1881 TRENTON CITY DIRECTORY - A to F Aaronson Augustus, locksmith, bds 228 Broad Aaronson Caleb F., agent Phila & Reading Express, bds 110 W State Abbott George C., traveling agent, bds 31 Yard av Abbott Samuel L., laborer, h 166 Clark av, Chamb'g ABBOTT THOMAS, justice of the peace, 259 Clinton, Millham, h do Abbott Timothy, pres't Mech Nat Bank, h 471 Bellevue av Abel Jacob, grocer, 160 Lamberton, h do Aberle John G., beer saloon, 303 N Warren, h do Ackerley Henry J., h 124 Jefferson Ackerley Hine L., upholsterer, h 124 Jefferson Acklen Albert, iron worker, bds 516 Clinton, Chamb'g Adams Aaron, potter, h 61 Tyrill av Adams Arthur, potter, h 24 Chapel Adams Edgar, harness maker, h 108 Allen Adams Elizabeth, widow Mahlon, h 514 Bridge Adams Frank, potter, bds 12 Southard Adams John L., chain maker, bds 43 Lamberton Adams John S., brick maker, h 108 Pennington av Adams John W., clerk, Hudson cor Butler, Chamb'g Adams Joseph, potter, h 5 Barbara Adams Joseph, conductor, bds 221 Southard Adams Lamar, potter, Pennington av, Ewing twp Adams Mahlon, laborer, h cor Ferry and Union Adams Mary, janitress Market St school, res 168 Lamberton Adams Matilda G., dress maker, h 228 E State Adams Sarah, grocery, Hudson cor Butler, h do, Chamb'g Adams Thomas H., cigar maker, h 617 Bridge Adams Walter, slater, Kafer al n Spring Adams Wesley, teamster, h 128 S Stockton Adams William, potter, bds 43 Lamberton Adams William S., chain maker, h 141 Brunswick av Addis Thomas, blacksmith, bds 66 Lamberton Addison Thomas C., potter, bds Girard av cor Klagg, Millham Addy Benjamin, laborer, h 55 Decatur Adelin Maggie H., dress maker, res Dolton’s Block Aitken Anna G., hair worker, 31 Lamberton, h do Aitken Charles R., clerk, h 264 Spring Aitken Harriet A., widow John, res 38 Lamberton Aitken John, carpenter, h 615 Bridge Aitken John, prop Railroad House, 640 S Warren Aitken Robert, chosen freeholder, h 196 Broad Aitken Thomas, carpenter, bds 196 Broad Aitken William T., painter, h 31 Lamberton Aitkin Charles S., student, bds 211 W State Aitkin J. Howard, student, bds 211 W State AITKIN JAMES S., counselor at law, 15 E State, h 211 W State Akers Alfred, bds 298 Bellevue av Akers Benjamin, farmer, bds 292 N Willow Akers Ferdinand H., blacksmith, h 26 Barnes Albert Burre, bartender, 123 S Greene Albertson Asenath, millinery, 124 S Warren, h do Albertson Benjamin, trucker, bds 121 N Montgomery Albertson Charles F., clerk, h 24 W Washington Albertson Elvira M., widow George, res 25 Centre Alco John M., potter, h 207 William, Chamb'g Alcott Anthony, blacksmith, bds 128 W Front Alcott Daniel C., brush maker, bds 128 W Front Alcott Franklin S., paper bag maker, bds 128 W Front Alcott Frederick, paper bag maker, bds 128 W Front Alcott John W., harness maker, h 118 N Willow Alcott Jonathan, chain maker, bds 128 W Front Alcott Matilda, widow, h 128 W Front Aldren Charles, iron worker, h 237 Elmer, Chamb'g Aldren John, laborer, h 237 Elmer, Chamb'g Aldridge Charles H., foreman, bds 184 Broad Aldridge Obadiah, student, bds 109 Cooper Aldridge William H., sup't Hamilton Rubber Works, h 184 Broad Aldrine Andrew, iron worker, bds 27 Clark, Chamb'g Aldrine Gorrin, iron worker, h 27 Clark, Chamb'g Aldrine Gorrin Jr., bds 27 Clark, Chamb'g Ale Eli K., (Paul & Ale), h State Street House Ale Charles W., printerr, h 4 Cosy place; Smith’s av Ale Emmor, potter, h 56 Pennington av Ale Melvina, dress maker, res 56 Pennington av Alexander Frank B., yard master, h 665 Clinton, Chamb'g Alexander John C., manager American Union Telegraph office, bds 140 W State Allaire Annie L., h 302 N Warren Allaire Elizabeth, widow, res 43 Livingston Allaire Frank W., piano maker, bds 302 N Warren Allen Albert E., bookkeeper, bds 17 E Front Allen Andrew, h 129 Chancery Allen Ann, widow, res 265 Southard Allen Ann E., widow, h 47 Fowler Allen Augusta, h 41 Bellevue av Allen A. V., trimmings and notions, 13 W State, bds 17 E Front ALLEN CHARLES, planing mill, adjoining Cornelia Mills; S Warren, h 122 Jackson Allen Charles, clerk, bds 26 E Hanover Allen Charles J. P., deputy state prison, h 109 E Front Allen Charles S., carpenter, h 104 N Willow Allen David, potter, h 702 Bridge Allen Edward K., clerk and salesman, h 206 E Front Allen Ella, widow, h 35 N Willow Allen Frank, carpenter, bds 210 Mercer Allen George S., contractor, h 260 Spring Allen Henry, potter, h 133 Rose Allen James G., meat dealer, h 113 S Feeder Allen James M., gunsmith, 26 E Hanover, h do Allen John, hostler, h 33 Bellevue av Allen John B., butcher, h 902 Lamberton Allen John H., saw maker, h 117 Hudson, Chamb'g Allen John K., machinist, h 229 Clay Allen John L., billiard room, 126 S Greene, h 121 Brunswick av Allen Joseph E., brakeman, h 144 Kossuth Allen Rebecca, widow of Benjamin, res 234 Mercer Allen Richard, hostler, h 33 Bellevue av Allen Samuel G., tanner, h 521 S Warren Allen William, teamster, bds Taylor, Millham Allen William B., foreman, h Dolton's block Allen William C., waiter, h 307 N Willow Allen William C., brick maker, bds 328 Montgomery Allen William G., livery and sales stables, 330 1/2 Broad, h do Allen William B., bookkeeper, bds 119 E Hanover Allen William S., brick maker, bds 328 N Montgomery Allen Wilson E., carpenter, h 17 Chauncey Aller Anna E., saleslady, res 231 Clay Aller Henry C., insurance agent, h 44 Southard Aller James, carpenter, h 231 Clay Allerton Sampson, potter, h 141 Spring Allerton William H., potter, bds 141 Spring Allfather William, res 618 Chestnut av, Chamb'g Allibone Joseph, carder, bds 912 Broad, Chamb’g Allibone Joseph, moulder, bds 240 Jackson Allibone Sarah, nurse, res 828 S Warren Allibone Thomas M., loom boss, h 39 N Willow Allibone William, machinist, bds 187 Lamberton ALLINSON D. COOPER, counselor at law, 34 E State, h do Allinson Josiah T., (Dissinger & Allinson), bds 14 N Warren Allison William B., gardener, h 46 Butler, Chamb'g Alpaugh John B., (Alpaugh & Thompson), h 41 W State ALPAUGH & THOMPSON, (John B. Alpaugh and John F. Thompson), booksellers and stationers, 30 E State Alpaugh Spencer M., (Coxon & Co.), bds Trenton House Amend Michael, laborer, bds 116 Swan av, Chamb'g American Crockery Co. (The), Pliny Fisk; pres't, Horace Fisk; treas and sec'y, New York av, E Trenton AMERICAN RAPID TELEGRAPH CO., W. H. Andrews; manager, 17 S Warren AMERICAN SAW CO., John B. Woodward; pres't, R.H. Johnson; vice pres't, Samuel W. Putnum; sec'y and treas, William E. Brooks; sup't, works; ft Broad, Chamb'g American Union Telegraph Company, J.C. Alexander; manager, 4 N Warren Ammison Frederick, potter, bds 229 Clinton, Millham Amisson Levison, lock maker, h 229 Clinton, Millham Amison William, potter, bds 219 Clinton av Anclein Charles D., carpenter, h 234 N Greene Anderson Abijah, wire burnisher, bds 705 Broad, Chamb'g Anderson Albert, cracker baker, h 214 Furman Anderson Albert N., bookkeeper, bds 206 E Hanover Anderson Alfred H., musician, 201 Pennington av Anderson Alfred H., printer, bds 305 S Warren Anderson Andrew, wire maker, h 706 Broad, Chamb'g Anderson Charles F., architect, 11 W State, bds 159 E Front Anderson C. V., painter, h 48 Bank Anderson C. William, sawyer, h 633 Bridge Anderson David H., engineer, h 21 Division ANDERSON EDWARD J., state comptroller, h 210 W State Anderson Edward M., grocer, 305 S Warren, h do Anderson George, bds 67 Summer Anderson George H., musician, h 330 N Greene Anderson Harry B., painter, bds 48 Bank Anderson Harry B., salesman., bds 159 E Front Anderson James H., hod carrier, bds 14 Fowler Anderson John, potter, h 41 Tyrill av Anderson John T., plumber, bds 323 Market Anderson Leroy H., secretary and treasurer U N J R R & C Co., res Princeton; NJ Anderson Mary, widow, res 234 Clinton, Chamb'g Anderson Melinda, dress maker, bds 129 Allen Anderson Peter F., express messenger, h 103 S Warren Anderson Robert, laborer, h 590 Centre Anderson Robert M., bookkeeper, h 159 E Front Anderson Rosabella M., widow, h 9 Camden Anderson Samuel, laborer, 377 Reservoir Anderson William C., retired, Chestnut av n Hamilton av, Chamb'g Anderson William H., painter, h 240 N Greene Anderson William P., clerk, bds 305 S Warren Andreas Christopher, iron worker, h 656 Lamberton Andreas George, saloon, h 122 Adeline, Chamb'g Andreas Jacob, saloon, h 209 Second, h do Andrews Christopher, laborer, h Cumming n Jefferson, Chamb'g Andrews Jacob, watchman, h 449 Centre Andrews Jacob Jr., laborer, bds 449 Centre Andrews Joseph, laborer, h 20 Chauncey Andrews Parker, laborer, h 20 Chauncey Andrews William H., manager Rapid Telegraph Co, bds 17 S Warren Angel Peter, laborer, h 325 Second Anglum John, iron worker, bds 454 Lamberton Anglum Hannah, res 137 Cooper Anglum Mary E., res 137 Cooper Anglum William, blacksmith, h 137 Cooper Anglum William, iron worker, bds 137 Cooper Angus James, h 212 W State Angus James Jr., bds 212 W State ANISTAKI JOHN S., druggist, Greene cor Hanover, bds Trenton House Annison Andrew, iron worker, h 1 Dillon’s al Anslum Timothy, potter, h 118 N Willow Anthiel Balza, potter, bds 17 Rose Anthiel Frederick, huckster, h 17 Rose Anthiel Henry, grocer, 515 Princeton, h do Anthiel Walter, potter, bds 17 Rose Anthony Jane M., res 16 Decatur Anthony William, butcher, h 301 S Warren Apgar Austin C., professor natural science, h 240 Mercer APGAR ELLIS A., state superintendent public instruction, h 216 W State Apgar John G., salesman, bds 228 N Warren Apgar William L., laborer, h 264 Kossuth Applegate Charles, rubber worker, bds 214 N Greene Applegate Daniel B., mason, bds 106 Brunswick av Applegate David, retired, h 145 Perry Applegate Dillon, sawyer, h 50 Wilson Applegate Edward, salesman, bds 209 E Front Applegate George, laborer, h 22 Belvidere APPLEGATE GEORGE F., watchmaker and jeweler, 224 Broad; opp Court House, h do Applegate George M., printer, bds 234 Academy Applegate Howard R., laborer, bds 218 Brunswick av Applegate Isaac, rubber maker, h 3 Prince, Millham Applegate Job, laborer, bds 40 Pennington av Applegate John D., butcher, cor Reservoir and Wilson Applegate John L., miller, bds 40 Pennington Applegate Joseph, clerk, 106 Brunswick av Applegate Mrs. Mary A., res 224 Broad Applegate M. M., dress maker, h 113 E Front Applegate Nathaniel, h 112 Kossuth Applegate Ralph, rubber worker, h 3 Prince, Millham Applegate Symmes H., engineer, h 218 Brunswick av Applegate Theodore F., shipping clerk, h 63 Model av Applegate Wesley, watchman, bds 1016 Broad, Chamb'g Applegate William H., lumberman, bds 514 Market Appleton George, potter, h 69 Cooper Appleton George H., pattern maker, h 161 Mercer Appleton Joseph H., carpenter, h 50 Lamberton Appleton Robert R., carpenter, h Passaic Appleton Wilson, h 87 Cooper Archer Anthony, butcher, h 462 Hamilton, Chamb'g Archer Fannie, housekeeper, 124 Perry Arend Fannie, res 731 S Warren Arend Frank, iron worker, bds 731 S Warren Arend Frank E., grocer, h Deutzville Armstrong Albertus, rubber maker, h 5 Prince, Millham Armstrong Archibald, laborer, h 108 Swan av, Chamb'g Armstrong Benjamin F., printer, h 145 N Greene Armstrong Ella C., tailoress, res 18 New ARMSTRONG HUGH, box manufacturer, New n Water Power, h 18 New Armstrong James Lewis, butcher, 39 Gordon Armstrong John C., salesman, h 145 N Greene Armstrong Lewis, plasterer, h 140 Pennington av Armstrong Mary H., h 122 W State Armstrong Mary L., teacher, res 18 New Armstrong M. G., books; stationery; paper bags, 145 N Greene, h do Armstrong Samuel S., clerk state house, Dolton's Block Armstrong Sarah E., teacher, res 18 New Armstrong Uzal H., (Struble & Armstrong), h 529 Broad Armstrong William C., laborer, h 117 Fall Arnett Alexander, h 422 E Carroll Arnheiter Theodore, laborer, 838 Clinton, Chamb'g Arnold Harriet L., h 14 W Washington Arnold Philip, boot and shoe maker, 6 Perry Arrison Benjamin R. F., mechanic, bds 490 Calhoun Arrison Catharine K., tailoress, h 19 Cox’s al Arrison Elizabeth, widow William, res 247 Clay Arrison George W., night watchman, 71 Pennington av Arrison Joseph V., bricklayer, h 19 Cox's al Arrison Samuel S., locksmith, bds 490 Calhoun Arrison Sarah A., widow, 490 Calhoun Arrison William, tinsmith, bds 490 Calhoun Arundale Catharine, widow, h W Hanover n Calhoun Arundale Joshua, carpet weaver, 211 S Warren, h 209 S Warren Arundale Mellor, weaver, bds 209 S Warren Asay Mary E., res 211 Centre Asay ThomasH., rubber maker, bds 73 Ewing Asay William H., gardener, h 49 Wall Asay William R., shoe maker, h Dickinson, Millham Asbrant Henry, butcher, Clinton n Hamilton, h 1010 Jefferson av, Chamb'g Asbury James, potter, h Mulberry, Millham Asey Amos, painter, h 273 Clinton, Millham Asey Benjamin, laborer, bds 18 Grand, Chamb'g Ash Samuel, h 55 Clark, Chamb'g Ash Thomas, iron worker, h 515 Hamilton av, Chamb'g Ash Thomas, wire worker, h 561 Clinton, Chamb'g Ashmen Robert, rubber worker, bds 3 William Ashmen Robert, laborer, h 3 William Ashmore Amelia, ware brusher, res 714 Centre Ashmore Charles, boat builder, h 406 Third Ashmore Charles L., engraver, h 555 Centre Ashmore Cornelia, h 33 N Stockton Ashmore Daniel B., kindling wood, h 1302 Broad, Chamb'g Ashmore Edward Jr., lock tender; No. 4 lock D & R canal, bds do Ashmore Edward Sr., lock tender; No. 4 lock D & R canal, h do Ashmore George, laborer, h 5 William Ashmore George M., car driver, bds 115 Turpin Ashmore Greenleaf, laborer, 1302 Broad, Chamb’g Ashmore Harry A., (William Ashmore & Son), bds 342 Broad Ashmore Henry, councilman, h 716 Second Ashmore Henry, huckster, h 10 Passaic Ashmore Henry J., clerk, h 10 Passaic Ashmore Mrs. H. J., widow Henry J., h 225 E Hanover Ashmore Jabez, laborer, h 115 Turpin Ashmore Jacob, gardener, h 714 Centre Ashmore Jacob, wire drawer, h 475 Lamberton Ashmore Jerry L., laborer, Second n Riverview Ashmore John, farmer, h 1010 Lamberton Ashmore John M., h 822 Second Ashmore Joseph Sr., sand dealer, h 816 Second Ashmore Joseph Jr., deputy state prison, h 832 Second Ashmore Kate L, widow Henry, h 225 E Hanover Ashmore Martha, ware brusher, res 714 Centre Ashmore Mary C., res 15 Mott, Chamb’g Ashmore Mathias, kindling wood, bds 1427 Clinton, Chamb’g Ashmore Robert F., teamster, h 351 Third Ashmore Samuel, laborer, h 114 Landing Ashmore Watson S., agent Merchants Transportation Co., bds 225 E Hanover Ashmore William, captain, h 210 E Hanover Ashmore William, (Ashmore Wm. L. & Son); also collector of customs, h 342 Broad Ashmore William L. & Son, (Harry A.), undertakers, 342 Broad Ashmore William L. Jr., bds 342 Broad Ashton John K., (Dunn & Ashton), h 235 N Warren Ashton Joseph, (Joseph Ashton & Son), h 13 N Warren Ashton Joseph Jr., (Joseph Ashton & Son), bds 13 N Warren Ashton Joseph & Son, (Joseph Ashton Jr.), leather; findings; belting; &c., 13 N Warren Ashworth Edmond P., wire drawer, bds 173 Cooper Ashworth Frederick H., wire drawer, h 173 Cooper Ashworth Thomas H., wire drawer, h 5 Cosy pl; Smith’s av Astbury George, potter, h 195 Clinton, Millham Astbury Maria, widow, h 572 Perry Astbury Thomas, potter, h 11 New York av, E Trenton Astell John L., teamster, bds 345 Broad Aten Charles, brick maker, bds 28 Pennington av Aten Corbit, telegraph wire repairer, bds 28 Pennington Aten Elisha, hostler, h 28 Pennington Atkinson Thomas, watchman, h 119 Chancery Atterbury Edward J. C., h Hermitage; W State at city limits Auer John, mason, h 320 W Hanover Auer Joseph, private watchman, h 324 W Hanover Auling Rev. Anselm,superior Franciscan College, Chamb'g Austin Bridget, widow, h 9 Fowler Austin Caleb, huckster, h 39 W Front Austin Edward, Warren street stage line, bds 610 S Warren Austin Edward, chair maker, h Church n Prospect Austin George, potter, bds 9 Fowler Austin Henry, potter, bds 9 Fowler Austin Matthew S., printer, h 131 Chancery Auten Frederick A., clerk., h 110 N Montgomery Avis Anton, iron worker, h 828 Lamberton Avoy John, blacksmith, h 804 Clinton, Chamb'g Axe George M., potter, bds 64 Quarry al Ayers Harrison, laborer, h 405 Brunswick av Ayers Sallie, dress maker, res 39 Lamberton Ayres Fulmann, laborer, h 51 Bank Ayres Isaac S., porter, 132 Humboldt Ayres Isaac S., laborer, h Pennington av n toll gate Ayres James, wool dyer, bds 938 Lamberton Ayres James, h 82 Lamberton Ayres James C., fisherman, h 938 Lamberton Ayres Obadiah, iron worker, h 980 Lamberton Ayres Peter F., laborer, h 132 Humboldt Ayres Rostine, engineer, h 695 Broad, Chamb'g Ayres Thomas, engraver, bds 552 S Warren Ayres Thomas S., carpenter, h 509 Second Ayres Virginia S., widow James A., res 866 Lamberton Ayres William, wool worker, h 938 Lamberton Ayres Zephaniah, jeweler, bds 552 S Warren Babbington Daniel, potter, h 20 Perrine av Babbington George, kilnman, bds 20 Perrine av Babcock Alphonso, tailor, h Dolton's block BABCOCK EZEKIEL, tailor, 105 N Greene, h do Babcock John, carpenter, h 133 Kossuth Babcock Milton, potter, 123 S Feeder Bachthaler Joseph, iron worker, h 531 Lamberton Backas Mary, widow Martin, res 425 Lamberton Backas Thomas, potter, bds 425 Lamberton Backes John H., clerk, bds 651 Lamberton Backes Joseph, plumber, bds 651 Lamberton Backes Martin, harness maker, 711 Broad, h do, Chamb’g Backes Mary, widow John, res 651 Lamberton Backes Peter, blacksmith, h 673 Lamberton Backes Peter, clerk, bds 651 Lamberton Backon Annie, wool worker, res 608 Lamberton Backon Lottie, wool worker, res 608 Lamberton Backus Talcott, bookkeeper Mechanics Nat Bank, bds Dolton’s block Bacon Thomas S., confectionery, Front cor Greene, h 17 Livingston Baddeley Alfred, potter, bds 47 Grant av Baddeley George, potter, h 47 Grant av Bagley John, potter, bds 32 Southard Bagnall Arthur, potter, bds Elmer n Chestnut, Chamb’g Bailey Alonzo, potter, 118 Hamilton av, Chamb'g Bailey Andrew M., flagman, h 401 Perry Bailey Anna, domestic, 122 W State Bailey Anna E., boarding house, h 211 Southard Bailey Charles, machinist, h 107 Second Bailey Daniel G., h 121 E Front Bailey Daniel T., salesman, h 116 W Front Bailey Edward, teamster, h 19 Green's al Bailey Eliza, music teacher, res 107 Second Bailey Horace, moulder, h 149 Conover’s al Bailey Isabella, widow, h 41 Ewing Bailey James, crockery dealer, h 76 Pennington av Bailey James, crate maker, h 71 Tyrill av Bailey John, rubber maker, h 20 Furman Bailey John, bds 76 Pennington av Bailey John C., potter, h 13 Decatur Bailey John R., potter, h 13 Decatur Bailey Joseph, machinist, h 43 W Front Bailey Joseph Sr., bridge tender, h 401 Perry Bailey Richard, stone cutter, 375 Second Bailey William T., P R R conductor, h 238 Jackson Baily Charles, laborer, 237 Woodruff Baily George C., salesman, h 242 Academy Baily Josephine, res 94 Bellevue av BAILY JOSIAH T., lumber and coal, Trenton basin; head of E Hanover, h 325 Chestnut av, Chamb'g Baily Loyd, (Samuel L. Baily & Son), h 19 Southard Baily Samuel L., (Samuel L. Baily & Son), h 206 E Hanover BAILY SAMUEL L. & SON, (Loyd), insurance and real estate, 119 E State Baily T. E., bookkeeper, bds 59 Ewing Baily William, bartender, bds Ferry cor Fair Bainbridge Fannie, music teacher, res 175 Broad Bainbridge John, photographer, 175 Broad, h do Bainbridge John W., photographer, bds 175 Broad Bake Isaac M., salesman, h 12 W Front Bakeman Christopher, laborer, h Deutzville Bakeman Frederick S., wire worker, 561 Second Baker Charles A., china painter, h 47 Tyrill av Baker Edward, potter, bds 50 Bank Baker Ellen, beer saloon, Hamilton av cor Chestnut, Chamb'g Baker Ernest, retired, h 109 Centre Baker Frank S., clerk, bds 218 E Hanover Baker George W., painter, 41 Spring Baker Henry C., clerk, bds 238 E Hanover Baker Henry, potter, h 98 Union Baker Henry F., druggist, bds 50 Bank Baker James, potter, h 227 Second Baker Jeremiah, laborer,bds 208 Adeline, Chamb'g Baker Lewis, laborer, h 21 Humboldt Baker Louis F., merchant, Washington Market, h 21 E Front Baker Lewis S., ice dealer, h 138 S Stockton Baker Louis P., clerk, bds 21 E Front Baker Mary A., res Girard av, Millham Baker Mary, h 19 Bellevue av Baker Mary C., widow, 238 E Hanover Baker Milton, traveling salesman, h 50 Bank Baker Otto, bds 624 Lamberton Baker Peter, butcher, bds 500 Jennie, Chamb’g Baker Peter E., blacksmith, h 111 Centre Baker Philip, painter, h 624 Lamberton Baker Stout, clerk, bds 104 Clinton, Chamb’g Baker Thomas E., bookkeeper, bds 43 Carroll Baker Thomas U., printer, h 43 Carroll BAKER WILLIAM, dry goods, 25 E State, h 218 E Hanover Baker William, potter, bds 50 Bank Baker William, barber, 251 Clinton, h do Baker William H., kilnman, h 578 Perry Baker William H., retired, 292 Bellevue av Baker Joseph, teamster, 100 Woodland, Chamb'g Bakewell Rev. John, rector St. Paul's P. E. Church, h 509 S Warren Baldauf Catharine, beer saloon, 317 Brunswick av, h do Baldauf David, potter, bds 317 Brunswick av Baldauf Engelbert A., salesman, bds 160 Rose Baldauf Henry, potter, 519 Princeton av Baldauf Hermann, barber, 315 Brunswick av, h 317 do Baldauf John, carpenter, bds 160 Rose Baldauf John, potter, bds 317 Brunswick av Baldwin Charles F., carpenter, h 602 Hamilton, Chamb'g Baldwin David, carpenter, h 24 Spring Baldwin Stewart C., iron moulder, h 147 Jackson Baldwin William S., carpenter, h 602 Hamilton, Chamb'g Ball Daniel O., laborer, h 190 Lamberton Ball Jabez, potter, 64 Rose Ball Samuel R., printer, bds 106 W Hanover Ball Susanna, widow, h 363 W State Ballone Christian, carpenter, bds 328 W Hanover Ballone Frederick, stone cutter, h 328 W Hanover Ballone John, potter, bds 328 W Hanover Balzik Franz, laborer, bds 817 S Warren Bamford Benjamin, h 304 E State Bamford Charles Y., treasurer City Railway, h 310 E State Bamford Edward H., laborer, h 254 Allen Bamford George, saw maker, h 589 Clinton, Chamb'g Bamford Harry, street car driver, bds 314 Clinton av Bamford John, (Bamford & Kelly), h 62 Clinton Bamford & Kelly, (John Bamford and Robert H. Kelly), hotel and restaurant, 62; 64; & 66 Clinton Bamford Richard, h 62 Clinton Bancroft George, machinist, bds 167 Broad Bancroft George, engineer, h 28 Bayard, Chamb'g Bangham James H., mill wright, h 82 Clark, Chamb'g Bangs Mary, domestic, 140 Jackson Banks Charles, machinist, 69 Clark, Chamb'g Banks David C., agent, h 32 Pike Bannert August, carpet weaver, bds 8 E Front Bannon John, waiter, 151 Broad, bds do Bannon Owen, laborer, bds 26 Belvidere Barber Charles W., laborer, h 611 Clinton, Chamb’g Barber David, engineer, h 160 Fair Barber David R., shoe maker, 225 N Willow Barber Frederick T., student, bds 340 Broad Barber John E., clerk, h 120 W Front Barber John W., moulder, h 148 Jackson Barber Robert W., printer, h 106 W Hanover Barber Thomas R., moulder, h 225 N Willow Barber William, teamster, h Montgomery cor Feeder Barber William S., clerk, bds 225 N Willow Barber William W., laborer, h 133 Allen Barbour Rev. Henry M., rector Trinity Episcopal Church, h 121 Academy Barclay Alexander, laborer, bds 107 Second Barclay Peter, shoe maker, h 142 Jackson Barclay Samuel, porter, h 99 New Rose Barcalow Mrs. S. J. S., h 226 Spring Barden Bridget, dress maker, res 530 Lamberton Barden Lawrence, laborer, h 530 Lamberton Barden Lawrence Jr., iron worker, bds 530 Lamberton Bardus Anthony, huckster, h 211 Brunswick av Baretkowski Marcetti, potter, h 526 Lamberton Barkholz Ann, widow, h 226 Hamilton, Chamb'g Barkholz Charles, laborer, h 226 Hamilton, Chamb'g Barkholz Christopher, laborer, h 832 Centre Barklow Liscomb T., scavenger, h 76 Quarry al Barlow George, potter, h Dickinson, Millham BARLOW GEORGE A., music store, 138 Broad, h do Barlow Harry E., potter, h 67 Carroll Barlow I. E., clerk, bds 138 Broad Barlow Jacob, potter, 61 Tucker Barlow James, potter, h 51 Grant av Barlow James, h 38 Seward av Barlow John, prop Homestead House; Clinton, Millham, h do Barlow John, mason, h 61 Tucker Barlow Mary, decorator, res 51 Grant av Barlow Thomas, laborer, bds 233 Allen Barnaby Joseph, trimmer, h 15 S Warren Barnard James, plumber, h 19 Lamberton Barnard William, potter, 153 Brunswick av Barnes Elizabeth, widow, h 268 Allen Barnes Frank, iron worker, bds 132 Lamberton Barnes Isaac, grocer, Feeder cor Greene, h do Barnes Rev. James H., h 26 Ringold Barnes James, painter, h 7 Mill