Trenton Historical Society
1964 Obituary Index (October - December)
This index was compiled from the obituary listings of the Trenton Times, unless
the Notes column contains STA which indicates the obituary is from the
Sunday Times Advertiser which until 1976 is microfilmed separately.
Abbott Clara STA 11/15/1964
Abel Frank D. 11/23/1964
Adams Elizabeth STA 11/15/1964
Adams Henry J. 11/27/1964
Albanowski Benny STA 12/20/1964
Albanowski Boleslaw 12/18/1964
Albert Clyde 12/9/1964
Albert Lillian S. 11/18/1964
Alexander George E. 11/6/1964
Allen Fredia 11/24/1964
Allen George   STA 10/25/1964
Allen Lawrence 10/1/1964
Allen Leon R. 11/20/1964
Allen Margaret 12/24/1964
Allen Nelson STA 12/20/1964
Aloisi Primera 11/27/1964
Anciuszko Genowefa STA 11/29/1964
Andersen Nils 12/23/1964
Anderson Charles 10/20/1964
Anderson Edgar B. 12/15/1964
Anderson Ellen 10/15/1964
Anderson Hazel M. 11/30/1964
Anderson James V. 12/7/1964
Andrews Antoinette Clugston 11/5/1964
Andrews Stanley J. 10/7/1964
Andrusiewicz Anthony 10/19/1964
Archer John 12/24/1964
Arena Joseph 12/1/1964
Arens Nunzia 12/9/1964
Armstrong Rebekah Sellers Purves STA 11/22/1964
Aronson Rose M. 12/21/1964
Arrison Samuel S. 10/6/1964
Asay Arthur E. 10/5/1964
Ashmore Mary W. 11/30/1964
Astbury Mary   STA 10/4/1964
Auletta Rose 11/10/1964
Aull Charlottte 12/29/1964
Auten Harold [Capt.] 10/7/1964
Auxt Mrs. Ivie 10/9/1964
Avery T. Mitchell STA 10/11/1964
Azara Giovanni STA 12/20/1964
Azzara Giovanni 12/18/1964
Babinec Paul STA 11/1/1964
Bagley Alice T. STA 11/8/1964
Bagley Rose Hornyak 10/15/1964
Baldwin Charles S. 12/21/1964
Baldwin Clinton D. 12/7/1964
Ballantine Barbara 11/23/1964
Balsan Consuelo Vanderbilt 12/7/1964
Banks Frederick STA 12/20/1964
Bantle Sarah STA 12/6/1964
Barber Pearl Sabo 12/14/1964
Barber Walter S. STA 12/6/1964
Barker C. Harold 12/10/1964
Barlett Mary 10/28/1964
Barlow Peter 11/19/1964
Barremore Mrs. Valda 10/14/1964
Barrett Herbert STA 12/20/1964
Bartram Edwin 12/4/1964
Batcho Michael 12/8/1964
Bathie Mary 11/30/1964
Batts Norma 10/2/1964
Bauer Harry C. STA 11/15/1964
Bauerle Ethel STA 12/20/1964
Baxter John W. 10/7/1964
Beach Ruth W. 12/21/1964
Beatty Charles F. 10/12/1964
Beers Mary A . Farber STA 11/1/1964
Belk James 11/16/1964
Bell James 11/2/1964
Bendix William 12/15/1964
Bennett William STA 12/6/1964
Bensol Howard D. 10/7/1964
Berardini Gladys STA 12/20/1964
Berish Frank 12/17/1964
Berkowitz Barnet 10/15/1964
Berkowitz John 10/19/1964
Bernier Paul (Bishop) STA 11/22/1964
Bethke Frederick STA 12/27/1964
Betts Josephine 10/7/1964
Biddulph Richard J. 11/25/1964
Billingham Abigail 11/20/1964
Billingham Maude Hill 10/28/1964
Billingham Thomas 12/4/1964
Bingham Lawrence 10/1/1964
Biondi Jeremiah 11/23/1964
Bird Walter STA 12/13/1964
Bird Walter STA 12/13/1964
Biter Margaret STA 10/4/1964
Biter Margaret 10/5/1964
Bizzarri Silvio STA 11/15/1964
Black David 12/7/1964
Black Mabel A. 12/3/1964
Blair Ralph STA 10/25/1964
Bland Nancy 11/17/1964
Blatt Leona C. 12/23/1964
Blue Mason 10/27/1964
Boaz Amanda 10/19/1964
Bobinski Conrad 10/28/1964
Bodnarik John E. STA 10/11/1964
Bodner John 12/28/1964
Bodner Joseph J. 12/7/1964
Bohlen Frank H. 11/5/1964
Bohonko Anton 12/14/1964
Bohrisch Franz STA 11/8/1964
Bondarchuk Anton STA 12/6/1964
Bonderchuck Anton 12/4/1964
Bozarth Alfred E. 10/27/1964
Bozzo Adele 10/28/1964
Brachelli Domenic 12/16/1964
Bradley Michael H. 12/11/1964
Brandenberg Allen 11/20/1964
Breece Harry R. 11/24/1964
Brewer Donald O.  STA 11/1/1964
Brewer Margaret 10/19/1964
Bridges Catherine 12/14/1964
Bridges Viola   10/30/1964
Briggs Sorothy 12/29/1964
Bright Mabel 11/5/1964
Briscoe Lewis 10/7/1964
Brock Ruby 10/21/1964
Brockman Harriet  Samuels 12/1/1964
Broemel Christine M. 10/13/1964
Brooks Biscoe 12/30/1964
Brough Anna 12/22/1964
Brown  Alexanderina Montgomery 11/27/1964
Brown  Florence 10/21/1964
Brown  John D. 12/7/1964
Brown  Otto 12/10/1964
Brown  Robert T. 11/11/1964
Brown  Rose 10/21/1964
Brown  Sharon    10/8/1964
Brown  Sharon Lynn (Infant) 10/7/1964
Browning Jean STA 12/13/1964
Buchowiecki Kavimierz J. (Charlie) STA 11/22/1964
Buck J. Mahion STA 11/1/1964
Buffington Hervin 12/8/1964
Buggeln John STA 11/8/1964
Burda John 12/22/1964
