1929 Bobashela There were 537 members of the 1929 graduating class
of Trenton Central High School. (This listing is not strictly alphabetical. It’s as the names appear in the yearbook. Some names at the end of the list are for students whose photos did not appear in the yearbook.) |
Abrams, Henry Abrams, Mary Abramson, Abram Abromovitz, Ruth Acquaviva, Rocchina Adamec, Mildred Adler, Samuel Allen, Elizabeth Alvino, Linda Ambrose. Paul Anderson, Helen M. Archibald, Rose Arensmeyer, Edythe Aronson, Ethel Bachik, George Baginski, Florence Banks, Grace Barber, Helen Bartolomo, Charles Bellisfield, Marion Berbon, Harry Berkowitz, Bessie Bernstein, Samuel Berman, Mildred Bernhard, Fred’k Billingham, Avis Binder, Dorothy Birch, John Bird, Lillian Blackford, Grace Blair, Ellen Bond, Morton Bossert, Ann K. Bossert, John T. Bovina, James Bowlby, Mabel Bowman, Edith Bozarth, Alva Bresnahan, Frances Brindley, Iris Brink, Helen Brown, Robert Browne, Mildred Bryan, Florence Buchner, Goldie Buckley, Alice Bugdal, John Burton, Martha Butterer, Albert Callahan, Eleanor Carella, Margaret Carnall, Gertrude Carpenter, Margaret Carroll, Ann Carter, Beatrice Carter, Joseph Carty, Ethel Cary, Veronica Cella, Rosanna A, Case Russell Christian, Josephine Christopher, Evelyn Christopher, Madelyn Cichon, Helen Ciricolo, Lucy Clapperton, Wilhelmina Clark, Genevieve Clayton, Anna Colavita, James Combs, Mildred Comisky, Marion Coniglio, Joseph Cooper, Lillian Corosh, Ruth Craig, Helen Craig, Rose Cuttler, Bella Caminade, Charles Cartwright, Emerson Chamberlin, Jessica Conover, Elizabeth Cook, Edna M. Cohen, George Cregar, Elizabeth Creeden, Edmund Cubberley, Margaret Cunningham, Mary Caldwell, Frances Cornell, Olive Crecco, Mary Davis, William Davis, Robert Dentel, Robert Duboski, Thomas DeAngelo, Fanny Deatherage, Celia DeGrave, Evelyn Deres, Clara C. Deutchman, Rose Dickinson, Mildred Dickson, Thomas Dilatush, Eliz. Dileo, Leonard Doran, Ruth Dost, Pauline Dunham, Margaret Dunn, Dorothy Dunn, Mary Emmons, Ruth Engler, Anna Erdelsky, John Evans, Ruth Fasanella, Anthony Fedorsak, Eleanor Fehlau, Irmela Felcone, Fannie Feldmann, Lillian Fell, Armand Fell, Cecil Ferrara, Philip Fife, William Filidoro, Catherine Filipponi, Mary Filor, Florence Fineberg, Milton Fischer, Minnie Fish, Carlton Fish, Emma Fisher, Lester Fisher, Miriam Fitton, Norman Folmer, Edward Forer, Morris Foster, Harry Fradusco, Helen Freeman, Anne Fromkin, Norman Frost, John Gadsby, Florence Garb, Sara M. Gardner, John Gaudy, Dorothy Gelb, Frances Gerofsky, Harry Gibbs, Coleman Gibson, Anna Gierman, George Gilinsky, Sadie Gilman, Paul Gladfelter, Geneva Glisson, Anna Glogowski, Edith Gold, Arthur Goldstein, Minnie Goodman, Sylvia Gould, Pearl Goulding, Jack Graham, William Gratton, Gladys Green, Edith Greenley, Fred L. Greschak, Stephen Guhl, Helen Haines, W. Stanley Haage, Susan Hackney, Francis Hall, Lida Mary Hamer, Mildred Hammond, Willard Hard, Gertrude Hassall, Dorothy Haveson, Miriam Hayes, Edna Heal, Elizabeth Heil, Walter Hempel, Elsa Hendrickson, Mary Henry, Edward A. Heran, Ralph Hill, Hazel Hills, Grace Hirschon, Rose Holland, Harry Holloway, Roberta Horowitz, David