1928 Bobashela There were 470 members of the 1928 Graduating Class of Trenton Central High School. (This listing is not strictly alphabetical, but in the order the names appear in the yearbook) |
Acquaviva, Marie Acquaviva, Michael Adams, Hazel F. Agnew, Josephine Albert, Eleanor Albert, Isador Albert, Ruth Z. Allen, Margaret R. Aller, Charles Edward Amisson, Joseph Antheil, Robert E. Antucshko, Victor Applebaum, Betty Appleton, Robert A. Armington, Frances Armstrong, Albert J. Aroniss, Morris Arthur, John Audesirk, Emma M. Axelrod, Mollie Bahr, Simon A. Bainbridge, Mary Baker, Edward Baker, Grace Baker, Henry D. Barber, Thomas Basford, Ronald Battye, Alice Bauman, Albert Bennett, Helen Berkowitz, Estelle Berman, Benjamin Berrisford, Olive Biddulph, Catherine Charles, Blackford Blair, E. Dorothy Blume, Isadore Bohn, Joseph Bond, Carroll Borden, Charles Borrella, Dominic Brewer, Edna Brian, Emily Brindle, Kingsley Brink, Russell Brittain, Donald Brown, W. Charles Browne, Ralph Bruch, Edward Buckley, Helen Buffin, Sara Burgess, Jessie Burkhardt, Louisa Burroughs, Belting Burroughs, Reginald Butterfoss, Alice Byer, Dorothy Cahill, Thomas Carman, Charles Carnagy, Elizabeth G. Carson, Elsie Crew, Dorothy Christian, Clarence Ciruzzi, Josephine Clark, Linton Clarke, Bernard Clemens, Harriet D. Cochran, Walter Cohen, George Cohen, Morris Coleman, Ambrose W. Comfort, Hazel Comisky, John Conover, Doris Cook, A. Beatrice Cook, Willard H. Cooper, Thelma Copper, Horace N. Coughlin, Elizabeth Covert, C. Elizabeth Cox, Holcome Cubberley, Frances Cutter, Marian Jean D’Arcy, Don Davis, Victoria Davis, Terrell Dean, Guy De Groat, Chesney Denemark, Sarah E. Deutchman, Jacob Dickey, Robert S, Dilatush, Luther Dimmers, Barbara Donohue, Maurice Downs, S. Alvah Dudzinski, Helen V. Duke, Howard Dumont, Anna Bell Dunham, Edwin A. Duryea, Alice Dwier, Evelyn Eades, Theresia Elder, Catherine Elias, Carrie Elias, Eleanor Engler, Wilhelmina F. Epstein, Minnie R. Faggella, Anna Farkas, Joseph Fell, Campbell Fell, Elmer Ferrara, Santina Ferry, Francis Finkle, Louis I. Fleron, Harriett M. J. Fluck, David Fluhr, Ruth Frazee, Alice J. Freedman, Joseph Fulkert, Eleanor Marie Gaiser, Walter Galloway, Isabella Garner, Fred Gervasoni, Emily Gil, Marjory Gill, Vanda E. Glover, Margaret Goehrig, Francis W. Goldenberg, Joseph Goodstein, Julian B. Gordon, Sara Gould, George Grafton, Herbert S. Grant, Walter Green, Bernard Greenberg, Rose G. Green, Rhoda Grey, John B. Gropp, Charles Gross, Mae N. Gudebski, Henry Gulden, Emilie Kaplan, Mart Kaplan, Vivienne A. Hackenberger, Marian Hagerty, Mary W. Hammond, Dorothy Hammond, Alvin Hancock, Charles L. Hankin, Alfred Hannes, Mary Hansen, Earl [Photo Missing] Harman, William Harris, Janet Harrison, Elinor Hartman, Lois Haupt, Gustave A. Haverstick, John S. Hayes, Lois Herrmann, Merrick Hill, Dorothy Holcomb, Florence Hornyak, Joseph Howard, George C. Hughes, Beatrice Huhn, Ada Hulse, Grace Hulse, Dorothy Hulse, Marian Hunter, Marie Lois Hutchinson, Alfred Isaacs, Jeanette Jaffe, Morris Jefferson, Harold Jenkins, Kate A. Jenkins, Marian Johnson, Fanny Johnston, James Jones, Eleanor Jones, Stephen Kaplan, Dorothy Kaplan, Mary Kaplan, Vivienne A. Kater, Bessie W. Keen, Anne Kehr, Marian Kemble, Helen Kerlin, Eleanor Kern, Alice G. Kessler, Ella Ketanes, Elmer R. King, Martha Kipperman, Lewis Klempner, Harry Klempner, Lester Klink, Evelyn Knapp, Edwin Knighten, Ethelyn Koch, Elizabeth Koslow, Maurice Kovacs, Susan Krebs, George N. Kriesche, Joseph F. Kuehner, Louise Kuehner, Norman L. Kunca, Frank F. Lane, Frank Lane, Lawrence E. Lapin, Samuel B. Larve, Irene Lavine, Edward Lavine, Leah Lavine, Samuel Lawshe, Alma Lawton, Helen Leake, Clifford Leckman, Bernice Lee, Anna Lehnert, Irma K. Leigh, Sarah Leip, Edgar E. Letusca, Hazel Levy, Florence Liehl, W. Albert Lipschutz, Frances Lisook, Michael Litowitz, Jessie Litowitz, L. Jules Long, Elizabeth Lord, James Mack, George Magowan, William Mahaney, Walter Manners, Lillian Masson, George Mathar, Enoch M. Mathews, Robert McCallie, C. Katherine McCormack, Ann McCoy, George L. McDevitt, Vera McDonough, Roger McNally, James McQuillen, Mae Meano, Joseph R. Metz, Edmund