Burns Fred A. 12/4/1964
Burton Harold Hitz (Justice) 10/29/1964
Bush William H. 12/23/1964
Butera Emannel 11/30/1964
Byrd Rufus STA 10/25/1964
Byrne Michael 12/7/1964
Caighy Joseph 10/16/1964
Cain Lucille 12/2/1964
Calderone Francesca STA 12/13/1964
Calkin Theron B. 11/18/1964
Camilleri John STA 11/8/1964
Campbell Huston 11/2/1964
Cannon Thomas A. 12/17/1964
Capazzi Jennie 10/15/1964
Caravetta Elizabeth  Selvaggi 10/26/1964
Cario Grace STA 10/4/1964
Carlson Dr. Paul 11/27/1964
Carpenter Minerva STA 11/15/1964
Carr David  L. 10/30/1964
Carr  David 11/19/1964
Carr  David L. 10/30/1964
Carson Lyle P. 12/23/1964
Carter Alfred J. 10/1/1964
Cartier Pierre 10/28/1964
Case Russ STA 10/11/1964
Catana Anthony J. STA 12/20/1964
Cathcart Edwin 12/15/1964
Cathcart Helen 10/12/1964
Cathcart Helen K. STA 10/11/1964
Cattani Cyrus (Cy) 10/13/1964
Cfelli Mary A. 11/16/1964
Chambers Fred M. 12/22/1964
Chambers William 12/17/1964
Champlin Nathaniel 11/25/1964
Chanti Louis 10/29/1964
Chapman Malcolm 10/20/1964
Chazanowski Apolonia 10/28/1964
Cheston Lula A. STA 10/18/1964
Chiariello Teresa STA 12/6/1964
Chilaga Susan Makohits STA 11/1/1964
Chorazy Stella 11/16/1964
Christie John 11/19/1964
Churchill Hannah 12/8/1964
Cifelli Mary Ann Accongie STA 11/15/1964
Citron Rebecca STA 12/20/1964
Clark Louis 10/21/1964
Clark Rebecca 11/4/1964
Clayton Gladys 10/20/1964
Clinton Mary Cunningham STA 12/6/1964
Coffey J. Russ 12/11/1964
Cohen Bessie 12/7/1964
Cohen Dorothy STA 10/11/1964
Cohen Sidney 10/9/1964
Coleman Agnes 10/2/1964
Coleman George 11/3/1964
Coleman Sybilla 10/9/1964
Comerford Anita STA 11/1/1964
Conhen Mary C. 12/3/1964
Conly Mary Ann STA 12/20/1964
Connell William STA 12/20/1964
Connelly Anna STA 11/1/1964
Connelly Helen 11/19/1964
Connet George D. 12/28/1964
Cook Charles T. STA 12/6/1964
Cook Robert J. 12/2/1964
Cook Roscoe K. 10/19/1964
Copch Edward W. 11/23/1964
Copeland Elizabeth STA 11/22/1964
Copeland Elizabeth Y. 11/20/1964
Corbezzlo Charles 12/10/1964
Cornish Harold W. 11/16/1964
Correia Madeline STA 11/29/1964
Cosentino Ellen 10/7/1964
Costello Joseph V. 12/29/1964
Cottrell Emily STA 10/11/1964
Cracker Peter 12/9/1964
Creager Marvin G. 10/1/1964
Crews Viola STA 11/8/1964
Crowther Joshua 10/28/1964
Crutchley John 11/9/1964
Cuiule Mary D. 10/1/1964
Cuiule Mary Dolci 10/2/1964
Czikora (Infant Son) 11/17/1964
Czop Joseph    STA 12/13/1964
Dalton Mamie 12/3/1964
D'Angeli Paul  M. 11/2/1964
Darby Mrs. William 12/24/1964
D'Arcy Elizabeth 11/5/1964
D'Atri Ralph W. 12/16/1964
Davidson Catherine 12/18/1964
Davis Carroll 10/29/1964
Davis Frank W. 10/23/1964
Davis Mahlon W. 10/5/1964
Davis Monroe STA 12/20/1964
Davis  Carroll 10/27/1964
Davison Clyde 12/10/1964
Davison David 12/9/1964
Davison Rosa 11/4/1964
DeBlois Milton 12/14/1964
DeLaunter Samuel 12/18/1964
DeLauter Samuel 12/17/1964
DeMarco Sina 10/2/1964
Demco Antoinette STA 12/27/1964
Demeny  Gillian "Infant" STA 11/22/1964
DeMott John M. 11/25/1964
Dempsey Harriet 11/9/1964
DeQuinzio Anthony 10/21/1964
D'Errico Thomas   10/30/1964
Dettmar Florence M. STA 12/27/1964
Dey Clifford 10/13/1964
DiBella Joseph 10/12/1964
Diblin George A. 10/12/1964
Dickens Philip Charles 10/5/1964
Dickey James B. 10/14/1964
Dickinson Marion 10/29/1964
Dickler Michael 12/16/1964
Dickovitch A. Richard 10/19/1964
Diekneit Stephen STA 10/4/1964
Dillard Jessie STA 10/11/1964
Dilts George 12/10/1964
Ditmars Helen 10/21/1964
Ditmars Joseph 10/19/1964
Dittig William F. 12/1/1964
Doborn Rose 10/2/1964
Dockler Christian 12/18/1964
Dodd Jimmie 11/11/1964
Dotina Rose 11/13/1964
Dougherty Clara 12/24/1964
Doyle Herbert N. 11/17/1964
Doyle Margaret A. 11/13/1964
Druckenmiller Barton 11/11/1964
Dunham Julia 10/28/1964
Dunn Emma STA 11/8/1964
Dunn Harry A. [Rear Admiral] 10/8/1964
Dunn Rose M. 12/8/1964
Duraski Vincent STA 12/6/1964
Duryee William B. STA 12/6/1964
Duva Alfonso STA 11/8/1964
Duva Carmella 11/6/1964
Dzurkoc Anna (Sister M. Teresina) 10/7/1964
Earling Louis F. 12/2/1964
Earling Louis F. 12/3/1964
Earling Louis F. 12/4/1964
Edmond Louise Plunkett 10/12/1964
Edwards Clara STA 12/27/1964
Egan Arthur 11/2/1964
Ehrenfeld George 11/27/1964
Eichinger Frank 10/6/1964
Eichinger Lillian M. STA 11/8/1964
