Frank

Rednor, Albert Lewis

Reed, Charles

Reed, Victor

Renk, Stanley E.

Revolinski, Frank

Rhoads, Bruce Lewis

Ricatto, Bridget Josephine

Ricci, Armando Domenic

Ricciardo, Daniel Anthony

Ricciardo, Marie Lucy

Rice, Thaddeus Paul

Richards, Kenneth Lee

Richards, William Morris

Rickert, Virginia Lillian

Ridgway, Dorothy Edna

Riether, Joseph E.

Rinyn, Mary Margaret

Ristow, Ruth Dorothy

Rittley, Veronica Claire

Rittmann, Helen May

Robb, Abner George

Roberts, Beulah M.

Robertson, William Thomas

Robinson, Charles Lawrence

Robinson, Ruth

Rockal. Edward Michael

Rockel, Cornell A.

Rogers, William Alan

Roignant, Peter John

Rojiski, Bernice J.

Rome, Lawrence Jules

Rondinelli, Virginia

Rosen, Muriel D.

Rosenfelder, William Lewis

Rosenthal, Milton

Rosenthal, Rita R.

Ross, Betsy Ann

Ross, Mary Elizabeth

Roth, Elizabeth Eleanor

Roth, Robert

Rothstein, Seymour

Roumanis, Soteros

Rubright, Sylvia Louise

Rura, Nellie Joan

Russo, Josephine Winifred

Sacks, Helen Mildred

Salaga, John Barnard

Salata, Edward Michael

Salay, John James

Salvatore, Joseph Nicholas

Salyga, Josephine Joan

Sandford, Fred Harold

Sands, Ted

Sarkady, Elizabeth

Scarlata, Alphonse

Schafer, Arthur

Schalit, Edith Reba

Schenkel, Elizabeth

Schiitt, Mathias

Schmidt, Anna

Schmidt, Milton William

Schneck, Charles Harold

Schon, Ann Marie

Schultheis, Anna Mary

Schulwitz, Irene Martha

Schulmann, Fred John

Schwartz, Betty Ann

Scudder, John Montgomery

Sear, Rosalie Rosemarie

Seay, Joseph W.

Seplow, Mildred

Serafine, Frank Edward

Serba, Tom Edward

Serban, Mary Victoria

Serban, Stephen Richard

Seruby, Felix Joseph

Seymour, Charles Patrick

Shankman, Phyllis Marion

Sharlin, Abraham

Sharp, William R., Jr.

Sheaffer, William Stanley

Shipp, Ruth Elizabeth

Sica, Mary Elizabeth

Siet, Helen

Sigley, Harry Francis H.

Sikorski, Mary Barbara

Silvestro, Lewis James

Simon, Gloria

Skillman, Gertrude Ann

Skokos, Alethea Grace

Skoropad, Olga

Skrajewski, Norbert Walter

Slabado, Dorothy Rita

Smith, Marion Rebecca

Sneid, Madeline Theresa

Snowden, Franklin Curtis

Soden, Mary Estrella

Soltesz, Andrew

South, Adeline Audrey

Southwick, Hazel Claire

Spare, Thelma Louise

Spector, Ruth

Speranza, Mary Joan

Spezzano, Mary Angela

Spicer, Dorothy Lucille

Spych, Bruno Leonard

Spych, William

Stanton, Catherine Marie

Starski, Janet

Stash, Marie Madgeen

Stec, Benjamin Benedict

Steelman, Gertrude Marilyn

Steinmetz, Albert John

Stevenson, Doris Edith

Steward, Elizabeth Rose

Stewart, Willie Mae

Stocklas, Lottie Jean

Stover, John Kuhns

Strasser, Jacqueline Janet

Strauss, Millis Gail

Straussfogel, Fred William

Strucker, John F.

Stumpo, Louis Joseph

Summers, Clara Henrietta

Sutcliffe, Mina Elizabeth

Sutnick, Stanley

Sutterley, Edmund L.

Suvalsky, Robert

Suverkrop, Edward Albert

Svider, Martin L.

Swick, William Herbert

Szabolchy, William Alexander

Szczepanski, Stella Annetta

Tartaglia, Nunzio Joseph

Tassone, James Joseph

Taub, Lester Saul

Temkin, George

Tennant, Isabel Allison

Terres. Mildred

Tessein, Frances Jeannette

Thomann, Charles Thomas

Tick, Virginia Anne

Timko, Mary Ann

Timmons, Marguerite

Tomes, Elmer Charles

Tomkinson, David Gordon

Toomey, Carl John

Tramontana, Charles Angelo

Triber, Edith

Tschudin, June Iris

Tuccillo, Frank

Turinick, Anna Elizabeth

Turner, Doris H.

