Victory Parade



Naar Abraham D’A. Sr., h 18 Delaware

Naar Abraham D’A. Jr., contractor, h 82 Pennington av

Naar Benjamin Sr., sec'y state sinking fund, h 18 Delaware

Naar & Brand, (David B. Naar & Adolph L. Brand), sign painters, N W cor Greene and Hanover and 143 E Front

Naar David B., (Naar & Brand), 124 Second

NAAR; DAY & NAAR, (Moses D. Naar; Joshua S. Day & Joseph L. Naar), printers; stationers and book binders, S E cor State and Greene

Naar Joseph L., (Naar; Day & Naar); also governor's private secretary, h 235 E Front

Naar Moses D., (Naar; Day & Naar); counselor at law and editor of the True American, h 253 E Front

Naar Raphael P., bds 18 Delaware

NAAR SAMUEL G., attorney at law, 12 S Greene, bds 18 Delaware

Nalty James, laborer, h 302 E Carroll

Nangle Kate, bookkeeper, res 44 W Front

NANGLE JOHN, boots and shoes, Taylor Hall, h 44 W Front

Napton Hannah, widow of William, res 138 E Front

Napton John, clerk, h 138 E Front

Narroway Robert, h 38 Model av

Narroway Mrs. Robert, fancy goods, 311 Broad, res 38 Model av

Nash Johanna, widow, h Girard av n Clinton, Millham

Nasmyth John G., printer, h 127 Calhoun

National Hotel, Hanover bet Greene and Warren

Naylan John, laborer, bds 101 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Naylor Charles, bricklayer, h 303 Union

Naylor Daniel, laborer, h 34 Beaver

Naylor Elnathan S., carpenter, h 1203 Anderson, Chamb’g

Naylor Fraceni, dress maker, res 246 Jackson

Naylor George, section hand P R R, bds 303 Union

Naylor Henry A., barber, bds 91 Carroll

Naylor Henry, bricklayer, bds 303 Union

Naylor John, potter, h Klagg av, Millham

Naylor Johnson, carpenter, h 571 Clinton, Chamb'g

Naylor Joseph, farmer, bds 303 Union

Naylor Levi S., conductor, h 91 Carroll

Naylor Lewis G., potter, bds 91 Carroll

Naylor Lillian B., dress maker, res 1203 Anderson, Chamb'g

Naylor Thomas M., wheelwright, h 246 Jackson

Naylor William C., railroader, h 236 Kossuth

Naylor William D., brakeman, h 98 Ewing

Neal Beulah, widow, res widows' home; 109 and 111 W Front

Neale Charles A., (Jay & Neale), h 225 Perry

Neale John W., wire drawer, bds 117 Cooper

Neal Milton, h 72 Carroll

Neale Richard, shipping clerk, h 117 Cooper

Nealy John, hotel, S Warren, h do

Neary Joseph, laborer, 51 Adeline, Chamb’g

Neeld Theodore S., shoe maker, 111 New Rose

Neeld Thomas, rubber worker, h MacKenzie av, Millham

Neff Frederick, iron worker, h 1516 Clinton, Chamb'g

Neff Henry, beer saloon, Chestnut av cor Elmer, h do, Chamb'g

Neff Joseph, h Sherman av n Clinton

Neff Mary, dress maker, h Sherman av n Clinton, Millham

Neff William, potter, h 10 Grant av

Neidermier Anthony, moulder, h 41 Passaic

Neidmeyer Joseph, locksmith, h Breuing av, Millham

Neilson Rev. William H., rector St Michael's P E church, h 114 W State

Nelson Emily, domestic, Woodlawn, 539 S Warren

Nelson Emory, potter, bds 31 William

Nelson Frank, potter, bds 125 Lamberton

Nelson Harry, baker, h 910 Broad, Chamb'g

Nelson Jennie, dress maker, h 15 Beaver

Nelson John, potter, h 31 William

Nelson John P., boatman, h 5 Prince, Millham

Nelson Martha, widow, res 256 N Feeder

Nelson Theodosia, trimmings; &c, 8 E State, res 212 E Front

Nelson William, box maker, 88 Belvidere

Nelson William H., bakery, 910 Broad, h do, Chamb’g

Nesbit John J., sawyer, h 48 W Washington

Netter Ann, widow Joseph, 421 Lamberton

NETTER CHARLES, hotel and restaurant, 10 N Warren, h do

Netter David P., engineer, h 148 Ferry

Netter Robert J., clerk, bds 421 Lamberton

Neuls Frederick P., bakery, 246 Kossuth, h do

Nevius Benjamin R., clerk, bds 53 Carroll

Nevius Cornelius C., laborer, h 13 Peace

Nevius Luke, iron worker, h 639 Lamberton

Nevius Peter, clerk, h 53 Carroll

Newbeck Benedict, shoe maker, h 78 Esher

Newbold Edward, machinist, h 373 S Warren

Newbold John, bds 25 Livingston

Newbold John, rag picker, h 319 Union

Newbold Lizzie P., teacher, res 25 Livingston

Newbold Walter, city bazaar, Stockton cor Front, h 408 Bellevue av

New Jersey Agricultural Works, Hamilton av n canal, Chamb'g

NEW JERSEY EXPRESS CO., (George W. Pratt; agent), 106 N Warren

NEW JERSEY POTTERY CO., (Henry T. Cook; pres't and treasurer), manufacturers of fine earthenware, Railroad av n B & D R R

NEW JERSEY STEEL AND IRON CO., (Edward Cooper; pres't, Frederick J. Slade; treas, Joseph Stokes; sup't), ft S Warren

NEW JERSEY STAATS JOURNAL, (E. C. Stahl; prop), 211 N Warren

Newell David, iron worker, h 326 Union

Newell James, laborer, h Hill n Furman

Newell Nelson, potter, bds 118 Southard

NEWELL WILLIAM A., JR., physician, 215 E State, h do

NEW YORK & TRENTON TEA CO., (H. C. Wilson; proprietor and manager), 175 Broad

Nichols Isaac H., sec'y International Pottery Co., h 27 Wall

Nichols Isaac W., clerk, bds 27 Wall

Nichols Othneil F., engineer, h 25 Wall

Nicholson Michael, groceries and provisions, 17 Spring, h 19 do

Nicklin Henry J., roll turner, h 132 Second

Nicklin Mrs. James, widow, res 554 Centre

Niedt E. C., (E. C. Niedt & Co.), h 24 Union

NIEDT E. C, & CO., soap and candle works, 12; 14; 16 and 18 Union cor Market

Niedt Oscar, soap maker, bds 24 Union

Ninan John, laborer, h 712 Broad, Chamb’g

Nitz Frederick L., baker, bds 135 N Greene

Nitz Gustave, peddler, Hamilton n Chestnut, Chamb'g

Nixon Benjamin, huckster, h 104 Clark av, Chamb’g

Nixon Jacob, laborer, bds 14 Fowler

Nixon James, waiter, h 20 Pennington av

Nixon Mrs. Jennie D., milliner, 148 Broad, h do

Nixon John T., judge U S district court, h 413 Prospect av

Nixon Langhorn, laborer, h 14 Fowler

Nixon Susan, cook, h 58 Quarry al

Noble Charles, potter, h 32 New Rose

Noble Catharine, h 341 Brunswick av

Noble Christopher, laborer, h 84 Esher

Noble Hugh, laborer, h 81 Esher

Noble John, moulder, h 217 Hudson, Chamb'g

Noble Thomas W., bds 90 Union

Noble William H., bookkeeper, bds 112 N Montgomery

Nockton Michael, laborer, h 238 Allen

Noesky Francis J., farmer, Bunting, Deutzville

Nolan Ann, groceries and provisions, 169 Pennington av, h do

Nolan Bridget, widow Richard, res 356 Union

Nolan Elijah M., laborer, bds 24 Rose

Nolan James, sexton St. Mary's R C Church, bds 155 N Warren

Nolan John, carter, 24 Rose

Nolan Joseph, driver Hand-in-Hand Fire Co., h 16 N Willow

Nolan Joseph, watchman, h Cass n Clinton, Millham

Nolan Michael, laborer, bds 51 Bond

Nolan Patrick, grocer and liquor dealer, 166 Broad, h do

Nolan Thomas, clerk, bds 169 Pennington av

Nolan Wilson R., teamster, h 137 W Hanover

Noon John J., potter, h 112 Jefferson

Noon William J., potter, 132 Ferry

Noonan John, laborer, h 321 Southard

Norcross Alfred, drug clerk, bds Clinton cor Hamilton, Chamb'g

Norman George, mason, bds 22 Belvidere

Norman Harry, potter, h 122 Kossuth

Norris Ada, widow John, res 19 High, Chamb'g

Norton Arabel, dress maker, res 206 Centre

Norton Henrietta, widow William, res 206 Centre

Norton Mary J., widow Joshua, 136 Mercer

Norton Theodore, bds 210 S Warren

Norton William, laborer, h 414 Princeton av

Novelty Iron Foundry, 204 Lamberton

Nugent Edward, potter, h 12 Cross, Millham

Nugent James, saw maker, h 112 Fall

Nugent John, laborer, h 88 Esher

Nugent John, potter, bds 31 William

Nugent Leo, saw maker, h Rusling n Chestnut av, Chamb'g

Nugent Thomas, laborer, h r 341 Union

Nugent William, shoe maker, h 533 Broad

Nunan John, laborer, h 7 Mill

Nuskee Charles, potter, h 515 Clinton, Chamb'g

Nutt Alexander, sash and blind maker, bds 33 Lamberton

Nutt Charles, Jr., R R flagman, h 513 Ferry

Nutt Charles, carpenter, fair grounds, h 212 Clay

Nutt Daniel, puddler, h 831 S Warren

Nutt Edmund R., watchmaker, bds 407 E State

Nutt Edward, teamster, h 81 Summer

Nutt Ellsworth, instructor state prison, h 35 Union

Nutt George N., clerk, h 20 Bank

Nutt George W., carpenter, h 263 Clay

Nutt George W. Jr., engineer, h 263 Clay

Nutt John, carpenter, h 235 Clay

Nutt Joseph, laborer, h r 203 Fair

Nutt Joseph H., carpenter, bds 212 Brunswick av

Nutt Mary, widow John, res 33 Lamberton

Nutt Lewis Jr., kiln builder, bds 243 N Warren

Nutt Lewis Sr., kiln builder, h 243 N Warren

Nutt Lewis H., laborer, h 25 Passaic

Nutt Love, teamster, bds 62 Lamberton

Nutt Sarah, widow Henry W., h 35 Union

Nutt Talman, boiler maker, 809 Lamberton

Nutt Thomas, iron worker, bds 831 S Warren

Nutt Thomas H., blacksmith, Clinton cor Greenwood, h Tyler and canal, Chamb'g

Nutt Walter L., clerk, bds 416 Market

Nutt William, boiler maker, bds 809 Lamberton

Nutt William C., boiler maker, bds 63 Decatur

Nutt William H., salesman, h 231 Jackson

Nutt William L., sash and blind maker, h 307 S Warren

Nutt William N., clerk adjutant general's office, h 407 E State

Nye Zachariah, broker, h 520 E State

Obendafer, Anthony, machinist, 111 Adeline, Chamb’g

Obendafer Charles, potter, bds 552 Second

Obendafer Mary, widow Jacob, h 552 Second

Obert Frederick, blacksmith, h 13 W Front

Obert John S., blacksmith, h 505 Market

Obert Paul, farmer, h 162 Passaic

Obert Paul W., chain maker, bds 162 Passaic

Obert William, laborer, bds 162 Passaic

Oble Sarah, domestic, 163 W Hanover

Oblender Jacob, potter, h St Joseph av, Millham

O'Brien Ann, widow, res 135 Lamberton

O'Brien Dennis, instructor state prison, h 842 Centre

O'Brien Edward, laborer, h 24 Beaver

O'Brien Ellen, domestic, 443 W State

O'Brien James, laborer, h 10 Fowler

O'Brien John, puddler, bds 44 Asbury

O'Brien John, mason, bds 135 Lamberton

O'Brien Lawrence, teamster, h 7 New York av, E Trenton

O'Brien Lawrence, Sr., bridge tender, h n Atterbury's

O'Brien Mary, widow, h Conover's al n Market

O'Brien Matthew, mason, h 119 Temple

O'Brien Patrick, laborer, h 369 Fair

O'Brien Robert, gardener, h 166 Monmouth

O'Brien Thomas, teamster, h 356 Reservoir

O'Brien Thomas, mason, h 16 Mill

O'Brien Timothy, h 22 Conover's al

O'Brien William, stone cutter, h 563 Second

O'Brien William, potter, h Fillmore n Clinton, Millham

O'Connor Alice, dress maker, res 158 Lamberton

O'Connor Cornelius, gardener, h off Hamilton av, Chamb’g

O'Connor Jeremiah, laborer, h 336 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Odell James, carpenter, bds 74 Clark, Chamb’g

O'Donnell Ellen, h 223 Fair

O'Donnell John, laborer, h 205 Fair

O'Donnell Thomas, laborer, h 477 Centre

O'Donovan Michael, mason, h 9 Centre

Oelschevski Henry, laborer, h 832 Lamberton

Oelschevski Thomas, iron worker, h 806 Lamberton

Oerkvitz Charles, laborer, h 619 Centre

Ogborn Elizabeth, widow, h 362 Reservoir

Ogden Ann E, res 18 Tyler, Chamb'g

Ogden Harry, machinist, bds 245 Clay

Ogden Phoebe, widow, h 83 Lamberton

Ogden William, bill poster, bds 83 Lamberton

O'Hanlon John, shoe maker, bds Pennington av

O'Hara Henry, constable, h 116 Pennington av

O'Hara Patrick, laborer, h 422 Federal

O'Hara Rebecca C., teacher, h 115 W Hanover

O'Hara Thomas, laborer, 62 Bond

O'Kane Ecklin, potter, h 137 Kossuth

O'Kane Mary, widow John, res 415 Lamberton

O'KEEFE JOHN, saloon, 253 Elmer, h do, Chamb’g

Oleander Christiani, domestic, 134 Greenwood av

Oldham George P, upholsterer, h 12 N Jackson

Oliphant Alexander C., U S N cadet, res 318 Chestnut av, Chamb'g

Oliphant Henry D., dep clerk U S circuit court, res 318 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Oliphant Hughes, res 318 Chestnut av, Chamb'g

Oliphant Nelson B., physician, bds 318 Chestnut av, Chamb'g

OLIPHANT SAMUEL D., clerk U S circuit court, U S court house, res 318 Chestnut av, Chamb'g

Oliphant Richard C., bookkeeper, bds 318 Chestnut av, Chamb'g

Oliver James, potter, h 13 Hermann

O'Lone Annie, domestic, 127 E Hanover

O'Lone Elizabeth, domestic, 168 W State

O'Lone John, coachman, h 40 Barnes

O'Loughlin Charles, shoe maker, bds 402 Princeton av

O'Loughlin Peter, boot and shoe maker, 402 Princeton av, h do

O'Neil Eliza, dress maker, 105 E State, h 137 S Stockton

O'Neill Felix M., clerk, bds Broad cor Factory

O'Neill Francis, potter, h 34 E Canal

O'Neill Francis, clerk, bds Hanover Street House

O'Neill Francis T., clerk, bds Broad cor Factory

O'Neill Georgiana, domestic, 318 Chestnut av, Chamb'g

O'Neill James, laborer, bds 66 Woolverton av, Chamb’g

O'Neill James, laborer, 411 Centre

O’Neill John, coachman, h 215 Bayard, Chamb'g

O’Neill John, laborer, h 9 William

O’Neill John, potter, h 409 Bridge

O’NEILL JOSEPH, Hanover Street House, 28 and 30 E Hanover, h do

O'Neill Joseph, puddler, h 524 Lamberton

O'Neill Joseph, Jr., saw maker, bds Hanover Street House

O'Neill Joseph, car driver, bds Broad cor Factory

O'NEILL MICHAEL, hotel, Broad cor Factory, h do

O'Neill Patrick, liquors, 165 W Hanover, h do

O'Neill Patrick, laborer, h 56 Woolverton av

Onkeby Frank, wire drawer, bds 33 Clark, Chamb'g

Onquee Henry, teamster, h 27 Humboldt

Onquee Margaret, domestic, 137 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Onquee Richardson, laborer, 30 Humboldt

Opdyke John W., farmer, h 102 Clinton, Chamb'g

Opperman Daniel, iron worker, h 119 Furman

Opperman Jacob, barber, 4 S Warren, h do

Opperman Magdalene, dress maker, res 119 Furman

Orner John B., car inspector, h 26 Southard

Orner William B., brakeman P R R, h 138 Mercer

Orr William, Jr., superintendent, 232 E Hanover

Osborne Benjamin F., cutter, h 318 Broad

Osborne George, peddler, bds 77 Bellevue av

Osborne Henry, butcher, h Jefferson n borough limit, Chamb’g

O'Shea John, gardener, bds 388 S Warren

O'Shea Michael, laborer, h 23 Franklin

OSMOND A. T., window shades; &c., 213 N Greene, h do

Osmond George, cigars; &c., 836 Broad, Chamb'g, h do

Osmond William B., operator, bds 213 N Greene

Ossenberg Annie, widow Peter, res 160 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Ossenberg Lizzie, (M. & L. Ossenberg), res 160 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Ossenberg Matilda (M. & L. Ossenberg), 160 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Ossenberg M. & L., millinery, 158 Hamilton av, Chamb'g

OSSENBERG WILLIAM, groceries; provisions; flour and feed, Broad cor Bridge, h 517 Broad

Ostermier Margaret, weaver, res 687 Lamberton

Ostermier Mary, widow, h 828 Lamberton

Ostermier William, laborer, h 687 Lamberton

Otis Garret S., carpenter, h 504 Hudson, Chamb'g

Otis John H., shoe maker, bds 239 N Warren

Otis William, blacksmith, bds 504 Hudson, Chamb’g

Ott & Brewer (Joseph Ott & John H. Brewer), manufacturing potters, Clinton av n B D R R

Ott Caroline, widow, h 207 Calhoun

Ott Edward, laborer, h 231 William, Chamb’g

Ott Horatio, potter, bds 316 S Warren

Ott Joseph, (Ott & Brewer), h 102 Clinton av

Ott Philip D., cigar maker, h 316 S Warren

Outcalt James H., slate polisher, bds 100 Clinton, Chamb'g

OUTCALT PETER S., slate mantel manufacturer, 100 Clinton, h do, Chamb'g

Overton Frederick, wire drawer, bds 452 Broad

Overton James W., saw inspector, h 75 Clark, Chamb'g

Overton John, saw maker, h 476 Hamilton, Chamb'g

Owens Ann, widow John, res 122 Union

Owens James W., tobacco and cigars, 14 Perry, h do

Owens John, h 14 Barnes

Owens John C., (W. J. Owens & Co.), h 27 Southard

OWENS MRS. ELIZABETH, trimmings and notions, 173 Broad, res 324 do

Owens Wesley C., business manager,,173 Broad, bds 324 do

OWENS W. J. & CO. (W. J. and John C. Owens), clothing house, 43 E State

Owens William J., (W. J. Owens & Co.), h 148 E State

Oxley Edward, tool grinder, h 235 Centre

Oxley Joseph, tool grinder, bds 245 Second

Packard Charles F., agent, bds 108 E Hanover

Packard Louis S., lock maker, h 115 Bayard, Chamb’g

Packer Alfred W., photographer, h 131 W Hanover

Packer Elisha D., brakeman, bds 117 Southard

PACKER GEORGE N., agent Packer's coal yard, h 204 Clinton av

Packer Howard E., student, bds 79 Clinton av

Packer Irving W., laborer, bds 117 Southard

Packer Lewis S., moulder, h 115 Bayard, Chamb’g

Packer Peter P., printer, h 153 N Greene

PACKER SAMUEL B., steam stone yard; Perry street basin, coal and wood, 321 Perry, h 79 Clinton

Packer T. Harvey, telegraph operator, bds, 153 N Greene

Packer William F., druggist, bds 153 N Greene

Padderatz Christian, carman, h 210 Polk, Chamb'g

Padderatz Fritz, laborer, 319 William, Chamb'g

Padderatz John, carpenter, h Coleman cor Prospect, Chamb’g

Padderatz Joseph, res bridge house, Greenwood av

Paffe Ellen, widow, h 260 Spring

Paffe Flora, confectionery and notions, 204 Centre, h do

Paffe Herman, tailor, h 182 Cooper

Paffe John L., clerk, bds 134 Broad

Paffe Joseph A., tailor, 134 Broad, h do

PAFFE WILLIAM, hats and caps, 134 Broad, h 204 Centre

Paffe William, cutter, h 204 Centre

Paffe William J., potter, 515 Princeton av

Page Anthony W., moulder, h 129 Cooper

Page George W., potter, bds Clinton Avenue Hotel, Millham

Page Harry, painter, bds 129 Cooper

Page Henry T., blacksmith, bds 323 Fair

Page John B., wheelwright, h 141 E Front

Page John T., wheelwright and blacksmithing, Clinton n Union, Millham, h 150 E Front

Page Joseph D., baggage master, h 502 Market

Page Samuel, potter, bds Clinton Avenue Hotel, Millham

Page Samuel B., retired, h 212 Warren

Page William, laborer, h 122 Pennington av

Page William, prop Clinton Avenue Hotel, h do, Millham

Page William H., cider dealer, 103 S Warren, bds 119 E Hanover

Paine William, shoe maker, 510 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g

Painter Augustus, butcher, bds 168 Brunswick av

Painter George, butcher, 168 Brunswick av

Painter John E., butcher, bds 168 Brunswick av

Painter Joseph, harness maker, h 112 Butler, Chamb’g

Paling William, gardener, 137 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Palmer Abram, laborer, h 717 S Warren

Palmer Benjamin G., laborer, h Cass n Clinton, Millham

Palmer James, key maker, h Clinton Opp Hart av, Millham

Palmer James, lime burner, 242 Second

Palmer Joseph H., potter, bds Maple n Clinton, Millham

Palmer Maria L., tailoress, res 717 S Warren

Palmer Sarah, widow Charles, h 72 Esher

Parent Edward, laborer, 234 Hewitt, Chamb’g

Parent John B., belt maker, h 13 Ogden

Parent Louis T., tube maker, h 114 Jefferson

Parent Mary A., widow William, res 198 Broad

Parent Michael E., h 20 Grant av

Parent William H. S., machinist, h 20 Seward av

PARRISH CHARLES W., carpenter and builder, Dye, 1214 Chestnut, Chamb'g

Parrish John W., laborer, h 46 Pennington av

Parker Charles, iron worker, h 312 Union

Parker Charles S., butcher, h 117 E Front

Parker Elizabeth D., widow Samuel, h 93 Carroll

Parker George, shoe maker, 237 Centre, h do

Parker George W., file cutter, bds 242 Mercer

Parker Ida, artist, res 237 Centre

Parker Joseph, teamster, h 1350 Broad, Chamb’g

Parker Lewis, paper hanger, bds 217 Union

PARKER LEWIS, JR., counselor at law; also Trenton Savings Fund Association, h 713 S Warren

Parker Lewis R., paper hanger, h 217 Union

Parker Sarah, widow Joseph, res 713 S Warren

Parker Susie T., teacher, res 237 Centre

Parker Thomas R., clerk, bds 144 E Front

Parker W. Bradford, clerk surrogate's office, h 163 Mercer

Parker W. Craig, veterinary surgeon, h 501 Market

Parker William, restaurant, 306 Broad, h 501 Market

Parker William, oyster dealer, 306 Broad, h 601 Market

Park Archibald S., chief pound master, 235 Allen

Park William E., potter, bds 235 Allen

Parkinson Edward F., student, bds 115 E State

Parks Garret D., coffee and spices, 218 Broad, h 210 Jackson

Parks John, wire worker, h 405 Lamberton

Parks Tabitha, widow, h 56 Bellevue av

Parrott Samuel C., watch maker, h 215 Academy

Parsons Charles, clerk, bds 346 Broad

Parsons Frank P., wiper, bds 233 E Hanover

Parsons John L., insurance agent 144 E State, bds 314 E State

Parsons Louis, teamster, h 616 Adeline, Chamb' g

Parsons Sarah, widow, res 99 Cooper

Parsons William, saw filer, h 93 Cooper

Pashley Charles, sup't Del Coal and Ice Co., h 234 N Warren

Pashley Elizabeth, widow, h 311 N Willow

Pashley Francis, glue maker, h 311 N Willow

Pashey William, pres't Delaware Coal and Ice Co., h 187 Pennington av

PAST WILLIAM, agent, h 65 Carroll

Patrick William F., paper hangings, 27 and 29 S Warren, h 27 do

Patterson Albert, clerk, bds 210 Broad

Patterson Amanda, h 17 Bellevue av

Patterson Charles, laborer, h 638 Clinton, Chamb’g

Patterson Edward H., scavenger, h 20 Chancery

Patterson Joseph, fireman, h 223 Hudson, Chamb'g

Patterson John, laborer, bds 638 Clinton, Chamb'g

Pattison Abraham, laborer, h r Bellevue n Calhoun

Pattison John M., potter, bds 519 Jennie, Chamb’g

Pattison Lucy, widow, h 519 Jennie, Chamb'g

Pattison Thomas E., potter, bds 519 Jennie, Chamb'g

Pattison William J., potter, bds 519 Jennie, Chamb’g

Patton John R., tailor, h 63 Union

Pauck Georie E., potter, 28 Barbara

Paul Henry B., (Paul & Ale), h State Street House

PAUL & ALE, (H. B. Paul and Eli K. Ale), proprietors State Street House, State cor Chancery

Paul Joseph C., retired, h 591 Brunswick av

Paul Robert N., ice dealer, bds 591 Brunswick av

Pauling Henry, hotel, 519 Perry, h do

Paxson Annie V., dress maker, res 229 William, Chamb'g

Paxson Edward, carpenter, 229 William, Chamb’g

Paxson Elizabeth L., widow, h 140 W State

Paxson Henry C., clerk U S postal dept, bds American House

Paxson Mary, widow, res 48 W State

Paxton Louis, clerk, bds 89 Jackson

Payran John D., marble yard, 323 and 325 E State, h 49 Carroll

Payran Samuel, harness maker, 7 N Warren, h 10 Maple av, Millham

Peabody William H., engineer, h 33 Walnut av, Chamb'g

Peabody William H.; Jr., hose maker, bds 33 Walnut av, Chamb'g

Peak Aaron, coal and wood dealer, 116 Woodland, h do, Chamb'g

Peak Henry, potter, h 62 Perrine av

Peak James T., insurance agent, h 1064 Broad, Chamb’g

Pearson Charles L., physician, h 307 W State

Pearson Joseph, mason, bds 233 Jackson

Pearson Joseph, carpenter, h 211 Second

Pearson Morris L., commission house, h 34 Southard

Pearson Sylvester, iron worker, bds 15 Decatur

Pearson Thomas, blacksmith, Pennington av, h do, Ewing twp

Pearson William, carpenter, h 119 S Warren

PEIRSON & BYRAM, (Wilson Peirson and William B. Byram), real estate brokers, 119 E State

Peirson Wilson, (Peirson & Byram), h 302 E State cor Stockton

Pease George L., rubber worker, h 15 1/2 Dickinson, Millham

Peck E. A., teacher, h 47 W State

Peck N. W., (C. W. Wright & Co.), h 266 Jackson

Pedro Henry, laborer, h 43 Gordon

Pegg William C., salesman, h 133 Stockton

Penney David, potter, bds 113 Lamberton

Penney James, potter, bds 326 S Warren

Penney John S., potter, h 13 Taylor

Pennington Harry U., potter, bds 256 Mercer

Pennington John, carpenter, bds 229 Second

Pennington Thomas, retired, h 256 Mercer

Pennoyer Susie C., bds 15 Bellevue av

PEOPLE'S COAL AND ICE CO., (Lewis S. Baker), 338 Perry

Perrine Charles, laborer, bds 27 Beatty, Chamb'g

Perrine John C., druggist, bds 20 Perry

Perrine J. B., vinegar and cider dealer, h 23 Yard av

PERRINE LEWIS, quartermaster general, office state house, h 201 E State

Perrine Lewis, Jr., student, h 201 E State

Perrine Peter, wood dealer, h 406 Reservoir

Perrine William, potter, bds 27 Beatty, Chamb'g

Perry Mrs. Louisa, res 120 Centre

Perry Thomas, agent, bds 87 Clark, Chamb'g

Petermann John H., music teacher, h 162 W State

Peters Mrs. Annie, weaver, res 174 Lamberton

Peters Charles H., moulder, bds 194 Lamberton

Peters Charles; Sr., iron moulder, h 194 Lamberton

Peters Daniel, h 35 Ewing

Peters Emily J., domestic, 123 W State

Peters Franklin, railroader, h 416 E Carroll

Peters Henry, moulder, h 49 Decatur

Peters Jarvis J., baker, bds 691 Clinton, Chamb’g

Peters John W., laborer, bds 226 Clinton av

Peters Joseph, barber, h 171 Lamberton

Peters William, railroader, h 418 E Carroll

Peterson Benjamin, shoe maker, h 47 W State

Peterson John, waiter, h 72 Quarry al

Peterson Nathan R., waterman, h 23 Livingston

Petry Frederick, milk dealer, h 418 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Petteretts Christian, carpenter, h 210 William, Chamb’g

Pettie Charles W., professor music, h 242 Jackson

Pettie Jacob C. & Co., (J. Herbert Yard), livery; sale and accommodation stables, 114 S Greene

Pettie Jacob C., (J. C. Pettie & Co.), h 67 Cooper

Pettit Charles, printer, bds 25 Southard

Pettit Jesse, laborer, bds Smith's ct

Pettit Rebecca, dress maker, res 179 Broad

Pettit S. Eli, cooper, bds 179 Broad

Pfaff Frederick, butcher, bds 48 Tyrill av

Pfeifer Edward, knitted goods, h 63 Cooper

Pfister Henry, carpet weaver, 1015 Broad, h do, Chamb'g

Pfister Henry J., bakery, 900 Clinton, Chamb'g, h do

Pfister John F., barber, 343 S Warren, h 368 do

Pfitzinger Carrie, domestic, 152 W State

Pfitzinger Frank, iron worker, h 622 Adeline, Chamb’g

Pfitzinger William, paper carrier, bds 622 Adeline, Chamb'g

Pfleger Albert, shoe fitter, h 545 Broad

Pfleger John, saloon, 612 Lamberton, h do

Pfleger Louis, watchmaker with Sarauel Sickel, h 11 E State

Plifleger Valentine, laborer, h 142 Federal

Phares Catharine, widow James, res 208 Jackson

Phares Henry T., Merchants Trans Co, 471 Princeton av

Phelan Joseph, rope maker, bds 604 Clinton, Chamb'g

Phelan Patrick, laborer, h 604 Clinton, Chamb’g

Phelan Patrick, shoe maker, h 3 Division

Phelan William, wire drawer, bds 604 Clinton, Chamb’g

Phelps Richard N. R., bds 140 W State

Phifer & Bro., (Edward and George), foundry, Third cor Landing

Phifer Edward, (Phifer & Bro.), h 214 N Montgomery

Phifer George, (Phifer & Bro.), h 137 Allen

Phifer John H., carpenter, h 136 Allen

PHILADELPHIA & READING R. R. CO.'S Express and Del.; Lack. & Western Express, Caleb F. Aaronson; agent, S E cor State and Warren