Elam Adean 11/16/1964
Elashwich Harry 10/6/1964
Eldridge Lucy 12/31/1964
Elston Louis 10/15/1964
Ely Frances W. 12/31/1964
Ely Gladys 12/17/1964
Emerson Verna J. 11/13/1964
Endicott Flora 12/8/1964
Engle Dale C. STA 10/25/1964
English Bessie 11/9/1964
Enslin Henry H. 10/28/1964
Eppolito Angelo 11/17/1964
Erickson Joseph 12/8/1964
Ethridge Lyda 10/27/1964
Eubanks Catherine 10/27/1964
Eulenfeldt Karl A. 11/6/1964
Everett Edward STA 12/20/1964
Everett Edward, Sr. STA 12/20/1964
Falcone Margaret 11/18/1964
Falker Walter   10/12/1964
Fallon James 10/27/1964
Fallon John J., Sr. 11/4/1964
Farr Anna V. STA 12/27/1964
Fatyol Mary Aranyos 11/27/1964
Fenelli Anthony 12/24/1964
Ferguson Estella 11/25/1964
Fernsnser Louis F. 11/11/1964
Ferris Esther 11/4/1964
Ferry Henry STA 12/6/1964
Fials Frank J. 12/7/1964
Fiestel Lillian 12/17/1964
Figgis Dudley W. 11/3/1964
Finkel Ettie 11/5/1964
Firko Michael   10/12/1964
Firko Michael J. STA 10/11/1964
Fitzpatrick James 10/13/1964
Flannigan John R. 12/23/1964
Fletcher Charles D. 12/21/1964
Flood Anna M. 11/30/1964
Fluerty May L. 12/30/1964
Foley Stephen 10/6/1964
Ford David W. 10/1/1964
Ford David W. 10/2/1964
Forsyth Helen 12/9/1964
Forsyth Helen 12/10/1964
Foster John J., Sr. 11/17/1964
Fox Marvin 10/27/1964
Fpitzkopf Rose C. STA 12/20/1964
Frank  Nellie 12/31/1964
Frank Pat 10/13/1964
Frey Esther 11/30/1964
Friedman Dora 12/10/1964
Friedman Isidore STA 11/15/1964
Frisbie Paul E. 12/18/1964
Fuchs Anna 12/8/1964
Gaddis Rebecca 12/11/1964
Gaine John 12/23/1964
Gallino Savino 11/13/1964
Gammons Charles 12/2/1964
Gansky Frieda 10/13/1964
Garrett James 11/4/1964
Garrett James 11/5/1964
Garwood Fred S. 11/6/1964
Garzio Nicholas F. 11/9/1964
Gaynor James C. 11/30/1964
Gazzara Mary 10/27/1964
Genesmer Ogden D. STA 12/6/1964
Genovay Jacob 11/6/1964
Genovy Jacob 11/5/1964
Gerath Ernest, Sr. STA 12/13/1964
Giampolo Catherine Merlino STA 11/15/1964
Gibbs Florence  G. STA 12/27/1964
Gibbs Jennie 11/12/1964
Gilbert Harry M. 10/14/1964
Gilinski Charles 10/26/1964
Gillogly Marcella 10/5/1964
Gilman Sadie 10/8/1964
Gindhart Isaac 10/5/1964
Gindhart Isaac, Jr. 10/6/1964
Glennon Charles F. 12/9/1964
Glennon Peter, Sr. 12/23/1964
Gobeli Clara 11/19/1964
Goldstein Abraham 12/31/1964
Gombos Steven STA 11/15/1964
Good Jesse R. 11/30/1964
Gordon Roy 11/27/1964
Gore James T. 10/13/1964
Gorman Thomas F. 12/18/1964
Gorton Margaret 11/11/1964
Gorton William 11/10/1964
Gravener Charles B. 11/27/1964
Grayson Martha Ann STA 10/25/1964
Green Emanuel 11/12/1964
Green  D. Mershon STA 10/11/1964
Greenwald Dr. Sidney 11/10/1964
Greszczak Mary 11/20/1964
Griffith Cecil 12/18/1964
Groendyke John P. 12/31/1964
Groff Roy P. 12/7/1964
Gronowski Joseph 10/1/1964
Grosso Mary 12/24/1964
Grosso Mary STA 12/27/1964
Grosvenor Mary Bell STA 12/27/1964
Grover Gertrude STA 11/8/1964
Gruse Rev. Edmund 10/6/1964
Guadagno (Infant Son) 11/11/1964
Gubychuk Nikifor 12/31/1964
Gucks Phillip 11/9/1964
Guidice Harry F. 10/12/1964
Guido Salvatore 10/21/1964
Guinn Raymond, Sr. 12/7/1964
Gurlich Mary  11/16/1964
Hadley Will B. 12/31/1964
Hailes Robert, Sr. 11/27/1964
Haines Wilson B. 12/11/1964
Halburner Viola  11/30/1964
Halko Elizabeth STA 12/27/1964
Hall Mary M. STA 10/4/1964
Haller Anna Marie STA 11/29/1964
Hamilton Catherine STA 10/4/1964
Hamilton George F. 12/30/1964
Hamilton John L. 11/5/1964
Hamiton George C. 12/31/1964
Hampton Evelyn 10/2/1964
Hampton Mrs. Watson STA 10/4/1964
Haney Jennie C. 12/31/1964
Hann Paul K. 12/15/1964
Harbourt Augusta  10/29/1964
Harbourt Bertha   11/12/1964
Harding Louise 12/8/1964
Haring Mary STA 11/29/1964
Harmsen John F. 11/23/1964
Harrington Elizabeth 11/20/1964
Harris George R. STA 12/6/1964
Harris James 12/9/1964
Harris William 12/18/1964
Harris    James 12/8/1964
Harrison Charles 12/3/1964
Harrison Nina 11/3/1964
Hart Ira STA 12/13/1964
Hartin Jean 11/10/1964
Hartman Rupert C. 11/30/1964
Harvour Joseph E. 12/8/1964
Hatcher Walter C. 12/17/1964
Hausch Mary 10/2/1964
Haver Lulu 10/20/1964
Havlik John, Jr. 12/22/1964
Hazelton Elizabeth 11/16/1964
Heath Irene S. 12/15/1964
Heckman Raymond C. 11/30/1964
Hejna Joseph 12/28/1964
Helfrich Mary Manning 12/24/1964
