Trenton Historical Society
1975 Obituary Index (October - December)
This index was compiled from the obituary listings of the Trenton Times, unless
the Notes column contains STA which indicates the obituary is from the
Sunday Times Advertiser which until 1976 is microfilmed separately.
Aaronson Eva T. 11/10/1975
Aborn John R. STA 11/23/1975
Aborn John R. 11/24/1975
Adams Carl F., Jr. 10/29/1975
Adams Harry N. 10/29/1975
Adelmann Louis F. 12/2/1975
Adger Della E. STA 10/5/1975
Adlerman Jerome S. 10/2/1975
Agins Wilbur 11/17/1975
Aikins George L., Jr. 12/26/1975
Alce Bernice 11/1/1975
Alce Bernice M. STA 11/2/1975
Alig Daniel Pritchard 10/20/1975
Allen Eva  10/29/1975
Allen John Sr. 11/3/1975
Allen Mary "Mae" 12/29/1975
Allen  Charles P., Sr. 11/3/1975
Allinson Thomas H. 10/8/1975
Alston James 10/1/1975
Amerman David W. 12/8/1975
Amico Rosario 12/24/1975
Anderson Harry G. 11/5/1975
Anderson Trudis 10/29/1975
Anderson Wilmer R. 11/10/1975
Anderson   Sen. Clinton P. 11/12/1975
Andes Leonard 12/4/1975
Andreas Ruth 10/9/1975
Andrews Charles 10/25/1975
Angeli Catrina 11/25/1975
Annicchiarico Rose 12/26/1975
Applebaum Morris STA 11/16/1975
Appleby Claude Jr. 11/28/1975
Applegate  Clarence R. 11/4/1975
Argenti Margaret 10/3/1975
Arnold Dorothea B. 12/5/1975
Arrison Stella 10/31/1975
Arrowsmith Clark 10/29/1975
Austin Edward STA 12/7/1975
Austin John 11/3/1975
Avanzato John 12/16/1975
Backus Rev. Odell 12/3/1975
Bailey Elizabeth 11/20/1975
Baker Florence 12/8/1975
Bakes Ned C. 12/4/1975
Balik Stephen 11/27/1975
Ball Thelma  STA 10/19/1975
Barnes Julian STA 12/28/1975
Bartolino Angelo 10/23/1975
Barwick Wilhelmina 11/6/1975
Basczewski Joseph 12/29/1975
Bash Sylvia 12/15/1975
Bash Sylvia Taub STA 12/14/1975
Bassler Edith 12/8/1975
Batcha  Theodore "Infant" 10/31/1975
Baxter Pruett 12/4/1975
Beffa Harvey A. 10/21/1975
Bell Annie 11/21/1975
Benck Myrtle 12/18/1975
Benham Anne M. 11/29/1975
Bennett Richard 12/23/1975
Bennett Richard E. 12/22/1975
Benson John L. 12/30/1975
Berkowitz Elizabeth  11/5/1975
Berrell Elizabeth STA 12/28/1975
Bertin Jeannette 12/22/1975
Bethea Liza 12/26/1975
Bielamowicz Hattie C. STA 12/14/1975
Bird Ivan 11/21/1975
Birkland Doris M. STA 10/5/1975
Birkland Olga 11/7/1975
Bittner Margaret M. 10/13/1975
Black   Lewis W. 11/20/1975
Blackwell Harold W. 11/10/1975
Blaustein Margaret 11/26/1975
Blinn Benjamin 10/1/1975
Bloomer Col. Joseph [USAF] 10/3/1975
Boggs Robert  F. 10/23/1975
Boggs Robert F. STA 10/26/1975
Boland Margaret 11/28/1975
Booth K. Arne 11/6/1975
Borko Wence  10/20/1975
Borosh Anthony 11/25/1975
Borosko James F. STA 10/5/1975
Bortell Ruth 11/5/1975
Bosley Clarence E. 12/24/1975
Boss Louis W. 11/19/1975
Bossert Elizabeth  11/10/1975
Boyd Bertha 11/5/1975
Boyer Virginia S. 11/21/1975
Boyle Edward J. 10/14/1975
Bozarth George 10/24/1975
Bozarth Raymond 12/23/1975
Braasch Grace 12/24/1975
Brann Irene L. 12/23/1975
Branzelli Elio 12/8/1975
Brauer Glen 12/31/1975
Brazina Mary T. 10/17/1975
Brearley Florence P. 11/11/1975
Brietenstine Allison 11/19/1975
Brinson Susie 12/31/1975
Britton Samuel STA 12/7/1975
Brock Anna S. 11/20/1975
Brody Dr. Daniel 10/1/1975
Broeda Julia 12/18/1975
Bromberg Edgar 12/26/1975
Brookhouser Frank    11/4/1975
Brooks Isabel   11/24/1975
Brown Michael 12/29/1975
Brown Winfield 12/16/1975
Bruda Isabella 11/18/1975
Bruno Nicholas J. 11/5/1975
Bryant Sidney STA 11/16/1975
Buckley Kathleen (Sister M. Magdala) 11/12/1975
Bullard Kevin James 10/25/1975
Bundy Andrew L. 12/13/1975
Bundy May Sutton 10/7/1975
Bunkin Sylvia M. STA 12/28/1975
Burchard John Ely STA 12/28/1975
Burchell Steward 11/6/1975
Burnett Charles L. STA 12/21/1975
Burns Ethel Mae 11/5/1975
Burrell Sarah  11/12/1975
Burtis Rebecca 10/29/1975
Buser Joseph A., Sr. 10/15/1975
Bush Blanche 10/3/1975
Butler Retta M. 12/17/1975
Calvon Henry 10/8/1975
Camarana Nancy 11/7/1975
Campbell Thomas A. 11/12/1975
Canter Albert M. STA 11/30/1975
Cantwell Ann M. 10/6/1975
Cappiello Joseph 11/7/1975
Capriani Olga 11/4/1975
Carballal Jose M. 11/13/1975
Carlen James R. STA 11/16/1975
Carmon George C. STA 11/30/1975
Carpenter Herman F. STA 11/16/1975
Carpentier George 10/28/1975