Hough, Harry Howarth, Florence R. Hubbs, Mildred Huff, Carrol Hulse, Dorothy Hulse, Ronald Hutchins, Eugene Hutchinson, Mildred Ivins, Daniel F., Jr. Jaffe, Abraham James, Mildred Jansson, Holger Jefferies, Eleanor Jenter, Margaret Jones, Eleanor Joy, Ida Karlberg, Anna Katz, Edward Kelsey, Jules Kelsey, Ruthadel Kesselman, Ida Kesselman, Lillian King, Thomas Kipperman, Frances Klemmer, Herbert Klemmer, Marion Klempner, Lester Koplin, Herman Knopf, Emanuel Kraus, Sidney Kravitz, Harry Kron, Frank Lenox, Joseph Lynch, Donald Lawrence, Alfred Lanning, Wilbur Lavine, Beatrice Lavinthal, Albert Lawrence, Beatrice Layton, Charles Leaming, Thomas Ledden, Catherine Lefkowitz, Gladys Lepf, Nicholas Levie, Evelyn Levine, Arnold Levy, Leon Lewis, Dorothy Lewis, Ethel W. Lieberman, Esther Lingrell, Dorothea Lipsky, Beatrice Longstreet, Joseph Lonsdale, Gilbert Lyons, John Magee, Annamarie Mack, Elizabeth Maimona, Francis Maisto, Lena Malone, Ellen Manukas, Ethel Manziano, Mary Marangiello, Rose Marjarum, Grace Marolda, Bridget Marple, Leona Marshall, Irving Massaro, Katherine Mathews, Robert Mayers, Carroll Mayham, Marie McHugh, Margaret McKeen, Ethel McKeen, Evelyn McKenzie, George McLaughlin, Chas. McQuillen, Florence McTighe, Arthur Meagher, Honora Messec, Olin Messler, Alma Middleton, Arthur Miller, Eleanor Miller, Frances Millner, Madlyn Mills, Mary Mincher, Edward Minschwaner, George Mitchell, Charles Morabito, Marie Morgan, Jack Morris, Dorothy Morton, Eleanor Moses, Dorothy Moulton, Doris Muccioli, Mary Ann Musick, John Maddalona, Paul Mahaney, Walter Mauer, Peter McCabe, Ellsworth Naar, Frances Nabutovsky, Sylvia Nanni, Alfred Naylor, Kenneth Neff, Mildred Neill, Jane Newbold, Alfred Newell, Raymond Newhart, Robert Nitzberg, Isaac Noisky, Catherine Nutt, Catherine Nutt, Helen Olitsky, Minnie Olin, Ida Orland, Jonas Orlin, Stella Orlansky, Nicholas Orr, George Oswald, Dorothea Oswaldt, Mabel Perlberg, Max Poinsett, Carl Parsons, Marion Parsons, William Paul, Jeanette Peltin, Anna Pernazza, Jane Petranto, Charles Petry, Robert Pfeffer, William Phillips, John Philps, Edna Pinkus, Philip Pinto, Dan Pippel, Helen Pisanello, Rose Pisauro, Maire Pivovarnik, Helen Plant, Elsie Popkin, Charles Priest, Vivian Quick, Elinor (hand written note, died Sept. 1934) Quigley, James Rabstein, Ruth Randelman, Beulah Rehl, Daniel Renc, Leonard Rendell, Alfred Rennert, Bernard Remmele, Elizabeth Remmele, Elsie Richardson, Dorothy Ricatto, Serafina Richmond, Dean Riley, Harold Risoldi, Lena Rittenhouse, Elizabeth Ritter, Edna Rittman, Frank Roberson, Beatrice Roberts, Kenneth Rogers, Charles Rogers, Lillian Rogowski, Bernice Romeo, Charles Rosenthal, Harold Royer, Edna Russo, Mary Russo, Louis Ryklicki, Anna Ryklicki, Jennie Rymkiewiez, Peter Sabo, Helen Safir, Lily Saltman, Sylvia Salway, Sadie Sams, Charles Sandford, Edith Sandhoff, Thomas Sarapan, Sophia Schaaf, Louise K. Schanze, Adele Schindewolf, Anna Schlegel, John Schmitt, Pauline Schoeller, Mildred Schofield, Edward Schuler, Majorie Schulman, Sadie Schumacher, Anne Schurz, Ruth Schwartz, Carolyn Sekerok, Sophie Selden, Jacob Sell, Laura Segal, Samuel Semon, Carolyn Shafer, Alice