Barnes John, laborer, 399 Second Barnes John E., cigar manufacturer, 139 Lamberton, h do Barnes Mary, widow James, res 132 Lamberton BARNES W. H., druggist and chemist, 206 Broad, bds 210 do Barnett John, real estate, h 517 E State Barnett Samuel, blacksmith, bds 219 Fall Barney B. J., sup’t, bds Trenton House Barnhart Frederick, tailor, bds 25 Summer Barnhart Jacob, real estate dealer, h 12 Tyrill av Barnhart John K., mason, h 46 Tyrill av Barnhart William, painter, h 23 Summer Barrett Edward F., rubber worker, h 456 Clinton av, Millham Barrett Thomas H., rubber worker, bds 456 Clinton av, Millham Barrow Ann, candies; &c., 315 N Warren, h 345 Reservoir Barry Martin, laborer, h 709 Centre Barry Rev. Charles, pastor Berean Baptist Church, h Quarry al ab Calhoun Barter Joseph, machinist, h Taylor, Millham Bartine Mrs. Adeline, 112 N Willow Bartlekowsky Marcetta, watchman, h 526 Lamberton Bartlett Edwin F., boatman, h 19 Hart av Bartlett Walter F., h 127 W Hanover Barton David C., shoemaker, h 224 Kossuth Barton Henry N., h 17 Yard av BARTON HORATIO N., lawyer, 7 E State, bds 17 Yard av Barton James H., sawyer, bds 151 Broad BARTON JOB E., shoe maker, 572 Clinton, h do, Chamb'g Barton William, laborer, 1320 Broad, Chamb’g Barwis A. C., grocer, 402 Broad, h do BARWIS CHARLES P., merchant tailor, 129 N Greene, h do Barwis Edmund, tailor, bds 140 E Front Barwis Eleazer, tailor, h 140 E Front Barwis Elmer, physician, 211 Hamilton av, Chamb'g Bassett Anna, widow Robert, h 6 Cooper Bassett Emily, wool worker, res 6 Cooper Bassett Mary, tailoress, res 6 Cooper Bastedo Carrie E., principal White Building (public school), res 122 Butler, Chamb'g Bastedo Jerome, freight agent, h 122 Butler, Chamb'g Batalya Peter, potter, h 219 Bayard, Chamb'g Bateman Amanda, widow, h 56 Carroll Bates Charles J., engineer, h 177 Cooper Bates Edgar L., clerk, bds 204 Academy Bates Israel, carder, bds 177 Cooper Bates John, machinist, h 70 Lamberton Bates John G., grocer, 686 Clinton, h do, Chamb'g Bates Joseph H., laborer, 114 Humboldt Battison John, foreman, bds 316 N Greene Bauer John, baker, bds 128 E Hanover Bauer Peter, plate printer, bds with C. F. Ulrich; Dickinson, Millham Baum Henry, shoe maker, h Clinton n Star Rubber Works, Millham Baum Rev. J. C., pastor Christ Lutheran Church, bds 323 Market Baumann Gottleib, gardener, W State n city limits BAUMGARTNER C. I. & Co., (Charles I. Baumgartner and T. B. Green), dry goods, 17 E State Baumgartner Charles I., (Baumgartner & Co.), h 13 N Willow Baumgartner Jacob, meat market, 248 Clinton, h do Baumgartner William, butcher, h 626 Perry Baxter John, laborer, bds 514 Federal Bayard Caroline, widow, h 1228 Broad, Chamb’g Bayer Martin, wire worker, 214 William, Chamb'g Bayer Martin, laborer, 320 Hamilton, Chamb'g Baylis William, deputy state prison, bds 228 Broad Bayron John, flagman, 80 Belvidere av Bazner Gottleib, cooper, h 3 Hewitt, Chamb'g Bazner John, laborer, bds 3 Hewitt, Chamb'g Bazner Philip, cooper, h 114 Adeline, Chamb’g Bazzel Henry, painter, h 172 Lamberton Beakes Charles, potter, 312 N Greene Beam George, laborer, h 131 Church Beamer Charles, brush maker, h 4 Dillon’s al Beard George, laborer, h 63 Quarry al Beasley Mercer Sr., chief justice supreme court, h 143 and 145 E State BEASLEY MERCER JR., counselor at law and prosecutor of the pleas, h 143 and 145 E State Beattie James G., teamster, h 331 Union Beatty Alexander, potter, bds 566 S Warren Beatty Ann, widow William, res 103 Jackson Beatty Charles W., pattern maker, h 47 Clark, Chamb'g Beatty Emma, weaver, bds 4 Barnes Beatty George, decorator, bds 103 Jackson Beatty Gertrude M., smusic teacher, bds 212 Broad Beatty Harry D., moulder, h 635 Bridge Beatty Henry, blacksmith, bds 131 Ferry Beatty Isabella, widow, h 17 Asbury Beatty James W., laborer, h 524 Perry Beatty John, blacksmith, h 131 Ferry Beatty John B., shoe maker, h 103 Jackson Beatty Joseph, mason, h 16 Spring Beatty Joshua, wire drawer, h 309 Hamilton, Chamb’g Beatty J. M., confectionery; ice cream, 212 Broad, h do Beatty Samuel T., constable, h 207 Jackson Beatty Sarah, weaver, h 108 W Front Beatty Stewart, laborer, h 566 S Warren Beatty Stewart Jr., potter, bds 566 S Warren Beatty Thomas H., shoemaker, 591 Broad, h 551 do Beatty William, potter, bds 182 Brunswick av Bechey Jules, laborer, 43 Jersey, Chamb'g Bechely Frederick, laborer, 23 Beatty, Chamb'g Bechtel Catharine, notions and fancy goods, 222 N Greene, res do Bechtel Charles, h 28 Yard av Bechtel Daniel J., engraver, 15 E State, h 57 Southard Bechtel David S., carpenter, bds 323 Market Bechtel Elizabeth, widow Reuben, h 6 W Front Bechtel George, trimming store, 222 N Greene, h do Bechtel George Jr., clerk, bds 222 N Greene Bechtel Valentine, machinist, h 537 Perry Bechter Christina, widow, h 12 Adeline, Chamb'g Bechter Peter, iron worker, bds 12 Adeline, Chamb'g Beck Henry, wire drawer, bds 229 Jackson Beck Philip, teamster, h 48 Tyrill av Beck Samuel L., grocer, 226 N Greene, h do Beck William, laborer, h 281 Third Beckman Frederick, iron worker, h 561 Second Bedell Elias F., foreman lock works, h 405 Hudson, Chamb'g Bedford John, stone cutter, 11 Titus av Bedson Eli, kilnman, bds 36 Carroll Beech George, farmer, 130 Fountain av Beech John, potter, h 147 Conover’s al Beech John B., potter, 536 S Warren Beech Joseph, potter, h 159 Mercer Beech Rachel, confectionery, 536 S Warren, h do Beecroft Charles H., tobacconist, 606 S Warren, h do Beecroft George, hostler, bds 166 Broad Beegle Rev. John S., h 223 Perry Beekman Gertrude M., dressmaking, 214 Brunswick av Beekman Hannah, widow, h 327 N Montgomery Beekman James W., white-washer, h 329 Montgomery Beekman Thomas A., whitewasher, bds 327 Montgomery Beer Adolph G., photographer, 15 E State, bds 43 Southard Beerman Henry, iron worker, h 616 Adeline, Chamb’g Begg Patrick, laborer, h 70 Perrine av Behan John, carpenter, 510 Schiller av, Chamb'g Behan John, laborer, h 602 Clinton, Chamb'g Beiswanger Gottleib, wire drawer, h 318 Hamilton, Chamb'g Beisswanger John, butcher, h 76 Perrine av Belchstein Abram, tin dealer, h 20 New Belden John C., clerk comptroller's office, bds State Street House Bell James, confectionery, 559 Perry, h do Bell James B., upholsterer, bds 311 Market Bell John, iron moulder, h 110 Second Bell Robert, laborer, h 1114 Lamberton Bell Thomas A., sup't Merchants Trans Co. and Star Rubber Works, bds 110 W State Bell William H., iron moulder, bds 110 Spring Bellerjeau Addie, tailoress, bds 126 Spring Bellerjeau Benjamin O., clerk, bds 126 Spring Bellerjeau Cora, tailoress, bds 126 Spring Bellerjeau Daniel B., student, bds 304 N Warren Bellerjeau James K., stone cutter, h 126 Spring BELLERJEAU SAMUEL T., coal and wood, 49 Tucker, h 304 N Warren Bellerjeau Thomas, packer, h 126 Spring Bellerjeau Thomas C., clerk, bds 126 Spring Bellis John W., (Stonaker & Bellis), h 339 N Greene Bellis William, laborer, h 125 Brunswick av Bellman Christian, laborer, h 16 Jefferson Bellman Gustav, laborer, bds 16 Jefferson Bellows Richard H., bds 125 Brunswick av Belville Mary E., widow Robert, res 37 Clinton av BELVILLE WILLIAM S., clerk U S district court, h 219 Greenwood av, Chamb'g Belmont Lavinia, widow, h 34 Carroll Bender Jacob, iron house builder, bds Marion Hotel Bender Thomas S., butcher, h 29 E Washington Bendey George, potter, h 18 1/2 Seward av Bendey Wesley L., laborer, bds 123 E Front Benham Ella G., saleslady, res Dolton’s Block Benjamin Margaret, widow, bds 48 W State Bennett Abraham C., mason, bds 227 Jackson Bennett Miss A. E., h 131 E Hanover Bennett Amos, hose maker, h Klagg av n Mulberry, Millham Bennett Anna, widow, h 328 Perry Bennett Caleb L., laborer, h 13 Hart av Bennett C. B. & Co., (Wm. Willis Sr.), commission merchants, 30 W State Bennett Charles W., butcher, h 120 Jackson Bennett Conrad B., (C. B. Bennett & Co.), bds 30 W State Bennett David F., clerk, bds 216 S Warren Bennett Eliza M., h 131 E Hanover Bennett Elmer, potter, bds 131 Mercer Bennett George, laborer, h 114 Rose Bennett George A., bds Earley’s Hotel Bennett Henry J., painter, 234 E Front, h do Bennett James, laborer, h 528 Princeton av Bennett James W., painter, h 236 E Front Bennett Jervis H., teamster, state arsenal, h do Bennett John C., harness maker, bds 244 Allen Bennett John G., retired, h 133 E Hanover Bennett John H., cigars; &c., 352 Clinton, bds 15 Hart av Bennett John S., huckster, h 1306 Broad, Chamb'g Bennett Joseph T., tinsmith, h 216 S Warren Bennett Samuel, h 232 E Front Bennett Samuel G., ship carpenter, h 131 Mercer Bennett Sarah A., widow, h 15 Hart Bennett Sidney, knob maker, h 3 Centre Bennett Stephen, iron worker, 9 Butler, Chamb'g Bennett Thomas, gardener, h 468 Centre Bennett William, laborer, bds 15 Hart av Bennett William, rubber worker, bds 28 Ogden Bense Lewis, baker, h 554 Second Bensel Bertha, dress maker, res 328 N Greene Bensel Edward, potter, bds 328 N Greene Bensel Emma, clerk, bds 328 N Greene Bensel William, gardener, h 54 Lincoln Bensel William, laborer, h 328 N Greene Bensel William B., drum maker, bds 328 N Greene Benson George E., kiln builder, h 224 N Greene Benson John H., carpenter, h 128 Ferry Benson Mary, domestic, 73 Clinton av Benson Thomas F., laborer, bds 43 N Stockton Benter Frank, laborer, h 108 Grand Benter Frank Jr., laborer, bds 108 Grand Bentner Martin, laborer, bds 108 Grand Bentley John, waiter, 186 W State Bentley Sampson, h 2 Beaver Bentz Charles, iron worker, h 610 Lamberton Bentz Lewis, bridge tender, h W State n Prospect av Bentz Lewis Jr., laborer, h W State n Prospect av BENZ JACOB, shoe maker, 18 E Front, h do Berden Catharine, widow, h 107 Calhoun Berg Julius, machinist, bds 812 Lamberton BERGEN BROTHERS, (G. R. & H. R. Bergen), foreign and domestic fruits; butter; &c., 27 and 28 city market and 122 N Greene Bergen Gilbert R., (Bergen Bros.), h 219 E Hanover Bergen Henry R., (Bergen Bros.), h 96 Spring Bergen Johnson B., deputy state prison, bds 204 Academy Bergen Margaret, cook, 110 W State Bergen Mary, domestic, 455 W State Bergen Michael, laborer, bds 605 Clinton, Chamb'g Bergen Michael, laborer, 219 Woodruff Bergen Phebe, widow, res 219 E Hanover Bergen Richard, hotel, 125 S Feeder, h do Bergen Richard, laborer. h 232 Allen Berkley Mary, widow John, res 417 Centre Berlew James, wool worker, h r 34 Union Berlin Frederick, laborer, h 654 Centre Berrien Alexander, laborer, h 83 Southard Berry Catharine, widow William, res 24 Union Berry Edward, iron worker, bds 727 S Warren Berry Hannah, res 24 Union Berry John, potter, bds 312 Union Berry John, iron worker, bds 727 S Warren Berry Margaret, widow Peter, h 727 S Warren Berry Mary, dress maker, res 344 Fair Berry Patrick, laborer, h 414 E Carroll BERRY PATRICK J., builder; also grocer, 209 Clinton av cor Perrine, h do Berry Richard, wool carder, bds 303 S Warren Berry William, bds 24 Union Berry William, iron worker, bds 530 Lamberton Bersch Harriet B., widow , h 536 Perry Bersch Henry, farmer, bds Schiller, Chamb'g Bersch Peter, baker, h Schiller, Chamb'g Bersch Walter, wire drawer, bds Schiller, Chamb'g Bertele Anthony E., barber, bds 557 Perry Bertele Englebert, barber, 392 S Warren, h 85 Hanover Bertele Engelbert, barber, 106 E Hanover, h do Bertele John, barber, 557 Perry, h do BERTELE MINROD J., barber, 557 Perry, h do Bertele William, barber, bds 106 E Hanover Bessonett John, machinist, h 812 Lamberton BEST JOHN, saloon, Clinton cor Dye, h do, Chamb'g Bethe Conrad, laborer, bds 1023 Broad, Chamb'g Bethke Albert, machinist, bds 138 Humboldt Bethke August, carpenter, h 138 Humboldt Bethke Hulda, domestic, 167 Greenwood av, Chamb'g Betke Gustavus, laborer, h Hancock, Chamb'g Betteley Thomas, potter, h 30 Perrine av Betts J. Brognard, clerk state house, bds 156 W State Betz George, laborer, h Klagg av n Mulberry, Millham Betz John, iron worker, h 606 Lamberton Bevins George, laborer, bds Landing n Lamberton Bevins William, laborer, h Landing n Lamberton Bevins William Jr., laborer, Landing n Lamberton Biallass Frederick, boot and shoe maker, 240 Perry, h do Bibbins Levi J., iron worker, h 53 Union Bibbins Samuel, engineer, h 736 S Warren Bibbins William, teamster, bds 93 Carroll Bickel Henry, laborer, h 1095 Broad, Chamb'g Bickel Lawrence, laborer, h 1021 Broad, Chamb'g Bickford Samuel, potter, h 230 Fair Biddle Horace, clerk, bds 148 N Greene Biddle Thomas, machinist, 148 N Greene Biddulph Charles, potter, h 36 Sheridan av Biddulph Joseph, potter, h Klagg av, Millham Bideman Samuel, carpenter, h 12 Grant av Bidlingmyer Frederick, mason, 226 William, Chamb'g Bieder William F., potter, 7 Titus av Bierbaum Josie, h 10 Passaic Bierman William, carpenter, 510 Schiller, Chamb’g Bilbee George B. McClellan, clerk, bds 226 N Greene Bilbee Mary, domestic, 713 S Warren Bilbee Watson M.. potter, bds 346 Brunswick av Bilbee William H., tobacco and cigars; shooting gallery; &c., 107 E Hanover, h do Biles Anna, widow Henry, h 20 Delaware Biles Charles, shoe maker, 28 W State, h 17 do Biles Charles W., clerk, Chancery office, h 17 N Willow Biles Isaac B., carpenter, bds 253 N Greene Biles Susan R., widow. h 117 Perry Biles Thomas J., h 223 N Greene Biles William A., salesman with Sinclair; Vannest & Co., h 253 N Greene Billingham Arthur, chain maker, Anderson n Rusling, Chamb’g Billingham Ezra, (Billingham & Sons), bds Clinton n Anderson, Chamb’g Billingham John, chain maker, h 50 Tyrill av Billingham John, (Billingham & Sons), h Clinton n Anderson, Chamb’g Billingham John & Sons, (Ezra and Philip), chain works, Clinton cor Anderson, Chamb’g Billingham John Jr., chain maker, bds Clinton n Anderson, Chamb’g Billingham Joseph, chain maker, h 1012 Anderson, Chamb’g Billingham Lucy, domestic, 22 Lamberton Billingham Moses, chain maker, 518 Pond Run road, Chamb’g Billingham Philip, (Billingham & Sons), Clinton n Anderson, Chamb’g Billingham Rollin, chain maker, h Rusling n Chestnut av, Chamb'g Billingham Samuel, chain maker, h 1004 Anderson, Chamb’g Billips Armstead, teamster, bds 62 Belvidere Bilmyer John, umbrellas and parasols, 3 E Front,h do BINDER FRANK, cooper and tank builder; dealer in wood and coal, Perry st basin, h 36 Ogden Binds Sarah, domestic, 457 Broad Bintliff William B., carpenter, h 310 Hudson, Chamb’g Birch Jane L., widow John, h 19 High, Chamb'g Birch John, kilnman, h 257 Clinton, Millham Birchall Charles, potter, h 176 Jefferson Birchell Daniel, teamster, h 639 Second Birchell Jacob, rubber maker, 1 Hart av Birchell Samuel, potter, h Hill’s al ab Furman Birchell William, brakeman, h 644 Second Bird Annie E., widow Henry, res 155 Cooper Bird Craig, farmer, 140 Bayard, Chamb’g Bird C. Wyckoff, clerk, bds 19 Chapel Bird Elijah C., deputy state prison, h 1032 Clinton, Chamb’g Bird John W., traveling agent, bds 313 Market Bird Nathan W., carpenter, h 19 Chapel Bird Thomas, laborer, h 604 Second Bird Thomas, iron worker, bds 322 Ferry Bird Tobias, laborer, h 19 Astbury Bird William, baker, h 120 Bridge Birden Kate L., res 34 Wall Birdsall James, blacksmith, h 312 Centre Birdsall Job, deputy state prison, bds 316 Broad Birdsall Mary E., teacher, res 312 Centre Birk Charles H., manager Singer Sewing Machine Co., 108 E hanover, h do Birk Frederic C., collector Singer Mfg Co, bds 108 E Hanover Birkholz Carrie, res 215 Second Birkholz Henry, machinist, h 215 Second Birkholz Laura, saleslady, res 215 Second Birkholtz Elizabeth, widow, 23 Chapel Birkholtz William, brick maker, bds 23 Chapel Birks William, kilnman, h St Joseph av, Millham Birnbaum Marks, frame peddler, bds 205 Broad Birt Edward, iron worker, h 218 Furman Birt George, saloon, 117 Second, h do Birt John, h 525 Broad Bisenger Emil, potter, bds 211 Southard Bishop Edwin, engineer, h 135 Ferry Bishop John, laborer, bds 135 Ferry Bishop Thomas, bds 140 W State Bissell William E., foreman, bds 207 Academy Bittner William, teamster, h 90 Quarry al Black A. L., law student, bds Earley’s Hotel Black Charles M., bds 231 N Warren Black James, hotel, Centre cor Ferry, h do Black James C., brakeman, 20 Chapel Black John, potter, h 19 William Black John S, laborer, 336 N Montgomery Black Thomas, potter, bds 310 N Greene Black William H., potter, bds 419 Princeton av Blackburn Arthur, bds 128 Bayard, Chamb’g Blackburn Godfrey, wire drawer, 128 Bayard, Chamb’g Blackburn Joseph, bds 128 Bayard, Chamb’g Blackfan Mary A., widow, h 207 E State Blackford Charles M., watchmaker, bds 406 Jennie, Chamb’g Blackford Isaac, grocer, 720 Clinton, h do Blackford Isaac, pattern maker, h 406 Jennie, Chamb’g Blackford William T. Jr., paper hanger, bds 244 N Willow Blackford William T., paper hanger, h 244 N Willow Blackman William B., engineer, bds 836 S Warren Blackwell Anna C., widow Wilson, h 152 S Stockton Blackwell Furman G., clerk, bds 222 Brunswick av Blackwell Jonathan H., (Wm. Dolton & Co.), h 229 Academy Blackwell Sarah I., widow, bds 110 W State Blackwell William B., lawyer, h 124 W State Blackwell William D., carpenter, h 17 Ewing Blackwell William H., gardener, 137 Greenwood av, Chamb’g BLACKWOOD THOMAS, groceries and provisions, 354 Clinton cor William, h do Blaine Alonzo, laborer, bds 117 Fall BLAIR JOHN R., groceries and commission merchant, 35 E Front; Washington market block, bds 224 Mercer Blair Lizzie, teacher, res 224 Mercer Blake Enoch, engineer, bds 126 W Front Blake George, blacksmith, Broad opp Roebling’s, h 115 Centre Blake Henry C., engineer, bds 158 E Front Blake Hiram, h 203 Calhoun Blake Jefferson, carpenter, h 133 W Hanover Blake Joseph R., shoe maker, 183 Broad, h 158 E Front Blake Louise S., music teacher, res 330 Broad Blake Nettie W., teacher, bds 330 Broad Blake Thomas D., printer, bds 158 E Front Blake William V., potter, h 152 Monmouth Blake William W., h 330 Broad Blakely Charles, potter, bds 162 Lamberton Blaut David, hotel, 300 Clinton av, h do Blauth Charles, potter, bds 555 Broad Blauth Jacob, crockery dealer, h 927 Clinton, Chamb’g Blauth Jacob, barber, 15 Centre, bds 555 Broad Blauth John, carpenter, h 141 W Hanover Blauth Margaret, widow, res 555 Broad Blauth Peter, iron worker, h 307 Bridge Bleasdale George, carriage maker, h 164 Passaic Bleistein Ignatz, soap and candle works, 13 Cass, h do, Chamb’g Bleistein John, soap maker, 13 Cass, Chamb’g Blessing Jacob, brick maker, h N Willow (commons) Blew Abraham O., saw grinder, h 718 S Warren Blew Isaac, foreman, bds 21 Chapel Blew William H., mason, bds 242 N Greene Bliecker Henry, laborer, h 637 Lamberton Blinn William, cigar manufacturer, 146 E State, h r 45 Spring Blizzard Daniel, painter, h 705 S Warren Blizzard George, painter, h 132 Hamilton, Chamb’g Blizzard Levi, painter, h 529 Clinton, Chamb’g Block Daniel, clerk, bds 27 S Greene Block Samuel, clothier, 205 Broad, h 437 Lamberton Bloom Abraham, carpenter, h 234 E State BLOOM & GODLEY, (J. C. Bloom and J. F. Godley), manufacturers of bedding and lounges, 140 Broad; Assanpink Block Bloom Irvin, teamster, bds 103 Ferry Bloom Jacob C., (Bloom & Godley), h 108 W State Bloom John R., blacksmith, bds 210 Perry Bloom Peter, baker, bds 43 Livingston Bloom Richard, mason, h 1532 Clinton, Chamb'g Bloomfield Benjamin D., potter, bds 214 N Feeder Bloor George H., potter, h Sherman n railroad, Millham Bluckert John, laborer, h 321 Hamilton, Chamb’g Blumel Johanna E., widow, 314 W, State Blumel John T., trimmer, bds 314 W State BOARDMAN JOSEPH C., physician,office 211 E State,h do Boardley Isaac, lamp lighter, h 148 Pennington av Boardley Mary, dress maker, res 148 Pennngton av Boardley Susan, res 409 Market Boardley William, waiter, h 148 Pennington av Boch Noah, potter, bds 208 Pennington av Boden harry A., bookbinder, h 124 N Montgomery Bodenstein Frederick, locksmith, bds 561 S Warren Bodice Anton, huckster, h 211 Brunswick av Bodine Budd S., expressman, h 36 Wall Bodine Charles L. H., decorator, bds 17 Carroll BODINE & BULLUS, (D. B. Bodine and Wm. Bullus), lumber; coal and wood, 344 Perry Bodine Daniel B., (Bodine & Bullus), h 109 E State Bodine David M., clerk, h 47 Wall Bodine Emma M.. school teacher, res 130 E Front BODINE FRANK V., architect, 124 S Greene; 2d floor, bds 119 E Hanover BODINE JESSE E., notary public; pension; claim and employment agent; also police justice, 105 E State, h 130 E Front Bodine J. H., tinsmith, h 47 Wall Bodine John, carpenter. 228 Mercer Bodine John F., painter, h 17 Carroll Bodine Joseph L., physician, 109 E State, h do Bodine Laura G., res 210 Broad Bodine Wm. H., watchman, h E State; n Chambers, Chamb’g Bodine Wm. A., (Christine & Bodine), bds 205 Market Bogart Augustus, flour and feed, 5 N Warren, bds 28 W Washsington Bogart John, salesman, h 229 E Front Bogart Samuel, miller, h 28 W Washington Bohlinger John G., h 319 Lamberton Bohmenberger Charles, wire drawer, bds 75 Cass, Chamb'g Bohmenberger Godfrey, baker, 75 Cass, Chamb'g Bohnert Xavier, boot and shoe maker, 15 Ferry, h do Boiswinger Jacob, ship carpenter, h 229 Ferry Boker John, blacksmith, Pennington av, h 78 do Boland Patrick, shoe maker, h 20 Behm Bolton Ella, domestic, h 91 Cooper Bond Charles M., potter, h 418 Princeton av Bond Eliza J., grocer, 343 N Warren, h do Bond Frank H., architect, 3 E State, h 209 Hudson, Chamb’g Bond George C., iron worker, h 172 Washington, Chamb’g Bond Walter S., brick maker, bds 343 N Warren Bond William A., plumber; &c, Broad opp Dye, Chamb’g, h do Bonham Frank, clerk, h 39 Cooper Bonner William E., wire drawer, h 21 High, Chamb’g Bonney Robert B., clerk state prison, h 23 Walnut av, Chamb’g Booth Emanuel, h 521 Clinton, Chamb’g Booth Thomas, news dealer, 106 E State, h 114 W Front Booth William, news dealer, Greene cor Hanover, h 125 Perry Booz Alfred, laborer. h 234 Allen Booz Charles, huckster, h 138 Ferry Booz Cornelius A., (Johnston & Booz), h 103 W Front Booz Harmon Sr., grocer, 102 N Willow, h do Booz Harmon Jr., musician, h 50 W Hanover BOOZ HENRY S. & CO., (Frank W. Rockhill), flag and curb stone dealers, 262 N Feeder Booz Henry S., (Henry S. & Co.), h 217 Perry Booz Jacob V., broom maker, h 12 N Willow Booz John L., tobacconist, h Elmer bel Clinton, Chamb’g Booz Richard, grocer, 107 W Front, h do Booz Thomas S., teamster, bds 316 Broad Booz William, blacksmith, bds Eagle Hotel Boos Williain H., cloth finisher, h 7 S Willow Booz William T., livery, h 346 Broad Booz Wilson, teamster, h 109 Bridge Borden Garret, clerk, bds 167 Broad Borker Abram, peddler, h 36 Perrine av Borrow Ernest, iron worker, h 115 Mill Boss John G., barber, 23 W State, h do Bossons Samuel, potter, h 114 Dye, Chamb’g Bostun Michael, wire drawer, 116 Swan av, Chamb'g Boswell James H., engraver, bds 868 Centre Boswell Mary, widow James, res 868 Centre Boswell William, deputy U S marshal, h 241 E Front Bothel Samuel K., tinsrnith, bds 11 E Front Botschart Nicholas, saloon, 710 Broad, Chamb’g, h do Bott George L., potter, h 24 Sheridan av BOTTOM CHARLES H., upholsterer, 8 W State, h 36 Wall Bottom George J., clerk, bds 23 E Front Bottom Mary A., widow, h 23 E Front Boughey Arthur, potter. h 15 Hart av, Millham Bound Charles W., laborer, h 1014 Lamberton Bourgeois Charles, miller, bds 112 Perry Bowden James J., teamster, bds 541 Second Bowen A. E., widow Wesley, h 52 Carroll Bower Albert S., car driver, h 230 N Warren Bower Daniel R., bds 233 N Warren Bower Daniel V., tobacconist, 149 N Greene, h 231 N Warren Bower George D., mail agent. h 127 Perry Bower John R. D., clerk, bds 231 N Warren Bower Joseph, inspector lock works, h 13 Chauncey BOWER SAMUEL, Jackson House, 345 Broad, h do BOWER SPENCER S., tobacconist, N Greene cor Hanover, h 227 N Warren Bowers Benjamin, dealer in horses, bds 73 Carroll Bowers Charles T., general agent, h 73 Carroll Bowers Enoch, h 900 Lamberton Bowers Joseph, laborer, h bet Feeder and Allen Bowers Rachel, widow Joseph, res 73 Carroll Bowers Theodore, blacksmith, bds 1 Tyler, Chamb’g Bowers William, wool spinner, h 305 Union Bowers William, spinner, h 804 Lamberton Bowers William H., clerk, h 113 N Greene Bowker John, blacksmith, 7 and 9 Pennington av, h 78 do Bowker Joseph, blacksmith, 67 and 69 Pennington av Bowker