1933 Immaculata There were 62 members of the 1933 graduating class of Immaculate Conception High School. |
Andicsko, Mary Kathryn Benney, Mary Cecilia Boyle, Marie Ann Burns, Margaret Cecilia Calisti, Angelo George Carlucci, Vito Anthony Carmody, Alice Kathryn Carr, Margaret Agnes Cloney, Marie Patricia Cloney, Martin Michael Colton, Victoria Therese Connolly, Mary Rose Cullather, Catherine Elizabeth Curry, Esther Anna De Angelo, Mary Elizabeth DePuglio, Michael Dundala, Margaret Mary Feldenzer, Anna Marie Fitzpatrick, Margaret Anne Foley, Harry J. Patrick Giesguth, Mae Elizabeth Hahn, Mary Kathryn Haney, William Joseph Henry, Kathryn Frances Konnyu, Michael Joseph Kurtz, Margaret M. Mildred Kushner, Helen Marie Link, Margaret Terresa Maloney, Rose Marie Matthews, Naomi Joan McClain, Veronica Agnes McDade, Margaret Agnes McGee, Marie Frances McGinley, Mary Louise McLaughlin, Stanley James Murl, Helen Gertrude Nemchik, Theresa Monica O'Neill, Helen Elizabeth Paterson, Caroline Kirkham Pauline, Rose Elizabeth Persi, Ilio Peter Petrus, Eleanor Ann Pieslak, Florence Rose Pietrus, Andrew Joseph Pimlott, Thomas James Pollard, Joseph Horace Priory, Mary Beatrice Rodgers, Edward Bede Sheridan, Edward Harold Smith, Marie Ann Stephan, Norman Peter Szabo, Helen Valeria Testa, Joseph Thiel, Mae Emma Toft, Frances Miriam Wagner, Charles Edward Walsh, Mildred Marie Welsh, Margaret Mary Weninger, Mary Julia Yuhasz, Susan Theresa Yuhase, Stephen Emery Zazzo, Edmund Joseph |
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