1926 Bobashela There were 410 members of the 1926 Graduating Class of Trenton Central High School. (This listing is not strictly alphabetical, but in the order the names appear in the yearbook) |
Abrams, Sadie E. Adelman, Rose L. Adrian, Helen V. Albino, Lucy Acolia, John Allen, Edmund T. Allen, Jane W. Anderson, Marion Aroniss, Samuel Aronson, William L. Ash, Hilda W. Axelrod, Aaron J. Altemus, Sterling A. Ballard, Earl B. Barber, Elda M. Barber, Florence A. Barr, Ruth S. Bayer, Anna M. Benson, Verna Berkowitz, Julia Blair, John R. Braithwaite, Emily E. Bryan, Mildred M. Braune, Marjorie L. Brieger, John A. Brody, Lillian Brown, Frank K. Brown, Muriel T. Brown, J. Thomas Bruere, Richard W. Bruno, Ellen F. Barrett, Elizabeth Barrow, Alice Bartlett, Joseph H. Bash, Bertha R. Bash, Joseph S. Battye, Florence M. Beatty, Dorothy M. Beihl, Dorothy H. Benson, Albert H. Berkowitz, Freda Berkowitz, Max Boruta, Joseph S. Bradbury, Esther E. Bradbury, W. Harry Callahan, Helen P. Cartlidge, Walter M. Caswell, Kathryn Carter, Helen M. Cebula, Florence C. Clary, Mary J. Closson, William C. Clunan, Mary D. Cohen, Harry M. Cole, Anne M. Cooper, Ruth G. Corse, Ethel R. Crawford, F. Alex Crea, Anthony M. Crozer, Elizabeth Crush, Teresa F. Chamberlain, Louise I. Champion, Marie Cohen, Goldye G. Cohen, Katherine B. Cox, Margaret A. Cywinski, Walter M. Dancer, Alice N. D’Angelo, Mary Davis, L. Dorothy Deitz, Joseph R. Devlin, Ann M. Dorsett, Edwards A. Drake, Emily Davis, May E. Davis, Mildred E. Doranz, Adele W. Downes, Helen M. Elder, Catherine C. Engle, Ethel M. Episcopo, Mildred D. Errico, Margaret G. Fallow, H. Arthur jr. Fausel, Frances M. Fesse, Marian G. Farr, Elsie M. Fell, Winona Finkle, Lillian E. French, Edwin Fretz, Dorothy I. Fell, Marjorie H. Fessler, Mildred E. Fiorello, Joseph R. Fisher, Bertha M. Fisher, Mildred M. Fletcher, Alice S. Fowler, Betty G. Frank, Byron G. Friedman, Alfred E. Friedman, Sylvia Gardner, Dorothy A. Garrison, Edith G. Gervasoni, Joseph R. Giallela, Frank R. Goldman, Leo L. Gordon, Anna Graff, John H. Gravatt, Casper Green, Edith B. Groobman, Manuel Guenther, Herbert G. Guthrie, Lucille T. Gordon, Marjorie Gordon, Martin M. Hartshorn, Leigh P. Heal, Ruth T. Haas, Myrtle E. Haines, Royce V. Haldeman, Russel R. Hankins, Helen Hannes, Margaret A. Hartz, Edna E. Hatrak, John E. Heck, Frank G. Hetz, Alice A. Hill, P. Ralph Hipple, Elizabeth D. Hornuff, Edmund C. Howard, Sara M. Hughes, Minor I. Hutchinson, Minford Hewitt, Gladys E. Hitesman, Mary C. Housel, Audrey L. Hullfish, Marie M. Hunt, Dorothy M. Irons, Pearl Jeffries, Dorothy Johansen, Ruth R. Jones, Gladys M. Jones, Priscilla M. Jaeger, Gladys W. Johnson, Ann E. Joiner, Josephine J. Kaiser, Mildred B. Kaminski, Isabella E. Ketaner, Joseph J. Keuhner, Helen S. Kline, Emily M. Kulp, Robert