Hemingway Bernice (Infant) STA 12/27/1964
Hendershot Irma E. 12/8/1964
Hendrickson Robert C. (Sen.) 12/8/1964
Henry Samuel 12/22/1964
Hermann Augusta  11/16/1964
Hess Charles STA 12/13/1964
Hewitson Thomas 11/11/1964
Hewitt Carolyn 12/14/1964
Hicks Douglas Mallory 11/9/1964
Higgins Arnold STA 11/15/1964
Higgins Louisa T. 11/6/1964
Higgins Michael STA 12/6/1964
Hightower George 12/10/1964
Hill George B. 10/9/1964
Hill Hervey S. 10/2/1964
Hindley Francis 12/15/1964
Hindley Louis 10/26/1964
Hindley Louis 10/27/1964
Hixson Walter A. 10/6/1964
Hoagland Jacob STA 10/11/1964
Hobson Virginia 11/10/1964
Hodul Paul 10/19/1964
Hoffman Flora Mae 10/9/1964
Holcombe Mary 12/10/1964
Holiday Wilfred J. 11/23/1964
Holloway Clinton 10/22/1964
Holmes Emily W. STA 12/6/1964
Holmes Joe Nathan 12/29/1964
Homola Stephen 10/8/1964
Hoovan Catharin STA 11/15/1964
Hopkins Albert W. 10/5/1964
Hopkins Frederick E. STA 12/20/1964
Hoppock Irving 12/8/1964
Horner Dorothy A. 12/9/1964
Horvath Alex 10/15/1964
Horvath Stephen, Sr. 11/13/1964
Horvatz Leo 10/13/1964
Houck Harry O. 10/13/1964
Houston James J. 11/23/1964
Howard James A., Sr. 12/9/1964
Howard John Tasker STA 11/22/1964
Howard Roy W. STA 11/22/1964
Howard William A. 11/18/1964
Hughes Catherine McManus STA 10/18/1964
Huhn Joseph 11/11/1964
Hunt Mary 12/2/1964
Husvar Joseph 11/2/1964
Ignacuinos Alphonse  V. STA 11/22/1964
Inderio Victor 12/15/1964
Insley James STA 12/6/1964
Ireland Henrietta 11/4/1964
Iski Virginia Wargo 12/9/1964
Jachimski Bbonislaw 11/23/1964
Jackson Mary 12/22/1964
Jackson Mary 12/24/1964
Jamison Russell M. STA 12/6/1964
Janssens Jean Baptiste 10/5/1964
Jarvis Robert M. 12/24/1964
Jenks Josephine 12/3/1964
Jocis (Infant Son) 12/28/1964
Johnson Catherine E. 11/18/1964
Johnson Dr. Marion 11/10/1964
Johnson Edward 10/29/1964
Johnson Ella S. 12/8/1964
Johnson Emma M. 10/20/1964
Johnson Ernest G. 10/28/1964
Johnson Mame A. STA 12/13/1964
Johnson Mary 10/1/1964
Jones Carrie STA 11/1/1964
Jones Dr. Eugene STA 12/13/1964
Jones Edmund R. 11/27/1964
Jones George, Sr. STA 10/11/1964
Jones Howell E. 10/8/1964
Jones John Price 12/24/1964
Jones Nellie Leona 10/2/1964
Jones Sarah B. 12/2/1964
Jonson Mrs. Tekla 10/9/1964
Julian Arhur 12/28/1964
Julius John 11/9/1964
Juraniec Walter 12/15/1964
Kakas Michael, Sr. 12/3/1964
Kane Harry STA 10/25/1964
Karpinski Peter 10/5/1964
Kascewicz George 10/2/1964
Katona Maytras 10/16/1964
Katz Dr. Sidney 12/21/1964
Katz George F. STA 10/11/1964
Katzenbach Natalie McNeil 12/24/1964
Kaufman Lala STA 12/27/1964
Kazmierski Joseph L. STA 10/18/1964
Keating Joseph 12/15/1964
Kellly James STA 10/4/1964
Kelly Adeline STA 11/29/1964
Kelly Lillian Riker 12/15/1964
Kelly  Arthur D., Sr. 10/2/1964
Kelly  James 10/5/1964
Kemble Florence 10/5/1964
Kemler John 12/31/1964
Kemp Fannie  11/13/1964
Kianka Pearl 12/17/1964
Kiefer George 10/7/1964
Kiek Robert STA 11/29/1964
Kiernan Anna 12/4/1964
Kiggins Richard C. 12/4/1964
Kilgour John STA 12/13/1964
Killinger W.R. 12/14/1964
Kimberling Mark 12/16/1964
King Benjamin STA 11/1/1964
King Bessie 11/23/1964
Kintner Bertha S. STA 12/13/1964
Kirchhoffer Eva 11/23/1964
Kirchhosser Eva Mayer STA 11/22/1964
Kish Esther 10/26/1964
Kisko Joseph J. 11/20/1964
Kitchin Johathan STA 10/25/1964
Klemmer Anna   11/20/1964
Klemmer Anna C. Devlin STA 11/22/1964
Knocke May  10/19/1964
Knosky Leon T. 12/10/1964
Korbin Maria 12/7/1964
Korowicz Dr. Mark S. 10/9/1964
Kosco John STA 12/6/1964
Kovacs  (Infant Son) 10/26/1964
Kovalcik John J.   11/30/1964
Krammer Stanley W. 12/28/1964
Krupp Franklin 12/22/1964
Kubiak Martin 11/17/1964
Kuchtiak Olga 10/7/1964
Kuniganis Leonara 12/7/1964
Kuniganis Leonara 12/9/1964
Kuser John L. 11/16/1964
Kuser John L. 11/20/1964
Kuser John L., Jr. STA 11/1/1964
Kushner Mary 10/29/1964
Kuzma Mary Zayros 12/30/1964
Labrum Joseph T. STA 12/13/1964
Lair Edward 10/9/1964
Langston Lily 10/27/1964
Lanzara Michael A. 10/2/1964
Lanzara Michael A. 10/2/1964
Lanzara Michael A. STA 10/4/1964
Large Emma STA 11/1/1964
Large Emma  C. 10/30/1964
Larson Niles STA 12/20/1964
Larson Otto STA 12/6/1964
Lasky Veronica 10/5/1964
Lavarity Laura STA 11/22/1964
Lawrence William 11/2/1964
Laws Frances Ball Culbert 12/10/1964