Robert, lumberman, h 452 Broad Bowlby Alexander H, potter, 123 Academy Bowlby John B., salesman, h 212 Jackson Bowman Charles, chain maker, bds 539 Centre Bowman Charles, laborer, h 405 Centre Bowman Gottlieb, brick maker, h 539 Centre Bowman O. O., (Terra Cotta Co.), h 62 Clinton av Bowne Anna, widow Wesley, res 60 Bayard, Chamb’g Bowne Elizabeth, widow Enos, res 238 Mercer Bowne Henry A., grocer, 692 Broad, Chamb’g, h 550 Perry Bowne Nathaniel, laborer, h 33 Coates Bowne Theodore, brick maker, 50 Rose Bowne Walter K., clerk, bds 238 Mercer Bowne William C., janitor, h 550 Perry BOX JOHN G., groceries; dry goods; &c., Perry cor Southard, h do Boyd Benjamin H., engineer, h 214 Hudson, Chamb’g Boyd Charles, iron worker, h r 319 Union Boyd Charles S., iron moulder, 18 Brown, Chamb’g Boyd Cora M., teacher, res 18 Brown, Chamb’g Boyd Cornelius V., tailor, h Green’s al cor Quarry al Boyd Hannah, widow, h Green’s al cor Quarry al Boyd John R., engineer, h 210 Hudson, Chamb’g Boyd Thomas, moulder, bds 519 Market Boyd Thomas E., plumber, 226 S Warren, h 519 Market Boyd William A., plumber, bds 519 Market Boyd William J., bds 116 Jackson Boydell John, moulder, h 15 Clark, Chamb’g Boyer A. M., dress maker, 634 S Warren, h do Boyer Charles H., musician, h 33 N Willow Boyer John H., printer, h 624 S Warren Boyle Francis, engineer, 19 Jennie, Chamb’g Boyle James, clerk, bds Centre cor Ferry BOYLE J. J., dry goods, 127 N Greene, bds Earley’s Hotel; 105 E Hanover Boyle John, barber, h Woodland cor Madison, Chamb’g Boyle Rosa, housekeeper, h 116 Ferry BOZARTH A. A., "Philadelphia Model Coffee House" 158 Broad, h do Bozarth Howard, bds 158 Broad BRAASCH CHRISTIAN F., livery stable, rear Taylor hall, h 119 E Front Brace Alfred, professor of music, h 149 Jackson Brace George A., manufacturer, h 51 Carroll Brace William H., principal Trenton High School, h 325 Broad Bracelin John, potter, h 44 Perrine av Bracker Henry, baker, h 17 S Greene Brackett Edward H., engineer, bds 526 Clinton, Chamb'g Brackett Harry W., machinist, bds 526 Clinton, Chamb’g Brackett Samuel, h 109 Jackson Brackett William H., machinist, 23 S Stockton, h 526 Clinton, Chamb’g Bradbury Simon, dyer, h 48 Butler, Chamb’g Bradbury Thomas, potter, h 23 Sheridan av Braden, Henry, engineer, h 50 W Washington Braden Thomas, ass’t sup’t and sec’y Phoenix Iron Works, h 446 Broad Brades Howell, feeder, bds 211 Jackson Brades John J., carpenter, h 211 Jackson Bradley Daniel, iron worker, bds 375 Fair Bradley Felix, iron worker, h 187 Lamberton Bradley James, iron worker, h 643 Lamberton Bradley James E., machinist, h 26 Rose Bradley Jeremiah, laborer, h 36 Pennington av Bradley John, tobacconist, 860 .Broad, bds 210 Cass, Chamb'g Bradley John, chain maker, h Division Bradley Joseph, iron worker, h 111 Elmer, Chamb’g Bradley Joseph Jr., chain maker, h 59 Cooper Bradley Lizzie, domestic, 229 E Hanover Bradley Peter, iron worker, h 110 Mill Bradshaw George, potter, h 18 Grant av Bradshaw Heston, veterinary surgeon, h 47 W Front Bradshaw Thomas, painter, h 133 Broad Bradshaw William, shoe store, 245 Clinton av, h do Brady Andrew C., detective, h 919 Broad, Chamb’g Brady Charles H., rubber maker, h 6 Prince, Millham Brady Howard R., potter, bds 15 Mott, Chamb’g Brady Jacob K., huckster, h 7 Prince, Millham Brady James, laborer, h 219 Third Brady John, laborer, 432 Ferry Brady John P., moulder, bds 156 Monmouth Brady Levi S., huckster, h 15 Mott, Chamb’g Brady Margaret, candies; &c, h 31 Bond Brady Patrick, ale and beer saloon, 28 Rose, h do Brady Patrick, laborer, bds 51 Pennington av Brady Sanford G., kilnman, bds 15 Mott, Chamb’g Brady Thomas, engineer, 166 Brunswick av Brady Thomas F., laborer, bds 156 Monmouth Brady Thomas T. C., notion dealer, h Hamilton n borough limit, Chamb’g Brady William, foreman, h 156 Monmouth Brady William J., laborer, bds 156 Monmouth Brady William W., huckster, h 822 Hamilton, Chamb’g Bragg Harry G., railroader, bds 308 Bridge Bragg James, carpenter, bds 130 Spring Bragg Mary, widow George, res 308 Bridge Bragg William, laborer, h 561 Lamberton Braitsch Agatha, res 144 Roebling av, Chamb’g Braker John, iron worker, bds 425 Centre Brambley Joseph, laborer, h 9 Franklin Bramley Samuel, laborer, h Clinton opp Hart av, Millham Brammer John, potter, h 526 Perry Brammer Sarah, domestic, 330 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Brand Adolph L., (Naar & Brand), bds 47 Spring Brand Louis, fresco painter, 244 N Greene, h Lawrence towns’p Brandt Albert Jr., printer, bds 25 E Hanover BRANDT ALBERT, SR., prop Exchange Hotel, 25 E Hanover, h do Brandt Charles, baker, bds 143 Second Brandt Emeline, widow Richard, h 234 Jackson Brandt Frank R., deputy clerk U S district court h 234 Jackson Brandt Herman, carpenter, 112 Swan av, Chamb’g Brandt William C., bookkeeper, h 29 Carroll Branin Sarah, res 119 Mill Branin John, hose maker, bds 201 Market Branin John C., car inspector, h 201 Market Branin Thomas, laborer, 713 Broad, Chamb’g Branin Rachel, widow Thomas, res 112 Cooper Branin Samuel E., foreman, h 369 Elmer, Chamb’g Branin William E., messenger, h 111 Montgomery Brannin Andrew, potter, bds 304 Clinton av Brannin Annie L., res 515 S Warren Brannin Tilton C., carpenter, h 315 Broad Braun Lewis, watchmaker, bds Earley’s Hotel; E Hanover Brause George, bartender, 21 N Warren, bds do Bray Ann D., widow, h 223 Hudson, Chamb’g Bray Arthur, puddler, bds 154 Lamberton Bray Edward, laborer, h 126 Hamilton, Chamb’g Bray Theodore, carriage builder, bds 143 N Warren Breaitsch Bernard, potter, bds 20 Adeline, Chamb’g Breaitsch Hannah, widow, h 20 Adeline, Chamb’g Breaitsch Kate, widow, res 24 Adeline, Chamb’g Brearley Anderson L., h 25 Model av Brearley Annie, widow Charles, h 73 Clinton Brearley Ann C., widow Harvey, res 515 Market Brearley George, woolen and cotton mill, Coleman n Broad, Chamb’g, h 403 Market, city Brearley Joseph R., salesman, bds Trenton House Brearley Joseph S., bookkeeper, First Nat Bank, bds 403 Market Brearley Mary A., res 403 Market Brearley Susan C., h 34 S Greene Brearley William H, (Brearley & Stoll), h 13 Perry BREARLEY & STOLL, (William H. Brearley and Augustus F. Stoll), books; stationery and pictures, 26 and 28 E State Breen Patrick, laborer, h 103 New Rose Breen Thomas G., painter, hds 143 N Warren Breese James B., h 186 W State Breese Samuel, laborer, h 39 Bellevue av Breimayer Jacob, lock maker, h 21 Behm Breining Brunustus, clerk, bds Belvidere Breining Jacob, blacksmith, h Belvidere Brelsford James F., plasterer, bds 221 Bridge Brelsford John E., machinist, h 219 Bridge Brelsford John Sr., wool spinner, h 221 Bridge Brenan John, potter, bds 48 Jefferson Brenan Mary, widow James, h 48 Jefferson BRENNAN JOHN B., merchant tailor, 143 N Greene, h do Brennan Thomas, laborer, h 713 Broad, Chamb’g Brewer Alfred, clerk, bds 110 Clinton Brewer Edward P., telegraph operator, bds 228 N Greene Brewer Harry, potter, bds 36 Southard Brewer J. Hart, (Ott & Brewer); also congressman, h 110 Clinton av Brewer William J., laborer, h 19 Humboldt Brice William, heater, h 613 S Warren Brickwell Samuel, machinist, h 78 Cass, Chamb'g Bridgewater John, laborer, 218 N Willow Briemer Jacob, soap peddler, h 32 Pen nington av Brien Mary, widow John, res 41 Grant av Briest Charles, local editor Emporium, bds 115 N Montgomery Briest Drusilla, widow John, h 115 N Montgomery Briest Harris C., laborer, bds 13 Taylor al Briest Henry, potter, bds 228 Clinton av Briest James H., butcher, h 11 Lamberton BRIEST JOHN, editor and prop Emporium, h 224 N Warren Briest Lewis H., laborer, bds 13 Taylor al Briest Lewis S., carpenter. bds 115 N Montgomery Briest Mary, widow, 141 W Hanover Briest Robert, laborer, bds 13 Taylor al Briggs Frank O., bookkeeper, h 369 W State Brindle John, florist, 54 Rose Brindley Elias J., potter, 62 Rose Brindley Frederick. machinist, bds 21 Cooper Brindley George W., meat dealer, Market opp Union, h 21 Cooper Brindley George W. Jr., chain maker, bds 21 Cooper Brindley John, potter, h 306 Clinton av Brine Richard, potter, h 46 Perrine av Brining Peter, iron worker, h 580 Centre Brink Etta, millinery, 31 E State, h do Brinning Jacob, blacksmith, h 80 Belvidere Brinning William, wire drawer, h 82 Belvidere Brisch Anthony, laborer, bds 430 Princeton av Brister Burroughs, laborer, h 294 N Willow Brister Charles, hod carrier, h 226 Allen Brister David R., express messenger, bds 104 W Hanover Brister George W., teamster, h 46 W Hanover Brister Jeremiah, laborer, h 53 Bank Brister John, laborer, h 149 W Hanover Brister Robert, servant, h 137 E Hanover Brister Samuel R., driver, bds 104 W Hanover Brister Sarah, seamstress, res 120 Lamberton Britschge Anton, brick maker, bds 430 Princeton Britt James, potter, h 43 Grant av Britt John, stone cutter, h 35 Bayard, Chamb’g Britt William, laborer, h 25 Fountain av Brittain Letitia, widow William, h 223 E Hanover Brittain Olivia A., teacher, res 223 E Hanover Brittain Virginia, teacher, res 223 E Hanover Britton Adeline, widow Charles, res 220 Mercer Britton Albert L., tobacconist, 551 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g Britton Alfred, basket maker, h r 48 Jefferson Britton Charles, engraver, bds 1008 Lamberton Britton Charles, stone hacker, h 390 S Warren Britton Frank P., printer, bds 245 E Front Britton George, painter, h 48 Pennington av Britton Helen, teacher, res 220 Mercer Britton Henry, farmer, bds 1008 Lamberton Britton James A., painter, h 111 Quarry al Britton John, engraver, bds 1008 Lamberton Britton John F., potter, bds 111 Calhoun Britton John H., clerk, bds 44 Ewing Britton John M., carpenter, Hudson cor Elmer, Chamb’g Britton John S., book binder, h 112 Passaic Britton Joseph, cooper, h 1008 Lamberton Britton Mary, bds 229 W Hanover Britton Mary, widow, h 45 Summer Britton Matthew A., fireman, h 45 Summer BRITTON NATHANIEL E., real estate agent, 12 E State, h 44 Ewing Britton Samuel, basket maker, h r 48 Jefferson Britton Sarah, oyster saloon, 390 S Warren, h do Britton Sarah, widow, 801 Second Britton Thomas, fish huckster, Hamilton n Clinton, Chamb’g Britton William, h 245 E Front Britton William B., mason, h 544 Hudson, Chamb’g Britton William O., dentist, h 44 Ewing Britton William W., machinist, bds 245 E Front Broad Elmer, engineer, h 553 S Warren Broad James W., painter, h 553 S Warren Broadhead Ann, widow William, res 119 Mill Broadhead John, weaver, bds 144 Lamberton Broadhead Joseph, carpenter, bds 119 Mill Broadhead Richard, iron worker, bds 119 Mill Broadhead Thomas, carpenter, bds 119 Mill Broadhead William, iron worker, h 16 New Brock George W., kilnman, h 108 Washington, Chamb'g Brock Harry D., physician, 610 Perry, h do Brock John H., notions, 112 N Warren, h 109 W Hanover Brock John M., wire drawer, bds 210 Broad Brock Wilford F., potter, bds 245 Clay Brockman Charles, laborer, h 679 Lamberton Brockman Christopher, beer saloon, 417 Centre, h do Broderick James. laborer, bds 196 Lamberton Broderick Patrick, laborer, h 196 Lamberton Brogan Edward, car driver, bds 507 Second Brogan Julia, seamstress, res 507 Second Brogan Mary, seamstress, res 507 Second Brogan Nicholas, laborer, h 507 Second Brogdon Zachariah, brick maker, h 31 Gordon al Brokaw John L., bds 116 N Montgomery Brokaw William H., (Adam Exton & Co.), h 236 Centre Broner Francis, iron worker, bds 54 Fountain av Bronson Lewis N., res 505 S Warren Brook George W., shoe maker h 32 Decatur Brook Gustave, beer saloon, 192 Broad, h do Brook James F., rubber manufacturer, h 39 Ewing Brook Solomon, chain maker, h 907 Division, Chamb'g Brooke Ann, widow Uriah, res 11 Lamberton Brooke John W., carpet weaver, bds 438 Broad Brooke Lamertine, wool carder, bds 438 Broad Brooke William, carpet weaver, 438 Broad, h do Brooke William E., sup’t American Saw Co, h 224 E Front Brooks Austin, laborer, h 19 Barnes Brooks Elias, saloon, 204 N Feeder, bds do Brooks Harriet, bakery, 25 W State, h do Brooks James, waiter, bds 19 Barnes Brooks J. Frederick, kilnman, Elmer av n Chestnut av, Chamb’g Brooks John B., waiter, h 19 Barnes Brooks Mary C., milliner, bds 25 W State Brooks Rev. Walter A., pastor Prospect av Presbyterian church, h 269 Spring Brooks Samuel, carpenter, bds Delaware House Brophy Daniel, laborer, h 25 Hankinson al Brophy Dennis, brick layer, bds 225 Woodruff Brophy James, laborer, h 146 Jefferson Brophy John, laborer, h 623 Lamberton Brophy Thomas, potter, bds 225 Woodruff Brophy Thomas, shoe maker, h 225 Woodruff Brotherson Charles H., bds 144 E Front Brough John, iron worker, h 412 Ferry Broughton James, ass’t foreman, h 238 Perry Broughton John, potter, bds 19 Grant av Brown Abraham E., coachman, 137 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Brown Alexander, laborer, h Dickinson cor Fillmore, Millham Brown Ann E., widow, h 153 Jefferson Brown Ann W., widow George F., h 242 E State Brown Charles, physician, 113 Pennington av Brown Charles P., salesman, h 228 Perry Brown Christian, shoe maker, h 903 Broad, Chamb’g Brown E. A. H., clerk, h 226 E Front Brown Edward, grocer, 532 Lamberton, h do Brown Edward. potter, h r 90 Esher Brown Edwin H., clerk, h 20 Lincoln av Brown Eliza, widow, res E Front cor Pike al Brown George, machinist, h 730 S Warren Brown George, white washer, h 299 N Willow Brown George, potter, h r 14 Butler, Chamb’g Brown George A., laborer, h 19 Asbury Brown Hannah, domestic, 144 W State Brown Henry, hotel, Southard cor Jefferson, h do Brown Henry E., laborer, h 20 Lincoln av Brown Honora, trimmings; &c, res 687 Broad, Chamb’g Brown James, laborer, bds 113 Bellevue av Brown James, plumber, bds 685 Centre Brown James, laborer, h 425 Centre Brown James H., scavenger, h 412 William, Chamb’g Brown John P., clerk, h 233 Perry Brown John W., blacksmith, h 145 W Hanover Brown Joseph, laborer, 426 E Carroll Brown Julia, widow Henry, h 116 Kossuth Brown Katie, tailoress, res 54 Lamberton Brown Leonard, carpenter, h 115 Lamberton Brown Lewis H., clerk, h 239 N Warren Brown Lizzie, h 170 Monmouth Brown Margaret, widow, res 116 Furman Brown Michael, laborer, h 34 Turpin Brown Michael, potter, h 205 1/2 Clinton, Millham Brown Nathan, boiler maker, bds 710 S Warren Brown Reuben, porter, 54 Tucker Brown Richard, clerk, bds 226 E Front Brown Richard K., potter, h 9 Titus av Brown Robert, tailor, 232 Elmer, Chamb’g, h do Brown Samuel C., bds 408 Bellevue av Brown Susan, washing, h 33 W Hanover Brown Thomas, iron worker, h 518 Lamberton Brown Thomas, laborer, h 62 Esher BROWN THOMAS A., pharmaceutist, 325 Centre, h do Brown Wade, widow Richard, 522 Market Brown Walter, clerk, bds 233 Perry Brown Washington, white washer, h 1 Allen n Montgomery Brown William, laborer, h 852 Lamberton Brown William, baker, bds 1010 Lamberton Brown William, machinist, bds 730 S Warren Brown William P., salesman, h 122 W Front Brownwell Richard J., candies and notions, 314 Centre, h do Broxmyer Jacob, junkman, 128 Humboldt Bruch George, beer saloon, 415 Federal, h do Brddder Thomas, laborer, bds 818 S Warren Bruder Michael, laborer, h 13 Camden Bruder Thomas, laborer, h 414 Federal Brumaker Ida May, music teacher, res 22 Lamberton Brumaker William B., ornamental plasterer, 18 Lamberton, h 22 do Brumer John, shoe maker, h Maple av, Millham Brunow Edward, hostler, h 46 Union Brunt William, potter, h 230 Kossuth Bruther Annie, widow, 93 Spring Bruther James, laborer, bds 93 Spring Brother John, teamster, bds 93 Spring Bryson Johanna, hotel, 350 N Montgomery, h do Bublitz Frederick, laborer, h 830 Lamberton Buc Adam, tool maker, h 112 Turpin Buchanan Henry C., printer, h 107 Jackson Buchanan Hugh, potter, h 112 Washington, Chamb’g BUCHANAN JAMES, attorney at law, 24 E State, h 47 Southard BUCHANAN JAMES, counselor at law, E State cor Montgomery, h 104 Clinton av Buchanan Jane, domestic, 216 W State Buchanan Jesse F., printer, bds Magnolia av, Falls township; Pa Buchanan William, printer, bds 209 Mercer Buchanan William, wire drawer, bds 452 Broad Buck Bethena, cook, h 78 Quarry al Buck Mary, dairy maid, h 78 Quarry al Buckalew Rachel, bds 19 Bellevue av Buckley Benjamin, spinner, h 62 Decatur Buckley Bradley, chain maker, bds 62 Decatur Buckley Samuel, laborer, bds 62 Decatur Buckley Stephen, laborer, hds 66 Asbury Buckley William, farmer, h 125 Church Buckley William, chain maker, bds 20 Barnes Bucknum Elwood J., carpenter, h 563 S Warren BUCKNUM JOHN, house and sign painter, 226 Broad; also crier U. S. Court, h 240 Jackson Bucknum Sadie, res 31 Lamberton Bucknum William, painter, h 240 Jackson Bucknum William H., painter, bds 563 S Warren Budd Abraham M., baggage master, h 30 Tyler, Chamb’g BUDD RHEESE, livery and sales stable, 15 S Montgomery, h 140 Perry Buffey Herbert, laborer. h Clinton av opp Etruria pottery Buffer Jonathan, bds 99 Lamberton BUFFER WILLIAM, groceries and provisions, 99 Lamberton n Market, h do Buhl Jacob, machinist, h 806 Broad, Chamb’g Bullock Ann W., res 238 Jackson Bullock Charles, grocer, 624 Perry, h do Bullock Charles A., potter, h 624 Perry Bullock Samuel H., clerk, bds 624 Perry Bullus Mary T., widow, 216 E Hanover Bullus William, (Bodine & Bullus), h 45 Southard Bumbaugh Harry C., agent, h 288 Clinton av Bunk Charles, machinist, 69 Clark, Chamb’g Bunn Manning F., carpenter, h 128 Lamberton Bunn William, brakeman, bds 132 Lamberton Bunnell Thomas F., h 246 W State Bunting Charles W., machinist, bds 729 Centre Bunting Ella, school teacher, h Bunting, Deutzville Bunting James W., jeweler, h Bunting, Deutzville Bunting John K., engineer, h Bunting, Deutzville Bunting Joseph M., machinist, h 729 Centre Burbank Orrin, engineer, h 21 Hart av Burchell Charles, potter, h 176 Jefferson Burchell Daniel, iron worker, h 639 Second Burchell John S., sash maker, h 376 Clinton Burchell Robert, pattern maker, bds 37 Carroll Burchell Robert, laborer, h 534 Second Burchell William, conductor, h 644 Second Burchill Robert, rubber maker, h 1 Hart av, Chamb’g Burdette George, potter, bds 238 Clinton, Millham Burdette James, machinist, h 238 Clinton, Millham Burdunn David, rag peddler, h 228 Fair Burdsall Alexander L., baker, h 47 Yard av Burgelin George, wire drawer, bds 128 Division, Chamb’g Burgelin John G., bookkeeper Trenton Iron. Co, h 128 Division, Chamb’g Burgess Hugh, laborer, bds 118 Maple av Burgess William, (International Pottery Co), h 102 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Burgner Jacob F., h 116 Adeline, Chamb’g BURGNER J. JACOB, bakery, Perry cor Southard, h do Burgner William F., bakery, 312 Hudson, h do, Chamb’g Burk Alonzo P., locksmith, bds.155 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Burk Benjamin F., millwright, 155 Hamilton av, Chamb'g Burk Edmund, mason, h 38 Lincoln av Burk John, laborer, h 832 Lamberton Burk Lewis S., salesman, h 54 Model av Burk Mary, laundry, res 1 South Willow Burk Michael, roller, bds 832 Lamberton Burk Thomas, laborer, h 30 Coates Burk William F., locksmith, bds 155 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Burke James, blacksmith, h 110 Southard Burke John B., bookkeeper, bds Dowling’s Hotel Burke Patrick, beer and ale, 22 Behm, h do Burkert George, cigar maker, h 826 Broad, Chamb'g Burkhardt William, machinist, bds 721 Clinton, Chamb’g Burkwist John, laborer, h 81 Clark, Chamb'g Burlew Cornelius S., widow, res 17 Sanford av Burlew Elmer J., clerk, bds 17 Sanford Burlew Edwin R., potter, bds 17 Sanford Burlew James S., engineer, bds 147 E Hanover Burnell Samuel, h 19 E Front Burnett Blanche, bds 41 Bellevue av Burns Annie, weaver, res 216 Second Burns Daniel, chain maker, bds 217 N Willow Burns Emma, res 229 Mercer Burns Emma, widow William, res 523 Broad Burns James, iron worker, bds 216 Second Burns Mrs. James, widow, 216 Second Burns James Jr., potter, bds 39 Yard av Burns James, shoe maker, h 39 Yard av Burns John, shoe maker, 626 S Warren, h do Burns John, tailor, bds 195 Broad Burns John, watchman, h Maple, Millham Burns John, groceries, h 167 W Hanover Burns John, slipper maker, bds 3 Centre Burns John, potter, h 116 Rose Burns Joseph, teamster, bds 321 Second Burns Margaret, cook, 180 W State Burns Maria, widow, h 315 Ewing Burns Mary, weaver, res 216 Second Burns Mary, widow, h 5 Taylor al Burns Matthew, potter, bds 39 Yard av Burns Michael, wire drawer, bds 216 Second Burns Miles, laborer, h 321 Second Burns Patrick, laborer, h 809 S Warren Burns Patrick, laborer, 47 Bond Burns Patrick Jr., bds 217 N Willow Burns Richard, laborer, bds 422 Centre Burns Robert, potter, bds 321 Second Burns Robert G., spinner, h 40 Union Burns Samuel, clerk, h 621 S Warren Burns Thomas, blacksmith, Bank cor Barnes, h 334 Union Burns Thomas, potter, h 109 Ferry Burns Thomas, brick maker, bds 47 Bond Burr Rev. Jonathan K., h 38 Southard Burroughs Aaron T., retired, h 221 E State Burroughs Anna, h 35 N Willow Burroughs Charles C., notary public, h 316 E State Burroughs Edmund P., tailor, h 9 E Washington Burroughs Elizabeth V., widow, res Dolton’s block Burroughs Enoch H., clerk, bds 316 E State Burroughs Ernest, machinist, h 49 Market Burroughs George, laborer, h 38 Centre Burroughs George H., butter dealer, h 125 Jackson Burroughs George W., carpenter, bds 11 Fowler Burroughs George W., pressman, h Morrisville; Pa Burroughs James M., salesman, bds 316 E State Burroughs Joseph, (Burroughs; Mountford & Co), bds Trenton House Burroughs Levi Sr., bds 264 Allen Burroughs Levi, fisherman, h 264 Allen BURROUGHS; MOUNTFORD & CO., proprietors Eagle Pottery, Clinton av n Coxson’s pottery Burroughs Napoleon, junk dealer, bds 104 Washington, Chamb’g Burroughs Ruth, widow, bds 34 Bank Burroughs Thomas, tobacconist, 26 W Hanover, bds Kelly’s al Burroughs Wesley, hostler, h 7 Gordon al Burroughs W. A., boarding, h 36 Southard Burroughs William C., presser, h 545 Clinton, Chamb'g Burroughs William E., clerk, bds 57 Summer Burrs Alfred, laborer, h r 403 Reservoir Burrs William, laborer, bds r 403 Reservoir Burselem Thomas W., potter, 200 Brunswick av BURTIS HENRY, grocer, 102 Brunswick av, h 237 Perry Burton Henry, mason, 206 Hamilton av Chamb’g Burton Jacob W., physician, bds 8 W State Burton Joseph, mason, h 50 Decatur Burton William H., mason, h 206 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Busch Aaron, machinist, h 576 Clinton, Chamb'g Busch August, laborer, h 418 Hamilton, Chamb'g Busch Mary, widow, h 574 Clinton, Chamb’g Busch Minnie, dress maker, res 574 Clinton, Chamb’g Buschler Sebastian, mason, h 18 Adeline, Chamb'g Bush Herman, laborer, h 573 Second Bush William, laborer, bds 573 Second Bushler Michael, laborer, bds 516 Clinton, Chamb'g Butcher Augustus, wire drawer, h 125 Cooper Butcher Edward, laborer, 924 Clinton, Chamb'g Butcher Louis, laborer, bds 410 Hudson, Chamb’g Butcher Thomas Jr., iron house builder, bds Marion Hotel Butler Abraham C., res 13 Butler, Chamb’g Butler Alfred, hackman, h 152 Division, Chamb’g Butler Charlotte, widow John, h 158 Fair Butler George W., carter, bds 158 Fair Butterfield George, laborer, h 103 Fall BUTTERWORTH FRANK L., dry goods; groceries; provisions; &c, Hamilton av cor Clinton, Chamb'g, h do Butterworth Frederick F., cigar maker, 50 Wilson Butterworth George F., bookkeeper, h 213 Clay Butterworth James, foreman, h 14 Bayard, Chamb’g Butterworth John, coal dealer, Hamilton av, Chamb’g, h 104 Union Butterworth John, superintendent., h 51 N Stockton Butterworth Lizzie, res 211 Clay Butterworth Minerva, res 104 Union Butterworth Mordecai S., clerk, bds Hamilton av cor Clinton, Chamb’g Butterworth Robert, (N J Agr’l Works), bds 620 S Warren Butterworth Thomas, machinist, 211 Clay Butterworth Wm. H., sup’t Agricultural Works, Hamilton av, h 33 Bayard, Chamb'g Buther Charles, laborer, h 79 Clark, Chamb'g Buxton George, decorator, 185 Jefferson, h 32 Ogden Byard Amos, laborer, bds 378 Reservoir st Byard James, laborer, bds 378 Reservoir st Byard Samuel G., laborer, 203 Pennington av Byram A. J. Jr., druggist; wholesale and retail, 225 Clinton av, h do Byram A. J. Sr., cream beer manuf’r, h 225 Clinton av Byram Frank, clerk, bds 225 Clinton Byram William B., (Peirson & Byram), h 33 W Front Byrne Patrick, laborer, h 361 S Warren Cadmus Anna, widow, h 153 Lamberton Cadwallader Charles McM., clerk state house, bds 139 Perry Cadwallader Cyrus, contractor, h 118 N Montgomery Cadwallader Harry C., bookkeeper, bds 144 E Front Cadwallader James G., pension agent, h 121 N Montgomery Cadwallader William B., carriage builder, 143 & 145 N Warren, h 139 Perry Cadwallader William B., carpenter, h 17 Emory av, Chamb’g Cadwallader William Y., clerk, 63 Ewing Cadwallader William, bds 139 Perry Cadwallader Winfield S., teamster, h 112 Allen Caffrey Mary, widow, res 188 Lamberton CAHILL ANDREW, furniture; bedding; &c, Assanpink block, h 125 S Greene Cahill Daniel, brick maker, h 638 Princeton av Cahill, James, druggist, bds 14 Ogden CAHILL JOHN, wholesale liquor dealer, 103 N Greene, h 14 Ogden Cahill John, potter, h 27 Sheridan av Cahill Mary, grocery, 160 Jefferson, h do Cahill Michael, laborer, h 22 Lincoln av Cahill Michael, hotel, 188 Jefferson, h do Cahill William, clerk, bds 14 Ogden Cahlen James, laborer, bds 2 Spring Cain Annie, widow, res 138 Clinton Cain Edward S., cooper, bds 513 Perry Cain Inez, teacher, res 513 Perry Cain Owen, brick maker, bds 124 Humboldt Cain Patrick, laborer, h 424 E Carroll Cain Susan D., widow Charles, h 513 Perry Caine Joseph H., police justice, h 208 Ferry Caine Rev. John W., pastor Messiah church, h 203 N Greene Caine Margaret, widow, res 203 N Greene Caldwell John, gardener, r 199 Greenwood av, Chamb'g Caldwell William H., tailor, h 14 Perry Calgan Titus, painter, 124 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Call Daniel, sexton St John’s church, h 128 Cooper Call Isabella, domestic, 1 Centre Callagan Anna, domestic, 455 W State Callaghan Annie, domestic, 312 Chestnut av, Chamb’g Callaghan Elizabeth, widow, 34 Humboldt Callahan John, laborer, h Mulberry, Millham Callahan Joseph, potter, bds 203 S Feeder Callahan Kate, dress maker, h 152 Ferry Callahan Margaret, widow, h 203 S Feeder Callahan Thomas, laborer, h W State; n city limits Callan Francis P., railroader, h 210 Southard Callear Moses, turner, bds 95 Carroll Callen George, shoe maker, h 315 W Hanover Callen William H., carpenter. bds 315 W Hanover Callaman Gertrude, domestic, 193 Brunswick av Callis Sarah A., teacher, bds 46 W Front Callis William, bds 46 N Stockton Cammack George, laborer, h 367 Fair Cameron William, potter, 233 Butler, Chamb’g Caminade Dominique, painter, h 25 N Willow CAMINADE FREDERICK, sample and billiard rooms, 23 N Warren, h 32 Lamberton Caminade Henry, machinist, h 12 Cooper Caminade John, painter, bds 32 Lamberton Caminade Lewis, plasterer, h 23 Cooper Caminade Peter, painter, bds 32 Lamberton Caminade Samuel, salesman, h 219 Academy Caminade William, teamster, bds 32 Lamberton Cammer Charles, 213 Hamilton av, Chamb'g Campbell Aaron A., janitor Dolton’s block, h Dolton’s block Campbell Catharine, widow Faras, res 116 Mill Campbell David M. Sr., janitor state house, bds 48 W Front CAMPBELL EDWARD L., counselor at law, 12 E State, bds 204 Academy Campbell George L., druggist, bds 199 Pennington av Campbell James, iron worker, h 572 Centre Campbell James, potter, bds 116 Mill Campbell James, laborer, h 311 Union Campbell James, coachman, 329 Greenwood av, Chamb'g, h 350 W State Campbell James, laborer, h 254 Kossuth Campbell James, pattern maker, h 125 Bayard, Chamb'g Campbell James Y., watchman, bds 8 N Stockton Campbell John, kilnman, h 217 Southard Campbell John, laborer, bds 110 Second Campbell John, laborer, h 507 Centre Campbell John A., sec’y Inter’l Pottery Co, h 365 W State Campbell John J., letter carrier, h 199 Pennington av Campbell Michael, tobacco and cigars, 129 Broad, h do Campbell Owen, laborer, h 507 Centre Campbell Philip, bakery, 91 Spring, h do Campbell Philip A., baker, bds 91 Spring Campbell Rose, dress maker, res 311 Union Campbell Thomas, book binder, bds 311 Union Campbell William, laborer, h 807 S Warren Campbell William, brick maker, h 572 Centre Campbell William Jr., iron worker, bds 572 Centre Campbell William H., laborer, h 12 E Washington Cams J. Grotchen, wire drawer, 61 Grand, Chamb’g Candy Ann B., widow, res 244 Academy CANDY JOHN B, manager Globe Rubber Co, h 244 Academy Canfield Sarah, widow, res 116 Jackson Canley Henry, laborer, 120 Hamilton, Chamb’g Cannic Fanchet, piano maker, bds 38 Cooper Cannic George, sausage dealer, h 38 Cooper Cannon Almena B., boarding house, 165 E Front Cannon Ellen, domestic, 224 W State Cannon James S., h 165 E Front Cannop Sarah E., domestic, h 47 Model av Cannon Thomas, laborer, bds 155 Fair Cantwell Frank V., potter, bds 6 Pennington av Cantwell James, wire drawer, h 124 Mott, Chamb'g Cantwell Kate, milliner, res 638 S Warren Cantwell Michael, laborer, 42 Asbury Cantwell Patrick, laborer, h 108 Fall Cantwell William. laborer, 543 Chestnut av, Chamb’g CAPITAL CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, A. J. Rider, principal and proprietor, 20 & 22 E State Capple George W., laborer, h 173 W Hanover Capple James, laborer, h 31 E Washington Capple Joseph, laborer, bds 173 W Hanover Capple Joseph Jr., laborer, h 2 W Front Capple Samuel, laborer, bds 2 W Front Caraker George, chain maker, bds 271 N Willow Caraker Peter, shoe maker, h 271 N Willow Caraker Peter Jr., locksmith, h Summer Caraker Philip, chain maker, h Fowler, n R R Carbine Ellen, domestic, res 565 S Warren Careless Daniel, iron worker, bds 526 Lamberton Careless John, iron worker, bds 526 Lamberton Careless Patrick, iron worker, bds 526 Lamberton Careless William, hostler, bds 526 Lamberton Caren Henry S., laborer, bds 554 S Warren Caren James, presser, bds 137 Kossuth Caren John, potter, h 19 Sheridan av Carey Charles, huckster, h Clinton av n Cass, Millham Carey Christopher, iron worker, h 141 Cooper Carey Eliza, domestic, 324 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Carey Joseph, shoe maker, h 150 Lamberton Carey Mary, widow Charles, res 314 Centre Carey Patrick, potter, h 35 Grant av Carey Rose, domestic, 473 W State Carey Thomas, wire worker, 7 William, Chamb’g Carey William, waiter, h 151 W Hanover Carhart James N., clerk, Dolton’s block Carhart Maggie, widow, res 1 Barbara Carhart Samuel, brakeman, 15 Perry Carlberg Gustav, laborer, bds 536 Hudson, Chamb'g Carlin James, laborer, h 2 Spring Carlin James, potter, bds 24 Perrine av Carlin John, brick layer, bds 813 S Warren Carlin Julia, grocery, Klagg av n Girard, Millham Carlin Patrick, laborer, h 813 S Warren Carling Theodore, grocer, Union cor Fall, h 83 Union Carlile William, hackman, h 1172 Lamberton Carlile Wilson B., engineer, h 143 Cooper Carlisle Edward J., laborer, h 652 Second Carlisle Samuel L., mason, h 233 Jackson Carlisle Walter H., potter, bds 233 Jackson Carlisle William J., laborer, h 3 Centre court Carlyle Samuel, laborer, h 96 Union Carman Charles Q., brakeman, h 207 Kossuth Carman Daniel, teamster, h 20 Delaware Carman Edward F., P O clerk, bds 22 Delaware Carman John Q., rubber worker, h 1 Quintin’s al Carman Joseph C., crockery dealer, 925 Broad, h do, Chamb'g Carman William G., teamster, bds 925 Broad, Chamb’g Carman William V., h 22 Delaware Carmeda Angelo, confectioner, 337 Broad, h do Carmody Patrick, conductor, h 23 Jefferson Carmody Thomas J., teamster, h 519 Clinton, Chamb'g Carnagy Alfred D., operator, res State n Chambers, Chamb’g Carnall Herbert, potter, h 36 Beaver Carnell Edward D., mould maker, Pennington av, Ewing twp Carney Elizabeth, widow, h 249 Allen Carney Hugh, potter, bds Klagg av n Esher, Millham Carney James, potter, h 214 Southard Carney Patrick, iron worker, h 212 Butler, Chamb'g Carney Winfrid, confectionery, h Klagg av n Esher, Millham Carpenter William, machinist, bds Centre cor Ferry Carr Anna, widow, h 74 Wall Carr Caroline W., widow Charles, res 199 Greenwood av, Chamb'g Carr Elias F., professor, h 43 Model av Carr Eugene, laborer, h 50 Clark, Chamb'g Carr Eugene, iron worker, h 324 Fair Carr Enoch, miller, h 254 Elmer, Chamb'g Carr Emeline H., widow, bds 26 Delaware Carr Frank C., machinist, bds 199 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Carr George, butcher, h 256 Allen Carr Honora, widow, h 227 Clinton opp Hamilton Rubber Works, Millham Carr Jacob J., butcher, 418 Centre, h 167 Lamberton Carr John, chain maker, 65 Tucker Carr Luke, laborer, 329 Southard Carr Maria L., h 554 S Warren Carr Michael, potter, bds 227 Clinton, Millham Carr Patrick, laborer, h 428 Ferry Carr Patrick, laborer, h 36 Bellevue av Carr Patrick, kilnman, bds 328 Southard Carr Thomas, teamster, h 23 New Carr Thomas G., chain maker, bds 554 S Warren Carr William, engineer, bds Klagg av n Girard, Millham Carrew James, carpenter, h 165 Cooper Carrigan John J., laborer, h 43 N Stockton Carroll Dennis, laborer, h 505 Second Carroll Dennis Jr., laborer, bds 505 Second Carroll Edward, brakeman, h 119 Kossuth Carroll Edward J., chain maker, bds 311 W Hanover Carroll Henry, bds S Warren cor Market Carroll Isaac, retired, h 85 Carroll Carroll Maria, domestic, 224 W State Carroll Patrick, laborer, 53 Bond Carroll Peter, laborer, bds 64 Pennington av Carroll Rose, widow, h 311 W Hanover Carroll Stephen, butcher, Market cor Warren, h 210 Decatur Carroll Thomas, potter, bds 53 Bond Carroll Thomas O., chain maker, bds 311 W Hanover Carroll William A., coachman, 169 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Carsner Evan, captain schooner Mist, h 36 Lincoln av Carsner Edwin, boatman, h 36 Lincoln av Carson Aaron S., carpenter, h 102 Spring Carson Andrew, laborer, h Fillmore n Clinton, Millham Carson Ansley DeF. White, teamster, 227 Woodruff Carson Amanda, 112 Madison, Chamb’g Carson Caroline, widow, 112 Madison, Chamb’g Carson Charles, laborer, bds 622 Second Carson Charles, wool worker, h 170 Lamberton Carson Christopher, engraver, bds 406 Third Carson Edward W., teamster, bds 114 Allen Carson Emily, res 170 Lamberton Carson Furman, farmer, h 1212 Broad, Chamb’g Carson George H., watchman, h 226 Kossuth Carson Isaac, rubber worker, bds 460 Clinton, Millham Carson John, laborer, h 457 Lamberton Carson John D., rubber worker, bds 55 Spring Carson John W., wool worker, h 826 Hamilton, Chamb’g Carson William H., teamster, h 115 Dye, Chamb’g Carson Victor, butcher, bds 512 Princeton av Carter Anna, widow, res 157 Cooper Carter Charles T., clerk, bds 173 Reservoir Carter Hannah, dress maker, res 315 Broad Carter Jacob E., watchman reservoir, 173 Reservoir Carter James H., carriage trimmer, h 47 Lincoln av Carter John W., deputy state prison, h 112 Clinton, Chamb'g Carter Joseph R., carpenter, 4 Lewis Carter Rebecca, widow, res 707 S Warren Carter Reuben R., clerk, bds 173 Reservoir Carter Rogers, h 243 Kossuth Carter T. W., pattern maker, 230 Clinton, Chamb’g Carter Walter E., pattern maker, bds 230 Clinton, Chamb’g Carter William, shoe maker, h 48 Pennington av Carter William H., iron worker, bds 315 Broad Carter William M., foreman State Gazette job office, bds 131 S Stockton Cartledge Elijah, potter, 251 Woodruff Cartlidge Enoch, laborer, h St Joseph av, Millham Cartright Ira, laborer, bds 17 New Cartwright Alfred, iron worker, bds Anderson n Rusling, Chamb’g Cartwright John, finisher, bds Anderson n Rusling, Chamb'g Cartwright John, watchman, h 636 S Warren Cartwright Thomas, laliorer, h 15 Fillmore, Millham Carty Randall H., mason, h 36 Cooper Carver J. V., carpenter, h 121 Lamberton Carver Mary H., widow, h 53 N Stockton Carver P. W., miller, bds Delaware House Carver William A., marble cutter, bds 53 Stockton Case Andrew J., mason, bds 316 Broad Case Charles S., carpenter, h 292 N Willow Case Enoch W., salesman, 27 Lewis Case Henry C., (West; Clark & Case), h 116 E Hanover Case Harry L., foreman, bds 88 Lamberton Case Hettie A., widow Joseph, res 511 Market Case Joseph J., salesman, bds 27 Lewis Case Margaret J., res 88 Lamberton Case Susan,. widow, res 530 S Warren Case Tillie G., saleslady, res 511 Market Case William S., clerk Clark’s Exchange, bds Morrisville Casey Catharine, widow, res 236 Elmer, Chamb'g Casey James, blacksmith, h Maple n Clinton, Millham Casey James, boatman, bds 236 Elmer, Chamb'g Casey James, wire drawer, bds 426 Centre Casey John, teamster, bds 236 Elmer, Chamb’g Cash Thomas, machinist, bds Elmer n Hudson, Chamb’g Cashen Patrick, laborer, 52 Butler, Chamb'g Casson Elizabeth, res 14 Hamilton av Casson Jane, res 14 Hamilton av Casson John, decorator’s apprentice, h 14 Hamilton av Casson Mary A., res 14 Hamilton av Cassidy Bridget, domestic,Greenwood av cor Chambers, Chamb’g Cassidy Edward, potter, h 215 Southard Cassidy John, laborer, h 339 Second Cassidy John W., pressman, h 141 Brunswick av Cassidy Joseph, puddler, bds 44 Asbury Cassidy Lawrence, laborer, h 541 Lamberton Cassidy Thomas D., pressman, bds 11 E Front Caterson Frank, potter, h 87 Bellevue av Caterson James, potter, h 155 N Greene Caterson Patrick, potter, h 87 Bellevue av Caterson Thomas, boots and shoes, 155 N Greene, h do Catchcart Samuel, laborer, h 107 Lalor Cauldwell William H., salesman, bds 14 Perry Caughlin Dennis, laborer, bds 636 Lamberton Caughlin Hugh, laborer, h 636 Lamberton Caulkins Victor M., millwright, bds 536 Centre Caulwell John, gardener, 199 Greenwood, Chamb'g Cautchler Frederick, potter, h 334 Elmer, Chamb'g Cavanagh Ann, widow John, res 229 Lamberton Cavanagh Charles, laborer, h 545 Lamberton Cavanagh Eliza, widow, res 61 Rose Cavanagh Eliza, tailoress, res 61 Rose Cavanagh John, potter, bds 61 Rose Cawley Michael, h 35 Maple av, Millham Central Hotel, (John Winter; prop), 123 S Greene Central Pacific Tea Co., (Thomas Fleming; manager), 127 S Greene Cernes G., 43 Grand, Chamb'g Chadwick Benjamin, iron worker, bds 320 Union Chadwick Thomas, heater, h 320 Union Chalenor John, potter, h 51 Tyrill av Chaelender Samuel, laborer, 882 Broad, Chamb’g Chamberlain E. W., salesman, bds 125 S Greene Chamberlin Abraham, constable, h 110 Kossuth Chamberlin Angeline, dress maker, h 21 Carroll Chamberlin Ezekiel, lineman, 487 Princeton av Chamberlin James, engineer, bds 558 Perry Chamberlin John, clerk, 103 Walnut, Chamb'g Chamberlin Lydia, widow, 103 Walnut av, Chamb'g Chamberlin Mary, widow, 908 Broad, Chamb’g Chamberlin Peter, potter, h 3 Barbara Chamberlin Reuben, cigars and tobacco, 487 Princeton, h do Chamberlin William, agent, 103 Walnut, Chamb'g Chamberlin Williain B., clerk, h 150 1/2 N Greene CHAMBERS ABNER R., h Greenwood av cor Chambers, Chamb’g Chambers Alonzo, rubber maker, bds 280 Clinton, Millham CHAMBERS BENJAMIN F., counselor at law, 15 W State, bds 193 Brunswick av Chambers Caleb, mason, h 39 Carroll Chambers Isaac R., rubber maker, h 280 Clinton, Millham CHAMBERS JOHN S., general manager Trenton Gas Co, h 193 Brunswick av Chambers John S. Jr., bds 193 Brunswick av Chambers Lucinda, widow James, res 209 Union Chambers Thomas S., clerk Trenton Gas Co., bds 193 Brunswick av Chambers William, wire drawer, 117 Butler, Chamb’g Chambers William, laborer, h 577 Clinton, Chamb’g Chambers William H., rubber maker, bds 280 Clinton, Millham Chance Mrs. Hannah, fruit; &c, 185 Broad, h do Chance Robert, chain maker, h 185 Broad Chandler George W., artist, h Dolton’s block Chancon John, laborer, h 11 Grant Chapel Henry, laborer, h Frazier n Pennington av Chapman Abram J., mason, 63 Tucker Chapman Isaac, teamster, bds 7 Mott, Chamb'g Chapman James, laborer, h 338 S Warren Chapman John A., printer, h 117 Passaic Chapman John L., salesman, h 209 N Montgomery Chapman Matthew, laborer, h 214 William, Chamb'g Chapman Samuel, chain maker, bds 366 S Warren Chapman Thomas, bds 7 Mott, Chamb’g Chapman William, laborer, h 366 S Warren Charles Jules A., confectioner, h 131 E Front Charman George, laborer, 514 Calhoun Charman John, huckster, h 13 Bellevue av Chase Charles C., boots and shoes, 38 E State, h do Chatten William P., painter, h 28 Perrine av Chattin John R., millinery and bleachery, 107 N Greene, h do Cheattle Thomas B., foreman. h 207 Hudson, Chamb'g Cheeseman Charles, salesman, 236 Clinton, Chamb’g Cheeseman E. L., millinery, 8 N Warren, h 143 N Warren Cheeseman George W., painter, h Broad n Ferry Cheeseman Henry, huckster, h 1040 Lamberton Cheeseman Hiram, h 125 Washington, Chamb’g Cheeseman Ira M., farmer, Franklin n Chambers, Chamb’g Cheeseman John, baker, bds 222 Broad Cheeseman Jonathan F., agent, bds 236 Clinton, Chamb’g Cheeseman Luther R., broom manufacturer, Pike al, h 236 Clinton, Chamb’g Cheeseman William, huckster, h 1108 Lamberton Cherry George H., wire worker, 517 Chestnut av, Chamb’g Cheston Mary, widow, res 334 N Greene Chevrier Annie E., widow, h 233 E State Chew Mrs. John, h 720 S Warren Chew Lewis, watchman, h 12 Southard Chew Sallie, music teacher, res 720 S Warren Childs David, hod carrier, h 60 W Washington Choyce Emma L., milliner, res 214 Mercer Choyce John H., pattern maker, 214 Mercer Christian Griffin, laborer, h 225 Feeder Christie Bessie, principal Union street school, res 217 Fall Christie John, stone cutter, h 516 Lamberton Christie Mary J., widow William, res 217 Fall CHRISTINE & BODINE, (Wm. B. Christine & William A Bodine), druggists, Broad cor Market Christine William B., (Christine & Bodine), h 205 Market Christoph Frederick H., tailor, 33 Sweet’s av Christoph Joseph, carriage maker, h 17 Green’s al Christoph Theodore, tailor, h 20 Sweet’s av Christopher Charles H., blacksmith, bds 26 Seward av Christopher George, instructor state prison, h 820 Centre Christopher Nathan T., potter, bds 26 Seward av Christopher William G., carpenter, h 26 Seward av Chuchardt Albert, cooper, bds 820 Centre Chultz John, laborer, h 123 Hamilton, Chamb'g Chumar Anne, widow, res 35 Turpin CHUMAR HENRY B., druggist, 10 E State, h 55 Clinton av Chumar William H., carpenter, 42 Woolverton av, Chamb'g Church John, bookkeeper, 566 Clinton, Chamb'g Cisco William, laborer, bds 40 Belvidere CITY POTTERY CO., (Samuel W Davenport; pres’t, George Allen; sec’y, John Rhodes; sup’t), Perry n canal Claffey John W., clerk, bds 348 W State Claffey Thomas, blacksmith, W Hanover cor Calhoun, h 348 W State Claffey Thomas H., blacksmith, bds 348 W State Claflen Gordon, engineer, 59 Spring Clancy Daniel, potter, bds Chauncey n Willow Clancy David N., laborer, h Klagg av n Girard, Millham Clancy David Sr., laborer, Klagg av n Girard, Millham Clancy Hugh, laborer, h 116 Landing Clancy James, packer, Klagg av n Girard, Millham Clancy John, kilnman, h Union, Millham Clancy John, laborer, h Chauncey n Willow Clancy John Jr., chain maker, bds Chauncey n Willow Clancy Joseph, potter, h 39 Jefferson Clancy J. E., rubber factory, h 223 E State Clancy William, agent, h 131 Kossuth CLAPP WILLIAM R., h 215 E Hanover Clare James, laborer, h 84 Clark, Chamb'g Clare Michael, tinsmith, 662 Broad, Chamb’g Clark Absalom E., (West; Clark & Case), h 123 W State Clark Alexander, carpenter, h 18 Taylor al Clark Alfred T., salesman, h 210 Clinton av Clark Anna, widow, h 356 W State Clark Annie, domestic, 213 E Hanover Clark Bridget, widow, res 602 Second Clark Arthur, machinist, h 65 Tyrill av Clark Augustus L., china decorator, bds 226 N Willow Clark Charles, chain maker, bds 30 Barnes Clark Charlotta, widow, h 157 Cooper Clark Edward H., mason, bds l2 N Willow CLARK’S EXCHANGE, (James H. Clark; prop), banking; brokerage; real estate and insurance, State cor Montgomery Clark Frank B., clerk, bds 220 Perry Clark George W., engineer, bds 538 Second Clark George, dyer, bds 538 Second Clark Gustavus, laborer, bds 19 Barnes Clark Harriet, res 3 Quintin’s row r Livingston Clark Harry, potter, bds 39 Grant av Clark Henry, foreman, h 39 Emory, Chamb’g Clark John A., h 220 Perry Clark Jacob, painter, h 120 Mill Clark James H., cashier Mechanics National Bank, h 244 W State Clark James H., (prop Clark’s Exchange), h 309 E State Clark James S., printer, bds 220 Perry Clark John G., potter, bds 215 Clinton, Millham Clark Joseph, engineer, h 684 Clinton, Chamb’g Clark Joseph, student, h Franklin, Chamb’g Clark Joseph Y., salesman, bds 318 E State Clark Lawrence V., clerk, bds 440 Ferry Clark Margaret, grocer, 163 W Hanover, h do Clark Margaret, grocery, 215 Clinton, Millham, h do Clark Mary E., dress maker, res 322 Brunswick av Clark Michael, peddler, 322 Brunswick av Clark Michael, laborer, h 226 N Willow Clark Patrick, laborer, bds 427 Bridge Clark Peter K., salesman, bds 220 Perry Clark Mrs. R. M., h 106W Hanover Clark Samuel, freight agent, bds 31 Mott, Chamb'g Clark Sarah, restaurant city market, h 133 N Greene Clark Thomas, grocer, 440 Ferry, h do Clark Thomas, laborer, h 602 Second Clark Thomas, laborer, h 445 Lamberton Clark William, mason, h 163 W Hanover Clark William, cigar maker, h 25 Spring Clark William, laborer, h 53 Bank Clark William, laborer, bds 345 Centre Clark William, watchman. h 538 Second Clark William A., teller Trenton Banking Co., h 117 W State CLARK WILLIAM A. JR., physician, 117 W State, bds do Clarke Andrew M., reporter State Gazette, bds American House CLARKE DAVID A., watchmaker and jeweler, 5 E State, h do Clarke James, clerk, bds 213 Academy Clarke John F., engineer at sea, h 204 William, Chamb’g Clarke Timothy, laborer, h 323 Southard Clase Frank M., bds 345 N Warren Clay Edwin, decorator, bds Division cor Lincoln, Chamb’g Clay Fergue, decorator, bds Division cor. Lincoln, Chamb’g Clay Henry, potter, h Division cor Lincoln, Chamb'g Clay Henry E., Division cor Lincoln, Chamb’g Claypoole Annie D., res 237 Mercer Claypoole Fannie W., music teacher, res 237 Mercer Claypoole Maria, widow Charles, h 237 Mercer CLAYTON ALBERT, grocer, 20 N Greene, h 204 E Hanover Clayton Azariah, shoe maker, h 25 Calhoun Clayton Edward, potter, h 1077 Broad, Chamb'g Clayton George, laborer, bds 18 Furman Clayton George W., carpenter, bds 219 Clay Clayton James, laborer, 28 Howell, Chamb’g Clayton James B., carpenter, h 122 Lamberton Clayton John, switch tender, bds 125 Brunswick av Clayton John, laborer, h 362 Reservoir Clayton Jonathan B., brakeman, 203 Southard Clayton Joseph C., salesman, h 143 Perry Clayton Lewis N., brush maker, 20 N Greene, bds 204 E Hanover Clayton Samuel M., shoe maker, 55 Tucker Clayton Thomas C., switch tender, h 244 Clinton, Millham Clayton William, potter, h 18 Furman Clayton William A., brakeman, bds 203 Southard Cleary James, iron worker, h 640 Lamberton Cleary Jeremiah, h 362 S Warren Cleary John, laborer, 33 Adeline, Chamb’g Cleary John, iron worker, h 142 Washington, Chamb’g Cleary John, heater, h 433 Broad Cleary John, wool carder, bds 528 S Warren Cleary John, laborer, h 535 Lamberton Cleary John J., reporter, bds 5 Centre CLEARY MICHAEL, book and frame store, 5 Centre, h do Cleary Patrick, laborer, h 106 Jennie, Chamb'g Cleary Patrick, laborer, h 309 Second Cleaver Henry, iron worker, bds 65 Union Clegg Albert, wire drawer, h 615 Hamilton, Chamb'g Clegg James, iron worker, bds 18 Hamilton av Clegg Josepn, grocer, 107 S Greene, h 89 Jackson Clegg Mary, widow James h 229 Mercer Clegg Nathaniel, potter, bds r 34 Union Clegg William, tinsmith, bds r 34 Union Clemens Charles, moulder, 269 N Willow Clemens Caroline, widow, 215 N Willow Clemens William, potter, bds 253 Woodruff Clemmer James N., insurance agent, h 11 Ewing Clendaniel George, finisher, h 109 Second Clendenning Charles A., mason, 53 Pennington av Clendening Harry H., bds 571 Perry Clendening William, shoe maker, h 571 Perry Clennon John, butcher, h 123 Rose Clennon John, Jr., butcher, bds 123 Rose Clevenger George W., blacksmith, h 23 Passaic Clews Enoch, pottery, h 14 Grant av Cline Samuel H., laborer, h 104 W Hanover Clinton Collins, dyer, bds 704 Second Clinton Edward, laborer, Clinton n .Cass, Millham Clinton James E., potter, h Girard av n Clinton, Millham Clinton John E., potter h 7 Centre court Clinton Patrick H., grocer, 275 Clinton av, Millham, h do CLINTON STREET HOUSE, (Bamford & Kelly; prop’s), 62 Clinton Cliver Frances, cook, 32 W State Cliver George A., telegraph operator, h 37 Yard Cliver Joseph, clerk, bds 142 Academy Cliver Caleb, bridge tender, still house bridge, Millham Clymer Mary W., h 109 W State CLOKE