Phillips Aaron, cigar maker, h 314 Bridge

Phillips Albert S., h 125 W Hanover

Phillips Beniamin D.; Jr., clerk, bds 126 W State

Phillips Benjamin D., h 126 W State

PHILLIPS BENJAMIN M.,insurance and real estate agent, 181 Broad, h 257 Jackson

Phillips Charles, huckster, h 48 W State

Phillips Charles C., printer, h 118 Allen

Phillips Edward L., moulder, h 15 Titus av

Phillips Elias, musician, bds 210 S Warren

Phillips Elizabeth, widow, h 3 Ferry

Phillips George, tailor, h 214 S Warren

Phillips George O., clerk, bds 48 W State

Phillips James, laborer, h 468 Clinton av, Millham

Phillips James P., laborer, h 15 Centre

Phillips Johanna F., h 38 Yard av

Phillips John, potter, bds 3 Ferry

Phillips John S., carpenter, h 141 Perry

Phillips John N., railroader, bds 314 Bridge

Phillips J. W., decorator, h 258 Jackson

Phillips Joshua, shoe maker, bds 210 S Warren

Phillips Lizzie B., trimmings, 12 W State, h do

Phillips Millie, notions, 12 W State

Phillips Mrs., widow, nurse, 51 Sweet's av

Phillips Oliver, clerk, bds 17 E Front

Phillips Olivia, widow, h 142 Academy

Phillips Reuben, carriage maker, h 111 Fall

Phillips Robert P., carpenter, h 26 W Front

Phillips Sarah, dress maker, bds 320 Fair

Phillips Simeon B., cigar maker, h 48 Pennington av

Phillips Sylvester H., painter, h 67 Summer

Phillips Theodore F., coachman, h 57 Summer

Phillips Theophilus, millwright, h 17 Market

Phillips Thomas; Jr., machinist, bds 320 Fair

Phillips Thomas, peddler, h 320 Fair

Phillips Walter, potter, bds 48 Pennington av

Phillips William, engineer, h 225 N Greene

Phillips William, hats and caps, h 209 E Hanover

Phillips William, h 210 S Warren

PHILLIPS WILLIAM W. L., physician, 2 N Willow, h 52 W State

Phinney Joseph, decorator, bds 523 Perry

PHOENIX IRON CO., (W. D. Haven; pres't & treas, F. Schuman; sup't, Thomas Braden; secy & ass't sup't), Fair cor Mill

Pickel Baltes, real estate, h 144 Clinton av

Pidgeon William, waiter, 180 W State

Pierce Jacob J., teamster, h 142 S Stockton

Pierson David H., laborer, h 143 Brunswick av

Pierson Emma B., teacher, h 60 Spring

Pierson Joseph B., carpenter, Spring, h 105 Spring

Pierson Leslie C., clerk state house, h 101 Spring

Pierson Sarah E., teacher h 60 Spring

Pierson William, machinist, bds 73 Lamberton

Pierson William M., clerk, h 106 N Willow

Pilger H. Charles, policeman, We 233 W Hanover

Pilger Margaret, widow, h 233 W Hanover

Pilger Richard, chain maker, bds 233 W Hanover

Pilgrim John, chain maker, bds 8 Decatur

Pilkington Edward, weaver, bds 21 Butler Chamb’g

Pilkington John, looin boss, h 21 Butler, Chamb’g

Pinckney Harry, wire drawer, bds 113 Jackson

PINE GEORGE, photographer, 27 and 29 E State, h do

Piper Henry H., engineer, h 363 W State

Piper Sarah, widow, h 200 Brunswick av

Piper William, cake baker, 158 N Greene

Pipkin John, potter, bds 27 Walnut av, Chamb’g

Pippel Anton, potter, h 323 Federal

Pippel Charles, laborer, h 34 Cubberly, Chamb’g

Pippel John, wire drawer, bds 34 Cove al, Chamb’g

Pippel Philip, h 34 Cove al, Chamb’g

Pippel Philip, iron worker, h 442 Centre

Pippel William J., shoes; &c, Greene cor Front, h 845 Broad, Chamb'g

Pippen Alfred, engineer, h 253 Clay

Pippen Jonas, expressman, h 129 Kossuth

Pippen John, laborer, bds 566 Perry

Pippen Mary J., 255 N Willow

Pippen Pierson, restaurant, 255 N Willow, h do

Pippen Sylvester R., livery, 114 Perry, h do

Pippen William, livery stable, 564 Perry, h 566

Pirola Catharine, cigars and tobacco, 521 Chestnut av, h do, Chamb’g

Pirola John, sagger maker, 521 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Pitman & Bro., (Charles and Francis A.), grocers, 559 Centre

Pitman.Charles, (Pitman & Bro.), h 559 Centre

Pitman Francis A., (Pitman & Bro.), bds 559 Centre

Pitman John E., teamster, h Anderson, Chamb’g

Pittman Thomas E., baker, h 213 Brunswick av

Pittenger Alfred S., grocer, Warren cor Mill, h do

Pittenger David T., h 111 W Hanover

Pittenger George W., salesman, h 147 Stockton

Pittenger Henry M., salesman, bds 131 Academy

Pittenger Joseph A., grocer, 108 N Warren, h 131 Academy

Pittenger Joseph B., bar tender, h 125 Chancery

Plant William, potter, bds 19 Grant av

Platt Daniel L., watchman, h 410 Market

Platt Frank, potter, bds Klagg av, Millham

Platt Mamie, bds 229 W Hanover

Platt William, potter, bds 500 Calhoun

Plunkett Annie M., dress maker, res 236 N Greene

Plunkett Howard R., potter, bds 236 N Greene

Plunkett James, mason, h 236 N Greene

Plunkett William, mason, h 26 Esher

Podmore Henry, potter, bds 123 Brunswick av

Poinsett Barzillia, teamster, h 517 Bridge

Poland George, pattern maker, bds 336 Broad

Poland John, butcher, h 336 Broad

Poland Lizzie, teacher, res 336 Broad

Poland Sallie, teacher, res 336 Broad

Polk Charles, law student, bds E State bey'd Chambers, Chamb'g

Polk Mary C., widow David, res E State bey'd Chambers, Chamb'g

Polley John, bds 238 Pennington av, Ewing twp

Polley Thomas, clerk, bds 238 Pennington av, Ewing twp

Pollock James, teamster, h 614 Perry

Polton Jacob, teamster, bds Hewitt cor Jefferson av, Chamb'g

Pond Robert, express messenger, bds 20 Perry

Poole Thomas, iron worker, h 20 Mott

Poor Adam, brick maker, h 848 Centre

Pope Emma, widow, h 172 Monmouth

Pope Isaac B., decorator, h 45 Model av

Pope John M., decorator, h 34 Grant av

Pope Stephen, potter, h 206 Second

Pope William K., farmer, S E cor Riverview cemetery

Porter Francis, bds 719 S Warren

Porter Thomas W., car inspector, h 719 S Warren

Porter William, car inspector, bds 719 S Warren

Post Elizabeth, widow Cornelius G., res 49 Lamberton

Post Frank, iron worker, bds 49 Lamberton

Post Mary S., bds 214 N Feeder

Post Rev. Samuel E., pastor Union St M E Church, h 247 Centre

POST WILLIAM H., sewing machines, 161 Broad, h do

Poten Lena, res 211 Centre

Potter Charles, potter, h Klagg av n Mulberry, Millham

Potts Aaron T. C., potter, bds Sherman av n Clinton, Millham

Potts Charles A., (Potts, Krumholz & Co.), h 161 E Front

Potts Emma C., teacher, h 138 W State

POTTS, KRUMHOLZ & CO., (Charles A. Potts and John Krumholz), real estate and insurance, 103 E State and borough hall Chamb'g

POTTS FREDERIC A., wholesale coal dealer, 257 N Willow, (T W Young; ag't)

Potts George, laborer, h Sherman av n Clinton, Millham

Potts G. Sherman, ladies' wear, 8 N Greene, h do

Potts Jane S., artist, h 161 E Front

Potts J Boardley, mechanical engineer, bds 161 E Front

Potts John L., shoe maker, h 7 Taylor

Potts Margaret, 150 N Warren

Potts Nathaniel E., iron worker, bds 7 Taylor

Potts Sarah, res 843 Centre

Potts William H., stilt pottery, h 225 N Warren

Poucher Joseph, potter, bds 36 Southard

Poulson George H., driver, h 16 W State

Powell Albert, cigar maker, bds 394 Third

Powell Charles, iron worker, h 112 Union

Powell Joseph T., clerk Mechanics National Bank, h 5 W State

Powell Mary, widow, h 112 Union

Powell Robert E., clerk, bds Clinton bel Coleman

Powell William, armorer, h 870 Lamberton

Powers David, wire drawer, h 119 Second

Powers George, laborer, bds 699 Broad, Chamb'g

Powers James J., grocer, 59 Wilson, h do

Powers John, laborer, bds 699 Broad, Chamb'g

Powers John, iron worker, h 13 Butler, Chamb'g

Powers J. Vance, real estate agent, 103 E State, h 295 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Powers Mrs., widow, off Second n Schenck

Powers Patrick, wire drawer, bds 119 Second

Powers Rebecca, dress maker, res 699 Broad, Chamb'g

Powers Richard, laborer, h 699 Broad, Chamb'g

Powers William, laborer, h 181 Lamberton

Powers William, potter, h 17 Hermann

Pownall Isaac C., carpenter, 133 Spring, shop rear 135 do

Pownall John F., potter, h 131 Rose

POWNALL REUBEN, ladies' shoe manufacturer, 200 Broad, h do

Prall William D., saw maker, h 417 Hudson, Chamb'g

Pratt Charles W., grocer, Market cor Mercer, h do

Pratt George W., agent N. J. Express Co., h 214 N Greene

Pratt John Q., clerk, bds Market cor Mercer

Pratt S. P., bookkeeper, bds American House

Pratt William H., compositor, bds Market cor Mercer

Prause George, bar tender, bds 21 N Warren

Prediger William H., shoe maker, h 224 Butler, Chamb’g

Prentice Arthur, kilnman, h 267 Clay

Presber Charles, tool maker, h 168 Cooper

Preston Benjamin, laborer, h 56 Decatur

Preston George, potter, h 22 Beaver

Preston Snowden M., conductor, h 133 Chancery

Preston Thomas, finisher, h 20 Livingston

Preston William H., weaver, bds 56 Decatur

Prestcott, William, laborer, h 22 Beaver

Price Charles, shoe fitter, h 157 E Front

Price Ella S., music teacher, res 237 Clay

Price Emma, dress maker, res 871 Centre

Price Frank, butcher, bds 871 Centre

Price Frederick, laborer, h N Willow (commons)

Price George, farmer, 453 Princeton av

Price George W., butcher, h 1 Cosy pl; Smith's av

Price Henry, potter, 691 Broad, Chamb'g

Price John, bds Bridge cor Fair

Price Jonathan P., flagman, h 255 Mercer

Price Mary, widow Burnet B., res 871 Centre

Price Theodore, cigar maker,.bds 13 Sheridan av

Price Thomas E., salesman, h 933 Broad, Chamb'g

Prickitt Eliza A., widow, h Girard cor Klagg, Millham

Priest Voorhees D., bakery, 116 S Greene, h do

Priestly Charles, iron worker, h 209 Elmer, Chamb'g

Primm John H., iron worker, h 211 Elmer, Chamb'g

Prince John, potter, bds Beakes n Princeton av

Prince Joseph, laborer, h Trent av

Prince Thomas, laborer, h Beakes n Princeton av

Prince William H., brick maker, h 161 W Hanover

Prior John, whee1wright,.Bank cor Barnes, h 37 Spring

Prior, Mary, tailoress, res 334 N Greene

Prior Samuel, stone cutter, bds 506 E State

Prior Samuel, manufacturer of shoe counters, Bank cor Chancery, h 429 E State

Prior Thomas H., (Prior & West), h 506 E State

Prior & West, (Thomas H. Prior and William T. West),stone cutters and dealers, Academy cor Stockton

Priory Clarence, mason, bds 164 Monmouth

Priory Michael, laborer, h 164 Monmouth

Priory Patrick, beer and ale, 38 Grant av, h do

Priory Terence, (Sampson & Priory), h 164 Monmouth

Priory Thomas, laborer, h 317 Clinton, Chamb'g

Pritchards Emanuel, iron worker, bds 303 S Warren

Probasco Ellen, widow, h 25 Southard

Proudlove James, potter, h 69 Ewing

Provost Charles, laborer, bds 720 Second

Provost Elizabeth, widow Peter, res 505 Market

Provost Frederick, bds 207 Jackson

Provost Henry, rubber worker, bds 310 N Greene

Provost John, laborer, bds 1036 Lamberton

Provost Peter D. W., fireman, bds 505 Market

Provost Pierson, rubber worker, h Klagg av n Mulberry, Millham

Provost Robert G., engineer, h 505 Market

Provost Robert L., clerk, bds 505 Market

Prussen Albert, moulder, bds 246 N Feeder

Prussen Estelle, music teacher, res 475 Princeton av

Prussen Franz, laborer, bds 23 Centre

Pry John, laborer, h Frazier n pottery

Publitz Frederick, iron worker, h 830 Lamberton

Pugh George H., grainer, h 113 Jackson

Pugh William, shoe maker, 57 Lamberton, h do

Pullen Alexander, bridge tender, bds 102 Hamilton av, Chamb'g

Pullen Annie, domestic, 189 Broad

Pullen Chandler, blacksmith, h114 Second

Pullen Charles, bakery, 413 & 415 Market, h do

Pullen Charles H., laborer, h Cass n Clinton, Millham

Pullen Edward S., sup't chain works, h 691 Centre

Pullen Elizabeth, boarding house, Clinton cor Hamilton av, Chamb'g

Pullen Ezekiel, produce dealer, h 619 1/2 Prospect, Chamb’g

Pullen Frank A., salesman, 245 Elmer, Chamb’g

Pullen Frank D, agent, h 12 Hewitt, Chamb’g

Pullen George, confectioner, 347 Broad, h do

Pullen James F., section foreman P R R, h 323 Fair

Pullen James S., music teacher, h 143 N Greene

Pullen Mary A., widow, h 67 Clark, Chamb’g

Pullen Theodore, 152 N Greene

PULLEN TRENTON CRACKER CO., (J. T. Stapler prop.), manufacturers of Trenton crackers, Stockton bel State

Pullen William, laborer, bds 67 Clark, Chamb’g

Purcell Ellen, widow Patrick, h 4 Behm

Purcell John, clerk, bds 350 N Montgomery

Purcell John, carpenter, bds 29 Barnes

Purcell Keiran, laborer, h 56 Woolverton av, Chamb'g

Purcell Margaret, widow, h 29 Barnes

Purcell Michael, iron worker, bds 216 Second

Purcell Nicholas, laborer, h 408 Reservoir

Purcell Patrick, gas maker, h 163 Cooper

Purcell Pierce, stone cutter, bds 29 Barnes

Purcell Rose, dress maker, h 121 Church

Purdick Robert, peddler, 76 Bellevue av

Purdunn Ann, widow Joseph, res 220 N Warren

Purdunn John, peddler, h 103 Bellevue av

Purdy John J., engineer, h 173 Jefferson

Purdy Juliet D., widow, h 146 S Stockton

Purves Montgomery R., rubber maker, h 29 William

Purvis Robert M., car inspector, h 32 Perrine av

Purvis Thomas, tinsmith, Morrisville, h 56 Lamberton

Puth John, millwright, h 432 Centre

Pycraft Alphonso M., tobacconist, 504 Perry, bds 41 W Front

Pycraft Jonathan S F., potter, bds 117 Southard

Pyeraft Joseph, h 117 Southard

Pytalion Peter, h 219 Bayard, Chamb'g

Quick Abraham, waiter, 155 W State

Quick Frank, wire drawer, bds 101 Woodland, Chamb'g

Quick John, cabinet maker, h 101 Woodland, Chamb'g

Quick Judiah H., carpenter, h 534 S Warren

Quick Theodore, potter, bds 208 Pennington av

Quick Tunis, wheelwright, h 208 Pennington av

Quick William H., printer, h 102 W State

Quick William R., carpenter, Stockton opp Front, h 32 W Front

Quick Veronica, res 101 Woodland, Chamb'g

Quigg Abram R., policeman, h 46 W Washington

Quigley Dora, domestic, 18 Yard av

Quigley Howell, (MacCrellish & Quigley), h 139 Jackson

Quigley James, iron worker, h 211 Furman

Quigley John, iron worker, bds 211 Furman

Quigley John B., sup't Trenton Water Works, h 139 Jackson

Quigley Joseph, truckman, h 832 Broad, Chamb'g

Quigley Maria, widow, h 115 E Front

Quinn James, potter, bds 249 Mercer

Quinn John, carpenter, bds 13 Fair

Quinn John, lager beer saloon, 64 Fair, h do

Quinn Margaret, widow Francis, res 13 Fair

Quinn Mary, widow John, res 508 Federal

Quinn Mary A., weaver, res 144 Second

Quinn Michael, laborer, h 144 Second

Quinn Michael, blacksmith, h 232 Seward av

Quinn Patrick, laborer, bds 818 S Warren

Quinn Phineas, blacksmith, h 128 Spring

Quinn Thomas, laborer, h 617 Clinton, Chamb'g

Quinn Rev. Thomas, ass't pastor St John's Church, h 1 Centre

Quinn William, tailor, h 249 Mercer

Quinn William; Jr., potter, bds 249 Mercer

Quintin Andrew, conductor P R R, h 104 Greenwood av, Chamb'g

Quintin Chandler, veterinary surgeon, h Hamilton av n Olden, Chamb'g

Quintin David S., farrier, h Hamilton av cor Chestnut, Chamb'g

Quintin David S.; Jr., bds Hamilton av cor Chestnut, Chamb'g

Quintin Thomas, pay clerk P R R, bds 104 Greenwood av, Chamb'g

Quirk James, laborer, h 70 Fair

Quirk Richard, laborer, h 252 Elmer, Chamb’g

Rabenort Charles, instructor state prison, h 330 Elmer, Chamb'g

Radcliffe Moses, grocer, 707 Lamberton, h do

Rady John, laborer, h 248 Kossuth

Rafferty Alice, res 638 S Warren

Rafferty Paul, kilnman, h 568 Perry

Raftery Kate, domestic, 219 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Raftery Margaret, widow, h 133 Ferry

Ragenberger John, laborer, h 319 Hamilton, Chamb'g

Railroad House, (John Aitkens; prop), 640 S Warren

Rainbow Albert E., potter, h 445 Broad

Rainbow George, barber, bds 445 Broad

Rainbow Henry, potter, h 27 Second

Rainbow James S., potter, h 54 Wilson

Rainbow Richard, potter, h 108 Turpin

Rainer Mary E., domestic, 137 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Rainear George, kilnman, h 73 Summer

Rainear Joseph, farmer, h 117 N Montgomery

Rainear Thomas, teamster, h 5 E Washington

Ramdon Frederick, potter, h Clinton n Star rubber works, Millham

Ramsey John J., laborer, h 441 Lamberton

Ramsey William, laborer, h 424 Ferry

Randall Amos A,.carpenter, h 509 Market

Randall Francis , telegraph operator, bds 270 Kossuth

Randall Harry E., clerk, bds 1025 Broad, Chamb’g

Randall Maggie, shirt maker, res 1025 Broad, Chamb’g

Randall Mary E., widow, h 270 Kossuth

Randall Rachel, widow, h 1025 Broad, Chamb’g

Randall Samuel, potter, h Klagg av n Girard, Millham

Rapper William, machinist, bds 184 Cooper

Rash Joseph, laborer, 62 Asbury

Ratcliffe Rebecca, weaver,res 50 Decatur

Ratcliffe Sarah, widow Charles, res 50 Decatur

Rathbun George P., brakeman, bds 12 Tyrill av

Raum Elizabeth, h 106 W Front

Raum John O. Jr., clerk, bds 213 E Front

Raum John O. Sr., clerk, h 213 E Front

Rayle Gerardo, hod carrier, h 38 E Front

Raymond Frederick, shoe maker, 158 Market, h 19 New

Raywood Bridget, widow, h 76 Esher

Raywood John, potter, bds 26 Esher

Raywood John, car inspector, h 54 Esher

Raywood John, potter, h Maple, Millham

Raywood Joseph, potter, bds 15 William

Raywood Richard, potter, bds 15 William

Raywood Samuel, potter, bds 76 Esher

Raywood Thomas, kilnman, h 34 Maple, Millham

Raywood Valentine, potter, bds 54 Esher

Raywood Valentine, potter, bds 15 William

Read Anthony A., laborer, h 312 W State

Read Charles W., butcher, 307 Market, h Morrisville

Read Ellen, saloon, Market cor Lamberton, h do

Reade John, potter, h 156 Division, Chamb’g

Reader Henry, potter, bds 175 Brunswick av

Reading Alfred, beer saloon, 107 Bellevue av, h do

Reading Charles P., salesman, h 175 Brunswick av

Reading Francis, hod carrier, 56 Wilson

Reading George E., clerk, bds 340 Broad

Reading George H., brakeman, 61 Spring

Reading John, laborer, bds 107 Bellevue av

READING JONATHAN, fish and oysters, People's market, Chancery, h 220 N Warren

Reading Joseph, junk dealer, h Vanderveer's ct; Princeton av

Reading Lewis E., dentist, 229 E State, h do

Reading Matthew, carpenter, h 714 Centre

Reading Michael, grocer, 42 Spring, h do

Reay John T., waiter, bds 126 Chancery

Reay M. John, potter; also councilman, h 183 Jefferson

Reay William, potter, h 144 Jefferson

Recht John, iron worker, h 442 Centre

Record Hettie, widow Henry, 8 N Stockton

Rector Alfred, laborer, h 33 Calhoun

Redden Ann, res 317 Union

Redden Catharine domestic, 199 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Redden Henry, bds 317 Union

Redden Mary, widow Patrick, h 317 Union

Redden Peter, laborer, bds 317 Union

Redding John, barber, h 32 Carter's al

Rederer Peter, butcher, bds 76 Perrine

Redfern John H., copyist, bds 308 E State

REDFERN JOSEPH, ladies’ boots and shoes, 308 E State, h do

Redford John, loom boss, h 9 New

Redmond John, painter, h 17 Second

Reed Albert, carter, h 222 N Feeder

Reed Alexander, hod carrier, h 109 Bellevue av

Reed Anthony C., mason, bds 251 Centre

Reed Axeen F., tailor, 334 N Montgomery

Reed Caroline, widow, h 9 Divison

Reed Charles C., tobacconist; pension and claim agent, 2 Ferry, h do

Reed Christopher V., car inspector, h 202 Southard

Reed Daniel, laborer, 339 Reservoir

Reed Elisha, tinsmith, h 31 Ringold

Reed George W., laborer, h 240 Allen

Reed Henry C., engraver, bds Union cor Fall

Reed John W., manager, h 885 Broad, Chamb’g

Reed Josie, ass't matron Normal school, res Normal hall

Reed Levi, blacksmith, h 167 Lamberton

REED LISCOMB T., groceries; provisions and produce, 251 Centre cor Furman, h do

Reed Samuel, brick maker, bds 31 Ringold

Reed Susannah, widow Abijah, res Union cor Fall

Reed William I., retired, res State ab Chambers, Chamb’g

Reeder Albert, stone cutter, bds 46 Pennington av

Reeder Albert, tinsmith, h 15 Chapel

Reeder Augustus S., tobacco grower, bds 1150 Lamberton

Reeder Benjamin P., bottler, bds 44 Bank

Reeder Charles, laborer, bds 1000 Clinton, Chamb’g

Reeder Eli, carpenter, h 73 Spring

Reeder Frank, potter, bds 13 Chapel

Reeder George W., salesman, 81 Pennington av

Reeder Josie, h 223 W Hanover

Reeder Lewis W., blacksmith, h 73 Spring

Reeder Maggie, res 373 S Warren

Reeder William, tobacco raiser, h 1150 Lamberton

Reederman Martin, blacksmith, h 117 William, Chamb’g

Reedy Lawrence, wire drawer, bds 139 Monmouth

Reedy William, gardener, h 139 Monmouth

Reeg Amos, butcher, bds 47 Fountain av

Reeg Amos, potter, bds 48 Sweet’s

Reeg Engelbert, butcher, bds 47 Fountain av

Reeg George, huckster, h 47 Fountain av

Reeger John C., grocer, Federal cor Second h do

Reese Albert, iron worker, bds 46 Bayard, Chamb’g

Reese John, butcher, h 116 William, Chamb’g

Reese John, iron worker, h 5 Mott, Chamb’g

Reese John Jr., laborer, bds 5 Mott, Chamb’g

Reese Philip, milk dealer, h 548 Clinton, Chamb’g

Reese Thomas D., roller, h 126 Butler, Chamb’g

Reese William, machinist, h 5 Centre ct

Reeves Dallas, clerk, h 25 Ewing

Reeves Elizabeth, widow Enoch, res 229 Centre

Reeves Lizzie S., 519 E State

Reeves Rev. Willis, pastor Trinity M. E. church, h 216 Perry

Regensburger Herman, laborer, 319 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Regnault Rebecca, h 86 Quarry al

Reid Alexander, mason, bds 210 Mercer

Reid Charles A., clerk, bds 309 Market

Reid Elizabeth, widow Alexander, res 210 Mercer

Reight Charles, confectionery, 147 Broad, h do

Reim George, laborer, h 5 William, Chamb’g

Reiman Elizabeth, domestic, 222 W State

Reimer William, baker, h 109 Centre

Reinhardt Jacob, teamster, h 11 New

REISER MRS. A. M., intelligence office, 507 Broad

Reiser Jacob, laborer, h 227 Mott, Chamb’g

REISER JOHN, broker; insurance and real estate; notary public; also saloon, 507 Broad, h do

REISTER FREDERICK, cooper and tank builder, 137 Jefferson, h 131 Jefferson

Rellstab John Sr., h 509 Ferry

Rellstab John Jr., clerk, h 509 Ferry

Remmell Jacob, knob maker, h 648 Lamberton

Remson Aury, mason, h 46 Southard

Remson Elmer, potter, bds 104 Ewing

Rentz Charles, laborer, bds 29 Second

Rentz John, peddler, h St Joseph av, Millham

Rentz John C., candle maker, bds 58 Bellevue av

Ressler Christian, policeman, h 372 Clinton

Retter Frederick, laborer, h 620 Centre

Rettig Emil, machinist, bds 77 Lamberton

Renpfer John, laborer, h 1218 Broad, Chamb’g

Reppart Edwin, engineer, h 114 Kossuth

Reppart Ellen, widow Frederick, 133 Kossuth

Reutter Jacob, fresco painter, h 850 Broad, Chamb’g

Reynell A. B., agent Equitable Life Insurance Co., bds 215 Academy

Reynolds Charles, decorator, bds 360 Clinton

Reynolds Elizabeth M., widow Henry, res 311 S Warren

Reynolds George W., laborer, h 201 Lamberton

Reynolds John, laborer, bds 1024 Lamberton

Reynolds Margaret, grocer, 360 Clinton, h do

Reynolds Marvin E., bow bender, bds 311 S Warren

Reynolds Thomas, rougher, h 40 Clark, Chamb’g

Reynolds William E., clerk, h 332 Elmer, Chamb’g

Rezer Edward, potter, bds 48 Grant av

Rhinehart David B., lumber dealer, h 516 Market

Rhoads Edmund R., teamster, h 317 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Rhodes Daniel, potter, h 342 Clinton

Rhodes Daniel, packer, h 255 Clinton av

Rhodes John, laborer, bds 254 N Willow

Rhodes John, potter, bds 19 Grant av

Rhodes John, sup’t City Potterr, h 119 Stockton

Rhodes William J.,.expressman, h 111 S Feeder

Ribble James I. B., physician, 123 Perry, h do

RIBSAM CARLMAN, florist and seedsman, 12 N Greene, h 31 Wall

Ribsam Martin C., clerk, bds 31 Wall

Ribsam. Nicholas J., clerk, bds 31 Wall

Rice Emeline, widow Charles, bds 114 W Hanover

Rice Hattie, widow Josiah, res 38 Lamberton

Rice Henry, musician, h Kelly's al

Rice Henry, laborer, bds 479 Centre

Rice Jonas D., student, bds 221 Academy

RICE JOSEPH, merchant tailor, 10 N Greene, h 221 Academy

Rice Joseph, laborer, h 14 Maple, Millham

Rice Josiah S., clerk, 119 N Greene

RICE WILLIAM, physician and surgeon, 565 S Warren, office 567 do

Rich Benjamin, potter, h 11 Dickinson, Millham

Rich Edward, potter, h 19 Hart av, Millham

Rich James, potter, h 17 Hart av, Millham

Rich James, potter, h 156 Jefferson

Richards E. V. R., groceries, 230 W State, h do

Richards John J., clerk, h 248 Spring

Richards Thomas, switch tender, h 130 Allen

Richardson Archibald, stone cutter, h 302 E Carroll

Richardson Clemens, manager, h 164 Stockton

Richardson B. Frank, bookkeeper, bds 42 W State

Richardson George, potter, bds 69 Carroll

Richardson Harry, beamer, h 52 W Washington

Richardson James B., carpenter, h 689 Centre

Richardson Joseph, carpet weaver, 335 N Warren, h do

RICHARDSON JOSEPH B., manuf'r of whitewash; lime and dealer in building material; coal; etc., 120 S Stockton

Richardson Martha, h 249 N Willow

Richardson Rev. R. H., h 19 Clinton av

Richert Charles, chain maker, h 149 Fountain av

Richert George, h 115 Brunswick av

Richey Augustus G., (A. G. Richey & Son), h 443 W State

RICHEY A. G. & SON (Isaac F.), lawyers, 11 W State

Richey Catharine, widow, res 621 S Warren

Richey Isaac F., (A. G. Richey & Son), bds 443 W State

Richey William, clerk P R R, bds American House

Richter Guido, tailor, h 314 Lamberton

Richter Henry, shoe maker, h 18 W Washington

Richter Oswald P., laborer, bds 521 Centre

Richter Sarah, tobacconist, 249 Clinton av, h 26 Sheridan

Rick Charles, wire drawer, h 604 Adeline, Chamb’g

Rickey Alexander H., clerk state department, h 213 Academy

Rickey Edward, potter, bds 4 Jefferson

Rickey Emma M., wire weaver, res 693 Broad, Chamb’g

Rickey Frank T., carpenter, 8 Perry

RICKEY HARRY L., watchmaker and jeweler, 210 N Greene, h 222 do

Rickey James H., laborer, h 4 Jefferson

Rickey Lambert, cashier P & R R R, h 416 Market

Rickey Lewis, laborer, bds 4 Jefferson

Rickey & Co., (Randall Rickey and Harvey B. Hutchinson), apothecaries, 157 N Greene