Lawson Mary O'Gara STA 11/22/1964
Layman John W. 12/17/1964
Leanewski Matilda STA 11/8/1964
Leaver Edward T. 10/19/1964
Ledson Minnie 12/8/1964
Lee Lawrence N. 10/14/1964
Leedy Charles D. STA 10/25/1964
Leffler Ross 12/15/1964
Leming Clifford 11/12/1964
Lemmo Bassilio 12/30/1964
Lemmon Harry STA 11/8/1964
Lenhardt Clement 11/9/1964
Lenihan Mina Ward 10/12/1964
Lenny Edmund J. STA 10/25/1964
Lentini Lorenzo 10/13/1964
Leonard  John W. STA 10/11/1964
Levarity Laura 11/23/1964
Levin Mary 10/12/1964
Levinson David STA 12/6/1964
Lewis George D. STA 11/1/1964
Lewis William S. STA 11/8/1964
Leysath Harold E. 11/19/1964
Light Emelee Suttenfield 10/28/1964
Lincoln Rachel STA 11/8/1964
Lindsay Alice STA 11/1/1964
Lindsley Lucy STA 11/29/1964
Lipoma Michael 11/6/1964
Liptak Stephen T. 11/27/1964
Lisook Elizabeth 12/31/1964
Lister Maude 11/5/1964
Lockman Laura STA 11/8/1964
Loepkey Charles   10/14/1964
Lopresti Giuseppe STA 10/18/1964
Lovegreen William H. STA 10/11/1964
Lovett Charles 12/17/1964
Lucas Leslie, Sr. 12/1/1964
Lucas Mary  V. 12/21/1964
Lukacs Chester STA 11/8/1964
Luker Viola Reynolds 10/28/1964
Lukowicz Elizabeth A. 10/16/1964
Lunnon F. Sydney 11/12/1964
Lynch Elizabeth 12/18/1964
Lyster Isaac 11/24/1964
Mack Anna M. STA 12/27/1964
Mack Charles H. 12/21/1964
Madden Annie 11/5/1964
Maddock Charles S. 10/15/1964
Magee Margaret 12/16/1964
Maglione Ronald 12/10/1964
Magowan Edith 12/14/1964
Magyar George J. 10/26/1964
Mahan John F., Sr. 12/28/1964
Mains Catherine A. STA 11/29/1964
Majofski Rosie Rita STA 10/18/1964
Malin Patrick 12/14/1964
Malloy Charles B. 10/30/1964
Malloy Mary 12/21/1964
Malotte Albert   11/17/1964
Maple Hattie 12/7/1964
Marcus Leo 12/18/1964
Maria Mother Aloysia 10/9/1964
Markowitz Sarah STA 12/20/1964
Marks Esther 10/12/1964
Marks Simon (Lord) 12/9/1964
Marsh   William R. 11/4/1964
Marshall Helen 10/30/1964
Marshall William 12/23/1964
Martin John M. 11/5/1964
Martin Victoria STA 11/1/1964
Martin Victoria 11/3/1964
Martinez Luis STA 12/27/1964
Martonick Dorothy  12/7/1964
Masiello Joseph STA 12/27/1964
Mather  (Infant Daughter) 12/3/1964
Mather  H.Herbert 12/22/1964
Mathews Willie 10/1/1964
Matteucci Joseph L. 12/31/1964
Matthews John   10/19/1964
Mattis Ralph J. 12/17/1964
Maugham Belle STA 10/18/1964
Maul Nicholas 10/8/1964
Maul Norman 12/3/1964
Maxwell William 11/10/1964
McBurney Robert   STA 11/15/1964
McCaffrey Sadie Stone 11/6/1964
McCarty Francis J. [Lt. TPD] 10/12/1964
McCloskey Robert A. STA 10/18/1964
McConnell Samuel STA 10/11/1964
McCoy Lonnie 10/26/1964
McCoy Martha 12/24/1964
McCoy Thomas 12/22/1964
McCrohan Pearl 11/12/1964
McDermott Florence A. STA 11/8/1964
McElven Buddy 12/11/1964
McGee Philip,  Jr. 11/11/1964
McGinley Emily W. 10/19/1964
McGovern Clarence 11/24/1964
McGowan Joseph STA 12/27/1964
McGrath Anna 10/6/1964
McGrath Ruth 12/17/1964
McHale William J. STA 12/27/1964
McIvor William S. 12/30/1964
McKeever John, Sr. 12/17/1964
McKelvey Clara 12/14/1964
McKenna Richard M. 11/2/1964
McMillan  (Infant Son) 10/21/1964
McMullen Anne    12/15/1964
McNamara Clair Nell 12/28/1964
McNeil James W. 11/10/1964
McTighue Virginia 12/3/1964
Meck Harry 11/25/1964
Meck Harry L. 11/27/1964
Meiler Viola 12/1/1964
Melker Frank W. 11/3/1964
Melton Herbert   12/17/1964
Mendrey Anna 11/2/1964
Mertz John E. "Rev. Dr." STA 12/27/1964
Merz Nellie E. 12/29/1964
Metelow Vera 12/3/1964
Meyer Ernest 10/2/1964
Michelson Margaret 12/4/1964
Miga Walter STA 12/20/1964
Mihalcso Michael 12/18/1964
Miklovics Alexander 11/10/1964
Miller Albert P. 12/31/1964
Miller Louis 12/7/1964
Miller Louis  STA 12/6/1964
Miller Mabel 11/4/1964
Miller Mildred M. STA 11/22/1964
Miller Pearl 10/22/1964
Miller Walter 10/13/1964
Miller William E. 10/15/1964
Mitchell James P. 10/23/1964
Molloy J. Carroll 11/17/1964
Monaghan John 10/30/1964
Mongan Katherine Corbett STA 12/27/1964
Mongon William 11/10/1964
Monks Naomi 11/12/1964
Moorehead Singleton 12/14/1964
Morabito Joseph 12/31/1964
More Robert W. 12/22/1964
Morgan Helen M. 12/8/1964
Morgan Joseph 11/9/1964
Morgan Joseph L. STA 11/8/1964
Morgan Milton STA 12/6/1964
Morris Elizabeth Schutz STA 12/27/1964
Morris Henry A. 12/2/1964
Morrison Mary 10/2/1964
Mosco Angelina 12/1/1964