WILLIAM, editor State Gazette, h 50 Carroll Closson Frederick S., clerk P O, bds 40 W Front Closson George W., harness maker, bds 223 N Greene Closson James S., collector, bds 129 Pennington av Closson Mary S., widow Henry W., h 40 W Front Closson Samuel, watchman, h 321 Fair Closson Theodore, brick mason, h 1 Barbara Closson William H., clerk, 129 Pennington av Clow Alfred, brick maker, 513 Princeton av Clow Robert, brick maker, h 17 Humboldt Clow William M., brick maker, h 483 Brunswick av Cloward George, miller, 135 Allen Cloward Jeremiah, miller, h 514 Lamberton Cloward Steward H., rubber worker, bds 135 Allen Clowney John, machinist, h 412 Fair Clowney Joseph, iron worker, h r 625 S Warren Clugston James B., carpenter, h 322 W State Clugston John B., sawyer, h 44 W Washington Clugston John C., milkman, h 207 Calhoun Clunan James, laborer, h 171 W Hanover Clunan Kate, domestic, 234 W State Cluxton Edward, potter, bds 32 Tucker Cluxton George, potter, bds 32 Tucker Cluxton William, fireman, h 71 Ewing Coakley Cornelius, potter, h 245 Clinton av, Millham Coakley Daniel, blacksmith, h Prospect n Roebling, Chamb'g Coakley Daniel S., laborer, h 138 Hamilton, Chamb'g Coakley John, potter, h 8 Grant av Coates Andrew J., potter, bds 227 Clinton av Coates David, gardener, h 227 Clinton av Coates John, potter, bds 35 Butler, Chamb'g Coates John, laborer, h 227 Clinton Coates William, potter, bds 227 Clinton av Coates William, telegraph operator, bds 37 Yard av Cobine Joseph S., oysters; &c, 104 N Greene, h 15 Barnes Cobstick Robert, brick burner, bds Klagg av n Breuing, Millham Cobstick Thomas, brick maker, h Klagg av n Breuing, Millham Coburn Ann, widow John, res 394 Third Cochran Andrew, foreman, h 381 Second Cochran David, potter, bds 1172 Lamberton Cochran George, dyer, h 383 Second Cochran George W., potter, bds 383 Second Cochran John, potter, bds 383 Second Cochran William, potter, h 469 Centre Cochrane John D., paying teller Trenton Banking Co., h 29 E Front Cockram George, telegraph operator, bds 216 N Montgomery Coddington Williain C., moulder, 220 N Feeder Cody Alexander, engineer, 171 Pennington av Cody James, laborer, h 219 Woodruff Cody James, laborer, h 250 Elmer, Chamb'g Cody John, wines; liquors; &c, 116 N Greene, h do Cody Margaret, widow, h 223 Allen Cody Michael, laborer, h 12 Behm Cody Thomas, potter, bds 250 Elmer, Chamb'g Cody William, h 223 Woodruff Coffey James C., laborer, h 412 N Montgomery Cofferty William, student, bds 209 E Front Coffield A. J., millinery, 137 N Greene, h do Coffield Eugene M., commercial agent, h 137 N Greene Coffield John, liquor saloon, 301 Union, h do Coffield Patrick, saloon, 90 Union, h do Coffin Enoch, shoe maker, h 550 Hudson, Chamb’g COGILL CHARLES B., undertaker; parlor furniture, 9 S Warren, h do Cogill Edward, clerk, h 156 Stockton Cogill George M., tailor, 124 N Montgomery Cogle Peter, potter, h 410 Montgomery, h do Cohee Lemuel G., coffee roaster, bds 204 Broad Cohen Louis, clerk, bds 19 Perry Cohen Meyer, retired merchant, 19 Perry Cohen Robert, notions, 20 E Front, h do Colbert John, candies, h Hamilton av cor Chestnut, Chamb'g Colclough Thomas, potter, h 21 Rose Cole Anna, domestic, 240 W State COLE & TAYLOR, (J. W. Cole and T. B. Taylor), wholesale grocers, 143; 145 and 147 E Front COLE ISAAC, dry goods, 16 N Greene, h 438 E State Cole James, teamster, h 336 S Warren Cole Jonas W., (Cole & Taylor), h 434 E State Cole John A., carriage painter, h 22 Spring Cole Thomas, potter, bds 4 Belvidere Cole William, teamster, 4 Belvidere Cole William Jr., potter, bds 4 Belvidere Cole William, potter, h 48 Jefferson Coleman Bernard, potter, bds 107 Fountain av Coleman Caleb, miller, 219 and 221 S Warren, h 527 E State Coleman Daniel, farmer, bds 105 S Feeder Coleman Daniel B., h 207 S Warren Coleman Elizabeth, domestic, 140 Academy Coleman Henry U., (Sinclair, Vannest & Co.), h 210 E Front Coleman H. Waldburg, physician, 111 S Warren, h do Coleman Morton R., lawyer, 32 E State, bds 111 S Warren Coleman Nathaniel L., grocer, 52 Lamberton, h do Coleman Richard, laborer, h 107 Fountain av Coleman Rutherford, lawyer, 24 E State, bds 111 S Warren Coleman Thomas, restaurant, 709 S Warren, h do Coleman Thomas Jr., potter, bds 107 Fountain av Coleman William H., freight agent, h 71 Cooper Colender Frederick, teamster, h Princeton av opp Cook’s brick yard Colender John P., potter, bds Princeton av opp Cook’s brick yard Coley James, h E Trenton av, Millham Coley Joseph, sup’t Riverview cemetery, h ft Second Colgan George W., h 21 William, Chamb’g Colgan George W., mason, bds 610 Prospect, Chamb’g Colgan Morris P., packer, h 610 Prospect, Chamb'g Colgan Titus, laborer, h 124 Hamilton, Chamb'g Colligan Harry, tailor, bds 108 N Montgomery Colligan Mary E., domestic, h 73 Clinton av Collins Edward, laborer, 605 Clinton, Chamb’g Collins Ellen, widow, h 69 Bellevue av Collins George, taxidermist, 800 Broad, h do Collins George L., carriage factory, 809 and 811 Broad, bds Broad cor Jennie, Chamb’g Collins Henry, laborer, bds 1 Dickinson al, Millham Collins James, laborer, h 14 N Willow Collins James, potter, bds 69 Bellevue av Collins James A., waiter, Normal hall Collins John, potter, h Mulberry, Millham Collins Joshua, wire drawer, 800 Broad, Chamb’g Collins Lemuel, laborer, h 1 Dickinson al, Millham Collins Michael, potter, h 708 Broad; Chamb'g Collins Patrick, potter, h Union, Millham Collins Patrick, moulder, h 155 Fair Collins William, laborer, 28 Belvidere Colvell Benjamin, potter, h 52 Lincoln av Colvell George, potter, h 43 Sheridan av Colvell John D., ticket agent Clinton St depot, h 134 Allen Colville John M., potter, bds 57 Lincoln av Colson Charles, iron worker, 229 Elmer, Chamb’g Combs Adolphus G., carpenter, h 22 Rose COMBS & MULFORD, (Charles H. Combs and Samuel Mulford), kiln builders, 9 Centre ct Combs Charles L., (Combs & Mulford), h 26 Humboldt Combs Charles E., potter, bds 329 W Hanover Combs Clotilda, widow, h 329 W Hanover Combs Dollie, res 217 Jackson Combs Herbert A., sawyer, bds 329 W Hanover Combs James H., painter, h 156 Pennington av Combs John B. A., chain maker, bds 329 W Hanover Combs Lydia A., dress maker, res 230 Clinton, Chamb'g Combs Palmyra W., dress maker, 230 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g Combs Penelope, widow Augustus, h 503 Perry Combs Rosa, widow William, h 503 Perry Combs Susie, milliner, h 217 Jackson COMBS THOMAS, druggist and apothecary, Princeton cor Pennington av, h do Combs Thomas J., liquor dealer, 160 Pennington av, h do Comfort Charles A., cupola tender, 38 Asbury Comfort Charles J., brakeman, h 157 Jefferson Comfort Rebecca, widow Wm. E. H., bds 25 Cooper Compton C. B., physician, h 421 Bridge Compton Charles H., potter, h 54 Perrine av Compton Harriet, widow, res 310 N Montgomery Compton Henry R., deputy state prison, h 26 Union Compton Jasper S., chain maker, h 20 Camden Compton John W., potter, h 271 Clinton, Millham Compton Julia, widow, 211 S Feeder Compton Samuel B., brick layer, h 240 N Willow Compton William, laborer, h 412 E Carroll Compton William C., laborer, h 250 Allen Conard M. H., millinery and trimmings. 236 Clinton, h do Congo Amos, coachman, 318 Chestnut, Chamb'g Congo William, scavenger, bds 76 Quarry al Congo William A., laborer, h 12 Passaic Conley Ellen, widow John, res 8 Cooper Conlin Annie, tailoress, res 404 Elmer, Chamb'g Conlin John, brick maker, 40 Bond Conlin John, potter, h 540 Perry Conlin Mary, widow Thomas, res 404 Elmer, Chamb’g Conlin Patrick, iron worker, bds 404 Elmer, Chamb'g Conlin Richard, iron worker, bds 404 Elmer, Chamb'g Conlon Francis, laborer, h 138 Pennington av Conlon John, cigar maker, bds 144 N Greene Conlon Timothy, laborer, h 124 Temple Conlon Wilson, engineer, bds 144 N Greene Conn Charles, waiter, United States Hotel Connedy James, mason, h N Montgomery n Feeder Connell Daniel, packer, bds 30 Sheridan Connell James, potter, bds 568 S Warren Connell John, laborer, h 503 Centre Connell John, laborer, h 64 Perrine av Connell Lawrence, instructor state prison, bds Eagle Hotel Connell Mary, hotel, 2 Hamilton av, Chamb’g, h do Connell Nellie, 101 Hamilton, Chamb’g Connell Philip, engraver, bds 503 Centre Connell Philip, kilnman, bds 2 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Connell Rose, tailoress, 101 Hamilton, Chamb’g Connell Thomas, potter, h 30 Sheridan av Connell William, laborer, h W Hanover ab Calhoun Connelly Bridget, domestic, 247 W State Connelly Edward J., gas maker, h 193 Lamberton Connelly John, carpenter, bds 189 Lamberton Connelly Kate, domestic, 151 Broad Connelly Michael, laborer, h 504 Lamberton Connelly Michael, tobacconist, 664 Broad, Chamb'g, h do Connelly Patrick, potter, bds 125 Calhoun Connelly Patrick Jr., potter, bds 189 Lamberton Connelly Patrick, laborer, h 189 Lamberton Connelly Thomas, laborer, h 78 Belvidere Connelly William, tailor, h 18 W State Connolly Ann E., widow, h 74 Spring Connolly George, potter, h 183 Lamberton Connolly John H., artist, bds 3 Centre Connolly Margaret, widow George, res 183 Lamberton Connolly Patrick, track walker, h 183 Lamberton Conner Alfred L., shoe dealer, 157 Hamilton av, Chamb'g Conner Alice, saloon, 211 Ferry, h do Conner Annie, domestic, 303 E State Conner Bartholomew, iron worker, h 803 S Warren Conner Bridget, widow, h Prince n Mead, Millham Conner Catharine, widow, h 80 Union Conner Catharine, domestic, 519 E State Conner Edward, laborer, h 126 Jefferson Conner Frank E., bds 33 Yard av Conner Francis H., express, bds 142 Academy Conner Henry, laborer, h 127 Ferry Conner Henry Jr., laborer, bds 127 Ferry Conner Henry J., clerk, bds 142 Academy Conner James, clerk, 1274 Broad, Chamb’g Conner Jeremiah, laborer, h 563 Second Conner Jeremiah, iron worker, 339 Hamilton, Chamb’g Conner John, iron worker, bds 86 Union Conner Mary, widow, h 1274 Broad, Chamb’g Conner Matthew W., laborer, h 115 Second Conner Patrick, laborer, bds 309 W Hanover Conner Winfield S., sash and blind dealer, h 18 WaII CONNERS WILLIAM, Rising Sun Hotel, 35 and 37 Pennington av, h do Connor Ann, widow Thomas, res 158 Lamberton Connor Dennis, laborer, h 34 Esher Connor Michael, iron worker, h 307 Union Connor Orlando P., machinist, h 33 Yard av Connor Patrick H., mason, bds 211 Ferry Conover Elias, laborer, h 304 E Ewing Conover Elizabeth M., widow, h 52 Yard av Conover George, laborer, bds 304 E Ewing Conover George F., county jailer, h 226 Broad Conover John, carpenter, h 315 Market Conover John A., crockery packer, bds 315 Market Conover John J., instructor state prison, h 992 Lamberton Conover Ralph, h 166 Pennington av Conover Ralph M., laborer, h 23 1/2 Sheridan av Conover Samuel G., wood carter, h 305 N Willow Conover Samuel V., huckster, h 208 Spring Conover Vincent, fireman, h 574 Perry Conover Wesley, potter, h r 205 Clinton, Millham Conover William, laundryman, bds 74 Union Conover William J., teamster, h 150 Pennington av Conover William M., book keeper, bds 52 Yard av Conrad Edward, clerk, h 224 Jackson Conrad Joseph H., painter, h 138 S Stockton Conrad Robert M., (Titus & Conrad), h 220 E Hanover CONRAD T N., general agent; canvasser; copyist and dealer in coal, office 129 W Hanover, bds do Conrad William V., bookkeeper, bds 220 E Hanover CONROY HUGH, marble works, 22 and 24 S Greene, bds American House Consolloy Barney, butcher, h 710 S Warren Consolloy Franklin W., butcher, h 118 Ferry Consolloy George W., butcher, S Warren cor Bridge, h 732 S Warren Consolloy John S., butcher, Washington market, h 723 S Warren Consolloy Lewis, butcher, 195 Cooper, h 748 S Warren Constantine John, engineer, bds 56 Decatur Constodine John, clerk, bds 110 Centre Continental Telegraph Co., (Z. Stout Hall, manager), S E cor State and Warren Convery Hugh, iron worker, h r 128 Second Convery James, clothing, 611 S Warren, h do Convery John, blacksmith, h 49 Asbury Convery Robert A., tinsmith, h 153 Conover’s al Convery Thomas, blacksmith, 211 S Warren, h do Convery William J., bookkeeper, bds 375 Fair Conway Elizabeth, widow Patrick, res 525 Lamberton Con way John, student, bds 525 Lamberton Conway Mary, widow James, res 111 Adeline, Chamb'g Conway Mary, domestic, 125 Greenwood av, Chamb'g Conway Michael F., fireman, h 114 Kossuth Conway Susan, widow, h 120 Rose Conway William, laborer, h 111 Adeline, Chamb'g Cook Aaron, agent, h 28 Wall Cook Balser, laborer, h 511 Centre Cook Baltherser, laborer, h 733 S Warren Cook Charles, potter, bds 16 New Cook Charles H., bookkeeper, bds Trenton House Cook Charles S., (East Trenton Pottery Co.), h 153 Greenwood av, Chamb'g Cook Charles W., brick maker, h 8 Pennington av Cook Christopher, clerk, bds 614 Lamberton Cook Daniel L., druggist, h 108 Spring Cook Duillius, driver, h 103 S Warren COOK EDWARD G., counselor at law, 27 E State, bds State Street House Cook E. R., (Cook & Jaques), bds 325 Broad Cook Frank C., clerk, 217 Academy Cook Frank D., brick manufacturer, office 845 Princeton av, h 27 Clinton Cook Francis H., iron dealer, Gordon al, h 68 Pennington av Cook Frederick R., barber, 153 Broad, h do Cook George, potter, bds 19 Stockton Cook George, cooper, bds 906 Broad, Chamb’g Cook George L., laborer, h 101 Clark, Chamb'g Cook George W., potter, h Sheridan av Cook Harry, clerk, bds 100 Spring Cook Henry, chosen freeholder, bds American House Cook Henry A., laborer, bds Montgomery cor S Feeder Cook Henry T., (New Jersey Pottery Co.), h 58 Model av COOK & JAQUES, (E. R. Cook and Samuel R. Jaques), watchmakers and jewelers, 41 E State Cook James W., printer, bds Montgomery cor S Feeder Cook John, laborer, h Prince n Mead, Millham Cook John, grocer, 614 Lamberton, h do Cook John H., boots and shoes, 4 Perry, h 127 Brunswick av Cook John M., state arsenal, h 314 E State Cook Joseph, laborer, bds 457 Centre Cook Joseph M., potter, h 23 Esher Cook Louisa, widow, h 49 Summer Cook Mary E., widow, h 100 Spring Cook Mary E., widow William, 369 W State Cook Moses R., shoe maker, Montgomery cor S Feeder Cook Nicholas, laborer, h 457 Centre Cook Rachel, nurse, res 51 Ewing Cook Richard, potter, h 9 Prince, Millham Cook Richard H., bookkeeper, h 217 Academy Cook Russell, teamster, h 623 Bridge Cook Stephen, carpenter, h 246 N Greene Cook Theodore, furniture, 12 S Warren, res Ewing twp Cook Theodore, shoe manufacturer, 25 E State, h 129 E Front Cook Walter I., h S Warren bel Mill Cook Walter I., carpenter, bds 571 Perry Cook William, potter, h Maple, Millham Cook William, rubber maker, h 8 Prince, Millham Cook William, stair builder, bds 314 Clinton av Cook William, laborer, bds 457 Centre Cook William F., blacksmith, bds Klagg av n Girard, Millham COOK WILLIAM H., wheelwright and blacksmith, 7 and 9 Pennington av, h 18 do Cook William H., bookkeeper, bds 153 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Cook Wilson B., bds 139 Academy COOK ZEPHANIAH S., stair builder, h 20 E Washington Cooley George, clerk, bds 27 E Front Cooley John, sup’t St John’s cemetery, Bunting, Deutzville Cooley John P., salesman, 236 Mercer Cooney Maurice, laborer, bds 2 W Front Cooney Patrick, wire worker, h 134 Turpin Coons Dennis, iron worker, bds 822 Hamilton, Chamb’g Coons Jacob, iron worker, h 113 Woodland, Chamb'g Cooper Arthur, potter, h 94 Ewing Cooper Erwin P., telegraph lineman. bds 508 S Warren Cooper Frederick G., carpenter, h 377 Brunswick av Cooper George, machinist, h 823 Broad, Chamb’g Cooper Henry C., carpenter, h 217 Mercer COOPER ISAAC, physician, 194 Broad, h do Cooper James R., engineer, Pennington av, Ewing twp Cooper John B., potter, h Klagg av n Girard, Millham Cooper Joseph, ass’t train master P R R, h 125 Mercer Cooper Lewis, potter, h 330 Southard Cooper Mahlon C., h 508 S Warren Cooper Robert, potter, bds Pennington av, Ewing twp Cooper Roland, watchman, bds 114 N Willow Cooper Thomas, upholstery, 28 E Front, h do Cooper William G., second hand store, 214 Clinton, h do Cooper Willitt H., student, bds 28 E Front Cope William, cigar store, 215 Clinton, h do Copeland Rev. L. H., pastor Calvary Baptist church, h 556 Chestnut av, Chamb'g Copeland Mary, dress maker, h 66 Esher Copeland William, potter, bds 66 Esher Corbett John, h 235 N Willow Corbett John, engineer, h 235 Clinton, Millham Corbett Mary, h 235 N Willow Corbett Thomas, kilnman, h r 239 Clinton, Millham Corboy Jeremiah, laborer, h 556 Second Corcoran Henry, laborer, bds 317 Union Corcoran John J., iron worker, bds 426 Centre Corcoran Michael, iron werker, bds 426 Centre Corcoran Patrick, laborer, h 426 Centre Corcoran Peter, laborer, bds 317 Union Corcoran Thomas H., brakeman, 224 Perry Corle Samuel W., clerk, h 241 N Warren Cone Samuel Jr., clerk, h 241 N Warren Cornell Harriet, widow Aaron, res 209 Market CORNELL J. W. & CO., (M. H. Tomlinson), seeds and agricultural implements, 14 N Warren Cornell J. W., (J. W. Cornell & Co.), h 8 Southard Cornew Gosman, clerk, bds 57 E Front Corniff Michael, laborer, h 131 Church Corniff Thomas, laborer, h 203 N Willow Corniff Thomas Jr., laborer, bds 203 N Willow Cornish Albert H., deputy keeper state prison, h 550 Clinton, Chamb’g Cornish George, fuller, bds 509 Second Cornish Jane, widow John, h 222 Southard Cornish Thomas, fuller, bds 509 Second Cornish Thomas Jr., laborer, bds 509 Second Cornish William, shoe maker, h 248 Jackson Cornog Adelaide, teacher, res Normal hall Corrigan James, potter, bds 125 Calhoun Corrigan Patrick, liquor saloon, 152 Ferry, h do Corson Eliza, res 140 W State Cortissoc Charles, decorator, bds 27 Ewing Coryell Cornelius, blacksmith, 529 Princeton av Coryell Eli C., farmer, bds 529 Princeton av Costello John, laborer, h 43 Lincoln av Costello Maggie, weaver, res 388 Fair Costello Minnie, dress maker, res 388 Fair Costello Patrick, laborer, Klagg av, Millham Costigan John, watchman, h 165 Cooper Costigan John B., potter, bds Princeton av; n alms house Costigan Maria, h Princeton av; n alms house Costner Harry, laborer, bds 323 W Hanover Cotter Samuel E., machinist, h 2 Lewis Cotter William, blacksmith, bds 73 Lamberton Cotton Alfred, clerk, hds 801 Lamberton Cotton Henry C., clerk, 106 Walnut av, Chamb’g Cotton John H., auctioneer, h 150 1/2 N Greene Cotton Joseph, potter, h Fillmore, Millham Cotton Maggie, res 10 Lamberton Cotton Mary, res widow’s home Cotton Thomas, potter, h 5 New York av, E Trenton Coughlin John, laborer, h 27 Barnes Coughling Edward, boatman, bds 636 Lamberton Coughling Hugh, iron worker, h 636 Lamberton Coughling John, boatman, bds 636 Lamberton Coughtry, John, h 529 E State Cougle Fraley E., clerk, bds 217 Bridge Cougle Peter, wool spinner, h 217 Bridge Cougle Peter, potter, h 443 N Montgomery Courtney Patrick, helper, h 11 Asbury COUTIER LOUIS, barber, Trenton House, h 25 Summer Cousin John, machinist, bds 326 S Warren Covary Thomas, laborer, h 430 Ferry Covert Alfred M., laborer, h 232 Clinton, Millham Covert Arthur, boiler maker, h 3 Mill Covert Benjamin B., rubber worker, h 241 Clinton av, Millham Covert Eli, clerk, h 121 Centre Covert Henry, rubber worker, bds 271 Clinton, Millham Covert Jacob G., boots and shoes, 137 Broad, h do Covert John, mason, h 136 Jefferson Covert Nathan, fisherman, h 43 Lamberton Covert William S., salesman, h 231 E Hanover Covert William S., clerk, bds 137 Broad Covington Algie T., painter; also overseer of poor, h 978 Lamberton Coward Caleb, hod carrier, 257 Woodruff Coward Daniel B., potter, bds 15 Tucker Coward Edward, hod carrier, h bet Feeder and Allen Coward John, laborer, h 10 W Front Coward Samuel, laborer, h 37 Jefferson Coward William, laborer, bds 10 W Front Coward William D., rubber maker, h 565 Perry Cowdrey Michael, laborer, bds 41 Grand, Chamb’g Cowell David, shoe maker, bds 322 N Greene Cowell David, carpenter, h 218 Kossuth Cowell Lewis C., carpenter, h 26 Beaver Cowell Mary, candies, 252 N Warren, h do Cowell Nathan, tool maker, h 12 Bayard, Chamb’g Cowell Samuel, mason, bds 218 Kossuth Cowell Thomas C., decorator, bds 12 Bayard, Chamb’g Cox Abijah, watchman, h 321 Brunswick av Cox Andrew, brick mason, bds 1 Barbara Cox Charles, engineer, h 227 Mercer Cox Charles O., rubber worker, h Sherman n Clinton, Millham Cox Ella, widow, h 104 Dye, Chamb’g Cox George T., watchman, h 324 Bridge Cox Henry T., wholesale liquor dealer, 153 N Greene, h 124 Perry Cox H. B., widow William, h 89 Carroll Cox James, dyer, h 15 Division Cox James, bds 53 Spring Cox James, h 57 Bellevue av Cox John, cigar maker, h 61 Cooper Cox John C., carpenter, h 44 Adeline, Chamb'g Cox Joseph, laborer, h Mulberry, Millham Cox Joseph H., teamster, h 116 Bridge Cox Lewis, laborer, h 229 S Feeder Cox Michael, shoe maker, 85 Southard, h do Cox M. C., groceries, 61 Cooper, h do Cox Patrick, laborer, h 23 Barnes Cox Roswell, carpenter, h 23 N Willow Cox Sarah, widow, h 151 N Greene Cox C. Samuel, carpenter, h 25 N Willow Cox Walter L., moulder, bds 324 Bridge Cox William F., clerk, h 157 N Greene C6x W. Frank, hack driver, h 278 Clinton, Millham Cox William C., carpenter, 254 Clinton, h 5 Hart av, Millham Coxon Charles, potter, h 32 Southard COXON & CO., (Mary Coxon; Jacob G. Forman and Spencer M. Alpaugh), manufacturing potters, Clinton av; n B D R R Coxon James, potter, h 120 Jefferson Coxon John, manager, h 8 Seward av Coxon Jonathan Sr., superintendent, h 16 Lincoln Coxon Jonathan Jr., (Coxon .