Rickey Randall, (Rickey & Co.), h 215 N Greene

RICKEY WILLIAM P., freight ag’t P & R R R, h 46 Bank

Rico Henry, laborer, bds 438 Princeton av

Rico Jacob, laborer, h 438 Princeton av

Riddell Thomas, instructor state prison, h 606 Clinton, Chamb’g

RIDER ANDREW J., prin and prop'r C C C College, 20 and 22 E State, h 51 Southard

Ridgeway Eliza, res 241 Clay

Ridgeway Harriet B., res 241 Clay

Ridgeway Joseph T., vice president Star Rubber Co., h 47 Ewing

Ridgeway Timothy, blacksmitb, h 13 New

Ridgewood Ellen, widow, h St Joseph av, Millham

Riedel August, wire temperer, bds 683 Broad, Chamb’g

Riedel Edmund, foreman, h 37 Elmer, Chamb’g

RIEDEL JULIUS, borough collector, h 683 Broad, Chamb’g

Riedel Robert, electric light inspector, bds 683 Broad, Chamb’g

Riegel James, clerk, h 104 Union

Riegel Theodore, clerk, 107 Spring

Rieman Jacob, carpenter, h 116 Second

Riether Joseph, laborer, h 707 Clinton, Chamb’g

Rigby William, iron worker, h 322 Ferry

Riker Henry, potter, h Girard av n potteries, Millham

Rikert Charles, blacksmith, h 149 Fountain av

Riley Augustus, miller, h 78 Lambetton

Riley Augustus T., h 47 Cooper

Riley Charles M., N J state prison dispensary, bds 323 Market

Riley Christopher, beer saloon, 260 Clinton av cor Jefferson, h do

Riley Daniel, kilnman, 104 Fountain av

Riley Daniel, potter, 503 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Riley Edward, ale and beer saloon, 70 Bond, h do

Riley Elijah L., kiln placer, h 50 Lincoln

Riley Elizabeth, widow, h Frazier n Pennington av

Riley Frank, wire drawer, 23 Adeline, Chamb’g

Riley Henry, miller, h 403 Bridge

Riley Horace S., clerk, bds Warren n Feeder

Riley Jacob, waiter, h 239 S Feeder

Riley James, waiter, h 231 S Feeder

Riley John, tobacco and cigars, 256 N Warren, h do

Riley John F., florist, h 194 W State

Riley Joseph S., potter, bds 403 Bridge

Riley Martha, domestic, Chestnut av n Hamilton, Chamb’g

Riley Malachi, wire drawer, h 26 Adeline, Chamb’g

Riley Mary, domestic, h 178 W State

Riley Michael, laborer, h 429 Centre

Riley Patrick, potter, h .538 Perry

Riley Peter, potter, h Dickinson opp school, Millham

Riley Peter, laborer, bds 26 Mott, Chamb’g

Riley Peter, crockery dealer, 429 Centre, h do

Riley Philip R., section boss, h 213 Southard

Riley William, potter, bds 29 Spring

Rimm George., laborer, h 5 William, Chamb’g

Rimback Anthony, laborer, h 7 William

Rimly John, iron worker, h 57 Union

Riner George, coachman, Woodlawn, 539 S Warren

Rins George, peddler, h Jersey, Chamb’g

Rintsinger Ferdinand, baker, 106 Perry

Rippie William, potter, 138 Rose

Risdon Benjamin V., carpenter, bds 116 Mott, Chamb’g

Risdon Charles M., clerk, h Summer

Risdon John, contractor, h 116 Mott, Chamb’g

Risdon John F., baker, bds 116 Mott, Chamb’g

Risdon Joshua B., clerk, bds 116 Mott, Chamb’g

Risdon Levi B., flour; grain and mill feed, 237 and 239 N Greene, bds 7 S Greene

Risdon William B., machinist, 115 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Riseley Charles P., decorator, h 232 Spring

Riseley Eugene A., overseer Wilson’s mill, h 130 Jackson

Riseley James P., compositor, bds 252 Jackson

Riseley John, laborer, h 252 Jackson

Riseley William J., stone cutter, h 250 Jackson

Risler George W., carpenter, h 208 Fair

Risner Daniel, laborer, 225 S Feeder

Riston Charles N., clerk, h 51 Summer

Ristow Aaron, iron worker, h 618 Centre

Ristow Charles, iron worker, bds 618 Centre

Ristow Ernest, potter, h 618 Centre

Ristow Frederick A., kilnman, h 614 Centre

Ristow John, potter, h 488 Centre

Ristow William, iron worker, h 622 Centre

Ritchie Albert, messenger, bds 112 Mill

Ritchie David, tailor, 182 Broad, h 112 Mill

Rittenger Jacob, teamster, h 276 N Willow

Rittenger Susan, widow, res 276 N Willow

Rittenger William G., teamster, bds 276 N Willow

Ritter Andrew, laborer, h 310 Centre

Ritter Charles, baker, h 379 Second

Ritter Frederick, laborer, h 620 Centre

Ritter Joseph, wire worker, bds 244 Second

Ritter William, laborer, bds 310 Centre

Ritzmann Charles, barber, Cooper cor Centre, h 55 Lamberton

Rizer Jacob, laborer; Mott n Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Robbins Charles, iron worker, h 238 Mercer

Robbins Cortlandt S., clerk, bds 226 Jackson

Robbins Edwin, painter, h 105 E Front

Robbins Elizabeth, tailoress, res 169 Lamberton

Robbins Helen, widow Daniel, h Smith's ct

Robbins John, painter, h 169 Lamberton

Robbins John D., shoe maker, 1513 Clinton, Chamb’g

Robbins William, house painter, 118 E Front

Robbins William H., clerk, h 63 Summer

Robbins William H., carpenter, 118 E Front

Roberson S. E., grocer, 180 Broad; also Kossuth cor Southard, h 180 Broad

Roberts Edmund, (S. & E. Roberts), h 44 Clinton

Roberts Frank M., bookkeeper, bds 126 Monmouth

Roberts George, potter, h 71 Esher

Roberts George A., salesman. bds 202 Academy

Roberts Harry, laborer, bds 519 Calhoun

Roberts John W., hose maker, bds Eagle Hotel

Roberts Nathaniel H., watch maker, h 126 Monmouth

Roberts Richard, weaver, bds 24 New

Roberts Sarah L., teacher, bds 16 E Front

Roberts S. & E. , (Samuel and Edmund), watchmakers and jewelers, 12 N Warren

Roberts Samuel, (S. & E. Roberts), h 12 N Warren

Roberts William, iron worker, bds 117 Cooper

Roberts William, (Fell & Roberts), h 439 Princeton av

Robertson Neal, tinsmith, h 111 Union

Robillard Albert, heater, bds 18 Hamilton av

Robillard Jeremiah, iron finisher, 1537 Clinton, Chamb'g

Robinson Anna, groceries, 30 Barnes, h do

Robinson Annie E., bds 624 Warren

Robinson Christopher, h 322 Jennie, Chamb'g

Robinson Henry, potter, 216 N Montgomery

Robinson Henry, boot and shoe maker, 341 N Greene, 424 Princeton av

Robinson James H., plumber, h 154 N Greene

Robinson James S., 455 Princeton av

Robinson John, cook, Earley's Hotel, bds do

Robinson John, laborer, h Frazier n pottery

Robinson John, paper hanger, h 137 Jackson

Robinson Joseph, rubber maker, h Clinton av n rubber mill, Millham

Robinson Josephine, domestic, 124 W State

Robinson Lewis, crate maker, bds 23 William

Robinson Lillie, res 1150 Lamberton

Robinson Samuel, potter, bds 304 Clinton av

Robinson Mrs. Sarah, bds 1150 Lamberton

Robinson Silas, instructor state prison, bds 245 Centre

Robinson William, shoe maker, Princeton cor Greene, h 424 Princeton av

Robinson William, rubber worker, h Klagg av, Millham

Robinson William, decorator, h 88 Ewing

Robinson William, potter, 93 Paul's av

Robison Bridget, widow, res 120 Hamilton, Chamb'g

Rochford Martin, shoe maker, h 200 Jefferson

Rock Dennis, bds 117 Woodland, Chamb'g

Rockhill Frank W., (Henry S. Booz & Co.), h 127 Mercer

Rockhill Thomas A., salesman, h 41 Model av

Roddy Alexander, gardener, h 335 W Hanover

Roddy William H., clerk, h 333 W Hanover

Rodenbaugh Herbert J., bds 205 Calhoun

Rodenbaugh Robert W., engineer, h 205 Calhoun

Rodman Thomas, waiter, h 31 W Hanover

Rodman William, laborer, h 31 W Hanover

Roe John, potter, h 11 Grant av

Roebling Charles G., pres't the John A. Roebling's Sons Co, h 333 W State

Roebling Edmund, (the John A. Roebling's Sons Co), bds State Street House

Roebling Ferdinand W., treas the John A. Roebling's Sons Co, h 222 W State

Roebling Washington, (the John A. Roebling's Sons Co), h N Y

ROEBLING'S SONS CO.; THE JOHN A., manufacturers of wire rope, Broad n canal, Chamb'g

Roff Joseph, iron worker, h Third cor Federal

Roff Joseph N., wire drawer, bds 605 Broad

Rogers Aaron, iron worker h 23 Mott, Chamb'g

Rogers Allen M., iron moulder, bds 328 N Montgomery

Rogers Amos, butcher, 886 Broad, h 880 do, Chamb'g

Rogers Bernard, bridge tender, 261 N Greene, h do

Rogers Charles, wire drawer, bds 214 N Greene

Rogers Charles iron worker, h 25 New

Rogers Edward, laborer h 15 Second

Rogers Fred, bds Warren cor Bridge

Rogers George P., carpenter, h 204 E Front

Rogers Henry F., carpenter, h 587 Clinton, Chamb'g

Rogers Hugh, h 205 Broad

Rogers Rev. J, chaplain state prison, bds 228 Broad

Rogers John P, bds 29 E Hanover

Rogers Julia, widow, 4 Margerum's row

Rogers Leroy, boatman, h 132 Jefferson

Rogers Marcus F., potter, h 37 New Rose

Rogers Martha, widow Ezekiel, 25 Livingston

Rogers Mary,A., domestic 509 S Warren

Rogers Michael, potter, bds 215 S Feeder

Rogers Michael, potter, bds 4 Margerum's row

Rogers Peter, laborer, 215 S Feeder

Rogers Peter, engineer, h 18 Perrine av

ROGERS RICHARD R., physician, 110 E Hanover, h do

Rogers Richard R. Jr., medical student, bds 110 E Hanover

Rogers Samuel C., potter, bds 328 N Montgomery

Rogers Walter P., cabinet maker, h 36 W Front

Rogers William, crate maker, h 69 Tyrill av

Roleder Herman, decorator, h 19 Jefferson

Roll George Frederick, bds 13 Pennington av

Roll Jacob M., brick maker bds 139 Allen

Romire William, teamster, bds 47 Clark, Chamb'g

Ronan Albert, marble cutter, bds 252 Mercer

Ronan George K., bds 52 Clinton av

Ronan James, (Ronan & Son), h 52 Clinton av

Ronan J. Howard, (Ronan & Son), 97 Spring

RONAN JAMES & SON (J. Howard), coffee and spices, 133 N Greene, h 52 Clinton

Rooney Cecilia, res 12 Union

Rooney John, laborer, h 286 N Willow

Rooney John, laborer, h 25 Cass, Chamb'g

Rooney Michael, wire drawer, bds 20 Cass, Chamb'g

Rope Frederick, shoe maker, bds 571 Centre

Rose Burroughs S., clerk, bds 107 W State

Rose George B., hose maker, h 310 William, Chamb’g

Rose James, waiter, h 9 Fowler

Rose Richard, waiter, h 49 Bank

Rose Samuel S., shoe maker, h 602 Prospect, Chamb’g

Rose William, carpenter, h 242 N Willow

Rosenbaum Michael, clerk, h 26 E Front

Rosenberge -, 1aborer, bds 20 New

Roser Frederick, tailor, 522 Market, h do

Rosenstock Lewis, bds 140 W State

ROSS PHILIP, dry goods, 29 E State, h 17 Southard

Rosso John, fruits and confectionery, cor Greene and State, h 8 Donnelly's al

Rostion James, wool carder, h 407 Bridge

Roth John, laborer, h 249 Second

Rottmann Fred. W., tailoring, 345 S Warren, bds 315 W Hanover

Rothwick Catharine, domestic, 230 W State

ROUNER ISAAC, importer and dealer in wines and liquors, borough hall, h 604 York, Chamb’g

Roupp Joseph , laborer, h 643 Centre

Roupp Mary, widow Jacob, res 645 Centre

Rousseau Alfred, painter, 607 Hamilton, Chamb'g

Rousseau Alfred C. , potter, bds 607 Hamilton, Chamb'g

Rousseau Constance, teacher, res 140 W State

Rousseau Lizzie D., china decorator, res 607 Hamilton av, Chamb'g

Rowe Frederick W., watchman, bds 322 E State

Rowland Henry T., wheelwright, 90 Lamberton, h do

Rowland John, potter, h 135 Rose

Rowland Rachel D., teacher, res 90 Lamberton

Rowland Sarah, domestic, Woodlawn, 539 S Warren

Rowlands Sarah, widow, res 137 Rose

Rowlands Thomas, potter, h 137 Rose

Rowley Anthony, woodware and baskets, 109 N Greene, h do

Rowley Azariah H., cedar cooper, 255 N Willow

Rowley Charles B., cigar maker, bds 164 Cooper

Rowley Edward, tailor, h 164 Cooper

Rowley Edward A., cigar maker, h 24 Allen

Rowley George, machinist, h 118 Centre

Rowley Harry E., cigars and tobacco, 230 Perry

Rowley Mary, weaver, res 118 Centre

Rowley William G., clerk, bds 109 N Greene

Royer Frank G., moulder, h 12 E Washington

Royer George P., carpenter, h 204 E Front

Royle James W., draughtsman, 316 N Greene

Royle Thomas J., stone cutter, h 55 Model av

Rudrauff Henry, iron worker, h. 609 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Rue Albert, wheelwright, h 415 William, Chamb'g

Rue Brewer, brick layer, bds 25 Union

Rue Edward S., mason, bds Pennington av, Ewing twp

Rue Gilbert W., teamster, h 25 E Washington

Rue Jacob, blacksmith, 918 Broad, h 933 do, Chamb'g

Rue James, engineer, h 568 Perry

Rue James N.,milkman, h 19 Livingston

RUE JOHN D., dealer in agricultural implements, 236 E Hanover, h do

Rue John M., grocer, Market cor Lamberton, h 95 Lamberton

Rue Joseph, mason, h 114 N Willow

Rue Lewis, car driver, h 558 Perry

Ruelius John G., stone cutter, 130 Humboldt

Ruggaber Joseph, cracker baker, bds 142 Lamberton

Ruggaber Joseph, tailor, 142 Lamberton

Ruggaber Joseph, cigar maker, h 34 Lamberton

Ruggaber Joseph, trucker, Washington market, h 519 Broad

Ruhlman Frederick, student, bds 167 Cooper

Ruhlman John, music teacher, bds 167 Cooper

Ruhlman Rudolph, music teacher, h 167 Cooper

Rulon Ann E., widow, bds 17 Green's al

Rulon Charles H., butcher, bds 346 Brunswick av

Rulon David, pork dealer, 201 Broad, h 144 Fall

Rulon Edwin M., butcher, h 148 E Front

Rulon Fannie, widow Samuel, res 216 N Warren

Rulon George, (Deutz & Co.), h 756 Second

Rulon Hannah W., widow, h 45 Yard av

Rulon Joseph, jeweler, h 724 Second

Rulon Leason B., saw maker, bds 45 Yard av

Rulon Mary, dress maker, res 214 Fall

Rulon Rebecca H., widow Charles H., 346 Brunswick av

Rummell Joseph Jr., potter, bds 136 Rose

Rummell Joseph, stone mason, h 136 Rose

Rumpf Christian, h St Joseph av, Millham

Rumpf John C., potter, 41 Sheridan av

Runyon Christopher V.D., grocer, 41 Bellevue av, h do

Runyon Dennis L., clerk, 21 Tucker

Runyon John G., switch tender, h 38 Clark, Chamb’g

Runyon Morris C., clerk, h 33 Ringold

Runyon Rachel, widow, h 1075 Broad, Chamb’g

Ruopp Jacob, iron worker, h 455 Centre

Ruopp John, shoe maker, 455 Centre, h do

Ruopp William G.,baker, 241 and 243 Federal, h do

Rupert B. Frank, surveyor, bds 42 Mott, Chamb’g

Rush Mrs. A. M., boarding, h 48 W Front

Rushton William, h 154 N Greene

Rushton Abraham, h 154 N Greene

RUSLING JAMES F., counselor at law, 224 E State. h 226 do

Rusling Sarah H., widow Gershom, h 24 Clinton

Rusling William H., real estate, bds 226 E State

Russell David T., locksmith, bds 322 N Greene

Rust Levi, laborer, bds 423 Ferry

Rust William, wheelwright, h 423 Ferry

Ryall David M., h 36 W Washington

Ryall Margaret S., widow, h 36 W Washington

Ryan Charles H., carpenter, h 364 Warren

Ryan Daniel, laborer, h 44 Pennington av

Ryan David, gardener, h 292 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Ryan Ella E., h r 18 Market

Ryan Elizabeth, widow Christopher, h r 18 Market

Ryan John, laborer, h 558 Second

Ryan John, laborer, h 39 Esher

Ryan John T., potter, h 102 Jefferson

Ryan Mary, widow Patrick, h 132 Kossuth

Ryan Mary, teacher State Model school, res E State n Clinton

Ryan Mary E:, lady principal Model school, res Normal Hall

Ryan Patrick, hostler, bds 132 Kossuth

Ryan Robert, iron worker, bds Bloomsbury Hotel

Ryan Timothy, bds 132 Kossuth

Ryan William, laborer, bds 39 Esher

Rymond Jonas, produce merchant, h 23 E Front

Sager John, h 114 Adeline, Chamb'g

SAGER JOHN J., treas City Water Co., h 212 E Hanover

Sakingger Fraz H., iron worker, h 140 Jefferson, Chamb'g

Salb Charles, Deer Hotel, Lamberton cor Federal, h do

Salb Herman, baker, bds 394 S Warren

Sallie George W., basket maker, h 253 N Willow

Sallie Melvin, rubber worker, h 113 Jefferson

Sallvetele Rev. John, regent of studies Franciscan College, Chamb'g

Salmon Joseph, blacksmith, h Fillmore n Clinton, Millham

Salmon Richard, rubber maker, bds 278 Clinton, Millham

Salt Joseph, crate maker, h 23 William

Salt Mollie, potter, res 122 Kossuth

Salt William, crate maker, 45 Assanpink, h do

Salt William H., potter, h New York av, E Trenton

Salter Emma, widow, h Vanderveer's ct; Princeton av

Salter John B., potter, bds Vanderveer's ct; Princeton av

Salter Malcolm, laborer, h 11 S Willow

Saltz Melwood, potter, h Girard av, Millham

Samler Simon, clothier, 109 S Greene, h 27 do

Sammon Rose, domestic, 114 W State

Sampson Edward, (Sampson & Priory), bds 426 Centre

Sampson James, prop Sampson House, Broad cor Hamilton

Sampson & Priory, (Edward Sampson and Terrence Priory), hats and caps, 152 N Greene

Sanders Charles, packer, h 101 Carroll

Sanders William Jr., packer, h 101 Carroll

Sanderson John W., iron house builder, 229 Woodruff

Sanderson Warren, laborer, bds 403 Reservoir

Sandles Sarah E., widow, h 244 Kossuth

Sands Katie, res 8 Cooper

Sands Louisa, widow Perry, h 8 Cooper

Sands Thomas, conductor, bds 20 Perry

SANDS THOMAS S., grocer, Jackson cor Market, h do

Sandt Sarah E., physician, 318 E State, h do

Sandy Benjamin, salesman, 206 N Warren

Sanford Elizabeth A., h 212 W State

Sargent John P., iron worker, h 1034 Lamberton

Sassaman George, laborer, 233 Woodruff

Sassaman John teamster, bds 375 Fair

Satterthwaite Chas. H., (Trenton China Co.), bds 119 E Hanover

Sauer Frederick, laborer, 114 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Saums Isaac W., brick maker, h 511 Princeton av

Saunders Edward, laborer h 123 Lamberton

Saunders George, laborer, 501 Calhoun

Saunders Jeremiah, potter, bds 22 Conover's al

Saunders Kate, domestic, 189 Broad

SAUNDERSON JOHN H., grocer, 105 S Greene, h 503 Market

Sauner John, laborer, bds 225 Second

Saunt Peter, laborer, bds 158 Fair

Saxon Agnes, widow Thomas, res 43 Decatur

Saxon Harriet, widow Hobson, res 122 Mill

Saxon Thomas, liquor saloon, 352 S Warren, h do

Saxton Charles A., clerk, bds 501 Hudson, Chamb’g

Saxton Joseph M., carpenter and builder, 501 Hudson, h do, Chamb’g

Sayers Aneta, bds 229 W Hanover

Sayler Sabina, boys' clothing, 5 S Warren, res 48 W State

Sayler Joseph B., conductor, 20 Tucker

Scammell John, iron worker, 34 Mott, Chamb’g

Scanlan James, laborer, h 25 Bond

Scanlon Patrick, kilnman, bds 28 Rose

Scarborough Howell, engineer, h 1 Assanpink

Scarborough Right Rev. John, bishop P. E. Church, res 107 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Scarborough Wilson T., baker, h 123 Jefferson

Schaaf Benjamin F., potter, 302 N Feeder

Schaaf Charles, clerk, bds 302 N Feeder

Schaaf Christina, grocery, 302 N Feeder, h do

Schaaf John J., car inspector, bds 302 N Feeder

Schaaf Kate, dress maker, res 302 N Feeder

SCHABER JOHN J., boot and shoe maker, 154 Broad, h do

Schafer Gregory, baker, h 487 Broad

Schafer Herman, druggist, 317 Broad, h do

Schafer Jacob, laborer, h 1314 Clinton, Chamb’g

Schaffer Andrew, laborer, h 618 Second

Schaffer Broadhead H., laborer, bds 40 Pennington av

Schaffer Edward C., kilnman, bds 720 Second

Schaffer Pemberton M., farmer, h 40 Pennington av

Schaffner George, notions, 116 Market, h do

Schaidnagel Anthony, laborer, h 97 Cooper

Schaidnagel Francis, laborer, h 203 Second

Schaidnagel Joseph, iron worker, bds 97 Cooper

Schaidnagel Lewis, iron worker, bds 97 Cooper

Schanck Amanda, millinery; etc, 346 N Greene, h do

Schanck Charles H., cigar manufacturer, 522 Clinton, h 29 Bayard, Chamb’g

Schanck Charles H., clerk, bds 346 N Greene

Schanck Elizabeth, widow Ralph, 24 Mott, Chamb’g

Schanck Frank P., clerk, bds Warren cor Market

Schanck Ralph, rubber worker, h on canal opp City Cemetary

Schanck Swanzer, ship carpenter, h 346 N Greene

Scheele Frederick, janitor, h 80 Bayard, Chamb’g

Scheele John G., blacksmith, h 16 Pennington av

Scheer Oscar, teacher gymnastics, Turner Hall, bds 163 Broad

Schell Charles, brush maker, h 134 Kossuth

Schemel Joseph, wire drawer, h 312 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Schenck Alfred, brakeman, bds 570 Perry

Schenck Annie A.,clerk, bds 143 N Warren

Schenck C. B., stilt maker, bds 31 Yard av

Schenck Carleton T., rubber worker, bds 59 Carroll

Schenck Cyrus, mason, h 58 Bayard, Chamb’g

Schenck Elias, laborer, bds 14 Fowler

Schenck Emily E., res 24 Mott, Chamb’g

Schenck Garret W., carpenter, h 55 Lincoln av

Schenck Isaac, potter, Klagg av n Mulberry, Millham

Schenck James M., teamster, 526 Calhoun

Schenck Jane C., res 24 Mott, Chamb’g

Schenck John O., laborer, bds 59 Carroll

Schenck Levi, foreman, bds 151 Broad

Schenck Matthias P., mason, h 58 Bayard, Chamb’g

Schenck Moore, waiter, h 84 Quarry al

Schenck Phoebe, widow Garret, res 143 Lamberton

Schenck Rosa, nurse, res 839 Broad, Chamb’g

Schenck Webster, waiter, h 119 E Hanover

Schenck William B., carpenter, h 59 Carroll

Schenck William A., rubber worker, h MacKenzie av, Millham

Schermerhorn Abram, plumber, h 405 Market

Schermerhorn Ella, school teacher, res 405 Market

Schermerhorn Joseph A., traveling agent, h 405 Market

Schermerhorn Lou, res 405 Market

Schiller Charles, wire worker, h 667 Centre

Schiller John Jr., iron worker, bds 667 Centre

Schilling Barbara, widow, h al bet New Rose and Fountain av

Schilling Charles, potter, bds al bet New Rose and Fountain av

Schilling Charles, laborer, h 330 N Montgomery

Schilling Christopher, brick maker, h 111 New Rose

Schimmel Frederick, beer saloon, 938 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g

Schimmel John, wire drawer, h 932 Clinton, Chamb’g

Schimmell Joseph, wire drawer, h 312 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Schindewolf Louis, tailor, h 17 Cooper

Schindewolf Louis Jr., tailor, bds 17 Cooper

Schindollar, John, jeweler, h 126 Adeline, Chamb’g

Schinkel Louis, iron worker, h 1211 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Schisler John, iron worker, h 802 Lamberton

Schlegel Anton J., tailor, h 223 Jackson

Schlegel Catharine, widow Samuel, res 436 Centre

Schlicher William, butcher, 144 and 148 Brunswick av

Schlickling Peter, baker, h 401 Centre

Schlickling Peter, baker, bds 394 S Warren

Schloer Flora T., widow Andrew, res 401 Centre

Schloer John, moulder, h 559 S Warren

Schloetterer S., brewery, Schuetzen park, Millham, h do

SCHMELZEISEN WILLIAM, lager beer saloon, 701 Broad, h do, Chamb’g

Schmidt Ambrose, laborer, h 405 Centre

Schmidt Catharine, widow, h 101 Woodland, Chamb’g

Schmidt Charles, lock tender, h 648 Lamberton

SCHMIDT CHARLES, dealer in fine groceries and provisions, Clinton cor Webster, h do, Millham

Schmidt Christian, blacksmith, h 229 William, Chamb’g

Schmidt Elizabeth, widow, h 55 Rose

Schmidt Francis L., hair goods, 9 E State, h 237 E Hanover

Schmidt George, iron worker, bds 608 Lamberton

Schmidt John, potter, bds 55 Rose

Schmidt John, carpenter, h 521 Coleman, Chamb’g

Schmidt John, laborer, bds Coleman cor Prospect, Chamb’g

Schmidt Mathias, laborer, h 610 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Schmidt William, laborer, bds 521 Coleman, Chamb’g

Schneider Barbara, grocery, 232 Kossuth, h do

Schneider Dorotha, res 104 Jennie, Chamb’g

Schneider John, laborer, h 136 Federal

Schneider John, potter, bds 232 Kossuth

Schnell Charles B., barber, 341 N Warren, h 102 Humboldt

Schnell Bernard, tinsmith, h 102 Humboldt

Schnorbus Frederick, cigar maker, bds 531 Centre

Schnorbus Henry, cigar manufacturer, 531 Centre, h do

Schnorbus Henry J., cigar maker, bds 531 Centre

Schnorbus Joseph, cigar maker, bds 531 Centre

Schockley William U., laborer, 210 Cass n Broad, Chamb’g

Schoeller Anthony, laborer, h 904 Division, Chamb’g

Schoeller John A., beer saloon, 405 Centre, h do

Schoeller Maggie, dress maker, res 904 Division, Chamb’g

Schoeller Matthew, teamster, bds Schuetzen park, Millham

Schoenthaler Christian, laborer, 45 Adeline, Chamb’g

Schoenthaler Frederick, potter, bds 918 Clinton, Chamb’g

Schoenthaler John, potter, bds 918 Clinton, Chamb’g

Schoenthaler John, potter, h 918 Clinton, Chamb’g

Scholl George, brick maker, h 442 Princeton av

Schooley James, carpenter, bds 303 S Warren

Schooley Rachel, dress maker, res 315 Broad

Schooley William R., banker and broker, 4 W State, h 136 N Warren

Schott Anthony, peddler, h 33 Grant av

Schott George N., grocer, 412 Centre, h do

Schrader John, potter, h 52 Fountain av

Schrader Charles, baker, h 166 Jefferson

Schroeder Christopher, laborer, h 317 William, Chamb’g

Schroeder Robert, music teacher, bds 38 Cooper

Schroeder Ludwig, hod carrier, h 45 Fountain av

Schroffer John, laborer, h 5 Mott, Chamb’g

Schroth Andrew, blacksmith, h 51 Spring

Schroth Catharine, widow Andrew, h 133 Decatur

Schroth Charles, engineer, h 304 Lamberton

Schroth Gotfried, china decorator, bds 133 Decatur

Schroth Henry, kilnman, h 308 Lamberton

SCHROTH JOHN, mineral water; ale and lager beer, 632 S Warren h do

Schroth Michael, jeweler, bds 612 Lamberton

Schroth Peter, brakeman, bds 306 Lamberton

Schroth Sophia, widow, h 306 Lamberton

Schulte Wilhemina, widow, res 660 Lamberton

Schulte William, machinist, bds 660 Lamberton

Schultz Albert, undertaker, bds 602 Princeton av

Schultz Andrew, blacksmith, cor Willow and Pennington av, h 51 Spring

Schultz August, laborer, bds 123 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Schultz Charles, laborer, h 408 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Schultz Charles, wheelwright, h off Schenck and Second

Schultz Ferdinand, cabinet maker, 248 N Warren, h 602 Princeton

Schultz Gottlieb, laborer, h 213 Landing

Schultz Hermann, tool maker, h 137 Fountain av

Schultz John, wire drawer, h 831 Clinton, Chamb’g

Schultz John, laborer, h 123 Hamilton, Chamb’g

SCHULTZ JOHN A., groceries and provisions, 162 N Greene cor Perry, h 103 Perry

Schultz Julius, barber, bds 351 Centre

Schultz Lewis, clerk, bds 602 Princeton av

Schultz Nicholas, laborer, h 557 Lamberton

Schultz William, foreman, h 25 Sweet's av

Schumm Charles J., potter, h 11 Humboldt

Schumm Christiana, widow George, h 545 Centre

Schumann Christine, widow, h 239 William, Chamb’g

Schumann Francis, engineer, h 56 Clinton av

Schumann Frank, sup't Phoenix Iron Works, h 182 Broad

Schumtz Caroline, widow George H., res 85 Union

Schuster Christopher, cabinet maker, h 105 New Rose

Schuster David, brick maker, bds 105 New Rose

Schuster Frederick, bakery, 251 N Greene, h do

Schuster Henry, rubber worker, h Klagg av, n Mulberry, Millham

Schuster Jacob, brick maker, bds 105 New Rose

Schuster Peter, baker, bds 253 N Greene

Schwab Meyer, oculist, 7 E State, h 214 Perry

Schwartz Anthony, iron worker, bds 104 Turpin

SCHWARTZ ARTHUR, druggist, S E cor Centre & Bridge, h do

Schwartz August, laborer, bds 561 Second

Schwartz Catharine, widow, res 104 Turpin

Schwartz George, mason, h 19 Camden

Schwartz Jacob, engineer, h 214 Jackson

Schwartz Jacob, mason, h 814 Broad, Chamb’g

Schwartz John, wire worker, res 401 Centre

Schwartz John C., wire drawer, h 22 Woodland, Chamb’g

Schwartz Rosella, widow, h 609 Princeton av

Schwartz Sadie, dress maker, res 214 Jackson

Schwartz William, brick mason, bds 82 Clark, Chamb’g

Schwarzwalder John, laborer, bds Clinton cor Jennie, Chamb’g

Schwehm Jacob, beer saloon, 336 N Greene, h do

Schweinecker Henry, laborer, bds 649 Lamberton

Schweinecker Wilhelm, iron worker, h 649 Lamberton

SCHWEIZER JOHN C., dry goods and groceries, 684 Broad, h do, Chamb’g

Schwem John, barber, bds 153 Broad

Scott Alexander, laborer, h 750 Second

Scott Alfred, paper hanger, h 217 S Feeder

Scott Charles, h 233 E State

Scott David B., teamster, h 16 Livingston

Scott Deborah, dress making, res 18 Grand, Chamb’g

Scott Edmund, wire worker, bds 515 Chestnut, Chamb’g

Scott Edward, conductor, h 27 Carroll

Scott Edward, laborer, h 11 Beaver

Scott Edward F., stair builder, h 140 S Stockton

Scott Edwin, True American book store, h 129 Perry

Scott Eli, iron sinker, h 515 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Scott Eliza A., widow, res 41 N Stockton