Carrier Ronald L., Jr. 11/24/1975
Carroll Frank Jr. STA 12/14/1975
Carroll Margaret C. STA 11/30/1975
Caruso Antonio 12/5/1975
Caruthers Jimmy  10/28/1975
Carver Janet STA 10/12/1975
Cary R. Jane 12/31/1975
Case Elizabeth Browning STA 10/19/1975
Case Katrina 12/27/1975
Case Russell S. STA 11/23/1975
Cashel William A. 12/4/1975
Cashel William A. 12/5/1975
Cavatta Charles  10/27/1975
Chamberlain Dr. Richard H. STA 12/7/1975
Chapman Mary A. 11/7/1975
Chartman Malissia 11/27/1975
Charydczak Mary 12/24/1975
Chauncey Lucy 11/11/1975
Chernak Katarina  11/13/1975
Chiaradia Theresa 10/21/1975
Chiarmonti Ottavia 11/26/1975
Childs James, Michael, & Kenneth 10/4/1975
Chmiel Sophie 10/8/1975
Chmielewski Leonard STA 12/28/1975
Cifor John J. 10/30/1975
Clancy Julia T. 10/13/1975
Clark Bernard 10/14/1975
Clauer Charles J. 10/24/1975
Clinch James S. STA 10/5/1975
Cochran Melvin 12/25/1975
Cohen Evelyn G. STA 12/21/1975
Cohen Irving 12/18/1975
Cohen Sidney 12/31/1975
Cole Ivah 10/8/1975
Colletti Joseph  11/24/1975
Collins I. J. [Aged 100] 10/23/1975
Collins Jane F. 12/9/1975
Colson Catherine 11/5/1975
Conallyd Judge Ben C. 12/3/1975
Conover Raymond W., Jr. 10/24/1975
Conway Francis 11/18/1975
Cook Alice   12/12/1975
Cook Edith B. 10/8/1975
Cook Michelle Marie "Infant" STA 11/16/1975
Cook Vincent F. 11/24/1975
Cooper Dora 11/4/1975
Cooper Estella 12/26/1975
Cooper Estella Ensley STA 12/28/1975
Cooper Michael L. [Corporal USMC] 10/17/1975
Corbett William F. 11/7/1975
Corbishley Charles STA 11/9/1975
Corey Benjamin G. STA 11/16/1975
Corkran Patricia   STA 12/28/1975
Cosgrove Matthew R. 10/11/1975
Costigan Esther 12/31/1975
Court A. Bertha 11/7/1975
Courtney William H. 12/5/1975
Coutant Alicia L. STA 11/16/1975
Covitch Michael STA 10/5/1975
Cox Ebert 12/17/1975
Cramer Ann 11/3/1975
Crawford Marie STA 12/28/1975
Cresse Elizabeth STA 12/14/1975
Cristoforo Antonio 12/22/1975
Cronin Ian  11/11/1975
Crosby Wade STA 10/5/1975
Cruciani Domenick STA 11/30/1975
Csanyi Elizabeth  11/10/1975
Cubberly Amiz 12/9/1975
Cumiskey Anna E. 11/13/1975
Cunningham Jane 11/3/1975
Curry Albert B. 12/1/1975
Czajkowski Stanley STA 11/16/1975
Czyz Stephen 11/6/1975
Dahl Maryjane STA 11/23/1975
Dall'ava Gil L. 11/11/1975
Danner Louise G. 12/18/1975
Dansbury Stella M. 11/13/1975
Datzek Katherine  12/30/1975
Daugherty Carl J. 10/27/1975
Davala Mary 10/22/1975
Davidson Lester, Sr. 11/11/1975
Davis Harry R. 10/7/1975
Davis Russell 11/10/1975
Davison R.S. 12/3/1975
Davison Susie 12/11/1975
Day Floyd 12/26/1975
De Asgo Joseph  12/24/1975
De Marco Louise G. 12/24/1975
Debnarik William L. 10/24/1975
Decker Augustus 12/27/1975
Denes Nick STA 11/30/1975
DeNight George 10/27/1975
DePolis Joseph A. 10/7/1975
Derry Ella STA 12/28/1975
Derry Ella 12/29/1975
Dertouzos Mike 11/7/1975
Dertouzos Mike STA 11/9/1975
DeVito Roy   12/9/1975
Diamond Constantine M. STA 12/21/1975
Dickinson James 11/10/1975
Diederich John 12/19/1975
Dietz Barbara 10/29/1975
DiGiuseppe Viola STA 10/26/1975
Dignazio John, Sr. 11/3/1975
DiLetto Frank A. 10/21/1975
Dilk Anna R. 12/10/1975
Dilorio Rose 10/30/1975
DiMaria Albert 12/10/1975
DiSylvester Gabriel 12/25/1975
Dixie Wolstan 12/29/1975
Dixon Ora Mae STA 10/5/1975
Domanski Anna 10/27/1975
Donnelly Marguerite 12/1/1975
Dorgan Monica L. STA 10/26/1975
Dorigan Naomi P. STA 12/28/1975
Dougherty Agnes S. 12/26/1975
Dougherty John 10/27/1975
Dragos Paul P. 10/21/1975
Drake Helen 10/30/1975
Drake Jane T STA 11/2/1975
Drake Richard E.  11/18/1975
Dubow Thomas STA 10/12/1975
Duffy Francis 10/15/1975
Duncan Della 11/26/1975
Dunlop Chester N. 12/6/1975
Dunn Frank  C. STA 11/16/1975
Dusinbury Lois STA 12/14/1975
Dutkiewicz Kajetan 11/18/1975
Dutko Anna 10/29/1975
Edge Alan F. 11/3/1975
Edinger Thomas R. 11/3/1975
Edwards Morton 10/9/1975
Edwards Ralph 10/2/1975
Eggleston Albert 11/18/1975
Egtvedt Claire L. 10/21/1975
Eisenhut Margaret T. STA 10/19/1975
Eldracher Cari J. 12/24/1975
Emmons William 12/15/1975
Engerman Joseph L. 11/20/1975
Engler Vicki M. 11/26/1975
Ennis Harry T. 10/15/1975
Entwistle Wilfred H. 11/13/1975
Erbe Mary K. 11/27/1975
Erkoboni Augusta 10/20/1975
Errickson Ellis C. 10/21/1975