& Co.), h 34 Ogden Coxon Mary, widow, h 32 Southard Coxon Theodore B., potter, bds 16 Lincoln av Coxon William G., potter, bds 16 Lincoln av Cozins Sarah A., res 112 Jackson Crabtree Hiram, watchman, h 198 Jefferson Craft Abraham, cigar maker, bds 314 Ferry Craft Charles H., beer saloon, 120 1/4 S Greene, h do Craft Charles W rubber maker, h 27 William Craft Edmund, (Craft & Howell), h 117 W Front Craft Fletcher L., laborer, h 11 Hart av, Millham Craft George, teamster, h 34 Perrine av CRAFT & HOWELL, (Edmund Craft; Charles W. Howell), Cornelia mills, 235; 237 and 239 S Warren Craft Henry T., iron worker, 436 Ferry Craft Jeremiah, watchman, h 266 Kossuth Craft John T., rubber maker, h 266 Kossuth Craft Mahlon, brick layer, h 314 Ferry Craft Sarah E., dress maker, res 436 Ferry Craft Wallace L., brick layer, bds 314 Ferry Craft William T., (Craft & White), h 118 W Front Craft & White, (William T. Craft and Henry T. White), manufacturers of bows and felloes, 119 W Front Craig Fannie, h 187 W State Craig John, laborer, h 485 Centre Craig Robert, potter, h 141 Rose Craig Robert B., bds 114 Fall CRAIG THOMAS, plumber; steam and gas fitter, 163 Broad, bds 114 Fall Craig William, tailor, h 114 Fall Craig William, iron worker, h 835 S Warren Craig William G., potter, bds 485 Centre Cramer George W., laborer, h 368 Fair Cramer Nelson E., bookkeeper, bds 60 Lamberton Crammer Charles C., laborer, 4 Ferry Crammer Philip, laborer, h 241 Third Crammer Reuben D., laborer, h 341 Union Crane Alpheus L., sewing machine agent, 136 Broad, h 112 Warren Crane William, reporter Mercer County News, bds 861 Broad, Chamb'g Cranmer Thomas J., bar tender, State cor Canal Crannage Benjamin, tinker, bds 232 Allen Craven John, shoe maker, 309 Broad, h do CRAWFORD JAMES V., prop Cra ford’s hotel, 104 Market, h 138 Pennington av Crawford John, h 572 S Warren CRAWFORD JOHN H., fine family groceries, Warren cor Fall, h do Crawford Thomas, blacksmith, Market cor Lamberton, h 106 Market Crawford Thomas Jr., blacksmith. bds 106 Market Crawford Thomas H., blacksmith, h 170 Cooper Cray Martin, carpenter, h 207 Market Creamer Charles, potter, h 60 Seward av Creamer Cornelius, rubber worker. h 155 Jefferson Creamer Henry, engineer, h 90 Esher Creed Achsah, widow, h 337 N Warren Creed R. Martin, teacher, h 181 Broad Creely Francis, iron worker, h 539 Broad Crelly Daniel, iron worker, h 458 Lamberton Crelly Patrick, 605 Clinton, Chamb'g Cresse John A., printer, bds 17 S Warren Cresse Lewis J., sup’t City Railway, Dolton’s block Creveling Frank J., salesman, h 28 Southard Creveling Jacob J., insurance agent, h 154 Monmouth Creveling Wesley, counselor at law and city solicitor, 103 E State, res 48 Clinton av Crimmey Joseph, iron worker, bds 216 Second Crine Joseph, iron worker, bds 739 S Warren Crippen James, waiter, 147 Pennington av Crippen Samuel, barber, city hall, h 33 Decatur Crippen William, waiter, 147 Pennington av Crisp James M., wire drawer, h 50 Yard av Crisp John, wire drawer, h 11 Market Crisp Mary L., groceries; &c., 249 N Warren, h do Crisp Philip D., (Fitzgibbon & Crisp), h 106 Spring Crisp William H., agent, h 249 N Warren Croasdale Elizabeth F., hygienic dress reform, h 27 Chapel Croasdale Jacob C., painter, h 27 Chapel Crocker Edward, carpenter, bds 107 Union Crombley Daniel, brick moulder, h 341 Brunswick av Cromwell Arthur, laborer, h 54 Quarry al Cromwell Charles S., laborer, h 310 Wright, Chamb'g Cromwell Charles W., potter, h 1221 Chestnut av, Chamb’g Cromwell Edward, shoe maker, h 824 Hamilton, Chamb’g Cromwell James, laborer, h 270 Allen Cromwell Xenophon, laborer, h 43 Summer Cronan Arthur, wire drawer, 612 Clinton, Chamb’g Cronan James, puddler, h 612 Clinton, Chamb'g Cronan John, butcher, bds 52 Pennington av Cronan Timothy, gardener, h 353 Reservoir Crook Augustus, (Lanning & Crook), h 256 Jackson Crook Harry R., salesman, bds 256 Jackson Crook Mary, widow, h 239 Second Crook William, laborer, bds 239 Second Croot Alfred, potter, h 46 Lincoln av Crosbie Theodore A., music dealer, 152 Broad, h do Crosley Jesse, waterman, h 123 W Hanover Crosley William F., justice of the peace, h 181 W Hanover Cross Frederick, potter, bds 102 Fountain av Cross Harry, puddler, bds 414 Fair Cross Henry, puddler, h 318 Fair Cross William, iron worker, bds 318 Fair Crossey George, teamster, h 241 Centre Crossley Abraham, dealer in truck, h 234 William, Chamb’g Crossley Addie, boarding house, 443 Broad Crossley Charles, chain maker, h 320 W Hanover Crossley Henry, shoe maker, 372 S Warren, h do Crossley John, wool worker, h 58 Decatur Crossley Joseph, machinist, h 56 Yard av Crossley Lewis R., bds 132 Allen Crossley Samuel Jr., tinsmith, 496 Calhoun Crossley Thomas, bds 55 Spring Crossley William, tinsmith, h 164 Fair Crossley William, laundry foreman, state prison, h 138 Bayard, Chamb’g Crother Thomas, boiler maker, h 333 Fair Crothers John H., carpenter. h 64 W Washington Crouch John M., ass’t county clerk, h 530 E State Crouse Jacob, mason, 18 Market Crowley John B., wire worker, h 732 S Warren Crowley Patrick, h 305 Centre Crowley Thomas, laborer, h 126 Jefferson Crowther James C., marble cutter, h 13 Sheridan av Crowther Thomas C., boiler maker, h 333 Fair Crowther Thomas W., upholsterer, .h 151 Jefferson Crozer Aaron, paper bag manufacturer, h 524 S Warren Crozer Charles, potter, bds 39 Spring Crozer George F., trucker, bds 133 Allen Crozer Henry C., plumber, bds 524 S Warren Crozer Jonathan, carpenter, 129 Allen Crozer Letitia, widow, res 95 Cooper Crozer Malcolm, bookkeeper, h 31 Ewing CROZER PETER W., sec’y Mechanics and Mercer Mutual Loan Associations, 10 W State, h 521 E State Crozer William H., porter, h 39 Spring Crozer William H., clerk, bds 222 Brunswick av Crue Benjamin, laborer, bds 53 Butler, Chamb'g Crue Charles, laborer, 53 Butler, Chamb’g Crully James, teamster, h 105 Grand Crusen James D., waiter, h 115 N Greene Cruser Martin L., baker, bds 313 Broad Crutchley Frederick, potter, 334 Elmer, Chamb'g Cbuberley Alfred S., mason, bds R R House, S Warren Cubberley Enoch K., rubber maker, h 143 Rose Cubberley George E., agent, 247 Elmer, Chamb’g Cubberley Isaiah, laborer, bds 548 Hudson, Chamb’g Cubberley Lenora, seamstress, res 421 Ferry CUBBERLEY SAMUEL W., baker, 691 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g Cubberley Stacy B., mason, bds 13 Dickinson, Millham Cubberley Walter, mason, h 324 Ferry Cubberley Charles H., furniture, 206 Perry, h do Cubberly Asher S., stone mason, h 1224 Broad, Chamb’g Cubberly Charles M., shoe dealer, 338 Broad, h do Cubberly Daniel J., (Cubberly & Kafer), h 226 Jackson Cubberly Edgar, china packer, 21 Walnut av Cubberly Howell B., shoe maker, h 258 Spring Cubberly Irving C., wire worker, bds 46 Mott, Chamb’g Cubberly James H., wire worker, bds 46 Mott, Chamb'g Cubberly John, potter, bds 421 Ferry Cubberly Joseph A., car driver, h 147 E State Cubberly Kafer, (Daniel Cubberly and Charles W. Kafer), carpenters and builders, Clay cor Market Cubberly Lucy A., res 421 Ferry Cubberly Mercy A., res 46 Mott, Chamb’g Cubberly Stephen, huckster, h 217 N Greene Cubberly William, bookkeeper, bds 213 Academy Cuddy Thomas, (Elliott & Cuddy), h 549 Perry Cull Mary, domestic, h 41 Southard Cullen Richard, laborer, N Feeder Del & Rar Canal, N Junction Cullen Thomas, machinist, h 1402 Clinton, Chamb’g Culliton Mary, widow, h 111 Second Cullom George, potter, h 239 Clay Culloton James, potter, bds 24 Perrine av Cummings Jonathan, millwright, h 66 Union Cummings Michael, boatman, h 113 Second Cummings Michael, bar tender, h 121 W Hanover Cuniff Thomas, bds 203 N Willow Cunningham Benjamin, porter, h Stockton n Perry Cunningham David W., chair maker, W Hanover, h 40 Ringold Cunningham Deborah, widow, h 312 E State Cunningham Dennis, laborer, h 315 Southard Cunningham George B., sup’t Roebling’s wire mill, h 334 Hamilton av, Chamb'g Cunningham Jeremiah, iron worker, bds 301 Jackson Cunningham Jerome, iron worker, h 538 S Warren Cunningham John, h 192 Lamberton Cunningham Michael, iron worker, h 107 Grand Cunningham Richard, potter, bds 681 Broad, Chamb'g Cunningham Samuel, potter, h Cass n Clinton, Millham Cunningham Thomas, machinist, h r 602 Warren Curl Jason, blacksmith, bds Dickinson, Millham Curley Edward, laborer, h Prince, Millham Curley James, potter, h 157 Rose Curley Mary A., domestic, 369 W State Curley Patrick, potter, 32 Bond Curley William, potter, h 157 Rose Curlin William, potter, h 1077 Broad, Chamb'g Curns Eliza, h 543 Clinton, Chamb'g Curns Frank, laborer, bds 211 Ferry Curns James, carpenter, h 541 Clinton, Chamb’g Curns J. Wilbur, machinist, bds 541 Clinton, Chamb'g Curns Lottie E., music teacher, res 541 Clinton, Chamb‘g Curns Mary J., teacher high school, res 541 Clinton, Chamb’g Currans Michael Jr., potter, bds 106 Kossuth Currans Michael, stony mason, h 106 Kossuth Curren Ann, widow, res 537 Broad Curren David, iron worker, h 460 Centre Curren Evan, chain maker, h 178 Lamberton Curren Edward, iron worker, bds 332 Union Curren John, mason, bds 47 Union Curren Kate, dress maker, res 460 Centre Curren Michael, blacksmith, h 332 Union Curren Patrick, laborer, h 519 Perry Curry John, spinner, h 88 Union Curry Joseph, house and sign painter, h 25 Pennington av Curry Philip, beer saloon, 327 Brunswick av, h do Curtis C. P., bookkeeper, bds 119 Stockton Curtis Daniel, laborer, bds 478 Centre Curtis Eli, laborer, h 424 Ferry Curtis Joseph, clerk, h 12 Peace Curtis Joseph W., dentist, bds 6 W State CURTIS WILLIAM H., plumber and gas fitter, S E cor State & Warren, h 14 Peace Cushner Harriet, widow, h 103 Bellevue Cusker Matilda, res 333 Second Custer Anna, res 145 W Hanover Cuttis Eli, laborer, bds 424 Ferry Cyples Edward, potter, h 225 Clay Cyples John, potter, h 28 Sheridan av Cyples Sarah, decorator, res 28 Sheridan Cyriax Otto, salesman, bds 157 E Front Dacey John, potter, h Cass n Clinton, Chamb’g Dacey Joseph, potter, bds 15 Pennington av Dacey Michael, potter, h Cass n Clinton, Millham Dacey Patrick, expressman, 15 Pennington av Dacy Simon, laborer, bds 64 Pennington av Dafner Bernard, chain maker, h 40 Esher Dafter George R., carpenter, h 132 S Stockton Dagg Elizabeth, widow, h 304 Fair Dagg John, laborer, bds 304 Fair Dailey John J., prop Dickinson House, Clinton, h do, Millham Daily Richard, machinist, h 225 Second Dakin James, potter, bds 336 Fair Dakin Jane, widow Peter, res 336 Fair Dakin James, cracker baker, h 32 Chestnut av, Chamb’g Dakin Peter, baker, h 137 Second DALE & DAVIS, (James J. Dale and Thos. Davis), manufacturing potters, Prospect av, on line of Phila & Reading R R Dale James J., (Dale & Davis), h 443 Bellevue av Dale Lewis, rubber worker, h Klagg av, Millham Dale Maggie, patent ironer, res 73 Lamberton Dale Robert, bds State Street House Daley Edward, laborer, bds 53 Ashury Daley Lawrence, potter, bds 53 Asbury Daley Michael, laborer, bds 53 Asbury Daley Philip, paper hanger, h 53 Asbury Daley Thomas, saloon, 108 Kossuth Daly Catharine, widow, 36 Fountain av Daly Cornelius, wire drawer, bds 460 Lamberton Daly David J., tailor, h 149 N Greene Daly James, potter, bds 116 Kossuth Daly James P., potter, bds 36 Fountain av Daly John, horse jockey, bds 128 S Warren Daly Lawrence, laborer, bds 118 Hamilton, Chamb’g Daly Lucy, h 111 Bellevue av Daly Margaret, widow, res 422 Centre Daly Patrick, laborer, bds 422 Centre Daly Patrick, iron worker, 511 Second Daly Peter, iron worker, h 35 Bayard, Chamb’g Daly Peter F., baker, bds 36 Fountain av Dallas Benjamin, teamster, h bet Allen and S Feeder Dallas Ephraim, hostler, h 345 Centre Dallas Henry, laborer, bds h bet Allen and S Feeder Dallas Prudence Y., widow, res 1 Assanpink Dallas Rebecca, widow, h 179 Brunswick av Dalrymple George, rubber worker, bds 221 Clinton, Millham Dalrymple Robert, carter, h 233 N Warren Dalrymple Robert J., wiper, 77 Pennington av Dalrymple William, carpenter, h Girard av, Millham Dalton Edward, salesman, 491 Princeton av Dalton Sarah, widow James, res 253 Mercer Dalzell Jane, 180 W State Dancer Abijah A., carpenter, h 219 Clay Dancer Charles, iron worker, h 461 Lamberton Dancer Howard, hose maker, bds 221 Clinton, Millham Dancer Jane E., widow, h 221 Clinton, Millham Dancer Mary E., widow Wesley, h 316 Broad Dane Charles, janitor, 684 Clinton, Chamb’g Danforth Thomas, wire drawer, bds Centre cor Ferry Daniel H. A., druggist, Warren cor Fall, h do Daniels Joshua, laborer, H 19 Taylor al Daniels Randolph S., barber, 122 Bridge, bds W Front Daniels William, puddler, h 345 Second Dansbury Abbott, butcher, 22 Barbara Dansbury Charles A., potter, bds 22 Barbara Danshury Simon, expressman, h 21 Cox’s al Dapper George H., barber, 158 N Greene, h 805 Broad, Chamb’g Dapper Jacobina, widow, h 805 Broad, Chamb’g Darby John, bds 239 N Warren Darcy Patrick, heater, h 396 Union D’Arcy Thomas, teamster, h 521 Lamberton D’Arcy William, laborer, N feeder Del & Rar canal, N junction Darl Isaac, iron worker, h 311 Bridge Darrah Charles, laborer, 43 Adeline, Chamb’g Darrah James E., h 233 Academy Darrell Andrew, laborer, h 346 S Warren Daughterman Margaret, widow Charles, h Fair cor Ferry Dauthaday James, peddler, 22 Belvidere Davenport Herbert, potter, bds 74 Wall Davenport M., potter, bds 74 Wall Davenport Samuel, (pres’t. City Pottery Co), res Somerville; N J DAVENPORT WILLIAM, currier and leather dealer, 315 S Warren, h do Davis Alonzo, iron worker, bds 208 Union Davis Andrew L., coachman, bds 40 Fowler Davis Anna, widow, h 104 Pennington av Davis Barbara, widow, h 608 Lamberton Davis Charles, carpenter, h 65 Union Davis David M., pattern maker, h 151 Stockton Davis Edward A., instructor state prison, bds 143 N Warren Davis Eliza, widow George, res 228 Broad Davis Edmund, potter, h 81 Lamberton DAVIS ETHELBERT, fish and oysters, Taylor market also 216 Broad, h do Davis Evan, puddler, h 125 Dye, Chamb’g Davis George W., locksmith, h Fowler n R R Davis Helen F., teacher, res 228 Broad Davis Henry W., h 10 Southard Davis Rev. Isaac, pastor Mt. Zion A. M. E. church, h 311 N Montgomery DAVIS ISAAC, prop Trenton Pottery Works, Taylor, h 332 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Davis James M., dentist, 142 E State, h 329 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Davis John, h 4 Perry Davis John T., potter, h 104 Pennington av Davis Louisa V., widow, h 2 Belvidere Davis Margaret, eating saloon, 216 Broad, h do Davis Mary E., widow, res 206 Union Davis Mary E., widow John C., res 211 Centre Davis Nehemiah, grocer, Perry cor Carroll, h do Davis Peter S., carriage builder, h 143 N Warren Davis Phineas J., carpenter, bds 65 Union Davis Thomas, (Dale & Davis), h 37 Ewing Davis Thomas, foreman Davis’s pottery, h 265 Clay Davis Rev. Thomas A., h 311 N Montgomery Davis William, (Encke & Davis), h 241 Jackson Davis William, machinist, bds 228 Broad Davis William B., potter. bds 211 Centre Davis William B., clerk, bds 29 E Washington Davis William H., mason, bds 143 N Warren Davis William M.. carpenter, 494 Calhoun Davison Charles O., salesman, bds 21 Carroll Davison George W., huckster, h 464 Clinton av, Millham Davison Gilbert S., retired, h 120 Perry Davison Isaac, teamster, h 13 Mott, Chamb’g Davison Isabella M., widow, bds 110 W State Davison Reuben, retired, h 21 1/2 Sheridan av Davison Robert, potter, bds Elmer av cor Chestnut av, Chamb’g Davison Spafford W., (Lee; Davison & Dye), h 224 E Hanover Davison Thomas, potter, 102 Berkely, Chamb’g Davison Walter, machinist, bds 95 Carroll Daw W. A., watchman, h Market n Mercer Dawes Charles K., machinist, bds 102 Walnut av, Chamb’g Dawes Josiah, machinist, h 102 Walnut av, Chamb’g Dawson Elizabeth, cook, 219 W State Dawson Frederick, potter, h 74 Perrine av Dawson John, wire drawer, h 581 Centre Dawson Thomas, iron worker, bds 581 Centre Day Helena, widow Henry, res 198 Lamberton Day James L., painter, bds 48 Perrine av Day Joshua S., (Naar; Day & Naar), h 230 Academy Day Owen H., conductor, bds 119 E Hanover Daymont Charles E., clerk, h 413 Bridge Daymont Robert A. Y., h 237 Ferry Dayton James, cracker baker, Chestnut cor Rusling, Chamb’g Dayton Margaret E., widow W. L., h 163 W State Dayton William L., counselor at law, 144 E State, h 163 W State Deaby William, bds Pennington av, Ewing twp Dean Aaron, carpenter, 76 Belvidere Dean Abraham, carpenter, h 407 Hudson, Chamb’g Dean Barbara, widow William, res 102 Union Dean Dennis, ale and beer, h Breuing av, Millham Dean George L., supreme court crier, h 108 N Willow Dean Henry, laborer, h 149 W Hanover Dean James, fireman, bds 102 Union Dean Jesse, decorator, 74 Carroll, h do Dean John, moulder, bds 102 Union Dean John S., engineer, h 26 Lincoln av Dean Joseph, teamster, h 12 Spring Dean Joseph, laborer, bds 102 Union Dean Samuel, engineer, h 91 Union Dean Samuel S., machinist, h 108 N Willow Dean Susan F., matron, Normal hall Dean Thomas, potter, Klagg av, Millham Dean William, moulder, bds 102 Union Debarger Charles H., carpenter, h 26 Delaware De Camp Mahlon, coachman, 123 Tyler, Chamb’g Deck Charles, cabinet maker, bds 225 Second Deck George, clerk, bds 445 Centre Deck Frances, res 54 Lamberton Deck Frederick Jr., cigar maker, bds 445 Centre DECK FREDERICK, cigar manufacturer, 445 Centre, h do Deck Joseph, shoe maker, h 303 Second Deck Laura, dress maker, res 427 Centre Deck Valentine, laborer, h 427 Centre Deck William, cigar maker, bds 445 Centre Decker Andrew J., h 92 Spring Decker Emma F., operator, bds 248 E Hanover Decker Mrs. Jane H., h 156 W State Decker Joseph, potter, h 11 Barbara DE COU JAMES C., apothecary, 44 E State, h 131 E Hanover DeCou Joseph, apothecary, h 142 Perry DeCou Thomas B., milkman, h Brunswick av n city limits DeCoursey Elliot C., clerk, h 230 Spring DeCressey Philip, laborer, bds 1036 Lamberton D’Edwine Elizabeth, widow Henry, h 185 Lamberton D’Edwine William H., billiard clerk, h 38 Pennington av Deegan Daniel, laborer, bds 196 Lamberton Deegan James, laborer, bds 196 Lamberton Deegan Mary, groceries and notions, 157 Pennington, h do Deegan Thomas, laborer, h 21 Second DeGraw Richard, tinsmith, h 15 Lamberton DeGraw Samuel, plumber, bds 20 W Front DeGroot Hamilton, 204 Hamilton, Chamb’g Dehe Peter, blacksmith, h 218 Fair DeLacey John, spinner, bds 508 Federal DeLacey Joseph M., engineer, h 508 Federal Delaney George, stone cutter, 225 Hamilton, Chamb’g Delaney John G., barber, 116 Perry Delaney Mary, domestic, 224 W State Delaney Rose, widow, 110 Bellevue av DELAWARE COAL & ICE CO., (William Pashley; president, J. H. Wood; secretary and treasurer, Charles Pashley; superintendent), 245 N Greene Delaware House, (Edwin M. Hoff; prop), Warren cor Bridge Delaware and Raritan canal shop, bet Stockton and W Canal Deleree Edwin, dealer in fruit, bds 212 E State Deleree William H., fruit and provision dealer, h 2l2 E State Deleree William H., Jr., dealer in fruit, bds 212 E State Dellicker Frederick, clerk, h 123 Calhoun Delp George H., pump maker, bds Pennington av n toll gate DELP J. A. H., manufacturer of and dealer in pumps, 119 Pennington av, h n toll gate Dempsey Thomas A., teamster, h 6 Barnes Dempster Samuel, laborer, h 810 Jefferson av, Chamb’g DeNight William, laborer, h Kelly al DeNise Edward. chain maker, bds ft Calhoun Dennis David G., carpenter, h 24 Bayard, Chamb’g Dennis Eliza, widow, 414 Calhoun Dennis Elizabeth, widow, 31 Spring Dennis George, teamster, h 47 Summer Dennis Holmes, laborer, 338 N Montgomery Dennis John, laborer, h Pennington av n toll gate Dennis John, barber, bds 609 S Warren Dennis John M., barber, bds 11 Bayard, Chamb’g Dennis Joseph, iron moulder, h 109 Fall Dennis Richard, laborer, h 217 Brunswick av Dennis Sarah, weaver, h 108 W Front Dennis Sarah, res 5 Quintin’s row; r Livingston Dennis Serena E. B., school teacher, res 217 Brunswick av Dennis William H., expressman, 206 N Feeder Dennis William H., laborer, bds 414 Calhoun Dennison James M., brick maker, h 588 Centre Dentel Alfred, cigar box maker, Assanpink block, bds 46 Lamberton Dentel Catharine, widow, res 46 Lamberton Denton George, trucker, h 184 Cooper Dents Alfred, machinist, bds 521 S Warren Dermody Michael, laborer, bds 818 S Warren Dermody William Jr., iron worker, bds 383 Fair Dermody William, iron worker, bds 383 Fair Derrington John, tanner, bds 38 Seward av Derry Alfred, potter, 241 Woodruff Desmond John, teamster, h 407 Centre Deitrich William, bds 12 Hamilton av Dettmar William F., shoe store, 557 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g Dettmen John, bridge tender, h Greenwood av n canal, Chamb’g Deutz Caspar, bookkeeper, h Deutzville Deutz & Co., (R. J. Deutz; George Rulon & W. F. Skillman), manufacturing jewelers, Deutzville Deutz Henry, jeweler, h Deutzville Deutz Karl, jeweler, h Deutzville Deutz R. J., (Deutz & Co.), h Deutzville Devaney John, iron worker, h 26 Bayard, Chamb’g Devaney John, potter, h 145 Brunswick av Devaney John, potter, h 39 Summer Devaney John, laborer, h 632 Princeton av Devaney Kate, dress maker, res 632 Princeton av Devaney Patrick, potter, h 34 Rose Devereux Sallie, milliner, 107 N Greene Devereux J. Frank, clerk, bds 115 Cooper Devereux William W. K., printer, bds 107 N Greene Devine Patrick, laborer, h 5 Division Develin Henry, potter, bds 26 Perrine av Devoe Theodore R., laborer, h 140 Rose Dewan James, coachman, 223 N Willow Dewan Martin, saloon, 103 W Hanover. h do Dewan Mary, widow, h 12 Ogden Dewhirst James, retired, 70 Bayard, Chamb’g Dey Arreunah R., fireman, h 204 Southard Diamond Edward, saw maker, bds 307 Bridge Diamond Henry, laborer, h 477 Centre Diamond James, heater, h 419 Cass Diamond James, laborer, h 719 Clinton, Chamb’g Diamond Manas, saw maker, h 520 Lamberton Diamond Patrick, laborer, h 397 Union DIBBLE MANUFACTURING CO., (William H. Dibble; pres’t, F. W. Roebling; treas, Theodore H. Dibble; sec’y), builders’ hardware, 503 Broad Dibble Theodore H., manufacturer, h 37 Model av Dibble William H., dentist, 436 E State, h do Dibert Abram C., shoe manufacturer, h 189 Broad Dickey Eliezer P., printer, h 124 Calhoun DICKINSON L. CADWALLADER, tobacco and cigars, 16 E State, h 209 Perry Dickinson Edwin T. W., baker, h 537 Clinton, Chamb’g Dickinson Elizabeth, widow, h 12 Passaic Dickinson Frederick E., teacher, bds 248 E Hanover Dickinson Hattie, teacher, res 348 Broad Dickinson John, instructor laundry department, state prison, h Emory n Chestnut av, Chamb’g Dickinson John, carriage builder, h 348 Broad Dickinson Philemon, h 128 W State Dickinson S. Meredith, counselor at law, state house, h 479 W State DICKINSON SAMUEL, druggist, 1 N Warren, h 531 E State Dickson Augustin, bds 223 Fall Dickson John F., hose maker, bds 223 Fall Dickson Samuel R, hide dealer, h 223 Fall Diehl Henry, barber, 437 Centre, bds 634 Lamberton Diehl Jacob Jr., iron worker, bds 634 Lamberton Diehl Jacob, laborer, h 634 Lamberton Diehl John, cabinet maker, h 207 Fall Dignan Edward F., bookkeeper, 306 Montgomery Dignan James, carpenter and builder, Peter’s al; n Stockton, h 236 Perry DIGNAN JAMES W., (J. W. Dignan & Son); also justice of the peace, h 236 Perry DIGNAN JAMES W. & SON, (Thomas Dignan), plumbers and gas fitters, 148 Perry Dignan Thomas, (Dignan & Son), h 483 Princeton av Dildine Charles, cutter, bds 110 W State Dill Catharine, widow John R., h 219 W State Dillett James, iron worker, Clinton n Dye, Chamb’g Dillett John, laborer, h .59 Clark, Chamb’g Dilley Anna, milliner, res 31 E State Dilley Ella, milliner, res 31 E State Dilley Valentine, mason, h 73 Lamberton Dillon Bridget, domestic, 148 W State Dillon Edward, hackman, h E State cor Chambers, Chamb’g Dillon Edward, puddler, h 213 Ferry Dillon Edward, tinsmith, bds 214 Fair Dillon Fannie, house cleaner, h 438 Princeton av Dillon James, beer saloon, 370 Clinton Dillon John, iron worker, h 214 Fair Dillon John Jr., carpenter, bds 214 Fair Dillon Joseph, watchman, 21 Grant av Dillon Joseph, hod carrier, bds 259 N Greene Dillon Patrick, mason, h 168 Monmouth Dillon Patrick, expressman, h 339 W Hanover Dillon Thomas, laborer, h 519 Calhoun Dillon Thomas, laborer, h 140 Monmouth Dilts Ethelinda, widow, res 36 Tyrill av Dilts George K., potter, h 250 N Feeder Dilts Godfrey, carpenter, 166 Rose Dilts John M., potter, 166 Rose Dilts William, street car driver, h 36 Tyrill av Diltz A. V., grocer, E Hanover cor Stockton, h do Dingman David, (Dingman & Terry), h 102 Centre cor Ferry DINGMAN & TERRY, (David Dingman and Alonzo Terry), groceries and provisions and wholesale commission dealers, Centre cor Ferry Dippolt Charles, dentist, 111 E State Dippolt Elena B., clerk, bds 210 N Montgomery Dippolt James L., toll gate keeper, h Bridge cor Fair Dippolt John F., book binder, bds 210 N Montgomery Dippolt Sallie, 210 N Montgomery Dippolt William E., clerk, h 28 Tyrill av DIRK JOHN, beer saloon, 603 Princeton av, h do Dirk Matilda, candy store, 601 Princeton av, h do Dirschboarg John B., kilnman, h 110 Turpin Dirth William, laborer, h 20 Chauncey Disbrow Azariah, wheelwright, h 1006 Clinton, Chamb’g DISBROW BENJAMIN B., barber, 324 E State, h 38 E Canal DISBROW BENJAMIN L., undertaker, 8 S Warren, h 120 N Warren Disbrow Charles W., barber, bds 38 E Canal Disbrow Edward, carpenter, 1006 Clinton, Chamb’g DISBROW GEORGE P., mason, bds 624 S Warren Disbrow Heatbcote J., bds 231 E Hanover Disbrow James P., janitor city hall, h do Disbrow John, wire worker, h Landing n Lamberton Disbrow John C., clerk, h 202 Academy Disbrow Milan, shoe maker, h 546 Second Disbrow Randolph, wire worker, 1006 Clinton, Chamb’g Disbrow William, kilnman, bds 546 Second Disbrow William H., mason, h 306 Bridge Disbrow William M., agent, h 101 W State DISSINGER & ALLINSON, (Jacob Dissinger and Josiah T. Allinson), plumbers and gas fitters, 14 E Hanover Dissinger Jacob, (Dissinger & Allinson), h 429 Princeton Ditmars Augustus, packer, bds 584 Clinton, Chamb’g Ditmars Henry S., janitor, bds 106 Allen Ditmars John, painter, bds 105 Jackson DITMARS JOHN H., groceries and provisions, 584 Clinton, h do, Chamb’g Ditmus Charles, hostler, h 46 Fowler Dix Moses, laborer, h Mulberry, Millham Doane Henry, laborer, bds 107 Fall Dobbins Charles C., grocery, 403 E State, h do Dobbins Charles S. H., plumber, 156 Broad, h do DOBBINS JOHN P., importer and dealer in liquors, 457 Broad, h do Dobbins Robert L., hatter, 15 E State, h 47 Carroll Dobbins S. Hillman, clerk, h 122 Allen DODSON WILLIAM B., ladies’ and gents’ furnishing goods and notions, Greene cor Front, h do Dolan Barney, laborer, h 21 Woodland, Chamb’g Dolan Daniel, telegraph operator, bds 42 Bank Dolan John, laborer, h 11 Division Dolan Martin, laborer, bds 821 Lamberton Dolan Michael, teacher, bds 110 Southard Dolan Michael, laborer, h 821 Lamberton Doles Thomas, laborer, h 374 Reservoir Dollhopf Theodore, knob maker, bds 274 N Willow Dolly George, laborer, h 