Scott Ellen, cook, 186 W State

Scott Ellen, widow, h 120 Kossuth

Scott Harry, student, bds 243 Clay

Scott Henderson, hostler, h 35 Higbee

Scott Hiram, rubber turner, h 558 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Scott Howell, potter, bds 20 Lincoln av

Scott Hugh, puddler, bds 750 Second

Scott Isaac, grocer, 213 Elmer, Chamb’g, h do

Scott James A., salesman, bds 561 Centre

Scott Jerome, (Walton & Scott), h 13 Taylor al

Scott John, laborer, h 103 Calhoun

Scott Levi, mason, h 18 Grand, Chamb’g

SCOTT LEWIS W., counselor at law, 119 E State, h 20 Yard av

Scott Michael, potter, h 120 Kossuth

Scott Robert J., bds 129 Perry

Scott Thomas M., foreman, h 64 Carroll

Scott Walter, laborer, h 14 Perrine av

Scott William, engineer, h 71 Carroll

Scott William S., clerk, h 872 Lamberton

Scrannage Benjamin, puddler, bds 232 Woodruff

Scudder Alfred, waiter, h 29 Taylor al

Scudder Amos B, salesman, h 57 Clark, Chamb’g

Scudder Daniel A., engineer, h 138 Bayard, Chamb’g

Scudder Edgar, clerk, bds 39 W State

Scudder Edward W., justice supreme court, h 166 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Scudder Emma L., dress maker, res 133 Bayard, Chamb’g

Scudder Enoch J., mason, h 57 Wall

SCUDDER GEORGE D., attorney at law, 107 E State, bds166 Greenwood av

Scudder Henderson G., dry goods and groceries, 13 N Greene, h 223 Academy

SCUDDER HENRY D., banker; broker; real estate insurance; also city surveyor, 107 E State, h 312 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Scudder Henry S., wheelwright; &c., Warren and Greene, h 110 Brunswick av

Scudder Horace M., carpenter, h 103 Walnut av, Chamb’g

Scudder Jeffrey, farmer, bds 1228 Broad, Chamb’g

SCUDDER JOHN H., surrogate, court house, h Scudder’s Falls

Scudder Mary, widow Jasper, h 154 W State

Scudder Theophilus, wheelwright, h Sherman Av n Clinton, Millham

Scudder William B., laborer, h 51 Bond

Sculley Ellen widow, h 409 Federal

Scullion Hugh, iron worker, h 177 Union

Scullion James, laborer, h 133 Second

Scullion James Jr., laborer, bds 133 Second

Scullion John C., carpenter, h 438 Ferry

Scullion John, iron worker, bds 177 Union

Scullion John, laborer, bds 133 Second

Scullion Joseph, laborer, bds 133 Second

Scullion Michael, laborer, h 3 Grant

Scullion Nancy, widow, res 438 Ferry

Spullion Patrick, iron worker bds 177 Union

Scullion Thomas, rougher, bds 177 Union

Scullion William, laborer, h 20 Steamboat

Seabridge Harry N., kilnman, h 218 Kossuth

Seabridge Joseph, potter, h 209 Kossuth

Seabridge Samuel, potter, h 122 Humboldt

Seabridge William, potter, h 217 Clinton av

Seabridge William, potter, h 130 Jefferson

Sealace Henry B., clerk, h 84 Belvidere

Seals John W., tinsmith ; bds 129 Cooper

Seaman Charles H., sup't agricultural works, h 68 Carroll

Seaman Frank, shoe maker, 106 Perry, h 131 Montgomery

Seaman Thomas, shoe maker, h 70 Carroll

Seaman William, tinsmith, h 670 Broad, Chamb’g

Searfoss Margaret, widow Charles, res 122 Lamberton

Seary David, proof reader State Gazette, bds 167 Broad

Seaver Thomas, iron worker, h 106 Turpin

Sebold Francis B., laborer, h 264 Kossuth

Sebold Frank, drug clerk, bds 55 Clinton

Seckerson John W., potter, h 29 Walnut av, Chamb’g

Secunde Henry, laborer, h 7 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Sedam Harry, salesman, bds 23 Walnut av, Chamb’g

Seeds Charles, watchman, h 122 Furman

Seeds Elias B., carpenter; h 226 Clinton av

Seeds James, carpenter, h 161 Jefferson

Seeds John, blacksmith, h 82 Lamberton

Seeds John, blacksmith, h 192 Lamberton

Seeds John, huckster, h 7 Centre ct

Seeds William, laborer, bds 226 Clinton

Seeds Wilson A., h 86 Quarry al

Seger John, laborer, h 114 Adeline, Chamb’g

Seeler Edward E., photographer, h 118 Spring

Seeley William, laborer, ds 514 S Warren

Seib John, laborer, h 39 Grand, Chamb’g

Seib Philomena, match maker, res 89 Grand, Chamb’g

Seiber Mary, domestic, 153 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Seifert Sebastian, shoe maker, bds 154 Broad

Seiger Frederick, trucker, h 495 Princeton av

Seiger William, trucker, bds 495 Princeton av

Seigler Frank, bookbinder, h 130 W Front

Selling Barney, peddler, h 108 Clark, Chamb’g

Semmelmann John, car inspector, h 807 Broad, Chamb’g

Semmelmann Josephine, shoe fitter, res 807 Broad, Chamb’g

Semmer Fred, wood carver, h 32 Beaver

Semon Louis, baker, bds 204 Pennington av

Semon John, brick maker, bds 204 Pennington av

Semon Mary, dress maker, res 204 Pennington av

Semon Peter, brick maker, bds 204 Pennington av

Semon William, trucker, h 204 Pennington av

Semon William Jr., tinsmith, bds 204 Pennington av

Senf Ernst, laborer, h 86 Spring

Senn George W., laborer, h 388 Union

Sennet John, laborer h 137 W Hanover

Serphos Solomon N., (Lowenstein & Serphos), bds 229 E Hanover

Seruby Alfred, whitewasher, h 52 Tucker

Seruby Caroline, widow, h 259 N Greene

Seruby Elizabeth., widow, h Frazier n pottery

Seruby Jacob, teamster, h 32 Humboldt

Seruby James R., laborer, h 6 Beaver

Seruby James S., laborer, h Frazier n pottery

Seruby John, laborer, h 40 Fowler

Seruby Newell D., laborer, h 322 W Hanover

Seruby Robert, laborer, h 33 Wilson

Seruby Walter, laborer, bds 322 W Hanover

Serviss David N., agent, h 57 Carroll

Seveig Otto, potter, bds 34 Sheridan av

Severns Charles, potter, bds 33 Lamberton

Severns Collins, deputy state prison, bds 228 Broad

Severns Daniel, mason, h 304 Union

Severns Josha, switch tender, h Emory n Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Severns Mary, dress maker, res Emory n Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Severns Noah, iron worker, bds Emory n Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Severns Susan, widow, res 9 Hart av, Millham

Severs Addie, dress maker, res 507 Market

Severs Alonzo, decorator, bds 257 Mercer

Severs Annie M., teacher, res 507 Market

Severs Charles R., carpenter, h 507 Market

Severs George, shoe maker, 120 Bridge, h 316 do

Severs George W., baggage master, bds 38 E Canal

Severs James R., decorator, bds 257 Mercer

Severs Joel, milk dealer, h 213 N Montgomery

Severs John J., carpenter, h 257 Mercer

SEVERS ROBERT, butcher, Spring and 52 Pennington av, h do

Seward George O., manufacturer, h 17 Clark, Chamb’g

Sexton Annie, widow Benjamin, h 27 Butler, Chamb’g

Sexton Charles A., clerk, bds 501 Hudson, Chamb’g

Sexton Howard, clerk, bds 27 Butler, Chamb’g

Sexton Joseph M., carpenter, h 501 Hudson, Chamb’g

Sexton William H., book binder, h 147 Broad

Shafer Charles, blacksmith, h 138 Lamberton

Shafer Joseph M., tobacconist, 459 Broad, bds 138 Lamberton

Shaffer Harvey, laborer, bds 312 S Warren

Shaffer John, h 312 S Warren

Shaffer Leonora, tailoress, res 312 S Warren

Shalor Matthew, beer brewer, 419 Federal

Shamp Mary, domestic, 48 W State

Shandley Francis, laborer, 389 Brunswick av

Shandley John, laborer, h 393 Second

Shandley Margaret, tailoress, res 389 Brunswick av

Shandley Patrick, potter, bds 389 Brunswick av

Shandley William, laborer, h 658 Lamberton

Shannahan Bridget, domestic, 329 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Shannahan Thomas, iron worker, h 693 Lamberton

Shares James A., grocer, 624 S Warren, h do

Sharp Albert, huckster, h 30 Conover's al

Sharp Henry, blacksmith, h 402 Fair

Sharp Howard, laborer, bds 18 Grand, Chamb’g

Sharp John, laborer, h 21 Passaic

Sharp Mary A., res 228 Clay

Sharp Melville, telegraph operator, h 31 Passaic

Sharp Peter P., telegraph operator, h 218 W Hanover

Sharp William, laborer, h 107 Calhoun

Sharp William H., hatter, h 6 W State

Sharp William H. Jr., painter, h 6 W State

SHARP WILLIAM S., book and job office and stereotyping, 21 W State, h 205 do

Shaw Aaron, kilnman, bds 34 Rose

Shaw Albert, potter, h Breuing av, Millham

Shaw C. W., (Bergen Brothers), stalls 27 and 28 City market and 122 N Greene, bds 208 E Hanover

SHAW DAVID, carpets; wall paper; window shades and oil cloth, 118 S Warren, h 122 S Warren

Shaw Eliza, widow, h 123 Brunswick av

Shaw George, brick maker, h 442 Princeton av

Shaw George M., milkman, bds 117 Federal

Shaw Henry, potter, h Mulberry, Millham

Shaw Jesse, joiner, h Broad n Wilson & Stokes, Chamb’g

Shaw John, machinist, h 148 Lamberton

Shaw John, potter, bds 304 Clinton av

Shaw Rev. John F., pastor Fifth Presbyterian Church, h 469 Princeton av

Shaw Joseph A., brick presser, bds 488 Calhoun

Shaw Joseph B., clerk, bds 122 S Warren

Shaw Lot, chain maker, h 10 Asbury

Shaw Mary, widow, res 8 Prince, Millham

Shaw Philip, laborer, h Broad n Wilson & Stokes, Chamb’g

Shaw William, sawyer, bds Broad n Wilson & Stokes, Chamb’g

Shea John, iron worker, h 26 Decatur

Shea Michael, tobacconist, 20 S Warren, h do

Shea Patrick, brick maker, 43 Bond

Shebbard Elisha, h 11 Barnes

Shebbeard George R., baker, h 119 Perry

Sheedy Edward, laborer, bds 206 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Sheedy Mary, widow, h 206 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Sheehan James, laborer, h 342 N Montgomery

Sheeley Frederick, iron worker, h 30 Bayard, Chamb’g

Sheeley George, clerk, h 218 Butler, Chamb’g

Sheenan Anthony, watchman, h 2 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Sheener Frederick, boatman, h 14 Cross

Shelbert Frank, iron worker, h 115 Cummings av, Chamb’g

Sheller Bernard, student, Franciscan College, Chamb’g

Shelly Benjamin, potter, h 61 Tyrill av

Shelly William, plate printer, h 17 Fillmore, Millham

Shepherd Catharine, widow, h 87 Cooper

Shepherd Cornelius, physician also city school sup't, res 186 Broad

Shepherd Cyrenus W., harness maker, h 305 N Warren

Shepherd Jacob B., brakeman, h 90 Ewing

Shepherd Jeannette, dress and cloak maker, h 634 Perry

Shepherd Jennie, res 87 Cooper

Shepherd Samuel F., huckster, h 313 W Hanover

Shepherd William, carriage trimmer, bds 233 N Warren

Shepherd William H., laborer, h 634 Perry

Sheppard Mrs. Ephraim, h 251 E Front

Sheran Peter, student, Franciscan College, Chamb’g

Sherbert Francis, laborer, h 115 Cummings av, Chamb'g

Sheridan Ann, widow res 695 Lamberton

Sheridan Barney, potter, h Wiley n Princeton av

Sheridan Bernard, baker, h 838 Lamberton

Sheridan Lawrence, baker, h 695 Lamberton

Sheridan Matthew, laborer, h Taylor, Millham

Sherman Anna, res 132 Perry

Sherman Frank, harness maker, h 11 Behm

Sherman Myra S., res 107 Union

Sherman Sarah, res 132 Perry

Sherman Sarah A., widow William, h 207 E Hanover

Sherrard Maria M., teacher, res 583 Centre

Sherrard Oscar F., lock tender, bds 583 Centre

Sherrard Thomas A., carpenter, h 583 Centre

Sherrett Samuel, decorator, h 54 Carroll

Shewell Joseph, laborer, bds 23 William

Shick Anson, tailor, h 20 W Front

Shick Charles, clerk, bds 20 W Front

Shick John, tailor, bds 20 W Front

Shick William, boiler maker, bds 20 W Front

Shields Anthony, slipper maker, 3 Centre, h do

Shields John D., (Tantum & Shields), bds 218 Mercer

Shields Michael, slipper maker, bde 3 Centre

Shindler George, laborer, h 19 Centre

Shinn Daniel, iron worker, h 346 Fair

Shinn G. F., telegraph opprator, bds 228 N Greene

Shinn Henry, potter, h Howard cor Jefferson av, Chamb’g

Shipley Francis, puddler, h 188 Lamberton

Shippe John W., furniture finisher, h 106 Clinton, Chamb’g

Shock Rev. D. H., presiding elder, h 33 Carroll

Shockley William, laborer, h 210 Adeline, Chamb’g

Shoeller Antoine, farmer, h 904 Division, Chamb’g

Shoeman John, laborer, h William n Coleman, Chamb’g

Shol Jacob laborer, bds 677 Broad, Chamb’g

Shol Joseph, laborer, h 677 Broad, Chamb’g

Shol Philip, wire drawer, bds 677 Broad Chamb’g

Shol William, saw maker, bds 677 Broad, Chamb’g

Shreve E. Mercer, counselor at law, 144 E State, h 39 Clinton

Shreve Isaac A., clerk, h 15 Carroll

Shropshire Joseph, boatman, h 33 Lincoln av

Shurts John O., bds 119 W Hanover

Sibbitt Fannie, widow, h 21 Summer

Sibbitt George, potter, bds 21 Summer

Sickel Amos, councilman, h 123 S Warren

SICKEL SAMUEL, watchmaker and jeweler, 11 E State, h 13 Ewing

Sickel Welling G., traveling ent, bds 123 S Warren

Sickel William D., bds 123 S Warren

Sickles Martin, car inspector, h 21 Bellevue av

Sickles William B., ticket agent, h 215 Bridge

Siddall Amos, saw filer, bds 46 Carter's al

Siddall John, mason, bds 304 Broad

Siddall Joseph, carpet weaver, 304 Broad, h do

Siddall Lewis S., carpenter, bds 46 Carter's al

Siddall Priscilla, widow, h 36 Carter's. al

Siddall Thomas, plumber and gas fitter, 360 Broad, h do

Sidworth Job, chain maker, bds 1012 Anderson, Chamb’g

Sieb John, laborer, h 39 Randolph, Chamb’g

Siebe Paul, iron worker, bds 559 S Warren

Sigley David, potter, h 47 Sheridan av

Sigley Seth, potter, h 59 Lincoln av

Sigley William W., potter, bds 59 Lincoln av

Silar Charles, laborer, h r 53 Spring

Silvers Annie, dress maker, res 126 Allen

Silvers Franklin H., fireman, bds 126 Allen

Silvers Isaiah, rubber worker, h 255 Clinton av, Millham

Silvers James C., moulder, h 17 Sheridan av

Silvers John C., rubber worker, h 33 Hart av, Millham

Silvers Levi, laborer, bds 248 Clinton, Millham

Silvers Samuel H., gateman P R R, h 126 Allen

Silvers William V., machinist, bds 37 Cooper

Silverstein Edward, clothing, 45 E State, h 137 E Front

Silverstein Lewis, clothier, 3 S Greene, h 137 E Front

Silverstein Mark, salesman, h 137 E Front

Simmons Charles, plumber, bds 244 Perry

Simmons Edmund H., laborer, 30 Barbara

Simmons Edwin, iron worker, h 14 Cox's al

Simmons Eliza, widow William, res 15 Decatur

SimmonsGeorge, tailor, h 64 Spring

Simmons Henry E., grocer, 405 Hudson, h do, Chamb’g

Simmons John Jr., chain maker, 40 Bellevue av

Simmons John W., painter, bds 64 Spring

Simmons Joseph, paper maker, bds 103 Fall

Simmons Susan, 40 Bellevue av

Simmons William H., clerk, h 244 Perry

Simmons William J., express messenger, bds 244 Perry

Simms John P., clerk, h 61 Clark, Chamb’g

Simpson Abram N., h 49 Spring

Simpson Andrew, kilnman, h 22 1/2 Seward av

Simpson John S., brick presser, 500 Calhoun

Simpson Mary, widow Thomas, res 119 Lamberton

Simpson Ralph, engineer, bds 5 E State

SINCLAIR; VANNEST & CO. (William D. Sinclair; William I. Vannest & Henry U. Coleman), clothiers and merchant tailors, 39 E State

Sinclair William C., watchman, h 248 Mercer

Sinclair William D., (Sinclair; Vannest & Co.), h 420 E State

Sines Charles D., painter, h 134 S Stockton

Sines John W., railroader, h 1 Jefferson

Sing Hong, laundry, 32 S Greene

SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY (The), C. H. Birk; manager, 108 E Hanover

Singleton George J., sawyer, bds 64 W Washington

Sinnickson Robert, printer, bds 205 W State

Sipler Hannah, widow Edward, res 6 Wright's al

Sipler Martha, dress making, 571 Broad, res do

Sipler Philip, lumber dealer, h 571 Broad

Sisom James, laborer, h 45 Clark, Chamb’g

Sisom Frank P., laborer, bds 61 Clark, Chamb’g

Sisom George, laborer, bds 61 Clark, Chamb’g

Sisom Joseph L., farmer, bds 61 Clark, Chamb’g

Sisson Daniel, rag dealer, h 45 Bellevue av

Sisto Charles laborer, h 339 Broad

Sixth Ward hotel, (Henry Hill; prop), 1024 Lamberton

SKELLENGER EDWARD B., physician and druggist, Hamilton av cor Clinton, h 213 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Skelton Mary, widow, h 133 Brunswick av

Skelton Wilson, painter, h 527 Clinton, Chamb’g

Skillman Abram, oyster dealer, h 12 Cox's al

Skillman Edward V. D., bookkeeper, bds 211 Academy

SKILLMAN JACOB S., oysters; &c, 118 N Greene, h 104 Union

Skillman John, laborer, h 35 W Hanover

Skillman John B., mason. h 118 Calhoun

Skillman John B., hack livery, h 158 Monmouth

Skillman Lizzie Ann, widow, h 223 S Feeder

Skillman Peter W., engineer, 210 Perry

Skillman Ralph C., foreman, h 212 Centre

Skillman Samuel, laborer, bds 109 Bellevue

Skillman Sarah H., cook, 222 W State

Skillman W. F., (Deutz & Co.), h Deutzville

Skinn George, core maker, h 202 Lamberton

Skinn Thomas J., iron worker, bds 202 Lamberton

Skirm Abraham, h 24 Model av

Skirm Anthony A., bookkeeper, h 218 Spring

Skirm Asa, F., (Whittaker & Skirm), h 152 W State

Skirm Augustus, conductor, h 37 Hart av, Millham

Skirm Benjamin, sawyer, bds 46 Cooper

SKIRM CHARLES H., sheriff, h 21 Clinton av

Skirm Edward T., rubber maker, bds 37 Hart av, Millham

Skirm Robert W., (Enterprise Pottery Co.), bds 21 Clinton

Skirm Samuel, telegraph operator, bds 538 S Warren

Skirm Theodosia C., widow, h 125 W Hanover

Skirm William H., (Enterprise Pottery Co.), bds 21 Clinton av

Skirm William H ., (D. P. Forst & Co.); councilman, h 124 E Hanover

Skiver Samuel, scavenger, h 151 W Hanover

Slack Alonzo, engineer, h 19 Tucker

Slack Edward W., baggage master, h 406 Market

Slack Emma A., music teacher, bds 107 S Warren

Slack George H., carpenter, h 46 Bayard, Chamb’g

Slack Gilbert B , clerk, h 165 Mercer

Slack W. Grover, carter, h 9 E Front

Slack Harry M., clerk, bds 320 N Warren

Slack Maria, widow, h 320 N Warren

Slack William A., milkman, h 250 Spring

Slack William H., hosiery manufacturer, Second cor Bridge, h 104 Centre

Slade Frederick J., treas. NJ Steel & Iron Co., h 435 Bellevue av

Slater Mrs. R. J., dress making, h 20 Bond

Slater Seth W., engineer, 20 Broad

Slattery James, hotel, Esher cor Southard, h do

Slinberg Charles, moulder, h 33 Clark, Chamb'g

Slingerland Barnet T., coal & wood, 358 Broad, h 354 do

Slingerland John, teamster, h 15 Taylor

Sloan Catharine, widow, res 73 Clinton av

Sloan Charles W., Mercer Rubber Works, h 515 E State

Sloan Maggie I., res 125 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Sloan Nathaniel, laborer, bds 553 Clinton, Chamb’g

Slover Catharine, widow, h 716 Second

Slover George, rubber worker, bds 214 N Greene

Slover John, rubber worker, h Union, Millham

Slover Pierson, rubber worker , bds 281 Clinton, Millham

Slover Sarah, widow, bds 281 Clinton, Millham

Slover William B., rubber worker, h 35 Hart av, Millham

Slover William P., rubber worker, bds 281 Clinton av, Millham

Smalley Joseph, machinist, h 231 Centre

Smalley Joseph Jr., engineer, bds 231 Centre

Smalley William, machinist, h 229 Centre

Smallwood Julia, widow, 207 1/2 Clinton, Millham

Smaltz Furman, bds 140 W State

Smedley William, retired, h Maple n Clinton, Millham

Smith Abijah S., carpenter, h 6 Belvidere

Smith Abraham, laborer, h 40 Belvidere

SMITH ALBERT D., carriage and harness trimmings, 6 N Warren, h 236 N Warren

Smith Alfred, printer, bds 279 N Willow

Smith Alfred, chair maker, bds 552 Hudson, Chamb’g

Smith Alfred C., potter, bds 35 Sheridan av

Smith Alice, prin. Model school, res Normal Hall

Smith Andrew, mason, 31 Walnut av, Chamb’g

Smith Andrew J., law student, bds 31 Walnut av, Chamb’g

Smith Annie B., teacher, res 515 Market

Smith Rev. Anthony, pastor St. Mary's R C church, h 155 N Warren

Smith Asa, brick maker,. bds 357 Brunswick av

Smith Augusta, h 22 Sweet's av

Smith Benjamin.P., engineer, bds 323 Market

Smith Bernard, h 208 Academy

Smith Bridget, res 21 Mott, Chamb’g

Smith Catharine, widow, res 124 Mott, Chamb’g

Smith Charles, railroader, bds 812 Centre

Smith Charles, potter, h 43 Union

Smith Charles, wire worker, bds 258 Clay

Smith Charles; clerk, bds 224 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Smith Charles, h 460 Lamberton

Smith Charles, laborer, h 502 Lamberton

Smith Charles, potter, h 1065 Clinton, Chamb’g

Smith Charles E., coaching, 227 S Feeder

Smith Charles P., h 178 W State

Smith Clinton, bds 9 W State

Smith Daniel F., carpenter, h 246 N Willow

Smith D. V., baggage master, h 124 Stockton

Smith Edward J., clerk, h 25 Carroll

Smith Edward, potter, h 21 Mott, Chamb’g

Smith Elias A., huckster, bds 21 Spring

Smith Ellen, patent ironer, res 73 Lamberton

Smith Ellen, widow, h 340 N Montgomery

Smith Elijah Y., milk dealer, h 43 Clark, Chamb’g

Smith Evan, waiter, h r 48 Jefferson

Smith Francis H., news dealer, h 149 Cooper

Smith Frank, locksmith, h 2 Wright's al

Smith Forman, furniture, h 113 E Front

Smith Garret W., clerk, h 515 Market

Smith George, potter, h 62 Butler, Chamb’g

Smith George, machinist, h 42 W Washington

Smith George, hod carrier h 18 Chauncey

Smith George H., conductor, 23 Tucker

Smith George P., clerk, h 227 Fair

Smith George S., sexton, h 55 Spring

Smith George W., keeper toll gate, h Pennington av, Ewing twp

Smith George W., restaurant, 417 Broad, h do

Smith George W., potter, bds 34 Beaver

Smith George W., carpenter, h 226 N Warren

Smith George, laborer, h 120 Humboldt

Smith George R., potter, bds Butler n Hudson, Chamb’g

SMITH HAMLET, fine groceries and provisions, 566 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g

Smith H. Frank, printer, bds 158 Stockton

Smith Henry, potter, h 233 Clinton, Millham

Smith Henry F., cigars and tobacco, 3 E State, h 114 W Hanover

Smith Harvey G., machinist, bds 515 Market

Smith Herbert, potter, h 336 Elmer, Chamb’g

Smith Horatio N., shoe maker, 819 Lamberton, h do

Smith Howard I., (West & Smith), h 43 Yard av

Smith Hugh, painter, bds 108 W Hanover

Smith Isabella H., dress maker, res 332 Fair

Smith Isaiah, foreman Thorn's bakery, h 49 Union

Smith Jacob, chain maker, h 65 Tucker

Smith Jacob B., sawyer, h 117 N Montgomery

Smith James, iron worker, h 114 Bridge

Smith James, wire drawer, h 340 Centre

Smith James, saw filer, bds 566 S Warren

Smith James, peddler, 627 Prospect, Chamb’g

Smith James, potter, bds 233 Clinton, Millham

Smith James, laborer, h 336 Ewing

Smith James W., potter, h 237 Kossuth

Smith Jeannette, res widows' home

Smith John, laborer, h 224 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Smith John, laborer, bds Maple n Clinton, Millham

Smith John, engineer, h 19 New York av, E Trenton

Smith John, traveling agent, h 906 Broad, Chamb’g

Smith John, laborer, h 106 Fountain av

Smith John, wire drawer, h 201 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Smith John, laborer, h 705 Lamberton

Smith John, conductor, h 134 Jefferson

Smith John, peddler, h 87 Esher

Smith John, potter, bds 523 Perry

Smith John A., barber, 830 Broad, h 224 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Smith John Jr., laborer, bds 106 Fountain av

Smith John, cracker baker, h 34 Union

SMITH JOHN K., retired, h 13 S Warren

Smith John H, baker, h 229 Bridge

Smith John H., silver plater, h 97 Summer

Smith John J. Jr., clerk, bds 523 E State

Smith John I., manufacturer fertilizers, 344 Perry, h 523 S Warren

Smith John W., charcoal heater, h 815 Broad, Chamb’g

Smith John U., hod carrier, bds 301 N Willow

Smith Jonas M., butcher, h 19 William, Chamb’g

Smith Jonas, carpenter, h 19 William,

Smith Jonathan, laborer, h 45 Fowler

Smith Jonathan, cracker baker, h 38 Union

Smith Jonathan P., machinist, h 106 Fall

Smith Joseph M., treas Trenton Lock Works, h 211 Academy

Smith Joseph, stone mason, h Broad n Second

Smith Joseph, machinist, h 225 Centre

Smith Kate, bds 229 W Hanover

Smith Lewis, newspaper carrier, bds 151 Cooper

Smith Lewis, waiter, h 38 Fowler

Smith Lewis D., blacksmith, h Sherman av n Clinton, Millham

Smith Lewis P., upholsterer, h 86 Lamberton

Smith Lizzie, dress maker, res 340 Centre

Smith Lois, widow, 189 Pennington av

Smith Lydia, domestic, res 194 Broad

Smith Mary, domestic, 210 W State

Smith Matthew, iron worker, h 610 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Smith Michael, teamster, h 159 W Hanover

Smith Michael, iron worker, bds 460 Lamberton

Smith Michael, laborer, h 159 W Hanover

Smith Michael, potter, h 78 Perrine av

Smith Neri, chain maker, h 552 Hudson, Chamb’g

Smith Nicholas, iron worker, bds 339 S Warren

Smith Oak, brakeman, h Tucker

Smith Philip, iron worker, bds 19 Butler, Chamb’g

Smith Philip, h 812 Centre

Smith Philip Jr., railroader, bds 812 Centre

Smith Peter J., kilnman, bds 31 Walnut, Chamb’g

Smith Rachel, h 101 Calhoun

Smith Rachel, widow of Charles, h 258 Clay

Smith Rebecca, h 113 Hamilton

Smith Richard, potter, h 45 Lincoln av

Smith Richard H., grocery, 33 Jefferson, h do

Smith Robert, stone cutter, h 125 Spring

Smith Samuel, potter, h 62 Butler, Chamb’g

Smith Samuel, potter, h 22 Chapel

Smith Samuel, yeast agent, h 128 N Warren

Smith Samuel E., cigar maker, h 243 Mercer

Smith Samuel G., clerk, bds Perry cor Montgomery

Smith Samuel R., yeast agent, bds 128 N Warren

Smith Mrs. Samuel R., h 9 W State

Smith Sarah A., h 158 Stockton

Smith Susan, domestic, 569 Broad

Smith Thomas, iron worker, h 19 Butler, Chamb’g

Smith Thomas, laborer, h 332 Fair

Smith Thomas, hotel clerk, h 416 Market

Smith Thomas, teamster, h Maple n Clinton, Millham

Smith Thomas, clerk, h 416 Market

Smith Thomas, iron worker, bds 114 Bridge

Smith Thomas J., bds 26 Ringold

Smith Thomas S., potter, bds 33 Jefferson

Smith; Walker & Co., (Annie Smith; Sallie Walker and Maggie H. Risdon), millinery and fancy goods, 7 S Greene

Smith Ward M., cigar manufacturer, 332 Broad, h do

Smith William, baker, bds 4 Barnes

Smith William, h rear 48 Jefferson

Smith William, res 837 S Warren

Smith William, piano maker, h 279 N Willow

Smith William, piano maker, bds 279 N Willow

Smith William, railroader, h 35 Sheridan av

Smith William, rubber maker, bds 284 Clinton, Millham

Smith William, foreman, 515 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Smith William Dewitt, draughtsman, bds 136 N Warren