Errickson Ellis C. 10/21/1975
Errickson Orval 11/18/1975
Esteban Francis 11/22/1975
Evans David, Jr. 10/16/1975
Evans James, Sr. 11/26/1975
Evans Rev. Daniel 10/7/1975
Everitt Esther L. 11/13/1975
Evertee E. Edward 12/9/1975
Fackenthall Caroline 12/13/1975
Fagans Elizabeth H. 12/11/1975
Fair Wayne A. 10/23/1975
Farkas Stephen, Sr. 12/17/1975
Farrauto Carmen S. 12/12/1975
Farrell Kerby 12/18/1975
Farrow Mildred V. STA 11/30/1975
Farrugio Maria 12/15/1975
Fasulka Andrew STA 12/7/1975
Fasulka Andrew 12/8/1975
Feehan Alice STA 12/14/1975
Ferrara James STA 10/12/1975
Ferri Noino 12/22/1975
Ferry Genevieve V. Bradbury 10/6/1975
Fierabend Frederick STA 10/12/1975
Fiess Bessie 12/27/1975
Filipponi Robert P. 11/6/1975
Finke Karl H. 12/13/1975
Firman John L. 10/8/1975
Fisher Frank K. 12/10/1975
Fishman Samuel 10/13/1975
Fite Florence Odell STA 12/14/1975
Fitzpatrick Joseph 10/31/1975
Fletcher Edward, Sr. 11/11/1975
Flintzer William E. 11/25/1975
Flock Ella B. 11/6/1975
Flores Jose STA 10/5/1975
Flynn James J. 11/24/1975
Foose Florence STA 11/30/1975
Foose Florence 12/1/1975
Ford Albert B., Sr. 12/22/1975
Foster William 11/24/1975
Foster William H. 10/21/1975
Foulks Emma  12/9/1975
Foultz Albert STA 12/28/1975
Fowler Rosana Bond 11/25/1975
Fowler Roxanna 11/24/1975
Fowler William C. 12/16/1975
Fox Nellie 12/2/1975
Fox Nellie  12/3/1975
Frank   Josephine 10/21/1975
Frankenberg Herbert 10/13/1975
Franklin Rose B. STA 10/26/1975
Frazier Willie H. 12/1/1975
Frey Irene 10/20/1975
Fries John W. 12/11/1975
Fritsch Paul G. 11/7/1975
Frohling Dorothea 10/31/1975
Fucci Ernest O. 11/25/1975
Fuller Jerry 11/10/1975
Fuller June I. 10/24/1975
Furhmann Elizabeth  11/12/1975
Furman Dennis 11/13/1975
Gadzia Edwin L. 10/13/1975
Gahrsen Mildred 12/17/1975
Gallimard Gaston STA 12/28/1975
Gallo Mary R. 12/19/1975
Garemore Fannie 10/7/1975
Garman Frank C. 10/14/1975
Gary Luella 10/15/1975
Gatlin Frank S. STA 12/7/1975
Geiger Catherine 11/7/1975
Geonvesi Samuel 10/3/1975
Gervasio Carmen 12/8/1975
Ghent Julia L. 10/17/1975
Giambrone John, Sr. 10/30/1975
Gibbons Euell 12/30/1975
Giblin John J. STA 12/21/1975
Gibson Jane 10/9/1975
Gilbert  Charles R. 11/19/1975
Ginter Rev. John H. 12/22/1975
Giocondo Anastasia 11/20/1975
Glen Ruth D. 10/28/1975
Glennon Cecilia 11/24/1975
Gnida John L. 10/24/1975
Godley Mary L. STA 10/5/1975
Goebel Rita Ann 11/3/1975
Gola Stanley 10/14/1975
Goldman Dr. Joseph 10/13/1975
Goldman Lillie 10/29/1975
Goldstein Helen A. 12/16/1975
Goldston Samuel E. 10/6/1975
Goldy Helen M. 10/16/1975
Gonczi Julius STA 11/30/1975
Goodwin Ruth F. 10/16/1975
Gordon Mildred K. 12/18/1975
Gorsky Helen 10/16/1975
Gray Russell D. STA 11/30/1975
Gray Victoria E. STA 11/23/1975
Green Randy 12/3/1975
Greenwell Daisy 12/9/1975
Grenschak Stephen 10/17/1975
Grier John W. 10/2/1975
Grier John W. STA 10/5/1975
Griswald Madeline 12/17/1975
Groendyke Norman 11/24/1975
Groendyke Raymond C. 11/3/1975
Groger Walter 12/13/1975
Grover James STA 10/26/1975
Grupp Michael J. 11/10/1975
Guidotti Judith  12/24/1975
Guidotti Judith  12/25/1975
Guinn Ellen G. STA 12/7/1975
Gunnell Sarah 10/3/1975
Gureski Thaddeus STA 11/16/1975
Guy John STA 11/23/1975
Habeeb Walter 12/15/1975
Habeeb Walter O. STA 12/14/1975
Hageman Andrew 12/10/1975
Haliburton Tom STA 10/26/1975
Halko Mary   11/21/1975
Hall Elizabeth J. 12/1/1975
Hall Eugene 11/17/1975
Hall Virginia  Lee 12/8/1975
Halsted Anna R. 12/2/1975
Hamann Barbara 10/9/1975
Hamer Mary D. 12/10/1975
Hamer Mary D. 12/11/1975
Hammons Booker T. 11/6/1975
Hance Benjamin W. 10/23/1975
Hancock Roy A. 12/27/1975
Hand Olive M. 11/13/1975
Hansell Paul STA 11/23/1975
Hanson Nancy STA 12/14/1975
Hare Thomas R. 10/28/1975
Harris Danny STA 11/30/1975
Harris Danny D. 11/28/1975
Hart Curlista 10/3/1975
Hartmann Elizabeth  STA 10/19/1975
Harvey Patricia F. STA 10/19/1975
Haslett Andrew N. STA 10/19/1975
Hawk William Mae 12/3/1975
Hawkins Lewis 12/24/1975
Hayden Dr. E. Parker 10/13/1975
Hayes Richard, Sr. 12/24/1975
Hayes Richard, Sr. 12/25/1975
Healey Edward J., Sr. STA 11/23/1975
Heath Jeff 12/11/1975
Heck Roy J. 12/4/1975
Heffron Vincent, Sr. 11/28/1975
Heim  Walter Robert, Jr. "Infant" 11/20/1975