155 Pennington av Dolton Charles H., clerk, h 156 E Front Dolton Edward C., chain maker, bds 205 Pennington av Dolton Edward, retired, h 622 S Warren Dolton Edward, laborer, h 93 Cass, Chamb’g Dolton Frank, moulder, bds 151 Broad Dolton John, h 2 Prince, Millham Dolton Mary, widow, 205 Pennington av Dolton Michael, potter, h 2 Prince, Millham DOLTON WM. & CO., (J. H. Blackwell), wholesale grocers, 114 & 116 N Warren Dolton William, (Wm. Dolton & Co.), h 130 N Warren Donaldson Agnes, widow, State cor Chambers, Chamb’g Donegan Thomas, mason, 151 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Donlon Patrick, laborer, 753 Chambers, Chamb’g Donlon James, laborer, h 108 Fair Donlon John, laborer, h 3 Mill Donlon Mary A., domestic, 117 E Hanover Donlon Rose, domestic, 116 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Donnelly Anthony, laborer, h 654 Broad, Chamb’g Donnelly Charles, laborer, bds 654 Broad, Chamb’g Donnelly Charles, printer, bds 524 Federal Donnelly Charles, laborer, h 127 Second Donnelly Charles J., iron worker, bds 113 Furman Donnelly Felix, laborer, h 373 Second Donnelly Harry A., salesman, bds Earley’s Hotel; E Hanover Donnelly Henry, h 456 Centre Donnelly James, laborer, 524 Federal Donnelly John, potter, h 8 Jefferson Donnelly John, gardener, 185 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Donnelly John H., bar tender, bds 151 E Front Donnelly Julia, widow Daniel, res 15 New Donnelly Michael, iron worker, h 113 Furman Donnelly Michael, laborer, h 466 Centre Donnelly Michael, laborer, h 448 Centre DONNELLY MICHAEL J., news dealer and tobacconist, 3 Centre, bds 458 do Donnelly Owen, teamster, h 307 Brunswick av Donnelly Patrick, iron worker, h 458 Centre Donnelly Patrick, stone mason, 513 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Donnelly Patrick, h 6 Jefferson DONNELLY RICHARD A., gents’ furnishing goods, Taylor hall, bds Earley’s Hotel; E Hanover Donnelly William, wire drawer. bds 654 Broad, Chamb’g Donnelly William, retired, h 13 Donnelly’s al Donnelly William, wire worker, h 29 Decatur Donner Anna, dress maker, res 140 W State Donner Edward B., telegraph operator, bds 140 W State Donoghue & Leonard, (Michael J. Donoghue & James B. Leonard), stone yard, Front n Stockton Donoghue Michael J., (Donoghue & Leonard), h 113 Spring DONOGHUE THOMAS J., Bound Brook Hotel & sample room, 241 N Willow, h do Donohue Charles, potter, h 24 Perrine av Donohue Charles W., kilnman, h 22 Mulberry, E Trenton Donohue David, bottler, bds 632 S Warren Donohue David, laborer, 135 Pennington av Donohue James, beer and ale, 58 Esher, h do Donohue James, ale and beer, 239 Clinton, Millham, h do Donohue John, brick maker, bds 135 Pennington av Donoher Mary, widow, h 129 Ferry Donoher Thomas P., salesman Trenton Pottery, bds 129 Ferry Donovan Bridget, widow, 203 N Willow Donovan Charles, polisher, bds 97 Summer Donovan Dennis, wire drawer, Girard av, Deutzville Donovan Dennis, peddler, h 352 Broad Donovan James, laborer, h 607 Clinton, Chamb’g Donovan James, farmer, Girard av, Deutzville Doolan Edward, laborer, 109 Jennie, Chamb’g Doolan Michael, grocer, Esher cor Herman, h do Dooley Dennis, laborer, 116 Humboldt Dooley James W., chain maker, bds 167 W Hanover Doolittle Horace F., h 53 Model av Dooner Barney, farmer, Hermitage; W State; n city limits Doran Emma, widow John G., res 59 Cooper Doran George N., driller P R R, h 136 Monmouth Doran George N., moulder, bds 11 E Front Doran John, teamster, h 145 N Willow Doran John J., painter, 13 Pennington av Doran Thomas, laborer, bds 425 Centre Doran William T., painter, h 303 S Warren Dorling John E., rubber maker, h 38 Tyrill av Dorsey Katie, dress maker, res 36 Grand, Chamb’g Dorsey James Jr., laborer, bds 110 Adeline, Chamb’g Dorsey James, laborer, h 110 Adeline, Chamb’g Dorsey Thomas, gas maker, h 36 Grand, Chamb’g Dotser George, iron worker, bds 476 Centre Dotson Nelson, bds 604 S Warren Dotter Andrew J., iron worker, h 108 William, Chamb’g Dotter John, laborer, h 503 Jennie, Chamb’g Dotter Michael, laborer, bds 503 Jennie, Chamb’g Dotzert Charles, laborer, h 381 Second Dougherty James, laborer, bds 350 N Montgomery Dougherty James, canal foreman, 312 Brunswick av Dougherty James. potter, h Taylor, Millham Dougherty John G., potter, h 533 Perry Dougherty Robert, blacksmith, h 390 Union Dougherty Sarah A., widow Daniel, res r 166 Cooper Douglass Alfred, carpenter, 242 Mercer Douglass Armour A., harness maker, 130 Mercer Douglass Charles, painter, h 197 Cooper Douglass Frederick, laborer, bds 218 N Willow Douglass Nathaniel R., harness maker, 204 Broad, h do Douress Charles, roller, bds 146 Ferry Douress Edward, roller, bds 146 Ferry Douress Margaret, widow, 146 Ferry Douress William, laborer, h 506 Second Dowd & Bro., (John and William P.), stilt manufacturers, Mulberry cor Klagg av, Millham Dowd John, (Dowd & Bro.), h Klagg av, Millham Dowd John, iron worker, h 11 Mott, Chamb’g Dowd John Jr., iron worker, 11 Mott, Chamb’g Dowd Mary, domestic, 227 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Dowd Mary, domestic, 51 W State Dowd William P., (Dowd & Bro.), h Klagg av, Millham Dowdell Matthew, laborer, bds 26 Belvidere Dowdney Charles B., blacksmith, h 231 Ferry Dowling Andrew R., clerk, bds 167 Broad DOWLING’S HOTEL, (Robert S. Dowling; prop), 167 and 169 Broad Dowling John, laborer, 132 Fountain av Dowling John, potter, h 11 Bond Dowling John A., plumber, bds 167 Broad Dowling Martha A., widow, h Kelly’s al Dowling Robert S. Jr., clerk, bds 167 Broad Dowling Robert S., prop Dowling’s Hotel, 167 and 169 Broad Dowling Sylvester, laborer, bds 132 Fountain av Downing Addis, machinist, h 20 Market Downing Stafford R., puddler, h 217 Ferry Downs Elizabeth, confectionery, 318 Clinton av, h do Doyle Catharine, widow, N Feeder D & R canal N of junction Doyle Elizabeth, widow, 457 Princeton av Doyle James T., conductor, bds 330 N Montgomery Doyle Peter, laborer, h 226 Elmer, Chamb’g Doyle Thomas, brakeman, 457 Princeton av Doyle William R., bookkeeper, h 117 N Stockton Drain Thomas A., plumber, h 308 Bridge Drake Albert S., grocer, 201 Spring, h do Drake Benjamin, clerk, bds 127 Cooper Drake Catharine, widow, res 127 Cooper Drake Charles C., telegraph operator, bds 437 E State Drake Charles H., potter, bds 78 Bellevue av Drake Edward J., clerk, bds Centre cor Landing Drake Henry S., brakeman, h 552 Perry Drake Isaac R., carpenter, h 437 E State Drake James, bds 127 Cooper Drake James M., grocer, Centre cor Landing, h do Drake John, plasterer, bds 127 Cooper Drake John, laborer, h 442 Centre Drake John, painter, bds 554 Centre Drake John H., brakeman, h 108 Jefferson Drake Kate, widow William A., h 33 Turpin Drake Liscomb, bds 128 Allen Drake Liscomb T., mason, 78 Bellevue av Drake William H., machinist, bds 33 Turpin Drakeford William, potter, h Dickinson n Cass, Millham Dramcourt J. A., bds 140 W State Driscoll Michael, potter, bds 120 Kossuth Driver Louis, laborer, h 11 William, Chamb’g Drodenbrolt George, laborer, 421 Federal Drugan James, laborer, h 368 Clinton Drugan Samuel, potter, 56 Lincoln av Drugen James, potter, 215 N Willow Drummond Jennie D., bds 110 W State Dubbs Lewis, iron worker, h 489 Broad Dudey Michael, laborer, h 325 Southard Duff John, laborer, bds 104 Clinton, Chamb’g Duff Thomas, trackman, bds 330 Perry Duffield Francis, laborer, h 3 Jennie al, Chamb’g Duffy James, saloon, Ferry cor Fair, h do Duffy Jane, widow Patrick, res 132 Turpin Duffy Luke, laborer, h 43 Jefferson Duffy Patrick, laborer, h Prince n Mead, Millham Dugan Farrell, laborer, bds 189 W Hanover Dugan James, iron worker, h 662 Lamberton Dugan Thomas, laborer, h 189 W Hanover Dugan William, coachman, bds 301 Jackson Duge Matthew, laborer, h 101 Bellevue av Duggan Fred, potter, bds 202 Southard Duggan Michael, laborer, h 98 Union Duggan Michael Jr., laborer, bds 98 LTnion Duhy James, potter, bds 538 Perry Dullard Patrick, laborer, bds 638 Princeton av Dullea Michael, laborer, bcls 388 S Warren Dumont John H., potter, bds 168 Mercer Dumont John H., grocer, 223 Southard, h do Duncan Charles H., instructor state prison, h 514 Market Duncan Francis H., manager W. U. Telegraph office, h 232 Mercer Duncan William F., clerk, bds 514 Market Duncson James, laborer, h 438 Princeton av D’Unger Barnett G., (D'Unger & Son), h 607 S Warren D'Unger Elwood, D’Unger & Sons, h 603 S Warren D'Unger & Son, (B. G. & Elwood D’Unger), machinists, Factory cor Warren D‘Unger Willis, deputy keeper, h 116 N Willow DUNHAM CHARLES H., physician, 121 S Warren, h 123 do Dunham John, laborer, bds 164 Passaic Dungan Charles H., railroad employe, h 20 Wall Dunigan John, laborer, h 69 Esher Dunnigan Owen, potter, bds 17 Behm Dunning John, potter, h 24 E Canal Dunlavy Daniel, laborer, h 205 Clinton, Millham Dunley John, boiler maker. bds 13 Wright’s al Dunley William, laborer, 13 Wright’s al Dunn & Ashton, (Philip P. Dunn and John K. Ashton), wholesale boots; shoes and rubbers, 13 and 15 N Warren Dunn Alexander, (Dunn & Murray), h 218 E State Dunn Christopher, clerk, bds 209 Centre Dunn David T., baggage master, bds 246 N Willow Dunn Ella, widow, h Breuing av, Millham Dunn Ellen A., dress making, 341 S Warren, h Yardleyville; Pa Dunn Felix, iron worker, h 486 Centre Dunn Henry W., paymaster, D & R canal office, bds 123 Perry Dunn Isaac A., salesman, bds 150 Perry Dunn James, printer, bds 151 Broad Dunn James, puddler, bds 44 Asbury Dunn James, heater, h 486 Centre Dunn John, laborer, h 126 Temple Dunn John, liquor saloon, 326 S Warren, h do Dunn Joseph A., potter, bds 126 Kossuth Dunn Lewis, clerk, h 119 W Hanover Dunn Luke, wire worker, h 507 Ferry Dunn Luke, watchman, h 126 Kossuth Dunn Michael, laborer, h 317 Ewing DUNN & MURRAY, (A. Dunn and J. Howard Murray), hardware; &c., 13 E State Dunn Patrick, wire drawer, bds 486 Centre Dunn Philip P. Jr., clerk, bds 145 E Hanover Dunn Philip P., (Dunn & Ashton); also pres’t First National Bank, h 145 E Hanover Dunn Willet, merchant tailor, 105 E State, h 121 E Hanover Dunphy John, flagman, h 179 Cooper Dunphy Mrs. John, groceries, 179 Cooper, h do Durling John, rubber maker, h 38 Tyrill av Durling Mizner, laborer, h 38 Tyrill av Durnan Barney, iron worker, bds 216 Second Dwyer Dennis, laborer, 221 Woodruff DWYER EDWARD, hotel, 223 Clinton av, h do Dwyer James, laborer, h 119 Jefferson Dwyer John T., student, bds 247 Mercer Dwyer Thomas, laborer, h 247 Mercer Dwyer William, railroader, bds 64 Perrine av Dye George, teamster, h 248 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Dye George R., merchant, 16 Tyler, Chamb’g Dye Hannah, tailoress, res 37 Lamberton Dye Howell, rubber maker, h 225 Clinton, Millham Dye James W., shipping clerk, h 11 Carroll Dye Joseph H., teamster, bds 248 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Dye Levi, (Lee; Davison & Dye), h 126 N Warren Dye William H., h 248 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Dyer Edward, blacksmith, h 119 Ferry Dyer George W., rubber maker, bds 104 Clinton, Chamb’g Dyer John, kilnman, h 27 Esher Dyer John D., conductor, h 608 Prospect, Chamb’g Dyer John V., fruit and confectionery, 12 S Greene, h 10 Decatur Dyer Julia, widow Felix, res 10 Decatur Dyer Mary, tailoress, 29 Tucker Dyer William, chain maker, h 1016 Broad, Chamb’g Dynaing Daniel, laborer, h 200 Lamberton Eades John, saloon, 485 Broad, h do Eades John W., roller, h 146 Second EAGLE HOTEL, (Thomas Leonard; prop), Broad cor Ferry EAGLE POTTERY, (Henry A. Burroughs; Elijah Mountford; Joseph Burroughs), Clinton n Centre Eardley Abraham, potter, h 26 Sheridan av Eardley Charles, decorator, bds 301 Jackson Eardley John, potter, bds 36 Southard Eardley Samuel, potter, h 6 Seward av Eardley William, potter, 113 Butler, Chamb’g Earle Thomson G., prop Earle’s express, h 62 Lamberton Earley Alice P., widow, res 47 Lamberton Earley Daniel, laborer, h 144 Federal EARLEY’S HOTEL, (Henry Earley; prop), E Hanover n Greene Earley Henry, (prop Earley’s Hotel), 105 E Hanover Earley Richardson, carpenter, h 100 Walnut av, Chamb’g Earley Robert, clerk, bds 118 W State EARLEY WILLIAM H., city clerk, bds Earley’s Hotel East Trenton pottery Co., (C. S. Cook; president and treasurer, W. M. Marshal; secretary), N Y av cor Mulberry, E Trenton Eastburn Mary Ann, widow, bds 110 W State Easthope George E., shoe maker, bds 151 Broad Easton David, tailor, h 23 Spring Eayres Charles, paper hanger, h 25 E Front Eberle Theodosia W., widow, h 240 W State Eccles Alfred, clerk, bds 121 E Hanover Eccles William J., insurance agent, h r 144 E State Eck Augustus, cigar maker, h 18 Camden Eck Frederick, laborer, h Third n zinc works Eckert Gottlieb, laborer, 43 Gordon Eckert Louis, saloon, bds 133 Allen Eckert Theodore H., potter, h 15 Hermann Eckerson Mary, widow Benjamin, 138 Bayard, Chamb’g Eckstein Jacob, laborer, h 178 Cooper Eddie Jeanette, widow, h 25 Sheridan av EDGE & CO., (Thomas G. Edge), importers and decorators of china and earthenware, 9 Ewing Edge Thomas G., (Edge & Co.), h 55 Southard Edge William H., h 868 Centre Edmund Charles, potter, h 303 Jackson Edmund Ellsworth E., saw grinder, bds 11 Taylor Edmund Henry N., jeweler, bds 1030 Lamberton Edmund Peter J., grocer, 9 Centre, h 177 Cooper Edmund Thomas H., china gilder, bds 177 Cooper Edmund Walter H., saw grinder, h 11 Taylor Edwards Charles H., clerk, bds 144 E Front Edwards Frederick, laborer, bds 61 Union Edwards John V., tobacconist, 107 Fall, h do Edwards Joseph, blacksmith, h 144 E Front Edwards Lewis, iron worker, 38 Mott, Chamb’g Edwards Lewis Jr., charcoal refiner, bds 38 Mott, Chamb’g Edwards Mary A., widow Jacob S., res 40 Cooper Edwards Samuel, h 183 Cooper Edwards Thomas, potter, 233 Elmer, Chamb’g Edwards Thomas, iron worker, 233 Elmer, Chamb’g Edwards Thomas, potter, h 49 Sheridan av Egan Bernard, boatman, h 356 Fair Egan Edward, wire drawer, bds 306 Centre Egan John J., wire drawer, bds 306 Centre Egan John, laborer, h 73 Bellevue av Egan John, gas maker, h 306 Centre Egan Michael, potter, bds 144 Jefferson Egan Patrick, laborer, h 371 Fair Egan Patrick J., wire drawer, bds 306 Centre Egan Thomas, potter, bds 144 Jefferson Ege Asa H., farmer, bds 130 Spring Egner Frederick, teamster, h 10 E Front Eggert Dora, domestic, 127 E Hanover Eggert John, iron worker, h 636 Centre Eggert John Jr., iron worker, bds 636 Centre Eichman William H., conductor, h 70 Spring Eichman William H., engineer, 63 Spring Eichner Benjamin, h 34 Fountain av Eichner William, bds 34 Fountain av Eick Alvah, clerk, bds 707 S Warren Eike Hiram, teamster, h 306 Hamilton, Chamb’g Eike Silas C., laborer, bds 306 Hamilton, Chamb’g Einberg Wolf, iron worker, h 43 Market EISENBACH JOHN, (prop Marion Hotel), S Warren cor Mill, res do Eisenbach William, laborer, h 131 Lamberton Eisenhude August, potter, bds 689 Princeton av Eldridge Enoch, farmer, bds Pennington av n toll gate Eldridge Stephen, milk dealer, h Pennington av n toll gate Elgeshauser Anton, tailor, h 9 E State Ellicott Calvin, laborer, h 304 Bridge Ellicott Sarah, widow George, res 122 Union Ellingsworth William, iron worker, h 221 Mercer Elliott Anna, washing, h 8 Lodge al Elliott David, laborer, 149 Pennington av Elliott Robert, bottler, 444 Broad, h do Elliott Tillie M., music teacher, bds 79 Southard Elliott & Cuddy (Wm. Elliott and Thomas Cuddy), blacksmiths, 543 & 545 Perry Elliott William, (Elliott & Cuddy), 508 Perry Ellis I. Addie, teacher, res 226 N Warren Ellis Ambrose, engineer, h 234 Pennington av ELLIS EDWARD S., journalist, h 430 E State Ellis Edward, potter, h 338 Clinton av Ellis Franklin, fisherman, bds 116 Bridge Ellis George W., engineer, h 141 Perry Ellis James B., engineer, h 108 Mill Ellis James H., potter, bds 13 New York av, E Trenton Ellis Lewis, potter, bds 13 New York av, E Trenton Ellis Mary, widow, res 139 Spring Ellis Samuel, slater, 78 Spring, h 83 do Ellis Susan, grocery, h 13 New York av, E Trenton Ellis Sylvester, laborer, h 3 Mill Ellsworth Elmer, lock moulder, bds 32 Sweet’s av Elmer William, physician, 46 W State, h do Elrath Charles, mason, bds 27 Passaic Elrath John R., mason, h 27 Passaic Elsbury Charles, waiter, bds 183 W Hanover Elsbury Harriet, widow, h 183 W Hanover Elwill C. Howard, clerk, h 240 E State Ely Clara, widow, res 33 Ringold Ely George, real estate, 130 Perry, h do Ely Gershom M., clerk, bds Montgomery cor S Feeder Ely H. Newton, traveling agent, bds 323 Market Ely Howard, druggist, h 66 Laniberton Ely Hugh B., sec’y and treas B D & Flem R R & Trans Co, Trenton H R R Co, Clinton Ely Isaac, iron worker, h l52 Lamberton Ely Jonathan G., carpenter, 75 Spring Ely Morris H., polisher, bds 66 Lamberton Ely Seth, boarding house, h 31 Yard av Ely Vanmarter, carpenter, h 117 Bayard, Chamb’g Ely Wilson, carpenter, bds 166 Broad Embley Jefferson, student, bds 410 Market Embley Robert, cigar maker, h 312 Clinton av Embley William P., sash and blinds, h 314 Clinton av Emerson Herbert S., printer, h 126 N Montgomery Emery Elizabeth, widow, h 334 Ewing Emery Hannah, widow Philip, 23 Butler, Chamb’g Emile Brewer, bar tender, 123 S Greene Emlen Charles, bakery, 30 S Greene. h do Emlen George, paper maker, h 142 Pennington av Emmons Hulda, domestic, 209 Market Emmons Peter, wire maker, h 714 Broad, Chamb’g Emmons Spencer, clothing, 309 S Warren, h do Emory Anna, widow, 83 Butler, Chamb’g EMPORIUM THE DAILY, (John Briest; editor and prop), 146 E State Emrich Simon, fancy goods, 801 Broad, h do, Chamb’g ENCKE & DAVIS, (Joseph R. Encke and William Davis), real estate and insurance agents, 344 Broad ENCKE JOSEPH R., (Encke & Davis), city treasurer, h 241 Jackson ENDEBROCK FREDERICK H., confectioner, 171 Broad, h do Engel Annie M., widow, h 62 Pennington av ENGEL CHARLES C., restaurant and saloon, Taylor hall, h 151 E Front Engel Edward, baker, 222 Broad, h do Engel Peter, laborer, h 325 Second Engel William, laborer, h 18 Sheridan Engelke James, laborer, Hudson n Butler, Chamb’g Engert George, iron worker, h 323 Federal Engleburg Frank, iron worker, bds 239 Elmer, Chamb’g English Ambrose W., brick manufacturer, h 113 W State English Elmer E., milk dealer, h 533 Perry ENGLISH FRANKLIN P., groceries and provisions, 141 Spring cor Calhoun, h 222 Spring English George W., clerk, h 124 Spring English Harrison F., dealer in meat; &c, 336 Broad, h 319 do English Jacob C., salesman, h 533 Perry English John M., huckster, h 59 Southard English Joseph R., grocer, Hudson cor Bayard, h 259 Hamilton, Chamb‘g English Lydia E., h 37 Lamberton English Mrs. Sarah, res 120 Centre English William H., millwright, h 37 Lamberton Ennis Christopher, laborer, h 227 Second Ennis John J., laborer, h 608 Clinton, Chamb’g Ennis Phillis, widow, h 23 Taylor al Enoch Jennie, widow, h 33 E Washington Enslin Charles, iron worker, h 104 Jennie, Chamb’g Enslin David, baker, h 23 Cox’s al Ensling Christian,oaker, bds 241 Federal Ent Charles, laborer, bds 317 Fair Ent Lambert, flagman, h 317 Fair Ent Rebecca, widow Peter, res 210 Broad Ent William, boatman, bds 317 Fair ENTERPRISE POTTERY COMPANY, (Charles H. Skirm; pres’t and treas, S. D. Oliphant; sec’y), New York av, E Trenton Entwistle Robert, machinist, h 590 Centre Enwright Thomas, millwright, h 15 N Willow Enwright Michael, laborer, h 551 Centre Episcopo Arsenio, tobacconist and confectioner, 337 and 339 Broad, h do Episcopo Louis, laborer, bds 337 Broad Erb George, wire drawer, h 142 Turpin Ermeling Bernhardt, engineer, 224 Second Ermeling Ernest, iron worker, bds 224 Second Ernest August, pretzel baker, h 808 Centre Ernest Emma E., dress maker, res 605 Lamberton Ernest William E., auctioneer, h 605 Lamberton Errickson John, ass’t foreman, h 72 Perrine av Ervin William H., boatman, h 55 Summer Esmond Joseph, iron worker, h r 510 Lamberton Estellow Frank T., druggist, bds 542 S Warren Estellow Henry, machinist, h 542 S Warren Etchells John E., machinist, bds 261 Jackson ETTENGER & LA FETRA, (B. F. Ettenger and Joseph La Fetra), manufacturers of boots and shoes, 47 W State Ettenger B. F., (Ettenger & La Fetra), bds Morrisville ETRURIA POTTERY, (Ott & Brewer; prop’s), Clinton n B&DRR ETZENBERGER JOHN, glue factory, Taylor n Fillmore, Millham, h do Eubank John W., salesman, h Dolton’s block Eubank John W. Jr., salesman, h Dolton’s block Euchner Ben jamin, brick maker, 34 Fountain av Euchner William, brick maker, 34 Fountain av EVANS EDWARD W., counselor at law, 18 S Warren, h 51 W State Evans Jacob, laborer, h 309 Reservoir Evans J. Douglass, printer, bds 9 N Willow Evans John, carpenter, h 227 Perry Evans John, tool maker, h 180 Lamberton Evans Joseph, Novelty iron foundry, 208 Lamberton, h 6 Cosy pl; Smith’s av Evans Katie, milliner, res 31 E State Evans Mary, h 222 E State Evans Reese, laborer, h 102 Clark, Chamb’g Evans Samuel V., moulder, h 183 Cooper Evarts Frederick, roller, bds 225 Second Everbach Henry, farmer, h 812 Centre Everhart Frederick, 16 Hancock, Chamb’g Everett Abram B., carpenter, 83 Pennington av Everett Benjamin F., mason, h 132 Allen Everett Frank, mason, h 132 Allen Everett J. Gardner, mason, h 26 Spring Everett John W., carpenter, h 11 Fowler EVERETT THOMAS S., dealer in horses and mules, Broad r of Dowling’s Hotel, h 119 Centre Everitt George J., locksmith, 83 Pennington av Everitt Henry P., mason, bds 83 Pennington av Everingham Henry, farmer, Broad n Jersey av, Chamb’g Everingham William, laborer, h 323 Clinton, Chamb’g Everingham William S., salesman, 141 Academy Evernham Horatio, carpenter, bds 58 Union Evernham James, millwright, h 58 Union Evernham William, potter, bds 58 Union Evers Anton, laborer, h 828 Lamberton Ewan Benjamin, clerk, h 139 Stockton Ewan George R., clerk, bds 139 Stockton Ewing Louisa, res 136 N Warren Ewing Maude, res 136 N Warren Ewing Rachel, dress maker, res 232 N Willow Ewing Thomas R., paper hanger, bds 232 N Willow EXCELSIOR POTTERY WORKS (Joseph Willets; pres’t, Daniel Willets; sec’y, Edmund R. Willets; treas), manufacturers of earthenware, D & R canal ab Rose Extine John, laborer, h Anderson, Chamb’g Exton Adam, (Adam Exton & Co.), h 324 Broad EXTON ADAM & CO. (Adam Exton; John Exton; Wm. H. Brokaw), cracker bakery, factory 244 and 246 Centre cor Furman Exton George A., salesman, h 259 Jackson Exton John, (Adam Exton & Co.), h 242 Centre Exton William F., bookkeeper, bds 233 Centre Faas Frederick, butcher, Chestnut av cor Cummins, Chamb’g Fabian Agnes, Cass n canal bridge, Chamb’g Fabian Charles, manufacturer of cigars, N Warren and Brunswick av, h 14 Pennington av Fabian Elizabeth, widow, h 428 Princeton av Fabian George, cigar maker, bds 428 Princeton av Fabian Henry, bridge tender, 2 Cass, Chamb’g Fabian Peter, teamster, h 101 Fountain av Fabian Stewart, car driver, h 207 Third Fackenthall Hart, blacksmith, bds S Stockton n Front Fackenthall C. Minnie, teacher, res 310 Centre Fagan George, rubber maker, bds 27 William Fagin Alexander, shoe dealer, h 219 N Montgomery Fagin Ann, widow Abel, res 218 Fall Fagin Catharine, widow, res 188 Lamberton Fagin Mary, bds 107 S Warren Fagin Patrick, slipper maker, h 188 Lamberton Fagin William, carpenter, h 225 Bridge Fagin William, 864 Broad, Chamb'g Fagins William, bridge tender, h 102 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Fahrenbach Henry, h 1044 Lamberton Fairbrother David, h 313 Bridge Fairbrother Edward. laborer, bds 313 Bridge Fairbrother Edward B., machinist, bds 313 Bridge Fairley Joseph W., principal Trenton Academy, bds 136 N Warren Fairlie John, tinsmith, bds 368 S Warren Fairlie William, machinist, bds 368 S Warren Faist Baptist, laborer, h 63 Rose Fajoli Ann, widow Constantine, res 16 New Fajoli Daniel, laborer, h 45 Jefferson Fajoli Maria, widow, h Allen n W Canal Falcy Michael, potter, bds 48 Jefferson Falcy Patrick, potter, bds 48 Jefferson Falcy Simon, potter, h 48 Jefferson Fallandau Jacob, potter, bds 211 Southard Faller George, laborer, bds 17 Ferry Fallon Charles, miller, h 375 S Warren Fallon Joseph, laborer, 1 Mott, Chamb’g Fallon Martin, laborer, h 334 E Carroll Fallon Matilda B., school teacher, h Dolton’s block Fallows Alfred J., sup’t wire weaving room, bds 31 Yard av Fallows Martha, widow William, res 117 Mill Fannon Patrick, laborer, bds 568 S Warren Fark Louisa, confectionery, 26 S Warren, h do Farley Andrew, groceries and provisions, 120 Second, h do Farley Annie, widow James, h 178 Jefferson Farley Dickerson H., teacher, h 122 Monmouth Farley Dominick, shoe maker, h 24 E Front Farley Elias, oyster saloon, 610 S Warren, h do Farley Harry, barber, bds 805 Broad, Chamb’g Farley James, laborer, h 28 Woolverton av, Chamb’g Farley James, laborer, r 331 Union Farley Joseph, potter, h 27 Sheridan av Farley Luke, finisher, bds 711 Broad, Chamb’g Farley Mary, widow, h St Joseph av, Millham Farley Nicholas, laborer, h 414 Centre Farley Patrick, laborer, 53 Spring Farley Patrick, potter, h 9 New York av, E Trenton Farley Patrick, bds 444 Broad Farley Patrick, h 414 Centre Farley Philip, potter, bds 231 Clinton, Millham Farley Philip, potter, h 171 Jefferson Farley Richard, wire drawer, bds 28 Woolverton av, Chamb’g Farley Theodore, waiter, h 147 W Hanover Farley Thomas, laborer, h 23 Turpin Farmer Edward, chain manufacturer, 342 Fair, h do Farrand James H., h 30 Yard av Farrell Charles, h 127 Kossuth Farrell Charles C., tinsmith, h 74 Union Farrell Charles H, potter, bds 61 Union Farrell Catharine, domestic, 125 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Farrell Gertrude A., widow Hugh, res 61 Union Farrell Henrietta, widow, res 555 Broad Farrell James, laborer, h 211 Spring Farrell James Jr., tinsmith, h 215 Spring Farrell James, laborer, h 164 Jefferson Farrell John, clerk, bds 883 Broad, Chamb'g Farrell John, carpenter, h 143 Conover’s al Farrell John P., blacksmith, h 61 Union FARRELL LAWRENCE, furniture; carpets; oil cloths; &c., 146 N Greene, h 219 Perry Farrell Michael, grocer, 883 Broad, h do, Chamb’g Farrell Michael Jr., clerk, bds 883 Broad, Chamb’g Farrell Robert, gardener, h 337 W Hanover Farrell Robert, blacksmith, bds 211 Spring Farrell Thomas, letter carrier, bds 188 Brunswick av Farrell William, laborer, h 228 Spring Fasold Charles, hose maker, h 127 Hampton, Chamb'g FAUBEL ELIZABETH, beer saloon. 