Shaffer, Carl Shankman, Phyllis Sharbaugh, George Sheddan, Dorothy Shintay, John Shook, Wilbur Shropshire, Chas. Shutz, Fay Silcox, Dorothy Silverglate, Sam Skellenger, Madeline Skrzydlinski, Stephen Sloin, Aaron Smith, Gibson Smith, William Snook, Nelson Soden, Edith Solchansky, Mary Stawinski, Edward Stearn, Hazel Steingrob, Ida Steinman, Harry Stockton, Edith Stone, Emma Stone, Lee Jay Stoner, Ruth Strycharz, Theodore Tashjian, Araxie Taub, Sylvia Taylor, Margaret Teitz, Mildred Thatcher, Claire Thompson, Sam’l Thomson, Florence Thorn, Elizabeth Tilton, Alma Tilton, Margie Tindall, Beulah Tindall, Marjorie Toth, Joseph Tower, Lucille Trout, Robert Umberger, Ida Updike, Harold Updike, Helen Urken, Karl VanBuskirk, John Varchetto, Elizabeth Varchetto, Pasquale Vetter, Muriel G. Videtta, Tessie Vitiz, Samuel Wadsworth, Edith Wagner, Francis Waldron, Howard Walklet, Donald Warren, Theodore Watson, Arthur Welsh, Blanche Welsh, Paul Wendel, Dorothy Wenzloff, Edward Wetzel, Velma Willey, Elizabeth Wilner, Irving Wilson, Albert Wilson, Richard Wirth, Elizabeth Wishnevsky, Dorothy Wood, Earl S. Wood, Florence Woodward, Ada Wright, Alethia Wosnick, Estella Wyckoff, Elinor Yewell, Shirley Yole, Sarra Yost, Myrtle Zahles, Leota Zapol, Samuel Zentmayer, Godfrey Zentner, Rose Zenzer, Clara Zielinski, Helen Zoltick, Solomon Zullo, Margaret Bublitz, Charles (No Photo) Bentley, Frederick (No Photo) Bole, Robert (No Photo) Boulden, John (No Photo) Brown, Milton J. (No Photo) Buchanan, George (No Photo) Cohen, Mildred (No Photo) Comisky, John (No Photo) Curtis, James I. (No Photo) Cywinski, Edward (No Photo) Cantwell, Charles (No Photo) Cracker, William (No Photo) Drautz, Rudolph (No Photo) Doncaster, Samuel (No Photo) Fort, Sidney (No Photo) Fritz, Robert (No Photo) Garvey, James (No Photo) Gee, William (No Photo) Goldberg, Nat (No Photo) Grafton, Richard (No Photo) Hafitz, Morris (No Photo) Homichko, Nicholas (No Photo) Horowitz, Arthur (No Photo) Hughes, Harold (No Photo) Johnson, Elizabeth (No Photo) Koschek, Joseph (No Photo) Kownacky, John (No Photo) Lambert, Charles (No Photo) Lavine, Harriet (No Photo) Lawton, Elizabeth (No Photo) Lehman, Charles (No Photo) Lehman, Julius (No Photo) Lindsay, Edward (No Photo) Lockwood, Raymond (No Photo) Ludwig, Alfred (No Photo) Manners, Lillian (No Photo) Marks, James (No Photo) Meagher, Josephine (No Photo) Medici, George (No Photo) Metz, Frances (No Photo) Molite, Joseph (No Photo) Mount, William (No Photo) Muccioli, Anthony (No Photo) Neary Leo (No Photo) Niedzweidzski, Josephine (No Photo) O’Hara, Joseph (No Photo) Pagels, Carl (No Photo) Patterson, Ethel (No Photo) Rappoport, Daniel (No Photo) Read, William (No Photo) Reed, Dorothy (No Photo) Rossi, Orlando (No Photo) Saas, Miriam (No Photo) Shanahan, Leon (No Photo) Shuler, Marjorie (No Photo) Slabicki, Joseph (No Photo) Stabile, Frank (No Photo) Sylvester, Paul (No Photo) Taylor, Walter (No Photo) Wacks, Alfred (No Photo) Walker, Wilbur (No Photo) West, Howard (No Photo) Whenry, Paul (No Photo) Wiley, Albert (No Photo) Wood, George (No Photo) Woolf, Florence (No Photo) |
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