Heller Rose 10/18/1975
Henderson Dean E. 10/21/1975
Hendrickson Jill Marie STA 12/14/1975
Henry Harry J., Jr. 10/2/1975
Herdman Claude R. 11/25/1975
Herman Esther 10/8/1975
Herrmann Elizabeth J. 12/8/1975
Herzog Vladimir STA 12/21/1975
Heyl Lawrence 10/13/1975
Hickman Ann M.   STA 10/5/1975
Hickman Mary K. 10/7/1975
Higgins Jennie 11/6/1975
Higgins Lynda C. 12/30/1975
Higgins Walter 12/31/1975
Hill Graham 12/1/1975
Hill R. Edward 12/1/1975
Hloucek Selma 10/2/1975
Hobbs Annie STA 10/19/1975
Hoffman Margaret 11/7/1975
Holcomb Anna 10/16/1975
Holcombe Harry A. 10/27/1975
Holgate Frank N., 3rd 12/16/1975
Hollander Matthias STA 10/5/1975
Holran Anna 10/2/1975
Hooper  Fred A. 12/10/1975
Hoper  Fred A. 12/11/1975
Hopkins Thomas W. 11/5/1975
Horner David STA 10/19/1975
Houghton Dr. Dorothy 12/3/1975
Houser Allyce 12/2/1975
Huff Katherine STA 12/7/1975
Huff Laura J. 11/18/1975
Hughes Helen F. 10/8/1975
Hujber Edward J. STA 10/19/1975
Hulick Roscoe W. 12/24/1975
Hulse Catherine STA 11/23/1975
Hunsberger Carrie  11/12/1975
Hunt Helen G. 12/17/1975
Hunter Mary S. 10/27/1975
Huston Marguerite 12/8/1975
Hutchinson Marion L. STA 11/30/1975
Immroth Francis   12/16/1975
Inman Jeannette 10/20/1975
Innes Robert W. STA 12/28/1975
Ivins Anna Gordon STA 10/12/1975
Jackson Al 10/1/1975
Jackson Edna  12/26/1975
Jackson Edna Heil  STA 12/28/1975
Jackson Henry   STA 11/23/1975
Jacoby Clifford STA 12/7/1975
James Amanda STA 12/28/1975
Jantos Anna  11/12/1975
Jefferson Helen  12/10/1975
Jeffery Glenn 10/11/1975
Jensen Joan A. STA 12/7/1975
Jenter Elizabeth 11/17/1975
Jenter Elizabeth  STA 11/16/1975
Jesso Stephen   STA 12/21/1975
Jester Charles J., Jr. 12/22/1975
Johannessen Capt. Ole R. STA 12/21/1975
Johnsen Rev. E. I. 10/27/1975
Johnson Col. Francis 11/25/1975
Johnson Francis W. 11/24/1975
Johnson J. Howell 11/25/1975
Johnson Kate B. 10/27/1975
Johnson Lillian STA 11/16/1975
Johnson Mildred M. STA 11/16/1975
Johnson William F. 11/25/1975
Johnson  William F. STA 11/23/1975
Jones Clifford H. 11/6/1975
Jones Cora G. STA 11/30/1975
Jones Paul STA 11/16/1975
Jordan Alberta 10/6/1975
Juergens Thomas   11/10/1975
Kahn Adele 11/4/1975
Kahn Gilbert 12/16/1975
Kaly Walter J. 10/18/1975
Kaly Walter J., Sr. STA 10/19/1975
Kane Helen 11/6/1975
Kane Josephine   11/24/1975
Karandosovski Andrew J. 11/7/1975
Karandosovski Andrew J. STA 11/9/1975
Kascik Mary A. STA 10/5/1975
Kaszyc Cyprian 11/28/1975
Katz Henry L. 10/15/1975
Kay Barbara 11/14/1975
Kearns Edward, Sr. 12/29/1975
Keen Harold 10/22/1975
Kehoe Elizabeth 10/29/1975
Keim Alice M. 12/11/1975
Kelly Jelen STA 11/16/1975
Kelly John STA 12/28/1975
Kelly Letitia 12/15/1975
Kelly Michael    11/10/1975
Kelly Ruby D. 11/10/1975
Kelsey Mary STA 10/19/1975
Kendall James STA 12/28/1975
Kennedy  Albert F. 10/8/1975
Kenny Nick 12/2/1975
Kensely Bernard 12/1/1975
Kerensky Olga 10/3/1975
Kessler Sadie  10/3/1975
Ketterer Theresa 12/20/1975
Keyes Marguerite 12/1/1975
Kidd Franklin 12/22/1975
Kidd Raymond   12/10/1975
Kieffer Charles  11/10/1975
Kierys John Jacob 11/13/1975
Kikina Frances 11/27/1975
Kilfoyle John B. 12/11/1975
Kinnan Kate STA 10/26/1975
Kinney Kathryn Marie STA 11/9/1975
Kinsley John  M. STA 10/12/1975
Kinzy Ivan 10/13/1975
Kirchen Edward STA 11/9/1975
Kirk Mary Petty STA 12/14/1975
Kirk Ronald 10/4/1975
Kish Andrew L. 12/24/1975
Klein Harry E. 12/9/1975
Klenk F. Victor STA 10/26/1975
Klinghoffer Sol 11/24/1975
Knoll Florence 12/22/1975
Knott Victor L. 12/5/1975
Koledki Benjamin T. 10/3/1975
Koller William F. STA 11/23/1975
Kolzowski Joseph 11/25/1975
Kopasz Elizabeth J. 12/8/1975
Kordowski Anne L. 10/20/1975
Koslo Dave 12/2/1975
Kospreba Rose 12/27/1975
Kostur John H. 12/26/1975
Kotarski Sophie 11/6/1975
Kozak Harry G. STA 11/23/1975
Kozlowski Joseph 11/24/1975
Kramer Martin Lewis 12/24/1975
Kraus  Dr. Sidney 12/24/1975
Kraus  Dr. Sidney R. 12/25/1975
Krider Antonie 12/16/1975
Krisak Vincent 10/11/1975
Kucker William A. STA 11/30/1975
Kuhn Frederick G. 10/16/1975
Kurtz Mary S. 12/18/1975
Lambert Marion 12/27/1975
Lamberton Carlton & Irene 12/4/1975
Lambertson Irene H. 12/3/1975
Lanahan William 10/29/1975