Moser Margaret 12/4/1964
Moskovitz Meyers 12/21/1964
Mott Dr. Frank L. 10/23/1964
Mule Pauline STA 11/22/1964
Mulholland E. Charles 12/10/1964
Mullen Joseph L. 11/30/1964
Muller Alfred E. 11/27/1964
Murpohy Dr. Foster E. 10/15/1964
Murray Chief John F. STA 11/1/1964
Musselman Joseph, Jr. 10/30/1964
Nabodyl Wayne A. (Specialist) 12/4/1964
Nadig Francis H. STA 11/22/1964
Nagy Carolina 10/20/1964
Nami Jane Purdy STA 12/6/1964
Naples Frank A. 11/3/1964
Naylor Rose STA 10/25/1964
Neff Helen   STA 12/20/1964
Nelipowitz Rev. Roger M. 11/30/1964
Nelson George B. 12/24/1964
Nemeth William L. 11/20/1964
Nendza Edith J. STA 10/4/1964
Newcomb Nannette L. 12/24/1964
Newell H. Bertram 12/8/1964
Nickel Albert, Jr. 12/21/1964
Nolan J. Bennett 12/3/1964
Nolan Thomas F. 10/20/1964
Nord Armanda 10/9/1964
Norman  Leonard STA 11/1/1964
Norris John A. 12/4/1964
Northey Gladys 11/2/1964
Notin Michael J. 12/10/1964
Oakes  Jeffrey & James (Infant Twin Sons) 10/5/1964
Odell Frank 11/12/1964
O'Dwyer William 11/25/1964
Olds Emma M. 10/19/1964
Olech John STA 12/6/1964
O'Neill Charles 10/16/1964
Optiz Emma I. 12/23/1964
Orashen Mary 11/9/1964
Orlowski Eleanor 10/20/1964
Osifant (Infant Son) 11/3/1964
Osmun Michael F. 12/17/1964
Otter William P. 11/2/1964
Ottobre Joseph 10/30/1964
Pace Alice 11/17/1964
Pace Alice 11/19/1964
Padderatz Anna 10/12/1964
Panacek Marie 10/9/1964
Papp Rose Kish 12/31/1964
Papp Zoltan 10/7/1964
Parker Elizabeth 12/15/1964
Parker Joseph 12/21/1964
Paslawsky Joseph 11/9/1964
Paslawsky Joseph 11/10/1964
Patelski Lottie 10/22/1964
Patterson Judith 11/13/1964
Peck Clarence 12/28/1964
Peck  Cora M. 12/29/1964
Pennett Donald, Sr. 10/19/1964
Perkins (Infant Son) 12/28/1964
Peroni Frank 12/17/1964
Perrine John W. 10/1/1964
Perrine Maria 10/12/1964
Perry Kenneth 12/24/1964
Pertito Vincent 10/28/1964
Peterson Shirley 12/3/1964
Petro Madeline 10/7/1964
Petrovich Stanley   STA 11/1/1964
Pettit Robert L. 10/23/1964
Petty William, Sr. 11/30/1964
Pfeiffer Anna STA 11/8/1964
Philbin William J. 11/13/1964
Phillips Carrie 11/18/1964
Phillips John STA 11/22/1964
Pickering Florence 11/2/1964
Pinto Daniel J. 12/1/1964
Piscione Josephine 10/23/1964
Plantier Alice STA 11/29/1964
Plavchak Wasil STA 10/18/1964
Plunkett Estelle 12/11/1964
Plunkett William H. 10/21/1964
Poinsett M. Ethel 11/27/1964
Poland Anne P. 11/17/1964
Poland Henry STA 11/15/1964
Pontoriero Giacomo 10/13/1964
Porawski Walter STA 12/6/1964
Porter Cole 10/16/1964
Potenza Giuseppe 10/19/1964
Powell Ernest STA 11/29/1964
Powell Harriet 11/13/1964
Powell Harriet STA 11/15/1964
Powell James 11/10/1964
Powell Joseph T. 12/24/1964
Power Mary STA 10/18/1964
Prentice Dr. William Kelly 12/15/1964
Prickett Ellis, Sr. 12/17/1964
Prihoda Mary 12/9/1964
Prokopetz Katrin STA 12/20/1964
Provost Frank W. 11/19/1964
Prusik Stanley B. 10/9/1964
Prusik Stanley B. STA 10/11/1964
Pugh Jessie 12/3/1964
Pulle Frederick 11/16/1964
Pullen Ernest STA 11/29/1964
Pullen Frederick STA 11/15/1964
Pumyea Ella   12/28/1964
Pusis Eva Mayer STA 12/27/1964
Rae Mary E. 10/20/1964
Rafalski Joseph STA 12/27/1964
Rafalsky Joseph 12/23/1964
Rainer Ida H. 11/13/1964
Ratley William H. 10/8/1964
Rea Harry 10/23/1964
Redd Kid C., Sr. 10/26/1964
Redd Kid Charles STA 10/25/1964
Reed Florence L. 11/16/1964
Reed Lillie 10/23/1964
Reed  Lilla 12/30/1964
Reese Ella Marie 10/30/1964
Rehder Herbert STA 12/20/1964
Reichel Dr. Frank L. 11/30/1964
Reid Margaret F. 11/9/1964
Reingruber Henry    12/30/1964
Reynolds Leslie 10/27/1964
Reynolds Richard J. 12/17/1964
Ricco Felix 11/4/1964
Richards Charles 10/19/1964
Rickett John M. 12/14/1964
Ridgeway Stella 11/27/1964
Ridgway Clara STA 10/25/1964
Ridgway Clara 10/26/1964
Riegel Louise H. STA 11/8/1964
Rigelon Frank 11/9/1964
Rigelon Frank 11/10/1964
Ristow Mary STA 12/27/1964
Ritter William F. 10/26/1964
Rockhill Wallace 12/30/1964
Rodgers Arthur 11/6/1964
Roger Father 12/1/1964
Rogers Eddy 10/9/1964
Rogers Frances Ball Culbert 12/30/1964
Rogers Thomas F. 10/26/1964
Rojek Cecelia  Swiniuch 10/16/1964
Romani Julius 12/11/1964
Romanowski Anton 12/15/1964
Rootes Lord STA 12/13/1964
Rosenblatt Hattie 11/4/1964
Rosenfeld Joseph 10/30/1964
Rosenthal Bella  12/30/1964