Smith William H., news dealer, h 151 Cooper

Smith William L., restaurant, 19 Market, h do

Smith William P., veterinary surgeon, h 121 Chancery

Smith William R., junk dealer, h 1230 Broad

Smith William V., silver plater, h 232 Spring

Smith Winfield S., painter, h 461 Lamberton

SMYTH JAMES, merchant tailor, 154 N Greene, h 42 Bank

Smyth Wilhelmina, widow, h 107 Perry

Snedeker Abraham, hostler, bds 44 Carter's al

Snedeker Emma, widow, h 44 Carter's al

Snedeker Henry H., clerk, h 110 N Willow

Snedeker William W., salesman, bds 44 Carter's al

Snediker Isaac J., clerk, bds 126 E Front

Snediker John V., mason, h 126 E Front

Snediker William E., sup't Trenton Vise and Tool Works, 104 Jackson

Snider Austin, clerk Trenton Bank, h 129 Academy

Snider David P., clerk, h 243 Kossuth

Snider Peter, grocer, Bridge cor Lamberton, h 142 E Front

SNOOK HARRY W., wholesale liquor dealer, 5 S Warren, h 23 Southard

Snowden Charles F., machinist, h Hamilton cor Chestnut, Chamb’g

Snowden Francis, clerk, h 15 Ewing

Snowden Kate J., dress maker, res 46 Livingston

Snowden John, fireman, h 199 Clinton, Millham

Snowden Woodbury, rubber worker, h 46 Livingston

Snyder Alexander & Son (J. Albert), grocers, Centre cor Federal

Snyder Alexander, (A. Snyder & Son), h 213 Second

Snyder Anna, res 122 Union

Snyder Catharine, h 58 Bellevue av

Snyder Charles B., carpenter, 696 Centre, h 739 Second

Snyder Christopher, iron worker, bds 637 Lamberton

Snyder J. Frank, clerk, h 140 W State

Snyder Frank, jeweler, bds 127 Calhoun

Snyder Frederick, sawyer, bds 303 N Warren

Snyder Fredoline, laborer, 716 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Snyder Mrs. Gottlieb, widow, h 126 S Warren

Snyder Isaac N, bookkeeper, h 638 Perry

Snyder Jacob, cigar manufacturer, 126 S Warren, h do

Snyder James R., retired, h Deutzville

Snyder J. Albert, (A. Snyder & Son), h 213 Second

Snyder John, roller, h 106 Clark av, Chamb’g

Snyder John, laborer, h 2 Margerum's row

Snyder Mrs. John, widow, res 918 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Snyder Levi W., laborer, h 940 Lamberton

Snyder Magdalene, widow, res 918 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Snyder Mary A.,widow, h 127 Calhoun

Snyder Matthew, iron worker, h 912 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Snyder Nicholas, cigar maker, 73 Cass, Chamb’g

Snyder Peter, cigar manufacturer, h 48 Bellevue av

Snyder Peter, shoe maker, 19 Union, h 3 Ferry

Snyder Peter, brick maker, bds 561 Second

Snyder Peter, laborer, h 227 William, Chamb’g

Snyder Peter Jr., laborer, bds 3 Ferry

Snyder Sarah, domestic, res 129 N Greene

Snyder Thomas, lime burner, h 35 Turpin

Snyder Wallace, (Whitney & Co.), h 151 N Greene

Snyder William I., saw polisher, h 209 Anderson, Chamb’g

Soden Tobias, laborer, bds 253 Woodruff

Sodlen Louis, butcher, bds 512 Princeton av

Soethen Aloysius, decorator, bds Chestnut n Roebling, Chamb’g

Soethen Frank J., gardener, bds Chestnut n Roebling, Chamb’g

Soethen John, wire worker, bds Chestnut n Roebling, Chamb’g

Solan James J., potter, bds 143 W Hanover

Solan John, teamster, h 143 W Hanover

Solan Michael J., potter, bds 143 W Hanover

Solan Thomas M., potter, bds 143 W Hanover

Solliday Harry P., clerk, bds 202 Academy

Somerfield John, iron worker, h 106 New Rose

Sommers John, brick maker, h 509 Princeton av

Sononberg Augusta, widow William, res 539 Second

Sononberg William, laborer, bds 539 Second

Sor Frederick, laborer, h 114 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Sorter George D., huckster, h 50 Spring

Souders Isaac N., iron moulder, h 30 Lamberton

Souders Peter, retired, h 132 S Stockton

Soulsby Hannah, confectionery, 190 Jefferson, h do

South D. Clark, engineer, h 120 Allen

South John, tender lock No 2, h Deutzville

South Jonn M., carpenter, 190 Brunswick av

South Steward D., carpenter, h 100 Dye, Chamb’g

South William, bds 190 Brunswick av

Southard Annie, widow Samuel, h 137 E Hanover

Southard Isaac, bds 137 E Hanover

Southard Louisa, h 148 W State

Southard Sarah, h 148 W State

Southard Virginia, widow, h 238 W State

Southwaite Charles, laborer, h cor Jersey and William, Chamb’g

Southwick Abram R., engineer, h 488 Calhoun

Southwick Annie, h 107 S Warren

Southwick Edward P., clerk, h 233 E Hanover

Southwick Elizabeth, h 107 S Warren

Southwick Philip R. V., foreman, bds 126 N Montgomery

Souville Louis C., clerk, bds 137 Pennington av

Souville William, h 137 Pennington av

Spain Daniel, laborer, h 606 Second

Spain James, kilnman, h 75 Esher

Spain John, policeman, bds 20 Esher

Spain Michael, potter, h 20 Esher

Spangler John, iron worker, h 811 Lamberton

Spanholtz Adolph, potter, h 287 Clinton, Millham

Sparks Amos, h 366 E Carroll

Sparks Robert, laborer, h Ewing

Specht Jacob, driver, bds 334 Broad

Speedy William, laborer, bds 1 Broad, Chamb’g

Speeler John F., decorator, bds 208 Clinton av

Speeler Mary W., widow, h 208 Clinton av

SPEELER WILLIAM F., tobacconist, 3 North Warren, bds American House

Spencer Fannie, widow, h 310 Ferry

Spencer Henry, hotel, 330 and 332 N Warren, h do

Spencer James R., butcher, h 235 Perry

Spencer John S., weaver, bds 310 Ferry

Spencer Joseph, bds 7 Barnes

Spencer Robert, plumber, bds 310 Ferry

Spencer William, iron worker, h 703 Lamberton

Spencer William, painter, bds 95 Cooper

Spencer Zachariah, carpenter, h 52 Bellevue av

Spicer Asa F., conductor, h 334 Brunswick av

Spiegel Martin, tobacconist, 30 S Warren, h do

Spilsbury Eliza, widow, res 780 Princeton av

Spitz Jacob, iron worker, bds 514 Lamberton

Spracklen George W., grocer, Bridge cor Ferry, bds 620 S Warren

Spracklen John F., boiler maker, h 502 Princeton av

Spracklen Peter, dry goods, 620 S Warren, h do

Spracklen Peter A., cigar manufacturer, 356 Broad, h do

Sprague William L., principal of Millham public school, h 535 Clinton, Chamb’g

Springart Charles, iron worker, bds 316 Centre

Springart John, blacksmith, h 316 Centre

Springart John P., cigar maker, bds 316 Centre

Springa Wendell, iron worker, bds 316 Centre

Springfield Charles, steam dyer and tailor, 108 Perry, h do

Sprolls William, butcher, h 334 Fair

Sproul James, laborer, h 124 Chancery

Sproul William R., engineer, h 32 Sheridan av

Squibs Harriet, widows' home

Staab George, boatman, h 15 Grant av

Stackhouse Isaac, laborer, h 7 Hewitt, Chamb’g

Stackhouse John, wool worker, h r 34 Union

Stackhouse J. Townsend, h 25 Lincoln

Stackhouse Robert, saw maker, h 109 Union

Stackhouse Russell J., civil engineer, bds 25 Lincoln av

Stackhouse William, mason, 47 Pennington av

Stackhouse William, iron worker, h 392 Third

Staehfle Joseph, farmer, bds 289 N Willow

Staffenburgh John, iron worker, h 232 Fair

Stafford Samuel B., farmer, h 344 S Warren

STAHL ERNEST C., publisher New Jersey Staats Journal and Trenton Herald; notary public and commissioner of deeds, h 24 Barnes

STAHUBER KORBIN, Montezuma House, 839 Broad, h do

Staiger Charles, asst clerk Trenton House, bds Trenton House

STAIGER MICHAEL, hotel 320 N Greene, h do

STAKEMAN CHARLES, watchmaker and jeweler, 23 E State, h do

Standard China Works, (W. Kimble; prop), Prospect av

STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of New Jersey, (William Dolton, pres't, William M. Lindsay; sec'y), 11 W State

Standish George H., potter, bds 120 Jefferson

Stanhope Isaac, laborer, h Madison cor Washington av, Chamb’g

Stanley Alfred, iron worker, bds 505 Market

Stanley Charles, potter, h 22 Seward av

Stannard Mary E., widow, h 58 W Washington

Stanton James J., wire drawer, bds 14 Ferry

Stanton Mary, domestic, 473 W State

Stanton Patrick, potter, h 48 Bond

Stanton Thomas, potter, bds 142 Rose

Stanton Thomas, heater, h 14 Ferry

Stanton William E., wire drawer, bds 14 Ferry

Stapler Harry (J. T. Stapler & Co.), bds 133 Academy

STAPLER J. T. & CO. (J. T. & Harry), grocers, 102 and 104 N Greene

Stapler John T., (J. T. Stapler & Co.), h 133 Academy

Stapleton James, laborer, h 35 E Kossuth

Stapleton Thomas Jr., laborer, h r 12 Camden

STAR RUBBER COMPANY, (Jonathan Steward) pres't, Philip P. Dunn; treas, Thomas A. Bell; sec'y), Clinton av n creek, Millham

Stark Frederick, iron worker, h Second opp Schenck

Starin Ann J., widow, h 303 N Willow

Starin Frank E., baker, bds 303 N Willow

Stafin John, potter, h 27 Bond

Starin Walter N., pressman, bds 303 N Willow

STATE.GAZETTE, daily and weekly, John L. Murphy; publisher and proprietor, William Cloke editor, Greene cor State

States Alexander, chain factory, Passaic n Calhoun, h 124 Allen

States William A., chain maker, bds 124 Allen

STATE STREET HOUSE, (Paul & Ale prop), State cor Chancery

St. Clair Louie, h 10 Lodge al

Stead John W., grocer, 538 Centre, h 536 do

STEAD SAMUEL, justice of the peace, 912 Broad, Chamb’g, h do

STEAD THOMAS, hotel, 286 Clinton av, h do

Steele Alfred, potter, h Union, Millham

Steele Charles Jr., decorator, h 614 Perry

Steele Charles H., decorator, h 40 Seward av

Steele Frank, decorator, bds 40 Seward av

Steele George, butter dealer, h 209 Jackson

Steele William, decorator, bds 31 Yard av

Steen David, laborer, h 50 Spring

Steen David, clerk, h 324 N Montgomery

Steen Ellen, domestic, 307 W State

Steen John A., law student, bds 162 Brunswick av

Steen John C., night boss round house, h 162 Brunswick av

Steen Robert, laborer, h 75 Summer

Steepy David, laborer, bds 162 Lamberton

Steepy George, fireman, h 325 Elmer, Chamb’g

Steepy John, engineer, h 579 Centre

Steepy John W., painter, 342 S Warren, h do

Steepy Sallie, groceries, 328 Bridge cor Ferry, h do

Steepy Samuel, iron worker, h 328 Bridge

Steer William, bar tender, bds 10 N Warren

Steffenburg John, iron worker, h 232 Fair

Steinberger Gottfried, trimmings, Hamilton cor Annie, h do, Chamb’g

Steinert Charles, iron worker, h Bridge cor Fair

Steinmetz John, potter, bds 411 Ferry

Steinmetz William A., potter, bds 11 Humboldt

Stelle William W., ass't cashier Mech Nat Bank, h 46 Clinton av

Stemhagen Christopher, laborer, h 221 William, Chamb’g

Stemhagen Frederick, laborer, h 242 William

Stemhagan Fritz, lager beer saloon, 283 William, h do, Chamb’g

Stimhagen John, laborer, h 836 Clinton, Chamb’g

Stemmle Valentine, mason, h 247 Clinton av, Millham

Stephens Isaac, retired, h 224 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Stephens James P., treas Greenwood Pottery Co., h 230 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Stephens John Jacob, draughtsman, h 19 Carroll

Stephens Joseph, painter, h 37 Carroll

Stephens William C., ladies' shoe maker, 110 Perry, h do

Stephenson Harry, crate maker, h 25 New York av, E Trenton

Stephenson Rachel, res 144 Mercer

Steriff John, carpenter, h 63 Tyrill av

Sterling Edward P., clerk, h 148 S Stockton

STERLING JOSEPH, fancy goods, 18 N Greene, bds 119 E Hanover

Sterling Robert, potter, h 44 Grant av

Sterling Thomas C., carpenter, h 84 Spring

Stetler Margaret, widow William, res 109 E Hanover

Stetter Frank, potter, h 129 Church

Stetter Joseph, potter, h 59 Rose

Stetter Matthew, potter, bds 59 Rose

Stevens Edwin, iron worker, h 320 Bridge

Stevens Edward E., laborer, bds 35 Summer

Stevens Francis B., clerk, bds 197 W State

Stevens George, laborer, h 51 Asbury

Stevens George L., clerk, h 46 Decatur

Stevens Henry, waiter, h 51 Bank

Stevens John G., civil engineer, h 197 W State

Stevens Richard F., expert accountant, h 106 W Btate

Stevens Robert G., deputy sheriff Mercer Co, bds 323 Market

Stevens Thedosius F., clerk Trenton Banking Co., 106 W State

Stevens Thomas, china decorator, bds 228 Broad

STEVENS THOMAS S., dentist, 107 E State, h do

Stevens William, hod carrier, h 51 Bank

Stevens William, laborer, h 35 Summer

Stevenson Adeline, res 325 Broad

Stevenson Charles, painter, h 38 Barnes

Stevenson Edward F., carpenter, h 415 Hudson, Chamb’g

STEVENSON GEORGE H., sash and blind manufacturer, 40 Stockton cor Commerce, h 48 Stockton

Stevenson Henry K., clerk, h 229 N Warren

Stevenson Sarah, res Jackson cor Market

Stevenson Walter C., clerk, W. U. Telegraph Co., bds 48 NStockton

Stevenson Winfield S., engraver, h 35 Stockton

Steves Oliver P., principal Model school, h 225 Academy

Steward Charles, student, bds Clinton av cor Monmouth

Steward Rev. David, h 38 Model av

Steward Diana, widow, 54 Tucker

Steward Edward J., millwright, bds 164 Lamberton

Steward Edward , saw maker, bds 164 Lamberton

Steward George H., butcher, h 213 Brunswick av

Steward James, laborer, h 357 Brunswick av

Steward Jonathan, wholesale grocer; &c, State cor Stockton, h Clinton cor Monmouth

Steward Lydia, widow, h 234 N Willow

Steward Harry, h 124 Stockton

Steward Samuel B., engineer P R R, 25 Lewis

Steward William R., potter, h 529 Clinton, Chamb’g

Steward William C., carpenter, h 23 Carroll

Stewart. Albert, saw maker, bds 164 Lamberton

Stewart Harry, wire drawer, bds Centre cor Ferry

Stewart John, laborer, h 213 Third

Stewart John G., millwright, h 164 Lamberton

STEWART JOHN H., counselor at law and judge of the court of common pleas, 14 E State, h 175 W State

Stewart Maria, widow, res 95 Cooper

Stewart Samuel R., baker, h 213 Brunswick av

Stewart Selden, painter, bds 164 Lamberton

Stewart Thomas J., teacher penmanship C C C C, 152 Perry

Stiefbold Charles, barber, h 696 Broad, Chamb’g

Stiefbold Henry, heater, h 117 Furman

Stites James H., brakeman, 24 Lincoln av

St. George William, patent roofer, bds 115 N Greene

Stiles Lewis, musician, bds 330 N Greene

Still Charles W., laborer, h 378 Reservoir

Still Emma, widow, h 235 Kossuth

Still George, laborer, h 237 N Willow

Still George, boot black, h 239 Woodruff

Still Hannah. widow, h 378 Reservoir

Still Letitia, domestic, 324 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Stillwell Charles, weaver, bds 102 Fall

Stillwell Isaac, chain maker, bds 102 Fall

Stillwell Nicholas, laborer, h 102 Fall

Stillwell Nicholas Jr., chain maker, bds 102 Fall

Stillwell William S., teamster, h 84 Perrine av

Stinert Charles, machinist, h 107 Bridge

Stinson Samuel, packer, h 32 1/2 Seward av

Stipe Anthony, carpenter, h 14 Behm

Stocker Jacob, laborer, h 518 Schiller, Chamb’g

Stockton John P., (Stockton & Johnson); att'y gen, bds Trenton House

Stockton Robert F., h 180 W State

Stockton Robert F. Jr., lawyer, bds 144 W State

Stockton Samuel E., agent for Palace organ, bds 16 E Front

Stockton William, manufacturer, h 30 Ogden

STOCKTON & JOHNSON, (John P. Stockton and William Y. Johnson), counselors at law, state house

Stoddard Michael E., carpenter, h 17 Lincoln av

Stodel Richard, hostler, h 34 Pike al

Stokes Alfred C., physician, bds 511 E State

Stokes Barclay L., clerk, h 138 Jackson

Stokes Benjamin F., milkman, h 46 Academy

Stokes Catharine, widow, h 64 Asbury

STOKES EDWARD H., h 539 S Warren (Woodlawn)

Stokes Elizabeth S., tailoress, res 403 E State

Stokes J. O., clerk, bds 838 S Warren

Stokes Joseph, sup't N J Steel and Iron Co's works, h 838 Warren

Stokes Mary, widow Israel, h 115 Fall

Stokes Randolph N., bookkeeper, bds 141 Stockton

Stokes Samuel, clerk, h 141 Stockton

Stokes Whital, (Trenton Terra Cotta Co.), h 514 E Sate

Stokes W. J. B., (Wilson & Stokes), bds 838 S Warren

Stoll Augustus F., (Brearley & Stoll), bds Earley's Hotel

STOLL ROBERT P., manufacturer of curled hair; mattresses; bedding and dealer in furniture; carpets; oilcloths; &c, 216 Clinton, h 528 E State

Stoll Thomas A., clerk, bds 528 E State

Stolte George, shoe maker, 571 Centre, h do

STONAKER & BELLIS, (Charles D, Stonaker and W. Bellis), flour and feed, 339 N Greene

Stonaker Charles D., (Stonaker & Bellis), h 127 Spring

Stonaker William, laborer, h 68 Spring

Stone Edward, laborer, bds 573 Clinton, Chamb’g

Stone George, laborer, bds 573 Clinton, Chamb’g

Stone James W., huckster, h 611 Lamberton

Stone John, chain maker, h 573 Clinton, Chamb’g

Stone Joseph, wire drawer, h 11 Mott, Chamb’g

Stone Samuel, mason, h 573 Clinton, Chamb’g

Stong Mary, saleslady, res 115 Centre

Stoop Harvey G., blacksmith, h 212 Fair

Stoop Jonathan, blacksmith, h 206 Union

Stoos Wendel, shoe maker, bds 333 Fair

Storms James E., laborer, h 389 S Warren

Storms Joseph, laborer, h 50 Belvidere

Storms William, potter, bds 50 Belvidere

Stotz William, carpet weaver, 8 E Front, h do

Stout Annie D. N., teacher, res State n Chambers, Chamb’g

Stout Baltes P., clerk, bds 241 N Warren

Stout Charles A., kilnman, h 117 Kossuth

Stout Charles A., engineer, h 73 Pennington av

Stout Charles F., machinist, h 615 Prospect, Chamb’g

Stout Elmira, domestic, 115 W State

Stout Edward, conductor, h 27 Carroll

Stout Frank J., teamster, h 521 Calhoun

Stout Forman, shoe maker, 248 Clay, h do

Stout George W., salesman, h 204 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Stout Harry, hostler, bds 521 Calhoun

Stout James, laborer, h 111 Quarry al

Stout James H., boatman, h 189 Jefferson

STOUT JOHN G., (Cuckoo Hall), tobacconist, 199 Broad, h do

Stout John W., salesman, bds 622 S Warren

Stout Joseph, clerk, h 128 Spring

Stout Mary E., widow Joel, res 100 Bayard, Chamb’g

Stout Mary C., widow George W., res 204 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Stout M. E., teacher, res State n Chambers, Chamb’g

Stout Mary E., widow James, res State n Chambers, Chamb’g

Stout Parker W., watchman, bds 116 Kossuth

Stout Samuel B., car inspector, h 420 E Carroll

Stout Sophia T., h 161 E Front

Stout Titus, clerk, h 15 Stockton

Stout William, laborer, h 241 S Feeder

Stover E. C., shipping clerk, bds Trenton House

Stover Jacob A. & Bro., (J. Newton), grocers, 630 S Warren

Stover Jacob A., (Stover Bros.), h 630 S Warren

Stover J. Newton, (Stover Bros.), h 630 S Warren

Stowell Arthur C., instructor state prison, h 544 Centre

Stowell Ella S., teacher, res 546 Centre

Stowell George A., instructor state prison, h 546 Centre

Stowell Willard A., student, bds 546 Centre

Stradling Elwood Lafayette, clerk, 119 Spring

Stradling George, engineer, h 704 Bridge

Stradling Joseph Y., machinist, bds 249 N Willow

STRADLING LAFAYETTE, lumber; coal and wood, 131 N Willow, h 116 W Hanover

Strand Thomas, wire drawer, h 18 Mott, Chamb’g

Strasser George, kilnman, bds Centre cor Ferry

Strasser John J. Jr., drug clerk, bds 108 Union

Strasser John J., scale maker, h 108 Union

Stratton Frank E., carpenter, h 125 S Greene

Straub William, potter, bds 521 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Strauss Isaac, clerk, bds 144 E Front

Streeper George, butcher, h 17 Lamberton

STREET CHARLES W., justice of the peace; commissionerof deeds and notary public, 15 E State, h 227 E Hanover

Street Samuel F., tinsmith, h 232 E Front

Stringer John, iron worker, bds 308 Union

Stritzelberger Andreas, cabinet maker, bds 160 Broad

Strobel George Jr., bar tender, Jennie cor Hamilton, bds do, Chamb’g

STROBEL GEORGE, Centennial hall, Jennie cor Hamilton, h do, Chamb’g

STRUBLE & ARMSTRONG, (Uzal H. Struble and Uzal H. Armstrong), dry goods and groceries, Second cor Bridge

Struble James H., bds 103 Second

Struble Uzal H., (Struble & Armstrong), h 103 Second

Struble William U., clerk, bds 103 Second

Stryker Charles M., farmer, h 139 Spring

Stryker Francis, student, bds 79 Southard

Stryker Garret W., woolen worker, h 17 Chapel

Stryker James, rubber worker, h Dickinson, Millham

Stryker Louisa, widow Abraham B., res 233 Mercer

Stryker Margaretta, widow Henry, res 247 Jackson

Stryker Mary, res 210 Broad

Stryker Theodore C., h 79 Southard

Stryker Rose, widow Martin, res 451 Lamberton

STRYKER WILLIAM S., adjutant general state N J, h 122 E Hanover

STUBENAZY CHRISTIAN H., "Wacht Am Rhein" saloon, 323 Lamberton N W cor Bridge, h do

Stubenazy Henry, bar tender, 323 Lamberton cor Bridge, bds do

Stuckert Charles, drug clerk, bds 142 Mercer

Stuckert Edward L., (Fitzgeorge & Stuckert), h 250 E Hanover

Stuckert Jacob, laborer, h 518 Randolph, Chamb’g

Stuckert Jacob, h 142 Mercer

Studdiford Rev. Samuel M., pastor Third Presbyterian Church, h 139 N Warren

Stull Abraham, engineer, bds Clinton Street Hotel n depot

Stull Howell, (F. S. Katzenbach & Co.), h 127 E Hanover

Stull Jacob, h 47 W State

Stull John C., veterinary surgeon, h 28 W State

Stults George, clerk, h 243 Clay

Stults Joseph, laborer, h 42 Esher

Stultz Randall, watchman, h coal schutes n Hart av, Millham

Suder John, photographer, bds 119 E Hanover

SUDER JOSEPH, photographer, 4 S Greene, bds 119 E Hanover

Sulger William S., glassware; oils and tin ware, 109 E Hanover

Sullivan Daniel, heater, h 46 Asbury

Sullivan Ellen, domestic, 329 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Sullivan James, lime burner, h 23 Turpin

Sullivan John, laborer, h 30 Adeline, Chamb’g

Sullivan Margaret, beer saloon, 169 Rose, h do

Sullivan Norah, domestic, 555 S Warren

Summers Daniel, blacksmith, h 46 Spring

Summers Jacob, confectioner, h 212 Broad

Summers Michael, blacksmith, h 309 W Hanover

Summers William, laborer, h 62 Belvidere

Sunningshine John, carpenter, h 562 S Warren

Sunningshine Matilda, widow Thomas, res 562 S Warren

Sutcliffe Sarah A., h 208 Perry

SUTPHIN EDWIN, livery stable, 27 N Warren, h 105 Perry

Sutphin Eleanor B., widow of George, res 128 S Stockton

Sutphin Eva, dress maker, res 128 S Stockton

Sutphin George W., laborer, h 128 S Stockton

Sutphin James T., clerk, bds 217 N Warren

Sutphin Jennie, dress maker, res 128 S Stockton

Sutphin John, carriage maker, bds 217 N Warren

Sutphin John R., telegraph operator, h 35 Cooper

Sutphin Joseph V. D., carpenter, h 19 Chapel

Sutphin Richard, carriage builder, 27 N Warren, h 217 N Warren

Sutphin Thompson C., decorator, bds 217 N Warren

Sutphin William, teamster, h 544 Perry

Sutphin William V., clerk state house, h 113 Cooper

Sutphin William A., teamster, h 106 Sweet's av

Sutterley Edmund, bds 595 Centre

Sutterley Elizabeth, widow Joseph, h 595 Centre

Sutterley George W., h 888 Lamberton

Sutterly John, teamster, h 47 Turpin

Sutterly Mary, widow, h 43 Southard

Sutterly Rudolph, carpenter, h 882 Lamberton

Sutterly Theodore, potter, bds 225 Second

Sutterly William C., boatman, bds 595 Centre

Sutton Charles A., blacksmith, 166 Pennington av

Sutton Edwin, engineer, h 550 Second

Sutton Israel, carpenter, h 414 Market

Sutton Joseph, potter, h 33 Woodland, Chamb’g

Sutton Samuel A., carpenter, res 414 Market

Sutton Stafford B., blacksmith, h 322 N Greene

Sutts Hugh, laborer, h 5 Margerum's row

Swachenberg Moses, clothing, 10 E Hanover, h do

Swan Abraham, carpenter, res children's home; Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Swan Charles H., student, bds 644 Broad, Chamb’g

Swan Charles, sup't Roebling's, h 644 Broad, Chamb’g

Swayze Hugh M., marble yard, 216 E State, h 252 Mercer

Swazey Israel, h 216 W State

Sweeney Alexander, laborer, 136 Second

Sweeney Andrew, marshal's aid, h 262 Spring

Sweeney Barney, laborer, h 613 Clinton, Chamb’g

Sweeney Charles, wire worker, bds 613 Clinton, Chamb’g

Sweeney Edward, chain maker, bds 388 S Warren

Sweeney Edward, brick maker, 584 Centre

Sweeney Edward, shoe maker, 220 N Greene, h do

Sweeney Edward, brakeman, h 256 N Feeder

Sweeney Edward H., clerk state house, bds Spring ab Calhoun

Sweeney Ellen, widow, h 220 N Greene

Sweeney Henry, teamster, h 684 Clinton, Chamb’g

Sweeney James, laborer, h 569 Centre

Sweeney Jeremiah, clerk, h 463 Centre

Sweeney Johanna, dress maker, 459 Centre

Sweeney John, wire drawer, bds 459 Centre

Sweeney John T., clerk, h 109 Anderson av, Chamb’g

Sweeney Joseph R., teller Mechanics Nat Bank, h 135 Stockton

Sweeney Kate, vest maker, res 459 Centre

Sweeney Margaret, widow John, res 463 Centre

Sweeney. Mary, widow, h 103 Anderson av, Chamb’g

Sweeney Mary, vest maker, res 459 Centre

Sweeney Neil, brick maker, h 584 Centre

Sweeney Owen, wire drawer, bds 459 Centre

Sweeney Patrick, laborer, h 47 Bank

Sweeney Thomas, potter, bds 388 S Warren

Sweeney Thomas, potter, bds 31 William

Sweet Budd, potter, h 28 Sweet's av

Sweet Charles P., h 10 Barnes

Sweet Edward, mason, bds 558 Perry

Sweet Erastus P., watchman, h 475 Princeton av

Sweet Henry, potter, h 16 Barnes

Sweet John C., mason, bds 23 Centre

Sweet Sarah, dress maker, res 30 Conover's al

Sweet Truman J., marble cutter, h 233 N Willow

Sweet William H., brakeman, h 228 N Feeder

Swem Asher, tobacconist, h 18 Bank

Swem & Bro., (Charles E. and William D.), carpenters and builders, 52 Mott, Chamb’g

Swem Charles W., engineer, 108 Walnut av, Chamb’g

Swem Charles E., (Swem & Bro.), h 886 Lamberton

Swern George B., clerk, bds 18 Bank

Swem Lewis J., telegraph operator, bds 18 Bank

Swem Mary, dress maker, bds 18 Bank

Swem William T., operator, h 42 Southard

Swem William D., (Swem & Bro.), h 50 Mott, Chamb’g

Swetnam Hannah, hotel, 575 Perry, h do

Swetnam H. Clement, (Tyrrell & Swetnam), bds 156 N Warren

Swetnam John, potter, bds 575 Perry

SWETNAM THOMAS, hotel; Old House at Home, 506 Perry, h do

Swick Dewitt C., engineer, h 220 Spring

Swick Rose, h 9 Bellevue av

SWING HENRY S., groceries and provisions, 30 Spring, h do

Swigley William, shoe fitter, bds 20 Southard

Swingle, Amos, laborer, h 615 Clinton, Chamb’g

Sykes William, butcher, h 52 Perrine av

SZABO REV. AVELIN, pastor St. Francis Church, h 31 W Front

Taber William H., butcher, h 901 Broad, Chamb’g

Tabram John C., furniture, S Warren cor Front, h 115 S Warren

Tallon Edward, laborer, h 45 Grant av

Tallon Edward Jr., potter, bds 45 Grant av

Tallon Elizabeth, widow John, res 467 Lamberton

Tallon James H., grocer, 247 Hawilton av, h do, Chamb’g

Tallon John, h 217 Elmer, Chamb’g

Tallon Margaret, domestic, 106 W State

Tallon Philip, kilnman, bds 45 Grant av

Tams Alice, ware dresser, res 453 Prospect, Chamb’g

Tams Charles, potter, h Third n S Market

Tams Edwin, potter, h 62 Butler, Chamb’g

Tams James, Greenwood Pottery, h 43 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Tams Jane, widow, h 453 Prospect, Chamb’g

Tams John, potter, h 612 Prospect, Chamb’g

Tams William, potter, bds 19 Grant av

Tams William H., potter, h 15 Emory av, Chamb’g

Tantum George R., mason, bds 123 Jackson

Tantum. Ira, mason, h 530 Perry

Tantum James D., physician, h 408 Broad

Tantum Jerome, h 750 Centre

Tanturn Joseph K., carpenter, h 313 Hudson. Chamb’g

Tanturn Samuel B., (Tantum & Shields), h 123 Jackson

TANTUM & SHIELDS, (S. B. Tantum and J. D. Shields), gents' furnishing goods &c, 132 S Greene