L. Kasser, Alexander Keegan, Madeline J. Keen, Agnes W. Kelly, Emily R. Kelly, Leo J. Kise, Charles R. Kleinerman, Isaac L. Klenk, Dorothy R. Kramer, Max Kushner, Bernard B. Laning, Eleanor Lavine, Samuel Lawrance, Raymond R. Leigh, Malcolm G. Leighton, Leonard J. Lesslie, Grace Leventhal, Samuel C. Levin, Morris L. Levy, Irvin Ludlow, Norton Labate, Albert Layman, Carl E. Lee, Ella L. Lewis, Alice M. Lippincott, Gertrude E. Longstreet, Florence R. Macdonald, Geraldine E. McManus, Minnie H. Mehok, Harry Monaghen, Katherine B. Moore, Edith L. Morgan, Virginia C. Morrell, Grace J. Morrison, William N. Moskovitz, Mae Munro, Charlotte E. Murphy, Mary Ellen Mackey, J. Arthur Macniff, Maurice C. Madden, Grace E. Margerum, Jonas B. Martin, Ada Maslowski, Wanda H. McEwan, James A. Matlack, M. Rodger McCreavey, Mary E. Meagher, Virginia R. Metzger, Karl F. Morgan, Harry E. Morrison, F. Parker Mott, Evelyn R. Murranka, Gussie M. Nabinger, Anna E. Naylor, H. Roger jr. Norton, Helen F. Newell, Elizabeth K. Nicolai, Helene L. Norbeck, Margaret A. Oakley, Ruth E. O’Hara, Anna E. Ogden, Ceville Oldham, Muriel C. Osowitz, Baldwin M. Owen, Thomas J. Paetzell, Ethel E. Pettit, Alice T. Phillips, Agnes M. Papier, Marjorie B. Parker, Frank B. Patterson, John H. D. Pearson, Elizabeth C. Petty, Mildred E. Pinerman, Robert B. Pinto, Catherine M. Popkin, Bernard Primmer, Welling G. Peitzman, Ralph M. Raab, John W. Randall, Elsie H. Randall, Samuel M. Reading, Ruth R. Reed, Donald A. Reynolds, Esther M. Reidel, Katherine Ries, Wilma E. Ripberger, Anna P. Remmele, Edna M. Rensen, Virginia M. Rogers, Marion E. Ronca, Viola B. Reprowski, Catherine M. Rothstein, Louis Robinson, James Robinson, Avner Rogers, Arthur W. Rogowski, Lillian A. Rooney, Beatrice C. Ross, Dorothy A. Royle, Edna E. Ruff, Dorothy M. Saaz, Harvey H. Saxton, Gertrude A. Schaller, Norman E. Schubert, Lenka L. Schulze, Louis G. Schwartz, Mary A. Schweder, Dorothy M. Seaman, Ralph H. Sherman, Robert L. Sholin, Harry N. Siegle, Sydney B. Silverglade, Alex X. Simon, Solomon Skean, Samuel A. Sloshberg, Sidney Smith, Dorothy M. Smith, Howard C. Salmons, Marjorie A. Sprague, Roland K. Stackhouse, Helen G. Schuck, Jean L. Schwab, Ruth M. Scott, Dorothy E. Shaw, Phyllis M. Sisto, Elizabeth E. Skirm, Harriet M. Smith, Adells Snow, Dorothy G. Snow, Gladys G. Sommerfeld, Marie A. Stabile, John Stelle, Amy C. Stout, Dorothy R. Stout, Florence Stevenson, Ruth M. Sunderland, Charles B. Sweeney, Edward B. Slane, Francis Szucs, Emma V. Tindall, Mildred D. Toft, Johanna Thiel, Madeline V. Thompson, Loren B. Tomlinson, Alan S. Tooth, George J. Toth, Joseph C. Tomlinson, Kenneth Urban, Joseph T. Urbaniak, Henry S. Verdier, Edna M. Vliet, Margaret E. Voorhees, Betty H. Van Dyke, Harold S. Van Horn, Elizabeth M. Wald, Mildred M. Waldt, Lydia