Turner, Marion H.

Turner, Harry Edward

Turner, Marie

Tuzzolo, Mildred May

Tyson, William Steen

Updike, Alvin Bayard

Urich, Jeanne Josephine

Vaccaro, Josephine Jessie

Valentino, Marie Helen

Valyo, Edward Charles

Van Buskirk, Adele C.

Vanderbilt, Marguerite

Van Derpool, Dean Burke

Van Lieu, Donald Grace

Van Metre, Roberta

Van Zandt, William Harry

Varchetto, Carmella Sandra

Varga, Irene Ann

Vargo, Michael John

Vaughn, Clifford Morris

Velivis, Adella

Venslavsky, Erren Joseph

Vernam, Arthur Crozer

Videtta, Mary Scott

Vine, Joseph

Vine, Sherwood

Virgin, Carl Fredrik

Vitella, James Robert

Viteritto, Frank Angelo

Voorhees, Robert

Vreeland, Dorothy May

Wagner, Russell Albert

Waldman, Harry

Waldt, Charles Christian

Walker, Bertram Anderson

Wall, Edward Harrison

Walton, Alfred Earl

Warach, Eli Julius

Warful, Thomas Joseph

Wargo, Helen E.

Watts, Katherine Elizabeth

Weaver, Doris Marie Elizabeth

Weber, Britton Waldburg

Weibel, Laura Alice

Weigel, Loretta E.

Weiss, Jeanne Elizabeth

Weiss, Robert

Weiss, Sol

White, George, Jr.

White, George Albert

White, Gertrude Evelyn

White, Reginald Owen

Wildermuth, Elizabeth Bertha

Wildoneer, Marion Elizabeth

Wilezol, Vyonda Rosemary

Williams, Phoebe Carter

Williams, Ruth Mary

Wirtschafter, Joan Krueger

Wojcik, Alex John

Wolf, Oscar

Wollin, Esther

Wombwell, Richard Foxly

Wood, Carolyn Addeal

Wood, Dorothy Margaret

Wood, Mildred Bertha

Wood, William George

Worthington, Betty Eirene

Wright, Rhoda

Wylie, Jean A.

Yates, Mabel Burton

Yuhas, John Elmer

Yuhas, Margaret Theresa

Zabinsky, Charles

Ziegler, Walter Chester

Ziesel, Ruth

Zimmer, Richard Kent

Zoda, Anna Josephine

Zook, Gertrude Claire

Zupan, Elizabeth Carole

Zupko, Anne Katherine

Acuff, Shelley Charles (No Photo)

Altobelli, Aldi (No Photo)

Andren, Denise Yvonne (No Photo)

Appelbaum, Robert Morris (No Photo)

Arkuszewski, Leon Joseph (No Photo)

Backus, Nancy Louise (No Photo)

Bahney, Martha L. (No Photo)

Bailey, Liberty Bond (No Photo)

Bailey, William Gervin (No Photo)

Barker, Caroline Joyce (No Photo)

Berman, Lillian (No Photo)

Blanchard, Ralph (No Photo)

Brenner, Elizabeth (No Photo)

Brewer, Ethel Georgia (No Photo)

Burke, Thomas Edward (No Photo)

Cairo, Frank Anthony (No Photo)

Caldwell, James W. (No Photo)

Caldwell, Thomas Spencer (No Photo)

Calu, Anthony Richard (No Photo)

Canatelli, Leonard Anthony (No Photo)

Chale, Marie Anna (No Photo)

Cole, John B. 2nd (No Photo)

Connolly, James Joseph (No Photo)

Conry, Doris Ruth (No Photo)

Cooper, Wilbert (No Photo)

Cushing, Muriel Ann (No Photo)

De Blasio, Dominic Thomas (No Photo)

Dilouie, Josephine Helen (No Photo)

Di Stefano, Ben (No Photo)

Downing, Ida Marie (No Photo)

Dransfield, Alfred Thomas (No Photo)

Dundola, Joseph Michael (No Photo)

Dunne, Margaret Jeannette (No Photo)

Durisin, Joseph (No Photo)

Dzurinko, Edward Michael (No Photo)

Eckenrode, Delores Catherine (No Photo)

Falzini, Michael Joseph (No Photo)

Farkas, John (No Photo)

Feldman, Gussie (No Photo)

Fiorentino, Angelo Don (No Photo)

Fityere, Andrew (No Photo)