N. Meyers, Elizabeth Micklewright, William H. Middaugh, Charles Milbach, Yetta Mitchell, Marie Moore, Parthenia Morgan, Warren J. Morris, John H. Mottola, Elsie Mountford, Ruth Movsovich, Solomon Mura, M. Mildred Nagy, Margaret E. Nason, Leslie Newman, Beatrice Nussey, Sam Ofeldt, Eleanor G. O’Neill, James M. O’Neill, Joseph Orlowek, Helen Osborne, Arlene A. Paller, Helen Pally, Nathan Panaro, Eva A. Panaro, Vincent Papp, Gilbert Parker, Charles Parker, Esther V. Parker, Marjorie Parker, Molly Parker, Sadie Parkerson, Amy Patterson, John M. Pearl, Ada Pearl, Cornell Pennington, Robert J. Pernazza, Ray Petrino, Angelina Pierson, Anna Mae Pietrus, Catherine Mary Pinkus, Benjamin Porter, Adeline Powis, Sarah E. Pricolo, Anna Probasco, Anna Pullen, Bessie C. Rabatie, Lucy D. Rabinowitz, Morris Rader, Fred. S. Radoczy, Emma Rambo, Elizabeth Rappoport, Daniel Rednor, Daniel Reed, Bernice Reed, Dorothy Reed, Eleanor W. Reeger, Gladys E. Reikosky, Robert Reinis, Jane Riegel, Mildred L. Rifkin, Samuel Rita, James J. Rively, Edna May Robbins, Evelyn Robinson, Karl Rogers, Ruth Romeo, Samuel Rosenblatt, Sidney Rosenthal, Jack Rosenthal, Austin Maurice Ross, Barlow Doris Roum, Dora Ruben, Rose R. Ruopp, Carl Salamandra, Anthony Salamandra, Laura Salter, Bertha Sampson, Dorothy Sanford, Lloyd Scarlata, Joseph Schantz, Beatrice Schindewolf, Edgar M. Schlegel, John Schmidt, Frank Schmidt, Virginia A. Schnell, Frank W. Schnue, Harriet Schubert, Yard Schulze, Francis Schumacher, George Schwartz, Marjorie Seaman, Frank E. Shapiro, E. Leon Sharpe, Catherine Shill, Dorothy Sholin, Gilbert Siegle, James Simon, Alex Simon, Frances M. Simon, Sylvia Skillman, Tilghman H. Skokos, Cecelia Skunda, Stephanie Smith, Ellsworth Smith, Helen Smith, Philip Smith, F. Willis Sokolow, Carl Stackhouse, Herbert Stadler, Robert Staples, Marcus M. Steen, Raymond Steward, John Stoehr, Florence Stone, Martha Stout, Alice Stout, Bertha Stricker, Emily A. Stults, Oliver Suttees, Mary Sutnick, Theodore Sutterlin, Florence Swain, Doris Taylor, Gabriel Terry, Eunice Tittemer, Minerva Tharp, William Thomas, Willard Thorn, Arthur A. Titus, Richard Traub, Anna E. Travers, Dorothy Trembath, James Trumpore, Earl H. Urken, Esther Urken, Katherine VanDuyn, Abram Van Hise, Beatrice Van Hise, Kenneth Van Horn, Harold L. Van Note, Vivian Viskocka, Helen Sweet, Dorothy Sykes, Margaret Vliet, Katherine Volk, Sue Wald, Donald Walker, Estrella Walter, Isabella Wainford, J. Philip Walters, Harold Weasner, Frances Weeks, Alma Weinberg, Sadie Weinroth, Jacob Weisberg, Miriam Wenzloff, Ida K. Weston, Elizabeth Wharton, Clare White, Vivien Wiedbrecht, Dorothy Williams, Ruth Williamson, Evelyn Wolff, Herbert Wombwell, Mabel Woolf, Florence Workman, Edythe M. Wright, W. Alan Young, Dorothy E. Young, Margaret Zabinsky, Dave Zak, Edward Zakrzewski, Frances Zanca, Louis Natale Zapp, Austin Zieffutie, Sarah Ziesel, Elizabeth Zimmerman, George B. Zorn, Morton Baxter, Stanley (No Photo) Beisswanger, Russell (No Photo) Bole, Robert (No Photo) Buchanan, George (No Photo) Burns, Edith (No Photo) Cubberley, Victor (No Photo) Cywinski, Edward (No Photo) Davis, William (No Photo) Day, Idamay (No Photo) Frost, John (No Photo) Gold, Maurice (No Photo) Gordon, Harold (No Photo) Grier, Samuel A. (No Photo) Hassell, Garfield (No Photo) Hibbert, Joseph (No Photo) Hughes, Harold (No Photo) James, Olivia (No Photo) Latusky, Hazel (No Photo) Lautner, Louis (No Photo) Lavinson, Abraham (No Photo) Lipsky, Jules (No Photo) Lutes, Richard (No Photo) MacDonough, William (No Photo) Marion, Violet (No Photo) Metz, Francis (No Photo) Meylich, Alice (No Photo) Morrison, William N. (No Photo) Nemesh, John (No Photo) Nicoloi, Claire (No Photo) Rafferty, Emma (No Photo) Roitman, Anna (No Photo) Salt, Alma (No Photo) Salt, Dorothy (No Photo) Salway, Joseph (No Photo) Sellnow, Raymond (No Photo) Shear, Lawrence (No Photo) Sommerfels, Dorothy (No Photo) Stawinski, Edward (No Photo) Stewart, Cora (No Photo) Stillano, Steven (No Photo) Sullivan, Edward (No Photo) Swartz, Marjorie (No Photo) Walklet, Donald (No Photo) West, Howard M. (No Photo) Zielinski, Beatrice (No Photo) |
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