Lancaster E. T.  STA 12/21/1975
Lane Daisy Lee 12/23/1975
Lange Erwin F. 11/4/1975
Lanning Edna M STA 10/26/1975
Lantell John 10/9/1975
Lanzalotti Frank STA 10/19/1975
Larrison Henry N. 11/12/1975
Lassen William 11/26/1975
Latimer Charles 10/13/1975
Latimer Willard, Jr. 11/11/1975
Lavender Nicholas N. 12/10/1975
Lavender Nicholas N. 12/11/1975
Lawrence Bertha 12/6/1975
Lear Evan R. 10/20/1975
Lee Emma H. 12/10/1975
Leedom Frank R. 11/3/1975
Leefer Phillip 12/30/1975
Leefer Srah STA 11/9/1975
Lemanski Ruth 11/11/1975
Leonard Effie 10/28/1975
Lerch George W. STA 11/9/1975
Levendowski Steven STA 12/21/1975
Levinson Irving B. 11/26/1975
Lewis Henry R. 11/7/1975
Lidke Beatrice 12/19/1975
Liers Emil STA 10/19/1975
Lifgren Mary C. 10/20/1975
Lingrell Wm. Oliver STA 10/26/1975
Lockwood George R. 11/28/1975
Logan William S. STA 12/14/1975
Longshore Edward  V. 11/11/1975
Longstreet Elsie M. 10/28/1975
Lovett Fred L. STA 11/30/1975
Lowe George J. 11/10/1975
Lowery Emmett 12/19/1975
Ludwig William J. 12/26/1975
Lundigan William 12/22/1975
Lynn Marguerite 11/13/1975
MacDonald  Mary  STA 12/21/1975
MacFarland Thomas STA 12/28/1975
Macfarlane Robert 11/3/1975
MacKaye Benton STA 12/14/1975
Mackerley Julia G. 11/14/1975
MacPhail Larry 10/2/1975
Maher Joseph T. 11/12/1975
Majoros Mary E. 12/31/1975
Makeu Rene 12/20/1975
Malinowski Agnes S. 12/10/1975
Mallett Charles D., Sr. 10/2/1975
Maloveczky Verna 10/14/1975
Man Alrick, Jr. 11/4/1975
Mansell Anna M. 11/13/1975
Mansue Elizabeth Joy "Infant" 10/24/1975
Manze Frances 10/23/1975
Manzor  George P. STA 10/26/1975
Marchetti Sister Lucy 10/21/1975
Marini Clarice 10/23/1975
Marooney James F. 12/2/1975
Marr Louis B. 11/19/1975
Marriott Michael 12/11/1975
Marrone Steven 10/9/1975
Martens John F. 11/3/1975
Marzluft Clara 10/8/1975
Mason James A. 12/31/1975
Masson Dr. Jones C. 12/9/1975
Masterati Ernesto 12/2/1975
Materniak John B. 10/17/1975
Mathews Elsie M. 10/22/1975
Matucheck George J. 12/31/1975
Mayer Lena 10/14/1975
Mazotas Charles 12/26/1975
Mazzeo Pete 10/3/1975
McAliden Merritt 11/20/1975
McBride Donald M. STA 10/19/1975
McCarron Anna 12/25/1975
McCarthy James W. STA 11/16/1975
McCarthy Jeannette C. STA 11/9/1975
McClure Edith   10/8/1975
McCombs Inez L. 10/17/1975
McCormick Charlton P. 12/4/1975
McCoy Theodore C. 11/26/1975
McCracken Chuck 10/2/1975
McCray Shirley Ann 10/17/1975
McCulloch Charlotte 10/14/1975
McDaniels Rev. John 10/10/1975
McDermott Barbara 11/21/1975
McDowell Soon Hwa 10/30/1975
McFadden Gerard 11/12/1975
McGuigan Dorothy 10/20/1975
McIntyre John 12/9/1975
McKeon William P. 11/11/1975
McLaughlin Dorothy T.L. 11/29/1975
McQuaige Stepen 11/27/1975
McTamney Edward   10/20/1975
Meadows John 10/15/1975
Meddaugh Agnes R. 10/16/1975
Medders Ernest 11/17/1975
Melheisen William 12/17/1975
Menning Katherina 12/8/1975
Menninger Dr. Karl 12/31/1975
Mercandetti Ovid 12/11/1975
Mercantini Janet 10/15/1975
Merritt Delmar & Larry 10/29/1975
Merwin Frederic E. 10/29/1975
Meyer Gen. John C. 12/3/1975
Micanko Steve J 11/21/1975
Michalenko John 12/27/1975
Mickloas Louis B. 10/15/1975
Migliarese Antoinetta STA 10/5/1975
Miles Stanley  W. 10/28/1975
Miller Charles E. 11/27/1975
Miller Irene 11/10/1975
Miller Julius 11/27/1975
Miller Violet B. 12/2/1975
Miller William J. STA 11/2/1975
Mills G. Elizabeth P. STA 11/30/1975
Mitchell James J., Sr. 12/26/1975
Mitchell Lorean 12/1/1975
Moe Henry A. STA 10/5/1975
Mohler Geneva C. 12/9/1975
Montrey Augustus N., Sr. 11/20/1975
Moore Herbert A. STA 11/9/1975
Moore Sylvester, Jr. 10/21/1975
Moreira Albano J STA 11/16/1975
Morgan Elizabeth R. 10/31/1975
Mori Eugene D. 10/9/1975
Moriarty Elizabeth C. 11/15/1975
Morine Raymond 10/18/1975
Morong Dr. Carrol O. 11/29/1975
Morris Bertha  11/28/1975
Morris Raymond C. 12/1/1975
Muentener Kenneth STA 11/9/1975
Mulderick Clement J. 12/22/1975
Mundorf Joseph 12/1/1975
Murphy Joseph S. 10/31/1975
Murphy Sarah Margaret STA 10/12/1975
Murphy W. Lester 10/23/1975
Murray Margery 11/27/1975
Mutchler Jessie E. STA 10/26/1975
Mutts Lucy 12/4/1975
Nangle John T. 10/20/1975
Nardin Jessie A. 11/29/1975
Nash Mary    12/5/1975
Navarro Joseph H. 10/22/1975
Naves  Lillian 10/1/1975