Roslik Malvina 11/2/1964
Roslik Malvina Kolowski STA 11/1/1964
Rossi Emilio STA 11/15/1964
Rossi Peter STA 10/4/1964
Rossi Peter 10/5/1964
Rothrock Emily 10/20/1964
Rousos Lizzie 11/24/1964
Rowley William 12/24/1964
Rubin Louis 10/28/1964
Rubin Louis 10/29/1964
Rulison Harold Kirk STA 12/6/1964
Rummel Joseph (Bishop) 11/9/1964
Ruopp Walter L. 10/22/1964
Rusnak Michael 10/30/1964
Russ Louise   STA 12/6/1964
Russo Thomas J. 11/17/1964
Ryan Aiden, Jr. 11/27/1964
Ryan Lillian 10/20/1964
Sabo Demeter, Sr. 10/23/1964
Salvin William V. 12/8/1964
Sams Ralph W. 12/30/1964
Samuel  Frank 12/11/1964
SanFillippo (Infant Son) 12/21/1964
Santarsiero Anthony 10/2/1964
Santillo Liberta 12/16/1964
Sardinas Guillermo 12/22/1964
Saunders Ernest G. 12/1/1964
Saunders Ernest G. 12/2/1964
Schilling Fred, Sr. 12/11/1964
Schipski Walter STA 11/1/1964
Schlee George 10/5/1964
Schneider Albert 12/4/1964
Schneider John C. 11/18/1964
Schneider Ralph E. 11/4/1964
Schnorbus Joseph M. 10/19/1964
Schrauf William 12/14/1964
Schroder Harry Carl STA 11/8/1964
Schroeder Harry C., Jr. 11/6/1964
Schultheis Helen M. 11/25/1964
Schultz Edward 11/9/1964
Schunder John 11/19/1964
Scobery John W. 11/30/1964
Scott Elmer 12/11/1964
Scott Elmer STA 12/13/1964
Scott I. Grant 11/18/1964
Scully Martin J. 11/19/1964
Seals Anna H. 10/29/1964
Seaman Harry G. 12/15/1964
Seavey Ida   11/16/1964
Seavey Peter 12/23/1964
Sedor Joseph 10/22/1964
Seebeck Francis 10/8/1964
Seebrook Charles F. 10/20/1964
Serbin Michael, Sr. 10/13/1964
Seyffert Bertha   11/27/1964
Shaheen Lynda 12/28/1964
Shangle Edwin STA 11/22/1964
Sharp Albert 12/7/1964
Shein Phillip 10/6/1964
Shein Samuel A. 11/23/1964
Shellenberger Bertha H. 10/5/1964
Sherman Lester W. 10/6/1964
Shinn Howard L. STA 12/20/1964
Shipley Coy R. STA 11/22/1964
Shipps Clifford STA 12/6/1964
Sholtis Mary M. 11/11/1964
Shorten James 11/13/1964
Shotwell Patricia Dyer 11/9/1964
Simolewicz Peter 12/9/1964
Simonton Ralph E. 11/27/1964
Simpes Mary E. 12/30/1964
Sims Lotis STA 11/29/1964
Skean Samuel A. 10/14/1964
Skrobiszeski Stanley STA 11/15/1964
Slane Frank 10/6/1964
Slater Dr. John STA 12/13/1964
Sloan Darlene 12/9/1964
Slobiski Michael 12/31/1964
Slover Charles A. 11/11/1964
Smires Robert, Sr. 11/2/1964
Smith Clarence O. STA 11/15/1964
Smith Dr. Shirley 11/18/1964
Smith George F. STA 10/18/1964
Smith Lillian 10/12/1964
Smith Mary 10/13/1964
Smith Milford STA 10/18/1964
Smith Milford C. 10/16/1964
Smith Paul 10/5/1964
Smith William STA 12/20/1964
Smith William N. 12/24/1964
Smith  Marvin   10/12/1964
Smolen William 12/21/1964
Snook Mary P. 12/2/1964
Snyder John E. 12/15/1964
Snyder Mary C. 11/10/1964
Snyder Nettie 11/3/1964
Sobkowiak Joseph 11/3/1964
Sobolev Arkady 12/2/1964
Sobon John STA 11/22/1964
Solniski Stanley STA 12/13/1964
Solomon Lilyan STA 12/13/1964
Sorenson Martin 11/25/1964
Southard Joseph C. STA 11/1/1964
Spaerman Nathan STA 11/1/1964
Spearman Nathan 10/30/1964
Spencer Emma 12/11/1964
Spindler Violet 11/27/1964
Sproat Fannie 10/8/1964
Spundarelli Gilda 12/4/1964
Spundarelli Gilda STA 12/6/1964
St. John Catherine T. STA 10/18/1964
Stacewucz Mary STA 12/13/1964
Staiger John M. STA 11/8/1964
Standiford Stuart 11/5/1964
Starkey Nellie 10/6/1964
Starling Berthula 11/2/1964
Staten Claude T. 11/6/1964
Stauber George 12/1/1964
Steele Leon H. 10/20/1964
Steele Robert H. 10/14/1964
Stephano C. Charles 12/29/1964
Sterin Ervin 10/30/1964
Stevens Herman 12/14/1964
Stevens James H. 10/12/1964
Stevens Leila 11/23/1964
Stevens  Edward 12/15/1964
Stillwell Majorie J. 12/30/1964
Stilwell Dame Edith 12/10/1964
Stires Howard O. 11/12/1964
Stokes Edward l. 11/9/1964
Stout Margaret 10/5/1964
Straszynski Frank 12/15/1964
Strick Suella 12/18/1964
Stroble William 11/9/1964
Surber Louise 10/6/1964
Sutterly Florence R. 12/14/1964
Sutts Chester 11/11/1964
Swanger William 10/8/1964
Sweeney Selena STA 10/11/1964
Swierczek Walter 10/23/1964
Swierczewski Alenander 12/21/1964
Symington Maude Fay 10/8/1964
Symington Nivena V. 10/30/1964
Syphrett Gertrude STA 11/22/1964
Szivos Barbara 12/22/1964
Tafrow James STA 10/4/1964
Talbert Mattie STA 12/20/1964
Taweel Daniel J. 12/29/1964
Taylor Arthur 10/1/1964
Taylor John J. 12/8/1964
Taylor Joseph 10/28/1964