Tantum William H., h 123 Jackson

Tarbout Isaac W., laborer, h 228 Allen

Tarnoskie Anton, brick maker, h 816 Lamberton

Tarnoskie Robert, laborer, bds 816 Lamberton

Tarrant John, carpenter, bds 65 Spring

Tarter David, miller, h 10 Lamberton

Tarter Josephine, dress maker, res 10 Lamberton

Tarter Lizzie, dress maker, res 10 Lamberton

Tatler Thomas, decorator, h 32 Lincoln av

Tatler William H,, decorator, h 26 Ogden

Tatem Samuel, deputy state prison, bds 527 Broad

Tattersall John, spinner, h 208 S Warren

TAXIS JOHN S., practical watchmaker, 22 Perry, bds 123 Perry

Taylor Andrew, potter, h 36 E Canal

Taylor Anna, bds 110 W State

Taylor Anna M., widow, h 234 Clinton, Chamb’g

Taylor Charlotte C., res 315 Broad

Taylor Edward R., (J. C. Taylor & Sons), h 334 Broad

Taylor Edward W., clerk, h 33 Ewing

Taylor Elizabeth, widow Miles, res 71 Lamberton

Taylor Emma T., saleslady, res 521 S Warren

Taylor Eastburn W., (S. & E. Taylor), bds 202 Academy

Taylor Frank, puddler, 122 Ferry

Taylor Frank H., ticket receiver P R R, h 13 Carroll

Taylor Francis, potter, bds 110 Fall

Taylor Frederick, salesman, 260 Clay

Taylor Frederick, laborer, h Taylor, Millham

Taylor George, clerk state house, h 146 W State

Taylor George M., carpenter, h 27 Summer

Taylor Gilbert L., bds 146 W State

Taylor Henry, clerk, bds 48 W State

TAYLOR J. C. & SONS, (James C., Jr., and Edward R.), undertakers, 334 Broad

Taylor James, h Clinton cor Tyler, Chamb’g

Taylor James C., (J. C. Taylor & Sons), h 334 Broad

Taylor James C. Jr., (J.C. Taylor & Sons), 622 Perry

Taylor James W., painter, bds 107 S Feeder

Taylor John, bds 180 Broad

TAYLOR JOHN, pork packer and dealer in live stock, Perrine av, h 305 E State

Taylor John C., teamster, h 40 Carter's al

Taylor John F., potter, h 233 Clinton, Millham

Taylor John S., huckster, h 28 Bond

Taylor Joseph H., baggage master, 99 Spring

Taylor Lewis, laborer, bds 71 Lamberton

Taylor Martin V., potter, h 20 Grant av

Taylor Mary, domestic, 218 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Taylor Mary, widow, h 122 Spring

Taylor Mary, domestic, 116 Centre

Taylor Samuel, gardener state house, h 115 Spring

Taylor Sarah J., h r 34 Union

Taylor S. & E., (Sylvester and Eastburn W.), gents' furnishings, 40 E State

Taylor Sylvester, (S. & E. Taylor), h 110 Spring

Taylor Thomas, tool maker, h 225 Clay

Taylor Thomas B., (Cole & Taylor), h 149 E Front

Taylor William, printer, bds 124 E Front

Taylor William, potter, h 45 Tyrill av

Taylor William, h 240 E Front

Taylor William, wool spinner, h 81 Union

Taylor William H., shipping clerk, bds 234 Clinton, Chamb’g

Taylor William H., fish and oysters, Washington market, h 128 S Warren

TAYLOR W. SCOTT, druggist, Perry cor Southard, h do

Taylor Zachariah, machinist, h 454 Broad

Teal M., laborer, h 834 Clinton, Chamb’g

Teisseire Louisa, widow Philemon, res 203 Market

Teisseire Samuel, crayon artist, bds 203 Market

TELEPHONE LIVERY STABLES; THE (Rheese Budd; prop.), 15 S Montgomery

Temple Albert C., machinist, bds 128 Mercer

Temple C., chair caner, h Gordon n Barbara

Temple Charles H., salesman, h 128 Mercer

Temple Charles W.,.brick maker, bds 55 Lamberton

Temple Charles W., druggist, bds 128 Mercer

Temple Daniel, justice of the peace; &c., S W cor State and Greene, h 116 W State

Temple George, fence maker, h 158 Pennington av

Temple John T., lawyer, 25 E State, h 116 W State

Temple Mary, chambermaid, 125 E Hanover

Temple William, laborer, h 213 Spring

Temple William, boots and shoes, State cor Greene, h 44 Yard av

Temple William, clerk, bds 44 Yard av

Tenham Annie, widow, h 10 E Washington

Tenham Joseph H., weaver, bds 10 E Washington

Tennant Alvin, billiards, Hanover cor Greene, h Dolton's block

Terradell Frank W., engineer, h 319 Academy

Terradell Joseph F., shoe maker, h 134 Monmouth

Terradell Thomas M., engineer, h 32 E Canal

Terradell William F., engineer, h 319 Academy

Terrill Benjamin, cigar maker, bds 120 Allen

Terrill James, laborer, h Sherman n Clinton, Millham

Terry Alonzo, (Dingman & Terry), bds Centre cor Ferry

Terry David, kilnman, h 232 Pennington av

Terry Francis A., potter, bds 252 Allen

Terry John, peddler, h 119 Woodland, Chamb’g

Terry Joseph, potter, h 331 W Hanover

Terry Joshua V., ship builder, h 252 Allen

Terry Mary, widow, h 28 Ogden

Terry Robert S., potter, bds 28 Ogden

Terry Robert V., carpenter, bds 252 Allen

Terry Samuel B., carpenter, h 89 Lamberton

Terry William, potter, h 122 Calhoun

Terry William K., news dealer, bds 252 Allen

Tessing Albert, wire drawer, bds W of Broad S of Coleman, Chamb’g

Tessing Charles, laborer, bds W of Broad S of Coleman, Chamb’g

Tessing Ernest, farmer, h W of Broad S of Coleman, Chamb’g

Tessing Louis, laborer, bds W of Broad S of Coleman, Chamb’g

Tessing Richard, wire worker, bds W of Broad S of Coleman, Chamb’g

Tessing William, laborer, bds W of Broad S of Coleman, Chamb’g

Thatcher Charles, painter, bds 212 Brunswick av

Thatcher Jonathan R., car inspector, h 212 Brunswick av

Thatcher Lewis, carpenter, bds 139 Allen

Thatcher William D., laborer, bds 139 Allen

Theberge Louis, French steam dyer, 24 Perry, h do

Theberge Peter, laborer, h 407 William, Chamb’g

Thaler John, wire drawer, h 829 Clinton, Chamb’g

Thines Anna M., widow John, 113 Academy

Thines John, carpenter, bds 113 Academy

Thines William B., architect, 4 S Greene, bds 113 Academy

Thoene August, dyer, bds 118 N Warren

Thoene Henry, steam dyer, 118 N Warren, h do

Thomas Adolph, baker, h 177 W Hanover

Thomas Albert R., bookkeeper First Nat Bank, h 140 E Hanover

Thomas Charles, brick maker, bds 808 Centre

Thoams Charles H., wire drawer, 122 Ashmore av, Chamb’g

Thomas Enoch, potter, h 121 Calhoun

Thomas George, laborer, h 51 Clark, Chamb’g

Thomas George W., potter, bds 121 Calhoun

Thomas Hannah, widow David J., res 320 Ferry

Thomas H. W., musician, 332 N Montgomery

Thomas James C., glass; crockery; &c, 138 and 140 N Greene, h 146 Academy

Thomas James M., presser, 65 Bond

Thomas James R., wholesale druggist, 12 E Hanover, h 118 W State

Thomas John W., h 214 S Warren

Thomas Mary A., glassware and crockery, 214 S Warren, h do

Thomas Mary N., widow Joseph, res 35 Yard av

Thomas Menrad, potter, bds 121 Calhoun

Thomas Richard, retired, h 214 E Front

Thomas William, kilnman, bds 219 Clinton av

Thomas William N., blacksmith, cor Willow and Pennington av, h 306 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Thompson Ada M., 240 Perry

Thompson Alexander, pattern maker, h 826 Clinton, Chamb’g

Thompson Albert, janitor, h 112 S Warren

Thompson Charles H., bds 227 W Hanover

Thompson Christopher, hotel, 320 Clinton, h do

Thompson Daniel S., bds 83 Union

Thompson Edgar, machinist, h 110 Washington, Chamb’g

Thompson Edward, herbs, 227 W Hanover

Thompson Eli, kilnman, h St. Joseph av, Millham

Thompson Eliza, teacher, res 112 S Warren

Thompson Emma, h 68 W Washington

Thompson Frank, printer, bds 826 Clinton, Chamb’g

Thompson Frank, potter, h East Trenton av, Millham

Thompson George, grocer, Grant cor Seward av

Thompson James E., clerk, h 28 Lincoln av

Thompson James, laborer, h S Warren n Mill

Thompson John, iron worker, bds 866 Lamberton

Thompson John F., miller, bds 316 Bridge

Thompson John F., (Alpaugh & Thompson), bds State St House

Thompson J. F. L., bookkeeper, h 61 Ewing

Thompson Joseph O., engineer, h 61 Carroll

Thompson Martin, moulder, bds 311 E State

Thompson Maria, 122 W State

Thompson Mary, widow, h Girard av, Millham

Thompson Mary, widow, h 308 E Carroll

Thompson Philip, potter, h 125 Jefferson

Thompson Sarah, widow, 226 Perry

Thompson Sarah S., dress maker, res 112 S Warren

Thompson Thomas, potter, bds Girard av, Millham

Thompson Thomas S., miller, h 101 W Front

Thompson Wesley B., tobacconist, 164 Broad, h do

Thompson William, potter, bds 22 1/2 Seward av

Thompson William H., cigar manuf'r, 117 Union, h 235 Bridge

Thorn Albert L., druggist, bds 260 Jackson

Thorn Asher M., machinist, h 213 Fall

Thorn Azariah, cracker baker, h 135 Jackson

THORN & BRO., (J. S. and Wm. C.), cracker manuf'rs, Factory cor Cooper

Thorn Charles, constable, h 23 E Washington

Thorn Charles F., brakeman, h 34 Sheridan av

Thorn Edwin M., decorator, bds 260 Jackson

Thorn Ella R., teacher, res 260 Jackson

Thorn Jesse, printer, h 52 W Hanover

Thorn John, blacksmith, h 156 Fair

Thorn John D., carpenter, h 66 Wall

Thorn John N., tool maker, h 136 Fair

Thorn Joseph H., deputy state prison, h 260 Jackson

Thorn Joseph S., (Thorn & Bro.), h 140 Jackson

Thorn Mary S., widow Thomas, h 213 E State

Thorn Maria, widow John, res 217 Jackson

Thorn Susan E., dress maker, res 213 E State

Thorn Urial, finisher, 423 Princeton av

Thorn Wilburt, painter, h 408 Princeton av

Thorn William, painter, h Centre cor Bridge

Thorn William C., (Thorn & Bro.), h 152 Front

Thorn William H., painter, bds 260 Jackson

Thornhill Jacob, coachman, h 114 Quarry al

Thornley Frank R., printer, bds 46 W Front

Thornley George W., proof reader, h 128 E Front

Thornley Jesse, painter, 143 E Front, h 15 Cooper

Thornton Thomas, laborer, 41 Gordon

Thorp John, laborer, bds 35 Decatur

Thorp Susan, widow George, res 35 Decatur

Thorp Winfield, bds 167 W State

Thropp John E., machine shop and foundry, ft Lewis, h 230 Second

Thropp William R., superintendent, bds 230 Second

Tice Caroline, widow Stephen, res 703 S Warren

Tice Elizabeth, res 703 S Warren

Tice Mary J., res 703 S Warren

Tidd Harry, drug clerk, bds 200 W State

TIDD MILTON, druggist & apothecary, 694 Broad, h do, Chamb’g

Tiehl Lawrence, shoe maker, 35 Tucker

Tierney James, laborer, bds 818 S Warren

Tierney John, laborer, h 175 Lamberton

Tierney Michael, laborer, 417 Federal

Tierney Owen, wire worker, bds 417 Federal

Tierney Patrick, gardener, 498 Calhoun

Tierney Patrick, laborer, h 30 Belvidere

Tighe Ellen N., dress maker, res 30 Sheridan av

Tighe James, ironworker, bds 374 Union

Tighe Patrick, iron worker, h 374 Union

Tighe Thomas, heater, h 35 Asbury

Tillerman Joseph, machinist, h 435 Lamberton

Tillman Julia, cook, 193 Brunswick av

Tillman Lydia A., widow, 12 Bellevue av

Tillman Peter J., machinist, h 435 Lamberton

Tilton Albert, wood turner, bds 50 Lamberton

Tilton Miss C. S., 134 E Hanover

Tilton Charles, laborer, h 229 Second

Tilton Charles, laborer h 232 William, Chamb’g

Tilton Ephraim, laborer, h 5 Dillon's al

Tilton George, teamster, bds cor Perry and Southard

Tilton Jacob, laundry instructor state prison, bds Eagle Hotel

Tilton John B., engineer, h 415 Hudson, Chamb’g

Tilton John H., teamster, h 501 Second

Tilton John H. Jr., dye maker, bds 501 Second

Tilton Peter B., clerk, bds 584 Perry

Tilton William H., shoe maker, bds 501 Second

Timmons Thomas, iron worker, h 455 Broad

Timpson Anna A., widow John, res 522 Market

Timpson Mrs. A. S., widow, res 520 Lamberton

Timpson Julia, res 522 Market

Tindall Aaron, mason, h 387 S Warren

Tindall Alfred, laborer, h 39 Turpin

Tindall Cynthia, res 218 N Greene

Tindall David, h 59 Clark, Chamb’g

Tindall Edward, potter, bds 192 Lamberton

Tindall Edward, mason, bds 218 N Greene

Tindall George H., gents' furnishing, 21 E State, bds 17 E Front

Tindall James, coachman, 211 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Tindall John, car driver, h 147 E State

Tindall Richard, mason, h 41 Turpin

Tindall Robert, teamster, bds 41 Turpin

Tindall Sallie, res 174 Lamberton

Tindall Miss Sarah H., matron widows home, 109 W Front

Tindall Thomas, potter, h 217 Spring

Tindall William, laborer h Morris al

Tindall William H., laborer, h 89 Clark, Chamb’g

Tindall William R., grocery, 1014 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g

Tipper Thomas, grocer, 556 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g

Titus Benjamin, express messenger, h 312 E State

Titus Charles M., rubber maker, h 7 Prince, Millham

TITUS & CONRAD, ( F. Titus and R. M. Conrad), carpenters and builders, Carter's al bet Montgomery and Stockton

Titus Elias, iron worker, bds 304 Union

Titus Elizabeth, res 323 Market

Titus Elizabeth, widow Benjamin W., h 38 W State

Titus Frederick, (Titus & Conrad), h 209 Academy

Titus Frederick A. F., bookkeeper, h Ashley pl; 515 E State

Titus Harmon H., miller, bds 107 S Warren

Titus Harry W., clerk, 209 Academy

Titus Howard, woolen mill, h 36 Yard av

Titus Jane B. C., widow Charles, res 216 N Warren

Titus John C., carpenter, 323 Market

Titus John W., wool manufacturer, bds 38 W State

Titus L. D., brick grist mill, h 219 S Warren

Titus Mary, widow, h 42 W Front

Titus Matilda, widow, h 43 W State

Titus Penelope, res 323 Market

Titus William W., rubber worker, h 4 Prince, Millham

Tobin William, wire drawer, h 810 Lamberton

Tobish Bernard, gents' furnishing; store, 155 Broad, h do

Todd Charles R., blacksmith, h ft Cass

Tolmar James, agent, bds Clinton Street House

Toman Gottlieb, potter, bds Chestnut av cor Roebling av, Chamb’g

Toman Jeremiah, wire worker, bds Chestnut av cor Roebling av, Chamb’g

Tomlinson Aaron S., oysters, 629 S Warren, h 361 Fair

Tomlinson Charles, clerk, bds 215 Clay

Tomlinson Cooper, laborer, h 35 Maple, Millham

Tomlinson Edward, laborer, h 53 Clark, Chamb’g

Tomlinson Evelina, widow, bds 48 W State

Tomlinson M. H., (J. W. Cornell & Co.), h 14 N Warren

Tomlinson Officer, wire worker, 249 Elmer, Chamb’g

Tomlinson Prudence, 246 E Hanover

Tomlinson Samuel, laborer, h 248 Clinton, Millham

Tomlinson William, cooper, bds 361 Fair

Tompkins George H.., farmer, 20 Perry

Tompkins Jane E., dress maker, h 17 Division

Tomkins J. Willis, baker, Hewitt n Anderson, Chamb’g

Toms Charles, salesman, h 129 Stockton

Toms Theodore R., salesman, bds 7 S Warren

Tonna Henry F., beer and ale, 231 Clinton, h do, Millham

Toolson William H., laborer, h 60 W Washington

Toomey Daniel, laborer, h 118 Sweet's av

Toomey Michael, laborer, 108 Bellevue av

Tootell Robert E., moulder, bds 114 Furman

Tootell Thomas, cracker baker, h 114 Furman

Tootell Mary, widow John, res 208 Jackson

Totten James W.,weigh master, h 225 Mercer

Totten William W., car inspector, h 336 Clinton av

Towers William, file cutter, h 342 Centre

Townsend Eli, peddler, h 77 Bellevue av

Toy Patrick, stone cutter, bds 125 N Warren

Tracey John, potter, bds 17 Behm

Tracey John, iron worker, bds 421 Cass

Tracey Patrick, iron worker, h 421 Cass

Tracey Thomas, laborer, h 17 Behm

Trainor John, h 359 W State

Trainor John P., laborer, 113 Adeline, Chamb’g

Tramper Edward, potter, 50 Fountain

Transom Reuben, laborer, h 27 Taylor al

Trapp Thomas, watchmaker, 19 Perry

Traver Clayton L., clerk, bds 127 E Front

TRAVER L. MORRIS, auctioneer; furniture; books; &c, 108 S Greene, h 127 E Front

Travers Ellie, dress maker, res 238 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Travers Catharine, widow, h 44 Tyrill av

Travers James, laborer, h 34 Esher

Travers James, laborer, h 238 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Travers Lawrence, potter, h 44 Tyrill av

Travers Mary, widow Francis, res 49 Lamberton

Travers Thomas, laborer, h 514 Second

Travers William, iron worker, bds 328 Union

Travis Charles, laborer, 575 Second

Travis John, laborer, 62 Asbury

TREMONT HOUSE (R. Westcoat; prop), E State cor Canal

Trent John, laborer, bds 417 Market

Trent Joseph, hose maker, bds 417 Market

Trent William F., hose maker, 28 Paul's av

TRENTON BANKING CO., (Joseph H. Bruere; pres't, A.J. Whittaker; cashier), S Warren n State

Trenton China Co., (James H. Moon; pres't and treas), Third cor S Market

Trenton Falls Woolen Mills, E and W side Peace S water power

Trenton Fire Brick Co.; The, New York av, E Trenton

TRENTON GAS LIGHT CO., (Barker Gummere; pres't, John S. Chambers; general manager), office 365 S Warren

TRENTON HOUSE, (Peter Katzenbach; prop), Warren cor E Hanover

TRENTON IRON CO., (Abram S. Hewitt; pres't, Wm. Hewitt; vice pres't, James Hall; treas, E. Hanson; sec'y, James Wittington; foreman of works),

Hamilton av n canal

TRENTON LOCK AND HARDWARE CO., Railroad av n Clinton

TRENTON POTTERY WORKS, (Isaac Davis; prop), Taylor bet Clay and Jackson

TRENTON RUBBER WORKS, rubber manuf'rs, on line of P R R opp Fashion stud farm

TRENTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY (Caleb S. Green; pres't, Lewis Parker; treas), Greene bel State

TRENTON STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, location two miles ab city; Ewing twp

TRENTON TERRA COTTA CO. (O. O. Bowman; pres't, Whital Stokes; treas, John Leuckel; sec'y), Third bel state prison

TRENTON VISE AND TOOL WORKS, (Herman Boker & Co.; prop'rs, W. E. Snediker; sup't), 90 Union

TRENTON WATER WORKS, (John Quigley; sup't, John J. Sager; treas), office 209 E State, city hall

TRENTON WOOLEN CO. (I. Weatherby; pres't, John R. Hunt; sec'y and treas, James B. Hunt; sup't), Cass cor Union

Trier Joseph, carpenter, 57 Pennington av

Trimble Edward, painter, h 555 Lamberton

Trimble John, laborer, bds 13 Wright's al

Trimble John, huckster, bds 606 Lamberton

Trimble Margaret, widow, h 212 Clinton av

Trimmer Sarah, dress maker, res 210 Broad

Trimmer Theodore S., clerk, bds 210 N Broad

Trinkley John, potter, h 52 Rose

Triptow Gotfried, laborer, h 136 Humboldt

Trotkenbrod George, iron worker, h 421 Federal

Trout David, saw maker, bds 27 Decatur

Trout Elizabeth, wool worker, res 27 Decatur

Trout Hamilton, stone cutter, bds 27 Decatur

Trout Margaret, res 27 Decatur

Trout Sarah, weaver, res 27 Decatur

TRUE AMERICAN; THE, daily and weekly, (Naar; Day & Naar; publishers, Moses D. Naar; editor), S E cor State and Greene

Trueman John, machinist, 66 Asbury

Trueman William, machinist, h 162 Fair

Truex Georgie, dress maker, res 113 Mill

Truex Marcus, clerk, h 113 Mill

Trupp John, barber, bds 23 W State

Tucker Charles, puddler, h 115 Ferry

Tucker David, waiter, State Street House

Tucker Edith, widow, h Taylor, Millham

Tucker Eliza, widow, h 237 N Warren

Tucker Henry, potter, bds 17 Beaver

Tucker Jane R., widow, h 109 Bellevue av

Tucker John, engineer, h 113 Ferry

Tucker William, laborer, h 122 Jefferson

Tuesday Sheffield, potter, h 23 Bayard, Chamb’g

TULLER CHAUNCEY E., salesman, h 39 Model av

Tuller Jeannette E., widow Rufus, h 39 Model av

Tully Bridget, widow William, res 68 Fair

Tully James, iron worker, bds 151 Broad

Tully Maggie, domestic, 125 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Tully Thomas, rubber worker, bds 68 Fair

Tunis Stephen W., h 266 Jackson

Tunstall Aaron, potter, h 236 Jackson

Tunstall Christopher B., china decorator, bds 69 Union

Tunstall Edward, potter, h 7 Barbara

Turnbull William H, retired, 13 Second

Turner Benjamin, engraver, h 45 Rose

TURNER JOSEPH P., physician, 113 E State, h Pine Grove ft Centre

Turner Mary H., weaver, res 478 Centre

Turner Patrick, laborer, h 155 Lamberton

Turner Robert, spinner, h 478 Centre

Turner Thomas, potter, h 23 New Rose

Turpin John, carpets, 378 Clinton, h do

Tuttle Charles, finisher, bds 25 W State

Twining Henry M., pork packer, h 59 Model av

Twiss Robert, machinist, 42 Mott, Chamb’g

Twist J. Peter, tobacconist, 123 Bridge, h do

Tye Amos, agent, h 27 Union

Tye Charles, wool sorter, h 55 Union

Tye Joseph A., wool sorter, h 10 Cooper

Tyler Cornelius, jeweler, bds 632 Second

Tyler R. M., widow Benjamin O., h 209 N Montgomery

Tyler Solomon, engineer, h 632 Second

Tynan Mary, widow, 59 Bellevue av

Tynan Patrick, laborer, h r 207 Clinton, Millham

Tynan Thomas, laborer, h 314 N Greene

Tynan Thomas Jr., butcher, bds 314 N Greene

Tyre John, (Weston & Tyre), h 149 S Stockton

Tyrrell Francis, teamster, h Pott's al

Tyrrell James, painter, bds Princeton av n almshouse

Tyrrell James, laborer, h Sherman av n Clinton, Millham

Tyrrell John, potter, h 16 Cross

Tyrrell John, (Tyrrell & Sweatman), h 557 S Warren

Tyrrell John Sr., h 82 Quarry al

Tyrrell Joseph, wire drawer, bds 801 S Warren

Tyrrell Thomas, painter, bds 557 S Warren

Tyrrell Thomas, laborer, h 5 Ferry

Tyrrell & Sweatman, (John Tyrrell & H. C. Sweatman), coal and ice depot, 223 N Warren n Bank

Tyrrell William, blacksmith, h 801 S Warren

Tyson Peter, carpenter, bds 17 N Willow

ULRICH CHARLES F., china & glass decorating, Dickinson, Millham, h do

Umpleby Joseph, potter, bds 155 Brunswick av

Umpleby Mary, widow, h 155 Brunswick av

Umpleby Thomas, potter, h 9 N Willow

Umpleby William, potter, h 18 Seward av

UNION CARRIAGE FACTORY, (Fitzgibbon & Crisp), Bank n Warren

United States Hotel, 17 & 19 N Warren

United States Stilt Works, Mulberry cor Klagg av, Millham

Underhill Mary J., res 214 William, Chamb’g

Unver Lewis, lock maker, 233 Kossuth

UPDEGROVE EDWARD G., sample room and billiard parlor, 25 N Warren, bds American House

Updike William, laborer, h 123 E Front

Updite Isaac, sea captain, h Union n R R, Millham

Updyke Andrew J, teamster, 233 S Feeder

Updyke Charles H., clerk, bds 123 E Front

Updyke Cook, moulder, h 859 Broad, 87 Lamberton

Updyke George, potter, bds 233 S Feeder

Updyke George W., painter, bds 125 S Greene

Updyke George W., potter, bds 208 N Feeder

Updyke Gideon, teamster, h 21 N Y av, E Trenton

Updyke Henry, laborer, h 1 S Willow

Updyke Mulford, laborer, h 857 Broad, Chamb’g

Updyke William C., h Centre cor Landing

Upton Mary A., widow Thomas, res 303 E State

Valance Caroline, widow George, h 59 Summer

Valentine Jacob S., blacksmith, head Warren & Greene, h 463 Princeton av

Valentine Mary E., widow, h 26 Passaic

Valdorf Simon, potter, h Clinton cor Cass, Millham

Vanarsdale Oliver, clerk, bds 129 Mercer

Vanarsdale Rebecca, widow Abijah, res 129 Mercer

Vanatta L. Dewitt, milkman, bds 87 Lamberton

Vanatta George W., bookkeeper, h 87 Lamberton

Van Benschoten Rev. Sandford, pastor State Street M. E. Church, h 237 E State

Van Camp Charles W., bds 428 E State

Van Camp Enoch K., wire drawer, bds 693 Broad, Chamb’g

Van Camp Hiram L., laborer, bds 693 Broad, Chamb’g

Van Camp John, student, bds 340 Broad

Van Camp Watson F., (Van Camp & Worthington), h 428 E State

VAN CAMP & WORTHINGTON, (Watson F. VanCamp and Albanus L. Worthington), insurance and real estate, 10 S Greene

VAN CLEVE BENJAMIN, real estate agent, 8 E State, h 36 Model

Van Cleve Ella, widow Aaron, res 23 Wall

Van Cleve Henry J., clerk, h 110 W Hanover

VAN CLEVE JAMES G., undertaker and embalmer, 15 S Warren, h 24 Model av

Van Cleve John S., clerk, bds 110 W Hanover

Van Cleve Martha A., widow, h 110 W Hanover

Van Cleve William G., clerk, bds 142 Academy

Vandegrift Margaret, res 409 Market

Vanderipe Cornelius, shipping clerk, bds 584 Clinton, Chamb’g

Vanderipe Robert, laborer, h S Feeder n Montgomery

Vanderveer Elizabeth, widow Henry, res 1112 Lamberton

Vanderveer Daniel, h 1114 Lamberton

Vanderveer Henry, jeweler, bds 1112 Lamberton

Vanderveer Joseph P., butcher, 1146 Lamberton, h do

Vandeventer William, brakeman, h 35 Ringold

Vandewater Robert S., clerk, h 221 Clinton av

Vandewater William L., baker, bds 333 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Vandoren Addison, agent, h 110 Clinton, Chamb’g

Vandoren Anna, widow John, res 558 S Warren

Vandoren Henry, tobacconist, 558 S Warren, h do

Vandoren Joseph, saw maker, h 60 Clark, Chamb’g

Vandoren Mary, widow Joseph C., res 219 Fall

Van Dorn Andrew J., laborer, 204 N Feeder

Vanderveer Pierson A., engineer, h 315 Bridge

Vandresser Frank, chain maker, h 452 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Van Duyn William B., physician, h 310 Clinton av