Naylor Charles  10/10/1975
Neid Joseph B. STA 12/28/1975
Nelson Ernest H. 12/18/1975
Nestler Karl 11/18/1975
Newell Joseph C. 12/11/1975
Nichols Madeline 10/2/1975
Nicholson Mary P. STA 10/5/1975
Niles Martin STA 11/30/1975
Nixon Carol G.  12/8/1975
Nixon Samuel E. STA 10/5/1975
Nolan Lawrence, Jr. 11/5/1975
Notariani Joseph 12/24/1975
Notariani Joseph 12/25/1975
Novatkoski Rania M. 10/27/1975
Nutter Tracy 11/10/1975
Nyland Madeline A. 12/26/1975
O'Connor Eugene 11/7/1975
O'Grady Victoria 10/29/1975
O'Kane Thomas R., Jr STA 10/12/1975
Olmstead Martha 12/19/1975
Orloff John  12/8/1975
Ormond Barbara 12/18/1975
O'Rourke Patrick F. STA 11/23/1975
O'Rourke Patrick F. 11/25/1975
Palise Elizabeth 11/25/1975
Panzera Dominick Charles 10/31/1975
Papp Joseph 10/30/1975
Paquin Raymond  10/13/1975
Paris Anna  STA 10/12/1975
Parker Alfred 11/7/1975
Parkinson Louise 10/7/1975
Parrott Lellwood D. 10/30/1975
Parsonage Viola 11/10/1975
Partite Lawrence J. 11/3/1975
Pashman Max 12/2/1975
Pasquini Julia  STA 12/7/1975
Pate Tom 10/22/1975
Patterson Mary King STA 12/28/1975
Pattison Sylvia 10/10/1975
Paxton Floyd 12/11/1975
Payson Joan STA 10/5/1975
Pazdan Agnes M. 10/13/1975
Pearson Lula O. STA 12/7/1975
Pearson Viola M. 12/12/1975
Pennachi Gaetano 12/5/1975
Pennino Mary V. 10/4/1975
Perini Elizabeth STA 10/12/1975
Perino Ernest 11/19/1975
Peterson William C. 12/31/1975
Petonyak Frank A. STA 12/28/1975
Pettit Harvey L. 10/30/1975
Pfeiffer Joseph 12/16/1975
Phillips Gustave R. 11/29/1975
Phillips Mildred 10/14/1975
Pilka Louis G. 10/8/1975
Piller Paula Kellerman STA 12/28/1975
Pinelli Elizabeth 10/1/1975
Pippitt Harley C. 11/24/1975
Piscopo Nicholas   11/28/1975
Pitney Robert V. STA 12/21/1975
Pitt William E.  10/9/1975
Pitts John 12/15/1975
Piwonski Jennie 11/7/1975
Pizzio George 11/4/1975
Platt Charles R. 10/21/1975
Platz Margaret E. 12/23/1975
Plimbley John J. STA 10/12/1975
Pokalsky Joseph J. 12/11/1975
Pokrocos Stephen 10/25/1975
Polios Spiros STA 11/30/1975
Polseny Piotr 11/26/1975
Pool Leonard P. 12/29/1975
Poole Louisa H. 10/4/1975
Pope Helen V. 11/24/1975
Porter Paul A. 11/26/1975
Potkay Eugene 11/17/1975
Potlawsky Emil 12/30/1975
Preston Dorothy 10/9/1975
Preston Dorothy W. 10/10/1975
Prettyman Fred J. 11/5/1975
Price Lester S. 10/21/1975
Price Lucille A. 12/8/1975
Prior Elizabeth A. 12/10/1975
Pullen Leslie Scudder 10/2/1975
Pyle Daniel, Jr. STA 12/7/1975
Quarino Nancy 11/13/1975
Quattrone Joseph STA 10/19/1975
Quay Matthew 12/11/1975
Quinn Ellen 12/8/1975
Quinn Joseph "Mike" 10/28/1975
Quinn Michael 10/22/1975
Randolph Gussie W. 11/20/1975
Ranke Herman W. 11/4/1975
Reading David, Jr. 10/20/1975
Reed Frank, Sr. 10/30/1975
Reed Toby "Infant" STA 10/19/1975
Reeder Joseph 12/19/1975
Reel Llya "Crickett" STA 10/19/1975
Reggio Joseph J. STA 11/23/1975
Reid Margaret 10/3/1975
Reinthaler Elmer S. 10/30/1975
Reynolds Russell J. 10/14/1975
Richards Kenneth W. 10/20/1975
Richter Geraldine 12/9/1975
Ridemour Timothy STA 11/2/1975
Riggi Isabel 12/10/1975
Ringkamp Bernard 12/8/1975
Rinyu Julia Lukacs STA 11/9/1975
Rinz Marie H. 12/3/1975
Risinger Edward D. 11/15/1975
Risoldi Laurence 10/6/1975
Ristow Alma B. 11/10/1975
Rittenhouse Maude 10/6/1975
Rivera  Antonio 10/16/1975
Rivera  Libora 12/26/1975
Roba Mary STA 10/26/1975
Robinson James M., Jr. 12/26/1975
Robison Chester 11/19/1975
Roche Thomas [TPD] 10/1/1975
Rockafeller Eugene STA 11/9/1975
Roder Mary D. 10/4/1975
Romeo Dr. Charles 11/7/1975
Rooney Francis T. 12/9/1975
Rooney John J. 10/28/1975
Rosen Norma 11/11/1975
Rosen Pauline 10/21/1975
Rosenfield Jay C. 10/22/1975
Rosenthal Benjamin 11/29/1975
Rosgaitis Ada STA 12/7/1975
Rosina Mary A. 11/24/1975
Ross Elizabeth R. STA 11/16/1975
Rossi Anna  10/27/1975
Rossi Joseph A. 10/2/1975
Rouse Clarence STA 11/2/1975
Ruddick Kenneth Philip 11/27/1975
Rusin Edward 11/14/1975
Rusin Edward T. 11/15/1975
Rusnak Mary M. STA 11/30/1975
Russo Fred R. 10/15/1975
Rust Leon 12/2/1975
Saaz Minnie 12/8/1975
Sabo Elizabeth  STA 10/12/1975
Sadley Katherine 11/28/1975
Sadley Stella T. STA 11/30/1975
Sager Earl D. 12/15/1975
Salley Janice 12/31/1975
Sanders Martha 11/4/1975