Taylor Margaret W. 11/18/1964
Taylor  Mattie 10/29/1964
Terradell Rae Isabel 10/19/1964
Thiede William F. 12/22/1964
Thoman Edward 11/25/1964
Thomas Ethel 10/27/1964
Thompson Evan M. 10/15/1964
Thompson Frank 12/22/1964
Tilton Matilda C. 12/2/1964
Tindall Chester STA 11/29/1964
Tong Sammee 10/28/1964
Tonne Elizabeth 11/24/1964
Topkins Emmett D. 11/27/1964
Toth Midred Harvath STA 11/29/1964
Tracy Robert, Sr. 11/17/1964
Trego Laura 10/7/1964
Trumbore Hannah 10/26/1964
Trumpovicz Peter 11/3/1964
Turner John Daniel STA 10/11/1964
Turner Ralph E. 10/6/1964
Ufert Dora  12/23/1964
Umpleby Russell M. 11/24/1964
Underhill Ester STA 10/18/1964
Unterhozner Josef 11/20/1964
Valenti Jessie (Sister Vincent Ferrer) 11/12/1964
Van Fleet Addie 10/16/1964
Van Horn Alvah STA 10/11/1964
Vanderbilt Della 10/13/1964
VanDoren John W. 10/19/1964
VanHorn Silas C. 11/6/1964
VanLieu Bertha   11/2/1964
Vannozzi Ida Baczik STA 11/15/1964
VanPelt Sarah 12/1/1964
VanSteen Sarah 12/31/1964
Varanyak Karoline 12/17/1964
Varga Doris STA 12/13/1964
Vargo Lena STA 11/15/1964
Vaughn Annie 10/8/1964
Virag Anna 12/16/1964
Visconti Mary 12/10/1964
Vitale Irene STA 10/4/1964
Vlaszac Anna 11/23/1964
von Schmidt Pearl STA 12/6/1964
Voorhees Nellie Thompson STA 12/27/1964
Voorhees  Floyd A 12/2/1964
Voorhees  Gregory  (Infant) 10/13/1964
Voorhees  Raymond 10/23/1964
Wagg Dr. Charles 10/12/1964
Wagg Margaret 12/16/1964
Wain Ruth E. STA 10/18/1964
Walker Julia E. STA 10/11/1964
Walker Mary STA 12/6/1964
Walsh Michael J. 11/16/1964
Walsh Robert 10/8/1964
Walsh Robert W. 10/9/1964
Walter Aloysia 12/16/1964
Walton Benjamin F. 12/8/1964
Walton Eleanor 10/7/1964
Walton Eleanor E. 10/6/1964
Walton Henry Beven, Jr. STA 12/27/1964
Walton Marianla 12/28/1964
Ward Mary 12/21/1964
Wargo Albert W. 11/2/1964
Wass George 11/23/1964
Webb Frances STA 11/1/1964
Wedell Bertha   12/18/1964
Weeden Georgina Rigby STA 10/25/1964
Weiss Emma 11/9/1964
Weiss Maria Ungrady STA 11/8/1964
Welsh Frances Harris 11/12/1964
Wernowski Rev. Walter 10/27/1964
Wetherill Aleander 11/9/1964
White W. Wilson 11/12/1964
Whyno John L. 11/2/1964
Wiener Samuel  12/2/1964
Wilcox Blanche E. STA 11/1/1964
Wiley Emily 10/5/1964
Wiley Henry M. 10/6/1964
Wilgus George 12/14/1964
Wilkins Eddie J. 10/2/1964
Wilkins Eddie J. STA 10/4/1964
Williams Cora 10/13/1964
Williams David STA 10/18/1964
Williams H. Lloyd 10/20/1964
Williams Martin J., Sr. STA 12/13/1964
Williams  Horace 12/11/1964
Williams  Horace STA 12/13/1964
Williams  Jo Ann (Infant) STA 12/27/1964
Williams  Maria 12/18/1964
Williams  Martin J. 12/15/1964
Williamson Rev. Dr. Charles H. STA 12/6/1964
Willis Dr. Clodius 12/16/1964
Wilson Edward C. STA 11/8/1964
Wilson Floyd STA 11/15/1964
Wilson George B. 12/16/1964
Wilson Nathalie 11/17/1964
Wilton Joseph E. 11/6/1964
Winarick Arthur STA 11/22/1964
Windham Nora 11/24/1964
Winkler Clara 10/26/1964
Winstanley Ann Tafford 12/21/1964
Wismer Mary E. 11/3/1964
Witte William C. 10/13/1964
Wnuk Anthony J. STA 12/27/1964
Woldanski John 11/2/1964
Woldanski John C. 11/3/1964
Wolf Ethel 12/21/1964
Wollever Laura 11/27/1964
Wollman Frank 11/20/1964
Woodruff John W. 10/12/1964
Woodward Helen 11/30/1964
Wooley Charles M. STA 12/27/1964
Woolf William 11/27/1964
Worthington Carrie 11/10/1964
Worthington Cyrus Wetherill STA 11/1/1964
Worthington Mary Woolverton STA 10/11/1964
Worthington William 10/29/1964
Wozniak Alexander 12/28/1964
Wozniak Walter 11/6/1964
Wright Donald C. 11/2/1964
Wright Dudley W. 11/17/1964
Wright Helen K. 10/13/1964
Wright Jeanne E. 12/22/1964
Wright Tacy Brown 11/17/1964
Wurster Catherine 12/8/1964
Wylie Mary   STA 10/4/1964
Yager Susanna  10/21/1964
Yang Constance L. 10/8/1964
Yedlinsky Frances STA 12/13/1964
Yetter Bessie Cooke STA 10/25/1964
Young Charles Morris STA 11/15/1964
Young Charles Morris 11/16/1964
Zabitosky Cora 11/10/1964
Zbojovsky Anna 12/18/1964
Zehnich Martha 11/10/1964
Zelley Evan M. 10/26/1964
Zenk William H. 10/8/1964
Zimmerman Elizabeth Schutz STA 11/15/1964
Zoda Joseph 11/3/1964
Zu Hone Fred W. 12/4/1964
Zuba Stanley 10/13/1964
Zundel Amanda STA 10/4/1964
This data was transcribed by Robert Shaw.
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