274 N Willow, h do Faubel William, upholsterer, bds 274 N Willow Faulkner William, laborer, h 37 Cooper Faussett Edwin W., teamster, bds 25 E Front Faussett John B., canvasser, 214 N Warren Faussett John B. Jr., clerk, bds 214 N Warren Faussett Robert, paper hanger, 25 E Front Faussett William C., real estate, h 25 E Front Fay Charles, potter, h 121 Kossuth Fay Edward, rubber maker, h Sherman av n Clinton, Millham Fay Matthew, laborer, h 112 Sweet’s av Fay Thomas, iron worker, h 35 Cass, Chamb’g Fearen Thomas, dyer, h 64 Pennington av Fearnley Richard, wire drawer, h 702 Clinton, Chamb’g Fearnley Ruth, grocer, 1218 Broad, Chamb’g Fecker Paul, tailor, h 27 Tucker Fee Daniel, laborer, h 130 Ferry Fee James, heater, h 182 Lamberton Fee Patrick, laborer, h 191 W Hanover Fee Patrick, laborer, h 22 E Canal Feehan James, laborer, 18 Rose Feehan Peter, laborer, 203 Pennington av Feenan Martin, teamster, 25 Tucker Feenburgh William, peddler, h 506 S Warren Feeney Daniel, saw maker, h 113 Bridge Feeney George, boiler maker, bds 829 S Warren Feeney James, kilnman, bds 829 S Warren Feeney John Jr., finisher, bds 829 S Warren Feeney John, iron worker, h 829 S Warren Feeney Mary, wire weaver, res 829 S Warren Feeney Michael, boiler maker, bds S29 S Warren Feeney William, boiler maker, bds 829 S Warren Feirlie Elizabeth, widow John, res 368 S Warren Feirlie John, tinsmith, bds 36S S Warren Feirlie William, machinst, bds 375 5 Warren Feist Baptist, laborer, h 63 Rose Feist Henry, cigar box maker, h 114 Fall Feist Joseph, potter, bds 46 Rose Feist Joseph, huckster, 46 Rose Feist William, laborer, h Dickinson n Cass, Millham Felix Annie M., dress maker, res 538 S Warren Feldtmeyer Mary, widow, 53 Tucker Fell Adeline M., embroidery; &c., 25 E State, h 31 Yard av Fell Albert, brick maker, h 29 Chapel Fell Augustus, brick maker, res city almshouse Fell Catharine, widow Jacob T., res 309 Lamberton Fell Charles C., brick maker, bds 32 Pennington av Fell Christian, (Fell & Heil), h 147 E Hanover Fell Claude E., brick maker, bds 147 E Hanover FELL DANIEL, steward of the city almshouse, Princeton av, h do Fell Edward B., brick maker, 517 Princeton av Fell Elizabeth, widow, h 32 Pennington av Fell J. Edwin, bookkeeper, bds 45 W State Fell Frederick, brick manufacturer, bds 505 Princeton av FELL GEORGE E., brick manufacturer and builder, h 45 W State Fell George H., brick maker, h 22 Sweet’s av Fell Harriet, widow, h 324 N Greene Fell Henry L., brick maker, h 426 Princeton av Fell Henry R., roofer, 212 E State, h 40 Model av Fell & Heil, (C. Fell and J. H. Heil), brick manufacturers, Princeton av n city limits Fell John A., brick maker, h 30 Sweet’s av Fell John B., (Fell & Roberts), h 437 Princeton av Fell John O., brick maker, 433 Princeton av FELL PETER, brick manufacturer, h 505 Princeton av Fell Philip F., barber, bds 32 Pennington av FELL & ROBERTS, (John B. Fell and William Roberts), brick manufacturers, Calhoun n B B R R Fell William, carpenter, bds 704 Second Fell William N., barber, 2 Brunswick av, h 23 Pennington av FELL WILLIAM W., brick manuf’r, h 435 Princeton av Felschar Julius, brick maker, h 19 Fountain av Felty Charles, machinist, h 19 Clark, Chamb’g Fennel Justice, wire drawer, h 436 Broad Fennimore George, laborer, h 239 William, Chamb’g Fennimore Hazel, laborer, 936 Hamilton, Chamb’g Fennimore John, laborer, 936 Hamilton, Chamb’g Fennimore Joshua W., laborer, 239 William, Chamb’g Fenton Charles M., carpenter, h 125 Lamberton Fenton Clement F., rubber worker, h 197 Clinton, Millham Fenton Elwood H., drill master, bds 214 S Warren Fenton George G., teamster, h 135 Lamberton Feolett Philip W., clerk, 193 Pennington av Ferguson Jeremiah, rubber worker, h 23 N Y av, E Trenton Ferguson William, chain maker, h 1270 Broad, Chamb’g Ferrell Charles J., h 16 Lewis Ferriot Jules, chain maker; also sealer of weights and measures, h 267 N Willow Ferris Catharine, widow James, h 208 Jackson Ferris Harriet, widow, res 513 S Warren Ferris John, 216 Jackson Ferris John H., wire finisher, 257 Hamilton av, Chamb’g Ferris Nathaniel, laborer, h Chauncey n Willow Ferris Samuel, brick maker, bds 305 N Willow Ferris William H., laborer, h 820 Jefferson av, Chamb’g FERRY FRANK P., wall paper and curtains, 142 S Greene, h 20 Cooper Ferry Frank P. Jr., paper hanger, bds 20 Cooper Ferry James, baker,h Hill’s al bel Furman Ferry James, stone mason, bds 117 Woodland, Chamb’g Ferry John, laborer, h 117 Woodland, Chamb’g Ferry John Jr., chain maker, bds 117 Woodland, Chamb’g Ferry Mary A., widow Napoleon, res 20 Cooper Fiat George, peddler, h Trent av Field Charles P., machinist, bds 253 Mercer Field James D., engineer, h 253 Mercer Field Timothy, potter, bds 253 Mercer Fieldberg Adam, tailor, bds 334 N Montgomery Fielding Alexander, potter, bds 54 Union Fielding Isaac, boiler maker, h 23 Centre Fielding James, wool worker, h 54 Union Fields Alexander, hostler, bds 33 Calhoun Fields George W., chain maker, bds 65 Pennington av Fields James, waiter, h 30 Taylor al Fields Marshall W., brick maker, h 65 Pennington av Fields Samuel, waiter, bds Kelly al Fields Theodore, locksmith, bds 65 Pennington av Fife Charles, potter, h 145 Washington, Chamb’g Files George W., clerk P R R freight depot, bds 121 E Hanover Fillman George N., boatman, h 106 Jefferson Finch Harry E., architect, 78 E State, h 222 Hanover Fine Elwood S., inspector, bds 121 Spring Fine H. B., bds 121 Spring Fine Stacy B., (Joseph McPherson & Co.), h 111 E Hanover Fine Stacy B. Sr., night watchman, 121 Spring Finley John, machinist., bds 17 Stockton Finn Andrew, rubber maker, bds 284 Clinton, Millham Finnan Peter, laborer, h 535 Lamberton Finney Francis M., decorator, h 51 Decatur Finston John, potter, 511 Hamilton, Chamb’g FIRST NATIONAL BANK, (Philip P. Dunn; pres’t, Charles Whitehead; cashier), 34 E State Firth Abram, wire drawer, 311 Elmer, Chamb’g Firth Abram, wire drawer, h 470 Centre Firth George, (Firth & Jahn), h 118 Bridge Firth Henry, blacksmith, h 389 Fair Firth John, finisher, h 864 Lamberton Firth John Jr., finisher, bds 864 Lamberton Firth & Jahn, (George Firth and Nicholas Jahn), beer saloon, 118 Bridge Firth Joseph, h 410 Lamberton Firth Samuel, grocery, Clinton cor East, Millham, h do Firth Samuel D., plumber, h 18 Washington Fischbach John, goldsmith, 37 Adeline, Chamb’g Fischer Adam, boots and shoes, 27 E Hanover, h do Fischer Adam E., boots and shoes, 5 N Greene, bds 27 E Hanover Fischer Lewis, bookkeeper, bds 27 E Hanover Fischer Elizabeth, widow, res 43 Market Fish E. H., widow Jonathan, h 110 Montgomery Fish Thomas, foreman woolen mill, h 69 Union Fisher Alfred, fireman, bds 125 S Greene Fisher Anna, widow, h 34 Spring Fisher Anthony, white washer, h 29 W Hanover Fisher Benjamin F., laborer, h 322 W Hanover Fisher Charles, engineer, h 111 Calhoun Fisher Christopher, laborer, h 611 Clinton, Chamb’g Fisher Clark, (Fisher & Norris), h 125 E Hanover Fisher Edward, h 125 Factory Fisher Edward, rubber maker, bds 310 N Greene Fisher Frederick, engineer, 38 Bellevue av Fisher George J., bolt cutter, h 154 Lamberton Fisher Harry E., laborer, h 16 Maple, Millham Fisher Ira, salesman, h 330 W State Fisher Isaac, laborer, ft Gordon street Fisher Jacob, coachman, h 215 Third Fisher John, laborer, bds 34 Spring Fisher John, machinist, 53 Tucker Fisher John A., laborer, 310 Greene Fisher John H., blacksmith, bds 38 Lamberton Fi~her Joseph S., tinsmith, 89 Spring Fisher Mark, bds 125 E Hanover Fisher Mary, cook, 137 Greenwood av, Chamb’g FISHER & NORRIS, (Clark Fisher; prop), Eagle anvil; vise and joint works, river bank opp r of gas works Fisher Sarah, 310 N Greene Fisher William, laborer, bds 129 Cooper Fisk Horace E., treasurer American Crockery Co., bds 440 Bellevue av Fisk Pliny, pres’t American Crockery Co., 440 Bellevue av Fisk Thomas W., watchman, h 32 Esher Fitzgecrge Charles, wire drawer, bds 734 S Warren FITZGEORGE CHARLES, news agent, h 219 Jackson Fitzgeorge Edwin, (Fitzgeorge & Stuckert), h 215 Jackson FITZGEORGE GEORGE, news dealer; also sup’t Washington market, h 254 Jackson Fitzgeorge George R., carpenter, h 111 Ferry Fitzgeorge George T., clerk, bds 254 Jackson FITZGEORGE & STUCKERT, (Edwin Fitzgeorge and Edward L. Stuckert), book and job printers, S W cor State and Greene Fitzgeorge William, carpenter, h 734 S Warren Fitzgerald Annie, res 537 Lamberton Fitzgerald Dennis, chain maker, bds 137 W Hanover Fitzgerald Edward, wire drawer, 52 Bayard, Chamb’g Fitzgerald Patrick, heater, h 321 Cass Fitzgerald Thomas, iron worker, h 563 Lamberton FITZGERALD THOMAS F., (publisher Trenton and Mercer county directory; also New York Herald correspondent), bds 108 N Montgomery; P O Box 337 FITZGIBBON & CRISP, (Patrick J. Fitzgibbon and Philip D. Crisp), Union carriage works, 28,;30 and 32 Bank Fitzgibbon Patrick J., (Fitzgibbon & Crisp), h 40 Bank Fitzmorris Ann, widow, res 215 Furman Fitzmorris Joseph, potter, bds 207 Clinton, Millham Fitzmorris Patrick, mason, h 207 Clinton, Millham Fitzpatrick Edward, marble cutter, bds 411 Federal Fitzpatrick Frederick, wire galvanizer, 319 William, Chamb’g Fitzpatrick James, engineer, h 16 Perrine av Fitzpatrick John, paper maker, h 409 Lamberton Fitzpatrick John, laborer, h r 537 Lamberton Fitzpatrick Margaret, widow, h 45 Ringold Fitzpatrick Mary, widow, res 548 Second Fitzpatrick Michael, puddler, 411 Federal Fitzsimmons Ellen, widow Thomas, res 443 Lamberton Fitzsimmons Thomas, laborer, h 22 E Canal Fitzsimmons William, laborer, bds 443 Lamberton Flager John, mason, 34 Woodland, Chamb’g Flager Peter, mason, h 920 Clinton, Chamb’g Flager Peter Jr., potter, bds 920 Clinton, Chamb’g Flaherty John, potter, h 38 Jefferson Flaherty Martin, potter, h 38 Jefferson Flaherty Sarah, widow, h 38 Jefferson Flail Eda, dress maker, res 213 Jackson Flail Edward, packer, h 172 Broad Flail Ida, tobacconist, 172 Broad, h do Flail Margaret, widow Christian, h 213 Jackson Flanagan Catharine, widow John, h 20 Southard Flanagan Daniel, iron worker, h 526 Lamberton Flanagan Henry, iron worker, h 221 Ferry Flanagan Maria, dress maker, res 526 Lamberton Flanagan Peter, watchman, h 39 Union Flanagan Thomas, engineer, h 27 New Flanagan Thomas, beer saloon, 510 Perry, h do Flannery Bridget, widow, h 171 Quarry al Flavin Thomas, laborer, h 410 Princeton av Fleming Barclay, iron worker, h 559 Lamberton Fleming James, iron worker, bds 559 Lamberton Fleming Patrick, laborer, h 2 Jefferson Fleming Thomas, foreman, bds 144 E Front Fletcher Abraham, bds 658 Broad, Chamb’g Fletcher Edward D., printer, hds 59 Union Fletcher Henry P., wire drawer, bds 59 Union Fletcher Ida L., dress maker, h 27 Sheridan av Fletcher John, instructor state prison, h 59 Union Fletcher Margaret, widow, h 694 Clinton, Chamb’g Fletcher Samuel, laborer, h 823 Broad, Chamb’g FLETCHER WILLIAM H., variety store, 32 and 36 E State, h 39W State Flitt William, mason, bds 19 N Stockton Flodstrom Augustus, iron worker, bds 222 Elmer, Chamb’g Flodstrom Ludwig, iron worker, h 222 Elmer, Chamb’g Flood Daniel, tailor, bds 108 N Montgomery Flood John, laborer, h 16 Behm Floyd Benjamin, potter, bds William Fluerty Josiah, carpenter, 1224 Chestnut av, Chamb’g Flynn Anthony, laborer, h 32 Jefferson Flynn Catharine, groceries, 303 Bridge, h do Flynn James, engineer, h 311 Centre Flynn James, carpenter, bds 17 Fountain av Flynn James, (prop Broad St House), 605 Broad Flynn John, laborer, h 24 Jefferson Flynn Justice N., machinist, bds Union cor Bridge Flynn Mary, widow Peter, h 315 Southard Flynn Michael, switch tender, h 240 Clinton, Millham Flynn Patrick, laborer, h 17 Fountain av Flynn Patrick, teamster, bds 24 Jefferson Foden Eliza, widow, h St Joseph av, Millham Foering Abraham, bookkeeper, 182 Brunswick av Foering Lewis G., paper hanger, bds 182 Brunswick av Fokel Catharine, dress maker, res Lamberton cor Federal Fokel Charles, marble cutter, bds Lamberton cor Federal Foley Edward, teamster, h 316 Ewing Foley Mary, widow, res 59 Wilson Foley Mary, domestic, 212 Greenwood av Follen Beulah, dress maker, res 375 S Warren Follen Charles, miller, h 375 S Warren Folskie Julius, shoe maker, h 19 Fountain av Foltz John, painter, 413 Hamilton, Chamb’g Foltz Nicholas, painter, 413 Hamilton, Chamb’g Forbes Madeline, widow, res 609 Hamilton, Chamb’g Force James M., lawyer, S W cor State and Greene, h Ewing twp Ford Mrs. A. B., boarding, 209 E Front Ford Charles, slater, h 234 Academy Ford Charles N., telegraph operator, bds 234 Academy Ford Edgar, machinist, h 312 Bridge Ford Edgar, laborer, bds 57 Lamberton Ford Elizabeth, widow Charles, res 51 Lamberton Ford Enoch R., (S. W. & E. R. Ford), h 13 Centre ct Ford Enoch, blacksmith, cor Front and Stockton Ford George, sawyer, h 344 S Warren Ford George, potter, h Sherman av n railroad, Millham Ford Henry, painter, h 194 W State Ford henry E., potter, bds 51 Lamberton Ford James, potter, h Mulberry, Millham Ford John E., pattern maker, bds 29 WalI FORD JOHN J., prop the Office hotel and restaurant, 115 N Greene, h do Ford Joseph W., salesman, h 209 E Front Ford Mary E., cook, h Quarry al n Calhoun Ford Patrick, laborer, h Taylor, Millham Ford Robert, blacksmith, bds 13 Centre ct Ford Samuel W., (S. W. & E. R. Ford), h 54 Washington Ford S. W. & E. R., blacksmithing and iron railing, 317 S Warren Ford Thomas, sawyer, h 62 W Washington Ford Thomas J., laborer, h 62 W Washington Ford William, blacksmith, h 100 Union Ford William, blacksmith, h Clinton cor Union, Millham Ford William, laborer, bds 51 Lamberton Ford — , upholsterer, bds 214 S Warren Forker Frank, kilnman, h 526 Perry Forker James T., carpenter, bds 331 Perry Forker John, carpenter, h 331 Perry Forker Joseph, carpenter, h 149 Jefferson FORKER LEWIS C., house and sign painter, 209 N Greene, bds 331 Perry Forker Reuben, printer, h 512 Perry Forkner Ehias, laborer, h 1013 Clinton, Chamb’g Forkner William, car inspector, 108 Dye, Chamb’g Forman Augustus K., mason, h 38 Carter’s al Forman George L., milkman, h 610 Princeton av Forman Hester A., widow Joseph, res 230 E Front Forman J. Gardner, (Coxon & Co.), h 36 W State Forman Jonathan, deputy keeper state prison, bds 316 Broad Forman Laban H., mason, h 50 Wall Forman Samuel A., mason, h 154 S Stockton Forman Sidney P., res 137 Greenwood av, Chamb’g Forman Theodore B., stone mason, h 17 Titus av Forman Wesley W., bds 36 Southard Forncrook John, engineer, bds 314 Ferry Forncrook Joseph, clerk, bds 577 Broad Forrest Benjamin R., carpenter, h 247 Clay Forrest Julia A., saleslady, res 137 Broad Forss John H., shoe maker, 16 Rose FORST & CO. D. P., (D. P. Forst; Wm. H. Skim; Jos. M. Forst), wholesale grocers, 130 and 132 Greene Forst Daniel P., (D. P. Forst & Co.), h New York Forst Joseph M., (D. P. Forst & Co.), bds Earley’s Hotel Forst William H., clerk, bds 219 Academy Forsyth Jane, widow, res 146 Home av, Chamb’g Forsyth Joseph, carpenter, h 405 Bridge Foster Belle, seamstress, 114 N Montgomery Foster Charles H., mason, 725 Broad, Chamb’g Foster Edward, laborer, bds 208 W State Foster Mary, dress maker, h 114 N Montgomery Foster Phoebe, widow William, res 215 Centre Foster Priscilla A., dress maker, 725 Broad, Chamb’g Foster Samuel W., deputy keeper state prison, h 725 Broad, Chamb’g Foster Stephen, teamster, h 34 Jefferson Foster William T., turner, 208 W State Foulds Thomas, boots and shoes, 133 Broad, h do Foulds Walter, painter, bds 133 Broad Fow Elizabeth, widow Charles, h 120 Howell, Chamb’g Fow Elwood, saw maker, h 120 Howell, Chamb’g Fow William, h 248 W State Fowler Aaron, laborer, h 116 Kossuth Fowler Elizabeth, widow, h 17 Ferry Fowler George, laborer, bds 17 Ferry Fowler George W., carpenter, 139 Academy Fowler James, paper bag manufacturer, 548 S Warren, h do Fowler John S., carpenter, bds 50 Mott, Chamb’g Fowler Lydia A., tailoress, 4 Perry Fowler Mary, widow, res 325 N Willow Fosvler Rebecca, washerwoman, h 116 Pennington av Fox Charles H., book binder, h 35 Yard av Fox Daniel, potter, bds 177 Brunswick av Fox Edward D., clerk executive department, state house, h 408 Market Fox George W., tinsmith, h 21 E Washington Fox Harry, clerk, bds Mulberry, Millham Fox John, cloth finisher, h 68 Union Fox Joseph, laborer, h 620 Prospect, Chamb’g FOX JOSEPH K, cigar manufacturer, 26 S Greene, h 208 Jackson Fox Joseph W., wool worker, bds 68 Union Fox Kate, potter, h 177 Brunswick av Fox Louis, laborer, h 652 Centre Fox Mahlon, blacksmith, 30 Rose (New) Fox William, oyster dealer, h 504 S Warren Fraley Daniel, butcher, bds 45 Bellevue av Fraley George E., carpenter, h 254 Mercer Francis Annie, widow, h 113 Hamilton, Chamb’g Francis Charles, wire drawer, h 184 Lamberton Francis George, shoe maker, h 377 S Warren Francis John, saw grinder, 418 Jefferson, Chamb’g Francis Mary, domestic, 125 E Hanover Francis Thomas, iron worker, h 22 New Francis Thomas, butcher, h 113 Fall Frader Joseph, mason, 56 Bellevue av Frank Anthony, iron worker, h 804 Lamberton Franklin Lemuel, flour and feed dealer, h 205 Centre Franklin Lizzie, widow, h 184 Cooper Franzoni Henry, mason, h 325 Clinton, Chamb’g Franger Samuel, brakeman, h 146 N Willow Frawley Mary, domestic, 48 Clinton av Freas Daniel J., city missionary, h 527 Broad Freas Mary, saleslady, res 527 Broad Freas Ray, saleslady, res 527 Broad Frech George, grocer, 260 Kossuth, h do Frederick William, tool maker, h 27 Livingston Freidinger John, laborer, h 126 William, Chamb’g Freeman Edward, laborer, h bet Feeder and Allen Freese Mrs. Jacob R., h 10 W State French Albert, laborer, Hamilton n Jefferson, Chamb’g French Aloysius, laborer, bds 1011 Hamilton, Chamb’g French Franklin, student, bds 699 Lamberton French Hewlings, farmer, h 699 Lamberton French John, cigar maker, h Hamilton n borough limit, Chamb’g French Joseph Jr., wire drawer, Hamilton n Jefferson, Chamb’g French Joseph, cigar maker, 1011 Hamilton, Chamb’g French Mary, tailoress, res 1011 Hamilton, Chamb’g Friendly Joseph, rubber maker, bds 232 1/2 Clinton, Millham Freudenmacher Philip, bookkeeper, bds 491 Broad Freudenmacher Rosina, widow Philip, res 491 Broad Frevel Jacob, shoe maker, h 6 E Front Frewn Joseph, student, Franciscan College, Chamb’g Frey Augustus, (J. & A. Frey), bds Earley’s Hotel FREY J. & A., Diplomat cigar factory, State cor Greene Frey Jacob, (J. & A. Frey), bds Earley’s Hotel Frick William E., clerk Phoenix Iron Co, bds 167 W State Friday Jacob, salesman, h 6 N Stockton Friel Daniel, laborer, bds 43 Asbury Friel Elizabeth, widow, h 43 Asbury Frink Anthony, laborer, 113 Adeline, Chamb’g Fritz Elizabeth, bakery, 28 S Warren, h do Fritz Henry, iron worker, h 216 Fair Fritz Jacob, dyer, h 1352 Broad, Chamb’g Fritz John F., baker, 394 S Warren, h do Fritz Joseph, bakery, 135 N Greene, h do Fritz Sarah, dress maker, h 1352 Broad, Chamb’g Froman Charles, carpenter, h 311 Ferry cor Bridge Fromm John, bds 202 N Willow Frost Algernon, coachman, bds 523 Calhoun Frost Maxwell, laborer, h 523 Calhoun Frost Sarah P., h 360 Clinton Frost Thomas, potter, h 570 Clinton, Chamb’g Frost Thomas, potter, h 326 Elmer, Chamb’g Fry Mary, widow, h 62 W Washington FUCHS GEORGE, beer saloon, 525 Centre, h do Fuchs Jacob, iron worker, h S Warren Fuchs John, wire drawer, 115 William, Chamb’g Fuchs Margaret, widow, 115 William, Chamb’g Fuhrman Anna R., saleslady, res 404 Clinton, Chamb’g Fuhrman Charles H., wire drawer, bds 404 Clinton, Chamb’g Fuhrman Peter, carpenter, h 404 Clinton, Chamb’g Fuhrman Peter C., carpenter, bds 404 Clinton, Chamb’g Fuhrmann Charles A., carpenter, 413 Princeton av Fuhrmann Frederica B., widow, 413 Princeton av Fuhrmann Jacob, machinist, 115 Jennie, Chamb’g Fuhrmann Jacob, carpenter, h 400 Clinton, Chamb’g Fuhrmann Kate E., res 413 Princeton av Fuhrinann Louis, carpenter, h 406 Clinton, Chamb’g Fulger Charles, laborer, h 615 Centre Fulger Frederick, iron worker, bds 615 Centre Fulger Henry, iron worker, bds 615 Centre Fulkert Charles, iron worker, h 436 Centre Fuller Emily G., widow, res 57 Paul’s av Fuller Olivia, 132 Perry Fuller Seville C., news agent, bds 102 Clinton, Chamb’g Fultz Nicholas, painter, 719 Clinton, Chamb’g Funky August. potter, h 25 Clark, Chamb’g Furlong Patrick, laborer, h 223 Ferry Furlong Timothy, iron worker, bds 341 Fair Furman Aaron, bds 8 Perry Furman Alfred, laborer, h r Bellevue av n Calhoun FURMAN ALBERT H., bakery and confectionery, 313 Broad, h do Furman Ann, widow, res 89 Cass, Chamb’g Furman Annie A., res 122 Union Furman Asa, mason, h 420 Princeton av FURMAN BROTHERS, (George M. and Charles), livery and boarding stables, 12 & 14 E Front Furman Charles, (Furman Brothers), h 131 S Stockton Furman Charles, harness maker, bds 162 Passaic Furman Cornelius, mason, h 130 Monmouth Furman Edward H., tailor, bds 328 Broad Furman Frank, canaler, bds 89 Cass, Chamb’g Furman George, carpenter, h 227 E State Furman George H., carpenter, bds 492 Calhoun Furman George M., (Furman Brothers) also grocer, bds 215 Academy Furman Henry P. W., carpenter, 492 Calhoun Furman Ira, carpenter, 447 Princeton av Furman James, bds 113 W Hanover Furman John, potter, bds 89 Cass, Chamb’g Furman Joshua, carpenter, h 139 W Hanover Furman Keziah, h 113 W Hanover Furman & Kite, (Levi R. Furman and Peter J. Kite), carpenters and builders, Factory n Broad Furman Levi R., (Furman & Kite), h 328 Broad Furman Lewis, brick mason, 507 Princeton av Furman Phoebe A., teacher, res 227 E State Furman Richard W., grocer, 21 S Warren, h do Furman Samuel, scavenger, h 1228 Broad, Chamb’g Furman Samuel G., printer, bds 21 S Warren Furman Sarah M., fur trimmer, h 113 W Hanover Furman William T., ass’t bookkeeper, h 140 Academy Furnace Frederick, baker, h 327 Second FURRY JOHN S., baker, 312 Brunswick av, h do Fury James, coal and ice, 568 S Warren, h do Fury Michael, ice dealer, bds 568 S Warren Fury Peter, laborer, h r 535 Lamberton Fussman William S., blacksmith, h 155 Cooper © Gary Nigh 1999 |
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