Santoro Anthony C. 10/4/1975
Savage Martha 11/22/1975
Savage Martha R. STA 11/23/1975
Sayers  Vincent 12/6/1975
Schaaf Ernest F., Sr. STA 10/12/1975
Schaffter Armanda L. 10/16/1975
Schall Jean T. 11/21/1975
Schapppell William, Sr. 12/1/1975
Scharf Henry  M. 12/12/1975
Schiaretti Nicholas J. 11/18/1975
Schmelz Florence 12/26/1975
Schmidt J. William 12/24/1975
Schmidt Susan 12/26/1975
Schmucker Daniel T. 10/30/1975
Schnerr Stella L. STA 11/9/1975
Schoeller Josephine E. STA 10/12/1975
Schramm Matilda 12/29/1975
Schroth Howard   10/23/1975
Schruby Edward STA 11/16/1975
Schultz Florence 12/12/1975
Schumm Evelyn 10/7/1975
Schuster Earl V. STA 12/14/1975
Schuster Edna B.  10/8/1975
Scott Clayton R. 10/8/1975
Scott Samuel B. [Corporal USMC] 10/17/1975
Scotti Vilma 11/28/1975
Scully  Frank 12/19/1975
Sears Murrill 11/4/1975
Secrest E. Paul 11/5/1975
Seefelt Frederick 12/25/1975
Sellers Pearl STA 11/16/1975
Semonik John, Sr. 11/17/1975
Senderhauf Ernst 10/15/1975
Sessions Nathanile STA 12/28/1975
Sessoms James, Jr. 11/24/1975
Sessons Nathaniel 12/26/1975
Sessons Nathanile 12/23/1975
Shadell Jeannette 12/4/1975
Shannon Hugh 11/17/1975
Sharpham Albert R. 10/14/1975
Shaub Clifford M. 12/20/1975
Shea John J. 12/6/1975
Sheng Kang 12/17/1975
Sheppard Fred 10/20/1975
Sherwood F. Perry 11/8/1975
Shine Josephine   STA 12/21/1975
Shine Michael STA 12/21/1975
Shine Terry Jo STA 12/21/1975
Shine  Sharon STA 12/21/1975
Shoemaker Nettie 10/22/1975
Shommer Richard STA 12/21/1975
Shope Paul STA 12/7/1975
Sievers Nelchen 10/22/1975
Sikos Jules T. 12/29/1975
Silagy Mary L. STA 12/7/1975
Silvasan John 11/26/1975
Silvasan John 11/27/1975
Silvers Bruce T. 10/29/1975
Simmons Walter, Jr. 11/4/1975
Simons Margaret I. 10/29/1975
Simonson Martha   STA 10/19/1975
Simpson Florence 11/6/1975
Simpson Howard C. 10/8/1975
Simpson Michael A. 11/21/1975
Sims Lucinda 10/8/1975
Sinelson Mary E. 10/30/1975
Sinnott Rosemary 10/29/1975
Sirois Janine  [Aged 5] 12/29/1975
Sissie Noble 12/18/1975
Skelton Ruth A. Bush 12/15/1975
Skillman George  12/5/1975
Skinner Benjamin Edward STA 12/21/1975
Skoogfors Olaf 12/22/1975
Skorin Ellen M. 10/17/1975
Slobiski Andrew 10/7/1975
Slonicki Isabell 10/1/1975
Smith Bruce Armond, Sr. STA 11/2/1975
Smith DeWitt 11/3/1975
Smith Doris 11/8/1975
Smith Haymond 10/23/1975
Smith Josephine R. 11/1/1975
Smith Katherine F. 12/11/1975
Smith Robert STA 12/14/1975
Smith William L. 12/30/1975
Smolin Julia 12/4/1975
Smyth William, 2nd 10/28/1975
Snedeker Harold 12/18/1975
Snook Cora May STA 10/26/1975
Snow Conrad 12/23/1975
Sojka Stanley 12/2/1975
Solomon Bertha STA 11/2/1975
Soltesz Stephen 11/25/1975
Sommerville Julia 10/23/1975
Sosnowski Rudolph  12/8/1975
Southard Edward A. STA 12/28/1975
Southard John B. 12/4/1975
Southard John B. 12/5/1975
Sozzaro Rosario 12/24/1975
Spadaccini Joseph    11/5/1975
Spair Nicholas 11/28/1975
Specht Raymond S. 11/6/1975
Spedding William STA 11/16/1975
Spencer Eugene D. 10/3/1975
Springsteen George 12/17/1975
Srahol John 12/22/1975
Stankevich Aniceta L. 11/10/1975
Stansky Isabel J.Y. STA 10/19/1975
Stasyszen Anna P. 11/15/1975
Stasyszyn Anna STA 11/16/1975
Stavron Jane A. 10/10/1975
Stearn William 11/26/1975
Steele  John D. STA 11/30/1975
Steepy George W. 12/5/1975
Stengel Casey 10/7/1975
Stepanoff Alexandra STA 10/12/1975
Stevens Lillian 10/6/1975
Stevenson Brodgie STA 12/21/1975
Stevenson Harold 10/13/1975
Stevenson James F. 11/15/1975
Stevenson Laura H. 11/12/1975
Stiles Ruth M. 12/20/1975
Stillwell Charles B. 10/4/1975
Stillwell John V. 10/1/1975
Stockelberg Charles  12/24/1975
Stockton Mary D. STA 10/12/1975
Stokes Grace 12/8/1975
Stoll Helen Stevens STA 10/5/1975
Stone Elizabeth H. STA 10/19/1975
Stout Mary L. 12/16/1975
Stout Rex 10/28/1975
Struble Isabelle 10/29/1975
Stryker Anne 11/26/1975
Suipel Frances  12/4/1975
Sullivan  Joseph T. 11/6/1975
Summers Flake 12/16/1975
Surtee Lillian M. Surtees 11/28/1975
Sutcliff Richard G. 11/3/1975
Sutterly Edumond L. 10/6/1975
Sutts Frank W. 10/27/1975
Swain Dorothy STA 12/14/1975
Swinnerton Edward T. 11/20/1975
Switlik P. Wanda 10/27/1975
Swope Alice A. 11/18/1975
Sylvester Ellison H. 11/28/1975
Symon Mabyl B. 11/4/1975