Fralicardi, Al Anthony (No Photo)

Frizzell, Leigh Hartley, Jr. (No Photo)

Gernhardt, Dorothy Louise (No Photo)

Gerofsky, Bernice Sharon (No Photo)

Gervasi, Joseph Frank (No Photo)

Ginn, Casimer (No Photo)

Golenieski, Leonard Anthony (No Photo)

Goodrich, Cora Bernadeth (No Photo)

Graziano, Vincent Anthony (No Photo)

Guhl, William Robert (No Photo)

Harley, Thelma (No Photo)

Hess, John Robert (No Photo)

Higginbotham, Florence Flossie (No Photo)

Horan, Marie Clair (No Photo)

Janusz, Joe John (No Photo)

Jones, Hermeles (No Photo)

Kaczarowski, Jules Anthony (No Photo)

Kaczynski, Henry (No Photo)

Kolk, Gertrude Audry (No Photo)

Laden, Jacob (No Photo)

Laing, William Edward (No Photo)

Larason, Jerome Walter (No Photo)

Lavine, Albert Marshall (No Photo)

Lavine, Harry H. (No Photo)

Leonard, Lillian Amelia (No Photo)

Levenstein, Florence (No Photo)

Lutz, John S. (No Photo)

Masick, James Eugene (No Photo)

Mattei, Ernest Paul (No Photo)

McCoy, Samuel William (No Photo)

McRae, Emma Mae (No Photo)

Meehan, Harold Joseph (No Photo)

Milaszewski, Frank Anthony (No Photo)

Millen, Leonard Francis (No Photo)

Mooney, Louis (No Photo)

Moskowitz, Anne Ruth (No Photo)

Napoleon, Lawrence T. (No Photo)

O’Brien, Hugh (No Photo)

Patykula, Walter John (No Photo)

Pennington, Richard Charles (No Photo)

Petito, Lucy (No Photo)

Petruccio, Albert (No Photo)

Phillips, Evelyn (No Photo)

Pietkiewicz, Henry Alexander (No Photo)

Pillsbury, Martin K. (No Photo)

Pisanko, Joseph Henry (No Photo)

Pregg, William Edward (No Photo)

Rasmussen, Mae W. (No Photo)

Raub, Robert (No Photo)

Reading, Charles Guild (No Photo)

Rhoads, Betty May (No Photo)

Richardson, Robert Frank (No Photo)

Ridolfi, Anthony Joseph (No Photo)

Roberts, Thomas Jefferson (No Photo)

Roberts, William Clawson (No Photo)

Rosati, Charles (No Photo)

Rosso, Anna M. (No Photo)

Rouba, Ben Charles (No Photo)

Russo, Frank Dario (No Photo)

Sebastian, Steve (No Photo)

Selb, L. Wellington (No Photo)

Selby, John Newbold (No Photo)

Serianni, Buovo Anthony (No Photo)

Shipper, Selma (No Photo)

Silcox, Ruth Ann Gerry (No Photo)

Skillman, Russell Irving (No Photo)

Skrajewski, Raymond Joseph (No Photo)

Slack, Leonard John (No Photo)

Smith, Donald William (No Photo)

Spears, Le Roy (No Photo)

Spears, Le Roy Winfield (No Photo)

Standiford, Evelyn Jackmann (No Photo)

Stevenson, Horace Norton (No Photo)

Stilson, Frank (No Photo)

Stingel, Edward Francis (No Photo)

Stoney, Catherine (No Photo)

Sutts, Chester (No Photo)

Swieconek, Teddy Joseph (No Photo)

Tallon, Philip Anthony (No Photo)

Tallon, William Paul (No Photo)

Tanzone, Anthony Frank (No Photo)

Toft, John (No Photo)

Toto, Joseph Michael (No Photo)

Trent, Ruth Elizabeth (No Photo)

Van Aken, Frederick Reutter (No Photo)

Venanzi, Emileo (No Photo)

Verdel, Albert Alfred (No Photo)

Vinch, Samuel (No Photo)

Wagner, Claude Edward (No Photo)

Walker, William James (No Photo)

Ward, William Edward (No Photo)

Werkman, Francis (No Photo)

Whitehead, Burton (No Photo)

Wilcox, Robert Sterling (No Photo)

Williams, Thomas Major (No Photo)

Wilson, Harold Andrew (No Photo)

Yatskowitz, Abe (No Photo)

Zmuda, Dorothy Frances (No Photo)

Barber, Marie [In Memoriam]

Cuiule, Vincent [In Memoriam]

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