B. Walker, Crothers E. Walsh, Robert P. Walters, Sydney D. Weber, Ruth N. Weir, Robert J. White, Margaret E. Wieger, Bertha M. Winkler, Albert F. Winowicz, Helen T. Wiragh, Julia C. Wishart, Lucy E. Washington, Hannah Winder, Elsie V. Wolfer, Mollie E. Wooton, Eunice F. Wittenborn, William F. J. Wright, Joseph M. Washington, William Young, Alice M. Young, Mildred M. Yuschak, Helen E. Zakrzewski, Marie Zabinsky, Leah Zehner, Pearl G. Abraham, Joseph (No Photo) Braithwaite, Alma E. (No Photo) Butterer, Rosina A. (No Photo) Brown, Katherine S. (No Photo) Burkhardt, Marie K. (No Photo) Ballinger, Alvin (No Photo) Bauman, Edward J. (No Photo) Bowers, Lloyd S. (No Photo) Boynton, Paul M. (No Photo) Bozarth, Edward R. (No Photo) Carnochan, Gertrude H. (No Photo) Cahill, Gerald H. (No Photo) Campbell, Bernard A. (No Photo) Comfort, Thelma A. (No Photo) Conner, W. Scott (No Photo) Cook, Horace D. (No Photo) Coombe, Edward F. (No Photo) Cooper, Ethyle M. (No Photo) Czarnecki, John A. (No Photo) Deatherage, C. Marvin (No Photo) Durling, Warren B. (No Photo) Day, Ida May (No Photo) Eleuteri, Michael J. (No Photo) Engel, Edwin (No Photo) Evans, Jesse B. (No Photo) Fabian, Edward S. (No Photo) Foster, Fred (No Photo) Gillum, Theodore W. (No Photo) Gravis, Marie V. (No Photo) Green, Windom (No Photo) Gulick, Elizabeth L. (No Photo) Gerzasio, Cecilia L. (No Photo) Guest, Hazel (No Photo) Hall, Minerva A. (No Photo) Hill, Margaret E. (No Photo) Hillmeyer, Charles (No Photo) Hippe, Archie J. (No Photo) Hendrickson, Grace L. (No Photo) Johnson, James jr. (No Photo) Jenkins, Alice G. (No Photo) Koppleman, Irving J. (No Photo) Kirby, Earl C. (No Photo) Leimer, Kenneth (No Photo) Logan, Laura D. L. (No Photo) Muccioli, Michael A. (No Photo) Mooney, Dorothy E. (No Photo) Mountford, Chloe H. (No Photo) Nalbone, Carl J. (No Photo) Nixon, Louise (No Photo) O’Hara, Edward C. (No Photo) Pinto, Peter J. (No Photo) Petrino, Frank J. (No Photo) Radice, Girard J. (No Photo) Ragolia, Joseph (No Photo) Ricatto, Vincent (No Photo) Reed, Roland (No Photo) Robinson, Richard R. (No Photo) Salmon, Gordon (No Photo) Shourds, Merrill E. (No Photo) Simcoe, Ruth W. (No Photo) Smith, Clufford B. (No Photo) Spair, Thomas J. (No Photo) Stadnick, Michael A. (No Photo) Schnoch, Bernice B (No Photo) Scott, Anna (No Photo) Slack, Clarence (No Photo) Smith, Elmer Robert (No Photo) Stockton, Richard F. (No Photo) Suto, Stephen J. (No Photo) Szubrowski, Joseph J. (No Photo) Szubrowski, Stanley (No Photo) Van Horn, John C. (No Photo) Watson, Frances (No Photo) Warren, Harry E. (No Photo) Wismer, Lloyd E. (No Photo) Vossler, Elsie E. (No Photo) Wedo, Louise E. (No Photo) Wismer, Wilson G. (No Photo) Wood, Joseph E. (No Photo) Velenesics, Frank (No Photo) |
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