Van Duyne Levi S., clerk, 188 Brunswick av

Vandyke Harry S., bds 88 Spring

Vandyke Robert, laborer, 139 Pennington av

Vandyke Ruliff, h 88 Spring

Vandyke Samuel H., blacksmith, 139 Pennington av

Van Fleet John V., teamster, h 62 Clark, Chamb’g

Van Harler Benjamin, waiter, h 204 N Feeder

Van Harler Elizabeth, domestic, 377 Broad

Vanhart D. S. teamster, h 14 E Washington

Vanhart George, potter, bds 125 Lamberton

Vanhart Jacob, shoe maker, bds 20 Perry

Vanhart Jacob, butcher, bds 104 Spring

Vanhart Jonathan C., merchant tailor and clothing, 142 N Greene, h do

Vanhart William, butcher, h 104 Spring

Vanhise Abraham, wheelwright, h 114 Pennington av

Vanhise Alfred, pipe presser, bds 572 Second

Vanhise Charles, laborer, h Union n public school

Vanhise Charles, baker, h 118 Maple av

Vanhise Eli R., carpenter, h 614 Second

Vanhise Eliza A., nurse, h 419 Lamberton

Vanhise Elizabeth, widow, h 580 Second

Vanhise Frank, brick master, bds 114 Pennington av

Vanhise George, teamster, 580 Second

Vanhise Isaac, bds 343 Union

Vanhise James, laborer, h 514 Federal

Vanhise James W., baker, bds 572 Second

Vanhise Jonathan P, grocer, 343 Union, h do

Vanhise Joseph, teamster, h 201 Union

Vanhise Mary, widow, h 572 Second

Vanhise Mary H., dress maker, Bayard cor Prospect, Chamb’g

Vanhise Stephen, engineer, h Mulberry, Millham

Vanhorn Albert, potter, h 232 N Warren

Vanhorn Charles, telegrapher, h 225 N Greene

Vanhorn Charles, machinist, h 181 Cooper

Vanhorn C. G., Philadelphia tea store, 139 Broad, h do

Vanhorn Frank B., chain maker, bds 324 W State

Vanhorn George W., tool finisher, h 89 Union

Vanhorn Henry, train baggage master, P R R, 106 Bayard, Chamb’g

Vanhorn Isaiah, huckster, h 169 W Hanover

Vanhorn James T., potter, h 212 Fall

Vanhorn John, provision dealer, bds 303 S Warren

Vanhorn John, policeman, h 9 Taylor

Vanhorn Joseph, R R fireman, h 537 Centre

Vanhorn Lewis Hamilton, mason, h 548 Perry

Vanhorn Martha, music teacher, res 181 Cooper

Vanhorn Morris, teamster, h 66 Spring

Vanhorn Richard, operator, bds 137 Clay

Vanhorn Samuel, engineer, h 227 Bridge

Vanhorn Samuel, clerk, h 13 Cooper

Vanhorn Samuel, laborer, bds 13 Cooper

Vanhorn Thomas F., butcher, h 137 Clay

Vanhorn Thomas S., supervisor D & R Canal Co., h 324 W State

Vanhorn Virginia, widow David C., res 13 Cooper

Vanhorn William, cigar maker, bds 13 Cooper

Vanhouten Jacob, deputy keeper state prison, 504 Market

Vankirk Elizabeth M., widow Nathaniel, res 240 Clay

Vankirk George W., ass't sup't, h 219 N Warren

Vankirk Ralph, bds 29 Carroll

Vankirk William K., printer, bds 144 W State

Van Loupen Catharine, saloon, 70 Cass, Chamb’g, h do

Van Loupen Girard, cigar maker, h 70 Cass, Chamb’g

Vanmarter John, laborer, h 16 Spring

Vanmarter Joseph, conductor, h 212 Spring

Vanmarter Lydia, widow Eli; nurse, res 27 Howell, Chamb’g

Vannest Henry, carpenter, 1086 Broad, Chamb’g

Vannest Voorhis, carpenter, bds 51 N Stockton

Vannest William I., (Sinclair; Vannest & Co.), h 240 Clay

Vannorman John B., mason, h 22 Belvidere

Vanpelt Furman, bds 135 W Hanover

Vansant Ann, widow, res 96 Lamberton

Vansant Charles T., cigar manufacturer, 103 E State, h 232 Perry

Vansant Cornelius, retired merchant, 113 Pennington av

Vansant Garret, clerk, h 27 E Front

Vansant Garret, iron worker, h 117 Woodland, Chamb’g

Vansant Isaiah, shoe maker, h 20 Spring

Vansant Jay Letts, iron worker, h 228 Elmer, Chamb’g

Vansant J. Leslie, printer, bds 119 E Hanover

Vansant Nelson, engineer, bds 27 E Front

Vansant Stephen, mason, bds 96 Lamberton

Vansant William, carpenter, bds 96 Lamberton

Vansant William C., (Rowan & Vansant), h 6 Livingston

Vansant William H., shoe maker, h 1312 Clinton, Chamb’g

VANSICKELL CALEB C., upholsterer, h 19 N Willow

Vansickell Charles, waiter, h 74 Quarry al

Vansickell George, laborer, h 88 Quarry al

Vansickell George, jeweler,. h 126 Mercer

Vansickell Capt. Sylvester, h 234 Perry

VAN SICKELL SYLVESTER JR., White House hotel and restaurant, 6 S Warren, h 234 Perry

Vansickell, William, laborer, h 56 Quarry al

Vansickell William M., railroader, h 31 Carroll

Vanskiver Samuel J., laborer, h 151 W Hanover

Van Syckel Bennet, justice supreme court, h 125 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Van Syckel Charles S., student, bds 125 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Van Syckel William S., law student, bds 125 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Vantine John B., laborer, bds 236 E Front

Vanzant Elizabeth S., widow, h 133 Brunswick av

Vanzant Walter E., pattern maker, bds 133 Brunswick av

Vare Thomas W., blacksmith, h 187 Cooper

Varner Sarah, widow James, res 29 Union

Varner William, junk dealer, h 33 Union

Varnum George H., potter, h 13 Chapel

Vaughn Clark D., laborer, bds 311 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Vaughn Henry F., mason, h 106 Clark, Chamb’g

Vaughn John H., potter, h 11 William

Vaughn John W., bds 26 Southard

Vaughn Thomas, harness maker, bds 211 Union

Vaughn Thomas W., fireman, h 211 Union

Vaughn William, tailor, h 304 Clinton av

Vaughn William, truckman, h 311 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Vaules Harry T., telegraph operator, h 238 E State

Veeder John B., machinist, bds 345 Centre

Veidt William, locksmith, h 67 Tyrill av

Veitch John, watchman, h 224 Mercer

Veitch Lena, domestic, 417 Broad

Vernon Mary A., widow, res 220 E Hanover

Vickers William H., potter, h 212 Southard

Vickery Benjamin, tobacconist, 66 Bellevue av

Vickery Joseph H., machinist, bds 66 Bellevue av

Vincent Isaac, waiter, bds 29 W Hanover

Vincent William barber, 36 Barnes

Viot J. C., retired, h 244 E Front

Vito Gerardo, shoe maker, bds 38 E Front

Vito Frascell, hod carrier, h 38 E Front

Vogler Henry, cigar maker, bds 17 Decatur

Vogler January, teamster, h 17 Decatur

Vogler John, confectioner, bds 17 Decatur

Vogt Frederick, baker, h 319 W Hanover

Voight Rev. Fidelis, Franciscan college, Chamb’g

Vold Thomas, potter, bds 67 Tyrill av

Volk Anthony, laborer, h MacKenzie av, Millham

Volk Emma, widow, res Clinton cor Jennie, Chamb’g

VOLK ERNEST, beer saloon, Clinton cor Jennie, h do, Chamb’g

Volk John, peddler, h Breuing av, Millham

Volk John L.,.carpenter, h 224 N Willow

Volk Robert N., printer, h 114 Spring

Vollman- Andrew, engineer, h 245 Second

Vollman John, laborer, bds 245 Second

Vollmer William, laborer, h 16 E Washington

VOLLMER EBERHARD, hotel, 232 Clinton av, h do

Volpp Philip, stone cutter, h 613 Princeton av

VonFelder Henry, laborer, h 87 Paul's av

VON HOFE MORITZ, merchant tailor, 136 Broad, h do

Voorhees Abraham, restaurant, 206 N Greene, h do

Voorhees Charles A., carpenter, bds 256 Spring

Voorhees George, blacksmith, bds 228 Broad

VOORHEES GEORGE D., stoves; ranges; &c also tinsmith, 102 and 104 Perry, h 183 Pennington av

Voorhees Gilbert C., flagman, h 58 Sweet's av

Voorhees James G., carpenter, h 256 Spring

Voorhees James M., builder, h 328 Elmer, Chamb’g

Voorhees John S., rubber maker, h 232 1/2 Clinton, Millham

Voorhees Mahlon G., moulder, h 3 Hart av, Millham

Voorhees Ralph, hose maker, h Hart av, Millham

Voorhees Samuel E., laborer, bds 256 Spring

Voorhees Susan, widow, h 13 Bellevue av

Votta Paschal, musician, h 708 Clinton, Chamb’g

Vought Charles E., wire drawer, h 131 Anderson, Chamb’g

Vreeland John J., carpenter, h 200 Hudson, Chamb’g

Vroom Aaron, waiter, h 120 Pennington av

VROOM GARRET D. W., counselor at law and law reporter also mayor, 24 E State, h 159 W State

Vroom James L., waiter, bds 138 W Front

Vroom Jane, widow, h 138 W Front

Waals Robert, potter, h 698 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wadsworth Matthew, engineer, h 14 Tyrill av

Waddick William, laborer, h Hill's al

Waear Christian, laborer, h 15 Hewitt, Chamb’g

Waffinsmith Henry, baker, bds 579 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wagner Augustus, butcher, h 11 Centre ct

Wagner Barbara, widow, res 205 Second

Wagner Constantine, butcher, h 445 N Montgomery

Wagner Edward L., barber, bds 23 W State

Wagner Frank, potter, h 618 Chestnut av, Chamb’g

Wagner Franz, butcher, 410 Hudson, h do, Chamb’g

Wagner Louis, boots and shoes, Warren cor Front, h do

Wagner Nicholas, blacksmith, h 332 Centre

Wagner Nicholas H., bookkeeper, bds 332 Centre

Wagner Otto, laborer, h 27 Fountain av

Wagner Peter, iron worker, h 310 Lamberton

Wagner Wendell, iron worker, bds 32 S Warren

Wah Hong, laundry, 10 S Warren, h do

Waidelich Jacob, h 11 Hermann

Wain Christopher, tailor, h 49 Grant av

Wainwright George, florist, h 627 Princeton av

Wainwright George E., bds 627 Princeton av

Wainwright John H., bds 627 Princeton av

Waite Warren S., telegraph operator, h 239 Mercer

Wald Christina, widow Nicholas, res 417 Lamberton

Wald Philip, barber, 227 Centre, h do

Waldron Cornelius, blacksmith, h 725 S Warren

Waldron Freeman, rubber worker, 25 Beatty, Chamb’g

Waldron James, saloon, 401 Lamberton, h do

Waldron John, blacksmith, h r 164 Fair

Waldron Thomas, retail liquors, 268 Clinton av, h do

Waldy David, laborer, bds 516 Clinton, Chamb’g

Waldy Edward, laborer, bds 516 Clinton, Chamb’g

Waldy Emil, wire drawer, bds 516 Clinton, Chamb’g

Walk David C., waiter, 110 W State

WALKER ABSALOM J., merchant tailor, Broad cor Factory, h 515 S Warren

Walker Albert F., potter, bds 212 Clinton

Walker Arthur, potter, bds 212 Clinton av

Walker C. F., tobacco and cigars, 509 Perry, h do

Walker D. Rhodes, clerk, bds 515 S Warren

Walker Eddie, clerk state house, bds S Warren n Front

Walker Frank, tobacconist, h 259 Clinton av, Millham

Walker George, potter, bds 509 Perry

Walker James, laborer, bds 55 Summer

Walker James W., clerk, bds 119 W State

Walker Jeremiah, carpenter, bds 211 Second

Walker John, h 58 Lamberton

Walker John G., saloon, 21 N Willow, h do

Walker John M., mason, h 28 Dickinson, Millham

Walker John W., rubber worker, h 15 Dickinson, Millham

Walker Mary A., teacher, res 255 N Greene

Walker Martin, teamster, h 61 Rose

Walker Michael, laborer, bds 113 Lamberton

Walker Sallie H., (Smith; Walker & Co.), res 7 S Greene

WALKER SAMUEL, clothier and notions, 255 N Greene, h do

Walker Samuel Jr., student, bds 255 N Greene

Walker Thomas, teamster, h 56 Bank

Walker William, laborer, bds 28 Dickinson, Millham

Walker William, potter, h 27 Walnut av, Chamb’g

Walker William, potter, bds 11 Mott, Chamb’g

Walker Zachariah, iron worker, Elmer av n Chestnut, Chamb’g

Wall Hugh, iron worker, h 213 Fair

Wall James, laborer, h 420 Federal

Wall William, machinist, bds Bloomsbury Hotel

WALKLETT AMELIA, liquor saloon, 600 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g

Wallace Hudson, deputy state prison, 134 Bayard, Chamb’g

Wallace J. Howard, engineer, h 269 Clay

Wallace Sarah, widow, h 126 N Montgomery

Wallace Mrs. Susanna, res 32 Lamberton

Wallace Thomas, laborer, h 39 Jefferson

Waller Samuel, roller, h 418 Federal

Walley Henry R., china decorator, h 34 Tyler, Chamb’g

Walling William H., laborer, h Klagg av, n Mulberry, Millham

Wallington George F., tinsmith, h 283 N Willow

Wallington Mrs. Pamela A., res 40 Lamberton

Wallington Taylor T., book binder, h 125 Kossuth

Wallis Mrs. Josephine, fancy goods, 7 N Greene, h do

Wallis Louis F., music teacher, 7 N Greene, h do

Walmsley Edward, retired, h 18 Fillmore, Millham

Walmsley George, potter, h Fillmore n Clinton, Millham

Walmsley Richard, potter, h Fillmore n Clinton, Millham

Waln Eliza, widow, h 126 Chancery

Walser John R., cracker baker, h 43 Turpin

Walsh Ellen, tailoress, res 34 Decatur

Walsh F. J., photographist, 31 Centre, h 206 Clinton

Walsh John, brick maker, h Ingham av

Walsh John E., hotel, Pennington cor Brunswick av, h do

Walsh Margaret, tailoress, res 34 Decatur

Walsh Nicholas, iron worker, bds 458 Lamberton

Walsh Peter, iron worker, bds 458 Lamberton

Walsh William, laborer, h 504 Lamberton

Walt Christina, widow Nicholas, res 417 Lamberton

WALTER FREDERICK, grocer, Perry cor Clinton, h 640 Perry

Walters Englebert T., tailor, h 206 W State

Walters George, laborer, h 610 Clinton, Chamb’g

Walters Jacob J., wire drawer, h r 520 Market

Walters John, potter, bds 610 Clinton, Chamb’g

Walters John H., miller, h 2 Cosy pl; Smith's av

Walters Michael, laborer, bds 50 Union

Walters Nicholas, wire drawer, h 535 Centre

Walters Sebastian, iron worker, h 21 Cass, Chamb’g

Walters William, wire drawer, bds 554 Clinton, Chamb’g

Walters William, florist, h 206 W State

Walton Alfred, painter, h 94 Lamberton

Walton Austin, (Walton & Scott), h Greensburg

WALTON & SCOTT, (Austin Walton and Jerome Scott), miners and shippers of building stone, 164 W Hanover

WALTON BENJAMIN F., contractor also coal yard, Lamberton n Market, h 109 Cooper

Walton Charles & Son, (William), flour mill, 113 Fair

Walton Charles, painter, bds 94 Lamberton

Walton Charles, (Charles Walton & Son), h 555 S Warren

Walton John, ass't janitor P O, h 46 Wilson

Walton Joseph, laborer, h 368 Reservoir

Walton Lewis M., carpenter, h 117 Lamberton

Waltorn Martha, patent ironer, res 73 Lamberton

Walton William, (Charles Walton & Son), h 525 S Warren

Walton William H., rubber maker, h 284 Clinton, Millham

Walton William W., blacksmith, h 632 Perry

Walz Jacob, laborer, h 721 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wambold Solomon, wool picker, h 151 Fair

Wanerlich Bernard, tailor, bds 228 Broad

Warburton Benjamin, clerk, h Hill's al n Bridge

Warburton George, teamster, bds 12 Mill

Ward John, teamster, h 328 Southard

Ward John, potter, h Clinton opp Hart av, Millham

Ward John, laborer, h 91 Cooper

Ward John, potter, h 118 Dye, Chamb’g

Ward John J., presser, bds Klagg av n Girard, Millham

Ward Kate, widow, h 20 Delaware

Ward Luther Jr., Stone cutter, bds 57 Cooper

WARD LUTHER, marble and granite yard, 313 and 315 E State, h 311 do

Ward Mary, widow Thomas, res 463 Lamberton

Ward Peter, laborer, h 326 Southard

Ward Samuel, potter, bds 19 Grant av

Ward William A. J., laborer, h 262 Allen

Wardell Charles H., h 248 E Hanover

WARDELL CHARLES H. JR., photographer, 12 and 14 E State, bds 248 E Hanover

Ware Samuel, bookkeeper, h 230 E State

Wareham Horatio, potter, h Klagg av n Breuing, Millham

Wareham William H., potter, h 23 Sheridan av

Warman David, physician, 132 N Warren, h do

Warman Hendrick, carpenter, h 405 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Warner Asa B., potter, h 219 Spring

Warner Charles, railroader, h r 835 S Warren

Warner David, carter, h 203 Fair

Warner Edward H., car driver, h 6 Pennington av

Warner Elias D., bds 112 Spring

Warner Frank A., clerk, bds 346 Broad

Warner Jacob, mason, h 219 Fall

Warner James M., blacksmith, cor Stockton and Perry, h 96 Carroll

Warner Jane, widow William, res 417 Market

Warner John, laborer, bds 6 Pennington av

Warner Lucy, domestic, 505 S Warren

Warner Nimrod, butcher, Market cor Jackson, h 20 Livingston

Warner Dr. R. L., dentist, 30 E Front, h do

Warner Theodore, h Walton's row, Lamberton

Warner William, saw maker, h 27 E Washington

Warner William, iron worker, h r 558 Centre

Warner William H., rubber worker, h 106 Allen

Warren George T., foreman, h 133 Turpin

Warren Parmelee M., (Hall & Warren), bds 16 E Front

Warrillow Job, decorator, h 563 Perry

Washburn E. F., merchant, h 81 Spring

Washburn G. E., clerk, h 81 Spring

Washington Charlotte, washerwoman, h 18 Chancery

Washington John, brick maker, h 39 New Rose

Watchorn Joseph iron worker, 2 William, Chamb’g

Waterhouse Elizabeth, widow, res 212 N Greene

Waters Amos F., clerk, h 5 Pennington av

Waters Charles D., bookkeeper, bds 116 W State

Waters Charles H., bds 5 Pennington av

Waters John, laborer, h 21 Turpin

Watkins Charles, boot black, h 406 Reservoir

Watkins David S., rubber worker, h Klagg av n Mulberry, Millham

Watkins Henry, potter, 241 Elmer, Chamb’g

Watkins Richard, potter, h 16 Grant av

Watkins Thomas, potter, h 16 Grant av

Watson Earl, bds 530 S Warren

Watson Ellsworth, student, bds 6 Lamberton

Watson Hannah, widow William F., res 138 Mercer

WATSON JOHN, groceries and provisions, 242 Perry, h 48 N Stockton

WATSON JOHN, general machinist and engineer, 3; 5; 7; 9 and 11 Fair, h 6 Lamberton

Watson Moses, laborer, 112 Home av, Chamb'g

Watson Noble, machinist, bds 6 Lamberton

Watson Warren, news dealer, bds 100 Clinton, Chamb’g

Watson William, iron moulder, h 113 Centre

Watson William J., laborer, bds 112 Home av, Chamb’g

Watson William H., machinist, bds 113 Centre

Watson William N., boot and shoe maker, 17 Spring, h 65 do

Watts Walter C., engineer, bds 201 Calhoun

Wayman Henry P., commission merchant, 114 S Greene, h 220 Jackson

WAYMAN JOHN T., livery and exchange stables, 413 Broad, h 216 Jackson

Weart Maggie H., widow John A., bds 30 W State

Weart Rebecca, widow, bds 30 W State

Weatherby Isaac, pres't Trenton Woolen Co., h 185 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Weaton Deborah, widow William, res 162 Lamberton

Weaver Anthony, laborer, h 56 Passaic

Weaver Henry, stone mason, h 29 New Rose

Weaver John, wire worker, h 238 Kossuth

Weaver Jordan T., carpenter, h 261 Clay

Weaver Lillian, music teacher, res 261 Clay

Weaver Michael, chain maker, h 36 Passaic

Webb Catharine, widow, res 228 Elmer, Chamb’g

Webb James, laborer, bds 105 Fall

Webb James P., potter, bds 41 Bond

Webb John, potter, bds 41 Bond

Webb Joseph, laborer, h 27 Howell, Chamb’g

Webb Joseph, laborer, h 30 Bond

Webb Joseph Jr., potter, bds 30 Bond

Webb Margaret B., widow, h 41 Bond

Webb William J., gardener, h 211 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Weber Alexander T., waiter, h 9 Camden

Weber Augustus, house fitter, bds 167 Broad

Weber Charles S., clerk, h 125 Academy

Weber Frank, chain maker, h 157 W Hanover

Weber George, machinist, bds 495 Centre

Weber Gustav, potter, h 19 Behm

Weber Henry, chain maker, h 44 Wilson

Weber Henry C., chain maker, h 157 W Hanover

Weber Henry F., decorator, bds 262 Jackson

Weber Henry T., bookkeeper First Nat Bank, h 262 Jackson

Weber Jacob A., butcher, h 1016 Clinton, Chamb’g

Weber Jacob C., foreman, bds 167 Broad

WEBER JOHN L., harness; &c., 16 E Hanover; livery; sale and exchange stables, 114 and 116 Brunswick av, h 125 Brunswick av

Weber Joseph, teamster, h 236 E Front

Weber Mary, res 495 Centre

Weber Peter, machinist, h 495 Centre

Weber Philip, barber, Clinton opp Webster, h do, Millham

Weber Philip, barber, bds 4 S Warren

Webster Francis S., teacher, bds 204 Academy

Webster J. W., photographer, bds Eagle Hotel

Weckerle Aloise, laborer, h 700 Adeline, Chamb’g

Weckerle Frank, laborer, bds 700 Adeline, Chamb’g

Weckerle Mary, dress maker, res 700 Adeline, Chamb’g

Weeden Claude P., (Weeden & Bro.), bds 451 Princeton av

Weeden William C., (Weeden & Bro.), h 451 Princeton av

Weeden William O. & Bro., (Claude P. Weeden), carriage makers, cor Warren and Greene

Weeden William H., bds 451 Princeton av

Weeding Charles, charcoal heater, h 227 Elmer, Chamb’g

WEEKS HENRY M., physician, 121 W State, h do

Weeks Kate, teacher, res 134 Second

Weeks William, retired, h 134 Second

Weelans John J., potter, h 23 High, Chamb’g

Weelans Robert, potter, bds 411 Hudson, Chamb’g

Weid Wilbert U., gilder, h 171 Brunswick av

Weigand Charles, blacksmith, h 121 Ferry

Weigand Lottie, weaver, res 520 Lamberton

Weigand Theodore, chain maker, h 121 Ferry

Weigand Theodore, iron worker, h 520 Lamberton

Weir Henry A., farmer, h 467 Calhoun

Weirman Theodore, candy maker, 127 Lamberton

Weiss Albert, wire drawer, h 216 Hamilton av

Weiss Ferdinand, roller, h 331 Fair

Weiss Lucian, wire drawer, bds 216 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Weist Harry J., policeman, h 23 S Greene

Weisert Charles, iron worker, h Federal n prison lock

Weithert Oswald, carpenter, h 46 Cooper

Welch Patrick, laborer, bds 560 Second

Welch Peter, laborer, h 560 Second

Welch Theodore, waiter, h 55 Quarry al

Welcher Garret, puddler, h 394 Fair

Welcher Jesse, iron worker, h 447 Lamberton

Weld Joseph D., bookkeeper Phoenix Iron Co, h 216 N Warren

Weldon John, iron worker, bds 52 Asbury

Weldon Matthew, kindling wood factory, 52 Asbury, h do

Weldon Matthew, Jr., bds 52 Asbury

Weldy Amos, iron worker, bds Clinton n Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Welger Joseph, h 444 Centre

Welger Joseph Jr., iron worker, bds 444 Centre

Welger Mary, dress maker, res 444 Centre

Weller Henry H., boat builder, bds 450 Brunswick av

Weller Hiram, boat builder, 450 Brunswick av, h do

Weller Mary E., res 515 S Warren

Weller William E., boat builder, bds 450 Brunswick av

Welley Edwin, laborer, h St Joseph av, Millham

Welling Alden, student, bds 18 Tyler, Chamb’g

Welling Charles H., farmer, 18 Tyler, Chamb’g

Welling Isaac H., ass't freight agent, Rutherford n Bellevue av

WELLING JOSEPH T., freight agent P R R, h 439 Bellevue av

Welling Lewis, P R R, h 66 Clinton av

Welling Mrs. H. J., 439 Bellevue av

Wells Joseph K., counselor at law, bds 16 Delaware

Wells Matilda, widow, h 16 Delaware

Wells Walter P., clerk, bds 16 Delaware

Wells William A., clerk chancery office, h 54 Spring

Welsh Henry, potter, bds 1 Prince, Millham

Welsh James, potter, bds 1 Prince, Millham

Welsh John, potter, bds 1 Prince, Millhain

Welsh John, night watchman canal station, Feeder

Welsh John, tailor, bds 19 Green's al

Welsh John, potter, 509 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Welsh John, carpenter, 26 Mott, Chamb’g

Welsh John H., laborer, bds 14 Grand, Chamb’g

Welsh Leonard, waiter, h 201 Pennington av

Welsh Mary, widow, h 1 Prince, Millham

Welsh Mary, widow, res Lalor, Chamb’g

Welsh Michael, riveter, bds 818 S Warren

Welsh Michael, laborer, h Breuing av, Millham

Welsh Patrick, iron worker, bds Lalor, Chamb’g

Welsh Peter, farmer, h Lalor, Chamb'g

Welsh Richard, laborer, h 14 Grand, Chamb’g

Welsh Thomas, iron worker, h 113 Turpin

Welty Albert, wire worker, 516 Clinton, Chamb’g

Welty David, 516 Clinton, Chamb’g

Welty Emil, wire worker, 516 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wendling John, grocer, 59 Lamberton, Chamb’g

Wendt August, laborer, h 814 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wengart Joseph, notions; &c., 144 Rose, h do

WENGERT ANTHONY, barber, 15 E Front, h do

Wennerholm Thomas H., oysters, 541 Perry, h do

Wentworth James F., machinist, h 257 Clay

Wentz Augustus, laborer, h 814 Clinton, Chamb’g

WENTZ PHILIP H., dry goods and groceries, Broad cor Market, h 309 Market

Wenzel Frederick, laborer, h 46 Sweet's av

Wenzel Frederick, Jr., potter, bds 46 Sweet's av

Wenzel Louis, roller, h 122 New Rose

Werkheiser John N., engineer, h 120 Lamberton

Werkheiser Luther B., cigar maker, bds 120 Lamberton

Werkheiser Morris C., saw maker, bds 120 Lamberton

Werneke Frederick W., carpenter, h 26 Sweet's av

WESBY JOHN R., book binder, 45 E State, h 11 Stockton

Wesley Hannah, widow, h 42 Pennington av

West A. Lincoln, machinist, 241 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

WEST; CLARK & CASE, (William West; A. E. Clark and H. C. Case), wholesale grocers, cor Stockton and Merchant

West Charles H., blacksmith, bds 241 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

West Frank, book binder, bds 178 Cooper

West Frank M., iron moulder, bds 27 Lewis

West Frank R. S., compositor, h 258 Mercer

West George, clerk, h 40 Southard

West George, laborer, h 126 Pennington av

West George N., huckster, bds 38 Bank

West James, laborer, h 424 Ferry

West James G., mason, 241 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

West James H., prin Centennial school, h 31 Woodland, Chamb’g

West Job, restaurant, 334 N Greene, h do

West John, farmer, h 708 Clinton, Chamb’g

West John R., (West & Smith), h 40 Southard

West Lewis, salesman, h 128 Pennington av

West Mary A., millinery, 104 E Hanover, h do

West Mary L., widow, h Ashley pl; 508 E State

West Mrs. William F., h 94 Spring

West Samuel A., baker, 847 Broad, h do, Chamb’g

West Sarah, widow A. J., h 602 S Warren

WEST & SMITH, (John R. West and Howard I. Smith), flour and feed, Commerce n Stockton

West Stephen, trucker, h 26 Bayard, Chamb’g

West Theodore, hostler, bds 457 Broad

West Thomas J., restaurant, 32 E Front, h do

West Walter T., clerk, bds 107 W State

West William, (West; Clark & Case), h 107 W State

West William H., clerk, bds 32 E Front

West William M., chain maker, bds 330 Broad

West William P., huckster, h 207 Perry

West William T., (Prior & West), h Ashley pl, 508 E State

West Zimri, cracker bakery, Coleman n Broad, Chamb’g, h Orange, N J

Westbrook A. D., salesman, h 42 Yard av

WESTCOATT RICHARD, prop Tremont House, E State cor Canal

Westcott Joseph, teamster, bds 62 Lamberton

Westenburger Anthony, carpenter, 36 Rose

Westenburger John, chain maker, bds 36 Rose

WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH, Francis H. Duncan; manager, office State cor Warren

Weston George, (Weston & Tyre), h 149 Stockton

WESTON & TYRE, (George Weston and John Tyre), marble sculptors, 28 S Stockton

Weston Wardell, railroader, h 83 Clark, Chamb’g

Westwood Rev. John R., pastor C. M. E. Church, res 121 Jackson

WETZEL HENRY, iron worker, res 21 Brown, Chamb’g

Whalen Abigail, widow, h 126 Humboldt

Whalen Charles, iron worker, bds 332 Union

Whalen Dennis K., laborer, h ft Division

Whalen John, puddler, bds 44 Asbury

Whalen Michael, potter, h St Joseph av, Millham

Whalen Patrick, shoe maker, h 3 Division

Whalen Thomas, chain maker, h 64 Quarry al

Whalen Walter, shoe fitter, h 103 S Warren

Whalen William, puddler, h 44 Asbury

Wharton Charles W., telegraph lineman, h 120 Butler, Chamb’g

Wharton Edward, potter, h 314 Jennie, Chamb’g

Wharton Henry, potter, h 302 Jennie, Chamb’g

Wharton Mary A., shirt maker, 12 W State

Wharton Sarah, shirt maker, 12 W State

Wharton William K., telegraph operator, h 9 Ogden

Whayland Wesley, watchman, h 52 Clark, Chamb’g

Wheatley Patrick, wire worker, 246 Second

Wheeler Frank A., machinist, h r 144 E State

Wheeler Philander S., teacher, h 178 Pennington av

Wheeling Adeline, (Johnson & Wheeling), h 152 N Greene

Whelan Edward, potter, h 369 Brunswick av

Whelan James, potter, bds 236 Elmer, Chamb’g

Whelan John, laborer, h 236 Elmer, Chamb’g

Whelan John, laborer, h 37 Kossuth

Whildey Alonzo, cigar maker, 209 Clay

Whildey Clet R., policeman, h 582 Centre

Whildey George, iron moulder, bds 209 Clay

Whildey John, blacksmith, h 35 Butler, Chamb’g

Whildey Susie, dress maker, res 209 Clay

Whildey William, kilnman, bds 209 Clay

Whildey Lewis, railroader, h 102 Anderson av, Chamb’g

Whitaker William, (Whitaker & Skirm), h 231 E State

Whitaker & Skirm, (William Whitaker and Asa F. Skirm), chain manuf'rs, W Hanover ab Willow

Whittaker Albert J., cashier Trenton Bank, h 207 Broad

Whittaker Anna S., res 324 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Whittaker Caroline, res 603 Centre

Whittaker George R., bookkeeper, h 324 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Whittaker George W., engineer, 344 N Montgomery

Whittaker Helen, teacher, res 603 Centre

Whittaker James W., painter, Willow cor Spring

WHITTAKER JOHN H, architect, 4 N Greene, h 119 E Hanover

Whittaker Mary A., res 603 Centre

Whittaker Nellie E., res 324 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Whittaker Thomas A., sash and blind maker, h 234 N Feeder

Whittaker Wesley E., real estate agent, h 145 Jackson

Whittaker William, sash and blind maker, bds 234 N Feeder

Whittaker William J., wire drawer, h Emory av, Chamb’g

White Benjamin R., lock maker, h 59 Ewing

White Bridget, widow Thomas E., res 44 Decatur

White Caleb R., carpenter, 40 Mott, Chamb’g

White Charles, laborer, bds 123 E Front

White Edgar A., carpenter, h 223 Clay

White Edmund, wire drawer, bds 115 Centre

White Edward F., iron worker, h 209 Lamberton

White Edward S., tinsmith, bds 37 W Front

White George C., machinist, h 308 Union

White Henry T., (Craft & White), h 8 Lewis

White John B., harness maker, bds 113 W Hanover

White John H., laborer, h 11 Decatur

White John R., stone mason, h 312 N Montgomery

White Mary, widow Colin, h 225 Lamberton

White Minnie, bds 229 W Hanover

Wnite Nathan, tinsmith, h 507 Market

White Phoebe A., widow John W., h 37 W Front

White Samuel C., engineer, bds 702 Second

White Susan D., widow, res Broad opp Dye, Chamb’g

White T. M., prin Centre St school, h Pine Grove; ft Centre

White William, painter, h 556 S Warren

White William, laborer, bds 225 Lamberton

White William B., laborer, h 11 Decatur

WHITE WILLIAM H., stoves and tinware, 118 N Greene, h 266 Spring

Whitehead Bros.' Rubber Manufacturing Co., Assanpink creek, E Trenton

Whitehead Charles, cashier First National Bank, h 167 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Whitehead Edgar, (Hamilton Rubber Co.), bds Greenwood cor Chestnut, Chamb’g