Szabo Agnes 11/19/1975
Szwedo Anna 12/24/1975
Tackacs Andrew   11/11/1975
Tallone Henry S. 11/10/1975
Tancreda Anna 10/2/1975
Tarangioli John 11/17/1975
Tarantino Charles A.   STA 12/14/1975
Tatarek Stanley 12/16/1975
Taylor E.T. 10/29/1975
Taylor Lea D. 12/4/1975
Teague Dorothy 12/4/1975
Temple Anna C. STA 12/28/1975
Thackray Jessie E. 12/18/1975
Theilgard Neils 11/25/1975
Thomas Joseph L. STA 11/23/1975
Thomas Rebecca STA 10/26/1975
Thomas Rev. Valdista 10/9/1975
Thomas Valdosta STA 10/12/1975
Thompson Cecil 12/29/1975
Thompson William R. STA 11/30/1975
Thorpp Richard W. 12/10/1975
Thouron Henry 11/18/1975
Thurston Donna 10/11/1975
Tilghman Florence 11/3/1975
Tittensor Ellen 11/10/1975
Toma Julia T. 10/15/1975
Toner H. Edward STA 10/19/1975
Toomey Estelle 12/9/1975
Toomey Mary A.  12/3/1975
Toscano Maddalena 10/23/1975
Toth Julia 10/20/1975
Totten Fred STA 12/28/1975
Toynbee Arnold 10/23/1975
Trainor James 12/30/1975
Tramontana Salvatore 12/9/1975
Treacher Arthur 12/15/1975
Triblehorn Fred C. STA 11/30/1975
Tripp Tamica 12/22/1975
Trotto Americo 10/28/1975
Tucker Bishop C. Ewbank 12/26/1975
Tufano Francesco "Frank" 12/10/1975
Turi John B. 12/30/1975
Turner Robert STA 11/16/1975
Twichell S. 12/1/1975
Tyler Deloris 10/20/1975
Uncle Sara 11/3/1975
Unser Mary "Mom" 12/19/1975
Van Pelt Ada 12/1/1975
Van Sciver Rebecca  12/19/1975
Van Selous Roscoe 11/17/1975
Vandergrift Helen 11/18/1975
VanDeusen Erma A. STA 10/19/1975
Vandewater Raymond C. 11/4/1975
VanSciver Ellen M. 10/22/1975
Vanselous Eli H. 10/10/1975
Vasey Edna M. 11/11/1975
Vaughn Helen 12/22/1975
Veres Elizabeth Nagy STA 10/5/1975
Vine Elsie Rosenberg STA 10/19/1975
Vogel John 12/22/1975
Voorhees Grace 10/30/1975
Voorhees Sally 11/3/1975
Wade John T. 11/10/1975
Waggener James P. STA 10/19/1975
Waggener James P., 3rd 10/15/1975
Walker Sarah E. 12/29/1975
Waller Ingrid 10/8/1975
Waller Robert P. 10/22/1975
Wallin Scott J. 12/29/1975
Walsh Azie M. STA 12/28/1975
Walsh James 10/15/1975
Walsh Sister Evelyn 11/5/1975
Walter Raymond [TPD] 10/15/1975
Wargo William 12/30/1975
Waring James   12/4/1975
Wasko Catherine STA 12/28/1975
Watkins Mildred 12/25/1975
Watts Melrose L. 10/21/1975
Way Rufus Esau STA 10/19/1975
Weintritt Rachel  11/5/1975
Welch Joseph F. 10/9/1975
Wells Marion 12/3/1975
Welsh Richard S. 12/30/1975
Werkman Raymond 11/17/1975
Werner Henry C.  12/8/1975
Werts William 11/17/1975
Westerman James A. 12/19/1975
Wexler Samuel 12/9/1975
Whalen Emma 10/21/1975
Wheeler Gen. Earle G. 12/19/1975
Wheeler Jennie 12/22/1975
Whitcomb Lucy M. 10/14/1975
White Lelia  11/12/1975
Wieger Mary K. 12/9/1975
Wiggins Anna   12/20/1975
Wilcox Annie R. 12/5/1975
Wilder Thornton 12/8/1975
Wildman John STA 11/23/1975
Wiley Howard STA 12/21/1975
Wiley Lee 12/12/1975
Wiley Peter A. 12/30/1975
Wiley William 12/22/1975
Wilkes William H. 12/3/1975
Wilkins William Howard STA 12/7/1975
Williams  Anthony STA 11/9/1975
Williams  Audrey 11/5/1975
Williams  Charles W. STA 11/30/1975
Williams  George 11/12/1975
Williams  John A. 10/27/1975
Williams  Ralph 11/17/1975
Williams  Roy W. 11/19/1975
Williver Joseph 11/17/1975
Wills George E. 12/10/1975
Wilson Mary C. 12/26/1975
Wilson Richard T. STA 11/2/1975
Wimberly Edythe STA 11/9/1975
Winans Dorothy DeLacy 12/18/1975
Winiarski Peter STA 10/12/1975
Wodanski Margaret 12/18/1975
Woldanski Margaret 12/17/1975
Wolfe Laura S. 10/31/1975
Wood Horace J. STA 11/2/1975
Wood Isabelle 11/17/1975
Wood William Ellis "Infant" 10/2/1975
Woodall Lillian 10/31/1975
Woodruff George E. 11/17/1975
Woodward Ann 10/13/1975
Woolcock Mable 11/21/1975
Woolford Nellie STA 11/30/1975
Woolston Russell, Sr. 12/26/1975
Wright Grace M. 10/31/1975
Wright Mary E. STA 10/26/1975
Wright Roberet 11/8/1975
Wright Roy G. 11/19/1975
Wszolek John S. 10/22/1975
Yunger Dr. Michael 12/22/1975
Zacchini Hugo 10/21/1975
Zachar John 12/10/1975
Zarling Theodore I. (Ted) 10/18/1975
Zelma Matilda Diderence STA 12/14/1975
Zettler Josef 12/22/1975
Zettler Margaret 11/7/1975
Zoratti Vera K. 12/31/1975
Zuckerman George STA 10/19/1975
This data was transcribed by Robert Shaw.
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