Whitehead Edward, 1oom boss, h 203 S Warren

Whitehead Esther, res 167 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Whitehead Frederick, (Hamilton Rubber Co.), bds Greenwood av cor Chestnut, Chamb’g

Whitehead George H., (Whitehead Rubber Co.), bds 237 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Whitehead James R., (Whitehead Rubber Co.), h 237 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Whitehead Joseph, (Hamilton Rubber Co.), h Greenwood av Chestnut, Chamb’g

Whitehead C. Louis, clerk, bds 167 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Whitehead Richard R. (Whitehead Rubber Co.), bds 237 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Whitehead Thomas, prop Franklin pottery, Meade av, h 286 Clinton, Millham

Whitehead William R., manager, h 31 Southard

Whitehouse Samuel, blacksmith, h 425 Bridge

Whitley Sarah, widow, h Deutzville

Whitlock Abraham, peddler, h 224 Allen

Whitlock Jacob, huckster, h 258 Allen

Whitney E. M., (E. M. Whitney & Co.), h 151 N Greene

Whitney E. M. & Co., trimmings &c., 151 N Greene

Whitney Lizzie, (E. M. Whitney & Co.), h 151 N Greene

Whittenborn David T, wire drawer, bds 703 Broad, Chamb’g

Whittenborn F. John, clerk, bds 703 Broad, Chamb’g

Whittenborn Frederick T., dry goods and groceries, 703 Broad, h do, Chamb’g

Whittle Hannah, trimmings; &c., 570 S Warren, h do

Whittle John, wool spinner, h 570 S Warren

Whomsley William, foreman woolen mill, h 221 Jackson

Widing Charles, die sinker, h 227 Elmer, Chamb’g

Wiederman Martin, blacksmith, h 117 William, Chamb’g

Wiesner Jacob, watchmaker and jeweler, 159 Broad, h do

Wiggins Hannah, teacher, res Dolton's block

Wiggins Howard, clerk, bds 27 E Front

Wiggley John, potter, h 31 Sheridan av

WIKOFF AUGUSTUS, grocer, 900 Broad cor Coleman, h do, Chamb’g

Wikoff Charles C., carpenter, h 55 N Stockton

Wilcox John, clerk, bds 259 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Wildblood Jacob, potter, h 241 Mercer

Wildblood John, potter, h 241 Mercer

Wildblood Robert, F., potter, h 102 Fountain av

Wildblood Thomas, potter, bds 212 Clinton av

Wile Catharine, res 65 Cass, Chamb’g

Wiley Frank, laborer, h 234 Elmer, Chamb’g

Wiley Gerardus W., saddlery; trunks; &c., 7 S Warren

Wiley Isaac W., h 7 S Warren

Wilger Christopher, laborer, h 7 Cummings av, Chamb’g

Wilkes Anna, teacher, res 21 New

Wilkes Harry, iron worker, bds 4 Dillon's al

Wilkes John W., messenger, bds 21 New

Wilkes Joseph, machinist, h 21 New

Wilkes Josephine, saleslady, res 21 New

WILKES MOSES, groceries and provisions, 202 Second cor Furman, h do

Wilkes Peter, (MacKenzie & Wilkes), h 414 Broad

Wilkes Sarah, widow, h 240 Second

Wilkes W. Fred, bds 414 Broad

Wilkin Charles, teamster, h 252 N Feeder

Wilkin William, iron worker, h 54 Lamberton

WILKING JACOB, wine and beer saloon, 108 and 110 N Greene, h do

Wilkins Edward; iron worker, h 801 Lamberton

Wilkinson Abbie, widow, bds 48 W State

Wilkinson Andrew, saw maker, bds 15 Lamberton

Wilkinson Frederick R., bds 209 E State

Wilkinson Harry C., agent, bds 209 E State

Wilkinson Herbert, presser, h 38 Seward av

Wilkinson John, laborer, h 459 Lamberton

Wilkinson J. P., rubber worker, h 31 Hart

Wilkinson Sarah, widow Ogden, h 209 E State

Willes George D., bds Trenton House

Willets Daniel, (Willets Manufacturing Co.), res New York

Willets Edmund R., (Willets Manuf'g Co.), h 203 E Hanover

Willets Joseph, (Willets Manufacturing Co.), h 203 E Hanover

Willets Mary P., widow, bds 110 W State

Willets Manufacturing Co., (Joseph Willets; pres't; Daniel Willets; sec'y, Edmund R. Willets; treas), pottery Brunswick av

Willets Thomas, chain maker, h Anderson n Rusling, Chamb’g

Willets William, engineer, bds 306 Lamberton

Willever John C., foreman, h 56 Union

Willever Joseph, hose maker, h 76 Union

Williams Albert, laborer, bds 17 New

WILLIAMS ALBERT F., manufacturing jeweler, Centre cor Federal, h 126 Second

WILLIAMS ANTHONY T., boots and shoes, 139 N Greene, h 224 Spring

Williams Charles, jeweler, h Deutzville

Williams Curles T., (Withington & Williams), h 156 N Greene

Williams Daniel, saw maker, h 18 Decatur

Williams David, potter, 172 Brunswick av

Williams David, builder, h 218 Elmer, Chamb’g

Williams Emma, h 323 W Hanover

WILLIAMS FRANK H., physician, 15 Southard, h do

Williams Frederick, porter P R R, h 189 W Hanover

Williams George, carpenter, h 57 Decatur

Williams George, clerk, bds 216 Broad

Williams George, laborer, bds 70 Scudder's al

Williams Isaac, carpenter, h 17 New

Williams Isaac R., coachman, h 32 Chancery

Williams James, lock maker, h 69 Cass, Chamb’g

Williams James M., cabinet maker, h 328 Centre

Williams Joel, laborer, h 69 Cass, Chamb’g

Williams John, laborer, h 67 Union

Williams John, laborer, h 155 Pennington av

Williams John, potter, h 14 Beaver

Williams John P., plumber, bds 117 Calhoun

Williams Joseph, butcher, 424 Lamberton, h 426 do

Williams Joseph, waiter, bds 29 W Hanover

Williams Joseph B., potter, bds 117 S Feeder

Williams Joseph C., hose maker, h 145 Academy

Williams Lemuel, laborer, bds 15 Taylor al

Williams Lewis R., jeweler, h 130 Second

Williams Lewis C., millwright, h 231 Mercer

Williams Mary, widow Patrick, 18 Decatur

Williams M. C., jeweler, h 217 Second

Williams Margaret, widow, h 115 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Williams Marietta, milliner, res 117 S Feeder

Williams Martin J., wire worker, bds 318 Broad

Williams Pierson, potter, h r 141 Rose

Williams Richard, kilnman, 101 Walnut av, Chamb’g

Williams Richard, painter, h 117 Calhoun

Williams Lemuel, waiter, bds 15 Taylor al

Williams Sarah, h 139 N Greene

Williams Sarah, widow, h 117 S Feeder

Williams Wesley P., roller, h 31 Chapel

Williams William, laborer, h 230 Williams, Chamb’g

Williams William, ironworker, h 230 William, Chamb’g

Williams William, carpenter, 767 Chambers, Chamb’g

Williams William, laborer, h Franklin, Chamb’g

Williams William, potter, bds 167 Broad

Williams William Jr., roller, bds 230 William, Chamb’g

Williams William E., grocer, Centre cor Federal, h 346 Centre

Williams Rev. William H., h 326 N Montgomery

Williams William. H., jeweler, bds 346 Centre

Williamson George, clerk, bds 126 N Montgomery

Williamson George W., brakeman, h 113 Brunswick av

Williamson James, laborer, h 154 Pennington av

Williamson John D., clerk, h 71 Spring

Williamson Martha, widow, h 154 Pennington av

Williamson Nicholas D., salesman, h 29 Southard

Willis Rebecca, widow, h 244 Allen

Willis Sarah, millinery, 27 E State, h 30 W State

Willis William, rubber worker, bds 446 Broad

Willis William Sr., (C. B. Bennett & Co), h 30 W State

Wilner Edward E., mason, h 129 Church

Wilson Ahab, doorkeeper state prison, h 114 Centre

Wilson Albert C. D., (J. H. Wilson & Co), h 109 Perry

Wilson Alfred, bookkeeper, bds 697 Centre

Wilson Alonzo, carpenter, h 29 Humboldt

Wilson Augustus, carpenter, h 22 N Greene

Wilson Charles, roofer, h 241 Second

Wilson Charles, jeweler, h 698 Centre

Wilson Charles S., bds 22 Sheridan av

Wilson Clark, laborer, h 9 Camden

Wilson Clifford E., salesman, bds 42 Clinton av

Wilson Courtland, engineer, h 43 Passaic

Wilson Cornelia A., widow, h 49 N Stockton

Wilson Frank H., clerk, bds 109 Perry

Wilson George, laborer, h Clinton n Sherman, Millham

Wilson George, kilnman, h 31 Hart av, Millham

Wilson George, saw maker, h 558 Centre

Wilson George, potter, h 21 Butler, Chamb’g

Wilson George F., druggist, State cor Stockton, h 22 Clinton

Wilson George M., engineer, h 41 Carroll

Wilson Harry W. H., paper hanger, bds 109 Perry

Wilson Henry C., prop and manager N Y and Trenton Tea Co, 175 Broad, h 450 Broad

Wilson Isaac, carpenter, h 221 Elmer, Chamb’g

WILSON ISAAC R., counselor at law and master in chancery, 103 E State, h Dolton's block

WILSON JAMES, counselor at law, 132 E State, h do

Wilson James H., (J. H. Wilson & Co.), h 109 Perry

WILSON JAMES H. & CO., (A. C. D. Wilson), wall paper; &c, 20 E State

Wilson James J., salesman, bds 177 Broad

Wilson James P., carpenter, 128 Second

Wilson James S., watchmaker, h 22 Sheridan av

Wilson John, teamster, h 344 N Greene

Wilson John, waiter, bds 151 E Front

Wilson John, moulder, h 1089 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wilson Capt. John A., h 697 Centre

Wilson John B., carpenter, h 222 Fair

Wilson John C., teamster, bds 234 Mercer

Wilson John D., sup't, h 321 Academy

Wilson John D., salesman, bds 109 Perry

Wilson John H., teamster, 344 N Greene

Wilson Joseph, iron worker, bds 328 Bridge

Wilson Lizzie, weaver, res 338 Centre

Wilson L. H., music teacher, res 119 E Hanover

Wilson Moses, cracker baker, h 338 Centre

Wilson Phoebe, widow, res 543 Broad

Wilson Reuben, lineman, bds 234 Mercer

Wilson Richard, dyer, h 705 Broad, Chamb’g

Wilson Richard P., (Wilson & Stokes), h 319 Market

Wilson Robert, fruits; &c, 6 S Greene, h 177 Broad

Wilson Robert, carpenter, h 306 N Greene

Wilson Robert, waiter, h 137 Feeder

Wilson Samuel, wheelwright, bds 21 Butler, Chamb’g

WILSON SAMUEL K., woolen mills, Factory n Warren, h 212 Greenwood av, Chamb’g

Wilson Samuel R., harness; &c, 243 E Hanover, h Dolton's block

Wilson Sylvester H., h 582 Brunswick av

WILSON & STOKES, (Richard P. Wilson and William J. B. Stokes), coal dealers, Broad n P R R station, Chamb’g

Wilson Thomas, clock repairer, bds 23 W State

Wilson Van, chain maker, h 365 Fair

Wilson Wesley E., carpets, 20 E State, h 42 Clinton av

Wilson William, teamster, h Maple n Clinton, Millham

Wilson William, carpenter, h 127 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Wilson William, butcher, 341 Broad, bds 501 Market

Wilson William, 815 S Warren

Wilson William,marble cutter, bds 252 Mercer

Wilson William P., engineer, h 698 Broad, Chamb’g

Wilson William P., agent John A. Roebling's Sons Co., h 473 W State

Wilson William V., physician, h 108 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wimer Peter R., carpenter, h 221 Fall

Winans Thomas, clerk chancery office, h 39 W State

Winder Charles, pattern maker, h 61 Decatur

Winder James, cigar manuf'r, 326 Bridge, h do

Winder Mary J., res 118 Temple

Winder Phoebe T., trimmings; &c., 434 Broad, h do

Winder Rebecca A., widow James, h 560 S Warren

Winder Robert C., watchman, bds 245 Centre

Winder Warren, wire drawer, h 693 Broad, Chamb’g

Winder William B., machinist, bds 560 S Warren

Winderbeck Ross, laborer, bds 414 Calhoun

Wingate Chester B., music teacher, h 54 Yard av

Wingate Elijah L., painter, h 74 Clark, Chamb’g

Winkle George, potter, bds 74 Wall

Winkler Albert, leader Winkler's band, h 18 W Front

Winkler Emil, piano maker and musician, h 72 Lamberton

Winkler Gottwald, toys; &c., 112 N Greene, h do

Winkler Gustav, piano manufacturer, 141 N Warren, h do

Winkler William G., musician, bds 112 N Greene

Winner Charles, laborer, h 20 Barnes

Winner Elias, shoe maker, bds 252 N Feeder

Winner William H., rubber maker, h 106 Allen

Winnett Ellison T., carpenter, bds 76 Belvidere

Winnett Elwood, potter, bds 76 Belvidere

Winnett Mary F., dress maker, res 76 Belvidere

Winson Ann, widow, h 414 Reservoir

Winter John, Central Hotel and garden, 123 S Greene, h do

Winters John, loom boss, bds 554 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wishert John, painter, bds 331 Second

Wishert Matthew, h 331 Second

Wishert Peter, painter, h 219 Elmer, Chamb’g

Wistenberger Anna, domestic, 222 W State

Witel John., shoe maker, h 121 Mill

Witezel Levi, laborer, h 119 Woodland, Chamb’g

Witham George E., machinist and sup't fire alarm, h 26 W Washington

Witham George H., pressman, bds 26 W Washington

Witham Samuel, potter, bds 26 W Washington

Witham Susan, widow, h 26 W Washington

Witherup Emeline B., widow, h 49 N Stockton

WITHINGTON & WILLIAMS, (Hiram R. Withington and Curles T. Williams), auctioneers and general managers of public and private sales,

102 and 104 N Warren cor Hanover

Withington Hiram R., (Withington & Williams), h Titusville

Withington James, sup't Trenton Iron Co's works, h 228 Hamilton av, Chamb’g

Witt Frederick, teamster, h 134 Humboldt

Witt Henrietta, widow, res 134 Humboldt

Wittenborn John, laborer, h 820 Clinton, Chamb’g

Witter Henry R., tinsmith, h 72 Spring

Witter Henry R., clerk, h 72 Spring

Woehrle Jacob, beer saloon, Clinton av cor Kossuth, h do

WOERNER CHARLES J., leather; findings and belting, 149 Broad, h do

Wolcott Amanda, widow Aaron, res 117 E Hanover

Wolcott Augustus N., monuments &c., Warren cor Lamberton, h 9 Market

Wolcott William S., potter, h 55 Pennington av

Wolcott William, engineer, h 1124 Lamberton

Wolf Augusta, domestic, h 309 E State

Wolf Charles, machinist, h 213 Union

Wolf George S., painter, h 207 Federal

Wolf Herman, laborer, h 23 Jennie, Chamb’g

Wolf John,shoe maker, 22 Mott, Chamb’g

Wolf John M., laborer, 23 Jennie, Chamb’g

Wolff Charles, potter, h 326 N Greene

Wolfather Henry, mason, bds 10 Pennington av

Wolfather Wilhelmina, widow, h 10 Pennington av

Wombough John H., potter, bds 227 N Willow

Wombough John L., harness maker, 4 Perry, h 227 Willow

Wood Alfred, clerk, bds 143 Mercer

Wood Charles, kilnman, h 59 Sweet's av

Wood Charles B., laborer, h Conover's al n Market

Wood Charles B., conductor, h 113 Southard

Wood Charles H., carpenter, h 9 Barnes

Wood Daniel, laborer, h 174 Jefferson

Wood Edgar, wire drawer, h 310 Bridge

Wood Edith, dress maker, h 284 N Willow

Wood Edmund, clerk, bds 143 Mercer

Wood George, clerk, h 135 E Hanover

Wood George, waiter, h 42 Carter's al

Wood George H., marble cutter, h 25 Cooper

Wood George W., potter, bds 209 S Feeder

WOOD HENRY, iron; steel and wood work, 15 N Warren, h 143 Mercer

Wood Ira W., attorney at law, 138 E State, bds do

Wood Isaac, h 138 E State

Wood Isaac T., attorney at law, 138 E State, bds do

Wood James, lock maker, h 64 Wall

Wood John, potter, bds Sherman n Clinton, Millham

Wood John H., (treas. Del. Coal & Ice Co), 120 N Montgomery

Woods Michael, potter, h r railroad house; Clinton, Millham

Wood Oscar F., carriage trimmer, h 288 N Willow

Wood Rebecca, res 143 Mercer

Wood Richard E. M., hod carrier, h 403 Brunswick av

Wood Robert J., rubber worker, bds 41 Carroll

Wood Samuel, potter, h 100 Washington, Chamb’g

Wood Sarah, widow, h Sherman n Clinton, Millham

WOOD SUSANNA C. & SON, (William J.), prop'r Wood's Syrup, 237 E Front

Wood Thomas, iron worker, h 116 Turpin

Wood Thomas H., potter, h 102 Washington, Chamb’g

Wood William, h 115 E State

Wood William, potter, h 555 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wood William, wire drawer, h 729 S Warren

Wood William H., kilnman, h 28 Passaic

Wood William H., laborer, h 254 Allen

Wood William H., teamster, 95 Spring

Wood William J., (S. C. Wood & Son), bds 237 E Front

Woodhull Fred, bds 29 E Washington

Woodlin Lucretia, widow, h 311 N Montgomery

Woodruff Charles S., rubber worker, h 73 Spring

WOODRUFF EDWIN F., insurance agent, also deputy receiver of taxes, city hall, h 111 Cooper

Woodruff Isaac P., post office clerk, res State n Chambers, Chamb’g

Woodruff Joseph R., bank messenger, h 93 Jackson

Woodruff Robert S. Sr., retired, bds 228 E Hanover

WOODRUFF ROBERT S. JR., counselor at law and district court judge, 12 S Greene, h 228 E Hanover

Woodruff William D., clerk, h 17 Yard av

Woodruff Winfield S., printer, bds Eagle Hotel

Woodward George W., druggist, 161 Hamilton av, h do, Chamb’g

Woodward Tenadore, printer, bds 225 E Hanover

Woodward William, engineer, h 553 Broad

Wooley Albert, clerk, bds 719 Centre

Wooley Caroline, widow, h 22 Fowler

Wooley Charles, hostler, h 113 Bellevue av

Wooley Charles M., grocer, 719 Centre, h do

Wooley Christopher, chain maker, h 512 Lamberton

Wooley Edgar, machinist, bds 719 Centre

Wooley Edwin, laborer, bds Maple av, Millham

Wooley Ellen, widow James, res 1030 Lamberton

Wooley Frank C., bds 126 Centre

Wooley James, potter, bds Maple av, Millham

Wooley James H., jeweler, h 1030 Lamberton

Wooley Capt. James R., h 126 Centre

Wooley James S., laborer, h 925 Broad, Chamb’g

Wooley Joseph, potter, h 528 S Warren

Wooley Lewis C., principal of Academy Street public school, h 136 E Front

Wooley Samuel, jeweler, h 704 Second

Wooley Wesley, butcher, 560 Centre, h do

Wooley William C., railroad foreman, h 702 Second

Woolridge Alfred, kilnman, h 17 Taylor

Woolston Edgar, bookkeeper, bds 222 Mercer

Woolston Michael, ship carpenter, 222 Mercer

Woolston Michael, blacksmith, bds 553 Clinton, Chamb’g

Woolston William A., decorator, bds 222 Mercer

Woolman Sarah, widow Samuel, res 517 Market

Woolverton Catharine, widow, h 45 Maple, Millham

Woolverton & Granger, (E. V. C. Woolverton & C. H. Granger), booksellers, 12 E State

Woolverton Edward V. C., (Woolverton & Granger), bds 413 E State

Woolverton George, laborer, h Fillmore n Clinton, Millham

Woolverton George W., laborer, h 20 E Canal

WOOLVERTON JOHN, physician, 413 E State, h do

Woolverton Samuel, dentist, 123 Stockton, h do

Woolverton Tobias, laborer, h 19 Division

Woolverton William, huckster, h 227 Clinton, Millham

Wooton Levi, potter, h 24 Humboldt

Worman Hannah, housekeeper, 31 E State

Worthington Albanus, (Van Camp & Worthington), h 214 E Hanover

Worthington Anthony H., physician, office 219 E State, h do

Worthington T. R., clerk, bds 119 E Hanover

Worthley John, mason, h 548 Hudson, Chamb’g

Worts William H., carpenter, h 119 Lamberton

Wouters Angelina, tailoress, res 21 S Greene

Wouters Engelbert, tailor, h W State n Willow

Wray William, potter, bds 50 Lincoln av

Wrick Thomas J., foreman, 137 Academy

Wright Aaron S., h 24 Southard

Wright Alfred H., blacksmith, h 58 Clark, Chamb’g

Wright Benjamin, tailor, h 4 Barnes

Wright Charles W., (C. W. Wright & Co.), bds Perry cor Ewing

Wright Cottrell, sewing machine agent, h 53 Lamberton

Wright C. W. & Co., (N. W. Peck), sign painters; &c, 124 Broad; fourth floor

Wright David, waiter, h 58 Quarry al

Wright Elizabeth, widow, E State ab Chambers, Chamb’g

Wright Elizabeth, widow Charles, res 618 S Warren

Wright Elmer, locksmith, bds 32 Sweet's av

WRIGHT GEORGE M., state treasurer, h Bordentown

Wright James W., waiter, h 275 N Willow

Wright John, tailor, h 200 W State

Wright John, stone mason, h 32 Sweet's av

Wright John Jones, printer, h 10 S Willow

Wright Joseph B., (Wright & Son), h 335 Bellevue av

Wright Joseph H., (Wright & Son), h 333 Bellevue av

WRIGHT JOSEPH B. & SON, (Joseph H.), managers; Germania Fire Insurance Co, 113 E State

Wright Lemuel, cashier, h 318 E State

Wright Lizzie, dress maker, res 618 S Warren

Wright Lucius R., diamond broker, 6 E Hanover, h 136 Broad

Wright Marcia, prin Rose street school, bds 221 N Warren

Wright Mary A., widow John G., res 341 Fair

Wright Nettie, teacher, res 221 N Warren

Wright Samuel C., locksmith, 51 Pennington av

Wright Sarah, widow, h 598 Clinton, Chamb’g

Wright Smith, laborer, h 109 Woodland, Chamb’g

Wright Theodore, waiter, bds 225 S Feeder

Wright Thompson, whitewasher, h 35 Wilson

Wright Warren W., real estate agent, bds 341 Fair

Wright William C., candle manufacturer, Halstead basin; W Hanover, h 58 Bellevue av

Wuirth John, blacksmith, h 68 Clark, Chamb’g

Wyckoff Annie T., teacher, res 119 Hudson, Chamb’g

Wyckoff Frederick, carpenter, 281 N Willow

Wyckoff Horace, teamster, Frazier n Pennington av

Wyckoff Horace Jr., brick maker, 56 Wilson

Wyckoff James H., barber, 82 Bellevue av, h do

Wyckoff Peter J., rubber maker, h 119 Hudson, Chamb’g

Wyckoff Richard, wheelwright, h 61 Butler, Chamb’g

Wyckoff William T., wood worker, bds 119 Hudson, Chamb’g

Wyckoff William W., physician, 32 S Greene, h do

Wyckoff Zepheniah S., carpenter, h 98 Spring

Wylie Alfred J., tin roofer, 23 S Warren, h do

Wylie Esther A., widow James, h 239 Perry

Wylie William, rubber maker, h 127 S Feeder

Wyman A., widow Isaac, h 29 Ewing

Wyman Prof. J. G., h 119 N Greene

Wynkoop Stephen, huckster, h 16 Spring

Yager Anton, machinist, 80 Cass, Chamb’g

Yager Edward, harness maker, bds 416 Lamberton

Yager Peter, beer saloon, 204 Hamilton, Chamb’g

YARD ALEXANDER C, master in chancery; real estate and insurance office, city hall, h 519 E State

Yard Mrs. Caroline, h 48 Yard av

YARD CHARLES B., receiver of taxes, city hall, h 123 Perry

Yard Charles C., carriage painter, h 6 Barnes

Yard Edmund G., tinsmith, bds 166 Broad

Yard Edward M., h 247 W State

Yard Elizabeth, widow Joseph, res 127 Academy

Yark Emory N., salesman, h 17 N Stockton

Yard Frederick, clerk, bds 127 Academy

Yard George B., civil engineer, bds 132 E Hanover

Yard George H., justice of the peace, h 115 Cooper

Yard George, bookkeeper, bds 48 Yard av

Yard George L., tailor, h 19 Yard

Yard Isaac M., letter carrier, h 46 Wall

Yard John, painter, bds 197 Cooper

Yard John A., moulder, h 246 N Feeder

Yard John S., decorator, bds 123 Perry

YARD JOSEPH B., iron railing manufacturer, 114 S Greene, h 438 E State

Yard J. Herbert, (J. C. Pettie & Co.), h 17 Grant av

Yard Matilda, widow William B., h 212 N Feeder

Yard Margaret M., trimmings and notions, 6 N Greene, h 127 Academy

Yard Mrs. N. B., h 48 Yard av

Yard Nahor B., bookkeeper, h 63 Clark, Chamb’g

Yard Priscilla, widow, bds 6 Barnes

Yard Sarah, widow Archibald W., res 400 S Warren

Yard William A., bds 212 N Feeder

Yard William F., bookkeeper, bds 19 Yard

Yard William H., bookkeeper Trenton Savings Fund Society, bds 132 E Hanover

Yard William L., messenger, bds 326 E State

Yard William M., h 20 Chauncey

YARD WILLIAM S., judge court common pleas, 132 E Hanover

Yates Frank, potter, h 111 Butler, Chamb’g

Yates Isaac, potter, h 221 Hudson, Chamb’g

Yates James, City Pottery, h 240 Academy

Yates Joseph, potter, bds 221 Hudson, Chamb’g

Yates Robert E., potter, bds 124 E Front

Yates Roland T., weaver, bds Junction bridge, Rose

Yates William, bds 691 Centre

Yates William H., huckster, h 11 E Washington

Yates William B., bridge tender Junction bridge, Rose

Yelland James, potter, h 27 Sheridan av

Yemmer George Sr., laborer, h 145 Jefferson, Chamb’g

Yemmer George Jr., cigar maker, bds 145 Jefferson, Chamb’g

Yemmer Peter, laborer, bds 145 Jefferson, Chamb’g

Yerkes Alfred, clerk, h 174 Pennington av

Yetter & Brother, (John and Henry), carriage factory, 24 and 26 E Washington

Yetter Henry, (Yetter & Bro.), 318 N Greene

Yetter John, blacksmith, bds 200 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Yetter John, h 511 Ferry

Yetter John, (Yetter & Bro.), h Jennie cor Hamilton, Chamb’g

Yopp Charles, laborer, h 144 Turpin

Yopp Margaret. widow Charles, res 609 Lamberton

Youmans Charles H., laborer, h 23 Clark, Chamb’g

Youmans William, potter, bds 23 Clark, Chamb’g

Young Adam, candy maker, h 254 N Willow

Young Adam, laborer, h 45 Adeline, Chamb’g

Young Alexander, laborer, bds 70 Scudder's al

Young Alexander K., potter, h 198 Brunswick av

Young Andrew, iron worker, h 517 Lamberton

Young Charles H., shipping clerk, bds 606 Perry

Young Daniel, clerk, bds 517 Lamberton

Young David L., brakeman, h 48 W Hanover

Young Edward, retired, h 333 Perry

Young Edward C., hose maker, bds 145 Academy

Young Eliza, widow, res 405 Centre

Young Everett S., clerk, bds 105 W State

Young Holloway, laborer, h 660 Broad, Chamb’g

Young. Isaac, stone cutter, h 217 Perry

Young Jacob, carpet weaver, h 452 Lamberton

Young Jacob, potter, h 235 Butler, Chamb’g

Young James K., student, h 606 Perry

Young Joseph, wire worker, bds 705 Fall

Young Kate, tailoress, res 517 Lamberton

Young Lawrence, iron worker, h 410 Centre

Young Richard, painter, h 416 Centre

Young Robert, iron worker, h 817 Lamberton

Young Theodore, telegraph operator, h 4 Quintin's row; r Livingston

YOUNG THEODORE W., agent Potts's coal yard, 257 N Willow, h 105 W State

Young William, retired, h 606 Perry

Young William, painter, bds 416 Centre

Yuncker Adolph, clock maker, h 326 N Greene

Yuncker Edward H., woolen worker, bds 23 Tucker

Zanbranno Joseph, waiter, Normal hall, h do

Zanger William, iron worker, h 300 Roebling av, Chamb’g

Zeh Charles C., machinist, bds 219 Union

Zehner Charles, brick maker, bds 331 N Warren

Zehner John, candies; &c., 331 N Warren, h do

Zehner John Jr., clerk, h 431 Princeton av

Zehner Joseph A., brick maker, h 4 Humboldt

Zehner William S., ass't yard master P R R, h 142 Monmouth

Zenker Ann, widow, h 333 Clinton

Zenker John W., potter, h 220 Mercer

Zenker Theodore, teamster, h 333 Clinton

Zentner Rev. Jacob, pastor German Lutheran Church, h 323 Broad

Zerman Weistling, special railroad officer, h 7 N Stockton

Zerman William O., saw maker, h 322 Bridge

Zeitz Frederick, music teacher, h 9 E State

Zelley James R., butcher, h 40 Livingston

Zeluff Cornelius, laborer, h 128 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Zickuhr Frederick, brick maker, bds 53 Sweet's av

Zickuhr William, brick presser, h 53 Sweet's av

Zickuhr William Jr., brick maker, bds 53 Sweet's av

Zickwolf Charles, beer saloon, Federal cor Centre, h do

ZICKWOLF RAGINA, beer saloon, 1023 Broad, h do, Chamb’g

Ziegler Catharine, widow Conrad, res 521 Centre

ZIGENFUSS SAMUEL, flour and feed, 12 S Stockton, h 976 Broad, Chamb’g

Zilph Cornelius, laborer, h 128 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Zimmer George A., blacksmith, h 323 Second

Zimmer Katie L., vest maker, res 323 Second

Zimmerman John, h 809 Broad, Chamb’g

Zimmerman Nicholas, h 411 Ferry

Zimmerman Nicholas Jr., machinist, bds 411 Ferry

Zisgen John B., bakery, 243 Second, h do

Zisgen Peter, watchman, h 74 Lamberton

Zisgen Peter, engraver, Bunting, Deutzville

Zitt Joseph, laborer, 607 Hamilton, Chamb’g

Zoler Bonaventure, student Franciscan College, Chamb’g

© Gary Nigh 1999


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